1 | ### [Versions](https://material-ui.com/versions/)
2 |
3 | ## 4.0.0
4 | ###### *May 23, 2019*
5 |
6 | [Material-UI v4 is out 🎉]()
7 |
8 | Some statistics with v4 compared to the release of v1 one year ago:
9 |
10 | - From 300k downloads/month to 2M downloads/month on npm
11 | - From 90k users/month to 350k users/month on the documentation
12 |
13 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.13`
14 |
15 | - [ToggleButtonGroup] Added missing size prop to type declarations (#15785) @CoolCyberBrain
16 |
17 | ### `@material-ui/system@v4.0.0`
18 |
19 | - [system] Add missing TypeScript types for flexbox and shadows (#15781) @willbamford
20 |
21 | ### Docs
22 |
23 | - [docs] Add remaining TypeScript component demos (#15755) @eps1lon
24 | - [docs] Fix Nav components subsections to be open by default (#15749) @mbrookes
25 | - [docs] Fix some gramma in testing doc (#15776) @DDDDDanica
26 | - [docs] Fix some grammar in right to left guide (#15789) @DDDDDanica
27 | - [docs] Fix typo (#15792) @retyui
28 | - [docs] Material-UI v4 is out (#15766) @oliviertassinari
29 | - [docs] Reference the article with it's full name in icon doc (#15796) @DDDDDanica
30 | - [docs] Revert the marked change (#15797) @oliviertassinari
31 |
32 | ### Core
33 |
34 | - [core] Change cssutils responsiveProperty unit type (#15783) @eddiemonge
35 |
36 | ## 4.0.0-rc.0
37 | ###### *May 20, 2019*
38 |
39 | A big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible!
40 |
41 | We have done the very last breaking changes (nothing significant).
42 | The release of v4 is imminent, stay tuned!
43 |
44 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-rc.0`
45 |
46 | ### Breaking changes
47 |
48 | - [ClickAwayListener] Fix scrollbar interaction (#15743) @Umerbhat
49 |
50 | ```diff
51 | -<ClickAwayListener />
52 | +<ClickAwayListener mouseEvent="onMouseUp" />
53 | ```
54 |
55 | We recommend the default value since `mouseup` will be triggered by clicks
56 | on scrollbars.
57 |
58 | - [Tabs] Hide scrollbar buttons when possible (#15676) @whitneymarkov
59 |
60 | ```diff
61 | -<Tabs />
62 | +<Tabs scrollButtons="desktop" />
63 | ```
64 |
65 | - [Tabs] Remove deprecated fullWidth and scrollable props (#15670) @mbrookes
66 |
67 | ```diff
68 | -<Tabs fullWidth scrollable />
69 | +<Tabs variant="scrollable" />
70 | ```
71 |
72 | ### Changes
73 |
74 | - [ButtonBase] Convert to function component (#15716) @eps1lon
75 | - [CssBaseline] Fix wrong default font weight (#15747) @oliviertassinari
76 | - [InputBase] Convert to function component (#15446) @adeelibr
77 | - [Popups] Allow Element as anchor el (#15707) @eps1lon
78 | - [Portal] Fix disablePortal not working (#15701) @imdaveead
79 | - [Radio] Animate the check state change (#15671) @imdaveead
80 | - [Tabs] Remove deprecated fullWidth and scrollable props (#15670) @mbrookes
81 | - [Tabs] Update rendering of auto-scrollable buttons (#15676) @whitneymarkov
82 | - [Tabs] Update onChange docs to match types (#15672) @jharrilim
83 | - [ToggleButtonGroup] Add size prop (#15644) @isaacblinder
84 |
85 | ### `@material-ui/icons@v4.0.0-rc.0`
86 |
87 | - [icons] Forward ref (#15683) @eps1lon
88 |
89 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.12`
90 |
91 | - [SpeedDial] Convert to function component (#15737) @jeongsd
92 |
93 | ### Docs
94 |
95 | - [docs] Add showcase criteria (#15686) @cvanem
96 | - [docs] Document if a component is StrictMode compatible (#15718) @eps1lon
97 | - [docs] Fix "enebles" typo on Palette page (#15719) @sbward
98 | - [docs] Fix a typo (#15709) @designorant
99 | - [docs] Fix Algolia top level duplication (#15738) @oliviertassinari
100 | - [docs] Fix typo and formatting in app-bar demo (#15723) @flying-sheep
101 | - [docs] Overhaul bundle size guide (#15739) @eps1lon
102 | - [docs] Persist the side nav scroll (#15704) @oliviertassinari
103 | - [docs] Port blog to next (#15711) @mbrookes
104 | - [docs] Simplify /related-projects (#15702) @pinturic
105 | - [docs] Use pickers from material-ui namespace (#15691) @eps1lon
106 | - [docs] Warn about ButtonBase#disableRipple and a11y (#15740) @eps1lon
107 | - [docs] Add ClickAwayListener breaking change (#15753) @eps1lon
108 | - [docs] Core a11y improvements (#15748) @eps1lon
109 | - [docs] Fix some apostrophe in TypeScript doc (#15757) @DDDDDanica
110 |
111 | ### Core
112 |
113 | - [test] Colocate shadow root test for focus visible with implementation (#15712) @eps1lon
114 | - [test] Extend StrictMode tests (#15714) @eps1lon
115 | - [core] Add missing fontStyle type to TypographyStyle (#15733) @merceyz
116 |
117 | ## 4.0.0-beta.2
118 | ###### *May 13, 2019*
119 |
120 | A big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible!
121 |
122 | This is a stability release preparing v4.
123 |
124 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-beta.2`
125 |
126 | - [Box] Add export to barrel (index.js) (#15602) @ljvanschie
127 | - [ButtonBase] Extend error message for invalid `component` prop (#15627) @eps1lon
128 | - [Select] Add to docs that options must be direct descendants (#15619) @bh1505
129 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Remove internal accesses in the tests (#15469) @joshwooding
130 | - [Tabs] scrollButtons have an empty button error in compliance tools (#15646) @elnikolinho
131 | - [useScrollTrigger] Enhance trigger, improve tests (#15634) @cvanem
132 |
133 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-beta.2`
134 |
135 | - [styles] Fix warning false positive (#15595) @oliviertassinari
136 | - [styles] Keep MuiThemeProvider for backward compatibility (#15650) @oliviertassinari
137 |
138 | ### `@material-ui/system@v4.0.0-beta.2`
139 |
140 | - [system] Fix css function rejecting certain prop types (#15611) @eps1lon
141 |
142 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.11`
143 |
144 | - [SpeedDial] Fix classname override logic (#15652) @janhesters
145 |
146 | ### Docs
147 |
148 | - [docs] Add custom default props handler (#15473) @eps1lon
149 | - [docs] Add next page link (#15656) @mbrookes
150 | - [docs] Add QuintoAndar in the showcase (#15622) @oliviertassinari
151 | - [docs] Fix dead David DM badges in README (#15667) @mbrookes
152 | - [docs] Fix few grammar issues (#15643) @DDDDDanica
153 | - [docs] Fix plural spelling (#15613) @cvanem
154 | - [docs] Fix some dev-only warnings (#15640) @eps1lon
155 | - [docs] Fix the adapting makeStyles based on props example syntax (#15621) @devarsh
156 | - [docs] Improve installation instructions for running the docs locally (#15608) @andreawaxman
157 | - [docs] Improve v3 migration guide (#15615) @eps1lon
158 | - [docs] Link edit page button to github editor (#15659) @mbrookes
159 | - [docs] Miscellaneous polish (#15665) @eps1lon
160 | - [docs] Reorganize the structure (#15603) @mbrookes
161 | - [docs] Update the translations (#15653) @mbrookes
162 |
163 | ### Core
164 |
165 | - [core] Drop partial chrome 41 support (#15630) @eps1lon
166 | - [core] Optimize clsx usage (#15589) @merceyz
167 | - [core] Remove react-event-listener from function components (#15633) @joshwooding
168 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#15590) @oliviertassinari
169 |
170 | ## 4.0.0-beta.1
171 | ###### *May 5, 2019*
172 |
173 | A big thanks to the 19 contributors who made this release possible!
174 |
175 | Here are some highlights ✨:
176 |
177 | - 🐛 Many bug fixes based on people migrating from v3 to v4.
178 | - 💄 Responsive font sizes (#14573) @n-batalha.
179 | - 💄 AppBar scroll behavior (#15522) @cvanem.
180 | - ♿️ Better Button and Tooltip keyboard behavior (#15398, #15484) @eps1lon.
181 | - And many more 🔍 TypeScript fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.
182 |
183 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-beta.1`
184 |
185 | ### Bug fixes / Breaking changes
186 |
187 | - [ListItem][ExpansionPanel] Follow the style convention (#15534) @oliviertassinari
188 | Fix a CSS override issue.
189 | - [Tooltip] Display only on keyboard focus (#15398) @eps1lon
190 | Fix an accessibility issue.
191 |
192 | ### Changes
193 |
194 | - [AppBar] Hide and Elevate on Scroll (#15522) @cvanem
195 | - [Box] Add to core index TypeScript definitions (#15576) @ljvanschie
196 | - [ButtonBase] Use fork of focus-visible polyfill (#15484) @eps1lon
197 | - [Menu] Add 'variant' prop TypeScript declaration (#15556) @kunimart
198 | - [MenuList] Ignore disableListWrap for text focus navigation (#15555) @ryancogswell
199 | - [Portal] Migrate to React hooks (#15399) @gautam-pahuja
200 | - [TableCell] Fix TypeScript declaration of the 'padding' prop (#15516) @kunimart
201 | - [TableCell] Update TypeScript definitions (#15541) @ljvanschie
202 | - [TablePagination] Use OverridableComponent in TypeScript declarations (#15517) @kunimart
203 | - [Tabs] Fix aria-label issue on the demos (#15507) @amangalvedhekar
204 | - [theme] Responsive font sizes (#14573) @n-batalha
205 | - [Transition] Fix false-positive ref warning (#15526) @eps1lon
206 | - [Badge] Handle undefined badgeContent rendering empty bubble (#15581) @Naismith
207 |
208 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-beta.1`
209 |
210 | - [styles] Create a new JSS instance with injectFirst (#15560) @oliviertassinari
211 | - [core] Set default theme type for makeStyles (#15549) @merceyz
212 | - [core] Set default theme type for useTheme (#15538) @merceyz
213 |
214 | ### `@material-ui/types@v4.0.0-beta.2`
215 |
216 | - [types] Add @material-ui/types package (#15577) @eps1lon
217 |
218 | ### `@material-ui/system@v4.0.0-beta.1`
219 |
220 | - [system] Test types (#15575) @eps1lon
221 |
222 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.10`
223 |
224 | - [Slider] Save focus after click (#15439) @jztang
225 |
226 | ### Docs
227 |
228 | - [example] Fix TypeScript compilation error (#15550) @emmtqg
229 | - [docs] Add DelayingApperance TypeScript demo (#15551) @merceyz
230 | - [docs] Convert react-autosuggest demo to TypeScript (#15485) @nareshbhatia
231 | - [docs] Document v4 theme.spacing.unit deprecation (#15571) @cvanem
232 | - [docs] Extract inherited component from test (#15562) @eps1lon
233 | - [docs] Fix Draggable Dialog interactions with the content (#15552) @devdanco
234 | - [docs] Fix outdated links & demos (#15521) @oliviertassinari
235 | - [docs] Fix typechecking (#15501) @merceyz
236 | - [docs] Fix typography demo in dark mode (#15591) @jztang
237 | - [docs] Improve v3 migration guide (#15527) @janhesters
238 | - [docs] Migrate more demos to hooks (#15494) @merceyz
239 | - [docs] Remove NoSsr where possible (#15510) @oliviertassinari
240 | - [docs] Simplify wording for customization demo descriptions (#15539) @mbrookes
241 | - [docs] Update Changelog (#15567) @oliviertassinari
242 | - [docs] Updated v3 Migration guide (#15518) @vkasraj
243 |
244 | ### Core
245 |
246 | - [core] Add additional warnings when attaching ref to function elements (#15519) @eps1lon
247 | - [core] Add ref prop to transition components (#15520) @eps1lon
248 | - [core] Better handle theme.overrides pseudo-classes (#15578) @oliviertassinari
249 | - [core] Fix createStyles not being defined (#15547) @pvdstel
250 |
251 | ## 4.0.0-beta.0
252 | ###### *Apr 28, 2019*
253 |
254 | A big thanks to the 21 contributors who made this release possible!
255 |
256 | Here are some highlights ✨:
257 |
258 | - ♿️ Significantly improve the keyboard behavior of the menu (#15360, #15495) @ryancogswell.
259 | - 💅 Generate global class names (#15140) @oliviertassinari.
260 | - 📦 Add example integration with Preact (#15401).
261 | - 🔥 Continue the TypeScript and hook demos migration @merceyz, @bh1505, @donigianrp, @eluchsinger, @eps1lon, @lksilva.
262 | - 🎀 4 more core components migrated from Classes to Hooks @joshwooding.
263 | - 📦 Reduce the cost of using the Modal by -74% standalone (#15466).
264 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 💄 improvements.
265 |
266 | The library has entered the beta phase of v4.
267 | We are grateful to all the contributors that have helped us so far.
268 | We will focus or effort on the stability of the library for the next two weeks.
269 | We don't plan more breaking changes, at the exception of changes that are required to fix bugs or that have minor impacts.
270 | We hope we can release v4 on May 15th, one year after v1.
271 |
272 | Please try the beta out! You can find an [upgrade guide](https://material-ui.com/guides/migration-v3/) to ease the transition.
273 | You will learn more about v4 in the final release blog post and our plans for the future.
274 |
275 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-beta.0`
276 |
277 | #### Breaking changes
278 |
279 | - [styles] Generate global class names (#15140) @oliviertassinari
280 | Remove the dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS options (makes it the default behavior).
281 | - [Modal] -74% bundle size reduction when used standalone (#15466) @oliviertassinari
282 | Remove the classes customization API for the Modal component.
283 | - [core] Remove RootRef usage (#15347) @joshwooding
284 | The Modal and Dialog child needs to be able to hold a ref.
285 |
286 | ```diff
287 | class Component extends React.Component {
288 | render() {
289 | return <div />
290 | }
291 | }
292 | -const MyComponent = props => <div {...props} />
293 | +const MyComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => <div ref={ref} {...props} />);
294 | <Modal><Component /></Modal>
295 | <Modal><MyComponent /></Modal>
296 | <Modal><div /></Modal>
297 | ```
298 |
299 | - [ClickAwayListener] Hide react-event-listener (#15420) @oliviertassinari
300 | - [Slide] Convert to function component (#15344) @joshwooding
301 | The child needs to be able to hold a ref.
302 |
303 | ```diff
304 | class Component extends React.Component {
305 | render() {
306 | return <div />
307 | }
308 | }
309 | -const MyComponent = props => <div {...props} />
310 | +const MyComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => <div ref={ref} {...props} />);
311 | <Slide><Component /></Slide>
312 | <Slide><MyComponent /></Slide>
313 | <Slide><div /></Slide>
314 | ```
315 |
316 | #### Changes
317 |
318 | - [TextField] Update labelWidth for outline variant if required is updated (#15386) @dmiller9911
319 | - [Breadcrumbs] Fix types and enable component generic props (#15414) @Atralbus
320 | - [TextField] Pass rowsMin prop to underlying abstractions (#15411) @pachuka
321 | - [SelectInput] Convert to function component (#15410) @joshwooding
322 | - [Link] Improve TypeScript integration with react-router (#15412) @pachuka
323 | - [ButtonBase] Remove dead style (#15503) @koshea
324 | - [Menu] Improve performance and add support for variants (#15360) @ryancogswell
325 | - [MenuList] Add text keyboard focus navigation (#15495) @ryancogswell
326 | - [Modal] -74% bundle size reduction (#15466) @oliviertassinari
327 | - [Paper] Fix color inheritance issue using nested themes (#15465) @mustafahlvc
328 | - [Popper] Convert to function component (#15405) @joshwooding
329 | - [Radio][Checkbox] Revert breaking changes (#15483) @oliviertassinari
330 | - [Select] Display 0 as a valid value, fix a propType warning (#15468) @Princezhm
331 | - [Slider] Add Customized Slider Demo (#15478) @bh1505
332 | - [Snackbar] Convert to function component (#15504) @adeelibr
333 | - [Textarea] Fix cursor jump (#15436) @oliviertassinari
334 | - [Textarea] Remove rowsMin prop (#15430) @pachuka
335 |
336 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-beta.0`
337 |
338 | - [styles] Add type test for withStyles + ref (#15383) @eps1lon
339 | - [styles] Warn if @material-ui/styles is duplicated (#15422) @oliviertassinari
340 | - [styles] Generate global class names (#15140) @oliviertassinari
341 |
342 | ### Docs
343 |
344 | - [docs] Add Button + react-router TypeScript demo (#15382) @eps1lon
345 | - [docs] Add CustomizedSwitches TypeScript demo (#15424) @donigianrp
346 | - [docs] Add Interactive List TypeScript demos (#15416) @lksilva
347 | - [docs] Add Nested List and Switch List Secondary TypeScript demos (#15493) @bh1505
348 | - [docs] Add ref vs dom node prop explanation (#15458) @eps1lon
349 | - [docs] Add Selected List Item to TypeScript demos (#15417) @lksilva
350 | - [docs] Add SkipNav (#15409) @mbrookes
351 | - [docs] Add some Selection-Controls TypeScript demos (#15408) @bh1505
352 | - [docs] Add switches typescript demo (#15384) @JarkEMones
353 | - [docs] Add TypeScript demo for hook+props based styling (#15459) @eps1lon
354 | - [docs] Document Tooltip breaking changes (#15403) @joshwooding
355 | - [docs] Fix modal demo jumping on cursor move (#15462) @eps1lon
356 | - [docs] Improve CSS Grid documentation (#15477) @dmwyatt
357 | - [docs] Improved demo transpiling (#15438) @merceyz
358 | - [docs] material-table demo: persist the changes (#15392) @mbrn
359 | - [docs] Migrate Divider demos to hooks (#15490) @merceyz
360 | - [docs] Migrate Drawer demos to hooks (#15487) @merceyz
361 | - [docs] Migrate List demos to hooks (#15488) @merceyz
362 | - [docs] Migrate Paper demos to hooks (#15489) @merceyz
363 | - [docs] Migrate picker demos to hooks (#15390) @merceyz
364 | - [docs] Migrate Table demos to hooks (#15486) @merceyz
365 | - [docs] Migrate TextField demos to hooks (#15434) @merceyz
366 | - [docs] Remove unused imports and declarations (#15479) @merceyz
367 | - [docs] Separate out selection controls to own pages (#15427) @mbrookes
368 | - [docs] Small grammar fix for Menu (#15475) @mbrookes
369 | - [docs] Transfer List TypeScript Demo (#15419) @eluchsinger
370 | - [example] Add preact-next example (#15401) @oliviertassinari
371 | - [example] Fix gatsby-next (#15406) @TheHolyWaffle
372 |
373 | ### Core
374 |
375 | - [core] Fix the CI fail (#15428) @oliviertassinari
376 | - [ci] Fail when demos are only available in TS (#15460) @eps1lon
377 | - [core] Fix useLayoutEffect warnings on the server (#15463) @eps1lon
378 | - [core] Minor nitpicks (#15432) @joshwooding
379 | - [core] Use terser for minification in umd bundle (#15491) @eps1lon
380 | - [test] Conform components forward ref to root component (#15425) @eps1lon
381 | - [test] Fix a flaky test (#15445) @oliviertassinari
382 | - [test] Keep track of the bundle size of TrapFocus (#15453) @oliviertassinari
383 |
384 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.8
385 | ###### *Apr 17, 2019*
386 |
387 | A big thanks to the 27 contributors who made this release possible!
388 |
389 | Here are some highlights ✨:
390 |
391 | - 🔥 Many new TypeScript & hook demos @donigianrp, @sperry94, @jasondashwang, @cahilfoley, @bh1505 and @kenzhemir
392 | - 🎀 5 more core components migrated from Classes to Hooks @joshwooding, @oliviertassiari.
393 | - 📐 Update the List to better match the Material Design specification.
394 | - 🎁 Add new TransferList component @mbrookes.
395 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 💄 improvements.
396 |
397 | We hope the next release can be 4.0.0-beta.0.
398 | Here are the last breaking changes we want to introduce:
399 |
400 | - Remove the `dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS` option (make it the default behavior) (#15140)
401 | - Require the Slide and Modal child element to be able to hold a ref (#15344, #15347)
402 | - Hide the EventListener dependency of ClickAwayListener (#15126)
403 |
404 | We have done a lot of changes in the alpha phase.
405 | The beta phase will be used to stabilize the library, we might have introduced bugs.
406 | We will encourage people to try the beta out. We hope the migration will be smooth [with the upgrade guide](https://material-ui.com/guides/migration-v3/).
407 |
408 | We hope 2-3 weeks of beta will be enough. We plan on releasing v4 stable in May.
409 |
410 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.8`
411 |
412 | #### Breaking change
413 |
414 | - [Paper] Reduce the default elevation (#15243) @oliviertassinari
415 | Change the default Paper elevation to match the Card and the Expansion Panel:
416 |
417 | ```diff
418 | -<Paper />
419 | +<Paper elevation={2} />
420 | ```
421 |
422 | - [List] Update to match the specification (#15339) @oliviertassinari
423 | Rework the list components to match the specification:
424 |
425 | - The usage of the `ListItemAvatar` component is required when using an avatar
426 | - The usage of the `ListItemIcon` component is required when using a left checkbox
427 | - The `edge` property should be set on the icon buttons.
428 |
429 | - [actions] Rename disableActionSpacing to disableSpacing (#15355) @oliviertassinari
430 |
431 | - [CardActions] Rename the `disableActionSpacing` prop `disableSpacing`.
432 | - [CardActions] Remove the `disableActionSpacing` CSS class.
433 | - [CardActions] Rename the `action` CSS class `spacing`.
434 | - [DialogActions] Rename the `disableActionSpacing` prop `disableSpacing`.
435 | - [DialogActions] Rename the `action` CSS class `spacing`.
436 | - [ExpansionPanelActions] Rename the `action` CSS class `spacing`.
437 |
438 | - [Tooltip] Convert to function component (#15291) @joshwooding
439 | The child of the `Tooltip` needs to be able to hold a ref
440 |
441 | ```diff
442 | class Component extends React.Component {
443 | render() {
444 | return <div />
445 | }
446 | }
447 | -const MyComponent = props => <div {...props} />
448 | +const MyComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => <div ref={ref} {...props} />);
449 | <Tooltip><Component /></Tooltip>
450 | <Tooltip><MyComponent /></Tooltip>
451 | <Tooltip><div /></Tooltip>
452 | ```
453 |
454 | #### Changes
455 |
456 | - [ScrollbarSize] Convert to function component (#15233) @joshwooding
457 | - [InputBase] Fix placeholder bug in Edge (#15267) @rodrigolabs
458 | - [TransferList] Add new component (#15232) @mbrookes
459 | - [withMobileDialog] Improve types (#15276) @eps1lon
460 | - [Collapse] Convert to function component (#15248) @joshwooding
461 | - [DialogContent] Add divider prop type for TypeScript (#15273) @sperry94
462 | - [Tab] Remove outdated classes from the definitions (#15297) @zheeeng
463 | - [Tooltip] Suppress disabled button warning when controlled (#15304) @tasinet
464 | - [typescript] Generic props for FormControl, FormLabel, List (#15292)
465 | - [Select] Fix incorrect event.target type in onChange (#15272) @sperry94
466 | - [Popper] Fix to defer setting of exited state to Transition component (#15250) @Sharakai
467 | - [Modal] Fix to defer setting of exited state to Transition component (#15266) @Sharakai
468 | - [InputBase] Fix onFilled/onEmpty being called during render (#15319) @eps1lon
469 | - [Tooltip] Convert to function component (#15291) @joshwooding
470 | - [Ripple] Convert to function component (#15345) @joshwooding
471 | - [Textarea] Refactor the implementation (#15331) @oliviertassinari
472 | - [Modal] Add reason parameter to onClose function signature (#15373) @JarkEMones
473 | - [Box] Test props to attributes forwarding (#15365) @eps1lon
474 | - [Container] Add component prop for TypeScript (#15369) @Amere
475 | - [Popper] Fix popperOptions prop (#15359) @jaipe
476 |
477 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.8`
478 |
479 | - Fix dependency duplication issue @oliviertassinari
480 | - [styles] Improve typings for makeStyles (#15366) @geirsagberg
481 |
482 | ### `@material-ui/system@v4.0.0-alpha.8`
483 |
484 | - [system] Add types (#15357) @eps1lon
485 |
486 | ### `@material-ui/docs@v4.0.0-alpha.8`
487 |
488 | - [NProgressBar] Add types (#15380) @eps1lon
489 |
490 | ### Docs
491 |
492 | - [docs] Fix layout glitch when changing sort-by in showcases (#15255) @thomasnordquist
493 | - [docs] Add Checkbox TypeScript demo (#15222) @donigianrp
494 | - [docs] Add CheckboxLabel TypeScript demo (#15237) @donigianrp
495 | - [docs] Adding Most Stepper TypeScript Demos (#15223) @sperry94
496 | - [docs] Add CustomInputBase TypeScript demo (#15209) @jasondashwang
497 | - [docs] Add most Drawer TypeScript demos (#15119) @cahilfoley
498 | - [docs] Slight grammar changes to color.md (#15257) @raybooysen
499 | - [docs] Document sharing makeStyles between components (#15234) @johnraz
500 | - [docs] Improve the @material-ui/styles documentation (#15236) @oliviertassinari
501 | - [docs] Add CheckboxesGroup TypeScript demo (#15228) @donigianrp
502 | - [docs] Delete legacy lab/layout (#15285) @mbrookes
503 | - [docs] Proof the Styles section (#15268) @mbrookes
504 | - [docs] Enable react profiling in production (#15282) @eps1lon
505 | - [docs] Improve table demos (#15281) @eps1lon
506 | - [docs] Add ClippedDrawer TypeScript demo (#15284) @cahilfoley
507 | - [docs] Add most Dialog TypeScript demos (#15271) @sperry94
508 | - [docs] Who's using Material-UI? (#15301) @mbrookes
509 | - [examples] Fix HTML end tag (#15293) @raybooysen
510 | - [docs] Update version filter (#15307) @mbrookes
511 | - [docs] Removed styled-components in gatsby-next dependencies (#15313) @tatchi
512 | - [docs] Improve ServerStyleSheets documentation (#15287) @raymondsze
513 | - [docs] Add Select TypeScript demos (#15288) @cahilfoley
514 | - [docs] Fix placeholder position in react-select demo (#15332) @merceyz
515 | - [docs] Add some List TypeScript demos (#15323) @bh1505
516 | - [docs] Disable the table of content on a few pages (#15338) @oliviertassinari
517 | - [docs] Document ref forwarding (requirements) (#15298) @eps1lon
518 | - [example] Add Reason example (#15340) @Tevinthuku
519 | - [docs] Migrate docs' breadcrumbs page to hooks (#15349) @kenzhemir
520 | - [docs] Provide a definition to root element and component (#15337) @oliviertassinari
521 | - [docs] update FAQ doc (#15356) @gautam-pahuja
522 | - [docs] Expand demo by default instead of duplicating the code (#15364) @eps1lon
523 | - [docs] Promote material-table (#15367) @oliviertassinari
524 | - [docs] Improve the customization demos (#15368) @oliviertassinari
525 | - [docs] Use tsx syntax highlighting (#15385) @eps1lon
526 |
527 | ### Core
528 |
529 | - [core] Allow docs:dev access over local network (#15259) @eps1lon
530 | - [core] Type ref for components (#15199) @eps1lon
531 | - [core] Dedupe lockfile (#15260) @eps1lon
532 | - [core] Ref cleanup (#15261) @eps1lon
533 | - [test] Add undesired withStyles + generic props component behavior (#15215) @eps1lon
534 | - [Transition] Update transition tests (#15249) @joshwooding
535 | - [core] Switch from buttonRef to ref usage (#15296) @eps1lon
536 | - [core] Synchronise value and checked prop typing (#15245) @joshwooding
537 | - [test] Use skip instead of testComponentPropWith: false (#15309) @eps1lon
538 | - [core] Reduce calls to actions props (#15312) @eps1lon
539 | - [test] Use actual React.memo (#15321) @eps1lon
540 | - [core] Add `strict` option to createMount (#15317) @eps1lon
541 | - [core] Use implicit children spread (#15354) @oliviertassinari
542 | - [core] Reduce calls to actions prop (#15370) @eps1lon
543 | - [core] Upgrade react-transition-group (#15375) @eps1lon
544 | - [test] Add missing styles tests (#15376) @ellisio
545 | - [test] Add hoc + overrideable component workaround (#15381) @ellisio
546 | - [utils] Fix lazy and memo components issuing forward ref warnings (#15322) @eps1lon
547 |
548 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.7
549 | ###### *Apr 8, 2019*
550 |
551 | A big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible!
552 |
553 | Here are some highlights ✨:
554 |
555 | - 🔥 Many new TypeScript & hook demos @Dudrie, @jasondashwang, @sperry94, @Adherentman, @gabrielgene and @Tevinthuku
556 | - 🎀 6 more core components migrated from Classes to Hooks @joshwooding.
557 | - 📐 Update the selection controls and Snackbar to better match the Material Design specification.
558 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 💄 improvements.
559 |
560 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.7`
561 |
562 | #### Breaking changes
563 |
564 | - [Switch][Radio][Checkbox] Improve specification compliance (#15097) @oliviertassinari
565 |
566 | Refactore the implementation to make it easier to override the styles.
567 | Rename the class names to match the specification wording:
568 |
569 | ```diff
570 | -icon
571 | -bar
572 | +thumb
573 | +track
574 | ```
575 |
576 | - [Snackbar] Match the new specification (#15122) @oliviertassinari
577 |
578 | - Change the dimensions
579 | - Change the default transition to from `Slide` to `Grow`.
580 |
581 | - [TextField] Fix height inconsistency (#15217) @gautam-relayr
582 |
583 | Remove the `inputType` class from `InputBase`.
584 |
585 | #### Changes
586 |
587 | - [Box] Add remaining props to type declaration (#15101) @iamsoorena
588 | - [theme] Prepare the deprecation of theme.mixins.gutters (#15124) @oliviertassinari
589 | - [Switch] Add demo for labels on both sides (#14900) @s7dhansh
590 | - [Zoom] Convert to function component (#15133) @joshwooding
591 | - [Tab] Remove internal indicator prop types (#15143) @sperry94
592 | - [Grid] Add root class (#15163) @eps1lon
593 | - [Grow] Convert to function component (#15134) @joshwooding
594 | - [CardMedia] Move object-fit to the core (#15166) @gebigoma
595 | - [core] Forward ref in Collapse, Popper and SwipeableDrawer (#15170) @eps1lon
596 | - [Popover] Fix the warning when anchorReference="anchorPosition" (#15182) @xaviergonz
597 | - [styles] Fix getLuminance for hsl (#14391) @strayiker
598 | - [Select] Trigger the open callbacks even when uncontrolled (#15176) @rreznichenko
599 | - [Popover] Add warning when non-ref-holding component is used in Paper (#15181) @eps1lon
600 | - [TablePaginationActions] Convert to function component (#15189) @joshwooding
601 | - [TextField] Add links to Input and Select (#15148) @MrHen
602 | - [CardMedia] Allow generic component in TypeScript (#15098) @Domino987
603 | - [Button] Improve types with regard to react-router (#15193) @eps1lon
604 | - [NoSsr] Convert to function component (#15167) @joshwooding
605 | - [ClickAwayListener] Remove findDOMNode usage (#15179) @eps1lon
606 | - [FormControl] Convert to function component (#15208) @joshwooding
607 | - [SwitchBase] Convert to function component (#15188) @joshwooding
608 |
609 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.7`
610 |
611 | - [styles] Fix types of ServerStyleSheets.collect (#15156) @evenchange4
612 | - [styles] Add injectFirst to StylesOptions interface (#15192) @stefanorie
613 | - [styles] Memoize theme to prevent re-rendering (#15201) @jhrdina
614 |
615 | ### Docs
616 |
617 | - [docs] SimplePortal example using Hooks (#15125) @ralvs
618 | - [example] Simplify ssr examples (#15127) @oliviertassinari
619 | - [docs] Add Grid List TypeScript demos (#15118) @Dudrie
620 | - [docs] Polish Snackbar demos (#15129) @eps1lon
621 | - [docs] More Table TypeScript demos (#15086) @jasondashwang
622 | - [docs] Add most Progress TypeScript demos (#15104) @sperry94
623 | - [docs] Flatten /layout/layout (#15120) @oliviertassinari
624 | - [docs] Migrate docs' App Bar page to hooks (#15121) @gabrielgene
625 | - [docs] Migrate docs' Tooltips page to hooks (#15137) @gabrielgene
626 | - [docs] Use Date type instead of any for MUI pickers demo (#15144) @gabrielgene
627 | - [docs] Add virtualized List example (#15149) @joshwooding
628 | - [docs] Update Style Library Interoperability + Container forwardRef (#15147) @oliviertassinari
629 | - [docs] Run the TypeScript demos (#15159) @oliviertassinari
630 | - [docs] Add Breadcrumbs TypeScript demos (#15139) @Adherentman
631 | - [docs] Fix anchor link (#15174) @eps1lon
632 | - [docs] Convert customized select component to use hooks (#15177) @Tevinthuku
633 | - [docs] Add ExpansionPanels TypeScript Demo (#15162) @Adherentman
634 | - [docs] Add ref forwarding to API docs (#15135) @eps1lon
635 | - [docs] Add ImgMediaCard TypeScript demo (#15130) @jasondashwang
636 | - [docs] Link 'React Material-UI Cookbook' (#15211) @oliviertassinari
637 | - [docs] Fix the docs in dev mode for IE 11 (#15230) @oliviertassinari
638 | - [docs] New translations (#15235) @mbrookes
639 | - [examples] Update all the examples + page layout examples (#15219) @nareshbhatia
640 | - [docs] Tidy up moved / deleted translations and update the Crowdin config (#15247) @mbrookes
641 |
642 | ### Core
643 |
644 | - [test] Forward ref behavior (#15131) @eps1lon
645 | - [core] Use explicit html entity (#15132) @eps1lon
646 | - [test] Decouple root class from root component (#15168) @eps1lon
647 | - [core] Polish `type` type of button related components (#15158) @eps1lon
648 | - [DialogContentText] Test conformance (#15206) @eps1lon
649 |
650 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.6
651 | ###### *Mar 30, 2019*
652 |
653 | A big thanks to the 20 contributors who made this release possible!
654 |
655 | Here are some highlights ✨:
656 |
657 | - 🔥 Many new TypeScript & hook demos @eluchsinger, @sperry94, @Dudrie.
658 | - 🎀 5 more core components migrated from Classes to Hooks @joshwooding.
659 | - ⚛️ A simpler server-side rendering API (#15030).
660 | - 💅 Better typography defaults (#15100) @oliviertassinari
661 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 💄 improvements.
662 |
663 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.6`
664 |
665 | #### Breaking changes
666 |
667 | - [Typography] Better defaults (#15100) @oliviertassinari
668 |
669 | - Change the default variant from `body2` to `body1`.
670 | A font size of 16px is a better default than 14px.
671 | Bootstrap, material.io or even our documentation use 16px as a default font size.
672 | 14px like Ant Design is understandable as Chinese users have a different alphabet.
673 | We document 12px as the default font size for Japanese.
674 | - Remove the default color from the typography variants.
675 | The color should inherit most of the time. It's the default behavior of the web.
676 | - Rename `color="default"` to `color="initial"` following the logic of #13028.
677 | The usage of *default* should be avoided, it lakes semantic.
678 |
679 | - [Container] Move to the core (#15062) @oliviertassinari
680 |
681 | #### Changes
682 |
683 | - [Box] Use the default theme (#15019) @apanizo
684 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Ignore open swipe if it didn't start on the swipe area (#15045) @leMaik
685 | - [Divider] Enable component generic props (#15040) @StevenGodin
686 | - [ListItem] Add type test for button prop (#15049) @eps1lon
687 | - [Button] Fix typing for type-attribute (#15077) @karlbohlmark
688 | - [RadioGroup] Remove cloneElement, use the context (#15069) @oliviertassinari
689 | - [Popover] Add warning to Popover if anchorRef is not visible (#15090) @alexmironof
690 | - [MobileStepper] Support variant "text" (#15108) @AcidRaZor
691 | - [Tabs] Update so that tabs keep equal widths (#15114) @sosaucily
692 |
693 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.6`
694 |
695 | - [styles] Fix IE 11 issue (#15034) @oliviertassinari
696 | - [styles] Use the hook directly in styled() (#15029) @oliviertassinari
697 | - [styles] Add a new injectFirst prop (#15028) @oliviertassinari
698 | - [styles] Go back to index counter (#15044) @oliviertassinari
699 | - [styles] Server-side rendering API (#15030) @oliviertassinari
700 | - [styled] Correct doc and typings for styled with theme (#15004) @sveyret
701 |
702 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.6`
703 |
704 | - [Slider] Fix onChange not being fired on single touch (#14998) @ahockersten
705 |
706 | ### Docs
707 |
708 | - [docs] Add keyframes in the v3 -> v4 upgrade guide (#15039) @oliviertassinari
709 | - [docs] Migrate one demo to the hooks (#15031) @oliviertassinari
710 | - [docs] Add TypeScript demos for Dividers (#15037) @eluchsinger
711 | - [docs] Add Chip TypeScript demo for Chip array (#15050) @sperry94
712 | - [docs] Add MQTT Explorer to showcases (#15033) @thomasnordquist
713 | - [docs] Fix CustomizedTabs demo (#15065) @HaNdTriX
714 | - [docs] Add a new site to showcase (learnseeker) (#15064) @ravishwetha
715 | - [docs] Add Tabs TypeScript demo (#15053) @sperry94
716 | - [docs] Migrate docs' badge page to hooks (#15109) @apanizo
717 | - [docs] Migrate docs' buttons page to hooks (#15110) @apanizo
718 | - [docs] Add Pickers TypeScript demos (#15103) @sperry94
719 | - [docs] Migrate Avatar demo page to the hooks (#15116) @rick-mo
720 | - [docs] Add Snackbars TypeScript Demos (#15087) @sperry94
721 | - [docs] Add Tooltip TypeScript demos (#15061) @Dudrie
722 |
723 | ### Core
724 |
725 | - [ToggleButtonGroup] Convert to function component (#15025) @joshwooding
726 | - [ToggleButton] Convert to function component (#14965) @joshwooding
727 | - [Fade] Convert to function component (#15027) @joshwooding
728 | - [performance] Add live pages (#15046) @oliviertassinari
729 | - [ExpansionPanelSummary] Convert to function component (#15043) @joshwooding
730 | - [test] Add conformance suite (#14958) @eps1lon
731 | - [Menu] Convert to function component (#15068) @joshwooding
732 | - [test] Update enzyme (#14987) @eps1lon
733 | - [core] Batch of fixes (#15115) @oliviertassinari
734 |
735 | ## 3.9.3
736 | ###### *Mar 28, 2019*
737 |
738 | Big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible!
739 |
740 | This release fixes an important regression with TypeScript: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/15076.
741 |
742 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.9.3`
743 |
744 | - [Select] Open select when focused with enter (#14452) @oknechirik
745 | - [Tooltip] Fix children focus detection (#14496) @codeheroics
746 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Ignore open swipe if it didn't start on the swipe area (#15038) @leMaik
747 | - [Button] Narrow type for `type` prop (#15096) @karlbohlmark
748 |
749 | ### Docs
750 |
751 | - [docs] Fix hooks codesandbox broken (#14553) @Abbo44
752 | - [docs] Fix typo in simple breadcrumbs example (#14575) @AndrewUsher
753 | - [blog] Material-UI Developer Survey 2019 (#14614) @oliviertassinari
754 | - [docs] Change Gitter to Spectrum (#14668) @mbrookes
755 | - [docs] Update link to http://cssinjs.org/jss-api/ (#14788) @monicatie
756 | - [docs] Add Algolia metadata (#14835) @oliviertassinari
757 | - [docs] Improve overrides.md wording (#14403) @i0
758 | - [docs] Grammar fix (#14960) @nateq314
759 |
760 | ### Core
761 |
762 | N/A
763 |
764 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.5
765 | ###### *Mar 23, 2019*
766 |
767 | A big thanks to the 23 contributors who made this release possible!
768 |
769 | Here are some highlights ✨:
770 |
771 | - 📝 A new ROADMAP (#14923).
772 | - 📝 Many new TypeScript demos @vitkon, @cojennin, @Dudrie, @rahmatrhd, @jasondashwang.
773 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 💄 improvements.
774 |
775 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.5`
776 |
777 | #### Breaking changes
778 |
779 | - [TextField] Prevent fullwidth textfield expanding the screen (#14988) @FMcIntosh
780 |
781 | Change the default box sizing model of the `InputBase`. It uses the following CSS now:
782 | ```css
783 | box-sizing: border-box;
784 | ```
785 | It solves issues with the `fullWidth` prop.
786 | - [Modal] Ignore event.defaultPrevented (#14991) @oliviertassinari
787 |
788 | The new logic closes the Modal even if `event.preventDefault()` is called on the key down escape event.
789 | `event.preventDefault()` is meant to stop default behaviors like clicking a checkbox to check it, hitting a button to submit a form, and hitting left arrow to move the cursor in a text input etc.
790 | Only special HTML elements have these default behaviors.
791 | People should use `event.stopPropagation()` if they don't want to trigger a `onClose` event on the modal.
792 |
793 | #### Changes
794 |
795 | - [Popover] Correct warning for tall component (#14925) @vitkon
796 | - [List] Memoize context value (#14934) @mkermani144
797 | - [Typography] Add a custom, self-hosted font demo (#14928) @johnrichter
798 | - [RadioGroup] Warn for uncontrolled <-> controlled switch (#14878) @manonthemat
799 | - [Slide] Attach ref to child instead of Transition (#14847) @eps1lon
800 | - [Grid] Fix zeroMinWidth proptype warning (#14967) @pmacom
801 | - [TextField] Reduce the specificity (#14953) @oliviertassinari
802 | - [MenuList] Convert to a function component (#14865) @ryancogswell
803 | - [Popper] Add ClickAwayListener documentation (#14986) @charlax
804 | - [RadioGroup] Convert to a function component (#14964) @joshwooding
805 | - [Tab] Enable generic props (#15003) @caroe233
806 | - [Tooltip] Make enterTouchDelay match the specification (#15008) @devsumanmdn
807 | - [Chip] Support pressing delete to delete a chip (#14978) @keeslinp
808 | - [Box] Improve TypeScript definitions (#15024) @pheuter
809 |
810 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.5`
811 |
812 | - [test] Remove test-only class wrappers for higher-order components (#15017) @eps1lon
813 |
814 | ### Docs
815 |
816 | - [docs] Remove flow examples as outdated (#14919) @oliviertassinari
817 | - [docs] Enable German (#14927) @mbrookes
818 | - [docs] Add react-basket to related projects (#14941) @mbrn
819 | - [docs] Update the ROADMAP (#14923) @oliviertassinari
820 | - [docs] Take advantage of the default theme (#14945) @oliviertassinari
821 | - [docs] Improve the styles interpolation documentation (#14940) @oliviertassinari
822 | - [docs] Add Avatar TypeScript demos (#14954) @cojennin
823 | - [docs] Add PaperSheet TypeScript demo (#14952) @vitkon
824 | - [docs] Remove all the .hooks.js files (#14947) @oliviertassinari
825 | - [docs] Add Badge TypeScript demo (#14969) @vitkon
826 | - [docs] Grammar fix in FAQ (#14974) @rtalvarez
827 | - [docs] Document how to nest style selectors (#14957) @cojennin
828 | - [docs] BottomNavigation TypeScript docs (#14979) @vitkon
829 | - [docs] Add some Card TypeScript demos (#15011) @Dudrie
830 | - [docs] Add Badge TypeScript demo for Maximum Value (#15013) @rahmatrhd
831 | - [docs] Add TypeScript demos for Simple and Spanning Table (#14985) @jasondashwang
832 | - [docs] Add note to docs README regarding translations (#15020) @mbrookes
833 | - [docs] Content's max width changed for large displays (#15014) @kenzhemir
834 |
835 | ### Core
836 |
837 | - [core] Refactor a subset of components from classes to functions (#14854) @mbrookes
838 | - [benchmark] Use deterministic version tags (#14968) @eps1lon
839 | - [test] Remove test-only class wrappers for higher-order components (#15017) @eps1lon
840 |
841 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.4
842 | ###### *Mar 17, 2019*
843 |
844 | A big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible!
845 |
846 | Here are some highlights ✨:
847 |
848 | - Improve the TypeScript definitions of @material-ui/styles @VincentLanglet.
849 | - Prepare the migration of more TypeScript demos (#14896) @eps1lon.
850 | - Complete the i18n support for the documentation (#14838) @oliviertassinari.
851 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
852 |
853 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.4`
854 |
855 | #### Breaking changess
856 |
857 | - [ButtonBase] Require host or ref forwarding components (#13664) @eps1lon
858 | - [SvgIcon] Rename nativeColor -> htmlColor (#14863) @oliviertassinari
859 |
860 | React solved the same problem with the `for` HTML attribute, they have decided to call the prop `htmlFor`. This change follows the same reasoning.
861 |
862 | ```diff
863 | -<AddIcon nativeColor={secondary.contrastText} />
864 | +<AddIcon htmlColor={secondary.contrastText} />
865 | ```
866 |
867 | - [Divider] Remove the deprecated inset prop (#14826) @joshwooding
868 |
869 | ```diff
870 | -<Divider inset />
871 | +<Divider variant="inset" />
872 | ```
873 |
874 | - [Box] Remove the unstable prefix & import the right version (#14845) @pheuter
875 |
876 | ```diff
877 | -import { unstable_Box as Box } from '@material-ui/core/Box';
878 | +import Box from '@material-ui/core/Box';
879 | ```
880 |
881 | #### Changes
882 |
883 | - [Grid] Adding missing 'spacing-xs-*' to TypeScript definition (#14859) @scott-martin
884 | - [Tabs] Fix an infinite loop (#14664) @caroe233
885 | - [NoSsr] Add missing defer prop to TypeScript definition (#14869) @DaleJefferson
886 | - [core] Remove dom-helpers dependency (#14877) @oliviertassinari
887 | - [TextField] Add typing for theme wide props override (#14879) @C-Rodg
888 | - [Autocomplete] Add a downshift variant demo (#14881) @ekoeditaa
889 | - [Popover][Popper] Warn when `anchorEl` is invalid (#13468) @Andarist
890 | - [LinearProgress] Improve customization capability (#14882) @giuliogallerini
891 | - [Popover] Fix PaperProps classname concat (#14902) @vitkon
892 | - [MenuItem] Add buttonRef (and other button props) type (#14772) @VincentLanglet
893 | - [TouchRipple] Remove findDOMNode usage (#14825) @eps1lon
894 | - [ExpansionPanelSummary] Simplify overrides (#14828) @TroySchmidt
895 | - [Popper] Use refs instead of findDOMNode (#14829) @eps1lon
896 | - [Tab] Fix alignment when using multiple children (#14844) @HaNdTriX
897 | - [TextField] Convert to function component (#14833) @eps1lon
898 | - [Table] Fix demo parse rowsPerPage value as an integer (#14848) @SimplyAhmazing
899 |
900 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.4`
901 |
902 | - [styles] Change material-ui/styles folder structure (#14868) @VincentLanglet
903 | - [styles] Add WithThemeCreator typing (#14856) @VincentLanglet
904 | - [styles] Add types for defaultTheme option in makeStyles (#14862) @vitkon
905 | - [styles] Make CSSProperties public (#14802) @VincentLanglet
906 |
907 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.4`
908 |
909 | - [Slider] Fix possible touchstart leak (#14837) @eps1lon
910 |
911 | ### Docs
912 |
913 | - [docs] Prepare full TypeScript demos (#14896) @eps1lon
914 | - [docs] Improve documentation for new component + ref behavior (#14883) @eps1lon
915 | - [docs] Add perf section to ExpansionPanel (#14903) @eps1lon
916 | - [docs] Simplify the /examples (#14822) @oliviertassinari
917 | - [docs] Add ssr-next example (#14823) @oliviertassinari
918 | - [docs] Add missing breaking changes from #14795 (#14824) @eps1lon
919 | - [docs] Minor fixes to system demos (#14831) @jo shwooding
920 | - Complete the i18n support for the documentation] Enable the i18n search (#14838) @oliviertassinari
921 | - [docs] Fix babel generator extra line (#14849) @VincentLanglet
922 | - [docs] Remove unnecessary findDOMNode usage (#14836) @eps1lon
923 |
924 | ### Core
925 |
926 | - [core] Only import from top or 2nd level (#14888) @eps1lon
927 | - [test] Leaner eslint config (#14901) @eps1lon
928 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#14911) @oliviertassinari
929 | - [core] Stop using @types/jss (#14852) @VincentLanglet
930 | - [core] Babel plugin unwrap createStyles now handle material-ui/styles package (#14850) @VincentLanglet
931 | - [test] Fix unwrapCreateStyles tests for windows (#14832) @ryancogswell
932 |
933 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.3
934 | ###### *Mar 10, 2019*
935 |
936 | A big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible!
937 |
938 | Here are some highlights ✨:
939 |
940 | - ⚛️ Increase the usage of `React.forwardRef()` (#14714, #14737, #14738, #14775) @eps1lon.
941 | - 💅 Remove the old styles modules (#14767) @oliviertassinari.
942 | - 📝 Migrate many demos to use the hooks API (#14805) @adeelibr.
943 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
944 |
945 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.3`
946 |
947 | #### Breaking changes
948 |
949 | - [useMediaQuery] Remove unstable prefix (#14593)
950 |
951 | ```diff
952 | -import { unstable_useMediaQuery as useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
953 | +import useMediaQuery from '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
954 | ```
955 | - [DialogActions] `action` CSS class is applied to root element if `disableActionSpacing={false}` instead of children (#14795)
956 | - [DialogContentText] Use typography variant `body1` instead of `subtitle1` (#14795)
957 |
958 | - [MenuItem] Remove fixed height (#14799) @KyruCabading
959 | Remove the fixed height of the MenuItem.
960 | The padding and line-height are used by the browser to compute the height.
961 |
962 | #### Changes
963 |
964 | - [Tabs] Forward refs (#14714) @eps1lon
965 | - [TextField] New filled variant override example (#14725) @oliviertassinari
966 | - [FilledInput] Simplify border overrides (#14719) @C-Rodg
967 | - [CssBaseline] Apply body2 styling to the body element (#14729) @joshwooding
968 | - [IconButton] Add a size prop (#14649) @leMaik
969 | - [Popover] Forward refs (#14737) @eps1lon
970 | - [Modal] Forward refs (#14738) @eps1lon
971 | - [createSpacing] Narrow return type (#14745) @eps1lon
972 | - [Chip] Correct Chip TypeScript Definition Class Keys (#14750) @cvanem
973 | - [MenuList] Remove focus method and test dependencies on instance methods (#14757) @ryancogswell
974 | - [Dialog] Forward refs (#14775) @eps1lon
975 | - [IconButton] Implement a new edge prop (#14758) @jedwards1211
976 | - [Dialog] Add a dividers boolean prop (#14795) @oliviertassinari
977 |
978 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.3`
979 |
980 | #### Breaking changes
981 |
982 | - [styles] Remove the old styles modules (#14767) @oliviertassinari
983 | Isolation of the styling solution of the core components in a dedicated package.
984 | - Remove the `MuiThemeProvider` component:
985 |
986 | ```diff
987 | -import { MuiThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
988 | +import { ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/styles';
989 | ```
990 |
991 | - Remove the `@material-ui/styles/install` module.
992 | ```diff
993 | -import { install } from '@material-ui/styles';
994 | -install();
995 | ```
996 |
997 | #### Changes
998 |
999 | - [styles] Improve ref forwarding (#13676) @eps1lon
1000 | - [styles] Use hoist-non-react-statics (#14722) @oliviertassinari
1001 |
1002 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.3`
1003 |
1004 | - [SpeedDial] Change actions background color (#14640) @hburrows
1005 | - [SpeedDialAction] Pass onTouchEnd event onto called onClick handler (#14641) @hburrows
1006 |
1007 | ### Docs
1008 |
1009 | - [docs] Fix Drawer demos accessibility (#14728) @tiagodreis
1010 | - [docs] Add "Portals" to the styled components documentation (#14720) @C-Rodg
1011 | - [docs] Specify PaletteIntention syntax (#14727) @ozydingo
1012 | - [docs] Add button demos in ts (#14739) @eps1lon
1013 | - [docs] Document the migration from v3 to v4 (#14741) @oliviertassinari
1014 | - [docs] before() is Mocha; beforeEach() is Jest (#14743) @masaok
1015 | - [docs] Fix IE 11 build (#14781) @oliviertassinari
1016 | - [docs] Kill as many non hook demos as possible (#14805) @oliviertassinari
1017 | - [docs] Prepare Google & Algolia i18n search + v3/v4 search (#14806) @oliviertassinari
1018 | - [docs] Speed-up pull requests build (#14811) @oliviertassinari
1019 |
1020 | ### Core
1021 |
1022 | - [test] Ignore the image load issue (#14723) @oliviertassinari
1023 | - [icons] Fix builder failing on Windows (#14726) @joshwooding
1024 | - [ci] Don't use -browser images (#14779) @eps1lon
1025 | - [test] Increase the Codecov threshold (#14796) @oliviertassinari
1026 | - [test] Disable the user sandbox security feature (#14804) @oliviertassinari
1027 | - [core] Use hoist-non-react-statics (#14722) @oliviertassinari
1028 |
1029 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.2
1030 | ###### *Mar 3, 2019*
1031 |
1032 | A big thanks to the 23 contributors who made this release possible!
1033 |
1034 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1035 |
1036 | - Keep working on accessibility (#14465, #14545, #14661) @eps1lon, @oliviertassinari.
1037 | - Add the Table dense support (#14561) @leMaik.
1038 | - Change the bundle size tracking strategy (copy React) (#14587) @eps1lon.
1039 | - Introduce a new Container component & new full layout demos (#14499) @oliviertassinari.
1040 | - Start removing the need for findDOMNode() (#14536) @eps1lon.
1041 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1042 |
1043 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.2`
1044 |
1045 | #### Breaking changes
1046 |
1047 | - [Tabs] Simplify override (#14638) @oliviertassinari
1048 |
1049 | We have removed the `labelContainer`, `label` and `labelWrapped` class keys.
1050 | We have removed 2 intermediary DOM elements.
1051 | You should be able to move the custom styles to the root class key.
1052 | ![capture d ecran 2019-02-23 a 15 46 48](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3165635/53287870-53a35500-3782-11e9-9431-2d1a14a41be0.png)
1053 |
1054 | - [Table] Add dense support (#14561) @leMaik
1055 |
1056 | - We have removed the deprecated numeric property.
1057 | ```diff
1058 | -<TableCell numeric>{row.calories}</TableCell>
1059 | +<TableCell align="right">{row.calories}</TableCell>
1060 | ```
1061 | - We have removed the fixed height property on the table row.
1062 | The cell height is computed by the browser using the padding and line-height.
1063 | - The `dense` mode was promoted to a different property:
1064 | ```diff
1065 | -<TableCell padding="dense" />
1066 | +<TableCell size="small" />
1067 | ```
1068 |
1069 | - Every component except `Dialog`, `MenuList`, `Modal`, `Popover` and `Tabs` forward
1070 | their `innerRef` (#14536).
1071 |
1072 | This is implemented by using `React.forwardRef`. This affects the internal component
1073 | tree and display name and therefore might break shallow or snapshot tests.
1074 | `innerRef` will no longer return a ref to the instance
1075 | (or nothing if the inner component is a function component) but a ref to its root component.
1076 | The corresponding API docs list the root component.
1077 |
1078 | #### Changes
1079 |
1080 | - [core] Improve a11y for Collapse, ExpansionPanel and Grow (#14598) @eps1lon
1081 | - [Transitions] Increase minimal version of react-transition-group to 2.5.3 (#14612) @wilcoschoneveld
1082 | - [ExpansionPanelSummary] Update docs (#14606) @ifndefdeadmau5
1083 | - [ExpansionPanel] Add TransitionComponent prop (#14617) @ptbrowne
1084 | - [Link] Color property is defined with a wrong type (#14631) @akellan
1085 | - [Tooltip] Improve legibility (#14651) @leMaik
1086 | - [Tabs] Fix variant missing in Tabs.d.ts (#14659) @Deturium
1087 | - [Autocomplete] Improve demo (#14657) @tjmcewan
1088 | - [Dialog] Support for print (#14660) @emildatcu
1089 | - [TableSortLabel] Increase size and show on hover (#14650) @leMaik
1090 | - [Modal] Fix autoFocus support (#14661) @oliviertassinari
1091 | - [InputLabel] display: block as default (#14676) @johnloven
1092 | - [InputBase] Add missing TypeScript class keys (#14684) @dmtrKovalenko
1093 | - [ListItem] Fix listItem focus (#14680) @xs9627
1094 | - [ExpansionPanel] Improve a11y (#14682) @eps1lon
1095 |
1096 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.2`
1097 |
1098 | - [styles] Fix the theme update support (#14697) @oliviertassinari
1099 |
1100 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.2`
1101 |
1102 | - [Slider] Pass current value to onDragStart/onDragEnd callback (#14475) @rejas
1103 | - [Slider] Fix thumb creating scroll overflow (#14689) @xaviergonz
1104 | - [Layout] New Container component (#14499) @oliviertassinari
1105 | - [Container] Fix two exceptions (#14715) @oliviertassinari
1106 |
1107 | ### `@material-ui/utils@v4.0.0-alpha.2`
1108 |
1109 | - [utils] Drop componentPropType in favor of PropTypes.elementType (#14602) @eps1lon
1110 |
1111 | ## Docs
1112 |
1113 | - [MobileStepper] Remove unused classname in example (#14597) @charlax
1114 | - [docs] Update the Team (#14613) @oliviertassinari
1115 | - [docs] Solve Firefox middle click issue (#14623) @paol
1116 | - [docs] Update ScrollDialog Demo for 4k (#14622) @AndrewUsher
1117 | - [docs] Fix broken hash link in css-in-js (#14633) @furkle
1118 | - [docs] Improve demo source discoverability (#14635) @eps1lon
1119 | - [docs] Improve Grid limitations description (#14637) @ryancogswell
1120 | - [docs] Fix minor issues with demo action tooltips (#14652) @eps1lon
1121 | - [docs] Upgrade react-docgen (#14666) @eps1lon
1122 | - [docs] Update bundle size strategy (#14662) @eps1lon
1123 | - [docs] Minor next adjustments (#14679) @eps1lon
1124 | - [docs] A grammar modification suggestion (#14671) @mataxxx5
1125 | - [docs] Link the mui-tables project in the documentation (#14701) @parkerself22
1126 | - [docs] Generate unique hash (#14703) @oliviertassinari
1127 | - [docs] Add simple list typescript demo (#14485) @eps1lon
1128 | - [docs] Fix wrong source code URLs (#14716) @oliviertassinari
1129 |
1130 | ## Core
1131 |
1132 | - [core] Fix webstorm autocompletion (#14599) @eps1lon
1133 | - [ci] Use dangerJS to report bundle size changes (#14587) @eps1lon
1134 | - [ci] Various size snapshot enhancements (#14620) @eps1lon
1135 | - [core] Solve Babel dependency issue (#14621) @AndrewUsher
1136 | - [core] Add eslint-plugin-react-hooks (#14629) @eps1lon
1137 | - [test] Fix size snapshot including peer dependencies (#14636) @eps1lon
1138 | - [ci] Speedup and cleanup (#14643) @eps1lon
1139 | - [test] Fix how menu items are found in MenuList integration tests (#14654) @ryancogswell
1140 | - [core] Add tslint deprecation rule (#14675) @eps1lon
1141 | - [typescript] Add regression test for popular hoc interop (#14688) @eps1lon
1142 | - [core] Fix .yarnrc syntax (#14704) @joshwooding
1143 | - [core] forward innerRef for certain components (#14536) @eps1lon
1144 | - [core] Use official prop-type cache invalidation (#14699) @eps1lon
1145 |
1146 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.1
1147 | ###### *Feb 20, 2019*
1148 |
1149 | A big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible!
1150 |
1151 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1152 |
1153 | - Important accessibility fixes (#14465, #14545) @eps1lon, @oliviertassinari
1154 | - Improve the Gastby integration (we will continue working on it to get something awesome) (#14552)
1155 | - Remove the deprecated Typography variants (#14562) @joshwooding
1156 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1157 |
1158 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.1`
1159 |
1160 | #### Breaking changes
1161 |
1162 | - [Typography] Remove deprecated Typography variants (#14562) @joshwooding
1163 |
1164 | - Remove the deprecated typography variants. You can upgrade by performing the following replacements:
1165 | - display4 => h1
1166 | - display3 => h2
1167 | - display2 => h3
1168 | - display1 => h4
1169 | - headline => h5
1170 | - title => h6
1171 | - subheading => subtitle1
1172 | - body2 => body1
1173 | - body1 (default) => body2 (default)
1174 | - Remove the opinionated `display: block` default typograpghy style.
1175 | You can use the new `display?: 'initial' | 'inline' | 'block';` property.
1176 | - Rename the `headlineMapping` property to better align with its purpose.
1177 | ```diff
1178 | -<MuiTypography headlineMapping={headlineMapping}>
1179 | +<MuiTypography variantMapping={variantMapping}>
1180 | ```
1181 |
1182 | - [InputLabel] Remove FormLabelClasses in favor of asterisk class (#14504) @umairfarooq44
1183 |
1184 | You should be able to override all the styles of the FormLabel component using the css API of the InputLabel component. We do no longer need the `FormLabelClasses` property.
1185 | ```diff
1186 | <InputLabel
1187 | - FormLabelClasses={{ asterisk: 'bar' }}
1188 | + classes={{ asterisk: 'bar' }}
1189 | >
1190 | Foo
1191 | </InputLabel>
1192 | ```
1193 |
1194 | - [TablePagination] Only raise a warning when the page is out of range (#14534) @leMaik
1195 |
1196 | The `TablePagination` component does no longer try to fix invalid (`page`, `count`, `rowsPerPage`) property combinations. It raises a warning instead.
1197 |
1198 | ### Changes
1199 |
1200 | - [typescript] Fix theme.spacing to accept up to 4 arguments (#14539) @toshi1127
1201 | - [Transition] Fix hidden children appearing in a11y tree (#14465) @eps1lon
1202 | - [TablePagination] Fix style issue with rpp select (#14547) @antokara
1203 | - [Modal] Improve the focus logic (#14545) @oliviertassinari
1204 |
1205 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.1`
1206 |
1207 | #### Breaking changes
1208 |
1209 | - [styles] Change the withTheme API (#14565) @oliviertassinari
1210 |
1211 | Remove the first option argument of `withTheme()`. The first argument was a placeholder for a potential future option. We have never found a need for it. It's time to remove this argument. It matches the emotion and styled-components API.
1212 | ```diff
1213 | -const DeepChild = withTheme()(DeepChildRaw);
1214 | +const DeepChild = withTheme(DeepChildRaw);
1215 | ```
1216 |
1217 | #### Changes
1218 |
1219 | - [styles] Type ThemeProvider and getThemeProps generic (#14489) @igorbt
1220 | - [styles] 100% test coverage (#14566) @oliviertassinari
1221 | - [styles] Follow react docs for firstRender flag (#13607) @eps1lon
1222 | - [styles] Add react-hot-loader support (#14583) @oliviertassinari
1223 | - [styles] Warn if missing ThemeProvider (#14581) @oliviertassinari
1224 |
1225 | ### `@material-ui/icons@v4.0.0-alpha.1`
1226 |
1227 | - [icons] Remove es folder (#14518) @mgansler
1228 |
1229 | ### Docs
1230 |
1231 | - [docs] yarn command to add @material-ui/icons (#14502) @Inambe
1232 | - [docs] Update CHANGELOG.md (#14516) @saculbr
1233 | - [examples] Add lib to tsconfig (#14507) @eps1lon
1234 | - [docs] Enable es, fr, pt & ru (#14537) @oliviertassinari
1235 | - [docs] Add ts demos for menus, fixes ClickAwayListener onClickAway type (#14535) @eps1lon
1236 | - [docs] Update the styling of the TOC (#14520) @mbrookes
1237 | - [docs] Update breakpoints.md for clarity (#14527) @matthewjwhitney
1238 | - [docs] Fix Horizontal Non-linear Stepper demo (#14551) @SVTerziev
1239 | - [docs] Update the branch for Crowdin (#14550) @mbrookes
1240 | - [docs] Fix hooks codesandbox broken (#14553) @Abbo44
1241 | - [docs] Fix css anchor link (#14554) @umairfarooq44
1242 | - [examples] Improve the Gastby integration (#14552) @oliviertassinari
1243 | - [docs] Add examples of global class names (#14563) @n-batalha
1244 | - [docs] Change Gitter to Spectrum (#14558) @mbrookes
1245 | - [docs] Add sections about translation contributions (#14571) @eps1lon
1246 | - [docs] Localize the table of contents (#14548) @mbrookes
1247 |
1248 | ### Core
1249 |
1250 | - [core] Convert remaining classNames usage (#14506) @eps1lon
1251 | - [core] Fix Prettier on next branch (#14524) @joshwooding
1252 | - [core] Fix some peer dependency warnings (#14572) @eps1lon
1253 |
1254 | ## 4.0.0-alpha.0
1255 | ###### *Feb 12, 2019*
1256 |
1257 | This is our first unstable release toward Material-UI v4.0.0. We try to release a major every 6-12 months.
1258 | This gives us the opportunity to remove deprecated APIs, upgrade our peer dependencies and more importantly, keep up with the direction the community is taking.
1259 |
1260 | - You can find the documentation following this URL: https://material-ui.com/.
