1.29 MBJavaScriptView Raw
1/** @license Material-UI v4.12.2
2 *
3 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
5 */
6(function (global, factory) {
7 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('react'), require('react-dom')) :
8 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'react', 'react-dom'], factory) :
9 (global = global || self, factory(global.MaterialUI = {}, global.React, global.ReactDOM));
10}(this, (function (exports, React, ReactDOM) { 'use strict';
12 var React__default = 'default' in React ? React['default'] : React;
13 var ReactDOM__default = 'default' in ReactDOM ? ReactDOM['default'] : ReactDOM;
15 var common = {
16 black: '#000',
17 white: '#fff'
18 };
20 var red = {
21 50: '#ffebee',
22 100: '#ffcdd2',
23 200: '#ef9a9a',
24 300: '#e57373',
25 400: '#ef5350',
26 500: '#f44336',
27 600: '#e53935',
28 700: '#d32f2f',
29 800: '#c62828',
30 900: '#b71c1c',
31 A100: '#ff8a80',
32 A200: '#ff5252',
33 A400: '#ff1744',
34 A700: '#d50000'
35 };
37 var pink = {
38 50: '#fce4ec',
39 100: '#f8bbd0',
40 200: '#f48fb1',
41 300: '#f06292',
42 400: '#ec407a',
43 500: '#e91e63',
44 600: '#d81b60',
45 700: '#c2185b',
46 800: '#ad1457',
47 900: '#880e4f',
48 A100: '#ff80ab',
49 A200: '#ff4081',
50 A400: '#f50057',
51 A700: '#c51162'
52 };
54 var purple = {
55 50: '#f3e5f5',
56 100: '#e1bee7',
57 200: '#ce93d8',
58 300: '#ba68c8',
59 400: '#ab47bc',
60 500: '#9c27b0',
61 600: '#8e24aa',
62 700: '#7b1fa2',
63 800: '#6a1b9a',
64 900: '#4a148c',
65 A100: '#ea80fc',
66 A200: '#e040fb',
67 A400: '#d500f9',
68 A700: '#aa00ff'
69 };
71 var deepPurple = {
72 50: '#ede7f6',
73 100: '#d1c4e9',
74 200: '#b39ddb',
75 300: '#9575cd',
76 400: '#7e57c2',
77 500: '#673ab7',
78 600: '#5e35b1',
79 700: '#512da8',
80 800: '#4527a0',
81 900: '#311b92',
82 A100: '#b388ff',
83 A200: '#7c4dff',
84 A400: '#651fff',
85 A700: '#6200ea'
86 };
88 var indigo = {
89 50: '#e8eaf6',
90 100: '#c5cae9',
91 200: '#9fa8da',
92 300: '#7986cb',
93 400: '#5c6bc0',
94 500: '#3f51b5',
95 600: '#3949ab',
96 700: '#303f9f',
97 800: '#283593',
98 900: '#1a237e',
99 A100: '#8c9eff',
100 A200: '#536dfe',
101 A400: '#3d5afe',
102 A700: '#304ffe'
103 };
105 var blue = {
106 50: '#e3f2fd',
107 100: '#bbdefb',
108 200: '#90caf9',
109 300: '#64b5f6',
110 400: '#42a5f5',
111 500: '#2196f3',
112 600: '#1e88e5',
113 700: '#1976d2',
114 800: '#1565c0',
115 900: '#0d47a1',
116 A100: '#82b1ff',
117 A200: '#448aff',
118 A400: '#2979ff',
119 A700: '#2962ff'
120 };
122 var lightBlue = {
123 50: '#e1f5fe',
124 100: '#b3e5fc',
125 200: '#81d4fa',
126 300: '#4fc3f7',
127 400: '#29b6f6',
128 500: '#03a9f4',
129 600: '#039be5',
130 700: '#0288d1',
131 800: '#0277bd',
132 900: '#01579b',
133 A100: '#80d8ff',
134 A200: '#40c4ff',
135 A400: '#00b0ff',
136 A700: '#0091ea'
137 };
139 var cyan = {
140 50: '#e0f7fa',
141 100: '#b2ebf2',
142 200: '#80deea',
143 300: '#4dd0e1',
144 400: '#26c6da',
145 500: '#00bcd4',
146 600: '#00acc1',
147 700: '#0097a7',
148 800: '#00838f',
149 900: '#006064',
150 A100: '#84ffff',
151 A200: '#18ffff',
152 A400: '#00e5ff',
153 A700: '#00b8d4'
154 };
156 var teal = {
157 50: '#e0f2f1',
158 100: '#b2dfdb',
159 200: '#80cbc4',
160 300: '#4db6ac',
161 400: '#26a69a',
162 500: '#009688',
163 600: '#00897b',
164 700: '#00796b',
165 800: '#00695c',
166 900: '#004d40',
167 A100: '#a7ffeb',
168 A200: '#64ffda',
169 A400: '#1de9b6',
170 A700: '#00bfa5'
171 };
173 var green = {
174 50: '#e8f5e9',
175 100: '#c8e6c9',
176 200: '#a5d6a7',
177 300: '#81c784',
178 400: '#66bb6a',
179 500: '#4caf50',
180 600: '#43a047',
181 700: '#388e3c',
182 800: '#2e7d32',
183 900: '#1b5e20',
184 A100: '#b9f6ca',
185 A200: '#69f0ae',
186 A400: '#00e676',
187 A700: '#00c853'
188 };
190 var lightGreen = {
191 50: '#f1f8e9',
192 100: '#dcedc8',
193 200: '#c5e1a5',
194 300: '#aed581',
195 400: '#9ccc65',
196 500: '#8bc34a',
197 600: '#7cb342',
198 700: '#689f38',
199 800: '#558b2f',
200 900: '#33691e',
201 A100: '#ccff90',
202 A200: '#b2ff59',
203 A400: '#76ff03',
204 A700: '#64dd17'
205 };
207 var lime = {
208 50: '#f9fbe7',
209 100: '#f0f4c3',
210 200: '#e6ee9c',
211 300: '#dce775',
212 400: '#d4e157',
213 500: '#cddc39',
214 600: '#c0ca33',
215 700: '#afb42b',
216 800: '#9e9d24',
217 900: '#827717',
218 A100: '#f4ff81',
219 A200: '#eeff41',
220 A400: '#c6ff00',
221 A700: '#aeea00'
222 };
224 var yellow = {
225 50: '#fffde7',
226 100: '#fff9c4',
227 200: '#fff59d',
228 300: '#fff176',
229 400: '#ffee58',
230 500: '#ffeb3b',
231 600: '#fdd835',
232 700: '#fbc02d',
233 800: '#f9a825',
234 900: '#f57f17',
235 A100: '#ffff8d',
236 A200: '#ffff00',
237 A400: '#ffea00',
238 A700: '#ffd600'
239 };
241 var amber = {
242 50: '#fff8e1',
243 100: '#ffecb3',
244 200: '#ffe082',
245 300: '#ffd54f',
246 400: '#ffca28',
247 500: '#ffc107',
248 600: '#ffb300',
249 700: '#ffa000',
250 800: '#ff8f00',
251 900: '#ff6f00',
252 A100: '#ffe57f',
253 A200: '#ffd740',
254 A400: '#ffc400',
255 A700: '#ffab00'
256 };
258 var orange = {
259 50: '#fff3e0',
260 100: '#ffe0b2',
261 200: '#ffcc80',
262 300: '#ffb74d',
263 400: '#ffa726',
264 500: '#ff9800',
265 600: '#fb8c00',
266 700: '#f57c00',
267 800: '#ef6c00',
268 900: '#e65100',
269 A100: '#ffd180',
270 A200: '#ffab40',
271 A400: '#ff9100',
272 A700: '#ff6d00'
273 };
275 var deepOrange = {
276 50: '#fbe9e7',
277 100: '#ffccbc',
278 200: '#ffab91',
279 300: '#ff8a65',
280 400: '#ff7043',
281 500: '#ff5722',
282 600: '#f4511e',
283 700: '#e64a19',
284 800: '#d84315',
285 900: '#bf360c',
286 A100: '#ff9e80',
287 A200: '#ff6e40',
288 A400: '#ff3d00',
289 A700: '#dd2c00'
290 };
292 var brown = {
293 50: '#efebe9',
294 100: '#d7ccc8',
295 200: '#bcaaa4',
296 300: '#a1887f',
297 400: '#8d6e63',
298 500: '#795548',
299 600: '#6d4c41',
300 700: '#5d4037',
301 800: '#4e342e',
302 900: '#3e2723',
303 A100: '#d7ccc8',
304 A200: '#bcaaa4',
305 A400: '#8d6e63',
306 A700: '#5d4037'
307 };
309 var grey = {
310 50: '#fafafa',
311 100: '#f5f5f5',
312 200: '#eeeeee',
313 300: '#e0e0e0',
314 400: '#bdbdbd',
315 500: '#9e9e9e',
316 600: '#757575',
317 700: '#616161',
318 800: '#424242',
319 900: '#212121',
320 A100: '#d5d5d5',
321 A200: '#aaaaaa',
322 A400: '#303030',
323 A700: '#616161'
324 };
326 var blueGrey = {
327 50: '#eceff1',
328 100: '#cfd8dc',
329 200: '#b0bec5',
330 300: '#90a4ae',
331 400: '#78909c',
332 500: '#607d8b',
333 600: '#546e7a',
334 700: '#455a64',
335 800: '#37474f',
336 900: '#263238',
337 A100: '#cfd8dc',
338 A200: '#b0bec5',
339 A400: '#78909c',
340 A700: '#455a64'
341 };
343 var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
344 __proto__: null,
345 common: common,
346 red: red,
347 pink: pink,
348 purple: purple,
349 deepPurple: deepPurple,
350 indigo: indigo,
351 blue: blue,
352 lightBlue: lightBlue,
353 cyan: cyan,
354 teal: teal,
355 green: green,
356 lightGreen: lightGreen,
357 lime: lime,
358 yellow: yellow,
359 amber: amber,
360 orange: orange,
361 deepOrange: deepOrange,
362 brown: brown,
363 grey: grey,
364 blueGrey: blueGrey
365 });
367 var global$1 = (typeof global !== "undefined" ? global :
368 typeof self !== "undefined" ? self :
369 typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
371 // from https://github.com/kumavis/browser-process-hrtime/blob/master/index.js
372 var performance$1 = global$1.performance || {};
373 var performanceNow =
374 performance$1.now ||
375 performance$1.mozNow ||
376 performance$1.msNow ||
377 performance$1.oNow ||
378 performance$1.webkitNow ||
379 function(){ return (new Date()).getTime() };
381 function chainPropTypes(propType1, propType2) {
383 return function validate() {
384 return propType1.apply(void 0, arguments) || propType2.apply(void 0, arguments);
385 };
386 }
388 function _extends() {
389 _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
390 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
391 var source = arguments[i];
393 for (var key in source) {
394 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
395 target[key] = source[key];
396 }
397 }
398 }
400 return target;
401 };
403 return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
404 }
406 function _typeof(obj) {
407 "@babel/helpers - typeof";
409 if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
410 _typeof = function _typeof(obj) {
411 return typeof obj;
412 };
413 } else {
414 _typeof = function _typeof(obj) {
415 return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
416 };
417 }
419 return _typeof(obj);
420 }
422 function isPlainObject(item) {
423 return item && _typeof(item) === 'object' && item.constructor === Object;
424 }
425 function deepmerge(target, source) {
426 var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {
427 clone: true
428 };
429 var output = options.clone ? _extends({}, target) : target;
431 if (isPlainObject(target) && isPlainObject(source)) {
432 Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) {
433 // Avoid prototype pollution
434 if (key === '__proto__') {
435 return;
436 }
438 if (isPlainObject(source[key]) && key in target) {
439 output[key] = deepmerge(target[key], source[key], options);
440 } else {
441 output[key] = source[key];
442 }
443 });
444 }
446 return output;
447 }
449 function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
450 return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
451 }
453 var reactIs_development = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
457 {
458 (function() {
460 // The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types. If there is no native Symbol
461 // nor polyfill, then a plain number is used for performance.
462 var hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.for;
463 var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.element') : 0xeac7;
464 var REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.portal') : 0xeaca;
465 var REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.fragment') : 0xeacb;
466 var REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.strict_mode') : 0xeacc;
467 var REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.profiler') : 0xead2;
468 var REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.provider') : 0xeacd;
469 var REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.context') : 0xeace; // TODO: We don't use AsyncMode or ConcurrentMode anymore. They were temporary
470 // (unstable) APIs that have been removed. Can we remove the symbols?
472 var REACT_ASYNC_MODE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.async_mode') : 0xeacf;
473 var REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.concurrent_mode') : 0xeacf;
474 var REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.forward_ref') : 0xead0;
475 var REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.suspense') : 0xead1;
476 var REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.suspense_list') : 0xead8;
477 var REACT_MEMO_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.memo') : 0xead3;
478 var REACT_LAZY_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.lazy') : 0xead4;
479 var REACT_BLOCK_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.block') : 0xead9;
480 var REACT_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.fundamental') : 0xead5;
481 var REACT_RESPONDER_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.responder') : 0xead6;
482 var REACT_SCOPE_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.scope') : 0xead7;
484 function isValidElementType(type) {
485 return typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'function' || // Note: its typeof might be other than 'symbol' or 'number' if it's a polyfill.
486 type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE || type === REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE || type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_RESPONDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_SCOPE_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_BLOCK_TYPE);
487 }
489 function typeOf(object) {
490 if (typeof object === 'object' && object !== null) {
491 var $$typeof = object.$$typeof;
493 switch ($$typeof) {
495 var type = object.type;
497 switch (type) {
504 return type;
506 default:
507 var $$typeofType = type && type.$$typeof;
509 switch ($$typeofType) {
515 return $$typeofType;
517 default:
518 return $$typeof;
519 }
521 }
524 return $$typeof;
525 }
526 }
528 return undefined;
529 } // AsyncMode is deprecated along with isAsyncMode
531 var AsyncMode = REACT_ASYNC_MODE_TYPE;
532 var ConcurrentMode = REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE;
533 var ContextConsumer = REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE;
534 var ContextProvider = REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE;
535 var Element = REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;
536 var ForwardRef = REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE;
537 var Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;
538 var Lazy = REACT_LAZY_TYPE;
539 var Memo = REACT_MEMO_TYPE;
540 var Portal = REACT_PORTAL_TYPE;
541 var Profiler = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;
542 var StrictMode = REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE;
543 var Suspense = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;
544 var hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsAsyncMode = false; // AsyncMode should be deprecated
546 function isAsyncMode(object) {
547 {
548 if (!hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsAsyncMode) {
549 hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedIsAsyncMode = true; // Using console['warn'] to evade Babel and ESLint
551 console['warn']('The ReactIs.isAsyncMode() alias has been deprecated, ' + 'and will be removed in React 17+. Update your code to use ' + 'ReactIs.isConcurrentMode() instead. It has the exact same API.');
552 }
553 }
555 return isConcurrentMode(object) || typeOf(object) === REACT_ASYNC_MODE_TYPE;
556 }
557 function isConcurrentMode(object) {
558 return typeOf(object) === REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE_TYPE;
559 }
560 function isContextConsumer(object) {
561 return typeOf(object) === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE;
562 }
563 function isContextProvider(object) {
564 return typeOf(object) === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE;
565 }
566 function isElement(object) {
567 return typeof object === 'object' && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;
568 }
569 function isForwardRef(object) {
570 return typeOf(object) === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE;
571 }
572 function isFragment(object) {
573 return typeOf(object) === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;
574 }
575 function isLazy(object) {
576 return typeOf(object) === REACT_LAZY_TYPE;
577 }
578 function isMemo(object) {
579 return typeOf(object) === REACT_MEMO_TYPE;
580 }
581 function isPortal(object) {
582 return typeOf(object) === REACT_PORTAL_TYPE;
583 }
584 function isProfiler(object) {
585 return typeOf(object) === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;
586 }
587 function isStrictMode(object) {
588 return typeOf(object) === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE;
589 }
590 function isSuspense(object) {
591 return typeOf(object) === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;
592 }
594 exports.AsyncMode = AsyncMode;
595 exports.ConcurrentMode = ConcurrentMode;
596 exports.ContextConsumer = ContextConsumer;
597 exports.ContextProvider = ContextProvider;
598 exports.Element = Element;
599 exports.ForwardRef = ForwardRef;
600 exports.Fragment = Fragment;
601 exports.Lazy = Lazy;
602 exports.Memo = Memo;
603 exports.Portal = Portal;
604 exports.Profiler = Profiler;
605 exports.StrictMode = StrictMode;
606 exports.Suspense = Suspense;
607 exports.isAsyncMode = isAsyncMode;
608 exports.isConcurrentMode = isConcurrentMode;
609 exports.isContextConsumer = isContextConsumer;
610 exports.isContextProvider = isContextProvider;
611 exports.isElement = isElement;
612 exports.isForwardRef = isForwardRef;
613 exports.isFragment = isFragment;
614 exports.isLazy = isLazy;
615 exports.isMemo = isMemo;
616 exports.isPortal = isPortal;
617 exports.isProfiler = isProfiler;
618 exports.isStrictMode = isStrictMode;
619 exports.isSuspense = isSuspense;
620 exports.isValidElementType = isValidElementType;
621 exports.typeOf = typeOf;
622 })();
623 }
624 });
625 var reactIs_development_1 = reactIs_development.AsyncMode;
626 var reactIs_development_2 = reactIs_development.ConcurrentMode;
627 var reactIs_development_3 = reactIs_development.ContextConsumer;
628 var reactIs_development_4 = reactIs_development.ContextProvider;
629 var reactIs_development_5 = reactIs_development.Element;
630 var reactIs_development_6 = reactIs_development.ForwardRef;
631 var reactIs_development_7 = reactIs_development.Fragment;
632 var reactIs_development_8 = reactIs_development.Lazy;
633 var reactIs_development_9 = reactIs_development.Memo;
634 var reactIs_development_10 = reactIs_development.Portal;
635 var reactIs_development_11 = reactIs_development.Profiler;
636 var reactIs_development_12 = reactIs_development.StrictMode;
637 var reactIs_development_13 = reactIs_development.Suspense;
638 var reactIs_development_14 = reactIs_development.isAsyncMode;
639 var reactIs_development_15 = reactIs_development.isConcurrentMode;
640 var reactIs_development_16 = reactIs_development.isContextConsumer;
641 var reactIs_development_17 = reactIs_development.isContextProvider;
642 var reactIs_development_18 = reactIs_development.isElement;
643 var reactIs_development_19 = reactIs_development.isForwardRef;
644 var reactIs_development_20 = reactIs_development.isFragment;
645 var reactIs_development_21 = reactIs_development.isLazy;
646 var reactIs_development_22 = reactIs_development.isMemo;
647 var reactIs_development_23 = reactIs_development.isPortal;
648 var reactIs_development_24 = reactIs_development.isProfiler;
649 var reactIs_development_25 = reactIs_development.isStrictMode;
650 var reactIs_development_26 = reactIs_development.isSuspense;
651 var reactIs_development_27 = reactIs_development.isValidElementType;
652 var reactIs_development_28 = reactIs_development.typeOf;
654 var reactIs = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
656 {
657 module.exports = reactIs_development;
658 }
659 });
660 var reactIs_1 = reactIs.ForwardRef;
661 var reactIs_2 = reactIs.isFragment;
662 var reactIs_3 = reactIs.isLazy;
663 var reactIs_4 = reactIs.isMemo;
664 var reactIs_5 = reactIs.Memo;
665 var reactIs_6 = reactIs.isValidElementType;
667 /*
668 object-assign
669 (c) Sindre Sorhus
670 @license MIT
671 */
672 /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
673 var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
674 var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
675 var propIsEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
677 function toObject(val) {
678 if (val === null || val === undefined) {
679 throw new TypeError('Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined');
680 }
682 return Object(val);
683 }
685 function shouldUseNative() {
686 try {
687 if (!Object.assign) {
688 return false;
689 }
691 // Detect buggy property enumeration order in older V8 versions.
693 // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=4118
694 var test1 = new String('abc'); // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers
695 test1[5] = 'de';
696 if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test1)[0] === '5') {
697 return false;
698 }
700 // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3056
701 var test2 = {};
702 for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
703 test2['_' + String.fromCharCode(i)] = i;
704 }
705 var order2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test2).map(function (n) {
706 return test2[n];
707 });
708 if (order2.join('') !== '0123456789') {
709 return false;
710 }
712 // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3056
713 var test3 = {};
714 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function (letter) {
715 test3[letter] = letter;
716 });
717 if (Object.keys(Object.assign({}, test3)).join('') !==
718 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst') {
719 return false;
720 }
722 return true;
723 } catch (err) {
724 // We don't expect any of the above to throw, but better to be safe.
725 return false;
726 }
727 }
729 var objectAssign = shouldUseNative() ? Object.assign : function (target, source) {
730 var from;
731 var to = toObject(target);
732 var symbols;
734 for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {
735 from = Object(arguments[s]);
737 for (var key in from) {
738 if (hasOwnProperty.call(from, key)) {
739 to[key] = from[key];
740 }
741 }
743 if (getOwnPropertySymbols) {
744 symbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(from);
745 for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
746 if (propIsEnumerable.call(from, symbols[i])) {
747 to[symbols[i]] = from[symbols[i]];
748 }
749 }
750 }
751 }
753 return to;
754 };
756 /**
757 * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
758 *
759 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
760 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
761 */
763 var ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED';
765 var ReactPropTypesSecret_1 = ReactPropTypesSecret;
767 var printWarning = function() {};
769 {
770 var ReactPropTypesSecret$1 = ReactPropTypesSecret_1;
771 var loggedTypeFailures = {};
772 var has = Function.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty);
774 printWarning = function(text) {
775 var message = 'Warning: ' + text;
776 if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
777 console.error(message);
778 }
779 try {
780 // --- Welcome to debugging React ---
781 // This error was thrown as a convenience so that you can use this stack
782 // to find the callsite that caused this warning to fire.
783 throw new Error(message);
784 } catch (x) {}
785 };
786 }
788 /**
789 * Assert that the values match with the type specs.
790 * Error messages are memorized and will only be shown once.
791 *
792 * @param {object} typeSpecs Map of name to a ReactPropType
793 * @param {object} values Runtime values that need to be type-checked
794 * @param {string} location e.g. "prop", "context", "child context"
795 * @param {string} componentName Name of the component for error messages.
796 * @param {?Function} getStack Returns the component stack.
797 * @private
798 */
799 function checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location, componentName, getStack) {
800 {
801 for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) {
802 if (has(typeSpecs, typeSpecName)) {
803 var error;
804 // Prop type validation may throw. In case they do, we don't want to
805 // fail the render phase where it didn't fail before. So we log it.
806 // After these have been cleaned up, we'll let them throw.
807 try {
808 // This is intentionally an invariant that gets caught. It's the same
809 // behavior as without this statement except with a better message.
810 if (typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] !== 'function') {
811 var err = Error(
812 (componentName || 'React class') + ': ' + location + ' type `' + typeSpecName + '` is invalid; ' +
813 'it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `' + typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] + '`.'
814 );
815 err.name = 'Invariant Violation';
816 throw err;
817 }
818 error = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location, null, ReactPropTypesSecret$1);
819 } catch (ex) {
820 error = ex;
821 }
822 if (error && !(error instanceof Error)) {
823 printWarning(
824 (componentName || 'React class') + ': type specification of ' +
825 location + ' `' + typeSpecName + '` is invalid; the type checker ' +
826 'function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a ' + typeof error + '. ' +
827 'You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker ' +
828 'creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and ' +
829 'shape all require an argument).'
830 );
831 }
832 if (error instanceof Error && !(error.message in loggedTypeFailures)) {
833 // Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the
834 // same error.
835 loggedTypeFailures[error.message] = true;
837 var stack = getStack ? getStack() : '';
839 printWarning(
840 'Failed ' + location + ' type: ' + error.message + (stack != null ? stack : '')
841 );
842 }
843 }
844 }
845 }
846 }
848 /**
849 * Resets warning cache when testing.
850 *
851 * @private
852 */
853 checkPropTypes.resetWarningCache = function() {
854 {
855 loggedTypeFailures = {};
856 }
857 };
859 var checkPropTypes_1 = checkPropTypes;
861 var has$1 = Function.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty);
862 var printWarning$1 = function() {};
864 {
865 printWarning$1 = function(text) {
866 var message = 'Warning: ' + text;
867 if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
868 console.error(message);
869 }
870 try {
871 // --- Welcome to debugging React ---
872 // This error was thrown as a convenience so that you can use this stack
873 // to find the callsite that caused this warning to fire.
874 throw new Error(message);
875 } catch (x) {}
876 };
877 }
879 function emptyFunctionThatReturnsNull() {
880 return null;
881 }
883 var factoryWithTypeCheckers = function(isValidElement, throwOnDirectAccess) {
884 /* global Symbol */
885 var ITERATOR_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator;
886 var FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator'; // Before Symbol spec.
888 /**
889 * Returns the iterator method function contained on the iterable object.
890 *
891 * Be sure to invoke the function with the iterable as context:
892 *
893 * var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(myIterable);
894 * if (iteratorFn) {
895 * var iterator = iteratorFn.call(myIterable);
896 * ...
897 * }
898 *
899 * @param {?object} maybeIterable
900 * @return {?function}
901 */
902 function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {
903 var iteratorFn = maybeIterable && (ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]);
904 if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {
905 return iteratorFn;
906 }
907 }
909 /**
910 * Collection of methods that allow declaration and validation of props that are
911 * supplied to React components. Example usage:
912 *
913 * var Props = require('ReactPropTypes');
914 * var MyArticle = React.createClass({
915 * propTypes: {
916 * // An optional string prop named "description".
917 * description: Props.string,
918 *
919 * // A required enum prop named "category".
920 * category: Props.oneOf(['News','Photos']).isRequired,
921 *
922 * // A prop named "dialog" that requires an instance of Dialog.
923 * dialog: Props.instanceOf(Dialog).isRequired
924 * },
925 * render: function() { ... }
926 * });
927 *
928 * A more formal specification of how these methods are used:
929 *
930 * type := array|bool|func|object|number|string|oneOf([...])|instanceOf(...)
931 * decl := ReactPropTypes.{type}(.isRequired)?
932 *
933 * Each and every declaration produces a function with the same signature. This
934 * allows the creation of custom validation functions. For example:
935 *
936 * var MyLink = React.createClass({
937 * propTypes: {
938 * // An optional string or URI prop named "href".
939 * href: function(props, propName, componentName) {
940 * var propValue = props[propName];
941 * if (propValue != null && typeof propValue !== 'string' &&
942 * !(propValue instanceof URI)) {
943 * return new Error(
944 * 'Expected a string or an URI for ' + propName + ' in ' +
945 * componentName
946 * );
947 * }
948 * }
949 * },
950 * render: function() {...}
951 * });
952 *
953 * @internal
954 */
956 var ANONYMOUS = '<<anonymous>>';
958 // Important!
959 // Keep this list in sync with production version in `./factoryWithThrowingShims.js`.
960 var ReactPropTypes = {
961 array: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('array'),
962 bool: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('boolean'),
963 func: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('function'),
964 number: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('number'),
965 object: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('object'),
966 string: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('string'),
967 symbol: createPrimitiveTypeChecker('symbol'),
969 any: createAnyTypeChecker(),
970 arrayOf: createArrayOfTypeChecker,
971 element: createElementTypeChecker(),
972 elementType: createElementTypeTypeChecker(),
973 instanceOf: createInstanceTypeChecker,
974 node: createNodeChecker(),
975 objectOf: createObjectOfTypeChecker,
976 oneOf: createEnumTypeChecker,
977 oneOfType: createUnionTypeChecker,
978 shape: createShapeTypeChecker,
979 exact: createStrictShapeTypeChecker,
980 };
982 /**
983 * inlined Object.is polyfill to avoid requiring consumers ship their own
984 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/is
985 */
986 /*eslint-disable no-self-compare*/
987 function is(x, y) {
988 // SameValue algorithm
989 if (x === y) {
990 // Steps 1-5, 7-10
991 // Steps 6.b-6.e: +0 != -0
992 return x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y;
993 } else {
994 // Step 6.a: NaN == NaN
995 return x !== x && y !== y;
996 }
997 }
998 /*eslint-enable no-self-compare*/
1000 /**
1001 * We use an Error-like object for backward compatibility as people may call
1002 * PropTypes directly and inspect their output. However, we don't use real
1003 * Errors anymore. We don't inspect their stack anyway, and creating them
1004 * is prohibitively expensive if they are created too often, such as what
1005 * happens in oneOfType() for any type before the one that matched.
1006 */
1007 function PropTypeError(message) {
1008 this.message = message;
1009 this.stack = '';
1010 }
1011 // Make `instanceof Error` still work for returned errors.
1012 PropTypeError.prototype = Error.prototype;
1014 function createChainableTypeChecker(validate) {
1015 {
1016 var manualPropTypeCallCache = {};
1017 var manualPropTypeWarningCount = 0;
1018 }
1019 function checkType(isRequired, props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {
1020 componentName = componentName || ANONYMOUS;
1021 propFullName = propFullName || propName;
1023 if (secret !== ReactPropTypesSecret_1) {
1024 if (throwOnDirectAccess) {
1025 // New behavior only for users of `prop-types` package
1026 var err = new Error(
1027 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. ' +
1028 'Use `PropTypes.checkPropTypes()` to call them. ' +
1029 'Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types'
1030 );
1031 err.name = 'Invariant Violation';
1032 throw err;
1033 } else if ( typeof console !== 'undefined') {
1034 // Old behavior for people using React.PropTypes
1035 var cacheKey = componentName + ':' + propName;
1036 if (
1037 !manualPropTypeCallCache[cacheKey] &&
1038 // Avoid spamming the console because they are often not actionable except for lib authors
1039 manualPropTypeWarningCount < 3
1040 ) {
1041 printWarning$1(
1042 'You are manually calling a React.PropTypes validation ' +
1043 'function for the `' + propFullName + '` prop on `' + componentName + '`. This is deprecated ' +
1044 'and will throw in the standalone `prop-types` package. ' +
1045 'You may be seeing this warning due to a third-party PropTypes ' +
1046 'library. See https://fb.me/react-warning-dont-call-proptypes ' + 'for details.'
1047 );
1048 manualPropTypeCallCache[cacheKey] = true;
1049 manualPropTypeWarningCount++;
1050 }
1051 }
1052 }
1053 if (props[propName] == null) {
1054 if (isRequired) {
1055 if (props[propName] === null) {
1056 return new PropTypeError('The ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` is marked as required ' + ('in `' + componentName + '`, but its value is `null`.'));
1057 }
1058 return new PropTypeError('The ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` is marked as required in ' + ('`' + componentName + '`, but its value is `undefined`.'));
1059 }
1060 return null;
1061 } else {
1062 return validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName);
1063 }
1064 }
1066 var chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false);
1067 chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true);
1069 return chainedCheckType;
1070 }
1072 function createPrimitiveTypeChecker(expectedType) {
1073 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {
1074 var propValue = props[propName];
1075 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1076 if (propType !== expectedType) {
1077 // `propValue` being instance of, say, date/regexp, pass the 'object'
1078 // check, but we can offer a more precise error message here rather than
1079 // 'of type `object`'.
1080 var preciseType = getPreciseType(propValue);
1082 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + preciseType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected ') + ('`' + expectedType + '`.'));
1083 }
1084 return null;
1085 }
1086 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1087 }
1089 function createAnyTypeChecker() {
1090 return createChainableTypeChecker(emptyFunctionThatReturnsNull);
1091 }
1093 function createArrayOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) {
1094 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1095 if (typeof typeChecker !== 'function') {
1096 return new PropTypeError('Property `' + propFullName + '` of component `' + componentName + '` has invalid PropType notation inside arrayOf.');
1097 }
1098 var propValue = props[propName];
1099 if (!Array.isArray(propValue)) {
1100 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1101 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + propType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected an array.'));
1102 }
1103 for (var i = 0; i < propValue.length; i++) {
1104 var error = typeChecker(propValue, i, componentName, location, propFullName + '[' + i + ']', ReactPropTypesSecret_1);
1105 if (error instanceof Error) {
1106 return error;
1107 }
1108 }
1109 return null;
1110 }
1111 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1112 }
1114 function createElementTypeChecker() {
1115 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1116 var propValue = props[propName];
1117 if (!isValidElement(propValue)) {
1118 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1119 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + propType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected a single ReactElement.'));
1120 }
1121 return null;
1122 }
1123 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1124 }
1126 function createElementTypeTypeChecker() {
1127 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1128 var propValue = props[propName];
1129 if (!reactIs.isValidElementType(propValue)) {
1130 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1131 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + propType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected a single ReactElement type.'));
1132 }
1133 return null;
1134 }
1135 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1136 }
1138 function createInstanceTypeChecker(expectedClass) {
1139 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1140 if (!(props[propName] instanceof expectedClass)) {
1141 var expectedClassName = expectedClass.name || ANONYMOUS;
1142 var actualClassName = getClassName(props[propName]);
1143 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + actualClassName + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected ') + ('instance of `' + expectedClassName + '`.'));
1144 }
1145 return null;
1146 }
1147 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1148 }
1150 function createEnumTypeChecker(expectedValues) {
1151 if (!Array.isArray(expectedValues)) {
1152 {
1153 if (arguments.length > 1) {
1154 printWarning$1(
1155 'Invalid arguments supplied to oneOf, expected an array, got ' + arguments.length + ' arguments. ' +
1156 'A common mistake is to write oneOf(x, y, z) instead of oneOf([x, y, z]).'
1157 );
1158 } else {
1159 printWarning$1('Invalid argument supplied to oneOf, expected an array.');
1160 }
1161 }
1162 return emptyFunctionThatReturnsNull;
1163 }
1165 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1166 var propValue = props[propName];
1167 for (var i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) {
1168 if (is(propValue, expectedValues[i])) {
1169 return null;
1170 }
1171 }
1173 var valuesString = JSON.stringify(expectedValues, function replacer(key, value) {
1174 var type = getPreciseType(value);
1175 if (type === 'symbol') {
1176 return String(value);
1177 }
1178 return value;
1179 });
1180 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of value `' + String(propValue) + '` ' + ('supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected one of ' + valuesString + '.'));
1181 }
1182 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1183 }
1185 function createObjectOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) {
1186 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1187 if (typeof typeChecker !== 'function') {
1188 return new PropTypeError('Property `' + propFullName + '` of component `' + componentName + '` has invalid PropType notation inside objectOf.');
1189 }
1190 var propValue = props[propName];
1191 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1192 if (propType !== 'object') {
1193 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type ' + ('`' + propType + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected an object.'));
1194 }
1195 for (var key in propValue) {
1196 if (has$1(propValue, key)) {
1197 var error = typeChecker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + '.' + key, ReactPropTypesSecret_1);
1198 if (error instanceof Error) {
1199 return error;
1200 }
1201 }
1202 }
1203 return null;
1204 }
1205 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1206 }
1208 function createUnionTypeChecker(arrayOfTypeCheckers) {
1209 if (!Array.isArray(arrayOfTypeCheckers)) {
1210 printWarning$1('Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType, expected an instance of array.') ;
1211 return emptyFunctionThatReturnsNull;
1212 }
1214 for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfTypeCheckers.length; i++) {
1215 var checker = arrayOfTypeCheckers[i];
1216 if (typeof checker !== 'function') {
1217 printWarning$1(
1218 'Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType. Expected an array of check functions, but ' +
1219 'received ' + getPostfixForTypeWarning(checker) + ' at index ' + i + '.'
1220 );
1221 return emptyFunctionThatReturnsNull;
1222 }
1223 }
1225 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1226 for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfTypeCheckers.length; i++) {
1227 var checker = arrayOfTypeCheckers[i];
1228 if (checker(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, ReactPropTypesSecret_1) == null) {
1229 return null;
1230 }
1231 }
1233 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` supplied to ' + ('`' + componentName + '`.'));
1234 }
1235 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1236 }
1238 function createNodeChecker() {
1239 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1240 if (!isNode(props[propName])) {
1241 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` supplied to ' + ('`' + componentName + '`, expected a ReactNode.'));
1242 }
1243 return null;
1244 }
1245 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1246 }
1248 function createShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes) {
1249 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1250 var propValue = props[propName];
1251 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1252 if (propType !== 'object') {
1253 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type `' + propType + '` ' + ('supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected `object`.'));
1254 }
1255 for (var key in shapeTypes) {
1256 var checker = shapeTypes[key];
1257 if (!checker) {
1258 continue;
1259 }
1260 var error = checker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + '.' + key, ReactPropTypesSecret_1);
1261 if (error) {
1262 return error;
1263 }
1264 }
1265 return null;
1266 }
1267 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1268 }
1270 function createStrictShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes) {
1271 function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1272 var propValue = props[propName];
1273 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1274 if (propType !== 'object') {
1275 return new PropTypeError('Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` of type `' + propType + '` ' + ('supplied to `' + componentName + '`, expected `object`.'));
1276 }
1277 // We need to check all keys in case some are required but missing from
1278 // props.
1279 var allKeys = objectAssign({}, props[propName], shapeTypes);
1280 for (var key in allKeys) {
1281 var checker = shapeTypes[key];
1282 if (!checker) {
1283 return new PropTypeError(
1284 'Invalid ' + location + ' `' + propFullName + '` key `' + key + '` supplied to `' + componentName + '`.' +
1285 '\nBad object: ' + JSON.stringify(props[propName], null, ' ') +
1286 '\nValid keys: ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(shapeTypes), null, ' ')
1287 );
1288 }
1289 var error = checker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + '.' + key, ReactPropTypesSecret_1);
1290 if (error) {
1291 return error;
1292 }
1293 }
1294 return null;
1295 }
1297 return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
1298 }
1300 function isNode(propValue) {
1301 switch (typeof propValue) {
1302 case 'number':
1303 case 'string':
1304 case 'undefined':
1305 return true;
1306 case 'boolean':
1307 return !propValue;
1308 case 'object':
1309 if (Array.isArray(propValue)) {
1310 return propValue.every(isNode);
1311 }
1312 if (propValue === null || isValidElement(propValue)) {
1313 return true;
1314 }
1316 var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(propValue);
1317 if (iteratorFn) {
1318 var iterator = iteratorFn.call(propValue);
1319 var step;
1320 if (iteratorFn !== propValue.entries) {
1321 while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {
1322 if (!isNode(step.value)) {
1323 return false;
1324 }
1325 }
1326 } else {
1327 // Iterator will provide entry [k,v] tuples rather than values.
1328 while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {
1329 var entry = step.value;
1330 if (entry) {
1331 if (!isNode(entry[1])) {
1332 return false;
1333 }
1334 }
1335 }
1336 }
1337 } else {
1338 return false;
1339 }
1341 return true;
1342 default:
1343 return false;
1344 }
1345 }
1347 function isSymbol(propType, propValue) {
1348 // Native Symbol.
1349 if (propType === 'symbol') {
1350 return true;
1351 }
1353 // falsy value can't be a Symbol
1354 if (!propValue) {
1355 return false;
1356 }
1358 // Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag] === 'Symbol'
1359 if (propValue['@@toStringTag'] === 'Symbol') {
1360 return true;
1361 }
1363 // Fallback for non-spec compliant Symbols which are polyfilled.
1364 if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && propValue instanceof Symbol) {
1365 return true;
1366 }
1368 return false;
1369 }
1371 // Equivalent of `typeof` but with special handling for array and regexp.
1372 function getPropType(propValue) {
1373 var propType = typeof propValue;
1374 if (Array.isArray(propValue)) {
1375 return 'array';
1376 }
1377 if (propValue instanceof RegExp) {
1378 // Old webkits (at least until Android 4.0) return 'function' rather than
1379 // 'object' for typeof a RegExp. We'll normalize this here so that /bla/
1380 // passes PropTypes.object.
1381 return 'object';
1382 }
1383 if (isSymbol(propType, propValue)) {
1384 return 'symbol';
1385 }
1386 return propType;
1387 }
1389 // This handles more types than `getPropType`. Only used for error messages.
1390 // See `createPrimitiveTypeChecker`.
1391 function getPreciseType(propValue) {
1392 if (typeof propValue === 'undefined' || propValue === null) {
1393 return '' + propValue;
1394 }
1395 var propType = getPropType(propValue);
1396 if (propType === 'object') {
1397 if (propValue instanceof Date) {
1398 return 'date';
1399 } else if (propValue instanceof RegExp) {
1400 return 'regexp';
1401 }
1402 }
1403 return propType;
1404 }
1406 // Returns a string that is postfixed to a warning about an invalid type.
1407 // For example, "undefined" or "of type array"
1408 function getPostfixForTypeWarning(value) {
1409 var type = getPreciseType(value);
1410 switch (type) {
1411 case 'array':
1412 case 'object':
1413 return 'an ' + type;
1414 case 'boolean':
1415 case 'date':
1416 case 'regexp':
1417 return 'a ' + type;
1418 default:
1419 return type;
1420 }
1421 }
1423 // Returns class name of the object, if any.
1424 function getClassName(propValue) {
1425 if (!propValue.constructor || !propValue.constructor.name) {
1426 return ANONYMOUS;
1427 }
1428 return propValue.constructor.name;
1429 }
1431 ReactPropTypes.checkPropTypes = checkPropTypes_1;
1432 ReactPropTypes.resetWarningCache = checkPropTypes_1.resetWarningCache;
1433 ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes;
1435 return ReactPropTypes;
1436 };
1438 var propTypes = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
1439 /**
1440 * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
1441 *
1442 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
1443 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
1444 */
1446 {
1447 var ReactIs = reactIs;
1449 // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new development behavior.
1450 // http://fb.me/prop-types-in-prod
1451 var throwOnDirectAccess = true;
1452 module.exports = factoryWithTypeCheckers(ReactIs.isElement, throwOnDirectAccess);
1453 }
1454 });
1455 var propTypes_1 = propTypes.elementType;
1456 var propTypes_2 = propTypes.bool;
1457 var propTypes_3 = propTypes.func;
1458 var propTypes_4 = propTypes.object;
1459 var propTypes_5 = propTypes.oneOfType;
1460 var propTypes_6 = propTypes.element;
1462 function isClassComponent(elementType) {
1463 // elementType.prototype?.isReactComponent
1464 var _elementType$prototyp = elementType.prototype,
1465 prototype = _elementType$prototyp === void 0 ? {} : _elementType$prototyp;
1466 return Boolean(prototype.isReactComponent);
1467 }
1469 function acceptingRef(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1470 var element = props[propName];
1471 var safePropName = propFullName || propName;
1473 if (element == null) {
1474 return null;
1475 }
1477 var warningHint;
1478 var elementType = element.type;
1479 /**
1480 * Blacklisting instead of whitelisting
1481 *
1482 * Blacklisting will miss some components, such as React.Fragment. Those will at least
1483 * trigger a warning in React.
1484 * We can't whitelist because there is no safe way to detect React.forwardRef
1485 * or class components. "Safe" means there's no public API.
1486 *
1487 */
1489 if (typeof elementType === 'function' && !isClassComponent(elementType)) {
1490 warningHint = 'Did you accidentally use a plain function component for an element instead?';
1491 }
1493 if (warningHint !== undefined) {
1494 return new Error("Invalid ".concat(location, " `").concat(safePropName, "` supplied to `").concat(componentName, "`. ") + "Expected an element that can hold a ref. ".concat(warningHint, " ") + 'For more information see https://material-ui.com/r/caveat-with-refs-guide');
1495 }
1497 return null;
1498 }
1500 var elementAcceptingRef = chainPropTypes(propTypes.element, acceptingRef);
1501 elementAcceptingRef.isRequired = chainPropTypes(propTypes.element.isRequired, acceptingRef);
1503 function isClassComponent$1(elementType) {
1504 // elementType.prototype?.isReactComponent
1505 var _elementType$prototyp = elementType.prototype,
1506 prototype = _elementType$prototyp === void 0 ? {} : _elementType$prototyp;
1507 return Boolean(prototype.isReactComponent);
1508 }
1510 function elementTypeAcceptingRef(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1511 var propValue = props[propName];
1512 var safePropName = propFullName || propName;
1514 if (propValue == null) {
1515 return null;
1516 }
1518 var warningHint;
1519 /**
1520 * Blacklisting instead of whitelisting
1521 *
1522 * Blacklisting will miss some components, such as React.Fragment. Those will at least
1523 * trigger a warning in React.
1524 * We can't whitelist because there is no safe way to detect React.forwardRef
1525 * or class components. "Safe" means there's no public API.
1526 *
1527 */
1529 if (typeof propValue === 'function' && !isClassComponent$1(propValue)) {
1530 warningHint = 'Did you accidentally provide a plain function component instead?';
1531 }
1533 if (warningHint !== undefined) {
1534 return new Error("Invalid ".concat(location, " `").concat(safePropName, "` supplied to `").concat(componentName, "`. ") + "Expected an element type that can hold a ref. ".concat(warningHint, " ") + 'For more information see https://material-ui.com/r/caveat-with-refs-guide');
1535 }
1537 return null;
1538 }
1540 var elementTypeAcceptingRef$1 = chainPropTypes(propTypes_1, elementTypeAcceptingRef);
1542 function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
1543 if (key in obj) {
1544 Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
1545 value: value,
1546 enumerable: true,
1547 configurable: true,
1548 writable: true
1549 });
1550 } else {
1551 obj[key] = value;
1552 }
1554 return obj;
1555 }
1557 // This module is based on https://github.com/airbnb/prop-types-exact repository.
1558 // However, in order to reduce the number of dependencies and to remove some extra safe checks
1559 // the module was forked.
1560 // Only exported for test purposes.
1561 var specialProperty = "exact-prop: \u200B";
1562 function exactProp(propTypes) {
1564 return _extends({}, propTypes, _defineProperty({}, specialProperty, function (props) {
1565 var unsupportedProps = Object.keys(props).filter(function (prop) {
1566 return !propTypes.hasOwnProperty(prop);
1567 });
1569 if (unsupportedProps.length > 0) {
1570 return new Error("The following props are not supported: ".concat(unsupportedProps.map(function (prop) {
1571 return "`".concat(prop, "`");
1572 }).join(', '), ". Please remove them."));
1573 }
1575 return null;
1576 }));
1577 }
1579 // https://github.com/JamesMGreene/Function.name/blob/58b314d4a983110c3682f1228f845d39ccca1817/Function.name.js#L3
1581 var fnNameMatchRegex = /^\s*function(?:\s|\s*\/\*.*\*\/\s*)+([^(\s/]*)\s*/;
1582 function getFunctionName(fn) {
1583 var match = "".concat(fn).match(fnNameMatchRegex);
1584 var name = match && match[1];
1585 return name || '';
1586 }
1587 /**
1588 * @param {function} Component
1589 * @param {string} fallback
1590 * @returns {string | undefined}
1591 */
1593 function getFunctionComponentName(Component) {
1594 var fallback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
1595 return Component.displayName || Component.name || getFunctionName(Component) || fallback;
1596 }
1598 function getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) {
1599 var functionName = getFunctionComponentName(innerType);
1600 return outerType.displayName || (functionName !== '' ? "".concat(wrapperName, "(").concat(functionName, ")") : wrapperName);
1601 }
1602 /**
1603 * cherry-pick from
1604 * https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/769b1f270e1251d9dbdce0fcbd9e92e502d059b8/packages/shared/getComponentName.js
1605 * originally forked from recompose/getDisplayName with added IE 11 support
1606 *
1607 * @param {React.ReactType} Component
1608 * @returns {string | undefined}
1609 */
1612 function getDisplayName(Component) {
1613 if (Component == null) {
1614 return undefined;
1615 }
1617 if (typeof Component === 'string') {
1618 return Component;
1619 }
1621 if (typeof Component === 'function') {
1622 return getFunctionComponentName(Component, 'Component');
1623 }
1625 if (_typeof(Component) === 'object') {
1626 switch (Component.$$typeof) {
1627 case reactIs_1:
1628 return getWrappedName(Component, Component.render, 'ForwardRef');
1630 case reactIs_5:
1631 return getWrappedName(Component, Component.type, 'memo');
1633 default:
1634 return undefined;
1635 }
1636 }
1638 return undefined;
1639 }
1641 function HTMLElementType(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
1643 var propValue = props[propName];
1644 var safePropName = propFullName || propName;
1646 if (propValue == null) {
1647 return null;
1648 }
1650 if (propValue && propValue.nodeType !== 1) {
1651 return new Error("Invalid ".concat(location, " `").concat(safePropName, "` supplied to `").concat(componentName, "`. ") + "Expected an HTMLElement.");
1652 }
1654 return null;
1655 }
1657 var refType = propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.func, propTypes.object]);
1659 /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
1661 /**
1662 * Returns a number whose value is limited to the given range.
1663 *
1664 * @param {number} value The value to be clamped
1665 * @param {number} min The lower boundary of the output range
1666 * @param {number} max The upper boundary of the output range
1667 * @returns {number} A number in the range [min, max]
1668 */
1669 function clamp(value) {
1670 var min = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
1671 var max = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;
1673 {
1674 if (value < min || value > max) {
1675 console.error("Material-UI: The value provided ".concat(value, " is out of range [").concat(min, ", ").concat(max, "]."));
1676 }
1677 }
1679 return Math.min(Math.max(min, value), max);
1680 }
1681 /**
1682 * Converts a color from CSS hex format to CSS rgb format.
1683 *
1684 * @param {string} color - Hex color, i.e. #nnn or #nnnnnn
1685 * @returns {string} A CSS rgb color string
1686 */
1689 function hexToRgb(color) {
1690 color = color.substr(1);
1691 var re = new RegExp(".{1,".concat(color.length >= 6 ? 2 : 1, "}"), 'g');
1692 var colors = color.match(re);
1694 if (colors && colors[0].length === 1) {
1695 colors = colors.map(function (n) {
1696 return n + n;
1697 });
1698 }
1700 return colors ? "rgb".concat(colors.length === 4 ? 'a' : '', "(").concat(colors.map(function (n, index) {
1701 return index < 3 ? parseInt(n, 16) : Math.round(parseInt(n, 16) / 255 * 1000) / 1000;
1702 }).join(', '), ")") : '';
1703 }
1705 function intToHex(int) {
1706 var hex = int.toString(16);
1707 return hex.length === 1 ? "0".concat(hex) : hex;
1708 }
1709 /**
1710 * Converts a color from CSS rgb format to CSS hex format.
1711 *
1712 * @param {string} color - RGB color, i.e. rgb(n, n, n)
1713 * @returns {string} A CSS rgb color string, i.e. #nnnnnn
1714 */
1717 function rgbToHex(color) {
1718 // Idempotent
1719 if (color.indexOf('#') === 0) {
1720 return color;
1721 }
1723 var _decomposeColor = decomposeColor(color),
1724 values = _decomposeColor.values;
1726 return "#".concat(values.map(function (n) {
1727 return intToHex(n);
1728 }).join(''));
1729 }
1730 /**
1731 * Converts a color from hsl format to rgb format.
1732 *
1733 * @param {string} color - HSL color values
1734 * @returns {string} rgb color values
1735 */
1737 function hslToRgb(color) {
1738 color = decomposeColor(color);
1739 var _color = color,
1740 values = _color.values;
1741 var h = values[0];
1742 var s = values[1] / 100;
1743 var l = values[2] / 100;
1744 var a = s * Math.min(l, 1 - l);
1746 var f = function f(n) {
1747 var k = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : (n + h / 30) % 12;
1748 return l - a * Math.max(Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1), -1);
1749 };
1751 var type = 'rgb';
1752 var rgb = [Math.round(f(0) * 255), Math.round(f(8) * 255), Math.round(f(4) * 255)];
1754 if (color.type === 'hsla') {
1755 type += 'a';
1756 rgb.push(values[3]);
1757 }
1759 return recomposeColor({
1760 type: type,
1761 values: rgb
1762 });
1763 }
1764 /**
1765 * Returns an object with the type and values of a color.
1766 *
1767 * Note: Does not support rgb % values.
1768 *
1769 * @param {string} color - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1770 * @returns {object} - A MUI color object: {type: string, values: number[]}
1771 */
1773 function decomposeColor(color) {
1774 // Idempotent
1775 if (color.type) {
1776 return color;
1777 }
1779 if (color.charAt(0) === '#') {
1780 return decomposeColor(hexToRgb(color));
1781 }
1783 var marker = color.indexOf('(');
1784 var type = color.substring(0, marker);
1786 if (['rgb', 'rgba', 'hsl', 'hsla'].indexOf(type) === -1) {
1787 throw new Error( "Material-UI: Unsupported `".concat(color, "` color.\nWe support the following formats: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla().") );
1788 }
1790 var values = color.substring(marker + 1, color.length - 1).split(',');
1791 values = values.map(function (value) {
1792 return parseFloat(value);
1793 });
1794 return {
1795 type: type,
1796 values: values
1797 };
1798 }
1799 /**
1800 * Converts a color object with type and values to a string.
1801 *
1802 * @param {object} color - Decomposed color
1803 * @param {string} color.type - One of: 'rgb', 'rgba', 'hsl', 'hsla'
1804 * @param {array} color.values - [n,n,n] or [n,n,n,n]
1805 * @returns {string} A CSS color string
1806 */
1808 function recomposeColor(color) {
1809 var type = color.type;
1810 var values = color.values;
1812 if (type.indexOf('rgb') !== -1) {
1813 // Only convert the first 3 values to int (i.e. not alpha)
1814 values = values.map(function (n, i) {
1815 return i < 3 ? parseInt(n, 10) : n;
1816 });
1817 } else if (type.indexOf('hsl') !== -1) {
1818 values[1] = "".concat(values[1], "%");
1819 values[2] = "".concat(values[2], "%");
1820 }
1822 return "".concat(type, "(").concat(values.join(', '), ")");
1823 }
1824 /**
1825 * Calculates the contrast ratio between two colors.
1826 *
1827 * Formula: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G17.html#G17-tests
1828 *
1829 * @param {string} foreground - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1830 * @param {string} background - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1831 * @returns {number} A contrast ratio value in the range 0 - 21.
1832 */
1834 function getContrastRatio(foreground, background) {
1835 var lumA = getLuminance(foreground);
1836 var lumB = getLuminance(background);
1837 return (Math.max(lumA, lumB) + 0.05) / (Math.min(lumA, lumB) + 0.05);
1838 }
1839 /**
1840 * The relative brightness of any point in a color space,
1841 * normalized to 0 for darkest black and 1 for lightest white.
1842 *
1843 * Formula: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G17.html#G17-tests
1844 *
1845 * @param {string} color - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1846 * @returns {number} The relative brightness of the color in the range 0 - 1
1847 */
1849 function getLuminance(color) {
1850 color = decomposeColor(color);
1851 var rgb = color.type === 'hsl' ? decomposeColor(hslToRgb(color)).values : color.values;
1852 rgb = rgb.map(function (val) {
1853 val /= 255; // normalized
1855 return val <= 0.03928 ? val / 12.92 : Math.pow((val + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
1856 }); // Truncate at 3 digits
1858 return Number((0.2126 * rgb[0] + 0.7152 * rgb[1] + 0.0722 * rgb[2]).toFixed(3));
1859 }
1860 /**
1861 * Darken or lighten a color, depending on its luminance.
1862 * Light colors are darkened, dark colors are lightened.
1863 *
1864 * @param {string} color - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1865 * @param {number} coefficient=0.15 - multiplier in the range 0 - 1
1866 * @returns {string} A CSS color string. Hex input values are returned as rgb
1867 */
1869 function emphasize(color) {
1870 var coefficient = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0.15;
1871 return getLuminance(color) > 0.5 ? darken(color, coefficient) : lighten(color, coefficient);
1872 }
1873 var warnedOnce = false;
1874 /**
1875 * Set the absolute transparency of a color.
1876 * Any existing alpha values are overwritten.
1877 *
1878 * @param {string} color - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1879 * @param {number} value - value to set the alpha channel to in the range 0 -1
1880 * @returns {string} A CSS color string. Hex input values are returned as rgb
1881 *
1882 * @deprecated
1883 * Use `import { alpha } from '@material-ui/core/styles'` instead.
1884 */
1886 function fade(color, value) {
1887 {
1888 if (!warnedOnce) {
1889 warnedOnce = true;
1890 console.error(['Material-UI: The `fade` color utility was renamed to `alpha` to better describe its functionality.', '', "You should use `import { alpha } from '@material-ui/core/styles'`"].join('\n'));
1891 }
1892 }
1894 return alpha(color, value);
1895 }
1896 /**
1897 * Set the absolute transparency of a color.
1898 * Any existing alpha value is overwritten.
1899 *
1900 * @param {string} color - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1901 * @param {number} value - value to set the alpha channel to in the range 0-1
1902 * @returns {string} A CSS color string. Hex input values are returned as rgb
1903 */
1905 function alpha(color, value) {
1906 color = decomposeColor(color);
1907 value = clamp(value);
1909 if (color.type === 'rgb' || color.type === 'hsl') {
1910 color.type += 'a';
1911 }
1913 color.values[3] = value;
1914 return recomposeColor(color);
1915 }
1916 /**
1917 * Darkens a color.
1918 *
1919 * @param {string} color - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1920 * @param {number} coefficient - multiplier in the range 0 - 1
1921 * @returns {string} A CSS color string. Hex input values are returned as rgb
1922 */
1924 function darken(color, coefficient) {
1925 color = decomposeColor(color);
1926 coefficient = clamp(coefficient);
1928 if (color.type.indexOf('hsl') !== -1) {
1929 color.values[2] *= 1 - coefficient;
1930 } else if (color.type.indexOf('rgb') !== -1) {
1931 for (var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
1932 color.values[i] *= 1 - coefficient;
1933 }
1934 }
1936 return recomposeColor(color);
1937 }
1938 /**
1939 * Lightens a color.
1940 *
1941 * @param {string} color - CSS color, i.e. one of: #nnn, #nnnnnn, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
1942 * @param {number} coefficient - multiplier in the range 0 - 1
1943 * @returns {string} A CSS color string. Hex input values are returned as rgb
1944 */
1946 function lighten(color, coefficient) {
1947 color = decomposeColor(color);
1948 coefficient = clamp(coefficient);
1950 if (color.type.indexOf('hsl') !== -1) {
1951 color.values[2] += (100 - color.values[2]) * coefficient;
1952 } else if (color.type.indexOf('rgb') !== -1) {
1953 for (var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
1954 color.values[i] += (255 - color.values[i]) * coefficient;
1955 }
1956 }
1958 return recomposeColor(color);
1959 }
1961 function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {
1962 if (source == null) return {};
1963 var target = {};
1964 var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
1965 var key, i;
1967 for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {
1968 key = sourceKeys[i];
1969 if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
1970 target[key] = source[key];
1971 }
1973 return target;
1974 }
1976 function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {
1977 if (source == null) return {};
1978 var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);
1979 var key, i;
1981 if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
1982 var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);
1984 for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) {
1985 key = sourceSymbolKeys[i];
1986 if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
1987 if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue;
1988 target[key] = source[key];
1989 }
1990 }
1992 return target;
1993 }
1995 // Sorted ASC by size. That's important.
1996 // It can't be configured as it's used statically for propTypes.
1997 var keys = ['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']; // Keep in mind that @media is inclusive by the CSS specification.
1999 function createBreakpoints(breakpoints) {
2000 var _breakpoints$values = breakpoints.values,
2001 values = _breakpoints$values === void 0 ? {
2002 xs: 0,
2003 sm: 600,
2004 md: 960,
2005 lg: 1280,
2006 xl: 1920
2007 } : _breakpoints$values,
2008 _breakpoints$unit = breakpoints.unit,
2009 unit = _breakpoints$unit === void 0 ? 'px' : _breakpoints$unit,
2010 _breakpoints$step = breakpoints.step,
2011 step = _breakpoints$step === void 0 ? 5 : _breakpoints$step,
2012 other = _objectWithoutProperties(breakpoints, ["values", "unit", "step"]);
2014 function up(key) {
2015 var value = typeof values[key] === 'number' ? values[key] : key;
2016 return "@media (min-width:".concat(value).concat(unit, ")");
2017 }
2019 function down(key) {
2020 var endIndex = keys.indexOf(key) + 1;
2021 var upperbound = values[keys[endIndex]];
2023 if (endIndex === keys.length) {
2024 // xl down applies to all sizes
2025 return up('xs');
2026 }
2028 var value = typeof upperbound === 'number' && endIndex > 0 ? upperbound : key;
2029 return "@media (max-width:".concat(value - step / 100).concat(unit, ")");
2030 }
2032 function between(start, end) {
2033 var endIndex = keys.indexOf(end);
2035 if (endIndex === keys.length - 1) {
2036 return up(start);
2037 }
2039 return "@media (min-width:".concat(typeof values[start] === 'number' ? values[start] : start).concat(unit, ") and ") + "(max-width:".concat((endIndex !== -1 && typeof values[keys[endIndex + 1]] === 'number' ? values[keys[endIndex + 1]] : end) - step / 100).concat(unit, ")");
2040 }
2042 function only(key) {
2043 return between(key, key);
2044 }
2046 var warnedOnce = false;
2048 function width(key) {
2049 {
2050 if (!warnedOnce) {
2051 warnedOnce = true;
2052 console.warn(["Material-UI: The `theme.breakpoints.width` utility is deprecated because it's redundant.", 'Use the `theme.breakpoints.values` instead.'].join('\n'));
2053 }
2054 }
2056 return values[key];
2057 }
2059 return _extends({
2060 keys: keys,
2061 values: values,
2062 up: up,
2063 down: down,
2064 between: between,
2065 only: only,
2066 width: width
2067 }, other);
2068 }
2070 function createMixins(breakpoints, spacing, mixins) {
2071 var _toolbar;
2073 return _extends({
2074 gutters: function gutters() {
2075 var styles = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2076 console.warn(['Material-UI: theme.mixins.gutters() is deprecated.', 'You can use the source of the mixin directly:', "\n paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),\n paddingRight: theme.spacing(2),\n [theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {\n paddingLeft: theme.spacing(3),\n paddingRight: theme.spacing(3),\n },\n "].join('\n'));
2077 return _extends({
2078 paddingLeft: spacing(2),
2079 paddingRight: spacing(2)
2080 }, styles, _defineProperty({}, breakpoints.up('sm'), _extends({
2081 paddingLeft: spacing(3),
2082 paddingRight: spacing(3)
2083 }, styles[breakpoints.up('sm')])));
2084 },
2085 toolbar: (_toolbar = {
2086 minHeight: 56
2087 }, _defineProperty(_toolbar, "".concat(breakpoints.up('xs'), " and (orientation: landscape)"), {
2088 minHeight: 48
2089 }), _defineProperty(_toolbar, breakpoints.up('sm'), {
2090 minHeight: 64
2091 }), _toolbar)
2092 }, mixins);
2093 }
2095 var light = {
2096 // The colors used to style the text.
2097 text: {
2098 // The most important text.
2099 primary: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)',
2100 // Secondary text.
2101 secondary: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)',
2102 // Disabled text have even lower visual prominence.
2103 disabled: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38)',
2104 // Text hints.
2105 hint: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38)'
2106 },
2107 // The color used to divide different elements.
2108 divider: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)',
2109 // The background colors used to style the surfaces.
2110 // Consistency between these values is important.
2111 background: {
2112 paper: common.white,
2113 default: grey[50]
2114 },
2115 // The colors used to style the action elements.
2116 action: {
2117 // The color of an active action like an icon button.
2118 active: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)',
2119 // The color of an hovered action.
2120 hover: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)',
2121 hoverOpacity: 0.04,
2122 // The color of a selected action.
2123 selected: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)',
2124 selectedOpacity: 0.08,
2125 // The color of a disabled action.
2126 disabled: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)',
2127 // The background color of a disabled action.
2128 disabledBackground: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)',
2129 disabledOpacity: 0.38,
2130 focus: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)',
2131 focusOpacity: 0.12,
2132 activatedOpacity: 0.12
2133 }
2134 };
2135 var dark = {
2136 text: {
2137 primary: common.white,
2138 secondary: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)',
2139 disabled: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)',
2140 hint: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)',
2141 icon: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)'
2142 },
2143 divider: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)',
2144 background: {
2145 paper: grey[800],
2146 default: '#303030'
2147 },
2148 action: {
2149 active: common.white,
2150 hover: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08)',
2151 hoverOpacity: 0.08,
2152 selected: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)',
2153 selectedOpacity: 0.16,
2154 disabled: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',
2155 disabledBackground: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)',
2156 disabledOpacity: 0.38,
2157 focus: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)',
2158 focusOpacity: 0.12,
2159 activatedOpacity: 0.24
2160 }
2161 };
2163 function addLightOrDark(intent, direction, shade, tonalOffset) {
2164 var tonalOffsetLight = tonalOffset.light || tonalOffset;
2165 var tonalOffsetDark = tonalOffset.dark || tonalOffset * 1.5;
2167 if (!intent[direction]) {
2168 if (intent.hasOwnProperty(shade)) {
2169 intent[direction] = intent[shade];
2170 } else if (direction === 'light') {
2171 intent.light = lighten(intent.main, tonalOffsetLight);
2172 } else if (direction === 'dark') {
2173 intent.dark = darken(intent.main, tonalOffsetDark);
2174 }
2175 }
2176 }
2178 function createPalette(palette) {
2179 var _palette$primary = palette.primary,
2180 primary = _palette$primary === void 0 ? {
2181 light: indigo[300],
2182 main: indigo[500],
2183 dark: indigo[700]
2184 } : _palette$primary,
2185 _palette$secondary = palette.secondary,
2186 secondary = _palette$secondary === void 0 ? {
2187 light: pink.A200,
2188 main: pink.A400,
2189 dark: pink.A700
2190 } : _palette$secondary,
2191 _palette$error = palette.error,
2192 error = _palette$error === void 0 ? {
2193 light: red[300],
2194 main: red[500],
2195 dark: red[700]
2196 } : _palette$error,
2197 _palette$warning = palette.warning,
2198 warning = _palette$warning === void 0 ? {
2199 light: orange[300],
2200 main: orange[500],
2201 dark: orange[700]
2202 } : _palette$warning,
2203 _palette$info = palette.info,
2204 info = _palette$info === void 0 ? {
2205 light: blue[300],
2206 main: blue[500],
2207 dark: blue[700]
2208 } : _palette$info,
2209 _palette$success = palette.success,
2210 success = _palette$success === void 0 ? {
2211 light: green[300],
2212 main: green[500],
2213 dark: green[700]
2214 } : _palette$success,
2215 _palette$type = palette.type,
2216 type = _palette$type === void 0 ? 'light' : _palette$type,
2217 _palette$contrastThre = palette.contrastThreshold,
2218 contrastThreshold = _palette$contrastThre === void 0 ? 3 : _palette$contrastThre,
2219 _palette$tonalOffset = palette.tonalOffset,
2220 tonalOffset = _palette$tonalOffset === void 0 ? 0.2 : _palette$tonalOffset,
2221 other = _objectWithoutProperties(palette, ["primary", "secondary", "error", "warning", "info", "success", "type", "contrastThreshold", "tonalOffset"]); // Use the same logic as
2222 // Bootstrap: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/1d6e3710dd447de1a200f29e8fa521f8a0908f70/scss/_functions.scss#L59
2223 // and material-components-web https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/ac46b8863c4dab9fc22c4c662dc6bd1b65dd652f/packages/mdc-theme/_functions.scss#L54
2226 function getContrastText(background) {
2227 var contrastText = getContrastRatio(background, dark.text.primary) >= contrastThreshold ? dark.text.primary : light.text.primary;
2229 {
2230 var contrast = getContrastRatio(background, contrastText);
2232 if (contrast < 3) {
2233 console.error(["Material-UI: The contrast ratio of ".concat(contrast, ":1 for ").concat(contrastText, " on ").concat(background), 'falls below the WCAG recommended absolute minimum contrast ratio of 3:1.', 'https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#visual-audio-contrast-contrast'].join('\n'));
2234 }
2235 }
2237 return contrastText;
2238 }
2240 var augmentColor = function augmentColor(color) {
2241 var mainShade = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 500;
2242 var lightShade = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 300;
2243 var darkShade = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 700;
2244 color = _extends({}, color);
2246 if (!color.main && color[mainShade]) {
2247 color.main = color[mainShade];
2248 }
2250 if (!color.main) {
2251 throw new Error( "Material-UI: The color provided to augmentColor(color) is invalid.\nThe color object needs to have a `main` property or a `".concat(mainShade, "` property.") );
2252 }
2254 if (typeof color.main !== 'string') {
2255 throw new Error( "Material-UI: The color provided to augmentColor(color) is invalid.\n`color.main` should be a string, but `".concat(JSON.stringify(color.main), "` was provided instead.\n\nDid you intend to use one of the following approaches?\n\nimport {\xA0green } from \"@material-ui/core/colors\";\n\nconst theme1 = createTheme({ palette: {\n primary: green,\n} });\n\nconst theme2 = createTheme({ palette: {\n primary: { main: green[500] },\n} });") );
2256 }
2258 addLightOrDark(color, 'light', lightShade, tonalOffset);
2259 addLightOrDark(color, 'dark', darkShade, tonalOffset);
2261 if (!color.contrastText) {
2262 color.contrastText = getContrastText(color.main);
2263 }
2265 return color;
2266 };
2268 var types = {
2269 dark: dark,
2270 light: light
2271 };
2273 {
2274 if (!types[type]) {
2275 console.error("Material-UI: The palette type `".concat(type, "` is not supported."));
2276 }
2277 }
2279 var paletteOutput = deepmerge(_extends({
2280 // A collection of common colors.
2281 common: common,
2282 // The palette type, can be light or dark.
2283 type: type,
2284 // The colors used to represent primary interface elements for a user.
2285 primary: augmentColor(primary),
2286 // The colors used to represent secondary interface elements for a user.
2287 secondary: augmentColor(secondary, 'A400', 'A200', 'A700'),
2288 // The colors used to represent interface elements that the user should be made aware of.
2289 error: augmentColor(error),
2290 // The colors used to represent potentially dangerous actions or important messages.
2291 warning: augmentColor(warning),
2292 // The colors used to present information to the user that is neutral and not necessarily important.
2293 info: augmentColor(info),
2294 // The colors used to indicate the successful completion of an action that user triggered.
2295 success: augmentColor(success),
2296 // The grey colors.
2297 grey: grey,
2298 // Used by `getContrastText()` to maximize the contrast between
2299 // the background and the text.
2300 contrastThreshold: contrastThreshold,
2301 // Takes a background color and returns the text color that maximizes the contrast.
2302 getContrastText: getContrastText,
2303 // Generate a rich color object.
2304 augmentColor: augmentColor,
2305 // Used by the functions below to shift a color's luminance by approximately
2306 // two indexes within its tonal palette.
2307 // E.g., shift from Red 500 to Red 300 or Red 700.
2308 tonalOffset: tonalOffset
2309 }, types[type]), other);
2310 return paletteOutput;
2311 }
2313 function round(value) {
2314 return Math.round(value * 1e5) / 1e5;
2315 }
2317 var warnedOnce$1 = false;
2319 function roundWithDeprecationWarning(value) {
2320 {
2321 if (!warnedOnce$1) {
2322 console.warn(['Material-UI: The `theme.typography.round` helper is deprecated.', 'Head to https://material-ui.com/r/migration-v4/#theme for a migration path.'].join('\n'));
2323 warnedOnce$1 = true;
2324 }
2325 }
2327 return round(value);
2328 }
2330 var caseAllCaps = {
2331 textTransform: 'uppercase'
2332 };
2333 var defaultFontFamily = '"Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif';
2334 /**
2335 * @see @link{https://material.io/design/typography/the-type-system.html}
2336 * @see @link{https://material.io/design/typography/understanding-typography.html}
2337 */
2339 function createTypography(palette, typography) {
2340 var _ref = typeof typography === 'function' ? typography(palette) : typography,
2341 _ref$fontFamily = _ref.fontFamily,
2342 fontFamily = _ref$fontFamily === void 0 ? defaultFontFamily : _ref$fontFamily,
2343 _ref$fontSize = _ref.fontSize,
2344 fontSize = _ref$fontSize === void 0 ? 14 : _ref$fontSize,
2345 _ref$fontWeightLight = _ref.fontWeightLight,
2346 fontWeightLight = _ref$fontWeightLight === void 0 ? 300 : _ref$fontWeightLight,
2347 _ref$fontWeightRegula = _ref.fontWeightRegular,
2348 fontWeightRegular = _ref$fontWeightRegula === void 0 ? 400 : _ref$fontWeightRegula,
2349 _ref$fontWeightMedium = _ref.fontWeightMedium,
2350 fontWeightMedium = _ref$fontWeightMedium === void 0 ? 500 : _ref$fontWeightMedium,
2351 _ref$fontWeightBold = _ref.fontWeightBold,
2352 fontWeightBold = _ref$fontWeightBold === void 0 ? 700 : _ref$fontWeightBold,
2353 _ref$htmlFontSize = _ref.htmlFontSize,
2354 htmlFontSize = _ref$htmlFontSize === void 0 ? 16 : _ref$htmlFontSize,
2355 allVariants = _ref.allVariants,
2356 pxToRem2 = _ref.pxToRem,
2357 other = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontWeightLight", "fontWeightRegular", "fontWeightMedium", "fontWeightBold", "htmlFontSize", "allVariants", "pxToRem"]);
2359 {
2360 if (typeof fontSize !== 'number') {
2361 console.error('Material-UI: `fontSize` is required to be a number.');
2362 }
2364 if (typeof htmlFontSize !== 'number') {
2365 console.error('Material-UI: `htmlFontSize` is required to be a number.');
2366 }
2367 }
2369 var coef = fontSize / 14;
2371 var pxToRem = pxToRem2 || function (size) {
2372 return "".concat(size / htmlFontSize * coef, "rem");
2373 };
2375 var buildVariant = function buildVariant(fontWeight, size, lineHeight, letterSpacing, casing) {
2376 return _extends({
2377 fontFamily: fontFamily,
2378 fontWeight: fontWeight,
2379 fontSize: pxToRem(size),
2380 // Unitless following https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2006/02/08/unitless-line-heights/
2381 lineHeight: lineHeight
2382 }, fontFamily === defaultFontFamily ? {
2383 letterSpacing: "".concat(round(letterSpacing / size), "em")
2384 } : {}, casing, allVariants);
2385 };
2387 var variants = {
2388 h1: buildVariant(fontWeightLight, 96, 1.167, -1.5),
2389 h2: buildVariant(fontWeightLight, 60, 1.2, -0.5),
2390 h3: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 48, 1.167, 0),
2391 h4: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 34, 1.235, 0.25),
2392 h5: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 24, 1.334, 0),
2393 h6: buildVariant(fontWeightMedium, 20, 1.6, 0.15),
2394 subtitle1: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 16, 1.75, 0.15),
2395 subtitle2: buildVariant(fontWeightMedium, 14, 1.57, 0.1),
2396 body1: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 16, 1.5, 0.15),
2397 body2: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 14, 1.43, 0.15),
2398 button: buildVariant(fontWeightMedium, 14, 1.75, 0.4, caseAllCaps),
2399 caption: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 12, 1.66, 0.4),
2400 overline: buildVariant(fontWeightRegular, 12, 2.66, 1, caseAllCaps)
2401 };
2402 return deepmerge(_extends({
2403 htmlFontSize: htmlFontSize,
2404 pxToRem: pxToRem,
2405 round: roundWithDeprecationWarning,
2406 // TODO v5: remove
2407 fontFamily: fontFamily,
2408 fontSize: fontSize,
2409 fontWeightLight: fontWeightLight,
2410 fontWeightRegular: fontWeightRegular,
2411 fontWeightMedium: fontWeightMedium,
2412 fontWeightBold: fontWeightBold
2413 }, variants), other, {
2414 clone: false // No need to clone deep
2416 });
2417 }
2419 var shadowKeyUmbraOpacity = 0.2;
2420 var shadowKeyPenumbraOpacity = 0.14;
2421 var shadowAmbientShadowOpacity = 0.12;
2423 function createShadow() {
2424 return ["".concat(arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 2 ? undefined : arguments[2], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 3 ? undefined : arguments[3], "px rgba(0,0,0,").concat(shadowKeyUmbraOpacity, ")"), "".concat(arguments.length <= 4 ? undefined : arguments[4], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 5 ? undefined : arguments[5], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 6 ? undefined : arguments[6], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 7 ? undefined : arguments[7], "px rgba(0,0,0,").concat(shadowKeyPenumbraOpacity, ")"), "".concat(arguments.length <= 8 ? undefined : arguments[8], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 9 ? undefined : arguments[9], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 10 ? undefined : arguments[10], "px ").concat(arguments.length <= 11 ? undefined : arguments[11], "px rgba(0,0,0,").concat(shadowAmbientShadowOpacity, ")")].join(',');
2425 } // Values from https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/be8747f94574669cb5e7add1a7c54fa41a89cec7/packages/mdc-elevation/_variables.scss
2428 var shadows = ['none', createShadow(0, 2, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0), createShadow(0, 3, 1, -2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 5, 0), createShadow(0, 3, 3, -2, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 1, 8, 0), createShadow(0, 2, 4, -1, 0, 4, 5, 0, 0, 1, 10, 0), createShadow(0, 3, 5, -1, 0, 5, 8, 0, 0, 1, 14, 0), createShadow(0, 3, 5, -1, 0, 6, 10, 0, 0, 1, 18, 0), createShadow(0, 4, 5, -2, 0, 7, 10, 1, 0, 2, 16, 1), createShadow(0, 5, 5, -3, 0, 8, 10, 1, 0, 3, 14, 2), createShadow(0, 5, 6, -3, 0, 9, 12, 1, 0, 3, 16, 2), createShadow(0, 6, 6, -3, 0, 10, 14, 1, 0, 4, 18, 3), createShadow(0, 6, 7, -4, 0, 11, 15, 1, 0, 4, 20, 3), createShadow(0, 7, 8, -4, 0, 12, 17, 2, 0, 5, 22, 4), createShadow(0, 7, 8, -4, 0, 13, 19, 2, 0, 5, 24, 4), createShadow(0, 7, 9, -4, 0, 14, 21, 2, 0, 5, 26, 4), createShadow(0, 8, 9, -5, 0, 15, 22, 2, 0, 6, 28, 5), createShadow(0, 8, 10, -5, 0, 16, 24, 2, 0, 6, 30, 5), createShadow(0, 8, 11, -5, 0, 17, 26, 2, 0, 6, 32, 5), createShadow(0, 9, 11, -5, 0, 18, 28, 2, 0, 7, 34, 6), createShadow(0, 9, 12, -6, 0, 19, 29, 2, 0, 7, 36, 6), createShadow(0, 10, 13, -6, 0, 20, 31, 3, 0, 8, 38, 7), createShadow(0, 10, 13, -6, 0, 21, 33, 3, 0, 8, 40, 7), createShadow(0, 10, 14, -6, 0, 22, 35, 3, 0, 8, 42, 7), createShadow(0, 11, 14, -7, 0, 23, 36, 3, 0, 9, 44, 8), createShadow(0, 11, 15, -7, 0, 24, 38, 3, 0, 9, 46, 8)];
2430 var shape = {
2431 borderRadius: 4
2432 };
2434 var responsivePropType = propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string, propTypes.object, propTypes.array]) ;
2436 function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
2437 if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;
2439 for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {
2440 arr2[i] = arr[i];
2441 }
2443 return arr2;
2444 }
2446 function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
2447 if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);
2448 }
2450 function _iterableToArray(iter) {
2451 if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter);
2452 }
2454 function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
2455 if (!o) return;
2456 if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
2457 var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);
2458 if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name;
2459 if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o);
2460 if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
2461 }
2463 function _nonIterableSpread() {
2464 throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
2465 }
2467 function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
2468 return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
2469 }
2471 function merge(acc, item) {
2472 if (!item) {
2473 return acc;
2474 }
2476 return deepmerge(acc, item, {
2477 clone: false // No need to clone deep, it's way faster.
2479 });
2480 }
2482 // For instance with the first breakpoint xs: [xs, sm[.
2484 var values = {
2485 xs: 0,
2486 sm: 600,
2487 md: 960,
2488 lg: 1280,
2489 xl: 1920
2490 };
2491 var defaultBreakpoints = {
2492 // Sorted ASC by size. That's important.
2493 // It can't be configured as it's used statically for propTypes.
2494 keys: ['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'],
2495 up: function up(key) {
2496 return "@media (min-width:".concat(values[key], "px)");
2497 }
2498 };
2499 function handleBreakpoints(props, propValue, styleFromPropValue) {
2500 {
2501 if (!props.theme) {
2502 console.error('Material-UI: You are calling a style function without a theme value.');
2503 }
2504 }
2506 if (Array.isArray(propValue)) {
2507 var themeBreakpoints = props.theme.breakpoints || defaultBreakpoints;
2508 return propValue.reduce(function (acc, item, index) {
2509 acc[themeBreakpoints.up(themeBreakpoints.keys[index])] = styleFromPropValue(propValue[index]);
2510 return acc;
2511 }, {});
2512 }
2514 if (_typeof(propValue) === 'object') {
2515 var _themeBreakpoints = props.theme.breakpoints || defaultBreakpoints;
2517 return Object.keys(propValue).reduce(function (acc, breakpoint) {
2518 acc[_themeBreakpoints.up(breakpoint)] = styleFromPropValue(propValue[breakpoint]);
2519 return acc;
2520 }, {});
2521 }
2523 var output = styleFromPropValue(propValue);
2524 return output;
2525 }
2527 function getPath(obj, path) {
2528 if (!path || typeof path !== 'string') {
2529 return null;
2530 }
2532 return path.split('.').reduce(function (acc, item) {
2533 return acc && acc[item] ? acc[item] : null;
2534 }, obj);
2535 }
2537 function style(options) {
2538 var prop = options.prop,
2539 _options$cssProperty = options.cssProperty,
2540 cssProperty = _options$cssProperty === void 0 ? options.prop : _options$cssProperty,
2541 themeKey = options.themeKey,
2542 transform = options.transform;
2544 var fn = function fn(props) {
2545 if (props[prop] == null) {
2546 return null;
2547 }
2549 var propValue = props[prop];
2550 var theme = props.theme;
2551 var themeMapping = getPath(theme, themeKey) || {};
2553 var styleFromPropValue = function styleFromPropValue(propValueFinal) {
2554 var value;
2556 if (typeof themeMapping === 'function') {
2557 value = themeMapping(propValueFinal);
2558 } else if (Array.isArray(themeMapping)) {
2559 value = themeMapping[propValueFinal] || propValueFinal;
2560 } else {
2561 value = getPath(themeMapping, propValueFinal) || propValueFinal;
2563 if (transform) {
2564 value = transform(value);
2565 }
2566 }
2568 if (cssProperty === false) {
2569 return value;
2570 }
2572 return _defineProperty({}, cssProperty, value);
2573 };
2575 return handleBreakpoints(props, propValue, styleFromPropValue);
2576 };
2578 fn.propTypes = _defineProperty({}, prop, responsivePropType) ;
2579 fn.filterProps = [prop];
2580 return fn;
2581 }
2583 function compose() {
2584 for (var _len = arguments.length, styles = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
2585 styles[_key] = arguments[_key];
2586 }
2588 var fn = function fn(props) {
2589 return styles.reduce(function (acc, style) {
2590 var output = style(props);
2592 if (output) {
2593 return merge(acc, output);
2594 }
2596 return acc;
2597 }, {});
2598 }; // Alternative approach that doesn't yield any performance gain.
