2.43 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="ws" />
2import WebSocket from 'isomorphic-ws';
3import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3';
4import { Bar, Channel, DataSource, DefaultCredentials, Quote, Trade, TradeUpdate, Message, Endpoints } from './entities.js';
5export declare interface Events {
6 open: (stream: AlpacaStream) => void;
7 close: (stream: AlpacaStream) => void;
8 authenticated: (stream: AlpacaStream) => void;
9 success: (message: Message) => void;
10 error: (message: WebSocket.ErrorEvent) => void;
11 subscription: (message: Message) => void;
12 message: (message: Object) => void;
13 trade_updates: (update: TradeUpdate) => void;
14 trade: (trade: Trade) => void;
15 quote: (quote: Quote) => void;
16 bar: (bar: Bar) => void;
18export declare interface AlpacaStream {
19 on<U extends keyof Events>(event: U, listener: Events[U]): this;
20 once<U extends keyof Events>(event: U, listener: Events[U]): this;
21 emit<U extends keyof Events>(event: U, ...args: Parameters<Events[U]>): boolean;
23export declare class AlpacaStream extends EventEmitter<string | symbol | any> {
24 protected params: {
25 credentials: DefaultCredentials;
26 type: 'account' | 'market_data';
27 source?: DataSource;
28 endpoints?: Endpoints | Map<keyof Endpoints, any>;
29 };
30 private host;
31 private connection;
32 private authenticated;
33 private baseURLs;
34 constructor(params: {
35 credentials: DefaultCredentials;
36 type: 'account' | 'market_data';
37 source?: DataSource;
38 endpoints?: Endpoints | Map<keyof Endpoints, any>;
39 });
40 /**
41 * Retrieve the underlying WebSocket connection AlpacaStream uses.
42 * Now callers can read and modify properties of the web socket
43 * i.e., close the websocket with AlpacaStream.getConnection().close().
44 * @returns a WebSocket object
45 */
46 getConnection(): WebSocket;
47 /**
48 * Subscribe to an account or data stream channel.
49 * @param channel trades, quotes, bars, trade_updates
50 * @param symbols only use with data stream ex. [ "AAPL", "TSLA", ... ]
51 */
52 subscribe(channel: Channel, symbols?: string[]): this;
53 /**
54 * Unsubscribe to an account or data stream channel.
55 * @param channel trades, quotes, bars, trade_updates
56 * @param symbols only use with data stream ex. [ "AAPL", "TSLA", ... ]
57 */
58 unsubscribe(channel: Channel, symbols?: string[]): this;
59 private send;