1261 | - You can track our progress following this URL: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/milestone/25.
1262 |
1263 | A big thanks to the 28 contributors who made this release possible!
1264 |
1265 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1266 |
1267 | - Increase React peer dependency to v16.8.0 (#14432) @oliviertassinari
1268 | - Improve the spacing API (#14099) @ifndefdeadmau5
1269 | - Improve ES modules tree shake-ability (#13391) @eps1lon
1270 | - Remove recompose dependency (#14479)
1271 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1272 |
1273 | ### `@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.0`
1274 |
1275 | #### Breaking changes
1276 |
1277 | - [core] Increase React peer dependency to v16.8.0 (#14432) @oliviertassinari
1278 |
1279 | The upgrade path to React 16.8.0 should be pretty easy for our users.
1280 | Introducing this breaking change in v4 enables the following:
1281 | - We can remove the recompose dependency and use the new `React.memo()` API.
1282 | - Before or after v4 is out, we can gradually migrate the core components to use the Hook API.
1283 |
1284 | - [Grid] Use a unitless spacing API (#14099) @ifndefdeadmau5
1285 |
1286 | In order to support arbitrary spacing values and to remove the need to mentally count by 8, we are changing the spacing API:
1287 | ```diff
1288 | /**
1289 | * Defines the space between the type `item` component.
1290 | * It can only be used on a type `container` component.
1291 | */
1292 | - spacing: PropTypes.oneOf([0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40]),
1293 | + spacing: PropTypes.oneOf([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]),
1294 | ```
1295 | Going forward, you can use the theme to implement a custom Grid spacing transformation function: https://material-ui.com/system/spacing/#transformation.
1296 |
1297 | - [theme] Make theme.palette.augmentColor() pure (#13899) @ryancogswell
1298 |
1299 | The `theme.palette.augmentColor()` method no longer performs a side effect on its input color.
1300 | In order to use it correctly, you have to use the output of this function.
1301 |
1302 | ```diff
1303 | -const background = { main: color };
1304 | -theme.palette.augmentColor(background);
1305 | +const background = theme.palette.augmentColor({ main: color });
1306 |
1307 | console.log({ background });
1308 | ```
1309 |
1310 | - [core] Change UMD output name to 'MaterialUI' (#13142) @tkrotoff
1311 |
1312 | This change eases the use of Material-UI with a CDN:
1313 | ```diff
1314 | const {
1315 | Button,
1316 | TextField,
1317 | -} = window['material-ui'];
1318 | +} = MaterialUI;
1319 | ```
1320 |
1321 | It's consistent with the other projects:
1322 | - material-ui => MaterialUI
1323 | - react-dom => ReactDOM
1324 | - prop-types => PropTypes
1325 |
1326 | - [Button] Remove deprecated props and styles (#14383) @mbrookes
1327 |
1328 | Remove the deprecated button flat, raised and fab variants:
1329 |
1330 | ```diff
1331 | -<Button variant="raised" />
1332 | +<Button variant="contained" />
1333 | ```
1334 |
1335 | ```diff
1336 | -<Button variant="flat" />
1337 | +<Button variant="text" />
1338 | ```
1339 |
1340 | ```diff
1341 | -import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
1342 | -<Button variant="fab" />
1343 | +import Fab from '@material-ui/core/Fab';
1344 | +<Fab />
1345 | ```
1346 |
1347 | - [core] Drop official node 6 support (#14379) @eps1lon
1348 |
1349 | ### Deprecation
1350 |
1351 | - `theme.spacing.unit` usage is deprecated, you can use the new API (#14099) @ifndefdeadmau5:
1352 |
1353 | ```diff
1354 | [theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
1355 | - paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 12,
1356 | + paddingTop: theme.spacing(12),
1357 | },
1358 | ```
1359 |
1360 | *Tip: you can provide more than one argument: `theme.spacing(1, 2) // = '8px 16px'`*
1361 |
1362 | #### Changes
1363 |
1364 | - [ListItem] Improve phrasing of error message (#14437) @netzwerg
1365 | - [styles] Replace classnames with clsx (#14152) @TrySound
1366 | - [Modal] Make children property required (#14444) @erichodges
1367 | - [Select] Open select when focused with enter (#14452) @oknechirik
1368 | - [Popper] Add hook API demo (#14464) @oliviertassinari
1369 | - [Breadcrumbs] Fix wrong aria label property (#14486) @MalignantShadow
1370 | - [Tooltip] Fix children focus detection (#14496) @codeheroics
1371 | - [MenuItem] Improve note about using ellipsis (#14371) @charlax
1372 | - [Tabs] Fix scrollbar appearing briefly on scroller (#14384) @ekoeditaa
1373 | - [Chip] Fix role prop when not clickable (#14365) @pandaiolo
1374 | - [Box] Add typings (#14397) @eps1lon
1375 | - [Dialog] Fix inconsistencies with scroll="body" (#14398) @TomiCake
1376 | - [TextField] Allow overriding default TextField props from the theme (#14252) @janowsiany
1377 | - [Drawer] Add 'root' to class declaration (#14408) @sowings13
1378 | - [theme] Improve the state warning (#14412) @oliviertassinari
1379 | - [InputBase] Provide input adornments with FormControlContext (#14364) @mtidei
1380 |
1381 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v4.0.0-alpha.0`
1382 |
1383 | - [core] Increase React peer dependency to v16.8.0 (#14432) @oliviertassinari
1384 |
1385 | ### `@material-ui/system@v4.0.0-alpha.0`
1386 |
1387 | - [core] Increase React peer dependency to v16.8.0 (#14432) @oliviertassinari
1388 |
1389 | ### `@material-ui/icons@v4.0.0-alpha.0`
1390 |
1391 | - [core] Increase React peer dependency to v16.8.0 (#14432) @oliviertassinari
1392 |
1393 | ### `@material-ui/docs@v4.0.0-alpha.0`
1394 |
1395 | - [core] Increase React peer dependency to v16.8.0 (#14432) @oliviertassinari
1396 |
1397 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.0`
1398 |
1399 | #### Breaking changes
1400 |
1401 | - [Breadcrumbs] Move to the core (#14436) @oliviertassinari
1402 | ```diff
1403 | -import Breadcrumbs from '@material-ui/lab/Breadcrumbs';
1404 | +import Breadcrumbs from '@material-ui/core/Breadcrumbs';
1405 | ```
1406 | - [ToggleButton] Update styles for Material v2 (#14278) @mbrookes
1407 |
1408 | ⚠️ The height has changed - it might break your layout.
1409 |
1410 | #### Changes
1411 |
1412 | - [core] Increase React peer dependency to v16.8.0 (#14432) @oliviertassinari
1413 | - [Slider] Fix a11y issues with the handle (#14461) @eps1lon
1414 |
1415 | ### Docs
1416 |
1417 | - [docs] Improve overrides.md wording (#14403) @i0
1418 | - [docs] Remove unneeded input from select docs (#14443) @eladmotola
1419 | - [docs] Fix broken font-awesome icons in documentation (#14454) @EndiM
1420 | - [docs] Reword certain phrases to improve i10n (#14457) @eps1lon
1421 | - [docs] Fix IE11 crash on demo pages (#14466) @eps1lon
1422 | - [docs] Add french translation (#14467) @zek0faws
1423 | - [docs] Standardise compose util usage (#14472) @mbrookes
1424 | - [docs] Additional tweaks to English l10n strings (#14471) @mbrookes
1425 | - [examples] Improve the v3/v4 distinction (#14476) @oliviertassinari
1426 | - [docs] Change interpolation library (#14481) @mbrookes
1427 | - [docs] Fix showcase (#14494) @oliviertassinari
1428 | - [docs] New translations (#14501) @mbrookes
1429 | - [examples] Fix download link in example README (#14372) @clk1006
1430 | - [docs] Revise the wrapping components guide wording (#14381) @mbrookes
1431 | - [README] Fix the underscored space on hover, rearrange thanks (#14388) @mbrookes
1432 | - [docs] Update use-media-query.md (#14389) @edwin32
1433 | - [docs] Fix the SW cache between updates (#14390) @oliviertassinari
1434 | - [docs] Add analytics to language notifications (#14402) @mbrookes
1435 | - [docs] Targeted edit button URL (#14395) @mbrookes
1436 | - [docs] Remove recompose/compose (#14421) @mbrookes
1437 | - [docs] Generalize non-markdown I18n (#14413) @mbrookes
1438 | - [docs] Fix the css-in-js styled section to match currying implementation (#14418) @gutofoletto
1439 |
1440 | ### Core
1441 |
1442 | - [core] Use frozen-lockfile by default (#14433) @eps1lon
1443 | - [utils] Add support for forwardRef components in getDisplayName (#14429) @eps1lon
1444 | - [test] Back to 100% test coverage (#14458, #14460) @oliviertassinari
1445 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#14463, #14385) @oliviertassinari
1446 | - [core] Prepare next versions (#14473) @oliviertassinari
1447 | - [typescript] Enable generic props for certain components (#13868) @pelotom
1448 | - [core] Remove recompose (#14479) @oliviertassinari
1449 | - [typescript] Add type test for style lib interopability (#14482) @eps1lon
1450 | - [core] Upgrade to Next.js 8 (#14493)
1451 | - [core] Improve tree-shakeability (#13391) @eps1lon
1452 | - [core] Use common copy-files script (#14406) @eps1lon
1453 | - [core] Enable innerRef on ListItem and MenuItem (#14423) @eps1lon
1454 | - [core] Remove typings for `/es` build (#14422) @eps1lon
1455 | - [core] Enable innerRef on Backdrop, List, MenuList and Paper (#13722) @eps1lon
1456 |
1457 | ## 3.9.2
1458 | ###### *Feb 03, 2019*
1459 |
1460 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible!
1461 |
1462 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1463 |
1464 | - ⚛️ Add a new Breadcrumb component to the lab (#14084) @mbrookes
1465 | https://material-ui.com/lab/breadcrumbs
1466 | - 📝 AppBar and Textfield demos in TypeScript (#13229) @eps1lon
1467 | - 📝 Prepare support for 5 new documentation languages
1468 | https://translate.material-ui.com/project/material-ui-docs
1469 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1470 |
1471 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.9.2`
1472 |
1473 | - [Portal] Fix onRendered being called before child componentDidUpdate (#14305) @joshwooding
1474 | - [Select] Id should not be set from name if missing (#14322) @aericson
1475 | - [ListItem] Add alignItems prop to ListItem.d.ts (#14334) @EndiM
1476 | - [useMediaQuery] Fix typings for options object (#14339) @johannwagner`
1477 | - [NativeSelect] Fix option background for dark theme (#14340) @ryancogswell
1478 | - [Button] Add color inherit to outlined variant of button component (#14332) @EndiM
1479 | - [ListItem] Improve ListItemSecondaryAction DX (#14350) @eps1lon
1480 | - [ExpansionPanel] Fix userAgent check (#14361) @Floriferous
1481 |
1482 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.10`
1483 |
1484 | - [styles] Export StyleRules as public type #14362 @VincentLanglet
1485 |
1486 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.30`
1487 |
1488 | - [Slider] Added valueReducer prop (#12665) @aseem191
1489 | - [lab] Add a Breadcrumb component (#14084) @mbrookes
1490 |
1491 | ### Docs
1492 |
1493 | - [docs] Add CloudHealth to showcase, reorder based on latest pageviews (#14307) @mbrookes
1494 | - [docs] New translations (#14308) @oliviertassinari
1495 | - [docs] New Crowdin translations (#14315) @muibot
1496 | - [docs] Fix i18n logic (#14316) @oliviertassinari
1497 | - [docs] Translate the key wordings (#14317) @oliviertassinari
1498 | - [docs] Add sorting to Showcase (#14312) @mbrookes
1499 | - [docs] Link ignore target blank (807bab8) @oliviertassinari
1500 | - [docs] Reset Table page number (#14354) @rafaelmarinids
1501 | - [docs] Explain bootstrap issue for nextjs-hooks (#14353) @avetisk
1502 | - [docs] Improve wrapping docs (#14351) @eps1lon
1503 | - [docs] AppBar and Textfield demos in TypeScript (#13229) @eps1lon
1504 | - [docs] Minor Hook Demo fixes (#14367) @joshwooding
1505 | - [docs] Enable the i18n help messages (#14356) @oliviertassinari
1506 | - [docs] Fix SW cache invalidation (242bff9) @oliviertassinari
1507 |
1508 | ### Core
1509 |
1510 | - [README] Add all the products sponsoring open source (#14311) @oliviertassinari
1511 | - [core] Disable CircleCI on l10n (#14314) @oliviertassinari
1512 | - [test] Fix CDN test (#14324) @oliviertassinari
1513 | - [core] Fix innerRef being considered injected with certain HOCs (#14333) @eps1lon
1514 | - [test] Update test/README.md section (#14355) @Dynogic
1515 |
1516 | ## 3.9.1
1517 | ###### *Jan 26, 2019*
1518 |
1519 | Big thanks to the 30 contributors who made this release possible!
1520 |
1521 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1522 |
1523 | - 🐛 Fix many Dialog issues (#13789, #14240, #14288) @joshwooding, @zharris6
1524 | - 📝 Promote material-ui-pickers (#14277)
1525 | - 🚀 Remove the keycode dependency (#14248)
1526 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1527 |
1528 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.9.1`
1529 |
1530 | - [Tooltip] Add example using node (#14182) @Varad25
1531 | - [Badge] Make badgeContent optional in ts too (#14186) @kLabz
1532 | - [CircularProgress] Fix animation jumps on indeterminate variant (#14198) @rfbotto
1533 | - [Textarea] Fix line height visibility issue on SSR (#14197) @rfbotto
1534 | - [Link] Fix type declaration for props (#14193) @lunaryorn
1535 | - [useMediaQuery] Synchronize typescript definition with js one (#14214) @sthenault
1536 | - [MenuList] Add `home` and `end` key support (#14212) @dallin-christensen
1537 | - [InputAdornment] Automatically inherit the variant (#14023) @joshwooding
1538 | - [Dialog] Add missing PaperComponent property in the definition (#14240) @zharris6
1539 | - [Dialog] Check target has not changed before closing (#13789) @joshwooding
1540 | - [TextField] Fix to expose helperText for accessibility (#14266) @mlenser
1541 | - [Modal] Hide the manager property (#14273) @oliviertassinari
1542 | - [GridListTileBar] Add missing titleWrap key (#14275) @nroot86vml
1543 | - [Pickers] Promote material-ui-pickers (#14277) @oliviertassinari
1544 | - [Select] Add customization demo (#14281) @bemineni
1545 | - [ExpansionPanel] Fix square support (#14282) @brandonvilla21
1546 | - [Dialog] Fix scrollbar (#14288) @joshwooding
1547 | - [LinearProgress] Remove dead bar2Determinate CSS class (#14298) @lmcarreiro
1548 | - [Select] Help automated UI testing (#14289) @oumaima1234
1549 | - [MobileStepper] Fix typo CSS API (#14300) @DenrizSusam
1550 | - [Link] Add ts test and distinguish from react-router link test (#14304) @rosskevin
1551 |
1552 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.9`
1553 |
1554 | - [styles] Better warning message (#14290) @oliviertassinari
1555 | - [styles] Document the right react-jss version for legacy style modules (#14237) @mrmedicine
1556 |
1557 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.29`
1558 |
1559 | - [Slider] Support multitouch for dragging multiple sliders (#13320) @Pajn
1560 |
1561 | ### `@material-ui/system@v3.0.0-alpha.2`
1562 |
1563 | - [system] Add fractions support (#14209) @oliviertassinari
1564 | - [system] Better zindex documentation (#14229) @oliviertassinari
1565 |
1566 | ### Docs
1567 |
1568 | - [docs] Update supported components page (#13905) @MidnightDesign
1569 | - [docs] Fix componentPropType display (#14194) @eps1lon
1570 | - [docs] Fix fade transition visual bug on codesandbox (#14200) @rfbotto
1571 | - [docs] Handle missing errors more gracefully (#14210) @oliviertassinari
1572 | - [docs] Fix grammar in related-projects.md (#14227) @jasonkylefrank
1573 | - [docs] Add Portuguese translation notification (#14230) @mbrookes
1574 | - [docs] New Crowdin translations (#14223) @muibot
1575 | - [docs] Minor fix of selection control labels doc (#14238) @ccesare
1576 | - [docs] Correct Bethesda.net title in app list (#14242) @sbolel
1577 | - [docs] Change ponyfill to polyfill in use-media-query.md (#14215) @MathiasKandelborg
1578 | - [docs] Fix typos on the links for the JSS docs (#14235) @viniciusCamargo
1579 | - [docs] Improve the performance (#14250) @oliviertassinari
1580 | - [docs] Notification by locale (#14256) @oliviertassinari
1581 | - [docs] Add component prop and React Router usage to TypeScript guide (#14170) @hedgerh
1582 | - [docs] Tiny fixes (#14259) @mbrookes
1583 | - [docs] Better server-side rendering example (#14269) @unalterable
1584 | - [docs] Add Misheneye to the showcase (#14262) @gdub01
1585 |
1586 | ### Core
1587 |
1588 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#14196) @oliviertassinari
1589 | - [core] Remove keycode() (#14248) @oliviertassinari
1590 | - [core] Update the dev dependencies (#14261) @oliviertassinari
1591 |
1592 | ## 3.9.0
1593 | ###### *Jan 14, 2019*
1594 |
1595 | Big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible!
1596 |
1597 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1598 |
1599 | - 💄 Add a new Link component (#14093) @joshwooding
1600 | - 💄 Important update of the Badge component (#14121) @joshwooding
1601 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1602 |
1603 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.9.0`
1604 |
1605 | - [ButtonBase] Reduce keyup timeout interval to 500ms (#14120) @rfbotto
1606 | - [InputAdornment] Add disablePointerEvents prop (#14123) @rfbotto
1607 | - [Chip] Fix wrong font color for default variant with secondary color (#14125) @bjm904
1608 | - [IconButton] Warn when providing onClick to a child of a button (#14160) @oliviertassinari
1609 | - [Link] Refinement (#14162) @oliviertassinari
1610 | - [Modal] Change keydown handling to use synthetic event (#14134) @rfbotto
1611 | - [Badge] Give Badge dynamic width and other improvements (#14121) @joshwooding
1612 |
1613 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.8`
1614 |
1615 | - [styles] Add test case for class extension with classes prop (#14127) @eps1lon
1616 | - [styles] Document the CSS prefixing strategy on the server (#14139) @eps1lon
1617 | - [styles] Add missing dependency hoist-non-react-statics (#14164) @joglr
1618 |
1619 | ### Docs
1620 |
1621 | - [docs] Fix select multiple prop description (#13923) @AkselsLedins
1622 | - [docs] Reduce by /50 the website traffic (#14122) @oliviertassinari
1623 | - [docs] Handle the exactProp usage in the API generation (#14130) @tallpants
1624 | - [docs] Fix minor wording/typo issues (#14142) @eps1lon
1625 | - [docs] Add gadr.io in the showcase (#14128) @clabbeaf
1626 | - [docs] Fix deprecated Typography variants warning in demos (#14156) @joshwooding
1627 | - [docs] Add 5 sites to Showcase, simplify image paths (#14154) @mbrookes
1628 | - [docs] Add polyfill suggestion to ButtonBase (#14158) @ianschmitz
1629 | - [docs] Add a new site to showcase (#14163) @ValleyZw
1630 | - [docs] Update Tooltip info on prop spread (#14165) @e-x-wilson
1631 | - [docs] Fix typo in click-anyway-listener-zh.md (#14118) @Wu-Qijun
1632 | - [docs] Update example projects with Material Sense (#14168) @alexanmtz
1633 | - [docs] Icon name consistency (#14171) @harvey56
1634 | - [docs] Add notes about next branch (#14151) @eps1lon
1635 | - [docs] Add Yakaz to homepage, backers & readme (#14180) @mbrookes
1636 |
1637 | ### Core
1638 |
1639 | - [core] Remove unnecessary plugins in .eslintrc (#14161) @WebDeg-Brian
1640 | - [core] Fix the CDN release (#14172) @oliviertassinari
1641 | - [core] Remove unnecessary rules in .eslintrc (#14173) @WebDeg-Brian
1642 |
1643 | ## 3.8.3
1644 | ###### *Jan 9, 2019*
1645 |
1646 | Big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible!
1647 |
1648 | We are making a quick release to fix an important TypeScript regression.
1649 |
1650 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.8.3`
1651 |
1652 | - [InputBase] Fix the `InputBaseComponentProps` type (#14082) @franklixuefei
1653 | - [Link] Add a Link component (#14093) @joshwooding
1654 | - [core] Fix jss v10 types being used (#14117) @eps1lon
1655 |
1656 | ### Docs
1657 |
1658 | - [themes] Fix typo on Onepirate Forgot Password page (#14112) @mbrookes
1659 | - [docs] Fix codesandbox examples with React Hooks (#14116) @asokani
1660 |
1661 | ## 3.8.2
1662 | ###### *Jan 7, 2019*
1663 |
1664 | Big thanks to the 20 contributors who made this release possible!
1665 |
1666 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1667 |
1668 | - 📝 Add 36 new sites in the showcase (#14083) @mbrookes.
1669 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1670 |
1671 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.8.2`
1672 |
1673 | - [TableCell] Add align to the TypeScript definition (#14046) @rfbotto
1674 | - [withWidth] Add TypeScript definitions for options (#14054) @anthotsang
1675 | - [Button] Fix vertical alignment of text (#14051) @joshwooding
1676 | - [Tabs] Update scrollable property description (#14059) @jmcpeak
1677 | - [Tabs] Add standard variant (#14067) @oliviertassinari
1678 | - [RadioGroup] Support defaultValue in uncontrolled mode (#14092) @Slessi
1679 | - [core] Relax @babel/runtime version to ^7.2.0 (#14096) @NMinhNguyen
1680 | - [MenuList] Wrap focus by default, add disableListWrap (#14100) @dallin-christensen
1681 |
1682 | ### `@material-ui/icons@v3.0.2`
1683 |
1684 | - [core] Relax @babel/runtime version to ^7.2.0 (#14096) @NMinhNguyen
1685 |
1686 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.28`
1687 |
1688 | - [core] Relax @babel/runtime version to ^7.2.0 (#14096) @NMinhNguyen
1689 |
1690 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.7`
1691 |
1692 | - [styles] Add a note about the backward compatibility (#14047) @oliviertassinari
1693 | - [styles] Change dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS to only affect static style sheets (#14089) @joshwooding
1694 | - [styles] Upgrade JSS to 10.0.0-alpha.7 (#14090) @oliviertassinari
1695 | - [core] Relax @babel/runtime version to ^7.2.0 (#14096) @NMinhNguyen
1696 |
1697 | ### `@material-ui/system@v3.0.0-alpha.1`
1698 |
1699 | - [core] Relax @babel/runtime version to ^7.2.0 (#14096) @NMinhNguyen
1700 |
1701 | ### `@material-ui/utils@v3.0.0-alpha.3`
1702 |
1703 | - [core] Relax @babel/runtime version to ^7.2.0 (#14096) @NMinhNguyen
1704 |
1705 | ### `@material-ui/docs@v3.0.0-alpha.9`
1706 |
1707 | - [core] Relax @babel/runtime version to ^7.2.0 (#14096) @NMinhNguyen
1708 |
1709 | ### Docs
1710 |
1711 | - [docs] Fix demo iframe styling in Firefox (#14056) @joshwooding
1712 | - [docs] CSS to MUI loader documentation updated (#14060) @Kaliyani
1713 | - [docs] Fix spelling mistake in Premium themes footer (#14071) @nikhilem
1714 | - [docs] Update showcase with 36 new sites (#14083) @mbrookes
1715 | - [docs] Update URL for @material-ui/system (#14043) @NMinhNguyen
1716 | - [docs] Add complementary form building project (#14081) @skirunman
1717 | - [docs] Update broken link to cssinjs.org in css-in-js (#14080) @valerieernst
1718 | - [docs] Tweeper theme (#14034) @siriwatknp
1719 | - [docs] Add Code Typing Tutor to Showcase (#14061) @kulakowka
1720 | - [docs] Improve the system variant demo (#14091) @oliviertassinari
1721 | - [docs] Add PhotoUtils to Showcase (#14098) @Maxim-Gurin
1722 | - [docs] Add GovX to Showcase, move Onepixel (#14094) @mbrookes
1723 | - [docs] Simplify the color documentation page (#14103) @oliviertassinari
1724 | - [docs] Correct API typos (#14104) @nitayneeman
1725 | - [docs] Add Tidelift security link to README (#14108) @mbrookes
1726 | - [docs] Showcase, reorder based on SimilarWeb Global Rank (#14106) @mbrookes
1727 |
1728 | ### Core
1729 |
1730 | - [core] Fix multiline deprecatedPropType (#14049) @joshwooding
1731 | - [core] Remove opinionated will-change usage (#14036) @joshwooding
1732 | - [core] Update benchmark (#14065) @GuillaumeCisco
1733 | - [test] Use yarn frozen lockfile (#14050) @rosskevin
1734 |
1735 | ## 3.8.1
1736 | ###### *Dec 30, 2018*
1737 |
1738 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.8.1`
1739 |
1740 | - Fix utils.chainPropTypes issue
1741 |
1742 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.6`
1743 |
1744 | - Fix utils.chainPropTypes issue
1745 |
1746 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.27`
1747 |
1748 | - Fix utils.chainPropTypes issue
1749 |
1750 | ### `@material-ui/utils@v3.0.0-alpha.2`
1751 |
1752 | - Fix utils.chainPropTypes issue
1753 |
1754 | ## 3.8.0
1755 | ###### *Dec 30, 2018*
1756 |
1757 | Big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible!
1758 |
1759 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1760 |
1761 | - System package 💎 & Box component 🛠️
1762 | - Demos 100% powered by React hooks ⚛️ (#13497) @adeelibr
1763 | - Massive speed-up of the SSR performance 🚀
1764 | - A new Instagram demo theme 💅 https://material-ui.com/premium-themes/instapaper/
1765 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1766 |
1767 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.8.0`
1768 |
1769 | #### Deprecations
1770 |
1771 | - [Tabs] Add variant prop and deprecate fullWidth and scrollable props (#13980)
1772 |
1773 | The Tabs `fullWidth` and `scrollable` properties can't be used at the same time. The API change prevents any awkward usage.
1774 |
1775 | ```diff
1776 | -<Tabs fullWidth>
1777 | +<Tabs variant="fullWidth">
1778 | ```
1779 |
1780 | #### Changes
1781 |
1782 | - [Fab] Add styles to make size property work with extended property (#13973) @rfbotto
1783 | - [CardHeader] Change action element to have a fixed right margin (#13992) @inv8der
1784 | - [SvgIcon] Add createSvgIcon type definition (#13994) @yifei-fu
1785 | - [ExpansionPanel] Add customized demo (#13998) @rfbotto
1786 | - [Button] Fix vertical text alignment by reducing padding (#13931) @adipascu
1787 | - [Card] Update the action spacing to better match the spec (#14005) @oliviertassinari
1788 | - [LinearProgress] Change height from 5 to 4 pixels (#14009) @almondj
1789 | - [Modal] Add cross references from Modal docs to other components (#14025) @ryancogswell
1790 | - [Tabs] Fix infinite loop in the scroll button logic (#14033) @joshwooding
1791 | - [styles] Fix component animations (#14035) @joshwooding
1792 |
1793 | ### `@material-ui/system@v3.0.0-alpha.0`
1794 |
1795 | - @material-ui/system (#13632) @oliviertassinari
1796 | - [system] Fix responsivePropType typo (#14011) @eps1lon
1797 | - [styles] Add defaultTheme option for makeStyles (#14032) @joshwooding
1798 |
1799 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.5`
1800 |
1801 | - [styles] Upgrade JSS to v10-alpha (#14006) @oliviertassinari
1802 | - [styles] Hash the classnames (#14013) @oliviertassinari
1803 | - [styles] Fix typescript throwing in makeStyles with no props required (#14019) @eps1lon
1804 |
1805 | ### Docs
1806 |
1807 | - [examples] Add nextjs-hooks-with-typescript (#13981) @virzak
1808 | - [docs] Theme usage with styled-components (#13999) @oliviertassinari
1809 | - [docs] Update the emotion documentation (#14001) @oliviertassinari
1810 | - [docs] Duplicate all the demos with the React Hooks API (#13497) @adeelibr
1811 | - [docs] Set react-jss version in nextjs example (#14015) @goofiw
1812 | - [docs] Fix fullWidth deprecation warnings (#14010) @oliviertassinari
1813 | - [docs] Add note on archived components (#14000) @rudolfolah
1814 | - [docs] Add Instagram theme (#14007) @siriwatknp
1815 | - [docs] Removed focus outline on modal demo (#14022) @sebasrodriguez
1816 | - [styles] Document withStyles defaultTheme option (#14029) @joshwooding
1817 | - [docs] Update the CodeFund embed script (#14031) @oliviertassinari
1818 |
1819 | ### Core
1820 |
1821 | - [core] Fix running docs:api on Windows and other minor spelling mistakes (#13989) @joshwooding
1822 | - [core] Sanitize the benchmark (#14012) @oliviertassinari
1823 |
1824 | ## 3.7.1
1825 | ###### *Dec 22, 2018*
1826 |
1827 | Big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible!
1828 |
1829 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1830 |
1831 | - ⚛️ Introduce a new useMediaQuery hook (#13867) @joshwooding
1832 | https://material-ui.com/layout/use-media-query
1833 | - ⛄️ Support uncontrolled RadioGroup mode (#13929) @rfbotto
1834 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1835 |
1836 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.7.1`
1837 |
1838 | - [Slide] Remove direction from being passed on to children (#13930) @rfbotto
1839 | - [Dialog] Allow use of custom className under PaperProps (#13935) @eladhayun
1840 | - [Input] Check custom input inputRef implementation (#13934) @henrik1234
1841 | - [BottomNavigation] Add component prop (#13960) @lychyi
1842 | - [TextField] Add Solo Field demo (#13945) @joshwooding
1843 | - [RadioGroup] Support uncontrolled mode (#13929) @rfbotto
1844 | - [TextField] Reword solo textfield documentation (#13970) @joshwooding
1845 | - [layout] Add new useMediaQuery hook (#13867) @joshwooding
1846 | - [Tab] Remove font size change logic (#13969) @rfbotto
1847 | - [Autocomplete] Update react-select demo to have isClearable set to true (#13975) @rfbotto
1848 |
1849 | ### Docs
1850 |
1851 | - [docs] Fix Typo in BottomNavigationAction label (#13943) @ovidiumihaibelciug
1852 | - [docs] Update album page-layout preview image album.png (#13946) @dvorwak
1853 | - [docs] Add a next.js demo with hooks (#13920) @oliviertassinari
1854 | - [docs] Fix select multiple prop description (91a95d38218459282b381a23653b722493392190) @AkselsLedins
1855 | - [docs] Add AospExtended Download center to showcase (#13956) @ishubhamsingh
1856 | - [docs] Fix i18n page transition (#13947) @unordered
1857 | - [docs] Fix material-ui-pickers codesandbox demo (#13976) @rfbotto
1858 | - [docs] Fix a typo, the word "the" was repeated in Layout Grid (#13983) @sgoldens
1859 | - [docs] Improve demos loading (#13959) @adeelibr
1860 | - [docs] Improve the service-worker logic (#13987) @oliviertassinari
1861 |
1862 | ### Core
1863 |
1864 | - [CDN] Fix the UMD build (#13928) @oliviertassinari
1865 | - [ci] Exit with non-zero if argos cli failed (#13954) @eps1lon
1866 | - [core] Upgrade JSS to latest minor version (#13950) @doaboa
1867 |
1868 | ## 3.7.0
1869 | ###### *Dec 17, 2018*
1870 |
1871 | Big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible!
1872 |
1873 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1874 |
1875 | - 💅 Update some components to better match the Material specification (#13788, #13827) @bdeloeste @joshwooding.
1876 | - 📅 Add a material-ui-pickers live demo (#13697) @dmtrKovalenko.
1877 | - ⚛️ A first step toward converting all the demos to React Hooks (#13873) @adeelibr.
1878 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
1879 |
1880 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.7.0`
1881 |
1882 | #### Deprecations
1883 |
1884 | We are allowing more align variants (left, center, right, inherit, justify).
1885 | Following our [API guideline](https://material-ui.com/guides/api/), we are using an enum over a boolean.
1886 | Keep in mind that monetary or generally number fields **should be right aligned** as that allows
1887 | you to add them up quickly in your head without having to worry about decimals.
1888 |
1889 | ```diff
1890 | -<TableCell numeric>
1891 | +<TableCell align="right">
1892 | ```
1893 |
1894 | - [TableCell] Add align property (#13860) @rfbotto
1895 |
1896 | #### Changes
1897 |
1898 | - [Card][List] Change sub-components to have fixed gutters (#13788) @joshwooding
1899 | - [Button] Fix padding for Text Button variant to adhere to spec (#13827) @bdeloeste
1900 | - [ButtonBase] Add stop ripple on context menu event (#13740) @joshwooding
1901 | - [Menu] Add reason value and update documentation for on close reason (#13877) @rfbotto
1902 | - [Dialog] Add a `PaperComponent ` property & draggable demo (#13879) @rfbotto
1903 | - [Tabs] Correct typo in error message (#13902) @timmydoza
1904 | - [Tooltip] Fix hover display issue (#13911) @oliviertassinari
1905 |
1906 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.26`
1907 |
1908 | - [ToggleButton] Change the classes structure to match the core components convention (#13723) @DonBrody
1909 |
1910 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.4`
1911 |
1912 | - [styles] Remove hoisting of static properties in HOCs (#13698) @eps1lon
1913 |
1914 | ### `@material-ui/utils@v3.0.0-alpha.1`
1915 |
1916 | - [utils] Add component propType (#13816) @eps1lon
1917 |
1918 | ### Docs
1919 |
1920 | - [docs] Fix search suggestions on dark mode (#13874) @rfbotto
1921 | - [docs] Add accessibility section to selection-controls with demo (#13896) @wyseguyonline
1922 | - [docs] Add support for multiple demo variants e.g JS or Hooks (#13873) @adeelibr
1923 | - [docs] Remove the withRoot HOC (#13909) @oliviertassinari
1924 | - [docs] Add material-ui-pickers in pickers page (#13697) @dmtrKovalenko
1925 | - [docs] Continue #13806 and port back some fix from @system (#13917) @oliviertassinari
1926 | - [docs] Notify that we will do core/MuiThemeProvider -> styles/ThemeProvider (#13910) @Skn0tt
1927 | - [docs] Improve the state override story (#13919) @oliviertassinari
1928 |
1929 | ### Core
1930 |
1931 | - [core] 100% remove the prop types (#13859) @oliviertassinari
1932 | - [core] Prefix the errors with Material-UI (#13892) @oliviertassinari
1933 |
1934 | ## 3.6.2
1935 | ###### *Dec 9, 2018*
1936 |
1937 | Big thanks to the 20 contributors who made this release possible!
1938 |
1939 | Here are some highlights ✨:
1940 |
1941 | - 🎨 Add a new Onepirate theme demo (#13769) @oliviertassinari
1942 | You can preview it following [this link](https://material-ui.com/premium-themes/paperbase/).
1943 | - 📝 Add virtualized table demo (#13786) @joshwooding
1944 | - 🚀 Avoid unnecessary Table re-rendering (#13832) @petrjaros
1945 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and documentation improvements.
1946 |
1947 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.6.2`
1948 |
1949 | - [Tooltip] Supress warning if button is disabled and title is empty (#13785) @rfbotto
1950 | - [Dialog] Warn if className in PaperProps is set (#13797) @eps1lon
1951 | - [TextField] Fix textfield label position when empty (#13791) @Studio384
1952 | - [Popper] Save 7 KB gzipped (for people only using it) (#13804) @oliviertassinari
1953 | - [Modal] Handle modal mount interruption (#13778) @amensouissi
1954 | - [Select] Make value prop required in TypeScript (#13810) @t49tran
1955 | - [Popover] Fix onEntering event propagation (#13821) @ekoeditaa
1956 | - [Input] Make CSS override a bit simpler (#13825) @euharrison
1957 | - [LinearProgress] Add determinate and indeterminate classes to root element (#13828) @alxsnchez
1958 | - [Select] Support native multiple value (#13830) @rfbotto
1959 | - [BottomNavigation] Improve action padding (#13851) @rfbotto
1960 | - [Dialog] Add dialog with close button to demos (#13845) @rfbotto
1961 | - [Tabs] Reduce the bundle size (#13853) @oliviertassinari
1962 | - [Dialog] Add missing TypeScript style rule (#13856) @garredow
1963 | - [Table] Avoid unnecessary re-rendering (#13832) @petrjaros
1964 |
1965 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.25`
1966 |
1967 | - [ToggleButtonGroup] Consider nullish instead of falsy value as no selected value (#13494) @ItamarShDev
1968 | - [Slider] Update SliderClassKey types (#13826) @guiihlopes
1969 | - [SpeedDialAction] Add TooltipClasses prop (#13848) @mbrookes
1970 | - [ToggleButton] Change ToggleButtonGroup non-exclusive default value to an empty array (#13857) @joshwooding
1971 |
1972 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.3`
1973 |
1974 | - [styles] Infer optional props argument for makeStyles in TypeScript (#13815) @oliviertassinari
1975 |
1976 | ### Docs
1977 |
1978 | - [docs] Add @eps1lon to the team page (#13768) @oliviertassinari
1979 | - [docs] Add a new onepirate theme (#13769) @oliviertassinari
1980 | - [docs] Link tags HTML vs JSX (#13775) @benbowler
1981 | - [docs] Missing text in docs (#13798) @Skn0tt
1982 | - [docs] Add virtualized table demo (#13786) @joshwooding
1983 | - [docs] Add OpenCollective gold sponsors manually (#13806) @mbrookes
1984 | - [docs] Add example of globally disabling animations (#13805) @joshwooding
1985 | - [docs] Fix KeyboardIcon import name (#13822) @bryantabaird
1986 | - [docs] Force common hoist-non-react-statics version (#13818) @eps1lon
1987 | - [docs] Improve the theme nesting documentation (#13843) @oliviertassinari
1988 | - [docs] Add more details regarding installation of material-ui/styles (#13813) @wilcoschoneveld
1989 | - [docs] Fix broken link anchor (#13862) @mvasin
1990 |
1991 | ### Core
1992 |
1993 | - [typescript] Add test case for List type limitations (#13764) @eps1lon
1994 | - [core] Remove unused lint directives (#13766) @eps1lon
1995 | - [test] Fix running tests on Windows (#13852) @joshwooding
1996 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#13858) @oliviertassinari
1997 |
1998 | ## 3.6.1
1999 | ###### *Dec 1, 2018*
2000 |
2001 | Big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible!
2002 |
2003 | There are no fundamental changes in this version.
2004 | It's a stability release after v3.6.0. It contains tons of bug fixes 🐛.
2005 |
2006 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.6.1`
2007 |
2008 | - [Dialog] Add xl maxWidth and demo component (#13694) @dispix
2009 | - [Dialog] Add missing TypeScript style rule (ddfa8e0215bfe895efcb8da69f1ea3cc3b1370ff) @oliviertassinari
2010 | - [ClickAwayListener] Ignore touchend after touchmove (#13689) @hsimah
2011 | - [Tooltip] Hide native title when disableHoverListener is true (#13690) @joshwooding
2012 | - [withTheme] Fix typography warning (#13707) @jmcpeak
2013 | - [Fab] Add Fab type declaration to index and theme (#13715) @Naturalclar
2014 | - [InputBase] Remove dead disableUnderline property (#13720) @PierreCapo
2015 | - [FilledInput] Fix disableUnderline property (#13719) @ekoeditaa
2016 | - [SwitchBase] Fix error not being thrown when controlled state is changed (#13726) @joshwooding
2017 | - [TextField] Better support select object value (#13730) @yezhi780625
2018 | - [TablePagination] Support native selection (#13737) @jsdev
2019 | - [Modal] Fix concurrency regression (#13743) @oliviertassinari
2020 | - [LinearProgress] Remove dead code (#13749) @ekoeditaa
2021 | - [typescript] Add test case for FormControl type limitations (#13754) @eps1lon
2022 | - [Popover] Handle resize close concurrency issue (#13758) @oliviertassinari
2023 | - [Avatar] Remove truthiness check on childrenProp (#13759) @camilleryr
2024 |
2025 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.2`
2026 |
2027 | - [styles] Add options definitions for makeStyles (#13721) @eps1lon
2028 | - [styles] Loosen props consistency check in styled (#13755) @eps1lon
2029 |
2030 | ### Docs
2031 |
2032 | - [docs] Add support for changing react version in codesandbox demos (#13686) @joshwooding
2033 | - [CHANGELOG] Add deprecation notice for Divider (#13700) @eps1lon
2034 | - [docs] Add notistack demo to the snackbar page (#13685) @iamhosseindhv
2035 | - [docs] Remove Grid List dead code (#13731) @akhil-gautam
2036 | - [docs] Reduce the no-results rate on Algolia (#13741) @oliviertassinari
2037 | - [docs] Fix concurrency with Frame demos (#13747) @oliviertassinari
2038 |
2039 | ### Core
2040 |
2041 | - [test] Correct the link to the example test (#13709) @mdcanham
2042 | - [styles] Fix tslint false negative with outdated local builds (#13750) @eps1lon
2043 |
2044 | ## 3.6.0
2045 | ###### *Nov 26, 2018*
2046 |
2047 | Big thanks to the 28 contributors who made this release possible!
2048 |
2049 | The last release was two weeks ago.
2050 | Last weekend, we have missed the release train 🚃.
2051 | As a consequence, this is a dense release.
2052 |
2053 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2054 |
2055 | - 🎨 Add a new Firebase theme demo (#13579) @siriwatknp.
2056 | You can preview it following [this link](https://material-ui.com/premium-themes/paperbase/).
2057 | - ⚛️ Introduce a new Fab component (#13573) @mbrookes.
2058 | - ⛏ Fix more StrictMode warnings (#13590) @eps1lon.
2059 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
2060 |
2061 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.6.0`
2062 |
2063 | #### Deprecations
2064 |
2065 | - [Fab] Extract from Button as new component (#13573) @mbrookes
2066 |
2067 | The floating action button doesn't share many styles with the default button component.
2068 | We are extracting the variant into its own component.
2069 | This way, we better isolate the concerns.
2070 | We will remove the FAB styles from the button in v4, making the `Button` component more lightweight, a win for people overriding our styles.
2071 |
2072 | ```diff
2073 | -import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
2074 | +import Fab from '@material-ui/core/Fab';
2075 |
2076 | -<Button variant="fab" color="primary">
2077 | +<Fab color="primary">
2078 | <AddIcon />
2079 | -</Button>
2080 | +</Fab>
2081 | ```
2082 |
2083 | - [Divider] Add support for middle divider by introducing a `variant` prop (#13574) @joshwooding
2084 |
2085 | We are introducing a new variant to the divider component: middle. Following our API guideline, we can no longer use a boolean property, it needs to be an enum, hence the introduction of the variant property.
2086 |
2087 | ```diff
2088 | import Divider from '@material-ui/core/Divider';
2089 |
2090 | -<Divider inset />
2091 | +<Divider variant="inset" />
2092 | ```
2093 |
2094 | #### Changes
2095 |
2096 | - [FormControlLabel] Fix documentation warnings (#13583) @dsbrutha777
2097 | - [ExpansionPanelSummary] Fix event forwarding (#13582) @jmetev1
2098 | - [Button] Move deprecated variants to the end of the list (#13584) @avetisk
2099 | - [FormControl] Use stable context API (#13590) @eps1lon
2100 | - [TablePagination] Improve TypeScript definition (#13601) @xiaoyu-tamu
2101 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Add `SwipeAreaProps` property (#13592) @SerhiiBilyk
2102 | - [ListItem] Add three-line support (#13553) @ntorion
2103 | - [Grid] Fix the IE 11 issue in the demo (7d2070fb388295d38806ecc49717006f34393e74) @oliviertassinari
2104 | - [Zoom] Correct transition delay value of the example (#13645) @t49tran
2105 | - [Tabs] Improve the warning message (#13640) @oliviertassinari
2106 | - [Grow] Condense the demo (#13665) @Thyix
2107 | - [Tooltip] Fix the property forwarding priority (#13667) @oliviertassinari
2108 | - [Modal] Fix the close jump on Windows (#13674) @oliviertassinari
2109 | - [Select] Support object value (#13661) @yezhi780625
2110 | - [Menu] Fix wrong condition (#13675) @dolezel
2111 |
2112 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.24`
2113 |
2114 | - [Slider] Fix sticky slider when mousing off the window then back in (#13479) @gkjohnson
2115 | - [Slider] Fix visual hover state on disabled slider (#13638) @eps1lon
2116 | - [Slider] Add missing thumb TypeScript definition (#13650) @dhiroll
2117 |
2118 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.1`
2119 |
2120 | - [styles] Add TypeScript declarations (#13612) @eps1lon
2121 |
2122 | ### `@material-ui/docs@v3.0.0-alpha.8`
2123 |
2124 | - Fix the @material-ui/utils require error.
2125 |
2126 | ### Docs
2127 |
2128 | - [docs] Add redirect rule for moved page layout examples (#13588) @mbrookes
2129 | - [docs] Add the selfeducation.app showcase (#13620) @kulakowka
2130 | - [docs] Warn about the Dynamic CSS alpha state (#13619) @WebDeg-Brian
2131 | - [docs] Learn Material-UI (#13624) @oliviertassinari
2132 | - [docs] Add a Firebase example in the premium-theme section (#13579) @siriwatknp
2133 | - [docs] Increase clarity around the usage of font icons (#13628) @JosephMart
2134 | - [docs] Add swimmy.io to showcase page (#13637) @uufish
2135 | - [docs] Correct typo in comment of snackbar, children (#13651) @kobi
2136 | - [docs] Improve Grid limitation description (#13668) @sshevlyagin
2137 | - [docs] Fix theme menu link (#13669) @iamhosseindhv
2138 | - [docs] Change "e; to ' (#13678) @wiktoriatomzik
2139 | - [docs] Restructure the demo based on usage analytics (#13684) @oliviertassinari
2140 | - [docs] Fix typo in URL (#13688) @Malvineous
2141 |
2142 | ### Core
2143 |
2144 | - [core] Update dev dependencies (#13626) @oliviertassinari
2145 | - [test] Fix codecov failing on merge commits (#13654) @eps1lon
2146 | - [core] Make prettier run programmatically (#13621) @joshwooding
2147 | - [test] Run unit/integration test on Chrome 41 (#13642) @eps1lon
2148 | - [core] Move unit test commands to their package (#13604) @eps1lon
2149 |
2150 | ## 3.5.1
2151 | ###### *Nov 13, 2018*
2152 |
2153 | Big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible!
2154 |
2155 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2156 |
2157 | - Introduce a new `@material-ui/styles` package 💅 (#13503).
2158 |
2159 | The Material-UI's styling solution has pretty much stayed the same [for the last 12 months](https://github.com/oliviertassinari/a-journey-toward-better-style).
2160 | Some interesting CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components, emotion or linaria have emerged.
2161 | This new package is a significant step forward. Some of the key features:
2162 |
2163 | - Supports 4 different APIs: hooks, styled-components, higher-order components and render props.
2164 | - Allow accessing the component's props from within the style object.
2165 | - Replace the usage of the old React APIs with the new ones.
2166 | - 15.0 KB gzipped.
2167 |
2168 | Here is an example: https://codesandbox.io/s/vjzn5z4k77.
2169 |
2170 | ```jsx
2171 | import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
2172 | import React from 'react';
2173 | import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
2174 |
2175 | // Like https://github.com/brunobertolini/styled-by
2176 | const styledBy = (property, mapping) => props => mapping[props[property]];
2177 |
2178 | const useStyles = makeStyles({
2179 | root: {
2180 | background: styledBy('color', {
2181 | red: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)',
2182 | blue: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #2196F3 30%, #21CBF3 90%)',
2183 | }),
2184 | border: 0,
2185 | borderRadius: 3,
2186 | boxShadow: styledBy('color', {
2187 | red: '0 3px 5px 2px rgba(255, 105, 135, .3)',
2188 | blue: '0 3px 5px 2px rgba(33, 203, 243, .3)',
2189 | }),
2190 | color: 'white',
2191 | height: 48,
2192 | padding: '0 30px',
2193 | },
2194 | });
2195 |
2196 | function MyButton(props) {
2197 | const { color, ...other } = props;
2198 | const classes = useStyles(props);
2199 | return <Button className={classes.root} {...other} />;
2200 | }
2201 |
2202 | function AdaptingHook() {
2203 | return (
2204 | <div>
2205 | <MyButton color="red">Red</MyButton>
2206 | <br />
2207 | <br />
2208 | <MyButton color="blue">Blue</MyButton>
2209 | </div>
2210 | );
2211 | }
2212 |
2213 | export default AdaptingHook;
2214 | ```
2215 |
2216 | *Powered by [JSS](https://github.com/cssinjs/jss).*
2217 |
2218 | - Remove some usages of the old React's APIs (#13487, #13529, #13503) @eps1lon.
2219 | - Add a language menu in the documentation and persist states between repeated visits (#13544, #13567) @mbrookes
2220 | - And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
2221 |
2222 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.5.1`
2223 |
2224 | - [OutlinedInput] Remove Firefox workaround (#13519) @Studio384
2225 | - [TextField] Fix style focus issue on mobile (#13511) @ekoeditaa
2226 | - [InputBase] Remove legacy lifecycle methods (#13487) @eps1lon
2227 | - [Chip] Alignment fix (#13536) @izyb
2228 | - [Badge] Add invisible property (#13534) @joshwooding
2229 | - [Table] Use stable context API (#13529) @eps1lon
2230 | - [TablePagination] Allow more rows per pages (#13524) @oliviertassinari
2231 | - [LinearProgress] Fix TypeScript definition (#13562) @AdamMcquiff
2232 | - Add missing brcast dependency @oliviertassinari
2233 |
2234 | ### `@material-ui/styles@v3.0.0-alpha.0`
2235 |
2236 | - @material-ui/styles (#13503) @oliviertassinari
2237 |
2238 | ### Docs
2239 |
2240 | - [docs] Advanced filter added to the documentation (#13528) @ashkank83
2241 | - [docs] Save one component in the demo (#13537) @levelingup
2242 | - [docs] Make the lab > core dependency more explicit (#13542) @Robindiddams
2243 | - [docs] Remove redundant text (#13547) @EbiEbiEvidence
2244 | - [docs] Add language menu (#13544) @mbrookes
2245 | - [docs] Misc fixes (#13555) @oliviertassinari
2246 | - [docs] Add cookie for persistant colors (#13567) @mbrookes
2247 |
2248 | ### Core
2249 |
2250 | - [test] Improve tests related to lists (#13517) @eps1lon
2251 | - [core] Remove recompose/wrapDisplayName usage (#13525) @oliviertassinari
2252 | - [core] Fix the CDN release (#13540) @oliviertassinari
2253 | - [core] Pass import filename through normalizePath function (#13565) @joshwooding
2254 |
2255 | ## 3.5.0
2256 | ###### *Nov 12, 2018*
2257 |
2258 | *Corrupted, to not use.*
2259 |
2260 | ## 3.4.0
2261 | ###### *Nov 5, 2018*
2262 |
2263 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible!
2264 |
2265 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2266 |
2267 | - ⚛️ Fix some React 16.6.0 warnings in StrictMode (#13498, #13477) @eps1lon.
2268 | - 💅 Improve the customization of the outlined input (#13428) @oliviertassinari.
2269 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
2270 |
2271 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.4.0`
2272 |
2273 | - [Autocomplete] Fix react-select input overflow (#13413) @sayfulloev
2274 | - [Drawer] Add a root style rule for consistency (#13418) @KirankumarAmbati
2275 | - [Menu] Fix position regression (#13419) @oliviertassinari
2276 | - [Menu] Add a visual regression test (#13420) @oliviertassinari
2277 | - [Select] Fix focused text colour (#13423) @joshwooding
2278 | - [Tabs] Fix misaligned tab (#13421) @Ang-YC
2279 | - [OutlinedInput] Improve customization (#13428) @oliviertassinari
2280 | - [CircularProgress] Introduce disableShrink property (#13430) @joshwooding
2281 | - [Select] Improve the value comparison function (#13408) @nicolasiensen
2282 | - [InputLabel] Fix InputLabelClassKey (#13445) @eps1lon
2283 | - [createMixins] Use theme spacing unit in gutters (#13452) @zsalzbank
2284 | - [ButtonBase] Update focusVisible ponyfill for shadowRoots (#13483) @jaipe
2285 | - [Table] Add rowspan and colspan examples (#13490) @josgraha
2286 | - [FormControlLabel] Add top and bottom `labelPlacement` property variants (#13499) @JulienMalige
2287 | - [List] Use stable context API (#13498) @eps1lon
2288 | - [SvgIcon] Add shapeRendering property description (#13509) @joshwooding
2289 |
2290 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.23`
2291 |
2292 | - [Slider] Fix hover state not being registered (#13437) @eps1lon
2293 | - [SpeedDial] Add default value to tooltipOpen property (#13458) @joshwooding
2294 |
2295 | ### Docs
2296 |
2297 | - [examples] Fix Next.js warning "no title in _document.js" (#13415) @iamhosseindhv
2298 | - [docs] Update misspelled "Interactive" in Tooltip Demo (#13427) @imjaroiswebdev
2299 | - [docs] Fix the scroll functionality of the mini drawer demo (#13460) @nicolasiensen
2300 | - [examples] Update create-react-app examples (#13453) @eps1lon
2301 | - [docs] Add Google Analytics events (#13451) @goldins
2302 | - [docs] Use stable context API (#13477) @eps1lon
2303 | - [docs] Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#13478) @josgraha
2304 | - [docs] Fix material-ui-popup-state IE 11 issue (#13474) @jedwards1211
2305 | - [docs] Add Typography example for MenuItem (#13500) @joshwooding
2306 | - [docs] Reword flexbox limitation (#13508) @joshwooding
2307 |
2308 | ### Core
2309 |
2310 | - [core] Ponyfill global (#13426) @TrySound
2311 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#13429) @oliviertassinari
2312 |
2313 | ## 3.3.2
2314 | ###### *Oct 27, 2018*
2315 |
2316 | Big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible!
2317 |
2318 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2319 |
2320 | - 🐛 Fix some important issues with the Modal (#13378, #13389) @TomiCake.
2321 | - 🐛 Fix a Dialog scroll issue (#13409) @Ang-YC.
2322 | - 📝 Full IE 11 support (#13375, #13324) @eps1lon.
2323 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
2324 |
2325 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.3.2`
2326 |
2327 | - [Stepper] Fix visual issue on IE 11 (#13375) @oliviertassinari
2328 | - [Modal] Reuse the same reference (#13378) @oliviertassinari
2329 | - [MenuItem] Add disableGutters property (#13329) @adeelibr
2330 | - [FormControl] Issue 13246 revert (#13380) @drkohlipk
2331 | - [theme] Correct augmentColor TypeScript definition (#13376) @sveyret
2332 | - [Table] Change divider color in dark theme (#13395) @Krijovnick
2333 | - [TablePagination] Better color inheritance (#13393) @markselby9
2334 | - [Modal] Fix aria and focus logic (#13389) @TomiCake
2335 | - [Tooltip] Allow to interact with the tooltip (#13305) @jantimon
2336 | - [Dialog] Fix unable to drag scrollbar when scroll="body" (#13409) @Ang-YC
2337 |
2338 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.22`
2339 |
2340 | - [Slider] Improve performance of slider (#13325) @Pajn
2341 |
2342 | ### Docs
2343 |
2344 | - [docs] Fix some issue with i18n (#13342) @GFwer
2345 | - [docs] Add polyfill for IE 11 (#13324) @eps1lon
2346 | - [docs] Correct title attribute for Paella recipe card (#13398) @vixmorrigan-redseven
2347 | - [docs] CONTRIBUTING is not read by default (#13400) @eps1lon
2348 | - [docs] Add missing </span> for prop-type (#13401) @mvsmal
2349 | - [docs] aria-owns accepts 'string | undefined' but we feed it 'null' (#13396) @Primajin
2350 | - [docs] Let user know where <Icon /> coming from (#13405) @bekicot
2351 | - [docs] Update Workbox to v3.6.3 (#13392) @msiadak
2352 | - [docs] Better i18n capability (#13410) @oliviertassinari
2353 |
2354 | ### Core
2355 |
2356 | - [core] Update overrides type declarations (#13379) @eps1lon
2357 | - [core] Misc of improvements (#13381) @oliviertassinari
2358 |
2359 | ## 3.3.1
2360 | ###### *Oct 24, 2018*
2361 |
2362 | Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible!
2363 |
2364 | This is a quick patch after an important regression with the Modal component.
2365 |
2366 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.3.1`
2367 |
2368 | - [Modal] Fix modalRef is null (#13351) @TomiCake
2369 | - [Modal] Add a failling test case (#13350) @universalmind303
2370 | - [Button] Fix styles classes isolation (#13352) @MECarmody
2371 | - [Chip] Control clickable property (#13056) @vilvaathibanpb
2372 |
2373 | ### Docs
2374 |
2375 | - [docs] Add material-ui-popup-state examples (#13044) @jedwards1211
2376 | - [docs] Recommend yarn link to test local distribution (#13348) @nicolasiensen
2377 | - [docs] Move the favicon to the root (#13362) @oliviertassinari
2378 |
2379 | ## 3.3.0
2380 | ###### *Oct 21, 2018*
2381 |
2382 | Big thanks to the 26 contributors who made this release possible!
2383 |
2384 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2385 |
2386 | - 🐛 Fix some important issues with the Modal (#13082, #13310) @J-Kallunki.
2387 | - 📝 First translations of the documentation in Chinese (#13094) @mbrookes.
2388 | - 📦 Make the Drawer demos usable outside of the box (#13314).
2389 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
2390 |
2391 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.3.0`
2392 |
2393 | - [FormHelperText] Error styles should override disabled styles (#13217) @matthewdordal
2394 | - [InputBase] Add 'renderPrefix' and 'onFilled' signatures (#13282) @zheeeng
2395 | - [Drawer] Fix right chevron in persistent demo (#13275) @fabriziocucci
2396 | - [Tabs] Center text within tabs (#13258) @pelotom
2397 | - [ModalManager] Fix aria-hidden of modal current node (#13082) @J-Kallunki
2398 | - [Modal] Restore the focus as fast as possible (#13310) @oliviertassinari
2399 | - [Select] Add a multiple placeholder demo (#13309) @rfbotto
2400 | - [ListItem] Document how you can render a link (#13069) @JulienUsson
2401 | - [Select] Fix NativeSelect's height in FF and Edge (#13326) @pinguinjkeke
2402 | - [FormControl] Added zIndex of 0 to root style (#13327) @drkohlipk
2403 | - [withStyle] Improve the dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS option (#13330) @oliviertassinari
2404 |
2405 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.21`
2406 |
2407 | - [Slider] Fix Jest unmount issue (#13295) @mdartic
2408 |
2409 | ### `@material-ui/docs@v3.0.0-alpha.7`
2410 |
2411 | - [withStyle] Improve the dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS option (#13330) @oliviertassinari
2412 |
2413 | ### Docs
2414 |
2415 | - [docs] Adds documentation for Circular Progress component (#13266) @mxmcg
2416 | - [docs] Remove usage of non-existent `listItem` jss class (#13269, #13268) @G-Rath
2417 | - [examples] Extend the .gitignore files (#13270) @phiilu
2418 | - [docs] Remove/annotate deprecated button variants (#13280) @eps1lon
2419 | - [docs] Update RTL guide to be more clear (#13181) @wenduzer
2420 | - [docs] Add checklist to PR template (#13225) @eps1lon
2421 | - [docs] Fix markdown formatting (#13284) @rutsky
2422 | - [docs] Fix typo (#13287) @NMinhNguyen
2423 | - [docs] Fixes typos & formatting in GridListTile and GridListTileBar documentation (#13298) @rassek96
2424 | - [docs] Reverse show password logic (#13301) @ShunnyBunny
2425 | - [docs] Some improvements (#13308) @programistka
2426 | - [docs] Clarify on how to use the local distribution in the CONTRIBUTING file (#13312) @nicolasiensen
2427 | - [docs] Refactor CheckboxesGroup to support IE11 (#13316) @simjes
2428 | - [docs] Set the infrastructure for a full page demo (#13314) @oliviertassinari
2429 | - [docs] Fix typos & formatting in filled-input (#13317) @dskiba
2430 | - [docs] Remove usage of non-existent `margin` jss class (#13318) @G-Rath
2431 | - [docs] Fix ad display (#13321) @oliviertassinari
2432 | - [docs] New Crowdin translations (#13094) @mbrookes
2433 |
2434 | ### Core
2435 |
2436 | - [core] Fix defaultFontFamily misspelled in createTypography (#13260) @TheBear44
2437 | - [core] Misc of improvements (#13271) @oliviertassinari
2438 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#13286) @oliviertassinari
2439 | - [core] Disable the jss vendor plugin server-side (#13285) @oliviertassinari
2440 | - [core] Work toward preventing Googlebot regressions (#13323) @oliviertassinari
2441 |
2442 | ## 3.2.2
2443 | ###### *Oct 16, 2018*
2444 |
2445 | Big thanks to the 3 contributors who made this release possible!
2446 | This is a quick patch after important regressions.
2447 |
2448 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.2.2`
2449 |
2450 | - [ButtonBase] Fix process is not defined (#13252) @eps1lon
2451 |
2452 | ### Core
2453 |
2454 | - [core] Fix deprecated variant (#13254) @oliviertassinari
2455 | - [core] Add a real life benchmark (#13244) @oliviertassinari
2456 | - [core] Only use debounce client-side (#13255) @oliviertassinari
2457 |
2458 | ## 3.2.1
2459 | ###### *Oct 14, 2018*
2460 |
2461 | Big thanks to the 19 contributors who made this release possible!
2462 |
2463 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2464 |
2465 | - 🐛 A simpler Typography upgrade story
2466 | - 🚀 Work on the performance server-side (x10) (#13233, #13236)
2467 | - And many more bug fixes and 📝 documentation improvements.
2468 |
2469 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.2.1`
2470 |
2471 | - [DialogContentText] Fix typography deprecation warning with useNextVariants (#13148) @eps1lon
2472 | - [SnackbarContent] Fix invalid dom (#13151) @eps1lon
2473 | - [Autocomplete] Fix the Portal Downshift demo (#13166) @oliviertassinari
2474 | - [SwitchBase] Fix type declarations (#13172) @eps1lon
2475 | - [Switch] Fix stacking context (#13122) @skenbo0916
2476 | - [Radio][Switch] Accept number & bool as value (#13173) @rassek96
2477 | - [Collapse] Show overflow content once entered (#13117) @skenbo0916
2478 | - [Stepper] Forward state properties to StepConnector (#13130) @jmaloon
2479 | - [Typography] Add missing classkey for overline variant (#13187) @eps1lon
2480 | - [Stepper] Prevent overriding Step's props (#13188) @nikhilem
2481 | - [Stepper] We were too greedy, revert (#13192) @oliviertassinari
2482 | - [withWidth] Document the render prop (#13074) @JulienUsson
2483 | - [TextField] Fix/core/input label/declarations and refactor (#13200) @eps1lon
2484 | - [CardActionArea] Fix overflow issue (#13213) @mdsadiq
2485 | - [Typography] Improve the upgrade story (#13214) @oliviertassinari
2486 | - [Snackbar] Remove non supported property `anchorOrigin.vertical=enter` (#13238) @iamhosseindhv
2487 | - [Tabs] Fix IE 11 styling (#13230) @pography
2488 |
2489 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.20`
2490 |
2491 | - [SpeedDialAction] Fix className prop being ignored (#13161) @eps1lon
2492 | - [SpeedDial] Add missing class keys (#13228) @msenevir
2493 |
2494 | ### Docs
2495 |
2496 | - [docs] Use typography v2 in examples (#13112) @eps1lon
2497 | - [docs] Add formik-material-ui (#13149) @cliedeman
2498 | - [examples] Fix codesandbox throwing Invalid comparator (#13153) @eps1lon
2499 | - [docs] Keep working on the SEO issues (#13158) @oliviertassinari
2500 | - [docs] Fix select outlined example (#13168) @RichardLindhout
2501 | - [Grid] Refactor prop order for clarity (#13204) @dijonkitchen
2502 | - [docs] Fix typo in Dialog (#13209) @rassek96
2503 | - [Tabs] Remove the href form simple tab example (#13205) @menomanabdulla
2504 | - [docs] Add demo for a bottom app bar (#13030) @adeelibr
2505 | - [docs] Fix a typo in the content that Table normally takes (#13219) @eddiemonge
2506 | - [docs] Change `filled-input` link text to `FilledInput` (#13223) @G-Rath
2507 | - [docs] Add Onepixel to the showcase (#13227) @oliviertassinari
2508 | - [docs] Fix API generation for i18n (#13237) @mbrookes
2509 | - [docs] Keep SEO juice for the other pages (#13240) @oliviertassinari
2510 |
2511 | ### Core
2512 |
2513 | - [test] Add visual regression test for SpeedDIal (#13140) @eps1lon
2514 | - [test] Tidelift - skip checking nomnom & os-locale (#13157) @mbrookes
2515 | - [core] Benchmark Material-UI (#13233) @oliviertassinari
2516 | - [core] Introduce JSS caching (#13236) @oliviertassinari
2517 |
2518 | ## 3.2.0
2519 | ###### *Oct 8, 2018*
2520 |
2521 | Big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible!
2522 |
2523 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2524 |
2525 | - 💅 Update the Typography implementation to better follow the specification (#12916) @eps1lon.
2526 | - 📝 Enable [translating the documentation into Chinese](https://translate.material-ui.com) @mbrookes.
2527 | - 📝 Fix many SEO issues of the docs.
2528 | - And many more bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements.
2529 |
2530 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.2.0`
2531 |
2532 | #### Deprecations
2533 |
2534 | - [Typography] Add typography v2 variants (#12916) @eps1lon
2535 |
2536 | This is a backward compatible change.