2599 // const handlers = styles.reduce((acc, style) => {
2600 // style.filterProps.forEach(prop => {
2601 // acc[prop] = style;
2602 // });
2603 // return acc;
2604 // }, {});
2605 // const fn = props => {
2606 // return Object.keys(props).reduce((acc, prop) => {
2607 // if (handlers[prop]) {
2608 // return merge(acc, handlers[prop](props));
2609 // }
2610 // return acc;
2611 // }, {});
2612 // };
2615 fn.propTypes = styles.reduce(function (acc, style) {
2616 return _extends(acc, style.propTypes);
2617 }, {}) ;
2618 fn.filterProps = styles.reduce(function (acc, style) {
2619 return acc.concat(style.filterProps);
2620 }, []);
2621 return fn;
2622 }
2624 function getBorder(value) {
2625 if (typeof value !== 'number') {
2626 return value;
2627 }
2629 return "".concat(value, "px solid");
2630 }
2632 var border = style({
2633 prop: 'border',
2634 themeKey: 'borders',
2635 transform: getBorder
2636 });
2637 var borderTop = style({
2638 prop: 'borderTop',
2639 themeKey: 'borders',
2640 transform: getBorder
2641 });
2642 var borderRight = style({
2643 prop: 'borderRight',
2644 themeKey: 'borders',
2645 transform: getBorder
2646 });
2647 var borderBottom = style({
2648 prop: 'borderBottom',
2649 themeKey: 'borders',
2650 transform: getBorder
2651 });
2652 var borderLeft = style({
2653 prop: 'borderLeft',
2654 themeKey: 'borders',
2655 transform: getBorder
2656 });
2657 var borderColor = style({
2658 prop: 'borderColor',
2659 themeKey: 'palette'
2660 });
2661 var borderRadius = style({
2662 prop: 'borderRadius',
2663 themeKey: 'shape'
2664 });
2665 var borders = compose(border, borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft, borderColor, borderRadius);
2667 function omit(input, fields) {
2668 var output = {};
2669 Object.keys(input).forEach(function (prop) {
2670 if (fields.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
2671 output[prop] = input[prop];
2672 }
2673 });
2674 return output;
2675 }
2677 var warnedOnce$2 = false;
2679 function styleFunctionSx(styleFunction) {
2680 var newStyleFunction = function newStyleFunction(props) {
2681 var output = styleFunction(props);
2683 if (props.css) {
2684 return _extends({}, merge(output, styleFunction(_extends({
2685 theme: props.theme
2686 }, props.css))), omit(props.css, [styleFunction.filterProps]));
2687 }
2689 if (props.sx) {
2690 return _extends({}, merge(output, styleFunction(_extends({
2691 theme: props.theme
2692 }, props.sx))), omit(props.sx, [styleFunction.filterProps]));
2693 }
2695 return output;
2696 };
2698 newStyleFunction.propTypes = _extends({}, styleFunction.propTypes, {
2699 css: chainPropTypes(propTypes.object, function (props) {
2700 if (!warnedOnce$2 && props.css !== undefined) {
2701 warnedOnce$2 = true;
2702 return new Error('Material-UI: The `css` prop is deprecated, please use the `sx` prop instead.');
2703 }
2705 return null;
2706 }),
2707 sx: propTypes.object
2708 }) ;
2709 newStyleFunction.filterProps = ['css', 'sx'].concat(_toConsumableArray(styleFunction.filterProps));
2710 return newStyleFunction;
2711 }
2713 var displayPrint = style({
2714 prop: 'displayPrint',
2715 cssProperty: false,
2716 transform: function transform(value) {
2717 return {
2718 '@media print': {
2719 display: value
2720 }
2721 };
2722 }
2723 });
2724 var displayRaw = style({
2725 prop: 'display'
2726 });
2727 var overflow = style({
2728 prop: 'overflow'
2729 });
2730 var textOverflow = style({
2731 prop: 'textOverflow'
2732 });
2733 var visibility = style({
2734 prop: 'visibility'
2735 });
2736 var whiteSpace = style({
2737 prop: 'whiteSpace'
2738 });
2739 var display = compose(displayPrint, displayRaw, overflow, textOverflow, visibility, whiteSpace);
2741 var flexBasis = style({
2742 prop: 'flexBasis'
2743 });
2744 var flexDirection = style({
2745 prop: 'flexDirection'
2746 });
2747 var flexWrap = style({
2748 prop: 'flexWrap'
2749 });
2750 var justifyContent = style({
2751 prop: 'justifyContent'
2752 });
2753 var alignItems = style({
2754 prop: 'alignItems'
2755 });
2756 var alignContent = style({
2757 prop: 'alignContent'
2758 });
2759 var order = style({
2760 prop: 'order'
2761 });
2762 var flex = style({
2763 prop: 'flex'
2764 });
2765 var flexGrow = style({
2766 prop: 'flexGrow'
2767 });
2768 var flexShrink = style({
2769 prop: 'flexShrink'
2770 });
2771 var alignSelf = style({
2772 prop: 'alignSelf'
2773 });
2774 var justifyItems = style({
2775 prop: 'justifyItems'
2776 });
2777 var justifySelf = style({
2778 prop: 'justifySelf'
2779 });
2780 var flexbox = compose(flexBasis, flexDirection, flexWrap, justifyContent, alignItems, alignContent, order, flex, flexGrow, flexShrink, alignSelf, justifyItems, justifySelf);
2782 var gridGap = style({
2783 prop: 'gridGap'
2784 });
2785 var gridColumnGap = style({
2786 prop: 'gridColumnGap'
2787 });
2788 var gridRowGap = style({
2789 prop: 'gridRowGap'
2790 });
2791 var gridColumn = style({
2792 prop: 'gridColumn'
2793 });
2794 var gridRow = style({
2795 prop: 'gridRow'
2796 });
2797 var gridAutoFlow = style({
2798 prop: 'gridAutoFlow'
2799 });
2800 var gridAutoColumns = style({
2801 prop: 'gridAutoColumns'
2802 });
2803 var gridAutoRows = style({
2804 prop: 'gridAutoRows'
2805 });
2806 var gridTemplateColumns = style({
2807 prop: 'gridTemplateColumns'
2808 });
2809 var gridTemplateRows = style({
2810 prop: 'gridTemplateRows'
2811 });
2812 var gridTemplateAreas = style({
2813 prop: 'gridTemplateAreas'
2814 });
2815 var gridArea = style({
2816 prop: 'gridArea'
2817 });
2818 var grid = compose(gridGap, gridColumnGap, gridRowGap, gridColumn, gridRow, gridAutoFlow, gridAutoColumns, gridAutoRows, gridTemplateColumns, gridTemplateRows, gridTemplateAreas, gridArea);
2820 var color = style({
2821 prop: 'color',
2822 themeKey: 'palette'
2823 });
2824 var bgcolor = style({
2825 prop: 'bgcolor',
2826 cssProperty: 'backgroundColor',
2827 themeKey: 'palette'
2828 });
2829 var palette = compose(color, bgcolor);
2831 var position = style({
2832 prop: 'position'
2833 });
2834 var zIndex = style({
2835 prop: 'zIndex',
2836 themeKey: 'zIndex'
2837 });
2838 var top = style({
2839 prop: 'top'
2840 });
2841 var right = style({
2842 prop: 'right'
2843 });
2844 var bottom = style({
2845 prop: 'bottom'
2846 });
2847 var left = style({
2848 prop: 'left'
2849 });
2850 var positions = compose(position, zIndex, top, right, bottom, left);
2852 var boxShadow = style({
2853 prop: 'boxShadow',
2854 themeKey: 'shadows'
2855 });
2857 function transform(value) {
2858 return value <= 1 ? "".concat(value * 100, "%") : value;
2859 }
2861 var width = style({
2862 prop: 'width',
2863 transform: transform
2864 });
2865 var maxWidth = style({
2866 prop: 'maxWidth',
2867 transform: transform
2868 });
2869 var minWidth = style({
2870 prop: 'minWidth',
2871 transform: transform
2872 });
2873 var height = style({
2874 prop: 'height',
2875 transform: transform
2876 });
2877 var maxHeight = style({
2878 prop: 'maxHeight',
2879 transform: transform
2880 });
2881 var minHeight = style({
2882 prop: 'minHeight',
2883 transform: transform
2884 });
2885 var sizeWidth = style({
2886 prop: 'size',
2887 cssProperty: 'width',
2888 transform: transform
2889 });
2890 var sizeHeight = style({
2891 prop: 'size',
2892 cssProperty: 'height',
2893 transform: transform
2894 });
2895 var boxSizing = style({
2896 prop: 'boxSizing'
2897 });
2898 var sizing = compose(width, maxWidth, minWidth, height, maxHeight, minHeight, boxSizing);
2900 function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
2901 if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
2902 }
2904 function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
2905 if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return;
2906 var _arr = [];
2907 var _n = true;
2908 var _d = false;
2909 var _e = undefined;
2911 try {
2912 for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) {
2913 _arr.push(_s.value);
2915 if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
2916 }
2917 } catch (err) {
2918 _d = true;
2919 _e = err;
2920 } finally {
2921 try {
2922 if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();
2923 } finally {
2924 if (_d) throw _e;
2925 }
2926 }
2928 return _arr;
2929 }
2931 function _nonIterableRest() {
2932 throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
2933 }
2935 function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
2936 return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();
2937 }
2939 function memoize(fn) {
2940 var cache = {};
2941 return function (arg) {
2942 if (cache[arg] === undefined) {
2943 cache[arg] = fn(arg);
2944 }
2946 return cache[arg];
2947 };
2948 }
2950 var properties = {
2951 m: 'margin',
2952 p: 'padding'
2953 };
2954 var directions = {
2955 t: 'Top',
2956 r: 'Right',
2957 b: 'Bottom',
2958 l: 'Left',
2959 x: ['Left', 'Right'],
2960 y: ['Top', 'Bottom']
2961 };
2962 var aliases = {
2963 marginX: 'mx',
2964 marginY: 'my',
2965 paddingX: 'px',
2966 paddingY: 'py'
2967 }; // memoize() impact:
2968 // From 300,000 ops/sec
2969 // To 350,000 ops/sec
2971 var getCssProperties = memoize(function (prop) {
2972 // It's not a shorthand notation.
2973 if (prop.length > 2) {
2974 if (aliases[prop]) {
2975 prop = aliases[prop];
2976 } else {
2977 return [prop];
2978 }
2979 }
2981 var _prop$split = prop.split(''),
2982 _prop$split2 = _slicedToArray(_prop$split, 2),
2983 a = _prop$split2[0],
2984 b = _prop$split2[1];
2986 var property = properties[a];
2987 var direction = directions[b] || '';
2988 return Array.isArray(direction) ? direction.map(function (dir) {
2989 return property + dir;
2990 }) : [property + direction];
2991 });
2992 var spacingKeys = ['m', 'mt', 'mr', 'mb', 'ml', 'mx', 'my', 'p', 'pt', 'pr', 'pb', 'pl', 'px', 'py', 'margin', 'marginTop', 'marginRight', 'marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginX', 'marginY', 'padding', 'paddingTop', 'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingX', 'paddingY'];
2993 function createUnarySpacing(theme) {
2994 var themeSpacing = theme.spacing || 8;
2996 if (typeof themeSpacing === 'number') {
2997 return function (abs) {
2998 {
2999 if (typeof abs !== 'number') {
3000 console.error("Material-UI: Expected spacing argument to be a number, got ".concat(abs, "."));
3001 }
3002 }
3004 return themeSpacing * abs;
3005 };
3006 }
3008 if (Array.isArray(themeSpacing)) {
3009 return function (abs) {
3010 {
3011 if (abs > themeSpacing.length - 1) {
3012 console.error(["Material-UI: The value provided (".concat(abs, ") overflows."), "The supported values are: ".concat(JSON.stringify(themeSpacing), "."), "".concat(abs, " > ").concat(themeSpacing.length - 1, ", you need to add the missing values.")].join('\n'));
3013 }
3014 }
3016 return themeSpacing[abs];
3017 };
3018 }
3020 if (typeof themeSpacing === 'function') {
3021 return themeSpacing;
3022 }
3024 {
3025 console.error(["Material-UI: The `theme.spacing` value (".concat(themeSpacing, ") is invalid."), 'It should be a number, an array or a function.'].join('\n'));
3026 }
3028 return function () {
3029 return undefined;
3030 };
3031 }
3033 function getValue(transformer, propValue) {
3034 if (typeof propValue === 'string' || propValue == null) {
3035 return propValue;
3036 }
3038 var abs = Math.abs(propValue);
3039 var transformed = transformer(abs);
3041 if (propValue >= 0) {
3042 return transformed;
3043 }
3045 if (typeof transformed === 'number') {
3046 return -transformed;
3047 }
3049 return "-".concat(transformed);
3050 }
3052 function getStyleFromPropValue(cssProperties, transformer) {
3053 return function (propValue) {
3054 return cssProperties.reduce(function (acc, cssProperty) {
3055 acc[cssProperty] = getValue(transformer, propValue);
3056 return acc;
3057 }, {});
3058 };
3059 }
3061 function spacing(props) {
3062 var theme = props.theme;
3063 var transformer = createUnarySpacing(theme);
3064 return Object.keys(props).map(function (prop) {
3065 // Using a hash computation over an array iteration could be faster, but with only 28 items,
3066 // it's doesn't worth the bundle size.
3067 if (spacingKeys.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
3068 return null;
3069 }
3071 var cssProperties = getCssProperties(prop);
3072 var styleFromPropValue = getStyleFromPropValue(cssProperties, transformer);
3073 var propValue = props[prop];
3074 return handleBreakpoints(props, propValue, styleFromPropValue);
3075 }).reduce(merge, {});
3076 }
3078 spacing.propTypes = spacingKeys.reduce(function (obj, key) {
3079 obj[key] = responsivePropType;
3080 return obj;
3081 }, {}) ;
3082 spacing.filterProps = spacingKeys;
3084 var fontFamily = style({
3085 prop: 'fontFamily',
3086 themeKey: 'typography'
3087 });
3088 var fontSize = style({
3089 prop: 'fontSize',
3090 themeKey: 'typography'
3091 });
3092 var fontStyle = style({
3093 prop: 'fontStyle',
3094 themeKey: 'typography'
3095 });
3096 var fontWeight = style({
3097 prop: 'fontWeight',
3098 themeKey: 'typography'
3099 });
3100 var letterSpacing = style({
3101 prop: 'letterSpacing'
3102 });
3103 var lineHeight = style({
3104 prop: 'lineHeight'
3105 });
3106 var textAlign = style({
3107 prop: 'textAlign'
3108 });
3109 var typography = compose(fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, letterSpacing, lineHeight, textAlign);
3111 var warnOnce;
3112 function createSpacing() {
3113 var spacingInput = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 8;
3115 // Already transformed.
3116 if (spacingInput.mui) {
3117 return spacingInput;
3118 } // Material Design layouts are visually balanced. Most measurements align to an 8dp grid applied, which aligns both spacing and the overall layout.
3119 // Smaller components, such as icons and type, can align to a 4dp grid.
3120 // https://material.io/design/layout/understanding-layout.html#usage
3123 var transform = createUnarySpacing({
3124 spacing: spacingInput
3125 });
3127 var spacing = function spacing() {
3128 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
3129 args[_key] = arguments[_key];
3130 }
3132 {
3133 if (!(args.length <= 4)) {
3134 console.error("Material-UI: Too many arguments provided, expected between 0 and 4, got ".concat(args.length));
3135 }
3136 }
3138 if (args.length === 0) {
3139 return transform(1);
3140 }
3142 if (args.length === 1) {
3143 return transform(args[0]);
3144 }
3146 return args.map(function (argument) {
3147 if (typeof argument === 'string') {
3148 return argument;
3149 }
3151 var output = transform(argument);
3152 return typeof output === 'number' ? "".concat(output, "px") : output;
3153 }).join(' ');
3154 }; // Backward compatibility, to remove in v5.
3157 Object.defineProperty(spacing, 'unit', {
3158 get: function get() {
3159 {
3160 if (!warnOnce || "development" === 'test') {
3161 console.error(['Material-UI: theme.spacing.unit usage has been deprecated.', 'It will be removed in v5.', 'You can replace `theme.spacing.unit * y` with `theme.spacing(y)`.', '', 'You can use the `https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/master/packages/material-ui-codemod/README.md#theme-spacing-api` migration helper to make the process smoother.'].join('\n'));
3162 }
3164 warnOnce = true;
3165 }
3167 return spacingInput;
3168 }
3169 });
3170 spacing.mui = true;
3171 return spacing;
3172 }
3174 // Follow https://material.google.com/motion/duration-easing.html#duration-easing-natural-easing-curves
3175 // to learn the context in which each easing should be used.
3176 var easing = {
3177 // This is the most common easing curve.
3178 easeInOut: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)',
3179 // Objects enter the screen at full velocity from off-screen and
3180 // slowly decelerate to a resting point.
3181 easeOut: 'cubic-bezier(0.0, 0, 0.2, 1)',
3182 // Objects leave the screen at full velocity. They do not decelerate when off-screen.
3183 easeIn: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1)',
3184 // The sharp curve is used by objects that may return to the screen at any time.
3185 sharp: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1)'
3186 }; // Follow https://material.io/guidelines/motion/duration-easing.html#duration-easing-common-durations
3187 // to learn when use what timing
3189 var duration = {
3190 shortest: 150,
3191 shorter: 200,
3192 short: 250,
3193 // most basic recommended timing
3194 standard: 300,
3195 // this is to be used in complex animations
3196 complex: 375,
3197 // recommended when something is entering screen
3198 enteringScreen: 225,
3199 // recommended when something is leaving screen
3200 leavingScreen: 195
3201 };
3203 function formatMs(milliseconds) {
3204 return "".concat(Math.round(milliseconds), "ms");
3205 }
3206 /**
3207 * @param {string|Array} props
3208 * @param {object} param
3209 * @param {string} param.prop
3210 * @param {number} param.duration
3211 * @param {string} param.easing
3212 * @param {number} param.delay
3213 */
3216 var transitions = {
3217 easing: easing,
3218 duration: duration,
3219 create: function create() {
3220 var props = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ['all'];
3221 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
3223 var _options$duration = options.duration,
3224 durationOption = _options$duration === void 0 ? duration.standard : _options$duration,
3225 _options$easing = options.easing,
3226 easingOption = _options$easing === void 0 ? easing.easeInOut : _options$easing,
3227 _options$delay = options.delay,
3228 delay = _options$delay === void 0 ? 0 : _options$delay,
3229 other = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ["duration", "easing", "delay"]);
3231 {
3232 var isString = function isString(value) {
3233 return typeof value === 'string';
3234 };
3236 var isNumber = function isNumber(value) {
3237 return !isNaN(parseFloat(value));
3238 };
3240 if (!isString(props) && !Array.isArray(props)) {
3241 console.error('Material-UI: Argument "props" must be a string or Array.');
3242 }
3244 if (!isNumber(durationOption) && !isString(durationOption)) {
3245 console.error("Material-UI: Argument \"duration\" must be a number or a string but found ".concat(durationOption, "."));
3246 }
3248 if (!isString(easingOption)) {
3249 console.error('Material-UI: Argument "easing" must be a string.');
3250 }
3252 if (!isNumber(delay) && !isString(delay)) {
3253 console.error('Material-UI: Argument "delay" must be a number or a string.');
3254 }
3256 if (Object.keys(other).length !== 0) {
3257 console.error("Material-UI: Unrecognized argument(s) [".concat(Object.keys(other).join(','), "]."));
3258 }
3259 }
3261 return (Array.isArray(props) ? props : [props]).map(function (animatedProp) {
3262 return "".concat(animatedProp, " ").concat(typeof durationOption === 'string' ? durationOption : formatMs(durationOption), " ").concat(easingOption, " ").concat(typeof delay === 'string' ? delay : formatMs(delay));
3263 }).join(',');
3264 },
3265 getAutoHeightDuration: function getAutoHeightDuration(height) {
3266 if (!height) {
3267 return 0;
3268 }
3270 var constant = height / 36; // https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(4+%2B+15+*+(x+%2F+36+)+**+0.25+%2B+(x+%2F+36)+%2F+5)+*+10
3272 return Math.round((4 + 15 * Math.pow(constant, 0.25) + constant / 5) * 10);
3273 }
3274 };
3276 // We need to centralize the zIndex definitions as they work
3277 // like global values in the browser.
3278 var zIndex$1 = {
3279 mobileStepper: 1000,
3280 speedDial: 1050,
3281 appBar: 1100,
3282 drawer: 1200,
3283 modal: 1300,
3284 snackbar: 1400,
3285 tooltip: 1500
3286 };
3288 function createTheme() {
3289 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3291 var _options$breakpoints = options.breakpoints,
3292 breakpointsInput = _options$breakpoints === void 0 ? {} : _options$breakpoints,
3293 _options$mixins = options.mixins,
3294 mixinsInput = _options$mixins === void 0 ? {} : _options$mixins,
3295 _options$palette = options.palette,
3296 paletteInput = _options$palette === void 0 ? {} : _options$palette,
3297 spacingInput = options.spacing,
3298 _options$typography = options.typography,
3299 typographyInput = _options$typography === void 0 ? {} : _options$typography,
3300 other = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ["breakpoints", "mixins", "palette", "spacing", "typography"]);
3302 var palette = createPalette(paletteInput);
3303 var breakpoints = createBreakpoints(breakpointsInput);
3304 var spacing = createSpacing(spacingInput);
3305 var muiTheme = deepmerge({
3306 breakpoints: breakpoints,
3307 direction: 'ltr',
3308 mixins: createMixins(breakpoints, spacing, mixinsInput),
3309 overrides: {},
3310 // Inject custom styles
3311 palette: palette,
3312 props: {},
3313 // Provide default props
3314 shadows: shadows,
3315 typography: createTypography(palette, typographyInput),
3316 spacing: spacing,
3317 shape: shape,
3318 transitions: transitions,
3319 zIndex: zIndex$1
3320 }, other);
3322 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
3323 args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
3324 }
3326 muiTheme = args.reduce(function (acc, argument) {
3327 return deepmerge(acc, argument);
3328 }, muiTheme);
3330 {
3331 var pseudoClasses = ['checked', 'disabled', 'error', 'focused', 'focusVisible', 'required', 'expanded', 'selected'];
3333 var traverse = function traverse(node, parentKey) {
3334 var depth = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;
3335 var key; // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in, no-restricted-syntax
3337 for (key in node) {
3338 var child = node[key];
3340 if (depth === 1) {
3341 if (key.indexOf('Mui') === 0 && child) {
3342 traverse(child, key, depth + 1);
3343 }
3344 } else if (pseudoClasses.indexOf(key) !== -1 && Object.keys(child).length > 0) {
3345 {
3346 console.error(["Material-UI: The `".concat(parentKey, "` component increases ") + "the CSS specificity of the `".concat(key, "` internal state."), 'You can not override it like this: ', JSON.stringify(node, null, 2), '', 'Instead, you need to use the $ruleName syntax:', JSON.stringify({
3347 root: _defineProperty({}, "&$".concat(key), child)
3348 }, null, 2), '', 'https://material-ui.com/r/pseudo-classes-guide'].join('\n'));
3349 } // Remove the style to prevent global conflicts.
3352 node[key] = {};
3353 }
3354 }
3355 };
3357 traverse(muiTheme.overrides);
3358 }
3360 return muiTheme;
3361 }
3363 var warnedOnce$3 = false;
3364 function createMuiTheme() {
3365 {
3366 if (!warnedOnce$3) {
3367 warnedOnce$3 = true;
3368 console.error(['Material-UI: the createMuiTheme function was renamed to createTheme.', '', "You should use `import { createTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles'`"].join('\n'));
3369 }
3370 }
3372 return createTheme.apply(void 0, arguments);
3373 }
3375 function createMuiStrictModeTheme(options) {
3376 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
3377 args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
3378 }
3380 return createTheme.apply(void 0, [deepmerge({
3381 unstable_strictMode: true
3382 }, options)].concat(args));
3383 }
3385 var hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.for;
3386 var nested = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('mui.nested') : '__THEME_NESTED__';
3388 /**
3389 * This is the list of the style rule name we use as drop in replacement for the built-in
3390 * pseudo classes (:checked, :disabled, :focused, etc.).
3391 *
3392 * Why do they exist in the first place?
3393 * These classes are used at a specificity of 2.
3394 * It allows them to override previously definied styles as well as
3395 * being untouched by simple user overrides.
3396 */
3398 var pseudoClasses = ['checked', 'disabled', 'error', 'focused', 'focusVisible', 'required', 'expanded', 'selected']; // Returns a function which generates unique class names based on counters.
3399 // When new generator function is created, rule counter is reset.
3400 // We need to reset the rule counter for SSR for each request.
3401 //
3402 // It's inspired by
3403 // https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/blob/4e6a05dd3f7b6572fdd3ab216861d9e446c20331/src/utils/createGenerateClassName.js
3405 function createGenerateClassName() {
3406 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3407 var _options$disableGloba = options.disableGlobal,
3408 disableGlobal = _options$disableGloba === void 0 ? false : _options$disableGloba,
3409 _options$productionPr = options.productionPrefix,
3410 _options$seed = options.seed,
3411 seed = _options$seed === void 0 ? '' : _options$seed;
3412 var seedPrefix = seed === '' ? '' : "".concat(seed, "-");
3413 var ruleCounter = 0;
3415 var getNextCounterId = function getNextCounterId() {
3416 ruleCounter += 1;
3418 {
3419 if (ruleCounter >= 1e10) {
3420 console.warn(['Material-UI: You might have a memory leak.', 'The ruleCounter is not supposed to grow that much.'].join(''));
3421 }
3422 }
3424 return ruleCounter;
3425 };
3427 return function (rule, styleSheet) {
3428 var name = styleSheet.options.name; // Is a global static MUI style?
3430 if (name && name.indexOf('Mui') === 0 && !styleSheet.options.link && !disableGlobal) {
3431 // We can use a shorthand class name, we never use the keys to style the components.
3432 if (pseudoClasses.indexOf(rule.key) !== -1) {
3433 return "Mui-".concat(rule.key);
3434 }
3436 var prefix = "".concat(seedPrefix).concat(name, "-").concat(rule.key);
3438 if (!styleSheet.options.theme[nested] || seed !== '') {
3439 return prefix;
3440 }
3442 return "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(getNextCounterId());
3443 }
3445 var suffix = "".concat(rule.key, "-").concat(getNextCounterId()); // Help with debuggability.
3447 if (styleSheet.options.classNamePrefix) {
3448 return "".concat(seedPrefix).concat(styleSheet.options.classNamePrefix, "-").concat(suffix);
3449 }
3451 return "".concat(seedPrefix).concat(suffix);
3452 };
3453 }
3455 function createStyles(styles) {
3456 return styles;
3457 }
3459 /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */
3460 function getThemeProps(params) {
3461 var theme = params.theme,
3462 name = params.name,
3463 props = params.props;
3465 if (!theme || !theme.props || !theme.props[name]) {
3466 return props;
3467 } // Resolve default props, code borrow from React source.
3468 // https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/15a8f031838a553e41c0b66eb1bcf1da8448104d/packages/react/src/ReactElement.js#L221
3471 var defaultProps = theme.props[name];
3472 var propName;
3474 for (propName in defaultProps) {
3475 if (props[propName] === undefined) {
3476 props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];
3477 }
3478 }
3480 return props;
3481 }
3483 function warning(condition, message) {
3484 {
3485 if (condition) {
3486 return;
3487 }
3489 var text = "Warning: " + message;
3491 if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
3492 console.warn(text);
3493 }
3495 try {
3496 throw Error(text);
3497 } catch (x) {}
3498 }
3499 }
3501 var _typeof$1 = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
3503 var isBrowser = (typeof window === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof$1(window)) === "object" && (typeof document === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof$1(document)) === 'object' && document.nodeType === 9;
3505 function _defineProperties(target, props) {
3506 for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
3507 var descriptor = props[i];
3508 descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
3509 descriptor.configurable = true;
3510 if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
3511 Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
3512 }
3513 }
3515 function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
3516 if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
3517 if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
3518 return Constructor;
3519 }
3521 function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
3522 subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
3523 subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
3524 subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
3525 }
3527 function _assertThisInitialized(self) {
3528 if (self === void 0) {
3529 throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
3530 }
3532 return self;
3533 }
3535 var plainObjectConstrurctor = {}.constructor;
3536 function cloneStyle(style) {
3537 if (style == null || typeof style !== 'object') return style;
3538 if (Array.isArray(style)) return style.map(cloneStyle);
3539 if (style.constructor !== plainObjectConstrurctor) return style;
3540 var newStyle = {};
3542 for (var name in style) {
3543 newStyle[name] = cloneStyle(style[name]);
3544 }
3546 return newStyle;
3547 }
3549 /**
3550 * Create a rule instance.
3551 */
3553 function createRule(name, decl, options) {
3554 if (name === void 0) {
3555 name = 'unnamed';
3556 }
3558 var jss = options.jss;
3559 var declCopy = cloneStyle(decl);
3560 var rule = jss.plugins.onCreateRule(name, declCopy, options);
3561 if (rule) return rule; // It is an at-rule and it has no instance.
3563 if (name[0] === '@') {
3564 warning(false, "[JSS] Unknown rule " + name) ;
3565 }
3567 return null;
3568 }
3570 var join = function join(value, by) {
3571 var result = '';
3573 for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
3574 // Remove !important from the value, it will be readded later.
3575 if (value[i] === '!important') break;
3576 if (result) result += by;
3577 result += value[i];
3578 }
3580 return result;
3581 };
3583 /**
3584 * Converts array values to string.
3585 *
3586 * `margin: [['5px', '10px']]` > `margin: 5px 10px;`
3587 * `border: ['1px', '2px']` > `border: 1px, 2px;`
3588 * `margin: [['5px', '10px'], '!important']` > `margin: 5px 10px !important;`
3589 * `color: ['red', !important]` > `color: red !important;`
3590 */
3591 var toCssValue = function toCssValue(value, ignoreImportant) {
3592 if (ignoreImportant === void 0) {
3593 ignoreImportant = false;
3594 }
3596 if (!Array.isArray(value)) return value;
3597 var cssValue = ''; // Support space separated values via `[['5px', '10px']]`.
3599 if (Array.isArray(value[0])) {
3600 for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
3601 if (value[i] === '!important') break;
3602 if (cssValue) cssValue += ', ';
3603 cssValue += join(value[i], ' ');
3604 }
3605 } else cssValue = join(value, ', '); // Add !important, because it was ignored.
3608 if (!ignoreImportant && value[value.length - 1] === '!important') {
3609 cssValue += ' !important';
3610 }
3612 return cssValue;
3613 };
3615 /**
3616 * Indent a string.
3617 * http://jsperf.com/array-join-vs-for
3618 */
3619 function indentStr(str, indent) {
3620 var result = '';
3622 for (var index = 0; index < indent; index++) {
3623 result += ' ';
3624 }
3626 return result + str;
3627 }
3628 /**
3629 * Converts a Rule to CSS string.
3630 */
3633 function toCss(selector, style, options) {
3634 if (options === void 0) {
3635 options = {};
3636 }
3638 var result = '';
3639 if (!style) return result;
3640 var _options = options,
3641 _options$indent = _options.indent,
3642 indent = _options$indent === void 0 ? 0 : _options$indent;
3643 var fallbacks = style.fallbacks;
3644 if (selector) indent++; // Apply fallbacks first.
3646 if (fallbacks) {
3647 // Array syntax {fallbacks: [{prop: value}]}
3648 if (Array.isArray(fallbacks)) {
3649 for (var index = 0; index < fallbacks.length; index++) {
3650 var fallback = fallbacks[index];
3652 for (var prop in fallback) {
3653 var value = fallback[prop];
3655 if (value != null) {
3656 if (result) result += '\n';
3657 result += "" + indentStr(prop + ": " + toCssValue(value) + ";", indent);
3658 }
3659 }
3660 }
3661 } else {
3662 // Object syntax {fallbacks: {prop: value}}
3663 for (var _prop in fallbacks) {
3664 var _value = fallbacks[_prop];
3666 if (_value != null) {
3667 if (result) result += '\n';
3668 result += "" + indentStr(_prop + ": " + toCssValue(_value) + ";", indent);
3669 }
3670 }
3671 }
3672 }
3674 for (var _prop2 in style) {
3675 var _value2 = style[_prop2];
3677 if (_value2 != null && _prop2 !== 'fallbacks') {
3678 if (result) result += '\n';
3679 result += "" + indentStr(_prop2 + ": " + toCssValue(_value2) + ";", indent);
3680 }
3681 } // Allow empty style in this case, because properties will be added dynamically.
3684 if (!result && !options.allowEmpty) return result; // When rule is being stringified before selector was defined.
3686 if (!selector) return result;
3687 indent--;
3688 if (result) result = "\n" + result + "\n";
3689 return indentStr(selector + " {" + result, indent) + indentStr('}', indent);
3690 }
3692 var escapeRegex = /([[\].#*$><+~=|^:(),"'`\s])/g;
3693 var nativeEscape = typeof CSS !== 'undefined' && CSS.escape;
3694 var escape = (function (str) {
3695 return nativeEscape ? nativeEscape(str) : str.replace(escapeRegex, '\\$1');
3696 });
3698 var BaseStyleRule =
3699 /*#__PURE__*/
3700 function () {
3701 function BaseStyleRule(key, style, options) {
3702 this.type = 'style';
3703 this.key = void 0;
3704 this.isProcessed = false;
3705 this.style = void 0;
3706 this.renderer = void 0;
3707 this.renderable = void 0;
3708 this.options = void 0;
3709 var sheet = options.sheet,
3710 Renderer = options.Renderer;
3711 this.key = key;
3712 this.options = options;
3713 this.style = style;
3714 if (sheet) this.renderer = sheet.renderer;else if (Renderer) this.renderer = new Renderer();
3715 }
3716 /**
3717 * Get or set a style property.
3718 */
3721 var _proto = BaseStyleRule.prototype;
3723 _proto.prop = function prop(name, value, options) {
3724 // It's a getter.
3725 if (value === undefined) return this.style[name]; // Don't do anything if the value has not changed.
3727 var force = options ? options.force : false;
3728 if (!force && this.style[name] === value) return this;
3729 var newValue = value;
3731 if (!options || options.process !== false) {
3732 newValue = this.options.jss.plugins.onChangeValue(value, name, this);
3733 }
3735 var isEmpty = newValue == null || newValue === false;
3736 var isDefined = name in this.style; // Value is empty and wasn't defined before.
3738 if (isEmpty && !isDefined && !force) return this; // We are going to remove this value.
3740 var remove = isEmpty && isDefined;
3741 if (remove) delete this.style[name];else this.style[name] = newValue; // Renderable is defined if StyleSheet option `link` is true.
3743 if (this.renderable && this.renderer) {
3744 if (remove) this.renderer.removeProperty(this.renderable, name);else this.renderer.setProperty(this.renderable, name, newValue);
3745 return this;
3746 }
3748 var sheet = this.options.sheet;
3750 if (sheet && sheet.attached) {
3751 warning(false, '[JSS] Rule is not linked. Missing sheet option "link: true".') ;
3752 }
3754 return this;
3755 };
3757 return BaseStyleRule;
3758 }();
3759 var StyleRule =
3760 /*#__PURE__*/
3761 function (_BaseStyleRule) {
3762 _inheritsLoose(StyleRule, _BaseStyleRule);
3764 function StyleRule(key, style, options) {
3765 var _this;
3767 _this = _BaseStyleRule.call(this, key, style, options) || this;
3768 _this.selectorText = void 0;
3769 _this.id = void 0;
3770 _this.renderable = void 0;
3771 var selector = options.selector,
3772 scoped = options.scoped,
3773 sheet = options.sheet,
3774 generateId = options.generateId;
3776 if (selector) {
3777 _this.selectorText = selector;
3778 } else if (scoped !== false) {
3779 _this.id = generateId(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)), sheet);
3780 _this.selectorText = "." + escape(_this.id);
3781 }
3783 return _this;
3784 }
3785 /**
3786 * Set selector string.
3787 * Attention: use this with caution. Most browsers didn't implement
3788 * selectorText setter, so this may result in rerendering of entire Style Sheet.
3789 */
3792 var _proto2 = StyleRule.prototype;
3794 /**
3795 * Apply rule to an element inline.
3796 */
3797 _proto2.applyTo = function applyTo(renderable) {
3798 var renderer = this.renderer;
3800 if (renderer) {
3801 var json = this.toJSON();
3803 for (var prop in json) {
3804 renderer.setProperty(renderable, prop, json[prop]);
3805 }
3806 }
3808 return this;
3809 }
3810 /**
3811 * Returns JSON representation of the rule.
3812 * Fallbacks are not supported.
3813 * Useful for inline styles.
3814 */
3815 ;
3817 _proto2.toJSON = function toJSON() {
3818 var json = {};
3820 for (var prop in this.style) {
3821 var value = this.style[prop];
3822 if (typeof value !== 'object') json[prop] = value;else if (Array.isArray(value)) json[prop] = toCssValue(value);
3823 }
3825 return json;
3826 }
3827 /**
3828 * Generates a CSS string.
3829 */
3830 ;
3832 _proto2.toString = function toString(options) {
3833 var sheet = this.options.sheet;
3834 var link = sheet ? sheet.options.link : false;
3835 var opts = link ? _extends({}, options, {
3836 allowEmpty: true
3837 }) : options;
3838 return toCss(this.selectorText, this.style, opts);
3839 };
3841 _createClass(StyleRule, [{
3842 key: "selector",
3843 set: function set(selector) {
3844 if (selector === this.selectorText) return;
3845 this.selectorText = selector;
3846 var renderer = this.renderer,
3847 renderable = this.renderable;
3848 if (!renderable || !renderer) return;
3849 var hasChanged = renderer.setSelector(renderable, selector); // If selector setter is not implemented, rerender the rule.
3851 if (!hasChanged) {
3852 renderer.replaceRule(renderable, this);
3853 }
3854 }
3855 /**
3856 * Get selector string.
3857 */
3858 ,
3859 get: function get() {
3860 return this.selectorText;
3861 }
3862 }]);
3864 return StyleRule;
3865 }(BaseStyleRule);
3866 var pluginStyleRule = {
3867 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(name, style, options) {
3868 if (name[0] === '@' || options.parent && options.parent.type === 'keyframes') {
3869 return null;
3870 }
3872 return new StyleRule(name, style, options);
3873 }
3874 };
3876 var defaultToStringOptions = {
3877 indent: 1,
3878 children: true
3879 };
3880 var atRegExp = /@([\w-]+)/;
3881 /**
3882 * Conditional rule for @media, @supports
3883 */
3885 var ConditionalRule =
3886 /*#__PURE__*/
3887 function () {
3888 function ConditionalRule(key, styles, options) {
3889 this.type = 'conditional';
3890 this.at = void 0;
3891 this.key = void 0;
3892 this.query = void 0;
3893 this.rules = void 0;
3894 this.options = void 0;
3895 this.isProcessed = false;
3896 this.renderable = void 0;
3897 this.key = key;
3898 var atMatch = key.match(atRegExp);
3899 this.at = atMatch ? atMatch[1] : 'unknown'; // Key might contain a unique suffix in case the `name` passed by user was duplicate.
3901 this.query = options.name || "@" + this.at;
3902 this.options = options;
3903 this.rules = new RuleList(_extends({}, options, {
3904 parent: this
3905 }));
3907 for (var name in styles) {
3908 this.rules.add(name, styles[name]);
3909 }
3911 this.rules.process();
3912 }
3913 /**
3914 * Get a rule.
3915 */
3918 var _proto = ConditionalRule.prototype;
3920 _proto.getRule = function getRule(name) {
3921 return this.rules.get(name);
3922 }
3923 /**
3924 * Get index of a rule.
3925 */
3926 ;
3928 _proto.indexOf = function indexOf(rule) {
3929 return this.rules.indexOf(rule);
3930 }
3931 /**
3932 * Create and register rule, run plugins.
3933 */
3934 ;
3936 _proto.addRule = function addRule(name, style, options) {
3937 var rule = this.rules.add(name, style, options);
3938 if (!rule) return null;
3939 this.options.jss.plugins.onProcessRule(rule);
3940 return rule;
3941 }
3942 /**
3943 * Generates a CSS string.
3944 */
3945 ;
3947 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
3948 if (options === void 0) {
3949 options = defaultToStringOptions;
3950 }
3952 if (options.indent == null) options.indent = defaultToStringOptions.indent;
3953 if (options.children == null) options.children = defaultToStringOptions.children;
3955 if (options.children === false) {
3956 return this.query + " {}";
3957 }
3959 var children = this.rules.toString(options);
3960 return children ? this.query + " {\n" + children + "\n}" : '';
3961 };
3963 return ConditionalRule;
3964 }();
3965 var keyRegExp = /@media|@supports\s+/;
3966 var pluginConditionalRule = {
3967 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(key, styles, options) {
3968 return keyRegExp.test(key) ? new ConditionalRule(key, styles, options) : null;
3969 }
3970 };
3972 var defaultToStringOptions$1 = {
3973 indent: 1,
3974 children: true
3975 };
3976 var nameRegExp = /@keyframes\s+([\w-]+)/;
3977 /**
3978 * Rule for @keyframes
3979 */
3981 var KeyframesRule =
3982 /*#__PURE__*/
3983 function () {
3984 function KeyframesRule(key, frames, options) {
3985 this.type = 'keyframes';
3986 this.at = '@keyframes';
3987 this.key = void 0;
3988 this.name = void 0;
3989 this.id = void 0;
3990 this.rules = void 0;
3991 this.options = void 0;
3992 this.isProcessed = false;
3993 this.renderable = void 0;
3994 var nameMatch = key.match(nameRegExp);
3996 if (nameMatch && nameMatch[1]) {
3997 this.name = nameMatch[1];
3998 } else {
3999 this.name = 'noname';
4000 warning(false, "[JSS] Bad keyframes name " + key) ;
4001 }
4003 this.key = this.type + "-" + this.name;
4004 this.options = options;
4005 var scoped = options.scoped,
4006 sheet = options.sheet,
4007 generateId = options.generateId;
4008 this.id = scoped === false ? this.name : escape(generateId(this, sheet));
4009 this.rules = new RuleList(_extends({}, options, {
4010 parent: this
4011 }));
4013 for (var name in frames) {
4014 this.rules.add(name, frames[name], _extends({}, options, {
4015 parent: this
4016 }));
4017 }
4019 this.rules.process();
4020 }
4021 /**
4022 * Generates a CSS string.
4023 */
4026 var _proto = KeyframesRule.prototype;
4028 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
4029 if (options === void 0) {
4030 options = defaultToStringOptions$1;
4031 }
4033 if (options.indent == null) options.indent = defaultToStringOptions$1.indent;
4034 if (options.children == null) options.children = defaultToStringOptions$1.children;
4036 if (options.children === false) {
4037 return this.at + " " + this.id + " {}";
4038 }
4040 var children = this.rules.toString(options);
4041 if (children) children = "\n" + children + "\n";
4042 return this.at + " " + this.id + " {" + children + "}";
4043 };
4045 return KeyframesRule;
4046 }();
4047 var keyRegExp$1 = /@keyframes\s+/;
4048 var refRegExp = /\$([\w-]+)/g;
4050 var findReferencedKeyframe = function findReferencedKeyframe(val, keyframes) {
4051 if (typeof val === 'string') {
4052 return val.replace(refRegExp, function (match, name) {
4053 if (name in keyframes) {
4054 return keyframes[name];
4055 }
4057 warning(false, "[JSS] Referenced keyframes rule \"" + name + "\" is not defined.") ;
4058 return match;
4059 });
4060 }
4062 return val;
4063 };
4064 /**
4065 * Replace the reference for a animation name.
4066 */
4069 var replaceRef = function replaceRef(style, prop, keyframes) {
4070 var value = style[prop];
4071 var refKeyframe = findReferencedKeyframe(value, keyframes);
4073 if (refKeyframe !== value) {
4074 style[prop] = refKeyframe;
4075 }
4076 };
4078 var plugin = {
4079 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(key, frames, options) {
4080 return typeof key === 'string' && keyRegExp$1.test(key) ? new KeyframesRule(key, frames, options) : null;
4081 },
4082 // Animation name ref replacer.
4083 onProcessStyle: function onProcessStyle(style, rule, sheet) {
4084 if (rule.type !== 'style' || !sheet) return style;
4085 if ('animation-name' in style) replaceRef(style, 'animation-name', sheet.keyframes);
4086 if ('animation' in style) replaceRef(style, 'animation', sheet.keyframes);
4087 return style;
4088 },
4089 onChangeValue: function onChangeValue(val, prop, rule) {
4090 var sheet = rule.options.sheet;
4092 if (!sheet) {
4093 return val;
4094 }
4096 switch (prop) {
4097 case 'animation':
4098 return findReferencedKeyframe(val, sheet.keyframes);
4100 case 'animation-name':
4101 return findReferencedKeyframe(val, sheet.keyframes);
4103 default:
4104 return val;
4105 }
4106 }
4107 };
4109 var KeyframeRule =
4110 /*#__PURE__*/
4111 function (_BaseStyleRule) {
4112 _inheritsLoose(KeyframeRule, _BaseStyleRule);
4114 function KeyframeRule() {
4115 var _this;
4117 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
4118 args[_key] = arguments[_key];
4119 }
4121 _this = _BaseStyleRule.call.apply(_BaseStyleRule, [this].concat(args)) || this;
4122 _this.renderable = void 0;
4123 return _this;
4124 }
4126 var _proto = KeyframeRule.prototype;
4128 /**
4129 * Generates a CSS string.
4130 */
4131 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
4132 var sheet = this.options.sheet;
4133 var link = sheet ? sheet.options.link : false;
4134 var opts = link ? _extends({}, options, {
4135 allowEmpty: true
4136 }) : options;
4137 return toCss(this.key, this.style, opts);
4138 };
4140 return KeyframeRule;
4141 }(BaseStyleRule);
4142 var pluginKeyframeRule = {
4143 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(key, style, options) {
4144 if (options.parent && options.parent.type === 'keyframes') {
4145 return new KeyframeRule(key, style, options);
4146 }
4148 return null;
4149 }
4150 };
4152 var FontFaceRule =
4153 /*#__PURE__*/
4154 function () {
4155 function FontFaceRule(key, style, options) {
4156 this.type = 'font-face';
4157 this.at = '@font-face';
4158 this.key = void 0;
4159 this.style = void 0;
4160 this.options = void 0;
4161 this.isProcessed = false;
4162 this.renderable = void 0;
4163 this.key = key;
4164 this.style = style;
4165 this.options = options;
4166 }
4167 /**
4168 * Generates a CSS string.
4169 */
4172 var _proto = FontFaceRule.prototype;
4174 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
4175 if (Array.isArray(this.style)) {
4176 var str = '';
4178 for (var index = 0; index < this.style.length; index++) {
4179 str += toCss(this.at, this.style[index]);
4180 if (this.style[index + 1]) str += '\n';
4181 }
4183 return str;
4184 }
4186 return toCss(this.at, this.style, options);
4187 };
4189 return FontFaceRule;
4190 }();
4191 var keyRegExp$2 = /@font-face/;
4192 var pluginFontFaceRule = {
4193 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(key, style, options) {
4194 return keyRegExp$2.test(key) ? new FontFaceRule(key, style, options) : null;
4195 }
4196 };
4198 var ViewportRule =
4199 /*#__PURE__*/
4200 function () {
4201 function ViewportRule(key, style, options) {
4202 this.type = 'viewport';
4203 this.at = '@viewport';
4204 this.key = void 0;
4205 this.style = void 0;
4206 this.options = void 0;
4207 this.isProcessed = false;
4208 this.renderable = void 0;
4209 this.key = key;
4210 this.style = style;
4211 this.options = options;
4212 }
4213 /**
4214 * Generates a CSS string.
4215 */
4218 var _proto = ViewportRule.prototype;
4220 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
4221 return toCss(this.key, this.style, options);
4222 };
4224 return ViewportRule;
4225 }();
4226 var pluginViewportRule = {
4227 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(key, style, options) {
4228 return key === '@viewport' || key === '@-ms-viewport' ? new ViewportRule(key, style, options) : null;
4229 }
4230 };
4232 var SimpleRule =
4233 /*#__PURE__*/
4234 function () {
4235 function SimpleRule(key, value, options) {
4236 this.type = 'simple';
4237 this.key = void 0;
4238 this.value = void 0;
4239 this.options = void 0;
4240 this.isProcessed = false;
4241 this.renderable = void 0;
4242 this.key = key;
4243 this.value = value;
4244 this.options = options;
4245 }
4246 /**
4247 * Generates a CSS string.
4248 */
4249 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
4252 var _proto = SimpleRule.prototype;
4254 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
4255 if (Array.isArray(this.value)) {
4256 var str = '';
4258 for (var index = 0; index < this.value.length; index++) {
4259 str += this.key + " " + this.value[index] + ";";
4260 if (this.value[index + 1]) str += '\n';
4261 }
4263 return str;
4264 }
4266 return this.key + " " + this.value + ";";
4267 };
4269 return SimpleRule;
4270 }();
4271 var keysMap = {
4272 '@charset': true,
4273 '@import': true,
4274 '@namespace': true
4275 };
4276 var pluginSimpleRule = {
4277 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(key, value, options) {
4278 return key in keysMap ? new SimpleRule(key, value, options) : null;
4279 }
4280 };
4282 var plugins = [pluginStyleRule, pluginConditionalRule, plugin, pluginKeyframeRule, pluginFontFaceRule, pluginViewportRule, pluginSimpleRule];
4284 var defaultUpdateOptions = {
4285 process: true
4286 };
4287 var forceUpdateOptions = {
4288 force: true,
4289 process: true
4290 /**
4291 * Contains rules objects and allows adding/removing etc.
4292 * Is used for e.g. by `StyleSheet` or `ConditionalRule`.
4293 */
4295 };
4297 var RuleList =
4298 /*#__PURE__*/
4299 function () {
4300 // Rules registry for access by .get() method.
4301 // It contains the same rule registered by name and by selector.
4302 // Original styles object.
4303 // Used to ensure correct rules order.
4304 function RuleList(options) {
4305 this.map = {};
4306 this.raw = {};
4307 this.index = [];
4308 this.counter = 0;
4309 this.options = void 0;
4310 this.classes = void 0;
4311 this.keyframes = void 0;
4312 this.options = options;
4313 this.classes = options.classes;
4314 this.keyframes = options.keyframes;
4315 }
4316 /**
4317 * Create and register rule.
4318 *
4319 * Will not render after Style Sheet was rendered the first time.
4320 */
4323 var _proto = RuleList.prototype;
4325 _proto.add = function add(name, decl, ruleOptions) {
4326 var _this$options = this.options,
4327 parent = _this$options.parent,
4328 sheet = _this$options.sheet,
4329 jss = _this$options.jss,
4330 Renderer = _this$options.Renderer,
4331 generateId = _this$options.generateId,
4332 scoped = _this$options.scoped;
4334 var options = _extends({
4335 classes: this.classes,
4336 parent: parent,
4337 sheet: sheet,
4338 jss: jss,
4339 Renderer: Renderer,
4340 generateId: generateId,
4341 scoped: scoped,
4342 name: name,
4343 keyframes: this.keyframes,
4344 selector: undefined
4345 }, ruleOptions); // When user uses .createStyleSheet(), duplicate names are not possible, but
4346 // `sheet.addRule()` opens the door for any duplicate rule name. When this happens
4347 // we need to make the key unique within this RuleList instance scope.
4350 var key = name;
4352 if (name in this.raw) {
4353 key = name + "-d" + this.counter++;
4354 } // We need to save the original decl before creating the rule
4355 // because cache plugin needs to use it as a key to return a cached rule.
4358 this.raw[key] = decl;
4360 if (key in this.classes) {
4361 // E.g. rules inside of @media container
4362 options.selector = "." + escape(this.classes[key]);
4363 }
4365 var rule = createRule(key, decl, options);
4366 if (!rule) return null;
4367 this.register(rule);
4368 var index = options.index === undefined ? this.index.length : options.index;
4369 this.index.splice(index, 0, rule);
4370 return rule;
4371 }
4372 /**
4373 * Get a rule.
4374 */
4375 ;
4377 _proto.get = function get(name) {
4378 return this.map[name];
4379 }
4380 /**
4381 * Delete a rule.
4382 */
4383 ;
4385 _proto.remove = function remove(rule) {
4386 this.unregister(rule);
4387 delete this.raw[rule.key];
4388 this.index.splice(this.index.indexOf(rule), 1);
4389 }
4390 /**
4391 * Get index of a rule.
4392 */
4393 ;
4395 _proto.indexOf = function indexOf(rule) {
4396 return this.index.indexOf(rule);
4397 }
4398 /**
4399 * Run `onProcessRule()` plugins on every rule.
4400 */
4401 ;
4403 _proto.process = function process() {
4404 var plugins = this.options.jss.plugins; // We need to clone array because if we modify the index somewhere else during a loop
4405 // we end up with very hard-to-track-down side effects.
4407 this.index.slice(0).forEach(plugins.onProcessRule, plugins);
4408 }
4409 /**
4410 * Register a rule in `.map`, `.classes` and `.keyframes` maps.
4411 */
4412 ;
4414 _proto.register = function register(rule) {
4415 this.map[rule.key] = rule;
4417 if (rule instanceof StyleRule) {
4418 this.map[rule.selector] = rule;
4419 if (rule.id) this.classes[rule.key] = rule.id;
4420 } else if (rule instanceof KeyframesRule && this.keyframes) {
4421 this.keyframes[rule.name] = rule.id;
4422 }
4423 }
4424 /**
4425 * Unregister a rule.
4426 */
4427 ;
4429 _proto.unregister = function unregister(rule) {
4430 delete this.map[rule.key];
4432 if (rule instanceof StyleRule) {
4433 delete this.map[rule.selector];
4434 delete this.classes[rule.key];
4435 } else if (rule instanceof KeyframesRule) {
4436 delete this.keyframes[rule.name];
4437 }
4438 }
4439 /**
4440 * Update the function values with a new data.
4441 */
4442 ;
4444 _proto.update = function update() {
4445 var name;
4446 var data;
4447 var options;
4449 if (typeof (arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]) === 'string') {
4450 name = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]; // $FlowFixMe[invalid-tuple-index]
4452 data = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1]; // $FlowFixMe[invalid-tuple-index]
4454 options = arguments.length <= 2 ? undefined : arguments[2];
4455 } else {
4456 data = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]; // $FlowFixMe[invalid-tuple-index]
4458 options = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
4459 name = null;
4460 }
4462 if (name) {
4463 this.updateOne(this.map[name], data, options);
4464 } else {
4465 for (var index = 0; index < this.index.length; index++) {
4466 this.updateOne(this.index[index], data, options);
4467 }
4468 }
4469 }
4470 /**
4471 * Execute plugins, update rule props.
4472 */
4473 ;
4475 _proto.updateOne = function updateOne(rule, data, options) {
4476 if (options === void 0) {
4477 options = defaultUpdateOptions;
4478 }
4480 var _this$options2 = this.options,
4481 plugins = _this$options2.jss.plugins,
4482 sheet = _this$options2.sheet; // It is a rules container like for e.g. ConditionalRule.
4484 if (rule.rules instanceof RuleList) {
4485 rule.rules.update(data, options);
4486 return;
4487 }
4489 var styleRule = rule;
4490 var style = styleRule.style;
4491 plugins.onUpdate(data, rule, sheet, options); // We rely on a new `style` ref in case it was mutated during onUpdate hook.
4493 if (options.process && style && style !== styleRule.style) {
4494 // We need to run the plugins in case new `style` relies on syntax plugins.
4495 plugins.onProcessStyle(styleRule.style, styleRule, sheet); // Update and add props.
4497 for (var prop in styleRule.style) {
4498 var nextValue = styleRule.style[prop];
4499 var prevValue = style[prop]; // We need to use `force: true` because `rule.style` has been updated during onUpdate hook, so `rule.prop()` will not update the CSSOM rule.
4500 // We do this comparison to avoid unneeded `rule.prop()` calls, since we have the old `style` object here.
4502 if (nextValue !== prevValue) {
4503 styleRule.prop(prop, nextValue, forceUpdateOptions);
4504 }
4505 } // Remove props.
4508 for (var _prop in style) {
4509 var _nextValue = styleRule.style[_prop];
4510 var _prevValue = style[_prop]; // We need to use `force: true` because `rule.style` has been updated during onUpdate hook, so `rule.prop()` will not update the CSSOM rule.
4511 // We do this comparison to avoid unneeded `rule.prop()` calls, since we have the old `style` object here.
4513 if (_nextValue == null && _nextValue !== _prevValue) {
4514 styleRule.prop(_prop, null, forceUpdateOptions);
4515 }
4516 }
4517 }
4518 }
4519 /**
4520 * Convert rules to a CSS string.
4521 */
4522 ;
4524 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
4525 var str = '';
4526 var sheet = this.options.sheet;
4527 var link = sheet ? sheet.options.link : false;
4529 for (var index = 0; index < this.index.length; index++) {
4530 var rule = this.index[index];
4531 var css = rule.toString(options); // No need to render an empty rule.
4533 if (!css && !link) continue;
4534 if (str) str += '\n';
4535 str += css;
4536 }
4538 return str;
4539 };
4541 return RuleList;
4542 }();
4544 var StyleSheet =
4545 /*#__PURE__*/
4546 function () {
4547 function StyleSheet(styles, options) {
4548 this.options = void 0;
4549 this.deployed = void 0;
4550 this.attached = void 0;
4551 this.rules = void 0;
4552 this.renderer = void 0;
4553 this.classes = void 0;
4554 this.keyframes = void 0;
4555 this.queue = void 0;
4556 this.attached = false;
4557 this.deployed = false;
4558 this.classes = {};
4559 this.keyframes = {};
4560 this.options = _extends({}, options, {
4561 sheet: this,
4562 parent: this,
4563 classes: this.classes,
4564 keyframes: this.keyframes
4565 });
4567 if (options.Renderer) {
4568 this.renderer = new options.Renderer(this);
4569 }
4571 this.rules = new RuleList(this.options);
4573 for (var name in styles) {
4574 this.rules.add(name, styles[name]);
4575 }
4577 this.rules.process();
4578 }
4579 /**
4580 * Attach renderable to the render tree.
4581 */
4584 var _proto = StyleSheet.prototype;
4586 _proto.attach = function attach() {
4587 if (this.attached) return this;
4588 if (this.renderer) this.renderer.attach();
4589 this.attached = true; // Order is important, because we can't use insertRule API if style element is not attached.
4591 if (!this.deployed) this.deploy();
4592 return this;
4593 }
4594 /**
4595 * Remove renderable from render tree.
4596 */
4597 ;
4599 _proto.detach = function detach() {
4600 if (!this.attached) return this;
4601 if (this.renderer) this.renderer.detach();
4602 this.attached = false;
4603 return this;
4604 }
4605 /**
4606 * Add a rule to the current stylesheet.
4607 * Will insert a rule also after the stylesheet has been rendered first time.
4608 */
4609 ;
4611 _proto.addRule = function addRule(name, decl, options) {
4612 var queue = this.queue; // Plugins can create rules.
4613 // In order to preserve the right order, we need to queue all `.addRule` calls,
4614 // which happen after the first `rules.add()` call.
4616 if (this.attached && !queue) this.queue = [];
4617 var rule = this.rules.add(name, decl, options);
4618 if (!rule) return null;
4619 this.options.jss.plugins.onProcessRule(rule);
4621 if (this.attached) {
4622 if (!this.deployed) return rule; // Don't insert rule directly if there is no stringified version yet.
4623 // It will be inserted all together when .attach is called.
4625 if (queue) queue.push(rule);else {
4626 this.insertRule(rule);
4628 if (this.queue) {
4629 this.queue.forEach(this.insertRule, this);
4630 this.queue = undefined;
4631 }
4632 }
4633 return rule;
4634 } // We can't add rules to a detached style node.
4635 // We will redeploy the sheet once user will attach it.
4638 this.deployed = false;
4639 return rule;
4640 }
4641 /**
4642 * Insert rule into the StyleSheet
4643 */
4644 ;
4646 _proto.insertRule = function insertRule(rule) {
4647 if (this.renderer) {
4648 this.renderer.insertRule(rule);
4649 }
4650 }
4651 /**
4652 * Create and add rules.
4653 * Will render also after Style Sheet was rendered the first time.
4654 */
4655 ;
4657 _proto.addRules = function addRules(styles, options) {
4658 var added = [];
4660 for (var name in styles) {
4661 var rule = this.addRule(name, styles[name], options);
4662 if (rule) added.push(rule);
4663 }
4665 return added;
4666 }
4667 /**
4668 * Get a rule by name.
4669 */
4670 ;
4672 _proto.getRule = function getRule(name) {
4673 return this.rules.get(name);
4674 }
4675 /**
4676 * Delete a rule by name.
4677 * Returns `true`: if rule has been deleted from the DOM.
4678 */
4679 ;
4681 _proto.deleteRule = function deleteRule(name) {
4682 var rule = typeof name === 'object' ? name : this.rules.get(name);
4684 if (!rule || // Style sheet was created without link: true and attached, in this case we
4685 // won't be able to remove the CSS rule from the DOM.
4686 this.attached && !rule.renderable) {
4687 return false;
4688 }
4690 this.rules.remove(rule);
4692 if (this.attached && rule.renderable && this.renderer) {
4693 return this.renderer.deleteRule(rule.renderable);
4694 }
4696 return true;
4697 }
4698 /**
4699 * Get index of a rule.
4700 */
4701 ;
4703 _proto.indexOf = function indexOf(rule) {
4704 return this.rules.indexOf(rule);
4705 }
4706 /**
4707 * Deploy pure CSS string to a renderable.
4708 */
4709 ;
4711 _proto.deploy = function deploy() {
4712 if (this.renderer) this.renderer.deploy();
4713 this.deployed = true;
4714 return this;
4715 }
4716 /**
4717 * Update the function values with a new data.
4718 */
4719 ;
4721 _proto.update = function update() {
4722 var _this$rules;
4724 (_this$rules = this.rules).update.apply(_this$rules, arguments);
4726 return this;
4727 }
4728 /**
4729 * Updates a single rule.
4730 */
4731 ;
4733 _proto.updateOne = function updateOne(rule, data, options) {
4734 this.rules.updateOne(rule, data, options);
4735 return this;
4736 }
4737 /**
4738 * Convert rules to a CSS string.
4739 */
4740 ;
4742 _proto.toString = function toString(options) {
4743 return this.rules.toString(options);
4744 };
4746 return StyleSheet;
4747 }();
4749 var PluginsRegistry =
4750 /*#__PURE__*/
4751 function () {
4752 function PluginsRegistry() {
4753 this.plugins = {
4754 internal: [],
4755 external: []
4756 };
4757 this.registry = void 0;
4758 }
4760 var _proto = PluginsRegistry.prototype;
4762 /**
4763 * Call `onCreateRule` hooks and return an object if returned by a hook.
4764 */
4765 _proto.onCreateRule = function onCreateRule(name, decl, options) {
4766 for (var i = 0; i < this.registry.onCreateRule.length; i++) {
4767 var rule = this.registry.onCreateRule[i](name, decl, options);
4768 if (rule) return rule;
4769 }
4771 return null;
4772 }
4773 /**
4774 * Call `onProcessRule` hooks.
4775 */
4776 ;
4778 _proto.onProcessRule = function onProcessRule(rule) {
4779 if (rule.isProcessed) return;
4780 var sheet = rule.options.sheet;
4782 for (var i = 0; i < this.registry.onProcessRule.length; i++) {
4783 this.registry.onProcessRule[i](rule, sheet);
4784 }
4786 if (rule.style) this.onProcessStyle(rule.style, rule, sheet);
4787 rule.isProcessed = true;
4788 }
4789 /**
4790 * Call `onProcessStyle` hooks.
4791 */
4792 ;
4794 _proto.onProcessStyle = function onProcessStyle(style, rule, sheet) {
4795 for (var i = 0; i < this.registry.onProcessStyle.length; i++) {
4796 // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
4797 rule.style = this.registry.onProcessStyle[i](rule.style, rule, sheet);
4798 }
4799 }
4800 /**
4801 * Call `onProcessSheet` hooks.
4802 */
4803 ;
4805 _proto.onProcessSheet = function onProcessSheet(sheet) {
4806 for (var i = 0; i < this.registry.onProcessSheet.length; i++) {
4807 this.registry.onProcessSheet[i](sheet);
4808 }
4809 }
4810 /**
4811 * Call `onUpdate` hooks.
4812 */
4813 ;
4815 _proto.onUpdate = function onUpdate(data, rule, sheet, options) {
4816 for (var i = 0; i < this.registry.onUpdate.length; i++) {
4817 this.registry.onUpdate[i](data, rule, sheet, options);
4818 }
4819 }
4820 /**
4821 * Call `onChangeValue` hooks.
4822 */
4823 ;
4825 _proto.onChangeValue = function onChangeValue(value, prop, rule) {
4826 var processedValue = value;
4828 for (var i = 0; i < this.registry.onChangeValue.length; i++) {
4829 processedValue = this.registry.onChangeValue[i](processedValue, prop, rule);
4830 }
4832 return processedValue;
4833 }
4834 /**
4835 * Register a plugin.
4836 */
4837 ;
4839 _proto.use = function use(newPlugin, options) {
4840 if (options === void 0) {
4841 options = {
4842 queue: 'external'
4843 };
4844 }
4846 var plugins = this.plugins[options.queue]; // Avoids applying same plugin twice, at least based on ref.
4848 if (plugins.indexOf(newPlugin) !== -1) {
4849 return;
4850 }
4852 plugins.push(newPlugin);
4853 this.registry = [].concat(this.plugins.external, this.plugins.internal).reduce(function (registry, plugin) {
4854 for (var name in plugin) {
4855 if (name in registry) {
4856 registry[name].push(plugin[name]);
4857 } else {
4858 warning(false, "[JSS] Unknown hook \"" + name + "\".") ;
4859 }
4860 }
4862 return registry;
4863 }, {
4864 onCreateRule: [],
4865 onProcessRule: [],
4866 onProcessStyle: [],
4867 onProcessSheet: [],
4868 onChangeValue: [],
4869 onUpdate: []
4870 });
4871 };
4873 return PluginsRegistry;
4874 }();
4876 /**
4877 * Sheets registry to access them all at one place.
4878 */
4879 var SheetsRegistry =
4880 /*#__PURE__*/
4881 function () {
4882 function SheetsRegistry() {
4883 this.registry = [];
4884 }
4886 var _proto = SheetsRegistry.prototype;
4888 /**
4889 * Register a Style Sheet.
4890 */
4891 _proto.add = function add(sheet) {
4892 var registry = this.registry;
4893 var index = sheet.options.index;
4894 if (registry.indexOf(sheet) !== -1) return;
4896 if (registry.length === 0 || index >= this.index) {
4897 registry.push(sheet);
4898 return;
4899 } // Find a position.
4902 for (var i = 0; i < registry.length; i++) {
4903 if (registry[i].options.index > index) {
4904 registry.splice(i, 0, sheet);
4905 return;
4906 }
4907 }
4908 }
4909 /**
4910 * Reset the registry.
4911 */
4912 ;
4914 _proto.reset = function reset() {
4915 this.registry = [];
4916 }
4917 /**
4918 * Remove a Style Sheet.
4919 */
4920 ;
4922 _proto.remove = function remove(sheet) {
4923 var index = this.registry.indexOf(sheet);
4924 this.registry.splice(index, 1);
4925 }
4926 /**
4927 * Convert all attached sheets to a CSS string.
4928 */
4929 ;
4931 _proto.toString = function toString(_temp) {
4932 var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp,
4933 attached = _ref.attached,
4934 options = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["attached"]);
4936 var css = '';
4938 for (var i = 0; i < this.registry.length; i++) {
4939 var sheet = this.registry[i];
4941 if (attached != null && sheet.attached !== attached) {
4942 continue;
4943 }
4945 if (css) css += '\n';
4946 css += sheet.toString(options);
4947 }
4949 return css;
4950 };
4952 _createClass(SheetsRegistry, [{
4953 key: "index",
4955 /**
4956 * Current highest index number.
4957 */
4958 get: function get() {
4959 return this.registry.length === 0 ? 0 : this.registry[this.registry.length - 1].options.index;
4960 }
4961 }]);
4963 return SheetsRegistry;
4964 }();
4966 /**
4967 * This is a global sheets registry. Only DomRenderer will add sheets to it.
4968 * On the server one should use an own SheetsRegistry instance and add the
4969 * sheets to it, because you need to make sure to create a new registry for
4970 * each request in order to not leak sheets across requests.
4971 */
4973 var registry = new SheetsRegistry();
4975 /* eslint-disable */
4976 // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028
4977 var globalThis = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self : Function('return this')();
4979 var ns = '2f1acc6c3a606b082e5eef5e54414ffb';
4980 if (globalThis[ns] == null) globalThis[ns] = 0; // Bundle may contain multiple JSS versions at the same time. In order to identify
4981 // the current version with just one short number and use it for classes generation
4982 // we use a counter. Also it is more accurate, because user can manually reevaluate
4983 // the module.
4985 var moduleId = globalThis[ns]++;
4987 var maxRules = 1e10;
4989 /**
4990 * Returns a function which generates unique class names based on counters.
4991 * When new generator function is created, rule counter is reseted.
4992 * We need to reset the rule counter for SSR for each request.
4993 */
4994 var createGenerateId = function createGenerateId(options) {
4995 if (options === void 0) {
4996 options = {};
4997 }
4999 var ruleCounter = 0;
5000 return function (rule, sheet) {
5001 ruleCounter += 1;
5003 if (ruleCounter > maxRules) {
5004 warning(false, "[JSS] You might have a memory leak. Rule counter is at " + ruleCounter + ".") ;
5005 }
5007 var jssId = '';
5008 var prefix = '';
5010 if (sheet) {
5011 if (sheet.options.classNamePrefix) {
5012 prefix = sheet.options.classNamePrefix;
5013 }
5015 if (sheet.options.jss.id != null) {
5016 jssId = String(sheet.options.jss.id);
5017 }
5018 }
5020 if (options.minify) {
5021 // Using "c" because a number can't be the first char in a class name.
5022 return "" + (prefix || 'c') + moduleId + jssId + ruleCounter;
5023 }
5025 return prefix + rule.key + "-" + moduleId + (jssId ? "-" + jssId : '') + "-" + ruleCounter;
5026 };
5027 };
5029 /**
5030 * Cache the value from the first time a function is called.
5031 */
5032 var memoize$1 = function memoize(fn) {
5033 var value;
5034 return function () {
5035 if (!value) value = fn();
5036 return value;
5037 };
5038 };
5040 /**
5041 * Get a style property value.
5042 */
5043 var getPropertyValue = function getPropertyValue(cssRule, prop) {
5044 try {
5045 // Support CSSTOM.
5046 if (cssRule.attributeStyleMap) {
5047 return cssRule.attributeStyleMap.get(prop);
5048 }
5050 return cssRule.style.getPropertyValue(prop);
5051 } catch (err) {
5052 // IE may throw if property is unknown.
5053 return '';
5054 }
5055 };
5057 /**
5058 * Set a style property.
5059 */
5060 var setProperty = function setProperty(cssRule, prop, value) {
5061 try {
5062 var cssValue = value;
5064 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
5065 cssValue = toCssValue(value, true);
5067 if (value[value.length - 1] === '!important') {
5068 cssRule.style.setProperty(prop, cssValue, 'important');
5069 return true;
5070 }
5071 } // Support CSSTOM.
5074 if (cssRule.attributeStyleMap) {
5075 cssRule.attributeStyleMap.set(prop, cssValue);
5076 } else {
5077 cssRule.style.setProperty(prop, cssValue);
5078 }
5079 } catch (err) {
5080 // IE may throw if property is unknown.
5081 return false;
5082 }
5084 return true;
5085 };
5087 /**
5088 * Remove a style property.
5089 */
5090 var removeProperty = function removeProperty(cssRule, prop) {
5091 try {
5092 // Support CSSTOM.
5093 if (cssRule.attributeStyleMap) {
5094 cssRule.attributeStyleMap.delete(prop);
5095 } else {
5096 cssRule.style.removeProperty(prop);
5097 }
5098 } catch (err) {
5099 warning(false, "[JSS] DOMException \"" + err.message + "\" was thrown. Tried to remove property \"" + prop + "\".") ;
5100 }
5101 };
5103 /**
5104 * Set the selector.
5105 */
5106 var setSelector = function setSelector(cssRule, selectorText) {
5107 cssRule.selectorText = selectorText; // Return false if setter was not successful.
5108 // Currently works in chrome only.
5110 return cssRule.selectorText === selectorText;
5111 };
5112 /**
5113 * Gets the `head` element upon the first call and caches it.
5114 * We assume it can't be null.
5115 */
5118 var getHead = memoize$1(function () {
5119 return document.querySelector('head');
5120 });
5121 /**
5122 * Find attached sheet with an index higher than the passed one.
5123 */
5125 function findHigherSheet(registry, options) {
5126 for (var i = 0; i < registry.length; i++) {
5127 var sheet = registry[i];
5129 if (sheet.attached && sheet.options.index > options.index && sheet.options.insertionPoint === options.insertionPoint) {
5130 return sheet;
5131 }
5132 }
5134 return null;
5135 }
5136 /**
5137 * Find attached sheet with the highest index.
5138 */
5141 function findHighestSheet(registry, options) {
5142 for (var i = registry.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5143 var sheet = registry[i];
5145 if (sheet.attached && sheet.options.insertionPoint === options.insertionPoint) {
5146 return sheet;
5147 }
5148 }
5150 return null;
5151 }
5152 /**
5153 * Find a comment with "jss" inside.
5154 */
5157 function findCommentNode(text) {
5158 var head = getHead();
5160 for (var i = 0; i < head.childNodes.length; i++) {
5161 var node = head.childNodes[i];
5163 if (node.nodeType === 8 && node.nodeValue.trim() === text) {
5164 return node;
5165 }
5166 }
5168 return null;
5169 }
5171 /**
5172 * Find a node before which we can insert the sheet.
5173 */
5174 function findPrevNode(options) {
5175 var registry$1 = registry.registry;
5177 if (registry$1.length > 0) {
5178 // Try to insert before the next higher sheet.
5179 var sheet = findHigherSheet(registry$1, options);
5181 if (sheet && sheet.renderer) {
5182 return {
5183 parent: sheet.renderer.element.parentNode,
5184 node: sheet.renderer.element
5185 };
5186 } // Otherwise insert after the last attached.
5189 sheet = findHighestSheet(registry$1, options);
5191 if (sheet && sheet.renderer) {
5192 return {
5193 parent: sheet.renderer.element.parentNode,
5194 node: sheet.renderer.element.nextSibling
5195 };
5196 }
5197 } // Try to find a comment placeholder if registry is empty.
5200 var insertionPoint = options.insertionPoint;
5202 if (insertionPoint && typeof insertionPoint === 'string') {
5203 var comment = findCommentNode(insertionPoint);
5205 if (comment) {
5206 return {
5207 parent: comment.parentNode,
5208 node: comment.nextSibling
5209 };
5210 } // If user specifies an insertion point and it can't be found in the document -
5211 // bad specificity issues may appear.
5214 warning(false, "[JSS] Insertion point \"" + insertionPoint + "\" not found.") ;
5215 }
5217 return false;
5218 }
5219 /**
5220 * Insert style element into the DOM.
5221 */
5224 function insertStyle(style, options) {
5225 var insertionPoint = options.insertionPoint;
5226 var nextNode = findPrevNode(options);
5228 if (nextNode !== false && nextNode.parent) {
5229 nextNode.parent.insertBefore(style, nextNode.node);
5230 return;
5231 } // Works with iframes and any node types.
5234 if (insertionPoint && typeof insertionPoint.nodeType === 'number') {
5235 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41328728/force-casting-in-flow
5236 var insertionPointElement = insertionPoint;
5237 var parentNode = insertionPointElement.parentNode;
5238 if (parentNode) parentNode.insertBefore(style, insertionPointElement.nextSibling);else warning(false, '[JSS] Insertion point is not in the DOM.') ;
5239 return;
5240 }
5242 getHead().appendChild(style);
5243 }
5244 /**
5245 * Read jss nonce setting from the page if the user has set it.
5246 */
5249 var getNonce = memoize$1(function () {
5250 var node = document.querySelector('meta[property="csp-nonce"]');
5251 return node ? node.getAttribute('content') : null;
5252 });
5254 var _insertRule = function insertRule(container, rule, index) {
5255 try {
5256 if ('insertRule' in container) {
5257 var c = container;
5258 c.insertRule(rule, index);
5259 } // Keyframes rule.
5260 else if ('appendRule' in container) {
5261 var _c = container;
5263 _c.appendRule(rule);
5264 }
5265 } catch (err) {
5266 warning(false, "[JSS] " + err.message) ;
5267 return false;
5268 }
5270 return container.cssRules[index];
5271 };
5273 var getValidRuleInsertionIndex = function getValidRuleInsertionIndex(container, index) {
5274 var maxIndex = container.cssRules.length; // In case previous insertion fails, passed index might be wrong
5276 if (index === undefined || index > maxIndex) {
5277 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
5278 return maxIndex;
5279 }
5281 return index;
5282 };
5284 var createStyle = function createStyle() {
5285 var el = document.createElement('style'); // Without it, IE will have a broken source order specificity if we
5286 // insert rules after we insert the style tag.
5287 // It seems to kick-off the source order specificity algorithm.
5289 el.textContent = '\n';
5290 return el;
5291 };
5293 var DomRenderer =
5294 /*#__PURE__*/
5295 function () {
5296 // HTMLStyleElement needs fixing https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/2696
5297 // Will be empty if link: true option is not set, because
5298 // it is only for use together with insertRule API.
5299 function DomRenderer(sheet) {
5300 this.getPropertyValue = getPropertyValue;
5301 this.setProperty = setProperty;
5302 this.removeProperty = removeProperty;
5303 this.setSelector = setSelector;
5304 this.element = void 0;
5305 this.sheet = void 0;
5306 this.hasInsertedRules = false;
5307 this.cssRules = [];
5308 // There is no sheet when the renderer is used from a standalone StyleRule.
5309 if (sheet) registry.add(sheet);
5310 this.sheet = sheet;
5312 var _ref = this.sheet ? this.sheet.options : {},
5313 media = _ref.media,
5314 meta = _ref.meta,
5315 element = _ref.element;
5317 this.element = element || createStyle();
5318 this.element.setAttribute('data-jss', '');
5319 if (media) this.element.setAttribute('media', media);
5320 if (meta) this.element.setAttribute('data-meta', meta);
5321 var nonce = getNonce();
5322 if (nonce) this.element.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);
5323 }
5324 /**
5325 * Insert style element into render tree.
5326 */
5329 var _proto = DomRenderer.prototype;
5331 _proto.attach = function attach() {
5332 // In the case the element node is external and it is already in the DOM.
5333 if (this.element.parentNode || !this.sheet) return;
5334 insertStyle(this.element, this.sheet.options); // When rules are inserted using `insertRule` API, after `sheet.detach().attach()`
5335 // most browsers create a new CSSStyleSheet, except of all IEs.
5337 var deployed = Boolean(this.sheet && this.sheet.deployed);
5339 if (this.hasInsertedRules && deployed) {
5340 this.hasInsertedRules = false;
5341 this.deploy();
5342 }
5343 }
5344 /**
5345 * Remove style element from render tree.
5346 */
5347 ;
5349 _proto.detach = function detach() {
5350 if (!this.sheet) return;
5351 var parentNode = this.element.parentNode;
5352 if (parentNode) parentNode.removeChild(this.element); // In the most browsers, rules inserted using insertRule() API will be lost when style element is removed.
5353 // Though IE will keep them and we need a consistent behavior.
5355 if (this.sheet.options.link) {
5356 this.cssRules = [];
5357 this.element.textContent = '\n';
5358 }
5359 }
5360 /**
5361 * Inject CSS string into element.
5362 */
5363 ;
5365 _proto.deploy = function deploy() {
5366 var sheet = this.sheet;
5367 if (!sheet) return;
5369 if (sheet.options.link) {
5370 this.insertRules(sheet.rules);
5371 return;
5372 }
5374 this.element.textContent = "\n" + sheet.toString() + "\n";
5375 }
5376 /**
5377 * Insert RuleList into an element.
5378 */
5379 ;
5381 _proto.insertRules = function insertRules(rules, nativeParent) {
5382 for (var i = 0; i < rules.index.length; i++) {
5383 this.insertRule(rules.index[i], i, nativeParent);
5384 }
5385 }
5386 /**
5387 * Insert a rule into element.
5388 */
5389 ;
5391 _proto.insertRule = function insertRule(rule, index, nativeParent) {
5392 if (nativeParent === void 0) {
5393 nativeParent = this.element.sheet;
5394 }
5396 if (rule.rules) {
5397 var parent = rule;
5398 var latestNativeParent = nativeParent;
5400 if (rule.type === 'conditional' || rule.type === 'keyframes') {
5401 var _insertionIndex = getValidRuleInsertionIndex(nativeParent, index); // We need to render the container without children first.
5404 latestNativeParent = _insertRule(nativeParent, parent.toString({
5405 children: false
5406 }), _insertionIndex);
5408 if (latestNativeParent === false) {
5409 return false;
5410 }
5412 this.refCssRule(rule, _insertionIndex, latestNativeParent);
5413 }
5415 this.insertRules(parent.rules, latestNativeParent);
5416 return latestNativeParent;
5417 }
5419 var ruleStr = rule.toString();
5420 if (!ruleStr) return false;
5421 var insertionIndex = getValidRuleInsertionIndex(nativeParent, index);
5423 var nativeRule = _insertRule(nativeParent, ruleStr, insertionIndex);
5425 if (nativeRule === false) {
5426 return false;
5427 }
5429 this.hasInsertedRules = true;
5430 this.refCssRule(rule, insertionIndex, nativeRule);
5431 return nativeRule;
5432 };
5434 _proto.refCssRule = function refCssRule(rule, index, cssRule) {
5435 rule.renderable = cssRule; // We only want to reference the top level rules, deleteRule API doesn't support removing nested rules
5436 // like rules inside media queries or keyframes
5438 if (rule.options.parent instanceof StyleSheet) {
5439 this.cssRules[index] = cssRule;
5440 }
5441 }
5442 /**
5443 * Delete a rule.
5444 */
5445 ;
5447 _proto.deleteRule = function deleteRule(cssRule) {
5448 var sheet = this.element.sheet;
5449 var index = this.indexOf(cssRule);
5450 if (index === -1) return false;
5451 sheet.deleteRule(index);
5452 this.cssRules.splice(index, 1);
5453 return true;
5454 }
5455 /**
5456 * Get index of a CSS Rule.
5457 */
5458 ;
5460 _proto.indexOf = function indexOf(cssRule) {
5461 return this.cssRules.indexOf(cssRule);
5462 }
5463 /**
5464 * Generate a new CSS rule and replace the existing one.
5465 *
5466 * Only used for some old browsers because they can't set a selector.
5467 */
5468 ;
5470 _proto.replaceRule = function replaceRule(cssRule, rule) {
5471 var index = this.indexOf(cssRule);
5472 if (index === -1) return false;
5473 this.element.sheet.deleteRule(index);
5474 this.cssRules.splice(index, 1);
5475 return this.insertRule(rule, index);
5476 }
5477 /**
5478 * Get all rules elements.
5479 */
5480 ;
5482 _proto.getRules = function getRules() {
5483 return this.element.sheet.cssRules;
5484 };
5486 return DomRenderer;
5487 }();
5489 var instanceCounter = 0;
5491 var Jss =
5492 /*#__PURE__*/
5493 function () {
5494 function Jss(options) {
5495 this.id = instanceCounter++;
5496 this.version = "10.5.1";
5497 this.plugins = new PluginsRegistry();
5498 this.options = {
5499 id: {
5500 minify: false
5501 },
5502 createGenerateId: createGenerateId,
5503 Renderer: isBrowser ? DomRenderer : null,
5504 plugins: []
5505 };
5506 this.generateId = createGenerateId({
5507 minify: false
5508 });
5510 for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
5511 this.plugins.use(plugins[i], {
5512 queue: 'internal'
5513 });
5514 }
5516 this.setup(options);
5517 }
5518 /**
5519 * Prepares various options, applies plugins.
5520 * Should not be used twice on the same instance, because there is no plugins
5521 * deduplication logic.
5522 */
5525 var _proto = Jss.prototype;
5527 _proto.setup = function setup(options) {
5528 if (options === void 0) {
5529 options = {};
5530 }
5532 if (options.createGenerateId) {
5533 this.options.createGenerateId = options.createGenerateId;
5534 }
5536 if (options.id) {
5537 this.options.id = _extends({}, this.options.id, options.id);
5538 }
5540 if (options.createGenerateId || options.id) {
5541 this.generateId = this.options.createGenerateId(this.options.id);
5542 }
5544 if (options.insertionPoint != null) this.options.insertionPoint = options.insertionPoint;
5546 if ('Renderer' in options) {
5547 this.options.Renderer = options.Renderer;
5548 } // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-spread
5551 if (options.plugins) this.use.apply(this, options.plugins);
5552 return this;
5553 }
5554 /**
5555 * Create a Style Sheet.
5556 */
5557 ;
5559 _proto.createStyleSheet = function createStyleSheet(styles, options) {
5560 if (options === void 0) {
5561 options = {};
5562 }
5564 var _options = options,
5565 index = _options.index;
5567 if (typeof index !== 'number') {
5568 index = registry.index === 0 ? 0 : registry.index + 1;
5569 }
5571 var sheet = new StyleSheet(styles, _extends({}, options, {
5572 jss: this,
5573 generateId: options.generateId || this.generateId,
5574 insertionPoint: this.options.insertionPoint,
5575 Renderer: this.options.Renderer,
5576 index: index
5577 }));
5578 this.plugins.onProcessSheet(sheet);
5579 return sheet;
5580 }
5581 /**
5582 * Detach the Style Sheet and remove it from the registry.
5583 */
5584 ;
5586 _proto.removeStyleSheet = function removeStyleSheet(sheet) {
5587 sheet.detach();
5588 registry.remove(sheet);
5589 return this;
5590 }
5591 /**
5592 * Create a rule without a Style Sheet.
5593 * [Deprecated] will be removed in the next major version.
5594 */
5595 ;
5597 _proto.createRule = function createRule$1(name, style, options) {
5598 if (style === void 0) {
5599 style = {};
5600 }
5602 if (options === void 0) {
5603 options = {};
5604 }
5606 // Enable rule without name for inline styles.
5607 if (typeof name === 'object') {
5608 // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]
5609 return this.createRule(undefined, name, style);
5610 } // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type]
5613 var ruleOptions = _extends({}, options, {
5614 name: name,
5615 jss: this,
5616 Renderer: this.options.Renderer
5617 });
5619 if (!ruleOptions.generateId) ruleOptions.generateId = this.generateId;
5620 if (!ruleOptions.classes) ruleOptions.classes = {};
5621 if (!ruleOptions.keyframes) ruleOptions.keyframes = {};
5623 var rule = createRule(name, style, ruleOptions);
5625 if (rule) this.plugins.onProcessRule(rule);
5626 return rule;
5627 }
5628 /**
5629 * Register plugin. Passed function will be invoked with a rule instance.
5630 */
5631 ;
5633 _proto.use = function use() {
5634 var _this = this;
5636 for (var _len = arguments.length, plugins = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
5637 plugins[_key] = arguments[_key];
5638 }
5640 plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
5641 _this.plugins.use(plugin);
5642 });
5643 return this;
5644 };
5646 return Jss;
5647 }();
5649 /**
5650 * Extracts a styles object with only props that contain function values.
5651 */
5652 function getDynamicStyles(styles) {
5653 var to = null;
5655 for (var key in styles) {
5656 var value = styles[key];
5657 var type = typeof value;
5659 if (type === 'function') {
5660 if (!to) to = {};
5661 to[key] = value;
5662 } else if (type === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value)) {
5663 var extracted = getDynamicStyles(value);
5665 if (extracted) {
5666 if (!to) to = {};
5667 to[key] = extracted;
5668 }
5669 }
5670 }
5672 return to;
5673 }
5675 /**
5676 * A better abstraction over CSS.
5677 *
5678 * @copyright Oleg Isonen (Slobodskoi) / Isonen 2014-present
5679 * @website https://github.com/cssinjs/jss
5680 * @license MIT
5681 */
5683 /**
5684 * Export a constant indicating if this browser has CSSTOM support.
5685 * https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/03/cssom
5686 */
5687 var hasCSSTOMSupport = typeof CSS === 'object' && CSS != null && 'number' in CSS;
5688 /**
5689 * Creates a new instance of Jss.
5690 */
5692 var create = function create(options) {
5693 return new Jss(options);
5694 };
5695 /**
5696 * A global Jss instance.
5697 */
5699 var jss = create();
5701 var now = Date.now();
5702 var fnValuesNs = "fnValues" + now;
5703 var fnRuleNs = "fnStyle" + ++now;
5705 var functionPlugin = function functionPlugin() {
5706 return {
5707 onCreateRule: function onCreateRule(name, decl, options) {
5708 if (typeof decl !== 'function') return null;
5709 var rule = createRule(name, {}, options);
5710 rule[fnRuleNs] = decl;
5711 return rule;
5712 },
5713 onProcessStyle: function onProcessStyle(style, rule) {
5714 // We need to extract function values from the declaration, so that we can keep core unaware of them.
5715 // We need to do that only once.
5716 // We don't need to extract functions on each style update, since this can happen only once.
5717 // We don't support function values inside of function rules.
5718 if (fnValuesNs in rule || fnRuleNs in rule) return style;
5719 var fnValues = {};
5721 for (var prop in style) {
5722 var value = style[prop];
5723 if (typeof value !== 'function') continue;
5724 delete style[prop];
5725 fnValues[prop] = value;
5726 } // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
5729 rule[fnValuesNs] = fnValues;
5730 return style;
5731 },
5732 onUpdate: function onUpdate(data, rule, sheet, options) {
5733 var styleRule = rule; // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
5735 var fnRule = styleRule[fnRuleNs]; // If we have a style function, the entire rule is dynamic and style object
5736 // will be returned from that function.
5738 if (fnRule) {
5739 // Empty object will remove all currently defined props
5740 // in case function rule returns a falsy value.
5741 styleRule.style = fnRule(data) || {};
5743 {
5744 for (var prop in styleRule.style) {
5745 if (typeof styleRule.style[prop] === 'function') {
5746 warning(false, '[JSS] Function values inside function rules are not supported.') ;
5747 break;
5748 }
5749 }
5750 }
5751 } // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
5754 var fnValues = styleRule[fnValuesNs]; // If we have a fn values map, it is a rule with function values.
5756 if (fnValues) {
5757 for (var _prop in fnValues) {
5758 styleRule.prop(_prop, fnValues[_prop](data), options);
5759 }
5760 }
5761 }
5762 };
5763 };
5765 var at = '@global';
5766 var atPrefix = '@global ';
5768 var GlobalContainerRule =
5769 /*#__PURE__*/
5770 function () {
5771 function GlobalContainerRule(key, styles, options) {
5772 this.type = 'global';
5773 this.at = at;
5774 this.rules = void 0;
5775 this.options = void 0;
5776 this.key = void 0;
5777 this.isProcessed = false;
5778 this.key = key;
5779 this.options = options;
5780 this.rules = new RuleList(_extends({}, options, {
5781 parent: this
5782 }));
5784 for (var selector in styles) {
5785 this.rules.add(selector, styles[selector]);
5786 }
5788 this.rules.process();
5789 }
5790 /**
5791 * Get a rule.
5792 */
5795 var _proto = GlobalContainerRule.prototype;
5797 _proto.getRule = function getRule(name) {
5798 return this.rules.get(name);
5799 }
5800 /**
5801 * Create and register rule, run plugins.
5802 */
5803 ;
5805 _proto.addRule = function addRule(name, style, options) {
5806 var rule = this.rules.add(name, style, options);
5807 if (rule) this.options.jss.plugins.onProcessRule(rule);
5808 return rule;
5809 }
5810 /**
5811 * Get index of a rule.
5812 */
5813 ;
5815 _proto.indexOf = function indexOf(rule) {
5816 return this.rules.indexOf(rule);
5817 }
5818 /**
5819 * Generates a CSS string.
5820 */
5821 ;
5823 _proto.toString = function toString() {
5824 return this.rules.toString();
5825 };
5827 return GlobalContainerRule;
5828 }();
5830 var GlobalPrefixedRule =
5831 /*#__PURE__*/
5832 function () {
5833 function GlobalPrefixedRule(key, style, options) {
5834 this.type = 'global';
5835 this.at = at;
5836 this.options = void 0;
5837 this.rule = void 0;
5838 this.isProcessed = false;
5839 this.key = void 0;
5840 this.key = key;
5841 this.options = options;
5842 var selector = key.substr(atPrefix.length);
5843 this.rule = options.jss.createRule(selector, style, _extends({}, options, {
5844 parent: this
5845 }));
5846 }
5848 var _proto2 = GlobalPrefixedRule.prototype;
5850 _proto2.toString = function toString(options) {
5851 return this.rule ? this.rule.toString(options) : '';
5852 };
5854 return GlobalPrefixedRule;
5855 }();
5857 var separatorRegExp = /\s*,\s*/g;
5859 function addScope(selector, scope) {
5860 var parts = selector.split(separatorRegExp);
5861 var scoped = '';
5863 for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
5864 scoped += scope + " " + parts[i].trim();
5865 if (parts[i + 1]) scoped += ', ';
5866 }
5868 return scoped;
5869 }
5871 function handleNestedGlobalContainerRule(rule, sheet) {
5872 var options = rule.options,
5873 style = rule.style;
5874 var rules = style ? style[at] : null;
5875 if (!rules) return;
5877 for (var name in rules) {
5878 sheet.addRule(name, rules[name], _extends({}, options, {
5879 selector: addScope(name, rule.selector)
5880 }));
5881 }
5883 delete style[at];
5884 }
5886 function handlePrefixedGlobalRule(rule, sheet) {
5887 var options = rule.options,
5888 style = rule.style;
5890 for (var prop in style) {
5891 if (prop[0] !== '@' || prop.substr(0, at.length) !== at) continue;
5892 var selector = addScope(prop.substr(at.length), rule.selector);
5893 sheet.addRule(selector, style[prop], _extends({}, options, {
5894 selector: selector
5895 }));
5896 delete style[prop];
5897 }
5898 }
5899 /**
5900 * Convert nested rules to separate, remove them from original styles.
5901 *
5902 * @param {Rule} rule
5903 * @api public
5904 */
5907 function jssGlobal() {
5908 function onCreateRule(name, styles, options) {
5909 if (!name) return null;
5911 if (name === at) {
5912 return new GlobalContainerRule(name, styles, options);
5913 }
5915 if (name[0] === '@' && name.substr(0, atPrefix.length) === atPrefix) {
5916 return new GlobalPrefixedRule(name, styles, options);
5917 }
5919 var parent = options.parent;
5921 if (parent) {
5922 if (parent.type === 'global' || parent.options.parent && parent.options.parent.type === 'global') {
5923 options.scoped = false;
5924 }
5925 }
5927 if (options.scoped === false) {
5928 options.selector = name;
5929 }
5931 return null;
5932 }
5934 function onProcessRule(rule, sheet) {
5935 if (rule.type !== 'style' || !sheet) return;
5936 handleNestedGlobalContainerRule(rule, sheet);
5937 handlePrefixedGlobalRule(rule, sheet);
5938 }
5940 return {
5941 onCreateRule: onCreateRule,
5942 onProcessRule: onProcessRule
5943 };
5944 }
5946 var separatorRegExp$1 = /\s*,\s*/g;
5947 var parentRegExp = /&/g;
5948 var refRegExp$1 = /\$([\w-]+)/g;
5949 /**
5950 * Convert nested rules to separate, remove them from original styles.
5951 *
5952 * @param {Rule} rule
5953 * @api public
5954 */
5956 function jssNested() {
5957 // Get a function to be used for $ref replacement.
5958 function getReplaceRef(container, sheet) {
5959 return function (match, key) {
5960 var rule = container.getRule(key) || sheet && sheet.getRule(key);
5962 if (rule) {
5963 rule = rule;
5964 return rule.selector;
5965 }
5967 warning(false, "[JSS] Could not find the referenced rule \"" + key + "\" in \"" + (container.options.meta || container.toString()) + "\".") ;
5968 return key;
5969 };
5970 }
5972 function replaceParentRefs(nestedProp, parentProp) {
5973 var parentSelectors = parentProp.split(separatorRegExp$1);
5974 var nestedSelectors = nestedProp.split(separatorRegExp$1);
5975 var result = '';
5977 for (var i = 0; i < parentSelectors.length; i++) {
5978 var parent = parentSelectors[i];
5980 for (var j = 0; j < nestedSelectors.length; j++) {
5981 var nested = nestedSelectors[j];
5982 if (result) result += ', '; // Replace all & by the parent or prefix & with the parent.
5984 result += nested.indexOf('&') !== -1 ? nested.replace(parentRegExp, parent) : parent + " " + nested;
5985 }
5986 }
5988 return result;
5989 }
5991 function getOptions(rule, container, prevOptions) {
5992 // Options has been already created, now we only increase index.
5993 if (prevOptions) return _extends({}, prevOptions, {
5994 index: prevOptions.index + 1 // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
5996 });
5997 var nestingLevel = rule.options.nestingLevel;
5998 nestingLevel = nestingLevel === undefined ? 1 : nestingLevel + 1;
6000 var options = _extends({}, rule.options, {
6001 nestingLevel: nestingLevel,
6002 index: container.indexOf(rule) + 1 // We don't need the parent name to be set options for chlid.
6004 });
6006 delete options.name;
6007 return options;
6008 }
6010 function onProcessStyle(style, rule, sheet) {
6011 if (rule.type !== 'style') return style;
6012 var styleRule = rule;
6013 var container = styleRule.options.parent;
6014 var options;
6015 var replaceRef;
6017 for (var prop in style) {
6018 var isNested = prop.indexOf('&') !== -1;
6019 var isNestedConditional = prop[0] === '@';
6020 if (!isNested && !isNestedConditional) continue;
6021 options = getOptions(styleRule, container, options);
6023 if (isNested) {
6024 var selector = replaceParentRefs(prop, styleRule.selector); // Lazily create the ref replacer function just once for
6025 // all nested rules within the sheet.
6027 if (!replaceRef) replaceRef = getReplaceRef(container, sheet); // Replace all $refs.
6029 selector = selector.replace(refRegExp$1, replaceRef);
6030 container.addRule(selector, style[prop], _extends({}, options, {
6031 selector: selector
6032 }));
6033 } else if (isNestedConditional) {
6034 // Place conditional right after the parent rule to ensure right ordering.
6035 container.addRule(prop, {}, options) // Flow expects more options but they aren't required
6036 // And flow doesn't know this will always be a StyleRule which has the addRule method
6037 // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-use]
6038 // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]
6039 .addRule(styleRule.key, style[prop], {
6040 selector: styleRule.selector
6041 });
6042 }
6044 delete style[prop];
6045 }
6047 return style;
6048 }
6050 return {
6051 onProcessStyle: onProcessStyle
6052 };
6053 }
6055 /* eslint-disable no-var, prefer-template */
6056 var uppercasePattern = /[A-Z]/g;
6057 var msPattern = /^ms-/;
6058 var cache = {};
6060 function toHyphenLower(match) {
6061 return '-' + match.toLowerCase()
6062 }
6064 function hyphenateStyleName(name) {
6065 if (cache.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
6066 return cache[name]
6067 }
6069 var hName = name.replace(uppercasePattern, toHyphenLower);
6070 return (cache[name] = msPattern.test(hName) ? '-' + hName : hName)
6071 }
6073 /**
6074 * Convert camel cased property names to dash separated.
6075 *
6076 * @param {Object} style
6077 * @return {Object}
6078 */
6080 function convertCase(style) {
6081 var converted = {};
6083 for (var prop in style) {
6084 var key = prop.indexOf('--') === 0 ? prop : hyphenateStyleName(prop);
6085 converted[key] = style[prop];
6086 }
6088 if (style.fallbacks) {
6089 if (Array.isArray(style.fallbacks)) converted.fallbacks = style.fallbacks.map(convertCase);else converted.fallbacks = convertCase(style.fallbacks);
6090 }
6092 return converted;
6093 }
6094 /**
6095 * Allow camel cased property names by converting them back to dasherized.
6096 *
6097 * @param {Rule} rule
6098 */
6101 function camelCase() {
6102 function onProcessStyle(style) {
6103 if (Array.isArray(style)) {
6104 // Handle rules like @font-face, which can have multiple styles in an array
6105 for (var index = 0; index < style.length; index++) {
6106 style[index] = convertCase(style[index]);
6107 }
6109 return style;
6110 }
6112 return convertCase(style);
6113 }
6115 function onChangeValue(value, prop, rule) {
6116 if (prop.indexOf('--') === 0) {
6117 return value;
6118 }
6120 var hyphenatedProp = hyphenateStyleName(prop); // There was no camel case in place
6122 if (prop === hyphenatedProp) return value;
6123 rule.prop(hyphenatedProp, value); // Core will ignore that property value we set the proper one above.
6125 return null;
6126 }
6128 return {
6129 onProcessStyle: onProcessStyle,
6130 onChangeValue: onChangeValue
6131 };
6132 }
6134 var px = hasCSSTOMSupport && CSS ? CSS.px : 'px';
6135 var ms = hasCSSTOMSupport && CSS ? CSS.ms : 'ms';
6136 var percent = hasCSSTOMSupport && CSS ? CSS.percent : '%';
6137 /**
6138 * Generated jss-plugin-default-unit CSS property units
6139 *
6140 * @type object
6141 */
6143 var defaultUnits = {
6144 // Animation properties
6145 'animation-delay': ms,
6146 'animation-duration': ms,
6147 // Background properties
6148 'background-position': px,
6149 'background-position-x': px,
6150 'background-position-y': px,
6151 'background-size': px,
6152 // Border Properties
6153 border: px,
6154 'border-bottom': px,
6155 'border-bottom-left-radius': px,
6156 'border-bottom-right-radius': px,
6157 'border-bottom-width': px,
6158 'border-left': px,
6159 'border-left-width': px,
6160 'border-radius': px,
6161 'border-right': px,
6162 'border-right-width': px,
6163 'border-top': px,
6164 'border-top-left-radius': px,
6165 'border-top-right-radius': px,
6166 'border-top-width': px,
6167 'border-width': px,
6168 'border-block': px,
6169 'border-block-end': px,
6170 'border-block-end-width': px,
6171 'border-block-start': px,
6172 'border-block-start-width': px,
6173 'border-block-width': px,
6174 'border-inline': px,
6175 'border-inline-end': px,
6176 'border-inline-end-width': px,
6177 'border-inline-start': px,
6178 'border-inline-start-width': px,
6179 'border-inline-width': px,
6180 'border-start-start-radius': px,
6181 'border-start-end-radius': px,
6182 'border-end-start-radius': px,
6183 'border-end-end-radius': px,
6184 // Margin properties
6185 margin: px,
6186 'margin-bottom': px,
6187 'margin-left': px,
6188 'margin-right': px,
6189 'margin-top': px,
6190 'margin-block': px,
6191 'margin-block-end': px,
6192 'margin-block-start': px,
6193 'margin-inline': px,
6194 'margin-inline-end': px,
6195 'margin-inline-start': px,
6196 // Padding properties
6197 padding: px,
6198 'padding-bottom': px,
6199 'padding-left': px,
6200 'padding-right': px,
6201 'padding-top': px,
6202 'padding-block': px,
6203 'padding-block-end': px,
6204 'padding-block-start': px,
6205 'padding-inline': px,
6206 'padding-inline-end': px,
6207 'padding-inline-start': px,
6208 // Mask properties
6209 'mask-position-x': px,
6210 'mask-position-y': px,
6211 'mask-size': px,
6212 // Width and height properties
6213 height: px,
6214 width: px,
6215 'min-height': px,
6216 'max-height': px,
6217 'min-width': px,
6218 'max-width': px,
6219 // Position properties
6220 bottom: px,
6221 left: px,
6222 top: px,
6223 right: px,
6224 inset: px,
6225 'inset-block': px,
6226 'inset-block-end': px,
6227 'inset-block-start': px,
6228 'inset-inline': px,
6229 'inset-inline-end': px,
6230 'inset-inline-start': px,
6231 // Shadow properties
6232 'box-shadow': px,
6233 'text-shadow': px,
6234 // Column properties
6235 'column-gap': px,
6236 'column-rule': px,
6237 'column-rule-width': px,
6238 'column-width': px,
6239 // Font and text properties
6240 'font-size': px,
6241 'font-size-delta': px,
6242 'letter-spacing': px,
6243 'text-decoration-thickness': px,
6244 'text-indent': px,
6245 'text-stroke': px,
6246 'text-stroke-width': px,
6247 'word-spacing': px,
6248 // Motion properties
6249 motion: px,
6250 'motion-offset': px,
6251 // Outline properties
6252 outline: px,
6253 'outline-offset': px,
6254 'outline-width': px,
6255 // Perspective properties
6256 perspective: px,
6257 'perspective-origin-x': percent,
6258 'perspective-origin-y': percent,
6259 // Transform properties
6260 'transform-origin': percent,
6261 'transform-origin-x': percent,
6262 'transform-origin-y': percent,
6263 'transform-origin-z': percent,
6264 // Transition properties
6265 'transition-delay': ms,
6266 'transition-duration': ms,
6267 // Alignment properties
6268 'vertical-align': px,
6269 'flex-basis': px,
6270 // Some random properties
6271 'shape-margin': px,
6272 size: px,
6273 gap: px,
6274 // Grid properties
6275 grid: px,
6276 'grid-gap': px,
6277 'row-gap': px,
6278 'grid-row-gap': px,
6279 'grid-column-gap': px,
6280 'grid-template-rows': px,
6281 'grid-template-columns': px,
6282 'grid-auto-rows': px,
6283 'grid-auto-columns': px,
6284 // Not existing properties.
6285 // Used to avoid issues with jss-plugin-expand integration.
6286 'box-shadow-x': px,
6287 'box-shadow-y': px,
6288 'box-shadow-blur': px,
6289 'box-shadow-spread': px,
6290 'font-line-height': px,
6291 'text-shadow-x': px,
6292 'text-shadow-y': px,
6293 'text-shadow-blur': px
6294 };
6296 /**
6297 * Clones the object and adds a camel cased property version.
6298 */
6299 function addCamelCasedVersion(obj) {
6300 var regExp = /(-[a-z])/g;
6302 var replace = function replace(str) {
6303 return str[1].toUpperCase();
6304 };
6306 var newObj = {};
6308 for (var _key in obj) {
6309 newObj[_key] = obj[_key];
6310 newObj[_key.replace(regExp, replace)] = obj[_key];
6311 }
6313 return newObj;
6314 }
6316 var units = addCamelCasedVersion(defaultUnits);
6317 /**
6318 * Recursive deep style passing function
6319 */
6321 function iterate(prop, value, options) {
6322 if (value == null) return value;
6324 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
6325 for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
6326 value[i] = iterate(prop, value[i], options);
6327 }
6328 } else if (typeof value === 'object') {
6329 if (prop === 'fallbacks') {
6330 for (var innerProp in value) {
6331 value[innerProp] = iterate(innerProp, value[innerProp], options);
6332 }
6333 } else {
6334 for (var _innerProp in value) {
6335 value[_innerProp] = iterate(prop + "-" + _innerProp, value[_innerProp], options);
6336 }
6337 }
6338 } else if (typeof value === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(value)) {
6339 var unit = options[prop] || units[prop]; // Add the unit if available, except for the special case of 0px.
6341 if (unit && !(value === 0 && unit === px)) {
6342 return typeof unit === 'function' ? unit(value).toString() : "" + value + unit;
6343 }
6345 return value.toString();
6346 }
6348 return value;
6349 }
6350 /**
6351 * Add unit to numeric values.
6352 */
6355 function defaultUnit(options) {
6356 if (options === void 0) {
6357 options = {};
6358 }
6360 var camelCasedOptions = addCamelCasedVersion(options);
6362 function onProcessStyle(style, rule) {
6363 if (rule.type !== 'style') return style;
6365 for (var prop in style) {
6366 style[prop] = iterate(prop, style[prop], camelCasedOptions);
6367 }
6369 return style;
6370 }
6372 function onChangeValue(value, prop) {
6373 return iterate(prop, value, camelCasedOptions);
6374 }
6376 return {
6377 onProcessStyle: onProcessStyle,
6378 onChangeValue: onChangeValue
6379 };
6380 }
6382 // Export javascript style and css style vendor prefixes.
6383 var js = '';
6384 var css = '';
6385 var vendor = '';
6386 var browser = '';
6387 var isTouch = isBrowser && 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; // We should not do anything if required serverside.
6389 if (isBrowser) {
6390 // Order matters. We need to check Webkit the last one because
6391 // other vendors use to add Webkit prefixes to some properties
6392 var jsCssMap = {
6393 Moz: '-moz-',
6394 ms: '-ms-',
6395 O: '-o-',
6396 Webkit: '-webkit-'
6397 };
6399 var _document$createEleme = document.createElement('p'),
6400 style$1 = _document$createEleme.style;
6402 var testProp = 'Transform';
6404 for (var key in jsCssMap) {
6405 if (key + testProp in style$1) {
6406 js = key;
6407 css = jsCssMap[key];
6408 break;
6409 }
6410 } // Correctly detect the Edge browser.
6413 if (js === 'Webkit' && 'msHyphens' in style$1) {
6414 js = 'ms';
6415 css = jsCssMap.ms;
6416 browser = 'edge';
6417 } // Correctly detect the Safari browser.
6420 if (js === 'Webkit' && '-apple-trailing-word' in style$1) {
6421 vendor = 'apple';
6422 }
6423 }
6424 /**
6425 * Vendor prefix string for the current browser.
6426 *
6427 * @type {{js: String, css: String, vendor: String, browser: String}}
6428 * @api public
6429 */
6432 var prefix = {
6433 js: js,
6434 css: css,
6435 vendor: vendor,
6436 browser: browser,
6437 isTouch: isTouch
6438 };
6440 /**
6441 * Test if a keyframe at-rule should be prefixed or not
6442 *
6443 * @param {String} vendor prefix string for the current browser.
6444 * @return {String}
6445 * @api public
6446 */
6448 function supportedKeyframes(key) {
6449 // Keyframes is already prefixed. e.g. key = '@-webkit-keyframes a'
6450 if (key[1] === '-') return key; // No need to prefix IE/Edge. Older browsers will ignore unsupported rules.
6451 // https://caniuse.com/#search=keyframes
6453 if (prefix.js === 'ms') return key;
6454 return "@" + prefix.css + "keyframes" + key.substr(10);
6455 }
6457 // https://caniuse.com/#search=appearance
6459 var appearence = {
6460 noPrefill: ['appearance'],
6461 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
6462 if (prop !== 'appearance') return false;
6463 if (prefix.js === 'ms') return "-webkit-" + prop;
6464 return prefix.css + prop;
6465 }
6466 };
6468 // https://caniuse.com/#search=color-adjust
6470 var colorAdjust = {
6471 noPrefill: ['color-adjust'],
6472 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
6473 if (prop !== 'color-adjust') return false;
6474 if (prefix.js === 'Webkit') return prefix.css + "print-" + prop;
6475 return prop;
6476 }
6477 };
6479 var regExp = /[-\s]+(.)?/g;
6480 /**
6481 * Replaces the letter with the capital letter
6482 *
6483 * @param {String} match
6484 * @param {String} c
6485 * @return {String}
6486 * @api private
6487 */
6489 function toUpper(match, c) {
6490 return c ? c.toUpperCase() : '';
6491 }
6492 /**
6493 * Convert dash separated strings to camel-cased.
6494 *
6495 * @param {String} str
6496 * @return {String}
6497 * @api private
6498 */
6501 function camelize(str) {
6502 return str.replace(regExp, toUpper);
6503 }
6505 /**
6506 * Convert dash separated strings to pascal cased.
6507 *
6508 * @param {String} str
6509 * @return {String}
6510 * @api private
6511 */
6513 function pascalize(str) {
6514 return camelize("-" + str);
6515 }
6517 // but we can use a longhand property instead.
6518 // https://caniuse.com/#search=mask
6520 var mask = {
6521 noPrefill: ['mask'],
6522 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
6523 if (!/^mask/.test(prop)) return false;
6525 if (prefix.js === 'Webkit') {
6526 var longhand = 'mask-image';
6528 if (camelize(longhand) in style) {
6529 return prop;
6530 }
6532 if (prefix.js + pascalize(longhand) in style) {
6533 return prefix.css + prop;
6534 }
6535 }
6537 return prop;
6538 }
6539 };
6541 // https://caniuse.com/#search=text-orientation
6543 var textOrientation = {
6544 noPrefill: ['text-orientation'],
6545 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
6546 if (prop !== 'text-orientation') return false;
6548 if (prefix.vendor === 'apple' && !prefix.isTouch) {
6549 return prefix.css + prop;
6550 }
6552 return prop;
6553 }
6554 };
6556 // https://caniuse.com/#search=transform
6558 var transform$1 = {
6559 noPrefill: ['transform'],
6560 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style, options) {
6561 if (prop !== 'transform') return false;
6563 if (options.transform) {
6564 return prop;
6565 }
6567 return prefix.css + prop;
6568 }
6569 };
6571 // https://caniuse.com/#search=transition
6573 var transition = {
6574 noPrefill: ['transition'],
6575 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style, options) {
6576 if (prop !== 'transition') return false;
6578 if (options.transition) {
6579 return prop;
6580 }
6582 return prefix.css + prop;
6583 }
6584 };
6586 // https://caniuse.com/#search=writing-mode
6588 var writingMode = {
6589 noPrefill: ['writing-mode'],
6590 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
6591 if (prop !== 'writing-mode') return false;
6593 if (prefix.js === 'Webkit' || prefix.js === 'ms' && prefix.browser !== 'edge') {
6594 return prefix.css + prop;
6595 }
6597 return prop;
6598 }
6599 };
6601 // https://caniuse.com/#search=user-select
6603 var userSelect = {
6604 noPrefill: ['user-select'],
6605 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
6606 if (prop !== 'user-select') return false;
6608 if (prefix.js === 'Moz' || prefix.js === 'ms' || prefix.vendor === 'apple') {
6609 return prefix.css + prop;
6610 }
6612 return prop;
6613 }
6614 };
6616 // https://caniuse.com/#search=multicolumn
6617 // https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/491
6618 // https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/177
6620 var breakPropsOld = {
6621 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
6622 if (!/^break-/.test(prop)) return false;
6624 if (prefix.js === 'Webkit') {
6625 var jsProp = "WebkitColumn" + pascalize(prop);
6626 return jsProp in style ? prefix.css + "column-" + prop : false;
6627 }
6629 if (prefix.js === 'Moz') {
6630 var _jsProp = "page" + pascalize(prop);
6632 return _jsProp in style ? "page-" + prop : false;
6633 }
6635 return false;
6636 }
6637 };
6639 // See https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/324.
6641 var inlineLogicalOld = {
6642 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
6643 if (!/^(border|margin|padding)-inline/.test(prop)) return false;
6644 if (prefix.js === 'Moz') return prop;
6645 var newProp = prop.replace('-inline', '');
6646 return prefix.js + pascalize(newProp) in style ? prefix.css + newProp : false;
6647 }
6648 };
6650 // Camelization is required because we can't test using.
6651 // CSS syntax for e.g. in FF.
6653 var unprefixed = {
6654 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
6655 return camelize(prop) in style ? prop : false;
6656 }
6657 };
6659 var prefixed = {
6660 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
6661 var pascalized = pascalize(prop); // Return custom CSS variable without prefixing.
6663 if (prop[0] === '-') return prop; // Return already prefixed value without prefixing.
6665 if (prop[0] === '-' && prop[1] === '-') return prop;
6666 if (prefix.js + pascalized in style) return prefix.css + prop; // Try webkit fallback.
6668 if (prefix.js !== 'Webkit' && "Webkit" + pascalized in style) return "-webkit-" + prop;
6669 return false;
6670 }
6671 };
6673 // https://caniuse.com/#search=scroll-snap
6675 var scrollSnap = {
6676 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
6677 if (prop.substring(0, 11) !== 'scroll-snap') return false;
6679 if (prefix.js === 'ms') {
6680 return "" + prefix.css + prop;
6681 }
6683 return prop;
6684 }
6685 };
6687 // https://caniuse.com/#search=overscroll-behavior
6689 var overscrollBehavior = {
6690 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
6691 if (prop !== 'overscroll-behavior') return false;
6693 if (prefix.js === 'ms') {
6694 return prefix.css + "scroll-chaining";
6695 }
6697 return prop;
6698 }
6699 };
6701 var propMap = {
6702 'flex-grow': 'flex-positive',
6703 'flex-shrink': 'flex-negative',
6704 'flex-basis': 'flex-preferred-size',
6705 'justify-content': 'flex-pack',
6706 order: 'flex-order',
6707 'align-items': 'flex-align',
6708 'align-content': 'flex-line-pack' // 'align-self' is handled by 'align-self' plugin.
6710 }; // Support old flex spec from 2012.
6712 var flex2012 = {
6713 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
6714 var newProp = propMap[prop];
6715 if (!newProp) return false;
6716 return prefix.js + pascalize(newProp) in style ? prefix.css + newProp : false;
6717 }
6718 };
6720 var propMap$1 = {
6721 flex: 'box-flex',
6722 'flex-grow': 'box-flex',
6723 'flex-direction': ['box-orient', 'box-direction'],
6724 order: 'box-ordinal-group',
6725 'align-items': 'box-align',
6726 'flex-flow': ['box-orient', 'box-direction'],
6727 'justify-content': 'box-pack'
6728 };
6729 var propKeys = Object.keys(propMap$1);
6731 var prefixCss = function prefixCss(p) {
6732 return prefix.css + p;
6733 }; // Support old flex spec from 2009.
6736 var flex2009 = {
6737 supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style, _ref) {
6738 var multiple = _ref.multiple;
6740 if (propKeys.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
6741 var newProp = propMap$1[prop];
6743 if (!Array.isArray(newProp)) {
6744 return prefix.js + pascalize(newProp) in style ? prefix.css + newProp : false;
6745 }
6747 if (!multiple) return false;
6749 for (var i = 0; i < newProp.length; i++) {
6750 if (!(prefix.js + pascalize(newProp[0]) in style)) {
6751 return false;
6752 }
6753 }
6755 return newProp.map(prefixCss);
6756 }
6758 return false;
6759 }
6760 };
6762 // plugins = [
6763 // ...plugins,
6764 // breakPropsOld,
6765 // inlineLogicalOld,
6766 // unprefixed,
6767 // prefixed,
6768 // scrollSnap,
6769 // flex2012,
6770 // flex2009
6771 // ]
6772 // Plugins without 'noPrefill' value, going last.
6773 // 'flex-*' plugins should be at the bottom.
6774 // 'flex2009' going after 'flex2012'.
6775 // 'prefixed' going after 'unprefixed'
6777 var plugins$1 = [appearence, colorAdjust, mask, textOrientation, transform$1, transition, writingMode, userSelect, breakPropsOld, inlineLogicalOld, unprefixed, prefixed, scrollSnap, overscrollBehavior, flex2012, flex2009];
6778 var propertyDetectors = plugins$1.filter(function (p) {
6779 return p.supportedProperty;
6780 }).map(function (p) {
6781 return p.supportedProperty;
6782 });
6783 var noPrefill = plugins$1.filter(function (p) {
6784 return p.noPrefill;
6785 }).reduce(function (a, p) {
6786 a.push.apply(a, _toConsumableArray(p.noPrefill));
6787 return a;
6788 }, []);
6790 var el;
6791 var cache$1 = {};
6793 if (isBrowser) {
6794 el = document.createElement('p'); // We test every property on vendor prefix requirement.
6795 // Once tested, result is cached. It gives us up to 70% perf boost.
6796 // http://jsperf.com/element-style-object-access-vs-plain-object
6797 //
6798 // Prefill cache with known css properties to reduce amount of
6799 // properties we need to feature test at runtime.
6800 // http://davidwalsh.name/vendor-prefix
6802 var computed = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, '');
6804 for (var key$1 in computed) {
6805 // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
6806 if (!isNaN(key$1)) cache$1[computed[key$1]] = computed[key$1];
6807 } // Properties that cannot be correctly detected using the
6808 // cache prefill method.
6811 noPrefill.forEach(function (x) {
6812 return delete cache$1[x];
6813 });
6814 }
6815 /**
6816 * Test if a property is supported, returns supported property with vendor
6817 * prefix if required. Returns `false` if not supported.
6818 *
6819 * @param {String} prop dash separated
6820 * @param {Object} [options]
6821 * @return {String|Boolean}
6822 * @api public
6823 */
6826 function supportedProperty(prop, options) {
6827 if (options === void 0) {
6828 options = {};
6829 }
6831 // For server-side rendering.
6832 if (!el) return prop; // Remove cache for benchmark tests or return property from the cache.
6834 if ( cache$1[prop] != null) {
6835 return cache$1[prop];
6836 } // Check if 'transition' or 'transform' natively supported in browser.
6839 if (prop === 'transition' || prop === 'transform') {
6840 options[prop] = prop in el.style;
6841 } // Find a plugin for current prefix property.
6844 for (var i = 0; i < propertyDetectors.length; i++) {
6845 cache$1[prop] = propertyDetectors[i](prop, el.style, options); // Break loop, if value found.
6847 if (cache$1[prop]) break;
6848 } // Reset styles for current property.
6849 // Firefox can even throw an error for invalid properties, e.g., "0".
6852 try {
6853 el.style[prop] = '';
6854 } catch (err) {
6855 return false;
6856 }
6858 return cache$1[prop];
6859 }
6861 var cache$1$1 = {};
6862 var transitionProperties = {
6863 transition: 1,
6864 'transition-property': 1,
6865 '-webkit-transition': 1,
6866 '-webkit-transition-property': 1
6867 };
6868 var transPropsRegExp = /(^\s*[\w-]+)|, (\s*[\w-]+)(?![^()]*\))/g;
6869 var el$1;
6870 /**
6871 * Returns prefixed value transition/transform if needed.
6872 *
6873 * @param {String} match
6874 * @param {String} p1
6875 * @param {String} p2
6876 * @return {String}
6877 * @api private
6878 */
6880 function prefixTransitionCallback(match, p1, p2) {
6881 if (p1 === 'var') return 'var';
6882 if (p1 === 'all') return 'all';
6883 if (p2 === 'all') return ', all';
6884 var prefixedValue = p1 ? supportedProperty(p1) : ", " + supportedProperty(p2);
6885 if (!prefixedValue) return p1 || p2;
6886 return prefixedValue;
6887 }
6889 if (isBrowser) el$1 = document.createElement('p');
6890 /**
6891 * Returns prefixed value if needed. Returns `false` if value is not supported.
6892 *
6893 * @param {String} property
6894 * @param {String} value
6895 * @return {String|Boolean}
6896 * @api public
6897 */
6899 function supportedValue(property, value) {
6900 // For server-side rendering.
6901 var prefixedValue = value;
6902 if (!el$1 || property === 'content') return value; // It is a string or a number as a string like '1'.
6903 // We want only prefixable values here.
6904 // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
6906 if (typeof prefixedValue !== 'string' || !isNaN(parseInt(prefixedValue, 10))) {
6907 return prefixedValue;
6908 } // Create cache key for current value.
6911 var cacheKey = property + prefixedValue; // Remove cache for benchmark tests or return value from cache.
6913 if ( cache$1$1[cacheKey] != null) {
6914 return cache$1$1[cacheKey];
6915 } // IE can even throw an error in some cases, for e.g. style.content = 'bar'.
6918 try {
6919 // Test value as it is.
6920 el$1.style[property] = prefixedValue;
6921 } catch (err) {
6922 // Return false if value not supported.
6923 cache$1$1[cacheKey] = false;
6924 return false;
6925 } // If 'transition' or 'transition-property' property.
6928 if (transitionProperties[property]) {
6929 prefixedValue = prefixedValue.replace(transPropsRegExp, prefixTransitionCallback);
6930 } else if (el$1.style[property] === '') {
6931 // Value with a vendor prefix.
6932 prefixedValue = prefix.css + prefixedValue; // Hardcode test to convert "flex" to "-ms-flexbox" for IE10.
6934 if (prefixedValue === '-ms-flex') el$1.style[property] = '-ms-flexbox'; // Test prefixed value.
6936 el$1.style[property] = prefixedValue; // Return false if value not supported.
6938 if (el$1.style[property] === '') {
6939 cache$1$1[cacheKey] = false;
6940 return false;
6941 }
6942 } // Reset styles for current property.
6945 el$1.style[property] = ''; // Write current value to cache.
6947 cache$1$1[cacheKey] = prefixedValue;
6948 return cache$1$1[cacheKey];
6949 }
6951 /**
6952 * Add vendor prefix to a property name when needed.
6953 *
6954 * @api public
6955 */
6957 function jssVendorPrefixer() {
6958 function onProcessRule(rule) {
6959 if (rule.type === 'keyframes') {
6960 var atRule = rule;
6961 atRule.at = supportedKeyframes(atRule.at);
6962 }
6963 }
6965 function prefixStyle(style) {
6966 for (var prop in style) {
6967 var value = style[prop];
6969 if (prop === 'fallbacks' && Array.isArray(value)) {
6970 style[prop] = value.map(prefixStyle);
6971 continue;
6972 }
6974 var changeProp = false;
6975 var supportedProp = supportedProperty(prop);
6976 if (supportedProp && supportedProp !== prop) changeProp = true;
6977 var changeValue = false;
6978 var supportedValue$1 = supportedValue(supportedProp, toCssValue(value));
6979 if (supportedValue$1 && supportedValue$1 !== value) changeValue = true;
6981 if (changeProp || changeValue) {
6982 if (changeProp) delete style[prop];
6983 style[supportedProp || prop] = supportedValue$1 || value;
6984 }
6985 }
6987 return style;
6988 }
6990 function onProcessStyle(style, rule) {
6991 if (rule.type !== 'style') return style;
6992 return prefixStyle(style);
6993 }
6995 function onChangeValue(value, prop) {
6996 return supportedValue(prop, toCssValue(value)) || value;
6997 }
6999 return {
7000 onProcessRule: onProcessRule,
7001 onProcessStyle: onProcessStyle,
7002 onChangeValue: onChangeValue
7003 };
7004 }
7006 /**
7007 * Sort props by length.
7008 */
7009 function jssPropsSort() {
7010 var sort = function sort(prop0, prop1) {
7011 if (prop0.length === prop1.length) {
7012 return prop0 > prop1 ? 1 : -1;
7013 }
7015 return prop0.length - prop1.length;
7016 };
7018 return {
7019 onProcessStyle: function onProcessStyle(style, rule) {
7020 if (rule.type !== 'style') return style;
7021 var newStyle = {};
7022 var props = Object.keys(style).sort(sort);
7024 for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
7025 newStyle[props[i]] = style[props[i]];
7026 }
7028 return newStyle;
7029 }
7030 };
7031 }
7033 function jssPreset() {
7034 return {
7035 plugins: [functionPlugin(), jssGlobal(), jssNested(), camelCase(), defaultUnit(), // Disable the vendor prefixer server-side, it does nothing.
7036 // This way, we can get a performance boost.
7037 // In the documentation, we are using `autoprefixer` to solve this problem.
7038 typeof window === 'undefined' ? null : jssVendorPrefixer(), jssPropsSort()]
7039 };
7040 }
7042 function mergeClasses() {
7043 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
7044 var baseClasses = options.baseClasses,
7045 newClasses = options.newClasses,
7046 Component = options.Component;
7048 if (!newClasses) {
7049 return baseClasses;
7050 }
7052 var nextClasses = _extends({}, baseClasses);
7054 {
7055 if (typeof newClasses === 'string') {
7056 console.error(["Material-UI: The value `".concat(newClasses, "` ") + "provided to the classes prop of ".concat(getDisplayName(Component), " is incorrect."), 'You might want to use the className prop instead.'].join('\n'));
7057 return baseClasses;
7058 }
7059 }
7061 Object.keys(newClasses).forEach(function (key) {
7062 {
7063 if (!baseClasses[key] && newClasses[key]) {
7064 console.error(["Material-UI: The key `".concat(key, "` ") + "provided to the classes prop is not implemented in ".concat(getDisplayName(Component), "."), "You can only override one of the following: ".concat(Object.keys(baseClasses).join(','), ".")].join('\n'));
7065 }
7067 if (newClasses[key] && typeof newClasses[key] !== 'string') {
7068 console.error(["Material-UI: The key `".concat(key, "` ") + "provided to the classes prop is not valid for ".concat(getDisplayName(Component), "."), "You need to provide a non empty string instead of: ".concat(newClasses[key], ".")].join('\n'));
7069 }
7070 }
7072 if (newClasses[key]) {
7073 nextClasses[key] = "".concat(baseClasses[key], " ").concat(newClasses[key]);
7074 }
7075 });
7076 return nextClasses;
7077 }
7079 // Used https://github.com/thinkloop/multi-key-cache as inspiration
7080 var multiKeyStore = {
7081 set: function set(cache, key1, key2, value) {
7082 var subCache = cache.get(key1);
7084 if (!subCache) {
7085 subCache = new Map();
7086 cache.set(key1, subCache);
7087 }
7089 subCache.set(key2, value);
7090 },
7091 get: function get(cache, key1, key2) {
7092 var subCache = cache.get(key1);
7093 return subCache ? subCache.get(key2) : undefined;
7094 },
7095 delete: function _delete(cache, key1, key2) {
7096 var subCache = cache.get(key1);
7097 subCache.delete(key2);
7098 }
7099 };
7101 var ThemeContext = React__default.createContext(null);
7103 {
7104 ThemeContext.displayName = 'ThemeContext';
7105 }
7107 function useTheme() {
7108 var theme = React__default.useContext(ThemeContext);
7110 {
7111 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
7112 React__default.useDebugValue(theme);
7113 }
7115 return theme;
7116 }
7118 var jss$1 = create(jssPreset()); // Use a singleton or the provided one by the context.
7119 //
7120 // The counter-based approach doesn't tolerate any mistake.
7121 // It's much safer to use the same counter everywhere.
7123 var generateClassName = createGenerateClassName(); // Exported for test purposes
7125 var sheetsManager = new Map();
7126 var defaultOptions = {
7127 disableGeneration: false,
7128 generateClassName: generateClassName,
7129 jss: jss$1,
7130 sheetsCache: null,
7131 sheetsManager: sheetsManager,
7132 sheetsRegistry: null
7133 };
7134 var StylesContext = React__default.createContext(defaultOptions);
7136 {
7137 StylesContext.displayName = 'StylesContext';
7138 }
7140 var injectFirstNode;
7141 function StylesProvider(props) {
7142 var children = props.children,
7143 _props$injectFirst = props.injectFirst,
7144 injectFirst = _props$injectFirst === void 0 ? false : _props$injectFirst,
7145 _props$disableGenerat = props.disableGeneration,
7146 disableGeneration = _props$disableGenerat === void 0 ? false : _props$disableGenerat,
7147 localOptions = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "injectFirst", "disableGeneration"]);
7149 var outerOptions = React__default.useContext(StylesContext);
7151 var context = _extends({}, outerOptions, {
7152 disableGeneration: disableGeneration
7153 }, localOptions);
7155 {
7156 if (typeof window === 'undefined' && !context.sheetsManager) {
7157 console.error('Material-UI: You need to use the ServerStyleSheets API when rendering on the server.');
7158 }
7159 }
7161 {
7162 if (context.jss.options.insertionPoint && injectFirst) {
7163 console.error('Material-UI: You cannot use a custom insertionPoint and <StylesContext injectFirst> at the same time.');
7164 }
7165 }
7167 {
7168 if (injectFirst && localOptions.jss) {
7169 console.error('Material-UI: You cannot use the jss and injectFirst props at the same time.');
7170 }
7171 }
7173 if (!context.jss.options.insertionPoint && injectFirst && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
7174 if (!injectFirstNode) {
7175 var head = document.head;
7176 injectFirstNode = document.createComment('mui-inject-first');
7177 head.insertBefore(injectFirstNode, head.firstChild);
7178 }
7180 context.jss = create({
7181 plugins: jssPreset().plugins,
7182 insertionPoint: injectFirstNode
7183 });
7184 }
7186 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(StylesContext.Provider, {
7187 value: context
7188 }, children);
7189 }
7190 StylesProvider.propTypes = {
7191 /**
7192 * Your component tree.
7193 */
7194 children: propTypes.node.isRequired,
7196 /**
7197 * You can disable the generation of the styles with this option.
7198 * It can be useful when traversing the React tree outside of the HTML
7199 * rendering step on the server.
7200 * Let's say you are using react-apollo to extract all
7201 * the queries made by the interface server-side - you can significantly speed up the traversal with this prop.
7202 */
7203 disableGeneration: propTypes.bool,
7205 /**
7206 * JSS's class name generator.
7207 */
7208 generateClassName: propTypes.func,
7210 /**
7211 * By default, the styles are injected last in the <head> element of the page.
7212 * As a result, they gain more specificity than any other style sheet.
7213 * If you want to override Material-UI's styles, set this prop.
7214 */
7215 injectFirst: propTypes.bool,
7217 /**
7218 * JSS's instance.
7219 */
7220 jss: propTypes.object,
7222 /**
7223 * @ignore
7224 */
7225 serverGenerateClassName: propTypes.func,
7227 /**
7228 * @ignore
7229 *
7230 * Beta feature.
7231 *
7232 * Cache for the sheets.
7233 */
7234 sheetsCache: propTypes.object,
7236 /**
7237 * @ignore
7238 *
7239 * The sheetsManager is used to deduplicate style sheet injection in the page.
7240 * It's deduplicating using the (theme, styles) couple.
7241 * On the server, you should provide a new instance for each request.
7242 */
7243 sheetsManager: propTypes.object,
7245 /**
7246 * @ignore
7247 *
7248 * Collect the sheets.
7249 */
7250 sheetsRegistry: propTypes.object
7251 } ;
7253 {
7254 StylesProvider.propTypes = exactProp(StylesProvider.propTypes) ;
7255 }
7257 /* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
7258 // Global index counter to preserve source order.
7259 // We create the style sheet during the creation of the component,
7260 // children are handled after the parents, so the order of style elements would be parent->child.
7261 // It is a problem though when a parent passes a className
7262 // which needs to override any child's styles.
7263 // StyleSheet of the child has a higher specificity, because of the source order.
7264 // So our solution is to render sheets them in the reverse order child->sheet, so
7265 // that parent has a higher specificity.
7266 var indexCounter = -1e9;
7267 function increment() {
7268 indexCounter += 1;
7270 {
7271 if (indexCounter >= 0) {
7272 console.warn(['Material-UI: You might have a memory leak.', 'The indexCounter is not supposed to grow that much.'].join('\n'));
7273 }
7274 }
7276 return indexCounter;
7277 }
7279 // We use the same empty object to ref count the styles that don't need a theme object.
7280 var noopTheme = {};
7282 function getStylesCreator(stylesOrCreator) {
7283 var themingEnabled = typeof stylesOrCreator === 'function';
7285 {
7286 if (_typeof(stylesOrCreator) !== 'object' && !themingEnabled) {
7287 console.error(['Material-UI: The `styles` argument provided is invalid.', 'You need to provide a function generating the styles or a styles object.'].join('\n'));
7288 }
7289 }
7291 return {
7292 create: function create(theme, name) {
7293 var styles;
7295 try {
7296 styles = themingEnabled ? stylesOrCreator(theme) : stylesOrCreator;
7297 } catch (err) {
7298 {
7299 if (themingEnabled === true && theme === noopTheme) {
7300 // TODO: prepend error message/name instead
7301 console.error(['Material-UI: The `styles` argument provided is invalid.', 'You are providing a function without a theme in the context.', 'One of the parent elements needs to use a ThemeProvider.'].join('\n'));
7302 }
7303 }
7305 throw err;
7306 }
7308 if (!name || !theme.overrides || !theme.overrides[name]) {
7309 return styles;
7310 }
7312 var overrides = theme.overrides[name];
7314 var stylesWithOverrides = _extends({}, styles);
7316 Object.keys(overrides).forEach(function (key) {
7317 {
7318 if (!stylesWithOverrides[key]) {
7319 console.warn(['Material-UI: You are trying to override a style that does not exist.', "Fix the `".concat(key, "` key of `theme.overrides.").concat(name, "`.")].join('\n'));
7320 }
7321 }
7323 stylesWithOverrides[key] = deepmerge(stylesWithOverrides[key], overrides[key]);
7324 });
7325 return stylesWithOverrides;
7326 },
7327 options: {}
7328 };
7329 }
7331 function getClasses(_ref, classes, Component) {
7332 var state = _ref.state,
7333 stylesOptions = _ref.stylesOptions;
7335 if (stylesOptions.disableGeneration) {
7336 return classes || {};
7337 }
7339 if (!state.cacheClasses) {
7340 state.cacheClasses = {
7341 // Cache for the finalized classes value.
7342 value: null,
7343 // Cache for the last used classes prop pointer.
7344 lastProp: null,
7345 // Cache for the last used rendered classes pointer.
7346 lastJSS: {}
7347 };
7348 } // Tracks if either the rendered classes or classes prop has changed,
7349 // requiring the generation of a new finalized classes object.
7352 var generate = false;
7354 if (state.classes !== state.cacheClasses.lastJSS) {
7355 state.cacheClasses.lastJSS = state.classes;
7356 generate = true;
7357 }
7359 if (classes !== state.cacheClasses.lastProp) {
7360 state.cacheClasses.lastProp = classes;
7361 generate = true;
7362 }
7364 if (generate) {
7365 state.cacheClasses.value = mergeClasses({
7366 baseClasses: state.cacheClasses.lastJSS,
7367 newClasses: classes,
7368 Component: Component
7369 });
7370 }
7372 return state.cacheClasses.value;
7373 }
7375 function attach(_ref2, props) {
7376 var state = _ref2.state,
7377 theme = _ref2.theme,
7378 stylesOptions = _ref2.stylesOptions,
7379 stylesCreator = _ref2.stylesCreator,
7380 name = _ref2.name;
7382 if (stylesOptions.disableGeneration) {
7383 return;
7384 }
7386 var sheetManager = multiKeyStore.get(stylesOptions.sheetsManager, stylesCreator, theme);
7388 if (!sheetManager) {
7389 sheetManager = {
7390 refs: 0,
7391 staticSheet: null,
7392 dynamicStyles: null
7393 };
7394 multiKeyStore.set(stylesOptions.sheetsManager, stylesCreator, theme, sheetManager);
7395 }
7397 var options = _extends({}, stylesCreator.options, stylesOptions, {
7398 theme: theme,
7399 flip: typeof stylesOptions.flip === 'boolean' ? stylesOptions.flip : theme.direction === 'rtl'
7400 });
7402 options.generateId = options.serverGenerateClassName || options.generateClassName;
7403 var sheetsRegistry = stylesOptions.sheetsRegistry;
7405 if (sheetManager.refs === 0) {
7406 var staticSheet;
7408 if (stylesOptions.sheetsCache) {
7409 staticSheet = multiKeyStore.get(stylesOptions.sheetsCache, stylesCreator, theme);
7410 }
7412 var styles = stylesCreator.create(theme, name);
7414 if (!staticSheet) {
7415 staticSheet = stylesOptions.jss.createStyleSheet(styles, _extends({
7416 link: false
7417 }, options));
7418 staticSheet.attach();
7420 if (stylesOptions.sheetsCache) {
7421 multiKeyStore.set(stylesOptions.sheetsCache, stylesCreator, theme, staticSheet);
7422 }
7423 }
7425 if (sheetsRegistry) {
7426 sheetsRegistry.add(staticSheet);
7427 }
7429 sheetManager.staticSheet = staticSheet;
7430 sheetManager.dynamicStyles = getDynamicStyles(styles);
7431 }
7433 if (sheetManager.dynamicStyles) {
7434 var dynamicSheet = stylesOptions.jss.createStyleSheet(sheetManager.dynamicStyles, _extends({
7435 link: true
7436 }, options));
7437 dynamicSheet.update(props);
7438 dynamicSheet.attach();
7439 state.dynamicSheet = dynamicSheet;
7440 state.classes = mergeClasses({
7441 baseClasses: sheetManager.staticSheet.classes,
7442 newClasses: dynamicSheet.classes
7443 });
7445 if (sheetsRegistry) {
7446 sheetsRegistry.add(dynamicSheet);
7447 }
7448 } else {
7449 state.classes = sheetManager.staticSheet.classes;
7450 }
7452 sheetManager.refs += 1;
7453 }
7455 function update(_ref3, props) {
7456 var state = _ref3.state;
7458 if (state.dynamicSheet) {
7459 state.dynamicSheet.update(props);
7460 }
7461 }
7463 function detach(_ref4) {
7464 var state = _ref4.state,
7465 theme = _ref4.theme,
7466 stylesOptions = _ref4.stylesOptions,
7467 stylesCreator = _ref4.stylesCreator;
7469 if (stylesOptions.disableGeneration) {
7470 return;
7471 }
7473 var sheetManager = multiKeyStore.get(stylesOptions.sheetsManager, stylesCreator, theme);
7474 sheetManager.refs -= 1;
7475 var sheetsRegistry = stylesOptions.sheetsRegistry;
7477 if (sheetManager.refs === 0) {
7478 multiKeyStore.delete(stylesOptions.sheetsManager, stylesCreator, theme);
7479 stylesOptions.jss.removeStyleSheet(sheetManager.staticSheet);
7481 if (sheetsRegistry) {
7482 sheetsRegistry.remove(sheetManager.staticSheet);
7483 }
7484 }
7486 if (state.dynamicSheet) {
7487 stylesOptions.jss.removeStyleSheet(state.dynamicSheet);
7489 if (sheetsRegistry) {
7490 sheetsRegistry.remove(state.dynamicSheet);
7491 }
7492 }
7493 }
7495 function useSynchronousEffect(func, values) {
7496 var key = React__default.useRef([]);
7497 var output; // Store "generation" key. Just returns a new object every time
7499 var currentKey = React__default.useMemo(function () {
7500 return {};
7501 }, values); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
7502 // "the first render", or "memo dropped the value"
7504 if (key.current !== currentKey) {
7505 key.current = currentKey;
7506 output = func();
7507 }
7509 React__default.useEffect(function () {
7510 return function () {
7511 if (output) {
7512 output();
7513 }
7514 };
7515 }, [currentKey] // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
7516 );
7517 }
7519 function makeStyles(stylesOrCreator) {
7520 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
7522 var name = options.name,
7523 classNamePrefixOption = options.classNamePrefix,
7524 Component = options.Component,
7525 _options$defaultTheme = options.defaultTheme,
7526 defaultTheme = _options$defaultTheme === void 0 ? noopTheme : _options$defaultTheme,
7527 stylesOptions2 = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ["name", "classNamePrefix", "Component", "defaultTheme"]);
7529 var stylesCreator = getStylesCreator(stylesOrCreator);
7530 var classNamePrefix = name || classNamePrefixOption || 'makeStyles';
7531 stylesCreator.options = {
7532 index: increment(),
7533 name: name,
7534 meta: classNamePrefix,
7535 classNamePrefix: classNamePrefix
7536 };
7538 var useStyles = function useStyles() {
7539 var props = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
7540 var theme = useTheme() || defaultTheme;
7542 var stylesOptions = _extends({}, React__default.useContext(StylesContext), stylesOptions2);
7544 var instance = React__default.useRef();
7545 var shouldUpdate = React__default.useRef();
7546 useSynchronousEffect(function () {
7547 var current = {
7548 name: name,
7549 state: {},
7550 stylesCreator: stylesCreator,
7551 stylesOptions: stylesOptions,
7552 theme: theme
7553 };
7554 attach(current, props);
7555 shouldUpdate.current = false;
7556 instance.current = current;
7557 return function () {
7558 detach(current);
7559 };
7560 }, [theme, stylesCreator]);
7561 React__default.useEffect(function () {
7562 if (shouldUpdate.current) {
7563 update(instance.current, props);
7564 }
7566 shouldUpdate.current = true;
7567 });
7568 var classes = getClasses(instance.current, props.classes, Component);
7570 {
7571 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
7572 React__default.useDebugValue(classes);
7573 }
7575 return classes;
7576 };
7578 return useStyles;
7579 }
7581 function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
7582 if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
7583 throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
7584 }
7585 }
7587 var ServerStyleSheets = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
7588 function ServerStyleSheets() {
7589 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
7591 _classCallCheck(this, ServerStyleSheets);
7593 this.options = options;
7594 }
7596 _createClass(ServerStyleSheets, [{
7597 key: "collect",
7598 value: function collect(children) {
7599 // This is needed in order to deduplicate the injection of CSS in the page.
7600 var sheetsManager = new Map(); // This is needed in order to inject the critical CSS.
7602 this.sheetsRegistry = new SheetsRegistry(); // A new class name generator
7604 var generateClassName = createGenerateClassName();
7605 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(StylesProvider, _extends({
7606 sheetsManager: sheetsManager,
7607 serverGenerateClassName: generateClassName,
7608 sheetsRegistry: this.sheetsRegistry
7609 }, this.options), children);
7610 }
7611 }, {
7612 key: "toString",
7613 value: function toString() {
7614 return this.sheetsRegistry ? this.sheetsRegistry.toString() : '';
7615 }
7616 }, {
7617 key: "getStyleElement",
7618 value: function getStyleElement(props) {
7619 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement('style', _extends({
7620 id: 'jss-server-side',
7621 key: 'jss-server-side',
7622 dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
7623 __html: this.toString()
7624 }
7625 }, props));
7626 }
7627 }]);
7629 return ServerStyleSheets;
7630 }();
7632 function toVal(mix) {
7633 var k, y, str='';
7635 if (typeof mix === 'string' || typeof mix === 'number') {
7636 str += mix;
7637 } else if (typeof mix === 'object') {
7638 if (Array.isArray(mix)) {
7639 for (k=0; k < mix.length; k++) {
7640 if (mix[k]) {
7641 if (y = toVal(mix[k])) {
7642 str && (str += ' ');
7643 str += y;
7644 }
7645 }
7646 }
7647 } else {
7648 for (k in mix) {
7649 if (mix[k]) {
7650 str && (str += ' ');
7651 str += k;
7652 }
7653 }
7654 }
7655 }
7657 return str;
7658 }
7660 function clsx () {
7661 var i=0, tmp, x, str='';
7662 while (i < arguments.length) {
7663 if (tmp = arguments[i++]) {
7664 if (x = toVal(tmp)) {
7665 str && (str += ' ');
7666 str += x;
7667 }
7668 }
7669 }
7670 return str;
7671 }
7673 /**
7674 * Copyright 2015, Yahoo! Inc.
7675 * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
7676 */
7677 var REACT_STATICS = {
7678 childContextTypes: true,
7679 contextType: true,
7680 contextTypes: true,
7681 defaultProps: true,
7682 displayName: true,
7683 getDefaultProps: true,
7684 getDerivedStateFromError: true,
7685 getDerivedStateFromProps: true,
7686 mixins: true,
7687 propTypes: true,
7688 type: true
7689 };
7690 var KNOWN_STATICS = {
7691 name: true,
7692 length: true,
7693 prototype: true,
7694 caller: true,
7695 callee: true,
7696 arguments: true,
7697 arity: true
7698 };
7700 '$$typeof': true,
7701 render: true,
7702 defaultProps: true,
7703 displayName: true,
7704 propTypes: true
7705 };
7706 var MEMO_STATICS = {
7707 '$$typeof': true,
7708 compare: true,
7709 defaultProps: true,
7710 displayName: true,
7711 propTypes: true,
7712 type: true
7713 };
7714 var TYPE_STATICS = {};
7718 function getStatics(component) {
7719 // React v16.11 and below
7720 if (reactIs.isMemo(component)) {
7721 return MEMO_STATICS;
7722 } // React v16.12 and above
7725 return TYPE_STATICS[component['$$typeof']] || REACT_STATICS;
7726 }
7728 var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
7729 var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
7730 var getOwnPropertySymbols$1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
7731 var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
7732 var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
7733 var objectPrototype = Object.prototype;
7734 function hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, sourceComponent, blacklist) {
7735 if (typeof sourceComponent !== 'string') {
7736 // don't hoist over string (html) components
7737 if (objectPrototype) {
7738 var inheritedComponent = getPrototypeOf(sourceComponent);
7740 if (inheritedComponent && inheritedComponent !== objectPrototype) {
7741 hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, inheritedComponent, blacklist);
7742 }
7743 }
7745 var keys = getOwnPropertyNames(sourceComponent);
7747 if (getOwnPropertySymbols$1) {
7748 keys = keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols$1(sourceComponent));
7749 }
7751 var targetStatics = getStatics(targetComponent);
7752 var sourceStatics = getStatics(sourceComponent);
7754 for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
7755 var key = keys[i];
7757 if (!KNOWN_STATICS[key] && !(blacklist && blacklist[key]) && !(sourceStatics && sourceStatics[key]) && !(targetStatics && targetStatics[key])) {
7758 var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sourceComponent, key);
7760 try {
7761 // Avoid failures from read-only properties
7762 defineProperty(targetComponent, key, descriptor);
7763 } catch (e) {}
7764 }
7765 }
7766 }
7768 return targetComponent;
7769 }
7771 var hoistNonReactStatics_cjs = hoistNonReactStatics;
7773 function omit$1(input, fields) {
7774 var output = {};
7775 Object.keys(input).forEach(function (prop) {
7776 if (fields.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
7777 output[prop] = input[prop];
7778 }
7779 });
7780 return output;
7781 } // styled-components's API removes the mapping between components and styles.
7782 // Using components as a low-level styling construct can be simpler.
7785 function styled(Component) {
7786 var componentCreator = function componentCreator(style) {
7787 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
7789 var name = options.name,
7790 stylesOptions = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ["name"]);
7792 if ( Component === undefined) {
7793 throw new Error(['You are calling styled(Component)(style) with an undefined component.', 'You may have forgotten to import it.'].join('\n'));
7794 }
7796 var classNamePrefix = name;
7798 {
7799 if (!name) {
7800 // Provide a better DX outside production.
7801 var displayName = getDisplayName(Component);
7803 if (displayName !== undefined) {
7804 classNamePrefix = displayName;
7805 }
7806 }
7807 }
7809 var stylesOrCreator = typeof style === 'function' ? function (theme) {
7810 return {
7811 root: function root(props) {
7812 return style(_extends({
7813 theme: theme
7814 }, props));
7815 }
7816 };
7817 } : {
7818 root: style
7819 };
7820 var useStyles = makeStyles(stylesOrCreator, _extends({
7821 Component: Component,
7822 name: name || Component.displayName,
7823 classNamePrefix: classNamePrefix
7824 }, stylesOptions));
7825 var filterProps;
7826 var propTypes$1 = {};
7828 if (style.filterProps) {
7829 filterProps = style.filterProps;
7830 delete style.filterProps;
7831 }
7832 /* eslint-disable react/forbid-foreign-prop-types */
7835 if (style.propTypes) {
7836 propTypes$1 = style.propTypes;
7837 delete style.propTypes;
7838 }
7839 /* eslint-enable react/forbid-foreign-prop-types */
7842 var StyledComponent = /*#__PURE__*/React__default.forwardRef(function StyledComponent(props, ref) {
7843 var children = props.children,
7844 classNameProp = props.className,
7845 clone = props.clone,
7846 ComponentProp = props.component,
7847 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "className", "clone", "component"]);
7849 var classes = useStyles(props);
7850 var className = clsx(classes.root, classNameProp);
7851 var spread = other;
7853 if (filterProps) {
7854 spread = omit$1(spread, filterProps);
7855 }
7857 if (clone) {
7858 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.cloneElement(children, _extends({
7859 className: clsx(children.props.className, className)
7860 }, spread));
7861 }
7863 if (typeof children === 'function') {
7864 return children(_extends({
7865 className: className
7866 }, spread));
7867 }
7869 var FinalComponent = ComponentProp || Component;
7870 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(FinalComponent, _extends({
7871 ref: ref,
7872 className: className
7873 }, spread), children);
7874 });
7875 StyledComponent.propTypes = _extends({
7876 /**
7877 * A render function or node.
7878 */
7879 children: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.node, propTypes.func]),
7881 /**
7882 * @ignore
7883 */
7884 className: propTypes.string,
7886 /**
7887 * If `true`, the component will recycle it's children HTML element.
7888 * It's using `React.cloneElement` internally.
7889 *
7890 * This prop will be deprecated and removed in v5
7891 */
7892 clone: chainPropTypes(propTypes.bool, function (props) {
7893 if (props.clone && props.component) {
7894 return new Error('You can not use the clone and component prop at the same time.');
7895 }
7897 return null;
7898 }),
7900 /**
7901 * The component used for the root node.
7902 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
7903 */
7904 component: propTypes
7905 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
7906 .elementType
7907 }, propTypes$1) ;
7909 {
7910 StyledComponent.displayName = "Styled(".concat(classNamePrefix, ")");
7911 }
7913 hoistNonReactStatics_cjs(StyledComponent, Component);
7914 return StyledComponent;
7915 };
7917 return componentCreator;
7918 }
7920 function mergeOuterLocalTheme(outerTheme, localTheme) {
7921 if (typeof localTheme === 'function') {
7922 var mergedTheme = localTheme(outerTheme);
7924 {
7925 if (!mergedTheme) {
7926 console.error(['Material-UI: You should return an object from your theme function, i.e.', '<ThemeProvider theme={() => ({})} />'].join('\n'));
7927 }
7928 }
7930 return mergedTheme;
7931 }
7933 return _extends({}, outerTheme, localTheme);
7934 }
7935 /**
7936 * This component takes a `theme` prop.
7937 * It makes the `theme` available down the React tree thanks to React context.
7938 * This component should preferably be used at **the root of your component tree**.
7939 */
7942 function ThemeProvider(props) {
7943 var children = props.children,
7944 localTheme = props.theme;
7945 var outerTheme = useTheme();
7947 {
7948 if (outerTheme === null && typeof localTheme === 'function') {
7949 console.error(['Material-UI: You are providing a theme function prop to the ThemeProvider component:', '<ThemeProvider theme={outerTheme => outerTheme} />', '', 'However, no outer theme is present.', 'Make sure a theme is already injected higher in the React tree ' + 'or provide a theme object.'].join('\n'));
7950 }
7951 }
7953 var theme = React__default.useMemo(function () {
7954 var output = outerTheme === null ? localTheme : mergeOuterLocalTheme(outerTheme, localTheme);
7956 if (output != null) {
7957 output[nested] = outerTheme !== null;
7958 }
7960 return output;
7961 }, [localTheme, outerTheme]);
7962 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(ThemeContext.Provider, {
7963 value: theme
7964 }, children);
7965 }
7967 ThemeProvider.propTypes = {
7968 /**
7969 * Your component tree.
7970 */
7971 children: propTypes.node.isRequired,
7973 /**
7974 * A theme object. You can provide a function to extend the outer theme.
7975 */
7976 theme: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.object, propTypes.func]).isRequired
7977 } ;
7979 {
7980 ThemeProvider.propTypes = exactProp(ThemeProvider.propTypes) ;
7981 }
7983 // It does not modify the component passed to it;
7984 // instead, it returns a new component, with a `classes` property.
7986 var withStyles = function withStyles(stylesOrCreator) {
7987 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
7988 return function (Component) {
7989 var defaultTheme = options.defaultTheme,
7990 _options$withTheme = options.withTheme,
7991 withTheme = _options$withTheme === void 0 ? false : _options$withTheme,
7992 name = options.name,
7993 stylesOptions = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ["defaultTheme", "withTheme", "name"]);
7995 {
7996 if (Component === undefined) {
7997 throw new Error(['You are calling withStyles(styles)(Component) with an undefined component.', 'You may have forgotten to import it.'].join('\n'));
7998 }
7999 }
8001 var classNamePrefix = name;
8003 {
8004 if (!name) {
8005 // Provide a better DX outside production.
8006 var displayName = getDisplayName(Component);
8008 if (displayName !== undefined) {
8009 classNamePrefix = displayName;
8010 }
8011 }
8012 }
8014 var useStyles = makeStyles(stylesOrCreator, _extends({
8015 defaultTheme: defaultTheme,
8016 Component: Component,
8017 name: name || Component.displayName,
8018 classNamePrefix: classNamePrefix
8019 }, stylesOptions));
8020 var WithStyles = /*#__PURE__*/React__default.forwardRef(function WithStyles(props, ref) {
8021 var classesProp = props.classes,
8022 innerRef = props.innerRef,
8023 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "innerRef"]); // The wrapper receives only user supplied props, which could be a subset of
8024 // the actual props Component might receive due to merging with defaultProps.
8025 // So copying it here would give us the same result in the wrapper as well.
8028 var classes = useStyles(_extends({}, Component.defaultProps, props));
8029 var theme;
8030 var more = other;
8032 if (typeof name === 'string' || withTheme) {
8033 // name and withTheme are invariant in the outer scope
8034 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
8035 theme = useTheme() || defaultTheme;
8037 if (name) {
8038 more = getThemeProps({
8039 theme: theme,
8040 name: name,
8041 props: other
8042 });
8043 } // Provide the theme to the wrapped component.
8044 // So we don't have to use the `withTheme()` Higher-order Component.
8047 if (withTheme && !more.theme) {
8048 more.theme = theme;
8049 }
8050 }
8052 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(Component, _extends({
8053 ref: innerRef || ref,
8054 classes: classes
8055 }, more));
8056 });
8057 WithStyles.propTypes = {
8058 /**
8059 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
8060 */
8061 classes: propTypes.object,
8063 /**
8064 * Use that prop to pass a ref to the decorated component.
8065 * @deprecated
8066 */
8067 innerRef: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.func, propTypes.object]), function (props) {
8068 if (props.innerRef == null) {
8069 return null;
8070 }
8072 return null; // return new Error(
8073 // 'Material-UI: The `innerRef` prop is deprecated and will be removed in v5. ' +
8074 // 'Refs are now automatically forwarded to the inner component.',
8075 // );
8076 })
8077 } ;
8079 {
8080 WithStyles.displayName = "WithStyles(".concat(getDisplayName(Component), ")");
8081 }
8083 hoistNonReactStatics_cjs(WithStyles, Component);
8085 {
8086 // Exposed for test purposes.
8087 WithStyles.Naked = Component;
8088 WithStyles.options = options;
8089 WithStyles.useStyles = useStyles;
8090 }
8092 return WithStyles;
8093 };
8094 };
8096 function withThemeCreator() {
8097 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
8098 var defaultTheme = options.defaultTheme;
8100 var withTheme = function withTheme(Component) {
8101 {
8102 if (Component === undefined) {
8103 throw new Error(['You are calling withTheme(Component) with an undefined component.', 'You may have forgotten to import it.'].join('\n'));
8104 }
8105 }
8107 var WithTheme = /*#__PURE__*/React__default.forwardRef(function WithTheme(props, ref) {
8108 var innerRef = props.innerRef,
8109 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["innerRef"]);
8111 var theme = useTheme() || defaultTheme;
8112 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(Component, _extends({
8113 theme: theme,
8114 ref: innerRef || ref
8115 }, other));
8116 });
8117 WithTheme.propTypes = {
8118 /**
8119 * Use that prop to pass a ref to the decorated component.
8120 * @deprecated
8121 */
8122 innerRef: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.func, propTypes.object]), function (props) {
8123 if (props.innerRef == null) {
8124 return null;
8125 }
8127 return new Error('Material-UI: The `innerRef` prop is deprecated and will be removed in v5. ' + 'Refs are now automatically forwarded to the inner component.');
8128 })
8129 } ;
8131 {
8132 WithTheme.displayName = "WithTheme(".concat(getDisplayName(Component), ")");
8133 }
8135 hoistNonReactStatics_cjs(WithTheme, Component);
8137 {
8138 // Exposed for test purposes.
8139 WithTheme.Naked = Component;
8140 }
8142 return WithTheme;
8143 };
8145 return withTheme;
8146 } // Provide the theme object as a prop to the input component.
8147 // It's an alternative API to useTheme().
8148 // We encourage the usage of useTheme() where possible.
8150 var withTheme = withThemeCreator();
8152 // To remove in v5
8154 function createStyles$1(styles) {
8155 // warning(
8156 // warnOnce,
8157 // [
8158 // 'Material-UI: createStyles from @material-ui/core/styles is deprecated.',
8159 // 'Please use @material-ui/styles/createStyles',
8160 // ].join('\n'),
8161 // );
8162 // warnOnce = true;
8163 return createStyles(styles);
8164 }
8166 var defaultTheme = createTheme();
8168 function makeStyles$1(stylesOrCreator) {
8169 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
8170 return makeStyles(stylesOrCreator, _extends({
8171 defaultTheme: defaultTheme
8172 }, options));
8173 }
8175 function isUnitless(value) {
8176 return String(parseFloat(value)).length === String(value).length;
8177 } // Ported from Compass
8178 // https://github.com/Compass/compass/blob/master/core/stylesheets/compass/typography/_units.scss
8179 // Emulate the sass function "unit"
8181 function getUnit(input) {
8182 return String(input).match(/[\d.\-+]*\s*(.*)/)[1] || '';
8183 } // Emulate the sass function "unitless"
8185 function toUnitless(length) {
8186 return parseFloat(length);
8187 } // Convert any CSS <length> or <percentage> value to any another.
8188 // From https://github.com/KyleAMathews/convert-css-length
8190 function convertLength(baseFontSize) {
8191 return function (length, toUnit) {
8192 var fromUnit = getUnit(length); // Optimize for cases where `from` and `to` units are accidentally the same.
8194 if (fromUnit === toUnit) {
8195 return length;
8196 } // Convert input length to pixels.
8199 var pxLength = toUnitless(length);
8201 if (fromUnit !== 'px') {
8202 if (fromUnit === 'em') {
8203 pxLength = toUnitless(length) * toUnitless(baseFontSize);
8204 } else if (fromUnit === 'rem') {
8205 pxLength = toUnitless(length) * toUnitless(baseFontSize);
8206 return length;
8207 }
8208 } // Convert length in pixels to the output unit
8211 var outputLength = pxLength;
8213 if (toUnit !== 'px') {
8214 if (toUnit === 'em') {
8215 outputLength = pxLength / toUnitless(baseFontSize);
8216 } else if (toUnit === 'rem') {
8217 outputLength = pxLength / toUnitless(baseFontSize);
8218 } else {
8219 return length;
8220 }
8221 }
8223 return parseFloat(outputLength.toFixed(5)) + toUnit;
8224 };
8225 }
8226 function alignProperty(_ref) {
8227 var size = _ref.size,
8228 grid = _ref.grid;
8229 var sizeBelow = size - size % grid;
8230 var sizeAbove = sizeBelow + grid;
8231 return size - sizeBelow < sizeAbove - size ? sizeBelow : sizeAbove;
8232 } // fontGrid finds a minimal grid (in rem) for the fontSize values so that the
8233 // lineHeight falls under a x pixels grid, 4px in the case of Material Design,
8234 // without changing the relative line height
8236 function fontGrid(_ref2) {
8237 var lineHeight = _ref2.lineHeight,
8238 pixels = _ref2.pixels,
8239 htmlFontSize = _ref2.htmlFontSize;
8240 return pixels / (lineHeight * htmlFontSize);
8241 }
8242 /**
8243 * generate a responsive version of a given CSS property
8244 * @example
8245 * responsiveProperty({
8246 * cssProperty: 'fontSize',
8247 * min: 15,
8248 * max: 20,
8249 * unit: 'px',
8250 * breakpoints: [300, 600],
8251 * })
8252 *
8253 * // this returns
8254 *
8255 * {
8256 * fontSize: '15px',
8257 * '@media (min-width:300px)': {
8258 * fontSize: '17.5px',
8259 * },
8260 * '@media (min-width:600px)': {
8261 * fontSize: '20px',
8262 * },
8263 * }
8264 *
8265 * @param {Object} params
8266 * @param {string} params.cssProperty - The CSS property to be made responsive
8267 * @param {number} params.min - The smallest value of the CSS property
8268 * @param {number} params.max - The largest value of the CSS property
8269 * @param {string} [params.unit] - The unit to be used for the CSS property
8270 * @param {Array.number} [params.breakpoints] - An array of breakpoints
8271 * @param {number} [params.alignStep] - Round scaled value to fall under this grid
8272 * @returns {Object} responsive styles for {params.cssProperty}
8273 */
8275 function responsiveProperty(_ref3) {
8276 var cssProperty = _ref3.cssProperty,
8277 min = _ref3.min,
8278 max = _ref3.max,
8279 _ref3$unit = _ref3.unit,
8280 unit = _ref3$unit === void 0 ? 'rem' : _ref3$unit,
8281 _ref3$breakpoints = _ref3.breakpoints,
8282 breakpoints = _ref3$breakpoints === void 0 ? [600, 960, 1280] : _ref3$breakpoints,
8283 _ref3$transform = _ref3.transform,
8284 transform = _ref3$transform === void 0 ? null : _ref3$transform;
8286 var output = _defineProperty({}, cssProperty, "".concat(min).concat(unit));
8288 var factor = (max - min) / breakpoints[breakpoints.length - 1];
8289 breakpoints.forEach(function (breakpoint) {
8290 var value = min + factor * breakpoint;
8292 if (transform !== null) {
8293 value = transform(value);
8294 }
8296 output["@media (min-width:".concat(breakpoint, "px)")] = _defineProperty({}, cssProperty, "".concat(Math.round(value * 10000) / 10000).concat(unit));
8297 });
8298 return output;
8299 }
8301 function responsiveFontSizes(themeInput) {
8302 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
8303 var _options$breakpoints = options.breakpoints,
8304 breakpoints = _options$breakpoints === void 0 ? ['sm', 'md', 'lg'] : _options$breakpoints,
8305 _options$disableAlign = options.disableAlign,
8306 disableAlign = _options$disableAlign === void 0 ? false : _options$disableAlign,
8307 _options$factor = options.factor,
8308 factor = _options$factor === void 0 ? 2 : _options$factor,
8309 _options$variants = options.variants,
8310 variants = _options$variants === void 0 ? ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'subtitle1', 'subtitle2', 'body1', 'body2', 'caption', 'button', 'overline'] : _options$variants;
8312 var theme = _extends({}, themeInput);
8314 theme.typography = _extends({}, theme.typography);
8315 var typography = theme.typography; // Convert between css lengths e.g. em->px or px->rem
8316 // Set the baseFontSize for your project. Defaults to 16px (also the browser default).
8318 var convert = convertLength(typography.htmlFontSize);
8319 var breakpointValues = breakpoints.map(function (x) {
8320 return theme.breakpoints.values[x];
8321 });
8322 variants.forEach(function (variant) {
8323 var style = typography[variant];
8324 var remFontSize = parseFloat(convert(style.fontSize, 'rem'));
8326 if (remFontSize <= 1) {
8327 return;
8328 }
8330 var maxFontSize = remFontSize;
8331 var minFontSize = 1 + (maxFontSize - 1) / factor;
8332 var lineHeight = style.lineHeight;
8334 if (!isUnitless(lineHeight) && !disableAlign) {
8335 throw new Error( "Material-UI: Unsupported non-unitless line height with grid alignment.\nUse unitless line heights instead." );
8336 }
8338 if (!isUnitless(lineHeight)) {
8339 // make it unitless
8340 lineHeight = parseFloat(convert(lineHeight, 'rem')) / parseFloat(remFontSize);
8341 }
8343 var transform = null;
8345 if (!disableAlign) {
8346 transform = function transform(value) {
8347 return alignProperty({
8348 size: value,
8349 grid: fontGrid({
8350 pixels: 4,
8351 lineHeight: lineHeight,
8352 htmlFontSize: typography.htmlFontSize
8353 })
8354 });
8355 };
8356 }
8358 typography[variant] = _extends({}, style, responsiveProperty({
8359 cssProperty: 'fontSize',
8360 min: minFontSize,
8361 max: maxFontSize,
8362 unit: 'rem',
8363 breakpoints: breakpointValues,
8364 transform: transform
8365 }));
8366 });
8367 return theme;
8368 }
8370 var styled$1 = function styled$1(Component) {
8371 var componentCreator = styled(Component);
8372 return function (style, options) {
8373 return componentCreator(style, _extends({
8374 defaultTheme: defaultTheme
8375 }, options));
8376 };
8377 };
8379 function useTheme$1() {
8380 var theme = useTheme() || defaultTheme;
8382 {
8383 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
8384 React__default.useDebugValue(theme);
8385 }
8387 return theme;
8388 }
8390 function withStyles$1(stylesOrCreator, options) {
8391 return withStyles(stylesOrCreator, _extends({
8392 defaultTheme: defaultTheme
8393 }, options));
8394 }
8396 var withTheme$1 = withThemeCreator({
8397 defaultTheme: defaultTheme
8398 });
8400 // It should to be noted that this function isn't equivalent to `text-transform: capitalize`.
8401 //
8402 // A strict capitalization should uppercase the first letter of each word a the sentence.
8403 // We only handle the first word.
8404 function capitalize(string) {
8405 if (typeof string !== 'string') {
8406 throw new Error( "Material-UI: capitalize(string) expects a string argument." );
8407 }
8409 return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
8410 }
8412 /**
8413 * Safe chained function
8414 *
8415 * Will only create a new function if needed,
8416 * otherwise will pass back existing functions or null.
8417 *
8418 * @param {function} functions to chain
8419 * @returns {function|null}
8420 */
8421 function createChainedFunction() {
8422 for (var _len = arguments.length, funcs = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
8423 funcs[_key] = arguments[_key];
8424 }
8426 return funcs.reduce(function (acc, func) {
8427 if (func == null) {
8428 return acc;
8429 }
8431 {
8432 if (typeof func !== 'function') {
8433 console.error('Material-UI: Invalid Argument Type, must only provide functions, undefined, or null.');
8434 }
8435 }
8437 return function chainedFunction() {
8438 for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
8439 args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
8440 }
8442 acc.apply(this, args);
8443 func.apply(this, args);
8444 };
8445 }, function () {});
8446 }
8448 var styles = function styles(theme) {
8449 return {
8450 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
8451 root: {
8452 userSelect: 'none',
8453 width: '1em',
8454 height: '1em',
8455 display: 'inline-block',
8456 fill: 'currentColor',
8457 flexShrink: 0,
8458 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
8459 transition: theme.transitions.create('fill', {
8460 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
8461 })
8462 },
8464 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
8465 colorPrimary: {
8466 color: theme.palette.primary.main
8467 },
8469 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
8470 colorSecondary: {
8471 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
8472 },
8474 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="action"`. */
8475 colorAction: {
8476 color: theme.palette.action.active
8477 },
8479 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="error"`. */
8480 colorError: {
8481 color: theme.palette.error.main
8482 },
8484 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="disabled"`. */
8485 colorDisabled: {
8486 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
8487 },
8489 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fontSize="inherit"`. */
8490 fontSizeInherit: {
8491 fontSize: 'inherit'
8492 },
8494 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fontSize="small"`. */
8495 fontSizeSmall: {
8496 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(20)
8497 },
8499 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fontSize="large"`. */
8500 fontSizeLarge: {
8501 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(35)
8502 }
8503 };
8504 };
8505 var SvgIcon = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SvgIcon(props, ref) {
8506 var children = props.children,
8507 classes = props.classes,
8508 className = props.className,
8509 _props$color = props.color,
8510 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$color,
8511 _props$component = props.component,
8512 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'svg' : _props$component,
8513 _props$fontSize = props.fontSize,
8514 fontSize = _props$fontSize === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$fontSize,
8515 htmlColor = props.htmlColor,
8516 titleAccess = props.titleAccess,
8517 _props$viewBox = props.viewBox,
8518 viewBox = _props$viewBox === void 0 ? '0 0 24 24' : _props$viewBox,
8519 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "fontSize", "htmlColor", "titleAccess", "viewBox"]);
8521 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
8522 className: clsx(classes.root, className, color !== 'inherit' && classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], fontSize !== 'default' && fontSize !== 'medium' && classes["fontSize".concat(capitalize(fontSize))]),
8523 focusable: "false",
8524 viewBox: viewBox,
8525 color: htmlColor,
8526 "aria-hidden": titleAccess ? undefined : true,
8527 role: titleAccess ? 'img' : undefined,
8528 ref: ref
8529 }, other), children, titleAccess ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("title", null, titleAccess) : null);
8530 });
8531 SvgIcon.propTypes = {
8532 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
8533 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
8534 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
8535 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
8537 /**
8538 * Node passed into the SVG element.