2537 | You can opt-in the usage of the new Material Design typography specification.
2538 | To learn more about the upgrade path, follow https://material-ui.com/style/typography/#migration-to-typography-v2.
2539 |
2540 | - [Button] Deprecate flat and raised variant naming (#13113) @eps1lon
2541 |
2542 | This change updates the variant wording to match the one used in the Material Design specification.
2543 |
2544 | ```diff
2545 | -<Button variant="flat" />
2546 | +<Button variant="text" />
2547 | ```
2548 |
2549 | ```diff
2550 | -<Button variant="raised" />
2551 | +<Button variant="contained" />
2552 | ```
2553 |
2554 | #### Changes
2555 |
2556 | - [TextField] Ensure labelWidth is set (#13077) @evanstern
2557 | - [styles] Remove react-jss dependency (#12993) @oliviertassinari
2558 | - [TextField] Fix ClassKey inference for outlined and filled variants (#13060) @eps1lon
2559 | - [Select] Document the filled and outlined variants (#13071) @JulienUsson
2560 | - [Typography] Support incomplete headlineMapping property (#13078) @oliviertassinari
2561 | - [Stepper] Expose connector index to <StepConnector /> (#13079) @dannycochran
2562 | - [ListItemIcon] Add wrapper `<div>` element to children (#13067) @izyb
2563 | - [TextField] Fix of Uncaught TypeError: r.inputRef.focus is not a function (#13091) @MustD
2564 | - [InputAdornment] Add missing "variant" prop to types (#13107) @cmfcmf
2565 | - [Textarea] Merge style with calculated height (#13125) @daniel-rabe
2566 | - [Typography] Small improvements (#13129) @oliviertassinari
2567 | - [Typography] Run the e2e tests with the next variant (#13136) @oliviertassinari
2568 | - [Tooltip] Forward the properties to the child element (#13138) @parulgupta26
2569 | - [Tooltip] Prevent onOpen, onClose to pass through (#13139) @eps1lon
2570 |
2571 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.19`
2572 |
2573 | - [SpeedDial] Improve hover intent between Dial and Actions (#13018) @eps1lon
2574 | - [Slider] Fix thumb outline not matching spec (#12967) @eps1lon
2575 | - [SpeedDial] Fix navigation between SpeedDialActions (#12725) @eps1lon
2576 | - [Slider] Lowest value for vertical should be at the bottom (#13090) @eps1lon
2577 |
2578 | ### Docs
2579 |
2580 | - [docs] Fix more SEO issues (#13050) @oliviertassinari
2581 | - [docs] Fix even more 301 redirections (#13051) @oliviertassinari
2582 | - [docs] Use typography v1 in examples (#13073) @mikhailsidorov
2583 | - [docs] Add SFR Presse to the Showcase (#13092) @RyudoSynbios
2584 | - [docs] Mark Text fields variants as supported (#13089) @KaRkY
2585 | - [docs] Add internationalization (#13066) @mbrookes
2586 | - [docs] Remove language code for default language for CrowdIn (#13093) @mbrookes
2587 | - [docs] Update SwipeableTextMobileStepper in demos with AutoPlay (#13095) @JayathmaChathurangani
2588 | - [docs] Fix broken link (#13096) @Hocdoc
2589 | - [docs] Use the InputBase component for the AppBar demo (#13102) @oliviertassinari
2590 | - [docs] Adds DropDownMenu to migration guide (#13110) @mxmcg
2591 | - [docs] Warn about the number of inputs allowed in a FormControl (#13108) @matthewdordal
2592 | - [docs] Repurpose page edit button as Chinese l10n call-to-action (#13115) @mbrookes
2593 | - [docs] Fix a IE11 rendering issue (#13118) @oliviertassinari
2594 | - [docs] Link the related projects where it's relevant (#13124) @oliviertassinari
2595 | - [docs] Fix 404 edit button of the versions page (#13127) @oliviertassinari
2596 | - [docs] Add a translation badge to readme, and update URLs (#13128) @mbrookes
2597 |
2598 | ### Core
2599 |
2600 | - [core] Add integrity hashes to yarn.lock (#13055) @eps1lon
2601 | - [test] Fail if coverage can't be push (#13084) @eps1lon
2602 | - [core] Remove eslint-spellcheck (#13120) @oliviertassinari
2603 | - [test] Add jsonlint to CI (#13126) @mbrookes
2604 |
2605 | ## 3.1.2
2606 | ###### *Sep 30, 2018*
2607 |
2608 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible!
2609 | It contains many bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
2610 |
2611 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.1.2`
2612 |
2613 | - [FormControlLabel] Reverse margins values when labelPlacement="start" (#13007) @IvanoffDan
2614 | - [InputBase] Fix cursor on disabled state (#13008) @itskibo
2615 | - [InputLabel] Add `variant` property to InputLabel type definition (#13009) @chrislambe
2616 | - [StepLabel] Introduce StepIconComponent property (#13003) @semos
2617 | - [StepConnector] Customize connector based on internal states (#13023) @spirosikmd
2618 | - [OutlinedInput] `notched` should be boolean type (#13038) @zheeeng
2619 | - [TextField] Add "pointerEvents: none" to outline and filled variants (#13040) @byronluk
2620 | - [TextField] Fix the recent regressions (#13017) @slipo
2621 | - [Portal] container should allow being 'null' type (#13043) @zheeeng
2622 |
2623 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.18`
2624 |
2625 | #### Breaking change
2626 |
2627 | - [Slider] Replace reversed with rtl support on horizontal sliders (#12972)
2628 |
2629 | ### `@material-ui/docs@v3.0.0-alpha.6`
2630 |
2631 | - [docs] Defer NProgressBar rendering to the client (e5d757dc8fec9dd6a0951b865dec531528b7f1d0) @oliviertassinari
2632 |
2633 | ### Docs
2634 |
2635 | - [docs] Fix typo in grid.md (#12978) @jschnurr
2636 | - [examples] Clean up create-react-app-with-typescript (#12992) @eps1lon
2637 | - [docs] Small spelling correction (#13012) @innovade
2638 | - [docs] Add closing tag in the Popover snippet (#13026) @liesislukas
2639 | - [docs] The Grammar Nazi (#13031) @maciej-gurban
2640 | - [docs] Improve the Gatsby demo (#13041) @oliviertassinari
2641 | - [docs] Fix 3xx and 4xx HTTP statuses (#13046) @oliviertassinari
2642 | - [docs] Fix issues spotted by ahrefs.com (#13047) @oliviertassinari
2643 |
2644 | ### Core
2645 |
2646 | - [core] Upgrade the @types/jss dependency to 9.5.6 (#12982) @qvxqvx
2647 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#13016) @oliviertassinari
2648 | - [core] Remove redundant class field initializers, save 1% of bundle size (#13022) @RobertPurcea
2649 | - [core] Better assertion (#13035) @oliviertassinari
2650 |
2651 | ## 3.1.1
2652 | ###### *Sep 24, 2018*
2653 |
2654 | Big thanks to the 21 contributors who made this release possible!
2655 | It contains many bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
2656 |
2657 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.1.1`
2658 |
2659 | - [TextField] Fix alignment bug in Safari (#12906) @shcherbyakdev
2660 | - [InputLabel] Fix Chrome's autofill (#12926) @PutziSan
2661 | - [Tooltip] Fix unwanted tooltip opening (#12929) @ayubov
2662 | - [TextField] Fix RTL support of outlined (#12939) @RobertPurcea
2663 | - [Button] Make the outlined button border grey when disabled (#12933) @dispix
2664 | - [RootRef] Keep track of the DOM node changes (#12953) @oliviertassinari
2665 | - [Grid] Fix rounding errors (#12952) @RobertPurcea
2666 | - [Tooltip] Back to 100% test coverage (#12954) @oliviertassinari
2667 | - [SwipableDrawer] Don't break when backdrop is null (#12969) @spirosikmd
2668 | - [InputAdornment] Fix flexbox alignment bug for IE (#12975) @oliviertassinari
2669 | - [FilledInput] Update the background color to match the spec (#12977) @adeelibr
2670 | - [ListItem] Fix background color bug on mobile (#12976) @ryusaka
2671 |
2672 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.17`
2673 |
2674 | - [Slider] Remove touchend event listener (#12923) @brian-growratio
2675 | - [SpeedDialAction] Add missing TypeScript property (#12959) @KarimFereidooni
2676 |
2677 | ### Docs
2678 |
2679 | - [docs] Make jss insertion point reference the same as html comment (#12896) @emattias
2680 | - [docs] Small fixes (#12904) @oliviertassinari
2681 | - [docs] Add reference to material-ui-theme-editor (#12888) @jdrouet
2682 | - [docs] Add another case to check when SSR fails (#12908) @oliviertassinari
2683 | - [docs] Correct misspelling (dasboard => dashboard) (#12910) @seishan
2684 | - [docs] Use core package for (peer-)dependency badges (#12911) @eps1lon
2685 | - [docs] Display the backers avatars correctly (3057f970a385fc0cf43e6c978c373b847d0d341e) @oliviertassinari
2686 | - [docs] Update themes.md (#12942) @brucegl
2687 | - [docs] Fix documentation error in <Input /> (#12955) @lukePeavey
2688 | - [docs] Minor style update of the tabs demos (#12958) @dotku
2689 | - [docs] Glamorous is deprecated for emotion (#12963) @oliviertassinari
2690 | - [docs] Add Emotion to style interoperability guide (#12966) @lukePeavey
2691 | - [docs] Fix IconButton Snackbar demos (#12964) @bhalahariharan
2692 | - [docs] Show how to combine OutlinedInput and FilledInput (#12968) @oliviertassinari
2693 | - [docs] Fix Typo in PaymentForm.js (#12971) @n3n
2694 | - [docs] Fix Typo in page-layout-examples (#12974) @n3n
2695 |
2696 | ### Core
2697 |
2698 | - [typescript] Improve definitions with strictNullChecks disabled (#12895) @eps1lon
2699 | - [typescript] Remove unused isMuiComponent definition (#12903) @eps1lon
2700 | - [core] Add setRef helper (#12901) @eps1lon
2701 | - [core] Fix umd bundle (#12905) @oliviertassinari
2702 | - [core] Use .browserlistrc as single point of thruth for target env §#12912) @eps1lon
2703 | - [typescript] Add missing `MuiFilledInput` to 'Overrides' (#12938) @marcel-ernst
2704 |
2705 | ## 3.1.0
2706 | ###### *Sep 16, 2018*
2707 |
2708 | Big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible!
2709 |
2710 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2711 |
2712 | - 💅 Add outlined and filled text field variants (#12076) @enagy27.
2713 | - ♿️ Document how to make the icons accessible (#12822).
2714 | - 🐛 Fix a class name generation regression (#12844).
2715 | - And many more bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
2716 |
2717 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.1.0`
2718 |
2719 | - [Checkbox] Add indeterminateIcon type definition (#12815) @cvanem
2720 | - [Popover] Change to offsetWidth and offsetHeight (#12816) @akaxiaok
2721 | - [styles] Use the same class name generator (#12818) @oliviertassinari
2722 | - [styles] Revert packageId as default option (#12823) @oliviertassinari
2723 | - [withStyles] Fix JSS issues in IE11 in development (#12826) @novascreen
2724 | - [autocomplete] Fix incorrect input font in react-select autocomplete demo (#12828) @wijwoj
2725 | - [withWidth] Prevent Rerendering (#12825) @junhyukee
2726 | - [SvgIcon] Improve accessibility (#12822) @oliviertassinari
2727 | - [CircularProgress] Update missing type definitions (#12835) @gsalisi
2728 | - [styles] Remove the packageId (#12844) @oliviertassinari
2729 | - [Typography] Add inherit and screen reader only (#12837) @oliviertassinari
2730 | - [Select] Test if child passed to onChange handler (#12852) @akaxiaok
2731 | - [TableSortLabel] Remove sort icon when not active (#12874) @markselby9
2732 | - [icons] Add `fontSize` small and large (#12865) @JoshuaLicense
2733 | - [Chip] Add an icon property (#12881) @aretheregods
2734 | - [TextField] Add outlined and filled variants (#12076) @enagy27
2735 |
2736 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.16`
2737 |
2738 | - [Slider] Don't pass component props down to root div (#12842) @mbrookes
2739 | - [Slider] Faster transitions (#12843) @mbrookes
2740 | - [SpeedDial] Fix ARIA & fix duplicate id in docs example (#12846) @mbrookes
2741 | - [SpeedDial] Remove redundant aria-labelledby (#12847) @mbrookes
2742 | - [SpeedDial] Fix not opening on first tap in mobile (#12771) @hashwin
2743 | - [Slider] Feature Custom Icon (#12600) @adeelibr
2744 |
2745 | ### Docs
2746 |
2747 | - [docs] Fix the gatsby example (#12817) @oliviertassinari
2748 | - [docs] Fix Typo in Pricing.js (#12821) @enducker
2749 | - [docs] Fix Typo in Checkout.js (#12820) @enducker
2750 | - [docs] Fix typo in popover.md (#12832) @amacleay
2751 | - [docs] Add documentation for css-to-mui-loader (#12841) @mcdougal
2752 | - [docs] Fix ToggleButtons example typography variant (#12845) @mbrookes
2753 | - [docs] Fix very minor typo (Docs - page layout examples) (#12849) @bcapinski
2754 | - [SvgIcon] Fix minor typo in docs (#12848) @iamhosseindhv
2755 | - [docs] Fix typo in blog page layout README (#12868) @sethduncan
2756 | - [docs] Update comparison.md (#12877) @GideonShils
2757 | - [docs] Split test ad networks (#12878) @mbrookes
2758 | - [docs] Customize LinearProgress color (#12883) @mbrn
2759 |
2760 | ### Core
2761 |
2762 | - [typescript] Update createGenerateClassName.d.ts (#12824) @Qeneke
2763 | - [github] Make issue templates version agnostic (#12839) @mbrookes
2764 | - [typescript] Fix with* injectors ignoring defaultProps (#12673) @eps1lon
2765 | - [core] Set required yarn version (#12864) @eps1lon
2766 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#12884) @oliviertassinari
2767 |
2768 | ## 3.0.3
2769 | ###### *Sep 9, 2018*
2770 |
2771 | Big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible!
2772 |
2773 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.0.3`
2774 |
2775 | - [typescript] Fix ModalClasses prop type on popover (#12761) @YuriiOstapchuk
2776 | - [AppBar] Add position="relative" (#12790) @jgoux
2777 | - [Checkbox] Revert input indeterminate support (#12803) @eps1lon
2778 | - [Checkbox] Indeterminate CSS & DOM helpers (#12804) @oliviertassinari
2779 | - [Chip] Add verticalAlign: 'middle' (#12809) @akaxiaok
2780 | - [autocomplete] Fix delete chip not working on mobile (#12813) @aretheregods
2781 | - [styles] Support multiple withStyles instances (#12814) @oliviertassinari
2782 |
2783 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.15`
2784 |
2785 | - [SpeedDialAction] Update tooltipPlacement propTypes (#12758) @Primajin
2786 | - [ToggleButtons] normalize onChange api (#12549) @eps1lon
2787 |
2788 | ### Docs
2789 |
2790 | - [docs] Remove function call from onChange handler (#12785) @snikobonyadrad
2791 | - [docs] Unescapes character in markdown (#12778) @schalkventer
2792 | - [docs] Enable service worker by default as the latest CRA (#12775) @sharils
2793 | - [docs] New DataTable component (#12799) @mbrn
2794 | - [docs] Add AppBar demos with exapandable & primary search fields (#12695) @adeelibr
2795 | - [docs] Simpler AppBar search demos (#12806) @oliviertassinari
2796 | - [docs] Document the shrink status input limitation (#12769) @racingrebel
2797 |
2798 | ### Core
2799 |
2800 | - [test] Use yarn offline mirror (#12763) @eps1lon
2801 | - [core] Small changes investigating issues (#12812) @oliviertassinari
2802 |
2803 | ## 3.0.2
2804 | ###### *Sep 3, 2018*
2805 |
2806 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible!
2807 |
2808 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2809 |
2810 | - A documented release strategy (#12752).
2811 | - And many more bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
2812 |
2813 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.0.2`
2814 |
2815 | - [Tab] Ability change font size of tab (#12706) @adeelibr
2816 | - [typescript] Set default for withStyles' Options generic (#12698) @nmchaves
2817 | - [Dialog] Remove dialog margin when fullScreen=true and scroll=body (#12718) @akaxiaok
2818 | - [Table] Improved sorting in table for demo EnhancedTable (#12736) @adeelibr
2819 | - [Snackbar] Add `ClickAwayListenerProps` property (#12735) @tendermario
2820 | - [IconButton] Fix border radius cutting of badges on IE11 (#12743) @novascreen
2821 | - [Select] Pass child to onChange handler (#12747) @akaxiaok
2822 | - [Input] Fix Input passing inputRef to intrinsic elements (#12719) @eps1lon
2823 | - [withStyles] Better theme.props support (#12750) @oliviertassinari
2824 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Add hysteresis and velocity property (#12722) @jniclas
2825 |
2826 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.14`
2827 |
2828 | #### Breaking changes
2829 |
2830 | - [ToggleButton] Fix ToggleButtonGroup exports (#12733) @mbrookes
2831 |
2832 | ```diff
2833 | -import { ToggleButtonGroup } from '@material-ui/lab/ToggleButton';
2834 | +import ToggleButtonGroup from '@material-ui/lab/ToggleButtonGroup';
2835 | ```
2836 |
2837 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
2838 |
2839 | - [SpeedDialAction] Update tooltipPlacement propTypes (#12730) @Primajin
2840 | - [Slider] Add missing packages (#12745) @GermanBluefox
2841 | - [SpeedDial] Allow tooltip to always be displayed (#12590) @hashwin
2842 |
2843 | ### Docs
2844 |
2845 | - [docs] Fix typo in Overrides chapter (#12705) @sanderpost
2846 | - [docs] Improve the Downshift demo (#12703) @oliviertassinari
2847 | - [examples] Fix typing of `withRoot` to accept props (#12712) @mattmccutchen
2848 | - [docs] Fix class name in overrides example (#12717) @manuelkiessling
2849 | - [examples] Fix withRoot accepting any props (#12713) @eps1lon
2850 | - [typescript] Illustrate issue with ambiguous css class names (#12724) @eps1lon
2851 | - [docs] Fix Typo in Page Layout Examples (#12734) @mblodorn
2852 | - [docs] Explain how to pass props down to overridden components (#12716) @manuelkiessling
2853 | - [docs] Generate import examples in API docs (#12720) @jedwards1211
2854 | - [docs] More transparency around the release strategy (#12752) @oliviertassinari
2855 |
2856 | ### Core
2857 |
2858 | N/A
2859 |
2860 | ## 3.0.1
2861 | ###### *Aug 28, 2018*
2862 |
2863 | Big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible!
2864 |
2865 | We are making a quick release after v3.0.0 to patch an incorrect peer dependency.
2866 | It's also a good opportunity to upgrade to the stable release of Babel 7.
2867 |
2868 | ### `@material-ui/core@v3.0.1`
2869 |
2870 | - [Checkbox] Improve indeterminate status (#12671) @hareaca
2871 | - [StepLabel] Fix custom icon spacing (#12694) @JiayuanDeng
2872 | - [Chip] Add outlined variant (#12680) @orporan
2873 | - [Stepper] Add a new test case (#12684) @Anugraha123
2874 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#12693) @oliviertassinari
2875 |
2876 | ### `@material-ui/icons@v3.0.1`
2877 |
2878 | - [core] Fix for incorrect peer dependency version warning (#12677) @xaviergonz
2879 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#12693) @oliviertassinari
2880 |
2881 | ### `@material-ui/lab@v3.0.0-alpha.13`
2882 |
2883 | - [core] Fix for incorrect peer dependency version warning (#12677) @xaviergonz
2884 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#12693) @oliviertassinari
2885 |
2886 | ### Docs
2887 |
2888 | - [docs] Typo (#12675) @nazartokar
2889 | - [docs] Update notification link for release 3.0.0 (#12681) @lumatijev
2890 | - [docs] Warn about using withRoot HOC more than one time per page (#12692) @oorestisime
2891 |
2892 | ### Core
2893 |
2894 | - [core] Fix for incorrect peer dependency version warning (#12677) @xaviergonz
2895 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#12693) @oliviertassinari
2896 |
2897 | ## 3.0.0
2898 | ###### *Aug 27, 2018*
2899 |
2900 | Big thanks to the 27 contributors who made this release possible!
2901 |
2902 | We are upgrading the major version of `@material-ui/core` to match the version of `@material-ui/icons`.
2903 | The next major release is planned for [Q1, 2019](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/milestone/25).
2904 |
2905 | ### Breaking change
2906 |
2907 | - [icons] Save 22 Megabytes from the package (#12662)
2908 |
2909 | Cut the package size by half.
2910 | It should make the npm installation twice as fast.
2911 | It's not OK to have some installation timeout.
2912 | We have removed the `/es` folder.
2913 |
2914 | ```diff
2915 | -import AccessAlarm from '@material-ui/icons/es/AccessAlarm';
2916 | +import AccessAlarm from '@material-ui/icons/AccessAlarm';
2917 | ```
2918 |
2919 | - [core] Drop Firefox 45 support (#12669)
2920 |
2921 | Firefox 52 is the last version supported by Windows XP.
2922 | The market share of Firefox 45 is 0.03%.
2923 | We use the same strategy for Chrome.
2924 |
2925 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
2926 |
2927 | - [Input] Improve type checking for inputProps (#12591) @eps1lon
2928 | - [ClickAwayListener] Prevent rerendering (#12613) @shcherbyakdev
2929 | - [Chip] Add missing ChipClassKey values (#12625) @IvanCoronado
2930 | - [Dialog] Add 'lg' support to maxWidth (#12626) @TheMoonDawg
2931 | - [TableSortLabel] Support custom icon component (#12630) @wolfejw86
2932 | - [SvgIcon] Add Icon suffix to SVG icons (#12634) @yordis
2933 | - [Collapse] Fix document for style wrapperInner (#12638) @peter50216
2934 | - [Input] Extract helpers to their own module (#12657) @Pajn
2935 | - [Chip] Add onKeyUp handler for correct behavior (#12660) @markselby9
2936 | - [CardActionArea] Add CardActionArea component (#12624) @yuchi
2937 | - [ListItem] Move the selected prop from MenuItem to ListItem (#12602) @the-question
2938 |
2939 | #### Docs
2940 |
2941 | - [examples] Update ts example to be closer to the official docs (#12593) @eps1lon
2942 | - [docs] Fix a display issue on IE11 (#12599) @oliviertassinari
2943 | - [docs] Warn about checking for version mismatch (#12601) @hluedeke
2944 | - [docs] Consistent content height in Albumn layout example (#12556) @mbrookes
2945 | - [example] Support Gatsby v2 (#12331) @blukai
2946 | - [docs] xlarge = extra-large (#12619) @FarzadSole
2947 | - [docs] Add "Insights" by justaskusers.com to the list of showcases (#12620) @mattes3
2948 | - [docs] Use public api of jss instead of private vars (#12629) @eps1lon
2949 | - [docs] Improve Autocomplete filtering suggestions (#12641) @jorgegorka
2950 | - [docs] Fix IE 11 support (#12650) @oliviertassinari
2951 | - [docs] Fix typos (#12652) @dandv
2952 | - [docs] Use the event.target.checked API systematically (#12644) @chellem
2953 | - [docs] Correct `by and enum` typo in api.md (#12663) @G-Rath
2954 | - [docs] Autocomplete react-select dropdown overlay (#12664) @gerhat
2955 | - [docs] Fix typo in usage.md (#12666) @DeveloperDavo
2956 |
2957 | #### Core
2958 |
2959 | - [core] Better Windows support for the API generation (#12584) @adeelibr
2960 | - [TypeScript] Update SnackbarContent type def to accept action prop as array (#12595) @cngraf
2961 | - [test] Fix the missing libxcursor1 binary (#12611) @oliviertassinari
2962 | - [core] Fix recompose version (#12605) @yamachu
2963 | - [typescript] Fix AnyComponent for functional components (#12589) @vierbergenlars
2964 | - [core] Let's see if the CI catch the issue (#12615) @oliviertassinari
2965 | - [typescript] Use interfaces for typography types (#12616) @pelotom
2966 | - [ci] Consider only files changed on the built branch (#12627) @eps1lon
2967 | - [test] Lint typescript definitions (#12637) @eps1lon
2968 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#12658) @oliviertassinari
2969 |
2970 | #### Lab
2971 |
2972 | - [Slider] Fix memory leaks (#12537) @eps1lon
2973 | - [Slider] Fix transitions (#12531) @eps1lon
2974 |
2975 | ## 1.5.1
2976 | ###### *Aug 19, 2018*
2977 |
2978 | Big thanks to the 22 contributors who made this release possible!
2979 |
2980 | Here are some highlights ✨:
2981 |
2982 | - Upgrade Babel to `v7.0.0-rc.1` (#12581).
2983 | - Document the meta viewport (#12541).
2984 | - And many more bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
2985 |
2986 | ### Breaking change
2987 |
2988 | N/A
2989 |
2990 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
2991 |
2992 | - [Tab] Fix fullWidth CSS (#12495) @jankjr
2993 | - [TextField] Fix disabled prop only affecting the Input component (#12489) @WreckedArrow
2994 | - [Table] Sync typings (#12503) @franklixuefei
2995 | - [Table] Remove padding from getting spread to native element (#12505) @JoshuaLicense
2996 | - [Select] Accept boolean (#12522) @oliviertassinari
2997 | - [Avatar] Prepare Preact support (#12519) @jorgegorka
2998 | - [Drawer] Change height from 100vh to 100% (#12528) @joemaffei
2999 | - [TextField] Accept boolean (#12538) @palaniichukdmytro
3000 | - [withWidth] Remove broken innerRef (#12542) @oliviertassinari
3001 | - [CardMedia] Add an example with the component property (#12481) @adeelibr
3002 | - [ListSubheader] Add a disableGutters property (#12570) @johannwagner
3003 | - [Dialog] Simplify the DialogContentText implementation (#12577) @oliviertassinari
3004 | - [Popover] Fix wrong getContentAnchorEl definition (#12562) @duvet86
3005 |
3006 | #### Docs
3007 |
3008 | - [docs] Tweak dashboard example nav list heading (#12501) @JoshuaLicense
3009 | - [docs] Fix a typo in the Modal page (#12502) @melaniebcohen
3010 | - [docs] Don't load the ad on mobile (#12509) @oliviertassinari
3011 | - [docs] Fix typo (suot to suit) (#12513) @ratanachai
3012 | - [docs] Fix typo in the icons section (#12514) @PolGuixe
3013 | - [docs] Document breakpoint argument for withMobileDialog (#12521) @nxtman123
3014 | - [docs] Increase SEO potential (#12525) @oliviertassinari
3015 | - [docs] "codestyle" comment typo fix (#12511) @nasiscoe
3016 | - [docs] Document the meta viewport (#12541) @oliviertassinari
3017 | - [docs] Throttle the active toc instead of debouncing (#12543) @oliviertassinari
3018 | - [docs] Add material-ui-next-pickers (#12547) @chingyawhao
3019 | - [docs] Fix the broken Table sorting logic (#12569) @oliviertassinari
3020 | - [docs] Link a new Menu demo (#12574) @pierrelstan
3021 | - [docs] Improve typescript issue assistance (#12560) @eps1lon
3022 | - [docs] Add notistack in the related projects (#12578) @oliviertassinari
3023 |
3024 | #### Core
3025 |
3026 | - [typescript] Style typing improvements (#12492) @pelotom
3027 | - [core] Should run the tests when needed (#12510) @oliviertassinari
3028 | - [core] Add MuiTableBody to theme overrides (#12550) @pvdstel
3029 | - [test] Disable CircleCI cache (#12573) @oliviertassinari
3030 | - [test] Introduce prettier into CI pipeline (#12564) @eps1lon
3031 | - [test] Fix prettier ci task with multiple changed files (#12579) @eps1lon
3032 | - [core] Upgrade to babel@rc.1 (#12581) @oliviertassinari
3033 |
3034 | #### Lab
3035 |
3036 | - [SpeedDial] Fix invalid prop direction supplied (#12533) @eps1lon
3037 | - [SpeedDial] Remove dead code from test (#12545) @mbrookes
3038 | - [Slider] Fix failing handler test (#12535) @eps1lon
3039 |
3040 | ## 1.5.0
3041 | ###### *Aug 12, 2018*
3042 |
3043 | Big thanks to the 23 contributors who made this release possible!
3044 | This is a dense release!
3045 |
3046 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3047 |
3048 | - Introduce a "page layout examples" section in the documentation. Don't miss it! (#12410) @mbrookes.
3049 | - Add a Table Of Contents for each page of the documentation (#12368).
3050 | - Improve the TypeScript autocomplete for CSS properties (#12456) @eps1lon.
3051 | - And many more bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
3052 |
3053 | ### Breaking change
3054 |
3055 | N/A
3056 |
3057 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3058 |
3059 | - [Select] Accept boolean (#12429) @oliviertassinari
3060 | - [icons] Resize svg icons (#12356) @the-question
3061 | - [Collapse] Add all class keys to the types (#12436) @stuharvey
3062 | - [Table] Padding feature (#12415) @aseem191
3063 | - [icons] Remove clip-path from all icons (#12452) @kevinnorris
3064 | - [Input] Use the color from the theme (#12458) @adeelibr
3065 | - [NoSrr] Add a defer property (#12462) @oliviertassinari
3066 | - [icons] Remove unused clipPath definitions from icons (#12465) @kevinnorris
3067 | - [Popover] Allow to pass repeated props to modal (#12459) @davibq
3068 | - [SelectInput] Add "name" to event.target for onBlur callback (#12467) @hassan-zaheer
3069 | - [Button] Make the outlined variant better leverage the color (#12473) @essuraj
3070 | - [Tooltip] Hide the tooltip as soon as an exit event triggers (#12488) @oliviertassinari
3071 |
3072 | #### Docs
3073 |
3074 | - [docs] Fix react-select multiselection wrapping (#12412) @henkvhest
3075 | - [docs] Add some Render Props demos (#12366) @jedwards1211
3076 | - [docs] Add example layouts (#12410) @mbrookes
3077 | - [core] Fix some errors when porting demos to TypeScript (#12417) @PavelPZ
3078 | - [docs] Standardise the wording between icon docs and readme (#12425) @mbrookes
3079 | - [docs] Improve the withTheme example (#12428) @oliviertassinari
3080 | - [docs] Rename layouts to page-layout-examples + minor fixes (#12430) @mbrookes
3081 | - [docs] Ensure `inputRef` is wired up to react-number-format's input (#12444) @NMinhNguyen
3082 | - [docs] Expand on the JSS and class name generator docs (#12447) @atrauzzi
3083 | - [docs] Better autocomplete docs (#12451) @oliviertassinari
3084 | - [docs] Fix typo (#12454) @metropt
3085 | - [docs] Better descriptive Table demos (#12464) @bala121286
3086 | - [README] New iteration on the backers (#12475) @oliviertassinari
3087 | - [docs] Font vs SVG. Which approach to use? (#12466) @PolGuixe
3088 | - [docs] Add a Table Of Contents (#12368) @oliviertassinari
3089 | - [docs] Fix link to twitter account (#12482) @patcito
3090 | - [docs] Try CodeFund over Carbon (#12484) @oliviertassinari
3091 |
3092 | #### Core
3093 |
3094 | - [typescript] Synced with PR #12373 (#12439) @franklixuefei
3095 | - [core] Add hoverOpacity to TypeAction interface (#12455) @hassan-zaheer
3096 | - [core] Save some bytes in the super() logic (#12476) @oliviertassinari
3097 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#12477) @oliviertassinari
3098 | - [typescript] improve autocomplete for css properties in createStyles (#12456) @eps1lon
3099 |
3100 | #### Lab
3101 |
3102 | - [SpeedDialAction] Allow a tooltip placement prop (#12244) @seanchambo
3103 | - [lab] Depend on @babel/runtime (#12470) @goto-bus-stop
3104 |
3105 | ## 1.4.3
3106 | ###### *Aug 4, 2018*
3107 |
3108 | Big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible!
3109 | This release focuses on bug fixes 🐛.
3110 |
3111 | ### Breaking change
3112 |
3113 | N/A
3114 |
3115 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3116 |
3117 | - [Tooltip] Add default css max-width and customization demo (#12338) @simoami
3118 | - [Step] Add completed class to the root (#12339) @kylezinter
3119 | - [Drawer] Add touchAction: 'none' on the Overlay to disable scrolling (#12350) @jlascoleassi
3120 | - [Chip] Remove reference to checked prop in the docs (#12375) @DavidThorpe71
3121 | - [styles] Improve the dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS story (#12389) @oliviertassinari
3122 | - [Tooltip] Fix autoFocus issue (#12372) @Mangatt
3123 | - [FormLabel] [FormHelperText] classes keys (#12373) @Mangatt
3124 | - [Chip] Add color prop to chip component (#12378) @itelo
3125 | - [Tooltip] Fix hover issues (#12394) @aseem191
3126 | - [palette] Better defensive logic (#12402) @oliviertassinari
3127 | - [MobileStepper] Add a LinearProgressProps property (#12404) @oliviertassinari
3128 | - [Textarea] Add back defensive branch logic (#12406) @kanzelm3
3129 |
3130 | #### Docs
3131 |
3132 | - [docs] Add markdown code to Interactive Grid (#12333) @itelo
3133 | - [docs] Document how to use the Select with a label and a placeholder (#12342) @oliviertassinari
3134 | - [docs] Improve the Table sorting logic (#12348) @xkenmon
3135 | - [docs] Fix contast => contrast typo (#12395) @chayeoi
3136 | - [docs] Fix two typos in Lists.md (#12397) @adl
3137 | - [docs] Fix ChipPlayground generated code (#12401) @mbrookes
3138 | - [docs] Add Tomahawk boilerplate to the related projects (#12393) @goemen
3139 |
3140 | #### Core
3141 |
3142 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#12409) @oliviertassinari
3143 |
3144 | #### Lab
3145 |
3146 | - [ToggleButton] Fix TypeScript definition (#12360) @itskibo
3147 |
3148 | ## 1.4.2
3149 | ###### *Jul 29, 2018*
3150 |
3151 | Big thanks to the 22 contributors who made this release possible!
3152 | I hope we will soon beat our previous record: 30 contributors in a single week.
3153 |
3154 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3155 |
3156 | - Upgrade the react-select demo to v2 (#12307) @oliviertassinari.
3157 | - Document a new "No SSR" component (#12317) @oliviertassinari.
3158 | - Add a label placement property for FormControlLabel (#12303) @mbrookes.
3159 | - And many more bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
3160 |
3161 | ### Breaking change
3162 |
3163 | N/A
3164 |
3165 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3166 |
3167 | - [Tabs] Reduce the bundle size (#12256) @oliviertassinari
3168 | - [Menu] Add null as acceptable value of anchorEl (#12249) @LAITONEN
3169 | - [Popper] Increase the minimal required version of popper.js (#12258) @Tuaniwan
3170 | - [TablePagination] Add missing selectIcon ClassKey definition (#12267) @spallister
3171 | - [Tooltip] Add some docs for disabled elements (#12265) @kamranayub
3172 | - [Tabs] Prevent unwanted auto-move in scrolling tabs (#12276) @novascreen
3173 | - [Button] Fix icon positioning on Safari iOS (#12278) @KevinAsher
3174 | - [Modal] Add onRendered to ModalProps (#12284) @rynobax
3175 | - [Card] Align icons with ListItem (#12292) @mbrookes
3176 | - [TextField] Improve onChange type definition (#12294) @t49tran
3177 | - [DialogContentText] Inherit TypographyProps in type definition (#12301) @charlieduong94
3178 | - [FormControlLabel] Add labelPlacement prop (#12303) @mbrookes
3179 | - [FormControlLabel] Correct the style description (#12304) @mbrookes
3180 | - [Typography] Add color=textPrimary option (#12310) @oliviertassinari
3181 | - [Tooltip] Remove an undocumented API (#12312) @oliviertassinari
3182 | - [RootRef] Apply the same logic as React Ref (#12311) @oliviertassinari
3183 | - [Grid] Document the nested capability (#12313) @oliviertassinari
3184 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Fix SSR issue on iOS (#12314) @oliviertassinari
3185 | - [Snackbar] Fix anchorOrigin types (#12316) @nmchaves
3186 | - [LinearProgress] Fix wrong style rule usage (#12319) @agentmilindu
3187 | - [Popper] Fix modifiers appearing as attribute of div (#12329) @skeithtan
3188 |
3189 | #### Docs
3190 |
3191 | - [docs] Fix typo (#12248) @johnjacobkenny
3192 | - [docs] Add typekev.com to showcase page (#12243) @typekev
3193 | - [docs] Fix escape "|" char (#12254) @TheRusskiy
3194 | - [docs] Fix logo in the README (#12273) @antoinerousseau
3195 | - [docs] Add an example with Popper and react-autosuggest (#12280) @oliviertassinari
3196 | - [docs] Add Complementary Project - create-mui-theme (#12269) @UsulPro
3197 | - [docs] Add a note on the name option and dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS (#12281) @oliviertassinari
3198 | - [docs] Improve ListItem and BottomNavigationAction docs (#12295) @vkentta
3199 | - [docs] Add placeholder for search bar (#12296) @DheenodaraRao
3200 | - [docs] Upgrade react-select (#12307) @oliviertassinari
3201 | - [docs] Use data to improve the ranking (#12315) @oliviertassinari
3202 | - [docs] Document NoSsr (#12317) @oliviertassinari
3203 | - [docs] Improve the docs to have matches (#12322) @oliviertassinari
3204 |
3205 | #### Core
3206 |
3207 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#12323) @oliviertassinari
3208 |
3209 | #### Lab
3210 |
3211 | - [Slider] Increase color specification conformance (#12245) @eps1lon
3212 | - [SpeedDial] Prevent opening when hovering closed actions (#12241) @mbrookes
3213 | - [Slider] Remove visual zero state from thumb (#12242) @eps1lon
3214 |
3215 | ## 1.4.1
3216 | ###### *Jul 22, 2018*
3217 |
3218 | Big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible!
3219 |
3220 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3221 |
3222 | - The CSS API is now fully documented (#12174) @mbrookes.
3223 |
3224 | | Name | Description |
3225 | |:-----|:------------|
3226 | | <span class="prop-name">root</span> | Styles applied to the root element.
3227 | | <span class="prop-name">label</span> | Styles applied to the span element that wraps the children.
3228 | | … | …
3229 |
3230 | - After many iterations, we are happy to announce `@material-ui/icons` v2.0.0 💃.
3231 | With this version, you can take advantage of all the icons recently released by Google:
3232 | https://material.io/tools/icons/. There are more than 5,000 icons.
3233 | (#12016, #12036, #12170, #12111, #12225)
3234 |
3235 | - The 1.4.0 release of Material-UI has introduced a new implementation of the Tooltip and Popper component.
3236 | This release fixes a lot of issues following the rewrite (#12168, #12161, #12194, #12223, #12218).
3237 | Thank you for reporting all these problems 🐛. Hopefully, it's very stable now.
3238 |
3239 | - Creative Tim has just completed [their second Material-UI theme](https://www.creative-tim.com/product/material-kit-pro-react?partner=104080) 💅.
3240 | It's an important milestone for the themability of Material-UI.
3241 | We are going to keep working on adding more themes to the list.
3242 |
3243 | ### Breaking change
3244 |
3245 | @material-ui/icons@2.0.0 allows React users to take advantage of the icons revamp the Material Design Team has been recently released. Some icons have been removed, ~150 new icons have been added, and some icons have been renamed. There are also currently some issues with the size of certain icons. Please refer to #12016 for further details.
3246 |
3247 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3248 |
3249 | - [Tab] Fix maxWidth issue with fullWidth mode (#12158) @chenop
3250 | - [Popper] Update TypeScript definitions (#12161) @Slessi
3251 | - [CardHeader] Add typography/props controls like in ListItemText (#12166) @chenop
3252 | - [Tooltip] Fix some new issues (#12168) @oliviertassinari
3253 | - [icons] New iteration (#12170) @oliviertassinari
3254 | - [icons] Remove fill attribute from some icons (#12111) @ChristiaanScheermeijer
3255 | - [Popper] Fix the transition in the demos (#12194) @oliviertassinari
3256 | - [Modal] Ignore if the event prevent default is called (#12202) @oliviertassinari
3257 | - [Grid] Add "space-evenly" value for justify prop (#12213) @iain-b
3258 | - [Grow] Fix scroll on entered (#12199) @stephenway
3259 | - [Popper] Fix update logic (#12218) @oliviertassinari
3260 | - [Badge] Increase readability (#12221) @oliviertassinari
3261 | - [styles] Increase the class name lenght limit before raising (#12222) @oliviertassinari
3262 | - [icons] Fix SVG path precision issue (#12225) @ChristiaanScheermeijer
3263 | - [Popper] Typing and documentation (#12223) @dispix
3264 | - [Select] Simpler onChange event.target logic (#12231) @oliviertassinari
3265 | - [input] Forward required, readOnly and autoFocus (#12234) @sakulstra
3266 | - [HOC] Add `innerRef` to withWidth and withTheme (#12236) @itelo
3267 | - [Textarea] Simplification of the code (#12238) @oliviertassinari
3268 | - [Tabs] Small changes investigating #11624 (#12239) @oliviertassinari
3269 |
3270 | #### Docs
3271 |
3272 | - [docs] Add Toggle Selection Control to 'Migration From v0.x' Document (#12149) @shabareesh
3273 | - [docs] Add Menu Item to 'Migration From v0.x' Document (#12150) @shabareesh
3274 | - [docs] New ISSUE_TEMPLATE (#12148) @oliviertassinari
3275 | - [docs] Add Font Icon to 'Migration From v0.x' Document (#12151) @shabareesh
3276 | - [docs] copyedit: typo in testing.md (#12155) @cldellow
3277 | - [docs] Document the CSS API (#12174) @mbrookes
3278 | - [docs] An iteration on the SSR Troubleshooting section (#12229) @oliviertassinari
3279 |
3280 | #### Core
3281 |
3282 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#12156) @oliviertassinari
3283 | - [core] Add missing unwrap export to test-utils type definition (#12184) @kallebornemark
3284 | - [test] Conditional tests (#12191) @oliviertassinari
3285 | - [core] Fix babel plugin name (#12209) @oliviertassinari
3286 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#12220) @oliviertassinari
3287 | - [core] Rename node to ref (#12235) @oliviertassinari
3288 |
3289 | #### Lab
3290 |
3291 | - [Slider] Fix typescript typings (#12173) @eps1lon
3292 | - [SpeedDial] Fix SpeedDialAction dark theme (#12230) @mbrookes
3293 | - [lab] Build and export fixes (#12233) @goto-bus-stop
3294 |
3295 | ## 1.4.0
3296 | ###### *Jul 14, 2018*
3297 |
3298 | Big thanks to the 21 contributors who made this release possible.
3299 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3300 |
3301 | - Rework the Tooltip implementation (#12085)
3302 |
3303 | The component is -1kB gzipped smaller and much faster.
3304 | You can render 100 of them on a page with no issue.
3305 | It's also introducing a new component: Popper, an abstraction on top of [Popper.js](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js).
3306 |
3307 | - Add color selector (#12053) @mbrookes
3308 |
3309 | People can now dynamically change the theme of the whole documentation.
3310 |
3311 | - Add a new toggle buttons component (#10144) @phallguy
3312 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
3313 |
3314 | ### Breaking change
3315 |
3316 | N/A
3317 |
3318 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3319 |
3320 | - [Icons] Misc fixes and optimizations (#12036) @mbrookes
3321 | - [Tooltip] Rework the implementation (#12085) @oliviertassinari
3322 | - [Snackbar] Fix SnackbarOrigin TypeScript definition (#12083) @tzfrs
3323 | - [Dialog] Fix action width issue (#12081) @mim-Armand
3324 | - [theme] Use `isPlainObject` to avoid dropping prototypes (#12100) @kivlor
3325 | - [Popper] Add a modifiers property (#12108) @oliviertassinari
3326 | - [Button] Fix IE11 support of CSS 'width:initial' (#12119) @koshea
3327 | - [FormControlLabel] Add a failing test case and fix it (#12141) @oliviertassinari
3328 | - [Toolbar] Add dense variant (#12075) @srilman
3329 | - [Typography] Fix display2 cuts off the bottom of a 'g' (#12146) @Skaronator
3330 |
3331 | #### Docs
3332 |
3333 | - [docs] Fix typo (#12046) @AlexanderLukin
3334 | - [docs] Fix wrong icon names (#12042) @AlexanderLukin
3335 | - [docs] Fix typo (#12050) @AlexanderLukin
3336 | - [docs] Fix Typo (#12064) @johnjacobkenny
3337 | - [docs] Add known issues/limitations for progress animations (#12062) @HRK44
3338 | - [docs] Correct the normalize-function (#12066) @fauskanger
3339 | - [docs] Add react-media-material-ui in the related projects (#12068) @jedwards1211
3340 | - [docs] Fix SSR example to support production mode (#12080)
3341 | - [docs] Fix Theme nesting demo in codesandbox (#12097) @oliviertassinari
3342 | - [docs] Use the de-structured "children" variable (#12104) @jzhang729
3343 | - [docs] Add Tidelift banner (#12099) @oliviertassinari
3344 | - [docs] Fix some broken links (#12107) @oliviertassinari
3345 | - [docs] Preconnect to load the fonts (#12113) @oliviertassinari
3346 | - [docs] Improve grid demo descriptions (#12112) @mbrookes
3347 | - [docs] Add color selector (#12053) @mbrookes
3348 | - [docs] Add Tentu in the showcase (#12122) @urkopineda
3349 | - [docs] Add Subheader to v0.x migration guide (#12144) @shabareesh
3350 | - [docs] Add a comment that React 16.3.0 is a peer dependency (#12145) @chenop
3351 | - [Table] Document the CSS API (#12147) @chenop
3352 |
3353 | #### Core
3354 |
3355 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#12049) @oliviertassinari
3356 | - [core] Improve the prop-types of shape (#12098) @oliviertassinari
3357 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#12117) @oliviertassinari
3358 | - [core] Error typo fix (#12118) @TheRusskiy
3359 | - [test] Fix Argos-CI flakyness (#12142) @oliviertassinari
3360 |
3361 | #### Lab
3362 |
3363 | - [ToggleButtons] Add toggle buttons (#10144) @phallguy
3364 | - [Slider] Make interaction easier, fix thumb overflow (#11889) @ValentinH
3365 | - [SpeedDial] Inline the Add icon (#12128) @mbrookes
3366 |
3367 | ## 1.3.1
3368 | ###### *Jul 2, 2018*
3369 |
3370 | Big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible.
3371 |
3372 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3373 |
3374 | - Document the scroll property of the Dialog (#12025).
3375 | - Add a demo with Font Awesome (#12027).
3376 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
3377 |
3378 | ### Breaking change
3379 |
3380 | N/A
3381 |
3382 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3383 |
3384 | - [Select] Fix some W3C issues (#11983) @oliviertassinari
3385 | - [Icon] Add a fontSize prop which accepts default and inherit (#11986) @sakulstra
3386 | - [Menu] Add prop to disable auto focus (#11984) @th317erd
3387 | - [SvgIcon] Add component property (#11987) @stephenway
3388 | - [GridList] Clean the rendering logic (#11998) @oliviertassinari
3389 | - [Snackbar] Add check for autoHideDuration if equals 0 (#12002) @C-Rodg
3390 | - [Menu] Fix scrolling issue (#12003) @stephenway
3391 | - [Stepper] Merge StepPositionIcon in StepIcon (#12026) @bousejin
3392 | - [Input] Add read only demo (#12024) @oliviertassinari
3393 | - [ExpansionPanelSummary] Add IconButtonProps property (#12035) @dakotamurphyucf
3394 | - [Dialog] Document the scroll property (#12025) @oliviertassinari
3395 |
3396 | #### Docs
3397 |
3398 | - [docs] Use _app.js instead of wrapping every page by withRoot() (#11989) @NikitaVlaznev
3399 | - [docs] Link RootRef in the FAQ (#12005) @scottastrophic
3400 | - [docs] Add Core UI (#12015) @oliviertassinari
3401 | - [docs] Switch autosuggest highlighting (#12019) @TheRusskiy
3402 | - [docs] Small spelling fix (#12028) @danh293
3403 | - [docs] Add a demo with Font Awesome (#12027) @oliviertassinari
3404 |
3405 | #### Core
3406 |
3407 | - [typescript] [createMuiTheme] Fix typings & deepmerge shape (#11993) @franklixuefei
3408 | - [core] Warn about Children.map & Fragment (#12021) @oliviertassinari
3409 | - [core] Remove usage of theme.spacing.unit (#12022) @oliviertassinari
3410 |
3411 | #### Lab
3412 |
3413 | N/A
3414 |
3415 |
3416 | ## 1.3.0
3417 | ###### *Jun 26, 2018*
3418 |
3419 | Big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible.
3420 |
3421 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3422 |
3423 | - 🔥 Add extended Floating Action Button variant (#11941) @mbrookes.
3424 | - 🔥 Add scroll body handling for the dialog (#11974).
3425 | - 📝 Work on SEO for the components (#11963).
3426 |
3427 | ### Breaking change
3428 |
3429 | N/A
3430 |
3431 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3432 |
3433 | - [FormControl] Correct minor typo in text (#11931) @FluentSynergyDW
3434 | - [Grid] Add `auto` to TypeScript definitions (#11933) @woobianca
3435 | - [styles] Safer prefix logic (#11943) @oliviertassinari
3436 | - [Button] Add extended FAB variant (#11941) @mbrookes
3437 | - [styles] Warn when the first argument is wrong (#11953) @oliviertassinari
3438 | - [ClickAwayListener] Handle null child (#11955) @oliviertassinari
3439 | - [theme] Add border-radius to the theme (#11847) @itelo
3440 | - [Dialog] Add a scroll property (#11974) @oliviertassinari
3441 |
3442 | #### Docs
3443 |
3444 | - [Showcase] Add posters galore (react-admin) (#11939) @fzaninotto
3445 | - [docs] Update ts example (#11949) @kevinhughes27
3446 | - [docs] Add Outline docs (#11960) @tomasdev
3447 | - [docs] Do SEO for the components (#11963) @oliviertassinari
3448 | - [docs] Better API wording (#11973) @oliviertassinari
3449 | - [docs] In TypeScript doc, add missing `createStyles` to import (#11975) @Sylphony
3450 |
3451 | #### Core
3452 |
3453 | - [typescript] Fix Typings for disableTouchRipple and allVariants (#11944) @franklixuefei
3454 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#11954) @oliviertassinari
3455 | - [core] Upgrade eslint (#11957) @oliviertassinari
3456 | - [core] Upgrade preval (#11958) @oliviertassinari
3457 | - [core] Use Chrome Headless for the tests over PhantomJS (#11961) @oliviertassinari
3458 |
3459 | #### Lab
3460 |
3461 | N/A
3462 |
3463 | ## 1.2.3
3464 | ###### *Jun 20, 2018*
3465 |
3466 | Big thanks to the 6 contributors who made this release possible.
3467 |
3468 | This release fixes some important regressions.
3469 | We are making it outside of the normal schedule.
3470 |
3471 | ### Breaking change
3472 |
3473 | N/A
3474 |
3475 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3476 |
3477 | - [ButtonBase] Fix exception (#11905) @oliviertassinari
3478 | - [NoSSR] Add a fallback property (#11907) @oliviertassinari
3479 | - [Dialog] Add max-height back (#11914) @oliviertassinari
3480 | - [Tooltip] Revert update react-popper (#11920) @oliviertassinari
3481 | - [Select] Fix classes merge issue (#11904) @C-Rodg
3482 |
3483 | #### Docs
3484 |
3485 | - [docs] Document jss-nested rule reference feature (#11901) @i8ramin
3486 | - [docs] Correct markdown example from svg icon (#11922) @GabrielDuarteM
3487 | - [docs] TS decorating reword (#11923) @swpease
3488 |
3489 | #### Core
3490 |
3491 | N/A
3492 |
3493 | #### Lab
3494 |
3495 | - [Slider] Add TypeScript definitions (#11747) @epodivilov
3496 |
3497 | ## 1.2.2
3498 | ###### *Jun 18, 2018*
3499 |
3500 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible.
3501 |
3502 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3503 |
3504 | - 📝 Document the dynamic override alternatives (#11782) @adeelibr
3505 | - 📝 Document the ClickAwayListener component (#11801).
3506 | - And many more bug fixes 🐛 and documentation improvements 📝.
3507 |
3508 | ### Breaking change
3509 |
3510 | N/A
3511 |
3512 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3513 |
3514 | - [ClickAwayListener] Add a demo (#11801) @oliviertassinari
3515 | - [Grid] Add support a auto value (#11804) @oliviertassinari
3516 | - [StepButton] Fix IE 11 flexbox (#11814) @paulnta
3517 | - [styles] Re-add default parameter of string for WithStyles (#11808) @pelotom
3518 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Allow custom style (#11805) @Johann-S
3519 | - [ButtonBase] Corrected the type definitions for the TouchRipple classes (#11818) @C-Rodg
3520 | - [RootRef] Updated main index.js to include RootRef export (#11817) @C-Rodg
3521 | - [typography] Add a `allVariants` key in the theme (#11802) @oliviertassinari
3522 | - [ButtonBase] Add a disableTouchRipple property (#11820) @oliviertassinari
3523 | - [Tabs] Fix calculating tab indicator position (#11825) @ljani
3524 | - [Tabs] Fix IE11 support (#11832) @oliviertassinari
3525 | - [withWidth] Reading initialWidth from the theme (#11831) @kleyson
3526 | - [Tabs] Add support for a `component` property (#11844) @C-Rodg
3527 | - [ListItemText] Detect and avoid re-wrapping Typography (#11849) @jedwards1211
3528 | - [ListItemText] Add primaryTypographyProps and secondaryTypographyProps (#11858) @jedwards1211
3529 | - [Tooltip] Update react-popper (#11862) @oliviertassinari
3530 | - [TableCell] Fix property name (#11870) @marutanm
3531 | - [Modal] Fix removeEventListener (#11875) @DominikSerafin
3532 | - [CircularProgress] Fix wobble (#11886) @oliviertassinari
3533 | - [CircularProgress] End of line shape: use butt (#11888) @Modestas
3534 | - [Select] Fix reflow in render (#11891) @oliviertassinari
3535 |
3536 | #### Docs
3537 |
3538 | - [docs] Add structured data (#11798) @oliviertassinari
3539 | - [docs] Add a link to a CSS-in-JS egghead.io course (98168a2c749d8da2376d6a997145e3622df71bff) @kof
3540 | - [Table] Derive sorted rows from state at render time in demo (#11828) @charlax
3541 | - [docs] Document the dynamic override alternatives (#11782) @adeelibr
3542 | - [docs] Add a Select required example (#11838) @oliviertassinari
3543 | - [docs] Better class names conflict FAQ (#11846) @oliviertassinari
3544 | - [docs] Add a link toward dx-react-chart-material-ui (#11859) @Krijovnick
3545 | - [docs] Fix the Gatsby example (d7fe8c79dc097105fd1c6035b76a4d30666e9080) @oliviertassinari
3546 | - [docs] Update npm downloads badge to point to @material-ui/core (#11590) @davidcalhoun
3547 | - [examples] Add Server Rendering implementation (#11880) @oliviertassinari
3548 | - [docs] Update react-swipeable-views to fix a warning (#11890) @oliviertassinari
3549 |
3550 | #### Core
3551 |
3552 | - [core] Misc (#11797) @oliviertassinari
3553 | - [core] Better `component` prop types (#11863) @jedwards1211
3554 | - [core] Remove some unneeded code (#11873) @oliviertassinari
3555 | - [core] Fix the UMD release (#11878) @oliviertassinari
3556 | - [core] Document the non supported children properties (#11879) @oliviertassinari
3557 |
3558 | #### Labs
3559 |
3560 | N/A
3561 |
3562 | ## 1.2.1
3563 | ###### *Jun 10, 2018*
3564 |
3565 | Big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible.
3566 |
3567 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3568 |
3569 | - A lot of bug fixes 🐛!
3570 | - Add full `React.createRef` support ⚛️ (#11757) @t49tran.
3571 | - Document the `withWidth()` helper
3572 |
3573 | ### Breaking change
3574 |
3575 | N/A
3576 |
3577 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3578 |
3579 | - [Select] Add a placeholder demo (#11706) @oliviertassinari
3580 | - [RootRef] Update RootRef.d.ts (#11708) @franklixuefei
3581 | - [ButtonBase] Document the `type` property (#11728) @C-Rodg
3582 | - [Popover] Fix default value (#11729) @oliviertassinari
3583 | - [withWidth] Second iteration on the component (#11730) @oliviertassinari
3584 | - [transition] Fix IE11 issue in dev mode (#11743) @adeelibr
3585 | - [Tabs] Better flex layout (#11748) @adeelibr
3586 | - [core] Add React.createRef support (#11757) @t49tran
3587 | - [Grid] Improve the dev warnings (#11765) @oliviertassinari
3588 | - [CircularProgress] Fix centering (#11781) @adeelibr
3589 | - [TextField] Bind the focus/blur explicitly (#11789) @oliviertassinari
3590 | - [RadioGroup] Fix onChange chaining (#11793) @oliviertassinari
3591 |
3592 | #### Docs
3593 |
3594 | - [docs] Property !== attribute (#11694) @adeelibr
3595 | - [docs] Add Trafikito.com to showcase (#11716) @liesislukas
3596 | - [docs] Update meetingku image (#11724) @liganok
3597 | - [docs] Improve docs:dev init by ~2 s and HMR by ~200 ms (#11752) @tal952
3598 | - [docs] Change app bar to button on the getting started (#11756) @Simperfit
3599 | - [docs] Add React Most Wanted to related projects (#11753) @TarikHuber
3600 | - [docs] Error in example in Migration From v0.x Guide (#11771) @AkselsLedins
3601 | - [docs] Simple Grammar Fix (#11785) @jeff-kilbride
3602 | - [docs] Fix typo (#11787) @BenDiuguid
3603 | - [docs] Better troubleshooting action for the hydration mismatch (#11792) @oliviertassinari
3604 |
3605 | #### Core
3606 |
3607 | - [core] Remove parser specification to fix JSON issue (#11763) @ryanpcmcquen
3608 | - [core] Throw if react >= 16.3.0 requirement isn't matched (#11779) @oliviertassinari
3609 | - [core] Better warnings for class names duplicates (#11788) @oliviertassinari
3610 | - [core] Remove dead code (#11791) @oliviertassinari
3611 |
3612 | #### Labs
3613 |
3614 | - [Slider] Fix for IE11 (#11727) @epodivilov
3615 | - [Slider] Value can still be updated while disabled (#11744) @epodivilov
3616 |
3617 | ## 1.2.0
3618 | ###### *Jun 3, 2018*
3619 |
3620 | Big thanks to the 23 contributors who made this release possible.
3621 |
3622 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3623 |
3624 | - Start upgrading the button component to match the new Material specification (#11497) @mbrookes.
3625 | - Fix some regressions (#11614, #11689).
3626 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
3627 |
3628 | ### Breaking change
3629 |
3630 | N/A
3631 |
3632 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3633 |
3634 | - [Snackbar] Add customization example (#11597) @mbrn
3635 | - [Menu] Fix a regression on Edge (#11614) @oliviertassinari
3636 | - [TextField] Replace underline content text with nbsp (#11617) @Jdubedition
3637 | - [TextField] Fix grammar for docs (#11633) @RobBednark
3638 | - [ListItem] Fix typings for ListItem (#11645) @franklixuefei
3639 | - [Button] Add text and contained variants (#11497) @mbrookes
3640 | - [Chip] Add `clickable` property (#11613) @vilvaathibanpb
3641 | - [Popover] Add timeout prop to TransitionComponent (#11657) @C-Rodg
3642 | - [styles] Better class name conflict warning (#11685) @oliviertassinari
3643 | - [Grid] Better support for theme.props (#11688) @oliviertassinari
3644 | - [ListItemText] Fix primary={0} display (#11686) @helfi92
3645 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Fix a regression introduced in React 16.4.0 (#11689) @oliviertassinari
3646 | - [RootRef] Allow using React.createRef api with RootRef component (#11681) @TrySound
3647 |
3648 | #### Docs
3649 |
3650 | - [docs] Better API spread section (#11598) @oliviertassinari
3651 | - [docs] Update Wertarbyte components link (#11603) @leMaik
3652 | - [docs] Add a changelog page (#11604) @oliviertassinari
3653 | - [docs] Keep the current version into account (#11595) @oliviertassinari
3654 | - [ROADMAP] Update the roadmap (#11606) @oliviertassinari
3655 | - [example] Fix missing brackets typescript (#11623) @Ilaiwi
3656 | - [docs] Update overrides.md (#11630) @risafletcher
3657 | - [docs] Styled API Example (5 lines) (#11620) @mssngr
3658 | - [docs] Mention view port size in SVGIcon documentation (#11639) @JesusCrow
3659 | - [docs] Update README for codemod (#11647) @sacdallago
3660 | - [docs] Update link to flow-typed definitions (#11674) @jessrosenfield
3661 | - [docs] Minor grammitcal error (#11691) @NeuTrix
3662 |
3663 | #### Core
3664 |
3665 | - [typescript] Depend directly on CSSType (#11608) @pelotom
3666 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies (#11616) @oliviertassinari
3667 | - [typescript] createStyles and improved WithStyles helpers (#11609) @pelotom
3668 | - [core] Add cross-env back (#11638) @lookfirst
3669 | - [typescript] Fix keyof for typescript@2.9 (#11669) @mctep
3670 | - [core] Some fixes looking into issues (#11676) @oliviertassinari
3671 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies (#11684) @oliviertassinari
3672 |
3673 | #### Labs
3674 |
3675 | - [SpeedDial] Fix classes prop description (#11599) @mbrookes
3676 | - [Slider] Misc fixes towards standard MUI patterns (#11605) @mbrookes
3677 | - [Slider] Fire the right event on mouseDown (#11642) @acroyear
3678 | - [SpeedDial] Add type definitions to lab, so SpeedDial can be use with TypeScript project (#11542) @TR3MIC
3679 |
3680 | ## 1.1.0
3681 | ###### *May 26, 2018*
3682 |
3683 | Big thanks to the 30 contributors who made this release possible.
3684 |
3685 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3686 |
3687 | - A smaller bundle, saved 5 kB gzipped (#11511, #11492, #11521, #11523) @TrySound
3688 | - A new Slider component in the lab (#11040) @epodivilov.
3689 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
3690 |
3691 | ### Breaking change
3692 |
3693 | N/A
3694 |
3695 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3696 |
3697 | - [ListSubheader] Fix demo import path (#11468) @Hocdoc
3698 | - [Backdrop] Fix export paths (#11481) @brandonhall
3699 | - [ListItem] Take the focusVisibleClassName property into account (#11451) @rdemirov
3700 | - [Grid] Allow shrink in items so text will wrap by default (#11411) @ShaneMcX
3701 | - [StepLabel] Allow StepIcon customization (#11446) @jargot
3702 | - [StepConnector] Exposes the component (#11478) @racingrebel
3703 | - [Tabs] Fix TabIndicatorProps merge (#11494) @adeelibr
3704 | - [ButtonBase] Fix React propTypes buttonRef warning (#11519) @t49tran
3705 | - [ListItemText] Shouldn't be a heading by default (#11544) @adeelibr
3706 | - [GridListTileBar] Add missing title and subtitle keys (#11570) @ljani
3707 | - [TableCell] Fix padding for last TableCell if checkbox (#11568) @gfpacheco
3708 | - [Button][ButtonBase] Take advantage of defaultProps for component prop (#11574) @cherniavskii
3709 | - [StepConnector] Add to default export from @material-ui/core (#11583) @OsipovIgor
3710 | - [ButtonBase] Improve enter & space handling (#11585) @TheBear44
3711 |
3712 | #### Docs
3713 |
3714 | - [examples] Fix imports for Dialog (#11469) @sboles
3715 | - [docs] Add v0 subdirectory redirects (#11470) @mbrookes
3716 | - [docs] Remove trailing slash on progress-indicators link (#11473) @srt32
3717 | - [docs] Add HSTS header (#11475) @mbrookes
3718 | - [docs] Add missing word to documentation (#11476) @Skn0tt
3719 | - [docs] Specify correct corner to locate directional toggle (#11479) @jacquesporveau
3720 | - [examples] Fix create-react-app-with-jss theme object (#11485) @Dror88
3721 | - [docs] Add Snippets Chrome extension to showcase (#11487) @richardscarrott
3722 | - [docs] Fix hyphen for iOS (#11490) @mbrookes
3723 | - [docs] Prevent content-type: application/octet-stream (#11501) @oliviertassinari
3724 | - [docs] Add Customized Switches section (#11505) @mbrookes
3725 | - [docs] Remove Firebase config file & deploy script (#11516) @mbrookes
3726 | - [docs] Pull versions from github API (#11522) @mbrookes
3727 | - [docs] Removed references to Grid's hidden property (#11529) @lfalke
3728 | - [docs] Remove background grid from Typography variants demo (#11562) @mbrookes
3729 | - [docs] Finish incomplete list-item-text.md documentation (#11559) @codeheroics
3730 | - [docs] Add outlined buttons to ButtonSizes demo (#11509) @mbrookes
3731 | - [docs] Add a Troubleshooting section for SSR (#11579) @oliviertassinari
3732 | - [docs] Fix a little typo in typescript docs (#11580) @saculbr
3733 | - [docs] Add react-admin to related projects (#11582) @fzaninotto
3734 | - [docs] Update the showcase (#11578) @mbrookes
3735 |
3736 | #### Core
3737 |
3738 | - [typescript] Make TypographyStyle assignable to CSSProperties, misc other typing fixes (#11456) @pelotom
3739 | - [core] Cut the head of the snake 🐍 (#11477) @oliviertassinari
3740 | - [core] Add esm bundle to start tracking treeshakability (#11489) @TrySound
3741 | - [core] More aggressive transpilation (#11492) @oliviertassinari
3742 | - [core] Enable loose mode for staged featues (#11511) @TrySound
3743 | - [core] Simplify the babel docs config (#11514) @oliviertassinari
3744 | - [core] Remove lodash 💃 (#11521) @oliviertassinari
3745 | - [core] Internalize ScrollbarSize (#11523) @oliviertassinari
3746 | - [typescript] Add sample with return types (#11512) @yacut
3747 |
3748 | #### Labs
3749 |
3750 | - [SpeedDial] Clean up SpeedDialIcon transition (#11513) @mbrookes
3751 | - [Slider] Port component (#11040) @epodivilov
3752 |
3753 | ## 1.0.0
3754 | ###### *May 17, 2018*
3755 |
3756 | Our first stable v1 release! 🎉
3757 |
3758 | It has taken us two years to do it, but Material-UI v1 has finally arrived!