8539 */
8540 children: propTypes.node,
8542 /**
8543 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
8544 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
8545 */
8546 classes: propTypes.object,
8548 /**
8549 * @ignore
8550 */
8551 className: propTypes.string,
8553 /**
8554 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
8555 * You can use the `htmlColor` prop to apply a color attribute to the SVG element.
8556 */
8557 color: propTypes.oneOf(['action', 'disabled', 'error', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']),
8559 /**
8560 * The component used for the root node.
8561 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
8562 */
8563 component: propTypes
8564 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
8565 .elementType,
8567 /**
8568 * The fontSize applied to the icon. Defaults to 24px, but can be configure to inherit font size.
8569 */
8570 fontSize: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'inherit', 'large', 'medium', 'small']), function (props) {
8571 var fontSize = props.fontSize;
8573 if (fontSize === 'default') {
8574 throw new Error('Material-UI: `fontSize="default"` is deprecated. Use `fontSize="medium"` instead.');
8575 }
8577 return null;
8578 }),
8580 /**
8581 * Applies a color attribute to the SVG element.
8582 */
8583 htmlColor: propTypes.string,
8585 /**
8586 * The shape-rendering attribute. The behavior of the different options is described on the
8587 * [MDN Web Docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/shape-rendering).
8588 * If you are having issues with blurry icons you should investigate this property.
8589 */
8590 shapeRendering: propTypes.string,
8592 /**
8593 * Provides a human-readable title for the element that contains it.
8594 * https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG-access/#Equivalent
8595 */
8596 titleAccess: propTypes.string,
8598 /**
8599 * Allows you to redefine what the coordinates without units mean inside an SVG element.
8600 * For example, if the SVG element is 500 (width) by 200 (height),
8601 * and you pass viewBox="0 0 50 20",
8602 * this means that the coordinates inside the SVG will go from the top left corner (0,0)
8603 * to bottom right (50,20) and each unit will be worth 10px.
8604 */
8605 viewBox: propTypes.string
8606 } ;
8607 SvgIcon.muiName = 'SvgIcon';
8608 var SvgIcon$1 = withStyles$1(styles, {
8609 name: 'MuiSvgIcon'
8610 })(SvgIcon);
8612 /**
8613 * Private module reserved for @material-ui/x packages.
8614 */
8616 function createSvgIcon(path, displayName) {
8617 var Component = function Component(props, ref) {
8618 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(SvgIcon$1, _extends({
8619 ref: ref
8620 }, props), path);
8621 };
8623 {
8624 // Need to set `displayName` on the inner component for React.memo.
8625 // React prior to 16.14 ignores `displayName` on the wrapper.
8626 Component.displayName = "".concat(displayName, "Icon");
8627 }
8629 Component.muiName = SvgIcon$1.muiName;
8630 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.memo( /*#__PURE__*/React__default.forwardRef(Component));
8631 }
8633 // Corresponds to 10 frames at 60 Hz.
8634 // A few bytes payload overhead when lodash/debounce is ~3 kB and debounce ~300 B.
8635 function debounce(func) {
8636 var wait = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 166;
8637 var timeout;
8639 function debounced() {
8640 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
8641 args[_key] = arguments[_key];
8642 }
8644 // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-this
8645 var that = this;
8647 var later = function later() {
8648 func.apply(that, args);
8649 };
8651 clearTimeout(timeout);
8652 timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
8653 }
8655 debounced.clear = function () {
8656 clearTimeout(timeout);
8657 };
8659 return debounced;
8660 }
8662 function deprecatedPropType(validator, reason) {
8664 return function (props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
8665 var componentNameSafe = componentName || '<<anonymous>>';
8666 var propFullNameSafe = propFullName || propName;
8668 if (typeof props[propName] !== 'undefined') {
8669 return new Error("The ".concat(location, " `").concat(propFullNameSafe, "` of ") + "`".concat(componentNameSafe, "` is deprecated. ").concat(reason));
8670 }
8672 return null;
8673 };
8674 }
8676 function isMuiElement(element, muiNames) {
8677 return /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(element) && muiNames.indexOf(element.type.muiName) !== -1;
8678 }
8680 function ownerDocument(node) {
8681 return node && node.ownerDocument || document;
8682 }
8684 function ownerWindow(node) {
8685 var doc = ownerDocument(node);
8686 return doc.defaultView || window;
8687 }
8689 function requirePropFactory(componentNameInError) {
8691 var requireProp = function requireProp(requiredProp) {
8692 return function (props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
8693 var propFullNameSafe = propFullName || propName;
8695 if (typeof props[propName] !== 'undefined' && !props[requiredProp]) {
8696 return new Error("The prop `".concat(propFullNameSafe, "` of ") + "`".concat(componentNameInError, "` must be used on `").concat(requiredProp, "`."));
8697 }
8699 return null;
8700 };
8701 };
8703 return requireProp;
8704 }
8706 // TODO v5: consider to make it private
8707 function setRef(ref, value) {
8708 if (typeof ref === 'function') {
8709 ref(value);
8710 } else if (ref) {
8711 ref.current = value;
8712 }
8713 }
8715 function unsupportedProp(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
8717 var propFullNameSafe = propFullName || propName;
8719 if (typeof props[propName] !== 'undefined') {
8720 return new Error("The prop `".concat(propFullNameSafe, "` is not supported. Please remove it."));
8721 }
8723 return null;
8724 }
8726 function useControlled(_ref) {
8727 var controlled = _ref.controlled,
8728 defaultProp = _ref.default,
8729 name = _ref.name,
8730 _ref$state = _ref.state,
8731 state = _ref$state === void 0 ? 'value' : _ref$state;
8733 var _React$useRef = React.useRef(controlled !== undefined),
8734 isControlled = _React$useRef.current;
8736 var _React$useState = React.useState(defaultProp),
8737 valueState = _React$useState[0],
8738 setValue = _React$useState[1];
8740 var value = isControlled ? controlled : valueState;
8742 {
8743 React.useEffect(function () {
8744 if (isControlled !== (controlled !== undefined)) {
8745 console.error(["Material-UI: A component is changing the ".concat(isControlled ? '' : 'un', "controlled ").concat(state, " state of ").concat(name, " to be ").concat(isControlled ? 'un' : '', "controlled."), 'Elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa).', "Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled ".concat(name, " ") + 'element for the lifetime of the component.', "The nature of the state is determined during the first render, it's considered controlled if the value is not `undefined`.", 'More info: https://fb.me/react-controlled-components'].join('\n'));
8746 }
8747 }, [controlled]);
8749 var _React$useRef2 = React.useRef(defaultProp),
8750 defaultValue = _React$useRef2.current;
8752 React.useEffect(function () {
8753 if (!isControlled && defaultValue !== defaultProp) {
8754 console.error(["Material-UI: A component is changing the default ".concat(state, " state of an uncontrolled ").concat(name, " after being initialized. ") + "To suppress this warning opt to use a controlled ".concat(name, ".")].join('\n'));
8755 }
8756 }, [JSON.stringify(defaultProp)]);
8757 }
8759 var setValueIfUncontrolled = React.useCallback(function (newValue) {
8760 if (!isControlled) {
8761 setValue(newValue);
8762 }
8763 }, []);
8764 return [value, setValueIfUncontrolled];
8765 }
8767 var useEnhancedEffect = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? React.useLayoutEffect : React.useEffect;
8768 /**
8769 * https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14099#issuecomment-440013892
8770 *
8771 * @param {function} fn
8772 */
8774 function useEventCallback(fn) {
8775 var ref = React.useRef(fn);
8776 useEnhancedEffect(function () {
8777 ref.current = fn;
8778 });
8779 return React.useCallback(function () {
8780 return (ref.current).apply(void 0, arguments);
8781 }, []);
8782 }
8784 function useForkRef(refA, refB) {
8785 /**
8786 * This will create a new function if the ref props change and are defined.
8787 * This means react will call the old forkRef with `null` and the new forkRef
8788 * with the ref. Cleanup naturally emerges from this behavior
8789 */
8790 return React.useMemo(function () {
8791 if (refA == null && refB == null) {
8792 return null;
8793 }
8795 return function (refValue) {
8796 setRef(refA, refValue);
8797 setRef(refB, refValue);
8798 };
8799 }, [refA, refB]);
8800 }
8802 /**
8803 * Private module reserved for @material-ui/x packages.
8804 */
8806 function useId(idOverride) {
8807 var _React$useState = React.useState(idOverride),
8808 defaultId = _React$useState[0],
8809 setDefaultId = _React$useState[1];
8811 var id = idOverride || defaultId;
8812 React.useEffect(function () {
8813 if (defaultId == null) {
8814 // Fallback to this default id when possible.
8815 // Use the random value for client-side rendering only.
8816 // We can't use it server-side.
8817 setDefaultId("mui-".concat(Math.round(Math.random() * 1e5)));
8818 }
8819 }, [defaultId]);
8820 return id;
8821 }
8823 var hadKeyboardEvent = true;
8824 var hadFocusVisibleRecently = false;
8825 var hadFocusVisibleRecentlyTimeout = null;
8826 var inputTypesWhitelist = {
8827 text: true,
8828 search: true,
8829 url: true,
8830 tel: true,
8831 email: true,
8832 password: true,
8833 number: true,
8834 date: true,
8835 month: true,
8836 week: true,
8837 time: true,
8838 datetime: true,
8839 'datetime-local': true
8840 };
8841 /**
8842 * Computes whether the given element should automatically trigger the
8843 * `focus-visible` class being added, i.e. whether it should always match
8844 * `:focus-visible` when focused.
8845 * @param {Element} node
8846 * @return {boolean}
8847 */
8849 function focusTriggersKeyboardModality(node) {
8850 var type = node.type,
8851 tagName = node.tagName;
8853 if (tagName === 'INPUT' && inputTypesWhitelist[type] && !node.readOnly) {
8854 return true;
8855 }
8857 if (tagName === 'TEXTAREA' && !node.readOnly) {
8858 return true;
8859 }
8861 if (node.isContentEditable) {
8862 return true;
8863 }
8865 return false;
8866 }
8867 /**
8868 * Keep track of our keyboard modality state with `hadKeyboardEvent`.
8869 * If the most recent user interaction was via the keyboard;
8870 * and the key press did not include a meta, alt/option, or control key;
8871 * then the modality is keyboard. Otherwise, the modality is not keyboard.
8872 * @param {KeyboardEvent} event
8873 */
8876 function handleKeyDown(event) {
8877 if (event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey) {
8878 return;
8879 }
8881 hadKeyboardEvent = true;
8882 }
8883 /**
8884 * If at any point a user clicks with a pointing device, ensure that we change
8885 * the modality away from keyboard.
8886 * This avoids the situation where a user presses a key on an already focused
8887 * element, and then clicks on a different element, focusing it with a
8888 * pointing device, while we still think we're in keyboard modality.
8889 */
8892 function handlePointerDown() {
8893 hadKeyboardEvent = false;
8894 }
8896 function handleVisibilityChange() {
8897 if (this.visibilityState === 'hidden') {
8898 // If the tab becomes active again, the browser will handle calling focus
8899 // on the element (Safari actually calls it twice).
8900 // If this tab change caused a blur on an element with focus-visible,
8901 // re-apply the class when the user switches back to the tab.
8902 if (hadFocusVisibleRecently) {
8903 hadKeyboardEvent = true;
8904 }
8905 }
8906 }
8908 function prepare(doc) {
8909 doc.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown, true);
8910 doc.addEventListener('mousedown', handlePointerDown, true);
8911 doc.addEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerDown, true);
8912 doc.addEventListener('touchstart', handlePointerDown, true);
8913 doc.addEventListener('visibilitychange', handleVisibilityChange, true);
8914 }
8916 function isFocusVisible(event) {
8917 var target = event.target;
8919 try {
8920 return target.matches(':focus-visible');
8921 } catch (error) {} // browsers not implementing :focus-visible will throw a SyntaxError
8922 // we use our own heuristic for those browsers
8923 // rethrow might be better if it's not the expected error but do we really
8924 // want to crash if focus-visible malfunctioned?
8925 // no need for validFocusTarget check. the user does that by attaching it to
8926 // focusable events only
8929 return hadKeyboardEvent || focusTriggersKeyboardModality(target);
8930 }
8931 /**
8932 * Should be called if a blur event is fired on a focus-visible element
8933 */
8936 function handleBlurVisible() {
8937 // To detect a tab/window switch, we look for a blur event followed
8938 // rapidly by a visibility change.
8939 // If we don't see a visibility change within 100ms, it's probably a
8940 // regular focus change.
8941 hadFocusVisibleRecently = true;
8942 window.clearTimeout(hadFocusVisibleRecentlyTimeout);
8943 hadFocusVisibleRecentlyTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
8944 hadFocusVisibleRecently = false;
8945 }, 100);
8946 }
8948 function useIsFocusVisible() {
8949 var ref = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
8950 var node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
8952 if (node != null) {
8953 prepare(node.ownerDocument);
8954 }
8955 }, []);
8957 {
8958 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
8959 React.useDebugValue(isFocusVisible);
8960 }
8962 return {
8963 isFocusVisible: isFocusVisible,
8964 onBlurVisible: handleBlurVisible,
8965 ref: ref
8966 };
8967 }
8969 function _toArray(arr) {
8970 return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableRest();
8971 }
8973 var config = {
8974 disabled: false
8975 };
8977 var timeoutsShape = propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
8978 enter: propTypes.number,
8979 exit: propTypes.number,
8980 appear: propTypes.number
8981 }).isRequired]) ;
8982 var classNamesShape = propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.string, propTypes.shape({
8983 enter: propTypes.string,
8984 exit: propTypes.string,
8985 active: propTypes.string
8986 }), propTypes.shape({
8987 enter: propTypes.string,
8988 enterDone: propTypes.string,
8989 enterActive: propTypes.string,
8990 exit: propTypes.string,
8991 exitDone: propTypes.string,
8992 exitActive: propTypes.string
8993 })]) ;
8995 var TransitionGroupContext = React__default.createContext(null);
8997 var UNMOUNTED = 'unmounted';
8998 var EXITED = 'exited';
8999 var ENTERING = 'entering';
9000 var ENTERED = 'entered';
9001 var EXITING = 'exiting';
9002 /**
9003 * The Transition component lets you describe a transition from one component
9004 * state to another _over time_ with a simple declarative API. Most commonly
9005 * it's used to animate the mounting and unmounting of a component, but can also
9006 * be used to describe in-place transition states as well.
9007 *
9008 * ---
9009 *
9010 * **Note**: `Transition` is a platform-agnostic base component. If you're using
9011 * transitions in CSS, you'll probably want to use
9012 * [`CSSTransition`](https://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/css-transition)
9013 * instead. It inherits all the features of `Transition`, but contains
9014 * additional features necessary to play nice with CSS transitions (hence the
9015 * name of the component).
9016 *
9017 * ---
9018 *
9019 * By default the `Transition` component does not alter the behavior of the
9020 * component it renders, it only tracks "enter" and "exit" states for the
9021 * components. It's up to you to give meaning and effect to those states. For
9022 * example we can add styles to a component when it enters or exits:
9023 *
9024 * ```jsx
9025 * import { Transition } from 'react-transition-group';
9026 *
9027 * const duration = 300;
9028 *
9029 * const defaultStyle = {
9030 * transition: `opacity ${duration}ms ease-in-out`,
9031 * opacity: 0,
9032 * }
9033 *
9034 * const transitionStyles = {
9035 * entering: { opacity: 1 },
9036 * entered: { opacity: 1 },
9037 * exiting: { opacity: 0 },
9038 * exited: { opacity: 0 },
9039 * };
9040 *
9041 * const Fade = ({ in: inProp }) => (
9042 * <Transition in={inProp} timeout={duration}>
9043 * {state => (
9044 * <div style={{
9045 * ...defaultStyle,
9046 * ...transitionStyles[state]
9047 * }}>
9048 * I'm a fade Transition!
9049 * </div>
9050 * )}
9051 * </Transition>
9052 * );
9053 * ```
9054 *
9055 * There are 4 main states a Transition can be in:
9056 * - `'entering'`
9057 * - `'entered'`
9058 * - `'exiting'`
9059 * - `'exited'`
9060 *
9061 * Transition state is toggled via the `in` prop. When `true` the component
9062 * begins the "Enter" stage. During this stage, the component will shift from
9063 * its current transition state, to `'entering'` for the duration of the
9064 * transition and then to the `'entered'` stage once it's complete. Let's take
9065 * the following example (we'll use the
9066 * [useState](https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usestate) hook):
9067 *
9068 * ```jsx
9069 * function App() {
9070 * const [inProp, setInProp] = useState(false);
9071 * return (
9072 * <div>
9073 * <Transition in={inProp} timeout={500}>
9074 * {state => (
9075 * // ...
9076 * )}
9077 * </Transition>
9078 * <button onClick={() => setInProp(true)}>
9079 * Click to Enter
9080 * </button>
9081 * </div>
9082 * );
9083 * }
9084 * ```
9085 *
9086 * When the button is clicked the component will shift to the `'entering'` state
9087 * and stay there for 500ms (the value of `timeout`) before it finally switches
9088 * to `'entered'`.
9089 *
9090 * When `in` is `false` the same thing happens except the state moves from
9091 * `'exiting'` to `'exited'`.
9092 */
9094 var Transition = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {
9095 _inheritsLoose(Transition, _React$Component);
9097 function Transition(props, context) {
9098 var _this;
9100 _this = _React$Component.call(this, props, context) || this;
9101 var parentGroup = context; // In the context of a TransitionGroup all enters are really appears
9103 var appear = parentGroup && !parentGroup.isMounting ? props.enter : props.appear;
9104 var initialStatus;
9105 _this.appearStatus = null;
9107 if (props.in) {
9108 if (appear) {
9109 initialStatus = EXITED;
9110 _this.appearStatus = ENTERING;
9111 } else {
9112 initialStatus = ENTERED;
9113 }
9114 } else {
9115 if (props.unmountOnExit || props.mountOnEnter) {
9116 initialStatus = UNMOUNTED;
9117 } else {
9118 initialStatus = EXITED;
9119 }
9120 }
9122 _this.state = {
9123 status: initialStatus
9124 };
9125 _this.nextCallback = null;
9126 return _this;
9127 }
9129 Transition.getDerivedStateFromProps = function getDerivedStateFromProps(_ref, prevState) {
9130 var nextIn = _ref.in;
9132 if (nextIn && prevState.status === UNMOUNTED) {
9133 return {
9134 status: EXITED
9135 };
9136 }
9138 return null;
9139 } // getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps) {
9140 // let nextStatus = null
9141 // if (prevProps !== this.props) {
9142 // const { status } = this.state
9143 // if (this.props.in) {
9144 // if (status !== ENTERING && status !== ENTERED) {
9145 // nextStatus = ENTERING
9146 // }
9147 // } else {
9148 // if (status === ENTERING || status === ENTERED) {
9149 // nextStatus = EXITING
9150 // }
9151 // }
9152 // }
9153 // return { nextStatus }
9154 // }
9155 ;
9157 var _proto = Transition.prototype;
9159 _proto.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
9160 this.updateStatus(true, this.appearStatus);
9161 };
9163 _proto.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
9164 var nextStatus = null;
9166 if (prevProps !== this.props) {
9167 var status = this.state.status;
9169 if (this.props.in) {
9170 if (status !== ENTERING && status !== ENTERED) {
9171 nextStatus = ENTERING;
9172 }
9173 } else {
9174 if (status === ENTERING || status === ENTERED) {
9175 nextStatus = EXITING;
9176 }
9177 }
9178 }
9180 this.updateStatus(false, nextStatus);
9181 };
9183 _proto.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
9184 this.cancelNextCallback();
9185 };
9187 _proto.getTimeouts = function getTimeouts() {
9188 var timeout = this.props.timeout;
9189 var exit, enter, appear;
9190 exit = enter = appear = timeout;
9192 if (timeout != null && typeof timeout !== 'number') {
9193 exit = timeout.exit;
9194 enter = timeout.enter; // TODO: remove fallback for next major
9196 appear = timeout.appear !== undefined ? timeout.appear : enter;
9197 }
9199 return {
9200 exit: exit,
9201 enter: enter,
9202 appear: appear
9203 };
9204 };
9206 _proto.updateStatus = function updateStatus(mounting, nextStatus) {
9207 if (mounting === void 0) {
9208 mounting = false;
9209 }
9211 if (nextStatus !== null) {
9212 // nextStatus will always be ENTERING or EXITING.
9213 this.cancelNextCallback();
9215 if (nextStatus === ENTERING) {
9216 this.performEnter(mounting);
9217 } else {
9218 this.performExit();
9219 }
9220 } else if (this.props.unmountOnExit && this.state.status === EXITED) {
9221 this.setState({
9222 status: UNMOUNTED
9223 });
9224 }
9225 };
9227 _proto.performEnter = function performEnter(mounting) {
9228 var _this2 = this;
9230 var enter = this.props.enter;
9231 var appearing = this.context ? this.context.isMounting : mounting;
9233 var _ref2 = this.props.nodeRef ? [appearing] : [ReactDOM__default.findDOMNode(this), appearing],
9234 maybeNode = _ref2[0],
9235 maybeAppearing = _ref2[1];
9237 var timeouts = this.getTimeouts();
9238 var enterTimeout = appearing ? timeouts.appear : timeouts.enter; // no enter animation skip right to ENTERED
9239 // if we are mounting and running this it means appear _must_ be set
9241 if (!mounting && !enter || config.disabled) {
9242 this.safeSetState({
9243 status: ENTERED
9244 }, function () {
9245 _this2.props.onEntered(maybeNode);
9246 });
9247 return;
9248 }
9250 this.props.onEnter(maybeNode, maybeAppearing);
9251 this.safeSetState({
9252 status: ENTERING
9253 }, function () {
9254 _this2.props.onEntering(maybeNode, maybeAppearing);
9256 _this2.onTransitionEnd(enterTimeout, function () {
9257 _this2.safeSetState({
9258 status: ENTERED
9259 }, function () {
9260 _this2.props.onEntered(maybeNode, maybeAppearing);
9261 });
9262 });
9263 });
9264 };
9266 _proto.performExit = function performExit() {
9267 var _this3 = this;
9269 var exit = this.props.exit;
9270 var timeouts = this.getTimeouts();
9271 var maybeNode = this.props.nodeRef ? undefined : ReactDOM__default.findDOMNode(this); // no exit animation skip right to EXITED
9273 if (!exit || config.disabled) {
9274 this.safeSetState({
9275 status: EXITED
9276 }, function () {
9277 _this3.props.onExited(maybeNode);
9278 });
9279 return;
9280 }
9282 this.props.onExit(maybeNode);
9283 this.safeSetState({
9284 status: EXITING
9285 }, function () {
9286 _this3.props.onExiting(maybeNode);
9288 _this3.onTransitionEnd(timeouts.exit, function () {
9289 _this3.safeSetState({
9290 status: EXITED
9291 }, function () {
9292 _this3.props.onExited(maybeNode);
9293 });
9294 });
9295 });
9296 };
9298 _proto.cancelNextCallback = function cancelNextCallback() {
9299 if (this.nextCallback !== null) {
9300 this.nextCallback.cancel();
9301 this.nextCallback = null;
9302 }
9303 };
9305 _proto.safeSetState = function safeSetState(nextState, callback) {
9306 // This shouldn't be necessary, but there are weird race conditions with
9307 // setState callbacks and unmounting in testing, so always make sure that
9308 // we can cancel any pending setState callbacks after we unmount.
9309 callback = this.setNextCallback(callback);
9310 this.setState(nextState, callback);
9311 };
9313 _proto.setNextCallback = function setNextCallback(callback) {
9314 var _this4 = this;
9316 var active = true;
9318 this.nextCallback = function (event) {
9319 if (active) {
9320 active = false;
9321 _this4.nextCallback = null;
9322 callback(event);
9323 }
9324 };
9326 this.nextCallback.cancel = function () {
9327 active = false;
9328 };
9330 return this.nextCallback;
9331 };
9333 _proto.onTransitionEnd = function onTransitionEnd(timeout, handler) {
9334 this.setNextCallback(handler);
9335 var node = this.props.nodeRef ? this.props.nodeRef.current : ReactDOM__default.findDOMNode(this);
9336 var doesNotHaveTimeoutOrListener = timeout == null && !this.props.addEndListener;
9338 if (!node || doesNotHaveTimeoutOrListener) {
9339 setTimeout(this.nextCallback, 0);
9340 return;
9341 }
9343 if (this.props.addEndListener) {
9344 var _ref3 = this.props.nodeRef ? [this.nextCallback] : [node, this.nextCallback],
9345 maybeNode = _ref3[0],
9346 maybeNextCallback = _ref3[1];
9348 this.props.addEndListener(maybeNode, maybeNextCallback);
9349 }
9351 if (timeout != null) {
9352 setTimeout(this.nextCallback, timeout);
9353 }
9354 };
9356 _proto.render = function render() {
9357 var status = this.state.status;
9359 if (status === UNMOUNTED) {
9360 return null;
9361 }
9363 var _this$props = this.props,
9364 children = _this$props.children,
9365 _in = _this$props.in,
9366 _mountOnEnter = _this$props.mountOnEnter,
9367 _unmountOnExit = _this$props.unmountOnExit,
9368 _appear = _this$props.appear,
9369 _enter = _this$props.enter,
9370 _exit = _this$props.exit,
9371 _timeout = _this$props.timeout,
9372 _addEndListener = _this$props.addEndListener,
9373 _onEnter = _this$props.onEnter,
9374 _onEntering = _this$props.onEntering,
9375 _onEntered = _this$props.onEntered,
9376 _onExit = _this$props.onExit,
9377 _onExiting = _this$props.onExiting,
9378 _onExited = _this$props.onExited,
9379 _nodeRef = _this$props.nodeRef,
9380 childProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_this$props, ["children", "in", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit", "appear", "enter", "exit", "timeout", "addEndListener", "onEnter", "onEntering", "onEntered", "onExit", "onExiting", "onExited", "nodeRef"]);
9382 return (
9383 /*#__PURE__*/
9384 // allows for nested Transitions
9385 React__default.createElement(TransitionGroupContext.Provider, {
9386 value: null
9387 }, typeof children === 'function' ? children(status, childProps) : React__default.cloneElement(React__default.Children.only(children), childProps))
9388 );
9389 };
9391 return Transition;
9392 }(React__default.Component);
9394 Transition.contextType = TransitionGroupContext;
9395 Transition.propTypes = {
9396 /**
9397 * A React reference to DOM element that need to transition:
9398 * https://stackoverflow.com/a/51127130/4671932
9399 *
9400 * - When `nodeRef` prop is used, `node` is not passed to callback functions
9401 * (e.g. `onEnter`) because user already has direct access to the node.
9402 * - When changing `key` prop of `Transition` in a `TransitionGroup` a new
9403 * `nodeRef` need to be provided to `Transition` with changed `key` prop
9404 * (see
9405 * [test/CSSTransition-test.js](https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group/blob/13435f897b3ab71f6e19d724f145596f5910581c/test/CSSTransition-test.js#L362-L437)).
9406 */
9407 nodeRef: propTypes.shape({
9408 current: typeof Element === 'undefined' ? propTypes.any : propTypes.instanceOf(Element)
9409 }),
9411 /**
9412 * A `function` child can be used instead of a React element. This function is
9413 * called with the current transition status (`'entering'`, `'entered'`,
9414 * `'exiting'`, `'exited'`), which can be used to apply context
9415 * specific props to a component.
9416 *
9417 * ```jsx
9418 * <Transition in={this.state.in} timeout={150}>
9419 * {state => (
9420 * <MyComponent className={`fade fade-${state}`} />
9421 * )}
9422 * </Transition>
9423 * ```
9424 */
9425 children: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.func.isRequired, propTypes.element.isRequired]).isRequired,
9427 /**
9428 * Show the component; triggers the enter or exit states
9429 */
9430 in: propTypes.bool,
9432 /**
9433 * By default the child component is mounted immediately along with
9434 * the parent `Transition` component. If you want to "lazy mount" the component on the
9435 * first `in={true}` you can set `mountOnEnter`. After the first enter transition the component will stay
9436 * mounted, even on "exited", unless you also specify `unmountOnExit`.
9437 */
9438 mountOnEnter: propTypes.bool,
9440 /**
9441 * By default the child component stays mounted after it reaches the `'exited'` state.
9442 * Set `unmountOnExit` if you'd prefer to unmount the component after it finishes exiting.
9443 */
9444 unmountOnExit: propTypes.bool,
9446 /**
9447 * By default the child component does not perform the enter transition when
9448 * it first mounts, regardless of the value of `in`. If you want this
9449 * behavior, set both `appear` and `in` to `true`.
9450 *
9451 * > **Note**: there are no special appear states like `appearing`/`appeared`, this prop
9452 * > only adds an additional enter transition. However, in the
9453 * > `<CSSTransition>` component that first enter transition does result in
9454 * > additional `.appear-*` classes, that way you can choose to style it
9455 * > differently.
9456 */
9457 appear: propTypes.bool,
9459 /**
9460 * Enable or disable enter transitions.
9461 */
9462 enter: propTypes.bool,
9464 /**
9465 * Enable or disable exit transitions.
9466 */
9467 exit: propTypes.bool,
9469 /**
9470 * The duration of the transition, in milliseconds.
9471 * Required unless `addEndListener` is provided.
9472 *
9473 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions:
9474 *
9475 * ```jsx
9476 * timeout={500}
9477 * ```
9478 *
9479 * or individually:
9480 *
9481 * ```jsx
9482 * timeout={{
9483 * appear: 500,
9484 * enter: 300,
9485 * exit: 500,
9486 * }}
9487 * ```
9488 *
9489 * - `appear` defaults to the value of `enter`
9490 * - `enter` defaults to `0`
9491 * - `exit` defaults to `0`
9492 *
9493 * @type {number | { enter?: number, exit?: number, appear?: number }}
9494 */
9495 timeout: function timeout(props) {
9496 var pt = timeoutsShape;
9497 if (!props.addEndListener) pt = pt.isRequired;
9499 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
9500 args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
9501 }
9503 return pt.apply(void 0, [props].concat(args));
9504 },
9506 /**
9507 * Add a custom transition end trigger. Called with the transitioning
9508 * DOM node and a `done` callback. Allows for more fine grained transition end
9509 * logic. Timeouts are still used as a fallback if provided.
9510 *
9511 * **Note**: when `nodeRef` prop is passed, `node` is not passed.
9512 *
9513 * ```jsx
9514 * addEndListener={(node, done) => {
9515 * // use the css transitionend event to mark the finish of a transition
9516 * node.addEventListener('transitionend', done, false);
9517 * }}
9518 * ```
9519 */
9520 addEndListener: propTypes.func,
9522 /**
9523 * Callback fired before the "entering" status is applied. An extra parameter
9524 * `isAppearing` is supplied to indicate if the enter stage is occurring on the initial mount
9525 *
9526 * **Note**: when `nodeRef` prop is passed, `node` is not passed.
9527 *
9528 * @type Function(node: HtmlElement, isAppearing: bool) -> void
9529 */
9530 onEnter: propTypes.func,
9532 /**
9533 * Callback fired after the "entering" status is applied. An extra parameter
9534 * `isAppearing` is supplied to indicate if the enter stage is occurring on the initial mount
9535 *
9536 * **Note**: when `nodeRef` prop is passed, `node` is not passed.
9537 *
9538 * @type Function(node: HtmlElement, isAppearing: bool)
9539 */
9540 onEntering: propTypes.func,
9542 /**
9543 * Callback fired after the "entered" status is applied. An extra parameter
9544 * `isAppearing` is supplied to indicate if the enter stage is occurring on the initial mount
9545 *
9546 * **Note**: when `nodeRef` prop is passed, `node` is not passed.
9547 *
9548 * @type Function(node: HtmlElement, isAppearing: bool) -> void
9549 */
9550 onEntered: propTypes.func,
9552 /**
9553 * Callback fired before the "exiting" status is applied.
9554 *
9555 * **Note**: when `nodeRef` prop is passed, `node` is not passed.
9556 *
9557 * @type Function(node: HtmlElement) -> void
9558 */
9559 onExit: propTypes.func,
9561 /**
9562 * Callback fired after the "exiting" status is applied.
9563 *
9564 * **Note**: when `nodeRef` prop is passed, `node` is not passed.
9565 *
9566 * @type Function(node: HtmlElement) -> void
9567 */
9568 onExiting: propTypes.func,
9570 /**
9571 * Callback fired after the "exited" status is applied.
9572 *
9573 * **Note**: when `nodeRef` prop is passed, `node` is not passed
9574 *
9575 * @type Function(node: HtmlElement) -> void
9576 */
9577 onExited: propTypes.func
9578 } ; // Name the function so it is clearer in the documentation
9580 function noop() {}
9582 Transition.defaultProps = {
9583 in: false,
9584 mountOnEnter: false,
9585 unmountOnExit: false,
9586 appear: false,
9587 enter: true,
9588 exit: true,
9589 onEnter: noop,
9590 onEntering: noop,
9591 onEntered: noop,
9592 onExit: noop,
9593 onExiting: noop,
9594 onExited: noop
9595 };
9596 Transition.UNMOUNTED = UNMOUNTED;
9597 Transition.EXITED = EXITED;
9598 Transition.ENTERING = ENTERING;
9599 Transition.ENTERED = ENTERED;
9600 Transition.EXITING = EXITING;
9602 /**
9603 * Given `this.props.children`, return an object mapping key to child.
9604 *
9605 * @param {*} children `this.props.children`
9606 * @return {object} Mapping of key to child
9607 */
9609 function getChildMapping(children, mapFn) {
9610 var mapper = function mapper(child) {
9611 return mapFn && React.isValidElement(child) ? mapFn(child) : child;
9612 };
9614 var result = Object.create(null);
9615 if (children) React.Children.map(children, function (c) {
9616 return c;
9617 }).forEach(function (child) {
9618 // run the map function here instead so that the key is the computed one
9619 result[child.key] = mapper(child);
9620 });
9621 return result;
9622 }
9623 /**
9624 * When you're adding or removing children some may be added or removed in the
9625 * same render pass. We want to show *both* since we want to simultaneously
9626 * animate elements in and out. This function takes a previous set of keys
9627 * and a new set of keys and merges them with its best guess of the correct
9628 * ordering. In the future we may expose some of the utilities in
9629 * ReactMultiChild to make this easy, but for now React itself does not
9630 * directly have this concept of the union of prevChildren and nextChildren
9631 * so we implement it here.
9632 *
9633 * @param {object} prev prev children as returned from
9634 * `ReactTransitionChildMapping.getChildMapping()`.
9635 * @param {object} next next children as returned from
9636 * `ReactTransitionChildMapping.getChildMapping()`.
9637 * @return {object} a key set that contains all keys in `prev` and all keys
9638 * in `next` in a reasonable order.
9639 */
9641 function mergeChildMappings(prev, next) {
9642 prev = prev || {};
9643 next = next || {};
9645 function getValueForKey(key) {
9646 return key in next ? next[key] : prev[key];
9647 } // For each key of `next`, the list of keys to insert before that key in
9648 // the combined list
9651 var nextKeysPending = Object.create(null);
9652 var pendingKeys = [];
9654 for (var prevKey in prev) {
9655 if (prevKey in next) {
9656 if (pendingKeys.length) {
9657 nextKeysPending[prevKey] = pendingKeys;
9658 pendingKeys = [];
9659 }
9660 } else {
9661 pendingKeys.push(prevKey);
9662 }
9663 }
9665 var i;
9666 var childMapping = {};
9668 for (var nextKey in next) {
9669 if (nextKeysPending[nextKey]) {
9670 for (i = 0; i < nextKeysPending[nextKey].length; i++) {
9671 var pendingNextKey = nextKeysPending[nextKey][i];
9672 childMapping[nextKeysPending[nextKey][i]] = getValueForKey(pendingNextKey);
9673 }
9674 }
9676 childMapping[nextKey] = getValueForKey(nextKey);
9677 } // Finally, add the keys which didn't appear before any key in `next`
9680 for (i = 0; i < pendingKeys.length; i++) {
9681 childMapping[pendingKeys[i]] = getValueForKey(pendingKeys[i]);
9682 }
9684 return childMapping;
9685 }
9687 function getProp(child, prop, props) {
9688 return props[prop] != null ? props[prop] : child.props[prop];
9689 }
9691 function getInitialChildMapping(props, onExited) {
9692 return getChildMapping(props.children, function (child) {
9693 return React.cloneElement(child, {
9694 onExited: onExited.bind(null, child),
9695 in: true,
9696 appear: getProp(child, 'appear', props),
9697 enter: getProp(child, 'enter', props),
9698 exit: getProp(child, 'exit', props)
9699 });
9700 });
9701 }
9702 function getNextChildMapping(nextProps, prevChildMapping, onExited) {
9703 var nextChildMapping = getChildMapping(nextProps.children);
9704 var children = mergeChildMappings(prevChildMapping, nextChildMapping);
9705 Object.keys(children).forEach(function (key) {
9706 var child = children[key];
9707 if (!React.isValidElement(child)) return;
9708 var hasPrev = (key in prevChildMapping);
9709 var hasNext = (key in nextChildMapping);
9710 var prevChild = prevChildMapping[key];
9711 var isLeaving = React.isValidElement(prevChild) && !prevChild.props.in; // item is new (entering)
9713 if (hasNext && (!hasPrev || isLeaving)) {
9714 // console.log('entering', key)
9715 children[key] = React.cloneElement(child, {
9716 onExited: onExited.bind(null, child),
9717 in: true,
9718 exit: getProp(child, 'exit', nextProps),
9719 enter: getProp(child, 'enter', nextProps)
9720 });
9721 } else if (!hasNext && hasPrev && !isLeaving) {
9722 // item is old (exiting)
9723 // console.log('leaving', key)
9724 children[key] = React.cloneElement(child, {
9725 in: false
9726 });
9727 } else if (hasNext && hasPrev && React.isValidElement(prevChild)) {
9728 // item hasn't changed transition states
9729 // copy over the last transition props;
9730 // console.log('unchanged', key)
9731 children[key] = React.cloneElement(child, {
9732 onExited: onExited.bind(null, child),
9733 in: prevChild.props.in,
9734 exit: getProp(child, 'exit', nextProps),
9735 enter: getProp(child, 'enter', nextProps)
9736 });
9737 }
9738 });
9739 return children;
9740 }
9742 var values$1 = Object.values || function (obj) {
9743 return Object.keys(obj).map(function (k) {
9744 return obj[k];
9745 });
9746 };
9748 var defaultProps = {
9749 component: 'div',
9750 childFactory: function childFactory(child) {
9751 return child;
9752 }
9753 };
9754 /**
9755 * The `<TransitionGroup>` component manages a set of transition components
9756 * (`<Transition>` and `<CSSTransition>`) in a list. Like with the transition
9757 * components, `<TransitionGroup>` is a state machine for managing the mounting
9758 * and unmounting of components over time.
9759 *
9760 * Consider the example below. As items are removed or added to the TodoList the
9761 * `in` prop is toggled automatically by the `<TransitionGroup>`.
9762 *
9763 * Note that `<TransitionGroup>` does not define any animation behavior!
9764 * Exactly _how_ a list item animates is up to the individual transition
9765 * component. This means you can mix and match animations across different list
9766 * items.
9767 */
9769 var TransitionGroup = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {
9770 _inheritsLoose(TransitionGroup, _React$Component);
9772 function TransitionGroup(props, context) {
9773 var _this;
9775 _this = _React$Component.call(this, props, context) || this;
9777 var handleExited = _this.handleExited.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this)); // Initial children should all be entering, dependent on appear
9780 _this.state = {
9781 contextValue: {
9782 isMounting: true
9783 },
9784 handleExited: handleExited,
9785 firstRender: true
9786 };
9787 return _this;
9788 }
9790 var _proto = TransitionGroup.prototype;
9792 _proto.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
9793 this.mounted = true;
9794 this.setState({
9795 contextValue: {
9796 isMounting: false
9797 }
9798 });
9799 };
9801 _proto.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
9802 this.mounted = false;
9803 };
9805 TransitionGroup.getDerivedStateFromProps = function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, _ref) {
9806 var prevChildMapping = _ref.children,
9807 handleExited = _ref.handleExited,
9808 firstRender = _ref.firstRender;
9809 return {
9810 children: firstRender ? getInitialChildMapping(nextProps, handleExited) : getNextChildMapping(nextProps, prevChildMapping, handleExited),
9811 firstRender: false
9812 };
9813 } // node is `undefined` when user provided `nodeRef` prop
9814 ;
9816 _proto.handleExited = function handleExited(child, node) {
9817 var currentChildMapping = getChildMapping(this.props.children);
9818 if (child.key in currentChildMapping) return;
9820 if (child.props.onExited) {
9821 child.props.onExited(node);
9822 }
9824 if (this.mounted) {
9825 this.setState(function (state) {
9826 var children = _extends({}, state.children);
9828 delete children[child.key];
9829 return {
9830 children: children
9831 };
9832 });
9833 }
9834 };
9836 _proto.render = function render() {
9837 var _this$props = this.props,
9838 Component = _this$props.component,
9839 childFactory = _this$props.childFactory,
9840 props = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_this$props, ["component", "childFactory"]);
9842 var contextValue = this.state.contextValue;
9843 var children = values$1(this.state.children).map(childFactory);
9844 delete props.appear;
9845 delete props.enter;
9846 delete props.exit;
9848 if (Component === null) {
9849 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(TransitionGroupContext.Provider, {
9850 value: contextValue
9851 }, children);
9852 }
9854 return /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(TransitionGroupContext.Provider, {
9855 value: contextValue
9856 }, /*#__PURE__*/React__default.createElement(Component, props, children));
9857 };
9859 return TransitionGroup;
9860 }(React__default.Component);
9862 TransitionGroup.propTypes = {
9863 /**
9864 * `<TransitionGroup>` renders a `<div>` by default. You can change this
9865 * behavior by providing a `component` prop.
9866 * If you use React v16+ and would like to avoid a wrapping `<div>` element
9867 * you can pass in `component={null}`. This is useful if the wrapping div
9868 * borks your css styles.
9869 */
9870 component: propTypes.any,
9872 /**
9873 * A set of `<Transition>` components, that are toggled `in` and out as they
9874 * leave. the `<TransitionGroup>` will inject specific transition props, so
9875 * remember to spread them through if you are wrapping the `<Transition>` as
9876 * with our `<Fade>` example.
9877 *
9878 * While this component is meant for multiple `Transition` or `CSSTransition`
9879 * children, sometimes you may want to have a single transition child with
9880 * content that you want to be transitioned out and in when you change it
9881 * (e.g. routes, images etc.) In that case you can change the `key` prop of
9882 * the transition child as you change its content, this will cause
9883 * `TransitionGroup` to transition the child out and back in.
9884 */
9885 children: propTypes.node,
9887 /**
9888 * A convenience prop that enables or disables appear animations
9889 * for all children. Note that specifying this will override any defaults set
9890 * on individual children Transitions.
9891 */
9892 appear: propTypes.bool,
9894 /**
9895 * A convenience prop that enables or disables enter animations
9896 * for all children. Note that specifying this will override any defaults set
9897 * on individual children Transitions.
9898 */
9899 enter: propTypes.bool,
9901 /**
9902 * A convenience prop that enables or disables exit animations
9903 * for all children. Note that specifying this will override any defaults set
9904 * on individual children Transitions.
9905 */
9906 exit: propTypes.bool,
9908 /**
9909 * You may need to apply reactive updates to a child as it is exiting.
9910 * This is generally done by using `cloneElement` however in the case of an exiting
9911 * child the element has already been removed and not accessible to the consumer.
9912 *
9913 * If you do need to update a child as it leaves you can provide a `childFactory`
9914 * to wrap every child, even the ones that are leaving.
9915 *
9916 * @type Function(child: ReactElement) -> ReactElement
9917 */
9918 childFactory: propTypes.func
9919 } ;
9920 TransitionGroup.defaultProps = defaultProps;
9922 var reflow = function reflow(node) {
9923 return node.scrollTop;
9924 };
9925 function getTransitionProps(props, options) {
9926 var timeout = props.timeout,
9927 _props$style = props.style,
9928 style = _props$style === void 0 ? {} : _props$style;
9929 return {
9930 duration: style.transitionDuration || typeof timeout === 'number' ? timeout : timeout[options.mode] || 0,
9931 delay: style.transitionDelay
9932 };
9933 }
9935 var styles$1 = function styles(theme) {
9936 return {
9937 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
9938 root: {
9939 height: 0,
9940 overflow: 'hidden',
9941 transition: theme.transitions.create('height')
9942 },
9944 /* Styles applied to the root element when the transition has entered. */
9945 entered: {
9946 height: 'auto',
9947 overflow: 'visible'
9948 },
9950 /* Styles applied to the root element when the transition has exited and `collapsedSize` != 0px. */
9951 hidden: {
9952 visibility: 'hidden'
9953 },
9955 /* Styles applied to the outer wrapper element. */
9956 wrapper: {
9957 // Hack to get children with a negative margin to not falsify the height computation.
9958 display: 'flex'
9959 },
9961 /* Styles applied to the inner wrapper element. */
9962 wrapperInner: {
9963 width: '100%'
9964 }
9965 };
9966 };
9967 /**
9968 * The Collapse transition is used by the
9969 * [Vertical Stepper](/components/steppers/#vertical-stepper) StepContent component.
9970 * It uses [react-transition-group](https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group) internally.
9971 */
9973 var Collapse = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Collapse(props, ref) {
9974 var children = props.children,
9975 classes = props.classes,
9976 className = props.className,
9977 collapsedHeight = props.collapsedHeight,
9978 _props$collapsedSize = props.collapsedSize,
9979 collapsedSizeProp = _props$collapsedSize === void 0 ? '0px' : _props$collapsedSize,
9980 _props$component = props.component,
9981 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
9982 _props$disableStrictM = props.disableStrictModeCompat,
9983 disableStrictModeCompat = _props$disableStrictM === void 0 ? false : _props$disableStrictM,
9984 inProp = props.in,
9985 onEnter = props.onEnter,
9986 onEntered = props.onEntered,
9987 onEntering = props.onEntering,
9988 onExit = props.onExit,
9989 onExited = props.onExited,
9990 onExiting = props.onExiting,
9991 style = props.style,
9992 _props$timeout = props.timeout,
9993 timeout = _props$timeout === void 0 ? duration.standard : _props$timeout,
9994 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
9995 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Transition : _props$TransitionComp,
9996 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "collapsedHeight", "collapsedSize", "component", "disableStrictModeCompat", "in", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "style", "timeout", "TransitionComponent"]);
9998 var theme = useTheme$1();
9999 var timer = React.useRef();
10000 var wrapperRef = React.useRef(null);
10001 var autoTransitionDuration = React.useRef();
10002 var collapsedSize = typeof (collapsedHeight || collapsedSizeProp) === 'number' ? "".concat(collapsedHeight || collapsedSizeProp, "px") : collapsedHeight || collapsedSizeProp;
10003 React.useEffect(function () {
10004 return function () {
10005 clearTimeout(timer.current);
10006 };
10007 }, []);
10008 var enableStrictModeCompat = theme.unstable_strictMode && !disableStrictModeCompat;
10009 var nodeRef = React.useRef(null);
10010 var handleRef = useForkRef(ref, enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined);
10012 var normalizedTransitionCallback = function normalizedTransitionCallback(callback) {
10013 return function (nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing) {
10014 if (callback) {
10015 var _ref = enableStrictModeCompat ? [nodeRef.current, nodeOrAppearing] : [nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing],
10016 _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
10017 node = _ref2[0],
10018 isAppearing = _ref2[1]; // onEnterXxx and onExitXxx callbacks have a different arguments.length value.
10021 if (isAppearing === undefined) {
10022 callback(node);
10023 } else {
10024 callback(node, isAppearing);
10025 }
10026 }
10027 };
10028 };
10030 var handleEnter = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
10031 node.style.height = collapsedSize;
10033 if (onEnter) {
10034 onEnter(node, isAppearing);
10035 }
10036 });
10037 var handleEntering = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
10038 var wrapperHeight = wrapperRef.current ? wrapperRef.current.clientHeight : 0;
10040 var _getTransitionProps = getTransitionProps({
10041 style: style,
10042 timeout: timeout
10043 }, {
10044 mode: 'enter'
10045 }),
10046 transitionDuration = _getTransitionProps.duration;
10048 if (timeout === 'auto') {
10049 var duration2 = theme.transitions.getAutoHeightDuration(wrapperHeight);
10050 node.style.transitionDuration = "".concat(duration2, "ms");
10051 autoTransitionDuration.current = duration2;
10052 } else {
10053 node.style.transitionDuration = typeof transitionDuration === 'string' ? transitionDuration : "".concat(transitionDuration, "ms");
10054 }
10056 node.style.height = "".concat(wrapperHeight, "px");
10058 if (onEntering) {
10059 onEntering(node, isAppearing);
10060 }
10061 });
10062 var handleEntered = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
10063 node.style.height = 'auto';
10065 if (onEntered) {
10066 onEntered(node, isAppearing);
10067 }
10068 });
10069 var handleExit = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node) {
10070 var wrapperHeight = wrapperRef.current ? wrapperRef.current.clientHeight : 0;
10071 node.style.height = "".concat(wrapperHeight, "px");
10073 if (onExit) {
10074 onExit(node);
10075 }
10076 });
10077 var handleExited = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExited);
10078 var handleExiting = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node) {
10079 var wrapperHeight = wrapperRef.current ? wrapperRef.current.clientHeight : 0;
10081 var _getTransitionProps2 = getTransitionProps({
10082 style: style,
10083 timeout: timeout
10084 }, {
10085 mode: 'exit'
10086 }),
10087 transitionDuration = _getTransitionProps2.duration;
10089 if (timeout === 'auto') {
10090 var duration2 = theme.transitions.getAutoHeightDuration(wrapperHeight);
10091 node.style.transitionDuration = "".concat(duration2, "ms");
10092 autoTransitionDuration.current = duration2;
10093 } else {
10094 node.style.transitionDuration = typeof transitionDuration === 'string' ? transitionDuration : "".concat(transitionDuration, "ms");
10095 }
10097 node.style.height = collapsedSize;
10099 if (onExiting) {
10100 onExiting(node);
10101 }
10102 });
10104 var addEndListener = function addEndListener(nodeOrNext, maybeNext) {
10105 var next = enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeOrNext : maybeNext;
10107 if (timeout === 'auto') {
10108 timer.current = setTimeout(next, autoTransitionDuration.current || 0);
10109 }
10110 };
10112 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
10113 in: inProp,
10114 onEnter: handleEnter,
10115 onEntered: handleEntered,
10116 onEntering: handleEntering,
10117 onExit: handleExit,
10118 onExited: handleExited,
10119 onExiting: handleExiting,
10120 addEndListener: addEndListener,
10121 nodeRef: enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined,
10122 timeout: timeout === 'auto' ? null : timeout
10123 }, other), function (state, childProps) {
10124 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
10125 className: clsx(classes.root, classes.container, className, {
10126 'entered': classes.entered,
10127 'exited': !inProp && collapsedSize === '0px' && classes.hidden
10128 }[state]),
10129 style: _extends({
10130 minHeight: collapsedSize
10131 }, style),
10132 ref: handleRef
10133 }, childProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
10134 className: classes.wrapper,
10135 ref: wrapperRef
10136 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
10137 className: classes.wrapperInner
10138 }, children)));
10139 });
10140 });
10141 Collapse.propTypes = {
10142 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
10143 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
10144 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
10145 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10147 /**
10148 * The content node to be collapsed.
10149 */
10150 children: propTypes.node,
10152 /**
10153 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
10154 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
10155 */
10156 classes: chainPropTypes(propTypes.object, function (props) {
10157 if (props.classes && props.classes.container) {
10158 throw new Error(['Material-UI: the classes.container key is deprecated.', 'Use `classes.root` instead', 'The name of the pseudo-class was changed for consistency.'].join('\n'));
10159 }
10161 return null;
10162 }),
10164 /**
10165 * @ignore
10166 */
10167 className: propTypes.string,
10169 /**
10170 * The height of the container when collapsed.
10171 * @deprecated The prop was renamed to support the addition of horizontal orientation, use `collapsedSize` instead.
10172 */
10173 collapsedHeight: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]), 'The prop was renamed to support the vertical orientation, use `collapsedSize` instead'),
10175 /**
10176 * The height of the container when collapsed.
10177 */
10178 collapsedSize: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
10180 /**
10181 * The component used for the root node.
10182 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
10183 */
10184 component: propTypes
10185 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
10186 .elementType,
10188 /**
10189 * Enable this prop if you encounter 'Function components cannot be given refs',
10190 * use `unstable_createStrictModeTheme`,
10191 * and can't forward the ref in the passed `Component`.
10192 */
10193 disableStrictModeCompat: propTypes.bool,
10195 /**
10196 * If `true`, the component will transition in.
10197 */
10198 in: propTypes.bool,
10200 /**
10201 * @ignore
10202 */
10203 onEnter: propTypes.func,
10205 /**
10206 * @ignore
10207 */
10208 onEntered: propTypes.func,
10210 /**
10211 * @ignore
10212 */
10213 onEntering: propTypes.func,
10215 /**
10216 * @ignore
10217 */
10218 onExit: propTypes.func,
10220 /**
10221 * @ignore
10222 */
10223 onExited: propTypes.func,
10225 /**
10226 * @ignore
10227 */
10228 onExiting: propTypes.func,
10230 /**
10231 * @ignore
10232 */
10233 style: propTypes.object,
10235 /**
10236 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
10237 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
10238 *
10239 * Set to 'auto' to automatically calculate transition time based on height.
10240 */
10241 timeout: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['auto']), propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
10242 appear: propTypes.number,
10243 enter: propTypes.number,
10244 exit: propTypes.number
10245 })])
10246 } ;
10247 Collapse.muiSupportAuto = true;
10248 var Collapse$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1, {
10249 name: 'MuiCollapse'
10250 })(Collapse);
10252 var styles$2 = function styles(theme) {
10253 var elevations = {};
10254 theme.shadows.forEach(function (shadow, index) {
10255 elevations["elevation".concat(index)] = {
10256 boxShadow: shadow
10257 };
10258 });
10259 return _extends({
10260 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
10261 root: {
10262 backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.paper,
10263 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
10264 transition: theme.transitions.create('box-shadow')
10265 },
10267 /* Styles applied to the root element if `square={false}`. */
10268 rounded: {
10269 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius
10270 },
10272 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"`. */
10273 outlined: {
10274 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider)
10275 }
10276 }, elevations);
10277 };
10278 var Paper = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Paper(props, ref) {
10279 var classes = props.classes,
10280 className = props.className,
10281 _props$component = props.component,
10282 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
10283 _props$square = props.square,
10284 square = _props$square === void 0 ? false : _props$square,
10285 _props$elevation = props.elevation,
10286 elevation = _props$elevation === void 0 ? 1 : _props$elevation,
10287 _props$variant = props.variant,
10288 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'elevation' : _props$variant,
10289 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component", "square", "elevation", "variant"]);
10291 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
10292 className: clsx(classes.root, className, variant === 'outlined' ? classes.outlined : classes["elevation".concat(elevation)], !square && classes.rounded),
10293 ref: ref
10294 }, other));
10295 });
10296 Paper.propTypes = {
10297 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
10298 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
10299 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
10300 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10302 /**
10303 * The content of the component.
10304 */
10305 children: propTypes.node,
10307 /**
10308 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
10309 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
10310 */
10311 classes: propTypes.object,
10313 /**
10314 * @ignore
10315 */
10316 className: propTypes.string,
10318 /**
10319 * The component used for the root node.
10320 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
10321 */
10322 component: propTypes
10323 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
10324 .elementType,
10326 /**
10327 * Shadow depth, corresponds to `dp` in the spec.
10328 * It accepts values between 0 and 24 inclusive.
10329 */
10330 elevation: chainPropTypes(propTypes.number, function (props) {
10331 var classes = props.classes,
10332 elevation = props.elevation; // in case `withStyles` fails to inject we don't need this warning
10334 if (classes === undefined) {
10335 return null;
10336 }
10338 if (elevation != null && classes["elevation".concat(elevation)] === undefined) {
10339 return new Error("Material-UI: This elevation `".concat(elevation, "` is not implemented."));
10340 }
10342 return null;
10343 }),
10345 /**
10346 * If `true`, rounded corners are disabled.
10347 */
10348 square: propTypes.bool,
10350 /**
10351 * The variant to use.
10352 */
10353 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['elevation', 'outlined'])
10354 } ;
10355 var Paper$1 = withStyles$1(styles$2, {
10356 name: 'MuiPaper'
10357 })(Paper);
10359 /**
10360 * @ignore - internal component.
10361 * @type {React.Context<{} | {expanded: boolean, disabled: boolean, toggle: () => void}>}
10362 */
10364 var AccordionContext = React.createContext({});
10366 {
10367 AccordionContext.displayName = 'AccordionContext';
10368 }
10370 var styles$3 = function styles(theme) {
10371 var transition = {
10372 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
10373 };
10374 return {
10375 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
10376 root: {
10377 position: 'relative',
10378 transition: theme.transitions.create(['margin'], transition),
10379 '&:before': {
10380 position: 'absolute',
10381 left: 0,
10382 top: -1,
10383 right: 0,
10384 height: 1,
10385 content: '""',
10386 opacity: 1,
10387 backgroundColor: theme.palette.divider,
10388 transition: theme.transitions.create(['opacity', 'background-color'], transition)
10389 },
10390 '&:first-child': {
10391 '&:before': {
10392 display: 'none'
10393 }
10394 },
10395 '&$expanded': {
10396 margin: '16px 0',
10397 '&:first-child': {
10398 marginTop: 0
10399 },
10400 '&:last-child': {
10401 marginBottom: 0
10402 },
10403 '&:before': {
10404 opacity: 0
10405 }
10406 },
10407 '&$expanded + &': {
10408 '&:before': {
10409 display: 'none'
10410 }
10411 },
10412 '&$disabled': {
10413 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.disabledBackground
10414 }
10415 },
10417 /* Styles applied to the root element if `square={false}`. */
10418 rounded: {
10419 borderRadius: 0,
10420 '&:first-child': {
10421 borderTopLeftRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
10422 borderTopRightRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius
10423 },
10424 '&:last-child': {
10425 borderBottomLeftRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
10426 borderBottomRightRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
10427 // Fix a rendering issue on Edge
10428 '@supports (-ms-ime-align: auto)': {
10429 borderBottomLeftRadius: 0,
10430 borderBottomRightRadius: 0
10431 }
10432 }
10433 },
10435 /* Styles applied to the root element if `expanded={true}`. */
10436 expanded: {},
10438 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
10439 disabled: {}
10440 };
10441 };
10442 var Accordion = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Accordion(props, ref) {
10443 var childrenProp = props.children,
10444 classes = props.classes,
10445 className = props.className,
10446 _props$defaultExpande = props.defaultExpanded,
10447 defaultExpanded = _props$defaultExpande === void 0 ? false : _props$defaultExpande,
10448 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
10449 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
10450 expandedProp = props.expanded,
10451 onChange = props.onChange,
10452 _props$square = props.square,
10453 square = _props$square === void 0 ? false : _props$square,
10454 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
10455 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Collapse$1 : _props$TransitionComp,
10456 TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps,
10457 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "defaultExpanded", "disabled", "expanded", "onChange", "square", "TransitionComponent", "TransitionProps"]);
10459 var _useControlled = useControlled({
10460 controlled: expandedProp,
10461 default: defaultExpanded,
10462 name: 'Accordion',
10463 state: 'expanded'
10464 }),
10465 _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2),
10466 expanded = _useControlled2[0],
10467 setExpandedState = _useControlled2[1];
10469 var handleChange = React.useCallback(function (event) {
10470 setExpandedState(!expanded);
10472 if (onChange) {
10473 onChange(event, !expanded);
10474 }
10475 }, [expanded, onChange, setExpandedState]);
10477 var _React$Children$toArr = React.Children.toArray(childrenProp),
10478 _React$Children$toArr2 = _toArray(_React$Children$toArr),
10479 summary = _React$Children$toArr2[0],
10480 children = _React$Children$toArr2.slice(1);
10482 var contextValue = React.useMemo(function () {
10483 return {
10484 expanded: expanded,
10485 disabled: disabled,
10486 toggle: handleChange
10487 };
10488 }, [expanded, disabled, handleChange]);
10489 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
10490 className: clsx(classes.root, className, expanded && classes.expanded, disabled && classes.disabled, !square && classes.rounded),
10491 ref: ref,
10492 square: square
10493 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(AccordionContext.Provider, {
10494 value: contextValue
10495 }, summary), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
10496 in: expanded,
10497 timeout: "auto"
10498 }, TransitionProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
10499 "aria-labelledby": summary.props.id,
10500 id: summary.props['aria-controls'],
10501 role: "region"
10502 }, children)));
10503 });
10504 Accordion.propTypes = {
10505 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
10506 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
10507 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
10508 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10510 /**
10511 * The content of the accordion.
10512 */
10513 children: chainPropTypes(propTypes.node.isRequired, function (props) {
10514 var summary = React.Children.toArray(props.children)[0];
10516 if (reactIs_2(summary)) {
10517 return new Error("Material-UI: The Accordion doesn't accept a Fragment as a child. " + 'Consider providing an array instead.');
10518 }
10520 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(summary)) {
10521 return new Error('Material-UI: Expected the first child of Accordion to be a valid element.');
10522 }
10524 return null;
10525 }),
10527 /**
10528 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
10529 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
10530 */
10531 classes: propTypes.object,
10533 /**
10534 * @ignore
10535 */
10536 className: propTypes.string,
10538 /**
10539 * If `true`, expands the accordion by default.
10540 */
10541 defaultExpanded: propTypes.bool,
10543 /**
10544 * If `true`, the accordion will be displayed in a disabled state.
10545 */
10546 disabled: propTypes.bool,
10548 /**
10549 * If `true`, expands the accordion, otherwise collapse it.
10550 * Setting this prop enables control over the accordion.
10551 */
10552 expanded: propTypes.bool,
10554 /**
10555 * Callback fired when the expand/collapse state is changed.
10556 *
10557 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
10558 * @param {boolean} expanded The `expanded` state of the accordion.
10559 */
10560 onChange: propTypes.func,
10562 /**
10563 * If `true`, rounded corners are disabled.
10564 */
10565 square: propTypes.bool,
10567 /**
10568 * The component used for the collapse effect.
10569 * [Follow this guide](/components/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component.
10570 */
10571 TransitionComponent: propTypes.elementType,
10573 /**
10574 * Props applied to the [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition#Transition-props) element.
10575 */
10576 TransitionProps: propTypes.object
10577 } ;
10578 var Accordion$1 = withStyles$1(styles$3, {
10579 name: 'MuiAccordion'
10580 })(Accordion);
10582 var styles$4 = {
10583 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
10584 root: {
10585 display: 'flex',
10586 alignItems: 'center',
10587 padding: 8,
10588 justifyContent: 'flex-end'
10589 },
10591 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableSpacing={false}`. */
10592 spacing: {
10593 '& > :not(:first-child)': {
10594 marginLeft: 8
10595 }
10596 }
10597 };
10598 var AccordionActions = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function AccordionActions(props, ref) {
10599 var classes = props.classes,
10600 className = props.className,
10601 _props$disableSpacing = props.disableSpacing,
10602 disableSpacing = _props$disableSpacing === void 0 ? false : _props$disableSpacing,
10603 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "disableSpacing"]);
10605 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
10606 className: clsx(classes.root, className, !disableSpacing && classes.spacing),
10607 ref: ref
10608 }, other));
10609 });
10610 AccordionActions.propTypes = {
10611 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
10612 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
10613 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
10614 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10616 /**
10617 * The content of the component.
10618 */
10619 children: propTypes.node,
10621 /**
10622 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
10623 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
10624 */
10625 classes: propTypes.object,
10627 /**
10628 * @ignore
10629 */
10630 className: propTypes.string,
10632 /**
10633 * If `true`, the actions do not have additional margin.
10634 */
10635 disableSpacing: propTypes.bool
10636 } ;
10637 var AccordionActions$1 = withStyles$1(styles$4, {
10638 name: 'MuiAccordionActions'
10639 })(AccordionActions);
10641 var styles$5 = function styles(theme) {
10642 return {
10643 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
10644 root: {
10645 display: 'flex',
10646 padding: theme.spacing(1, 2, 2)
10647 }
10648 };
10649 };
10650 var AccordionDetails = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function AccordionDetails(props, ref) {
10651 var classes = props.classes,
10652 className = props.className,
10653 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className"]);
10655 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
10656 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
10657 ref: ref
10658 }, other));
10659 });
10660 AccordionDetails.propTypes = {
10661 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
10662 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
10663 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
10664 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10666 /**
10667 * The content of the accordion details.
10668 */
10669 children: propTypes.node,
10671 /**
10672 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
10673 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
10674 */
10675 classes: propTypes.object,
10677 /**
10678 * @ignore
10679 */
10680 className: propTypes.string
10681 } ;
10682 var AccordionDetails$1 = withStyles$1(styles$5, {
10683 name: 'MuiAccordionDetails'
10684 })(AccordionDetails);
10686 var useEnhancedEffect$1 = typeof window === 'undefined' ? React.useEffect : React.useLayoutEffect;
10687 /**
10688 * @ignore - internal component.
10689 */
10691 function Ripple(props) {
10692 var classes = props.classes,
10693 _props$pulsate = props.pulsate,
10694 pulsate = _props$pulsate === void 0 ? false : _props$pulsate,
10695 rippleX = props.rippleX,
10696 rippleY = props.rippleY,
10697 rippleSize = props.rippleSize,
10698 inProp = props.in,
10699 _props$onExited = props.onExited,
10700 onExited = _props$onExited === void 0 ? function () {} : _props$onExited,
10701 timeout = props.timeout;
10703 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
10704 leaving = _React$useState[0],
10705 setLeaving = _React$useState[1];
10707 var rippleClassName = clsx(classes.ripple, classes.rippleVisible, pulsate && classes.ripplePulsate);
10708 var rippleStyles = {
10709 width: rippleSize,
10710 height: rippleSize,
10711 top: -(rippleSize / 2) + rippleY,
10712 left: -(rippleSize / 2) + rippleX
10713 };
10714 var childClassName = clsx(classes.child, leaving && classes.childLeaving, pulsate && classes.childPulsate);
10715 var handleExited = useEventCallback(onExited); // Ripple is used for user feedback (e.g. click or press) so we want to apply styles with the highest priority
10717 useEnhancedEffect$1(function () {
10718 if (!inProp) {
10719 // react-transition-group#onExit
10720 setLeaving(true); // react-transition-group#onExited
10722 var timeoutId = setTimeout(handleExited, timeout);
10723 return function () {
10724 clearTimeout(timeoutId);
10725 };
10726 }
10728 return undefined;
10729 }, [handleExited, inProp, timeout]);
10730 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
10731 className: rippleClassName,
10732 style: rippleStyles
10733 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
10734 className: childClassName
10735 }));
10736 }
10738 Ripple.propTypes = {
10739 /**
10740 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
10741 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
10742 */
10743 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
10745 /**
10746 * @ignore - injected from TransitionGroup
10747 */
10748 in: propTypes.bool,
10750 /**
10751 * @ignore - injected from TransitionGroup
10752 */
10753 onExited: propTypes.func,
10755 /**
10756 * If `true`, the ripple pulsates, typically indicating the keyboard focus state of an element.
10757 */
10758 pulsate: propTypes.bool,
10760 /**
10761 * Diameter of the ripple.
10762 */
10763 rippleSize: propTypes.number,
10765 /**
10766 * Horizontal position of the ripple center.
10767 */
10768 rippleX: propTypes.number,
10770 /**
10771 * Vertical position of the ripple center.
10772 */
10773 rippleY: propTypes.number,
10775 /**
10776 * exit delay
10777 */
10778 timeout: propTypes.number.isRequired
10779 } ;
10781 var DURATION = 550;
10782 var DELAY_RIPPLE = 80;
10783 var styles$6 = function styles(theme) {
10784 return {
10785 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
10786 root: {
10787 overflow: 'hidden',
10788 pointerEvents: 'none',
10789 position: 'absolute',
10790 zIndex: 0,
10791 top: 0,
10792 right: 0,
10793 bottom: 0,
10794 left: 0,
10795 borderRadius: 'inherit'
10796 },
10798 /* Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `ripple` class. */
10799 ripple: {
10800 opacity: 0,
10801 position: 'absolute'
10802 },
10804 /* Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `rippleVisible` class. */
10805 rippleVisible: {
10806 opacity: 0.3,
10807 transform: 'scale(1)',
10808 animation: "$enter ".concat(DURATION, "ms ").concat(theme.transitions.easing.easeInOut)
10809 },
10811 /* Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `ripplePulsate` class. */
10812 ripplePulsate: {
10813 animationDuration: "".concat(theme.transitions.duration.shorter, "ms")
10814 },
10816 /* Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `child` class. */
10817 child: {
10818 opacity: 1,
10819 display: 'block',
10820 width: '100%',
10821 height: '100%',
10822 borderRadius: '50%',
10823 backgroundColor: 'currentColor'
10824 },
10826 /* Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `childLeaving` class. */
10827 childLeaving: {
10828 opacity: 0,
10829 animation: "$exit ".concat(DURATION, "ms ").concat(theme.transitions.easing.easeInOut)
10830 },
10832 /* Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `childPulsate` class. */
10833 childPulsate: {
10834 position: 'absolute',
10835 left: 0,
10836 top: 0,
10837 animation: "$pulsate 2500ms ".concat(theme.transitions.easing.easeInOut, " 200ms infinite")
10838 },
10839 '@keyframes enter': {
10840 '0%': {
10841 transform: 'scale(0)',
10842 opacity: 0.1
10843 },
10844 '100%': {
10845 transform: 'scale(1)',
10846 opacity: 0.3
10847 }
10848 },
10849 '@keyframes exit': {
10850 '0%': {
10851 opacity: 1
10852 },
10853 '100%': {
10854 opacity: 0
10855 }
10856 },
10857 '@keyframes pulsate': {
10858 '0%': {
10859 transform: 'scale(1)'
10860 },
10861 '50%': {
10862 transform: 'scale(0.92)'
10863 },
10864 '100%': {
10865 transform: 'scale(1)'
10866 }
10867 }
10868 };
10869 };
10870 /**
10871 * @ignore - internal component.
10872 *
10873 * TODO v5: Make private
10874 */
10876 var TouchRipple = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TouchRipple(props, ref) {
10877 var _props$center = props.center,
10878 centerProp = _props$center === void 0 ? false : _props$center,
10879 classes = props.classes,
10880 className = props.className,
10881 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["center", "classes", "className"]);
10883 var _React$useState = React.useState([]),
10884 ripples = _React$useState[0],
10885 setRipples = _React$useState[1];
10887 var nextKey = React.useRef(0);
10888 var rippleCallback = React.useRef(null);
10889 React.useEffect(function () {
10890 if (rippleCallback.current) {
10891 rippleCallback.current();
10892 rippleCallback.current = null;
10893 }
10894 }, [ripples]); // Used to filter out mouse emulated events on mobile.
10896 var ignoringMouseDown = React.useRef(false); // We use a timer in order to only show the ripples for touch "click" like events.
10897 // We don't want to display the ripple for touch scroll events.
10899 var startTimer = React.useRef(null); // This is the hook called once the previous timeout is ready.
10901 var startTimerCommit = React.useRef(null);
10902 var container = React.useRef(null);
10903 React.useEffect(function () {
10904 return function () {
10905 clearTimeout(startTimer.current);
10906 };
10907 }, []);
10908 var startCommit = React.useCallback(function (params) {
10909 var pulsate = params.pulsate,
10910 rippleX = params.rippleX,
10911 rippleY = params.rippleY,
10912 rippleSize = params.rippleSize,
10913 cb = params.cb;
10914 setRipples(function (oldRipples) {
10915 return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(oldRipples), [/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Ripple, {
10916 key: nextKey.current,
10917 classes: classes,
10918 timeout: DURATION,
10919 pulsate: pulsate,
10920 rippleX: rippleX,
10921 rippleY: rippleY,
10922 rippleSize: rippleSize
10923 })]);
10924 });
10925 nextKey.current += 1;
10926 rippleCallback.current = cb;
10927 }, [classes]);
10928 var start = React.useCallback(function () {
10929 var event = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
10930 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
10931 var cb = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
10932 var _options$pulsate = options.pulsate,
10933 pulsate = _options$pulsate === void 0 ? false : _options$pulsate,
10934 _options$center = options.center,
10935 center = _options$center === void 0 ? centerProp || options.pulsate : _options$center,
10936 _options$fakeElement = options.fakeElement,
10937 fakeElement = _options$fakeElement === void 0 ? false : _options$fakeElement;
10939 if (event.type === 'mousedown' && ignoringMouseDown.current) {
10940 ignoringMouseDown.current = false;
10941 return;
10942 }
10944 if (event.type === 'touchstart') {
10945 ignoringMouseDown.current = true;
10946 }
10948 var element = fakeElement ? null : container.current;
10949 var rect = element ? element.getBoundingClientRect() : {
10950 width: 0,
10951 height: 0,
10952 left: 0,
10953 top: 0
10954 }; // Get the size of the ripple
10956 var rippleX;
10957 var rippleY;
10958 var rippleSize;
10960 if (center || event.clientX === 0 && event.clientY === 0 || !event.clientX && !event.touches) {
10961 rippleX = Math.round(rect.width / 2);
10962 rippleY = Math.round(rect.height / 2);
10963 } else {
10964 var _ref = event.touches ? event.touches[0] : event,
10965 clientX = _ref.clientX,
10966 clientY = _ref.clientY;
10968 rippleX = Math.round(clientX - rect.left);
10969 rippleY = Math.round(clientY - rect.top);
10970 }
10972 if (center) {
10973 rippleSize = Math.sqrt((2 * Math.pow(rect.width, 2) + Math.pow(rect.height, 2)) / 3); // For some reason the animation is broken on Mobile Chrome if the size if even.
10975 if (rippleSize % 2 === 0) {
10976 rippleSize += 1;
10977 }
10978 } else {
10979 var sizeX = Math.max(Math.abs((element ? element.clientWidth : 0) - rippleX), rippleX) * 2 + 2;
10980 var sizeY = Math.max(Math.abs((element ? element.clientHeight : 0) - rippleY), rippleY) * 2 + 2;
10981 rippleSize = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sizeX, 2) + Math.pow(sizeY, 2));
10982 } // Touche devices
10985 if (event.touches) {
10986 // check that this isn't another touchstart due to multitouch
10987 // otherwise we will only clear a single timer when unmounting while two
10988 // are running
10989 if (startTimerCommit.current === null) {
10990 // Prepare the ripple effect.
10991 startTimerCommit.current = function () {
10992 startCommit({
10993 pulsate: pulsate,
10994 rippleX: rippleX,
10995 rippleY: rippleY,
10996 rippleSize: rippleSize,
10997 cb: cb
10998 });
10999 }; // Delay the execution of the ripple effect.
11002 startTimer.current = setTimeout(function () {
11003 if (startTimerCommit.current) {
11004 startTimerCommit.current();
11005 startTimerCommit.current = null;
11006 }
11007 }, DELAY_RIPPLE); // We have to make a tradeoff with this value.
11008 }
11009 } else {
11010 startCommit({
11011 pulsate: pulsate,
11012 rippleX: rippleX,
11013 rippleY: rippleY,
11014 rippleSize: rippleSize,
11015 cb: cb
11016 });
11017 }
11018 }, [centerProp, startCommit]);
11019 var pulsate = React.useCallback(function () {
11020 start({}, {
11021 pulsate: true
11022 });
11023 }, [start]);
11024 var stop = React.useCallback(function (event, cb) {
11025 clearTimeout(startTimer.current); // The touch interaction occurs too quickly.
11026 // We still want to show ripple effect.
11028 if (event.type === 'touchend' && startTimerCommit.current) {
11029 event.persist();
11030 startTimerCommit.current();
11031 startTimerCommit.current = null;
11032 startTimer.current = setTimeout(function () {
11033 stop(event, cb);
11034 });
11035 return;
11036 }
11038 startTimerCommit.current = null;
11039 setRipples(function (oldRipples) {
11040 if (oldRipples.length > 0) {
11041 return oldRipples.slice(1);
11042 }
11044 return oldRipples;
11045 });
11046 rippleCallback.current = cb;
11047 }, []);
11048 React.useImperativeHandle(ref, function () {
11049 return {
11050 pulsate: pulsate,
11051 start: start,
11052 stop: stop
11053 };
11054 }, [pulsate, start, stop]);
11055 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({
11056 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
11057 ref: container
11058 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionGroup, {
11059 component: null,
11060 exit: true
11061 }, ripples));
11062 });
11063 TouchRipple.propTypes = {
11064 /**
11065 * If `true`, the ripple starts at the center of the component
11066 * rather than at the point of interaction.
11067 */
11068 center: propTypes.bool,
11070 /**
11071 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
11072 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
11073 */
11074 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
11076 /**
11077 * @ignore
11078 */
11079 className: propTypes.string
11080 } ;
11081 var TouchRipple$1 = withStyles$1(styles$6, {
11082 flip: false,
11083 name: 'MuiTouchRipple'
11084 })( /*#__PURE__*/React.memo(TouchRipple));
11086 var styles$7 = {
11087 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
11088 root: {
11089 display: 'inline-flex',
11090 alignItems: 'center',
11091 justifyContent: 'center',
11092 position: 'relative',
11093 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
11094 backgroundColor: 'transparent',
11095 // Reset default value
11096 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
11097 outline: 0,
11098 border: 0,
11099 margin: 0,
11100 // Remove the margin in Safari
11101 borderRadius: 0,
11102 padding: 0,
11103 // Remove the padding in Firefox
11104 cursor: 'pointer',
11105 userSelect: 'none',
11106 verticalAlign: 'middle',
11107 '-moz-appearance': 'none',
11108 // Reset
11109 '-webkit-appearance': 'none',
11110 // Reset
11111 textDecoration: 'none',
11112 // So we take precedent over the style of a native <a /> element.
11113 color: 'inherit',
11114 '&::-moz-focus-inner': {
11115 borderStyle: 'none' // Remove Firefox dotted outline.
11117 },
11118 '&$disabled': {
11119 pointerEvents: 'none',
11120 // Disable link interactions
11121 cursor: 'default'
11122 },
11123 '@media print': {
11124 colorAdjust: 'exact'
11125 }
11126 },
11128 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
11129 disabled: {},
11131 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if keyboard focused. */
11132 focusVisible: {}
11133 };
11134 /**
11135 * `ButtonBase` contains as few styles as possible.
11136 * It aims to be a simple building block for creating a button.
11137 * It contains a load of style reset and some focus/ripple logic.
11138 */
11140 var ButtonBase = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ButtonBase(props, ref) {
11141 var action = props.action,
11142 buttonRefProp = props.buttonRef,
11143 _props$centerRipple = props.centerRipple,
11144 centerRipple = _props$centerRipple === void 0 ? false : _props$centerRipple,
11145 children = props.children,
11146 classes = props.classes,
11147 className = props.className,
11148 _props$component = props.component,
11149 component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'button' : _props$component,
11150 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
11151 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
11152 _props$disableRipple = props.disableRipple,
11153 disableRipple = _props$disableRipple === void 0 ? false : _props$disableRipple,
11154 _props$disableTouchRi = props.disableTouchRipple,
11155 disableTouchRipple = _props$disableTouchRi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableTouchRi,
11156 _props$focusRipple = props.focusRipple,
11157 focusRipple = _props$focusRipple === void 0 ? false : _props$focusRipple,
11158 focusVisibleClassName = props.focusVisibleClassName,
11159 onBlur = props.onBlur,
11160 onClick = props.onClick,
11161 onFocus = props.onFocus,
11162 onFocusVisible = props.onFocusVisible,
11163 onKeyDown = props.onKeyDown,
11164 onKeyUp = props.onKeyUp,
11165 onMouseDown = props.onMouseDown,
11166 onMouseLeave = props.onMouseLeave,
11167 onMouseUp = props.onMouseUp,
11168 onTouchEnd = props.onTouchEnd,
11169 onTouchMove = props.onTouchMove,
11170 onTouchStart = props.onTouchStart,
11171 onDragLeave = props.onDragLeave,
11172 _props$tabIndex = props.tabIndex,
11173 tabIndex = _props$tabIndex === void 0 ? 0 : _props$tabIndex,
11174 TouchRippleProps = props.TouchRippleProps,
11175 _props$type = props.type,
11176 type = _props$type === void 0 ? 'button' : _props$type,
11177 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["action", "buttonRef", "centerRipple", "children", "classes", "className", "component", "disabled", "disableRipple", "disableTouchRipple", "focusRipple", "focusVisibleClassName", "onBlur", "onClick", "onFocus", "onFocusVisible", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp", "onMouseDown", "onMouseLeave", "onMouseUp", "onTouchEnd", "onTouchMove", "onTouchStart", "onDragLeave", "tabIndex", "TouchRippleProps", "type"]);
11179 var buttonRef = React.useRef(null);
11181 function getButtonNode() {
11182 // #StrictMode ready
11183 return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(buttonRef.current);
11184 }
11186 var rippleRef = React.useRef(null);
11188 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
11189 focusVisible = _React$useState[0],
11190 setFocusVisible = _React$useState[1];
11192 if (disabled && focusVisible) {
11193 setFocusVisible(false);
11194 }
11196 var _useIsFocusVisible = useIsFocusVisible(),
11197 isFocusVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.isFocusVisible,
11198 onBlurVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.onBlurVisible,
11199 focusVisibleRef = _useIsFocusVisible.ref;
11201 React.useImperativeHandle(action, function () {
11202 return {
11203 focusVisible: function focusVisible() {
11204 setFocusVisible(true);
11205 buttonRef.current.focus();
11206 }
11207 };
11208 }, []);
11209 React.useEffect(function () {
11210 if (focusVisible && focusRipple && !disableRipple) {
11211 rippleRef.current.pulsate();
11212 }
11213 }, [disableRipple, focusRipple, focusVisible]);
11215 function useRippleHandler(rippleAction, eventCallback) {
11216 var skipRippleAction = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : disableTouchRipple;
11217 return useEventCallback(function (event) {
11218 if (eventCallback) {
11219 eventCallback(event);
11220 }
11222 var ignore = skipRippleAction;
11224 if (!ignore && rippleRef.current) {
11225 rippleRef.current[rippleAction](event);
11226 }
11228 return true;
11229 });
11230 }
11232 var handleMouseDown = useRippleHandler('start', onMouseDown);
11233 var handleDragLeave = useRippleHandler('stop', onDragLeave);
11234 var handleMouseUp = useRippleHandler('stop', onMouseUp);
11235 var handleMouseLeave = useRippleHandler('stop', function (event) {
11236 if (focusVisible) {
11237 event.preventDefault();
11238 }
11240 if (onMouseLeave) {
11241 onMouseLeave(event);
11242 }
11243 });
11244 var handleTouchStart = useRippleHandler('start', onTouchStart);
11245 var handleTouchEnd = useRippleHandler('stop', onTouchEnd);
11246 var handleTouchMove = useRippleHandler('stop', onTouchMove);
11247 var handleBlur = useRippleHandler('stop', function (event) {
11248 if (focusVisible) {
11249 onBlurVisible(event);
11250 setFocusVisible(false);
11251 }
11253 if (onBlur) {
11254 onBlur(event);
11255 }
11256 }, false);
11257 var handleFocus = useEventCallback(function (event) {
11258 // Fix for https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/7769
11259 if (!buttonRef.current) {
11260 buttonRef.current = event.currentTarget;
11261 }
11263 if (isFocusVisible(event)) {
11264 setFocusVisible(true);
11266 if (onFocusVisible) {
11267 onFocusVisible(event);
11268 }
11269 }
11271 if (onFocus) {
11272 onFocus(event);
11273 }
11274 });
11276 var isNonNativeButton = function isNonNativeButton() {
11277 var button = getButtonNode();
11278 return component && component !== 'button' && !(button.tagName === 'A' && button.href);
11279 };
11280 /**
11281 * IE 11 shim for https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/repeat
11282 */
11285 var keydownRef = React.useRef(false);
11286 var handleKeyDown = useEventCallback(function (event) {
11287 // Check if key is already down to avoid repeats being counted as multiple activations
11288 if (focusRipple && !keydownRef.current && focusVisible && rippleRef.current && event.key === ' ') {
11289 keydownRef.current = true;
11290 event.persist();
11291 rippleRef.current.stop(event, function () {
11292 rippleRef.current.start(event);
11293 });
11294 }
11296 if (event.target === event.currentTarget && isNonNativeButton() && event.key === ' ') {
11297 event.preventDefault();
11298 }
11300 if (onKeyDown) {
11301 onKeyDown(event);
11302 } // Keyboard accessibility for non interactive elements
11305 if (event.target === event.currentTarget && isNonNativeButton() && event.key === 'Enter' && !disabled) {
11306 event.preventDefault();
11308 if (onClick) {
11309 onClick(event);
11310 }
11311 }
11312 });
11313 var handleKeyUp = useEventCallback(function (event) {
11314 // calling preventDefault in keyUp on a <button> will not dispatch a click event if Space is pressed
11315 // https://codesandbox.io/s/button-keyup-preventdefault-dn7f0
11316 if (focusRipple && event.key === ' ' && rippleRef.current && focusVisible && !event.defaultPrevented) {
11317 keydownRef.current = false;
11318 event.persist();
11319 rippleRef.current.stop(event, function () {
11320 rippleRef.current.pulsate(event);
11321 });
11322 }
11324 if (onKeyUp) {
11325 onKeyUp(event);
11326 } // Keyboard accessibility for non interactive elements
11329 if (onClick && event.target === event.currentTarget && isNonNativeButton() && event.key === ' ' && !event.defaultPrevented) {
11330 onClick(event);
11331 }
11332 });
11333 var ComponentProp = component;
11335 if (ComponentProp === 'button' && other.href) {
11336 ComponentProp = 'a';
11337 }
11339 var buttonProps = {};
11341 if (ComponentProp === 'button') {
11342 buttonProps.type = type;
11343 buttonProps.disabled = disabled;
11344 } else {
11345 if (ComponentProp !== 'a' || !other.href) {
11346 buttonProps.role = 'button';
11347 }
11349 buttonProps['aria-disabled'] = disabled;
11350 }
11352 var handleUserRef = useForkRef(buttonRefProp, ref);
11353 var handleOwnRef = useForkRef(focusVisibleRef, buttonRef);
11354 var handleRef = useForkRef(handleUserRef, handleOwnRef);
11356 var _React$useState2 = React.useState(false),
11357 mountedState = _React$useState2[0],
11358 setMountedState = _React$useState2[1];
11360 React.useEffect(function () {
11361 setMountedState(true);
11362 }, []);
11363 var enableTouchRipple = mountedState && !disableRipple && !disabled;
11365 {
11366 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
11367 React.useEffect(function () {
11368 if (enableTouchRipple && !rippleRef.current) {
11369 console.error(['Material-UI: The `component` prop provided to ButtonBase is invalid.', 'Please make sure the children prop is rendered in this custom component.'].join('\n'));
11370 }
11371 }, [enableTouchRipple]);
11372 }
11374 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ComponentProp, _extends({
11375 className: clsx(classes.root, className, focusVisible && [classes.focusVisible, focusVisibleClassName], disabled && classes.disabled),
11376 onBlur: handleBlur,
11377 onClick: onClick,
11378 onFocus: handleFocus,
11379 onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
11380 onKeyUp: handleKeyUp,
11381 onMouseDown: handleMouseDown,
11382 onMouseLeave: handleMouseLeave,
11383 onMouseUp: handleMouseUp,
11384 onDragLeave: handleDragLeave,
11385 onTouchEnd: handleTouchEnd,
11386 onTouchMove: handleTouchMove,
11387 onTouchStart: handleTouchStart,
11388 ref: handleRef,
11389 tabIndex: disabled ? -1 : tabIndex
11390 }, buttonProps, other), children, enableTouchRipple ?
11391 /*#__PURE__*/
11393 /* TouchRipple is only needed client-side, x2 boost on the server. */
11394 React.createElement(TouchRipple$1, _extends({
11395 ref: rippleRef,
11396 center: centerRipple
11397 }, TouchRippleProps)) : null);
11398 });
11399 ButtonBase.propTypes = {
11400 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
11401 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
11402 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
11403 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11405 /**
11406 * A ref for imperative actions.
11407 * It currently only supports `focusVisible()` action.
11408 */
11409 action: refType,
11411 /**
11412 * @ignore
11413 *
11414 * Use that prop to pass a ref to the native button component.
11415 * @deprecated Use `ref` instead.
11416 */
11417 buttonRef: deprecatedPropType(refType, 'Use `ref` instead.'),
11419 /**
11420 * If `true`, the ripples will be centered.
11421 * They won't start at the cursor interaction position.
11422 */
11423 centerRipple: propTypes.bool,
11425 /**
11426 * The content of the component.
11427 */
11428 children: propTypes.node,
11430 /**
11431 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
11432 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
11433 */
11434 classes: propTypes.object,
11436 /**
11437 * @ignore
11438 */
11439 className: propTypes.string,
11441 /**
11442 * The component used for the root node.
11443 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
11444 */
11445 component: elementTypeAcceptingRef$1,
11447 /**
11448 * If `true`, the base button will be disabled.
11449 */
11450 disabled: propTypes.bool,
11452 /**
11453 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
11454 *
11455 * ⚠️ Without a ripple there is no styling for :focus-visible by default. Be sure
11456 * to highlight the element by applying separate styles with the `focusVisibleClassName`.
11457 */
11458 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
11460 /**
11461 * If `true`, the touch ripple effect will be disabled.
11462 */
11463 disableTouchRipple: propTypes.bool,
11465 /**
11466 * If `true`, the base button will have a keyboard focus ripple.
11467 */
11468 focusRipple: propTypes.bool,
11470 /**
11471 * This prop can help identify which element has keyboard focus.
11472 * The class name will be applied when the element gains the focus through keyboard interaction.
11473 * It's a polyfill for the [CSS :focus-visible selector](https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-focus-visible-pseudo).
11474 * The rationale for using this feature [is explained here](https://github.com/WICG/focus-visible/blob/master/explainer.md).
11475 * A [polyfill can be used](https://github.com/WICG/focus-visible) to apply a `focus-visible` class to other components
11476 * if needed.
11477 */
11478 focusVisibleClassName: propTypes.string,
11480 /**
11481 * @ignore
11482 */
11483 href: propTypes.string,
11485 /**
11486 * @ignore
11487 */
11488 onBlur: propTypes.func,
11490 /**
11491 * @ignore
11492 */
11493 onClick: propTypes.func,
11495 /**
11496 * @ignore
11497 */
11498 onDragLeave: propTypes.func,
11500 /**
11501 * @ignore
11502 */
11503 onFocus: propTypes.func,
11505 /**
11506 * Callback fired when the component is focused with a keyboard.
11507 * We trigger a `onFocus` callback too.
11508 */
11509 onFocusVisible: propTypes.func,
11511 /**
11512 * @ignore
11513 */
11514 onKeyDown: propTypes.func,
11516 /**
11517 * @ignore
11518 */
11519 onKeyUp: propTypes.func,
11521 /**
11522 * @ignore
11523 */
11524 onMouseDown: propTypes.func,
11526 /**
11527 * @ignore
11528 */
11529 onMouseLeave: propTypes.func,
11531 /**
11532 * @ignore
11533 */
11534 onMouseUp: propTypes.func,
11536 /**
11537 * @ignore
11538 */
11539 onTouchEnd: propTypes.func,
11541 /**
11542 * @ignore
11543 */
11544 onTouchMove: propTypes.func,
11546 /**
11547 * @ignore
11548 */
11549 onTouchStart: propTypes.func,
11551 /**
11552 * @ignore
11553 */
11554 tabIndex: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
11556 /**
11557 * Props applied to the `TouchRipple` element.
11558 */
11559 TouchRippleProps: propTypes.object,
11561 /**
11562 * @ignore
11563 */
11564 type: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['button', 'reset', 'submit']), propTypes.string])
11565 } ;
11566 var ButtonBase$1 = withStyles$1(styles$7, {
11567 name: 'MuiButtonBase'
11568 })(ButtonBase);
11570 var styles$8 = function styles(theme) {
11571 return {
11572 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
11573 root: {
11574 textAlign: 'center',
11575 flex: '0 0 auto',
11576 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
11577 padding: 12,
11578 borderRadius: '50%',
11579 overflow: 'visible',
11580 // Explicitly set the default value to solve a bug on IE 11.
11581 color: theme.palette.action.active,
11582 transition: theme.transitions.create('background-color', {
11583 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
11584 }),
11585 '&:hover': {
11586 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.action.active, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
11587 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
11588 '@media (hover: none)': {
11589 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
11590 }
11591 },
11592 '&$disabled': {
11593 backgroundColor: 'transparent',
11594 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
11595 }
11596 },
11598 /* Styles applied to the root element if `edge="start"`. */
11599 edgeStart: {
11600 marginLeft: -12,
11601 '$sizeSmall&': {
11602 marginLeft: -3
11603 }
11604 },
11606 /* Styles applied to the root element if `edge="end"`. */
11607 edgeEnd: {
11608 marginRight: -12,
11609 '$sizeSmall&': {
11610 marginRight: -3
11611 }
11612 },
11614 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="inherit"`. */
11615 colorInherit: {
11616 color: 'inherit'
11617 },
11619 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
11620 colorPrimary: {
11621 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
11622 '&:hover': {
11623 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
11624 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
11625 '@media (hover: none)': {
11626 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
11627 }
11628 }
11629 },
11631 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
11632 colorSecondary: {
11633 color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
11634 '&:hover': {
11635 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
11636 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
11637 '@media (hover: none)': {
11638 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
11639 }
11640 }
11641 },
11643 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
11644 disabled: {},
11646 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"`. */
11647 sizeSmall: {
11648 padding: 3,
11649 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(18)
11650 },
11652 /* Styles applied to the children container element. */
11653 label: {
11654 width: '100%',
11655 display: 'flex',
11656 alignItems: 'inherit',
11657 justifyContent: 'inherit'
11658 }
11659 };
11660 };
11661 /**
11662 * Refer to the [Icons](/components/icons/) section of the documentation
11663 * regarding the available icon options.
11664 */
11666 var IconButton = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function IconButton(props, ref) {
11667 var _props$edge = props.edge,
11668 edge = _props$edge === void 0 ? false : _props$edge,
11669 children = props.children,
11670 classes = props.classes,
11671 className = props.className,
11672 _props$color = props.color,
11673 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$color,
11674 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
11675 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
11676 _props$disableFocusRi = props.disableFocusRipple,
11677 disableFocusRipple = _props$disableFocusRi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableFocusRi,
11678 _props$size = props.size,
11679 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
11680 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["edge", "children", "classes", "className", "color", "disabled", "disableFocusRipple", "size"]);
11682 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
11683 className: clsx(classes.root, className, color !== 'default' && classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], disabled && classes.disabled, size === "small" && classes["size".concat(capitalize(size))], {
11684 'start': classes.edgeStart,
11685 'end': classes.edgeEnd
11686 }[edge]),
11687 centerRipple: true,
11688 focusRipple: !disableFocusRipple,
11689 disabled: disabled,
11690 ref: ref
11691 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
11692 className: classes.label
11693 }, children));
11694 });
11695 IconButton.propTypes = {
11696 /**
11697 * The icon element.
11698 */
11699 children: chainPropTypes(propTypes.node, function (props) {
11700 var found = React.Children.toArray(props.children).some(function (child) {
11701 return /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child) && child.props.onClick;
11702 });
11704 if (found) {
11705 return new Error(['Material-UI: You are providing an onClick event listener ' + 'to a child of a button element.', 'Firefox will never trigger the event.', 'You should move the onClick listener to the parent button element.', 'https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/issues/13957'].join('\n'));
11706 }
11708 return null;
11709 }),
11711 /**
11712 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
11713 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
11714 */
11715 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
11717 /**
11718 * @ignore
11719 */
11720 className: propTypes.string,
11722 /**
11723 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
11724 */
11725 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']),
11727 /**
11728 * If `true`, the button will be disabled.
11729 */
11730 disabled: propTypes.bool,
11732 /**
11733 * If `true`, the keyboard focus ripple will be disabled.
11734 */
11735 disableFocusRipple: propTypes.bool,
11737 /**
11738 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
11739 */
11740 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
11742 /**
11743 * If given, uses a negative margin to counteract the padding on one
11744 * side (this is often helpful for aligning the left or right
11745 * side of the icon with content above or below, without ruining the border
11746 * size and shape).
11747 */
11748 edge: propTypes.oneOf(['start', 'end', false]),
11750 /**
11751 * The size of the button.
11752 * `small` is equivalent to the dense button styling.
11753 */
11754 size: propTypes.oneOf(['small', 'medium'])
11755 } ;
11756 var IconButton$1 = withStyles$1(styles$8, {
11757 name: 'MuiIconButton'
11758 })(IconButton);
11760 var styles$9 = function styles(theme) {
11761 var transition = {
11762 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
11763 };
11764 return {
11765 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
11766 root: {
11767 display: 'flex',
11768 minHeight: 8 * 6,
11769 transition: theme.transitions.create(['min-height', 'background-color'], transition),
11770 padding: theme.spacing(0, 2),
11771 '&:hover:not($disabled)': {
11772 cursor: 'pointer'
11773 },
11774 '&$expanded': {
11775 minHeight: 64
11776 },
11777 '&$focused, &$focusVisible': {
11778 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.focus
11779 },
11780 '&$disabled': {
11781 opacity: theme.palette.action.disabledOpacity
11782 }
11783 },
11785 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element, children wrapper element and `IconButton` component if `expanded={true}`. */
11786 expanded: {},
11788 /* Pseudo-class applied to the ButtonBase root element if the button is keyboard focused. */
11789 focused: {},
11791 /* Pseudo-class applied to the ButtonBase root element if the button is keyboard focused. */
11792 focusVisible: {},
11794 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
11795 disabled: {},
11797 /* Styles applied to the children wrapper element. */
11798 content: {
11799 display: 'flex',
11800 flexGrow: 1,
11801 transition: theme.transitions.create(['margin'], transition),
11802 margin: '12px 0',
11803 '&$expanded': {
11804 margin: '20px 0'
11805 }
11806 },
11808 /* Styles applied to the `IconButton` component when `expandIcon` is supplied. */
11809 expandIcon: {
11810 transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
11811 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', transition),
11812 '&:hover': {
11813 // Disable the hover effect for the IconButton,
11814 // because a hover effect should apply to the entire Expand button and
11815 // not only to the IconButton.
11816 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
11817 },
11818 '&$expanded': {
11819 transform: 'rotate(180deg)'
11820 }
11821 }
11822 };
11823 };
11824 var AccordionSummary = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function AccordionSummary(props, ref) {
11825 var children = props.children,
11826 classes = props.classes,
11827 className = props.className,
11828 expandIcon = props.expandIcon,
11829 focusVisibleClassName = props.focusVisibleClassName,
11830 _props$IconButtonProp = props.IconButtonProps,
11831 IconButtonProps = _props$IconButtonProp === void 0 ? {} : _props$IconButtonProp,
11832 onClick = props.onClick,
11833 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "expandIcon", "focusVisibleClassName", "IconButtonProps", "onClick"]);
11835 var _React$useContext = React.useContext(AccordionContext),
11836 _React$useContext$dis = _React$useContext.disabled,
11837 disabled = _React$useContext$dis === void 0 ? false : _React$useContext$dis,
11838 expanded = _React$useContext.expanded,
11839 toggle = _React$useContext.toggle;
11841 var handleChange = function handleChange(event) {
11842 if (toggle) {
11843 toggle(event);
11844 }
11846 if (onClick) {
11847 onClick(event);
11848 }
11849 };
11851 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
11852 focusRipple: false,
11853 disableRipple: true,
11854 disabled: disabled,
11855 component: "div",
11856 "aria-expanded": expanded,
11857 className: clsx(classes.root, className, disabled && classes.disabled, expanded && classes.expanded),
11858 focusVisibleClassName: clsx(classes.focusVisible, classes.focused, focusVisibleClassName),
11859 onClick: handleChange,
11860 ref: ref
11861 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
11862 className: clsx(classes.content, expanded && classes.expanded)
11863 }, children), expandIcon && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconButton$1, _extends({
11864 className: clsx(classes.expandIcon, expanded && classes.expanded),
11865 edge: "end",
11866 component: "div",
11867 tabIndex: null,
11868 role: null,
11869 "aria-hidden": true
11870 }, IconButtonProps), expandIcon));
11871 });
11872 AccordionSummary.propTypes = {
11873 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
11874 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
11875 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
11876 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11878 /**
11879 * The content of the accordion summary.
11880 */
11881 children: propTypes.node,
11883 /**
11884 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
11885 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
11886 */
11887 classes: chainPropTypes(propTypes.object, function (props) {
11888 if (props.classes.focused.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
11889 return new Error(['Material-UI: The `classes.focused` key is deprecated.', 'Use `classes.focusVisible` instead.', 'The name of the pseudo-class was changed for consistency.'].join('\n'));
11890 }
11892 return null;
11893 }),
11895 /**
11896 * @ignore
11897 */
11898 className: propTypes.string,
11900 /**
11901 * The icon to display as the expand indicator.
11902 */
11903 expandIcon: propTypes.node,
11905 /**
11906 * This prop can help identify which element has keyboard focus.
11907 * The class name will be applied when the element gains the focus through keyboard interaction.
11908 * It's a polyfill for the [CSS :focus-visible selector](https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-focus-visible-pseudo).
11909 * The rationale for using this feature [is explained here](https://github.com/WICG/focus-visible/blob/master/explainer.md).
11910 * A [polyfill can be used](https://github.com/WICG/focus-visible) to apply a `focus-visible` class to other components
11911 * if needed.
11912 */
11913 focusVisibleClassName: propTypes.string,
11915 /**
11916 * Props applied to the `IconButton` element wrapping the expand icon.
11917 */
11918 IconButtonProps: propTypes.object,
11920 /**
11921 * @ignore
11922 */
11923 onClick: propTypes.func
11924 } ;
11925 var AccordionSummary$1 = withStyles$1(styles$9, {
11926 name: 'MuiAccordionSummary'
11927 })(AccordionSummary);
11929 var styles$a = function styles(theme) {
11930 var backgroundColorDefault = theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[100] : theme.palette.grey[900];
11931 return {
11932 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
11933 root: {
11934 display: 'flex',
11935 flexDirection: 'column',
11936 width: '100%',
11937 boxSizing: 'border-box',
11938 // Prevent padding issue with the Modal and fixed positioned AppBar.
11939 zIndex: theme.zIndex.appBar,
11940 flexShrink: 0
11941 },
11943 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="fixed"`. */
11944 positionFixed: {
11945 position: 'fixed',
11946 top: 0,
11947 left: 'auto',
11948 right: 0,
11949 '@media print': {
11950 // Prevent the app bar to be visible on each printed page.
11951 position: 'absolute'
11952 }
11953 },
11955 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="absolute"`. */
11956 positionAbsolute: {
11957 position: 'absolute',
11958 top: 0,
11959 left: 'auto',
11960 right: 0
11961 },
11963 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="sticky"`. */
11964 positionSticky: {
11965 // ⚠️ sticky is not supported by IE 11.
11966 position: 'sticky',
11967 top: 0,
11968 left: 'auto',
11969 right: 0
11970 },
11972 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="static"`. */
11973 positionStatic: {
11974 position: 'static'
11975 },
11977 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="relative"`. */
11978 positionRelative: {
11979 position: 'relative'
11980 },
11982 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="default"`. */
11983 colorDefault: {
11984 backgroundColor: backgroundColorDefault,
11985 color: theme.palette.getContrastText(backgroundColorDefault)
11986 },
11988 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
11989 colorPrimary: {
11990 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
11991 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText
11992 },
11994 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
11995 colorSecondary: {
11996 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main,
11997 color: theme.palette.secondary.contrastText
11998 },
12000 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="inherit"`. */
12001 colorInherit: {
12002 color: 'inherit'
12003 },
12005 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="transparent"`. */
12006 colorTransparent: {
12007 backgroundColor: 'transparent',
12008 color: 'inherit'
12009 }
12010 };
12011 };
12012 var AppBar = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function AppBar(props, ref) {
12013 var classes = props.classes,
12014 className = props.className,
12015 _props$color = props.color,
12016 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,
12017 _props$position = props.position,
12018 position = _props$position === void 0 ? 'fixed' : _props$position,
12019 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "position"]);
12021 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
12022 square: true,
12023 component: "header",
12024 elevation: 4,
12025 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["position".concat(capitalize(position))], classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], className, position === 'fixed' && 'mui-fixed'),
12026 ref: ref
12027 }, other));
12028 });
12029 AppBar.propTypes = {
12030 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
12031 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
12032 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
12033 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12035 /**
12036 * The content of the component.
12037 */
12038 children: propTypes.node,
12040 /**
12041 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
12042 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
12043 */
12044 classes: propTypes.object,
12046 /**
12047 * @ignore
12048 */
12049 className: propTypes.string,
12051 /**
12052 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
12053 */
12054 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'transparent']),
12056 /**
12057 * The positioning type. The behavior of the different options is described
12058 * [in the MDN web docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS_layout/Positioning).
12059 * Note: `sticky` is not universally supported and will fall back to `static` when unavailable.
12060 */
12061 position: propTypes.oneOf(['absolute', 'fixed', 'relative', 'static', 'sticky'])
12062 } ;
12063 var AppBar$1 = withStyles$1(styles$a, {
12064 name: 'MuiAppBar'
12065 })(AppBar);
12067 /**
12068 * @ignore - internal component.
12069 */
12071 var Person = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
12072 d: "M12 12c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 4 4 4zm0 2c-2.67 0-8 1.34-8 4v2h16v-2c0-2.66-5.33-4-8-4z"
12073 }), 'Person');
12075 var styles$b = function styles(theme) {
12076 return {
12077 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
12078 root: {
12079 position: 'relative',
12080 display: 'flex',
12081 alignItems: 'center',
12082 justifyContent: 'center',
12083 flexShrink: 0,
12084 width: 40,
12085 height: 40,
12086 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
12087 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(20),
12088 lineHeight: 1,
12089 borderRadius: '50%',
12090 overflow: 'hidden',
12091 userSelect: 'none'
12092 },
12094 /* Styles applied to the root element if not `src` or `srcSet`. */
12095 colorDefault: {
12096 color: theme.palette.background.default,
12097 backgroundColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[400] : theme.palette.grey[600]
12098 },
12100 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="circle"`. */
12101 circle: {},
12103 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="circular"`. */
12104 circular: {},
12106 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="rounded"`. */
12107 rounded: {
12108 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius
12109 },
12111 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="square"`. */
12112 square: {
12113 borderRadius: 0
12114 },
12116 /* Styles applied to the img element if either `src` or `srcSet` is defined. */
12117 img: {
12118 width: '100%',
12119 height: '100%',
12120 textAlign: 'center',
12121 // Handle non-square image. The property isn't supported by IE 11.
12122 objectFit: 'cover',
12123 // Hide alt text.
12124 color: 'transparent',
12125 // Hide the image broken icon, only works on Chrome.
12126 textIndent: 10000
12127 },
12129 /* Styles applied to the fallback icon */
12130 fallback: {
12131 width: '75%',
12132 height: '75%'
12133 }
12134 };
12135 };
12137 function useLoaded(_ref) {
12138 var src = _ref.src,
12139 srcSet = _ref.srcSet;
12141 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
12142 loaded = _React$useState[0],
12143 setLoaded = _React$useState[1];
12145 React.useEffect(function () {
12146 if (!src && !srcSet) {
12147 return undefined;
12148 }
12150 setLoaded(false);
12151 var active = true;
12152 var image = new Image();
12153 image.src = src;
12154 image.srcSet = srcSet;
12156 image.onload = function () {
12157 if (!active) {
12158 return;
12159 }
12161 setLoaded('loaded');
12162 };
12164 image.onerror = function () {
12165 if (!active) {
12166 return;
12167 }
12169 setLoaded('error');
12170 };
12172 return function () {
12173 active = false;
12174 };
12175 }, [src, srcSet]);
12176 return loaded;
12177 }
12179 var Avatar = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Avatar(props, ref) {
12180 var alt = props.alt,
12181 childrenProp = props.children,
12182 classes = props.classes,
12183 className = props.className,
12184 _props$component = props.component,
12185 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
12186 imgProps = props.imgProps,
12187 sizes = props.sizes,
12188 src = props.src,
12189 srcSet = props.srcSet,
12190 _props$variant = props.variant,
12191 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'circular' : _props$variant,
12192 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["alt", "children", "classes", "className", "component", "imgProps", "sizes", "src", "srcSet", "variant"]);
12194 var children = null; // Use a hook instead of onError on the img element to support server-side rendering.
12196 var loaded = useLoaded({
12197 src: src,
12198 srcSet: srcSet
12199 });
12200 var hasImg = src || srcSet;
12201 var hasImgNotFailing = hasImg && loaded !== 'error';
12203 if (hasImgNotFailing) {
12204 children = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("img", _extends({
12205 alt: alt,
12206 src: src,
12207 srcSet: srcSet,
12208 sizes: sizes,
12209 className: classes.img
12210 }, imgProps));
12211 } else if (childrenProp != null) {
12212 children = childrenProp;
12213 } else if (hasImg && alt) {
12214 children = alt[0];
12215 } else {
12216 children = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Person, {
12217 className: classes.fallback
12218 });
12219 }
12221 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
12222 className: clsx(classes.root, classes.system, classes[variant], className, !hasImgNotFailing && classes.colorDefault),
12223 ref: ref
12224 }, other), children);
12225 });
12226 Avatar.propTypes = {
12227 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
12228 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
12229 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
12230 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12232 /**
12233 * Used in combination with `src` or `srcSet` to
12234 * provide an alt attribute for the rendered `img` element.
12235 */
12236 alt: propTypes.string,
12238 /**
12239 * Used to render icon or text elements inside the Avatar if `src` is not set.
12240 * This can be an element, or just a string.
12241 */
12242 children: propTypes.node,
12244 /**
12245 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
12246 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
12247 */
12248 classes: chainPropTypes(propTypes.object, function (props) {
12249 var classes = props.classes;
12251 if (classes == null) {
12252 return null;
12253 }
12255 if (classes.circle != null && // 2 classnames? one from withStyles the other must be custom
12256 classes.circle.split(' ').length > 1) {
12257 throw new Error("Material-UI: The `circle` class is deprecated. Use `circular` instead.");
12258 }
12260 return null;
12261 }),
12263 /**
12264 * @ignore
12265 */
12266 className: propTypes.string,
12268 /**
12269 * The component used for the root node.
12270 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
12271 */
12272 component: propTypes
12273 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
12274 .elementType,
12276 /**
12277 * Attributes applied to the `img` element if the component is used to display an image.
12278 * It can be used to listen for the loading error event.
12279 */
12280 imgProps: propTypes.object,
12282 /**
12283 * The `sizes` attribute for the `img` element.
12284 */
12285 sizes: propTypes.string,
12287 /**
12288 * The `src` attribute for the `img` element.
12289 */
12290 src: propTypes.string,
12292 /**
12293 * The `srcSet` attribute for the `img` element.
12294 * Use this attribute for responsive image display.
12295 */
12296 srcSet: propTypes.string,
12298 /**
12299 * The shape of the avatar.
12300 */
12301 variant: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['circle', 'circular', 'rounded', 'square']), function (props) {
12302 var variant = props.variant;
12304 if (variant === 'circle') {
12305 throw new Error('Material-UI: `variant="circle"` is deprecated. Use `variant="circular"` instead.');
12306 }
12308 return null;
12309 })
12310 } ;
12311 var Avatar$1 = withStyles$1(styles$b, {
12312 name: 'MuiAvatar'
12313 })(Avatar);
12315 var styles$c = {
12316 entering: {
12317 opacity: 1
12318 },
12319 entered: {
12320 opacity: 1
12321 }
12322 };
12323 var defaultTimeout = {
12324 enter: duration.enteringScreen,
12325 exit: duration.leavingScreen
12326 };
12327 /**
12328 * The Fade transition is used by the [Modal](/components/modal/) component.
12329 * It uses [react-transition-group](https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group) internally.
12330 */
12332 var Fade = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Fade(props, ref) {
12333 var children = props.children,
12334 _props$disableStrictM = props.disableStrictModeCompat,
12335 disableStrictModeCompat = _props$disableStrictM === void 0 ? false : _props$disableStrictM,
12336 inProp = props.in,
12337 onEnter = props.onEnter,
12338 onEntered = props.onEntered,
12339 onEntering = props.onEntering,
12340 onExit = props.onExit,
12341 onExited = props.onExited,
12342 onExiting = props.onExiting,
12343 style = props.style,
12344 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
12345 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Transition : _props$TransitionComp,
12346 _props$timeout = props.timeout,
12347 timeout = _props$timeout === void 0 ? defaultTimeout : _props$timeout,
12348 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "disableStrictModeCompat", "in", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "style", "TransitionComponent", "timeout"]);
12350 var theme = useTheme$1();
12351 var enableStrictModeCompat = theme.unstable_strictMode && !disableStrictModeCompat;
12352 var nodeRef = React.useRef(null);
12353 var foreignRef = useForkRef(children.ref, ref);
12354 var handleRef = useForkRef(enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined, foreignRef);
12356 var normalizedTransitionCallback = function normalizedTransitionCallback(callback) {
12357 return function (nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing) {
12358 if (callback) {
12359 var _ref = enableStrictModeCompat ? [nodeRef.current, nodeOrAppearing] : [nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing],
12360 _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
12361 node = _ref2[0],
12362 isAppearing = _ref2[1]; // onEnterXxx and onExitXxx callbacks have a different arguments.length value.
12365 if (isAppearing === undefined) {
12366 callback(node);
12367 } else {
12368 callback(node, isAppearing);
12369 }
12370 }
12371 };
12372 };
12374 var handleEntering = normalizedTransitionCallback(onEntering);
12375 var handleEnter = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
12376 reflow(node); // So the animation always start from the start.
12378 var transitionProps = getTransitionProps({
12379 style: style,
12380 timeout: timeout
12381 }, {
12382 mode: 'enter'
12383 });
12384 node.style.webkitTransition = theme.transitions.create('opacity', transitionProps);
12385 node.style.transition = theme.transitions.create('opacity', transitionProps);
12387 if (onEnter) {
12388 onEnter(node, isAppearing);
12389 }
12390 });
12391 var handleEntered = normalizedTransitionCallback(onEntered);
12392 var handleExiting = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExiting);
12393 var handleExit = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node) {
12394 var transitionProps = getTransitionProps({
12395 style: style,
12396 timeout: timeout
12397 }, {
12398 mode: 'exit'
12399 });
12400 node.style.webkitTransition = theme.transitions.create('opacity', transitionProps);
12401 node.style.transition = theme.transitions.create('opacity', transitionProps);
12403 if (onExit) {
12404 onExit(node);
12405 }
12406 });
12407 var handleExited = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExited);
12408 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
12409 appear: true,
12410 in: inProp,
12411 nodeRef: enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined,
12412 onEnter: handleEnter,
12413 onEntered: handleEntered,
12414 onEntering: handleEntering,
12415 onExit: handleExit,
12416 onExited: handleExited,
12417 onExiting: handleExiting,
12418 timeout: timeout
12419 }, other), function (state, childProps) {
12420 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, _extends({
12421 style: _extends({
12422 opacity: 0,
12423 visibility: state === 'exited' && !inProp ? 'hidden' : undefined
12424 }, styles$c[state], style, children.props.style),
12425 ref: handleRef
12426 }, childProps));
12427 });
12428 });
12429 Fade.propTypes = {
12430 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
12431 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
12432 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
12433 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12435 /**
12436 * A single child content element.
12437 */
12438 children: propTypes.element,
12440 /**
12441 * Enable this prop if you encounter 'Function components cannot be given refs',
12442 * use `unstable_createStrictModeTheme`,
12443 * and can't forward the ref in the child component.
12444 */
12445 disableStrictModeCompat: propTypes.bool,
12447 /**
12448 * If `true`, the component will transition in.
12449 */
12450 in: propTypes.bool,
12452 /**
12453 * @ignore
12454 */
12455 onEnter: propTypes.func,
12457 /**
12458 * @ignore
12459 */
12460 onEntered: propTypes.func,
12462 /**
12463 * @ignore
12464 */
12465 onEntering: propTypes.func,
12467 /**
12468 * @ignore
12469 */
12470 onExit: propTypes.func,
12472 /**
12473 * @ignore
12474 */
12475 onExited: propTypes.func,
12477 /**
12478 * @ignore
12479 */
12480 onExiting: propTypes.func,
12482 /**
12483 * @ignore
12484 */
12485 style: propTypes.object,
12487 /**
12488 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
12489 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
12490 */
12491 timeout: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
12492 appear: propTypes.number,
12493 enter: propTypes.number,
12494 exit: propTypes.number
12495 })])
12496 } ;
12498 var styles$d = {
12499 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
12500 root: {
12501 // Improve scrollable dialog support.
12502 zIndex: -1,
12503 position: 'fixed',
12504 display: 'flex',
12505 alignItems: 'center',
12506 justifyContent: 'center',
12507 right: 0,
12508 bottom: 0,
12509 top: 0,
12510 left: 0,
12511 backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
12512 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent'
12513 },
12515 /* Styles applied to the root element if `invisible={true}`. */
12516 invisible: {
12517 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
12518 }
12519 };
12520 var Backdrop = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Backdrop(props, ref) {
12521 var children = props.children,
12522 classes = props.classes,
12523 className = props.className,
12524 _props$invisible = props.invisible,
12525 invisible = _props$invisible === void 0 ? false : _props$invisible,
12526 open = props.open,
12527 transitionDuration = props.transitionDuration,
12528 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
12529 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Fade : _props$TransitionComp,
12530 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "invisible", "open", "transitionDuration", "TransitionComponent"]);
12532 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
12533 in: open,
12534 timeout: transitionDuration
12535 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
12536 className: clsx(classes.root, className, invisible && classes.invisible),
12537 "aria-hidden": true,
12538 ref: ref
12539 }, children));
12540 });
12541 Backdrop.propTypes = {
12542 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
12543 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
12544 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
12545 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12547 /**
12548 * The content of the component.
12549 */
12550 children: propTypes.node,
12552 /**
12553 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
12554 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
12555 */
12556 classes: propTypes.object,
12558 /**
12559 * @ignore
12560 */
12561 className: propTypes.string,
12563 /**
12564 * If `true`, the backdrop is invisible.
12565 * It can be used when rendering a popover or a custom select component.
12566 */
12567 invisible: propTypes.bool,
12569 /**
12570 * If `true`, the backdrop is open.
12571 */
12572 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired,
12574 /**
12575 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
12576 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
12577 */
12578 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
12579 appear: propTypes.number,
12580 enter: propTypes.number,
12581 exit: propTypes.number
12582 })])
12583 } ;
12584 var Backdrop$1 = withStyles$1(styles$d, {
12585 name: 'MuiBackdrop'
12586 })(Backdrop);
12588 var RADIUS_STANDARD = 10;
12589 var RADIUS_DOT = 4;
12590 var styles$e = function styles(theme) {
12591 return {
12592 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
12593 root: {
12594 position: 'relative',
12595 display: 'inline-flex',
12596 // For correct alignment with the text.
12597 verticalAlign: 'middle',
12598 flexShrink: 0
12599 },
12601 /* Styles applied to the badge `span` element. */
12602 badge: {
12603 display: 'flex',
12604 flexDirection: 'row',
12605 flexWrap: 'wrap',
12606 justifyContent: 'center',
12607 alignContent: 'center',
12608 alignItems: 'center',
12609 position: 'absolute',
12610 boxSizing: 'border-box',
12611 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
12612 fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightMedium,
12613 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12),
12614 minWidth: RADIUS_STANDARD * 2,
12615 lineHeight: 1,
12616 padding: '0 6px',
12617 height: RADIUS_STANDARD * 2,
12618 borderRadius: RADIUS_STANDARD,
12619 zIndex: 1,
12620 // Render the badge on top of potential ripples.
12621 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
12622 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeInOut,
12623 duration: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen
12624 })
12625 },
12627 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
12628 colorPrimary: {
12629 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
12630 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText
12631 },
12633 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
12634 colorSecondary: {
12635 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main,
12636 color: theme.palette.secondary.contrastText
12637 },
12639 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="error"`. */
12640 colorError: {
12641 backgroundColor: theme.palette.error.main,
12642 color: theme.palette.error.contrastText
12643 },
12645 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="dot"`. */
12646 dot: {
12647 borderRadius: RADIUS_DOT,
12648 height: RADIUS_DOT * 2,
12649 minWidth: RADIUS_DOT * 2,
12650 padding: 0
12651 },
12653 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="rectangle"`. */
12654 anchorOriginTopRightRectangle: {
12655 top: 0,
12656 right: 0,
12657 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, -50%)',
12658 transformOrigin: '100% 0%',
12659 '&$invisible': {
12660 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, -50%)'
12661 }
12662 },
12664 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="rectangular"`. */
12665 anchorOriginTopRightRectangular: {
12666 top: 0,
12667 right: 0,
12668 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, -50%)',
12669 transformOrigin: '100% 0%',
12670 '&$invisible': {
12671 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, -50%)'
12672 }
12673 },
12675 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="rectangle"`. */
12676 anchorOriginBottomRightRectangle: {
12677 bottom: 0,
12678 right: 0,
12679 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, 50%)',
12680 transformOrigin: '100% 100%',
12681 '&$invisible': {
12682 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, 50%)'
12683 }
12684 },
12686 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="rectangular"`. */
12687 anchorOriginBottomRightRectangular: {
12688 bottom: 0,
12689 right: 0,
12690 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, 50%)',
12691 transformOrigin: '100% 100%',
12692 '&$invisible': {
12693 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, 50%)'
12694 }
12695 },
12697 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="rectangle"`. */
12698 anchorOriginTopLeftRectangle: {
12699 top: 0,
12700 left: 0,
12701 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, -50%)',
12702 transformOrigin: '0% 0%',
12703 '&$invisible': {
12704 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, -50%)'
12705 }
12706 },
12708 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="rectangular"`. */
12709 anchorOriginTopLeftRectangular: {
12710 top: 0,
12711 left: 0,
12712 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, -50%)',
12713 transformOrigin: '0% 0%',
12714 '&$invisible': {
12715 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, -50%)'
12716 }
12717 },
12719 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="rectangle"`. */
12720 anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangle: {
12721 bottom: 0,
12722 left: 0,
12723 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, 50%)',
12724 transformOrigin: '0% 100%',
12725 '&$invisible': {
12726 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, 50%)'
12727 }
12728 },
12730 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="rectangular"`. */
12731 anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangular: {
12732 bottom: 0,
12733 left: 0,
12734 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, 50%)',
12735 transformOrigin: '0% 100%',
12736 '&$invisible': {
12737 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, 50%)'
12738 }
12739 },
12741 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="circle"`. */
12742 anchorOriginTopRightCircle: {
12743 top: '14%',
12744 right: '14%',
12745 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, -50%)',
12746 transformOrigin: '100% 0%',
12747 '&$invisible': {
12748 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, -50%)'
12749 }
12750 },
12752 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="circular"`. */
12753 anchorOriginTopRightCircular: {
12754 top: '14%',
12755 right: '14%',
12756 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, -50%)',
12757 transformOrigin: '100% 0%',
12758 '&$invisible': {
12759 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, -50%)'
12760 }
12761 },
12763 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="circle"`. */
12764 anchorOriginBottomRightCircle: {
12765 bottom: '14%',
12766 right: '14%',
12767 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, 50%)',
12768 transformOrigin: '100% 100%',
12769 '&$invisible': {
12770 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, 50%)'
12771 }
12772 },
12774 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="circular"`. */
12775 anchorOriginBottomRightCircular: {
12776 bottom: '14%',
12777 right: '14%',
12778 transform: 'scale(1) translate(50%, 50%)',
12779 transformOrigin: '100% 100%',
12780 '&$invisible': {
12781 transform: 'scale(0) translate(50%, 50%)'
12782 }
12783 },
12785 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="circle"`. */
12786 anchorOriginTopLeftCircle: {
12787 top: '14%',
12788 left: '14%',
12789 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, -50%)',
12790 transformOrigin: '0% 0%',
12791 '&$invisible': {
12792 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, -50%)'
12793 }
12794 },
12796 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="circular"`. */
12797 anchorOriginTopLeftCircular: {
12798 top: '14%',
12799 left: '14%',
12800 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, -50%)',
12801 transformOrigin: '0% 0%',
12802 '&$invisible': {
12803 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, -50%)'
12804 }
12805 },
12807 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="circle"`. */
12808 anchorOriginBottomLeftCircle: {
12809 bottom: '14%',
12810 left: '14%',
12811 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, 50%)',
12812 transformOrigin: '0% 100%',
12813 '&$invisible': {
12814 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, 50%)'
12815 }
12816 },
12818 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="circular"`. */
12819 anchorOriginBottomLeftCircular: {
12820 bottom: '14%',
12821 left: '14%',
12822 transform: 'scale(1) translate(-50%, 50%)',
12823 transformOrigin: '0% 100%',
12824 '&$invisible': {
12825 transform: 'scale(0) translate(-50%, 50%)'
12826 }
12827 },
12829 /* Pseudo-class to the badge `span` element if `invisible={true}`. */
12830 invisible: {
12831 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
12832 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeInOut,
12833 duration: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen
12834 })
12835 }
12836 };
12837 };
12838 var Badge = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Badge(props, ref) {
12839 var _props$anchorOrigin = props.anchorOrigin,
12840 anchorOrigin = _props$anchorOrigin === void 0 ? {
12841 vertical: 'top',
12842 horizontal: 'right'
12843 } : _props$anchorOrigin,
12844 badgeContent = props.badgeContent,
12845 children = props.children,
12846 classes = props.classes,
12847 className = props.className,
12848 _props$color = props.color,
12849 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$color,
12850 _props$component = props.component,
12851 ComponentProp = _props$component === void 0 ? 'span' : _props$component,
12852 invisibleProp = props.invisible,
12853 _props$max = props.max,
12854 max = _props$max === void 0 ? 99 : _props$max,
12855 _props$overlap = props.overlap,
12856 overlap = _props$overlap === void 0 ? 'rectangle' : _props$overlap,
12857 _props$showZero = props.showZero,
12858 showZero = _props$showZero === void 0 ? false : _props$showZero,
12859 _props$variant = props.variant,
12860 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'standard' : _props$variant,
12861 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["anchorOrigin", "badgeContent", "children", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "invisible", "max", "overlap", "showZero", "variant"]);
12863 var invisible = invisibleProp;
12865 if (invisibleProp == null && (badgeContent === 0 && !showZero || badgeContent == null && variant !== 'dot')) {
12866 invisible = true;
12867 }
12869 var displayValue = '';
12871 if (variant !== 'dot') {
12872 displayValue = badgeContent > max ? "".concat(max, "+") : badgeContent;
12873 }
12875 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ComponentProp, _extends({
12876 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
12877 ref: ref
12878 }, other), children, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
12879 className: clsx(classes.badge, classes["".concat(anchorOrigin.horizontal).concat(capitalize(anchorOrigin.vertical), "}")], classes["anchorOrigin".concat(capitalize(anchorOrigin.vertical)).concat(capitalize(anchorOrigin.horizontal)).concat(capitalize(overlap))], color !== 'default' && classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], invisible && classes.invisible, variant === 'dot' && classes.dot)
12880 }, displayValue));
12881 });
12882 Badge.propTypes = {
12883 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
12884 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
12885 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
12886 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12888 /**
12889 * The anchor of the badge.
12890 */
12891 anchorOrigin: propTypes.shape({
12892 horizontal: propTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']).isRequired,
12893 vertical: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'top']).isRequired
12894 }),
12896 /**
12897 * The content rendered within the badge.
12898 */
12899 badgeContent: propTypes.node,
12901 /**
12902 * The badge will be added relative to this node.
12903 */
12904 children: propTypes.node,
12906 /**
12907 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
12908 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
12909 */
12910 classes: chainPropTypes(propTypes.object, function (props) {
12911 var classes = props.classes;
12913 if (classes == null) {
12914 return null;
12915 }
12917 [['anchorOriginTopRightRectangle', 'anchorOriginTopRightRectangular'], ['anchorOriginBottomRightRectangle', 'anchorOriginBottomRightRectangular'], ['anchorOriginTopLeftRectangle', 'anchorOriginTopLeftRectangular'], ['anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangle', 'anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangular'], ['anchorOriginTopRightCircle', 'anchorOriginTopRightCircular'], ['anchorOriginBottomRightCircle', 'anchorOriginBottomRightCircular'], ['anchorOriginTopLeftCircle', 'anchorOriginTopLeftCircular']].forEach(function (_ref) {
12918 var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
12919 deprecatedClassKey = _ref2[0],
12920 newClassKey = _ref2[1];
12922 if (classes[deprecatedClassKey] != null && // 2 classnames? one from withStyles the other must be custom
12923 classes[deprecatedClassKey].split(' ').length > 1) {
12924 throw new Error("Material-UI: The `".concat(deprecatedClassKey, "` class was deprecated. Use `").concat(newClassKey, "` instead."));
12925 }
12926 });
12927 return null;
12928 }),
12930 /**
12931 * @ignore
12932 */
12933 className: propTypes.string,
12935 /**
12936 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
12937 */
12938 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'error', 'primary', 'secondary']),
12940 /**
12941 * The component used for the root node.
12942 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
12943 */
12944 component: propTypes
12945 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
12946 .elementType,
12948 /**
12949 * If `true`, the badge will be invisible.
12950 */
12951 invisible: propTypes.bool,
12953 /**
12954 * Max count to show.
12955 */
12956 max: propTypes.number,
12958 /**
12959 * Wrapped shape the badge should overlap.
12960 */
12961 overlap: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['circle', 'rectangle', 'circular', 'rectangular']), function (props) {
12962 var overlap = props.overlap;
12964 if (overlap === 'rectangle') {
12965 throw new Error('Material-UI: `overlap="rectangle"` was deprecated. Use `overlap="rectangular"` instead.');
12966 }
12968 if (overlap === 'circle') {
12969 throw new Error('Material-UI: `overlap="circle"` was deprecated. Use `overlap="circular"` instead.');
12970 }
12972 return null;
12973 }),
12975 /**
12976 * Controls whether the badge is hidden when `badgeContent` is zero.
12977 */
12978 showZero: propTypes.bool,
12980 /**
12981 * The variant to use.
12982 */
12983 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['dot', 'standard'])
12984 } ;
12985 var Badge$1 = withStyles$1(styles$e, {
12986 name: 'MuiBadge'
12987 })(Badge);
12989 var styles$f = function styles(theme) {
12990 return {
12991 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
12992 root: {
12993 display: 'flex',
12994 justifyContent: 'center',
12995 height: 56,
12996 backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.paper
12997 }
12998 };
12999 };
13000 var BottomNavigation = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function BottomNavigation(props, ref) {
13001 var children = props.children,
13002 classes = props.classes,
13003 className = props.className,
13004 _props$component = props.component,
13005 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
13006 onChange = props.onChange,
13007 _props$showLabels = props.showLabels,
13008 showLabels = _props$showLabels === void 0 ? false : _props$showLabels,
13009 value = props.value,
13010 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "component", "onChange", "showLabels", "value"]);
13012 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
13013 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
13014 ref: ref
13015 }, other), React.Children.map(children, function (child, childIndex) {
13016 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
13017 return null;
13018 }
13020 {
13021 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
13022 console.error(["Material-UI: The BottomNavigation component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
13023 }
13024 }
13026 var childValue = child.props.value === undefined ? childIndex : child.props.value;
13027 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
13028 selected: childValue === value,
13029 showLabel: child.props.showLabel !== undefined ? child.props.showLabel : showLabels,
13030 value: childValue,
13031 onChange: onChange
13032 });
13033 }));
13034 });
13035 BottomNavigation.propTypes = {
13036 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
13037 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
13038 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
13039 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13041 /**
13042 * The content of the component.
13043 */
13044 children: propTypes.node,
13046 /**
13047 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
13048 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
13049 */
13050 classes: propTypes.object,
13052 /**
13053 * @ignore
13054 */
13055 className: propTypes.string,
13057 /**
13058 * The component used for the root node.
13059 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
13060 */
13061 component: propTypes
13062 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
13063 .elementType,
13065 /**
13066 * Callback fired when the value changes.
13067 *
13068 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
13069 * @param {any} value We default to the index of the child.
13070 */
13071 onChange: propTypes.func,
13073 /**
13074 * If `true`, all `BottomNavigationAction`s will show their labels.
13075 * By default, only the selected `BottomNavigationAction` will show its label.
13076 */
13077 showLabels: propTypes.bool,
13079 /**
13080 * The value of the currently selected `BottomNavigationAction`.
13081 */
13082 value: propTypes.any
13083 } ;
13084 var BottomNavigation$1 = withStyles$1(styles$f, {
13085 name: 'MuiBottomNavigation'
13086 })(BottomNavigation);
13088 var styles$g = function styles(theme) {
13089 return {
13090 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
13091 root: {
13092 transition: theme.transitions.create(['color', 'padding-top'], {
13093 duration: theme.transitions.duration.short
13094 }),
13095 padding: '6px 12px 8px',
13096 minWidth: 80,
13097 maxWidth: 168,
13098 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
13099 flex: '1',
13100 '&$iconOnly': {
13101 paddingTop: 16
13102 },
13103 '&$selected': {
13104 paddingTop: 6,
13105 color: theme.palette.primary.main
13106 }
13107 },
13109 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if selected. */
13110 selected: {},
13112 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `showLabel={false}` and not selected. */
13113 iconOnly: {},
13115 /* Styles applied to the span element that wraps the icon and label. */
13116 wrapper: {
13117 display: 'inline-flex',
13118 alignItems: 'center',
13119 justifyContent: 'center',
13120 width: '100%',
13121 flexDirection: 'column'
13122 },
13124 /* Styles applied to the label's span element. */
13125 label: {
13126 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
13127 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12),
13128 opacity: 1,
13129 transition: 'font-size 0.2s, opacity 0.2s',
13130 transitionDelay: '0.1s',
13131 '&$iconOnly': {
13132 opacity: 0,
13133 transitionDelay: '0s'
13134 },
13135 '&$selected': {
13136 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(14)
13137 }
13138 }
13139 };
13140 };
13141 var BottomNavigationAction = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function BottomNavigationAction(props, ref) {
13142 var classes = props.classes,
13143 className = props.className,
13144 icon = props.icon,
13145 label = props.label,
13146 onChange = props.onChange,
13147 onClick = props.onClick,
13148 selected = props.selected,
13149 showLabel = props.showLabel,
13150 value = props.value,
13151 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "icon", "label", "onChange", "onClick", "selected", "showLabel", "value"]);
13153 var handleChange = function handleChange(event) {
13154 if (onChange) {
13155 onChange(event, value);
13156 }
13158 if (onClick) {
13159 onClick(event);
13160 }
13161 };
13163 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
13164 ref: ref,
13165 className: clsx(classes.root, className, selected ? classes.selected : !showLabel && classes.iconOnly),
13166 focusRipple: true,
13167 onClick: handleChange
13168 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
13169 className: classes.wrapper
13170 }, icon, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
13171 className: clsx(classes.label, selected ? classes.selected : !showLabel && classes.iconOnly)
13172 }, label)));
13173 });
13174 BottomNavigationAction.propTypes = {
13175 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
13176 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
13177 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
13178 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13180 /**
13181 * This prop isn't supported.
13182 * Use the `component` prop if you need to change the children structure.
13183 */
13184 children: unsupportedProp,
13186 /**
13187 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
13188 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
13189 */
13190 classes: propTypes.object,
13192 /**
13193 * @ignore
13194 */
13195 className: propTypes.string,
13197 /**
13198 * The icon element.
13199 */
13200 icon: propTypes.node,
13202 /**
13203 * The label element.
13204 */
13205 label: propTypes.node,
13207 /**
13208 * @ignore
13209 */
13210 onChange: propTypes.func,
13212 /**
13213 * @ignore
13214 */
13215 onClick: propTypes.func,
13217 /**
13218 * @ignore
13219 */
13220 selected: propTypes.bool,
13222 /**
13223 * If `true`, the `BottomNavigationAction` will show its label.
13224 * By default, only the selected `BottomNavigationAction`
13225 * inside `BottomNavigation` will show its label.
13226 */
13227 showLabel: propTypes.bool,
13229 /**
13230 * You can provide your own value. Otherwise, we fallback to the child position index.
13231 */
13232 value: propTypes.any
13233 } ;
13234 var BottomNavigationAction$1 = withStyles$1(styles$g, {
13235 name: 'MuiBottomNavigationAction'
13236 })(BottomNavigationAction);
13238 var styleFunction = styleFunctionSx(compose(borders, display, flexbox, grid, positions, palette, boxShadow, sizing, spacing, typography));
13239 /**
13240 * @ignore - do not document.
13241 */
13243 var Box = styled$1('div')(styleFunction, {
13244 name: 'MuiBox'
13245 });
13247 var styles$h = function styles(theme) {
13248 return {
13249 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
13250 root: {
13251 margin: 0
13252 },
13254 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="body2"`. */
13255 body2: theme.typography.body2,
13257 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="body1"`. */
13258 body1: theme.typography.body1,
13260 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="caption"`. */
13261 caption: theme.typography.caption,
13263 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="button"`. */
13264 button: theme.typography.button,
13266 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="h1"`. */
13267 h1: theme.typography.h1,
13269 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="h2"`. */
13270 h2: theme.typography.h2,
13272 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="h3"`. */
13273 h3: theme.typography.h3,
13275 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="h4"`. */
13276 h4: theme.typography.h4,
13278 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="h5"`. */
13279 h5: theme.typography.h5,
13281 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="h6"`. */
13282 h6: theme.typography.h6,
13284 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="subtitle1"`. */
13285 subtitle1: theme.typography.subtitle1,
13287 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="subtitle2"`. */
13288 subtitle2: theme.typography.subtitle2,
13290 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="overline"`. */
13291 overline: theme.typography.overline,
13293 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="srOnly"`. Only accessible to screen readers. */
13294 srOnly: {
13295 position: 'absolute',
13296 height: 1,
13297 width: 1,
13298 overflow: 'hidden'
13299 },
13301 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="left"`. */
13302 alignLeft: {
13303 textAlign: 'left'
13304 },
13306 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="center"`. */
13307 alignCenter: {
13308 textAlign: 'center'
13309 },
13311 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="right"`. */
13312 alignRight: {
13313 textAlign: 'right'
13314 },
13316 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="justify"`. */
13317 alignJustify: {
13318 textAlign: 'justify'
13319 },
13321 /* Styles applied to the root element if `nowrap={true}`. */
13322 noWrap: {
13323 overflow: 'hidden',
13324 textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
13325 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
13326 },
13328 /* Styles applied to the root element if `gutterBottom={true}`. */
13329 gutterBottom: {
13330 marginBottom: '0.35em'
13331 },
13333 /* Styles applied to the root element if `paragraph={true}`. */
13334 paragraph: {
13335 marginBottom: 16
13336 },
13338 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="inherit"`. */
13339 colorInherit: {
13340 color: 'inherit'
13341 },
13343 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
13344 colorPrimary: {
13345 color: theme.palette.primary.main
13346 },
13348 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
13349 colorSecondary: {
13350 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
13351 },
13353 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="textPrimary"`. */
13354 colorTextPrimary: {
13355 color: theme.palette.text.primary
13356 },
13358 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="textSecondary"`. */
13359 colorTextSecondary: {
13360 color: theme.palette.text.secondary
13361 },
13363 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="error"`. */
13364 colorError: {
13365 color: theme.palette.error.main
13366 },
13368 /* Styles applied to the root element if `display="inline"`. */
13369 displayInline: {
13370 display: 'inline'
13371 },
13373 /* Styles applied to the root element if `display="block"`. */
13374 displayBlock: {
13375 display: 'block'
13376 }
13377 };
13378 };
13379 var defaultVariantMapping = {
13380 h1: 'h1',
13381 h2: 'h2',
13382 h3: 'h3',
13383 h4: 'h4',
13384 h5: 'h5',
13385 h6: 'h6',
13386 subtitle1: 'h6',
13387 subtitle2: 'h6',
13388 body1: 'p',
13389 body2: 'p'
13390 };
13391 var Typography = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Typography(props, ref) {
13392 var _props$align = props.align,
13393 align = _props$align === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$align,
13394 classes = props.classes,
13395 className = props.className,
13396 _props$color = props.color,
13397 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'initial' : _props$color,
13398 component = props.component,
13399 _props$display = props.display,
13400 display = _props$display === void 0 ? 'initial' : _props$display,
13401 _props$gutterBottom = props.gutterBottom,
13402 gutterBottom = _props$gutterBottom === void 0 ? false : _props$gutterBottom,
13403 _props$noWrap = props.noWrap,
13404 noWrap = _props$noWrap === void 0 ? false : _props$noWrap,
13405 _props$paragraph = props.paragraph,
13406 paragraph = _props$paragraph === void 0 ? false : _props$paragraph,
13407 _props$variant = props.variant,
13408 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'body1' : _props$variant,
13409 _props$variantMapping = props.variantMapping,
13410 variantMapping = _props$variantMapping === void 0 ? defaultVariantMapping : _props$variantMapping,
13411 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["align", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "display", "gutterBottom", "noWrap", "paragraph", "variant", "variantMapping"]);
13413 var Component = component || (paragraph ? 'p' : variantMapping[variant] || defaultVariantMapping[variant]) || 'span';
13414 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
13415 className: clsx(classes.root, className, variant !== 'inherit' && classes[variant], color !== 'initial' && classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], noWrap && classes.noWrap, gutterBottom && classes.gutterBottom, paragraph && classes.paragraph, align !== 'inherit' && classes["align".concat(capitalize(align))], display !== 'initial' && classes["display".concat(capitalize(display))]),
13416 ref: ref
13417 }, other));
13418 });
13419 Typography.propTypes = {
13420 /**
13421 * Set the text-align on the component.
13422 */
13423 align: propTypes.oneOf(['inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']),
13425 /**
13426 * The content of the component.
13427 */
13428 children: propTypes.node,
13430 /**
13431 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
13432 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
13433 */
13434 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
13436 /**
13437 * @ignore
13438 */
13439 className: propTypes.string,
13441 /**
13442 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
13443 */
13444 color: propTypes.oneOf(['initial', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'textPrimary', 'textSecondary', 'error']),
13446 /**
13447 * The component used for the root node.
13448 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
13449 * Overrides the behavior of the `variantMapping` prop.
13450 */
13451 component: propTypes
13452 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
13453 .elementType,
13455 /**
13456 * Controls the display type
13457 */
13458 display: propTypes.oneOf(['initial', 'block', 'inline']),
13460 /**
13461 * If `true`, the text will have a bottom margin.
13462 */
13463 gutterBottom: propTypes.bool,
13465 /**
13466 * If `true`, the text will not wrap, but instead will truncate with a text overflow ellipsis.
13467 *
13468 * Note that text overflow can only happen with block or inline-block level elements
13469 * (the element needs to have a width in order to overflow).
13470 */
13471 noWrap: propTypes.bool,
13473 /**
13474 * If `true`, the text will have a bottom margin.
13475 */
13476 paragraph: propTypes.bool,
13478 /**
13479 * Applies the theme typography styles.
13480 */
13481 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'subtitle1', 'subtitle2', 'body1', 'body2', 'caption', 'button', 'overline', 'srOnly', 'inherit']),
13483 /**
13484 * The component maps the variant prop to a range of different HTML element types.
13485 * For instance, subtitle1 to `<h6>`.
13486 * If you wish to change that mapping, you can provide your own.
13487 * Alternatively, you can use the `component` prop.
13488 */
13489 variantMapping: propTypes.object
13490 } ;
13491 var Typography$1 = withStyles$1(styles$h, {
13492 name: 'MuiTypography'
13493 })(Typography);
13495 /**
13496 * @ignore - internal component.
13497 */
13499 var MoreHorizIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
13500 d: "M6 10c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zm12 0c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zm-6 0c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2z"
13501 }), 'MoreHoriz');
13503 var styles$i = function styles(theme) {
13504 return {
13505 root: {
13506 display: 'flex',
13507 marginLeft: theme.spacing(0.5),
13508 marginRight: theme.spacing(0.5),
13509 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[100],
13510 color: theme.palette.grey[700],
13511 borderRadius: 2,
13512 cursor: 'pointer',
13513 '&:hover, &:focus': {
13514 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[200]
13515 },
13516 '&:active': {
13517 boxShadow: theme.shadows[0],
13518 backgroundColor: emphasize(theme.palette.grey[200], 0.12)
13519 }
13520 },
13521 icon: {
13522 width: 24,
13523 height: 16
13524 }
13525 };
13526 };
13527 /**
13528 * @ignore - internal component.
13529 */
13532 function BreadcrumbCollapsed(props) {
13533 var classes = props.classes,
13534 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes"]);
13536 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
13537 component: "li",
13538 className: classes.root,
13539 focusRipple: true
13540 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(MoreHorizIcon, {
13541 className: classes.icon
13542 }));
13543 }
13545 BreadcrumbCollapsed.propTypes = {
13546 /**
13547 * @ignore
13548 */
13549 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired
13550 } ;
13551 var BreadcrumbCollapsed$1 = withStyles$1(styles$i, {
13552 name: 'PrivateBreadcrumbCollapsed'
13553 })(BreadcrumbCollapsed);
13555 var styles$j = {
13556 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
13557 root: {},
13559 /* Styles applied to the ol element. */
13560 ol: {
13561 display: 'flex',
13562 flexWrap: 'wrap',
13563 alignItems: 'center',
13564 padding: 0,
13565 margin: 0,
13566 listStyle: 'none'
13567 },
13569 /* Styles applied to the li element. */
13570 li: {},
13572 /* Styles applied to the separator element. */
13573 separator: {
13574 display: 'flex',
13575 userSelect: 'none',
13576 marginLeft: 8,
13577 marginRight: 8
13578 }
13579 };
13581 function insertSeparators(items, className, separator) {
13582 return items.reduce(function (acc, current, index) {
13583 if (index < items.length - 1) {
13584 acc = acc.concat(current, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("li", {
13585 "aria-hidden": true,
13586 key: "separator-".concat(index),
13587 className: className
13588 }, separator));
13589 } else {
13590 acc.push(current);
13591 }
13593 return acc;
13594 }, []);
13595 }
13597 var Breadcrumbs = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Breadcrumbs(props, ref) {
13598 var children = props.children,
13599 classes = props.classes,
13600 className = props.className,
13601 _props$component = props.component,
13602 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'nav' : _props$component,
13603 _props$expandText = props.expandText,
13604 expandText = _props$expandText === void 0 ? 'Show path' : _props$expandText,
13605 _props$itemsAfterColl = props.itemsAfterCollapse,
13606 itemsAfterCollapse = _props$itemsAfterColl === void 0 ? 1 : _props$itemsAfterColl,
13607 _props$itemsBeforeCol = props.itemsBeforeCollapse,
13608 itemsBeforeCollapse = _props$itemsBeforeCol === void 0 ? 1 : _props$itemsBeforeCol,
13609 _props$maxItems = props.maxItems,
13610 maxItems = _props$maxItems === void 0 ? 8 : _props$maxItems,
13611 _props$separator = props.separator,
13612 separator = _props$separator === void 0 ? '/' : _props$separator,
13613 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "component", "expandText", "itemsAfterCollapse", "itemsBeforeCollapse", "maxItems", "separator"]);
13615 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
13616 expanded = _React$useState[0],
13617 setExpanded = _React$useState[1];
13619 var renderItemsBeforeAndAfter = function renderItemsBeforeAndAfter(allItems) {
13620 var handleClickExpand = function handleClickExpand(event) {
13621 setExpanded(true); // The clicked element received the focus but gets removed from the DOM.
13622 // Let's keep the focus in the component after expanding.
13624 var focusable = event.currentTarget.parentNode.querySelector('a[href],button,[tabindex]');
13626 if (focusable) {
13627 focusable.focus();
13628 }
13629 }; // This defends against someone passing weird input, to ensure that if all
13630 // items would be shown anyway, we just show all items without the EllipsisItem
13633 if (itemsBeforeCollapse + itemsAfterCollapse >= allItems.length) {
13634 {
13635 console.error(['Material-UI: You have provided an invalid combination of props to the Breadcrumbs.', "itemsAfterCollapse={".concat(itemsAfterCollapse, "} + itemsBeforeCollapse={").concat(itemsBeforeCollapse, "} >= maxItems={").concat(maxItems, "}")].join('\n'));
13636 }
13638 return allItems;
13639 }
13641 return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(allItems.slice(0, itemsBeforeCollapse)), [/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(BreadcrumbCollapsed$1, {
13642 "aria-label": expandText,
13643 key: "ellipsis",
13644 onClick: handleClickExpand
13645 })], _toConsumableArray(allItems.slice(allItems.length - itemsAfterCollapse, allItems.length)));
13646 };
13648 var allItems = React.Children.toArray(children).filter(function (child) {
13649 {
13650 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
13651 console.error(["Material-UI: The Breadcrumbs component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
13652 }
13653 }
13655 return /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child);
13656 }).map(function (child, index) {
13657 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("li", {
13658 className: classes.li,
13659 key: "child-".concat(index)
13660 }, child);
13661 });
13662 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, _extends({
13663 ref: ref,
13664 component: Component,
13665 color: "textSecondary",
13666 className: clsx(classes.root, className)
13667 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("ol", {
13668 className: classes.ol
13669 }, insertSeparators(expanded || maxItems && allItems.length <= maxItems ? allItems : renderItemsBeforeAndAfter(allItems), classes.separator, separator)));
13670 });
13671 Breadcrumbs.propTypes = {
13672 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
13673 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
13674 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
13675 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13677 /**
13678 * The breadcrumb children.
13679 */
13680 children: propTypes.node,
13682 /**
13683 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
13684 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
13685 */
13686 classes: propTypes.object,
13688 /**
13689 * @ignore
13690 */
13691 className: propTypes.string,
13693 /**
13694 * The component used for the root node.
13695 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
13696 */
13697 component: propTypes
13698 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
13699 .elementType,
13701 /**
13702 * Override the default label for the expand button.
13703 *
13704 * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/guides/localization/).
13705 */
13706 expandText: propTypes.string,
13708 /**
13709 * If max items is exceeded, the number of items to show after the ellipsis.
13710 */
13711 itemsAfterCollapse: propTypes.number,
13713 /**
13714 * If max items is exceeded, the number of items to show before the ellipsis.
13715 */
13716 itemsBeforeCollapse: propTypes.number,
13718 /**
13719 * Specifies the maximum number of breadcrumbs to display. When there are more
13720 * than the maximum number, only the first `itemsBeforeCollapse` and last `itemsAfterCollapse`
13721 * will be shown, with an ellipsis in between.
13722 */
13723 maxItems: propTypes.number,
13725 /**
13726 * Custom separator node.
13727 */
13728 separator: propTypes.node
13729 } ;
13730 var Breadcrumbs$1 = withStyles$1(styles$j, {
13731 name: 'MuiBreadcrumbs'
13732 })(Breadcrumbs);
13734 var styles$k = function styles(theme) {
13735 return {
13736 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
13737 root: _extends({}, theme.typography.button, {
13738 boxSizing: 'border-box',
13739 minWidth: 64,
13740 padding: '6px 16px',
13741 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
13742 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
13743 transition: theme.transitions.create(['background-color', 'box-shadow', 'border'], {
13744 duration: theme.transitions.duration.short
13745 }),
13746 '&:hover': {
13747 textDecoration: 'none',
13748 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.text.primary, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
13749 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13750 '@media (hover: none)': {
13751 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
13752 },
13753 '&$disabled': {
13754 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
13755 }
13756 },
13757 '&$disabled': {
13758 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
13759 }
13760 }),
13762 /* Styles applied to the span element that wraps the children. */
13763 label: {
13764 width: '100%',
13765 // Ensure the correct width for iOS Safari
13766 display: 'inherit',
13767 alignItems: 'inherit',
13768 justifyContent: 'inherit'
13769 },
13771 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="text"`. */
13772 text: {
13773 padding: '6px 8px'
13774 },
13776 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="text"` and `color="primary"`. */
13777 textPrimary: {
13778 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
13779 '&:hover': {
13780 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
13781 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13782 '@media (hover: none)': {
13783 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
13784 }
13785 }
13786 },
13788 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="text"` and `color="secondary"`. */
13789 textSecondary: {
13790 color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
13791 '&:hover': {
13792 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
13793 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13794 '@media (hover: none)': {
13795 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
13796 }
13797 }
13798 },
13800 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"`. */
13801 outlined: {
13802 padding: '5px 15px',
13803 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)'),
13804 '&$disabled': {
13805 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.action.disabledBackground)
13806 }
13807 },
13809 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"` and `color="primary"`. */
13810 outlinedPrimary: {
13811 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
13812 border: "1px solid ".concat(alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.5)),
13813 '&:hover': {
13814 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.primary.main),
13815 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
13816 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13817 '@media (hover: none)': {
13818 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
13819 }
13820 }
13821 },
13823 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"` and `color="secondary"`. */
13824 outlinedSecondary: {
13825 color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
13826 border: "1px solid ".concat(alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.5)),
13827 '&:hover': {
13828 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.secondary.main),
13829 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
13830 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13831 '@media (hover: none)': {
13832 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
13833 }
13834 },
13835 '&$disabled': {
13836 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.action.disabled)
13837 }
13838 },
13840 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="contained"`. */
13841 contained: {
13842 color: theme.palette.getContrastText(theme.palette.grey[300]),
13843 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[300],
13844 boxShadow: theme.shadows[2],
13845 '&:hover': {
13846 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey.A100,
13847 boxShadow: theme.shadows[4],
13848 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13849 '@media (hover: none)': {
13850 boxShadow: theme.shadows[2],
13851 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[300]
13852 },
13853 '&$disabled': {
13854 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.disabledBackground
13855 }
13856 },
13857 '&$focusVisible': {
13858 boxShadow: theme.shadows[6]
13859 },
13860 '&:active': {
13861 boxShadow: theme.shadows[8]
13862 },
13863 '&$disabled': {
13864 color: theme.palette.action.disabled,
13865 boxShadow: theme.shadows[0],
13866 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.disabledBackground
13867 }
13868 },
13870 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="contained"` and `color="primary"`. */
13871 containedPrimary: {
13872 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
13873 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
13874 '&:hover': {
13875 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.dark,
13876 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13877 '@media (hover: none)': {
13878 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main
13879 }
13880 }
13881 },
13883 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="contained"` and `color="secondary"`. */
13884 containedSecondary: {
13885 color: theme.palette.secondary.contrastText,
13886 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main,
13887 '&:hover': {
13888 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.dark,
13889 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
13890 '@media (hover: none)': {
13891 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
13892 }
13893 }
13894 },
13896 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableElevation={true}`. */
13897 disableElevation: {
13898 boxShadow: 'none',
13899 '&:hover': {
13900 boxShadow: 'none'
13901 },
13902 '&$focusVisible': {
13903 boxShadow: 'none'
13904 },
13905 '&:active': {
13906 boxShadow: 'none'
13907 },
13908 '&$disabled': {
13909 boxShadow: 'none'
13910 }
13911 },
13913 /* Pseudo-class applied to the ButtonBase root element if the button is keyboard focused. */
13914 focusVisible: {},
13916 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
13917 disabled: {},
13919 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="inherit"`. */
13920 colorInherit: {
13921 color: 'inherit',
13922 borderColor: 'currentColor'
13923 },
13925 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"` and `variant="text"`. */
13926 textSizeSmall: {
13927 padding: '4px 5px',
13928 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(13)
13929 },
13931 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="large"` and `variant="text"`. */
13932 textSizeLarge: {
13933 padding: '8px 11px',
13934 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(15)
13935 },
13937 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"` and `variant="outlined"`. */
13938 outlinedSizeSmall: {
13939 padding: '3px 9px',
13940 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(13)
13941 },
13943 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="large"` and `variant="outlined"`. */
13944 outlinedSizeLarge: {
13945 padding: '7px 21px',
13946 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(15)
13947 },
13949 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"` and `variant="contained"`. */
13950 containedSizeSmall: {
13951 padding: '4px 10px',
13952 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(13)
13953 },
13955 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="large"` and `variant="contained"`. */
13956 containedSizeLarge: {
13957 padding: '8px 22px',
13958 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(15)
13959 },
13961 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"`. */
13962 sizeSmall: {},
13964 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="large"`. */
13965 sizeLarge: {},
13967 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fullWidth={true}`. */
13968 fullWidth: {
13969 width: '100%'
13970 },
13972 /* Styles applied to the startIcon element if supplied. */
13973 startIcon: {
13974 display: 'inherit',
13975 marginRight: 8,
13976 marginLeft: -4,
13977 '&$iconSizeSmall': {
13978 marginLeft: -2
13979 }
13980 },
13982 /* Styles applied to the endIcon element if supplied. */
13983 endIcon: {
13984 display: 'inherit',
13985 marginRight: -4,
13986 marginLeft: 8,
13987 '&$iconSizeSmall': {
13988 marginRight: -2
13989 }
13990 },
13992 /* Styles applied to the icon element if supplied and `size="small"`. */
13993 iconSizeSmall: {
13994 '& > *:first-child': {
13995 fontSize: 18
13996 }
13997 },
13999 /* Styles applied to the icon element if supplied and `size="medium"`. */
14000 iconSizeMedium: {
14001 '& > *:first-child': {
14002 fontSize: 20
14003 }
14004 },
14006 /* Styles applied to the icon element if supplied and `size="large"`. */
14007 iconSizeLarge: {
14008 '& > *:first-child': {
14009 fontSize: 22
14010 }
14011 }
14012 };
14013 };
14014 var Button = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Button(props, ref) {
14015 var children = props.children,
14016 classes = props.classes,
14017 className = props.className,
14018 _props$color = props.color,
14019 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$color,
14020 _props$component = props.component,
14021 component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'button' : _props$component,
14022 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
14023 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
14024 _props$disableElevati = props.disableElevation,
14025 disableElevation = _props$disableElevati === void 0 ? false : _props$disableElevati,
14026 _props$disableFocusRi = props.disableFocusRipple,
14027 disableFocusRipple = _props$disableFocusRi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableFocusRi,
14028 endIconProp = props.endIcon,
14029 focusVisibleClassName = props.focusVisibleClassName,
14030 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
14031 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
14032 _props$size = props.size,
14033 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
14034 startIconProp = props.startIcon,
14035 _props$type = props.type,
14036 type = _props$type === void 0 ? 'button' : _props$type,
14037 _props$variant = props.variant,
14038 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'text' : _props$variant,
14039 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "disabled", "disableElevation", "disableFocusRipple", "endIcon", "focusVisibleClassName", "fullWidth", "size", "startIcon", "type", "variant"]);
14041 var startIcon = startIconProp && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
14042 className: clsx(classes.startIcon, classes["iconSize".concat(capitalize(size))])
14043 }, startIconProp);
14044 var endIcon = endIconProp && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
14045 className: clsx(classes.endIcon, classes["iconSize".concat(capitalize(size))])
14046 }, endIconProp);
14047 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
14048 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[variant], className, color === 'inherit' ? classes.colorInherit : color !== 'default' && classes["".concat(variant).concat(capitalize(color))], size !== 'medium' && [classes["".concat(variant, "Size").concat(capitalize(size))], classes["size".concat(capitalize(size))]], disableElevation && classes.disableElevation, disabled && classes.disabled, fullWidth && classes.fullWidth),
14049 component: component,
14050 disabled: disabled,
14051 focusRipple: !disableFocusRipple,
14052 focusVisibleClassName: clsx(classes.focusVisible, focusVisibleClassName),
14053 ref: ref,
14054 type: type
14055 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
14056 className: classes.label
14057 }, startIcon, children, endIcon));
14058 });
14059 Button.propTypes = {
14060 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14061 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14062 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14063 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14065 /**
14066 * The content of the button.
14067 */
14068 children: propTypes.node,
14070 /**
14071 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14072 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14073 */
14074 classes: propTypes.object,
14076 /**
14077 * @ignore
14078 */
14079 className: propTypes.string,
14081 /**
14082 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
14083 */
14084 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']),
14086 /**
14087 * The component used for the root node.
14088 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
14089 */
14090 component: propTypes
14091 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
14092 .elementType,
14094 /**
14095 * If `true`, the button will be disabled.
14096 */
14097 disabled: propTypes.bool,
14099 /**
14100 * If `true`, no elevation is used.
14101 */
14102 disableElevation: propTypes.bool,
14104 /**
14105 * If `true`, the keyboard focus ripple will be disabled.
14106 */
14107 disableFocusRipple: propTypes.bool,
14109 /**
14110 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
14111 *
14112 * ⚠️ Without a ripple there is no styling for :focus-visible by default. Be sure
14113 * to highlight the element by applying separate styles with the `focusVisibleClassName`.
14114 */
14115 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
14117 /**
14118 * Element placed after the children.
14119 */
14120 endIcon: propTypes.node,
14122 /**
14123 * @ignore
14124 */
14125 focusVisibleClassName: propTypes.string,
14127 /**
14128 * If `true`, the button will take up the full width of its container.
14129 */
14130 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
14132 /**
14133 * The URL to link to when the button is clicked.
14134 * If defined, an `a` element will be used as the root node.
14135 */
14136 href: propTypes.string,
14138 /**
14139 * The size of the button.
14140 * `small` is equivalent to the dense button styling.
14141 */
14142 size: propTypes.oneOf(['large', 'medium', 'small']),
14144 /**
14145 * Element placed before the children.
14146 */
14147 startIcon: propTypes.node,
14149 /**
14150 * @ignore
14151 */
14152 type: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['button', 'reset', 'submit']), propTypes.string]),
14154 /**
14155 * The variant to use.
14156 */
14157 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['contained', 'outlined', 'text'])
14158 } ;
14159 var Button$1 = withStyles$1(styles$k, {
14160 name: 'MuiButton'
14161 })(Button);
14163 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
14165 Button$1.styles;
14166 var styles$l = function styles(theme) {
14167 return {
14168 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
14169 root: {
14170 display: 'inline-flex',
14171 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius
14172 },
14174 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="contained"`. */
14175 contained: {
14176 boxShadow: theme.shadows[2]
14177 },
14179 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableElevation={true}`. */
14180 disableElevation: {
14181 boxShadow: 'none'
14182 },
14184 /* Pseudo-class applied to child elements if `disabled={true}`. */
14185 disabled: {},
14187 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fullWidth={true}`. */
14188 fullWidth: {
14189 width: '100%'
14190 },
14192 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
14193 vertical: {
14194 flexDirection: 'column'
14195 },
14197 /* Styles applied to the children. */
14198 grouped: {
14199 minWidth: 40
14200 },
14202 /* Styles applied to the children if `orientation="horizontal"`. */
14203 groupedHorizontal: {
14204 '&:not(:first-child)': {
14205 borderTopLeftRadius: 0,
14206 borderBottomLeftRadius: 0
14207 },
14208 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14209 borderTopRightRadius: 0,
14210 borderBottomRightRadius: 0
14211 }
14212 },
14214 /* Styles applied to the children if `orientation="vertical"`. */
14215 groupedVertical: {
14216 '&:not(:first-child)': {
14217 borderTopRightRadius: 0,
14218 borderTopLeftRadius: 0
14219 },
14220 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14221 borderBottomRightRadius: 0,
14222 borderBottomLeftRadius: 0
14223 }
14224 },
14226 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="text"`. */
14227 groupedText: {},
14229 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="text"` and `orientation="horizontal"`. */
14230 groupedTextHorizontal: {
14231 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14232 borderRight: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)')
14233 }
14234 },
14236 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="text"` and `orientation="vertical"`. */
14237 groupedTextVertical: {
14238 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14239 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)')
14240 }
14241 },
14243 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="text"` and `color="primary"`. */
14244 groupedTextPrimary: {
14245 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14246 borderColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.5)
14247 }
14248 },
14250 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="text"` and `color="secondary"`. */
14251 groupedTextSecondary: {
14252 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14253 borderColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.5)
14254 }
14255 },
14257 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="outlined"`. */
14258 groupedOutlined: {},
14260 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="outlined"` and `orientation="horizontal"`. */
14261 groupedOutlinedHorizontal: {
14262 '&:not(:first-child)': {
14263 marginLeft: -1
14264 },
14265 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14266 borderRightColor: 'transparent'
14267 }
14268 },
14270 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="outlined"` and `orientation="vertical"`. */
14271 groupedOutlinedVertical: {
14272 '&:not(:first-child)': {
14273 marginTop: -1
14274 },
14275 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14276 borderBottomColor: 'transparent'
14277 }
14278 },
14280 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="outlined"` and `color="primary"`. */
14281 groupedOutlinedPrimary: {
14282 '&:hover': {
14283 borderColor: theme.palette.primary.main
14284 }
14285 },
14287 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="outlined"` and `color="secondary"`. */
14288 groupedOutlinedSecondary: {
14289 '&:hover': {
14290 borderColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
14291 }
14292 },
14294 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="contained"`. */
14295 groupedContained: {
14296 boxShadow: 'none'
14297 },
14299 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="contained"` and `orientation="horizontal"`. */
14300 groupedContainedHorizontal: {
14301 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14302 borderRight: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.grey[400]),
14303 '&$disabled': {
14304 borderRight: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.action.disabled)
14305 }
14306 }
14307 },
14309 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="contained"` and `orientation="vertical"`. */
14310 groupedContainedVertical: {
14311 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14312 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.grey[400]),
14313 '&$disabled': {
14314 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.action.disabled)
14315 }
14316 }
14317 },
14319 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="contained"` and `color="primary"`. */
14320 groupedContainedPrimary: {
14321 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14322 borderColor: theme.palette.primary.dark
14323 }
14324 },
14326 /* Styles applied to the children if `variant="contained"` and `color="secondary"`. */
14327 groupedContainedSecondary: {
14328 '&:not(:last-child)': {
14329 borderColor: theme.palette.secondary.dark
14330 }
14331 }
14332 };
14333 };
14334 var ButtonGroup = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ButtonGroup(props, ref) {
14335 var children = props.children,
14336 classes = props.classes,
14337 className = props.className,
14338 _props$color = props.color,
14339 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$color,
14340 _props$component = props.component,
14341 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
14342 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
14343 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
14344 _props$disableElevati = props.disableElevation,
14345 disableElevation = _props$disableElevati === void 0 ? false : _props$disableElevati,
14346 _props$disableFocusRi = props.disableFocusRipple,
14347 disableFocusRipple = _props$disableFocusRi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableFocusRi,
14348 _props$disableRipple = props.disableRipple,
14349 disableRipple = _props$disableRipple === void 0 ? false : _props$disableRipple,
14350 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
14351 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
14352 _props$orientation = props.orientation,
14353 orientation = _props$orientation === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _props$orientation,
14354 _props$size = props.size,
14355 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
14356 _props$variant = props.variant,
14357 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'outlined' : _props$variant,
14358 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "disabled", "disableElevation", "disableFocusRipple", "disableRipple", "fullWidth", "orientation", "size", "variant"]);
14360 var buttonClassName = clsx(classes.grouped, classes["grouped".concat(capitalize(orientation))], classes["grouped".concat(capitalize(variant))], classes["grouped".concat(capitalize(variant)).concat(capitalize(orientation))], classes["grouped".concat(capitalize(variant)).concat(color !== 'default' ? capitalize(color) : '')], disabled && classes.disabled);
14361 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
14362 role: "group",
14363 className: clsx(classes.root, className, fullWidth && classes.fullWidth, disableElevation && classes.disableElevation, variant === 'contained' && classes.contained, orientation === 'vertical' && classes.vertical),
14364 ref: ref
14365 }, other), React.Children.map(children, function (child) {
14366 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
14367 return null;
14368 }
14370 {
14371 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
14372 console.error(["Material-UI: The ButtonGroup component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
14373 }
14374 }
14376 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
14377 className: clsx(buttonClassName, child.props.className),
14378 color: child.props.color || color,
14379 disabled: child.props.disabled || disabled,
14380 disableElevation: child.props.disableElevation || disableElevation,
14381 disableFocusRipple: disableFocusRipple,
14382 disableRipple: disableRipple,
14383 fullWidth: fullWidth,
14384 size: child.props.size || size,
14385 variant: child.props.variant || variant
14386 });
14387 }));
14388 });
14389 ButtonGroup.propTypes = {
14390 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14391 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14392 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14393 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14395 /**
14396 * The content of the button group.
14397 */
14398 children: propTypes.node,
14400 /**
14401 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14402 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14403 */
14404 classes: propTypes.object,
14406 /**
14407 * @ignore
14408 */
14409 className: propTypes.string,
14411 /**
14412 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
14413 */
14414 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']),
14416 /**
14417 * The component used for the root node.
14418 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
14419 */
14420 component: propTypes
14421 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
14422 .elementType,
14424 /**
14425 * If `true`, the buttons will be disabled.
14426 */
14427 disabled: propTypes.bool,
14429 /**
14430 * If `true`, no elevation is used.
14431 */
14432 disableElevation: propTypes.bool,
14434 /**
14435 * If `true`, the button keyboard focus ripple will be disabled.
14436 */
14437 disableFocusRipple: propTypes.bool,
14439 /**
14440 * If `true`, the button ripple effect will be disabled.