3759 | We are so excited about this release, as it's setting a new course for the project. Thank you to *everyone*, especially to [the team](https://material-ui.com/discover-more/team/), and to everyone who's contributed code, issue triage, and support. **Thank you**.
3760 |
3761 | Some statistics with v1 while it was in alpha and beta:
3762 | - 304 contributors
3763 | - 2390 commits
3764 | - From 0 downloads/month to 300k downloads/month
3765 | - From 0 users/month to 90k users/month
3766 |
3767 | ## 1.0.0-rc.1
3768 | ###### *May 15, 2018*
3769 |
3770 | Big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible.
3771 |
3772 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3773 |
3774 | - Thanks for trying out v1.0.0-rc.0! This release focus on fixing the reported bugs 🐛.
3775 | - Great focus on the performance (#11358, #11360, #11364) @goto-bus-stop, @TrySound
3776 | We will have more time to work on that topic post v1.
3777 |
3778 | ### Breaking change
3779 |
3780 | N/A
3781 |
3782 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3783 |
3784 | - [codemod] Revert the codemod inception on the tests (#11376) @oliviertassinari
3785 | - [typescript] Fix DialogContent export (#11378) @ljvanschie
3786 | - [Dialog] Fix content export (#11393) @stefensuhat
3787 | - [icons] Remove deadcode (#11400) @oliviertassinari
3788 | - [NativeSelect] New component (#11364) @oliviertassinari
3789 | - [Popover] Fix max height issue in some mobile browsers (#11349) @gaborcs
3790 |
3791 | #### Docs
3792 |
3793 | - [docs] Update notifications for v1.0.0-rc.0 (#11351) @simsim0709
3794 | - [Snackbar] Fix transition directions demo (#11391) @serendipity1004
3795 | - [docs] Remove react@15 message (#11399) @deltaskelta
3796 | - [docs] Better netlify cache control (#11404) @oliviertassinari
3797 |
3798 | #### Core
3799 |
3800 | - [core] Do not include polyfills in the ES modules build (#11358) @goto-bus-stop
3801 | - [core] Workaround a Babel regression (#11398) @oliviertassinari
3802 | - [core] Fix size-limit for the new Next path (#11401) @oliviertassinari
3803 | - [core] Require node >=8.0.0 to work on the project (#11407) @netdeamon
3804 | - [core] Bundle UMD with rollup (#11360) @TrySound
3805 |
3806 | ## 0.20.1
3807 | ###### *May 13, 2018*
3808 |
3809 | Big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible.
3810 |
3811 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3812 |
3813 | - [Tabs] Add support for inline style override for parent container of InkBar (#9598) @PharaohMaster
3814 | - Popover does not listen to events unless it is open at the moment (#9482) @romanzenka
3815 | - [EnhancedButton] Fix onClick event being fired twice on "Enter Key" press (#9439) @karaggeorge
3816 | - [Slider] Fix handle case where ref is null (#10006) @jony89
3817 | - [RaisedButton] Conditionally apply overlay backgroundColor (#9811) @walwoodr
3818 | - [Snackbar] Static properties for reason string constants (#10300) @RavenHursT
3819 | - [TextField] Fix caret position issue (#10214) @MaratFaskhiev
3820 | - Add sideEffects: false for webpack 4 (#11167) @matthoffner
3821 |
3822 | #### Docs
3823 |
3824 | - [docs] Adding smpl to showcase (#9386) @Bonitis
3825 | - [docs] Remove HEAD in versions list (#9391) @HZooly
3826 | - Add Governance Document (#9423) @hai-cea
3827 | - [docs] Add v1 recommendation to home page (#9727) @mbrookes
3828 | - [docs] Remove BrainBOK from showcase (#11292) @brainbok
3829 |
3830 | ## 1.0.0-rc.0
3831 | ###### *May 13, 2018*
3832 |
3833 | Big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible.
3834 |
3835 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3836 |
3837 | - Introduce the last planned breaking changes before stable v1
3838 |
3839 | ### Breaking change
3840 |
3841 | - [core] Move material-ui to @material-ui/core (#11310) @oliviertassinari
3842 |
3843 | ```diff
3844 | -import { withStyles } from 'material-ui/styles';
3845 | +import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
3846 | ```
3847 |
3848 | - [core] Flatten the import path (#11330) @oliviertassinari
3849 |
3850 | #### Motivation
3851 |
3852 | 1. It's a simple pattern to learn. People won't need to go back and forth with the documentation to learn the import paths 💭.
3853 | 2. People bundle size will decrease 🚀.
3854 | 3. In an ideal world, we would import everything from the root module and tree sharking would be taken care of for us. This change doesn't matter in this world ☮️.
3855 | ```jsx
3856 | import {
3857 | Table,
3858 | TableBody,
3859 | TableCell,
3860 | TableFooter,
3861 | TablePagination,
3862 | TableRow,
3863 | } from 'material-ui';
3864 | ```
3865 |
3866 | #### The diff
3867 |
3868 | ```diff
3869 | -import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/Progress/CircularProgress';
3870 | +import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress';
3871 | ```
3872 |
3873 | ```diff
3874 | -import { ListItem } from '@material-ui/core/List';
3875 | +import ListItem from '@material-ui/core/ListItem';
3876 | ```
3877 |
3878 | #### Upgrade path
3879 |
3880 | We provide a codemod to automate the migration: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/master/packages/material-ui-codemod#import-path. I have used it to upgrade all the demos in the documentation :).
3881 |
3882 | - [core] Require React 16.3.0 or greater (#11347, #11361) @oliviertassinari
3883 | - [Grid] Remove the hidden property (#11348) @oliviertassinari
3884 |
3885 | Split the responsabilities between the different components. Help with tree-shaking.
3886 |
3887 | ```diff
3888 | - <Grid item xs hidden={{ xlUp: true }}>
3889 | - <Paper>xlUp</Paper>
3890 | - </Grid>
3891 | + <Hidden xlUp>
3892 | + <Grid item xs>
3893 | + <Paper>xlUp</Paper>
3894 | + </Grid>
3895 | + </Hidden>
3896 | ```
3897 |
3898 | - [TextField] change underline approach to prevent browser zoom issue (#11181) @Jdubedition
3899 |
3900 | The text underline color customization change:
3901 | ```diff
3902 | underline: {
3903 | '&:after': {
3904 | - backgroundColor: purple[500],
3905 | + borderBottomColor: purple[500],
3906 | },
3907 | },
3908 | ```
3909 |
3910 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3911 |
3912 | - [CircularProgress] Add transition for static variant (#11313) @oliviertassinari
3913 | - [createTypography] Add primary text color to 'button' typography variant (#11322) @ValentineStone
3914 | - [styles] Fix typings for FontStyle (#11326) @vkentta
3915 | - [Grid] Add 32px gutter to grid spacing (#11338) @abnersajr
3916 | - [Button] Add outlined variant (#11346) @leMaik
3917 |
3918 | #### Docs
3919 |
3920 | - [docs] v0 redirect (#11303) @mbrookes
3921 | - [docs] Add a new premium-theme (#11300) @oliviertassinari
3922 | - [docs] Prepare the v1 release (#11317) @oliviertassinari
3923 | - [docs] Add HIJUP.com to the showcase site (#11328) @fikriauliya
3924 | - [docs] Update material.io URLs (#11334) @mbrookes
3925 | - [docs] Make the button examples consistent (#11352) @mbrookes
3926 | - [docs] Eradicate 'Useful to' (#11353) @mbrookes
3927 | - [docs] Move v1-beta to master (#11354) @oliviertassinari
3928 | - [docs] Install with yarn (#11357) @Xakher
3929 |
3930 | #### Core
3931 |
3932 | - [typescript] Add CreateMuiTheme props TypeScript definition (#11296) @abnersajr
3933 | - [typescript] Fix color type in augmentColor function (#11302) @AiusDa
3934 | - Make WithStylesOptions extend the options argument of createStyleSheet (#11325) @pelotom
3935 | - [core] Update the dev dependencies (#11355) @oliviertassinari
3936 |
3937 | ## 1.0.0-beta.47
3938 | ###### *May 9, 2018*
3939 |
3940 | Big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible.
3941 |
3942 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3943 |
3944 | - Fix an important regression (Babel upgrade)
3945 |
3946 | ### Breaking change
3947 |
3948 | - [typescript] Fix withStyles edge cases (#11280) @pelotom
3949 |
3950 | If you are using TypeScript, 2.8 or later is required.
3951 |
3952 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3953 |
3954 | - [withStyles] Support createRef() (#11293) @rolandjitsu
3955 | - [InputLabel] Remove the width style property (#11297) @C-Rodg
3956 |
3957 | #### Docs
3958 |
3959 | N/A
3960 |
3961 | #### Core
3962 |
3963 | - [core] Add @babel/runtime as a dependency (#11298) @oliviertassinari
3964 |
3965 | ## 1.0.0-beta.46
3966 | ###### *May 8, 2018*
3967 |
3968 | Big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible.
3969 |
3970 | Here are some highlights ✨:
3971 |
3972 | - Fix an important regression (npm dependency)
3973 |
3974 | ### Breaking change
3975 |
3976 | N/A
3977 |
3978 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
3979 |
3980 | - [Table] Add table-footer-group CSS (#11264) @t49tran
3981 | - [ButtonBase] Add a focusVisible action (#9712) @tkvw
3982 | - [ButtonBase] Better performance (#11277) @oliviertassinari
3983 | - [Tabs] Add a TabIndicatorProps property (#11254) @adeelibr
3984 |
3985 | #### Docs
3986 |
3987 | - [docs] Improve the table examples' accessibility (#11256) @mbrookes
3988 | - [docs] Add Pilcro to showcase apps (#11274) @hugowoodhead
3989 |
3990 | #### Core
3991 |
3992 | - [typescript] Fix type definitions for Snackbar and CircularProgress (#11265) @franklixuefei
3993 | - [core] Upgrade Babel 6 to Babel 7 (#10964) @oliviertassinari
3994 | - [core] npm shouldn't be a dependency (#11263) @oliviertassinari
3995 |
3996 | ## 1.0.0-beta.45
3997 | ###### *May 6, 2018*
3998 |
3999 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
4000 |
4001 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4002 |
4003 | - A release date. We will release Material-UI v1 May 17th.
4004 | - Improve the performance of withStyles by adding memoization (#11202) @CharlesStover.
4005 | - Standardization of the component injection pattern (#11204) @oliviertassinari
4006 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4007 |
4008 | ### Breaking change
4009 |
4010 | - [core] Standardize the component injection pattern (#11204) @oliviertassinari
4011 |
4012 | I couldn't find a clean way to support the render props pattern.
4013 | Doing such would require to greatly reduce the usage of JSX.
4014 | It would really harm source code readability.
4015 |
4016 | Instead, I have been focusing on standardizing our component injection story.
4017 | This way, we can go back to the render props after stable v1 is released and see if source code readability worth be sacrificed for the render prop pattern.
4018 |
4019 | ```diff
4020 | <Tabs
4021 | - TabScrollButton={TabScrollButtonWrapped}
4022 | + ScrollButtonComponent={TabScrollButtonWrapped}
4023 | ```
4024 |
4025 | ```diff
4026 | <TablePagination
4027 | - Actions={TablePaginationActionsWrapped}
4028 | + ActionsComponent={TablePaginationActionsWrapped}
4029 | ```
4030 |
4031 | ```diff
4032 | <Dialog
4033 | - transition={Transition}
4034 | + TransitionComponent={Transition}
4035 | ```
4036 |
4037 | ```diff
4038 | <Menu
4039 | - transition={Transition}
4040 | + TransitionComponent={Transition}
4041 | ```
4042 |
4043 | ```diff
4044 | <Snackbar
4045 | - transition={Transition}
4046 | + TransitionComponent={Transition}
4047 | ```
4048 |
4049 | ```diff
4050 | <Popover
4051 | - transition={Transition}
4052 | + TransitionComponent={Transition}
4053 | ```
4054 |
4055 | ```diff
4056 | <StepContent
4057 | - transition={Transition}
4058 | + TransitionComponent={Transition}
4059 | ```
4060 |
4061 | - [Snackbar] Rename SnackbarContentProps (#11203) @oliviertassinari
4062 |
4063 | This change is for consistency with the other components. No need to repeat the component name in the property.
4064 |
4065 | ```diff
4066 | <Snackbar
4067 | - SnackbarContentProps={{ 'aria-describedby': 'notification-message' }}
4068 | + ContentProps={{ 'aria-describedby': 'notification-message' }}
4069 | ```
4070 |
4071 | - [CircularProgress] Remove min & max props (#11211) @mbrookes
4072 |
4073 | Makes the API consistant with LinearProgress
4074 |
4075 | ```diff
4076 | <CircularProgress
4077 | - min={10}
4078 | - max={20}
4079 | - value={15}
4080 | + value={(15 - 10) / (20 - 10) * 100}
4081 | />
4082 | ```
4083 |
4084 | - [ButtonBase] Complete the focusVisible rename (#11188) @oliviertassinari
4085 |
4086 | The rename started with #11090. I should have taken the time to complete it in the first place. This way, we are fully consistent with the spec: https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-focus-visible-pseudo :)
4087 |
4088 | ```diff
4089 | <ButtonBase
4090 | - onKeyboardFocus={this.handleVisible}
4091 | + onFocusVisible={this.handleVisible}
4092 | ```
4093 |
4094 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4095 |
4096 | - [ButtonBase] Update TypeScript to sync with the implementation (#11189) @franklixuefei
4097 | - [styles] Simpler outline reset (#11199) @oliviertassinari
4098 | - [Transition] Add a TransitionProps (#11201) @oliviertassinari
4099 | - [TablePagination] Allow the MenuItem customization (#11200) @oliviertassinari
4100 | - [ListItemIcon] Take advantage of CSS inheritance (#11206) @xiaoyu-tamu
4101 | - [StepButton] Allow null to be assigned to icon prop (#11221) @franklixuefei
4102 | - [TextField] Increase shrunk label width to match 100% input width (#11215) @pandaiolo
4103 | - [Select] Add IconComponent property (#11136) @sepehr1313
4104 | - [withStyles] Memoization the classes property (#11202) @CharlesStover
4105 | - [NProgress] Better RTL support and closer to YouTube version (#11246) @oliviertassinari
4106 | - [Stepper] Swipeable demo integration (#11241) @Klynger
4107 | - [codemod] Prepare the import path breaking change (#11249) @oliviertassinari
4108 | - [codemod] Support the private and direct imports (#11253) @oliviertassinari
4109 | - [Table] Fix TypeScript classes support (#11255) @t49tran
4110 |
4111 | #### Docs
4112 |
4113 | - [docs] Fix typo in comparison.md (#11185) @morleytatro
4114 | - [docs] Fix dark theme display (#11194) @oliviertassinari
4115 | - [example] Revert wrong change (#11195) @oliviertassinari
4116 | - [docs] Improve server-rendering, replace render by hydrate (#11210) @Mystraht
4117 | - [docs] Update notification (#11213) @simsim0709
4118 | - [docs] Clarify the difference with enzyme (#11228) @oliviertassinari
4119 | - [docs] Add a note on the override of internal states (#11227) @oliviertassinari
4120 | - [docs] Misc fixes (#11239) @mbrookes
4121 | - [docs] Document the theme.props feature (#11245) @oliviertassinari
4122 | - [docs] Speedup a bit the homepage (#11248) @oliviertassinari
4123 |
4124 | #### Core
4125 |
4126 | - [test] Fix the CI (#11187) @oliviertassinari
4127 | - [core] Update dependencies (#11240) @oliviertassinari
4128 |
4129 | ## 1.0.0-beta.44
4130 | ###### *Apr 29, 2018*
4131 |
4132 | Big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible.
4133 |
4134 | ### Breaking change
4135 |
4136 | - [CardMedia] Escape background image url (#11126) @Bennit
4137 |
4138 | As long as you are providing a valid URL to `<CardMedia image />`, it should be working. However, previously `"` escaped URL will no longer work.
4139 |
4140 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4141 |
4142 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Prevent interaction with the drawer content if not opened (#11091) @leMaik
4143 | - [Icon] Prevent shrinking when inside a flex container (#11097) @ValentinH
4144 | - [Grid] Fix TypeScript definitions of class keys (#11102) @nmchaves
4145 | - [Portal] Revert "Global option to disable the portal" (#11116) @oliviertassinari
4146 | - [ButtonBase] Simpler global focus visible style override (#11130) @oliviertassinari
4147 | - [Modal] Prevent IE11 from crashing on modal close (#11115) @JonAbrams
4148 | - [Input] Fix infinite rendering loop (#11159) @oliviertassinari
4149 | - [lab] Fix the tests (#11160) @oliviertassinari
4150 | - [Snackbar] Add a consecutive demo (#11111) @simoami
4151 | - [Tabs] Better Ant Design demo (#11095) @theiliad
4152 | - [Popover] Improve the demos (#11175) @oliviertassinari
4153 |
4154 | #### Docs
4155 |
4156 | - [docs] Add npm-registry-browser into showcase (#11114) @topheman
4157 | - [docs] Fix the flow example (#11118) @prastut
4158 | - [docs] Add showcase for Local Insights (#11131) @hrdymchl
4159 | - [docs] Add iOS momentum scrolling (#11140) @cherniavskii
4160 | - [docs] Add a CSS modules example (#11171) @oliviertassinari
4161 | - [docs] Fix typo in themes.md (#11149) @zhuangya
4162 | - [docs] Make sure next@6 is working (#11168) @oliviertassinari
4163 | - [docs] Correct spelling error in FormDialog.js example (#11176) @weldon0405
4164 |
4165 | #### Core
4166 |
4167 | - [core] Reduce the size of the npm package (#11144) @oliviertassinari
4168 | - [typescript] allow pseudos on any theme mixins (#11145) @rosskevin
4169 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#11146) @oliviertassinari
4170 | - [styles] Fix constraint on withStyles P parameter to allow StyledComponentProps (#11156) @pelotom
4171 |
4172 | ## 1.0.0-beta.43
4173 | ###### *Apr 22, 2018*
4174 |
4175 | Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible.
4176 |
4177 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4178 |
4179 | - A better keyboard focused customization story (#11090) @oliviertassinari
4180 | - Various TypeScript fixes
4181 |
4182 | ### Breaking change
4183 |
4184 | - [ButtonBase] Better keyboard focused story (#11090) @oliviertassinari
4185 | - Rename the `keyboardFocused` feature `focusVisible` in order to follow the CSS specification wording:
4186 | https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-focus-visible-pseudo
4187 | - Give up on the `classes` property to host the focus visible feature. The fact that the classes don't cascade was making it hard to use. Instead, we rely on a `focusVisibleClassName` property. This is allowing any component along the rendering chain to use the feature. For instance, a Switch component: Switch > SwitchBase > IconButton > ButtonBase.
4188 |
4189 | ```diff
4190 | <ButtonBase
4191 | - classes={{
4192 | - keyboardFocused: 'my-class-name',
4193 | - }}
4194 | + focusVisibleClassName="my-class-name"
4195 | />
4196 | ```
4197 |
4198 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4199 |
4200 | - [typescript] Constrain props type param appropriately in withStyles, withTheme, withWidth HOCs (#11003) @estaub
4201 | - [typescript] make Select's onChange prop optional (#11041) @nmchaves
4202 | - [Table] Remove overflow (#11062) @oliviertassinari
4203 | - [TablePagination] Allow the override of the action buttons (#11058) @lukePeavey
4204 | - [Popover] Add option to disable Menu auto positioning (#11050) @nicoffee
4205 | - [Input] Allow div props on InputAdornment in TypeScript (#11077) @mtandersson
4206 | - [Dialog] Fix iOS momentum scroll (#11066) @greenwombat
4207 | - [Portal] Global option to disable the portal (#11086) @oliviertassinari
4208 | - [ExpansionPanel] Fix display on IE11 and Edge (#11087) @oliviertassinari
4209 | - [CardActions] Fix CSS override (#11092) @oliviertassinari
4210 |
4211 | #### Docs
4212 |
4213 | - [docs] Fix broken link (#11042) @imrobinized
4214 | - [CONTRIBUTING] Update the docs (#11078) @oliviertassinari
4215 |
4216 | #### Core
4217 |
4218 | - [core] Better distinction between the private and public components (#11051) @oliviertassinari
4219 | - [core] Upgrade dev dependencies (#11096) @oliviertassinari
4220 |
4221 | ## 1.0.0-beta.42
4222 | ###### *Apr 16, 2018*
4223 |
4224 | Big thanks to the 15 contributors who made this release possible.
4225 |
4226 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4227 |
4228 | - A better CSS override story (#10961) @oliviertassinari
4229 | - Strongly typed React.CSSProperties TypeScript definitions (#11007) @pelotom
4230 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4231 |
4232 | ### Breaking change
4233 |
4234 | - [styles] Change the CSS specificity (#10961) @oliviertassinari
4235 |
4236 | This breaking change is important. It might be the most painful to recover from before stable v1 (May 17th 2018).
4237 | We have changed the CSS specificity rule to solve #10771 at scale.
4238 |
4239 | It's inspired by the Bootstrap approach to writing CSS. It follows two rules:
4240 | 1. A variant has **one level of specificity**.
4241 | For instance, the `color` and `variant` properties are considered a variant.
4242 | The lower the style specificity is, the simpler you can override it.
4243 | 2. We increase the specificity for a variant modifier.
4244 | We already **have to do** it for the pseudo-classes (`:hover`, `:focus`, etc.).
4245 | It allows much more control at the cost of more boilerplate.
4246 | Hopefully, it's more intuitive.
4247 |
4248 | Example:
4249 | ```diff
4250 | const styles = {
4251 | - checked: {
4252 | - color: green[500],
4253 | + root: {
4254 | + color: green[600],
4255 | + '&$checked': {
4256 | + color: green[500],
4257 | + },
4258 | },
4259 | + checked: {},
4260 | };
4261 |
4262 | <Checkbox
4263 | classes={{
4264 | + root: classes.root,
4265 | checked: classes.checked,
4266 | }}
4267 | />
4268 | ```
4269 |
4270 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4271 |
4272 | - [lab] No side effect (7c379fa7ba4ed2a3eb8abc841a9a4376014b6145) @oliviertassinari
4273 | - [Card] Hide overflow to maintain round corners with CardMedia (#10946) @mbrookes
4274 | - [ButtonBase] More robust button keyboard accessibility (#10965) @oliviertassinari
4275 | - [Tooltip] Remove title from chldrenProps (#10977) @mbrookes
4276 | - [theme] Expose augmentColor for colors outside the palette (#10985) @AiusDa
4277 | - [Select] Update onChange props definition to match with SelectInput (#11012) @t49tran
4278 | - [lab] Bump version for @material-ui/icons dependency (#10992) @mbrookes
4279 | - [Drawer] Improve the "Mini variant drawer" demo (#11010) @andriyor
4280 | - [Step] Remove private modules from the export (#11020) @oliviertassinari
4281 | - [Grid] Update propTypes to accept false (#11022) @oliviertassinari
4282 | - [Chip] only transition the CSS properties we need (#11023) @oliviertassinari
4283 | - [CssBaseline] Add key to theme overrides type definition (#11025) @roosmaa
4284 | - [Tabs] Add a customization demo (#10999) @cherniavskii
4285 | - [theme] Use a single theme variable for the hover effects of Button, IconButton and ListItem (#10952) @SebastianSchmidt
4286 | - [Dialog] Fix BackdropProps propagation (#11029) @sepehr1313
4287 | - [ButtonBase] Fix wrong touchMove wiring (#11026) @mbrookes
4288 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Simplify isSwiping logic (#11032) @leMaik
4289 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Add a blocking div to the edge of the screen (#11031) @leMaik
4290 |
4291 | #### Docs
4292 |
4293 | - [docs] Fix typo (#10990) @jleeohsu
4294 | - [docs] Better private/public API description (#11024) @oliviertassinari
4295 | - [Collapse] Fix typo in comment (#11035) @mknet
4296 |
4297 | #### Core
4298 |
4299 | - [core] Add fallback to ownerWindow (#10978) @richardscarrott
4300 | - [typescript] Remove unnecessary Partial<> for `style` prop (#10994) @franklixuefei
4301 | - [core] Export all the style modules (#11021) @oliviertassinari
4302 | - [typescript] Upgrade types, use string index fallback for CSSProperties to allow nested pseudos (#11007) @pelotom
4303 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#11030) @oliviertassinari
4304 | - [core] Move to the packages structure (#11033) @oliviertassinari
4305 |
4306 | ## 1.0.0-beta.41
4307 | ###### *Apr 7, 2018*
4308 |
4309 | Big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible.
4310 |
4311 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4312 |
4313 | - An icon package ready for v1 stable (#10902, #10933, #10957).
4314 | - An important focus on the documentation.
4315 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4316 |
4317 | ### Breaking change
4318 |
4319 | - Move the icon package from `material-ui-icons` to `@material-ui/icons` (#10957) @oliviertassinari
4320 |
4321 | ```diff
4322 | -import FormatTextdirectionRToL from 'material-ui-icons/FormatTextdirectionRToL';
4323 | +import FormatTextdirectionRToL from '@material-ui/icons/FormatTextdirectionRToL';
4324 | ```
4325 |
4326 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4327 |
4328 | - [icons] Reduce code duplication (#10902) @cherniavskii
4329 | - [icons] Check if `global` is defined before trying to use it (#10933) @joliss
4330 | - [Table] Fix EnhancedTable example to not scroll TablePagination (#10878) @mbrookes
4331 | - [Zoom] Export Zoom in the TypeScript definitions (#10897) @Klynger
4332 | - [IconButton] Add hover effect to IconButton (#10871) @SebastianSchmidt
4333 | - [TextField] Add an icon example (#10899) @oliviertassinari
4334 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Disable swiping on iOS by default (#10877) @leMaik
4335 | - [SwipeableDrawer] Fix crash when swiping during an update (#10906) @leMaik
4336 | - [ListItemText] Fix invalid ListItemText 'children' proptype (#10948) @kendallroth
4337 | - [BottomNavigationAction] Use default childIndex value only if value undefined (#10937) @peterbartos
4338 | - [styles] Add a warning to prevent a memory leak (#10953) @oliviertassinari
4339 | - [Select] Fix width update (#10956) @oliviertassinari
4340 |
4341 | #### Docs
4342 |
4343 | - [docs] Add hideHeader option to Demo component (#10887) @mbrookes
4344 | - [docs] Document the /es folder (#10888) @oliviertassinari
4345 | - [docs] More transparent exportPathMap method (#10894) @oliviertassinari
4346 | - [docs] Dodge issue with hoist-non-react-statics (#10896) @oliviertassinari
4347 | - [docs] Add missing apostrophe (#10911) @davidgilbertson
4348 | - [docs] Improve the search experience (#10905) @oliviertassinari
4349 | - [docs] Improve the layout for premium themes (#10901) @mbrookes
4350 | - [docs] Fix example in TypeScript docs (#10924) @piotros
4351 | - [docs] Atomic state update in the Stepper demo (#10936) @iceveda06
4352 | - [docs] Add versions page (#10883) @mbrookes
4353 | - [docs] Fix npm urls (#10949) @sujeetkrjaiswal
4354 | - [docs] Add "Do I have to use JSS?" to FAQ (#10954) @mbrookes
4355 |
4356 | #### Core
4357 |
4358 | - [typescript] Upgrade React and JSS typings, which both make use of csstype now (#10903) @pelotom
4359 |
4360 | ## 1.0.0-beta.40
4361 | ###### *Apr 1, 2018*
4362 |
4363 | Big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible.
4364 |
4365 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4366 |
4367 | - React 16.3.0 support (#10867).
4368 | - Many bug fixes on the Tooltip component (#10843) @shssoichiro.
4369 | - A much better navigation experience on the docs (#10859).
4370 |
4371 | ### Breaking change
4372 |
4373 | - [Tooltip] Portal the component to the body (#10843) @shssoichiro
4374 |
4375 | We take advantage of the latest features of React 16.x.
4376 | React is allowing us to return an array of elements in the render method.
4377 | We have removed the useless root `div` element.
4378 | Nothing has changed for people using React 15.x.
4379 |
4380 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4381 |
4382 | - [FormControlLabel] Enable disabled label CSS modifications (#10841) @vkentta
4383 | - [Select] Throw when the non native select is not controlled (#10860) @oliviertassinari
4384 | - [Drawer] Back to 100% test coverage (#10861) @oliviertassinari
4385 | - [core] Work on React 16.3.0 support (#10867) @oliviertassinari
4386 |
4387 | #### Docs
4388 |
4389 | - [docs] typo: reponse => response (#10850) @luminaxster
4390 | - [docs] Remove dead code (#10855) @oliviertassinari
4391 | - [docs] Much better navigation experience (#10859) @oliviertassinari
4392 | - [examples] Demonstrate how to use the icons CDN (#10874) @oliviertassinari
4393 |
4394 | #### Core
4395 |
4396 | - [core] Remove the addEventListener module (#10856) @oliviertassinari
4397 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#10853) @oliviertassinari
4398 | - [core] Rename .spec.js to .test.js (#10854) @oliviertassinari
4399 |
4400 | ## 1.0.0-beta.39
4401 | ###### *Mar 28, 2018*
4402 |
4403 | Big thanks to the 25 contributors who made this release possible.
4404 |
4405 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4406 |
4407 | - Add a [swipeable drawer](https://material-ui.com/demos/drawers/#swipeable-temporary-drawer) component (#9730) @leMaik.
4408 | - Add a [StackBlitz](https://stackblitz.com/) edit link (#10758).
4409 | - Add a new npm package: [@material-ui/docs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@material-ui/docs) (#10699).
4410 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4411 |
4412 | ### Breaking change
4413 |
4414 | - [Grid] Change the default spacing value: 0 (#10768) @oliviertassinari
4415 |
4416 | The negative margin implementation solution currently used comes with [serious limitations](https://material-ui.com/components/grid/#negative-margin).
4417 | Material-UI is the only library with a non-zero default spacing between the items.
4418 | Having zero spacing by default will ease the usage of the component.
4419 |
4420 | ```diff
4421 | -<Grid />
4422 | +<Grid spacing={16} />
4423 | ```
4424 |
4425 | - [Tooltip] Rename disableTriggerX (#10700) @oliviertassinari
4426 |
4427 | For consistency with the [removeEventListener Web API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/removeEventListener) and the Snackbar `disableWindowBlurListener` property.
4428 |
4429 | ```diff
4430 | <Tooltip
4431 | - disableTriggerFocus
4432 | - disableTriggerHover
4433 | - disableTriggerTouch
4434 | + disableFocusListener
4435 | + disableHoverListener
4436 | + disableTouchListener
4437 | />
4438 | ```
4439 |
4440 | - [InputLabel] Rename FormControlClasses property (#10796) @oliviertassinari
4441 |
4442 | I have made a mistake in [#8108](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/pull/8108). The property isn't applied on a `FormControl` but on a `FormLabel` component.
4443 |
4444 | ```diff
4445 | -<InputLabel FormControlClasses={classes} />
4446 | +<InputLabel FormLabelClasses={classes} />
4447 | ```
4448 |
4449 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4450 |
4451 | - [Switch] Add missing TypeScript class keys (#10691) @wenduzer
4452 | - [ClickAwayListener] Add mouseEvent and touchEvent property (#10694) @tgrowden
4453 | - [Switch] Add default color (#10697) @oliviertassinari
4454 | - [StepButton] Support vertical stepper (#10698) @danieljuhl
4455 | - [TextField] Update defaultValue prop types (#10703) @moondef
4456 | - [Input] Rename isDirty to isEmpty (#10704) @oliviertassinari
4457 | - [Select] Perfom the layout computation as soon as possible (#10706) @oliviertassinari
4458 | - [Stepper] Add error prop to StepIcon and StepLabel (#10705) @nicoffee
4459 | - [Grid] Add zeroMinWidth to TypeScript definition (#10712) @cvanem
4460 | - [Select] Fix data-value value (#10723) @a-x-
4461 | - [Tooltip] Update error message (#10742) @MoonDawg92
4462 | - [TextField] Apply onFocus and onBlur on the input (#10746) @oliviertassinari
4463 | - [TextField] Remove dead code (#10757) @oliviertassinari
4464 | - [Checkbox] Add checkedPrimary and checkedSecondary to TypeScript definition (#10747) @cvanem
4465 | - [️MuiThemeProvider] TypeScript disableStylesGeneration (#10759) @djeeg
4466 | - [Input] Relax inputProps and inputComponent Types (#10767) @pelotom
4467 | - [Tabs] Warn on invalid combination (#10788) @oliviertassinari
4468 | - [Select] Better document event.target.value (#10791) @oliviertassinari
4469 | - [Drawer] Add Swipeable feature (#9730) @leMaik
4470 | - [Select] Add support for autoFocus (#10792) @nicoffee
4471 | - [Icon] Fix typing by taking out fontSize property (#10821) @franklixuefei
4472 |
4473 | #### Docs
4474 |
4475 | - [docs] Add new npm package: @material-ui/docs (#10699) @oliviertassinari
4476 | - [docs] Use buttonRef instead of ref in anchor playground example (#10708) @pelotom
4477 | - [docs] Fix "Edit this page" button (#10722) @SebastianSchmidt
4478 | - [docs] Add search shortcut (#10725) @oliviertassinari
4479 | - [docs] Make navigation look more like the material guidelines (#10709) @leMaik
4480 | - [docs] Clarify discrepancies from default theme (#10732) @yihangho
4481 | - [examples] Update next.js PWA color (#10749) @blainegarrett
4482 | - [docs] Add StackBlitz demo link (#10758) @oliviertassinari
4483 | - [docs] Fix typo TextField demo (#10766) @elertan
4484 | - [docs] Better CssBaseline documentation (#10770) @oliviertassinari
4485 | - [docs] Remove flow warning (#10780) @rosskevin
4486 | - [docs] Minor typographical fix (#10786) @samdenty99
4487 | - [docs] Selection control, customization example (#10787) @oliviertassinari
4488 | - [docs] Fix typo (#10794) @dylangarcia
4489 | - [examples] Update Flow Example (#10799) @prastut
4490 | - [docs] Material Dashboard Pro React (#10832) @oliviertassinari
4491 |
4492 | #### Core
4493 |
4494 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#10702) @oliviertassinari
4495 | - [typings] Fix `mixins.gutter` signature (argument is optional) (#10814) @sebald
4496 |
4497 | ## 1.0.0-beta.38
4498 | ###### *Mar 17, 2018*
4499 |
4500 | Big thanks to the 19 contributors who made this release possible.
4501 |
4502 | This release comes with important theme upgrades. Here are some highlights ✨:
4503 |
4504 | - Introduction of a Premium Themes section (#10616).
4505 | - A `props` theme key to globally inject properties on components (#10671).
4506 | - A theme option to change the font-size (#10687).
4507 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4508 |
4509 | ### Breaking change
4510 |
4511 | N/A
4512 |
4513 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4514 |
4515 | - [Select] Fix chip alignment (#10611) @adamszeptycki
4516 | - [Tabs] Add 'scrollButtons' and 'indicator' to TabsClassKey TypeScript defintion (#10618) @cvanem
4517 | - [TablePagination] Add SelectProps property (#10629) @mrahman1122
4518 | - [ListItemSecondaryAction] Vertically center (#10628) @jedwards1211
4519 | - [Select] Add visual tests to prevent future regression (#10642) @oliviertassinari
4520 | - [Popover] Update anchorEl type (#10645) @nicoffee
4521 | - [styles] Better color manipulator warning (#10652) @oliviertassinari
4522 | - [Autocomplete] Show how to use the label (#10653) @oliviertassinari
4523 | - [ButtonBase] Update class keys (#10659) @lukePeavey
4524 | - [FromHelperText] Add missing component prop definition (#10658) @franklixuefei
4525 | - [theme] Reduce the negative margin (#10672) @oliviertassinari
4526 | - [theme] Add a props theme key (#10671) @oliviertassinari
4527 | - [DialogActions] Add missing TypeScript property (#10674) @youngnicks
4528 | - [GridList] Should allow optional children (#10680) @rosskevin
4529 | - [DialogContentText] Extend the Typography component (#10683) @oliviertassinari
4530 | - [theme] Allow changing the font-size (#10687) @oliviertassinari
4531 | - [Stepper] Soft ripple background (#10690) @oliviertassinari
4532 |
4533 | #### Docs
4534 |
4535 | - [docs] Add project to showcase (#10614) @jdupont
4536 | - [docs] Fix typo (#10621) @prastut
4537 | - [docs] Updating the TS example to use CssBaseline (#10633) @yuchen-w
4538 | - [docs] Better support of multiline for downshift (#10641) @oliviertassinari
4539 | - [docs] Simplify LongMenu demo (#10646) @RichardLindhout
4540 | - [docs] Improve the onboarding (#10639) @oliviertassinari
4541 | - [docs] Fix usage of CssBaseline/Reboot in the CDN example (#10655) @SebastianSchmidt
4542 | - [docs] Fix reference to CssBaseline component (#10654) @SebastianSchmidt
4543 | - [themes] Introduce a themes website ⚡️ (#10616) @oliviertassinari
4544 | - [docs] Fix reference to FAQ (#10660) @SebastianSchmidt
4545 | - [docs] Fix reference to Popover demo (#10661) @SebastianSchmidt
4546 | - [docs] Fix reference to Modal demo (#10662) @SebastianSchmidt
4547 | - [docs] Add Rung to showcase (#10669) @vitorebatista
4548 | - [docs] Add Bit as a sponsor ❤️ (#10673) @oliviertassinari
4549 | - [docs] Third iteration on the homepage (#10670) @oliviertassinari
4550 | - [docs] Add Team SC into showcase (#10676) @Losses
4551 | - [docs] Handle optional params (#10685) @oliviertassinari
4552 | - [docs] Customized tables (#10686) @oliviertassinari
4553 |
4554 | #### Core
4555 |
4556 | - [typescript] Remove xxxClassName props from type declarations (#10644) @lukePeavey
4557 | - [typescript] Add inline style prop to transition (#10650) @nmchaves
4558 |
4559 | ## 1.0.0-beta.37
4560 | ###### *Mar 11, 2018*
4561 |
4562 | Big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible.
4563 |
4564 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4565 |
4566 | - An important fix of the focus/blur logic of the Select (#10538) @oliviertassinari.
4567 | - A multiple selection downshift example (#10550) @oliviertassinari.
4568 | - A new parcel example (#10575) @oliviertassinari.
4569 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4570 |
4571 | ### Breaking change
4572 |
4573 | - [classes] Move the XXXClassName to the classes property (#10600) @oliviertassinari
4574 |
4575 | These properties were introduced before `classes`.
4576 | Exposing a single pattern makes things more predictable and easier to work with.
4577 |
4578 | ```diff
4579 | -<Tabs buttonClassName="foo" indicatorClassName="bar" />
4580 | +<Tabs classes={{ scrollButtons: 'foo', indicator: 'bar' }} />
4581 | ```
4582 |
4583 | ```diff
4584 | -<TextField labelClassName="foo" helperTextClassName="bar" />
4585 | +<TextField InputLabelProps={{ className: 'foo' }} FormHelperTextProps={{ className: 'bar' }} />
4586 | ```
4587 |
4588 | - [CssBaseline] Rename from Reboot (#10605}
4589 |
4590 | The new wording should clarify the purpose of the component.
4591 | For instance, it's not about adding JavaScript polyfills.
4592 |
4593 | ```diff
4594 | -<Reboot />
4595 | +<CssBaseline />
4596 | ```
4597 |
4598 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4599 |
4600 | - [Select] Fix wrong onBlur onFocus logic (#10538) @oliviertassinari
4601 | - [ExpansionPanel] Fix controlled behavior (#10546) @oliviertassinari
4602 | - [Autocomplete] Add multiple downshift example (#10550) @oliviertassinari
4603 | - [Autocomplete] selectedItem can be null (#10565) @caub
4604 | - [core] Improve IE11 support (#10568) @oliviertassinari
4605 | - [TextField] Better inputComponent demo (#10573) @oliviertassinari
4606 | - [typescript] Add a test case for ListItemIcon (#10593) @oliviertassinari
4607 | - [ListItemText] Make the children an alias of the primary property (#10591) @caub
4608 | - [Button] Fix Button variant prop description (#10578) @teekwak
4609 | - [Table] Fix table pagination example empty row height (#10588) @amcgee
4610 | - [Icon] Fix a bug in Chrome 64.0 (#10594) @caub
4611 | - [List] use theme for margin in ListItemText (#10597) @caub
4612 | - [StepIcon] enable CSS modifications of active step (#10599) @vkentta
4613 | - [Tooltip] Add enterTouchDelay and leaveTouchDelay props (#10577) @petegivens
4614 |
4615 | #### Docs
4616 |
4617 | - [docs] Simplify the CDN example (6e4cc723689961582ede16db421cbdf24ac7c4b9) @oliviertassinari
4618 | - [docs] Add showcase to readme - componofy (#10541) @DalerAsrorov
4619 | - [docs] Add Cryptoverview to the showcase (#10545) @leMaik
4620 | - [docs] Add menu Collapse example (#10548) @oliviertassinari
4621 | - [docs] Add PersonalBlog Gatsby starter to Showcase (#10566) @greglobinski
4622 | - [docs] Add parcel example (#10575) @oliviertassinari
4623 | - [docs] Fix typo in contributing readme (#10586) @chiragmongia
4624 | - [docs] Fix next.js example to enable styled-jsx with material-ui (#10580) @shibukawa
4625 | - [docs] Add the latest backers (#10602) @oliviertassinari
4626 | - [docs] Add Planalyze to Showcase (#10603) @dancastellon
4627 | - [docs] Improve the htmlFontSize documentation (#10604) @oliviertassinari
4628 |
4629 | #### Core
4630 |
4631 | - [core] Fix type definitions (#10553) @stefanorie
4632 | - [core] Better overrides merge support (#10606) @oliviertassinari
4633 |
4634 | ## 1.0.0-beta.36
4635 | ###### *Mar 5, 2018*
4636 |
4637 | Big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible.
4638 |
4639 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4640 |
4641 | - We have started the effort toward supporting the async API of react@16.3.0 (#10489, #10523) @oliviertassinari.
4642 | - Document how to use Material-UI with a CDN (#10514) @zelinf.
4643 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4644 |
4645 | ### Breaking change
4646 |
4647 | - [SvgIcon] Allow changing the width with the font-size (#10446) @oliviertassinari
4648 |
4649 | Remove the `fontSize` property. The `SvgIcon` behavior is closer to the `Icon` behavior.
4650 | ```diff
4651 | -<Icon fontSize />
4652 | -<SvgIcon fontSize />
4653 | +<Icon />
4654 | +<SvgIcon />
4655 | ```
4656 | Now, you can use the `font-size` style property to changr the size of the icon.
4657 |
4658 | - [classes] Normalize the classes names (#10457) @oliviertassinari
4659 |
4660 | This is an effort in order to harmonize the classes API.
4661 | The best way to recover from this breaking change is to check the warnings in the console and to check the added documentation around the design rules around this API.
4662 |
4663 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4664 |
4665 | - [Table] Default display style for all table components (#10447) @caub
4666 | - [Collapse] Fix description (#10454) @onurkose
4667 | - [ButtonBase] Add a TouchRippleProps property (#10470) @christophediprima
4668 | - [Select] Ensure label is shrinked when using startAdornment (#10474) @carab
4669 | - [Card][List] Implement responsive gutters (#10477) @lukePeavey
4670 | - [icon] Add "side-effects": false to material-ui-icons (#10482) @b1f6c1c4
4671 | - [IconButton] Fix theme.spacing.unit size dependency (#10486) @oliviertassinari
4672 | - [ListItem] Avoid li > li issue (#10484) @oliviertassinari
4673 | - [ListItem] Fix ContainerProps.className propagation (#10488) @oliviertassinari
4674 | - [Textarea] Prepare React 16.3.0 (#10489) @oliviertassinari
4675 | - [icon] Add build:es for material-ui-icons (#10497) @b1f6c1c4
4676 | - [ButtonBase] Fix the ripple on Edge (#10512) @oliviertassinari
4677 | - [Autocomplete] Update the demos so people can stack the components (#10524) @oliviertassinari
4678 | - [Button] Add override support for sizeLarge and sizeSmall (#10526) @wenduzer
4679 | - [Modal] Use prototype functions in ModalManager (#10528) @ianschmitz
4680 |
4681 | #### Docs
4682 |
4683 | - [docs] Fix Roadmap docs formatting (#10501) @cherniavskii
4684 | - [docs] EnhancedTable Demo (#10491) @kgregory
4685 | - [docs] Add new Showcase project (#10509) @chriswardo
4686 | - [Select] Document when the value is required (#10505) @MichaelArnoldOwens
4687 | - [Select] Document the renderValue signature (#10513) @oliviertassinari
4688 | - [docs] Add a CDN example (#10514) @oliviertassinari
4689 | - [docs] Fix SSR rendering in Gatsby example (#10536) @LegNeato
4690 |
4691 | #### Core
4692 |
4693 | - [core] Prepare the async API (#10523) @oliviertassinari
4694 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#10456) @oliviertassinari
4695 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#10515) @oliviertassinari
4696 |
4697 | ## 1.0.0-beta.35
4698 | ###### *Feb 24, 2018*
4699 |
4700 | Big thanks to the 20 contributors who made this release possible.
4701 |
4702 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4703 |
4704 | - A new lab npm package (#10288) @mbrookes.
4705 | - A breaking changes ROADMAP before v1 (#10348) @oliviertassinari.
4706 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4707 |
4708 | ### Breaking change
4709 |
4710 | N/A
4711 |
4712 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4713 |
4714 | - [Stepper] Add style override types (#10334) @vkentta
4715 | - [Input] Reset the line-height (#10346) @oliviertassinari
4716 | - [Select] Revert #9964 (#10347) @oliviertassinari
4717 | - [lab] Create lab package, add SpeedDial (#10288) @mbrookes
4718 | - [Button] Update Button mini description (#10355) @lorensr
4719 | - [SpeedDial] Fix onClick target element (#10368) @mbrookes
4720 | - [IconButton] Fix class key types (#10374) @vkentta
4721 | - [Chip] Ignore events generated by descendants (#10372) @maxdubrinsky
4722 | - [CardHeader] Add missing "action" classes key definition (#10379) @chubbsMcfly
4723 | - [Dialog] Consistent description (#10377) @oliviertassinari
4724 | - [Select] Fix the vertical-align (#10380) @oliviertassinari
4725 | - [Snackbar] Disable pausing of auto hide when window loses focus (#10390) @SebastianSchmidt
4726 | - [Select] Add `SelectDisplayProps` prop (#10408) @noah-potter
4727 | - [SelectInput] Add tabIndex prop (#10345) @keenondrums
4728 | - [Select] Make 'type' prop able to be overwritten (#10361) @fabijanski
4729 | - [Select] Set type undefined rather than null (#10430) @caub
4730 | - [ButtonBase] Fix accessibility (#10434) @oliviertassinari
4731 | - [SwitchBase] Fix defaultChecked issue (#10444) @tanmayrajani
4732 | - [SwitchBase] Prevent defaultChecked regression (#10445) @oliviertassinari
4733 |
4734 | #### Docs
4735 |
4736 | - [Transitions] Document transition style prop handling (#10322) @AdamGorkoz
4737 | - [Drawer] Add clipped navigation drawer demo (#10330) @AdamGorkoz
4738 | - [docs] Fix demo links for new util components (#10337) @jprince
4739 | - [docs] Add react-final-form to Related Projects (#10352) @mbrookes
4740 | - [docs] rename theme-default to default-theme (#10356) @mbrookes
4741 | - [docs] Fix modal page link (#10360) @tanmayrajani
4742 | - [docs] Plan the breaking changes before v1 (#10348) @oliviertassinari
4743 | - [docs] Fix IE 11 and W3C warnings (#10394) @oliviertassinari
4744 | - [docs] Sort the pages by path and ignore dashes (#10396) @leMaik
4745 | - [docs] Autocomplete migration (#10397) @oliviertassinari
4746 | - [docs] Add AudioNodes to the showcase (#10407) @JohnWeisz
4747 | - [docs] Breaking changes feedback notification (#10413) @mbrookes
4748 | - [docs] Improve readability (#10412) @oliviertassinari
4749 | - [docs] Add material-ui-autosuggest to related projects (#10415) @tgrowden
4750 | - [docs] Update transitions.md (#10417) @caub
4751 | - [docs] Fix minor typo in breaking-changes notification (#10418) @phazor
4752 | - [docs] Description of how component will render (#10432) @oliviertassinari
4753 | - [docs] Add CSSGrid comparison example (#10433) @caub
4754 |
4755 | #### Core
4756 |
4757 | - [core] Upgrade some dependency to start looking into React 16.3 (#10338) @oliviertassinari
4758 | - [core] Remove direct references to window/document objects (#10328) @ianschmitz
4759 | - [core] Use tabIndex as number (#10431) @oliviertassinari
4760 |
4761 | ## 1.0.0-beta.34
4762 | ###### *Feb 17, 2018*
4763 |
4764 | Big thanks to the 21 contributors who made this release possible.
4765 |
4766 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4767 |
4768 | - Checkbox, Radio, Switch update to follow the spec and be consistent with the Input (#10196, #10138) @phsantiago, @mbrookes.
4769 | - The documentation works offline (#10267) @msiadak.
4770 | - Better styled-components documentation (#10266) @rocketraman.
4771 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4772 |
4773 | ### Breaking change
4774 |
4775 | - [Checkbox, Radio, Switch] Fix id in internal input (#10196) @phsantiago
4776 |
4777 | For consistency between the `Input` and the `Checkbox`, `Switch`, `Radio` the following small breaking changes have been done:
4778 |
4779 | The usage of the `inputProps` property is no longer needed to apply an id to the input. The `id` is applied to the input instead of the root.
4780 | ```diff
4781 | -<Checkbox inputProps={{ id: 'id' }} />
4782 | +<Checkbox id="id" />
4783 | ```
4784 | The `inputType` property was renamed `type`.
4785 | ```diff
4786 | -<Checkbox inputType="text" />
4787 | +<Checkbox type="text" />
4788 | ```
4789 |
4790 | - [Checkbox, Radio, Switch] Change default color, add color prop (#10138) @mbrookes
4791 |
4792 | The Material Design specification says that selection controls elements should [use the application's secondary color](https://material.io/guidelines/components/selection-controls.html).
4793 | ```diff
4794 | -<Checkbox />
4795 | -<Switch />
4796 | -<Radio />
4797 | +<Checkbox color="primary" />
4798 | +<Switch color="primary" />
4799 | +<Radio color="primary" />
4800 | ```
4801 |
4802 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4803 |
4804 | - [Input] Fix infinite loop (#10229) @oliviertassinari
4805 | - [CircularProgress] Add static variant (#10228) @oliviertassinari
4806 | - [Transition] Add the missing teardown logic (#10244) @oliviertassinari
4807 | - [Avatar] Use theme.spacing.unit (#10268) @cherniavskii
4808 | - [InputLabel] Add inheritance docs (#10282) @oliviertassinari
4809 | - [Input][ExpansionPane] Remove the use of legacy easing-curve (#10290) @strayiker
4810 | - [TableCell] Add "scope" attribute for th (#10277) @z-ax
4811 | - [styles] Fix typo (#10303) @strayiker
4812 | - [Button] Add fullWidth to ButtonClassKey (#10310) @stefanorie
4813 | - [TextField] Fix wrong SSR height of the textarea (#10315) @oliviertassinari
4814 | - [ClickAwayListener] Fix interaction with SVGElement (#10318) @KEMBL
4815 | - [Icon] Add fontSize to typings (#10317) @clentfort
4816 | - [Slide] Work with SVG too (#10325) @oliviertassinari
4817 |
4818 | #### Docs
4819 |
4820 | - [docs] Update links on showcase.md (#10227) @klyburke
4821 | - [docs] Remove dead code in Drawers (#10230) @oliviertassinari
4822 | - [docs] Add utils section, document transitions (#10239) @mbrookes
4823 | - [docs] Fix small issues (#10245) @oliviertassinari
4824 | - [docs] Add transform-origin and timeout to Grow demo #10246 @mbrookes
4825 | - [docs] Add modole.io to showcase (#10247) @mweiss
4826 | - [docs] Better API generator (#10249) @oliviertassinari
4827 | - [docs] Use non-breaking space (#10252) @oliviertassinari
4828 | - [example] TypeScript instructions (a81e5f9e54fdcc4648ffe6bdc08eaa596fb0a9bc) @oliviertassinari
4829 | - [docs] Fix the migration guide doc page (#10257) @nicolasiensen
4830 | - [docs] Update example in README.md (#10259) @nikoladev
4831 | - [docs] Fix typo in button component demo (#10260) @bmuenzenmeyer
4832 | - [docs] styled components non-root components (#10266) @rocketraman
4833 | - [Selection Control] Symmetry between the demos (#10279) @oliviertassinari
4834 | - [docs] Remove StepConnector from Steppers demo (#10301) @jdupont
4835 | - [docs] Add precaching Service Worker to exported docs builds (#10267) @msiadak
4836 | - [docs] Add missing rel=noopener (#10307) @oliviertassinari
4837 | - [docs] Add the average response time (#10308) @oliviertassinari
4838 | - [docs] Update TextFields.js (#10313) @Primajin
4839 | - [docs] Add toggling with react-popper (#10302) @caub
4840 | - [docs] Add the latest backers ♥ (#10323) @oliviertassinari
4841 | - [docs] Expose the theme as a global object (#10326) @oliviertassinari
4842 | - [docs] Add an example with Google Web Fonts (#10332) @oliviertassinari
4843 |
4844 | #### Core
4845 |
4846 | - [core] Fix the es distribution (#10254) @NMinhNguyen
4847 | - [typescript] Add missing exports in index.d.ts (#10295) @Andy4ward
4848 | - [core] Upgrade react-popper (#10299) @oliviertassinari
4849 |
4850 | ## 1.0.0-beta.33
4851 | ###### *Feb 10, 2018*
4852 |
4853 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible.
4854 |
4855 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4856 |
4857 | - A documentation section on the `component` property (#10128) @sebald.
4858 | - A Snackbar / FAB animation integration example (#10188) @mbrookes.
4859 | - The Select open state can be controlled (#10205) @oliviertassinari.
4860 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4861 |
4862 | ### Breaking change
4863 |
4864 | N/A
4865 |
4866 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4867 |
4868 | - [typescript] Use Partial props in TypeScript definitions (#10170) @ianschmitz
4869 | - [GridList] Allow null children in GridListTile (#10179) @caub
4870 | - [Grid] Small performance improvement (#10180) @oliviertassinari
4871 | - [TextField] Correct typo in TypeScript export declaration (#10186) @caghand
4872 | - [Switch] Increase the box shadow when checked (#10187) @leMaik
4873 | - [Stepper] Mobile Stepper variant determinate (#10190) @KeKs0r
4874 | - [MenuItem] Better :hover and .selected logic (#10199) @oliviertassinari
4875 | - [LinearProgress] Property definition grammar fix (#10201) @madison-kerndt
4876 | - [MuiThemeProvider] Forward the options when nested (#10176) @Aetherall
4877 | - [Select] Simpler controlled open property (#10205) @oliviertassinari
4878 | - [typescript] Use types from react-transition-group/Transition (#10129) @sebald
4879 | - [typescript] Export WithTheme from index (#10209) @clekili
4880 | - [Stepper] Increase StepButton space for click (#10204) @AlbertLucianto
4881 | - [ButtonBase] Use parent Window of ButtonBase when listening for keyboard events (#10224) @ianschmitz
4882 | - [StepLabel] Give more flexibility to the style of span surrounding label (#10218) @seanchambo
4883 | - [ButtonBase] Save one line of code (#10225) @oliviertassinari
4884 |
4885 | #### Docs
4886 |
4887 | - [examples] Rename type to variant (#10167) @oliviertassinari
4888 | - [docs] Using "component" prop to customize rendering (#10128) @sebald
4889 | - [docs] Fix the restore focus logic of the Popover demo (#10184) @oliviertassinari
4890 | - [docs] Fix react-select chip on mobile (#10185) @oliviertassinari
4891 | - [docs] Add Snackbar / FAB animation integration example (#10188) @mbrookes
4892 | - [docs] Add LocalMonero to showcase (#10195) @mbrookes
4893 | - [docs] Fix typo `Selet` to `Select` (#10207) @Justkant
4894 | - [docs] Change negative to positive (#10211) @harvitronix
4895 | - [docs] Add project to showcase (#10217) @klyburke
4896 |
4897 | #### Core
4898 |
4899 | - [core] Upgrade Next.js (#10181) @oliviertassinari
4900 | - [test] Remove the mockPortal workaround (#10208) @leMaik
4901 |
4902 | ## 1.0.0-beta.32
4903 | ###### *Feb 4, 2018*
4904 |
4905 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
4906 |
4907 | Here are some highlights ✨:
4908 |
4909 | - Rename the `type` property to `variant` (#10088, #10086, #10084, #10101) @mbrookes.
4910 | - Simplify the implementation of the transitions (#10137, #10151) @oliviertassinari.
4911 | - Add support for `position="sticky"` with the AppBar (#10090) @scottastrophic.
4912 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
4913 |
4914 | ### Breaking change
4915 |
4916 | - [API] Complete type to variant migration (#10101) @mbrookes
4917 |
4918 | These breaking changes aim at providing a systematic solution to the boolean vs enum naming problem.
4919 |
4920 | We have documented our approach to solving the problem in #10023. Basically, we enforce the following rule:
4921 | - We use a *boolean* when the degrees of freedom required is **2**.
4922 | - We use an *enum* when the degrees of freedom required is **> 2**.
4923 |
4924 | This is what motivated the button breaking change. Unfortunately `type` has its own meaning in the HTML specification. You can use it on the following elements: `<button>, <input>, <command>, <embed>, <object>, <script>, <source>, <style>, <menu>`.
4925 | We are using a more generic name to **avoid the confusion**: `variant`.
4926 |
4927 | Umbrella pull request for: #10084, #10086, #10088.
4928 |
4929 | ```diff
4930 | <Button
4931 | - raised
4932 | + variant="raised"
4933 |
4934 | <Button
4935 | - fab
4936 | + variant="fab"
4937 |
4938 | <Typography
4939 | - type="title"
4940 | + variant="title"
4941 |
4942 | <MobileStepper
4943 | - type="dots"
4944 | + variant="dots"
4945 |
4946 | <Drawer
4947 | - type="persistent"
4948 | + variant="persistent"
4949 |
4950 | <LinearProgress
4951 | - mode="determinate"
4952 | + variant="determinate"
4953 |
4954 | <CircularProgress
4955 | - mode="determinate"
4956 | + variant="determinate"
4957 | ```
4958 |
4959 | - [transition] Standardize the components (#10151)
4960 |
4961 | ```diff
4962 | <Zoom
4963 | in={in}
4964 | - enterDelay={transitionDuration.exit}
4965 | + style={{
4966 | + transitionDelay: in ? transitionDuration.exit : 0,
4967 | + }}
4968 | ```
4969 |
4970 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
4971 |
4972 | - [AppBar] Remove one dead CSS property (#10096) @oliviertassinari
4973 | - [AppBar] Add support for `position="sticky"` (#10090) @scottastrophic
4974 | - [CircularProgress] Improve animation & update example (#10079) @mbrookes
4975 | - [API] Rename type prop to variant (#10088) @mbrookes
4976 | - [Button] Move bool props to variant (#10086) @mbrookes
4977 | - [Progress] Rename mode prop to variant (#10084) @mbrookes
4978 | - [Drawer] Add PaperProps property (#10118) @oliviertassinari
4979 | - [TextField] Small refinement (#10117) @oliviertassinari
4980 | - [Stepper] Add StepIcon to Stepper exports (#10119) @melissanoelle
4981 | - [ButtonBase] Fix keyDown handled (#10136) @strayiker
4982 | - [Fade] Simplify implementation (#10137) @oliviertassinari
4983 | - [typescript] Add missing ExpansionPanel style overrides (#10142) @simonvizzini
4984 | - [Dialog] PaperProps TypeScript definition (#10143) @daniel-rabe
4985 | - [InputAdornment] Remove hack (#10157) @oliviertassinari
4986 | - [Hidden] css implementation handle custom className (#10165) @Vincz
4987 |
4988 | #### Docs
4989 |
4990 | - [docs] Minor CSP edit (#10089) @oliviertassinari
4991 | - [docs] Avoid anchor id conflict in Progress (#10095) @oliviertassinari
4992 | - [docs] Remove last flow annotations (#10099) @oliviertassinari
4993 | - [docs] Alternative APIs theme (#10100) @oliviertassinari
4994 | - [docs] Add How do I use react-router? in FAQ (#10103) @oliviertassinari
4995 | - [examples] Update README for CRA with JSS (#10105) @kgregory
4996 | - [docs] Add more examples for the Badge (#10114) @oliviertassinari
4997 | - [docs] Rename IntegrationAutosuggest to IntegrationDownshift (#10116) @kentcdodds
4998 | - [docs] Better color prop description (#10133) @mbrookes
4999 | - [docs] Fix duplicated id issue (#10135) @oliviertassinari
5000 | - [docs] Document approach for progress indicator delay (#10145) @mbrookes
5001 | - [docs] Simplify delayed progress indicator example (#10147) @mbrookes
5002 | - [docs] Improve the performance of the homepage (#10152) @oliviertassinari
5003 | - [docs] Allow Demo to specify only required deps (#10150) @caub
5004 | - [docs] Add mui-downshift (#10156) @oliviertassinari
5005 | - [docs] Demo codesandbox deps (#10158) @caub
5006 |
5007 | #### Core
5008 |
5009 | - [core] Add the license in the release (#10102) @oliviertassinari
5010 | - [test] Fix AppBar test assert messages (#10109) @cherniavskii
5011 |
5012 | ## 1.0.0-beta.31
5013 | ###### *Jan 21, 2018*
5014 |
5015 | Big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible.
5016 |
5017 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5018 |
5019 | - Further simplification & standardization with the palette (#10015) @mbrookes.
5020 | - A Content Security Policy Guide (#10074) @dav-is.
5021 | - Document the withStyles alternative APIs (#9981) @oliviertassinari.
5022 | - A react-select integration example (#10070) @oliviertassinari.
5023 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5024 |
5025 | Fun facts:
5026 | - Our first alpha release was 1 year ago: *Jan 28, 2017* 🎂!
5027 | - We have done 53 pre-releases of the v1.x, one every week for a year 🛥.
5028 |
5029 | ### Breaking change
5030 |
5031 | - [Icon] Remove icon ligature "magic" support (#9983) @mbrookes
5032 |
5033 | We have removed the "magic" `<Icon>` wrapping logic. It should be done explicitly now.
5034 | It's making our components less biased around the svg icon vs font icon choice.
5035 |
5036 | ```diff
5037 | +import Icon from 'material-ui/Icon';
5038 |
5039 | - <IconButton>comment</IconButton>
5040 | + <IconButton>
5041 | + <Icon>comment</Icon>
5042 | + </IconButton>
5043 | ```
5044 |
5045 | - [theme] Further simplification & standardization (#10015) @mbrookes
5046 |
5047 | - Most component specific `theme.palette.background` colors have been removed. The affected components use `theme.palette.grey` instead. Shift the values of `theme.palette.grey` if you wish to lighten or darken these as a whole; this will maintain the contrast relationship between them. (Paper remains in the theme, as it is used across multiple components.)
5048 | - `theme.palette.common.fullBlack` and `fullWhite` have been removed. Components that used these values now use `theme.palette.common.black` and `white` instead.
5049 | - `theme.palette.common.transparent` has been removed. Components that used this value now use `'transparent'` directly.
5050 | - Chip has been corrected to use `theme.palette.grey`. If you customize the values of `grey`, the appearance of Chip in your app may change.
5051 |
5052 | - [core] Remove the rootRef properties as unneeded (#10025)
5053 |
5054 | ```diff
5055 | -import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
5056 |
5057 | <IconButton
5058 | - rootRef={node => {
5059 | - this.button = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(node);
5060 | + buttonRef={node => {
5061 | + this.button = node;
5062 | }}
5063 | >
5064 | ```
5065 |
5066 | - [Button] Add size property (#10009) @oliviertassinari
5067 |
5068 | ```diff
5069 | -<Button dense>
5070 | +<Button size="small">
5071 | ```
5072 |
5073 | - [palette] Remove the palette.types from the theme (#10040) @oliviertassinari
5074 |
5075 | In order to keep the palette simple to understand. I have removed the `types` from the palette object.
5076 | The motivation is the following. The theme & palette should only store
5077 | the information needed to display one UI context.
5078 | Having the `types` object in the palette encourage people to rely on it.
5079 | No, we want people to do it the other way around.