14441 */
14442 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
14444 /**
14445 * If `true`, the buttons will take up the full width of its container.
14446 */
14447 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
14449 /**
14450 * The group orientation (layout flow direction).
14451 */
14452 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']),
14454 /**
14455 * The size of the button.
14456 * `small` is equivalent to the dense button styling.
14457 */
14458 size: propTypes.oneOf(['large', 'medium', 'small']),
14460 /**
14461 * The variant to use.
14462 */
14463 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['contained', 'outlined', 'text'])
14464 } ;
14465 var ButtonGroup$1 = withStyles$1(styles$l, {
14466 name: 'MuiButtonGroup'
14467 })(ButtonGroup);
14469 var styles$m = {
14470 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
14471 root: {
14472 overflow: 'hidden'
14473 }
14474 };
14475 var Card = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Card(props, ref) {
14476 var classes = props.classes,
14477 className = props.className,
14478 _props$raised = props.raised,
14479 raised = _props$raised === void 0 ? false : _props$raised,
14480 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "raised"]);
14482 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
14483 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
14484 elevation: raised ? 8 : 1,
14485 ref: ref
14486 }, other));
14487 });
14488 Card.propTypes = {
14489 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14490 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14491 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14492 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14494 /**
14495 * The content of the component.
14496 */
14497 children: propTypes.node,
14499 /**
14500 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14501 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14502 */
14503 classes: propTypes.object,
14505 /**
14506 * @ignore
14507 */
14508 className: propTypes.string,
14510 /**
14511 * If `true`, the card will use raised styling.
14512 */
14513 raised: propTypes.bool
14514 } ;
14515 var Card$1 = withStyles$1(styles$m, {
14516 name: 'MuiCard'
14517 })(Card);
14519 var styles$n = function styles(theme) {
14520 return {
14521 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
14522 root: {
14523 display: 'block',
14524 textAlign: 'inherit',
14525 width: '100%',
14526 '&:hover $focusHighlight': {
14527 opacity: theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity
14528 },
14529 '&$focusVisible $focusHighlight': {
14530 opacity: 0.12
14531 }
14532 },
14534 /* Pseudo-class applied to the ButtonBase root element if the action area is keyboard focused. */
14535 focusVisible: {},
14537 /* Styles applied to the overlay that covers the action area when it is keyboard focused. */
14538 focusHighlight: {
14539 overflow: 'hidden',
14540 pointerEvents: 'none',
14541 position: 'absolute',
14542 top: 0,
14543 right: 0,
14544 bottom: 0,
14545 left: 0,
14546 borderRadius: 'inherit',
14547 opacity: 0,
14548 backgroundColor: 'currentcolor',
14549 transition: theme.transitions.create('opacity', {
14550 duration: theme.transitions.duration.short
14551 })
14552 }
14553 };
14554 };
14555 var CardActionArea = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function CardActionArea(props, ref) {
14556 var children = props.children,
14557 classes = props.classes,
14558 className = props.className,
14559 focusVisibleClassName = props.focusVisibleClassName,
14560 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "focusVisibleClassName"]);
14562 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
14563 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
14564 focusVisibleClassName: clsx(focusVisibleClassName, classes.focusVisible),
14565 ref: ref
14566 }, other), children, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
14567 className: classes.focusHighlight
14568 }));
14569 });
14570 CardActionArea.propTypes = {
14571 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14572 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14573 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14574 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14576 /**
14577 * The content of the component.
14578 */
14579 children: propTypes.node,
14581 /**
14582 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14583 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14584 */
14585 classes: propTypes.object,
14587 /**
14588 * @ignore
14589 */
14590 className: propTypes.string,
14592 /**
14593 * @ignore
14594 */
14595 focusVisibleClassName: propTypes.string
14596 } ;
14597 var CardActionArea$1 = withStyles$1(styles$n, {
14598 name: 'MuiCardActionArea'
14599 })(CardActionArea);
14601 var styles$o = {
14602 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
14603 root: {
14604 display: 'flex',
14605 alignItems: 'center',
14606 padding: 8
14607 },
14609 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableSpacing={false}`. */
14610 spacing: {
14611 '& > :not(:first-child)': {
14612 marginLeft: 8
14613 }
14614 }
14615 };
14616 var CardActions = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function CardActions(props, ref) {
14617 var _props$disableSpacing = props.disableSpacing,
14618 disableSpacing = _props$disableSpacing === void 0 ? false : _props$disableSpacing,
14619 classes = props.classes,
14620 className = props.className,
14621 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["disableSpacing", "classes", "className"]);
14623 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
14624 className: clsx(classes.root, className, !disableSpacing && classes.spacing),
14625 ref: ref
14626 }, other));
14627 });
14628 CardActions.propTypes = {
14629 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14630 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14631 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14632 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14634 /**
14635 * The content of the component.
14636 */
14637 children: propTypes.node,
14639 /**
14640 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14641 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14642 */
14643 classes: propTypes.object,
14645 /**
14646 * @ignore
14647 */
14648 className: propTypes.string,
14650 /**
14651 * If `true`, the actions do not have additional margin.
14652 */
14653 disableSpacing: propTypes.bool
14654 } ;
14655 var CardActions$1 = withStyles$1(styles$o, {
14656 name: 'MuiCardActions'
14657 })(CardActions);
14659 var styles$p = {
14660 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
14661 root: {
14662 padding: 16,
14663 '&:last-child': {
14664 paddingBottom: 24
14665 }
14666 }
14667 };
14668 var CardContent = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function CardContent(props, ref) {
14669 var classes = props.classes,
14670 className = props.className,
14671 _props$component = props.component,
14672 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
14673 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component"]);
14675 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
14676 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
14677 ref: ref
14678 }, other));
14679 });
14680 CardContent.propTypes = {
14681 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14682 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14683 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14684 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14686 /**
14687 * The content of the component.
14688 */
14689 children: propTypes.node,
14691 /**
14692 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14693 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14694 */
14695 classes: propTypes.object,
14697 /**
14698 * @ignore
14699 */
14700 className: propTypes.string,
14702 /**
14703 * The component used for the root node.
14704 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
14705 */
14706 component: propTypes
14707 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
14708 .elementType
14709 } ;
14710 var CardContent$1 = withStyles$1(styles$p, {
14711 name: 'MuiCardContent'
14712 })(CardContent);
14714 var styles$q = {
14715 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
14716 root: {
14717 display: 'flex',
14718 alignItems: 'center',
14719 padding: 16
14720 },
14722 /* Styles applied to the avatar element. */
14723 avatar: {
14724 flex: '0 0 auto',
14725 marginRight: 16
14726 },
14728 /* Styles applied to the action element. */
14729 action: {
14730 flex: '0 0 auto',
14731 alignSelf: 'flex-start',
14732 marginTop: -8,
14733 marginRight: -8
14734 },
14736 /* Styles applied to the content wrapper element. */
14737 content: {
14738 flex: '1 1 auto'
14739 },
14741 /* Styles applied to the title Typography element. */
14742 title: {},
14744 /* Styles applied to the subheader Typography element. */
14745 subheader: {}
14746 };
14747 var CardHeader = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function CardHeader(props, ref) {
14748 var action = props.action,
14749 avatar = props.avatar,
14750 classes = props.classes,
14751 className = props.className,
14752 _props$component = props.component,
14753 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
14754 _props$disableTypogra = props.disableTypography,
14755 disableTypography = _props$disableTypogra === void 0 ? false : _props$disableTypogra,
14756 subheaderProp = props.subheader,
14757 subheaderTypographyProps = props.subheaderTypographyProps,
14758 titleProp = props.title,
14759 titleTypographyProps = props.titleTypographyProps,
14760 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["action", "avatar", "classes", "className", "component", "disableTypography", "subheader", "subheaderTypographyProps", "title", "titleTypographyProps"]);
14762 var title = titleProp;
14764 if (title != null && title.type !== Typography$1 && !disableTypography) {
14765 title = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, _extends({
14766 variant: avatar ? 'body2' : 'h5',
14767 className: classes.title,
14768 component: "span",
14769 display: "block"
14770 }, titleTypographyProps), title);
14771 }
14773 var subheader = subheaderProp;
14775 if (subheader != null && subheader.type !== Typography$1 && !disableTypography) {
14776 subheader = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, _extends({
14777 variant: avatar ? 'body2' : 'body1',
14778 className: classes.subheader,
14779 color: "textSecondary",
14780 component: "span",
14781 display: "block"
14782 }, subheaderTypographyProps), subheader);
14783 }
14785 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
14786 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
14787 ref: ref
14788 }, other), avatar && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
14789 className: classes.avatar
14790 }, avatar), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
14791 className: classes.content
14792 }, title, subheader), action && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
14793 className: classes.action
14794 }, action));
14795 });
14796 CardHeader.propTypes = {
14797 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14798 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14799 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14800 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14802 /**
14803 * The action to display in the card header.
14804 */
14805 action: propTypes.node,
14807 /**
14808 * The Avatar for the Card Header.
14809 */
14810 avatar: propTypes.node,
14812 /**
14813 * @ignore
14814 */
14815 children: propTypes.node,
14817 /**
14818 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14819 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14820 */
14821 classes: propTypes.object,
14823 /**
14824 * @ignore
14825 */
14826 className: propTypes.string,
14828 /**
14829 * The component used for the root node.
14830 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
14831 */
14832 component: propTypes
14833 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
14834 .elementType,
14836 /**
14837 * If `true`, `subheader` and `title` won't be wrapped by a Typography component.
14838 * This can be useful to render an alternative Typography variant by wrapping
14839 * the `title` text, and optional `subheader` text
14840 * with the Typography component.
14841 */
14842 disableTypography: propTypes.bool,
14844 /**
14845 * The content of the component.
14846 */
14847 subheader: propTypes.node,
14849 /**
14850 * These props will be forwarded to the subheader
14851 * (as long as disableTypography is not `true`).
14852 */
14853 subheaderTypographyProps: propTypes.object,
14855 /**
14856 * The content of the Card Title.
14857 */
14858 title: propTypes.node,
14860 /**
14861 * These props will be forwarded to the title
14862 * (as long as disableTypography is not `true`).
14863 */
14864 titleTypographyProps: propTypes.object
14865 } ;
14866 var CardHeader$1 = withStyles$1(styles$q, {
14867 name: 'MuiCardHeader'
14868 })(CardHeader);
14870 var styles$r = {
14871 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
14872 root: {
14873 display: 'block',
14874 backgroundSize: 'cover',
14875 backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
14876 backgroundPosition: 'center'
14877 },
14879 /* Styles applied to the root element if `component="video, audio, picture, iframe, or img"`. */
14880 media: {
14881 width: '100%'
14882 },
14884 /* Styles applied to the root element if `component="picture or img"`. */
14885 img: {
14886 // ⚠️ object-fit is not supported by IE 11.
14887 objectFit: 'cover'
14888 }
14889 };
14890 var MEDIA_COMPONENTS = ['video', 'audio', 'picture', 'iframe', 'img'];
14891 var CardMedia = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function CardMedia(props, ref) {
14892 var children = props.children,
14893 classes = props.classes,
14894 className = props.className,
14895 _props$component = props.component,
14896 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
14897 image = props.image,
14898 src = props.src,
14899 style = props.style,
14900 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "component", "image", "src", "style"]);
14902 var isMediaComponent = MEDIA_COMPONENTS.indexOf(Component) !== -1;
14903 var composedStyle = !isMediaComponent && image ? _extends({
14904 backgroundImage: "url(\"".concat(image, "\")")
14905 }, style) : style;
14906 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
14907 className: clsx(classes.root, className, isMediaComponent && classes.media, "picture img".indexOf(Component) !== -1 && classes.img),
14908 ref: ref,
14909 style: composedStyle,
14910 src: isMediaComponent ? image || src : undefined
14911 }, other), children);
14912 });
14913 CardMedia.propTypes = {
14914 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
14915 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
14916 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
14917 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14919 /**
14920 * The content of the component.
14921 */
14922 children: chainPropTypes(propTypes.node, function (props) {
14923 if (!props.children && !props.image && !props.src && !props.component) {
14924 return new Error('Material-UI: Either `children`, `image`, `src` or `component` prop must be specified.');
14925 }
14927 return null;
14928 }),
14930 /**
14931 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
14932 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
14933 */
14934 classes: propTypes.object,
14936 /**
14937 * @ignore
14938 */
14939 className: propTypes.string,
14941 /**
14942 * The component used for the root node.
14943 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
14944 */
14945 component: propTypes
14946 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
14947 .elementType,
14949 /**
14950 * Image to be displayed as a background image.
14951 * Either `image` or `src` prop must be specified.
14952 * Note that caller must specify height otherwise the image will not be visible.
14953 */
14954 image: propTypes.string,
14956 /**
14957 * An alias for `image` property.
14958 * Available only with media components.
14959 * Media components: `video`, `audio`, `picture`, `iframe`, `img`.
14960 */
14961 src: propTypes.string,
14963 /**
14964 * @ignore
14965 */
14966 style: propTypes.object
14967 } ;
14968 var CardMedia$1 = withStyles$1(styles$r, {
14969 name: 'MuiCardMedia'
14970 })(CardMedia);
14972 /**
14973 * @ignore - internal component.
14974 */
14976 var FormControlContext = React.createContext();
14978 {
14979 FormControlContext.displayName = 'FormControlContext';
14980 }
14982 function useFormControl() {
14983 return React.useContext(FormControlContext);
14984 }
14986 function useFormControl$1() {
14987 return React.useContext(FormControlContext);
14988 }
14990 var styles$s = {
14991 root: {
14992 padding: 9
14993 },
14994 checked: {},
14995 disabled: {},
14996 input: {
14997 cursor: 'inherit',
14998 position: 'absolute',
14999 opacity: 0,
15000 width: '100%',
15001 height: '100%',
15002 top: 0,
15003 left: 0,
15004 margin: 0,
15005 padding: 0,
15006 zIndex: 1
15007 }
15008 };
15009 /**
15010 * @ignore - internal component.
15011 */
15013 var SwitchBase = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SwitchBase(props, ref) {
15014 var autoFocus = props.autoFocus,
15015 checkedProp = props.checked,
15016 checkedIcon = props.checkedIcon,
15017 classes = props.classes,
15018 className = props.className,
15019 defaultChecked = props.defaultChecked,
15020 disabledProp = props.disabled,
15021 icon = props.icon,
15022 id = props.id,
15023 inputProps = props.inputProps,
15024 inputRef = props.inputRef,
15025 name = props.name,
15026 onBlur = props.onBlur,
15027 onChange = props.onChange,
15028 onFocus = props.onFocus,
15029 readOnly = props.readOnly,
15030 required = props.required,
15031 tabIndex = props.tabIndex,
15032 type = props.type,
15033 value = props.value,
15034 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["autoFocus", "checked", "checkedIcon", "classes", "className", "defaultChecked", "disabled", "icon", "id", "inputProps", "inputRef", "name", "onBlur", "onChange", "onFocus", "readOnly", "required", "tabIndex", "type", "value"]);
15036 var _useControlled = useControlled({
15037 controlled: checkedProp,
15038 default: Boolean(defaultChecked),
15039 name: 'SwitchBase',
15040 state: 'checked'
15041 }),
15042 _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2),
15043 checked = _useControlled2[0],
15044 setCheckedState = _useControlled2[1];
15046 var muiFormControl = useFormControl$1();
15048 var handleFocus = function handleFocus(event) {
15049 if (onFocus) {
15050 onFocus(event);
15051 }
15053 if (muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onFocus) {
15054 muiFormControl.onFocus(event);
15055 }
15056 };
15058 var handleBlur = function handleBlur(event) {
15059 if (onBlur) {
15060 onBlur(event);
15061 }
15063 if (muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onBlur) {
15064 muiFormControl.onBlur(event);
15065 }
15066 };
15068 var handleInputChange = function handleInputChange(event) {
15069 var newChecked = event.target.checked;
15070 setCheckedState(newChecked);
15072 if (onChange) {
15073 // TODO v5: remove the second argument.
15074 onChange(event, newChecked);
15075 }
15076 };
15078 var disabled = disabledProp;
15080 if (muiFormControl) {
15081 if (typeof disabled === 'undefined') {
15082 disabled = muiFormControl.disabled;
15083 }
15084 }
15086 var hasLabelFor = type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio';
15087 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconButton$1, _extends({
15088 component: "span",
15089 className: clsx(classes.root, className, checked && classes.checked, disabled && classes.disabled),
15090 disabled: disabled,
15091 tabIndex: null,
15092 role: undefined,
15093 onFocus: handleFocus,
15094 onBlur: handleBlur,
15095 ref: ref
15096 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", _extends({
15097 autoFocus: autoFocus,
15098 checked: checkedProp,
15099 defaultChecked: defaultChecked,
15100 className: classes.input,
15101 disabled: disabled,
15102 id: hasLabelFor && id,
15103 name: name,
15104 onChange: handleInputChange,
15105 readOnly: readOnly,
15106 ref: inputRef,
15107 required: required,
15108 tabIndex: tabIndex,
15109 type: type,
15110 value: value
15111 }, inputProps)), checked ? checkedIcon : icon);
15112 }); // NB: If changed, please update Checkbox, Switch and Radio
15113 // so that the API documentation is updated.
15115 SwitchBase.propTypes = {
15116 /**
15117 * If `true`, the `input` element will be focused during the first mount.
15118 */
15119 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
15121 /**
15122 * If `true`, the component is checked.
15123 */
15124 checked: propTypes.bool,
15126 /**
15127 * The icon to display when the component is checked.
15128 */
15129 checkedIcon: propTypes.node.isRequired,
15131 /**
15132 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
15133 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
15134 */
15135 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
15137 /**
15138 * @ignore
15139 */
15140 className: propTypes.string,
15142 /**
15143 * @ignore
15144 */
15145 defaultChecked: propTypes.bool,
15147 /**
15148 * If `true`, the switch will be disabled.
15149 */
15150 disabled: propTypes.bool,
15152 /**
15153 * The icon to display when the component is unchecked.
15154 */
15155 icon: propTypes.node.isRequired,
15157 /**
15158 * The id of the `input` element.
15159 */
15160 id: propTypes.string,
15162 /**
15163 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
15164 */
15165 inputProps: propTypes.object,
15167 /**
15168 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
15169 */
15170 inputRef: refType,
15172 /*
15173 * @ignore
15174 */
15175 name: propTypes.string,
15177 /**
15178 * @ignore
15179 */
15180 onBlur: propTypes.func,
15182 /**
15183 * Callback fired when the state is changed.
15184 *
15185 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
15186 * You can pull out the new checked state by accessing `event.target.checked` (boolean).
15187 */
15188 onChange: propTypes.func,
15190 /**
15191 * @ignore
15192 */
15193 onFocus: propTypes.func,
15195 /**
15196 * It prevents the user from changing the value of the field
15197 * (not from interacting with the field).
15198 */
15199 readOnly: propTypes.bool,
15201 /**
15202 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
15203 */
15204 required: propTypes.bool,
15206 /**
15207 * @ignore
15208 */
15209 tabIndex: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
15211 /**
15212 * The input component prop `type`.
15213 */
15214 type: propTypes.string.isRequired,
15216 /**
15217 * The value of the component.
15218 */
15219 value: propTypes.any
15220 } ;
15221 var SwitchBase$1 = withStyles$1(styles$s, {
15222 name: 'PrivateSwitchBase'
15223 })(SwitchBase);
15225 /**
15226 * @ignore - internal component.
15227 */
15229 var CheckBoxOutlineBlankIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
15230 d: "M19 5v14H5V5h14m0-2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2z"
15231 }), 'CheckBoxOutlineBlank');
15233 /**
15234 * @ignore - internal component.
15235 */
15237 var CheckBoxIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
15238 d: "M19 3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.11 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.89-2-2-2zm-9 14l-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 14.17l7.59-7.59L19 8l-9 9z"
15239 }), 'CheckBox');
15241 /**
15242 * @ignore - internal component.
15243 */
15245 var IndeterminateCheckBoxIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
15246 d: "M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-2 10H7v-2h10v2z"
15247 }), 'IndeterminateCheckBox');
15249 var styles$t = function styles(theme) {
15250 return {
15251 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
15252 root: {
15253 color: theme.palette.text.secondary
15254 },
15256 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `checked={true}`. */
15257 checked: {},
15259 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
15260 disabled: {},
15262 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `indeterminate={true}`. */
15263 indeterminate: {},
15265 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
15266 colorPrimary: {
15267 '&$checked': {
15268 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
15269 '&:hover': {
15270 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
15271 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
15272 '@media (hover: none)': {
15273 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
15274 }
15275 }
15276 },
15277 '&$disabled': {
15278 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
15279 }
15280 },
15282 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
15283 colorSecondary: {
15284 '&$checked': {
15285 color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
15286 '&:hover': {
15287 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
15288 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
15289 '@media (hover: none)': {
15290 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
15291 }
15292 }
15293 },
15294 '&$disabled': {
15295 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
15296 }
15297 }
15298 };
15299 };
15300 var defaultCheckedIcon = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CheckBoxIcon, null);
15301 var defaultIcon = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CheckBoxOutlineBlankIcon, null);
15302 var defaultIndeterminateIcon = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IndeterminateCheckBoxIcon, null);
15303 var Checkbox = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Checkbox(props, ref) {
15304 var _props$checkedIcon = props.checkedIcon,
15305 checkedIcon = _props$checkedIcon === void 0 ? defaultCheckedIcon : _props$checkedIcon,
15306 classes = props.classes,
15307 _props$color = props.color,
15308 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'secondary' : _props$color,
15309 _props$icon = props.icon,
15310 iconProp = _props$icon === void 0 ? defaultIcon : _props$icon,
15311 _props$indeterminate = props.indeterminate,
15312 indeterminate = _props$indeterminate === void 0 ? false : _props$indeterminate,
15313 _props$indeterminateI = props.indeterminateIcon,
15314 indeterminateIconProp = _props$indeterminateI === void 0 ? defaultIndeterminateIcon : _props$indeterminateI,
15315 inputProps = props.inputProps,
15316 _props$size = props.size,
15317 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
15318 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["checkedIcon", "classes", "color", "icon", "indeterminate", "indeterminateIcon", "inputProps", "size"]);
15320 var icon = indeterminate ? indeterminateIconProp : iconProp;
15321 var indeterminateIcon = indeterminate ? indeterminateIconProp : checkedIcon;
15322 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SwitchBase$1, _extends({
15323 type: "checkbox",
15324 classes: {
15325 root: clsx(classes.root, classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], indeterminate && classes.indeterminate),
15326 checked: classes.checked,
15327 disabled: classes.disabled
15328 },
15329 color: color,
15330 inputProps: _extends({
15331 'data-indeterminate': indeterminate
15332 }, inputProps),
15333 icon: /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(icon, {
15334 fontSize: icon.props.fontSize === undefined && size === "small" ? size : icon.props.fontSize
15335 }),
15336 checkedIcon: /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(indeterminateIcon, {
15337 fontSize: indeterminateIcon.props.fontSize === undefined && size === "small" ? size : indeterminateIcon.props.fontSize
15338 }),
15339 ref: ref
15340 }, other));
15341 });
15342 Checkbox.propTypes = {
15343 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
15344 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
15345 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
15346 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15348 /**
15349 * If `true`, the component is checked.
15350 */
15351 checked: propTypes.bool,
15353 /**
15354 * The icon to display when the component is checked.
15355 */
15356 checkedIcon: propTypes.node,
15358 /**
15359 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
15360 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
15361 */
15362 classes: propTypes.object,
15364 /**
15365 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
15366 */
15367 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'primary', 'secondary']),
15369 /**
15370 * If `true`, the checkbox will be disabled.
15371 */
15372 disabled: propTypes.bool,
15374 /**
15375 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
15376 */
15377 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
15379 /**
15380 * The icon to display when the component is unchecked.
15381 */
15382 icon: propTypes.node,
15384 /**
15385 * The id of the `input` element.
15386 */
15387 id: propTypes.string,
15389 /**
15390 * If `true`, the component appears indeterminate.
15391 * This does not set the native input element to indeterminate due
15392 * to inconsistent behavior across browsers.
15393 * However, we set a `data-indeterminate` attribute on the input.
15394 */
15395 indeterminate: propTypes.bool,
15397 /**
15398 * The icon to display when the component is indeterminate.
15399 */
15400 indeterminateIcon: propTypes.node,
15402 /**
15403 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
15404 */
15405 inputProps: propTypes.object,
15407 /**
15408 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
15409 */
15410 inputRef: refType,
15412 /**
15413 * Callback fired when the state is changed.
15414 *
15415 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
15416 * You can pull out the new checked state by accessing `event.target.checked` (boolean).
15417 */
15418 onChange: propTypes.func,
15420 /**
15421 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
15422 */
15423 required: propTypes.bool,
15425 /**
15426 * The size of the checkbox.
15427 * `small` is equivalent to the dense checkbox styling.
15428 */
15429 size: propTypes.oneOf(['medium', 'small']),
15431 /**
15432 * The value of the component. The DOM API casts this to a string.
15433 * The browser uses "on" as the default value.
15434 */
15435 value: propTypes.any
15436 } ;
15437 var Checkbox$1 = withStyles$1(styles$t, {
15438 name: 'MuiCheckbox'
15439 })(Checkbox);
15441 /**
15442 * @ignore - internal component.
15443 */
15445 var CancelIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
15446 d: "M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12s4.47 10 10 10 10-4.47 10-10S17.53 2 12 2zm5 13.59L15.59 17 12 13.41 8.41 17 7 15.59 10.59 12 7 8.41 8.41 7 12 10.59 15.59 7 17 8.41 13.41 12 17 15.59z"
15447 }), 'Cancel');
15449 var styles$u = function styles(theme) {
15450 var backgroundColor = theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[300] : theme.palette.grey[700];
15451 var deleteIconColor = alpha(theme.palette.text.primary, 0.26);
15452 return {
15453 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
15454 root: {
15455 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
15456 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(13),
15457 display: 'inline-flex',
15458 alignItems: 'center',
15459 justifyContent: 'center',
15460 height: 32,
15461 color: theme.palette.getContrastText(backgroundColor),
15462 backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
15463 borderRadius: 32 / 2,
15464 whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
15465 transition: theme.transitions.create(['background-color', 'box-shadow']),
15466 // label will inherit this from root, then `clickable` class overrides this for both
15467 cursor: 'default',
15468 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
15469 outline: 0,
15470 textDecoration: 'none',
15471 border: 'none',
15472 // Remove `button` border
15473 padding: 0,
15474 // Remove `button` padding
15475 verticalAlign: 'middle',
15476 boxSizing: 'border-box',
15477 '&$disabled': {
15478 opacity: 0.5,
15479 pointerEvents: 'none'
15480 },
15481 '& $avatar': {
15482 marginLeft: 5,
15483 marginRight: -6,
15484 width: 24,
15485 height: 24,
15486 color: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[700] : theme.palette.grey[300],
15487 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12)
15488 },
15489 '& $avatarColorPrimary': {
15490 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
15491 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.dark
15492 },
15493 '& $avatarColorSecondary': {
15494 color: theme.palette.secondary.contrastText,
15495 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.dark
15496 },
15497 '& $avatarSmall': {
15498 marginLeft: 4,
15499 marginRight: -4,
15500 width: 18,
15501 height: 18,
15502 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(10)
15503 }
15504 },
15506 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"`. */
15507 sizeSmall: {
15508 height: 24
15509 },
15511 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
15512 colorPrimary: {
15513 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
15514 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText
15515 },
15517 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
15518 colorSecondary: {
15519 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main,
15520 color: theme.palette.secondary.contrastText
15521 },
15523 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
15524 disabled: {},
15526 /* Styles applied to the root element if `onClick` is defined or `clickable={true}`. */
15527 clickable: {
15528 userSelect: 'none',
15529 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
15530 cursor: 'pointer',
15531 '&:hover, &:focus': {
15532 backgroundColor: emphasize(backgroundColor, 0.08)
15533 },
15534 '&:active': {
15535 boxShadow: theme.shadows[1]
15536 }
15537 },
15539 /* Styles applied to the root element if `onClick` and `color="primary"` is defined or `clickable={true}`. */
15540 clickableColorPrimary: {
15541 '&:hover, &:focus': {
15542 backgroundColor: emphasize(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.08)
15543 }
15544 },
15546 /* Styles applied to the root element if `onClick` and `color="secondary"` is defined or `clickable={true}`. */
15547 clickableColorSecondary: {
15548 '&:hover, &:focus': {
15549 backgroundColor: emphasize(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.08)
15550 }
15551 },
15553 /* Styles applied to the root element if `onDelete` is defined. */
15554 deletable: {
15555 '&:focus': {
15556 backgroundColor: emphasize(backgroundColor, 0.08)
15557 }
15558 },
15560 /* Styles applied to the root element if `onDelete` and `color="primary"` is defined. */
15561 deletableColorPrimary: {
15562 '&:focus': {
15563 backgroundColor: emphasize(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.2)
15564 }
15565 },
15567 /* Styles applied to the root element if `onDelete` and `color="secondary"` is defined. */
15568 deletableColorSecondary: {
15569 '&:focus': {
15570 backgroundColor: emphasize(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.2)
15571 }
15572 },
15574 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"`. */
15575 outlined: {
15576 backgroundColor: 'transparent',
15577 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)'),
15578 '$clickable&:hover, $clickable&:focus, $deletable&:focus': {
15579 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.text.primary, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity)
15580 },
15581 '& $avatar': {
15582 marginLeft: 4
15583 },
15584 '& $avatarSmall': {
15585 marginLeft: 2
15586 },
15587 '& $icon': {
15588 marginLeft: 4
15589 },
15590 '& $iconSmall': {
15591 marginLeft: 2
15592 },
15593 '& $deleteIcon': {
15594 marginRight: 5
15595 },
15596 '& $deleteIconSmall': {
15597 marginRight: 3
15598 }
15599 },
15601 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"` and `color="primary"`. */
15602 outlinedPrimary: {
15603 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
15604 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.primary.main),
15605 '$clickable&:hover, $clickable&:focus, $deletable&:focus': {
15606 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity)
15607 }
15608 },
15610 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"` and `color="secondary"`. */
15611 outlinedSecondary: {
15612 color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
15613 border: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.secondary.main),
15614 '$clickable&:hover, $clickable&:focus, $deletable&:focus': {
15615 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity)
15616 }
15617 },
15618 // TODO v5: remove
15620 /* Styles applied to the `avatar` element. */
15621 avatar: {},
15623 /* Styles applied to the `avatar` element if `size="small"`. */
15624 avatarSmall: {},
15626 /* Styles applied to the `avatar` element if `color="primary"`. */
15627 avatarColorPrimary: {},
15629 /* Styles applied to the `avatar` element if `color="secondary"`. */
15630 avatarColorSecondary: {},
15632 /* Styles applied to the `icon` element. */
15633 icon: {
15634 color: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[700] : theme.palette.grey[300],
15635 marginLeft: 5,
15636 marginRight: -6
15637 },
15639 /* Styles applied to the `icon` element if `size="small"`. */
15640 iconSmall: {
15641 width: 18,
15642 height: 18,
15643 marginLeft: 4,
15644 marginRight: -4
15645 },
15647 /* Styles applied to the `icon` element if `color="primary"`. */
15648 iconColorPrimary: {
15649 color: 'inherit'
15650 },
15652 /* Styles applied to the `icon` element if `color="secondary"`. */
15653 iconColorSecondary: {
15654 color: 'inherit'
15655 },
15657 /* Styles applied to the label `span` element. */
15658 label: {
15659 overflow: 'hidden',
15660 textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
15661 paddingLeft: 12,
15662 paddingRight: 12,
15663 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
15664 },
15666 /* Styles applied to the label `span` element if `size="small"`. */
15667 labelSmall: {
15668 paddingLeft: 8,
15669 paddingRight: 8
15670 },
15672 /* Styles applied to the `deleteIcon` element. */
15673 deleteIcon: {
15674 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
15675 color: deleteIconColor,
15676 height: 22,
15677 width: 22,
15678 cursor: 'pointer',
15679 margin: '0 5px 0 -6px',
15680 '&:hover': {
15681 color: alpha(deleteIconColor, 0.4)
15682 }
15683 },
15685 /* Styles applied to the `deleteIcon` element if `size="small"`. */
15686 deleteIconSmall: {
15687 height: 16,
15688 width: 16,
15689 marginRight: 4,
15690 marginLeft: -4
15691 },
15693 /* Styles applied to the deleteIcon element if `color="primary"` and `variant="default"`. */
15694 deleteIconColorPrimary: {
15695 color: alpha(theme.palette.primary.contrastText, 0.7),
15696 '&:hover, &:active': {
15697 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText
15698 }
15699 },
15701 /* Styles applied to the deleteIcon element if `color="secondary"` and `variant="default"`. */
15702 deleteIconColorSecondary: {
15703 color: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.contrastText, 0.7),
15704 '&:hover, &:active': {
15705 color: theme.palette.secondary.contrastText
15706 }
15707 },
15709 /* Styles applied to the deleteIcon element if `color="primary"` and `variant="outlined"`. */
15710 deleteIconOutlinedColorPrimary: {
15711 color: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.7),
15712 '&:hover, &:active': {
15713 color: theme.palette.primary.main
15714 }
15715 },
15717 /* Styles applied to the deleteIcon element if `color="secondary"` and `variant="outlined"`. */
15718 deleteIconOutlinedColorSecondary: {
15719 color: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.7),
15720 '&:hover, &:active': {
15721 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
15722 }
15723 }
15724 };
15725 };
15727 function isDeleteKeyboardEvent(keyboardEvent) {
15728 return keyboardEvent.key === 'Backspace' || keyboardEvent.key === 'Delete';
15729 }
15730 /**
15731 * Chips represent complex entities in small blocks, such as a contact.
15732 */
15735 var Chip = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Chip(props, ref) {
15736 var avatarProp = props.avatar,
15737 classes = props.classes,
15738 className = props.className,
15739 clickableProp = props.clickable,
15740 _props$color = props.color,
15741 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$color,
15742 ComponentProp = props.component,
15743 deleteIconProp = props.deleteIcon,
15744 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
15745 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
15746 iconProp = props.icon,
15747 label = props.label,
15748 onClick = props.onClick,
15749 onDelete = props.onDelete,
15750 onKeyDown = props.onKeyDown,
15751 onKeyUp = props.onKeyUp,
15752 _props$size = props.size,
15753 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
15754 _props$variant = props.variant,
15755 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$variant,
15756 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["avatar", "classes", "className", "clickable", "color", "component", "deleteIcon", "disabled", "icon", "label", "onClick", "onDelete", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp", "size", "variant"]);
15758 var chipRef = React.useRef(null);
15759 var handleRef = useForkRef(chipRef, ref);
15761 var handleDeleteIconClick = function handleDeleteIconClick(event) {
15762 // Stop the event from bubbling up to the `Chip`
15763 event.stopPropagation();
15765 if (onDelete) {
15766 onDelete(event);
15767 }
15768 };
15770 var handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) {
15771 // Ignore events from children of `Chip`.
15772 if (event.currentTarget === event.target && isDeleteKeyboardEvent(event)) {
15773 // will be handled in keyUp, otherwise some browsers
15774 // might init navigation
15775 event.preventDefault();
15776 }
15778 if (onKeyDown) {
15779 onKeyDown(event);
15780 }
15781 };
15783 var handleKeyUp = function handleKeyUp(event) {
15784 // Ignore events from children of `Chip`.
15785 if (event.currentTarget === event.target) {
15786 if (onDelete && isDeleteKeyboardEvent(event)) {
15787 onDelete(event);
15788 } else if (event.key === 'Escape' && chipRef.current) {
15789 chipRef.current.blur();
15790 }
15791 }
15793 if (onKeyUp) {
15794 onKeyUp(event);
15795 }
15796 };
15798 var clickable = clickableProp !== false && onClick ? true : clickableProp;
15799 var small = size === 'small';
15800 var Component = ComponentProp || (clickable ? ButtonBase$1 : 'div');
15801 var moreProps = Component === ButtonBase$1 ? {
15802 component: 'div'
15803 } : {};
15804 var deleteIcon = null;
15806 if (onDelete) {
15807 var customClasses = clsx(color !== 'default' && (variant === "default" ? classes["deleteIconColor".concat(capitalize(color))] : classes["deleteIconOutlinedColor".concat(capitalize(color))]), small && classes.deleteIconSmall);
15808 deleteIcon = deleteIconProp && /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(deleteIconProp) ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(deleteIconProp, {
15809 className: clsx(deleteIconProp.props.className, classes.deleteIcon, customClasses),
15810 onClick: handleDeleteIconClick
15811 }) : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CancelIcon, {
15812 className: clsx(classes.deleteIcon, customClasses),
15813 onClick: handleDeleteIconClick
15814 });
15815 }
15817 var avatar = null;
15819 if (avatarProp && /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(avatarProp)) {
15820 avatar = /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(avatarProp, {
15821 className: clsx(classes.avatar, avatarProp.props.className, small && classes.avatarSmall, color !== 'default' && classes["avatarColor".concat(capitalize(color))])
15822 });
15823 }
15825 var icon = null;
15827 if (iconProp && /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(iconProp)) {
15828 icon = /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(iconProp, {
15829 className: clsx(classes.icon, iconProp.props.className, small && classes.iconSmall, color !== 'default' && classes["iconColor".concat(capitalize(color))])
15830 });
15831 }
15833 {
15834 if (avatar && icon) {
15835 console.error('Material-UI: The Chip component can not handle the avatar ' + 'and the icon prop at the same time. Pick one.');
15836 }
15837 }
15839 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
15840 role: clickable || onDelete ? 'button' : undefined,
15841 className: clsx(classes.root, className, color !== 'default' && [classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], clickable && classes["clickableColor".concat(capitalize(color))], onDelete && classes["deletableColor".concat(capitalize(color))]], variant !== "default" && [classes.outlined, {
15842 'primary': classes.outlinedPrimary,
15843 'secondary': classes.outlinedSecondary
15844 }[color]], disabled && classes.disabled, small && classes.sizeSmall, clickable && classes.clickable, onDelete && classes.deletable),
15845 "aria-disabled": disabled ? true : undefined,
15846 tabIndex: clickable || onDelete ? 0 : undefined,
15847 onClick: onClick,
15848 onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
15849 onKeyUp: handleKeyUp,
15850 ref: handleRef
15851 }, moreProps, other), avatar || icon, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
15852 className: clsx(classes.label, small && classes.labelSmall)
15853 }, label), deleteIcon);
15854 });
15855 Chip.propTypes = {
15856 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
15857 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
15858 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
15859 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15861 /**
15862 * Avatar element.
15863 */
15864 avatar: propTypes.element,
15866 /**
15867 * This prop isn't supported.
15868 * Use the `component` prop if you need to change the children structure.
15869 */
15870 children: unsupportedProp,
15872 /**
15873 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
15874 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
15875 */
15876 classes: propTypes.object,
15878 /**
15879 * @ignore
15880 */
15881 className: propTypes.string,
15883 /**
15884 * If `true`, the chip will appear clickable, and will raise when pressed,
15885 * even if the onClick prop is not defined.
15886 * If false, the chip will not be clickable, even if onClick prop is defined.
15887 * This can be used, for example,
15888 * along with the component prop to indicate an anchor Chip is clickable.
15889 */
15890 clickable: propTypes.bool,
15892 /**
15893 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
15894 */
15895 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'primary', 'secondary']),
15897 /**
15898 * The component used for the root node.
15899 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
15900 */
15901 component: propTypes
15902 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
15903 .elementType,
15905 /**
15906 * Override the default delete icon element. Shown only if `onDelete` is set.
15907 */
15908 deleteIcon: propTypes.element,
15910 /**
15911 * If `true`, the chip should be displayed in a disabled state.
15912 */
15913 disabled: propTypes.bool,
15915 /**
15916 * Icon element.
15917 */
15918 icon: propTypes.element,
15920 /**
15921 * The content of the label.
15922 */
15923 label: propTypes.node,
15925 /**
15926 * @ignore
15927 */
15928 onClick: propTypes.func,
15930 /**
15931 * Callback function fired when the delete icon is clicked.
15932 * If set, the delete icon will be shown.
15933 */
15934 onDelete: propTypes.func,
15936 /**
15937 * @ignore
15938 */
15939 onKeyDown: propTypes.func,
15941 /**
15942 * @ignore
15943 */
15944 onKeyUp: propTypes.func,
15946 /**
15947 * The size of the chip.
15948 */
15949 size: propTypes.oneOf(['medium', 'small']),
15951 /**
15952 * The variant to use.
15953 */
15954 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'outlined'])
15955 } ;
15956 var Chip$1 = withStyles$1(styles$u, {
15957 name: 'MuiChip'
15958 })(Chip);
15960 var SIZE = 44;
15961 var styles$v = function styles(theme) {
15962 return {
15963 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
15964 root: {
15965 display: 'inline-block'
15966 },
15968 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="static"`. */
15969 static: {
15970 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform')
15971 },
15973 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="indeterminate"`. */
15974 indeterminate: {
15975 animation: '$circular-rotate 1.4s linear infinite'
15976 },
15978 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="determinate"`. */
15979 determinate: {
15980 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform')
15981 },
15983 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
15984 colorPrimary: {
15985 color: theme.palette.primary.main
15986 },
15988 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
15989 colorSecondary: {
15990 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
15991 },
15993 /* Styles applied to the `svg` element. */
15994 svg: {
15995 display: 'block' // Keeps the progress centered
15997 },
15999 /* Styles applied to the `circle` svg path. */
16000 circle: {
16001 stroke: 'currentColor' // Use butt to follow the specification, by chance, it's already the default CSS value.
16002 // strokeLinecap: 'butt',
16004 },
16006 /* Styles applied to the `circle` svg path if `variant="static"`. */
16007 circleStatic: {
16008 transition: theme.transitions.create('stroke-dashoffset')
16009 },
16011 /* Styles applied to the `circle` svg path if `variant="indeterminate"`. */
16012 circleIndeterminate: {
16013 animation: '$circular-dash 1.4s ease-in-out infinite',
16014 // Some default value that looks fine waiting for the animation to kicks in.
16015 strokeDasharray: '80px, 200px',
16016 strokeDashoffset: '0px' // Add the unit to fix a Edge 16 and below bug.
16018 },
16020 /* Styles applied to the `circle` svg path if `variant="determinate"`. */
16021 circleDeterminate: {
16022 transition: theme.transitions.create('stroke-dashoffset')
16023 },
16024 '@keyframes circular-rotate': {
16025 '0%': {
16026 // Fix IE 11 wobbly
16027 transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
16028 },
16029 '100%': {
16030 transform: 'rotate(360deg)'
16031 }
16032 },
16033 '@keyframes circular-dash': {
16034 '0%': {
16035 strokeDasharray: '1px, 200px',
16036 strokeDashoffset: '0px'
16037 },
16038 '50%': {
16039 strokeDasharray: '100px, 200px',
16040 strokeDashoffset: '-15px'
16041 },
16042 '100%': {
16043 strokeDasharray: '100px, 200px',
16044 strokeDashoffset: '-125px'
16045 }
16046 },
16048 /* Styles applied to the `circle` svg path if `disableShrink={true}`. */
16049 circleDisableShrink: {
16050 animation: 'none'
16051 }
16052 };
16053 };
16054 /**
16055 * ## ARIA
16056 *
16057 * If the progress bar is describing the loading progress of a particular region of a page,
16058 * you should use `aria-describedby` to point to the progress bar, and set the `aria-busy`
16059 * attribute to `true` on that region until it has finished loading.
16060 */
16062 var CircularProgress = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function CircularProgress(props, ref) {
16063 var classes = props.classes,
16064 className = props.className,
16065 _props$color = props.color,
16066 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,
16067 _props$disableShrink = props.disableShrink,
16068 disableShrink = _props$disableShrink === void 0 ? false : _props$disableShrink,
16069 _props$size = props.size,
16070 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 40 : _props$size,
16071 style = props.style,
16072 _props$thickness = props.thickness,
16073 thickness = _props$thickness === void 0 ? 3.6 : _props$thickness,
16074 _props$value = props.value,
16075 value = _props$value === void 0 ? 0 : _props$value,
16076 _props$variant = props.variant,
16077 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'indeterminate' : _props$variant,
16078 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "disableShrink", "size", "style", "thickness", "value", "variant"]);
16080 var circleStyle = {};
16081 var rootStyle = {};
16082 var rootProps = {};
16084 if (variant === 'determinate' || variant === 'static') {
16085 var circumference = 2 * Math.PI * ((SIZE - thickness) / 2);
16086 circleStyle.strokeDasharray = circumference.toFixed(3);
16087 rootProps['aria-valuenow'] = Math.round(value);
16088 circleStyle.strokeDashoffset = "".concat(((100 - value) / 100 * circumference).toFixed(3), "px");
16089 rootStyle.transform = 'rotate(-90deg)';
16090 }
16092 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
16093 className: clsx(classes.root, className, color !== 'inherit' && classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], {
16094 'determinate': classes.determinate,
16095 'indeterminate': classes.indeterminate,
16096 'static': classes.static
16097 }[variant]),
16098 style: _extends({
16099 width: size,
16100 height: size
16101 }, rootStyle, style),
16102 ref: ref,
16103 role: "progressbar"
16104 }, rootProps, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("svg", {
16105 className: classes.svg,
16106 viewBox: "".concat(SIZE / 2, " ").concat(SIZE / 2, " ").concat(SIZE, " ").concat(SIZE)
16107 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("circle", {
16108 className: clsx(classes.circle, disableShrink && classes.circleDisableShrink, {
16109 'determinate': classes.circleDeterminate,
16110 'indeterminate': classes.circleIndeterminate,
16111 'static': classes.circleStatic
16112 }[variant]),
16113 style: circleStyle,
16114 cx: SIZE,
16115 cy: SIZE,
16116 r: (SIZE - thickness) / 2,
16117 fill: "none",
16118 strokeWidth: thickness
16119 })));
16120 });
16121 CircularProgress.propTypes = {
16122 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
16123 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
16124 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
16125 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16127 /**
16128 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
16129 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
16130 */
16131 classes: propTypes.object,
16133 /**
16134 * @ignore
16135 */
16136 className: propTypes.string,
16138 /**
16139 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
16140 */
16141 color: propTypes.oneOf(['inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']),
16143 /**
16144 * If `true`, the shrink animation is disabled.
16145 * This only works if variant is `indeterminate`.
16146 */
16147 disableShrink: chainPropTypes(propTypes.bool, function (props) {
16148 if (props.disableShrink && props.variant && props.variant !== 'indeterminate') {
16149 return new Error('Material-UI: You have provided the `disableShrink` prop ' + 'with a variant other than `indeterminate`. This will have no effect.');
16150 }
16152 return null;
16153 }),
16155 /**
16156 * The size of the circle.
16157 * If using a number, the pixel unit is assumed.
16158 * If using a string, you need to provide the CSS unit, e.g '3rem'.
16159 */
16160 size: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
16162 /**
16163 * @ignore
16164 */
16165 style: propTypes.object,
16167 /**
16168 * The thickness of the circle.
16169 */
16170 thickness: propTypes.number,
16172 /**
16173 * The value of the progress indicator for the determinate variant.
16174 * Value between 0 and 100.
16175 */
16176 value: propTypes.number,
16178 /**
16179 * The variant to use.
16180 * Use indeterminate when there is no progress value.
16181 */
16182 variant: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['determinate', 'indeterminate', 'static']), function (props) {
16183 var variant = props.variant;
16185 if (variant === 'static') {
16186 throw new Error('Material-UI: `variant="static"` was deprecated. Use `variant="determinate"` instead.');
16187 }
16189 return null;
16190 })
16191 } ;
16192 var CircularProgress$1 = withStyles$1(styles$v, {
16193 name: 'MuiCircularProgress',
16194 flip: false
16195 })(CircularProgress);
16197 function mapEventPropToEvent(eventProp) {
16198 return eventProp.substring(2).toLowerCase();
16199 }
16201 function clickedRootScrollbar(event) {
16202 return document.documentElement.clientWidth < event.clientX || document.documentElement.clientHeight < event.clientY;
16203 }
16204 /**
16205 * Listen for click events that occur somewhere in the document, outside of the element itself.
16206 * For instance, if you need to hide a menu when people click anywhere else on your page.
16207 */
16210 function ClickAwayListener(props) {
16211 var children = props.children,
16212 _props$disableReactTr = props.disableReactTree,
16213 disableReactTree = _props$disableReactTr === void 0 ? false : _props$disableReactTr,
16214 _props$mouseEvent = props.mouseEvent,
16215 mouseEvent = _props$mouseEvent === void 0 ? 'onClick' : _props$mouseEvent,
16216 onClickAway = props.onClickAway,
16217 _props$touchEvent = props.touchEvent,
16218 touchEvent = _props$touchEvent === void 0 ? 'onTouchEnd' : _props$touchEvent;
16219 var movedRef = React.useRef(false);
16220 var nodeRef = React.useRef(null);
16221 var activatedRef = React.useRef(false);
16222 var syntheticEventRef = React.useRef(false);
16223 React.useEffect(function () {
16224 // Ensure that this component is not "activated" synchronously.
16225 // https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/20074
16226 setTimeout(function () {
16227 activatedRef.current = true;
16228 }, 0);
16229 return function () {
16230 activatedRef.current = false;
16231 };
16232 }, []); // can be removed once we drop support for non ref forwarding class components
16234 var handleOwnRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
16235 // #StrictMode ready
16236 nodeRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
16237 }, []);
16238 var handleRef = useForkRef(children.ref, handleOwnRef); // The handler doesn't take event.defaultPrevented into account:
16239 //
16240 // event.preventDefault() is meant to stop default behaviours like
16241 // clicking a checkbox to check it, hitting a button to submit a form,
16242 // and hitting left arrow to move the cursor in a text input etc.
16243 // Only special HTML elements have these default behaviors.
16245 var handleClickAway = useEventCallback(function (event) {
16246 // Given developers can stop the propagation of the synthetic event,
16247 // we can only be confident with a positive value.
16248 var insideReactTree = syntheticEventRef.current;
16249 syntheticEventRef.current = false; // 1. IE 11 support, which trigger the handleClickAway even after the unbind
16250 // 2. The child might render null.
16251 // 3. Behave like a blur listener.
16253 if (!activatedRef.current || !nodeRef.current || clickedRootScrollbar(event)) {
16254 return;
16255 } // Do not act if user performed touchmove
16258 if (movedRef.current) {
16259 movedRef.current = false;
16260 return;
16261 }
16263 var insideDOM; // If not enough, can use https://github.com/DieterHolvoet/event-propagation-path/blob/master/propagationPath.js
16265 if (event.composedPath) {
16266 insideDOM = event.composedPath().indexOf(nodeRef.current) > -1;
16267 } else {
16268 // TODO v6 remove dead logic https://caniuse.com/#search=composedPath.
16269 var doc = ownerDocument(nodeRef.current);
16270 insideDOM = !doc.documentElement.contains(event.target) || nodeRef.current.contains(event.target);
16271 }
16273 if (!insideDOM && (disableReactTree || !insideReactTree)) {
16274 onClickAway(event);
16275 }
16276 }); // Keep track of mouse/touch events that bubbled up through the portal.
16278 var createHandleSynthetic = function createHandleSynthetic(handlerName) {
16279 return function (event) {
16280 syntheticEventRef.current = true;
16281 var childrenPropsHandler = children.props[handlerName];
16283 if (childrenPropsHandler) {
16284 childrenPropsHandler(event);
16285 }
16286 };
16287 };
16289 var childrenProps = {
16290 ref: handleRef
16291 };
16293 if (touchEvent !== false) {
16294 childrenProps[touchEvent] = createHandleSynthetic(touchEvent);
16295 }
16297 React.useEffect(function () {
16298 if (touchEvent !== false) {
16299 var mappedTouchEvent = mapEventPropToEvent(touchEvent);
16300 var doc = ownerDocument(nodeRef.current);
16302 var handleTouchMove = function handleTouchMove() {
16303 movedRef.current = true;
16304 };
16306 doc.addEventListener(mappedTouchEvent, handleClickAway);
16307 doc.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove);
16308 return function () {
16309 doc.removeEventListener(mappedTouchEvent, handleClickAway);
16310 doc.removeEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove);
16311 };
16312 }
16314 return undefined;
16315 }, [handleClickAway, touchEvent]);
16317 if (mouseEvent !== false) {
16318 childrenProps[mouseEvent] = createHandleSynthetic(mouseEvent);
16319 }
16321 React.useEffect(function () {
16322 if (mouseEvent !== false) {
16323 var mappedMouseEvent = mapEventPropToEvent(mouseEvent);
16324 var doc = ownerDocument(nodeRef.current);
16325 doc.addEventListener(mappedMouseEvent, handleClickAway);
16326 return function () {
16327 doc.removeEventListener(mappedMouseEvent, handleClickAway);
16328 };
16329 }
16331 return undefined;
16332 }, [handleClickAway, mouseEvent]);
16333 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, childrenProps));
16334 }
16336 ClickAwayListener.propTypes = {
16337 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
16338 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
16339 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
16340 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16342 /**
16343 * The wrapped element.
16344 */
16345 children: elementAcceptingRef.isRequired,
16347 /**
16348 * If `true`, the React tree is ignored and only the DOM tree is considered.
16349 * This prop changes how portaled elements are handled.
16350 */
16351 disableReactTree: propTypes.bool,
16353 /**
16354 * The mouse event to listen to. You can disable the listener by providing `false`.
16355 */
16356 mouseEvent: propTypes.oneOf(['onClick', 'onMouseDown', 'onMouseUp', false]),
16358 /**
16359 * Callback fired when a "click away" event is detected.
16360 */
16361 onClickAway: propTypes.func.isRequired,
16363 /**
16364 * The touch event to listen to. You can disable the listener by providing `false`.
16365 */
16366 touchEvent: propTypes.oneOf(['onTouchEnd', 'onTouchStart', false])
16367 } ;
16369 {
16370 // eslint-disable-next-line
16371 ClickAwayListener['propTypes' + ''] = exactProp(ClickAwayListener.propTypes);
16372 }
16374 var styles$w = function styles(theme) {
16375 return {
16376 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
16377 root: _defineProperty({
16378 width: '100%',
16379 marginLeft: 'auto',
16380 boxSizing: 'border-box',
16381 marginRight: 'auto',
16382 paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
16383 paddingRight: theme.spacing(2),
16384 display: 'block'
16385 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
16386 paddingLeft: theme.spacing(3),
16387 paddingRight: theme.spacing(3)
16388 }),
16390 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableGutters={true}`. */
16391 disableGutters: {
16392 paddingLeft: 0,
16393 paddingRight: 0
16394 },
16396 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fixed={true}`. */
16397 fixed: Object.keys(theme.breakpoints.values).reduce(function (acc, breakpoint) {
16398 var value = theme.breakpoints.values[breakpoint];
16400 if (value !== 0) {
16401 acc[theme.breakpoints.up(breakpoint)] = {
16402 maxWidth: value
16403 };
16404 }
16406 return acc;
16407 }, {}),
16409 /* Styles applied to the root element if `maxWidth="xs"`. */
16410 maxWidthXs: _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('xs'), {
16411 maxWidth: Math.max(theme.breakpoints.values.xs, 444)
16412 }),
16414 /* Styles applied to the root element if `maxWidth="sm"`. */
16415 maxWidthSm: _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
16416 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.sm
16417 }),
16419 /* Styles applied to the root element if `maxWidth="md"`. */
16420 maxWidthMd: _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('md'), {
16421 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.md
16422 }),
16424 /* Styles applied to the root element if `maxWidth="lg"`. */
16425 maxWidthLg: _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('lg'), {
16426 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.lg
16427 }),
16429 /* Styles applied to the root element if `maxWidth="xl"`. */
16430 maxWidthXl: _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('xl'), {
16431 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.xl
16432 })
16433 };
16434 };
16435 var Container = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Container(props, ref) {
16436 var classes = props.classes,
16437 className = props.className,
16438 _props$component = props.component,
16439 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
16440 _props$disableGutters = props.disableGutters,
16441 disableGutters = _props$disableGutters === void 0 ? false : _props$disableGutters,
16442 _props$fixed = props.fixed,
16443 fixed = _props$fixed === void 0 ? false : _props$fixed,
16444 _props$maxWidth = props.maxWidth,
16445 maxWidth = _props$maxWidth === void 0 ? 'lg' : _props$maxWidth,
16446 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component", "disableGutters", "fixed", "maxWidth"]);
16448 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
16449 className: clsx(classes.root, className, fixed && classes.fixed, disableGutters && classes.disableGutters, maxWidth !== false && classes["maxWidth".concat(capitalize(String(maxWidth)))]),
16450 ref: ref
16451 }, other));
16452 });
16453 Container.propTypes = {
16454 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
16455 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
16456 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
16457 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16459 /**
16460 * @ignore
16461 */
16462 children: propTypes
16463 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
16464 .node.isRequired,
16466 /**
16467 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
16468 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
16469 */
16470 classes: propTypes.object,
16472 /**
16473 * @ignore
16474 */
16475 className: propTypes.string,
16477 /**
16478 * The component used for the root node.
16479 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
16480 */
16481 component: propTypes
16482 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
16483 .elementType,
16485 /**
16486 * If `true`, the left and right padding is removed.
16487 */
16488 disableGutters: propTypes.bool,
16490 /**
16491 * Set the max-width to match the min-width of the current breakpoint.
16492 * This is useful if you'd prefer to design for a fixed set of sizes
16493 * instead of trying to accommodate a fully fluid viewport.
16494 * It's fluid by default.
16495 */
16496 fixed: propTypes.bool,
16498 /**
16499 * Determine the max-width of the container.
16500 * The container width grows with the size of the screen.
16501 * Set to `false` to disable `maxWidth`.
16502 */
16503 maxWidth: propTypes.oneOf(['lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xl', 'xs', false])
16504 } ;
16505 var Container$1 = withStyles$1(styles$w, {
16506 name: 'MuiContainer'
16507 })(Container);
16509 var html = {
16510 WebkitFontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
16511 // Antialiasing.
16512 MozOsxFontSmoothing: 'grayscale',
16513 // Antialiasing.
16514 // Change from `box-sizing: content-box` so that `width`
16515 // is not affected by `padding` or `border`.
16516 boxSizing: 'border-box'
16517 };
16518 var body = function body(theme) {
16519 return _extends({
16520 color: theme.palette.text.primary
16521 }, theme.typography.body2, {
16522 backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default,
16523 '@media print': {
16524 // Save printer ink.
16525 backgroundColor: theme.palette.common.white
16526 }
16527 });
16528 };
16529 var styles$x = function styles(theme) {
16530 return {
16531 '@global': {
16532 html: html,
16533 '*, *::before, *::after': {
16534 boxSizing: 'inherit'
16535 },
16536 'strong, b': {
16537 fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightBold
16538 },
16539 body: _extends({
16540 margin: 0
16541 }, body(theme), {
16542 // Add support for document.body.requestFullScreen().
16543 // Other elements, if background transparent, are not supported.
16544 '&::backdrop': {
16545 backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default
16546 }
16547 })
16548 }
16549 };
16550 };
16551 /**
16552 * Kickstart an elegant, consistent, and simple baseline to build upon.
16553 */
16555 function CssBaseline(props) {
16556 /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
16557 var _props$children = props.children,
16558 children = _props$children === void 0 ? null : _props$children,
16559 classes = props.classes;
16560 /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
16562 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, children);
16563 }
16565 CssBaseline.propTypes = {
16566 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
16567 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
16568 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
16569 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16571 /**
16572 * You can wrap a node.
16573 */
16574 children: propTypes.node,
16576 /**
16577 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
16578 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
16579 */
16580 classes: propTypes.object
16581 } ;
16583 {
16584 // eslint-disable-next-line
16585 CssBaseline['propTypes' + ''] = exactProp(CssBaseline.propTypes);
16586 }
16588 var CssBaseline$1 = withStyles$1(styles$x, {
16589 name: 'MuiCssBaseline'
16590 })(CssBaseline);
16592 function getContainer(container) {
16593 container = typeof container === 'function' ? container() : container; // #StrictMode ready
16595 return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(container);
16596 }
16598 var useEnhancedEffect$2 = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? React.useLayoutEffect : React.useEffect;
16599 /**
16600 * Portals provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node
16601 * that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
16602 */
16604 var Portal = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Portal(props, ref) {
16605 var children = props.children,
16606 container = props.container,
16607 _props$disablePortal = props.disablePortal,
16608 disablePortal = _props$disablePortal === void 0 ? false : _props$disablePortal,
16609 onRendered = props.onRendered;
16611 var _React$useState = React.useState(null),
16612 mountNode = _React$useState[0],
16613 setMountNode = _React$useState[1];
16615 var handleRef = useForkRef( /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(children) ? children.ref : null, ref);
16616 useEnhancedEffect$2(function () {
16617 if (!disablePortal) {
16618 setMountNode(getContainer(container) || document.body);
16619 }
16620 }, [container, disablePortal]);
16621 useEnhancedEffect$2(function () {
16622 if (mountNode && !disablePortal) {
16623 setRef(ref, mountNode);
16624 return function () {
16625 setRef(ref, null);
16626 };
16627 }
16629 return undefined;
16630 }, [ref, mountNode, disablePortal]);
16631 useEnhancedEffect$2(function () {
16632 if (onRendered && (mountNode || disablePortal)) {
16633 onRendered();
16634 }
16635 }, [onRendered, mountNode, disablePortal]);
16637 if (disablePortal) {
16638 if ( /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(children)) {
16639 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, {
16640 ref: handleRef
16641 });
16642 }
16644 return children;
16645 }
16647 return mountNode ? /*#__PURE__*/ReactDOM.createPortal(children, mountNode) : mountNode;
16648 });
16649 Portal.propTypes = {
16650 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
16651 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
16652 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
16653 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16655 /**
16656 * The children to render into the `container`.
16657 */
16658 children: propTypes.node,
16660 /**
16661 * A HTML element, component instance, or function that returns either.
16662 * The `container` will have the portal children appended to it.
16663 *
16664 * By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object,
16665 * so it's simply `document.body` most of the time.
16666 */
16667 container: propTypes
16668 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
16669 .oneOfType([HTMLElementType, propTypes.instanceOf(React.Component), propTypes.func]),
16671 /**
16672 * Disable the portal behavior.
16673 * The children stay within it's parent DOM hierarchy.
16674 */
16675 disablePortal: propTypes.bool,
16677 /**
16678 * Callback fired once the children has been mounted into the `container`.
16679 *
16680 * This prop will be removed in v5, the ref can be used instead.
16681 * @deprecated Use the ref instead.
16682 */
16683 onRendered: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the ref instead.')
16684 } ;
16686 {
16687 // eslint-disable-next-line
16688 Portal['propTypes' + ''] = exactProp(Portal.propTypes);
16689 }
16691 // A change of the browser zoom change the scrollbar size.
16692 // Credit https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/3ffe3a5d82f6f561b82ff78d82b32a7d14aed558/js/src/modal.js#L512-L519
16693 function getScrollbarSize() {
16694 var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');
16695 scrollDiv.style.width = '99px';
16696 scrollDiv.style.height = '99px';
16697 scrollDiv.style.position = 'absolute';
16698 scrollDiv.style.top = '-9999px';
16699 scrollDiv.style.overflow = 'scroll';
16700 document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);
16701 var scrollbarSize = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
16702 document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);
16703 return scrollbarSize;
16704 }
16706 function isOverflowing(container) {
16707 var doc = ownerDocument(container);
16709 if (doc.body === container) {
16710 return ownerWindow(doc).innerWidth > doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
16711 }
16713 return container.scrollHeight > container.clientHeight;
16714 }
16716 function ariaHidden(node, show) {
16717 if (show) {
16718 node.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
16719 } else {
16720 node.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
16721 }
16722 }
16724 function getPaddingRight(node) {
16725 return parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(node)['padding-right'], 10) || 0;
16726 }
16728 function ariaHiddenSiblings(container, mountNode, currentNode) {
16729 var nodesToExclude = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : [];
16730 var show = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined;
16731 var blacklist = [mountNode, currentNode].concat(_toConsumableArray(nodesToExclude));
16732 var blacklistTagNames = ['TEMPLATE', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE'];
16733 [].forEach.call(container.children, function (node) {
16734 if (node.nodeType === 1 && blacklist.indexOf(node) === -1 && blacklistTagNames.indexOf(node.tagName) === -1) {
16735 ariaHidden(node, show);
16736 }
16737 });
16738 }
16740 function findIndexOf(containerInfo, callback) {
16741 var idx = -1;
16742 containerInfo.some(function (item, index) {
16743 if (callback(item)) {
16744 idx = index;
16745 return true;
16746 }
16748 return false;
16749 });
16750 return idx;
16751 }
16753 function handleContainer(containerInfo, props) {
16754 var restoreStyle = [];
16755 var restorePaddings = [];
16756 var container = containerInfo.container;
16757 var fixedNodes;
16759 if (!props.disableScrollLock) {
16760 if (isOverflowing(container)) {
16761 // Compute the size before applying overflow hidden to avoid any scroll jumps.
16762 var scrollbarSize = getScrollbarSize();
16763 restoreStyle.push({
16764 value: container.style.paddingRight,
16765 key: 'padding-right',
16766 el: container
16767 }); // Use computed style, here to get the real padding to add our scrollbar width.
16769 container.style['padding-right'] = "".concat(getPaddingRight(container) + scrollbarSize, "px"); // .mui-fixed is a global helper.
16771 fixedNodes = ownerDocument(container).querySelectorAll('.mui-fixed');
16772 [].forEach.call(fixedNodes, function (node) {
16773 restorePaddings.push(node.style.paddingRight);
16774 node.style.paddingRight = "".concat(getPaddingRight(node) + scrollbarSize, "px");
16775 });
16776 } // Improve Gatsby support
16777 // https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/force-vertical-scrollbar/
16780 var parent = container.parentElement;
16781 var scrollContainer = parent.nodeName === 'HTML' && window.getComputedStyle(parent)['overflow-y'] === 'scroll' ? parent : container; // Block the scroll even if no scrollbar is visible to account for mobile keyboard
16782 // screensize shrink.
16784 restoreStyle.push({
16785 value: scrollContainer.style.overflow,
16786 key: 'overflow',
16787 el: scrollContainer
16788 });
16789 scrollContainer.style.overflow = 'hidden';
16790 }
16792 var restore = function restore() {
16793 if (fixedNodes) {
16794 [].forEach.call(fixedNodes, function (node, i) {
16795 if (restorePaddings[i]) {
16796 node.style.paddingRight = restorePaddings[i];
16797 } else {
16798 node.style.removeProperty('padding-right');
16799 }
16800 });
16801 }
16803 restoreStyle.forEach(function (_ref) {
16804 var value = _ref.value,
16805 el = _ref.el,
16806 key = _ref.key;
16808 if (value) {
16809 el.style.setProperty(key, value);
16810 } else {
16811 el.style.removeProperty(key);
16812 }
16813 });
16814 };
16816 return restore;
16817 }
16819 function getHiddenSiblings(container) {
16820 var hiddenSiblings = [];
16821 [].forEach.call(container.children, function (node) {
16822 if (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true') {
16823 hiddenSiblings.push(node);
16824 }
16825 });
16826 return hiddenSiblings;
16827 }
16828 /**
16829 * @ignore - do not document.
16830 *
16831 * Proper state management for containers and the modals in those containers.
16832 * Simplified, but inspired by react-overlay's ModalManager class.
16833 * Used by the Modal to ensure proper styling of containers.
16834 */
16837 var ModalManager = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
16838 function ModalManager() {
16839 _classCallCheck(this, ModalManager);
16841 // this.modals[modalIndex] = modal
16842 this.modals = []; // this.containers[containerIndex] = {
16843 // modals: [],
16844 // container,
16845 // restore: null,
16846 // }
16848 this.containers = [];
16849 }
16851 _createClass(ModalManager, [{
16852 key: "add",
16853 value: function add(modal, container) {
16854 var modalIndex = this.modals.indexOf(modal);
16856 if (modalIndex !== -1) {
16857 return modalIndex;
16858 }
16860 modalIndex = this.modals.length;
16861 this.modals.push(modal); // If the modal we are adding is already in the DOM.
16863 if (modal.modalRef) {
16864 ariaHidden(modal.modalRef, false);
16865 }
16867 var hiddenSiblingNodes = getHiddenSiblings(container);
16868 ariaHiddenSiblings(container, modal.mountNode, modal.modalRef, hiddenSiblingNodes, true);
16869 var containerIndex = findIndexOf(this.containers, function (item) {
16870 return item.container === container;
16871 });
16873 if (containerIndex !== -1) {
16874 this.containers[containerIndex].modals.push(modal);
16875 return modalIndex;
16876 }
16878 this.containers.push({
16879 modals: [modal],
16880 container: container,
16881 restore: null,
16882 hiddenSiblingNodes: hiddenSiblingNodes
16883 });
16884 return modalIndex;
16885 }
16886 }, {
16887 key: "mount",
16888 value: function mount(modal, props) {
16889 var containerIndex = findIndexOf(this.containers, function (item) {
16890 return item.modals.indexOf(modal) !== -1;
16891 });
16892 var containerInfo = this.containers[containerIndex];
16894 if (!containerInfo.restore) {
16895 containerInfo.restore = handleContainer(containerInfo, props);
16896 }
16897 }
16898 }, {
16899 key: "remove",
16900 value: function remove(modal) {
16901 var modalIndex = this.modals.indexOf(modal);
16903 if (modalIndex === -1) {
16904 return modalIndex;
16905 }
16907 var containerIndex = findIndexOf(this.containers, function (item) {
16908 return item.modals.indexOf(modal) !== -1;
16909 });
16910 var containerInfo = this.containers[containerIndex];
16911 containerInfo.modals.splice(containerInfo.modals.indexOf(modal), 1);
16912 this.modals.splice(modalIndex, 1); // If that was the last modal in a container, clean up the container.
16914 if (containerInfo.modals.length === 0) {
16915 // The modal might be closed before it had the chance to be mounted in the DOM.
16916 if (containerInfo.restore) {
16917 containerInfo.restore();
16918 }
16920 if (modal.modalRef) {
16921 // In case the modal wasn't in the DOM yet.
16922 ariaHidden(modal.modalRef, true);
16923 }
16925 ariaHiddenSiblings(containerInfo.container, modal.mountNode, modal.modalRef, containerInfo.hiddenSiblingNodes, false);
16926 this.containers.splice(containerIndex, 1);
16927 } else {
16928 // Otherwise make sure the next top modal is visible to a screen reader.
16929 var nextTop = containerInfo.modals[containerInfo.modals.length - 1]; // as soon as a modal is adding its modalRef is undefined. it can't set
16930 // aria-hidden because the dom element doesn't exist either
16931 // when modal was unmounted before modalRef gets null
16933 if (nextTop.modalRef) {
16934 ariaHidden(nextTop.modalRef, false);
16935 }
16936 }
16938 return modalIndex;
16939 }
16940 }, {
16941 key: "isTopModal",
16942 value: function isTopModal(modal) {
16943 return this.modals.length > 0 && this.modals[this.modals.length - 1] === modal;
16944 }
16945 }]);
16947 return ModalManager;
16948 }();
16950 /**
16951 * Utility component that locks focus inside the component.
16952 */
16954 function Unstable_TrapFocus(props) {
16955 var children = props.children,
16956 _props$disableAutoFoc = props.disableAutoFocus,
16957 disableAutoFocus = _props$disableAutoFoc === void 0 ? false : _props$disableAutoFoc,
16958 _props$disableEnforce = props.disableEnforceFocus,
16959 disableEnforceFocus = _props$disableEnforce === void 0 ? false : _props$disableEnforce,
16960 _props$disableRestore = props.disableRestoreFocus,
16961 disableRestoreFocus = _props$disableRestore === void 0 ? false : _props$disableRestore,
16962 getDoc = props.getDoc,
16963 isEnabled = props.isEnabled,
16964 open = props.open;
16965 var ignoreNextEnforceFocus = React.useRef();
16966 var sentinelStart = React.useRef(null);
16967 var sentinelEnd = React.useRef(null);
16968 var nodeToRestore = React.useRef();
16969 var rootRef = React.useRef(null); // can be removed once we drop support for non ref forwarding class components
16971 var handleOwnRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
16972 // #StrictMode ready
16973 rootRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
16974 }, []);
16975 var handleRef = useForkRef(children.ref, handleOwnRef);
16976 var prevOpenRef = React.useRef();
16977 React.useEffect(function () {
16978 prevOpenRef.current = open;
16979 }, [open]);
16981 if (!prevOpenRef.current && open && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
16982 // WARNING: Potentially unsafe in concurrent mode.
16983 // The way the read on `nodeToRestore` is setup could make this actually safe.
16984 // Say we render `open={false}` -> `open={true}` but never commit.
16985 // We have now written a state that wasn't committed. But no committed effect
16986 // will read this wrong value. We only read from `nodeToRestore` in effects
16987 // that were committed on `open={true}`
16988 // WARNING: Prevents the instance from being garbage collected. Should only
16989 // hold a weak ref.
16990 nodeToRestore.current = getDoc().activeElement;
16991 }
16993 React.useEffect(function () {
16994 if (!open) {
16995 return;
16996 }
16998 var doc = ownerDocument(rootRef.current); // We might render an empty child.
17000 if (!disableAutoFocus && rootRef.current && !rootRef.current.contains(doc.activeElement)) {
17001 if (!rootRef.current.hasAttribute('tabIndex')) {
17002 {
17003 console.error(['Material-UI: The modal content node does not accept focus.', 'For the benefit of assistive technologies, ' + 'the tabIndex of the node is being set to "-1".'].join('\n'));
17004 }
17006 rootRef.current.setAttribute('tabIndex', -1);
17007 }
17009 rootRef.current.focus();
17010 }
17012 var contain = function contain() {
17013 var rootElement = rootRef.current; // Cleanup functions are executed lazily in React 17.
17014 // Contain can be called between the component being unmounted and its cleanup function being run.
17016 if (rootElement === null) {
17017 return;
17018 }
17020 if (!doc.hasFocus() || disableEnforceFocus || !isEnabled() || ignoreNextEnforceFocus.current) {
17021 ignoreNextEnforceFocus.current = false;
17022 return;
17023 }
17025 if (rootRef.current && !rootRef.current.contains(doc.activeElement)) {
17026 rootRef.current.focus();
17027 }
17028 };
17030 var loopFocus = function loopFocus(event) {
17031 // 9 = Tab
17032 if (disableEnforceFocus || !isEnabled() || event.keyCode !== 9) {
17033 return;
17034 } // Make sure the next tab starts from the right place.
17037 if (doc.activeElement === rootRef.current) {
17038 // We need to ignore the next contain as
17039 // it will try to move the focus back to the rootRef element.
17040 ignoreNextEnforceFocus.current = true;
17042 if (event.shiftKey) {
17043 sentinelEnd.current.focus();
17044 } else {
17045 sentinelStart.current.focus();
17046 }
17047 }
17048 };
17050 doc.addEventListener('focus', contain, true);
17051 doc.addEventListener('keydown', loopFocus, true); // With Edge, Safari and Firefox, no focus related events are fired when the focused area stops being a focused area
17052 // e.g. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=559561.
17053 //
17054 // The whatwg spec defines how the browser should behave but does not explicitly mention any events:
17055 // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#focus-fixup-rule.
17057 var interval = setInterval(function () {
17058 contain();
17059 }, 50);
17060 return function () {
17061 clearInterval(interval);
17062 doc.removeEventListener('focus', contain, true);
17063 doc.removeEventListener('keydown', loopFocus, true); // restoreLastFocus()
17065 if (!disableRestoreFocus) {
17066 // In IE 11 it is possible for document.activeElement to be null resulting
17067 // in nodeToRestore.current being null.
17068 // Not all elements in IE 11 have a focus method.
17069 // Once IE 11 support is dropped the focus() call can be unconditional.
17070 if (nodeToRestore.current && nodeToRestore.current.focus) {
17071 nodeToRestore.current.focus();
17072 }
17074 nodeToRestore.current = null;
17075 }
17076 };
17077 }, [disableAutoFocus, disableEnforceFocus, disableRestoreFocus, isEnabled, open]);
17078 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
17079 tabIndex: 0,
17080 ref: sentinelStart,
17081 "data-test": "sentinelStart"
17082 }), /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, {
17083 ref: handleRef
17084 }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
17085 tabIndex: 0,
17086 ref: sentinelEnd,
17087 "data-test": "sentinelEnd"
17088 }));
17089 }
17091 Unstable_TrapFocus.propTypes = {
17092 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
17093 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
17094 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
17095 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17097 /**
17098 * A single child content element.
17099 */
17100 children: propTypes.node,
17102 /**
17103 * If `true`, the trap focus will not automatically shift focus to itself when it opens, and
17104 * replace it to the last focused element when it closes.
17105 * This also works correctly with any trap focus children that have the `disableAutoFocus` prop.
17106 *
17107 * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the trap focus less
17108 * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers.
17109 */
17110 disableAutoFocus: propTypes.bool,
17112 /**
17113 * If `true`, the trap focus will not prevent focus from leaving the trap focus while open.
17114 *
17115 * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the trap focus less
17116 * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers.
17117 */
17118 disableEnforceFocus: propTypes.bool,
17120 /**
17121 * If `true`, the trap focus will not restore focus to previously focused element once
17122 * trap focus is hidden.
17123 */
17124 disableRestoreFocus: propTypes.bool,
17126 /**
17127 * Return the document to consider.
17128 * We use it to implement the restore focus between different browser documents.
17129 */
17130 getDoc: propTypes.func.isRequired,
17132 /**
17133 * Do we still want to enforce the focus?
17134 * This prop helps nesting TrapFocus elements.
17135 */
17136 isEnabled: propTypes.func.isRequired,
17138 /**
17139 * If `true`, focus will be locked.
17140 */
17141 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired
17142 } ;
17144 {
17145 // eslint-disable-next-line
17146 Unstable_TrapFocus['propTypes' + ''] = exactProp(Unstable_TrapFocus.propTypes);
17147 }
17149 var styles$y = {
17150 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
17151 root: {
17152 zIndex: -1,
17153 position: 'fixed',
17154 right: 0,
17155 bottom: 0,
17156 top: 0,
17157 left: 0,
17158 backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
17159 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent'
17160 },
17162 /* Styles applied to the root element if `invisible={true}`. */
17163 invisible: {
17164 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
17165 }
17166 };
17167 /**
17168 * @ignore - internal component.
17169 */
17171 var SimpleBackdrop = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SimpleBackdrop(props, ref) {
17172 var _props$invisible = props.invisible,
17173 invisible = _props$invisible === void 0 ? false : _props$invisible,
17174 open = props.open,
17175 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["invisible", "open"]);
17177 return open ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
17178 "aria-hidden": true,
17179 ref: ref
17180 }, other, {
17181 style: _extends({}, styles$y.root, invisible ? styles$y.invisible : {}, other.style)
17182 })) : null;
17183 });
17184 SimpleBackdrop.propTypes = {
17185 /**
17186 * If `true`, the backdrop is invisible.
17187 * It can be used when rendering a popover or a custom select component.
17188 */
17189 invisible: propTypes.bool,
17191 /**
17192 * If `true`, the backdrop is open.
17193 */
17194 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired
17195 } ;
17197 function getContainer$1(container) {
17198 container = typeof container === 'function' ? container() : container;
17199 return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(container);
17200 }
17202 function getHasTransition(props) {
17203 return props.children ? props.children.props.hasOwnProperty('in') : false;
17204 } // A modal manager used to track and manage the state of open Modals.
17205 // Modals don't open on the server so this won't conflict with concurrent requests.
17208 var defaultManager = new ModalManager();
17209 var styles$z = function styles(theme) {
17210 return {
17211 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
17212 root: {
17213 position: 'fixed',
17214 zIndex: theme.zIndex.modal,
17215 right: 0,
17216 bottom: 0,
17217 top: 0,
17218 left: 0
17219 },
17221 /* Styles applied to the root element if the `Modal` has exited. */
17222 hidden: {
17223 visibility: 'hidden'
17224 }
17225 };
17226 };
17227 /**
17228 * Modal is a lower-level construct that is leveraged by the following components:
17229 *
17230 * - [Dialog](/api/dialog/)
17231 * - [Drawer](/api/drawer/)
17232 * - [Menu](/api/menu/)
17233 * - [Popover](/api/popover/)
17234 *
17235 * If you are creating a modal dialog, you probably want to use the [Dialog](/api/dialog/) component
17236 * rather than directly using Modal.
17237 *
17238 * This component shares many concepts with [react-overlays](https://react-bootstrap.github.io/react-overlays/#modals).
17239 */
17241 var Modal = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Modal(inProps, ref) {
17242 var theme = useTheme();
17243 var props = getThemeProps({
17244 name: 'MuiModal',
17245 props: _extends({}, inProps),
17246 theme: theme
17247 });
17249 var _props$BackdropCompon = props.BackdropComponent,
17250 BackdropComponent = _props$BackdropCompon === void 0 ? SimpleBackdrop : _props$BackdropCompon,
17251 BackdropProps = props.BackdropProps,
17252 children = props.children,
17253 _props$closeAfterTran = props.closeAfterTransition,
17254 closeAfterTransition = _props$closeAfterTran === void 0 ? false : _props$closeAfterTran,
17255 container = props.container,
17256 _props$disableAutoFoc = props.disableAutoFocus,
17257 disableAutoFocus = _props$disableAutoFoc === void 0 ? false : _props$disableAutoFoc,
17258 _props$disableBackdro = props.disableBackdropClick,
17259 disableBackdropClick = _props$disableBackdro === void 0 ? false : _props$disableBackdro,
17260 _props$disableEnforce = props.disableEnforceFocus,
17261 disableEnforceFocus = _props$disableEnforce === void 0 ? false : _props$disableEnforce,
17262 _props$disableEscapeK = props.disableEscapeKeyDown,
17263 disableEscapeKeyDown = _props$disableEscapeK === void 0 ? false : _props$disableEscapeK,
17264 _props$disablePortal = props.disablePortal,
17265 disablePortal = _props$disablePortal === void 0 ? false : _props$disablePortal,
17266 _props$disableRestore = props.disableRestoreFocus,
17267 disableRestoreFocus = _props$disableRestore === void 0 ? false : _props$disableRestore,
17268 _props$disableScrollL = props.disableScrollLock,
17269 disableScrollLock = _props$disableScrollL === void 0 ? false : _props$disableScrollL,
17270 _props$hideBackdrop = props.hideBackdrop,
17271 hideBackdrop = _props$hideBackdrop === void 0 ? false : _props$hideBackdrop,
17272 _props$keepMounted = props.keepMounted,
17273 keepMounted = _props$keepMounted === void 0 ? false : _props$keepMounted,
17274 _props$manager = props.manager,
17275 manager = _props$manager === void 0 ? defaultManager : _props$manager,
17276 onBackdropClick = props.onBackdropClick,
17277 onClose = props.onClose,
17278 onEscapeKeyDown = props.onEscapeKeyDown,
17279 onRendered = props.onRendered,
17280 open = props.open,
17281 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["BackdropComponent", "BackdropProps", "children", "closeAfterTransition", "container", "disableAutoFocus", "disableBackdropClick", "disableEnforceFocus", "disableEscapeKeyDown", "disablePortal", "disableRestoreFocus", "disableScrollLock", "hideBackdrop", "keepMounted", "manager", "onBackdropClick", "onClose", "onEscapeKeyDown", "onRendered", "open"]);
17283 var _React$useState = React.useState(true),
17284 exited = _React$useState[0],
17285 setExited = _React$useState[1];
17287 var modal = React.useRef({});
17288 var mountNodeRef = React.useRef(null);
17289 var modalRef = React.useRef(null);
17290 var handleRef = useForkRef(modalRef, ref);
17291 var hasTransition = getHasTransition(props);
17293 var getDoc = function getDoc() {
17294 return ownerDocument(mountNodeRef.current);
17295 };
17297 var getModal = function getModal() {
17298 modal.current.modalRef = modalRef.current;
17299 modal.current.mountNode = mountNodeRef.current;
17300 return modal.current;
17301 };
17303 var handleMounted = function handleMounted() {
17304 manager.mount(getModal(), {
17305 disableScrollLock: disableScrollLock
17306 }); // Fix a bug on Chrome where the scroll isn't initially 0.
17308 modalRef.current.scrollTop = 0;
17309 };
17311 var handleOpen = useEventCallback(function () {
17312 var resolvedContainer = getContainer$1(container) || getDoc().body;
17313 manager.add(getModal(), resolvedContainer); // The element was already mounted.