5080 |
5081 | For instance, instead of doing:
5082 | ```jsx
5083 | const theme = createMuiTheme({
5084 | palette: {
5085 | type: 'dark',
5086 | types: {
5087 | dark: {
5088 | background: {
5089 | default: '#000',
5090 | },
5091 | },
5092 | light: {
5093 | background: {
5094 | default: '#fff',
5095 | },
5096 | },
5097 | },
5098 | },
5099 | });
5100 | ```
5101 |
5102 | We would rather see people doing:
5103 | ```jsx
5104 | const types = {
5105 | dark: {
5106 | background: {
5107 | default: '#000',
5108 | },
5109 | },
5110 | light: {
5111 | background: {
5112 | default: '#fff',
5113 | },
5114 | },
5115 | };
5116 |
5117 | const theme = createMuiTheme({
5118 | palette: {
5119 | type: 'dark',
5120 | ...types.dark,
5121 | },
5122 | });
5123 | ```
5124 |
5125 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5126 |
5127 | - [Input] Make sure our previous or updated context is available (#9986) @yoiang
5128 | - [Dialog] Add PaperProps property (#9985) @nbdaaron
5129 | - [FormControl] Fix w3c issue (#9996) @oliviertassinari
5130 | - [typescript] Add divider to palette type defs (#10008) @xaviergonz
5131 | - [Badge] Add error as a palette option (#10004) @t49tran
5132 | - [Tab] Add textColor inherit default props to Tab (#10005) @x0fma
5133 | - [Menu] Fix dark selected color (#10026) @oliviertassinari
5134 | - [SnackbarContent] Change backgroundColor approach (#10027) @mbrookes
5135 | - [Backdrop] Allow setting of onTouchMove (#10001) @daniel-rabe
5136 | - [Popover] Should default to use anchorEl's parent body (#10049) @ianschmitz
5137 | - [Popover] Respect anchorEl's parent window when calculating position (#10048) @ianschmitz
5138 | - [TableCell] Add sortDirection TypeScript definition (#10057) @cvanem
5139 | - [palette] Fix error color defaults (#10058) @pelotom
5140 | - [ButtonBase] Avoid race condition with react-router (#10061) @oliviertassinari
5141 | - [Modal] Remove dead logic (#10062) @oliviertassinari
5142 | - [List] Fix w3c issues (#10050) @oliviertassinari
5143 | - [jss] Fix the last w3c issue I'm aware of (#10063) @oliviertassinari
5144 | - [LinearProgress] Add ARIA role & fix bugs (#10069) @mbrookes
5145 | - [ButtonBase] Add buttonRef property (#10082) @oliviertassinari
5146 |
5147 | #### Docs
5148 |
5149 | - [docs] Edit css injection order docs for create-react-app users (#9990) @PTaylour
5150 | - [docs] withStyles alternative APIs (#9981) @oliviertassinari
5151 | - [docs] Switch the Lightbulb UI (#9995) @oliviertassinari
5152 | - [docs] Use Simple over Basic (#10024) @oliviertassinari
5153 | - [docs] boolean vs enum API (#10023) @oliviertassinari
5154 | - [docs] Improve the typeface-roboto npm instructions (#10039) @oliviertassinari
5155 | - [docs] Add zero click example of Wrapping components (#10041) @oliviertassinari
5156 | - [docs] Reach the AA contrast ratio level (#10053) @oliviertassinari
5157 | - [docs] Misc fixes (#10055) @mbrookes
5158 | - [examples] Add missing typescript dependency (#10031) @QuantumInformation
5159 | - [docs] Add Content Security Policy Guide (#10074) @dav-is
5160 | - [docs] Add react-select example (#10070) @oliviertassinari
5161 |
5162 | #### Core
5163 |
5164 | - [core] Two small fixes looking at #10005 (#10014) @oliviertassinari
5165 | - [core] Use the official react-docgen package (#10054) @oliviertassinari
5166 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#10060) @oliviertassinari
5167 |
5168 | ## 1.0.0-beta.30
5169 | ###### *Jan 21, 2018*
5170 |
5171 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
5172 |
5173 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5174 |
5175 | - A revamp of the palette usage. We want it to be as simple as possible (#9876, #9918, #9970).
5176 | We are pretty happy with the outcome. +80% of the story has been completed.
5177 | - A better [w3c compliance](https://validator.w3.org), we will keep working on it in for the next release @sambhav-gore.
5178 | - An improved breakpoints documentation section (#9949).
5179 | - A new notification system for the documentation (#9974) @mbrookes.
5180 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5181 |
5182 | ### Breaking change
5183 |
5184 | - [palette] Keep simplifying the solution (#9876) @oliviertassinari
5185 | - Remove the contrast color from our API. This color variation hasn't proven itseft to be useful enough.
5186 | ```diff
5187 | -<Button color="contrast" />
5188 | +<Button />
5189 | ```
5190 | Instead, you can use the `color="inherit"` property or use the `theme.palette.XXX.contrastText` value.
5191 | - Rename `accent` to `secondary`. We have removed the accent indirection to be closer to the object people are providing to customize the palette.
5192 | ```diff
5193 | -<Button color="accent" />
5194 | +<Button color="secondary" />
5195 | ```
5196 | ```diff
5197 | <Tabs
5198 | - indicatorColor="accent"
5199 | - textColor="accent"
5200 | + indicatorColor="secondary"
5201 | + textColor="secondary"
5202 | >
5203 | ```
5204 | - Rename old `secondary` to `textSecondary`. `secondary` and `textSecondary` are two valid color value.
5205 | ```diff
5206 | -<Typography color="secondary" />
5207 | +<Typography color="textSecondary" />
5208 | ```
5209 | - [palette] Standardize the secondary color (#9918) @oliviertassinari
5210 |
5211 | The secondary color now behaves the same way than the other colors (primary, error). We always use the `main` tone by default instead of the `light` tone.
5212 | It's unclear if this change is making the implementation follow the specification more closely. The direct win is **simplicity and predictability**.
5213 |
5214 | - [palette] Normalize the usage of the palette (#9970) @oliviertassinari
5215 | - Remove `theme.palette.input` object.
5216 | - Remove `theme.palette.text.icon` color.
5217 | - Remove `theme.palette.background.contentFrame`, it was only used in the documentation.
5218 | - Move `theme.palette.text.divider` to `theme.palette.divider`, it's not a text color.
5219 | - Remove `theme.palette.text.lightDivider`, there is no reference to is in the specification, better keep things simple.
5220 |
5221 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5222 |
5223 | - [Button] Fix secondary contrastText color (#9913) @ValentinH
5224 | - [FormTextHelper] Add component prop (#9917) @sambhav-gore
5225 | - [core] Fix some w3c validation errors (#9906) @oliviertassinari
5226 | - [TableCell] Fix TypeScript definition (#9926) @ljvanschie
5227 | - [Divider] Add component property (#9927) @oliviertassinari
5228 | - [FormControl] Fix alternating focus change bug (#9909) @dapetcu21
5229 | - [CircularProgress] Fix animation on Edge 16 and below (#9938) @oliviertassinari
5230 | - [ListItemText] Update Typings for primary and secondary text class keys (#9946) @spallister
5231 | - [palette] ShadeBackground interface updated (#9955) @daniel-rabe
5232 | - [TableCell] Fix TypeScript definition (#9959) @ljvanschie
5233 | - [Select] Fix a small vertical alignement issue (#9964) @oliviertassinari
5234 | - [IconButton] Better follow the spec (#9967) @oliviertassinari
5235 | - [Select] Add inputProps property (#9979) @oliviertassinari
5236 | - [typescript] Palette typing fixes and error augmentation (#9973) @pelotom
5237 | - [Grid] minWidth for type item (#9972) @sambhav-gore
5238 |
5239 | #### Docs
5240 |
5241 | - [docs] Add a section about how to test changes locally (#9935) @nicolasiensen
5242 | - [docs] Style Library Interoperability v2 (#9939) @oliviertassinari
5243 | - [docs] Fix markdown list (#9948) @yuchi
5244 | - [docs] Remove one DOM element in the Card actions (#9952) @maprihoda
5245 | - [docs] Improve the documentation on the breakpoints (#9949) @oliviertassinari
5246 | - [docs] Apply Matt's requested changes (#9963) @oliviertassinari
5247 | - [docs] Using TypeScript & withStyles for class component w/union props (#9975) @nmchaves
5248 | - [docs] Add notifications (#9974) @mbrookes
5249 |
5250 | #### Core
5251 |
5252 | N/A
5253 |
5254 | ## 1.0.0-beta.29
5255 | ###### *Jan 16, 2018*
5256 |
5257 | Big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible.
5258 |
5259 | We are making a release earlier than expected. The release schedule norm has been so far: one every weekend. `1.0.0-beta.28` has introduced important pain points we want to address quickly:
5260 | - The 1.0.0-beta.28 palette change was made non-breaking (#9889) @mbrookes
5261 | - The JSS issues have been fixed
5262 | - The TypeScript definitions have been updated
5263 |
5264 | ### Breaking change
5265 |
5266 | N/A
5267 |
5268 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5269 |
5270 | - [TextField] Add fullWidth propagation to Input (#9888) @enbyted
5271 | - [Chip] Add component property (#9890) @caub
5272 | - [palette] Update the TypeScript definitions (#9896) @oliviertassinari
5273 |
5274 | #### Docs
5275 |
5276 | - [examples] Update for revised theme approach (#9878) @mbrookes
5277 | - [examples] Update Gatsby example to work (#9877) @magicmark
5278 | - [docs] Additional corrections to palette code sample (#9883) @mbrookes
5279 | - [docs] Update showcase.md (#9894) @gerges-beshay
5280 |
5281 | #### Core
5282 |
5283 | - [core] Fix w3c validation errors (#9899) @sambhav-gore
5284 | - [core] Make palette change non-breaking (#9889) @mbrookes
5285 | - [core] Fix some w3c issues (#9872) @oliviertassinari
5286 | - [core] Upgrade jss to 9.5.0 (#9885) @cesardeazevedo
5287 | - [core] Fix some w3c validation errors (#9895) @sambhav-gore
5288 | - [typescript] Remove JSS stub module declaration (#9898) @pelotom
5289 | - [typescript] Move @types/react-transition-group from devDependencies to dependencies (#9897) @pelotom
5290 | - [typescript] Remove generic object and function types (#9822) @pelotom
5291 | - [core] Go back to jss-vendor-prefixer@7 (#9904) @oliviertassinari
5292 |
5293 | ## 1.0.0-beta.28
5294 | ###### *Jan 14, 2018*
5295 |
5296 | Big thanks to the 22 contributors who made this release possible.
5297 |
5298 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5299 |
5300 | - A new theme palette system (#9794) @mbrookes. It's an important simplification.
5301 | - More flexibile and customization friendly table components (#9852) @kgregory.
5302 | - A new gold sponsor: [Creative Tim](https://www.creative-tim.com/), thank you!
5303 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5304 |
5305 | ### Breaking change
5306 |
5307 | - [core] Revise the theme.palette.primary & secondary approach (#9794) @mbrookes
5308 |
5309 | It's an important simplification of the palette system. You can now directly use the [“official” Color Tool](https://material.io/color/).
5310 | - Instead of using a rich color object of 14 different keys, we rely on an object of 4 different keys: `light`, `main`, `dark` and `contrastText`.
5311 | - Providing the full-color object used to be required. Now, we will provide a nice default to the different values using the `main` value.
5312 |
5313 | ```diff
5314 | import { createMuiTheme } from 'material-ui/styles';
5315 | import blue from 'material-ui/colors/blue';
5316 | import pink from 'material-ui/colors/pink';
5317 |
5318 | const theme = createMuiTheme({
5319 | palette: {
5320 | - primary: blue,
5321 | - secondary: pink,
5322 | + primary: {
5323 | + light: blue[300],
5324 | + main: blue[500],
5325 | + dark: blue[700],
5326 | + },
5327 | + secondary: {
5328 | + light: pink[300],
5329 | + main: pink[500],
5330 | + dark: pink[700],
5331 | + }
5332 | type: theme.paletteType,
5333 | },
5334 | });
5335 | ```
5336 |
5337 | - [ListItemText] Add extra class to style secondary text (#9759) @t49tran
5338 |
5339 | ```diff
5340 | <ListItem
5341 | classes={{
5342 | - text: 'my-class',
5343 | + textPrimary: 'my-class',
5344 | }}
5345 | />
5346 | ```
5347 |
5348 | - [CardHeader] Remove CardContent inheritance (#9764) @oliviertassinari
5349 |
5350 | Rename ListItemText classes for consitancy with the CardHeader component:
5351 | ```diff
5352 | -- `textPrimary`
5353 | -- `textSecondary`
5354 | +- `primary`
5355 | +- `secondary`
5356 | ```
5357 |
5358 | - [TableCell] Add type property (#9852) @kgregory
5359 |
5360 | `TableHead`, `TableBody` and `TableFooter` no longer offer a CSS API, which means their `root` classes are no longer available.
5361 | To style the root element in these components, a `className` prop can be passed, as all non-API props will be spread to the root element.
5362 |
5363 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5364 |
5365 | - [Tooltip] Zero-length titles string are never displayed (#9766) @oliviertassinari
5366 | - [Chip] Replace instrinic CSS 'fit-content' with 'inline-flex' (#9767) @gregnb
5367 | - [Slide] Fix an animation regression (#9773) @oliviertassinari
5368 | - [Select] Remove the input warning (#9774) @oliviertassinari
5369 | - [Tabs] Add action property (#9780) @gregnb
5370 | - [StepButton] Fix TypeScript definition (#9796) @hapood
5371 | - [CardContent] Add component property (#9789) @caub
5372 | - [TablePagination] Add an Actions property (#9785) @axlider
5373 | - [SwitchBase] Enable React input warning (#9814) @oliviertassinari
5374 | - [SwitchBase] Remove duplicate typescript definitions inherited (#9816) @rosskevin
5375 | - [Hidden] Update initialWidth propTypes (#9815) @djeeg
5376 | - [Transition] Extend children propTypes (#9819) @oliviertassinari
5377 | - [TablePagination] Remove dead code (#9831) @leMaik
5378 | - [theme] Polish background scale (#9829) @oliviertassinari
5379 | - [ExpansionPanel] Fix typescript definitions of onChange event (#9832) @Jocaetano
5380 | - [GridList] Remove named export (#9836) @remcohaszing
5381 | - [GridList] Export through main index.js (#9833) @remcohaszing
5382 | - [Portal] Document default value (#9841) @oliviertassinari
5383 | - [Button] Add fullWidth boolean property (#9842) @oliviertassinari
5384 | - [Select] Improve vertical alignment (#9827) @jedwards1211
5385 | - [GridListTile] Fix error when overriding classes (#9862) @KevinAsher
5386 | - [transitions] Improve the style override logic (#9858) @caub
5387 | - [Select] Add open, onClose and onOpen properties (#9844) @caub
5388 |
5389 | #### Docs
5390 |
5391 | - [docs] Add Expand All switch to default theme tree (#9762) @mbrookes
5392 | - [docs] Remove unneeded dependencies from examples (#9746) @cherniavskii
5393 | - [docs] Clarify the usage of innerRef property of withStyles (#9765) @nareshbhatia
5394 | - [docs] Improve color / theme docs (#9771) @mbrookes
5395 | - [docs] Add How can I access the DOM element? in the FAQ (#9768) @oliviertassinari
5396 | - [examples] Add a Gatsby example (#9779) @oliviertassinari
5397 | - [docs] Alternatives to CRA (#9810) @oliviertassinari
5398 | - [docs] Add missing code from example (#9830) @RyanTaite
5399 | - [docs] Add Global CSS override section (#9843) @oliviertassinari
5400 | - [docs] Add example for Select with Checkbox in MenuItems (#9835) @caub
5401 | - [docs] Add SlidesUp to the Showcase (#9854) @bhatiak
5402 | - [docs] Track the bundle size (#9853) @oliviertassinari
5403 | - [docs] Display the default theme (#9859) @oliviertassinari
5404 | - [docs] Add paragraph on withStyles with multiple classes (#9851) @clentfort
5405 | - [docs] Add new backers (#9863) @oliviertassinari
5406 |
5407 | #### Core
5408 |
5409 | - [core] Remove contastDefaultColor (#9772) @mbrookes
5410 | - [core] Revise theme contrastText approach, remove contrastDefaultColor (#9063) @mbrookes
5411 | - [color] Add a warning when an invalid value is provided (#9783) @oliviertassinari
5412 | - [typescript] Add TouchRipple typings (#9812) @msiadak
5413 | - [test] Enforce 100% test coverage in Codecov (#9813) @leMaik
5414 | - [typescript] Move @types/jss from devDependencies to dependencies (#9817) @pelotom
5415 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies 😢 (#9828)
5416 |
5417 | ## 1.0.0-beta.27
5418 | ###### *Jan 6, 2018*
5419 |
5420 | Big thanks to the 19 contributors who made this release possible.
5421 |
5422 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5423 |
5424 | - A strong focus on the documentation.
5425 | - Add a new Zoom component (#9693) @mbrookes.
5426 | - Better vertical alignment of our components (#9709) @oliviertassinari.
5427 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5428 |
5429 | ### Breaking change
5430 |
5431 | - [core] Remove some rootRef properties (#9676) @cherniavskii
5432 |
5433 | Remove the rootRef property from the Grow and List component.
5434 | Instead, you can use the `ref` property in combination with `findDOMNode()` or a [RootRef](https://gist.github.com/oliviertassinari/fa1cd34a3fff67553631606109bed124) helper.
5435 |
5436 | - [Popover] New `transition` property (#9682) @oliviertassinari
5437 |
5438 | Remove the `transitionClasses` property of the Popover component. Instead, you can provide a transition component.
5439 |
5440 | - [BottomNavigation] Rename BottomNavigationButton to BottomNavigationAction (#9692) @mbrookes
5441 |
5442 | ```diff
5443 | -import BottomNavigation, { BottomNavigationButton } from 'material-ui/BottomNavigation';
5444 | +import BottomNavigation, { BottomNavigationAction } from 'material-ui/BottomNavigation';
5445 | ```
5446 |
5447 | - [core] Update jss plugins dependencies (#9732) @cherniavskii
5448 |
5449 | You might be relying on the transitive dependency of Material-UI: `jss-preset-default`.
5450 | If you do, you need to declare the dependency in your package.json. Material-UI will no longer install it for you.
5451 | Alternatively, you can use our preset to save bundle size.
5452 | ```diff
5453 | -import preset from 'jss-preset-default';
5454 | +import { jssPreset } from 'material-ui/styles';
5455 | ```
5456 |
5457 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5458 |
5459 | - [Menu] Better select, hover, focus logic (#9570) @Skaronator
5460 | - [CircularProgress] Accept as string size property (#9700) @jedwards1211
5461 | - [Zoom] New transition component (#9693) @mbrookes
5462 | - [Modal] Add TransitionHandlers to Modal props TypeScript definitions (#9723) @pvdstel
5463 | - [style] Add vertical-align: middle (#9709) @oliviertassinari
5464 | - [Dialog] Allow fullWidth option of false (#9724) @gregnb
5465 | - [SvgIcon] Add a nativeColor property (#9740) @oliviertassinari
5466 | - [typescript] Make Modal-/SlideProps on Drawer Partial (#9743) @DaIgeb
5467 | - [typescript] Use React.ReactType instead of string | ComponentType (#9686) @pelotom
5468 | - [typescript] Style/replace object and function in typedef (#9678) @t49tran
5469 | - [typescript] Update zIndex props to latest changes (#9720) @radicand
5470 | - [FormControlLabel] Allow highlighted options to be selectable (#9713) @Chopinsky
5471 |
5472 | #### Docs
5473 |
5474 | - [flow] Update the documentation and the example (#9679) @oliviertassinari
5475 | - [docs] Fix missing sandbox files (#9685) @lukePeavey
5476 | - [Portal] Fix typo (#9688) @ifndefdeadmau5
5477 | - [examples] Use Reboot (#9691) @oliviertassinari
5478 | - [docs] Add a fallback ad (#9694) @oliviertassinari
5479 | - [examples] Keep working on the Next.js example (#9695) @oliviertassinari
5480 | - [docs] Hide sandbox button on more demos (#9696) @lukePeavey
5481 | - [docs] Minor Markdown Fix: Update SUPPORT.md (#9702) @TorzuoliH
5482 | - [docs] Move 'Default Theme' to it's own section (#9697) @mbrookes
5483 | - [docs] Reorder Drawer items (#9704) @mbrookes
5484 | - [docs] Bite the bullet and go for v1-beta (#9706) @oliviertassinari
5485 | - [docs] Add project in showcase.md (#9725) @shady831213
5486 | - [docs] Fix error in overriding with classes (#9726) @rubencosta
5487 | - [docs] Tweak Dialog maxWidth prop description (#9729) @mbrookes
5488 | - [docs] Add a reference to create-react-app-with-flow (#9735) @oliviertassinari
5489 | - [docs] Fix link of "How to override the look and feel of the components." (#9739) @enavarrocu
5490 | - [docs] Fix Chip onDelete property (#9741) @vkentta
5491 | - [docs] Reduce the api docs table cell padding (#9752) @mbrookes
5492 | - [docs] Misc docs fixes (#9747) @mbrookes
5493 | - [docs] Fix two small regressions (#9753) @oliviertassinari
5494 | - [docs] Tidy up Tooltips demos (#9755) @mbrookes
5495 |
5496 | #### Core
5497 |
5498 | - [core] Fix typo in size:overhead:why script (#9728) @cherniavskii
5499 | - [core] Follow the React HOC convention (#9733) @oliviertassinari
5500 | - [github] Add Support Requests bot config file (#9751) @mbrookes
5501 |
5502 | ## 1.0.0-beta.26
5503 | ###### *Dec 30, 2017*
5504 |
5505 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
5506 |
5507 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5508 |
5509 | - @kgregory has made the breakpoint down behavior more intuitive. As of now, it's inclusive (#9632).
5510 | - We have introduced a new component to kickstart an elegant, consistent, and simple baseline to build upon: `Reboot` (#9661).
5511 | - The `Portal` and `Modal` components have been revamped to solve the core issues raised by the community (#9613). Those components are now documented.
5512 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5513 |
5514 | ### Breaking change
5515 |
5516 | - [Portal] Second iteration on the component (#9613)
5517 |
5518 | Some properties have been renamed:
5519 |
5520 | ```diff
5521 | <Dialog
5522 | - ignoreBackdropClick
5523 | - ignoreEscapeKeyUp
5524 | + disableBackdropClick
5525 | + disableEscapeKeyDown
5526 | ```
5527 |
5528 | ```diff
5529 | <Modal
5530 | - show
5531 | - disableBackdrop
5532 | - ignoreBackdropClick
5533 | - ignoreEscapeKeyUp
5534 | - modalManager
5535 | + open
5536 | + hideBackdrop
5537 | + disableBackdropClick
5538 | + disableEscapeKeyDown
5539 | + manager
5540 | ```
5541 |
5542 | The zIndex object has been updated to match the usage.
5543 |
5544 | ```diff
5545 | const zIndex = {
5546 | - mobileStepper: 900,
5547 | - menu: 1000,
5548 | + mobileStepper: 1000,
5549 | appBar: 1100,
5550 | - drawerOverlay: 1200,
5551 | - navDrawer: 1300,
5552 | - dialogOverlay: 1400,
5553 | - dialog: 1500,
5554 | - layer: 2000,
5555 | - popover: 2100,
5556 | - snackbar: 2900,
5557 | - tooltip: 3000,
5558 | + drawer: 1200,
5559 | + modal: 1300,
5560 | + snackbar: 1400,
5561 | + tooltip: 1500,
5562 | };
5563 | ```
5564 |
5565 | - [breakpoint] Down properties are now inclusive (#9632) @kgregory
5566 | - `createBreakpoints.down()` is now inclusive of the specified breakpoint
5567 | - `isWidthDown()` is now inclusive of the specified breakpoint by default
5568 | - `<Hidden />` will include the breakpoints associated with its *Down* properties regardless of whether CSS or JS is used.
5569 |
5570 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5571 |
5572 | - [TextField] Add inputProps back (#9604) @oliviertassinari
5573 | - [TextField] Accessibility improvements (#9617) @cherniavskii
5574 | - [ListItemText] Fix noWrap primary text ellipsis (#9631) @dr-js
5575 | - [Typography] Remove children required constraint (#9633) @hendratommy
5576 | - [CardHeader] Add component property (#9634) @oliviertassinari
5577 | - [Snackbar] Clarify that autoHideDuration calls onClose (#9628) @evantrimboli
5578 | - [Table] Add aria-label's to pagination left/right arrows (#9622) @gregnb
5579 | - [Input] More predictible value behavior (#9647) @oliviertassinari
5580 | - [styles] Make sure to escape whitespace (#9644) @jedwards1211
5581 | - [Reboot] New component (#9661) @oliviertassinari
5582 | - [Snackbar] Allow consecutive messages to display (#9670) @tkvw
5583 | - [styles] Reduce the likeliness of conflict (#9671) @oliviertassinari
5584 | - [typescript] Make Tabs onChange prop optional (#9668) @pelotom
5585 | - [Avatar] Handle non-square images (#9672) @oliviertassinari
5586 |
5587 | #### Docs
5588 |
5589 | - [docs] Fix AppBar and Demo button labels (#9607) @mbrookes
5590 | - [docs] Fix 414 HTTP issue (#9635) @oliviertassinari
5591 | - [docs] Update backers.md (#9636) @oliviertassinari
5592 | - [docs] Add a missing codesandbox demo (#9657) @oliviertassinari
5593 | - [docs] Interoperability guide: Fix grammar and rework structure (#9658) @mbrookes
5594 | - [docs] Remove dead code in generateMarkdown (#9662) @oliviertassinari
5595 | - [docs] Interop guide: change Global CSS link from API to description (#9664) @oliviertassinari
5596 | - [docs] Add mui-datatables (#9667) @gregnb
5597 | - [docs] Small tweaks (#9669) @oliviertassinari
5598 |
5599 | #### Core
5600 |
5601 | - [test] Document the ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick dependancy (#9608) @mbrookes
5602 | - [typescript] re-declare `isMuiElement` and `isMuiComponent` as typeguard (#9630) @SSW-SCIENTIFIC
5603 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#9642) @oliviertassinari
5604 |
5605 | ## 1.0.0-beta.25
5606 | ###### *Dec 22, 2017*
5607 |
5608 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible.
5609 |
5610 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5611 |
5612 | - 100% test coverage. Thanks @leMaik for the last mile (#9596)!
5613 | - The first introduction of Global CSS 😱.
5614 | We have introduced a `dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS` option to the class name generator (#9558).
5615 | We discourage people from using this option in production.
5616 | However, it can be a quick escape hatch when prototyping.
5617 | It's making the class names predictable, for instance:
5618 | ```diff
5619 | -c291
5620 | +MuiButton-raised
5621 | ```
5622 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5623 |
5624 | ### Breaking change
5625 |
5626 | None, merry christmas 🎄.
5627 |
5628 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5629 |
5630 | - [typescript] Add Typography pxToRem (#9547) @jaredpetker
5631 | - [Select] Typo fix (#9567) @bordagabor
5632 | - [CardHeader] Add conditional rendering of the subheader (#9572) @jwwisgerhof
5633 | - [Tooltip] children should be an element (#9568) @oliviertassinari
5634 | - [BottomNavigationAction] onClick and onChange handler overwritten (#9564) @kgregory
5635 | - [typescript] Add typings to reactHelpers (#9565) @SSW-SCIENTIFIC
5636 | - [TablePagination] Make onChangeRowsPerPage optional (#9563) @evantrimboli
5637 | - [Toolbar] Make the children optional (#9581) @oliviertassinari
5638 | - [withWidth] Add withTheme option (#9586) @oliviertassinari
5639 | - [docs] Add more interoperability examples (#9558) @oliviertassinari
5640 | - [TextField] Make TextField's "value" prop type match Input (#9594) @jaminthorns
5641 | - [Popover] Add action property (#9588) @gregnb
5642 | - [Modal] Increase test coverage (#9596) @leMaik
5643 |
5644 | #### Docs
5645 |
5646 | - [docs] Second iteration on the ad placement (#9524) @oliviertassinari
5647 | - [docs] Remove unused styes object from ChipsArray demo (#9540) @mbrookes
5648 | - [docs] Hide sandbox button on drawer and grid-list demos (#9537) @lukePeavey
5649 | - [docs] Fix typo `masterial-ui` to `material-ui` (#9544) @Ginkoid
5650 | - [docs] Add two new members (#9543) @oliviertassinari
5651 | - [docs] Fix dark theme toggle of website home page content (#9560) @Tuaniwan
5652 | - [docs] Improve migration guide (#9566) @fonzy2013
5653 | - [examples] Fix after the latest breaking changes (#9553) @Tuaniwan
5654 | - [docs] Fix basic typos in copy text (#9591) @hathix
5655 |
5656 | #### Core
5657 |
5658 | - [test] Report the potential svg-icon test error (#9559) @oliviertassinari
5659 | - [.editorconfig] Add max_line_length (#9580) @mbrookes
5660 | - [core] Move svg-icons to the internal folder (#9601) @oliviertassinari
5661 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#9606) @oliviertassinari
5662 |
5663 | ## 1.0.0-beta.24
5664 | ###### *Dec 17, 2017*
5665 |
5666 | Big thanks to the 16 contributors who made this release possible.
5667 |
5668 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5669 |
5670 | - We have removed Flow from the core components in (#9453).
5671 | You can learn more about the motivations in the pull request.
5672 | This changes two important things:
5673 | - We have reduced the size of the bundle by ~8 kB gzipped.
5674 | - The propTypes runtime checks are back. You might experience new warnings.
5675 | - We have introduced 4 breaking changes.
5676 | - You can support me on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/oliviertassinari) and the community on [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/material-ui) (#9460).
5677 | Blog posts are coming.
5678 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5679 |
5680 | ### Breaking change
5681 |
5682 | - [Hidden] Fix js/css implementation inconsistency (#9450) @oliviertassinari
5683 |
5684 | This change is making the js and css breakpoint utils behaving the same way.
5685 | The default parameter of `withWidth.isWidthDown(breakpoint, width, inclusive)` changed:
5686 | ```diff
5687 | -inclusive = true
5688 | +inclusive = false
5689 | ```
5690 | You might want to update the usage of the API by increasing the breakpoing used on the Hidden component:
5691 | ```diff
5692 | -<Hidden implementation="js" mdDown>
5693 | +<Hidden implementation="js" lgDown>
5694 | ```
5695 | Or by going back to the previous behavior:
5696 | ```diff
5697 | -isWidthDown(breakpoint, width)
5698 | +isWidthDown(breakpoint, width, true)
5699 | ```
5700 |
5701 | - [API] Use onClose over onRequestClose (#9451) @oliviertassinari
5702 |
5703 | Most of our components are stateless by default. It wasn't the case with v0.x. Let's translate this default behavior in the property names of v1.
5704 | ```diff
5705 | -onRequestClose
5706 | -onRequestOpen
5707 | -onRequestDelete
5708 | +onClose
5709 | +onOpen
5710 | +onDelete
5711 | ```
5712 |
5713 | - [TextField] Remove inputClassName property (#9509) @kgregory
5714 |
5715 | The existing `InputProps` property can be used to set the className on the input element, making `inputClassName` redundant. Issue #9508 exposed some conflicting behavior between the two properties and it was decided that removing `inputClassName` would result in a cleaner API.
5716 | ```diff
5717 | - /**
5718 | - * The CSS class name of the `input` element.
5719 | - */
5720 | - inputClassName: PropTypes.string,
5721 | ```
5722 | The configuration of the wrapped Input component and its input element should be done through `InputProps`. To specify a className on the input element:
5723 | ```jsx
5724 | <TextField InputProps={{ inputProps: { className: 'foo' } }} />
5725 | ```
5726 |
5727 | - [Stepper] "Optional" label in StepLabel should be localizable (#9489) @karaggeorge
5728 |
5729 | There is no logic attached to the `optional` boolean property. So, we can reduce the abstraction cost. The property is provided closer to where it's needed, and people have full control over how it should be displayed. By chance, it matches the specification.
5730 | ```diff
5731 | -<Step optional>
5732 | - <StepLabel>
5733 | +<Step>
5734 | + <StepLabel optional={<Typography type="caption">Optional Text</Typography>}>
5735 | Label
5736 | </StepLabel>
5737 | </Step>
5738 | ```
5739 |
5740 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5741 |
5742 | - [Popover] Fix warning formatting (27bab8022545c0cda8cbc80bf9b6df1566b14226) @oliviertassinari
5743 | - [Hidden] Add `only` array support in the CSS implementation (#9457) @Chopinsky
5744 | - [TextField] Fix disabled logic handling (#9472) @oliviertassinari
5745 | - [Dialog] Improve accessibility (#9461) @ianschmitz
5746 | - [TableFooter] Fix text overlapping pagination drop-down (#9497) @mbrookes
5747 | - [ButtonBase] Avoid unnecessary rerender (#9502) @ojab
5748 | - [Chip] Fix color contrast against default dark background (#9501) @mbrookes
5749 | - [Button] Document how to use a third-party routing library (#9506) @nikoladev
5750 | - [MuiThemeProvider] Add a new warning (#9518) @oliviertassinari
5751 | - [TextField] Improve the API documentation (#9514) @oliviertassinari
5752 | - [TableCell] Add missing aria-sort (#9504) @gregnb
5753 | - [ExpansionPanelSummary] Eliminate extra invocation of onClick (#9523) @kgregory
5754 |
5755 | #### Docs
5756 |
5757 | - [docs] Update sentence which might be misinterpreted (#9459) @senthuran16
5758 | - [docs] Correct list API default value (#9462) @t49tran
5759 | - [docs] Fix doc layout when an ad is present (#9473) @zachwolf
5760 | - [docs] Update breakpoint info to be in line with code (#9486) @nikoladev
5761 | - [docs] Fix broken sandbox in docs (#9491) @ajay2507
5762 | - [docs] Add new showcase (#9490) @liganok
5763 | - [docs] Add see source button (#9499) @oliviertassinari
5764 | - [docs] Add a BACKERS.md (#9460) @oliviertassinari
5765 | - [docs] Add Governance page (#9512) @oliviertassinari
5766 | - [docs] Demo options as JSON (#9521) @oliviertassinari
5767 |
5768 | #### Core
5769 |
5770 | - Add Governance Document (#9423) @hai-cea
5771 | - [core] Upgrade to flow 61 (#9471) @rsolomon
5772 | - [core] Remove FlowType from the components implementation (#9453) @oliviertassinari
5773 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#9515) @oliviertassinari
5774 | - [core] Fix wrong usage of the API (#9519) @oliviertassinari
5775 | - [core] Use the same react pattern everywhere (#9520) @oliviertassinari
5776 |
5777 | ## 1.0.0-beta.23
5778 | ###### *Dec 9, 2017*
5779 |
5780 | Big thanks to the 26 contributors who made this release possible.
5781 |
5782 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5783 |
5784 | - The TypeScript definitions keep getting better thanks to @pelotom, @rosskevin, @PavelPZ, @alitaheri, @ianschmitz, @smacpherson64, @brandonlee781
5785 | - We keep investing in improving the documentation.
5786 | For instance, you can find a [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/) edit button on all our demos.
5787 |
5788 | ### Breaking change
5789 |
5790 | - [TextField] API disamiguation/consistency (#9382) @rosskevin
5791 | Some of the convenience properties exposed were confusing and have been removed (`inputProps | InputClassName`). For advanced configuration any `Input` through `TextField`, use `TextField.InputProps` to pass any property accepted by the `Input`.
5792 | - [SvgIcon] Add color property (#9367) @kale5in
5793 | By consistency with the other components, the color property is no longer apply to the `<svg>`. Instead, it's used to apply normalized color.
5794 |
5795 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5796 |
5797 | - [Switch] Update missed div to span for valid HTML (#9334) @mikeriley131
5798 | - [Modal] Resolve cordova issues (#9315) @sakulstra
5799 | - [Drawer] Missing ModalProps typescript (#9352) @rosskevin
5800 | - [theme] Fix TypographyOptions type (#9364) @keenondrums
5801 | - [styles] createMuiTheme should accept a deep partial (#9368) @keenondrums
5802 | - [Table] Add missing component props (#9378) @pelotom
5803 | - [typescript] Use correct types for TextFieldProps (#9321) @pelotom
5804 | - [typescript] Provide accurate typings for theme overrides (#9314) @pelotom
5805 | - [typescript] Add missing direction to theme (#9327) @alitaheri
5806 | - [typescript] Update onChange types for selection controls (#9339) @rosskevin
5807 | - [typescript] Allow function to be passed as MuiThemeProvider theme prop (#9354) @ianschmitz
5808 | - [typescript] Extract WithTheme for external use (#9363) @rosskevin
5809 | - [Input] Fix input shrink issue in Firefox (#9384) @t-cst
5810 | - [typescript] Wrong default export in shadows.d.ts and transitions.d.ts (#9395) @PavelPZ
5811 | - [typescript] Add "component" to FormLabelProps (#9398) @smacpherson64
5812 | - [typescript] Rename overloaded type "Icon" in StepButton and StepConnector (#9397) @PavelPZ
5813 | - [typescript] Fix definition mismatching on ColorObject (#9409) @kinisn
5814 | - [Tabs] Fix SSR regression (#9413) @oliviertassinari
5815 | - [theme] Fix mixins.gutter override (#9417) @oliviertassinari
5816 | - [ButtonBase] Remove some code (#9419) @oliviertassinari
5817 | - [ExpansionPanel] Prevent call onChange event from the root element (#9402) @andrzejbk
5818 | - [Hidden] Improve the docs (#9420) @oliviertassinari
5819 | - [typescript] Add anchorPosition and anchorReference to PopoverProps (#9428) @brandonlee781
5820 | - [Input] Specify target FlowType for SyntheticInputEvents (#9394) @dhui
5821 | - [Collapse] Fix minHeight behavior (#9438) @Chopinsky
5822 | - [Stepper] Add missing style names (#9441) @oliviertassinari
5823 | - [Button] Add a mini FAB variant (#9383) @mbrookes
5824 |
5825 | #### Docs
5826 |
5827 | - [docs] Replace type with interface, document typescript theme customization (#9350) @rosskevin
5828 | - [docs] Fix typo in comparison guide (#9357) @ugomeda
5829 | - [docs] Simplify TypeScript custom theme example (#9376) @pelotom
5830 | - [docs] Add project to showcase (#9346) @samdenty99
5831 | - [Dialog] Fix typo and finish incomplete comment (#9379) @willgriffiths
5832 | - [docs] Better definition of what withStyles is (#9235) @ajay2507
5833 | - [docs] Save 11% on the images (#9400) @oliviertassinari
5834 | - [docs] Add a downshift example (#9401) @oliviertassinari
5835 | - [docs] Fix Tabs examples typography & standardise code (#9366) @mbrookes
5836 | - [docs] Add a Plugins paragraph (#9399) @oliviertassinari
5837 | - [docs] Fix code formatting (#9414) @oliviertassinari
5838 | - [docs] Add codesandbox edit button (#9416) @oliviertassinari
5839 | - [docs] Various documentation improvements (#9403) @oliviertassinari
5840 | - [docs] Remove extra spacing (#9418) @oliviertassinari
5841 | - [docs] Remove flow from the docs (#9434) @oliviertassinari
5842 | - [examples] remove flow from the examples (#9446) @stormasm
5843 |
5844 | #### Core
5845 |
5846 | - [test] Set codecov threshold to avoid spurious build failures (#9323) @pelotom
5847 | - [test] Fix parse error in .codecov.yml (#9355) @pelotom
5848 | - [typescript] Update `tslint.json` "member-ordering" definition (#9359) @seivan
5849 | - [typescript] withTheme parameter on wrong function (#9372) @rosskevin
5850 | - [typescript] Fix and standardize remaining ThemeOptions typings (#9370) @pelotom
5851 | - [test] Add missing platforms (#9412) @oliviertassinari
5852 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies (#9415) @oliviertassinari
5853 | - [typescript] Remove DeepPartial (#9445) @PavelPZ
5854 |
5855 | ## 1.0.0-beta.22
5856 | ###### *Nov 28, 2017*
5857 |
5858 | Big thanks to the 26 contributors who made this release possible.
5859 |
5860 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5861 |
5862 | - Wait, what? A new component is coming, again 🎉.
5863 | @andrzejbk has been implementing the `ExpansionPanel` component with the help of the community. Big thanks to him!
5864 | - Support TypeScript@2.6 (#9124) @pelotom
5865 | - Support Flow@0.57.x (#8983) @rsolomon, @rosskevin
5866 | - A new organization: `mui-org` @hai-cea
5867 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5868 |
5869 | ### Breaking change
5870 |
5871 | - [Select] Remove InputClasses (#9159) @oliviertassinari
5872 | It's a revert. I have made the unwise call of adding the InputClasses property in an unrelated refactorization pull request #8942. It was not taking the input classes property into account. It was a breaking change and not needed.
5873 | - [core] Reduce bundle size by 2kB gzipped (#9129) @oliviertassinari
5874 | We have removed some jss plugins from the default bundle:
5875 | - [jss-expand](https://github.com/cssinjs/jss-expand) (1.3 kB)
5876 | - [jss-compose](https://github.com/cssinjs/jss-compose) (426 B)
5877 | - [jss-extend](https://github.com/cssinjs/jss-extend) (702 B)
5878 | - [jss-template](https://github.com/cssinjs/jss-template) (330 B)
5879 |
5880 | It's a revert.
5881 | I have made the unwise call of adding the InputClasses property in an unrelated refactorization pull request #8942.
5882 | It was not taking the input classes property into account.
5883 | It was a breaking change and not needed.
5884 |
5885 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5886 |
5887 | - [Tooltip] Fix typo in API page (#9128) @mizx
5888 | - [Transition] Fix wrong addEndListener logic (#9142) @oliviertassinari
5889 | - [TablePagination] export LabelDisplayedRowArgs interface and improve label (#8930) @t49tran
5890 | - [Drawer] Hide focus ring (#9147) @rodrigofepy
5891 | - [Drawer] Fix classes in typescript definition (#9145) @johnnynia
5892 | - [CircularProgress] Fix behavior when dir=rtl (#9151) @alitaheri
5893 | - [StepContent] Fix typings (#9150) @alitaheri
5894 | - [Dialog] Fix maxWidth=xs (#9162) @oliviertassinari
5895 | - [Select] Fix typescript typings (#9153) @alitaheri
5896 | - [Slide] No default direction (#9165) @oliviertassinari
5897 | - [TablePagination] Improve the API docs page (#9181) @oliviertassinari
5898 | - [typescript] Strip keys from GridProps which won't get passed to override component (#9183) @pelotom
5899 | - [Input] Fix input height on Firefox (#9184) @oliviertassinari
5900 | - [Switch] Fixes non-valid HTML when div used inside of label element (#9188) @mikeriley131
5901 | - [FormControlLabel] Fixes non-valid HTML when p used in label element (#9187) @mikeriley131
5902 | - [Avatar] Fix alt align (#9193) @mctep
5903 | - [Drawer] Fix typo @ignore for theme prop (#9195) @christophehurpeau
5904 | - [style] Fix between media-query for xl (#9201) @michaelgruber
5905 | - [transitions] Expose the transition components (#9210) @ajay2507
5906 | - [Card] Add action prop to CardHeader (#9202) @lukePeavey
5907 | - [Select] Add name to the target (#9216) @oliviertassinari
5908 | - [TablePagination] Hide the rows per page selector if there are less than two options (#9213) @leMaik
5909 | - [ButtonBase] Bookkeep the disable state (#9220) @oliviertassinari
5910 | - [TextField] Better select support (#9224) @oliviertassinari
5911 | - [TableCell] Use solid version of theme divider (#9229) @mbrookes
5912 | - [ExpansionPanel] New component (#7651) @andrzejbk
5913 |
5914 | #### Docs
5915 |
5916 | - [docs] Additional tweaks (#9122) @mbrookes
5917 | - [docs] Improved documentation for Menu style overrides (#9126) @lsemerini
5918 | - [docs] Fix display on IE11 (#9166) @oliviertassinari
5919 | - [docs] Fix broken link in README.md (#9177) @Primajin
5920 | - [docs] Clean up code in IconLabelButton example (#9211) @xfumihiro
5921 | - [docs] Fill enhanced table to always have the same height on all pages (#9214) @leMaik
5922 | - [docs] Fix broken link to the API#spread (#9219) @oliviertassinari
5923 | - [Guide] Add Interoperability guide (#9217) @FjVillar
5924 | - [docs] Add a styled-components section (#9225) @oliviertassinari
5925 | - [examples] rename organization to mui-org (#9273) @stormasm
5926 | - [docs] Fix typo (#9288) @paulzmuda
5927 |
5928 | #### Core
5929 |
5930 | - [test] Fix flaky popper.js test (#9168) @oliviertassinari
5931 | - [typescript] Support TypeScript 2.6 and --strictFunctionTypes (#9124) @pelotom
5932 | - [typescript] Fix typing of withWidth (#9125) @pelotom
5933 | - [typescript] Eliminate the need for type annotations on callback parameters (#9127) @pelotom
5934 | - [core] Reduce bundle size by 2kB gzipped (#9129) @oliviertassinari
5935 | - [core] Upgrade enzyme (#9167) @oliviertassinari
5936 | - Add support for Flow@0.57.x (#8983) @rsolomon
5937 | - [test] Avoid unspotted API docs changes (#9212) @oliviertassinari
5938 | - [core] Increase the size-limit (#9215) @oliviertassinari
5939 | - [flow] Continuation of Flow updates 0.57+ (#9203) @rosskevin
5940 | - [flow] Bump react-flow-types version and fix errors (#9232) @rsolomon
5941 |
5942 | ## 1.0.0-beta.21
5943 | ###### *Nov 13, 2017*
5944 |
5945 | Big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible.
5946 |
5947 | Here are some highlights ✨:
5948 |
5949 | - @alexhayes and @vladimirpekez have done an awesome job migrating the Stepper component
5950 | to the `v1-beta` branch (#8291). Thank you!
5951 | - @kof Has been working hard and tightly with us to improve JSS, we have upgraded the dependency to v9 (#9111).
5952 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
5953 |
5954 | ### Breaking change
5955 |
5956 | - [SwitchBase] Remove legacy properties (#9021) @oliviertassinari
5957 |
5958 | In the following diff `SwitchBase` can be a `Checkbox` a `Radio` or a `Switch`.
5959 |
5960 | ```diff
5961 | -<SwitchBase disabled disabledClassName={disabledClassName} />;
5962 | +<SwitchBase disabled classes={{ disabled: disabledClassName }} />;
5963 | ```
5964 |
5965 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
5966 |
5967 | - [InputLabel] Fix transformOrigin when direction=rtl (#9007) @alitaheri
5968 | - [BottomNavigation] Allow null bottom navigation items (#9011) @ciroja
5969 | - [Button] Include lineHeight in default theme button style (#9018) @mkornblum
5970 | - [Select] Fix native width display (#8998) @oliviertassinari
5971 | - [Modal] Expose the component to the public API (#9038) @oliviertassinari
5972 | - [Drawer] Better support different anchor values (#9000) @oliviertassinari
5973 | - [IconButton] Add missing TypeScript definition (#9016) @oliviertassinari
5974 | - [List] Fix accessibility (#9017) @oliviertassinari
5975 | - [ButtonBase] Restore the original keyboardFocusCheckTime value (#9019) @oliviertassinari
5976 | - [Popover] Implement ability to pass coordinates as anchor (#9004) @jackyho112
5977 | - [TextField] Fix undefined blur event (#9042) @nareshbhatia
5978 | - [Slide] Support dynamic anchor (#9055) @oliviertassinari
5979 | - [Input] Remove grey highlight on iOS (#9057) @oliviertassinari
5980 | - [Grid] Add missing wrap-reverse classname (#9076) @dehli
5981 | - [breakpoint] Fix xs value (#9078) @oliviertassinari
5982 | - [TablePagination] Fix IE11 colSpan issue (#9086) @sakulstra
5983 | - [Menu] Fix MenuList integration demo (#9088)
5984 | - [Snackbar] Treat null properly and add a test for it (#9094) @leMaik
5985 | - [Input] Fix inputProps.ref support (#9095) @oliviertassinari
5986 | - [Slide] Refactor lifecycle logics (#9096) @alitaheri
5987 | - [Stepper] First port of the component (#8291) @alexhayes @vladimirpekez
5988 | - [InputLabel] Add missing FormControlClasses (#9110) @svachmic
5989 |
5990 | #### Docs
5991 |
5992 | - [docs] Fix escape in the API section (#9015) @oliviertassinari
5993 | - [examples] Fix flow example (bdf5b6600fd82d2c5b64896994457001dac72104) @oliviertassinari
5994 | - [examples] Fix missing props for BaseComponent (#9077) @aislanmaia
5995 | - [docs] Add a AppBar/Menu integration example (#9067) @Tevinthuku
5996 | - [docs] Add composed withStyles & withTheme HOCs to the FAQ (#9079) @mbrookes
5997 | - [docs] Add file upload examples with the icon buttons (#9087) @Tevinthuku
5998 | - [docs] Fix word (#9091) @Hissvard
5999 | - [docs] Fix AppSearch horizontal rythm (#9107) @mbrookes
6000 | - [docs] Fix misc typos, grammar and add minor clarifications (#9112) @mbrookes
6001 |
6002 | #### Core
6003 |
6004 | - [typescript] Conform Typography definition with React CSSProperties (#9023) @dewey92
6005 | - [Modal] 100% coverage for modalManager.js (#9022) @oliviertassinari
6006 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies (#9010) @oliviertassinari
6007 | - [core] Upgrade flow-react-proptypes (#9029) @oliviertassinari
6008 | - [typescript] Specify props type for overriding components (#9035) @pelotom
6009 | - [core] Document the overhead of importing a single component (#9099) @oliviertassinari
6010 | - [typescript] Fix screenWidth type and added is WidthDown (#9114) @stunaz
6011 | - [core] Upgrade jss (#9111) @oliviertassinari
6012 | - [core] Upgrade some dependencies (#9121) @oliviertassinari
6013 |
6014 | ## 1.0.0-beta.20
6015 | ###### *Nov 5, 2017*
6016 |
6017 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
6018 |
6019 | Here are some highlights ✨:
6020 |
6021 | - We have been addressing a lot of bug and documentation issues during the last month.
6022 | We should soon be able to start porting new components.
6023 | - The test coverage increased by 0.5% thanks to @leMaik effort (#8910, #8911).
6024 | We are very close to 100%.
6025 | - The internal `ClickAwayListener` component was made public (#8967).
6026 |
6027 | ### Breaking change
6028 |
6029 | - [style] Improve the font-size situation (#8942) @oliviertassinari
6030 | The `Input` and `FormLabel` component do no longer inherit the font-size. You might have to override them explicitly.
6031 | - [Popover] Add a max-height (#8943) @oliviertassinari
6032 | ```diff
6033 | -Menu.classes.root
6034 | +Menu.classes.paper
6035 | ```
6036 | - [Dialog] Rename withResponsiveFullScreen (#8951) @oliviertassinari
6037 | ```diff
6038 | -import { withResponsiveFullScreen } from 'material-ui/Dialog';
6039 | +import { withMobileDialog } from 'material-ui/Dialog';
6040 | ```
6041 |
6042 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6043 |
6044 | - [MenuList] Increase test coverage and fix an exception in an edge case (#8911) @leMaik
6045 | - [Input] Fix textarea width (#8921) @istarkov
6046 | - [SwitchBase] Inherit `disabled` from FormControl (#8917) @nllarson
6047 | - [Popover] Improve the warning message (#8948) @oliviertassinari
6048 | - [Popover] Add max-width (#8992) @oliviertassinari
6049 | - [InputAdornment] Correct typescript export (#8959) @minajevs
6050 | - [utils] Make ClickAwayListener public (#8967) @oliviertassinari
6051 | - [Slider] Add the logic back (#8972) @oliviertassinari
6052 | - [Select] Remove IE11 arrow (#8976) @oliviertassinari
6053 | - [Select] Menu Items centered in IE 11 (#8982) @lukePeavey
6054 | - [Select] Fix width on Safari (#8985) @oliviertassinari
6055 | - [IconButton] Add buttonRef property (#8986) @oliviertassinari
6056 | - [Grid] Document a limitation (#8987) @oliviertassinari
6057 | - [Tooltip] New warning message (#8988) @oliviertassinari
6058 |
6059 | #### Docs
6060 |
6061 | - [docs] Split support content of CONTRIBUTING.md into SUPPORT.md (#8918) @mbrookes
6062 | - [docs] Add demo for buttons with label and icon (#8922) @wongjiahau
6063 | - [docs] Fix broken link (#8934) @cantsdmr
6064 | - [docs] Fork JssProvider to release the docs (#8929) @oliviertassinari
6065 | - [docs] Add more information around the MenuList component (#8947) @oliviertassinari
6066 | - [docs] Add --save parameter (#8961) @Phoqe
6067 | - [docs] Add guideline for docs/demo contribution (#8953) @wongjiahau
6068 | - [docs] Use onChange instead of onClick for switch-like examples (#8971) @pelotom
6069 | - [docs] Fix flow example (#8968) @oliviertassinari
6070 | - [docs] Use next tag for the npm version badge (#8989) @leMaik
6071 | - [docs] Add a JssProvider and CSS injection order section (#8993) @oliviertassinari
6072 |
6073 | #### Core
6074 |
6075 | - [core] Upgrade some dependencies (#8977) @oliviertassinari
6076 | - [typescript] Add missing base props (#8931) @pelotom
6077 | - [typescript] Add missing base props, continued (#8955) @pelotom
6078 | - [typescript] Upgrade and resolve @types/react to 16.0.19 (#8956) @pelotom
6079 |
6080 | ## 1.0.0-beta.19
6081 | ###### *Oct 30, 2017*
6082 |
6083 | Big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible.
6084 |
6085 | Here are some highlights ✨:
6086 |
6087 | - We managed to do it! We have upgraded all the dependencies to react@16 🚀 (#8889).
6088 | We will keep react@15 support for some time in order to help the migration from v0.x to v1.x.
6089 | - We have fixed an important bug of `withStyles()` with react-hot-loader.
6090 | Thanks a lot @rrousselGit for the support (#8897).
6091 | - We have introduced 3 soft breaking changes (#8830, #8858, #8916).
6092 | - And many more bug fixes and documentation improvements.
6093 |
6094 | ### Breaking change
6095 |
6096 | - [transition] Improve interoperability with react-transition-group (#8830) @oliviertassinari
6097 | ```diff
6098 | <Grow
6099 | - transitionDuration={{
6100 | + timeout={{
6101 | enter: enterDuration,
6102 | exit: leaveDuration,
6103 | }}
6104 | />
6105 | ```
6106 |
6107 | - [transition] Allow more accurate PropTypes (#8858) @apieceofbart
6108 | ```diff
6109 | - <Dialog transition={<Slide direction="left" />} />;
6110 | + const Transition = props => <Slide direction="left" {...props} />
6111 | + <Dialog transition={Transition} />;
6112 |
6113 | - <Snackbar transition={<Slide direction="left" />} />;
6114 | + const Transition = props => <Slide direction="left" {...props} />
6115 | + <Snackbar transition={Transition} />;
6116 | ```
6117 |
6118 | - [RTL] Make Right-to-left optional (#8916) @oliviertassinari
6119 | `jss-rtl` needs to be installed and added to jss by the users. We do no longer do it by default.
6120 |
6121 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6122 |
6123 | - [Popover] Add a marginThreshold property (#8815) @eyn
6124 | - [Tabs] Fix consecutive updates (#8831) @oliviertassinari
6125 | - [TextField] Support adornment full width (#8835) @oliviertassinari
6126 | - [TextField] Fix dirty state update (#8879) @oliviertassinari
6127 | - [breakpoints] Increase step to 5, fix media query matching on Safari (#8846) @dangh
6128 | - [Input] Fix disabled state (#8848) @oliviertassinari
6129 | - [Input] Fix inputProps overwriting className (#8867) @johnnynia
6130 | - [Input] Ignore underline pointer events (#8885) @johnnynia
6131 | - [Input] Made the labels for adorned elements not shrink on end adornment (#8882) @kf6kjg
6132 | - [Popover] Warn when the height of the Popover is too tall (#8839) @amilagm
6133 | - [Tooltip] Fix resize issue (#8862) @oliviertassinari
6134 | - [CircularProgress] Add "inherit" color option (#8871) @dapetcu21
6135 | - [Select] Fix array mutability flow annotation (#8870) @dapetcu21
6136 | - [Dialog] Fix IE11 overflow bug (#8877) @sakulstra
6137 | - [Menu] Add a PopoverClasses property (#8884) @johnnynia
6138 | - [CircularProgress] Add thickness property to .t.ds file (#8888) @jportela
6139 | - [Slider] Shouldn't be visible when in=false (#8894) @oliviertassinari
6140 | - [Collapse] Fix height computation (#8895) @oliviertassinari
6141 | - [withStyles] Better handle react-hot-loader (#8897) @oliviertassinari
6142 |
6143 | #### Docs
6144 |
6145 | - [docs] Fix wrong SSR path location (#8822) @lukePeavey
6146 | - [docs] Fix some issues I have noticed (#8826) @oliviertassinari
6147 | - [docs] Fix typos in input adornments example (#8836) @leMaik
6148 | - [docs] Better onboarding experience (#8851) @oliviertassinari
6149 | - [docs] Show disabled MenuItem (#8853) @ojathelonius
6150 | - [docs] Fix Typos (#8860) @shtam
6151 | - [docs] Update Popover component readme (#8865) @gregnb
6152 | - [docs] Move the font link of CRA for codesandbox (f068f50187b2cc520d3af1276578d9ed951811b7) @oliviertassinari
6153 | - [docs] Show how to change the color of the TextField (#8880) @oliviertassinari
6154 | - [docs] Simpler IconMenu example (#8892) @oliviertassinari
6155 | - [docs] Temporary fix for SSR issue with Portal (#8907) @oliviertassinari
6156 |
6157 | #### Core
6158 |
6159 | - [flow] Add config lint (#8834) @rosskevin
6160 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#8852) @oliviertassinari
6161 | - [core] Fix missing typings in /es folder (#8887) @NeoLegends
6162 | - [core] Upgrade to react@16 (#8889) @oliviertassinari
6163 | - [core] Upgrade size-limit (#8899) @oliviertassinari
6164 | - [Table] Increase test coverage (#8910) @leMaik
6165 | - [test] Increase test coverage (#8908) @oliviertassinari
6166 |
6167 | ## 1.0.0-beta.18
6168 | ###### *Oct 24, 2017*
6169 |
6170 | Big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible.
6171 |
6172 | Here are some highlights ✨:
6173 |
6174 | - New InputAdornment component (#8504).
6175 | - New [Frequently asked questions](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/4df547d56448cedf70977d6e2463b38eaf64d1c7/docs/src/pages/getting-started/frequently-asked-questions.md) documentation section
6176 | - We have saved 1 KB gzip by removing our internal react-transition-group fork (#8785).
6177 | - We have made one step further in order to upgrade all our development dependencies to react@16 (#8804).
6178 |
6179 | ### Breaking change
6180 |
6181 | - [Popover] Fix incorrect className API and add mouseover demo (#8774) @oliviertassinari
6182 |
6183 | I have noticed one inconsistency with the `className` property.
6184 | The value should have been applied on the root of the component.
6185 | We enforce this behavior now.
6186 |
6187 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6188 |
6189 | - [createTypography] Add htmlFontSize option (#8699) @kristenmills
6190 | - [Modal] Improve scroll handling (#8715) @oliviertassinari
6191 | - [RadioGroup] Better keyboard focus logic (#8720) @oliviertassinari
6192 | - [ButtonBase] Fix missing keyboard ripple (#8723) @sakulstra
6193 | - [ButtonBase] Remove Firefox dotted outline #8721) @oliviertassinari
6194 | - [Tooltip] Redefine title from base typescript (#8727) @DaIgeb
6195 | - [TypeScript] Fix GridListTitle `rows` property (#8740) @fathyb
6196 | - [InputAdornment] New Component (#8504) @eyn
6197 | - [TableRow] Adjust CSS for components other than <tr> (#8750) @chaitan94
6198 | - [Select] Add missing definition for displayEmpty (#8754) @cauld
6199 | - [Select] Fix autoWidth regression (#8796) @oliviertassinari
6200 | - [ListItem] Disable hover effect on touch devices (#8803) @8enmann
6201 | - [styles] Add performance optimization option (#8757) @oliviertassinari
6202 | - [theme] Support overriding the shadows key (#8795) @oliviertassinari
6203 |
6204 | #### Docs
6205 |
6206 | - [docs] Correct some typos in name 'TypographyTheme' (#8707) @douglasmamilor
6207 | - [docs] Better warning description (#8783) @agatac
6208 | - [docs] Fix the docs support on windows (#8792) @SeasideLee
6209 | - [docs] Correct a typo (occurence -> occurrence) (#8798) @chaitan94
6210 | - [docs] Add more information on the migration path (#8709) @oliviertassinari
6211 | - [docs] Responsive team page (#8714) @oliviertassinari
6212 | - [docs] Better display for print (#8729) @oliviertassinari
6213 | - [docs] Interoperability with react-jss (#8735) @oliviertassinari
6214 | - [docs] Add CII Best Practices (#8736) @oliviertassinari
6215 | - [docs] FAQ disable ripple (#8747) @oliviertassinari
6216 | - [docs] Add FAQ inline-style vs withStyles() (#8758) @oliviertassinari
6217 | - [docs] Add promising pickers lib (#8814) @oliviertassinari
6218 |
6219 | #### Core
6220 |
6221 | - [core] Output ES code in /es (#8772) @NeoLegends
6222 | - [core] Remove erroneous exports from styles/index.d.ts (#8805) @pelotom
6223 | - [typescript] Standard Props (#8781) @pelotom
6224 | - [core] Use react-transition-group (#8785) @oliviertassinari
6225 | - [core] Keep fixing failing tests for react@16 (#8804) @oliviertassinari
6226 | - [core] react-popper allows react 16 (#8800) @oliviertassinari
6227 | - [core] Upgdate some dependencies (#8722) @oliviertassinari
6228 | - [core] Upgrade some dependencies (#8737) @oliviertassinari
6229 | - [core] Upgrade some dependencies (#8777) @oliviertassinari
6230 | - [core] Upgrade some dependencies (#8816) @oliviertassinari
6231 |
6232 | ## 1.0.0-beta.17
6233 | ###### *Oct 16, 2017*
6234 |
6235 | Big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible.
6236 |
6237 | This release is mostly about stability.
6238 | We have merged many bug fixes PRs and documentation improvement PRs.
6239 | We are garbage collecting all the features we have been adding lately.
6240 | As this garbage collection stabilize, we will be able to add new features, like a stepper, extension panel or date/time pickers. But we are not here yet.
6241 | For instance, we need to upgrade all our dev dependencies to *react@16* first.
6242 |
6243 | ### Breaking change
6244 |
6245 | - [Grid] Add alignItems & alignContent properties (#8647) @sakulstra
6246 |
6247 | ```diff
6248 | - <Grid container xs={6} align="flex-end">
6249 | + <Grid container xs={6} alignItems="flex-end">
6250 | <Grid item>
6251 | ```
6252 |
6253 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6254 |
6255 | - [ButtonBase] Fix ripple on mobile (#8605) @oliviertassinari
6256 | - [icons] Bump recompose version (#8615) @sakulstra
6257 | - [icons] Change homepage (#8621) @oliviertassinari
6258 | - [withWidth] Export the module in index.js (#8616) @sakulstra
6259 | - [typescript] Fix typings for withTheme (#8627) @DaIgeb
6260 | - [typescript] Change the TextField.label type to the InputLabel.children type (#8630) @DaIgeb
6261 | - [typescript] Fix conflicting types for onChange prop (#8618) @pelotom
6262 | - [typescript] Collapse: Redefine children from Transition (#8655) @DaIgeb
6263 | - [typescript] Add "baseline" to GridItemsAlignment type (#8678) @brentatkins
6264 | - [Badge] Fix vertical alignment inside IconButton (#8677) @AndreiBelokopytov
6265 | - [ListItemAvatar] Fix dense font icon display (#8682) @lawlessnut
6266 | - [TableCell] Better handle long text (#8685) @lunzhang
6267 | - [typing] Chip definition was missing deleteIcon & more (#8696) @cauld
6268 | - [Tabs] Add a TabScrollButton property (#8695) @lawlessnut
6269 | - [CircularProgress] Fix non Chrome rendering (#8687) @oliviertassinari
6270 | - [Badge] Add an example with a IconButton (#8683) @oliviertassinari
6271 | - [Button] Better render multilines button (#8684) @oliviertassinari
6272 | - [Input] Fix hover style on mobile (#8644) @oliviertassinari
6273 | - [Slide] Fix resize issue (#8672) @oliviertassinari
6274 | - [RadioGroup] Remove the injected styles (#8692) @oliviertassinari
6275 | - [Tooltip] Improve typescript definition (#8698) @oliviertassinari
6276 | - [MuiThemeProvider] Add more constraints for everybody sanity (#8701) @oliviertassinari
6277 |
6278 | #### Docs
6279 |
6280 | - [docs] Fix typo in icons.md (#8612) @MazeChaZer
6281 | - [docs] Add link for autosuggest-highlight installation (#8625) @senthuran16
6282 | - [docs] Fix typo in item description (#8632) @bennyn
6283 | - [docs] Add Venuemob to showcase (#8674) @DJAndries
6284 | - [docs] TypeScript example project and guide to withStyles (#8694) @pelotom
6285 | - [Input] Fix grammar in documentation (#8700) @ludwigbacklund
6286 | - [docs] Fix markdown formatting (#8640) @oliviertassinari
6287 | - [examples] Everything is back to normal with next.js (#8611) @oliviertassinari
6288 | - [docs] Improve fullWidth wording (#8610) @oliviertassinari
6289 | - [docs] Make code follow the header font (#8623) @oliviertassinari
6290 | - [docs] Improve SVG icons wordings (#8642) @oliviertassinari
6291 | - [docs] Fix test page (#8650) @oliviertassinari
6292 |
6293 | #### Core
6294 |
6295 | - [core] Fix more warnings with enzyme@3 and react@16 (#8641) @oliviertassinari
6296 | - [core] Prepare upgrade toward enzyme v3 (#8670) @oliviertassinari
6297 | - [core] Safer CI on circle-ci with yarn (#8656) @oliviertassinari
6298 | - [core] Upgrade deepmerge dependency (#8608) @oliviertassinari
6299 | - [core] Fix CSP issue (6172bd0af0c7a0ad66626a9c3d9f5aaa34e1a6f7) @oliviertassinari
6300 | - [core] Add global prettier config (#8624) @oliviertassinari
6301 |
6302 | ## 1.0.0-beta.16
6303 | ###### *Oct 8, 2017*
6304 |
6305 | Big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible.