17315 if (modalRef.current) {
17316 handleMounted();
17317 }
17318 });
17319 var isTopModal = React.useCallback(function () {
17320 return manager.isTopModal(getModal());
17321 }, [manager]);
17322 var handlePortalRef = useEventCallback(function (node) {
17323 mountNodeRef.current = node;
17325 if (!node) {
17326 return;
17327 }
17329 if (onRendered) {
17330 onRendered();
17331 }
17333 if (open && isTopModal()) {
17334 handleMounted();
17335 } else {
17336 ariaHidden(modalRef.current, true);
17337 }
17338 });
17339 var handleClose = React.useCallback(function () {
17340 manager.remove(getModal());
17341 }, [manager]);
17342 React.useEffect(function () {
17343 return function () {
17344 handleClose();
17345 };
17346 }, [handleClose]);
17347 React.useEffect(function () {
17348 if (open) {
17349 handleOpen();
17350 } else if (!hasTransition || !closeAfterTransition) {
17351 handleClose();
17352 }
17353 }, [open, handleClose, hasTransition, closeAfterTransition, handleOpen]);
17355 if (!keepMounted && !open && (!hasTransition || exited)) {
17356 return null;
17357 }
17359 var handleEnter = function handleEnter() {
17360 setExited(false);
17361 };
17363 var handleExited = function handleExited() {
17364 setExited(true);
17366 if (closeAfterTransition) {
17367 handleClose();
17368 }
17369 };
17371 var handleBackdropClick = function handleBackdropClick(event) {
17372 if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) {
17373 return;
17374 }
17376 if (onBackdropClick) {
17377 onBackdropClick(event);
17378 }
17380 if (!disableBackdropClick && onClose) {
17381 onClose(event, 'backdropClick');
17382 }
17383 };
17385 var handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) {
17386 // The handler doesn't take event.defaultPrevented into account:
17387 //
17388 // event.preventDefault() is meant to stop default behaviours like
17389 // clicking a checkbox to check it, hitting a button to submit a form,
17390 // and hitting left arrow to move the cursor in a text input etc.
17391 // Only special HTML elements have these default behaviors.
17392 if (event.key !== 'Escape' || !isTopModal()) {
17393 return;
17394 }
17396 if (onEscapeKeyDown) {
17397 onEscapeKeyDown(event);
17398 }
17400 if (!disableEscapeKeyDown) {
17401 // Swallow the event, in case someone is listening for the escape key on the body.
17402 event.stopPropagation();
17404 if (onClose) {
17405 onClose(event, 'escapeKeyDown');
17406 }
17407 }
17408 };
17410 var inlineStyle = styles$z(theme || {
17411 zIndex: zIndex$1
17412 });
17413 var childProps = {};
17415 if (children.props.tabIndex === undefined) {
17416 childProps.tabIndex = children.props.tabIndex || '-1';
17417 } // It's a Transition like component
17420 if (hasTransition) {
17421 childProps.onEnter = createChainedFunction(handleEnter, children.props.onEnter);
17422 childProps.onExited = createChainedFunction(handleExited, children.props.onExited);
17423 }
17425 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Portal, {
17426 ref: handlePortalRef,
17427 container: container,
17428 disablePortal: disablePortal
17429 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
17430 ref: handleRef,
17431 onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
17432 role: "presentation"
17433 }, other, {
17434 style: _extends({}, inlineStyle.root, !open && exited ? inlineStyle.hidden : {}, other.style)
17435 }), hideBackdrop ? null : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(BackdropComponent, _extends({
17436 open: open,
17437 onClick: handleBackdropClick
17438 }, BackdropProps)), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Unstable_TrapFocus, {
17439 disableEnforceFocus: disableEnforceFocus,
17440 disableAutoFocus: disableAutoFocus,
17441 disableRestoreFocus: disableRestoreFocus,
17442 getDoc: getDoc,
17443 isEnabled: isTopModal,
17444 open: open
17445 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, childProps))));
17446 });
17447 Modal.propTypes = {
17448 /**
17449 * A backdrop component. This prop enables custom backdrop rendering.
17450 */
17451 BackdropComponent: propTypes.elementType,
17453 /**
17454 * Props applied to the [`Backdrop`](/api/backdrop/) element.
17455 */
17456 BackdropProps: propTypes.object,
17458 /**
17459 * A single child content element.
17460 */
17461 children: elementAcceptingRef.isRequired,
17463 /**
17464 * When set to true the Modal waits until a nested Transition is completed before closing.
17465 */
17466 closeAfterTransition: propTypes.bool,
17468 /**
17469 * A HTML element, component instance, or function that returns either.
17470 * The `container` will have the portal children appended to it.
17471 *
17472 * By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object,
17473 * so it's simply `document.body` most of the time.
17474 */
17475 container: propTypes
17476 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
17477 .oneOfType([HTMLElementType, propTypes.instanceOf(React.Component), propTypes.func]),
17479 /**
17480 * If `true`, the modal will not automatically shift focus to itself when it opens, and
17481 * replace it to the last focused element when it closes.
17482 * This also works correctly with any modal children that have the `disableAutoFocus` prop.
17483 *
17484 * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the modal less
17485 * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers.
17486 */
17487 disableAutoFocus: propTypes.bool,
17489 /**
17490 * If `true`, clicking the backdrop will not fire `onClose`.
17491 */
17492 disableBackdropClick: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.bool, 'Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to filter the `backdropClick` events.'),
17494 /**
17495 * If `true`, the modal will not prevent focus from leaving the modal while open.
17496 *
17497 * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the modal less
17498 * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers.
17499 */
17500 disableEnforceFocus: propTypes.bool,
17502 /**
17503 * If `true`, hitting escape will not fire `onClose`.
17504 */
17505 disableEscapeKeyDown: propTypes.bool,
17507 /**
17508 * Disable the portal behavior.
17509 * The children stay within it's parent DOM hierarchy.
17510 */
17511 disablePortal: propTypes.bool,
17513 /**
17514 * If `true`, the modal will not restore focus to previously focused element once
17515 * modal is hidden.
17516 */
17517 disableRestoreFocus: propTypes.bool,
17519 /**
17520 * Disable the scroll lock behavior.
17521 */
17522 disableScrollLock: propTypes.bool,
17524 /**
17525 * If `true`, the backdrop is not rendered.
17526 */
17527 hideBackdrop: propTypes.bool,
17529 /**
17530 * Always keep the children in the DOM.
17531 * This prop can be useful in SEO situation or
17532 * when you want to maximize the responsiveness of the Modal.
17533 */
17534 keepMounted: propTypes.bool,
17536 /**
17537 * @ignore
17538 */
17539 manager: propTypes.object,
17541 /**
17542 * Callback fired when the backdrop is clicked.
17543 */
17544 onBackdropClick: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to handle the `backdropClick` events.'),
17546 /**
17547 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
17548 * The `reason` parameter can optionally be used to control the response to `onClose`.
17549 *
17550 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
17551 * @param {string} reason Can be: `"escapeKeyDown"`, `"backdropClick"`.
17552 */
17553 onClose: propTypes.func,
17555 /**
17556 * Callback fired when the escape key is pressed,
17557 * `disableEscapeKeyDown` is false and the modal is in focus.
17558 */
17559 onEscapeKeyDown: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to handle the `escapeKeyDown` events.'),
17561 /**
17562 * Callback fired once the children has been mounted into the `container`.
17563 * It signals that the `open={true}` prop took effect.
17564 *
17565 * This prop will be removed in v5, the ref can be used instead.
17566 */
17567 onRendered: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the ref instead.'),
17569 /**
17570 * If `true`, the modal is open.
17571 */
17572 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired
17573 } ;
17575 var styles$A = function styles(theme) {
17576 return {
17577 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
17578 root: {
17579 '@media print': {
17580 // Use !important to override the Modal inline-style.
17581 position: 'absolute !important'
17582 }
17583 },
17585 /* Styles applied to the container element if `scroll="paper"`. */
17586 scrollPaper: {
17587 display: 'flex',
17588 justifyContent: 'center',
17589 alignItems: 'center'
17590 },
17592 /* Styles applied to the container element if `scroll="body"`. */
17593 scrollBody: {
17594 overflowY: 'auto',
17595 overflowX: 'hidden',
17596 textAlign: 'center',
17597 '&:after': {
17598 content: '""',
17599 display: 'inline-block',
17600 verticalAlign: 'middle',
17601 height: '100%',
17602 width: '0'
17603 }
17604 },
17606 /* Styles applied to the container element. */
17607 container: {
17608 height: '100%',
17609 '@media print': {
17610 height: 'auto'
17611 },
17612 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
17613 outline: 0
17614 },
17616 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component. */
17617 paper: {
17618 margin: 32,
17619 position: 'relative',
17620 overflowY: 'auto',
17621 // Fix IE 11 issue, to remove at some point.
17622 '@media print': {
17623 overflowY: 'visible',
17624 boxShadow: 'none'
17625 }
17626 },
17628 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `scroll="paper"`. */
17629 paperScrollPaper: {
17630 display: 'flex',
17631 flexDirection: 'column',
17632 maxHeight: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17633 },
17635 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `scroll="body"`. */
17636 paperScrollBody: {
17637 display: 'inline-block',
17638 verticalAlign: 'middle',
17639 textAlign: 'left' // 'initial' doesn't work on IE 11
17641 },
17643 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `maxWidth=false`. */
17644 paperWidthFalse: {
17645 maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17646 },
17648 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `maxWidth="xs"`. */
17649 paperWidthXs: {
17650 maxWidth: Math.max(theme.breakpoints.values.xs, 444),
17651 '&$paperScrollBody': _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.down(Math.max(theme.breakpoints.values.xs, 444) + 32 * 2), {
17652 maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17653 })
17654 },
17656 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `maxWidth="sm"`. */
17657 paperWidthSm: {
17658 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.sm,
17659 '&$paperScrollBody': _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.down(theme.breakpoints.values.sm + 32 * 2), {
17660 maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17661 })
17662 },
17664 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `maxWidth="md"`. */
17665 paperWidthMd: {
17666 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.md,
17667 '&$paperScrollBody': _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.down(theme.breakpoints.values.md + 32 * 2), {
17668 maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17669 })
17670 },
17672 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `maxWidth="lg"`. */
17673 paperWidthLg: {
17674 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.lg,
17675 '&$paperScrollBody': _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.down(theme.breakpoints.values.lg + 32 * 2), {
17676 maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17677 })
17678 },
17680 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `maxWidth="xl"`. */
17681 paperWidthXl: {
17682 maxWidth: theme.breakpoints.values.xl,
17683 '&$paperScrollBody': _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.down(theme.breakpoints.values.xl + 32 * 2), {
17684 maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17685 })
17686 },
17688 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `fullWidth={true}`. */
17689 paperFullWidth: {
17690 width: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
17691 },
17693 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `fullScreen={true}`. */
17694 paperFullScreen: {
17695 margin: 0,
17696 width: '100%',
17697 maxWidth: '100%',
17698 height: '100%',
17699 maxHeight: 'none',
17700 borderRadius: 0,
17701 '&$paperScrollBody': {
17702 margin: 0,
17703 maxWidth: '100%'
17704 }
17705 }
17706 };
17707 };
17708 var defaultTransitionDuration = {
17709 enter: duration.enteringScreen,
17710 exit: duration.leavingScreen
17711 };
17712 /**
17713 * Dialogs are overlaid modal paper based components with a backdrop.
17714 */
17716 var Dialog = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Dialog(props, ref) {
17717 var BackdropProps = props.BackdropProps,
17718 children = props.children,
17719 classes = props.classes,
17720 className = props.className,
17721 _props$disableBackdro = props.disableBackdropClick,
17722 disableBackdropClick = _props$disableBackdro === void 0 ? false : _props$disableBackdro,
17723 _props$disableEscapeK = props.disableEscapeKeyDown,
17724 disableEscapeKeyDown = _props$disableEscapeK === void 0 ? false : _props$disableEscapeK,
17725 _props$fullScreen = props.fullScreen,
17726 fullScreen = _props$fullScreen === void 0 ? false : _props$fullScreen,
17727 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
17728 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
17729 _props$maxWidth = props.maxWidth,
17730 maxWidth = _props$maxWidth === void 0 ? 'sm' : _props$maxWidth,
17731 onBackdropClick = props.onBackdropClick,
17732 onClose = props.onClose,
17733 onEnter = props.onEnter,
17734 onEntered = props.onEntered,
17735 onEntering = props.onEntering,
17736 onEscapeKeyDown = props.onEscapeKeyDown,
17737 onExit = props.onExit,
17738 onExited = props.onExited,
17739 onExiting = props.onExiting,
17740 open = props.open,
17741 _props$PaperComponent = props.PaperComponent,
17742 PaperComponent = _props$PaperComponent === void 0 ? Paper$1 : _props$PaperComponent,
17743 _props$PaperProps = props.PaperProps,
17744 PaperProps = _props$PaperProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$PaperProps,
17745 _props$scroll = props.scroll,
17746 scroll = _props$scroll === void 0 ? 'paper' : _props$scroll,
17747 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
17748 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Fade : _props$TransitionComp,
17749 _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration,
17750 transitionDuration = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? defaultTransitionDuration : _props$transitionDura,
17751 TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps,
17752 ariaDescribedby = props['aria-describedby'],
17753 ariaLabelledby = props['aria-labelledby'],
17754 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["BackdropProps", "children", "classes", "className", "disableBackdropClick", "disableEscapeKeyDown", "fullScreen", "fullWidth", "maxWidth", "onBackdropClick", "onClose", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onEscapeKeyDown", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "open", "PaperComponent", "PaperProps", "scroll", "TransitionComponent", "transitionDuration", "TransitionProps", "aria-describedby", "aria-labelledby"]);
17756 var mouseDownTarget = React.useRef();
17758 var handleMouseDown = function handleMouseDown(event) {
17759 mouseDownTarget.current = event.target;
17760 };
17762 var handleBackdropClick = function handleBackdropClick(event) {
17763 // Ignore the events not coming from the "backdrop"
17764 // We don't want to close the dialog when clicking the dialog content.
17765 if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) {
17766 return;
17767 } // Make sure the event starts and ends on the same DOM element.
17770 if (event.target !== mouseDownTarget.current) {
17771 return;
17772 }
17774 mouseDownTarget.current = null;
17776 if (onBackdropClick) {
17777 onBackdropClick(event);
17778 }
17780 if (!disableBackdropClick && onClose) {
17781 onClose(event, 'backdropClick');
17782 }
17783 };
17785 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Modal, _extends({
17786 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
17787 BackdropComponent: Backdrop$1,
17788 BackdropProps: _extends({
17789 transitionDuration: transitionDuration
17790 }, BackdropProps),
17791 closeAfterTransition: true
17792 }, disableBackdropClick ? {
17793 disableBackdropClick: disableBackdropClick
17794 } : {}, {
17795 disableEscapeKeyDown: disableEscapeKeyDown,
17796 onEscapeKeyDown: onEscapeKeyDown,
17797 onClose: onClose,
17798 open: open,
17799 ref: ref
17800 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
17801 appear: true,
17802 in: open,
17803 timeout: transitionDuration,
17804 onEnter: onEnter,
17805 onEntering: onEntering,
17806 onEntered: onEntered,
17807 onExit: onExit,
17808 onExiting: onExiting,
17809 onExited: onExited,
17810 role: "none presentation"
17811 }, TransitionProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
17812 className: clsx(classes.container, classes["scroll".concat(capitalize(scroll))]),
17813 onMouseUp: handleBackdropClick,
17814 onMouseDown: handleMouseDown
17815 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaperComponent, _extends({
17816 elevation: 24,
17817 role: "dialog",
17818 "aria-describedby": ariaDescribedby,
17819 "aria-labelledby": ariaLabelledby
17820 }, PaperProps, {
17821 className: clsx(classes.paper, classes["paperScroll".concat(capitalize(scroll))], classes["paperWidth".concat(capitalize(String(maxWidth)))], PaperProps.className, fullScreen && classes.paperFullScreen, fullWidth && classes.paperFullWidth)
17822 }), children))));
17823 });
17824 Dialog.propTypes = {
17825 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
17826 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
17827 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
17828 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17830 /**
17831 * The id(s) of the element(s) that describe the dialog.
17832 */
17833 'aria-describedby': propTypes.string,
17835 /**
17836 * The id(s) of the element(s) that label the dialog.
17837 */
17838 'aria-labelledby': propTypes.string,
17840 /**
17841 * @ignore
17842 */
17843 BackdropProps: propTypes.object,
17845 /**
17846 * Dialog children, usually the included sub-components.
17847 */
17848 children: propTypes.node,
17850 /**
17851 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
17852 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
17853 */
17854 classes: propTypes.object,
17856 /**
17857 * @ignore
17858 */
17859 className: propTypes.string,
17861 /**
17862 * If `true`, clicking the backdrop will not fire the `onClose` callback.
17863 * @deprecated Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to filter the `backdropClick` events.
17864 */
17865 disableBackdropClick: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.bool, 'Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to filter the `backdropClick` events.'),
17867 /**
17868 * If `true`, hitting escape will not fire the `onClose` callback.
17869 */
17870 disableEscapeKeyDown: propTypes.bool,
17872 /**
17873 * If `true`, the dialog will be full-screen
17874 */
17875 fullScreen: propTypes.bool,
17877 /**
17878 * If `true`, the dialog stretches to `maxWidth`.
17879 *
17880 * Notice that the dialog width grow is limited by the default margin.
17881 */
17882 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
17884 /**
17885 * Determine the max-width of the dialog.
17886 * The dialog width grows with the size of the screen.
17887 * Set to `false` to disable `maxWidth`.
17888 */
17889 maxWidth: propTypes.oneOf(['lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xl', 'xs', false]),
17891 /**
17892 * Callback fired when the backdrop is clicked.
17893 * @deprecated Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to handle the `backdropClick` events.
17894 */
17895 onBackdropClick: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to handle the `backdropClick` events.'),
17897 /**
17898 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
17899 *
17900 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
17901 * @param {string} reason Can be: `"escapeKeyDown"`, `"backdropClick"`.
17902 */
17903 onClose: propTypes.func,
17905 /**
17906 * Callback fired before the dialog enters.
17907 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
17908 */
17909 onEnter: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
17911 /**
17912 * Callback fired when the dialog has entered.
17913 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
17914 */
17915 onEntered: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
17917 /**
17918 * Callback fired when the dialog is entering.
17919 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
17920 */
17921 onEntering: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
17923 /**
17924 * Callback fired when the escape key is pressed,
17925 * `disableKeyboard` is false and the modal is in focus.
17926 * @deprecated Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to handle the `escapeKeyDown` events.
17927 */
17928 onEscapeKeyDown: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the onClose prop with the `reason` argument to handle the `escapeKeyDown` events.'),
17930 /**
17931 * Callback fired before the dialog exits.
17932 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
17933 */
17934 onExit: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
17936 /**
17937 * Callback fired when the dialog has exited.
17938 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
17939 */
17940 onExited: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
17942 /**
17943 * Callback fired when the dialog is exiting.
17944 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
17945 */
17946 onExiting: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
17948 /**
17949 * If `true`, the Dialog is open.
17950 */
17951 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired,
17953 /**
17954 * The component used to render the body of the dialog.
17955 */
17956 PaperComponent: propTypes.elementType,
17958 /**
17959 * Props applied to the [`Paper`](/api/paper/) element.
17960 */
17961 PaperProps: propTypes.object,
17963 /**
17964 * Determine the container for scrolling the dialog.
17965 */
17966 scroll: propTypes.oneOf(['body', 'paper']),
17968 /**
17969 * The component used for the transition.
17970 * [Follow this guide](/components/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component.
17971 */
17972 TransitionComponent: propTypes.elementType,
17974 /**
17975 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
17976 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
17977 */
17978 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
17979 appear: propTypes.number,
17980 enter: propTypes.number,
17981 exit: propTypes.number
17982 })]),
17984 /**
17985 * Props applied to the [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition#Transition-props) element.
17986 */
17987 TransitionProps: propTypes.object
17988 } ;
17989 var Dialog$1 = withStyles$1(styles$A, {
17990 name: 'MuiDialog'
17991 })(Dialog);
17993 var styles$B = {
17994 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
17995 root: {
17996 display: 'flex',
17997 alignItems: 'center',
17998 padding: 8,
17999 justifyContent: 'flex-end',
18000 flex: '0 0 auto'
18001 },
18003 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableSpacing={false}`. */
18004 spacing: {
18005 '& > :not(:first-child)': {
18006 marginLeft: 8
18007 }
18008 }
18009 };
18010 var DialogActions = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function DialogActions(props, ref) {
18011 var _props$disableSpacing = props.disableSpacing,
18012 disableSpacing = _props$disableSpacing === void 0 ? false : _props$disableSpacing,
18013 classes = props.classes,
18014 className = props.className,
18015 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["disableSpacing", "classes", "className"]);
18017 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
18018 className: clsx(classes.root, className, !disableSpacing && classes.spacing),
18019 ref: ref
18020 }, other));
18021 });
18022 DialogActions.propTypes = {
18023 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
18024 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
18025 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
18026 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18028 /**
18029 * The content of the component.
18030 */
18031 children: propTypes.node,
18033 /**
18034 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
18035 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
18036 */
18037 classes: propTypes.object,
18039 /**
18040 * @ignore
18041 */
18042 className: propTypes.string,
18044 /**
18045 * If `true`, the actions do not have additional margin.
18046 */
18047 disableSpacing: propTypes.bool
18048 } ;
18049 var DialogActions$1 = withStyles$1(styles$B, {
18050 name: 'MuiDialogActions'
18051 })(DialogActions);
18053 var styles$C = function styles(theme) {
18054 return {
18055 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
18056 root: {
18057 flex: '1 1 auto',
18058 WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
18059 // Add iOS momentum scrolling.
18060 overflowY: 'auto',
18061 padding: '8px 24px',
18062 '&:first-child': {
18063 // dialog without title
18064 paddingTop: 20
18065 }
18066 },
18068 /* Styles applied to the root element if `dividers={true}`. */
18069 dividers: {
18070 padding: '16px 24px',
18071 borderTop: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider),
18072 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider)
18073 }
18074 };
18075 };
18076 var DialogContent = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function DialogContent(props, ref) {
18077 var classes = props.classes,
18078 className = props.className,
18079 _props$dividers = props.dividers,
18080 dividers = _props$dividers === void 0 ? false : _props$dividers,
18081 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "dividers"]);
18083 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
18084 className: clsx(classes.root, className, dividers && classes.dividers),
18085 ref: ref
18086 }, other));
18087 });
18088 DialogContent.propTypes = {
18089 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
18090 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
18091 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
18092 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18094 /**
18095 * The content of the component.
18096 */
18097 children: propTypes.node,
18099 /**
18100 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
18101 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
18102 */
18103 classes: propTypes.object,
18105 /**
18106 * @ignore
18107 */
18108 className: propTypes.string,
18110 /**
18111 * Display the top and bottom dividers.
18112 */
18113 dividers: propTypes.bool
18114 } ;
18115 var DialogContent$1 = withStyles$1(styles$C, {
18116 name: 'MuiDialogContent'
18117 })(DialogContent);
18119 var styles$D = {
18120 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
18121 root: {
18122 marginBottom: 12
18123 }
18124 };
18125 var DialogContentText = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function DialogContentText(props, ref) {
18126 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, _extends({
18127 component: "p",
18128 variant: "body1",
18129 color: "textSecondary",
18130 ref: ref
18131 }, props));
18132 });
18133 DialogContentText.propTypes = {
18134 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
18135 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
18136 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
18137 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18139 /**
18140 * The content of the component.
18141 */
18142 children: propTypes.node,
18144 /**
18145 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
18146 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
18147 */
18148 classes: propTypes.object
18149 } ;
18150 var DialogContentText$1 = withStyles$1(styles$D, {
18151 name: 'MuiDialogContentText'
18152 })(DialogContentText);
18154 var styles$E = {
18155 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
18156 root: {
18157 margin: 0,
18158 padding: '16px 24px',
18159 flex: '0 0 auto'
18160 }
18161 };
18162 var DialogTitle = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function DialogTitle(props, ref) {
18163 var children = props.children,
18164 classes = props.classes,
18165 className = props.className,
18166 _props$disableTypogra = props.disableTypography,
18167 disableTypography = _props$disableTypogra === void 0 ? false : _props$disableTypogra,
18168 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "disableTypography"]);
18170 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
18171 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
18172 ref: ref
18173 }, other), disableTypography ? children : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, {
18174 component: "h2",
18175 variant: "h6"
18176 }, children));
18177 });
18178 DialogTitle.propTypes = {
18179 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
18180 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
18181 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
18182 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18184 /**
18185 * The content of the component.
18186 */
18187 children: propTypes.node,
18189 /**
18190 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
18191 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
18192 */
18193 classes: propTypes.object,
18195 /**
18196 * @ignore
18197 */
18198 className: propTypes.string,
18200 /**
18201 * If `true`, the children won't be wrapped by a typography component.
18202 * For instance, this can be useful to render an h4 instead of the default h2.
18203 */
18204 disableTypography: propTypes.bool
18205 } ;
18206 var DialogTitle$1 = withStyles$1(styles$E, {
18207 name: 'MuiDialogTitle'
18208 })(DialogTitle);
18210 var styles$F = function styles(theme) {
18211 return {
18212 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
18213 root: {
18214 height: 1,
18215 margin: 0,
18216 // Reset browser default style.
18217 border: 'none',
18218 flexShrink: 0,
18219 backgroundColor: theme.palette.divider
18220 },
18222 /* Styles applied to the root element if `absolute={true}`. */
18223 absolute: {
18224 position: 'absolute',
18225 bottom: 0,
18226 left: 0,
18227 width: '100%'
18228 },
18230 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="inset"`. */
18231 inset: {
18232 marginLeft: 72
18233 },
18235 /* Styles applied to the root element if `light={true}`. */
18236 light: {
18237 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.divider, 0.08)
18238 },
18240 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="middle"`. */
18241 middle: {
18242 marginLeft: theme.spacing(2),
18243 marginRight: theme.spacing(2)
18244 },
18246 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
18247 vertical: {
18248 height: '100%',
18249 width: 1
18250 },
18252 /* Styles applied to the root element if `flexItem={true}`. */
18253 flexItem: {
18254 alignSelf: 'stretch',
18255 height: 'auto'
18256 }
18257 };
18258 };
18259 var Divider = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Divider(props, ref) {
18260 var _props$absolute = props.absolute,
18261 absolute = _props$absolute === void 0 ? false : _props$absolute,
18262 classes = props.classes,
18263 className = props.className,
18264 _props$component = props.component,
18265 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'hr' : _props$component,
18266 _props$flexItem = props.flexItem,
18267 flexItem = _props$flexItem === void 0 ? false : _props$flexItem,
18268 _props$light = props.light,
18269 light = _props$light === void 0 ? false : _props$light,
18270 _props$orientation = props.orientation,
18271 orientation = _props$orientation === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _props$orientation,
18272 _props$role = props.role,
18273 role = _props$role === void 0 ? Component !== 'hr' ? 'separator' : undefined : _props$role,
18274 _props$variant = props.variant,
18275 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'fullWidth' : _props$variant,
18276 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["absolute", "classes", "className", "component", "flexItem", "light", "orientation", "role", "variant"]);
18278 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
18279 className: clsx(classes.root, className, variant !== 'fullWidth' && classes[variant], absolute && classes.absolute, flexItem && classes.flexItem, light && classes.light, orientation === 'vertical' && classes.vertical),
18280 role: role,
18281 ref: ref
18282 }, other));
18283 });
18284 Divider.propTypes = {
18285 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
18286 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
18287 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
18288 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18290 /**
18291 * Absolutely position the element.
18292 */
18293 absolute: propTypes.bool,
18295 /**
18296 * @ignore
18297 */
18298 children: propTypes.node,
18300 /**
18301 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
18302 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
18303 */
18304 classes: propTypes.object,
18306 /**
18307 * @ignore
18308 */
18309 className: propTypes.string,
18311 /**
18312 * The component used for the root node.
18313 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
18314 */
18315 component: propTypes
18316 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
18317 .elementType,
18319 /**
18320 * If `true`, a vertical divider will have the correct height when used in flex container.
18321 * (By default, a vertical divider will have a calculated height of `0px` if it is the child of a flex container.)
18322 */
18323 flexItem: propTypes.bool,
18325 /**
18326 * If `true`, the divider will have a lighter color.
18327 */
18328 light: propTypes.bool,
18330 /**
18331 * The divider orientation.
18332 */
18333 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']),
18335 /**
18336 * @ignore
18337 */
18338 role: propTypes.string,
18340 /**
18341 * The variant to use.
18342 */
18343 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['fullWidth', 'inset', 'middle'])
18344 } ;
18345 var Divider$1 = withStyles$1(styles$F, {
18346 name: 'MuiDivider'
18347 })(Divider);
18349 // Later, we gonna translate back the node to his original location
18350 // with `none`.`
18352 function getTranslateValue(direction, node) {
18353 var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
18354 var transform;
18356 if (node.fakeTransform) {
18357 transform = node.fakeTransform;
18358 } else {
18359 var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(node);
18360 transform = computedStyle.getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform') || computedStyle.getPropertyValue('transform');
18361 }
18363 var offsetX = 0;
18364 var offsetY = 0;
18366 if (transform && transform !== 'none' && typeof transform === 'string') {
18367 var transformValues = transform.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',');
18368 offsetX = parseInt(transformValues[4], 10);
18369 offsetY = parseInt(transformValues[5], 10);
18370 }
18372 if (direction === 'left') {
18373 return "translateX(".concat(window.innerWidth, "px) translateX(").concat(offsetX - rect.left, "px)");
18374 }
18376 if (direction === 'right') {
18377 return "translateX(-".concat(rect.left + rect.width - offsetX, "px)");
18378 }
18380 if (direction === 'up') {
18381 return "translateY(".concat(window.innerHeight, "px) translateY(").concat(offsetY - rect.top, "px)");
18382 } // direction === 'down'
18385 return "translateY(-".concat(rect.top + rect.height - offsetY, "px)");
18386 }
18388 function setTranslateValue(direction, node) {
18389 var transform = getTranslateValue(direction, node);
18391 if (transform) {
18392 node.style.webkitTransform = transform;
18393 node.style.transform = transform;
18394 }
18395 }
18396 var defaultTimeout$1 = {
18397 enter: duration.enteringScreen,
18398 exit: duration.leavingScreen
18399 };
18400 /**
18401 * The Slide transition is used by the [Drawer](/components/drawers/) component.
18402 * It uses [react-transition-group](https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group) internally.
18403 */
18405 var Slide = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Slide(props, ref) {
18406 var children = props.children,
18407 _props$direction = props.direction,
18408 direction = _props$direction === void 0 ? 'down' : _props$direction,
18409 inProp = props.in,
18410 onEnter = props.onEnter,
18411 onEntered = props.onEntered,
18412 onEntering = props.onEntering,
18413 onExit = props.onExit,
18414 onExited = props.onExited,
18415 onExiting = props.onExiting,
18416 style = props.style,
18417 _props$timeout = props.timeout,
18418 timeout = _props$timeout === void 0 ? defaultTimeout$1 : _props$timeout,
18419 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
18420 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Transition : _props$TransitionComp,
18421 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "direction", "in", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "style", "timeout", "TransitionComponent"]);
18423 var theme = useTheme$1();
18424 var childrenRef = React.useRef(null);
18425 /**
18426 * used in cloneElement(children, { ref: handleRef })
18427 */
18429 var handleOwnRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
18430 // #StrictMode ready
18431 childrenRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
18432 }, []);
18433 var handleRefIntermediary = useForkRef(children.ref, handleOwnRef);
18434 var handleRef = useForkRef(handleRefIntermediary, ref);
18436 var normalizedTransitionCallback = function normalizedTransitionCallback(callback) {
18437 return function (isAppearing) {
18438 if (callback) {
18439 // onEnterXxx and onExitXxx callbacks have a different arguments.length value.
18440 if (isAppearing === undefined) {
18441 callback(childrenRef.current);
18442 } else {
18443 callback(childrenRef.current, isAppearing);
18444 }
18445 }
18446 };
18447 };
18449 var handleEnter = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
18450 setTranslateValue(direction, node);
18451 reflow(node);
18453 if (onEnter) {
18454 onEnter(node, isAppearing);
18455 }
18456 });
18457 var handleEntering = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
18458 var transitionProps = getTransitionProps({
18459 timeout: timeout,
18460 style: style
18461 }, {
18462 mode: 'enter'
18463 });
18464 node.style.webkitTransition = theme.transitions.create('-webkit-transform', _extends({}, transitionProps, {
18465 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
18466 }));
18467 node.style.transition = theme.transitions.create('transform', _extends({}, transitionProps, {
18468 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
18469 }));
18470 node.style.webkitTransform = 'none';
18471 node.style.transform = 'none';
18473 if (onEntering) {
18474 onEntering(node, isAppearing);
18475 }
18476 });
18477 var handleEntered = normalizedTransitionCallback(onEntered);
18478 var handleExiting = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExiting);
18479 var handleExit = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node) {
18480 var transitionProps = getTransitionProps({
18481 timeout: timeout,
18482 style: style
18483 }, {
18484 mode: 'exit'
18485 });
18486 node.style.webkitTransition = theme.transitions.create('-webkit-transform', _extends({}, transitionProps, {
18487 easing: theme.transitions.easing.sharp
18488 }));
18489 node.style.transition = theme.transitions.create('transform', _extends({}, transitionProps, {
18490 easing: theme.transitions.easing.sharp
18491 }));
18492 setTranslateValue(direction, node);
18494 if (onExit) {
18495 onExit(node);
18496 }
18497 });
18498 var handleExited = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node) {
18499 // No need for transitions when the component is hidden
18500 node.style.webkitTransition = '';
18501 node.style.transition = '';
18503 if (onExited) {
18504 onExited(node);
18505 }
18506 });
18507 var updatePosition = React.useCallback(function () {
18508 if (childrenRef.current) {
18509 setTranslateValue(direction, childrenRef.current);
18510 }
18511 }, [direction]);
18512 React.useEffect(function () {
18513 // Skip configuration where the position is screen size invariant.
18514 if (inProp || direction === 'down' || direction === 'right') {
18515 return undefined;
18516 }
18518 var handleResize = debounce(function () {
18519 if (childrenRef.current) {
18520 setTranslateValue(direction, childrenRef.current);
18521 }
18522 });
18523 window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
18524 return function () {
18525 handleResize.clear();
18526 window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
18527 };
18528 }, [direction, inProp]);
18529 React.useEffect(function () {
18530 if (!inProp) {
18531 // We need to update the position of the drawer when the direction change and
18532 // when it's hidden.
18533 updatePosition();
18534 }
18535 }, [inProp, updatePosition]);
18536 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
18537 nodeRef: childrenRef,
18538 onEnter: handleEnter,
18539 onEntered: handleEntered,
18540 onEntering: handleEntering,
18541 onExit: handleExit,
18542 onExited: handleExited,
18543 onExiting: handleExiting,
18544 appear: true,
18545 in: inProp,
18546 timeout: timeout
18547 }, other), function (state, childProps) {
18548 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, _extends({
18549 ref: handleRef,
18550 style: _extends({
18551 visibility: state === 'exited' && !inProp ? 'hidden' : undefined
18552 }, style, children.props.style)
18553 }, childProps));
18554 });
18555 });
18556 Slide.propTypes = {
18557 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
18558 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
18559 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
18560 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18562 /**
18563 * A single child content element.
18564 */
18565 children: elementAcceptingRef,
18567 /**
18568 * Direction the child node will enter from.
18569 */
18570 direction: propTypes.oneOf(['down', 'left', 'right', 'up']),
18572 /**
18573 * If `true`, show the component; triggers the enter or exit animation.
18574 */
18575 in: propTypes.bool,
18577 /**
18578 * @ignore
18579 */
18580 onEnter: propTypes.func,
18582 /**
18583 * @ignore
18584 */
18585 onEntered: propTypes.func,
18587 /**
18588 * @ignore
18589 */
18590 onEntering: propTypes.func,
18592 /**
18593 * @ignore
18594 */
18595 onExit: propTypes.func,
18597 /**
18598 * @ignore
18599 */
18600 onExited: propTypes.func,
18602 /**
18603 * @ignore
18604 */
18605 onExiting: propTypes.func,
18607 /**
18608 * @ignore
18609 */
18610 style: propTypes.object,
18612 /**
18613 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
18614 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
18615 */
18616 timeout: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
18617 appear: propTypes.number,
18618 enter: propTypes.number,
18619 exit: propTypes.number
18620 })])
18621 } ;
18623 var styles$G = function styles(theme) {
18624 return {
18625 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
18626 root: {},
18628 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="permanent or persistent"`. */
18629 docked: {
18630 flex: '0 0 auto'
18631 },
18633 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component. */
18634 paper: {
18635 overflowY: 'auto',
18636 display: 'flex',
18637 flexDirection: 'column',
18638 height: '100%',
18639 flex: '1 0 auto',
18640 zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer,
18641 WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
18642 // Add iOS momentum scrolling.
18643 // temporary style
18644 position: 'fixed',
18645 top: 0,
18646 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
18647 // At some point, it would be better to keep it for keyboard users.
18648 // :focus-ring CSS pseudo-class will help.
18649 outline: 0
18650 },
18652 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="left"`. */
18653 paperAnchorLeft: {
18654 left: 0,
18655 right: 'auto'
18656 },
18658 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="right"`. */
18659 paperAnchorRight: {
18660 left: 'auto',
18661 right: 0
18662 },
18664 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="top"`. */
18665 paperAnchorTop: {
18666 top: 0,
18667 left: 0,
18668 bottom: 'auto',
18669 right: 0,
18670 height: 'auto',
18671 maxHeight: '100%'
18672 },
18674 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="bottom"`. */
18675 paperAnchorBottom: {
18676 top: 'auto',
18677 left: 0,
18678 bottom: 0,
18679 right: 0,
18680 height: 'auto',
18681 maxHeight: '100%'
18682 },
18684 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="left"` and `variant` is not "temporary". */
18685 paperAnchorDockedLeft: {
18686 borderRight: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider)
18687 },
18689 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="top"` and `variant` is not "temporary". */
18690 paperAnchorDockedTop: {
18691 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider)
18692 },
18694 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="right"` and `variant` is not "temporary". */
18695 paperAnchorDockedRight: {
18696 borderLeft: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider)
18697 },
18699 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component if `anchor="bottom"` and `variant` is not "temporary". */
18700 paperAnchorDockedBottom: {
18701 borderTop: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider)
18702 },
18704 /* Styles applied to the `Modal` component. */
18705 modal: {}
18706 };
18707 };
18708 var oppositeDirection = {
18709 left: 'right',
18710 right: 'left',
18711 top: 'down',
18712 bottom: 'up'
18713 };
18714 function isHorizontal(anchor) {
18715 return ['left', 'right'].indexOf(anchor) !== -1;
18716 }
18717 function getAnchor(theme, anchor) {
18718 return theme.direction === 'rtl' && isHorizontal(anchor) ? oppositeDirection[anchor] : anchor;
18719 }
18720 var defaultTransitionDuration$1 = {
18721 enter: duration.enteringScreen,
18722 exit: duration.leavingScreen
18723 };
18724 /**
18725 * The props of the [Modal](/api/modal/) component are available
18726 * when `variant="temporary"` is set.
18727 */
18729 var Drawer = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Drawer(props, ref) {
18730 var _props$anchor = props.anchor,
18731 anchorProp = _props$anchor === void 0 ? 'left' : _props$anchor,
18732 BackdropProps = props.BackdropProps,
18733 children = props.children,
18734 classes = props.classes,
18735 className = props.className,
18736 _props$elevation = props.elevation,
18737 elevation = _props$elevation === void 0 ? 16 : _props$elevation,
18738 _props$ModalProps = props.ModalProps;
18739 _props$ModalProps = _props$ModalProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$ModalProps;
18741 var BackdropPropsProp = _props$ModalProps.BackdropProps,
18742 ModalProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_props$ModalProps, ["BackdropProps"]),
18743 onClose = props.onClose,
18744 _props$open = props.open,
18745 open = _props$open === void 0 ? false : _props$open,
18746 _props$PaperProps = props.PaperProps,
18747 PaperProps = _props$PaperProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$PaperProps,
18748 SlideProps = props.SlideProps,
18749 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
18750 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Slide : _props$TransitionComp,
18751 _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration,
18752 transitionDuration = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? defaultTransitionDuration$1 : _props$transitionDura,
18753 _props$variant = props.variant,
18754 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'temporary' : _props$variant,
18755 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["anchor", "BackdropProps", "children", "classes", "className", "elevation", "ModalProps", "onClose", "open", "PaperProps", "SlideProps", "TransitionComponent", "transitionDuration", "variant"]);
18757 var theme = useTheme$1(); // Let's assume that the Drawer will always be rendered on user space.
18758 // We use this state is order to skip the appear transition during the
18759 // initial mount of the component.
18761 var mounted = React.useRef(false);
18762 React.useEffect(function () {
18763 mounted.current = true;
18764 }, []);
18765 var anchor = getAnchor(theme, anchorProp);
18766 var drawer = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
18767 elevation: variant === 'temporary' ? elevation : 0,
18768 square: true
18769 }, PaperProps, {
18770 className: clsx(classes.paper, classes["paperAnchor".concat(capitalize(anchor))], PaperProps.className, variant !== 'temporary' && classes["paperAnchorDocked".concat(capitalize(anchor))])
18771 }), children);
18773 if (variant === 'permanent') {
18774 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
18775 className: clsx(classes.root, classes.docked, className),
18776 ref: ref
18777 }, other), drawer);
18778 }
18780 var slidingDrawer = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
18781 in: open,
18782 direction: oppositeDirection[anchor],
18783 timeout: transitionDuration,
18784 appear: mounted.current
18785 }, SlideProps), drawer);
18787 if (variant === 'persistent') {
18788 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
18789 className: clsx(classes.root, classes.docked, className),
18790 ref: ref
18791 }, other), slidingDrawer);
18792 } // variant === temporary
18795 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Modal, _extends({
18796 BackdropProps: _extends({}, BackdropProps, BackdropPropsProp, {
18797 transitionDuration: transitionDuration
18798 }),
18799 BackdropComponent: Backdrop$1,
18800 className: clsx(classes.root, classes.modal, className),
18801 open: open,
18802 onClose: onClose,
18803 ref: ref
18804 }, other, ModalProps), slidingDrawer);
18805 });
18806 Drawer.propTypes = {
18807 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
18808 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
18809 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
18810 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
18812 /**
18813 * Side from which the drawer will appear.
18814 */
18815 anchor: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'left', 'right', 'top']),
18817 /**
18818 * @ignore
18819 */
18820 BackdropProps: propTypes.object,
18822 /**
18823 * The contents of the drawer.
18824 */
18825 children: propTypes.node,
18827 /**
18828 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
18829 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
18830 */
18831 classes: propTypes.object,
18833 /**
18834 * @ignore
18835 */
18836 className: propTypes.string,
18838 /**
18839 * The elevation of the drawer.
18840 */
18841 elevation: propTypes.number,
18843 /**
18844 * Props applied to the [`Modal`](/api/modal/) element.
18845 */
18846 ModalProps: propTypes.object,
18848 /**
18849 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
18850 *
18851 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
18852 */
18853 onClose: propTypes.func,
18855 /**
18856 * If `true`, the drawer is open.
18857 */
18858 open: propTypes.bool,
18860 /**
18861 * Props applied to the [`Paper`](/api/paper/) element.
18862 */
18863 PaperProps: propTypes.object,
18865 /**
18866 * Props applied to the [`Slide`](/api/slide/) element.
18867 */
18868 SlideProps: propTypes.object,
18870 /**
18871 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
18872 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
18873 */
18874 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
18875 appear: propTypes.number,
18876 enter: propTypes.number,
18877 exit: propTypes.number
18878 })]),
18880 /**
18881 * The variant to use.
18882 */
18883 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['permanent', 'persistent', 'temporary'])
18884 } ;
18885 var Drawer$1 = withStyles$1(styles$G, {
18886 name: 'MuiDrawer',
18887 flip: false
18888 })(Drawer);
18890 /**
18891 * @ignore - internal component.
18892 * @type {React.Context<{} | {expanded: boolean, disabled: boolean, toggle: () => void}>}
18893 */
18895 var ExpansionPanelContext = React.createContext({});
18897 {
18898 ExpansionPanelContext.displayName = 'ExpansionPanelContext';
18899 }
18901 var styles$H = function styles(theme) {
18902 var transition = {
18903 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
18904 };
18905 return {
18906 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
18907 root: {
18908 position: 'relative',
18909 transition: theme.transitions.create(['margin'], transition),
18910 '&:before': {
18911 position: 'absolute',
18912 left: 0,
18913 top: -1,
18914 right: 0,
18915 height: 1,
18916 content: '""',
18917 opacity: 1,
18918 backgroundColor: theme.palette.divider,
18919 transition: theme.transitions.create(['opacity', 'background-color'], transition)
18920 },
18921 '&:first-child': {
18922 '&:before': {
18923 display: 'none'
18924 }
18925 },
18926 '&$expanded': {
18927 margin: '16px 0',
18928 '&:first-child': {
18929 marginTop: 0
18930 },
18931 '&:last-child': {
18932 marginBottom: 0
18933 },
18934 '&:before': {
18935 opacity: 0
18936 }
18937 },
18938 '&$expanded + &': {
18939 '&:before': {
18940 display: 'none'
18941 }
18942 },
18943 '&$disabled': {
18944 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.disabledBackground
18945 }
18946 },
18948 /* Styles applied to the root element if `square={false}`. */
18949 rounded: {
18950 borderRadius: 0,
18951 '&:first-child': {
18952 borderTopLeftRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
18953 borderTopRightRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius
18954 },
18955 '&:last-child': {
18956 borderBottomLeftRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
18957 borderBottomRightRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
18958 // Fix a rendering issue on Edge
18959 '@supports (-ms-ime-align: auto)': {
18960 borderBottomLeftRadius: 0,
18961 borderBottomRightRadius: 0
18962 }
18963 }
18964 },
18966 /* Styles applied to the root element if `expanded={true}`. */
18967 expanded: {},
18969 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
18970 disabled: {}
18971 };
18972 };
18973 var warnedOnce$4 = false;
18974 /**
18975 * ⚠️ The ExpansionPanel component was renamed to Accordion to use a more common naming convention.
18976 *
18977 * You should use `import { Accordion } from '@material-ui/core'`
18978 * or `import Accordion from '@material-ui/core/Accordion'`.
18979 */
18981 var ExpansionPanel = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ExpansionPanel(props, ref) {
18982 {
18983 if (!warnedOnce$4) {
18984 warnedOnce$4 = true;
18985 console.error(['Material-UI: the ExpansionPanel component was renamed to Accordion to use a more common naming convention.', '', "You should use `import { Accordion } from '@material-ui/core'`", "or `import Accordion from '@material-ui/core/Accordion'`"].join('\n'));
18986 }
18987 }
18989 var childrenProp = props.children,
18990 classes = props.classes,
18991 className = props.className,
18992 _props$defaultExpande = props.defaultExpanded,
18993 defaultExpanded = _props$defaultExpande === void 0 ? false : _props$defaultExpande,
18994 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
18995 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
18996 expandedProp = props.expanded,
18997 onChange = props.onChange,
18998 _props$square = props.square,
18999 square = _props$square === void 0 ? false : _props$square,
19000 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
19001 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Collapse$1 : _props$TransitionComp,
19002 TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps,
19003 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "defaultExpanded", "disabled", "expanded", "onChange", "square", "TransitionComponent", "TransitionProps"]);
19005 var _useControlled = useControlled({
19006 controlled: expandedProp,
19007 default: defaultExpanded,
19008 name: 'ExpansionPanel',
19009 state: 'expanded'
19010 }),
19011 _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2),
19012 expanded = _useControlled2[0],
19013 setExpandedState = _useControlled2[1];
19015 var handleChange = React.useCallback(function (event) {
19016 setExpandedState(!expanded);
19018 if (onChange) {
19019 onChange(event, !expanded);
19020 }
19021 }, [expanded, onChange, setExpandedState]);
19023 var _React$Children$toArr = React.Children.toArray(childrenProp),
19024 _React$Children$toArr2 = _toArray(_React$Children$toArr),
19025 summary = _React$Children$toArr2[0],
19026 children = _React$Children$toArr2.slice(1);
19028 var contextValue = React.useMemo(function () {
19029 return {
19030 expanded: expanded,
19031 disabled: disabled,
19032 toggle: handleChange
19033 };
19034 }, [expanded, disabled, handleChange]);
19035 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
19036 className: clsx(classes.root, className, expanded && classes.expanded, disabled && classes.disabled, !square && classes.rounded),
19037 ref: ref,
19038 square: square
19039 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ExpansionPanelContext.Provider, {
19040 value: contextValue
19041 }, summary), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
19042 in: expanded,
19043 timeout: "auto"
19044 }, TransitionProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
19045 "aria-labelledby": summary.props.id,
19046 id: summary.props['aria-controls'],
19047 role: "region"
19048 }, children)));
19049 });
19050 ExpansionPanel.propTypes = {
19051 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
19052 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
19053 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
19054 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19056 /**
19057 * The content of the expansion panel.
19058 */
19059 children: chainPropTypes(propTypes.node.isRequired, function (props) {
19060 var summary = React.Children.toArray(props.children)[0];
19062 if (reactIs_2(summary)) {
19063 return new Error("Material-UI: The ExpansionPanel doesn't accept a Fragment as a child. " + 'Consider providing an array instead.');
19064 }
19066 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(summary)) {
19067 return new Error('Material-UI: Expected the first child of ExpansionPanel to be a valid element.');
19068 }
19070 return null;
19071 }),
19073 /**
19074 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
19075 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
19076 */
19077 classes: propTypes.object,
19079 /**
19080 * @ignore
19081 */
19082 className: propTypes.string,
19084 /**
19085 * If `true`, expands the panel by default.
19086 */
19087 defaultExpanded: propTypes.bool,
19089 /**
19090 * If `true`, the panel will be displayed in a disabled state.
19091 */
19092 disabled: propTypes.bool,
19094 /**
19095 * If `true`, expands the panel, otherwise collapse it.
19096 * Setting this prop enables control over the panel.
19097 */
19098 expanded: propTypes.bool,
19100 /**
19101 * Callback fired when the expand/collapse state is changed.
19102 *
19103 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
19104 * @param {boolean} expanded The `expanded` state of the panel.
19105 */
19106 onChange: propTypes.func,
19108 /**
19109 * If `true`, rounded corners are disabled.
19110 */
19111 square: propTypes.bool,
19113 /**
19114 * The component used for the collapse effect.
19115 * [Follow this guide](/components/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component.
19116 */
19117 TransitionComponent: propTypes.elementType,
19119 /**
19120 * Props applied to the [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition#Transition-props) element.
19121 */
19122 TransitionProps: propTypes.object
19123 } ;
19124 var ExpansionPanel$1 = withStyles$1(styles$H, {
19125 name: 'MuiExpansionPanel'
19126 })(ExpansionPanel);
19128 var styles$I = {
19129 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
19130 root: {
19131 display: 'flex',
19132 alignItems: 'center',
19133 padding: 8,
19134 justifyContent: 'flex-end'
19135 },
19137 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableSpacing={false}`. */
19138 spacing: {
19139 '& > :not(:first-child)': {
19140 marginLeft: 8
19141 }
19142 }
19143 };
19144 var warnedOnce$5 = false;
19145 /**
19146 * ⚠️ The ExpansionPanelActions component was renamed to AccordionActions to use a more common naming convention.
19147 *
19148 * You should use `import { AccordionActions } from '@material-ui/core'`
19149 * or `import AccordionActions from '@material-ui/core/AccordionActions'`.
19150 */
19152 var ExpansionPanelActions = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ExpansionPanelActions(props, ref) {
19153 {
19154 if (!warnedOnce$5) {
19155 warnedOnce$5 = true;
19156 console.error(['Material-UI: the ExpansionPanelActions component was renamed to AccordionActions to use a more common naming convention.', '', "You should use `import { AccordionActions } from '@material-ui/core'`", "or `import AccordionActions from '@material-ui/core/AccordionActions'`"].join('\n'));
19157 }
19158 }
19160 var classes = props.classes,
19161 className = props.className,
19162 _props$disableSpacing = props.disableSpacing,
19163 disableSpacing = _props$disableSpacing === void 0 ? false : _props$disableSpacing,
19164 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "disableSpacing"]);
19166 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
19167 className: clsx(classes.root, className, !disableSpacing && classes.spacing),
19168 ref: ref
19169 }, other));
19170 });
19171 ExpansionPanelActions.propTypes = {
19172 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
19173 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
19174 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
19175 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19177 /**
19178 * The content of the component.
19179 */
19180 children: propTypes.node,
19182 /**
19183 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
19184 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
19185 */
19186 classes: propTypes.object,
19188 /**
19189 * @ignore
19190 */
19191 className: propTypes.string,
19193 /**
19194 * If `true`, the actions do not have additional margin.
19195 */
19196 disableSpacing: propTypes.bool
19197 } ;
19198 var ExpansionPanelActions$1 = withStyles$1(styles$I, {
19199 name: 'MuiExpansionPanelActions'
19200 })(ExpansionPanelActions);
19202 var styles$J = function styles(theme) {
19203 return {
19204 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
19205 root: {
19206 display: 'flex',
19207 padding: theme.spacing(1, 2, 2)
19208 }
19209 };
19210 };
19211 var warnedOnce$6 = false;
19212 /**
19213 * ⚠️ The ExpansionPanelDetails component was renamed to AccordionDetails to use a more common naming convention.
19214 *
19215 * You should use `import { AccordionDetails } from '@material-ui/core'`
19216 * or `import AccordionDetails from '@material-ui/core/AccordionDetails'`.
19217 */
19219 var ExpansionPanelDetails = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ExpansionPanelDetails(props, ref) {
19220 {
19221 if (!warnedOnce$6) {
19222 warnedOnce$6 = true;
19223 console.error(['Material-UI: the ExpansionPanelDetails component was renamed to AccordionDetails to use a more common naming convention.', '', "You should use `import { AccordionDetails } from '@material-ui/core'`", "or `import AccordionDetails from '@material-ui/core/AccordionActions'`"].join('\n'));
19224 }
19225 }
19227 var classes = props.classes,
19228 className = props.className,
19229 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className"]);
19231 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
19232 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
19233 ref: ref
19234 }, other));
19235 });
19236 ExpansionPanelDetails.propTypes = {
19237 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
19238 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
19239 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
19240 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19242 /**
19243 * The content of the expansion panel details.
19244 */
19245 children: propTypes.node,
19247 /**
19248 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
19249 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
19250 */
19251 classes: propTypes.object,
19253 /**
19254 * @ignore
19255 */
19256 className: propTypes.string
19257 } ;
19258 var ExpansionPanelDetails$1 = withStyles$1(styles$J, {
19259 name: 'MuiExpansionPanelDetails'
19260 })(ExpansionPanelDetails);
19262 var styles$K = function styles(theme) {
19263 var transition = {
19264 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
19265 };
19266 return {
19267 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
19268 root: {
19269 display: 'flex',
19270 minHeight: 8 * 6,
19271 transition: theme.transitions.create(['min-height', 'background-color'], transition),
19272 padding: theme.spacing(0, 2),
19273 '&:hover:not($disabled)': {
19274 cursor: 'pointer'
19275 },
19276 '&$expanded': {
19277 minHeight: 64
19278 },
19279 '&$focused': {
19280 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.focus
19281 },
19282 '&$disabled': {
19283 opacity: theme.palette.action.disabledOpacity
19284 }
19285 },
19287 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element, children wrapper element and `IconButton` component if `expanded={true}`. */
19288 expanded: {},
19290 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `focused={true}`. */
19291 focused: {},
19293 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
19294 disabled: {},
19296 /* Styles applied to the children wrapper element. */
19297 content: {
19298 display: 'flex',
19299 flexGrow: 1,
19300 transition: theme.transitions.create(['margin'], transition),
19301 margin: '12px 0',
19302 '&$expanded': {
19303 margin: '20px 0'
19304 }
19305 },
19307 /* Styles applied to the `IconButton` component when `expandIcon` is supplied. */
19308 expandIcon: {
19309 transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
19310 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', transition),
19311 '&:hover': {
19312 // Disable the hover effect for the IconButton,
19313 // because a hover effect should apply to the entire Expand button and
19314 // not only to the IconButton.
19315 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
19316 },
19317 '&$expanded': {
19318 transform: 'rotate(180deg)'
19319 }
19320 }
19321 };
19322 };
19323 var warnedOnce$7 = false;
19324 /**
19325 * ⚠️ The ExpansionPanelSummary component was renamed to AccordionSummary to use a more common naming convention.
19326 *
19327 * You should use `import { AccordionSummary } from '@material-ui/core'`
19328 * or `import AccordionSummary from '@material-ui/core/AccordionSummary'`.
19329 */
19331 var ExpansionPanelSummary = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ExpansionPanelSummary(props, ref) {
19332 {
19333 if (!warnedOnce$7) {
19334 warnedOnce$7 = true;
19335 console.error(['Material-UI: the ExpansionPanelSummary component was renamed to AccordionSummary to use a more common naming convention.', '', "You should use `import { AccordionSummary } from '@material-ui/core'`", "or `import AccordionSummary from '@material-ui/core/AccordionSummary'`"].join('\n'));
19336 }
19337 }
19339 var children = props.children,
19340 classes = props.classes,
19341 className = props.className,
19342 expandIcon = props.expandIcon,
19343 IconButtonProps = props.IconButtonProps,
19344 onBlur = props.onBlur,
19345 onClick = props.onClick,
19346 onFocusVisible = props.onFocusVisible,
19347 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "expandIcon", "IconButtonProps", "onBlur", "onClick", "onFocusVisible"]);
19349 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
19350 focusedState = _React$useState[0],
19351 setFocusedState = _React$useState[1];
19353 var handleFocusVisible = function handleFocusVisible(event) {
19354 setFocusedState(true);
19356 if (onFocusVisible) {
19357 onFocusVisible(event);
19358 }
19359 };
19361 var handleBlur = function handleBlur(event) {
19362 setFocusedState(false);
19364 if (onBlur) {
19365 onBlur(event);
19366 }
19367 };
19369 var _React$useContext = React.useContext(ExpansionPanelContext),
19370 _React$useContext$dis = _React$useContext.disabled,
19371 disabled = _React$useContext$dis === void 0 ? false : _React$useContext$dis,
19372 expanded = _React$useContext.expanded,
19373 toggle = _React$useContext.toggle;
19375 var handleChange = function handleChange(event) {
19376 if (toggle) {
19377 toggle(event);
19378 }
19380 if (onClick) {
19381 onClick(event);
19382 }
19383 };
19385 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
19386 focusRipple: false,
19387 disableRipple: true,
19388 disabled: disabled,
19389 component: "div",
19390 "aria-expanded": expanded,
19391 className: clsx(classes.root, className, disabled && classes.disabled, expanded && classes.expanded, focusedState && classes.focused),
19392 onFocusVisible: handleFocusVisible,
19393 onBlur: handleBlur,
19394 onClick: handleChange,
19395 ref: ref
19396 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
19397 className: clsx(classes.content, expanded && classes.expanded)
19398 }, children), expandIcon && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconButton$1, _extends({
19399 className: clsx(classes.expandIcon, expanded && classes.expanded),
19400 edge: "end",
19401 component: "div",
19402 tabIndex: null,
19403 role: null,
19404 "aria-hidden": true
19405 }, IconButtonProps), expandIcon));
19406 });
19407 ExpansionPanelSummary.propTypes = {
19408 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
19409 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
19410 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
19411 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19413 /**
19414 * The content of the expansion panel summary.
19415 */
19416 children: propTypes.node,
19418 /**
19419 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
19420 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
19421 */
19422 classes: propTypes.object,
19424 /**
19425 * @ignore
19426 */
19427 className: propTypes.string,
19429 /**
19430 * The icon to display as the expand indicator.
19431 */
19432 expandIcon: propTypes.node,
19434 /**
19435 * Props applied to the `IconButton` element wrapping the expand icon.
19436 */
19437 IconButtonProps: propTypes.object,
19439 /**
19440 * @ignore
19441 */
19442 onBlur: propTypes.func,
19444 /**
19445 * @ignore
19446 */
19447 onClick: propTypes.func,
19449 /**
19450 * Callback fired when the component is focused with a keyboard.
19451 * We trigger a `onFocus` callback too.
19452 */
19453 onFocusVisible: propTypes.func
19454 } ;
19455 var ExpansionPanelSummary$1 = withStyles$1(styles$K, {
19456 name: 'MuiExpansionPanelSummary'
19457 })(ExpansionPanelSummary);
19459 var styles$L = function styles(theme) {
19460 return {
19461 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
19462 root: _extends({}, theme.typography.button, {
19463 boxSizing: 'border-box',
19464 minHeight: 36,
19465 transition: theme.transitions.create(['background-color', 'box-shadow', 'border'], {
19466 duration: theme.transitions.duration.short
19467 }),
19468 borderRadius: '50%',
19469 padding: 0,
19470 minWidth: 0,
19471 width: 56,
19472 height: 56,
19473 boxShadow: theme.shadows[6],
19474 '&:active': {
19475 boxShadow: theme.shadows[12]
19476 },
19477 color: theme.palette.getContrastText(theme.palette.grey[300]),
19478 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[300],
19479 '&:hover': {
19480 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey.A100,
19481 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
19482 '@media (hover: none)': {
19483 backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[300]
19484 },
19485 '&$disabled': {
19486 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.disabledBackground
19487 },
19488 textDecoration: 'none'
19489 },
19490 '&$focusVisible': {
19491 boxShadow: theme.shadows[6]
19492 },
19493 '&$disabled': {
19494 color: theme.palette.action.disabled,
19495 boxShadow: theme.shadows[0],
19496 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.disabledBackground
19497 }
19498 }),
19500 /* Styles applied to the span element that wraps the children. */
19501 label: {
19502 width: '100%',
19503 // assure the correct width for iOS Safari
19504 display: 'inherit',
19505 alignItems: 'inherit',
19506 justifyContent: 'inherit'
19507 },
19509 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
19510 primary: {
19511 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
19512 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
19513 '&:hover': {
19514 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.dark,
19515 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
19516 '@media (hover: none)': {
19517 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main
19518 }
19519 }
19520 },
19522 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
19523 secondary: {
19524 color: theme.palette.secondary.contrastText,
19525 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main,
19526 '&:hover': {
19527 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.dark,
19528 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
19529 '@media (hover: none)': {
19530 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
19531 }
19532 }
19533 },
19535 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="extended"`. */
19536 extended: {
19537 borderRadius: 48 / 2,
19538 padding: '0 16px',
19539 width: 'auto',
19540 minHeight: 'auto',
19541 minWidth: 48,
19542 height: 48,
19543 '&$sizeSmall': {
19544 width: 'auto',
19545 padding: '0 8px',
19546 borderRadius: 34 / 2,
19547 minWidth: 34,
19548 height: 34
19549 },
19550 '&$sizeMedium': {
19551 width: 'auto',
19552 padding: '0 16px',
19553 borderRadius: 40 / 2,
19554 minWidth: 40,
19555 height: 40
19556 }
19557 },
19559 /* Pseudo-class applied to the ButtonBase root element if the button is keyboard focused. */
19560 focusVisible: {},
19562 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
19563 disabled: {},
19565 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="inherit"`. */
19566 colorInherit: {
19567 color: 'inherit'
19568 },
19570 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"``. */
19571 sizeSmall: {
19572 width: 40,
19573 height: 40
19574 },
19576 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="medium"``. */
19577 sizeMedium: {
19578 width: 48,
19579 height: 48
19580 }
19581 };
19582 };
19583 var Fab = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Fab(props, ref) {
19584 var children = props.children,
19585 classes = props.classes,
19586 className = props.className,
19587 _props$color = props.color,
19588 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$color,
19589 _props$component = props.component,
19590 component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'button' : _props$component,
19591 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
19592 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
19593 _props$disableFocusRi = props.disableFocusRipple,
19594 disableFocusRipple = _props$disableFocusRi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableFocusRi,
19595 focusVisibleClassName = props.focusVisibleClassName,
19596 _props$size = props.size,
19597 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'large' : _props$size,
19598 _props$variant = props.variant,
19599 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'circular' : _props$variant,
19600 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "disabled", "disableFocusRipple", "focusVisibleClassName", "size", "variant"]);
19602 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
19603 className: clsx(classes.root, className, size !== 'large' && classes["size".concat(capitalize(size))], disabled && classes.disabled, variant === 'extended' && classes.extended, {
19604 'primary': classes.primary,
19605 'secondary': classes.secondary,
19606 'inherit': classes.colorInherit
19607 }[color]),
19608 component: component,
19609 disabled: disabled,
19610 focusRipple: !disableFocusRipple,
19611 focusVisibleClassName: clsx(classes.focusVisible, focusVisibleClassName),
19612 ref: ref
19613 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
19614 className: classes.label
19615 }, children));
19616 });
19617 Fab.propTypes = {
19618 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
19619 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
19620 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
19621 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19623 /**
19624 * The content of the button.
19625 */
19626 children: propTypes
19627 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
19628 .node.isRequired,
19630 /**
19631 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
19632 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
19633 */
19634 classes: propTypes.object,
19636 /**
19637 * @ignore
19638 */
19639 className: propTypes.string,
19641 /**
19642 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
19643 */
19644 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']),
19646 /**
19647 * The component used for the root node.
19648 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
19649 */
19650 component: propTypes
19651 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
19652 .elementType,
19654 /**
19655 * If `true`, the button will be disabled.
19656 */
19657 disabled: propTypes.bool,
19659 /**
19660 * If `true`, the keyboard focus ripple will be disabled.
19661 */
19662 disableFocusRipple: propTypes.bool,
19664 /**
19665 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
19666 */
19667 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
19669 /**
19670 * @ignore
19671 */
19672 focusVisibleClassName: propTypes.string,
19674 /**
19675 * The URL to link to when the button is clicked.
19676 * If defined, an `a` element will be used as the root node.
19677 */
19678 href: propTypes.string,
19680 /**
19681 * The size of the button.
19682 * `small` is equivalent to the dense button styling.
19683 */
19684 size: propTypes.oneOf(['large', 'medium', 'small']),
19686 /**
19687 * The variant to use.
19688 * 'round' is deprecated, use 'circular' instead.
19689 */
19690 variant: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['extended', 'circular', 'round']), function (props) {
19691 if (props.variant === 'round') {
19692 throw new Error('Material-UI: variant="round" was renamed variant="circular" for consistency.');
19693 }
19695 return null;
19696 })
19697 } ;
19698 var Fab$1 = withStyles$1(styles$L, {
19699 name: 'MuiFab'
19700 })(Fab);
19702 function formControlState(_ref) {
19703 var props = _ref.props,
19704 states = _ref.states,
19705 muiFormControl = _ref.muiFormControl;
19706 return states.reduce(function (acc, state) {
19707 acc[state] = props[state];
19709 if (muiFormControl) {
19710 if (typeof props[state] === 'undefined') {
19711 acc[state] = muiFormControl[state];
19712 }
19713 }
19715 return acc;
19716 }, {});
19717 }
19719 function getStyleValue(computedStyle, property) {
19720 return parseInt(computedStyle[property], 10) || 0;
19721 }
19723 var useEnhancedEffect$3 = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? React.useLayoutEffect : React.useEffect;
19724 var styles$M = {
19725 /* Styles applied to the shadow textarea element. */
19726 shadow: {
19727 // Visibility needed to hide the extra text area on iPads
19728 visibility: 'hidden',
19729 // Remove from the content flow
19730 position: 'absolute',
19731 // Ignore the scrollbar width
19732 overflow: 'hidden',
19733 height: 0,
19734 top: 0,
19735 left: 0,
19736 // Create a new layer, increase the isolation of the computed values
19737 transform: 'translateZ(0)'
19738 }
19739 };
19740 var TextareaAutosize = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TextareaAutosize(props, ref) {
19741 var onChange = props.onChange,
19742 rows = props.rows,
19743 rowsMax = props.rowsMax,
19744 rowsMinProp = props.rowsMin,
19745 maxRowsProp = props.maxRows,
19746 _props$minRows = props.minRows,
19747 minRowsProp = _props$minRows === void 0 ? 1 : _props$minRows,
19748 style = props.style,
19749 value = props.value,
19750 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["onChange", "rows", "rowsMax", "rowsMin", "maxRows", "minRows", "style", "value"]);
19752 var maxRows = maxRowsProp || rowsMax;
19753 var minRows = rows || rowsMinProp || minRowsProp;
19755 var _React$useRef = React.useRef(value != null),
19756 isControlled = _React$useRef.current;
19758 var inputRef = React.useRef(null);
19759 var handleRef = useForkRef(ref, inputRef);
19760 var shadowRef = React.useRef(null);
19761 var renders = React.useRef(0);
19763 var _React$useState = React.useState({}),
19764 state = _React$useState[0],
19765 setState = _React$useState[1];
19767 var syncHeight = React.useCallback(function () {
19768 var input = inputRef.current;
19769 var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(input);
19770 var inputShallow = shadowRef.current;
19771 inputShallow.style.width = computedStyle.width;
19772 inputShallow.value = input.value || props.placeholder || 'x';
19774 if (inputShallow.value.slice(-1) === '\n') {
19775 // Certain fonts which overflow the line height will cause the textarea
19776 // to report a different scrollHeight depending on whether the last line
19777 // is empty. Make it non-empty to avoid this issue.
19778 inputShallow.value += ' ';
19779 }
19781 var boxSizing = computedStyle['box-sizing'];
19782 var padding = getStyleValue(computedStyle, 'padding-bottom') + getStyleValue(computedStyle, 'padding-top');
19783 var border = getStyleValue(computedStyle, 'border-bottom-width') + getStyleValue(computedStyle, 'border-top-width'); // The height of the inner content
19785 var innerHeight = inputShallow.scrollHeight - padding; // Measure height of a textarea with a single row
19787 inputShallow.value = 'x';
19788 var singleRowHeight = inputShallow.scrollHeight - padding; // The height of the outer content
19790 var outerHeight = innerHeight;
19792 if (minRows) {
19793 outerHeight = Math.max(Number(minRows) * singleRowHeight, outerHeight);
19794 }
19796 if (maxRows) {
19797 outerHeight = Math.min(Number(maxRows) * singleRowHeight, outerHeight);
19798 }
19800 outerHeight = Math.max(outerHeight, singleRowHeight); // Take the box sizing into account for applying this value as a style.
19802 var outerHeightStyle = outerHeight + (boxSizing === 'border-box' ? padding + border : 0);
19803 var overflow = Math.abs(outerHeight - innerHeight) <= 1;
19804 setState(function (prevState) {
19805 // Need a large enough difference to update the height.
19806 // This prevents infinite rendering loop.
19807 if (renders.current < 20 && (outerHeightStyle > 0 && Math.abs((prevState.outerHeightStyle || 0) - outerHeightStyle) > 1 || prevState.overflow !== overflow)) {
19808 renders.current += 1;
19809 return {
19810 overflow: overflow,
19811 outerHeightStyle: outerHeightStyle
19812 };
19813 }
19815 {
19816 if (renders.current === 20) {
19817 console.error(['Material-UI: Too many re-renders. The layout is unstable.', 'TextareaAutosize limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.'].join('\n'));
19818 }
19819 }
19821 return prevState;
19822 });
19823 }, [maxRows, minRows, props.placeholder]);
19824 React.useEffect(function () {
19825 var handleResize = debounce(function () {
19826 renders.current = 0;
19827 syncHeight();
19828 });
19829 window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
19830 return function () {
19831 handleResize.clear();
19832 window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
19833 };
19834 }, [syncHeight]);
19835 useEnhancedEffect$3(function () {
19836 syncHeight();
19837 });
19838 React.useEffect(function () {
19839 renders.current = 0;
19840 }, [value]);
19842 var handleChange = function handleChange(event) {
19843 renders.current = 0;
19845 if (!isControlled) {
19846 syncHeight();
19847 }
19849 if (onChange) {
19850 onChange(event);
19851 }
19852 };
19854 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("textarea", _extends({
19855 value: value,
19856 onChange: handleChange,
19857 ref: handleRef // Apply the rows prop to get a "correct" first SSR paint
19858 ,
19859 rows: minRows,
19860 style: _extends({
19861 height: state.outerHeightStyle,
19862 // Need a large enough difference to allow scrolling.
19863 // This prevents infinite rendering loop.
19864 overflow: state.overflow ? 'hidden' : null
19865 }, style)
19866 }, other)), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("textarea", {
19867 "aria-hidden": true,
19868 className: props.className,
19869 readOnly: true,
19870 ref: shadowRef,
19871 tabIndex: -1,
19872 style: _extends({}, styles$M.shadow, style)
19873 }));
19874 });
19875 TextareaAutosize.propTypes = {
19876 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
19877 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
19878 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
19879 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19881 /**
19882 * @ignore
19883 */
19884 className: propTypes.string,
19886 /**
19887 * Maximum number of rows to display.
19888 */
19889 maxRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
19891 /**
19892 * Minimum number of rows to display.
19893 */
19894 minRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
19896 /**
19897 * @ignore
19898 */
19899 onChange: propTypes.func,
19901 /**
19902 * @ignore
19903 */
19904 placeholder: propTypes.string,
19906 /**
19907 * Minimum number of rows to display.
19908 * @deprecated Use `rowsMin` instead.
19909 */
19910 rows: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]), 'Use `rowsMin` instead.'),
19912 /**
19913 * Maximum number of rows to display.
19914 * @deprecated Use `maxRows` instead.
19915 */
19916 rowsMax: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]), 'Use `maxRows` instead.'),
19918 /**
19919 * Minimum number of rows to display.
19920 * @deprecated Use `minRows` instead.
19921 */
19922 rowsMin: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]), 'Use `minRows` instead.'),
19924 /**
19925 * @ignore
19926 */
19927 style: propTypes.object,
19929 /**
19930 * @ignore
19931 */
19932 value: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.string), propTypes.number, propTypes.string])
19933 } ;
19935 // Supports determination of isControlled().
19936 // Controlled input accepts its current value as a prop.
19937 //
19938 // @see https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/forms.html#controlled-components
19939 // @param value
19940 // @returns {boolean} true if string (including '') or number (including zero)
19941 function hasValue(value) {
19942 return value != null && !(Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0);
19943 } // Determine if field is empty or filled.
19944 // Response determines if label is presented above field or as placeholder.
19945 //
19946 // @param obj
19947 // @param SSR
19948 // @returns {boolean} False when not present or empty string.
19949 // True when any number or string with length.
19951 function isFilled(obj) {
19952 var SSR = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
19953 return obj && (hasValue(obj.value) && obj.value !== '' || SSR && hasValue(obj.defaultValue) && obj.defaultValue !== '');
19954 } // Determine if an Input is adorned on start.
19955 // It's corresponding to the left with LTR.
19956 //
19957 // @param obj
19958 // @returns {boolean} False when no adornments.
19959 // True when adorned at the start.
19961 function isAdornedStart(obj) {
19962 return obj.startAdornment;
19963 }
19965 var styles$N = function styles(theme) {
19966 var light = theme.palette.type === 'light';
19967 var placeholder = {
19968 color: 'currentColor',
19969 opacity: light ? 0.42 : 0.5,
19970 transition: theme.transitions.create('opacity', {
19971 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
19972 })
19973 };
19974 var placeholderHidden = {
19975 opacity: '0 !important'
19976 };
19977 var placeholderVisible = {
19978 opacity: light ? 0.42 : 0.5
19979 };
19980 return {
19981 '@global': {
19982 '@keyframes mui-auto-fill': {},
19983 '@keyframes mui-auto-fill-cancel': {}
19984 },
19986 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
19987 root: _extends({}, theme.typography.body1, {
19988 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
19989 lineHeight: '1.1876em',
19990 // Reset (19px), match the native input line-height
19991 boxSizing: 'border-box',
19992 // Prevent padding issue with fullWidth.
19993 position: 'relative',
19994 cursor: 'text',
19995 display: 'inline-flex',
19996 alignItems: 'center',
19997 '&$disabled': {
19998 color: theme.palette.text.disabled,
19999 cursor: 'default'
20000 }
20001 }),
20003 /* Styles applied to the root element if the component is a descendant of `FormControl`. */
20004 formControl: {},
20006 /* Styles applied to the root element if the component is focused. */
20007 focused: {},
20009 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
20010 disabled: {},
20012 /* Styles applied to the root element if `startAdornment` is provided. */
20013 adornedStart: {},
20015 /* Styles applied to the root element if `endAdornment` is provided. */
20016 adornedEnd: {},
20018 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
20019 error: {},
20021 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
20022 marginDense: {},
20024 /* Styles applied to the root element if `multiline={true}`. */
20025 multiline: {
20026 padding: "".concat(8 - 2, "px 0 ").concat(8 - 1, "px"),
20027 '&$marginDense': {
20028 paddingTop: 4 - 1
20029 }
20030 },
20032 /* Styles applied to the root element if the color is secondary. */
20033 colorSecondary: {},
20035 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fullWidth={true}`. */
20036 fullWidth: {
20037 width: '100%'
20038 },
20040 /* Styles applied to the `input` element. */
20041 input: {
20042 font: 'inherit',
20043 letterSpacing: 'inherit',
20044 color: 'currentColor',
20045 padding: "".concat(8 - 2, "px 0 ").concat(8 - 1, "px"),
20046 border: 0,
20047 boxSizing: 'content-box',
20048 background: 'none',
20049 height: '1.1876em',
20050 // Reset (19px), match the native input line-height
20051 margin: 0,
20052 // Reset for Safari
20053 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
20054 display: 'block',
20055 // Make the flex item shrink with Firefox
20056 minWidth: 0,
20057 width: '100%',
20058 // Fix IE 11 width issue
20059 animationName: 'mui-auto-fill-cancel',
20060 animationDuration: '10ms',
20061 '&::-webkit-input-placeholder': placeholder,
20062 '&::-moz-placeholder': placeholder,
20063 // Firefox 19+
20064 '&:-ms-input-placeholder': placeholder,
20065 // IE 11
20066 '&::-ms-input-placeholder': placeholder,
20067 // Edge
20068 '&:focus': {
20069 outline: 0
20070 },
20071 // Reset Firefox invalid required input style
20072 '&:invalid': {
20073 boxShadow: 'none'
20074 },
20075 '&::-webkit-search-decoration': {
20076 // Remove the padding when type=search.
20077 '-webkit-appearance': 'none'
20078 },
20079 // Show and hide the placeholder logic
20080 'label[data-shrink=false] + $formControl &': {
20081 '&::-webkit-input-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
20082 '&::-moz-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
20083 // Firefox 19+
20084 '&:-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
20085 // IE 11
20086 '&::-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderHidden,
20087 // Edge
20088 '&:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder': placeholderVisible,
20089 '&:focus::-moz-placeholder': placeholderVisible,
20090 // Firefox 19+
20091 '&:focus:-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderVisible,
20092 // IE 11
20093 '&:focus::-ms-input-placeholder': placeholderVisible // Edge
20095 },
20096 '&$disabled': {
20097 opacity: 1 // Reset iOS opacity
20099 },
20100 '&:-webkit-autofill': {
20101 animationDuration: '5000s',
20102 animationName: 'mui-auto-fill'
20103 }
20104 },
20106 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
20107 inputMarginDense: {
20108 paddingTop: 4 - 1
20109 },
20111 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `multiline={true}`. */
20112 inputMultiline: {
20113 height: 'auto',
20114 resize: 'none',
20115 padding: 0
20116 },
20118 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `type="search"`. */
20119 inputTypeSearch: {
20120 // Improve type search style.
20121 '-moz-appearance': 'textfield',
20122 '-webkit-appearance': 'textfield'
20123 },
20125 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `startAdornment` is provided. */
20126 inputAdornedStart: {},
20128 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `endAdornment` is provided. */
20129 inputAdornedEnd: {},
20131 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `hiddenLabel={true}`. */
20132 inputHiddenLabel: {}
20133 };
20134 };
20135 var useEnhancedEffect$4 = typeof window === 'undefined' ? React.useEffect : React.useLayoutEffect;
20136 /**
20137 * `InputBase` contains as few styles as possible.
20138 * It aims to be a simple building block for creating an input.
20139 * It contains a load of style reset and some state logic.
20140 */
20142 var InputBase = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function InputBase(props, ref) {
20143 var ariaDescribedby = props['aria-describedby'],
20144 autoComplete = props.autoComplete,
20145 autoFocus = props.autoFocus,
20146 classes = props.classes,
20147 className = props.className,
20148 color = props.color,
20149 defaultValue = props.defaultValue,
20150 disabled = props.disabled,
20151 endAdornment = props.endAdornment,
20152 error = props.error,
20153 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
20154 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
20155 id = props.id,
20156 _props$inputComponent = props.inputComponent,
20157 inputComponent = _props$inputComponent === void 0 ? 'input' : _props$inputComponent,
20158 _props$inputProps = props.inputProps,
20159 inputPropsProp = _props$inputProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$inputProps,
20160 inputRefProp = props.inputRef,
20161 margin = props.margin,
20162 _props$multiline = props.multiline,
20163 multiline = _props$multiline === void 0 ? false : _props$multiline,
20164 name = props.name,
20165 onBlur = props.onBlur,
20166 onChange = props.onChange,
20167 onClick = props.onClick,
20168 onFocus = props.onFocus,
20169 onKeyDown = props.onKeyDown,
20170 onKeyUp = props.onKeyUp,
20171 placeholder = props.placeholder,
20172 readOnly = props.readOnly,
20173 renderSuffix = props.renderSuffix,
20174 rows = props.rows,
20175 rowsMax = props.rowsMax,
20176 rowsMin = props.rowsMin,
20177 maxRows = props.maxRows,
20178 minRows = props.minRows,
20179 startAdornment = props.startAdornment,
20180 _props$type = props.type,
20181 type = _props$type === void 0 ? 'text' : _props$type,
20182 valueProp = props.value,
20183 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["aria-describedby", "autoComplete", "autoFocus", "classes", "className", "color", "defaultValue", "disabled", "endAdornment", "error", "fullWidth", "id", "inputComponent", "inputProps", "inputRef", "margin", "multiline", "name", "onBlur", "onChange", "onClick", "onFocus", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp", "placeholder", "readOnly", "renderSuffix", "rows", "rowsMax", "rowsMin", "maxRows", "minRows", "startAdornment", "type", "value"]);
20185 var value = inputPropsProp.value != null ? inputPropsProp.value : valueProp;
20187 var _React$useRef = React.useRef(value != null),
20188 isControlled = _React$useRef.current;
20190 var inputRef = React.useRef();
20191 var handleInputRefWarning = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
20192 {
20193 if (instance && instance.nodeName !== 'INPUT' && !instance.focus) {
20194 console.error(['Material-UI: You have provided a `inputComponent` to the input component', 'that does not correctly handle the `inputRef` prop.', 'Make sure the `inputRef` prop is called with a HTMLInputElement.'].join('\n'));
20195 }
20196 }
20197 }, []);
20198 var handleInputPropsRefProp = useForkRef(inputPropsProp.ref, handleInputRefWarning);
20199 var handleInputRefProp = useForkRef(inputRefProp, handleInputPropsRefProp);
20200 var handleInputRef = useForkRef(inputRef, handleInputRefProp);
20202 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
20203 focused = _React$useState[0],
20204 setFocused = _React$useState[1];
20206 var muiFormControl = useFormControl();
20208 {
20209 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
20210 React.useEffect(function () {
20211 if (muiFormControl) {
20212 return muiFormControl.registerEffect();
20213 }
20215 return undefined;
20216 }, [muiFormControl]);
20217 }
20219 var fcs = formControlState({
20220 props: props,
20221 muiFormControl: muiFormControl,
20222 states: ['color', 'disabled', 'error', 'hiddenLabel', 'margin', 'required', 'filled']
20223 });
20224 fcs.focused = muiFormControl ? muiFormControl.focused : focused; // The blur won't fire when the disabled state is set on a focused input.
20225 // We need to book keep the focused state manually.
20227 React.useEffect(function () {
20228 if (!muiFormControl && disabled && focused) {
20229 setFocused(false);
20231 if (onBlur) {
20232 onBlur();
20233 }
20234 }
20235 }, [muiFormControl, disabled, focused, onBlur]);
20236 var onFilled = muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onFilled;
20237 var onEmpty = muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onEmpty;
20238 var checkDirty = React.useCallback(function (obj) {
20239 if (isFilled(obj)) {
20240 if (onFilled) {
20241 onFilled();
20242 }
20243 } else if (onEmpty) {
20244 onEmpty();
20245 }
20246 }, [onFilled, onEmpty]);
20247 useEnhancedEffect$4(function () {
20248 if (isControlled) {
20249 checkDirty({
20250 value: value
20251 });
20252 }
20253 }, [value, checkDirty, isControlled]);
20255 var handleFocus = function handleFocus(event) {
20256 // Fix a bug with IE 11 where the focus/blur events are triggered
20257 // while the input is disabled.