6306 |
6307 | Here are some highlights ✨:
6308 |
6309 | - Add Right-To-Left support (#8479) @alitaheri
6310 | - Safe TypeScript checking of the `withStyles()` Higher-order Component (#8561) @pelotom and @sebald
6311 |
6312 | ### Breaking change
6313 |
6314 | - [TablePagination] Allow using it anywhere (#8525) @leMaik
6315 |
6316 | ```diff
6317 | <TableFooter>
6318 | - <TablePagination
6319 | - count={data.length}
6320 | - rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage}
6321 | - page={page}
6322 | - onChangePage={this.handleChangePage}
6323 | - onChangeRowsPerPage={this.handleChangeRowsPerPage}
6324 | - />
6325 | + <TableRow>
6326 | + <TablePagination
6327 | + count={data.length}
6328 | + rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage}
6329 | + page={page}
6330 | + onChangePage={this.handleChangePage}
6331 | + onChangeRowsPerPage={this.handleChangeRowsPerPage}
6332 | + />
6333 | + </TableRow>
6334 | </TableFooter>
6335 | ```
6336 |
6337 | - [typescript] Fix withStyles typing for class components; remove usage as TS decorator (#8561) @pelotom
6338 | We drop the TypeScript decorator support.
6339 |
6340 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6341 |
6342 | - [Collapse] Fix handleEntered method (#8499) @tcoughlin3
6343 | - [ButtonBase] Fix borderRadius for Chrome 63 (#8507) @gokulchandra
6344 | - [Collapse] Implement the ability to set the collapsed height through props (#8368) @jackyho112
6345 | - [GridList] Add momentum scrolling (#8538) @JeromeFitz
6346 | - [Tabs] Add momentum scrolling (#8536) @RichardLindhout
6347 | - [SwitchBase] Simplify the implementation (#8540) @oliviertassinari
6348 | - [Typography] Add Vertical Rhythm (#8560) @oliviertassinari
6349 | - [Input] Fix Textarea regression handling (#8557) @oliviertassinari
6350 | - [Snackbar] Fix position regression (#8573) @oliviertassinari
6351 | - [IconButton] Take advantage of the CSS inheritance (#8575) @oliviertassinari
6352 | - [Select] Add a displayEmpty property (#8587) @oliviertassinari
6353 | - [Select] Update description for displayEmpty propepty (#8589) @gmlnchv
6354 | - [style] Add RTL support (#8479) @alitaheri
6355 | - [TableCell] Fix padding TypeScript definition (#8591) @dakisxx
6356 | - [TableCell] Wrong label: 'compact' should be 'dense' (#8596) @dakisxx
6357 | - [Table] Standardize class names (#8593) @oliviertassinari
6358 | - [Hidden] Make the children property required (#8502) @oliviertassinari
6359 |
6360 | #### Docs
6361 |
6362 | - [docs] Fix color palette demo (#8513) @JeromeFitz
6363 | - [docs] Fix copy and paste error in migration guide (#8514) @uwap
6364 | - [docs] Change the Edit this page link in the API (#8511) @oliviertassinari
6365 | - [Example] Pin nextjs example to react 15 (#8521) @eyn
6366 | - [docs] Change tooltip placement for table (baa37dee87c4211b598102d8f54500d4dde28a1e) @oliviertassinari
6367 | - [docs] Add an app to the v1 showcase (#8548) @Xalio08
6368 | - [docs] Add a tests section in the Comparison page (#8555) @oliviertassinari
6369 | - [docs] Remove leftover code from Tooltip example (#8551) @the-noob
6370 | - [Circular] Add interactive integration in the docs (#8586) @oliviertassinari
6371 | - [Hidden] Add docs for initialWidth prop (#8585) @pcardune
6372 | - [docs] Avoid SEO indexes duplication (#8592) @oliviertassinari
6373 |
6374 | #### Core
6375 |
6376 | - [core] Upgrade to mocha@v4 (#8517) @oliviertassinari
6377 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies (#8577) @oliviertassinari
6378 | - [core] Upgrade eslint (#8583) @oliviertassinari
6379 | - [core] Prepare upgrade enzyme v3 (#8595) @oliviertassinari
6380 | - [misc] Fix small issues reported by users (#8524) @oliviertassinari
6381 |
6382 | ## 1.0.0-beta.15
6383 | ###### *Oct 4, 2017*
6384 |
6385 | ## material-ui-icons
6386 |
6387 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6388 |
6389 | - [typscript] Adjust icon typings to change introduces in #8366 (#8529) @sebald
6390 |
6391 | ## 1.0.0-beta.13
6392 | ###### *Oct 1, 2017*
6393 |
6394 | Big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible.
6395 |
6396 | ### Breaking change
6397 |
6398 | - [Table] Introduce padding property (#8362) @eyn
6399 |
6400 | ```diff
6401 | - <TableCell checkbox>
6402 | + <TableCell padding="checkbox">
6403 | ```
6404 |
6405 | - [flow] Fix Higher-order Component typing (#8419) @rosskevin
6406 |
6407 | ```diff
6408 | - withTheme,
6409 | + withTheme(),
6410 | ```
6411 |
6412 | - [Transition] Rich transitionDuration property (#8448) @oliviertassinari
6413 |
6414 | ```diff
6415 | <Dialog
6416 | - enterTransitionDuration={100}
6417 | - leaveTransitionDuration={100}
6418 | + transitionDuration={100}
6419 | </Dialog>
6420 | ```
6421 |
6422 | ```diff
6423 | <Dialog
6424 | - enterTransitionDuration={100}
6425 | - leaveTransitionDuration={200}
6426 | + transitionDuration={{
6427 | + enter: 100,
6428 | + exit: 200,
6429 | + }}
6430 | </Dialog>
6431 | ```
6432 |
6433 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6434 |
6435 | - [Tabs] Fix indicator update issue (#8388) @oliviertassinari
6436 | - [Tabs] Support empty children (#8492) @oliviertassinari
6437 | - [Select] Fix popover width and add autoWidth prop (#8307) @leMaik
6438 | - [SelectInput] Fix event forwarding (#8386) @cherniavskii
6439 | - [breakpoints] add back deleted `getWidth` as `width` with a spec (#8387) @rosskevin
6440 | - [styles] More permissive class name generator warning (#8390) @oliviertassinari
6441 | - [Table] Add missing components export (#8425) @klauszhang
6442 | - [TablePagination] Fix negative pagination numbers (#8435) @leMaik
6443 | - [Typography] Add primary option to color property (#8440) @eyn
6444 | - [Typography] Add error option to color property (#8446) @samsch
6445 | - [CardMedia] Add `component` property (#8376) @AndriusBil
6446 | - [Input] Fix wrong CSS property (#8469) @oliviertassinari
6447 | - [Input] Better placeholder display logic (#8485) @oliviertassinari
6448 | - [icons] Better interoperability with v0.x (#8473) @oliviertassinari
6449 | - [icons] Update peer dependency to react 16 (#8476) @eyn
6450 | - [Slider] Fix IE11 issue (#8486) @patrickml
6451 | - [Chip] Adds option to provide custom delete icon to Chip (#8482) @LinkedList
6452 | - [Tooltip] Fix usage with table head (#8488) @oliviertassinari
6453 |
6454 | #### Docs
6455 |
6456 | - [docs] Misspelling on Select demo page (#8384) @kgregory
6457 | - [docs] Select API default value for input prop (#8385) @kgregory
6458 | - [docs] Add FormDialog Example (#8411) @chaseWillden
6459 | - [docs] Typo in next.config.js (#8418) @marcoturi
6460 | - [docs] Fix redirections in Supported Components (#8389) @oliviertassinari
6461 | - [docs] Improve selection controls section (#8405) @oliviertassinari
6462 | - [docs] Fix Drawer and Popover api docs (#8442) @cherniavskii
6463 | - [core] Update issue template with language about providing a reproduction case (#8466) @rosskevin
6464 | - [flow] add examples/create-react-app-with-flow (#8449) @rosskevin
6465 | - [docs] Add a Responsive Drawer example (#8494) @oliviertassinari
6466 | - [docs] Move docs to https://material-ui-next.com (#8495) @oliviertassinari
6467 | - [docs] Take insertionPoint option into account (#8497) @oliviertassinari
6468 |
6469 | #### Core
6470 |
6471 | - [test] Prepare enzyme v3 upgrade (#8429) @oliviertassinari
6472 | - [core] Update react-transition-group for react@16 (#8468) @oliviertassinari
6473 | - [core] Update recompose to 0.25.1 (#8408) @oliviertassinari
6474 | - [core] Update sinon to the latest version 🚀 (#8396) @greenkeeper
6475 | - [core] Upgrade prettier (#8428) @oliviertassinari
6476 | - [typescript] Document withStyles overloads (#8364) @pelotom
6477 | - [typescript] Make StyledComponent only a type, not a class (#8366) @pelotom
6478 | - [typescript] Update `BreakpointsOptions` in `createBreakpoints` (#8374) @peterprice
6479 | - [typescript] Correct typings of TextField's onChange (#8378) @sebald
6480 | - [typescript] Add missing toolbar property on Mixins interface (#8392) @MSNexploder
6481 | - [typescript] Correct type definition for Theme creation (#8395) @TorstenStueber
6482 | - [typescript] Improve `createShallow` typings (#8415) @sebald
6483 | - [typescript] Re-add tests for `withStyle` use cases (#8399) @sebald
6484 | - [typescript] Remove key prop from Snackbar (#8427) @TorstenStueber
6485 | - [typescript] Fix common colors typings (#8433) @alitaheri
6486 | - [typescript] Per-component class keys (#8375) @pelotom
6487 | - [flow] Post-HOC change bug fixes (#8441) @rosskevin
6488 | - [flow] 0.56.0 (#8450) @rosskevin
6489 | - [flow] Collapse theme is not an external prop (#8470) @rosskevin
6490 | - [flow] Fix HOC RequiredProps vs ProvidedProps (#8477) @oliviertassinari
6491 | - [core] Update jsdom to v11.3.0 (#8491) @oliviertassinari
6492 |
6493 | ## 1.0.0-beta.12
6494 | ###### *Sep 24, 2017*
6495 |
6496 | Big thanks to the 25 contributors who made this release possible.
6497 |
6498 | Wait, what?! We have been merging 52 pull requests from 25 different people in just 6 days (and closed 60 issues).
6499 | This is a new record for the project.
6500 | The `v1-beta` version is definitely getting traction.
6501 | Thanks for the support!
6502 |
6503 | Here are some highlights ✨:
6504 |
6505 | - Introduction of the first codemods for the `v0.x -> v1.x` migration as well as a documentation page. @vividh (#8311, #8333, #8314)
6506 | - The TypeScript definitions made an important step forward with more than 10 PRs merged. @pelotom @sebald @xaviergonz and more
6507 | - Wondering how Material-UI compares to the other solutions out there?
6508 | We have created a documentation page to stress the tradeoffs taken. (#8319)
6509 | - `material-ui@next` has just [crossed **react-toolbox**](https://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=react-scrollbar-size&package=react-toolbox&from=2017-01-24&to=2017-09-24) in terms of downloads on npm.
6510 |
6511 | ### Breaking change
6512 |
6513 | - [styles] Refactorisation of the breakpoints (#8308) @oliviertassinari
6514 |
6515 | ```diff
6516 | const muiTheme = createMuiTheme({
6517 | breakpoints: {
6518 | - breakpointsMap: {
6519 | + values: {
6520 | xs: 360,
6521 | sm: 768,
6522 | md: 992,
6523 | lg: 1200,
6524 | xl: 1440,
6525 | },
6526 | },
6527 | });
6528 | ```
6529 |
6530 | ```diff
6531 | paperWidthXs: {
6532 | - maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.getWidth('xs'),
6533 | + maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.xs,
6534 | },
6535 | ```
6536 |
6537 | - [typescript] Improve type definition for withStyles (#8320) @pelotom
6538 |
6539 | @pelotom did a great job improving the `withStyles` typings, such that less generics are required to be written! Most notably, you no longer have to pass a map of class names to `withStyles`:
6540 |
6541 | ```diff
6542 | - withStyles<{ root: string; }>(...)
6543 | + withStyles(...)
6544 | ```
6545 |
6546 | Also, `props` can now be set when applying the HOC:
6547 |
6548 | ```diff
6549 | - const StyledComponent = withStyles<
6550 | - StyledComponentProps,
6551 | - StyledComponentClassNames
6552 | - >(styles)(Component);
6553 | + const StyledComponent = withStyles(styles)<StyledComponentProps>(
6554 | + ({ classes, text }) => (
6555 | + <div className={classes.root}>
6556 | + {text}
6557 | + </div>
6558 | + )
6559 | + );
6560 | ```
6561 |
6562 | When `withStyles()` is used as a decorator and `strictNullChecks` is enabled, one has to use the `!` operator to access classes from within the class.
6563 |
6564 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6565 |
6566 | - [Tabs] Move updateIndicatorState after render lifecycle (#8260) @markselby9
6567 | - [Tabs] Handle sever side rendering (#8358) @oliviertassinari
6568 | - [Tooltip] Fix overlaps and prevents clicking on element belows (#8257) @quanglam2807
6569 | - [Tooltip] Fix forced reflows #8293 (#8325) @mctep
6570 | - [Chip] Remove highlight on Android and iOS (#8280)@oliviertassinari
6571 | - [Snackbar] Add `resumeHideDuration` property (#8272) @AndriusBil
6572 | - [ListSubheader] Use sticky list by default (#8194) @slavab89
6573 | - [TextField] Add a select mode (#8274) @ctavan
6574 | - [TextField] Add Formatted input section in the docs (#8347)
6575 | - [MenuItem] Fix dense mode (#8330) @dapetcu21
6576 | - [Table] Add a TableFooter for pagination (#8254) @leMaik
6577 | - [Table] Update flow types for remaining table components (#8345) @eyn
6578 | - [Table] Enhance PropType checks for TableCell (#8350) @eyn
6579 | - [Input] Add underline padding at all times (#8348) @dapetcu21
6580 | - [Drawer] Add border anchor right (#8361)
6581 | - [Dialog] Add `fullWidth` property (#8329) @AndriusBil
6582 |
6583 | #### Docs
6584 |
6585 | - [codemod] Update import paths for colors v1 (#8311) @vividh
6586 | - [codemod] Update import paths for svg-icons v1 (#8333) @vividh
6587 | - [docs] Add a comparison section (#8319) @oliviertassinari
6588 | - [docs] Add small migration guide, to be continued (#8314) @oliviertassinari
6589 | - [docs] Add some details about TextField vision (0c9936c40a359a3b7d81d44ca63061a0116b9d6d) @oliviertassinari
6590 | - [docs] Right colors (#8268) @oliviertassinari
6591 | - [docs] Minor grammatical fixes (#8283) @vpicone
6592 | - [docs] Tooltips are supported (#8282) @skirunman
6593 | - [docs] Autosuggest example typo fix (#8315) @the-noob
6594 | - [docs] Changing type 'Alignement' to Alignment (#8335) @apearson
6595 | - [CHANGELOG] Add info for withStyles BC (#8342) @sebald
6596 |
6597 | #### Core
6598 |
6599 | - [flow] Remove class property props to reduce bundle size (#7884) @rosskevin
6600 | - [flow] Update to flow 55 (#8305) @oliviertassinari
6601 | - [types] Better component typing (#8304) @oliviertassinari
6602 | - [styles] Add a new defensive warning (#8341) @oliviertassinari
6603 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#8284) @oliviertassinari
6604 | - [core] Help Webpack doing dead code elimination (#8340) @oliviertassinari
6605 | - [core] Add TypeScript in the CI (#8328) @oliviertassinari
6606 | - [typescript] Fix typo in Tooltip (#8271) @Rid
6607 | - [typescript] Fix definitions for BreakpointsOptions (#8285) @peterprice
6608 | - [typescript] Fix for Avatar.d.ts not having a style property definition (#8277) @xaviergonz
6609 | - [typescript] Fix missing attribute in FormControl (#8297) @maresja1
6610 | - [typescript] Fix Tooltip typings (#8292) @lagunoff
6611 | - [typescript] Add className to StyledComponentProps (#8295) @pelotom
6612 | - [typescript] Allow `Grid` to accept `HTMLAttributes` props (#8317) @michaelgruber
6613 | - [typescript] Add style to StyledComponentProps (#8322) @pelotom
6614 | - [typescript] Restore withStyles class decorator (#8354) @pelotom
6615 | - [typescript] Enable strictNullChecks (#8356) @pelotom
6616 | - [typescript] Allow overriding a subset of classes (#8355) @pelotom
6617 | - [typescript] Allow overriding a subset of classes (#8355) @pelotom
6618 |
6619 | ## 1.0.0-beta.11
6620 | ###### *Sep 18, 2017*
6621 |
6622 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
6623 |
6624 | ### Breaking change
6625 |
6626 | - [Tooltip] Rename label to title property to match the native HTML feature wording (#8234) @oliviertassinari
6627 |
6628 | ```diff
6629 | - <Tooltip label="Add">
6630 | + <Tooltip title="Add">
6631 | ```
6632 |
6633 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6634 |
6635 | - [AppBar] Height shall not shrink (#8192) @hongyuan1306
6636 | - [Select] Allow invalid children (#8201) @sakulstra
6637 | - [typescript] Correct TypeScript types of typography definitions (#8199) @TorstenStueber
6638 | - [Drawer] Height should be set to 100% to allow scrolling (#8203) @Skaronator
6639 | - [ButtonBase] Wrong layout with Safari (#8211) @oliviertassinari
6640 | - [typescript] Fix `withResponsiveFullScreen`, `Input` + `Select` (#8214) @sebald
6641 | - [typescript] Correct definition of StyledComponentProps (#8221) @TorstenStueber
6642 | - [Tooltip] Add fontFamily to component (#8226) @nel-co
6643 | - [Tooltip] Add accessibility support (#8234) @oliviertassinari
6644 | - [Menu] Second iteration on focus issue (#8234) @oliviertassinari
6645 | - [ListItem] Add some spacing for ListItemSecondaryAction (#8239) @oliviertassinari
6646 | - [ButtonBase] Better support of the component property (#8218) @dobryanskyy
6647 | - [TableRow] Adjust head row height according to the specs (#8249) @leMaik
6648 | - [Tooltip] Fix core issues with the component (#8250) @oliviertassinari
6649 | - [typescript] Fix prop name typo (#8261) @Portgass
6650 |
6651 | #### Docs
6652 |
6653 | - [Tooltip] Add a warning when using the title native feature at the same time (#8234) @oliviertassinari
6654 | - [Popover] Remove unsupported modal property from the Popover component that doesn't match his purpose. (#8234) @oliviertassinari
6655 | - [Form] Extend the description of the component (#8234) @oliviertassinari
6656 | - [docs] Some fixes (#8210) @oliviertassinari
6657 | - [docs] Fix typo in markdown generation (#8222) @albinekb
6658 | - [Toolbar] Fix documentation of children property (#8230) @eyn
6659 | - [Drawer] Improve the Temporary demo (#8241) @oliviertassinari
6660 | - [docs] Simplify the carbon integration (#8244) @oliviertassinari
6661 | - [docs] Add google analytics (#8247) @oliviertassinari
6662 |
6663 | #### Core
6664 |
6665 | - [Tooltip] Add a visual regression test (#8228) @oliviertassinari
6666 |
6667 | ## 1.0.0-beta.10
6668 | ###### *Sep 14, 2017*
6669 |
6670 | This is an early release as we have been breaking the typescript typings with 1.0.0-beta.9.
6671 | Hopefully, we are in a better state now.
6672 | Here are some highlights:
6673 | - Keeping pushing typing fixes @xaviergonz and @sebald
6674 | - A new Tooltip component thanks to @quanglam2807 (#7909)
6675 | - Our internal styling solution should be faster with (#8142).
6676 | With the last release we fix a memory leak (#8036), so thanks for reporting those issues!
6677 |
6678 | Big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible.
6679 |
6680 | ### Breaking changes
6681 |
6682 | - [MobileStepper] Add nextButton and backButton property (#8001) @wieseljonas
6683 |
6684 | ```diff
6685 | +import KeyboardArrowLeft from 'material-ui-icons/KeyboardArrowLeft';
6686 | +import KeyboardArrowRight from 'material-ui-icons/KeyboardArrowRight';
6687 |
6688 | <MobileStepper
6689 | - onBack={this.handleBack}
6690 | - onNext={this.handleNext}
6691 | - disableBack={this.state.activeStep === 0}
6692 | - disableNext={this.state.activeStep === 5}
6693 | + nextButton={
6694 | + <Button dense onClick={this.handleNext} disabled={this.state.activeStep === 5}>
6695 | + Next
6696 | + <KeyboardArrowRight />
6697 | + </Button>
6698 | + }
6699 | + backButton={
6700 | + <Button dense onClick={this.handleBack} disabled={this.state.activeStep === 0}>
6701 | + <KeyboardArrowLeft />
6702 | + Back
6703 | + </Button>
6704 | + }
6705 | />
6706 | ```
6707 |
6708 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6709 |
6710 | - [Tooltip] New component (#7909) @quanglam2807
6711 | - [typescript] Fix ts tabindex to use number (#8125) @xaviergonz
6712 | - [Drawer] Fix delegation of the className (#8126) @daveish
6713 | - [ButtonBase] Make the `button` and `a` behavior the same (#8130) @oliviertassinari
6714 | - [withStyle] Memoize the classes object between renders (#8142) @oliviertassinari
6715 | - [typescript] Fix for Popover -> PaperProps typing (#8129) @xaviergonz
6716 | - [typescript] Fix for createPalette TS types (#8123) @xaviergonz
6717 | - [LinearProgress] Fix loop (#8146) @oliviertassinari
6718 | - [Card] Add `backgroundPosition: 'center'` to CardMedia (#8148) @kripod
6719 | - [ImgBot] Optimize images (#8154) @dabutvin
6720 | - [Input] Better handle type=number (#8164) @oliviertassinari
6721 | - [typescript] Improve typings for `ButtonBase` (#8175) @sebald
6722 | - [typescript] Make `withStyles` usable as decorator (#8178) @sebald
6723 | - [FormControls] Fix styling for component (#8186) @slavab89
6724 | - [Toolbar] Add a toolbar mixins 💄 (#8157) @wcandillon
6725 | - [Switch] Styling bug fix on long labels (#8181) @willfarrell
6726 | - [Radio] Accept invalid children (#8187) @oliviertassinari
6727 | - [theme] Extend createMuiTheme behavior (#8188) @oliviertassinari
6728 |
6729 | #### Docs
6730 |
6731 | - [docs] Fix popover component name (#8161) @cherniavskii
6732 | - [Snackbar] 6e3 -> 6000; better to be less clever and more clear (#8151) @davidcalhoun
6733 | - [docs] Inverse expand icons on the NestedList demo (51f40016e29f5159a87cafae1092eb85416eb0d5) @oliviertassinari
6734 |
6735 | #### Core
6736 |
6737 | - [core] Bump some dependencies (#8149) @oliviertassinari
6738 |
6739 | ## 1.0.0-beta.9
6740 | ###### *Sep 10, 2017*
6741 |
6742 | Again, this release is particularly dense! Here are some highlights:
6743 | - Many typing fixes (typescript and flow) by @sebald, @rosskevin and @xaviergonz
6744 | - A new Select component thanks to @kybarg (#8023)
6745 | - A new Pickers documentation page (#8117)
6746 |
6747 | Big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible.
6748 |
6749 | ### Breaking changes
6750 |
6751 | N/A
6752 |
6753 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6754 |
6755 | - [Select] First implementation (#8023) @kybarg
6756 | - [style] Fix memory leak (#8036) @oliviertassinari
6757 | - [RadioGroup] Fix TypeScript definition for value property (#8026) @jaredklewis
6758 | - [Popover] Pass transitionDuration to Grow (#8049) @nvma
6759 | - [typescript] Add `image` to CardMediaProps (#8033) @sebald
6760 | - [typescript] Fix typings of withTheme (#8052) @sebald
6761 | - [typescript] Fix `BottomNavigation`s onChange type (#8067) @sebald
6762 | - [typescript] Allow to pass stylings props via component props (#8066) @sebald
6763 | - [typescript] Update index and format (#8076) @sebald
6764 | - [CardMedia] Allow styling without breaking image (#8079) @pex
6765 | - [List] Remove overflow (#8086) @oliviertassinari
6766 | - [SvgIcon] Fix react@16 issue with `focusable` (#8102) @NLincoln
6767 | - [Hidden] Change children type to allow many and add children tests (#8082) @rosskevin
6768 | - [IconButton] Correct CSS precedence (#8106) @oliviertassinari
6769 | - [Tabs] Accept null children (#8107) @oliviertassinari
6770 | - [Snackbar] Fix click-through issue in IE11 (#8096) @stbenz88
6771 | - [InputLabel] Add a FormControlClasses property (#8108) @oliviertassinari
6772 | - [typings] Switch tabIndex from string type to number | string (#8115) @xaviergonz
6773 | - [Input] Dodge the BFcache issue (#8110) @rosskevin
6774 |
6775 | #### Docs
6776 |
6777 | - [Picker] Add page section in the documentation (#8117) @oliviertassinari
6778 | - [docs] Update basics.md (#8014) @kgaregin
6779 | - [docs] 🚑 Fix broken link (#8029) @wcandillon
6780 | - [examples] Fix typo in extraction path (#8031) @freiit
6781 | - [Drawer] Fix for mini variant drawer can be scrolled horizontally when collapsed (#8112) @xaviergonz
6782 | - [docs] Update react-docgen and fix api docs (#8056) @rosskevin
6783 | - [docs] Remove defensive checks (#8057) @rosskevin
6784 | - [examples] Fix create react app explicit dependencies (#8087) @rosskevin
6785 | - [docs] Add a spread section to the API page (#8097) @oliviertassinari
6786 | - [docs] Reduce the bundle size 📦 (#8121) @oliviertassinari
6787 | - [docs] Add carbon (#8118) @oliviertassinari
6788 | - [docs] Makes the sections bolder (#8116) @oliviertassinari
6789 |
6790 | #### Core
6791 |
6792 | - [core] Flow 0.54.0 updates (#8042) @rosskevin
6793 | - [typescript] Add example for using withStyle/Theme together (#8078) @sebald
6794 | - [core] Small improvements (#8084) @oliviertassinari
6795 |
6796 | ## 1.0.0-beta.8
6797 | ###### *Sep 2, 2017*
6798 |
6799 | Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible.
6800 |
6801 | ### Breaking changes
6802 |
6803 | N/A
6804 |
6805 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6806 |
6807 | - [typescript] Adjust typings to refactoring in `styles` (#7975) @sebald
6808 | - [Drawer] Add `type` property, remove `docked` property in TypeScript definition (#7998) @jaredklewis
6809 | - [typescript] Make createMuiTheme's ThemeOptions recursively partial (#7993) @fathyb
6810 | - [npm] Move "next" to the dev dependencies (#7980) @oliviertassinari
6811 |
6812 | #### Docs
6813 |
6814 | - [docs] Add a NestedList example (#7995) @apalanki
6815 | - [SSR] Remove the singleton hack ✨ (#7965)
6816 | - [docs] Fix SSR palette creation section (#7987) @Shastel
6817 | - [docs] Remove typo on the Paper demo page (#7979) @jzakotnik
6818 | - [docs] Add missing inheritance pragma to MenuItem (#7983) @yuchi
6819 | - [example] Fix next.js CSS blink (cd0f883325b2b74515972d58f12868897fc34bf6) @oliviertassinari
6820 | - [docs] Fix ROADMAP page issues (#8008) @oliviertassinari
6821 |
6822 | #### Core
6823 |
6824 | - [typescript] Add test for Grid (#7991) @sebald
6825 |
6826 | ## 1.0.0-beta.7
6827 | ###### *Aug 30, 2017*
6828 |
6829 | This release is particularly dense! Here are some highlights:
6830 | - We release 4 breaking changes at the same time.
6831 | This is a first for the project.
6832 | We wanted to release them as soon as possible, while the v1-beta market share is still at 10% of the v0.x version.
6833 | Hopefully, the frequency of the breaking changes will slow down.
6834 | - @rosskevin has upgraded the Flow dependency. v0.53 is providing a much better typing integration with React.
6835 | - The Drawer component has some new features.
6836 | One of them is allowing the documentation to fully take advantage of the server-side rendering.
6837 | We expect the documentation to render even faster with this beta.
6838 |
6839 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
6840 |
6841 | ### Breaking changes
6842 |
6843 | - [theme] Use secondary wording over accent (#7906) @oliviertassinari
6844 |
6845 | ```diff
6846 | const theme = createMuiTheme({
6847 | - palette: createPalette({ primary: deepOrange, accent: green }),
6848 | + palette: createPalette({ primary: deepOrange, secondary: green }),
6849 | });
6850 | ```
6851 |
6852 | ```diff
6853 | flatAccent: {
6854 | - color: theme.palette.accent.A200,
6855 | + color: theme.palette.secondary.A200,
6856 | ```
6857 |
6858 | - [Drawer] New improvements (#7925) @oliviertassinari
6859 |
6860 |
6861 | ```diff
6862 | -<Drawer docked />
6863 | +<Drawer type="persistent" />
6864 | ```
6865 |
6866 | - [theme] Simplification of the API (#7934) @oliviertassinari
6867 | - If you are using a direct import of `material-ui/styles/theme`, the path changed:
6868 | ```diff
6869 | -import createMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/theme';
6870 | +import createMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/createMuiTheme';
6871 | ```
6872 |
6873 | - We have removed the intermediary functions, now you can provide a nested structure to override the generated theme structure inside the first argument of `createMuiTheme()`. Notice that you can still change the output object before providing it to the `<MuiThemeProvider />`.
6874 |
6875 | ```diff
6876 | const theme = createMuiTheme({
6877 | - palette: createPalette({
6878 | + palette: {
6879 | primary: blue,
6880 | secondary: pink,
6881 | }),
6882 | - typography: createTypography(palette, {
6883 | + typography: {
6884 | // System font
6885 | fontFamily:
6886 | '-apple-system,system-ui,BlinkMacSystemFont,' +
6887 | '"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif',
6888 | - }),
6889 | + },
6890 | -},
6891 | +});
6892 | ```
6893 |
6894 | - [Input] Better support required field (#7955) @oliviertassinari
6895 |
6896 | Following Bootstrap, we are now forwarding the required property down to the input component. We used to only apply `aria-required`. This move makes us less opinionated and should help with native form handling.
6897 |
6898 | If you want to avoid the default browser required property handling, you can add a `noValidate` property to the parent `form`.
6899 |
6900 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6901 |
6902 | - [TextField] Fix label position with dense margins (#7946) @phallguy
6903 | - [FormControlLabel] Allow for node in the label prop (#7903) @Taldrain
6904 | - [ListItemIcon] Icon should not shrink fixes (#7917) @gulderov
6905 | - [withResponsiveFullScreen] missed type import (#7926) @rosskevin
6906 | - [typescript] Fixes/improvements for withWith/withStyle/BottomNavigationAction (#7897) @sebald
6907 | - [typescript] Update typings to popover changes (#7937) @sebald
6908 | - [Popover] Expose the component (#7927) @oliviertassinari
6909 | - [ButtonBase] Better warning message (#7904) @oliviertassinari
6910 | - [Menu] Allow invalid children (#7907) @oliviertassinari
6911 | - [Menu] Add a new warning (#7962) @oliviertassinari
6912 |
6913 | #### Docs
6914 |
6915 | - [docs] Fix missing props in css-in-js examples (#7867) @Izhaki
6916 | - [docs] Fix docs build on Windows (#7938) @kybarg
6917 | - [docs] remove flow from demos (#7883) @rosskevin
6918 | - [docs] Use emoji directly instead of :shortcodes: (#7912) @markspolakovs
6919 | - [docs] Show an example with the data- pattern (#7924) @Sigfried
6920 | - [docs] Small fixes after the next.js refactorization (#7851) @oliviertassinari
6921 | - [docs] Fix typo in floating-action button property of Button (#7951) @kgregory
6922 | - [docs] Add the title for SEO (#7885) @oliviertassinari
6923 | - [docs] Better support IE11 (#7939) @oliviertassinari
6924 | - [docs] The style is injected at the bottom of the head (#7954) @oliviertassinari
6925 |
6926 | #### Core
6927 |
6928 | - [typescript] Refactor typings to modules (#7874) @sebald
6929 | - [flow] Upgrade to flow 0.53.1 (#7869) @rosskevin
6930 | - [core] Misc flow fixes (#7890) @rosskevin
6931 | - [core] Upgrade prettier (#7941) @oliviertassinari
6932 |
6933 | ## 1.0.0-beta.6
6934 | ###### *Aug 20, 2017*
6935 |
6936 | A big shout-out to @sebald for our first TypeScript coverage.
6937 | Another notable change is [the migration of the documentation](#7759) to [Next.js](https://github.com/zeit/next.js), it's twice as fast as before 🚀.
6938 |
6939 | Big thanks to the 9 contributors who made this release possible.
6940 |
6941 | ### Breaking changes
6942 |
6943 | - [RadioGroup] Rename selectedValue to value (#7832) @oliviertassinari
6944 |
6945 | Push #7741 initiative forward (use `value` and `onChange` as controlling properties)
6946 |
6947 | ```diff
6948 | -<RadioGroup selectedValue="foo">
6949 | +<RadioGroup value="foo">
6950 | // ...
6951 | ```
6952 |
6953 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
6954 |
6955 | - [Table] Add the possibility of custom element type (#7765) @wieseljonas
6956 | - [Input] remove extraneous props when using custom component (#7784) @rosskevin
6957 | - [Input] should accommodate number and string values (#7791) @rosskevin
6958 | - [Slide] Remove Slide offset property from src and docs (#7808) @gfpacheco
6959 | - [typescript] Create typings for material-ui-icons (#7820) @sebald
6960 | - [typescript] Add tests for typings + fixes (#7686) @sebald
6961 | - [typescript] Update typings for beta.4 and beta.5 (#7793) @sebald
6962 | - [typescript] Update <Slide> typings (#7817) @sebald
6963 | - [TextField] Fix placeholder issue (#7838) @oliviertassinari
6964 |
6965 | #### Docs
6966 |
6967 | - [docs] Use Next.js: x2 performance (#7759) @oliviertassinari
6968 | - [docs] Add the 'data grid for Material-UI' reference (#7786) @dxbykov
6969 | - [docs] Renamed the styleSheet argument in withStyles to styles (#7819) @phiilu
6970 | - [docs] Advanced table (#7824) @oliviertassinari
6971 | - [docs] Fix typo (#7777) @Merkyl999x
6972 | - [docs] Fix run-on sentences (#7792) @gitname
6973 | - [docs] Show inherited components (#7846) @oliviertassinari
6974 | - [docs] Add a team page (#7842) @oliviertassinari
6975 | - [docs] Add a ROADMAP page (#7840) @oliviertassinari
6976 | - [docs] Some last improvement before the release (#7847) @oliviertassinari
6977 |
6978 | #### Core
6979 |
6980 | - [core] Better usage of the CI 🚀 (#7833) @oliviertassinari
6981 | - [core] Fix size-limit warning (#7822) @oliviertassinari
6982 | - [icons] Automate release process (#7823) @oliviertassinari
6983 | - [core] Update some dependencies (#7831) @oliviertassinari
6984 |
6985 | ## 1.0.0-beta.5
6986 | ###### *Aug 15, 2017*
6987 |
6988 | Big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible.
6989 |
6990 | ### Breaking changes
6991 |
6992 | - [Tabs][BottomNavigation] Use value over index property (#7741) @oliviertassinari
6993 |
6994 | This is an effort in the prolongation of #2957 where `value`/`onChange` is the idiomatic interface to control a component.
6995 | ```diff
6996 | -<Tabs index={0}>
6997 | +<Tabs value={0}>
6998 | // ...
6999 | ```
7000 | - [core] Remove createStyleSheet (#7740)(#7730) @oliviertassinari
7001 |
7002 | The primary motivation for this change is simplicity, it's also making our interface closer to
7003 | `react-jss`.
7004 | ```diff
7005 | -import { withStyles, createStyleSheet } from 'material-ui/styles';
7006 | +import { withStyles } from 'material-ui/styles';
7007 |
7008 | -const styleSheet = createStyleSheet('Button', {
7009 | +const styles = {
7010 | root: {
7011 | background: 'red',
7012 | },
7013 | -});
7014 | +};
7015 |
7016 | // ...
7017 |
7018 | -export default withStyles(styleSheet)(AppContent);
7019 | +export default withStyles(styles, { name: 'Button' })(Button);
7020 | ```
7021 |
7022 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7023 |
7024 | - [Modal] Fix with react@next (#7673) @oliviertassinari
7025 | - [Card] allow overflow - important for content such as autosuggest (#7687) @rosskevin
7026 | - [CardHeader] Allow classes in title and subheader (#7701) @bmuenzenmeyer
7027 | - [Tabs] Fix full width issue (#7691) @oliviertassinari
7028 | - [Button] Disable the hover effect on touch devices (#7692) @oliviertassinari
7029 | - [Popover] Refactor popover transition - separation of concerns (#7720) @rosskevin
7030 | - [ButtonBase] Expose internal component (#7727) @oliviertassinari
7031 | - [LinearProgress] Use transform instead width (#7732) @kevindantas
7032 |
7033 | #### Docs
7034 |
7035 | - [docs] Update Minimizing Bundle Size Documentation (#7707) @umidbekkarimov
7036 | - [docs] Fix broken menu on the autocomplete page (#7702) @oliviertassinari
7037 | - [examples] Take ownership on the next.js example (#7703) @oliviertassinari
7038 | - [docs] Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (1f3e67326d76f5d2053b128d5ca2cdefa0d6d90f) @oliviertassinari
7039 | - [docs] Update supported-components.md (#7722) @BLipscomb
7040 | - [docs] Fix the installation instructions of the examples (#7733) @dawogfather
7041 | - [docs] Fix Typo (#7736) @Merkyl999x
7042 |
7043 | #### Core
7044 |
7045 | - [core] Flow type transitions Slide, Fade, Collapse (#7719) @rosskevin
7046 | - [core] General maintenance (#7690) @oliviertassinari
7047 |
7048 | ## 1.0.0-beta.4
7049 | ###### *Aug 5, 2017*
7050 |
7051 | Big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible.
7052 |
7053 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7054 |
7055 | - [Grid] Add baseline to container's align property (#7623) @kgregory
7056 | - [GridList] Migrate to v1 branch (#7626) @mbrookes
7057 | - [ListItemText] Repurpose text class (#7645) @kgregory
7058 | - [Drawer] Fix docker warning (#7598) @oliviertassinari
7059 | - [Drawer] Fix Chrome regression (#7599) @oliviertassinari
7060 | - [style] Fix HMR issue with react-hot-loader (#7601) @oliviertassinari
7061 | - [ButtonBase] Explicit the need for a class component (#7656) @oliviertassinari
7062 | - [Modal] Take into account the body margin (#7666) @oliviertassinari
7063 | - Fixes in the subway (#7661) @oliviertassinari
7064 |
7065 | #### Docs
7066 |
7067 | - [docs] Fix language issues for clarity (#7610) @skirunman
7068 | - [docs] Update docs for <RadioGroup> (#7640) @sebald
7069 | - [docs] Fixed "initial" word in vars and typo (#7639) @kybarg
7070 | - [docs] Spell check eslint script (#7643) @kybarg
7071 | - [docs] Fix audit issues (#7595) @oliviertassinari
7072 | - [docs] Show how to use the insertionPoint (#7611) @oliviertassinari
7073 |
7074 | #### Core
7075 |
7076 | - [flow] Export type Props for composability (#7609) @rosskevin
7077 | - [typescript] Add TS typings (#7553) @sebald
7078 | - [typescript] Improve the coverage (#7606) @sebald
7079 | - [core] Add isMuiComponent helper (#7635) @katzoo
7080 |
7081 | ## 1.0.0-beta.3
7082 | ###### *Jul 29, 2017*
7083 |
7084 | Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible.
7085 |
7086 | This release is full of bug fixes and documentation improvements following the major
7087 | styling update of the previous release.
7088 |
7089 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7090 |
7091 | - [Drawer] Fix docked not inheriting props (#7590) @foreggs
7092 | - [Dialog] Better fullscreen fix (4deee4b5e3465682996d4dce35e5c60fd040502b) @oliviertassinari
7093 | - [List] Fix padding issue (#7529) @markselby9
7094 | - [test] Remove dead code (4e2cf38ae3181cf38a5796179bfb2887c402b4ac) @oliviertassinari
7095 | - [flow] Fix wrong import (5a88d950bb3e9c7105cfa6b45c796d167827f1d7) @oliviertassinari
7096 | - [Tabs] Fix Scroll button visibility state when child tab items are modified (#7576) @shawnmcknight
7097 | - [TextField] Forward the id to the label & more (#7584) @oliviertassinari
7098 | - [ios] Fix some style issue with Safari iOS (#7588) @oliviertassinari
7099 |
7100 | #### Docs
7101 |
7102 | - [docs] Add example with Create React App (#7485) @akshaynaik404
7103 | - [docs] Minor tweaks to grammar of CSS in JS page (#7530) @mbrookes
7104 | - [docs] Server-side fix docs (91a30ee2276d8d06776f6fba831930568974dacc) @oliviertassinari
7105 | - [docs] Fix 'colors' path in imports (#7519) @burnoo
7106 | - [docs] Some fixes after the latest upgrade (#7528) @oliviertassinari
7107 | - [docs] Update for supported components (#7586) @skirunman
7108 | - [docs] Fix small issues I have noticed (#7591) @oliviertassinari
7109 | - [docs] Optional style sheet name (#7594) @oliviertassinari
7110 | - [docs] Use flow weak on the demos as we can't expect users to have flow (cd25e63a214c37ed7945e31aa9b08f02baa17351) @oliviertassinari
7111 |
7112 | #### Core
7113 |
7114 | - [core] Support react@16.0.0-beta.1 (#7561) @oliviertassinari
7115 | - [core] Small fixes of the styling solution (#7572) @oliviertassinari
7116 | - [core] Better themingEnabled logic (#7533) @oliviertassinari
7117 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies and build for the supported targets (#7575) @oliviertassinari
7118 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies (#7539) @oliviertassinari
7119 | - [flow] Increase coverage (6f4b2b3b3773ace568de54aaefbca963ab408b40) @oliviertassinari
7120 |
7121 | ## 1.0.0-beta.2
7122 | ###### *Jul 23, 2017*
7123 |
7124 | Publish a new version as `v1.0.0-beta.1` was already used.
7125 |
7126 | ## 1.0.0-beta.1
7127 | ###### *Jul 23, 2017*
7128 |
7129 | Big thanks to the 12 contributors who made this release possible.
7130 |
7131 | This is the first beta release.
7132 | We are proud to move to the next step after 7 months of dogfooding with the alpha releases.
7133 | We have been fixing many bugs and implemented new features.
7134 | The styling solution has also been greatly improved:
7135 | - Better performance
7136 | - Shorter class names in production, e.g. `c1y`
7137 | - Better readable class names in development
7138 | - No longer required `MuiThemeProvider`
7139 | - Simpler `createStyleSheet` API with an optional name
7140 | - Theme nesting
7141 | - Reliable theme update bypassing pure component logic
7142 | - Interoperability with `react-jss`
7143 |
7144 | Please keep in mind that [semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/semantic-versioning) won't be respected between pre-releases.
7145 | In other words, the API will change if we need to.
7146 |
7147 | ### Breaking changes
7148 |
7149 | - [core] Improve styling solution (#7461)
7150 |
7151 | The `styleManager` is gone. The server-side rendering configuration changed, use the `sheetManager` instead. The documentation was updated, you can refer to it if needed.
7152 |
7153 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7154 |
7155 | - [List] Make List & ListItem semantic (#7444) @akshaynaik404
7156 | - [Portal] Fix Portal not removing layer correctly on React 16 (#7463) @cusxio
7157 | - [Popover] Doesn't reposition with anchorEl (#7479) @quiaro
7158 | - [IconButton] Remove z-index (#7467) @oliviertassinari
7159 | - [IconButton] Add the missing primary color (#7470) @MichaelMure
7160 | - [Toolbar] Follow the spec more closely (#7475) @oliviertassinari
7161 | - [Dialog] Fix Dialog margin (#7474) @hanalaydrus
7162 | - [DialogActions] Fix allow have Children with null values (#7504) @stvkoch
7163 | - [Autocomplete] Show an integration example (#7477) @oliviertassinari
7164 | - [TextField] Fix multiline issue (#7498) @oliviertassinari
7165 | - [Progress] Add color property (#7500) @kgregory
7166 |
7167 | #### Docs
7168 |
7169 | - [docs] Fix minor typo (#7476) @jeffbirkholz
7170 | - [docs] Mark items on the supported components page as done (#7492) @Airblader
7171 | - [docs] Update help for 'overriding' to specify injection point (#7505) @cdharris
7172 | - [docs] Add next.js example (#7510) @oliviertassnari
7173 | - [docs] Selection control custom colors (#7516) @oliviertassnari
7174 |
7175 | #### Core
7176 |
7177 | - [core] Ignore the package-lock.json file generated by npm (#7502) @Airblader
7178 |
7179 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.22
7180 | ###### *Jul 18, 2017*
7181 |
7182 | ### Breaking changes
7183 |
7184 | - [Switch] New FormControlLabel component (#7388) @oliviertassinari
7185 | ```diff
7186 | <RadioGroup>
7187 | - <LabelRadio label="Male" value="male" />
7188 | + <FormControlLabel value="male" control={<Radio />} label="Male" />
7189 | </RadioGroup>
7190 | ```
7191 |
7192 | This change provides more flexibility.
7193 |
7194 | - [BottomNavigation] Use value over index (#7421) @oliviertassinari
7195 | ```diff
7196 | - <BottomNavigation index={index} onChange={this.handleChange}>
7197 | + <BottomNavigation value={value} onChange={this.handleChange}>
7198 | ```
7199 |
7200 | Also plan to do the same for the `Tabs` in order to have a consistant API
7201 | where we always use `value`/`onChange` for controlled components.
7202 |
7203 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7204 |
7205 | - [Avatar] Avoid shrink (#7344) @oliviertassinari
7206 | - [withWidth] Add a initalWidth property (#7343) @oliviertassinari
7207 | - [TextField] vertical spacing to match visual spec (#7359) @rosskevin
7208 | - [TextField/FormControl] dense implementation (#7364) @rosskevin
7209 | - [Input/FormHelperText] Dense margin fixes (#7374) @rosskevin
7210 | - [LinearProgress] Improve perf and clean (#7356) @oliviertassinari
7211 | - [TextField] Address autoComplete issue (#7377) @oliviertassinari
7212 | - [Menu] maxHeight spec compliance (#7378) @rosskevin
7213 | - [Menu] Add ripple (#7381) @oliviertassinari
7214 | - [Menu] Fix wrong scroll positioning (#7391) @oliviertassinari
7215 | - [Modal] Fix concurrency issue (#7383) @oliviertassinari
7216 | - [Checkbox] Add indeterminate property (#7390) @oliviertassinari
7217 | - [Snackbar] Handle inactive tabs (#7420) @oliviertassinari
7218 |
7219 | #### Docs
7220 |
7221 | - [docs] Color import correction (#7398) @wieseljonas
7222 | - [docs] Fix typo (#7338) @adamborowski
7223 | - [docs] Fix the path of imported colors (#7348) @shug0
7224 | - [docs] Update documentation to reflect component name (#7406) @the-noob
7225 | - [docs] Better warning message for missing MuiThemeProvider (#7429) @oliviertassinari
7226 | - [docs] Add @param everywhere (#7432) @oliviertassinari
7227 |
7228 | #### Core
7229 |
7230 | - [flow] global dom element workaround (#7401) @rosskevin
7231 | - [core] Add size-limit (#7422)
7232 | - [core] Upgrade some dependencies (#7361) @oliviertassinari
7233 | - [core] Upgrade dependencies (#7433) @oliviertassinari
7234 | - [icons] Upgrade the dependencies (#7385) @oliviertassinari
7235 |
7236 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.21
7237 | ###### *Jul 4, 2017*
7238 |
7239 | ### Breaking changes
7240 |
7241 | - [core] Reduce the bundle size (#7306) @oliviertassinari
7242 | Change the colors location as you most likely only need 20% of them in your bundle
7243 | ```diff
7244 | -import { blue, fullWhite } from 'material-ui/styles/colors'
7245 | +import blue from 'material-ui/colors/blue'
7246 | +import common from 'material-ui/colors/common'
7247 | +const { fullWhite } = common
7248 | ```
7249 |
7250 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7251 |
7252 | - [TextField] Fix textarea disabled support (#7255) @Calcyfer
7253 | - [withStyles] Provide context for withStyles classes error (#7274) @rosskevin
7254 | - [misc] Improve various points (#7275) @oliviertassinari
7255 | - [Snackbar] Documentation - key property (#7307) @rosskevin
7256 | - [Snackbar] Expose transition onExited to allow for consecutive messages with completed transitions (#7308) @rosskevin
7257 | - [Chip] Fix Firefox issue with the svg icon (#7327) @oliviertassinari
7258 | - [ButtonBase] Use color inherit by default (#7331 @oliviertassinari
7259 | - [Input] Add a fullWidth property (#7329) @oliviertassinari
7260 |
7261 | #### Docs
7262 |
7263 | - [docs] Improve the documentation regarding material.io/icons (#7323) @oliviertassinari
7264 | - [docs] Fix MobileStepper API (#7299) @ng-hai
7265 |
7266 | #### Core
7267 |
7268 | - [core] Reduce the bundle size (#7306) @oliviertassinari
7269 | - [test] Should get coverage (#7272) @oliviertassinari
7270 | - [core] Expand use of flow (#7268) @rosskevin
7271 |
7272 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.20
7273 | ###### *Jun 25, 2017*
7274 |
7275 | Do you like playing with bleeding-edge tech?
7276 | We do, we have extended the support of React to the 16.0.0-alpha.13 release (aka Fiber).
7277 |
7278 | ### Breaking changes
7279 |
7280 | - [Paper] Use normalized root over paper className (#7198) @oliviertassinari
7281 | - [core] Follow the same convention as React for the umd build (#7217) @oliviertassinari
7282 |
7283 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7284 |
7285 | - [material-ui-icons] v1.0.0-alpha.19 (21b67cec3b200517c9dfdf4d28c0bfc2d1dceeaa) @oliviertassinari
7286 | - [Input] Fix incorrect type of autoFocus prop (#7189) @gnapse
7287 | - [Icons] Modernize icons package (#7203) @kvet
7288 | - [Input] Fix various styling issue #7209 @oliviertassinari
7289 | - [Tabs] Add a primary color and update the docs (#7242) @oliviertassinari
7290 | - [ListItem] Use the .shortest duration (#7246) @oliviertassinari
7291 | - [Dialog] Also take fixed element into account (#7239) @oliviertassinari
7292 | - [Drawer] Fix first mount transition issue (#7236) @oliviertassinari
7293 |
7294 | #### Docs
7295 |
7296 | - [docs] Fix typo in class name (#7192) @ossan-engineer
7297 | - [docs] Add supported server section (#7231) @oliviertassinari
7298 | - [docs] Detail the browser support (#7188) @oliviertassinari
7299 | - [docs] Upgrade to webpack v3 (#7210) @oliviertassinari
7300 | - [docs] More documentation on the typography (#7248) @oliviertassinari
7301 |
7302 | #### Core
7303 |
7304 | - [test] Even faster CI build (#7230) @oliviertassinari
7305 | - [styles] Export more functions (#7241) @oliviertassinari
7306 | - [react] Support 16.0.0-alpha.13 (#7218) @oliviertassinari
7307 | - [core] x2 speed up on the build (#7220) @oliviertassinari
7308 | - [babel] Use transform-object-assign over a custom one (#7219) @oliviertassinari
7309 | - [core] Some fixes (#7216) @oliviertassinari
7310 |
7311 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.19
7312 | ###### *Jun 19, 2017*
7313 |
7314 | The previous v1.0.0-alpha.18 release is corrupted.
7315 |
7316 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7317 |
7318 | - [Typography] Expose a headlineMapping property (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7319 | - [Typography] Add a accent color variation (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7320 | - [FormControl] Fix wording (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7321 | - [Toolbar] Simplify breakpoint logic (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7322 | - [Button] Fix upload button demo (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7323 | - [TextField] Forward the placeholder (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7324 | - [MobileStepper] Improvements (#7179) @alexhayes
7325 | - [MobileStepper] Fix the wordings (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7326 | - [AppBar] Use a header instead of a div DOM element (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7327 |
7328 | #### Docs
7329 |
7330 | - [docs] Update minimizing-bundle-size.md (#7169) @kazazor
7331 | - [docs] Info on how to use the breakpoints attribute in the theme (#7172) @alexhayes
7332 | - [docs] Add a supported browsers section (#7174) @oliviertassinari
7333 | - [docs] We don't require any polyfill (#7183) @oliviertassinari
7334 | - [docs] Exposes the 3 Babel plugins available for minimising the bundle size (#) @oliviertassinari
7335 | - [docs] Fix MATERIAL_UI_PORT not fully supported
7336 |
7337 | #### Core
7338 |
7339 | - [core] Add missing flow import (#7180) @oliviertassinari
7340 |
7341 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.18
7342 | ###### *Jun 19, 2017*
7343 |
7344 | ### Breaking changes
7345 |
7346 | - [TextField] Add a marginForm property (#7113) @oliviertassinari
7347 | This change makes the extra margin of the component optional.
7348 | It's making us following less closely the specification but provides more flexibility out of the box.
7349 | - [core] Remove some no longer needed properties (#7132) @oliviertassinari
7350 | Use the `classes` property over the removed `xxxClassName`.
7351 | - [Button] Implement the dense option over the compact one (#7147) @oliviertassinari
7352 |
7353 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7354 |
7355 | - [SvgIcon] set focusable=false to fix IE tab navigation (#7106) @petermikitsh
7356 | - [Dialog] Remove css width as it is too prescriptive for simple dialogs (#7115) @oliviertassinari
7357 | - [BottomNavigation] Fix type error when onChange is not defined (#7139) @seasick
7358 | - [TextField] Better support number value type (#7162) @oliviertassinari
7359 | - [ButtonBase] Normalize ripple to disableRipple (#7159) @oliviertassinari
7360 |
7361 | #### Docs
7362 |
7363 | - [docs] Document the Label wrappers (#7161) @oliviertassinari
7364 |
7365 | #### Core
7366 |
7367 | - [MuiThemeProvider] Small eslint fix (#7128) @Airblader
7368 | - [core] Simplify the array logic (#7112) @oliviertassinari
7369 | - [core] Fix type use of Element (#7111) @rosskevin
7370 | - [core] Use the beta of circleci (#7133) @oliviertassinari
7371 | - [core] Update dependencies (#7137) @oliviertassinari
7372 | - [core] Update dependencies, able to remove react-addons-test-utils (#7146) @rosskevin
7373 | - [core] As usual after using the lib in a real project I find issues (#7147) @oliviertassinari
7374 | - [core] Disable linebreak-style rule (#7163) @oliviertassinari
7375 | - [test] Four nines (#7173) @oliviertassinari
7376 |
7377 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.17
7378 | ###### *Jun 12, 2017*
7379 |
7380 | Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible.
7381 |
7382 | ### Breaking changes
7383 |
7384 | - [core] Normalize the API (#7099) @oliviertassinari
7385 | Reduce degree of freedom of the API with the color property. That's a tradeoff between correctness and verbosity.
7386 | People should be able to recover from that breaking change quite easily as react is going to throw warnings. For instance:
7387 | ```diff
7388 | -<Button contrast primary>Login</Button>
7389 | +<Button color="contrast">Login</Button>
7390 | ```
7391 |
7392 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7393 |
7394 | - [Switch] Correctly change the cursor value (#7042) @oliviertassinari
7395 | - [FormControl] Cannot read property 'target' of undefined (#7046 @Fi1osof
7396 | - [AppBar] Add a position property (#7049) @oliviertassinari
7397 | - [Stepper] Mobile version (#7043) @alexhayes
7398 | - [Snackbar] Implement the component on the next branch (#7059) @oliviertassinari
7399 | - [ListItemText] Add disableTypography property (#7073 @zachwolf
7400 | - [Modal] Add a keepMounted property (#7072) @oliviertassinari
7401 | - [Button] Fix the behavior when a href is provided (#7083) @oliviertassinari
7402 | - [Avatar] Add a imgProps property (#7084) @oliviertassinari
7403 | - [FormHelperText] Add a min-height (#7085) @oliviertassinari
7404 | - [Button] Add an upload example (#7086) @oliviertassinari
7405 |
7406 | #### Docs
7407 |
7408 | - [docs] Add testing section (#7101) @oliviertassinari
7409 | - [docs] Show the vision in the docs (#7078) @oliviertassinari
7410 | - [docs] Improve the documentation on the classes property (#7062) @oliviertassinari
7411 | - [docs] Improve accessibility in the component examples (#7047) @tuukkao
7412 | - [docs] Update usage.md "Hello World" :| (#7027) @dphrag
7413 | - [docs] Add link to the temporary alpha docs (#7037) @peteratticusberg
7414 |
7415 | #### Core
7416 |
7417 | - [eslint] Loosen no-unused-vars eslint rule (#7064) @yuchi
7418 | - [core] Various fixes (#7028) @oliviertassinari
7419 |
7420 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.16
7421 | ###### *Jun 1, 2017*
7422 |
7423 | This release is mainly about bug fixes and improving the documentation.
7424 | Shout out to @kybarg for the update of the `TextField` in order to better follow the spec (#6566).
7425 |
7426 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7427 |
7428 | - [TextField] Make it meet guidelines (#6566) @kybarg
7429 | - [TextField] Fix Labels flicker in Chrome (#7010) @kybarg
7430 | - [TextField] Fix broken isDirty logic (#7008) @oliviertassinari
7431 | - [CircularProgress] make it start and finish from top (#6966) @slavab89
7432 | - [Switch] Add inputProps property link in the TextField (#6959) @oliviertassinari
7433 | - [BaseButton] Better handle the disabled property (#6958) @oliviertassinari
7434 | - [FormControl] Fix onFocus and onBlur events override (#6952) @oliviertassinari
7435 | - [Tabs] Add `false` as a valid index value (#6945) @oliviertassinari
7436 | - [Input] Improve support of the date/time fields (#6947) @oliviertassinari
7437 | - [MuiThemeProvider] Add a muiThemeProviderFactory (#7000) @viotti
7438 |
7439 | #### Docs
7440 |
7441 | - [docs] Add a VISION.md file (#6982) @oliviertassinari
7442 | - [docs] Grid docs should refer to Hidden component/demo (#6963) @kgregory
7443 | - [docs] Fix grammar/verbiage on customization/themes page (#6943) @drusepth
7444 | - [docs] Change text for link (#6977) @sghall
7445 | - [docs] Some grammar/text edits (#6976) @sghall
7446 | - [docs] Suggested text changes (#6978) @sghall
7447 | - [docs] Fix MuiThemeProvider documentation (#6989) @viotti
7448 | - [docs] Fix TableRow persistent background when clicked (#7001) @sajal50
7449 | - [docs] Add an example with a decorator (#7011) @uufish
7450 |
7451 | #### Core
7452 |
7453 | - [npm] Fix react-scrollbar-size issue (#7009) @oliviertassinari
7454 | - [transitions] Add test coverage for the transition validation functions (#6936) @Alex4S
7455 | - [eslint] enable flow's built-in types (#6946) @rosskevin
7456 | - [test] Upgrade the docker versions (#6979) @oliviertassinari
7457 |
7458 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.15
7459 | ###### *May 23, 2017*
7460 |
7461 | This release introduces an important change in the API and the implementation.
7462 | Each exposed component is wrapped with a `withStyles` Higher-order component.
7463 | This HOC has different responsibilities, the one you gonna be interested in is
7464 | regarding the `classes` property. Now, we consider the CSS as a public API.
7465 | You now have two way to customize absolutely all the CSS injected by Material-UI.
7466 | Either the instance level with the `classes` property or the class level with the
7467 | `overrides` theme property.
7468 |
7469 | To learn more about it, have a look at the documentation.
7470 |
7471 | ### Breaking changes
7472 |
7473 | - [core] Various fixes after using it on a real project (#6882) @oliviertassinari
7474 | Apply the other properties (undocumented) on the root of the Menu.
7475 | - [core] Add a new classes property to all the components #6911 @oliviertassinari
7476 | If you where using the ref to access the internal of the component or native elements,
7477 | you gonna have to change your strategy, either use `innerRef` or `inputRef`.
7478 |
7479 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7480 |
7481 | - [Typography] Add missing style (#6873) @oliviertassinari
7482 | - [Dialog] create responsive HOC `withResponsiveFullScreen` (#6898) @rosskevin
7483 | - [core] Remove usage of 'not-allowed' (#6932) @oliviertassinari
7484 | - [Switch] Remove the blue flash of death (#6933) @oliviertassinari
7485 | - [TextField] Fix the inputClassName property (#6934) @oliviertassinari
7486 |
7487 | #### Docs
7488 |
7489 | - [docs] Enable flow on much more demos (#6881) @oliviertassinari
7490 | - [docs] Better support IE11 (#6880) @oliviertassinari
7491 | - [Tabs] Document that the index is required (#6935) @oliviertassinari
7492 |
7493 | #### Core
7494 |
7495 | - [eslint] enforce import plugin rules (#6923) @rosskevin
7496 | - [core] Change style API (#6892) @oliviertassinari
7497 | - [eslint] Fit closer to airbnb (#6894) @oliviertassinari
7498 | - [core] Upgrade the dependencies (#6872) @oliviertassinari
7499 | - [core] Add prettier (#6931) @oliviertassinari
7500 |
7501 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.14
7502 | ###### *May 14, 2017*
7503 |
7504 | ### Breaking changes
7505 |
7506 | - [Hidden] Remove one degree of freedom (#6820) @oliviertassnari
7507 | - [Hidden] Logical fixes for up/down (#6839) @rosskevin
7508 |
7509 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7510 |
7511 | - [Icon] Add aria-hidden (#6829) @oliviertassinari
7512 | - [Paper] Add elevation boundaries (#6817) @oliviertassinari
7513 | - [Paper] Add a component property (#6830) @oliviertassinari
7514 | - [Transition] Add flow proptypes (#6846) @rosskevin
7515 | - [npm] Upgrade the recompose dependency (#6855) @oliviertassinari
7516 | - [TextField] Add in support for multiline text fields (#6553) @peteratticusberg
7517 | - [TextField] Second iteration on multilines (#6859) @oliviertassinari
7518 |
7519 | #### Docs
7520 |
7521 | - [docs] Fix link to material-ui-icons (#6825) @NiloCK
7522 | - [docs] Add a direct link to GitHub (#6861) @oliviertassinari
7523 |
7524 | #### Core
7525 |
7526 | - [coverage] Remove the flow plugins as they were not needed (#6816) @rosskevin
7527 | - [ButtonBase] Add test coverage for instance.focus (#6827) @agamrafaeli
7528 | - [ButtonBase] Add test coverage for handleFocus (#6828) @agamrafaeli
7529 | - [flow] Fix small issues (#6860) @oliviertassinari
7530 |
7531 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.13
7532 | ###### *May 8, 2017*
7533 |
7534 | ### Breaking changes
7535 |
7536 | - [lint/flow] validate imports/exports with eslint and flow (#6757) @rosskevin
7537 | Change some import:
7538 | ```diff
7539 | -import { List, ListItem, ListItemText } from 'material-ui/List';
7540 | +import List, { ListItem, ListItemText } from 'material-ui/List';
7541 | ```
7542 |
7543 | - [Grid] Rename Layout to Grid (#6789) @rosskevin
7544 | ```diff
7545 | -import Layout from 'material-ui/Layout';
7546 | +import Grid from 'material-ui/Grid';
7547 | ```
7548 |
7549 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7550 |
7551 | - [Slide] Fix getTranslateValue for left & up cases (#6454) @josulliv101
7552 | - [Hidden] Responsively hide content (js implementation) (#6748) @rosskevin
7553 | - [Hidden] Fixes, demos, regression tests, and `only` functionality (#6782) @rosskevin
7554 | - [Layout] Add a hidden property (#6754) @rosskevin
7555 | - [Typography] Flow type (#6787) @rosskevin
7556 |
7557 | #### Docs
7558 |
7559 | - [palette] Require color shape that matches defaults (#6756) @kgregory
7560 | - [docs] Document the Theme section (#6810) @oliviertassinari
7561 | - [docs] Add a search bar (#6745) @oliviertassinari
7562 | - [docs] Generate a summary of each section (#6772) @oliviertassinari
7563 | - [docs] Start addressing documentation issues (#6758) @oliviertassinari
7564 | - [docs] Hide the context implementation details (#6798) @oliviertassinari
7565 |
7566 | #### Core
7567 |
7568 | - Expanding use of flow for propType, include flow types in package, add flow-typed (#6724) @rosskevin
7569 | - [core] Fix flow propTypes generation issue (#6749) @oliviertassinari
7570 | - [createShallow] Remove cleanup (#6797) @agamrafaeli
7571 |
7572 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.12
7573 | ###### *Apr 30, 2017*
7574 |
7575 | Big thanks to the 11 contributors who are pushing the `next` branch forward.
7576 |
7577 | ### Breaking changes
7578 |
7579 | - [Typography] Rename Text to Typography (#6667) @oliviertassinari
7580 | - [Radio] Change checked color to primary (#6683) @khayong
7581 |
7582 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7583 |
7584 | - [Collapse] Add test coverage for wrapper ref (#6617) @agamrafaeli
7585 | - [Collapse] Add test coverage for `handleEntered()` (#6616) @agamrafaeli
7586 | - [Collapse] Add test coverage for `handleEntering()` (#6615) @agamrafaeli
7587 | - [CardHeader] Subheader doesn't go to a new line if there's no avatar (#6668) @kgregory
7588 | - [SwitchBase] Add test coverage for `handleInputChange()` (#6613) @agamrafaeli
7589 | - [Input] Reset for Safari (21751b293578f25675d415de766f77bd0178fc9c) @oliviertassinari
7590 | - [Theme] Reintroduce `muiThemeable` as `withTheme` (#6610) @sxn
7591 | - [Modal] Fixes cannot revert back to original overflow when have multiple modals (#6661) @khayong
7592 | - [style] Reset the font family where needed (#6673) @oliviertassinari
7593 | - [consoleErrorMock] Add test coverage (#6681) @agamrafaeli
7594 | - [Transition] Add test coverage for `shouldComponentUpdate()` (#6680) @agamrafaeli
7595 | - [ModalManager] Add test coverage for removal of non-exiting modal (#6678) @agamrafaeli
7596 | - [Tabs] Label text wrapping / font scaling (#6677) @shawnmcknight
7597 | - [Tabs] Cancel throttled event callbacks (#6715) @shawnmcknight
7598 | - [Tabs] Improve component lifecycle (#6730) @shawnmcknight
7599 | - [material-ui-icons] add making index.js (#6676) @taichi
7600 | - [breakpoints] up(‘xs’) should have a min-width of 0px (#6735) @rosskevin
7601 |
7602 | #### Docs
7603 |
7604 | - [docs] Fix the example "Usage" to match new Button component (#6692) @artarmstrong
7605 | - [docs] Fix theme toggling (#6652) @nathanmarks
7606 | - [TextField] Add password example to docs (#6637) @peteratticusberg
7607 | - [docs] Fix layout edit button (4b5fedf902704b5e3dd2dba63fc2263f11e975d0) @oliviertassinari
7608 | - [docs] Fix IE11 issue (6ad3354ec1a844d0f03bf890a5e73a7987179be7) @oliviertassinari
7609 |
7610 | #### Core
7611 |
7612 | - [material-ui-icons] Modernize the package (#6688) @oliviertassinari
7613 | - [core] Also take the demo into account for the regressions tests (#6669) @oliviertassinari
7614 |
7615 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.11
7616 | ###### *Apr 14, 2017*
7617 |
7618 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7619 |
7620 | - [Drawer] Proper placement for anchor other than left (#6516) @kgregory
7621 | - [ListItemAvatar] Fix & refactor (#6540) @mbrookes
7622 | - [style] Add missing blueGrey colors (#6548) @peteratticusberg
7623 | - [ButtonBase] Change tests to use faketimers (#6559) @agamrafaeli
7624 | - [ButtonBase] Add test coverage for handleKeyDown (#6591)
7625 | - [Tabs] Add scrollable behavior (#6502) @shawnmcknight
7626 | - [Modal] Test focus (#6573) @agamrafaeli
7627 | - [Chip] Add MuiChip to MUI_SHEET_ORDER (#6595) @nareshbhatia
7628 | - [Collapse] Add test coverage for `handleExiting()` (#6589) @agamrafaeli
7629 | - [Modal] Add test coverage for `handleDocumentKeyUp()` (#6588) @agamrafaeli
7630 | - [Popover] Add test coverage for `handleRequestTimeout()` (#6599) @agamrafaeli
7631 |
7632 | #### Docs
7633 |
7634 | - [package.json] Add test:unit:grep (#6586) @agamrafaeli
7635 | - [docs] Fix build:docs command (#6606) @oliviertassinari
7636 |
7637 | #### Core
7638 |
7639 | - [utils] Remove throttle (#6545) @agamrafaeli
7640 | - [react] Upgrade to React@15.5.3 (#6543) @oliviertassinari
7641 | - [core] Remove one babel transform as require the Symbol polyfill (#6602) @oliviertassinari
7642 | - [core] Add missing babel-runtime dependency (#6535) @oliviertassinari
7643 | - [core] Random small fixes (#6522) @oliviertassinari
7644 | - [test] Makes sure argos run even if diff fails (#6512) @oliviertassinari
7645 |
7646 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.10
7647 | ###### *Apr 6, 2017*
7648 |
7649 | We are continuing investing in the documentation and the test suite.
7650 |
7651 | Visual regression tests are now sent to [argos-ci](https://www.argos-ci.com/mui-org/material-ui).
7652 | Thanks @agamrafaeli for increasing the test coverage of 1% since the last release (95.23%).
7653 | Thanks @mbrookes for fixing the inconsistency of the API and improving the API.
7654 |
7655 | ### Breaking changes
7656 |
7657 | - [core][docs] Invert negative bool props (#6487) @mbrookes
7658 |
7659 | ```diff
7660 | // Paper
7661 | -rounded
7662 | +square
7663 |
7664 | // BottomNavigation
7665 | -showLabel
7666 | +showLabels
7667 |
7668 | // Button, IconButton, Switch
7669 | -ripple
7670 | +disableRipple
7671 |
7672 | // Modal, Dialog
7673 | -backdropVisible
7674 | +backdropInvisible
7675 |
7676 | -backdrop
7677 | +disableBackdrop
7678 |
7679 | -hideOnBackdropClick
7680 | +ignoreBackdropClick
7681 |
7682 | -hideOnEscapeKeyUp
7683 | +ignoreEscapeKeyUp
7684 |
7685 | // Backdrop
7686 | -visible
7687 | +invisible
7688 |
7689 | // ListItem
7690 | -gutters
7691 | +disableGutters
7692 |
7693 | // InputLabel, TextFieldLabel
7694 | -animated
7695 | +disableAnimation
7696 |
7697 | // TableCell, List
7698 | -padding
7699 | +disablePadding
7700 |
7701 | // Inputn
7702 | -underline
7703 | +disableUnderline
7704 |
7705 | // CardAction
7706 | -actionSpacing
7707 | +disableActionSpacing
7708 |
7709 | // CardHeader
7710 | -subhead
7711 | +subheader
7712 | ```
7713 |
7714 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7715 |
7716 | - [TextField] Forward name props to the input (#6469) @nvma
7717 | - [MuiThemeProvider] Add test for for componentWillUpdate (#6474) @agamrafaeli
7718 | - [styles.breakpoints] Add test for `only()` calling 'xl' (#6475) @agamrafaeli
7719 | - [Menu] Add tests for handleEnter() (#6477) @agamrafaeli
7720 | - [transitions] Add test coverage for getAutoHeightDuration (#6507) @agamrafaeli
7721 | - [Popover] Add test for getoffset (#6510) @agamrafaeli
7722 | - [breakpoints] Fix down function, eliminate overlap (#6504) @kgregory
7723 |
7724 | #### Docs
7725 |
7726 | - [docs] Add missing prop descriptions to all components (#6483) @mbrookes
7727 | - [docs] Link version number to release notes (#6486) @mbrookes
7728 | - [docs] Link between sections (#6480) @oliviertassinari
7729 | - [docs] Add a 'edit this page' button (#6482) @oliviertassinari
7730 | - [docs] Display the current version (#6481) @oliviertassinari
7731 | - [docs] Upgrade the dependencies (567a35ea3d2aa634a3072fb8b0151c9890551447) @oliviertassinari
7732 |
7733 | #### Core
7734 |
7735 | - [test] Fix import paths for theme and MuiThemeProvider (#6493) @joefitzgerald
7736 | - [test] Add argos-ci (#6391) @oliviertassinari
7737 | - [test] Add HTML reporting of coverage from npm (#6479) @agamrafaeli
7738 | - [TouchRipple] Remove react-addons-transition-group (#6514) @ykzts
7739 | - [core] Do not output any .map file (#6478) @oliviertassinari
7740 |
7741 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.9
7742 | ###### *Apr 1, 2017*
7743 |
7744 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7745 |
7746 | - [Tab] Add labelClassName property (#6436) @rogeliog
7747 | - [test] Fix absolute path in createShallow (444c60392550fe73bb3492ba0ebb63473c73162a) @oliviertassinari
7748 | - [material-ui-icons] Reinstate README and update scripts, update installation.md (#6448) @mbrookes
7749 | - [Input] Add test for focus() (#6461) @agamrafaeli
7750 | - [Input] Add test for componentDidMount() (#6462) @agamrafaeli
7751 | - [RadioGroup] Add tests for edge cases (#6409) @agamrafaeli
7752 | - [RadioGroup] Add missing teardown in test (8005d9d9b98ed58a041a9e49931fd88cb48687e2) @oliviertassinari
7753 | - [Ripple] Add a new test for the unmount logic (#6434) @oliviertassinari
7754 |
7755 | #### Docs
7756 |
7757 | - [docs] Add API menu and demo button (#6455) @mbrookes
7758 | - [docs] Link to the Collapse documentation (#6464) @JeremyIglehart
7759 | - [docs] Fix api.md indentation (#6468) @solkaz
7760 |
7761 | #### Core
7762 |
7763 | - [core] Upgrade the dev dependencies (#6435) @oliviertassinari
7764 | - [test] Takes the Menu as an example in the test documentation (d13607581dc2bf6c86e88721c2d177b8b8b2d004) @oliviertassinari
7765 | - [Layout] Extract requireProp to utils (#6473) @agamrafaeli
7766 |
7767 |
7768 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.8
7769 | ###### *Mar 25, 2017*
7770 |
7771 | A big thanks to @agamrafaeli for increasing the test coverage by 4%.
7772 | We are now at 93.53%. That's pretty great.
7773 |
7774 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7775 |
7776 | - [Chip] Add tests for handleKeyDown for Chip module (#6379) @agamrafaeli
7777 | - [Chip] Add tests for onRequestDelete (#6377) @agamrafaeli
7778 | - [Chip] Alignements issue on children, affecting safari only (#6336) @stunaz
7779 | - [Dialog] Test transition prop not a function (#6387) @agamrafaeli
7780 | - [DialogTitle] Test scenario where children are a string (#6386) @agamrafaeli
7781 | - [Drawer] Remove unreachable code in `getSlideDirection` (#6388) @agamrafaeli
7782 | - [FormControl] Add tests for internal functions (#6407) @agamrafaeli
7783 | - [FormGroup] Add spec (#6404) @agamrafaeli
7784 | - [IconButton] Add test for rendering Icon children (#6405) @agamrafaeli
7785 | - [Layout] Backport a fix at Doctolib for Chrome (#6376) @oliviertassinari
7786 | - [Layout] Revise default value for aligns-items (#6334) @stunaz
7787 | - [List] Making list meet Material Guidelines (#6367) @kybarg
7788 | - [style] Expose createStyleSheet to reduce boilerplate (#6378) @oliviertassinari
7789 | - [style] Expose the between breakpoints helper (#6382) @oliviertassinari
7790 | - [TableSortLabel] Add spec (#6408) @agamrafaeli
7791 | - [test] Expose the test helpers (#6383) @oliviertassinari
7792 | - [TouchRipple] Add tests for edge cases (#6411) @agamrafaeli
7793 |
7794 | #### Docs
7795 |
7796 | - [docs] Use material-ui-icons package (#6390) @mbrookes
7797 |
7798 | #### Core
7799 |
7800 | - [SvgIcons] Update build (#6375) @mbrookes
7801 |
7802 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.7
7803 | ###### *Mar 12, 2017*
7804 |
7805 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7806 |
7807 | - [Slide] Fix displaying when in=false at first (#6223) @ArcanisCz
7808 | - [Ripple] Improve the animation (#6248) @oliviertassinari
7809 | - [color] Add missing blueGrey color (#6255) @Shahrukh-Zindani
7810 | - [Table] Fix paddings according to guidelines (#6306) @kybarg
7811 | - [Table] Replace font icon to svg icon in sort label (#6321) @kybarg
7812 | - [Table] Add visual regression tests (#6325) @oliviertassinari
7813 | - [Button] Use faded text color for hover state (#6320) @mbrookes
7814 |
7815 | #### Docs
7816 |
7817 | - [docs] Add a Color section (#6254) @Shahrukh-Zindani
7818 | - [docs] Add information to typography (#6266) @Shahrukh-Zindani
7819 |
7820 | #### Core
7821 |
7822 | - [test] Server-side render some element to be sure (#6328) @oliviertassinari
7823 | - [npm] Add correct extension (#6241) @okvic77
7824 | - [core] Rename travis to circle as we migrated (e7fba22bd19f82f5489cb52eaaaaff23f2f57939) @oliviertassinari
7825 | - [core] Fix docs:start command on Windows (#6307) @kybarg
7826 | - [core] Upgrade the npm dependencies (#6327) @oliviertassinari
7827 |
7828 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.6
7829 | ###### *Feb 26, 2017*
7830 |
7831 | #### Core
7832 |
7833 | - [core] Fix component wrong propType (03f0fdc627951b5ddd3b28bd1a4cbdcee96f2a1c) @oliviertassinari
7834 |
7835 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.5
7836 | ###### *Feb 26, 2017*
7837 |
7838 | #### Core
7839 |
7840 | - [core] Fix propTypes usage (9a220173a59e51108f7ee9d059a312f174113ac2) @oliviertassinari
7841 |
7842 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.4
7843 | ###### *Feb 26, 2017*
7844 |
7845 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7846 |
7847 | - [Button] Fix boxSizing when not rending a native button (#6224) @oliviertassinari
7848 | - [Divider] Fix negative margin causes overflow/scrollbars (#6139) @giuseppeg
7849 | - [LinearProgress] Add an accessibility property (#6155) @oliviertassinari
7850 | - [Text] Add more option to the align property (#6153) @oliviertassinari
7851 | - [icon-builder] Update to generate standalone package (#6104) @mbrookes
7852 | - [style] transitions theme API reworked (#6121) @ArcanisCz
7853 | - [svg-icons] Change target package name (#6184) @mbrookes
7854 | - [transitions] Fix an unknown property warning (#6157) @oliviertassinari
7855 | - [transitions] Fix allowing fraction numbers as delay/duration (#6221) @ArcanisCz
7856 |
7857 | #### Docs
7858 |
7859 | - [docs] Use webpack 2 & dll bundle (#6160) @nathanmarks
7860 | - [docs] Improve the user experience on mobile (#6154) @oliviertassinari
7861 | - [docs] Fix the Table examples on mobile (425d8ed47e0282b8c0409517c53e00ef61374b02) @oliviertassinari
7862 | - [docs] Add an API section (#6239) @oliviertassinari
7863 | - [docs] Normalize the container property (#6238) @oliviertassinari
7864 |
7865 | #### Core
7866 |
7867 | - [core] Fix typos in styles/transitions pointed out in issue (#6175) @Shahrukh-Zindani
7868 | - [core] Lightweight the build (#6152) @oliviertassinari
7869 | - [core] Add exports to index.js for inclusion in webpack bundle (#6144) @fkretzer
7870 | - [test] Integration of test suite to run on BrowserStack (#6236) @oliviertassinari
7871 | - [test] Bump vrtest version for exit code fix (1831aa76fe72e9b22a0b82f2a360f860ca89fdce) @nathanmarks
7872 |
7873 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.3
7874 | ###### *Feb 12, 2017*
7875 |
7876 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7877 |
7878 | - [Button] Make the node isRequired (#6095) @oliviertassinari
7879 | - [TextField] value propType (#6091) @mntbkr
7880 | - [TextField] Fix width issue (#6096) @oliviertassinari
7881 | - [TextField] Add an inputProps property (#6111) @oliviertassinari
7882 | - [Checkbox] Not selecting label text on quick clicks (#6097) @ArcanisCz
7883 | - [Tabs] Add a disabled property (#6112) @irfanhudda
7884 | - [Paper] Rename zDepth -> elevation everywhere (#6116) @ArcanisCz
7885 |
7886 | #### Docs
7887 |
7888 | - [docs] Add simple example in the Badge API (#6117) @stunaz
7889 | - [docs] Add a Drawer section (#6113) @ArcanisCz
7890 |
7891 | #### Core
7892 |
7893 | - [core] Simplify test suite and use vrtest for regressions (#6122) @nathanmarks
7894 | - [core] Prefix stylesheet names to prevent collisions (#6110) @oliviertassinari
7895 | - [core] Remove stringOrNumber propTypes (#6109) @oliviertassinari
7896 |
7897 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.2
7898 | ###### *Feb 7, 2017*
7899 |
7900 | One year from now, we were struggling with removing all the mixins from the project.
7901 | Now, it's about rewriting all our components.
7902 | We gonna try doing frequent alpha releases to keep some intertie. At least once per week would be good.
7903 | As always, we are keeping the [documentation](https://material-ui.com) up to date.
7904 |
7905 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7906 |
7907 | - [Badge] Port the Badge Component (#6043) @stunaz
7908 | - [Layout] Warn about wrong usage of the item & container combination (#6040) @oliviertassinari
7909 | - [Layout] Explicit the box-sizing dependency (#6036) @oliviertassinari
7910 | - [Drawer] Open/close animation easing and timing (#6066) @ArcanisCz
7911 |
7912 | #### Docs
7913 |
7914 | - [docs] Add a composition section (#6049) @oliviertassinari
7915 | - [docs] Explain how to use the visual regression tests (#6050) @oliviertassinari
7916 | - [docs] Improve the Server Rendering section (#6070) @oliviertassinari
7917 |
7918 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.1
7919 | ###### *Jan 28, 2017*
7920 |
7921 | This is the first public alpha release. It's still work in progress.
7922 | People will be able to start giving us feedback with this release.
7923 | Please keep in mind that [semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/semantic-versioning) won't be respected between pre-releases.
7924 | In other words, the API will change if we need to.
7925 |
7926 | ## 0.16.7
7927 | ###### *Jan 15, 2017*
7928 |
7929 | A big thanks to the 20 contributors who are making this release possible.
7930 |
7931 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7932 |
7933 | - [DropDownMenu] Add keyboard accessibility (#5921) @caesay
7934 | - [EnhancedButton] Remove unnecessary hack, improving overall performance (#5868) @jampy
7935 | - [FloatingActionButton] Fix thin white border (#5881) @ludoviccyril
7936 | - [IconButton] Fix a onTouchStart error (#5833) @oliviertassinari
7937 | - [IconButton] Fix hoveredStyle prop override style prop (#5874) @MattCain
7938 | - [IconMenu] Fix React warning (#5843) @olee
7939 | - [Menu] Add onFocusIndexChange property (#5851) @gabrielmdeal
7940 | - [Menu] Fix support of any type of children (#5904) @oliviertassinari
7941 | - [style] Shorthand syntax for a color object (#5835) @frooeyzanny
7942 | - [style] Fix user-agent all with display flex (#5931) @oliviertassinari
7943 | - [Tab] Allow overriding button style on tabs (#5844) @rhagigi
7944 | - [Tabs] Fix a regression (#5891) @oliviertassinari
7945 | - [Table] Add an integration tests (#5845) @oliviertassinari
7946 | - [Table] Fix TableBody selectedRows state (#5829) @ovaldi
7947 | - [Table] Remove useless padding (#5932) @oliviertassinari
7948 | - [TableBody] Fix row selection re-render (#5905) @dchambers
7949 | - [test] Fix typo in the iOSHelpers.spec.js (#5837) @frooeyzanny
7950 |
7951 | #### Docs
7952 |
7953 | - [docs] Add payment components to Related projects (#5849) @lorensr
7954 | - [docs] Add showcase for "humorista.org" (#5859) @minas1
7955 | - [docs] Fix broken link (b7d9a373320b49f62e47f4e2e5ca4aa882265904) @oliviertassinari
7956 | - [docs] Fix spelling mistake in PropTypeDescription.js (#5883) @Jbarget
7957 | - [docs] Fix typo (#5889) @lucasbento
7958 | - [docs] It is exciting (#5831) @ratson
7959 | - [Tabs] Fix typo in initialSelectedIndex prop description (#5923) @neonray
7960 | - [withWidth] Fix typo in the withWidth.spec.js (#5836) @frooeyzanny
7961 |
7962 | #### Core
7963 |
7964 | - [test] Use simpler assert API (e017d365f45b07933e8b896f95d6d1455b666516) @oliviertassinari
7965 |
7966 | ## 0.16.6
7967 | ###### *Dec 25, 2016*
7968 |
7969 | We are releasing sooner than we use to for this **special day** :christmas_tree::gift:.
7970 | 17 contributors are making that last release of the year possible.
7971 |
7972 | 2016 has been an exceptional year for Material-UI.
7973 | - We went from 40k to 180k [downloads](https://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=material-ui&from=2014-12-24&to=2016-12-25) a month. :package:
7974 | - We went from 12k to 22k [stars](http://www.timqian.com/star-history/#mui-org/material-ui). :star:
7975 |
7976 | That wouldn't have been possible without this awesome community.
7977 | **Thank you!**
7978 |
7979 | But this's just the beginning, some [exciting stuff](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/master/ROADMAP.md) is coming in 2017 :sparkles:.
7980 | You can preview a **very early** version of the `next` branch following [this link](https://material-ui-next.com).
7981 |
7982 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
7983 |
7984 | - [IconButton] Add a hoveredStyle property (#5755)
7985 | - [Menu] Add a dividerStyle property (#5734)
7986 | - [Menu][DropDownMenu][SelectField] Add menuItemStyle and menuItemSelectedStyle properties (#5389)
7987 | - [Popover] Fix ghost clicks in onRequestClose (#5749)
7988 | - [Popover] Fix bad positioning on IOS devices (#4638)
7989 | - [Popover] Revert the latest PR following a regression (#5797)
7990 | - [Stepper] Allow custom step connector (#5741)
7991 | - [Stepper] Fix content container's height expantion (#5733)
7992 | - [TimeDisplay] Inherit text color from theme (#5816)
7993 | - [TouchRipple] Fix issue #5626 (#5763)
7994 |
7995 | #### Docs
7996 |
7997 | - [AutoComplete] Add a controlled example (#5795)
7998 | - [Slider] Add onChange callback signatures to docs (#5760)
7999 | - [TextField] Add callback signatures to docs (#5804)
8000 | - [docs] Add link to babel-plugin-material-ui (#5754)
8001 | - [docs] Node is written mostly in C++, not in C (#5776)
8002 | - [docs] Remove redundant words (#5778)
8003 | - [docs] Add showcase item - Realty Advisors Elite (#5806)
8004 |
8005 | #### Core
8006 |
8007 | - [core] Add support for Webpack 2/Rollup tree shaking in `svg-icons` sub module (#5774)
8008 |
8009 | ## 0.16.5
8010 | ###### *Dec 9, 2016*
8011 |
8012 | This is another release improving the stability of `v0.16.x`.
8013 |
8014 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8015 |
8016 | - [AutoComplete] Add an onClose callback property (#5655)
8017 | - [AutoComplete] Fix the controlled behavior (#5685)
8018 | - [DatePicker] Auto switch the view when a year is selected (#5700)
8019 | - [DropDownMenu] Add an onClose callback property (#5653)
8020 | - [DropDownMenu] Do not wrap below dropdown menu (#4755)
8021 | - [EnhancedButton] Fix an accessibility issue (#5657)
8022 | - [EnhancedButton] Only apply type when needed (#5728)
8023 | - [IconMenu] Add listStyle prop (#5630)
8024 | - [IconMenu] Fix controlled IconMenus to honor onRequestChange (#5704)
8025 | - [MenuItem] Add right padding when there is icon (#4762)
8026 | - [Popover] Add the missing zIndex (#5730)
8027 | - [List] Fix padding styles object (#5661)
8028 | - [SelectField] Scroll wheel event bubbling to parent container (#4154)
8029 | - [StepLabel] Address a box model issue (#5690)
8030 | - [SelectField] Add listStyle prop (#5631)
8031 | - [TextField] Fix errorStyle priority (#5654)
8032 | - [TextField] Add a floatingLabelShrinkStyle property (#5669)
8033 | - [autoprefixer] Fix a style issue with user agent all and display flex (#5668)
8034 | - [makeSelectable] Fix missing check for existence of onChange (#5589)
8035 |
8036 | #### Docs
8037 |
8038 | - [docs] Add a Q&A section around the next branch (#5718)
8039 | - [docs] Fix typo with sentence for AutoComplete (#5596)
8040 | - [docs] Fix origin documentation (#5676)
8041 | - [docs] Fix Linear Progress Prop Documentation (#5680)
8042 | - [docs] Fix a scroll issue on (iOS) (a12dca847af6833dbf671e48c736047d6909ec53)
8043 |
8044 | #### Core
8045 |
8046 | - [core] Apply 3 different fixes (#5695)
8047 |
8048 | ## 0.16.4
8049 | ###### *Nov 17, 2016*
8050 |
8051 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8052 |
8053 | - [npm] Rollback the react dependency path to `v15.0.0` (417913e41fbc3366c6997258263270c6d7465c1a)
8054 |
8055 | ## 0.16.3
8056 | ###### *Nov 17, 2016*
8057 |
8058 | This release is intended to solve an [issue](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/5573) with `react-tap-event-plugin` following the release of React `v15.4.0`.
8059 |
8060 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8061 |
8062 | - [ListItem] Fix hover on touch devices (#5566)
8063 | - [core] include `react-tap-event-plugin@^2.0.0` for `react@^15.4.0` (#5572)
8064 | - [core] Add support for Webpack 2/Rollup tree shaking (#5545)
8065 |
8066 | #### Docs
8067 |
8068 | - [docs] Upgrade React to v15.4.0 (#5575)
8069 |
8070 | ## 0.16.2
8071 | ###### *Nov 13, 2016*
8072 |
8073 | This is another release improving the stability of `v0.16.x` while we are working on get `next` out of the door.
8074 |
8075 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8076 |
8077 | - [AutoComplete] Fire onUpdateInput when an item from the dropdown is selected (#5518)
8078 | - [AutoComplete] Fix Popover's style overriding popoverProps (#5516)
8079 | - [Card] Add closeIcon and openIcon for customizability (#5513)
8080 | - [FloatingActionButton] Fix regression with n children (#5468)
8081 | - [GridList] Add the support for cellHeight="auto" (#5452)
8082 | - [GridTitle] Add a titleStyle property (#5535)
8083 | - [IconMenu] Change IconMenu to conditionally merge button styles (#5496)
8084 | - [IE] Remove the unsupported initial property (#5539)
8085 | - [MenuItem][ListItem] Allow overriding hoverColor (#5502)
8086 | - [ListItem] Fix an issue with the controlled behavior (#5514)
8087 | - [ListItem] Clear hover state if componet get's disabled (#5528)
8088 | - [Popover] Fix support for invalid `anchorEl` (#5444)
8089 | - [RaisedButton] Fix hover on touch devices (#5536)
8090 | - [Stepper] Fix children count method (#5429)
8091 | - [Stepper] Add iconContainerStyle to StepButton and StepLabel (#5507)
8092 | - [Tabs] Fix Firefox height issue (bf25bc118523b359bba5a5540205174a1c2d9e27)
8093 | - [Table] Warning on rendering attempt of unsupported child (#5520)
8094 | - [TextField] Add ability to style label color when a value is present (#5490)
8095 | - [TextField] Fix wrong style behing applied to div elements (#5446)
8096 | - [TextField] Fix floatingLabelFocusStyle when floatingLabelFixed is true (#5487)
8097 | - [TextField] Remove the isClean logic (#5540)
8098 | - [TimePicker] Fix `autoOk` closing the dialog too early (#5511)
8099 | - [ToolbarGroup] Fix vertical alignment (#5515)
8100 | - [ToolbarTitle] Take font family from base theme (#5434)
8101 | - [Toggle] Fix label propTypes from `string` to `node` (#5474)
8102 |
8103 | #### Core
8104 |
8105 | - [npm] Upgrade the dependencies (#5466, #5537)
8106 |
8107 | #### Docs
8108 |
8109 | - [docs] Add one more resource around the style migration (0d375d6271a2c65e6e608dde28ee4ca55defd81b)
8110 | - [docs] Add a note regarding other properties (#5491)
8111 | - [docs] Add redux-form in the Related projects section (3e10f203bc3a7d79f94011586c134b6e17a69016)
8112 | - [docs] Add CReMa in the Related projects section (#5431)
8113 |
8114 |
8115 | ## 0.16.1
8116 | ###### *Oct 18, 2016*
8117 |
8118 | This is a small release improving the stability of `v0.16.x`.
8119 |
8120 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8121 |
8122 | - [ClickAwayListener] Improve the propTypes definition (2d99b2d66f0a895389f61e866c8840abebcf2b72)
8123 | - [DropDownMenu] Fix usage of null child (#5402)
8124 | - [FloatingActionButton] Set touch flag in handleTouchEnd (#5077)
8125 | - [FloatingActionButton] Fix overriding the style property on the children (#5246)
8126 | - [IconMenu] Updating error message for IconButton (#5361)
8127 | - [IconMenu] Makes the warning message more explicit (#5395)
8128 | - [Menu] Fix the key theme used for the selectedTextColor (#5379)
8129 | - [MenuItem] Add min-height to MenuItem to allow null options in SelectItem (11639b02e62cc60861582eb9c1516e1fe46d5ccb)
8130 | - [Popover] Making sure Popover has correct position (#4839)
8131 | - [Popover] Add missing animated=false (#5374)
8132 | - [RadioButtonGroup] Modifying `selected` initial value check to account for falsy value (#5342)
8133 | - [RaisedButton] Add a overlayStyle property (c16147d9eb81a69a82f88d21fb0d7a356b95e2af)
8134 | - [RefreshIndicator] Fix Unknown props react warning (#5356)
8135 | - [Tabs] Add tabTemplateStyle prop to Tabs (#5359)
8136 | - [TableFooter] Render the children independently of adjustForCheckbox (#5406)
8137 | - [TableRowColumn] Revert Tooltip visible with TableRowColumn (#5378)
8138 | - [TextField] Fix a failing test with the controlled behavior (#5351)
8139 | - [TextField] Fix leaking appearance property on a div (#5412)
8140 | - [withWidth] Fix the SSR reconciliation (#5405)
8141 |
8142 | #### Core
8143 |
8144 | - [GitHub] Improve ISSUE_TEMPLATE to ask for a running snippet (#5388)
8145 | - [npm] Upgrade the dependencies (#5404)
8146 |
8147 | #### Docs
8148 |
8149 | - [docs] Add LireLactu to the showcase (#5336)
8150 | - [docs] Document the muiThemeable HOC (#5363)
8151 | - [docs] Fix non-compiling example code on Themes page (#5344)
8152 |
8153 |
8154 | ## 0.16.0
8155 | ###### *Oct 3, 2016*
8156 |
8157 | This release contains a ton of bug fixes and small improvements :boom:.
8158 |
8159 | We have **shifted goals** for `v0.16.0`.
8160 | Across a number of issues over the last ~5 months we have been telling people that certain improvements are coming in `v0.16.0` ranging from performance to component API issues and more.
8161 | Those improvements are coming with the `next` branch :sparkles:.
8162 | We are switching in goal so we can release changes more **often**.
8163 |
8164 | Regarding going forward, this is likely to be the last `minor` release using the **inline-style** approach.
8165 | We are migrating all the components to a **CSS-in-JS** approach on the `next` branch.
8166 |
8167 | For more details, you can have a look a the [next milestone](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/milestone/14) as well as the [next project](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/projects/1)
8168 |
8169 | :warning: New features based on the `master` branch (inline-style) have low priority and will most likely not be reviewed nor merged.
8170 |
8171 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8172 |
8173 | - [Card] Fix unused property subtitleColor (#5314)
8174 |
8175 | #### Core
8176 |
8177 | - [Core] Use lodash.merge/throttle for faster require() (#5308)
8178 |
8179 | #### Docs
8180 |
8181 | - [docs] Add a single line example for GridLists (#5313)
8182 | - [docs] Add react-dnd (7e1d9d3d1d61a3ee8e6dbf57cd2261754a3285f3)
8183 | - [docs] Add Casalova to the showcase (7c0df3be32813ddb003cd47b6529431f3cd41679)
8184 |
8185 | ## 0.16.0-rc2
8186 | ###### *Sep 24, 2016*
8187 |
8188 | ##### Breaking Changes
8189 |
8190 | - [TimePicker] Remove the call to onDismiss when already calling onAccept (#5213)
8191 |
8192 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8193 |
8194 | - [AppBar] Fix onTouchTap handler (#5245)
8195 | - [AutoComplete] Add popoverProps to pass to Popover (#5064)
8196 | - [DatePicker] Improve the RTL support (#5155)
8197 | - [DatePicker] Improve the i18n support (#5187)
8198 | - [IconButton] Remove dead code (#5226)
8199 | - [Popover] Fix a callback leak (#5158)
8200 | - [RaisedButton] Add a buttonStyle property (#5196)
8201 | - [Switch] Add thumbSwitchedStyle and trackSwitchedStyle (#5106)
8202 | - [Snackbar] Fix the element covering up 100% width of the screen (#5113)
8203 | - [Snackbar] Add a contentStyle property (#5205)
8204 | - [Tabs] Fix an edge case where children and value props change (#4635)
8205 | - [Tabs] Fix onChange bubbling (#5219)
8206 | - [TimePicker] Fix a conflict with box-sizing reset (5529138)
8207 | - [withWidth] Compute the width as soon as possible (#5154)
8208 |
8209 | #### Docs
8210 |
8211 | - [AppBar] Add a composition example (#5248)
8212 | - [RaisedButton] Update file upload example (#5159)
8213 | - [docs] Add material-ui-chip-input to related projects (#5172)
8214 | - [docs] Add material-auto-rotating-carousel to related projects (#5244)
8215 | - [docs] Explicit the prerequisites section to required knowledge (#5203)
8216 | - [docs] Update the server-rendering section (#5206)
8217 |
8218 | #### Core
8219 |
8220 | - [core] Add babel-runtime to the release (#5221)
8221 | - [core] Use the ^15.0.0 as a dependency for React (#5207)
8222 | - [npm] Upgrade the dependencies (#5161)
8223 |
8224 | ## 0.16.0-rc1
8225 | ###### *Sep 8, 2016*
8226 |
8227 | ##### Breaking Changes
8228 | - [Badge] Swapped primary and accent colors (#4449)
8229 | - [CircularProgress] The API has become more flexible and straightforward. `size` attribute now means the outer diameter in pixels. Line thickness is variable and should be defined via the `thickness` attribute. Default margins are eliminated. If you'd like to upgrade your existing app without changing the actual sizes of your `CircularProgress` components, here are the formulas:
8230 | ```js
8231 | newSize = 59.5 * oldSize;
8232 | thickness = 3.5 * oldSize;
8233 | margin = (oldSize < 0.71) ?
8234 | ((50 - 59.5 * oldSize) / 2) :
8235 | (5.25 * oldSize);
8236 | ```
8237 | Examples:
8238 | ```
8239 | // Before:
8240 | <CircularProgress />
8241 | <CircularProgress size={2} />
8242 |
8243 | // After:
8244 | <CircularProgress size={59.5} style={{margin: 5.25}} /> // Thickness is 3.5 by default
8245 | <CircularProgress size={119} thickness={7} style={{margin: 10.5}} />
8246 | ```
8247 | (#4705)
8248 | - [core] Wrap the `propTypes` definitions so they can be removed in production (#4872)
8249 | - [core] Remove the deprecated code (#4987)
8250 | - [List] Rename MakeSelectable to makeSelectable (#5025)
8251 |
8252 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8253 |
8254 | - [BottomNavigation] Fix SVG icon positioning (#4982)
8255 | - [Buttons] Reset hover state when disabled prop is changed (#4951)
8256 | - [CardHeader] Fixes warning: Unknown props titleColor (0e787c7)
8257 | - [Checkbox] Tweak the transition to allow different shapes (#5016)
8258 | - [DatePicker] Improve dark theme support (#4943)
8259 | - [DatePicker] Changes opacity of disabled day-buttons (#4994)
8260 | - [EnhancedTextarea] Guard for if scrollHeight is not present (#5015)
8261 | - [FloatingActionButton] Reset hover state when disabled prop is changed (#4951)
8262 | - [IconMenu] Warn when not providing an IconButton to iconButtonElement (#4990)
8263 | - [NestedList] Prevent rendering the children when the nested list is hidden (#5024)
8264 | - [Popover] Prevent creating multiple timeouts when popover is closing (#5010)
8265 | - [ListItem] Fix primaryTogglesNestedList not working with checkbox (#4988)
8266 | - [RaisedButton] Fixes warning: Unknown props on <button> (#5067)
8267 | - [RefreshIndicator] Passing other props to the root element (#5054)
8268 | - [RTL] Add a new directionInvariant property (#5026)
8269 | - [TableRowColumn] Tooltip visible with TableRowColumn (#5014)
8270 | - [TextField] Better support for type=search (#4973)
8271 |
8272 | #### Docs
8273 |
8274 | - [docs] Fix 404 links (#4998)
8275 | - [examples] Move to own repositories (#4475)
8276 | - [showcase] Add some new projects (#4978, #5119)
8277 |
8278 | #### Core
8279 |
8280 | - [Slider] Clean up the implementation (#5036)
8281 | - [test] Reduce the noise when running the test suite (ea2538e)
8282 |
8283 | ## 0.15.4
8284 | ###### *Aug 11, 2016*
8285 |
8286 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8287 | - [BottomNavigation] Initial implementation (#4846)
8288 | - [DropDownMenu] Revert the commit causing a regression in 0.15.3 (#f76302e)
8289 | - [Snackbar] Add the material fontFamily (#4892)
8290 | - [ListItem] New property open to toggle nested list (#4850)
8291 | - [Slider] Fix an issue where not updating when max prop changes (#4895)
8292 | - [Slider] Fix more warnings introduced by React v15.3.0 (#4869)
8293 |
8294 | #### Docs
8295 | - [js] Explain the ECMAScript `stage-1` dependencies of the examples (#4877)
8296 |
8297 | ## 0.15.3
8298 | ###### *Jul 31, 2016*
8299 |
8300 | This release is mostly about bug fixes. All the new warnings introduced by React
8301 | v15.2.1 and v15.3.0 should be addressed in this version.
8302 |
8303 | ##### Breaking Changes
8304 |
8305 | - Remove a workaround regarding the context propagation as it was fixed in the React Core.
8306 | Upgrade to React v15.2.1 if you are affected. (#4729)
8307 |
8308 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8309 | - [AutoComplete] Add a textFieldStyle property (#4853)
8310 | - [AutoComplete] Call onNewRequest once the animation is done (#4817)
8311 | - [Card] Fix bottom padding (#4820)
8312 | - [Chip] Fix invalid `labelColor` being passed (#4766)
8313 | - [DropDownMenu] Display the first item in case there's no one with the corresponding value (#4822)
8314 | - [FlatButton] Merge styles prop for FontIcon node (#4754)
8315 | - [GridList] Fix RTL alignment (#4833)
8316 | - [List] Prefix the style properties (#1cb0617)
8317 | - [ListItem] Trigger onNestedListToggle callback after state update (#4743)
8318 | - [ListItem] Fix incorrect nestedLevel (#4744)
8319 | - [Menu] TypeError: key is undefined (#4734)
8320 | - [MenuItem] Add cursor pointer back to the menu items (#4715)
8321 | - [Popover] Forward the animation property to this component (#4702)
8322 | - [RadioButtonGroup] Fix propTypes to accept anything (#4807)
8323 | - [RaisedButton] Fix the icon style override (#4f2fd22)
8324 | - [React] Fix more invalid props warning (#4667, #4675, #4685, #4725)
8325 | - [Snackbar] Change the action's PropType to node (#4716)
8326 | - [TextField] False should be a valid value (#4728)
8327 |
8328 | #### Core
8329 | - [dependencies] Update to the latest release version (#4669)
8330 | - [eslint] Find new rules with ease (#4521)
8331 | - [react] Fix the warnings of the latest release v15.3.0 (#4856)
8332 |
8333 | #### Docs
8334 | - [ROADMAP] Remove old addressed issues (#4745)
8335 | - [ROADMAP] Update to what the core team is working on (#4829)
8336 | - [docs] Replaces images on Card page with hosted images (#4748)
8337 | - [showcase] Add https://www.spouti.com (#4806)
8338 |
8339 | ## 0.15.2
8340 | ###### *Jul 7, 2016*
8341 |
8342 | During the release of 0.15.1 something went teribly wrong :sweat_smile: and some
8343 | commits were left out even though they were mentioned in the changelog. This release
8344 | includes the missing commits and some extra.
8345 |
8346 | ##### Deperecations
8347 | - [Buttons] Deprecate linkButton property (#4197)
8348 |
8349 | ##### General
8350 | - [React] Upgrade React to `v15.2.0` (#4603, #4605, #4607)
8351 | - [Docs] Don't document standard DOM events (#4433)
8352 | - [Form Components] Set `cursor:not-allowed` style when disabled (#4170)
8353 | - [Styles] Upgrade the inline-style-prefixer dependency to v2 (#4613)
8354 | - [Styles] Check for nulls for RTL (#4496)
8355 |
8356 | ##### Browser support
8357 |
8358 | Our support for IE and Safari improved in this release.
8359 | Thanks @vizath, @hhaida, @nathanmarks and @aahan96 for their effort.
8360 |
8361 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8362 | - [AppBar] Improve props checking to be more resilient (#4557)
8363 | - [AutoComplete] Use the right dataSource key (#4642)
8364 | - [Badge] Fixed incorrect color usage (primary/accent were swapped) (#4449)
8365 | - [Button] Never allow a disabled button to be in a hovered state (#4626)
8366 | - [Button] Improve the propType definition for the label (#4618)
8367 | - [Chip] Add to the index (#4570)
8368 | - [ClickAwayListener] Add better support for IE11 (#4537)
8369 | - [DatePicker] Expose dialog container style (#4355)
8370 | - [DatePicker] Fix year overflow (#4381)
8371 | - [DropDownMenu] Remove Synthetic Event from pooling when used asynchronously (#4564)
8372 | - [EnhancedButton] Fix href style (#4457)
8373 | - [FlatButton] Add a condition to check for zero in the label warning (#4618)
8374 | - [LinearProgress] Fix calculating of getRelativeValue (#4624)
8375 | - [ListItem] Fix error with props access in state assignment for ie9/10 (#4596)
8376 | - [ListItem] Make the dark theme follow more closely the material spec (#4530)
8377 | - [MenuItem] Allow styles on lefticon in non-desktop mode (#4474)
8378 | - [RadioButton] Changed the value type to any (#4510)
8379 | - [RadioButtonGroup] Fix error with props access in state assignment for ie9/10 (#4596)
8380 | - [RaisedButton] Fix the `fullWidth` regression (#4479)
8381 | - [RenderToLayer] Fix an internal issue with React (#4548)
8382 | - [SelectField] Make the maxHeight prop to pass down to DropDownMenu (#4645)
8383 | - [Slider] Add a sliderStyle property (#4617)
8384 | - [Slider] Add support for vertical/reversible sliders (#4571)
8385 | - [Stepper] Fix transition bug in safari (#4616)
8386 | - [SvgIcon] Add support for color attribute (#4487)
8387 | - [SvgIcon] Add themeable color (#4621)
8388 | - [SvgIcon] Remove unused style assignment (#4486)
8389 | - [TextField] Keep spreading properties when children is set (#4478)
8390 | - [TextField] Fix multi-line overflow (#4634)
8391 |
8392 | ## 0.15.1
8393 | ###### *Jun 16, 2016*
8394 |
8395 | ##### Breaking Changes
8396 | - [Avatar] Now uses `img` instead of `div` (#4365)
8397 | - [DatePicker] `className` prop is now set on the root element instead of being passed down (#4250)
8398 | - [Drawer] Changed muiTheme key name from navDrawer to drawer (#4198)
8399 | - [SelectField] Move {...other} spread props from DropDownMenu to Textfield as part of (#4392)
8400 |
8401 | ##### New Component
8402 | - [Chip] First implementation (#3870)
8403 |
8404 | ##### General
8405 | - [Examples] Simplify the examples (#4262)
8406 | - [Core] Upgrade EventListener dependency (#4162)
8407 | - [Core] Upgrade some npm dependencies (#4306)
8408 | - [Core] Remove react-addons-update dependency (#3946)
8409 | - [Core] Move to the normal lodash (#4380)
8410 | - [Docs] Use `copy-webpack-plugin` for dev (#4201)
8411 | - [Icon Builder] Add muiName to generated SvgIcons (#4188, #4206)
8412 | - [Icon Builder] Fix SvgIcon require path to icons generated with --mui-require absolute (#4204)
8413 | - [Themes] Fix MuiThemeProvider default theme (#4229)
8414 | - [withWidth] Accept width optional parameter (#4416)
8415 | - [eslint] Add a mocha plugin to enforce good practices (#4424)
8416 |
8417 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8418 | - [AppBar] Add `iconStyleLeft` prop (#4266)
8419 | - [AppBar] Fix a styling regression (#4471)
8420 | - [AutoComplete] Add text and value field keys for objects list dataSource (#4111)
8421 | - [AutoComplete] Fix filter property leaking (#4209)
8422 | - [AutoComplete] Fix first item selection on keyboard focus (#4193)
8423 | - [AutoComplete] Use sublime text like search instead of Levenshtein Distance for fuzzy search (#4164)
8424 | - [Avatar] Fix a layout regression (#4409)
8425 | - [Avatar] Remove the border (#4365)
8426 | - [Button] Save some bytes on the production build (#4346)
8427 | - [DatePicker] Added className prop to DatePicker (#4250)
8428 | - [DatePicker] Fix layout when used with border-box (#4454)
8429 | - [DatePicker] Fix the issue about onDismiss function will fire by handleTouchTapOk (#4367)
8430 | - [DatePicker] Fix `weekTitleDayStyle` (#4464)
8431 | - [Drawer] Fix muiTheme key name (#4198)
8432 | - [DropDownMenu] Add an animated property (#4442)
8433 | - [DropDownMenu] Add check if there is onChange prop before calling it (#4328)
8434 | - [EnhancedButton] Fix not setting focus when keyboardFocused prop set (#4122)
8435 | - [FlatButton] Fix Icon color prop issue (#4160)
8436 | - [FloatingActionButton] Fix SvgIcon fill color (#4311)
8437 | - [FontIcon] Prevent parent components from overriding icon's `color` property (#4025)
8438 | - [IconMenu] Add an animated property (#4442)
8439 | - [ListItem] Fix theme not propagating on update (#4372)
8440 | - [Menu] Add basic hotkey-focusing feature (#4189)
8441 | - [Menu] Fix theme not propagating on update (#4372)
8442 | - [MenuItem] Fix theme not propagating on update (#4372)
8443 | - [Picker] Disable userSelect on TimePicker and DatePicker (#4176)
8444 | - [Pickers] Add some test regarding the expect value property (#4347)
8445 | - [Popover] Fix typo from innerWith to innerWidth (#4332)
8446 | - [RaisedButton] Don't override SvgIcon color prop (#3746)
8447 | - [RaisedButton] Respect theme fontSize (#3988)
8448 | - [RenderToLayer] Cleanup (#4423)
8449 | - [SelectField] Add callback signatures to docs and improve other props (#3924)
8450 | - [SelectField] Add support for `floatingLabelFixed` prop (#4392)
8451 | - [SelectField] Fix errorText position when no value selected (#4394)
8452 | - [Snackbar] Add a new test and fix consecutive updates leading to displaying old message (#4329)
8453 | - [Stepper] Add more tests and fix an issue with `StepButton` event handlers (#4203)
8454 | - [Stepper] Fix vertical stepper on mobile (#4299)
8455 | - [Tabs] Fixes tabindex (#4357)
8456 | - [TextField] Fix `floatingLabelText` intercepting click events (#4418)
8457 | - [Timepicker] Add explicit box-sizing to Clock component (#4386)
8458 | - [TimePicker] Expose two TimePickerDialog style props (#4356)
8459 | - [TimePicker] Fix auto reset of time on window resize (#4251)
8460 | - [TimePicker] Remove some dead code (#4289)
8461 |
8462 | ##### Deperecations
8463 | - [SelectField] Deprecate selectFieldRoot prop and replace with menuStyle (#4394)
8464 |
8465 | ## 0.15.0
8466 | ###### *May 5, 2016*
8467 |
8468 | Please read through the alpha and beta releases of 0.15.0 too as their changes are not listed here.
8469 |
8470 | ##### General
8471 | - [Core] Add a `withWidth` HOC (#4126)
8472 | - [Core] Use named imports for createClass, Component & PropTypes (#4058)
8473 | - [Core] Update dependencies and remove a couple of unneeded (#4107)
8474 | - [eslint] Use the js format instead of the yaml one (#4074)
8475 | - [codemod] Improve the path migration (#4069)
8476 | - [codemod] Add a babel transpilation for npm (#4115)
8477 | - [Tests] Refactor karma tests, add JSDOM for node tests and improve coverage (#4102)
8478 | - [Tests] Add basic README for test setup (#4106)
8479 | - [colorManipulator] Prevent illegal color values (#3989)
8480 | - Added the following eslint rules:
8481 | 1. Enforce `jsx-first-prop-new-line` (#4112)
8482 | 1. Enforce `react/prefer-es6-class` (#4126)
8483 |
8484 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8485 | - [Avatar] Fix icon size issue for non-default Avatar size (#4148)
8486 | - [Buttons] Address various browser compatibility issues (#4108)
8487 | - [Buttons] Fixed alignment related regressions (#4130)
8488 | - [Card] Add `containerStyle` prop (#4085)
8489 | - [CircularProgress] Fix for Android (#4026)
8490 | - [DatePicker] Add support for built-in en-US locale (#4161)
8491 | - [Datepicker] Redesign datepicker as per material spec (#3739)
8492 | - [Dialog] Stop mixing `padding` and `paddingTop` (#4082)
8493 | - [EnhancedButton] Fix keyboard focus jumping (#4127)
8494 | - [Slider] Fix Slider div style (#4087)
8495 | - [TextField] Add `floatingLabelFocusStyle` property (#4043)
8496 |
8497 | ##### Deprecations
8498 | - [styleResizable] This mixin has been deprecated in favor of `withWidth` HOC (#4126)
8499 |
8500 | ## 0.15.0-beta.2
8501 | ###### *Apr 21, 2016*
8502 |
8503 | ##### General
8504 | - [.gitignore] Ignore `jsconfig.json` - VSCode config file (#4011)
8505 | - [Docs] Update usage docs with muiTheme instructions (#4034)
8506 | - [Docs] Add beta installation details to the README (#4048)
8507 | - [Examples] Update import statements (#3992)
8508 |
8509 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8510 | - [AutoComplete] Change `error`, `hint`, `floatingLabel` property validators to `PropTypes.node` (#4019)
8511 | - [Dialog] Add border to title and actions when content is scrollable (#4001)
8512 | - [Dialog] Add support for the Alert (#4022)
8513 | - [Dialog] Merge title style when title it a node (#4033)
8514 | - [ListItem] Fix flexbox shrinking [issue](#4016) (#4044)
8515 | - [Menu] Fix regression that caused nested menus to be unreachable (#3947)
8516 | - [RaisedButton] fix hover overlay for icon only buttons, fixes #3815 (#4035)
8517 | - [RefreshIndicator] Fix timer leaks (#3986)
8518 | - [SelectField] Fix server-side rendering (#4004)
8519 | - [Tab] Fix the justify content when there is only one child (#4023)
8520 |
8521 | ##### Deprecations
8522 | - [List] Deprecate the `valueLink` property (#3936)
8523 |
8524 | ## 0.15.0-beta.1
8525 | ###### *Apr 13, 2016*
8526 |
8527 | #### React 15 compatibility :tada: :tada:
8528 |
8529 | This release also ensures compatibility with React 15. You should update to
8530 | this version if you need it.
8531 |
8532 | #### Simplify import statements :tada:
8533 |
8534 | This release changes how components are imported. You will need to update every
8535 | import statement, Like:
8536 |
8537 | ```js
8538 | import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/lib/raised-button';
8539 | import Tabs from 'material-ui/tabs/tabs';
8540 | import Tab from 'material-ui/tabs/tab';
8541 | ```
8542 |
8543 | to:
8544 |
8545 | ```js
8546 | import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/RaisedButton';
8547 | import {Tabs, Tab} from 'material-ui/Tabs';
8548 | ```
8549 |
8550 | The exact import statements for each component can be found in their respective
8551 | documentation page.
8552 |
8553 | Have a ton of imports? almost had a heart attack? worry not, we also made a tool
8554 | to ease your pain. checkout the
8555 | [readme](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/master/packages/material-ui-codemod/README.md).
8556 |
8557 | ##### Breaking Changes
8558 | - [Core] Improve import path for published lib (#3921)
8559 | - [Core] PascalCase component names, reorganise directory structure (#3749)
8560 | - [Core] Remove default theme handling from components (#3820)
8561 |
8562 | As of now you will need to provide theme on context, see:
8563 | http://www.material-ui.com/#/customization/themes
8564 |
8565 | - [Core] Removed redundant default export from the main library `index.js`.
8566 |
8567 | You will probably need to turn
8568 |
8569 | ```js
8570 | import Mui from 'material-ui';
8571 | ```
8572 | into
8573 | ```js
8574 | import * as Mui from 'material-ui';
8575 | ```
8576 |
8577 | Although we discourage you to use this library like that.
8578 |
8579 | - [LeftNav] Rename to Drawer (#3799)
8580 | - [GridList] Replace `rootClass` with `containerElement` (#3783) (`rootClass` was broken before this change)
8581 | - [Core] These changes are for internal modules and will affect you only if they were directly required in your code
8582 | 1. Rename utils/children.js (#3779)
8583 | 1. Remove unused utils/keyLine.js (#3837)
8584 | 1. Remove cssEvent util (#3836)
8585 | 1. Remove utils/shallowEqual.js and replace with recompose (#3835)
8586 | 1. Move DateTime utils to component directories (#3834)
8587 |
8588 | ##### General
8589 | - [Core] Update to React v15 (#3941) :tada: :tada:
8590 | - [Core] Remove dependency on lodash.flowright (#3955)
8591 | - [Core] update components to es6 classes (#3843) :tada: :tada:
8592 | - [Core] Add a `material-ui-codemod` package (#3782)
8593 | - [Core] Update export syntax, move unit tests, update test dependencies (#3785)
8594 | - [Core] Use .js extension instead of .jsx (#3765)
8595 | - [Themes] colorManipulator cleanup (#3966)
8596 | - [SvgIcon] Add the new Material Icons (#3747)
8597 | - [Docs] Add example for slider showing how to access value (#3892)
8598 | - [Docs] Document callback signatures ( Thanks to @theosherry )
8599 | - [IconMenu](#3732)
8600 | - [LeftNav](#3743)
8601 | - [List](#3748)
8602 | - [ListItem](#3748)
8603 | - [Popover](#3796)
8604 | - [RadioButton](#3797)
8605 | - [Menu](#3821)
8606 | - [MenuItem](#3821)
8607 | - [RaisedButton](#3839)
8608 | - Added the following eslint rules:
8609 | 1. Enforce `jsx-handler-names` (#3408)
8610 | 1. Enforce `spaced-comment` (#3910)
8611 |
8612 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8613 | - [AutoComplete] Add `onKeyDown` property (#3853)
8614 | - [AutoComplete] Fix the regressions (#3858)
8615 | - [Avatar] Use semi-transparent border (#3859)
8616 | - [DatePicker] ok/cancel labels in date pickers should be of PropTypes.node (#3869)
8617 | - [DropDownMenu] Fix support for autoWidth and custom width (#3823)
8618 | - [DropDownMenu] Slightly improve performance (#3707)
8619 | - [FloatingActionButton] fixed an error when element gets focus via tab (#3885)
8620 | - [IconButton] Fix tooltip on hover (#3878)
8621 | - [IconMenu] Removed props.ref call (#3913)
8622 | - [LinearProgress] Prevent instances from sharing state (#3763)
8623 | - [ListItem] Change color of rightIcon from `grey400` to `grey600` (#3938)
8624 | - [ListItem] Fix duplicate prepareStyles with primaryText element (#3174)
8625 | - [ListItem] Use the new icons to follow the material spec (#3899)
8626 | - [MenuItem] Revert flex props from #3597, fixes #3845, reopens #3531 (#3928)
8627 | - [Overlay] Split out AutoLockScrolling (#3690)
8628 | - [Popover] Fix rendering for nested Menus (#3806)
8629 | - [RaisedButton] Fix for Uncaught `TypeError` when tabbing onto button (#3897)
8630 | - [Stepper] Refactor Stepper (#3903)
8631 | - [Tab] Change the ripple color to follow the spec (#3857)
8632 | - [Tab] Fix centering for label with SvgIcon (#3697)
8633 | - [TableHeaderColumn] Remove props.key calls (#3918)
8634 | - [TableRowColumn] Remove props.key calls (#3918)
8635 | - [Tabs] Better type checking on Tab children (#3750)
8636 | - [TextField] Fix incorrect state in getStyles() (#3972)
8637 | - [TimePicker] Add disabled property with example (#3778)
8638 | - [TimePicker] Fix label for 12AM as per material spec (#3781)
8639 | - [TimePicker] ok/cancel labels in time pickers should be of PropTypes.node (#3869)
8640 |
8641 | ## 0.15.0-alpha.2
8642 | ###### *Mar 18, 2016*
8643 |
8644 | ##### Breaking Changes
8645 | - [Core] if you used Material-UI from npm in CommonJS environment,
8646 | you need to add `.default` to your requires (#3648):
8647 |
8648 | ```diff
8649 | - const MUI = require('material-ui');
8650 | + const MUI = require('material-ui').default;
8651 | ```
8652 |
8653 | If you used ES modules, you’re already all good:
8654 | ```js
8655 | import MUI from 'material-ui'; // no changes here :D
8656 | ```
8657 |
8658 | - [Core] Remove uniqueId utils (#3538)
8659 | - [Styles] RaisedButton, FlatButton, and FloatingActionButton now properly use primary/secondary colors (#3513)
8660 | - [Menu] Remove Paper (#3559)
8661 | - [List] Remove Paper (#3612)
8662 | - [TextField] Remove `valueLink` (#3699)
8663 |
8664 | ##### New Component
8665 | - [Stepper](#3132) ( Big Thanks to @namKolo )
8666 |
8667 | ##### General
8668 | - [Core] Remove gulp in favour of npm scripts for linting (#3626)
8669 | - [Core] Update `package.json` to prevent building the `lib` after install (#3632)
8670 | - [Docs] Hide internal properties of `MenuItem`, `Table` and `Tabs` in docs (#3589)
8671 | - [Docs] Document `Card` subcomponent properties (#3621)
8672 | - [Docs] Add return types (#3542)
8673 | - [Docs] Add support for multi-line function (#3570)
8674 | - [Docs] Document callback signatures ( Thanks to @theosherry )
8675 | - [AutoComplete](#3550)
8676 | - [Card](#3552)
8677 | - [Checkbox](#3607)
8678 | - [DatePicker](#3652)
8679 | - [DropDownMenu](#3615)
8680 | - [FlatButton](#3676)
8681 | - [FloatingActionButton](#3683)
8682 | - [FontIcon](#3693)
8683 | - [IconButton](#3709)
8684 | - [Tests] Add mocha grep passthrough for browser tests (#3520)
8685 | - [Tests] Add `EnhancedButton` unit test and tweak karma config (#3512)
8686 | - [Tests] Add `FlatButton` unit test (#3541)
8687 | - [Tests] Add `Divider` unit test (#3527)
8688 | - [Tests] Add `Paper` unit tests (#3528)
8689 | - [Tests] Add `Slider` unit tests (#3688)
8690 | - [IconBuilder] Move to packages directory (#3680)
8691 | - Added the following eslint rules:
8692 | 1. Enforce `operator-linebreak` (#3516)
8693 | 1. Enforce `no-multiple-empty-lines` (#3516)
8694 | 1. Enforce `@ignore` before comment (#3611)
8695 |
8696 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8697 | - [AppBar] Fix the title height variation (#3509)
8698 | - [AutoComplete] Add key support for `dataSource` (#3662)
8699 | - [AutoComplete] Fix browser compatibility (#3581)
8700 | - [AutoComplete] Fix `openOnFocus` and item click (#3669)
8701 | - [AutoComplete] Proxy focus and blur calls (#3551)
8702 | - [AutoComplete] Set `canAutoPosition` to `false` for `Popover` (#3620)
8703 | - [CardHeader] Handle wide titles, allow them to wrap (#3503)
8704 | - [CardHeader] Remove `title` from injected node attributes (to avoid native tooltip) (#3534)
8705 | - [DatePicker] Add a check to fetch current system date (#3656)
8706 | - [DatePicker] Fix cursor pointer of the header (#3598)
8707 | - [DatePicker] Fix selectYear range (#3496)
8708 | - [DatePicker] Use popover for the inline mode (#3532)
8709 | - [EnhancedButton] fix `onKeyboardFocus` being called with nullified event object (#3616)
8710 | - [EnhancedSwitch] Remove the uniqueId as it unused (#3592)
8711 | - [FlatButton] Fix icon alignment when no label provided (#3529)
8712 | - [FlatButton] Fix icon styling when no label provided (#3502)
8713 | - [FlatButton] Fix the text align issue (#3727)
8714 | - [IconButton] Expose `disableTouchRipple` (#3659)
8715 | - [IconMenu] Add missing default iconStyle (#3514)
8716 | - [IconMenu] Set container as `anchorEl` when using prop 'open' (#3666)
8717 | - [ListItem] Add stopPropagation in touch ripple to avoid touch event bubbling (#3593)
8718 | - [MenuItem] Add flex property (#3597)
8719 | - [Popover] Avoid nested `<noscript/>` (#3647)
8720 | - [RaisedButton] Account for `backgroundColor` prop which was previously ignored (#3515)
8721 | - [RaisedButton] Fix styling issues (#3479)
8722 | - [RaisedButton] Fix the text align issue (#3727)
8723 | - [Slider] Add keyboard support (#3237)
8724 | - [Snackbar] Make on request close optional (#3560)
8725 | - [Tab] Fix `style` prop being ignored (#3608)
8726 | - [TableRowColumn] Propagate events (#3492)
8727 | - [TextField] Add `floatingLabelFixed` property (#3646)
8728 | - [TextField] Add `shouldComponentUpdate` function (#3673)
8729 | - [TextField] Add the ability to call select (#3287)
8730 | - [TextField] Fix `defaultValue` overlays `floatingLabelText` on mount (#3450)
8731 | - [TextField] Standardize onChange callback (#3699)
8732 | - [TimePicker] Reinstate #3030 - Add support for custom button labels (#3148)
8733 | - [TimePicker] Remove a useless div element (#3591)
8734 | - [Toolbar] Fix existing design flaws by using flex (#3548)
8735 |
8736 | ##### Deprecations
8737 | - [DatePicker] Deprecate `wordings` with `cancelLabel` and `okLabel` (#3412)
8738 |
8739 | ## 0.15.0-alpha.1
8740 | ###### *Feb 27, 2016*
8741 |
8742 | This release includes huge improvements to the implementation
8743 | of components and utility modules. The most important improvement
8744 | is the removal of mixins from the library, thanks to the
8745 | [great efforts](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+author%3Anewoga+style-propable)
8746 | of @newoga :+1:
8747 |
8748 | There are also improvements to the unit testing infrastructure. We own this
8749 | great improvement to @nathanmarks, thanks a lot :+1:.
8750 |
8751 | Please note that `raw-themes` are deprecated with no warning! they will be removed
8752 | from the code with the 0.16.0 release.
8753 |
8754 | ##### Breaking Changes
8755 | - [Cleanup] Remove the deprecated API of `0.14.x`. (#3108)
8756 | - [Styles] Removed all `getStyles` functions from the components (#3351)
8757 | - [Core] Remove the `window-listenable` mixin (#3334)
8758 | - [Core] Remove `context-pure` mixin (#3331)
8759 | - [Core] Remove `click-awayable` mixin (#3360)
8760 | - [Core] Utilize keycode library and remove `key-code` util (#3371)
8761 | - [FloatingActionButton] `className` is now set on the root element (#2310)
8762 | - [RaisedButton] `className` is now set on the root element (#3122)
8763 | - [LeftNav] `className` and `style` are now set on the root element (#3322)
8764 | - [Colors] Removed default export in favor of singular exports (#2825) <br>
8765 | **Note** This can be temporarily worked around by changing <br>
8766 | `import Colors from 'material-ui/lib/styles/colors';` <br> to <br>
8767 | `import * as Colors from 'material-ui/lib/styles/colors';`.
8768 | - [DatePicker] Standardize for ISO8601. (#3417)
8769 |
8770 | ##### New Component
8771 | - [Subheader](#3033) (Thanks to @pradel)
8772 |
8773 | ##### General
8774 | - [Tests] Updates to test setup and additional testing option for unit tests (#3405)
8775 | - [Tests] Add support for codecov (#3421)
8776 | - [Tests] Badge unit tests (#3427) (Thanks to @pradel)
8777 | - [Tests] AppBar unit tests (#3487) (Thanks to @pradel)
8778 | - [Tests] GridList unit tests (#3488) (Thanks to @pradel)
8779 | - [Tests] SvgIcon unit tests (#3489) (Thanks to @pradel)
8780 | - [Tests] FontIcon unit tests (#3490) (Thanks to @pradel)
8781 | - [Theme] Apply overall themeing improvements (#3267, #3316, #3340, #3399)
8782 | - [Style] Fix the prefixer tool regression (#3136)
8783 | - [Style] Make some unthemeable elements themeable (#3269) (Thanks to @pdf)
8784 | - [Style] Fix tap highlight color (#3429)
8785 | - [Core] Replace merge implementation in utils/styles with Object.assign (#3124)
8786 | - [Core] Remove dependency on utils/styles from components (#3169)
8787 | - [Core] Remove style-propable mixin from components (#2852)
8788 | - [Core] Remove `window-listenable` mixin from components (#3305) (Thanks to @newoga)
8789 | - [Core] Typography moved inside muitheme (#3301)
8790 | - [Core] Update lodash version to 4.1.0 (#3324)
8791 | - [Core] Migrate color to muiTheme (#3314)
8792 | - [Core] Remove usage of `isMounted()` (#3437)
8793 | - [Docs] Add page title (#3246)
8794 | - [Docs] DatePicker - Add disabled dates example (#3167)
8795 | - [Docs] Upgrade dependencies (#3343)
8796 | - [Docs] Enable GPU rasterization (#3451)
8797 | - [Docs] Add versions to docs site (#3383)
8798 | - [eslint] Upgrade to v2 (#3390)
8799 | - Added the following eslint rules:
8800 | 1. Enforce `arrow-parens` (#3207)
8801 | 1. Enforce `prefer-template` (#3208, #3242)
8802 | 1. Enforce `no-unneeded-ternary` (#3320)
8803 | 1. Enforce `prefer-const` (#3315)
8804 | 1. Enforce `jsx-space-before-closing` (#3397)
8805 | 1. Enforce `id-blacklist` and blacklist `e` (#3398)
8806 | 1. Enforce `padded-blocks: never` (#3493)
8807 |
8808 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8809 | - [AutoComplete] Added `maxSearchResults` property (#3262)
8810 | - [AutoComplete] Apply the style property only on the root component (#3243)
8811 | - [AutoComplete] Apply various improvement (#3214) (Thanks to @oliviertassinari)
8812 | - [Autocomplete] Disable browser default autocomplete popup (#3253)
8813 | - [AutoComplete] Fix the focus / blur issue (#3356) (Thanks to @oliviertassinari)
8814 | - [Card] Removed hidden overflow (#3447)
8815 | - [Card] Support for controlled expansion (#3258) (Thanks to @cgestes)
8816 | - [CardActions] Allow to accept false as child (#3215)
8817 | - [Checkbox] Disabled style error fix (#3432)
8818 | - [DatePicker] Default to ISO-8601 DateTimeFormat & `firstDayOfWeek` (#3417)
8819 | - [Dialog] Fix overflow (#3460)
8820 | - [DropDownMenu] Expose Menu listStyle property (#3294)
8821 | - [DropDownMenu] Fix `openImmediately` regression (#3384)
8822 | - [DropDownMenu] Safari select-field fix (#3175)
8823 | - [EnhancedButton] Fix enhanced buttons containing a link instead of a button (#3303)
8824 | - [EnhancedSwitch] Added inputStyle prop to enhanced switch (#1693)
8825 | - [EnhancedTextArea] Provide various style fixes (#3277)
8826 | - [FlatBotton] Fix alignment between text and icons (#3380)
8827 | - [FloatingActionButton] Expose Paper zDepth (#3387)
8828 | - [IconButton] Fixed tooltip for disabled component (#3458)
8829 | - [IconButton] Fixed tooltip ripple size for IE (#3016)
8830 | - [IconMenu] Document `multiple` property of Menu (#3223)
8831 | - [IconMenu] Enable `useLayerForClickAway` (#3400)
8832 | - [IconMenu] Support MenuItem nested menuItems (#3265)
8833 | - [InkBar] remove ` ` (#3283)
8834 | - [LeftNav] Add a configurable zDepth (#3495)
8835 | - [LeftNav] Add iOS momentum scroll (#2946)
8836 | - [List] Fix issue with styling on list related components (#3278)
8837 | - [ListItem] Fix hardcoded `secondaryTextColor` (#3288)
8838 | - [Menu] Fix `_isChildSelected` child not recognising first child (#3165)
8839 | - [Menu] Fix a regression that would apply the select style to all the MenuItems (#3244)
8840 | - [Menu] Safari select-field fix (#3175)
8841 | - [Popover] Handle the touch event on touch enabled devices (#3389)
8842 | - [RadioButton] Allow customising icons (#3285)
8843 | - [RaisedButton] Customizable ripple effect style (#3368)
8844 | - [RaisedButton] Fix alignment between text and icons (#3366)
8845 | - [Slider] Remove style-propable mixin and react-dom (#3332) (Thanks to @felipethome)
8846 | - [SvgIcon] Fix behavior for `onMouseEnter` and `onMouseLeave` (#3481)
8847 | - [SvgIcon] Use stateless functional component instead of `React.createClass` (#3326)
8848 | - [Table] Send event object after click, hover, hoverOut on cell (#3002)
8849 | - [TextField] Add textareaStyle property (#3238)
8850 | - [TextField] Fix defaultValue behavior (#3239)
8851 | - [TextField] Fix wrong label id (#3240)
8852 | - [TextField] Fixed a bug where clicking on floating label and typing simultaneuosly loses keypress (#3055)
8853 | - [TextField] Fixed ie9-ie10 click focus problem (#3193)
8854 | - [TimePicker] Update time state on new defaultTime prop (#3095)
8855 | - [Toggle] Fixes styling issue (#3299)
8856 | - [ToolbarTitle] Fix overflow (#3250)
8857 | - [TouchRipple] Abort on scroll (#3407)
8858 |
8859 | ##### Deprecations
8860 | - [Menu] Deprecated built in `animated` (#3216)
8861 | - [Core] Deprecated `style-propable` mixin and `utils/styles` (#3351)
8862 | - [Core] Deprecated `ThemeDecorator` in favor of `MuiThemeProvider` (#3267)
8863 | - [Core] Deprecated `theme-manager` and `raw-themes` (#3267)
8864 |
8865 | ## 0.14.4
8866 | ###### *Feb 02, 2016*
8867 |
8868 | ##### General
8869 | - [CRITICAL] Fixed a regression that completely disabled the auto-prefixer (#3142)
8870 | - [Core] Implements prepareStyles as composition of functions in muiTheme (#2986) (Thanks to @newoga)
8871 | - [Docs] Contributing guide (#3075)
8872 | - [Docs] Added a `Related Projects` section (#3102)
8873 | - [Examples] General updates (#3078)
8874 |
8875 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8876 | - [Tabs] Removed the calc style property (#3058)
8877 | - [Tabs] Added icon and text (#3042)
8878 | - [Tabs] Use `FlatButtons` for tabs (#3051)
8879 | - [AutoComplete] Fixed regression of undefined muiTheme (#3069)
8880 | - [List] Auto-expand SelectableList (#3039)
8881 | - [DatePicker] Added `disabled` property (#3060)
8882 | - [Buttons] Fixed the vertical alignment issue (#3100)
8883 | - [RaisedButton] Fix the default value of `labelPosition` (#3115)
8884 | - [FlatButton] Fix the default value of `labelPosition` (#3115)
8885 |
8886 | ## 0.14.3
8887 | ###### *Jan 26, 2016*
8888 |
8889 | ##### Breaking Changes
8890 |
8891 | Note that these are not essentially breaking changes.
8892 | Unless you have used these implementation details in your code.
8893 |
8894 | - [Internal] Remove `controllable.js` mixin (#2889)
8895 | - [Internal] Remove `mergeAndPrefix()` (#2886)
8896 | - [Internal] Remove `utils/extend.js` (#2933)
8897 | - [Internal] Remove `utils/immutability-helper.js` (#2907)
8898 |
8899 | ##### General
8900 | - [Examples] Move `DateTimeFormat` polyfill to the example (#3024)
8901 | - [Docs] Add title and description to code examples, thanks to @mbrookes's hard work (#2927)
8902 | - [Docs] Add a showcase section (#2910)
8903 | - [Docs] Hide code examples by default (#2911)
8904 | - [Docs] Add [Cloudcraft](https://cloudcraft.co/) to Showcase (#3036)
8905 | - [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
8906 | 1. [TimePicker] (#2849)
8907 | 1. [Table] (#2848)
8908 | 1. [Switches] (#2872)
8909 | 1. [Buttons] (#2874)
8910 | 1. [AutoComplete] (#2871)
8911 | 1. [Popover] (#2870)
8912 | 1. [IconMenu] (#2882)
8913 | - Added the following eslint rules:
8914 | 1. Extend `eslint:recommended` (#2854)
8915 | 1. `one-var` (#2855)
8916 | 1. `brace-style` (#2855)
8917 | 1. `react/jsx-pascal-case` (#2953)
8918 | 1. `react/jsx-max-props-per-line` (#2953)
8919 | 1. `react/jsx-closing-bracket-location` (#2953)
8920 | 1. `jsx-equals-spacing` (#3035)
8921 | - [Performance] Fix V8 deopt, leakage of `arguments` (#2876)
8922 | - [ServerSideRendering] Make userAgent contexual (#3009)
8923 |
8924 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8925 | - [Slider] Avoid selection when dragging (#2827)
8926 | - [Snackbar] Execute onDimiss callback after snackbar has closed (#2881)
8927 | - [Table] Don't use `for...of` on table children (#2904)
8928 | - [RenderToLayer] Fix leaking of event (#2935)
8929 | - [FlatButton] Fix shared memory property modification (#2964)
8930 | - [DatePicker] Add `firstDayOfWeek` and days abbreviations (#2899)
8931 | - [ListItem] Added nestedItemStyle prop (#2990)
8932 | - [ListItem] when disabled, `className` is ignored (#2723)
8933 | - [EnhancedButton] Make keyup event respect `disableKeyboardFocus` (#3000)
8934 | - [Dialog] Fix overlay scroll for nested dialogs (#2893)
8935 | - [SvgIcons] Remove fill attributes (#3034)
8936 | - [Paper] Allow the box shadow color to be changed (#3003)
8937 |
8938 | ##### Deprecations
8939 | - [DropDownIcon] Will be removed with `0.15.0` (#2994)
8940 |
8941 | ## 0.14.2
8942 | ###### *Jan 08, 2016*
8943 |
8944 | ##### General
8945 | - [CRITICAL] Fix imports using require() style syntax (#2804) thanks @newoga
8946 | - [Examples] Upgrade to babel 6 for browserify (#2795)
8947 | - [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
8948 | 1. [RefreshIndicator] (#2799)
8949 | 1. [Icon] (#2695)
8950 | 1. [Lists] (#2782)
8951 | 1. [Progress] (#2798)
8952 | 1. [Sliders] (#2800)
8953 | 1. [Paper] (#2797)
8954 | 1. [Menus] (#2785)
8955 | - Added the following eslint rules:
8956 | 1. `react/jsx-indent` (#2808)
8957 |
8958 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8959 | - [DatePicker] Update slide direction (#2791)
8960 | - [AutoComplete] Add 2 extra filters for text matching (#2755)
8961 | - [TableRow] Fix row height in IE (#2812)
8962 |
8963 | ## 0.14.1
8964 | ###### *Jan 05, 2016*
8965 |
8966 | ##### General
8967 | - Upgrade to babel v6 (#2620, #2709)
8968 | - [Docs] Improve the performance of the production build (#2680)
8969 | - [Docs] Improve the AppLeftNav for mobile (#2690)
8970 | - [Docs] Use a single LeftNav (#2721)
8971 | - [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
8972 | 1. [DatePicker] (#2622)
8973 | 1. [GridList] (#2681)
8974 | 1. [SelectField] (#2694)
8975 | 1. [IconButton] (#2700)
8976 | - Added the following eslint rules:
8977 | 1. react/sort-comp (#2774, #2776)
8978 |
8979 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
8980 | - [MenuItem] Fix icon position (#2661)
8981 | - [SelectableList] Recursively extend children (#2320)
8982 | - [SelectField] Add hintStyle (#2710)
8983 | - [EnhancedButton] Avoid rendering `<a>` element (#2708)
8984 | - [LeftNav] Only transition the transform property (#2730)
8985 | - [TextField] Fix `errorText` when using `multiLine` (#2742)
8986 | - [TimePicker] Update am/pm buttons (#2757)
8987 |
8988 | ##### Deprecations
8989 | - [Dialog] Deprecate width (#2753)
8990 |
8991 | ## 0.14.0
8992 | ###### *Dec 25, 2015*
8993 |
8994 | The chagnes in `0.14.0-rc1` and `o.14.0-rc2` are also included as part of this release.
8995 | Have a look at them as well.
8996 |
8997 | ##### General
8998 | - [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
8999 | 1. [Tabs] (#2515)
9000 | 1. [Snackbar] (#2562)
9001 | 1. [DropDownMenu] (#2565)
9002 | 1. [Card] (#2590)
9003 | - Added the following eslint rules:
9004 | 1. key-spacing (#2552)
9005 | - [SvgIcon] Improved the code generation tasks (#2606)
9006 | - [ES6] Use module everywhere (#2614)
9007 | - Added a temporary bootstrap project for ReactNative to pave the way for ReactNative support (#2611)
9008 | - Clean up CSS classes (#2630)
9009 |
9010 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9011 | - [SelectField] [TextField] Fixed error styling issue (#2539)
9012 | - [TextField] Implemented optional underline (#2476)
9013 | - [AutoComplete] Migrated to use popover (#2634)
9014 |
9015 | ##### Deprecations
9016 | - [DropDownMenu] [SelectField] Deprecated `menuItems`, these components are now composable. (#2565)
9017 |
9018 | ## 0.14.0-rc2
9019 | ###### *Dec 15, 2015*
9020 |
9021 | ##### Breaking Changes
9022 |
9023 | - [Menu] Depreciation of the old menu, introduces a very small breaking change (#2443)
9024 | - [Dialog] Removed deprecated API (#2396)
9025 | - zIndex, rework them to be more coherent (#2444)
9026 |
9027 | ##### General
9028 | - Decoupled `Popover` animation from the component to increase flexibility (#2367)
9029 | - [Tests] Migrated tests to use the new `react-addons-test-utils` package (#2401)
9030 | - [Docs] Improvements to the documentation site (#2426, #2421, #2438, #2479, #2508)
9031 | - [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
9032 | 1. [AppBar] (#2382) *also where the new standard was introduced by @oliviertassinari*
9033 | 1. [Avatar] (#2407)
9034 | 1. [Toolbars] (#2415)
9035 | 1. [Badge] (#2489)
9036 | 1. [Dialog] (#2483)
9037 | 1. [LeftNav] (#2507)
9038 | - Added the following eslint rules:
9039 | 1. react/jsx-indent-props (#2377)
9040 | 1. max-len (#2381)
9041 | 1. wrap-multilines (#2419)
9042 |
9043 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9044 | - [Card] Use `preventDefault()` when handling expansion (#2495)
9045 | - [CardHeader] Made `avatar` property optional (#2397)
9046 | - [Checkbox] Now updates it's state when `checked` property changes (#2464)
9047 | - [DatePicker] Fix year selection (#2410)
9048 | - [Dialog] Added `overlayStyle` property (#2431)
9049 | - [Dialog] Added `width` property (#2387)
9050 | - [Divider] Initial implementation. Thanks to @newoga (#2473)
9051 | - [DropDownMenu] Added `menuStyle` property (#2389)
9052 | - [DropDownMenu] Now uses `Popover` (#2150)
9053 | - [DropDownMenu] Now bubbles keyboard events (#2461)
9054 | - [FlatButton] Adjusted background, hover and ripple colors (#2488)
9055 | - [IconMenu] Added `open` and `onRequestChange` properties (#2383)
9056 | - [ListItem] Added option to toggle nested list items on primary action (#2390)
9057 | - [Menu] Fixed an error when children is only one child (#2402)
9058 | - [Menu] Remove absolute positioning (#2455)
9059 | - [Menu] Fixed issue when passed null children (#2429)
9060 | - [SelectField] Fixed the propagation of underline styles (#2405)
9061 | - [TableRow] Fixed a bug when unselectable rows could still be selected (#2503)
9062 |
9063 | ##### Deprecations
9064 | - The old menu components under the `material-ui/lib/menu` folder (#2443)
9065 | - The `actions` property of `Dialog` accepting a JSON is deprecated (#2483)
9066 | - The `menuItems` of `LeftNav` and all the related properties are now deprecated in favor of composibility (#2507)
9067 |
9068 |
9069 | ## 0.14.0-rc1
9070 | ###### *Dec 4, 2015*
9071 |
9072 | ##### Breaking Changes
9073 | - [IconMenu] removed openDirection prop in favor of anchorOrigin and targetOrigin (#2149)
9074 |
9075 | ##### General
9076 | - Use ES6 import / export syntax over require (#2253, #2333, #2334)
9077 | - Dialog render-to-layer version (#2129)
9078 | - Add declarative props to LeftNav, deprecate methods (#2180, #2351)
9079 | - Add linting to test files (#2273)
9080 | - Support nested menu items using Popover (#2148)
9081 | - [DropdownMenu] add labelMember prop (#2285)
9082 | - Add new ESLint rules (#2293, #2314, #2319, #2348, #2360, #2365, #2366)
9083 | - Add unit tests for Dialog (#2298)
9084 | - [AutoComplete] Support changing searchText via props (#2306)
9085 | - [AutoComplete] dataSource prop is of type array (#2286)
9086 | - [AppBar] add titleStyle prop (#2324)
9087 | - [TimePicker] update as per spec (#2358)
9088 | - [Popover] add useLayerForClickAway prop (#2359)
9089 |
9090 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9091 | - Fix wrong proptype for value in RadioButton (#2276)
9092 | - Make LeftNav swipeable only from far left / right (#2263)
9093 | - [TextField] allow rowsMax prop to equal rows prop (#2312)
9094 | - Fix Invariant Violation error in ClickAwayable mixin (#2296)
9095 | - [DatePicker] fix calendarTextColor context key (#2318)
9096 | - Fix and improve examples (#2344, #2345)
9097 | - [Dropdown][SelectField] change value PropType to React.PropTypes.any (#2352)
9098 | - [CardActions] prevent children styles from being overridden (#2361)
9099 |
9100 | ## 0.13.4
9101 | ###### *Nov 24, 2015*
9102 |
9103 | ##### General
9104 | - Introduced SelectableEnhance HOC to wrap List with valueLink (#1976)
9105 | - Added color prop to LinearProgress and RefreshIndicator (#2206)
9106 | - [AutoComplete] new component! (#2187) (thanks @yongxu)
9107 | - [Table] added wrapperStyle prop to override table wrapper's styles (#2238)
9108 | - Updated SVG icons (#2240)
9109 | - [Table] added props for headerStyle, bodyStyle and footerStyle (#2246)
9110 |
9111 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9112 | - Fixed double ripple due to compat mouse down (#2216)
9113 | - [RenderToLayer] iframe support for clickaway (#2210)
9114 | - [TextField] Fixed floating label element not allowing focus (#2228)
9115 | - [SelectField] onFocus and onBlur handlers passed to underlying TextField component (#2102)
9116 |
9117 | ## 0.13.3
9118 | ###### *Nov 17, 2015*
9119 |
9120 | ##### General
9121 | - [Snackbar] add bodyStyle prop to style child div (#2104)
9122 | - [DatePicker] add container prop to display DatePicker in-line or inside Dialog (#2120 and #2153)
9123 | - [AppBar] add relative positioning for z-index to take effect (#1478)
9124 | - [AppBar] add onTitleTouchTap prop to AppBar (#2125)
9125 | - [Popover] new component! (#2043) (thanks @chrismcv)
9126 | - Split [SelectField] and [TextField] doc pages (#2161)
9127 |
9128 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9129 | - [SelectField] onChange triggered consistently when using value prop (#1610)
9130 | - [Dialog] fix page scrolling behind dialog after resizing (#1946)
9131 | - [DatePicker] fix calendar height (#2141)
9132 | - [TimePicker] allow to set time to null (#2108)
9133 |
9134 | ## 0.13.2
9135 | ###### *Nov 9, 2015*
9136 |
9137 | ##### General
9138 | - Add tabs with slide effect (#1907)
9139 | - Universal rendering support (#2007) (thanks @Cavitt)
9140 | - Add labelPosition prop to buttons (#2014)
9141 | - Add RenderToLayer component (#2042) (thanks @chrismcv)
9142 | - Open state of of dialog now controlled through props (#1996)
9143 | - openImmediately, show(), dismiss() deprecated
9144 | - Update TextField docs (#2070)
9145 | - New Badge component (#2045) (thanks @rhythnic)
9146 | - Add import statements to components' docs pages (#2113)
9147 |
9148 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9149 | - Fix server-side rendering (#2021)
9150 | - Add key to TableHeaderColumn for selectAll (#2030)
9151 | - Fix Circular Progress transition (#2047)
9152 | - Fix Snackbar getting stuck when receiving new props (#2024)
9153 | - iPad enhanced textarea fix (#1720)
9154 | - Table clickAway triggers onRowSelection (#2054)
9155 | - Theme color fixes for Slider and Toggle (#2016)
9156 |
9157 | ## 0.13.1
9158 | ###### *Oct 29, 2015*
9159 |
9160 | ##### General
9161 | - [SVGIcons] added index.js and index-generator script (#1959)
9162 | - [TimePicker] openDialog() function (#1939) and autoOk prop (#1940) added
9163 | - [DatePicker] i18n support added (#1658)
9164 | - [LeftNav] supports nested children (w/o menuItems) (#1982)
9165 | - [Snackbar] updated for new specification (#1668)
9166 | - [Tabs] added tabTemplate prop (#1691)
9167 |
9168 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9169 | - [TextArea] height issue fixed (#1875)
9170 | - [GridList] doc added (#1948) with code examples (#1988)
9171 | - [TextField] fixed custom theme color hiding backgroundColor (#1989)
9172 | - [TimePicker] added style and textFieldStyle props (#1949)
9173 | - [Card] text color is now pulled from theme (#1995)
9174 |
9175 | ## 0.13.0
9176 | ###### *Oct 21, 2015*
9177 |
9178 | ##### Breaking Changes
9179 | - Material-UI for React 0.14.x
9180 |
9181 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9182 | - FloatingActionButton now has iconStyle prop (#1575)
9183 | - Card title and subtitle props can be any node (#1950)
9184 |
9185 | ## 0.12.5
9186 | ###### *Oct 21, 2015*
9187 |
9188 | v0.12.4 should have really been v0.13.0 as it breaks compatibility with React 0.13.3. This version fixes that. We reverted some commits (related to React 0.14.0 support) from v0.12.4 to bring to you v0.12.5 that works as expected.
9189 |
9190 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9191 | - DatePicker performance has been improved (#1905)
9192 | - Docs code now follows ESLint rules more strictly (#1778)
9193 | - Removed duplicate keys in component definitions (#1933)
9194 |
9195 | ## 0.12.4
9196 | ###### *Oct 19, 2015*
9197 |
9198 | **This version is not compatible with React 0.13.x.** If you're on React 0.13.x, use Material-UI v0.12.5 instead.
9199 |
9200 | ##### General
9201 | - React 0.14 compatible
9202 |
9203 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9204 | - ThemeDecorator supports props (#1841)
9205 | - Full RTL support included (#1674)
9206 | - react-draggable dependency removed for Slider (#1825)
9207 |
9208 | ## 0.12.3
9209 | ###### *Oct 7, 2015*
9210 |
9211 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9212 | - Quick-fix version until react 0.14 support is somewhat stable
9213 | - Changed react dependency to ~0.13 in package.json (#1836)
9214 |
9215 | ## 0.12.2
9216 | ###### *Oct 6, 2015*
9217 |
9218 | ##### General
9219 | - NEW GridList component and documentation! Thanks to @igorbt (#1320)
9220 |
9221 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9222 | - Added back canvasColor to theme palette (#1762)
9223 | - Added hintStyle prop to TextField (#1510)
9224 | - Add isScrollbarVisible function to table (#1539)
9225 | - Add rowsMax prop to EnhancedTextarea (#1562)
9226 | - Tab "item three" renamed on docs site (#1775)
9227 | - Fixed docs server to run on Windows (#1774)
9228 | - FlatButton now has a backgroundColor prop (#1561)
9229 | - Fixed DropdownMenu buggy value prop check (#1768)
9230 |
9231 | ## 0.12.1
9232 | ###### *Sep 28, 2015*
9233 |
9234 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9235 | - Fix broken documentation site
9236 | - Fix theme display switch problem in doc (#1696)
9237 | - Fix typo in src/card-expandable.jsx (#1724)
9238 | - Fix broken link to v0.12.0 release tag
9239 | - Use correct require calls
9240 | - for react addons (#1729)
9241 | - for raw themes (#1742)
9242 | - Remove hard-coded color values from theme-manager
9243 | - Use consistent values from raw theme (#1746)
9244 |
9245 | ## 0.12.0
9246 | ###### *Sep 25, 2015*
9247 |
9248 | ##### Breaking Changes
9249 | - Theming has been re-done so that material-ui components can be used without having to worry about passing a theme (all components implement a default theme) (#1662)
9250 | - There's now a concept of `mui theme` and `raw theme`, `mui theme` is produced from `raw theme`
9251 | - `ThemeManager` has been changed, no longer needs `new` in call
9252 | - `ThemeManager` produces `mui theme` from `raw theme`. Raw themes may be user-defined.
9253 | - Functions in `ThemeManager` allow to modify theme variables. Component-level styles may be overriden in the `mui theme`.
9254 | - See new documentation [here](http://material-ui.com/#/customization/themes)
9255 | - Function names in the context-pure mixin have been changed (#1711)
9256 | - `getContextProps()` has been changed to `getRelevantContextKeys()`
9257 |
9258 | ##### General
9259 | - Updated dependency of `react-tap-event-plugin` (#1714)
9260 |
9261 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9262 | - Dialog component (#1717)
9263 | - `actions` now has `id` property
9264 | - Fixed a bug in dialog where a faulty check caused an error in console
9265 | - Text field ipad scrolling in dialog
9266 |
9267 | ## 0.11.1
9268 | ###### *Sep 15, 2015*
9269 |
9270 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9271 | - DatePicker - Updated to new design specs (#1266)
9272 | - LeftNav - Fix sidebar position for browsers that don't support transform3d (#1269)
9273 | - TextField - Added props to override underlineStyle when disabled (#1493)
9274 |
9275 | ## 0.11.0
9276 | ###### *Aug 24, 2015*
9277 |
9278 | ##### Breaking Changes
9279 | - The Table component is now composable. (#1199)
9280 | - JSON objects to create the table and the table component will no longer generate the table for you.
9281 | The docs site provides a complete example of how a table might look: http://material-ui.com/#/components/table.
9282 | The example also includes a 'super header' and 'super footer' row.
9283 | - **Upgrade Path:** Instead of passing in the raw JSON data, you'll need to generate the appropriate
9284 | TableHeader/TableRow/TableHeaderColumn components and pass them in as children. The same should be applied
9285 | to the rowData and the footer.
9286 | - Tabs can now be controlled. In order to make this work we had to change the parameters being passed back to
9287 | the `onChange` event to: `onChange(value, e, tab)`. Where value is the value of the tab that it was changed
9288 | to, e is the event, and tab is the actual tab component. (#1232, #1235)
9289 | - Added a new `static` flag to the ThemeManager that defaults to `true`. If you're mutating your theme variables
9290 | after the app initializes, set this flag to `false`. This will allow us to perform some optimizations to
9291 | components that require theme variables. (#1397)
9292 | - ListItem (#1438, #1105)
9293 | - Nested list items should no longer be passed in as children. Use the `nestedItems` prop instead.
9294 | - The `open` prop has been renamed to `initiallyOpen`.
9295 | - Removed classable mixin
9296 | - This mixin was no longer used in the library. Removing it allowed us to get rid of the `classnames`
9297 | dependency. If you were using this mixin in your own projects, you'll need to pull the source and manually
9298 | include it.
9299 |
9300 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9301 | - Buttons - Fixed a bug that caused buttons to not gain keyboard focus in some cases (#1485, #1453, #1458)
9302 | - Card
9303 | - Properly merge `CardAction` and `CardExpandable` styles. (#1376)
9304 | - Added Right-To-Left support to `CardExpandable`. To use this, set `isRtl` to `true` in the theme. (#1408)
9305 | - DatePicker - Fixed an error that occurred when using valueLink (#1400)
9306 | - DropDownMenu - Added `disabled` prop (#1406)
9307 | - FlatButton - Added `labelPosition` prop. (#1286)
9308 | - InkBar - Added color prop and inkBar.backgroundColor to theme variables. (#1244)
9309 | - Ripple
9310 | - Fixed display glitch on Safari (#1420)
9311 | - Fixed an error when ripples were unMounted (#1416)
9312 | - SelectField
9313 | - Added `floatingLabelStyle` prop (#1463 #1450)
9314 | - Slider
9315 | - Fixed a bug when setting the width attr (#1368)
9316 | - Fixed a bug with disabled sliders (#1417)
9317 | - Fixed a focus style glitch and other style problems (#1448, #1451, #1468)
9318 | - Snackbar - Added onShow and onDismiss (#1390)
9319 | - Table - Ensure that the table component properly keeps track of selected rows (#1325)
9320 | - TextField
9321 | - Added `underlineFocusStyle` prop (#1422, #1419)
9322 | - `hintText` can now be a `string` or `element` (#1424, #1202)
9323 | - TimePicker
9324 | - Fixed a bug that caused the am/pm selector to switch (#1440)
9325 | - Fixed a bug that caused defaultTime to not be set (#1466)
9326 | - Tooltip - Probably center tooltips when tooltip text changes (#1205)
9327 | - Theme - Added `setContentFontFamily` (#1405)
9328 |
9329 | ## 0.10.4
9330 | ###### *Aug 8, 2015*
9331 |
9332 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9333 | - TouchRipple - Fixed a bug that caused onClick to not fire on the first click (#1370)
9334 |
9335 | ## 0.10.3
9336 | ###### *Aug 8, 2015*
9337 |
9338 | ##### General
9339 | - We've set up the project to perform automated tests - now we just need to increase our test coverage. :) (#1331)
9340 | - The style auto-prefixer now caches browser test results so that it only has to perform them once.
9341 |
9342 | ##### New Components
9343 | - RefreshIndicator (#1312)
9344 |
9345 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9346 | - AppBar - showMenuIconButton now only affects the icon next to the title (#1295, #1182)
9347 | - CardMedia - CardMedia children styles are now being properly merged (#1306)
9348 | - Dialog - fixed a bug that caused the dialog height to be incorrect on window resize (#1305)
9349 | - FloatingActionButton - Added backgroundColor and disabledColor props (#1329)
9350 | - FocusRipples now only get rendered when needed.
9351 | - IconMenu - Added isOpen() (#1288)
9352 | - LeftNav
9353 | - Added menuItemClassName, menuItemClassNameSubheader, menuItemClassNameLink props (#1318)
9354 | - Fixed a display problem that cuased icons to not be the correct color (#1324)
9355 | - ListItem - fixed incorrect styling on disabled list items (#1350)
9356 | - SelectField
9357 | - Fixed a bug that happened when select field was controlled and the value was undefined (#1227)
9358 | - Fixed error text positioning (#1341, #1111)
9359 | - Added errorStyle prop (#1341)
9360 | - Snackbar - Clickaway is now properly bound when openOnMount is true (#1327)
9361 | - Tabs - Added contentContainerClassName prop (#1285)
9362 | - TextField - Added underlineStyle prop (#1343)
9363 | - TimePicker - Added pedantic prop (#1275, #1173)
9364 |
9365 | ## 0.10.2
9366 | ###### *Jul 29, 2015*
9367 |
9368 | ##### Breaking Changes (Missed in the original release notes.)
9369 | - Changed `date-picker/index.js` to expose DatePicker and DatePickerDialog.
9370 | Hence `require('material-ui/lib/date-picker')` no longer works. Use
9371 | `require('material-ui/lib/date-picker/date-picker')` instead.
9372 |
9373 | ##### General
9374 | - Replaced onMouseOver / onMouseOut with onMouseEnter / onMouseLeave to achieve hover affects.
9375 | This prevented extra unnecessary renders from happening. (#1190)
9376 | - All svg icons inside the /svg-icons folder now uses the PureRenderMixin.
9377 |
9378 | ##### Icon Builder
9379 | - Added tests, build process, file template, and file suffix (#1130, #1127, #1126, #1125, #1139)
9380 |
9381 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9382 | - AppBar - Fixed a styling bug in Safari (#1226)
9383 | - Cards can now expand and collapse (#1060)
9384 | - DatePicker
9385 | - Allow using DatePicker as a controlled input (#1170)
9386 | - Added valueLink support and openDialog() (#1213)
9387 | - Fixed a bug that caused dates to get selected when switching months (#1243)
9388 | - Avoid handling keyboard events when calendar is not active (#1245)
9389 | - Fixed display glitch on Firefox (#1242, #1248)
9390 | - Dialog
9391 | - Hitting the ESC key no longer closes the window if modal is set to true (#1187, #1162)
9392 | - The onShow event now called after all contents in the dialog have been rendered. (#1198)
9393 | - DropDownMenu - Clicking away no longer triggers other click events to happen (#1177, #1174)
9394 | - FocusRipples now only render when actually shown.
9395 | - IconMenu
9396 | - Fixed a bug that caused a scrollable menu to jump after selecting an item.
9397 | - Fixed keyboard focus when user hits ESC.
9398 | - LeftNav
9399 | - Added some Perf improvements (#1184)
9400 | - Fixed a bug that caused onNavOpen to sometimes not fire (#1225)
9401 | - Added disableSwipeToOpen prop (#1279)
9402 | - Menu
9403 | - Performance improvements when opening a menu.
9404 | - Added animated prop.
9405 | - RaisedButton - Fixed a bug that caused rounded corners not to round (#1048)
9406 | - SelectField - Now passes the index and payload back in the onChange callback (#1193, #1194)
9407 | - Slider - Fixed a bug that caused value to not be set correctly (#1251)
9408 | - Snackbar - Extra props are now being passed down to the root (#1260)
9409 | - SvgIcon - Added code to remove some unnecessary renders on hover.
9410 | - Toolbar - Fixed display glitch on Firefox (#839, #1248)
9411 |
9412 | ## 0.10.1
9413 | ###### *Jul 13, 2015*
9414 |
9415 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9416 | - CircularProgress - Fixed animation bug in Safari (#1093, #863)
9417 | - Dialog
9418 | - `contentClassName` is now being passed down to the appropriate child (#1122)
9419 | - Fixed max height on vertically scrollable dialogs (#1153, #1100)
9420 | - DropDownMenu
9421 | - Fixed display height (#1123)
9422 | - Fixed display height when menu items change (#1145)
9423 | - IconMenu - Added `closeOnItemTouchTap` prop (#1156)
9424 | - LeftNav - Performance improvements during show/hide (#1137)
9425 | - SelectField - `errorText` is now being passed down to underlying `textField` (#1131)
9426 | - Table - Added static width to checkbox columns (#1128)
9427 | - Tabs - Added `inkBarStyle` prop (#1154)
9428 | - TextField - `errorStyle` prop is now being properly merged (#1116)
9429 |
9430 | ## 0.10.0
9431 | ###### *Jul 9, 2015*
9432 |
9433 | ##### Breaking Changes
9434 | - Removed `input.jsx` file. This component was deprecated long ago, but was never removed from the project.
9435 | - Buttons now default to a type of `button` instead of the browser's default of `submit`. We found that
9436 | most of the buttons in our apps were not submit buttons and it was more intuitive to default to `button`.
9437 | If you need a submit button, be sure to pass in a type of `submit`. (#1017)
9438 | - The `DialogWindow` component was refactored into `Dialog`. `DialogWindow` was never documented and was just
9439 | a lower level component that was used by `Dialog`. It was, however, exposed on the main `index.js` and has
9440 | since been removed. If you were using `DialogWindow` before, you should be able to safely use
9441 | `Dialog` instead.
9442 |
9443 | ##### New Components
9444 | - SvgIcons & Icon Builder
9445 | - We've created SvgIcon versions of all the
9446 | [material-design-icons](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons). These SvgIcon
9447 | components can be found in the `/lib/svg-icons` directory and were not added to the main `index.js`
9448 | file. To use these icons, require them directly: `require('material-ui/lib/svg-icons/action/face')`.
9449 | These icons were created using a script that crawls the icon repo and generates the
9450 | appropriate `js` and `jsx` files and can be found in the `/icon-builder` directory.
9451 | - Menu, MenuItem, MenuDivider
9452 | - This is a new implementation of menus and menu items. With it comes:
9453 | - better composability
9454 | - scrollable menus
9455 | - better transitions
9456 | - better keyboard access
9457 | - selectable with value and valueLink
9458 | - We're working on migrating some of our other components to use this new implementation. Until that's
9459 | thats done, require these components directly if you'd like to use them:
9460 | `require('material-ui/lib/menus/menu')`.
9461 | - IconMenu
9462 | - This component replaces `DropDownIcon` and has all of the new menu features mentioned above.
9463 |
9464 | #### Component Fixes / Enhancements
9465 | - AppBar
9466 | - IconButton styles are now being properly merged (#967)
9467 | - FlatButtons are now being properly styled (#967)
9468 | - AppCanvas - AppBar child styles can now be overridable (#903)
9469 | - Avatar - Added `size` prop (#945)
9470 | - CardMedia - Styles are now being properly merged using the `mediaStyle` prop (#1004)
9471 | - CircularProgress - Added `color` and `innerStyle` prop (#928)
9472 | - DatePicker
9473 | - Prevent root styles from propagating to child input (#991)
9474 | - Fixed DatePicker year/month navigation buttons (#1081, #1075)
9475 | - Dialog
9476 | - Window scrolling is now enabled on unmount as well (#946)
9477 | - Allow dialog window to scroll for long content (#1045, #525)
9478 | - Drastically improved dialog performance (#1059)
9479 | - Dialogs now honor modal property. (#1092)
9480 | - Fixed vertical centering on smaller screen sizes (#1095)
9481 | - FloatingActionButton - Now accepts `FontIcon` and `SvgIcon` as children (#967, #894)
9482 | - FontIcon - Now supports `material-icon` ligatures (#952, #1007)
9483 | - IconButton
9484 | - Added `tooltipPosition` prop (#921)
9485 | - Added `tooltipStyles` prop (#1010, #1005)
9486 | - Pass iconStyle props to every children (#967)
9487 | - Now supports `material-icon` ligatures (#1024, #1013)
9488 | - LeftNav - Fixed swipe gesture to open / close (#868, #848, #998, #997)
9489 | - List - Added `zDepth` prop.
9490 | - ListItem
9491 | - Fixed display glitch on touch devices (#858)
9492 | - List items can now be keyboard focused
9493 | - Allow drop downs to be displayed inside a list item (#978)
9494 | - Fixed a bug that caused rightIconButton events to not propagate (#1055)
9495 | - List Items can now be nested (#918)
9496 | - Added `primaryText` prop (#1073)
9497 | - Menu
9498 | - Fixed a bug that caused closed menu to be selectable (#913)
9499 | - Fixed menu height and width when menu items change (#1012, #805, #1014)
9500 | - Subheader styles are now being properly merged (#950)
9501 | - MenuItems now properly renders icons (#956)
9502 | - Overlay
9503 | - Added to main `index.js` (#955)
9504 | - Fix issue where Overlay can prevent the body from scrolling (#1058, #897)
9505 | - RaisedButton
9506 | - Fixed a display glitch when changing the button's height (#937, #765)
9507 | - Added `backgroundColor`, `labelColor`, `disabledBackgroundColor`, `disabledLabelColor` props (#965)
9508 | - Added `fullWidth` prop (#989)
9509 | - SelectField
9510 | - Fixed menu and error text display glitches (#922)
9511 | - Added hint text functionality (#966)
9512 | - Fixed display problem when `floatingLabelText` is set (#976)
9513 | - Fixed font size (#1027)
9514 | - Slider
9515 | - `className` can now be set (#938, #713)
9516 | - Added min/max prop validation (#1070, #899)
9517 | - Snackbar
9518 | - Root styles are not being merged properly (#925)
9519 | - Added `autoHideDuration` prop (#1050, #958)
9520 | - Clicking slider track advances the slider knob. (#1089, #1074)
9521 | - Table
9522 | - Fixed `displayRowCheckbox` prop (#935)
9523 | - Table rows can be selected in the rowData configuration (#1023)
9524 | - Removed duplicate table calls and support multiple tables (#954, #1087, #1084)
9525 | - Tab - Added `contentContainerStyle` prop (#953)
9526 | - Tabs - Fixed a bug that caused inkbar to not display properly (#1015, #940)
9527 | - TextField
9528 | - Fix error when setting the value of the textfield `input`. (#959)
9529 | - Style fixes for floating label (#980)
9530 | - Fixed display glitch for long hint text and error text (#987, #438, #439)
9531 | - Fixed display problem when value is 0 (#1090)
9532 | - Added `errorStyle` prop (#1079)
9533 | - TimePicker - Fixed key warnings (#1018)
9534 | - Toolbar
9535 | - Fixed display glitch with DropDownIcons (#917, #904)
9536 | - Styles are now being properly merged for `DropDownMenu`, `DropDownIcon`, `RaisedButton`, `FontIcon` (#965)
9537 |
9538 | ## 0.9.2
9539 | ###### *Jun 20, 2015*
9540 |
9541 | ##### New Components
9542 | - SelectField (#846)
9543 | - Card, CardActions, CardHeader, CardMedia, CardText, CardTitle (#857)
9544 | - Table (#890)
9545 |
9546 | ##### Components
9547 | - AppBar - Long AppBar titles now render ellipses (#875)
9548 | - Buttons
9549 | - Added containerElement prop (#850)
9550 | - Fixed styling for disabled link buttons
9551 | - DropDownMenu - Added keyboard functionality (#846)
9552 | - FontIcon - Added color and hoverColor props
9553 | - ListItem
9554 | - Fixed display problem with Single line checkboxes (#854)
9555 | - Added rightIconButton prop
9556 | - Slider - Added step functionality (#860)
9557 | - Switches - Added labelStyle prop (#871)
9558 | - SvgIcon - Added color and hoverColor props
9559 | - TextField - Made element styles overridable (#864)
9560 | - TimePicker
9561 | - Fixed clock functionality for various browsers (#840)
9562 | - Fixed clock numbers positioning for Safari (#870)
9563 | - Fixed clock handles on Android Chrome (#873)
9564 | - Toggle
9565 | - Made element styles overridable (#855)
9566 | - Fixed style bug on IE 10, 11 (#885)
9567 | - Toolbar - Fixed error when a child element is null (#847)
9568 |
9569 | ##### Theming
9570 | - Theme spacing can now be overriden (#879)
9571 |
9572 | ## 0.9.1
9573 | ###### *Jun 14, 2015*
9574 |
9575 | ##### General
9576 | The following components have been modified to allow for style overrides:
9577 | Radio Button Group, Radio Button, Enhanced Switch Label, Text Field, Toggle, Checkbox (#807)
9578 |
9579 | ##### New Components
9580 | - List, ListItem, ListDivider, Avatar (#836)
9581 |
9582 | ##### Components
9583 | - Checkbox - Added checkedIcon and unCheckedIcon props. This is useful to create icon toggles.
9584 | - Dialog - Fixed a bug with the open immediately flag (#810)
9585 | - DropDownIcon - Added support for icon ligature (#806)
9586 | - Menu - Fixed a style problem (#843)
9587 | - RadioButtonGroup - Fixed a bug with mapping Radio children (#820)
9588 | - Slider - Fixed a glitch that happened when click on the slider handle (#833)
9589 | - TextField - Added fullWidth prop (#827)
9590 | - TimePicker
9591 | - Fixed a bug with the defaultTime setting (#822)
9592 | - Fixed clock handles on Firefox (#825)
9593 |
9594 | ## 0.9.0
9595 | ###### *Jun 9, 2015*
9596 |
9597 | ##### Breaking
9598 | We've cleaned up some of our click/tap events. (#771) Upgrade should be straight forward, please see below:
9599 | - DropDownIcon - closeOnMenuItemClick has been replaced with closeOnMenuItemTouchTap.
9600 | - Menu - onItemClick has been removed; use onItemTap instead.
9601 | - MenuItem - onClick event has been removed; use onTouchTap instead.
9602 |
9603 | ##### General
9604 | - ClickAwayable is now bound to onTouchTap instead of onClick (#766)
9605 |
9606 | ##### Components
9607 | - AppBar will now render its children (#725)
9608 | - DatePicker will now properly handle defaultDate prop changes (#722)
9609 | - Dialog actions now respond to onTouchTap (#752)
9610 | - LeftNav
9611 | - Fixed line height style bug (#742)
9612 | - Fixed a bug that caused the LeftNav to immediately close on iOS full screen mode (#751, #366)
9613 | - Menu
9614 | - Will now adjust its height when props change (#544, #203)
9615 | - MenuItemStyle prop is now passed down to nested menus (#802)
9616 | - RadioButtonGroup can now have its styles overridden (#768)
9617 | - RaisedButtons - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect transitions (#731, #702)
9618 | - SvgIcon - ViewBox can now be passed in as a prop (#747)
9619 | - Tabs - Components inside tabs now keep their state when switching between tabs (#700, #450)
9620 | - TextField
9621 | - Multi-line text fields can now be initialized with a certain number of rows (#693)
9622 | - Fixed style bug that caused width to not be set on disabled text-fields
9623 | - Fixed style bug that caused focus underline to be black
9624 | - Fixed style problem that caused text to jump on multi-line inputs
9625 | - Theme (New)
9626 | - This is a high order component that can be used to set your theme overrides (#797)
9627 |
9628 | ## 0.8.0
9629 | ###### *May 24, 2015*
9630 |
9631 | ##### Breaking Changes
9632 | - Refactored all CSS into Javascript (#30, #316)
9633 | - All Material-UI components now have their styles defined inline. This solves
9634 | many problems with CSS as mentions in [@vjeux's presentation](https://speakerdeck.com/vjeux/react-css-in-js)
9635 | such as polluting the global namespace with classes that really should be
9636 | component specific. In addition to the benefits mentioned in the
9637 | presentation, inline styles allow Material-UI to become CSS preprocessor
9638 | agnostic and make Themeing much more dynamic and simple.
9639 | [Read our CSS in JS discussion](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/30)
9640 | - Upgrade path:
9641 | - *If you are overriding component CSS classes:* Redefine your overrides as
9642 | an object following [React's inline styles format](https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/inline-styles.html),
9643 | then pass it into the material-ui component via the `style` prop. These
9644 | changes are applied to the root element of the component. If you are
9645 | overriding a nested element of the component, check the component's
9646 | documentation and see if there is a style prop available for that nested
9647 | element. If a style prop does not exist for the component's nested element
9648 | that you are trying to override, [submit an issue](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/new)
9649 | requesting to have it added.
9650 | - *If you are using any of Material-UI's Less files:* These files have been
9651 | refactored into their [own javascript files](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/css-in-js/src/styles)
9652 | and can be accessed like so `var FILENAME = require('material-ui').Styles.FILENAME;`.
9653 | Material-UI has moved away from being a CSS Framework to being simply a
9654 | set of React components.
9655 | - Paper component no longer generates nested divs (#601)
9656 | - This allowed us to simplify styling of paper containers. As a result, styling the inner div is no longer necessary.
9657 |
9658 | ##### General
9659 | - Themes have been added (#202)
9660 | - Requiring individual components is now supported (#363)
9661 | - An example would be: `var SvgIcon = require('material-ui/lib/svg-icon);`
9662 | - The `/lib` folder in Material-UI contains the file structure needed when referencing individual components.
9663 |
9664 | ##### Components
9665 | - Date Picker
9666 | - Added AutoOK Prop (#658)
9667 | - Added ability to specify min and max dates (#658)
9668 | - Added Year Selector (#658)
9669 | - Dialog now repositions on screen resize (#597)
9670 | - Left Nav will now close with a swipe gesture (#614)
9671 | - Linear and Circular Progress Indicators - NEW (#632)
9672 | - TimePicker - NEW (#589)
9673 |
9674 | ## 0.7.5
9675 | ###### *Apr 27, 2015*
9676 |
9677 | ###### General
9678 | - Removed deprecation warnings by replacing `this.getDOMNode()` with `React.findDOMNode()` (#558)
9679 | - Replaced `process.NODE_ENV` with `process.env.NODE_ENV` (#573)
9680 |
9681 | ##### Components
9682 | - DropDownMenu
9683 | - Fixed `props is not defined` error when `onChange` is invoked (#556)
9684 | - Floating Action Button
9685 | - Fixed alignment bug on Chrome when using FAB as a link (#574)
9686 |
9687 | ## 0.7.4
9688 | ###### *Apr 21, 2015*
9689 |
9690 | ##### General
9691 | - Updated to react v0.13
9692 |
9693 | ##### Components
9694 | - AppBar
9695 | - Fixed IE toString.Call() issue (#518, #468)
9696 | - Buttons
9697 | - Button events now do not fire on disabled buttons (#512)
9698 | - Fixed rapid keyboard tabbing issue (#528)
9699 | - DatePicker
9700 | - Added autoOk, minDate, and maxDate props (#538)
9701 | - Dialog
9702 | - Fixed IE toString.Call() issue (#518, #468)
9703 | - Added modal prop (#523)
9704 | - Fixed warnings caused by overwriting props (#500)
9705 | - Added ability to give an action button autofocus (#552)
9706 | - DropDownMenu
9707 | - Handle selectIndex less than 0 (#480)
9708 | - Fixed issue of using this component outside strict mode (#533)
9709 | - LeftNav
9710 | - Added onNavOpen & onNavClose events (#495)
9711 | - Switches
9712 | - Fixed errors on disabled switches on mobile (#476)
9713 |
9714 | ## 0.7.3
9715 | ###### *Apr 1, 2015*
9716 |
9717 | ##### General
9718 | - Updated mui to use peer dependency changes (#471)
9719 | - Replaced `DOMIdable` with `UniqueId` (#490)
9720 |
9721 | ##### Components
9722 | - Dialog
9723 | - Changed `title` prop to accept node types instead of just strings (#474)
9724 | - Link Menu Item
9725 | - Fixed anchor attribute name (#493)
9726 | - Menu
9727 | - Nested menus expand when hovered (#475)
9728 |
9729 | ## 0.7.2
9730 | ###### *Mar 25, 2015*
9731 |
9732 | ##### General
9733 | - Updated react-draggable2 dependency (#391)
9734 | - Updated react and peer dependecies to React v0.13 (#452)
9735 |
9736 | ##### Components
9737 | - Date Picker
9738 | - Added `onShow` and `onDismiss` props (#399)
9739 | - Dialog
9740 | - Fixed scrolling issue when opened immediately (#406)
9741 | - `onShow` is now called when opened immediately (#453)
9742 | - Flat Button
9743 | - Disabled primary buttons use disabled styling over primary (#432)
9744 | - Floating Action Button
9745 | - Fixed zdepth to update when `disabled` prop changes (#390)
9746 | - Disabled secondary buttons use disabled styling over secondary (#432)
9747 | - Left Nav
9748 | - Scrolling is prevented when displayed (#406)
9749 | - Menu
9750 | - Menu and menu-related components have been moved into `js/menu/*` (#402)
9751 | - Added LinkMenuItem component (#402)
9752 | - Menu Item
9753 | - Added `disable` prop (#402)
9754 | - Overlay
9755 | - Now control scroll un/locking. (#406)
9756 | - Paper
9757 | - Added `innerStyle` prop (#418)
9758 | - Raised Button
9759 | - Disabled primary buttons use disabled styling over primary (#432)
9760 | - Tabs
9761 | - Added `initialSelectedIndex` prop (#389)
9762 |
9763 | ## 0.7.1
9764 | ###### *Mar 4, 2015*
9765 |
9766 | ##### General
9767 | - Allow removal of debug code in production builds (#349)
9768 |
9769 | ##### Components
9770 | - AppBar
9771 | - Fixed a styling bug that caused icons not to show (#336)
9772 | - Title prop can now be an element (#361)
9773 | - Added iconClassNameLeft, iconElementLeft, iconElementRight props (#367)
9774 | - Date Picker
9775 | - Fixed a bug that caused the date picker dialog window to ghost on small screen widths (#342)
9776 | - Dialog Window
9777 | - Window no longer loses scroll position after opening a dialog window. (#386)
9778 | - DropDown Icon
9779 | - Added closeOnMenuItemClick prop (#376)
9780 | - Flat Buttons
9781 | - Fixed a styling bug with touch ripples.
9782 | - Icon Buttons
9783 | - Fixed a styling bug with touch ripples. (#341)
9784 | - Menu Item
9785 | - Link targets can now be set on menu items. (#350)
9786 | - Slider
9787 | - Fixed percentage calculation in getInitialState (#382)
9788 | - Tabs
9789 | - The onChange event now passed in the tabIndex, and tab to the callBack (#384)
9790 | - Text Field
9791 | - Added onEnterKeyDown prop. (#328)
9792 | - Fixed a bug with setting multiLine values (#356, #357)
9793 |
9794 | ## 0.7.0
9795 | ###### *Feb. 13, 2015*
9796 |
9797 | ##### Breaking Changes
9798 | - Removed Icon component - Replaced with FontIcon and SvgIcon (#318, #125, #148)
9799 | - The main motivation here is to give developers more control over which font icons to include
9800 | in their project. Instead of automatically including all material design icons in material-ui,
9801 | developers can now create their own custom icon font file and just pass the icon className into
9802 | the FontIcon component. [Read more about FontIcons](http://www.material-ui.com/#/components/icons).
9803 | - Upgrade path:
9804 | - If you were using the Icon component before, you'll need switch to either using FontIcon or SvgIcon.
9805 | For FontIcon, create a custom font file and include it in your project and just pass the Icon
9806 | className into the FontIcon component. For SvgIcon, create a new React component that represents
9807 | that particular icon. This will allow you to package your icons inside your js files. Examples
9808 | can be found [here](https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/master/src/js/svg-icons).
9809 | - Additionally, all components that had an icon prop now take an iconClassName prop instead. These
9810 | include FloatingActionButton, IconButton, Menu, MenuItem, and DropDownIcon.
9811 |
9812 | ##### General
9813 | - All jsx files are now being compiled before publishing to npm. (#179, #215)
9814 |
9815 | ##### Components
9816 | - Buttons
9817 | - Fixed a bug that cause onClick to not fire in Safari (#307)
9818 | - You can now pass down children into all buttons. This allows you to add icons to flat and raised buttons
9819 | or to add a file input element. (#323, #189)
9820 | - Menu Item
9821 | - Fixed toggle display bug (#298)
9822 | - Toggle props can now be passed in (#299)
9823 | - Slider
9824 | - Removed inline style @import (#218)
9825 | - Switches
9826 | - Switches now support focusability and can be focused/changed via keyboard inputs. (#292)
9827 | - Added focus and touch ripple animations.
9828 | - All switches use the labelPosition prop (as opposed to labelPositionRight), including RadioButtonGroup.
9829 | - Added innerClassName prop. (#309)
9830 | - Tabs
9831 | - Fixes width transition for ink bar (#280)
9832 | - Text Field
9833 | - Fixed a bug with using valueLink with a multiline Text Field (#311)
9834 | - Fixed a bug with multiline defaultValues in a multiline Text Field (#296)
9835 |
9836 | ## 0.6.1
9837 | ###### *Jan. 26, 2015*
9838 |
9839 | ##### Fixes
9840 | - Checkbox & Toggle
9841 | - Fixed a bug that caused checkboxes and toggles to not uncheck.
9842 |
9843 | ## 0.6.0
9844 | ###### *Jan. 26, 2015*
9845 |
9846 | ##### General
9847 | - Fixed dependencies to prevent multiple versions of React getting loaded on the docs site (#194)
9848 |
9849 | ##### Deprecated
9850 | - Input - Please use TextField instead.
9851 |
9852 | ##### New
9853 | - Radio Button Group
9854 | - This component was created to make it easier to work with groups of radio buttons (#151)
9855 | - Tabs
9856 | - Added new Tabs component.
9857 | - TextField
9858 | - This component replaces Input. It extends the native input element and will support all of
9859 | its props and events. It also supports valueLink and can be controlled or uncontrolled.
9860 | - MultiLine text fields now grow and shrink as the user inputs data.
9861 | - Allow for both floating labels and hint text in the same input.
9862 | - Floating labels now generate a label element.
9863 |
9864 | ##### Fixes
9865 | - AppBar
9866 | - Added icon prop. (#250)
9867 | - Checkbox
9868 | - Checkbox styling now matches material design specs
9869 | - This component has been revamped and can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
9870 | - Date Picker
9871 | - Fixed a bug with getDate() (#196)
9872 | - Added onChange prop (#198)
9873 | - Dialog
9874 | - Actions can now be passed in as an array of react elements. (#241)
9875 | - Menu Item
9876 | - Menu Items now respond to onTouchTap
9877 | - Radio Button
9878 | - Radio Button styling now matches material design specs
9879 | - This component has been revamped and can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
9880 | - Slider
9881 | - Fixed a css bug with slider handles (#225)
9882 | - Added onDragStart and onDragStop props (#217)
9883 | - Snackbar
9884 | - Fixed Ghost hidden snackbar (#235)
9885 | - Toggle
9886 | - This component now extends a native input checkbox.
9887 | - It can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
9888 | - Toolbar
9889 | - Fixed FlatButton positioning inside toolbar (#224)
9890 |
9891 | ## 0.5.0
9892 | ###### *Jan. 3, 2015*
9893 |
9894 | ##### Breaking Changes
9895 | - Removed lesshat dependency. Be sure to change your build process to include an
9896 | [autoprefixer](https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-autoprefixer).
9897 |
9898 | ##### Components
9899 | - Buttons
9900 | - Ripple animations are much faster now. The animation starts onMouseDown or onTouchStart
9901 | and completes onMouseUp or onTouchEnd. Now we can spam buttons all day long. :)
9902 | - Spacebar key up triggers button clicks. (#155)
9903 | - Slider
9904 | - Changed slider cursor (#187)
9905 | - Snackbar **(New)**
9906 | - Added a snackbar component.
9907 |
9908 | ## 0.4.1
9909 | ###### *Dec. 25, 2014*
9910 |
9911 | ##### General
9912 | - Updated to react 0.12.2; browserify 7.0.3
9913 | - Fixed ripple animation on Firefox (#129)
9914 | - Updated red, green, and blue color variables to match specs (#177)
9915 |
9916 | ##### Components
9917 | - Buttons
9918 | - Added secondary button colors
9919 | - Removed underline styles on link buttons (#172)
9920 | - Date Picker **(New)**
9921 | - Added new date picker component.
9922 | - Dialog version is implemented, inline version to follow in upcoming release.
9923 | - Has both portrait and landscape modes.
9924 | - Keyboard support: arrow keys advance dates, shift+arrow advances month.
9925 | - Dialog
9926 | - Dialog actions now generate buttons with secondary colors.
9927 | - Added contentClassName prop. This is used to style the actual dialog window.
9928 | For example, setting its width.
9929 | - Dialog contents no longer are removed from the DOM when the dialog is dismissed.
9930 | - Disabled scrolling when the dialog window is open.
9931 | - Input
9932 | - Added disabled input styles (#140)
9933 | - Added blur() method
9934 | - Added support for email input type (#170)
9935 | - Fix textarea placeholder focus exception (#170)
9936 | - Added mui-is-not-empty class when the input isn't empty (#170)
9937 | - Slider
9938 | - Trigger onChange when clicking on slider (#153)
9939 |
9940 | ## 0.4.0
9941 | ###### *Dec. 15, 2014*
9942 |
9943 | ##### Breaking Changes
9944 | - Removed PaperButton - Use FlatButton, RaisedButton, or FloatingActionButton
9945 | - Removed Roboto font import (#104) - Be sure to [include the Roboto](http://www.google.com/fonts#UsePlace:use/Collection:Roboto:400,300,500) font in your project.
9946 |
9947 | ##### General
9948 | - Added react-draggable2 dependency
9949 |
9950 | ##### Components
9951 | - Buttons
9952 | - Added linkButton functionality (#130)
9953 | - Icon Buttons
9954 | - Added tooltip functionality
9955 | - Input
9956 | - Added method to set focus
9957 | - Left Nav
9958 | - Added method to open left nav panel
9959 | - Radio Button
9960 | - Added defaultChecked prop
9961 | - Slider (New)
9962 | - Added slider component
9963 | - Toggle
9964 | - Updated styles to match material design specs
9965 |
9966 | ## 0.3.3
9967 | ###### *Dec. 7, 2014*
9968 |
9969 | ##### General
9970 | - Added a basic example project in /example
9971 |
9972 | ##### Components
9973 | - Dialog
9974 | - Actions are now real buttons
9975 | - Added transitions
9976 | - Prefixed classNames with mui
9977 | - Cleaned up styles
9978 | - Input
9979 | - Fixed a bug that caused placeholder to not show on focus (#112)
9980 | - Placeholders can now be displayed in-line by setting inlinePlaceholder to true.
9981 | - The initial number of rows can now be set with the rows prop.
9982 | - Toggle
9983 | - Fixed alignment issue (#118)
9984 | - The inital state of the toggle can now be set with the toggled prop.
9985 |
9986 | ## 0.3.2
9987 | ###### *Nov. 30, 2014*
9988 |
9989 | ##### General
9990 | - Upgraded dependencies: react 0.12.1, browserify 6.3.3, reactify: 0.17.1
9991 |
9992 | ##### Components
9993 | - Dialog
9994 | - Added key prop to dialog actions. (#99)
9995 | - Added onDismiss event callback. (#86)
9996 | - Dialog is now positioned onMound and onUpdate (#85)
9997 | - Fixed a bug that cuased dialog to not be vertically centered on long pages
9998 | - Dropdown Menu
9999 | - Added autoWidth prop (#89)
10000 | - Menu
10001 | - Added autoWidth prop
10002 | - Nested Menu
10003 | - Fixed bug that caused some nesteed menus to not show. (#88)
10004 | - Paper
10005 | - Updated to use spread operator
10006 | - Radio Button
10007 | - Fixed radio button label styles. (#94)
10008 | - Ripple
10009 | - Account for page scrolling on ripple animation. (#93)
10010 |
10011 | ## 0.3.1
10012 | ###### *Nov. 28, 2014*
10013 |
10014 | ##### General
10015 | - Removed browserify react addons alias. (#68)
10016 |
10017 | ##### Components
10018 | - FlatButton, RaisedButton, and FloatingActionButton (NEW)
10019 | - These buttons will replace the current PaperButton which will be
10020 | depreciated in v.0.4.0.
10021 | - They generate actual button tags, are keyboard focusable and listen
10022 | to onTouchTap. (#50, #61)
10023 | - Icon Button
10024 | - Pressing enter when the button is in focus now fires onTouchTap
10025 | - Added dark theme ripple colors
10026 | - Focus and click animations now use Scale Transforms to improve performance.
10027 | - Input
10028 | - Added support for ReactLink and use JSX spread attributes
10029 | - Error messages are now props instead of internal states (#95)
10030 | - LeftNav
10031 | - Pressing ESC now closes the left nav
10032 | - PaperButton
10033 | - Will be depreciated in v.0.4.0.
10034 | - Radio Button
10035 | - Fixed toggle bug. (#70)
10036 |
10037 | ##### Mixins
10038 | - WindowListenable is now available from Mixins.WindowListenable
10039 |
10040 | ##### Utils
10041 | - Added KeyCodes constants
10042 |
10043 | ## 0.3.0
10044 | ###### *Nov. 17, 2014*
10045 |
10046 | ##### General
10047 | - Updated Browserify & Reactify versions
10048 | - Enabled reactify es6 transformations
10049 | - Removed jQuery dependency (#25)
10050 | - Added reaact-tap-event-plugin dependency
10051 |
10052 | ##### Components
10053 | - Dialog
10054 | - Width is now determined by content
10055 | - Position is centered horizontally inside parent container
10056 | - Pressing Esc now closes the dialog (#35)
10057 | - Dropdown Menu
10058 | - Added underline (#39)
10059 | - Fixed display problem on double click (#43)
10060 | - Icon
10061 | - Transfer all props to underlying span
10062 | - Icon Button (New)
10063 | - Buttons...that are icons. :)
10064 | - Input
10065 | - Added required, min, max and step
10066 | - LeftNav
10067 | - Fixed left nav style when docked (#36)
10068 | - Transition now uses translate3d instead of left
10069 | - Overlay now listens to onTouchTap
10070 | - Menu Items
10071 | - Added user select none styles (#45)
10072 | - Paper
10073 | - Added onMouseOver & onMouseOut props
10074 | - Toolbar
10075 | - Items are now passed in as children instead of groupItem prop
10076 |
10077 | ##### Mixins
10078 | - Added WindowListenable. Allows listening to window events.
10079 |
10080 | ##### Utils
10081 | - Added Dom and Events utility functions
10082 | - Fixed a bug that caused CSS Events to bind twice
10083 |
10084 | ##### Less
10085 | - Added media query variables
10086 | - Added no-wrap mixin
10087 | - Removed unnecessary style resets
10088 | - Removed tab highlight color on all elements
10089 |
10090 | ## 0.2.2
10091 | ###### *Nov. 11, 2014*
10092 | - Changed project structure to be less confusing. Material-UI components/styles live in the src directory.
10093 | Docs site code lives in the docs directory. This still allows us to easily test components in the docs site
10094 | as we are working on them
10095 | - Added .editorconfig to help keep code formatting consistent among contributors. See http://editorconfig.org/
10096 | - Fixed drop down display issue in safari
10097 | - Fixed nested menu arrow icon
10098 | - Added hover transitions to menus
10099 | - Improved ripple animation on buttons
10100 |
10101 | ## 0.2.1
10102 | ###### *Nov. 8, 2014*
10103 | - Fixed icon font reference. We're now including it as part of the project
10104 | instead of an npm dependency.
10105 |
10106 | ## 0.2.0
10107 | ###### *Nov. 7, 2014*
10108 | - Icon
10109 | - Added all font icons from the unoffical material design icon font:
10110 | https://github.com/designjockey/material-design-fonticons
10111 | - All icon names had to change because of this. Sorry. :(
10112 | - PaperButton
10113 | - Added href prop
10114 | - Css fixes
10115 | - Dialog
10116 | - Added onShow event
10117 | - Children contents of the dialog is only rendered if the dialog is opened
10118 | - LeftNav
10119 | - Fixed a bug that caused docked LeftNav component to close on menu click
10120 | - Removed isInitiallyOpen prop
10121 | - Input
10122 | - onLineBreak event now passes back event (e) on callback
10123 |
10124 | ## 0.1.29
10125 | ###### *Nov. 5, 2014*
10126 | - css fix on paper component
10127 | - hover transition fix on buttons
10128 | - removed selected state on drop down icon component
10129 | - css fix on left nav component
10130 | - added prop on left nav component to allow left nav to be docked and hidden