20258 if (fcs.disabled) {
20259 event.stopPropagation();
20260 return;
20261 }
20263 if (onFocus) {
20264 onFocus(event);
20265 }
20267 if (inputPropsProp.onFocus) {
20268 inputPropsProp.onFocus(event);
20269 }
20271 if (muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onFocus) {
20272 muiFormControl.onFocus(event);
20273 } else {
20274 setFocused(true);
20275 }
20276 };
20278 var handleBlur = function handleBlur(event) {
20279 if (onBlur) {
20280 onBlur(event);
20281 }
20283 if (inputPropsProp.onBlur) {
20284 inputPropsProp.onBlur(event);
20285 }
20287 if (muiFormControl && muiFormControl.onBlur) {
20288 muiFormControl.onBlur(event);
20289 } else {
20290 setFocused(false);
20291 }
20292 };
20294 var handleChange = function handleChange(event) {
20295 if (!isControlled) {
20296 var element = event.target || inputRef.current;
20298 if (element == null) {
20299 throw new Error( "Material-UI: Expected valid input target. Did you use a custom `inputComponent` and forget to forward refs? See https://material-ui.com/r/input-component-ref-interface for more info." );
20300 }
20302 checkDirty({
20303 value: element.value
20304 });
20305 }
20307 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
20308 args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
20309 }
20311 if (inputPropsProp.onChange) {
20312 inputPropsProp.onChange.apply(inputPropsProp, [event].concat(args));
20313 } // Perform in the willUpdate
20316 if (onChange) {
20317 onChange.apply(void 0, [event].concat(args));
20318 }
20319 }; // Check the input state on mount, in case it was filled by the user
20320 // or auto filled by the browser before the hydration (for SSR).
20323 React.useEffect(function () {
20324 checkDirty(inputRef.current);
20325 }, []); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
20327 var handleClick = function handleClick(event) {
20328 if (inputRef.current && event.currentTarget === event.target) {
20329 inputRef.current.focus();
20330 }
20332 if (onClick) {
20333 onClick(event);
20334 }
20335 };
20337 var InputComponent = inputComponent;
20339 var inputProps = _extends({}, inputPropsProp, {
20340 ref: handleInputRef
20341 });
20343 if (typeof InputComponent !== 'string') {
20344 inputProps = _extends({
20345 // Rename ref to inputRef as we don't know the
20346 // provided `inputComponent` structure.
20347 inputRef: handleInputRef,
20348 type: type
20349 }, inputProps, {
20350 ref: null
20351 });
20352 } else if (multiline) {
20353 if (rows && !maxRows && !minRows && !rowsMax && !rowsMin) {
20354 InputComponent = 'textarea';
20355 } else {
20356 inputProps = _extends({
20357 minRows: rows || minRows,
20358 rowsMax: rowsMax,
20359 maxRows: maxRows
20360 }, inputProps);
20361 InputComponent = TextareaAutosize;
20362 }
20363 } else {
20364 inputProps = _extends({
20365 type: type
20366 }, inputProps);
20367 }
20369 var handleAutoFill = function handleAutoFill(event) {
20370 // Provide a fake value as Chrome might not let you access it for security reasons.
20371 checkDirty(event.animationName === 'mui-auto-fill-cancel' ? inputRef.current : {
20372 value: 'x'
20373 });
20374 };
20376 React.useEffect(function () {
20377 if (muiFormControl) {
20378 muiFormControl.setAdornedStart(Boolean(startAdornment));
20379 }
20380 }, [muiFormControl, startAdornment]);
20381 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
20382 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["color".concat(capitalize(fcs.color || 'primary'))], className, fcs.disabled && classes.disabled, fcs.error && classes.error, fullWidth && classes.fullWidth, fcs.focused && classes.focused, muiFormControl && classes.formControl, multiline && classes.multiline, startAdornment && classes.adornedStart, endAdornment && classes.adornedEnd, fcs.margin === 'dense' && classes.marginDense),
20383 onClick: handleClick,
20384 ref: ref
20385 }, other), startAdornment, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FormControlContext.Provider, {
20386 value: null
20387 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InputComponent, _extends({
20388 "aria-invalid": fcs.error,
20389 "aria-describedby": ariaDescribedby,
20390 autoComplete: autoComplete,
20391 autoFocus: autoFocus,
20392 defaultValue: defaultValue,
20393 disabled: fcs.disabled,
20394 id: id,
20395 onAnimationStart: handleAutoFill,
20396 name: name,
20397 placeholder: placeholder,
20398 readOnly: readOnly,
20399 required: fcs.required,
20400 rows: rows,
20401 value: value,
20402 onKeyDown: onKeyDown,
20403 onKeyUp: onKeyUp
20404 }, inputProps, {
20405 className: clsx(classes.input, inputPropsProp.className, fcs.disabled && classes.disabled, multiline && classes.inputMultiline, fcs.hiddenLabel && classes.inputHiddenLabel, startAdornment && classes.inputAdornedStart, endAdornment && classes.inputAdornedEnd, type === 'search' && classes.inputTypeSearch, fcs.margin === 'dense' && classes.inputMarginDense),
20406 onBlur: handleBlur,
20407 onChange: handleChange,
20408 onFocus: handleFocus
20409 }))), endAdornment, renderSuffix ? renderSuffix(_extends({}, fcs, {
20410 startAdornment: startAdornment
20411 })) : null);
20412 });
20413 InputBase.propTypes = {
20414 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
20415 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
20416 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
20417 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
20419 /**
20420 * @ignore
20421 */
20422 'aria-describedby': propTypes.string,
20424 /**
20425 * This prop helps users to fill forms faster, especially on mobile devices.
20426 * The name can be confusing, as it's more like an autofill.
20427 * You can learn more about it [following the specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill).
20428 */
20429 autoComplete: propTypes.string,
20431 /**
20432 * If `true`, the `input` element will be focused during the first mount.
20433 */
20434 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
20436 /**
20437 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
20438 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
20439 */
20440 classes: propTypes.object,
20442 /**
20443 * @ignore
20444 */
20445 className: propTypes.string,
20447 /**
20448 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
20449 */
20450 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
20452 /**
20453 * The default `input` element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
20454 */
20455 defaultValue: propTypes.any,
20457 /**
20458 * If `true`, the `input` element will be disabled.
20459 */
20460 disabled: propTypes.bool,
20462 /**
20463 * End `InputAdornment` for this component.
20464 */
20465 endAdornment: propTypes.node,
20467 /**
20468 * If `true`, the input will indicate an error. This is normally obtained via context from
20469 * FormControl.
20470 */
20471 error: propTypes.bool,
20473 /**
20474 * If `true`, the input will take up the full width of its container.
20475 */
20476 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
20478 /**
20479 * The id of the `input` element.
20480 */
20481 id: propTypes.string,
20483 /**
20484 * The component used for the `input` element.
20485 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
20486 */
20487 inputComponent: propTypes.elementType,
20489 /**
20490 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
20491 */
20492 inputProps: propTypes.object,
20494 /**
20495 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
20496 */
20497 inputRef: refType,
20499 /**
20500 * If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
20501 * FormControl.
20502 */
20503 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense', 'none']),
20505 /**
20506 * Maximum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
20507 */
20508 maxRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
20510 /**
20511 * Minimum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
20512 */
20513 minRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
20515 /**
20516 * If `true`, a textarea element will be rendered.
20517 */
20518 multiline: propTypes.bool,
20520 /**
20521 * Name attribute of the `input` element.
20522 */
20523 name: propTypes.string,
20525 /**
20526 * Callback fired when the input is blurred.
20527 *
20528 * Notice that the first argument (event) might be undefined.
20529 */
20530 onBlur: propTypes.func,
20532 /**
20533 * Callback fired when the value is changed.
20534 *
20535 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
20536 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
20537 */
20538 onChange: propTypes.func,
20540 /**
20541 * @ignore
20542 */
20543 onClick: propTypes.func,
20545 /**
20546 * @ignore
20547 */
20548 onFocus: propTypes.func,
20550 /**
20551 * @ignore
20552 */
20553 onKeyDown: propTypes.func,
20555 /**
20556 * @ignore
20557 */
20558 onKeyUp: propTypes.func,
20560 /**
20561 * The short hint displayed in the input before the user enters a value.
20562 */
20563 placeholder: propTypes.string,
20565 /**
20566 * It prevents the user from changing the value of the field
20567 * (not from interacting with the field).
20568 */
20569 readOnly: propTypes.bool,
20571 /**
20572 * @ignore
20573 */
20574 renderSuffix: propTypes.func,
20576 /**
20577 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
20578 */
20579 required: propTypes.bool,
20581 /**
20582 * Number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
20583 */
20584 rows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
20586 /**
20587 * Maximum number of rows to display.
20588 * @deprecated Use `maxRows` instead.
20589 */
20590 rowsMax: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
20592 /**
20593 * Minimum number of rows to display.
20594 * @deprecated Use `minRows` instead.
20595 */
20596 rowsMin: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
20598 /**
20599 * Start `InputAdornment` for this component.
20600 */
20601 startAdornment: propTypes.node,
20603 /**
20604 * Type of the `input` element. It should be [a valid HTML5 input type](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Form_%3Cinput%3E_types).
20605 */
20606 type: propTypes.string,
20608 /**
20609 * The value of the `input` element, required for a controlled component.
20610 */
20611 value: propTypes.any
20612 } ;
20613 var InputBase$1 = withStyles$1(styles$N, {
20614 name: 'MuiInputBase'
20615 })(InputBase);
20617 var styles$O = function styles(theme) {
20618 var light = theme.palette.type === 'light';
20619 var bottomLineColor = light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.42)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)';
20620 var backgroundColor = light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.09)';
20621 return {
20622 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
20623 root: {
20624 position: 'relative',
20625 backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
20626 borderTopLeftRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
20627 borderTopRightRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
20628 transition: theme.transitions.create('background-color', {
20629 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter,
20630 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
20631 }),
20632 '&:hover': {
20633 backgroundColor: light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.13)',
20634 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
20635 '@media (hover: none)': {
20636 backgroundColor: backgroundColor
20637 }
20638 },
20639 '&$focused': {
20640 backgroundColor: light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.09)'
20641 },
20642 '&$disabled': {
20643 backgroundColor: light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)'
20644 }
20645 },
20647 /* Styles applied to the root element if color secondary. */
20648 colorSecondary: {
20649 '&$underline:after': {
20650 borderBottomColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
20651 }
20652 },
20654 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableUnderline={false}`. */
20655 underline: {
20656 '&:after': {
20657 borderBottom: "2px solid ".concat(theme.palette.primary.main),
20658 left: 0,
20659 bottom: 0,
20660 // Doing the other way around crash on IE 11 "''" https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/issues/242
20661 content: '""',
20662 position: 'absolute',
20663 right: 0,
20664 transform: 'scaleX(0)',
20665 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
20666 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter,
20667 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
20668 }),
20669 pointerEvents: 'none' // Transparent to the hover style.
20671 },
20672 '&$focused:after': {
20673 transform: 'scaleX(1)'
20674 },
20675 '&$error:after': {
20676 borderBottomColor: theme.palette.error.main,
20677 transform: 'scaleX(1)' // error is always underlined in red
20679 },
20680 '&:before': {
20681 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(bottomLineColor),
20682 left: 0,
20683 bottom: 0,
20684 // Doing the other way around crash on IE 11 "''" https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/issues/242
20685 content: '"\\00a0"',
20686 position: 'absolute',
20687 right: 0,
20688 transition: theme.transitions.create('border-bottom-color', {
20689 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
20690 }),
20691 pointerEvents: 'none' // Transparent to the hover style.
20693 },
20694 '&:hover:before': {
20695 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.text.primary)
20696 },
20697 '&$disabled:before': {
20698 borderBottomStyle: 'dotted'
20699 }
20700 },
20702 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if the component is focused. */
20703 focused: {},
20705 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
20706 disabled: {},
20708 /* Styles applied to the root element if `startAdornment` is provided. */
20709 adornedStart: {
20710 paddingLeft: 12
20711 },
20713 /* Styles applied to the root element if `endAdornment` is provided. */
20714 adornedEnd: {
20715 paddingRight: 12
20716 },
20718 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
20719 error: {},
20721 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
20722 marginDense: {},
20724 /* Styles applied to the root element if `multiline={true}`. */
20725 multiline: {
20726 padding: '27px 12px 10px',
20727 '&$marginDense': {
20728 paddingTop: 23,
20729 paddingBottom: 6
20730 }
20731 },
20733 /* Styles applied to the `input` element. */
20734 input: {
20735 padding: '27px 12px 10px',
20736 '&:-webkit-autofill': {
20737 WebkitBoxShadow: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? null : '0 0 0 100px #266798 inset',
20738 WebkitTextFillColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? null : '#fff',
20739 caretColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? null : '#fff',
20740 borderTopLeftRadius: 'inherit',
20741 borderTopRightRadius: 'inherit'
20742 }
20743 },
20745 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
20746 inputMarginDense: {
20747 paddingTop: 23,
20748 paddingBottom: 6
20749 },
20751 /* Styles applied to the `input` if in `<FormControl hiddenLabel />`. */
20752 inputHiddenLabel: {
20753 paddingTop: 18,
20754 paddingBottom: 19,
20755 '&$inputMarginDense': {
20756 paddingTop: 10,
20757 paddingBottom: 11
20758 }
20759 },
20761 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `multiline={true}`. */
20762 inputMultiline: {
20763 padding: 0
20764 },
20766 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `startAdornment` is provided. */
20767 inputAdornedStart: {
20768 paddingLeft: 0
20769 },
20771 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `endAdornment` is provided. */
20772 inputAdornedEnd: {
20773 paddingRight: 0
20774 }
20775 };
20776 };
20777 var FilledInput = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function FilledInput(props, ref) {
20778 var disableUnderline = props.disableUnderline,
20779 classes = props.classes,
20780 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
20781 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
20782 _props$inputComponent = props.inputComponent,
20783 inputComponent = _props$inputComponent === void 0 ? 'input' : _props$inputComponent,
20784 _props$multiline = props.multiline,
20785 multiline = _props$multiline === void 0 ? false : _props$multiline,
20786 _props$type = props.type,
20787 type = _props$type === void 0 ? 'text' : _props$type,
20788 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["disableUnderline", "classes", "fullWidth", "inputComponent", "multiline", "type"]);
20790 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InputBase$1, _extends({
20791 classes: _extends({}, classes, {
20792 root: clsx(classes.root, !disableUnderline && classes.underline),
20793 underline: null
20794 }),
20795 fullWidth: fullWidth,
20796 inputComponent: inputComponent,
20797 multiline: multiline,
20798 ref: ref,
20799 type: type
20800 }, other));
20801 });
20802 FilledInput.propTypes = {
20803 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
20804 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
20805 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
20806 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
20808 /**
20809 * This prop helps users to fill forms faster, especially on mobile devices.
20810 * The name can be confusing, as it's more like an autofill.
20811 * You can learn more about it [following the specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill).
20812 */
20813 autoComplete: propTypes.string,
20815 /**
20816 * If `true`, the `input` element will be focused during the first mount.
20817 */
20818 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
20820 /**
20821 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
20822 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
20823 */
20824 classes: propTypes.object,
20826 /**
20827 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
20828 */
20829 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
20831 /**
20832 * The default `input` element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
20833 */
20834 defaultValue: propTypes.any,
20836 /**
20837 * If `true`, the `input` element will be disabled.
20838 */
20839 disabled: propTypes.bool,
20841 /**
20842 * If `true`, the input will not have an underline.
20843 */
20844 disableUnderline: propTypes.bool,
20846 /**
20847 * End `InputAdornment` for this component.
20848 */
20849 endAdornment: propTypes.node,
20851 /**
20852 * If `true`, the input will indicate an error. This is normally obtained via context from
20853 * FormControl.
20854 */
20855 error: propTypes.bool,
20857 /**
20858 * If `true`, the input will take up the full width of its container.
20859 */
20860 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
20862 /**
20863 * The id of the `input` element.
20864 */
20865 id: propTypes.string,
20867 /**
20868 * The component used for the `input` element.
20869 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
20870 */
20871 inputComponent: propTypes.elementType,
20873 /**
20874 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
20875 */
20876 inputProps: propTypes.object,
20878 /**
20879 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
20880 */
20881 inputRef: refType,
20883 /**
20884 * If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
20885 * FormControl.
20886 */
20887 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense', 'none']),
20889 /**
20890 * Maximum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
20891 */
20892 maxRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
20894 /**
20895 * If `true`, a textarea element will be rendered.
20896 */
20897 multiline: propTypes.bool,
20899 /**
20900 * Name attribute of the `input` element.
20901 */
20902 name: propTypes.string,
20904 /**
20905 * Callback fired when the value is changed.
20906 *
20907 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
20908 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
20909 */
20910 onChange: propTypes.func,
20912 /**
20913 * The short hint displayed in the input before the user enters a value.
20914 */
20915 placeholder: propTypes.string,
20917 /**
20918 * It prevents the user from changing the value of the field
20919 * (not from interacting with the field).
20920 */
20921 readOnly: propTypes.bool,
20923 /**
20924 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
20925 */
20926 required: propTypes.bool,
20928 /**
20929 * Number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
20930 */
20931 rows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
20933 /**
20934 * Start `InputAdornment` for this component.
20935 */
20936 startAdornment: propTypes.node,
20938 /**
20939 * Type of the `input` element. It should be [a valid HTML5 input type](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Form_%3Cinput%3E_types).
20940 */
20941 type: propTypes.string,
20943 /**
20944 * The value of the `input` element, required for a controlled component.
20945 */
20946 value: propTypes.any
20947 } ;
20948 FilledInput.muiName = 'Input';
20949 var FilledInput$1 = withStyles$1(styles$O, {
20950 name: 'MuiFilledInput'
20951 })(FilledInput);
20953 var styles$P = {
20954 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
20955 root: {
20956 display: 'inline-flex',
20957 flexDirection: 'column',
20958 position: 'relative',
20959 // Reset fieldset default style.
20960 minWidth: 0,
20961 padding: 0,
20962 margin: 0,
20963 border: 0,
20964 verticalAlign: 'top' // Fix alignment issue on Safari.
20966 },
20968 /* Styles applied to the root element if `margin="normal"`. */
20969 marginNormal: {
20970 marginTop: 16,
20971 marginBottom: 8
20972 },
20974 /* Styles applied to the root element if `margin="dense"`. */
20975 marginDense: {
20976 marginTop: 8,
20977 marginBottom: 4
20978 },
20980 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fullWidth={true}`. */
20981 fullWidth: {
20982 width: '100%'
20983 }
20984 };
20985 /**
20986 * Provides context such as filled/focused/error/required for form inputs.
20987 * Relying on the context provides high flexibility and ensures that the state always stays
20988 * consistent across the children of the `FormControl`.
20989 * This context is used by the following components:
20990 *
20991 * - FormLabel
20992 * - FormHelperText
20993 * - Input
20994 * - InputLabel
20995 *
20996 * You can find one composition example below and more going to [the demos](/components/text-fields/#components).
20997 *
20998 * ```jsx
20999 * <FormControl>
21000 * <InputLabel htmlFor="my-input">Email address</InputLabel>
21001 * <Input id="my-input" aria-describedby="my-helper-text" />
21002 * <FormHelperText id="my-helper-text">We'll never share your email.</FormHelperText>
21003 * </FormControl>
21004 * ```
21005 *
21006 * ⚠️Only one input can be used within a FormControl.
21007 */
21009 var FormControl = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function FormControl(props, ref) {
21010 var children = props.children,
21011 classes = props.classes,
21012 className = props.className,
21013 _props$color = props.color,
21014 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,
21015 _props$component = props.component,
21016 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
21017 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
21018 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
21019 _props$error = props.error,
21020 error = _props$error === void 0 ? false : _props$error,
21021 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
21022 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
21023 visuallyFocused = props.focused,
21024 _props$hiddenLabel = props.hiddenLabel,
21025 hiddenLabel = _props$hiddenLabel === void 0 ? false : _props$hiddenLabel,
21026 _props$margin = props.margin,
21027 margin = _props$margin === void 0 ? 'none' : _props$margin,
21028 _props$required = props.required,
21029 required = _props$required === void 0 ? false : _props$required,
21030 size = props.size,
21031 _props$variant = props.variant,
21032 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'standard' : _props$variant,
21033 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "disabled", "error", "fullWidth", "focused", "hiddenLabel", "margin", "required", "size", "variant"]);
21035 var _React$useState = React.useState(function () {
21036 // We need to iterate through the children and find the Input in order
21037 // to fully support server-side rendering.
21038 var initialAdornedStart = false;
21040 if (children) {
21041 React.Children.forEach(children, function (child) {
21042 if (!isMuiElement(child, ['Input', 'Select'])) {
21043 return;
21044 }
21046 var input = isMuiElement(child, ['Select']) ? child.props.input : child;
21048 if (input && isAdornedStart(input.props)) {
21049 initialAdornedStart = true;
21050 }
21051 });
21052 }
21054 return initialAdornedStart;
21055 }),
21056 adornedStart = _React$useState[0],
21057 setAdornedStart = _React$useState[1];
21059 var _React$useState2 = React.useState(function () {
21060 // We need to iterate through the children and find the Input in order
21061 // to fully support server-side rendering.
21062 var initialFilled = false;
21064 if (children) {
21065 React.Children.forEach(children, function (child) {
21066 if (!isMuiElement(child, ['Input', 'Select'])) {
21067 return;
21068 }
21070 if (isFilled(child.props, true)) {
21071 initialFilled = true;
21072 }
21073 });
21074 }
21076 return initialFilled;
21077 }),
21078 filled = _React$useState2[0],
21079 setFilled = _React$useState2[1];
21081 var _React$useState3 = React.useState(false),
21082 _focused = _React$useState3[0],
21083 setFocused = _React$useState3[1];
21085 var focused = visuallyFocused !== undefined ? visuallyFocused : _focused;
21087 if (disabled && focused) {
21088 setFocused(false);
21089 }
21091 var registerEffect;
21093 {
21094 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
21095 var registeredInput = React.useRef(false);
21097 registerEffect = function registerEffect() {
21098 if (registeredInput.current) {
21099 console.error(['Material-UI: There are multiple InputBase components inside a FormControl.', 'This is not supported. It might cause infinite rendering loops.', 'Only use one InputBase.'].join('\n'));
21100 }
21102 registeredInput.current = true;
21103 return function () {
21104 registeredInput.current = false;
21105 };
21106 };
21107 }
21109 var onFilled = React.useCallback(function () {
21110 setFilled(true);
21111 }, []);
21112 var onEmpty = React.useCallback(function () {
21113 setFilled(false);
21114 }, []);
21115 var childContext = {
21116 adornedStart: adornedStart,
21117 setAdornedStart: setAdornedStart,
21118 color: color,
21119 disabled: disabled,
21120 error: error,
21121 filled: filled,
21122 focused: focused,
21123 fullWidth: fullWidth,
21124 hiddenLabel: hiddenLabel,
21125 margin: (size === 'small' ? 'dense' : undefined) || margin,
21126 onBlur: function onBlur() {
21127 setFocused(false);
21128 },
21129 onEmpty: onEmpty,
21130 onFilled: onFilled,
21131 onFocus: function onFocus() {
21132 setFocused(true);
21133 },
21134 registerEffect: registerEffect,
21135 required: required,
21136 variant: variant
21137 };
21138 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FormControlContext.Provider, {
21139 value: childContext
21140 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
21141 className: clsx(classes.root, className, margin !== 'none' && classes["margin".concat(capitalize(margin))], fullWidth && classes.fullWidth),
21142 ref: ref
21143 }, other), children));
21144 });
21145 FormControl.propTypes = {
21146 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
21147 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
21148 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
21149 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
21151 /**
21152 * The contents of the form control.
21153 */
21154 children: propTypes.node,
21156 /**
21157 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
21158 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
21159 */
21160 classes: propTypes.object,
21162 /**
21163 * @ignore
21164 */
21165 className: propTypes.string,
21167 /**
21168 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
21169 */
21170 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
21172 /**
21173 * The component used for the root node.
21174 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
21175 */
21176 component: propTypes
21177 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
21178 .elementType,
21180 /**
21181 * If `true`, the label, input and helper text should be displayed in a disabled state.
21182 */
21183 disabled: propTypes.bool,
21185 /**
21186 * If `true`, the label should be displayed in an error state.
21187 */
21188 error: propTypes.bool,
21190 /**
21191 * If `true`, the component will be displayed in focused state.
21192 */
21193 focused: propTypes.bool,
21195 /**
21196 * If `true`, the component will take up the full width of its container.
21197 */
21198 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
21200 /**
21201 * If `true`, the label will be hidden.
21202 * This is used to increase density for a `FilledInput`.
21203 * Be sure to add `aria-label` to the `input` element.
21204 */
21205 hiddenLabel: propTypes.bool,
21207 /**
21208 * If `dense` or `normal`, will adjust vertical spacing of this and contained components.
21209 */
21210 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense', 'none', 'normal']),
21212 /**
21213 * If `true`, the label will indicate that the input is required.
21214 */
21215 required: propTypes.bool,
21217 /**
21218 * The size of the text field.
21219 */
21220 size: propTypes.oneOf(['medium', 'small']),
21222 /**
21223 * The variant to use.
21224 */
21225 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['filled', 'outlined', 'standard'])
21226 } ;
21227 var FormControl$1 = withStyles$1(styles$P, {
21228 name: 'MuiFormControl'
21229 })(FormControl);
21231 var styles$Q = function styles(theme) {
21232 return {
21233 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
21234 root: {
21235 display: 'inline-flex',
21236 alignItems: 'center',
21237 cursor: 'pointer',
21238 // For correct alignment with the text.
21239 verticalAlign: 'middle',
21240 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
21241 marginLeft: -11,
21242 marginRight: 16,
21243 // used for row presentation of radio/checkbox
21244 '&$disabled': {
21245 cursor: 'default'
21246 }
21247 },
21249 /* Styles applied to the root element if `labelPlacement="start"`. */
21250 labelPlacementStart: {
21251 flexDirection: 'row-reverse',
21252 marginLeft: 16,
21253 // used for row presentation of radio/checkbox
21254 marginRight: -11
21255 },
21257 /* Styles applied to the root element if `labelPlacement="top"`. */
21258 labelPlacementTop: {
21259 flexDirection: 'column-reverse',
21260 marginLeft: 16
21261 },
21263 /* Styles applied to the root element if `labelPlacement="bottom"`. */
21264 labelPlacementBottom: {
21265 flexDirection: 'column',
21266 marginLeft: 16
21267 },
21269 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
21270 disabled: {},
21272 /* Styles applied to the label's Typography component. */
21273 label: {
21274 '&$disabled': {
21275 color: theme.palette.text.disabled
21276 }
21277 }
21278 };
21279 };
21280 /**
21281 * Drop in replacement of the `Radio`, `Switch` and `Checkbox` component.
21282 * Use this component if you want to display an extra label.
21283 */
21285 var FormControlLabel = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function FormControlLabel(props, ref) {
21286 var checked = props.checked,
21287 classes = props.classes,
21288 className = props.className,
21289 control = props.control,
21290 disabledProp = props.disabled,
21291 inputRef = props.inputRef,
21292 label = props.label,
21293 _props$labelPlacement = props.labelPlacement,
21294 labelPlacement = _props$labelPlacement === void 0 ? 'end' : _props$labelPlacement,
21295 name = props.name,
21296 onChange = props.onChange,
21297 value = props.value,
21298 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["checked", "classes", "className", "control", "disabled", "inputRef", "label", "labelPlacement", "name", "onChange", "value"]);
21300 var muiFormControl = useFormControl$1();
21301 var disabled = disabledProp;
21303 if (typeof disabled === 'undefined' && typeof control.props.disabled !== 'undefined') {
21304 disabled = control.props.disabled;
21305 }
21307 if (typeof disabled === 'undefined' && muiFormControl) {
21308 disabled = muiFormControl.disabled;
21309 }
21311 var controlProps = {
21312 disabled: disabled
21313 };
21314 ['checked', 'name', 'onChange', 'value', 'inputRef'].forEach(function (key) {
21315 if (typeof control.props[key] === 'undefined' && typeof props[key] !== 'undefined') {
21316 controlProps[key] = props[key];
21317 }
21318 });
21319 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("label", _extends({
21320 className: clsx(classes.root, className, labelPlacement !== 'end' && classes["labelPlacement".concat(capitalize(labelPlacement))], disabled && classes.disabled),
21321 ref: ref
21322 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(control, controlProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, {
21323 component: "span",
21324 className: clsx(classes.label, disabled && classes.disabled)
21325 }, label));
21326 });
21327 FormControlLabel.propTypes = {
21328 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
21329 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
21330 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
21331 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
21333 /**
21334 * If `true`, the component appears selected.
21335 */
21336 checked: propTypes.bool,
21338 /**
21339 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
21340 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
21341 */
21342 classes: propTypes.object,
21344 /**
21345 * @ignore
21346 */
21347 className: propTypes.string,
21349 /**
21350 * A control element. For instance, it can be be a `Radio`, a `Switch` or a `Checkbox`.
21351 */
21352 control: propTypes.element.isRequired,
21354 /**
21355 * If `true`, the control will be disabled.
21356 */
21357 disabled: propTypes.bool,
21359 /**
21360 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
21361 */
21362 inputRef: refType,
21364 /**
21365 * The text to be used in an enclosing label element.
21366 */
21367 label: propTypes.node,
21369 /**
21370 * The position of the label.
21371 */
21372 labelPlacement: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'end', 'start', 'top']),
21374 /**
21375 * @ignore
21376 */
21377 name: propTypes.string,
21379 /**
21380 * Callback fired when the state is changed.
21381 *
21382 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
21383 * You can pull out the new checked state by accessing `event.target.checked` (boolean).
21384 */
21385 onChange: propTypes.func,
21387 /**
21388 * The value of the component.
21389 */
21390 value: propTypes.any
21391 } ;
21392 var FormControlLabel$1 = withStyles$1(styles$Q, {
21393 name: 'MuiFormControlLabel'
21394 })(FormControlLabel);
21396 var styles$R = {
21397 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
21398 root: {
21399 display: 'flex',
21400 flexDirection: 'column',
21401 flexWrap: 'wrap'
21402 },
21404 /* Styles applied to the root element if `row={true}`. */
21405 row: {
21406 flexDirection: 'row'
21407 }
21408 };
21409 /**
21410 * `FormGroup` wraps controls such as `Checkbox` and `Switch`.
21411 * It provides compact row layout.
21412 * For the `Radio`, you should be using the `RadioGroup` component instead of this one.
21413 */
21415 var FormGroup = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function FormGroup(props, ref) {
21416 var classes = props.classes,
21417 className = props.className,
21418 _props$row = props.row,
21419 row = _props$row === void 0 ? false : _props$row,
21420 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "row"]);
21422 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
21423 className: clsx(classes.root, className, row && classes.row),
21424 ref: ref
21425 }, other));
21426 });
21427 FormGroup.propTypes = {
21428 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
21429 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
21430 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
21431 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
21433 /**
21434 * The content of the component.
21435 */
21436 children: propTypes.node,
21438 /**
21439 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
21440 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
21441 */
21442 classes: propTypes.object,
21444 /**
21445 * @ignore
21446 */
21447 className: propTypes.string,
21449 /**
21450 * Display group of elements in a compact row.
21451 */
21452 row: propTypes.bool
21453 } ;
21454 var FormGroup$1 = withStyles$1(styles$R, {
21455 name: 'MuiFormGroup'
21456 })(FormGroup);
21458 var styles$S = function styles(theme) {
21459 return {
21460 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
21461 root: _extends({
21462 color: theme.palette.text.secondary
21463 }, theme.typography.caption, {
21464 textAlign: 'left',
21465 marginTop: 3,
21466 margin: 0,
21467 '&$disabled': {
21468 color: theme.palette.text.disabled
21469 },
21470 '&$error': {
21471 color: theme.palette.error.main
21472 }
21473 }),
21475 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
21476 error: {},
21478 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
21479 disabled: {},
21481 /* Styles applied to the root element if `margin="dense"`. */
21482 marginDense: {
21483 marginTop: 4
21484 },
21486 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="filled"` or `variant="outlined"`. */
21487 contained: {
21488 marginLeft: 14,
21489 marginRight: 14
21490 },
21492 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `focused={true}`. */
21493 focused: {},
21495 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `filled={true}`. */
21496 filled: {},
21498 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `required={true}`. */
21499 required: {}
21500 };
21501 };
21502 var FormHelperText = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function FormHelperText(props, ref) {
21503 var children = props.children,
21504 classes = props.classes,
21505 className = props.className,
21506 _props$component = props.component,
21507 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'p' : _props$component,
21508 disabled = props.disabled,
21509 error = props.error,
21510 filled = props.filled,
21511 focused = props.focused,
21512 margin = props.margin,
21513 required = props.required,
21514 variant = props.variant,
21515 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "component", "disabled", "error", "filled", "focused", "margin", "required", "variant"]);
21517 var muiFormControl = useFormControl$1();
21518 var fcs = formControlState({
21519 props: props,
21520 muiFormControl: muiFormControl,
21521 states: ['variant', 'margin', 'disabled', 'error', 'filled', 'focused', 'required']
21522 });
21523 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
21524 className: clsx(classes.root, (fcs.variant === 'filled' || fcs.variant === 'outlined') && classes.contained, className, fcs.disabled && classes.disabled, fcs.error && classes.error, fcs.filled && classes.filled, fcs.focused && classes.focused, fcs.required && classes.required, fcs.margin === 'dense' && classes.marginDense),
21525 ref: ref
21526 }, other), children === ' ' ?
21527 /*#__PURE__*/
21528 // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-danger
21529 React.createElement("span", {
21530 dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
21531 __html: '&#8203;'
21532 }
21533 }) : children);
21534 });
21535 FormHelperText.propTypes = {
21536 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
21537 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
21538 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
21539 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
21541 /**
21542 * The content of the component.
21543 *
21544 * If `' '` is provided, the component reserves one line height for displaying a future message.
21545 */
21546 children: propTypes.node,
21548 /**
21549 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
21550 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
21551 */
21552 classes: propTypes.object,
21554 /**
21555 * @ignore
21556 */
21557 className: propTypes.string,
21559 /**
21560 * The component used for the root node.
21561 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
21562 */
21563 component: propTypes
21564 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
21565 .elementType,
21567 /**
21568 * If `true`, the helper text should be displayed in a disabled state.
21569 */
21570 disabled: propTypes.bool,
21572 /**
21573 * If `true`, helper text should be displayed in an error state.
21574 */
21575 error: propTypes.bool,
21577 /**
21578 * If `true`, the helper text should use filled classes key.
21579 */
21580 filled: propTypes.bool,
21582 /**
21583 * If `true`, the helper text should use focused classes key.
21584 */
21585 focused: propTypes.bool,
21587 /**
21588 * If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
21589 * FormControl.
21590 */
21591 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense']),
21593 /**
21594 * If `true`, the helper text should use required classes key.
21595 */
21596 required: propTypes.bool,
21598 /**
21599 * The variant to use.
21600 */
21601 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['filled', 'outlined', 'standard'])
21602 } ;
21603 var FormHelperText$1 = withStyles$1(styles$S, {
21604 name: 'MuiFormHelperText'
21605 })(FormHelperText);
21607 var styles$T = function styles(theme) {
21608 return {
21609 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
21610 root: _extends({
21611 color: theme.palette.text.secondary
21612 }, theme.typography.body1, {
21613 lineHeight: 1,
21614 padding: 0,
21615 '&$focused': {
21616 color: theme.palette.primary.main
21617 },
21618 '&$disabled': {
21619 color: theme.palette.text.disabled
21620 },
21621 '&$error': {
21622 color: theme.palette.error.main
21623 }
21624 }),
21626 /* Styles applied to the root element if the color is secondary. */
21627 colorSecondary: {
21628 '&$focused': {
21629 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
21630 }
21631 },
21633 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `focused={true}`. */
21634 focused: {},
21636 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
21637 disabled: {},
21639 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
21640 error: {},
21642 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `filled={true}`. */
21643 filled: {},
21645 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `required={true}`. */
21646 required: {},
21648 /* Styles applied to the asterisk element. */
21649 asterisk: {
21650 '&$error': {
21651 color: theme.palette.error.main
21652 }
21653 }
21654 };
21655 };
21656 var FormLabel = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function FormLabel(props, ref) {
21657 var children = props.children,
21658 classes = props.classes,
21659 className = props.className,
21660 color = props.color,
21661 _props$component = props.component,
21662 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'label' : _props$component,
21663 disabled = props.disabled,
21664 error = props.error,
21665 filled = props.filled,
21666 focused = props.focused,
21667 required = props.required,
21668 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "disabled", "error", "filled", "focused", "required"]);
21670 var muiFormControl = useFormControl$1();
21671 var fcs = formControlState({
21672 props: props,
21673 muiFormControl: muiFormControl,
21674 states: ['color', 'required', 'focused', 'disabled', 'error', 'filled']
21675 });
21676 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
21677 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["color".concat(capitalize(fcs.color || 'primary'))], className, fcs.disabled && classes.disabled, fcs.error && classes.error, fcs.filled && classes.filled, fcs.focused && classes.focused, fcs.required && classes.required),
21678 ref: ref
21679 }, other), children, fcs.required && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
21680 "aria-hidden": true,
21681 className: clsx(classes.asterisk, fcs.error && classes.error)
21682 }, "\u2009", '*'));
21683 });
21684 FormLabel.propTypes = {
21685 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
21686 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
21687 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
21688 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
21690 /**
21691 * The content of the component.
21692 */
21693 children: propTypes.node,
21695 /**
21696 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
21697 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
21698 */
21699 classes: propTypes.object,
21701 /**
21702 * @ignore
21703 */
21704 className: propTypes.string,
21706 /**
21707 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
21708 */
21709 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
21711 /**
21712 * The component used for the root node.
21713 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
21714 */
21715 component: propTypes
21716 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
21717 .elementType,
21719 /**
21720 * If `true`, the label should be displayed in a disabled state.
21721 */
21722 disabled: propTypes.bool,
21724 /**
21725 * If `true`, the label should be displayed in an error state.
21726 */
21727 error: propTypes.bool,
21729 /**
21730 * If `true`, the label should use filled classes key.
21731 */
21732 filled: propTypes.bool,
21734 /**
21735 * If `true`, the input of this label is focused (used by `FormGroup` components).
21736 */
21737 focused: propTypes.bool,
21739 /**
21740 * If `true`, the label will indicate that the input is required.
21741 */
21742 required: propTypes.bool
21743 } ;
21744 var FormLabel$1 = withStyles$1(styles$T, {
21745 name: 'MuiFormLabel'
21746 })(FormLabel);
21748 var SPACINGS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
21749 var GRID_SIZES = ['auto', true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];
21751 function generateGrid(globalStyles, theme, breakpoint) {
21752 var styles = {};
21753 GRID_SIZES.forEach(function (size) {
21754 var key = "grid-".concat(breakpoint, "-").concat(size);
21756 if (size === true) {
21757 // For the auto layouting
21758 styles[key] = {
21759 flexBasis: 0,
21760 flexGrow: 1,
21761 maxWidth: '100%'
21762 };
21763 return;
21764 }
21766 if (size === 'auto') {
21767 styles[key] = {
21768 flexBasis: 'auto',
21769 flexGrow: 0,
21770 maxWidth: 'none'
21771 };
21772 return;
21773 } // Keep 7 significant numbers.
21776 var width = "".concat(Math.round(size / 12 * 10e7) / 10e5, "%"); // Close to the bootstrap implementation:
21777 // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/8fccaa2439e97ec72a4b7dc42ccc1f649790adb0/scss/mixins/_grid.scss#L41
21779 styles[key] = {
21780 flexBasis: width,
21781 flexGrow: 0,
21782 maxWidth: width
21783 };
21784 }); // No need for a media query for the first size.
21786 if (breakpoint === 'xs') {
21787 _extends(globalStyles, styles);
21788 } else {
21789 globalStyles[theme.breakpoints.up(breakpoint)] = styles;
21790 }
21791 }
21793 function getOffset(val) {
21794 var div = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
21795 var parse = parseFloat(val);
21796 return "".concat(parse / div).concat(String(val).replace(String(parse), '') || 'px');
21797 }
21799 function generateGutter(theme, breakpoint) {
21800 var styles = {};
21801 SPACINGS.forEach(function (spacing) {
21802 var themeSpacing = theme.spacing(spacing);
21804 if (themeSpacing === 0) {
21805 return;
21806 }
21808 styles["spacing-".concat(breakpoint, "-").concat(spacing)] = {
21809 margin: "-".concat(getOffset(themeSpacing, 2)),
21810 width: "calc(100% + ".concat(getOffset(themeSpacing), ")"),
21811 '& > $item': {
21812 padding: getOffset(themeSpacing, 2)
21813 }
21814 };
21815 });
21816 return styles;
21817 } // Default CSS values
21818 // flex: '0 1 auto',
21819 // flexDirection: 'row',
21820 // alignItems: 'flex-start',
21821 // flexWrap: 'nowrap',
21822 // justifyContent: 'flex-start',
21825 var styles$U = function styles(theme) {
21826 return _extends({
21827 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
21828 root: {},
21830 /* Styles applied to the root element if `container={true}`. */
21831 container: {
21832 boxSizing: 'border-box',
21833 display: 'flex',
21834 flexWrap: 'wrap',
21835 width: '100%'
21836 },
21838 /* Styles applied to the root element if `item={true}`. */
21839 item: {
21840 boxSizing: 'border-box',
21841 margin: '0' // For instance, it's useful when used with a `figure` element.
21843 },
21845 /* Styles applied to the root element if `zeroMinWidth={true}`. */
21846 zeroMinWidth: {
21847 minWidth: 0
21848 },
21850 /* Styles applied to the root element if `direction="column"`. */
21851 'direction-xs-column': {
21852 flexDirection: 'column'
21853 },
21855 /* Styles applied to the root element if `direction="column-reverse"`. */
21856 'direction-xs-column-reverse': {
21857 flexDirection: 'column-reverse'
21858 },
21860 /* Styles applied to the root element if `direction="row-reverse"`. */
21861 'direction-xs-row-reverse': {
21862 flexDirection: 'row-reverse'
21863 },
21865 /* Styles applied to the root element if `wrap="nowrap"`. */
21866 'wrap-xs-nowrap': {
21867 flexWrap: 'nowrap'
21868 },
21870 /* Styles applied to the root element if `wrap="reverse"`. */
21871 'wrap-xs-wrap-reverse': {
21872 flexWrap: 'wrap-reverse'
21873 },
21875 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems="center"`. */
21876 'align-items-xs-center': {
21877 alignItems: 'center'
21878 },
21880 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems="flex-start"`. */
21881 'align-items-xs-flex-start': {
21882 alignItems: 'flex-start'
21883 },
21885 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems="flex-end"`. */
21886 'align-items-xs-flex-end': {
21887 alignItems: 'flex-end'
21888 },
21890 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignItems="baseline"`. */
21891 'align-items-xs-baseline': {
21892 alignItems: 'baseline'
21893 },
21895 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent="center"`. */
21896 'align-content-xs-center': {
21897 alignContent: 'center'
21898 },
21900 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent="flex-start"`. */
21901 'align-content-xs-flex-start': {
21902 alignContent: 'flex-start'
21903 },
21905 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent="flex-end"`. */
21906 'align-content-xs-flex-end': {
21907 alignContent: 'flex-end'
21908 },
21910 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent="space-between"`. */
21911 'align-content-xs-space-between': {
21912 alignContent: 'space-between'
21913 },
21915 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alignContent="space-around"`. */
21916 'align-content-xs-space-around': {
21917 alignContent: 'space-around'
21918 },
21920 /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent="center"`. */
21921 'justify-content-xs-center': {
21922 justifyContent: 'center'
21923 },
21925 /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent="flex-end"`. */
21926 'justify-content-xs-flex-end': {
21927 justifyContent: 'flex-end'
21928 },
21930 /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent="space-between"`. */
21931 'justify-content-xs-space-between': {
21932 justifyContent: 'space-between'
21933 },
21935 /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent="space-around"`. */
21936 'justify-content-xs-space-around': {
21937 justifyContent: 'space-around'
21938 },
21940 /* Styles applied to the root element if `justifyContent="space-evenly"`. */
21941 'justify-content-xs-space-evenly': {
21942 justifyContent: 'space-evenly'
21943 }
21944 }, generateGutter(theme, 'xs'), theme.breakpoints.keys.reduce(function (accumulator, key) {
21945 // Use side effect over immutability for better performance.
21946 generateGrid(accumulator, theme, key);
21947 return accumulator;
21948 }, {}));
21949 };
21950 var Grid = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Grid(props, ref) {
21951 var _props$alignContent = props.alignContent,
21952 alignContent = _props$alignContent === void 0 ? 'stretch' : _props$alignContent,
21953 _props$alignItems = props.alignItems,
21954 alignItems = _props$alignItems === void 0 ? 'stretch' : _props$alignItems,
21955 classes = props.classes,
21956 classNameProp = props.className,
21957 _props$component = props.component,
21958 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
21959 _props$container = props.container,
21960 container = _props$container === void 0 ? false : _props$container,
21961 _props$direction = props.direction,
21962 direction = _props$direction === void 0 ? 'row' : _props$direction,
21963 _props$item = props.item,
21964 item = _props$item === void 0 ? false : _props$item,
21965 justify = props.justify,
21966 _props$justifyContent = props.justifyContent,
21967 justifyContent = _props$justifyContent === void 0 ? 'flex-start' : _props$justifyContent,
21968 _props$lg = props.lg,
21969 lg = _props$lg === void 0 ? false : _props$lg,
21970 _props$md = props.md,
21971 md = _props$md === void 0 ? false : _props$md,
21972 _props$sm = props.sm,
21973 sm = _props$sm === void 0 ? false : _props$sm,
21974 _props$spacing = props.spacing,
21975 spacing = _props$spacing === void 0 ? 0 : _props$spacing,
21976 _props$wrap = props.wrap,
21977 wrap = _props$wrap === void 0 ? 'wrap' : _props$wrap,
21978 _props$xl = props.xl,
21979 xl = _props$xl === void 0 ? false : _props$xl,
21980 _props$xs = props.xs,
21981 xs = _props$xs === void 0 ? false : _props$xs,
21982 _props$zeroMinWidth = props.zeroMinWidth,
21983 zeroMinWidth = _props$zeroMinWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$zeroMinWidth,
21984 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["alignContent", "alignItems", "classes", "className", "component", "container", "direction", "item", "justify", "justifyContent", "lg", "md", "sm", "spacing", "wrap", "xl", "xs", "zeroMinWidth"]);
21986 var className = clsx(classes.root, classNameProp, container && [classes.container, spacing !== 0 && classes["spacing-xs-".concat(String(spacing))]], item && classes.item, zeroMinWidth && classes.zeroMinWidth, direction !== 'row' && classes["direction-xs-".concat(String(direction))], wrap !== 'wrap' && classes["wrap-xs-".concat(String(wrap))], alignItems !== 'stretch' && classes["align-items-xs-".concat(String(alignItems))], alignContent !== 'stretch' && classes["align-content-xs-".concat(String(alignContent))], (justify || justifyContent) !== 'flex-start' && classes["justify-content-xs-".concat(String(justify || justifyContent))], xs !== false && classes["grid-xs-".concat(String(xs))], sm !== false && classes["grid-sm-".concat(String(sm))], md !== false && classes["grid-md-".concat(String(md))], lg !== false && classes["grid-lg-".concat(String(lg))], xl !== false && classes["grid-xl-".concat(String(xl))]);
21987 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
21988 className: className,
21989 ref: ref
21990 }, other));
21991 });
21992 Grid.propTypes = {
21993 /**
21994 * Defines the `align-content` style property.
21995 * It's applied for all screen sizes.
21996 */
21997 alignContent: propTypes.oneOf(['stretch', 'center', 'flex-start', 'flex-end', 'space-between', 'space-around']),
21999 /**
22000 * Defines the `align-items` style property.
22001 * It's applied for all screen sizes.
22002 */
22003 alignItems: propTypes.oneOf(['flex-start', 'center', 'flex-end', 'stretch', 'baseline']),
22005 /**
22006 * The content of the component.
22007 */
22008 children: propTypes.node,
22010 /**
22011 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
22012 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
22013 */
22014 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
22016 /**
22017 * @ignore
22018 */
22019 className: propTypes.string,
22021 /**
22022 * The component used for the root node.
22023 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
22024 */
22025 component: propTypes
22026 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
22027 .elementType,
22029 /**
22030 * If `true`, the component will have the flex *container* behavior.
22031 * You should be wrapping *items* with a *container*.
22032 */
22033 container: propTypes.bool,
22035 /**
22036 * Defines the `flex-direction` style property.
22037 * It is applied for all screen sizes.
22038 */
22039 direction: propTypes.oneOf(['row', 'row-reverse', 'column', 'column-reverse']),
22041 /**
22042 * If `true`, the component will have the flex *item* behavior.
22043 * You should be wrapping *items* with a *container*.
22044 */
22045 item: propTypes.bool,
22047 /**
22048 * Defines the `justify-content` style property.
22049 * It is applied for all screen sizes.
22050 * @deprecated Use `justifyContent` instead, the prop was renamed
22051 */
22052 justify: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.oneOf(['flex-start', 'center', 'flex-end', 'space-between', 'space-around', 'space-evenly']), 'Use `justifyContent` instead, the prop was renamed.'),
22054 /**
22055 * Defines the `justify-content` style property.
22056 * It is applied for all screen sizes.
22057 */
22058 justifyContent: propTypes.oneOf(['flex-start', 'center', 'flex-end', 'space-between', 'space-around', 'space-evenly']),
22060 /**
22061 * Defines the number of grids the component is going to use.
22062 * It's applied for the `lg` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
22063 */
22064 lg: propTypes.oneOf([false, 'auto', true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]),
22066 /**
22067 * Defines the number of grids the component is going to use.
22068 * It's applied for the `md` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
22069 */
22070 md: propTypes.oneOf([false, 'auto', true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]),
22072 /**
22073 * Defines the number of grids the component is going to use.
22074 * It's applied for the `sm` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
22075 */
22076 sm: propTypes.oneOf([false, 'auto', true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]),
22078 /**
22079 * Defines the space between the type `item` component.
22080 * It can only be used on a type `container` component.
22081 */
22082 spacing: propTypes.oneOf(SPACINGS),
22084 /**
22085 * Defines the `flex-wrap` style property.
22086 * It's applied for all screen sizes.
22087 */
22088 wrap: propTypes.oneOf(['nowrap', 'wrap', 'wrap-reverse']),
22090 /**
22091 * Defines the number of grids the component is going to use.
22092 * It's applied for the `xl` breakpoint and wider screens.
22093 */
22094 xl: propTypes.oneOf([false, 'auto', true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]),
22096 /**
22097 * Defines the number of grids the component is going to use.
22098 * It's applied for all the screen sizes with the lowest priority.
22099 */
22100 xs: propTypes.oneOf([false, 'auto', true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]),
22102 /**
22103 * If `true`, it sets `min-width: 0` on the item.
22104 * Refer to the limitations section of the documentation to better understand the use case.
22105 */
22106 zeroMinWidth: propTypes.bool
22107 } ;
22108 var StyledGrid = withStyles$1(styles$U, {
22109 name: 'MuiGrid'
22110 })(Grid);
22112 {
22113 var requireProp = requirePropFactory('Grid');
22114 StyledGrid.propTypes = _extends({}, StyledGrid.propTypes, {
22115 alignContent: requireProp('container'),
22116 alignItems: requireProp('container'),
22117 direction: requireProp('container'),
22118 justifyContent: requireProp('container'),
22119 lg: requireProp('item'),
22120 md: requireProp('item'),
22121 sm: requireProp('item'),
22122 spacing: requireProp('container'),
22123 wrap: requireProp('container'),
22124 xs: requireProp('item'),
22125 zeroMinWidth: requireProp('item')
22126 });
22127 }
22129 var styles$V = {
22130 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
22131 root: {
22132 display: 'flex',
22133 flexWrap: 'wrap',
22134 overflowY: 'auto',
22135 listStyle: 'none',
22136 padding: 0,
22137 WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch' // Add iOS momentum scrolling.
22139 }
22140 };
22141 var warnedOnce$8 = false;
22142 /**
22143 * ⚠️ The GridList component was renamed to ImageList to align with the current Material Design naming.
22144 *
22145 * You should use `import { ImageList } from '@material-ui/core'`
22146 * or `import ImageList from '@material-ui/core/ImageList'`.
22147 */
22149 var GridList = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function GridList(props, ref) {
22150 {
22151 if (!warnedOnce$8) {
22152 warnedOnce$8 = true;
22153 console.error(['Material-UI: The GridList component was renamed to ImageList to align with the current Material Design naming.', '', "You should use `import { ImageList } from '@material-ui/core'`", "or `import ImageList from '@material-ui/core/ImageList'`."].join('\n'));
22154 }
22155 }
22157 var _props$cellHeight = props.cellHeight,
22158 cellHeight = _props$cellHeight === void 0 ? 180 : _props$cellHeight,
22159 children = props.children,
22160 classes = props.classes,
22161 className = props.className,
22162 _props$cols = props.cols,
22163 cols = _props$cols === void 0 ? 2 : _props$cols,
22164 _props$component = props.component,
22165 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'ul' : _props$component,
22166 _props$spacing = props.spacing,
22167 spacing = _props$spacing === void 0 ? 4 : _props$spacing,
22168 style = props.style,
22169 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["cellHeight", "children", "classes", "className", "cols", "component", "spacing", "style"]);
22171 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
22172 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
22173 ref: ref,
22174 style: _extends({
22175 margin: -spacing / 2
22176 }, style)
22177 }, other), React.Children.map(children, function (child) {
22178 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
22179 return null;
22180 }
22182 {
22183 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
22184 console.error(["Material-UI: The GridList component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
22185 }
22186 }
22188 var childCols = child.props.cols || 1;
22189 var childRows = child.props.rows || 1;
22190 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
22191 style: _extends({
22192 width: "".concat(100 / cols * childCols, "%"),
22193 height: cellHeight === 'auto' ? 'auto' : cellHeight * childRows + spacing,
22194 padding: spacing / 2
22195 }, child.props.style)
22196 });
22197 }));
22198 });
22199 GridList.propTypes = {
22200 /**
22201 * Number of px for one cell height.
22202 * You can set `'auto'` if you want to let the children determine the height.
22203 */
22204 cellHeight: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.oneOf(['auto'])]),
22206 /**
22207 * Grid Tiles that will be in Grid List.
22208 */
22209 children: propTypes.node.isRequired,
22211 /**
22212 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
22213 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
22214 */
22215 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
22217 /**
22218 * @ignore
22219 */
22220 className: propTypes.string,
22222 /**
22223 * Number of columns.
22224 */
22225 cols: propTypes.number,
22227 /**
22228 * The component used for the root node.
22229 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
22230 */
22231 component: propTypes
22232 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
22233 .elementType,
22235 /**
22236 * Number of px for the spacing between tiles.
22237 */
22238 spacing: propTypes.number,
22240 /**
22241 * @ignore
22242 */
22243 style: propTypes.object
22244 } ;
22245 var GridList$1 = withStyles$1(styles$V, {
22246 name: 'MuiGridList'
22247 })(GridList);
22249 var styles$W = {
22250 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
22251 root: {
22252 boxSizing: 'border-box',
22253 flexShrink: 0
22254 },
22256 /* Styles applied to the `div` element that wraps the children. */
22257 tile: {
22258 position: 'relative',
22259 display: 'block',
22260 // In case it's not rendered with a div.
22261 height: '100%',
22262 overflow: 'hidden'
22263 },
22265 /* Styles applied to an `img` element child, if needed to ensure it covers the tile. */
22266 imgFullHeight: {
22267 height: '100%',
22268 transform: 'translateX(-50%)',
22269 position: 'relative',
22270 left: '50%'
22271 },
22273 /* Styles applied to an `img` element child, if needed to ensure it covers the tile. */
22274 imgFullWidth: {
22275 width: '100%',
22276 position: 'relative',
22277 transform: 'translateY(-50%)',
22278 top: '50%'
22279 }
22280 };
22282 var fit = function fit(imgEl, classes) {
22283 if (!imgEl || !imgEl.complete) {
22284 return;
22285 }
22287 if (imgEl.width / imgEl.height > imgEl.parentElement.offsetWidth / imgEl.parentElement.offsetHeight) {
22288 var _imgEl$classList, _imgEl$classList2;
22290 (_imgEl$classList = imgEl.classList).remove.apply(_imgEl$classList, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullWidth.split(' ')));
22292 (_imgEl$classList2 = imgEl.classList).add.apply(_imgEl$classList2, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullHeight.split(' ')));
22293 } else {
22294 var _imgEl$classList3, _imgEl$classList4;
22296 (_imgEl$classList3 = imgEl.classList).remove.apply(_imgEl$classList3, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullHeight.split(' ')));
22298 (_imgEl$classList4 = imgEl.classList).add.apply(_imgEl$classList4, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullWidth.split(' ')));
22299 }
22300 };
22302 function ensureImageCover(imgEl, classes) {
22303 if (!imgEl) {
22304 return;
22305 }
22307 if (imgEl.complete) {
22308 fit(imgEl, classes);
22309 } else {
22310 imgEl.addEventListener('load', function () {
22311 fit(imgEl, classes);
22312 });
22313 }
22314 }
22316 var warnedOnce$9 = false;
22317 /**
22318 * ⚠️ The GridList component was renamed to ImageList to align with the current Material Design naming.
22319 *
22320 * You should use `import { ImageListTile } from '@material-ui/core'`
22321 * or `import ImageListTile from '@material-ui/core/ImageListTile'`.
22322 */
22324 var GridListTile = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function GridListTile(props, ref) {
22325 {
22326 if (!warnedOnce$9) {
22327 warnedOnce$9 = true;
22328 console.error(['Material-UI: The GridListTile component was renamed to ImageListTile to align with the current Material Design naming.', '', "You should use `import { ImageListTile } from '@material-ui/core'`", "or `import ImageListTile from '@material-ui/core/ImageListTile'`."].join('\n'));
22329 }
22330 } // cols rows default values are for docs only
22333 var children = props.children,
22334 classes = props.classes,
22335 className = props.className,
22336 _props$cols = props.cols,
22337 _props$component = props.component,
22338 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'li' : _props$component,
22339 _props$rows = props.rows,
22340 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "cols", "component", "rows"]);
22342 var imgRef = React.useRef(null);
22343 React.useEffect(function () {
22344 ensureImageCover(imgRef.current, classes);
22345 });
22346 React.useEffect(function () {
22347 var handleResize = debounce(function () {
22348 fit(imgRef.current, classes);
22349 });
22350 window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
22351 return function () {
22352 handleResize.clear();
22353 window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
22354 };
22355 }, [classes]);
22356 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
22357 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
22358 ref: ref
22359 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
22360 className: classes.tile
22361 }, React.Children.map(children, function (child) {
22362 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
22363 return null;
22364 }
22366 if (child.type === 'img' || isMuiElement(child, ['Image'])) {
22367 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
22368 ref: imgRef
22369 });
22370 }
22372 return child;
22373 })));
22374 });
22375 GridListTile.propTypes = {
22376 /**
22377 * Theoretically you can pass any node as children, but the main use case is to pass an img,
22378 * in which case GridListTile takes care of making the image "cover" available space
22379 * (similar to `background-size: cover` or to `object-fit: cover`).
22380 */
22381 children: propTypes.node,
22383 /**
22384 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
22385 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
22386 */
22387 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
22389 /**
22390 * @ignore
22391 */
22392 className: propTypes.string,
22394 /**
22395 * Width of the tile in number of grid cells.
22396 */
22397 cols: propTypes.number,
22399 /**
22400 * The component used for the root node.
22401 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
22402 */
22403 component: propTypes
22404 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
22405 .elementType,
22407 /**
22408 * Height of the tile in number of grid cells.
22409 */
22410 rows: propTypes.number
22411 } ;
22412 var GridListTile$1 = withStyles$1(styles$W, {
22413 name: 'MuiGridListTile'
22414 })(GridListTile);
22416 var styles$X = function styles(theme) {
22417 return {
22418 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
22419 root: {
22420 position: 'absolute',
22421 left: 0,
22422 right: 0,
22423 height: 48,
22424 background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
22425 display: 'flex',
22426 alignItems: 'center',
22427 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily
22428 },
22430 /* Styles applied to the root element if `titlePosition="bottom"`. */
22431 titlePositionBottom: {
22432 bottom: 0
22433 },
22435 /* Styles applied to the root element if `titlePosition="top"`. */
22436 titlePositionTop: {
22437 top: 0
22438 },
22440 /* Styles applied to the root element if a `subtitle` is provided. */
22441 rootSubtitle: {
22442 height: 68
22443 },
22445 /* Styles applied to the title and subtitle container element. */
22446 titleWrap: {
22447 flexGrow: 1,
22448 marginLeft: 16,
22449 marginRight: 16,
22450 color: theme.palette.common.white,
22451 overflow: 'hidden'
22452 },
22454 /* Styles applied to the container element if `actionPosition="left"`. */
22455 titleWrapActionPosLeft: {
22456 marginLeft: 0
22457 },
22459 /* Styles applied to the container element if `actionPosition="right"`. */
22460 titleWrapActionPosRight: {
22461 marginRight: 0
22462 },
22464 /* Styles applied to the title container element. */
22465 title: {
22466 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(16),
22467 lineHeight: '24px',
22468 textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
22469 overflow: 'hidden',
22470 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
22471 },
22473 /* Styles applied to the subtitle container element. */
22474 subtitle: {
22475 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12),
22476 lineHeight: 1,
22477 textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
22478 overflow: 'hidden',
22479 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
22480 },
22482 /* Styles applied to the actionIcon if supplied. */
22483 actionIcon: {},
22485 /* Styles applied to the actionIcon if `actionPosition="left"`. */
22486 actionIconActionPosLeft: {
22487 order: -1
22488 }
22489 };
22490 };
22491 var warnedOnce$a = false;
22492 /**
22493 * ⚠️ The GridListTileBar component was renamed to ImageListTileBar to align with the current Material Design naming.
22494 *
22495 * You should use `import { ImageListTileBar } from '@material-ui/core'`
22496 * or `import ImageListTileBar from '@material-ui/core/ImageListTileBar'`.
22497 */
22499 var GridListTileBar = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function GridListTileBar(props, ref) {
22500 {
22501 if (!warnedOnce$a) {
22502 warnedOnce$a = true;
22503 console.error(['Material-UI: The GridListTileBar component was renamed to ImageListTileBar to align with the current Material Design naming.', '', "You should use `import { ImageListTileBar } from '@material-ui/core'`", "or `import ImageListTileBar from '@material-ui/core/ImageListTileBar'`."].join('\n'));
22504 }
22505 }
22507 var actionIcon = props.actionIcon,
22508 _props$actionPosition = props.actionPosition,
22509 actionPosition = _props$actionPosition === void 0 ? 'right' : _props$actionPosition,
22510 classes = props.classes,
22511 className = props.className,
22512 subtitle = props.subtitle,
22513 title = props.title,
22514 _props$titlePosition = props.titlePosition,
22515 titlePosition = _props$titlePosition === void 0 ? 'bottom' : _props$titlePosition,
22516 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["actionIcon", "actionPosition", "classes", "className", "subtitle", "title", "titlePosition"]);
22518 var actionPos = actionIcon && actionPosition;
22519 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
22520 className: clsx(classes.root, className, titlePosition === 'top' ? classes.titlePositionTop : classes.titlePositionBottom, subtitle && classes.rootSubtitle),
22521 ref: ref
22522 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
22523 className: clsx(classes.titleWrap, {
22524 'left': classes.titleWrapActionPosLeft,
22525 'right': classes.titleWrapActionPosRight
22526 }[actionPos])
22527 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
22528 className: classes.title
22529 }, title), subtitle ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
22530 className: classes.subtitle
22531 }, subtitle) : null), actionIcon ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
22532 className: clsx(classes.actionIcon, actionPos === 'left' && classes.actionIconActionPosLeft)
22533 }, actionIcon) : null);
22534 });
22535 GridListTileBar.propTypes = {
22536 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
22537 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
22538 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
22539 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
22541 /**
22542 * An IconButton element to be used as secondary action target
22543 * (primary action target is the tile itself).
22544 */
22545 actionIcon: propTypes.node,
22547 /**
22548 * Position of secondary action IconButton.
22549 */
22550 actionPosition: propTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']),
22552 /**
22553 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
22554 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
22555 */
22556 classes: propTypes.object,
22558 /**
22559 * @ignore
22560 */
22561 className: propTypes.string,
22563 /**
22564 * String or element serving as subtitle (support text).
22565 */
22566 subtitle: propTypes.node,
22568 /**
22569 * Title to be displayed on tile.
22570 */
22571 title: propTypes.node,
22573 /**
22574 * Position of the title bar.
22575 */
22576 titlePosition: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'top'])
22577 } ;
22578 var GridListTileBar$1 = withStyles$1(styles$X, {
22579 name: 'MuiGridListTileBar'
22580 })(GridListTileBar);
22582 function getScale(value) {
22583 return "scale(".concat(value, ", ").concat(Math.pow(value, 2), ")");
22584 }
22586 var styles$Y = {
22587 entering: {
22588 opacity: 1,
22589 transform: getScale(1)
22590 },
22591 entered: {
22592 opacity: 1,
22593 transform: 'none'
22594 }
22595 };
22596 /**
22597 * The Grow transition is used by the [Tooltip](/components/tooltips/) and
22598 * [Popover](/components/popover/) components.
22599 * It uses [react-transition-group](https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group) internally.
22600 */
22602 var Grow = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Grow(props, ref) {
22603 var children = props.children,
22604 _props$disableStrictM = props.disableStrictModeCompat,
22605 disableStrictModeCompat = _props$disableStrictM === void 0 ? false : _props$disableStrictM,
22606 inProp = props.in,
22607 onEnter = props.onEnter,
22608 onEntered = props.onEntered,
22609 onEntering = props.onEntering,
22610 onExit = props.onExit,
22611 onExited = props.onExited,
22612 onExiting = props.onExiting,
22613 style = props.style,
22614 _props$timeout = props.timeout,
22615 timeout = _props$timeout === void 0 ? 'auto' : _props$timeout,
22616 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
22617 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Transition : _props$TransitionComp,
22618 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "disableStrictModeCompat", "in", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "style", "timeout", "TransitionComponent"]);
22620 var timer = React.useRef();
22621 var autoTimeout = React.useRef();
22622 var theme = useTheme$1();
22623 var enableStrictModeCompat = theme.unstable_strictMode && !disableStrictModeCompat;
22624 var nodeRef = React.useRef(null);
22625 var foreignRef = useForkRef(children.ref, ref);
22626 var handleRef = useForkRef(enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined, foreignRef);
22628 var normalizedTransitionCallback = function normalizedTransitionCallback(callback) {
22629 return function (nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing) {
22630 if (callback) {
22631 var _ref = enableStrictModeCompat ? [nodeRef.current, nodeOrAppearing] : [nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing],
22632 _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
22633 node = _ref2[0],
22634 isAppearing = _ref2[1]; // onEnterXxx and onExitXxx callbacks have a different arguments.length value.
22637 if (isAppearing === undefined) {
22638 callback(node);
22639 } else {
22640 callback(node, isAppearing);
22641 }
22642 }
22643 };
22644 };
22646 var handleEntering = normalizedTransitionCallback(onEntering);
22647 var handleEnter = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
22648 reflow(node); // So the animation always start from the start.
22650 var _getTransitionProps = getTransitionProps({
22651 style: style,
22652 timeout: timeout
22653 }, {
22654 mode: 'enter'
22655 }),
22656 transitionDuration = _getTransitionProps.duration,
22657 delay = _getTransitionProps.delay;
22659 var duration;
22661 if (timeout === 'auto') {
22662 duration = theme.transitions.getAutoHeightDuration(node.clientHeight);
22663 autoTimeout.current = duration;
22664 } else {
22665 duration = transitionDuration;
22666 }
22668 node.style.transition = [theme.transitions.create('opacity', {
22669 duration: duration,
22670 delay: delay
22671 }), theme.transitions.create('transform', {
22672 duration: duration * 0.666,
22673 delay: delay
22674 })].join(',');
22676 if (onEnter) {
22677 onEnter(node, isAppearing);
22678 }
22679 });
22680 var handleEntered = normalizedTransitionCallback(onEntered);
22681 var handleExiting = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExiting);
22682 var handleExit = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node) {
22683 var _getTransitionProps2 = getTransitionProps({
22684 style: style,
22685 timeout: timeout
22686 }, {
22687 mode: 'exit'
22688 }),
22689 transitionDuration = _getTransitionProps2.duration,
22690 delay = _getTransitionProps2.delay;
22692 var duration;
22694 if (timeout === 'auto') {
22695 duration = theme.transitions.getAutoHeightDuration(node.clientHeight);
22696 autoTimeout.current = duration;
22697 } else {
22698 duration = transitionDuration;
22699 }
22701 node.style.transition = [theme.transitions.create('opacity', {
22702 duration: duration,
22703 delay: delay
22704 }), theme.transitions.create('transform', {
22705 duration: duration * 0.666,
22706 delay: delay || duration * 0.333
22707 })].join(',');
22708 node.style.opacity = '0';
22709 node.style.transform = getScale(0.75);
22711 if (onExit) {
22712 onExit(node);
22713 }
22714 });
22715 var handleExited = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExited);
22717 var addEndListener = function addEndListener(nodeOrNext, maybeNext) {
22718 var next = enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeOrNext : maybeNext;
22720 if (timeout === 'auto') {
22721 timer.current = setTimeout(next, autoTimeout.current || 0);
22722 }
22723 };
22725 React.useEffect(function () {
22726 return function () {
22727 clearTimeout(timer.current);
22728 };
22729 }, []);
22730 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
22731 appear: true,
22732 in: inProp,
22733 nodeRef: enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined,
22734 onEnter: handleEnter,
22735 onEntered: handleEntered,
22736 onEntering: handleEntering,
22737 onExit: handleExit,
22738 onExited: handleExited,
22739 onExiting: handleExiting,
22740 addEndListener: addEndListener,
22741 timeout: timeout === 'auto' ? null : timeout
22742 }, other), function (state, childProps) {
22743 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, _extends({
22744 style: _extends({
22745 opacity: 0,
22746 transform: getScale(0.75),
22747 visibility: state === 'exited' && !inProp ? 'hidden' : undefined
22748 }, styles$Y[state], style, children.props.style),
22749 ref: handleRef
22750 }, childProps));
22751 });
22752 });
22753 Grow.propTypes = {
22754 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
22755 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
22756 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
22757 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
22759 /**
22760 * A single child content element.
22761 */
22762 children: propTypes.element,
22764 /**
22765 * Enable this prop if you encounter 'Function components cannot be given refs',
22766 * use `unstable_createStrictModeTheme`,
22767 * and can't forward the ref in the child component.
22768 */
22769 disableStrictModeCompat: propTypes.bool,
22771 /**
22772 * If `true`, show the component; triggers the enter or exit animation.
22773 */
22774 in: propTypes.bool,
22776 /**
22777 * @ignore
22778 */
22779 onEnter: propTypes.func,
22781 /**
22782 * @ignore
22783 */
22784 onEntered: propTypes.func,
22786 /**
22787 * @ignore
22788 */
22789 onEntering: propTypes.func,
22791 /**
22792 * @ignore
22793 */
22794 onExit: propTypes.func,
22796 /**
22797 * @ignore
22798 */
22799 onExited: propTypes.func,
22801 /**
22802 * @ignore
22803 */
22804 onExiting: propTypes.func,
22806 /**
22807 * @ignore
22808 */
22809 style: propTypes.object,
22811 /**
22812 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
22813 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
22814 *
22815 * Set to 'auto' to automatically calculate transition time based on height.
22816 */
22817 timeout: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['auto']), propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
22818 appear: propTypes.number,
22819 enter: propTypes.number,
22820 exit: propTypes.number
22821 })])
22822 } ;
22823 Grow.muiSupportAuto = true;
22825 function useMediaQuery(queryInput) {
22826 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
22827 var theme = useTheme();
22828 var props = getThemeProps({
22829 theme: theme,
22830 name: 'MuiUseMediaQuery',
22831 props: {}
22832 });
22834 {
22835 if (typeof queryInput === 'function' && theme === null) {
22836 console.error(['Material-UI: The `query` argument provided is invalid.', 'You are providing a function without a theme in the context.', 'One of the parent elements needs to use a ThemeProvider.'].join('\n'));
22837 }
22838 }
22840 var query = typeof queryInput === 'function' ? queryInput(theme) : queryInput;
22841 query = query.replace(/^@media( ?)/m, ''); // Wait for jsdom to support the match media feature.
22842 // All the browsers Material-UI support have this built-in.
22843 // This defensive check is here for simplicity.
22844 // Most of the time, the match media logic isn't central to people tests.
22846 var supportMatchMedia = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.matchMedia !== 'undefined';
22848 var _props$options = _extends({}, props, options),
22849 _props$options$defaul = _props$options.defaultMatches,
22850 defaultMatches = _props$options$defaul === void 0 ? false : _props$options$defaul,
22851 _props$options$matchM = _props$options.matchMedia,
22852 matchMedia = _props$options$matchM === void 0 ? supportMatchMedia ? window.matchMedia : null : _props$options$matchM,
22853 _props$options$noSsr = _props$options.noSsr,
22854 noSsr = _props$options$noSsr === void 0 ? false : _props$options$noSsr,
22855 _props$options$ssrMat = _props$options.ssrMatchMedia,
22856 ssrMatchMedia = _props$options$ssrMat === void 0 ? null : _props$options$ssrMat;
22858 var _React$useState = React.useState(function () {
22859 if (noSsr && supportMatchMedia) {
22860 return matchMedia(query).matches;
22861 }
22863 if (ssrMatchMedia) {
22864 return ssrMatchMedia(query).matches;
22865 } // Once the component is mounted, we rely on the
22866 // event listeners to return the correct matches value.
22869 return defaultMatches;
22870 }),
22871 match = _React$useState[0],
22872 setMatch = _React$useState[1];
22874 React.useEffect(function () {
22875 var active = true;
22877 if (!supportMatchMedia) {
22878 return undefined;
22879 }
22881 var queryList = matchMedia(query);
22883 var updateMatch = function updateMatch() {
22884 // Workaround Safari wrong implementation of matchMedia
22885 // TODO can we remove it?
22886 // https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/pull/17315#issuecomment-528286677
22887 if (active) {
22888 setMatch(queryList.matches);
22889 }
22890 };
22892 updateMatch();
22893 queryList.addListener(updateMatch);
22894 return function () {
22895 active = false;
22896 queryList.removeListener(updateMatch);
22897 };
22898 }, [query, matchMedia, supportMatchMedia]);
22900 {
22901 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
22902 React.useDebugValue({
22903 query: query,
22904 match: match
22905 });
22906 }
22908 return match;
22909 }
22911 var isWidthUp = function isWidthUp(breakpoint, width) {
22912 var inclusive = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
22914 if (inclusive) {
22915 return keys.indexOf(breakpoint) <= keys.indexOf(width);
22916 }
22918 return keys.indexOf(breakpoint) < keys.indexOf(width);
22919 }; // By default, returns true if screen width is the same or less than the given breakpoint.
22921 var isWidthDown = function isWidthDown(breakpoint, width) {
22922 var inclusive = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
22924 if (inclusive) {
22925 return keys.indexOf(width) <= keys.indexOf(breakpoint);
22926 }
22928 return keys.indexOf(width) < keys.indexOf(breakpoint);
22929 };
22930 var useEnhancedEffect$5 = typeof window === 'undefined' ? React.useEffect : React.useLayoutEffect;
22932 var withWidth = function withWidth() {
22933 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
22934 return function (Component) {
22935 var _options$withTheme = options.withTheme,
22936 withThemeOption = _options$withTheme === void 0 ? false : _options$withTheme,
22937 _options$noSSR = options.noSSR,
22938 noSSR = _options$noSSR === void 0 ? false : _options$noSSR,
22939 initialWidthOption = options.initialWidth;
22941 function WithWidth(props) {
22942 var contextTheme = useTheme$1();
22943 var theme = props.theme || contextTheme;
22945 var _getThemeProps = getThemeProps({
22946 theme: theme,
22947 name: 'MuiWithWidth',
22948 props: _extends({}, props)
22949 }),
22950 initialWidth = _getThemeProps.initialWidth,
22951 width = _getThemeProps.width,
22952 other = _objectWithoutProperties(_getThemeProps, ["initialWidth", "width"]);
22954 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
22955 mountedState = _React$useState[0],
22956 setMountedState = _React$useState[1];
22958 useEnhancedEffect$5(function () {
22959 setMountedState(true);
22960 }, []);
22961 /**
22962 * innerWidth |xs sm md lg xl
22963 * |-------|-------|-------|-------|------>
22964 * width | xs | sm | md | lg | xl
22965 */
22967 var keys = theme.breakpoints.keys.slice().reverse();
22968 var widthComputed = keys.reduce(function (output, key) {
22969 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
22970 var matches = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up(key));
22971 return !output && matches ? key : output;
22972 }, null);
22974 var more = _extends({
22975 width: width || (mountedState || noSSR ? widthComputed : undefined) || initialWidth || initialWidthOption
22976 }, withThemeOption ? {
22977 theme: theme
22978 } : {}, other); // When rendering the component on the server,
22979 // we have no idea about the client browser screen width.
22980 // In order to prevent blinks and help the reconciliation of the React tree
22981 // we are not rendering the child component.
22982 //
22983 // An alternative is to use the `initialWidth` property.
22986 if (more.width === undefined) {
22987 return null;
22988 }
22990 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, more);
22991 }
22993 WithWidth.propTypes = {
22994 /**
22995 * As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server,
22996 * we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount.
22997 * You might want to use an heuristic to approximate
22998 * the screen width of the client browser screen width.
22999 *
23000 * For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints.
23001 * https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint
23002 */
23003 initialWidth: propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']),
23005 /**
23006 * @ignore
23007 */
23008 theme: propTypes.object,
23010 /**
23011 * Bypass the width calculation logic.
23012 */
23013 width: propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'])
23014 } ;
23016 {
23017 WithWidth.displayName = "WithWidth(".concat(getDisplayName(Component), ")");
23018 }
23020 hoistNonReactStatics_cjs(WithWidth, Component);
23021 return WithWidth;
23022 };
23023 };
23025 /**
23026 * @ignore - internal component.
23027 */
23029 function HiddenJs(props) {
23030 var children = props.children,
23031 only = props.only,
23032 width = props.width;
23033 var theme = useTheme$1();
23034 var visible = true; // `only` check is faster to get out sooner if used.
23036 if (only) {
23037 if (Array.isArray(only)) {
23038 for (var i = 0; i < only.length; i += 1) {
23039 var breakpoint = only[i];
23041 if (width === breakpoint) {
23042 visible = false;
23043 break;
23044 }
23045 }
23046 } else if (only && width === only) {
23047 visible = false;
23048 }
23049 } // Allow `only` to be combined with other props. If already hidden, no need to check others.
23052 if (visible) {
23053 // determine visibility based on the smallest size up
23054 for (var _i = 0; _i < theme.breakpoints.keys.length; _i += 1) {
23055 var _breakpoint = theme.breakpoints.keys[_i];
23056 var breakpointUp = props["".concat(_breakpoint, "Up")];
23057 var breakpointDown = props["".concat(_breakpoint, "Down")];
23059 if (breakpointUp && isWidthUp(_breakpoint, width) || breakpointDown && isWidthDown(_breakpoint, width)) {
23060 visible = false;
23061 break;
23062 }
23063 }
23064 }
23066 if (!visible) {
23067 return null;
23068 }
23070 return children;
23071 }
23073 HiddenJs.propTypes = {
23074 /**
23075 * The content of the component.
23076 */
23077 children: propTypes.node,
23079 /**
23080 * @ignore
23081 */
23082 className: propTypes.string,
23084 /**
23085 * Specify which implementation to use. 'js' is the default, 'css' works better for
23086 * server-side rendering.
23087 */
23088 implementation: propTypes.oneOf(['js', 'css']),
23090 /**
23091 * You can use this prop when choosing the `js` implementation with server-side rendering.
23092 *
23093 * As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server,
23094 * we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount.
23095 * You might want to use an heuristic to approximate
23096 * the screen width of the client browser screen width.
23097 *
23098 * For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints.
23099 * https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint
23100 */
23101 initialWidth: propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']),
23103 /**
23104 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23105 */
23106 lgDown: propTypes.bool,
23108 /**
23109 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23110 */
23111 lgUp: propTypes.bool,
23113 /**
23114 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23115 */
23116 mdDown: propTypes.bool,
23118 /**
23119 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23120 */
23121 mdUp: propTypes.bool,
23123 /**
23124 * Hide the given breakpoint(s).
23125 */
23126 only: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']), propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']))]),
23128 /**
23129 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23130 */
23131 smDown: propTypes.bool,
23133 /**
23134 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23135 */
23136 smUp: propTypes.bool,
23138 /**
23139 * @ignore
23140 * width prop provided by withWidth decorator.
23141 */
23142 width: propTypes.string.isRequired,
23144 /**
23145 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23146 */
23147 xlDown: propTypes.bool,
23149 /**
23150 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23151 */
23152 xlUp: propTypes.bool,
23154 /**
23155 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23156 */
23157 xsDown: propTypes.bool,
23159 /**
23160 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23161 */
23162 xsUp: propTypes.bool
23163 };
23165 {
23166 HiddenJs.propTypes = exactProp(HiddenJs.propTypes);
23167 }
23169 var HiddenJs$1 = withWidth()(HiddenJs);
23171 var styles$Z = function styles(theme) {
23172 var hidden = {
23173 display: 'none'
23174 };
23175 return theme.breakpoints.keys.reduce(function (acc, key) {
23176 acc["only".concat(capitalize(key))] = _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.only(key), hidden);
23177 acc["".concat(key, "Up")] = _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up(key), hidden);
23178 acc["".concat(key, "Down")] = _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.down(key), hidden);
23179 return acc;
23180 }, {});
23181 };
23182 /**
23183 * @ignore - internal component.
23184 */
23187 function HiddenCss(props) {
23188 var children = props.children,
23189 classes = props.classes,
23190 className = props.className,
23191 only = props.only,
23192 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "only"]);
23194 var theme = useTheme$1();
23196 {
23197 var unknownProps = Object.keys(other).filter(function (propName) {
23198 var isUndeclaredBreakpoint = !theme.breakpoints.keys.some(function (breakpoint) {
23199 return "".concat(breakpoint, "Up") === propName || "".concat(breakpoint, "Down") === propName;
23200 });
23201 return isUndeclaredBreakpoint;
23202 });
23204 if (unknownProps.length > 0) {
23205 console.error("Material-UI: Unsupported props received by `<Hidden implementation=\"css\" />`: ".concat(unknownProps.join(', '), ". Did you forget to wrap this component in a ThemeProvider declaring these breakpoints?"));
23206 }
23207 }
23209 var clsx = [];
23211 if (className) {
23212 clsx.push(className);
23213 }
23215 for (var i = 0; i < theme.breakpoints.keys.length; i += 1) {
23216 var breakpoint = theme.breakpoints.keys[i];
23217 var breakpointUp = props["".concat(breakpoint, "Up")];
23218 var breakpointDown = props["".concat(breakpoint, "Down")];
23220 if (breakpointUp) {
23221 clsx.push(classes["".concat(breakpoint, "Up")]);
23222 }
23224 if (breakpointDown) {
23225 clsx.push(classes["".concat(breakpoint, "Down")]);
23226 }
23227 }
23229 if (only) {
23230 var onlyBreakpoints = Array.isArray(only) ? only : [only];
23231 onlyBreakpoints.forEach(function (breakpoint) {
23232 clsx.push(classes["only".concat(capitalize(breakpoint))]);
23233 });
23234 }
23236 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
23237 className: clsx.join(' ')
23238 }, children);
23239 }
23241 HiddenCss.propTypes = {
23242 /**
23243 * The content of the component.
23244 */
23245 children: propTypes.node,
23247 /**
23248 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
23249 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
23250 */
23251 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
23253 /**
23254 * @ignore
23255 */
23256 className: propTypes.string,
23258 /**
23259 * Specify which implementation to use. 'js' is the default, 'css' works better for
23260 * server-side rendering.
23261 */
23262 implementation: propTypes.oneOf(['js', 'css']),
23264 /**
23265 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23266 */
23267 lgDown: propTypes.bool,
23269 /**
23270 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23271 */
23272 lgUp: propTypes.bool,
23274 /**
23275 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23276 */
23277 mdDown: propTypes.bool,
23279 /**
23280 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23281 */
23282 mdUp: propTypes.bool,
23284 /**
23285 * Hide the given breakpoint(s).
23286 */
23287 only: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']), propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']))]),
23289 /**
23290 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23291 */
23292 smDown: propTypes.bool,
23294 /**
23295 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23296 */
23297 smUp: propTypes.bool,
23299 /**
23300 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23301 */
23302 xlDown: propTypes.bool,
23304 /**
23305 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23306 */
23307 xlUp: propTypes.bool,
23309 /**
23310 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23311 */
23312 xsDown: propTypes.bool,
23314 /**
23315 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23316 */
23317 xsUp: propTypes.bool
23318 } ;
23319 var HiddenCss$1 = withStyles$1(styles$Z, {
23320 name: 'PrivateHiddenCss'
23321 })(HiddenCss);
23323 /**
23324 * Responsively hides children based on the selected implementation.
23325 */
23327 function Hidden(props) {
23328 var _props$implementation = props.implementation,
23329 implementation = _props$implementation === void 0 ? 'js' : _props$implementation,
23330 _props$lgDown = props.lgDown,
23331 lgDown = _props$lgDown === void 0 ? false : _props$lgDown,
23332 _props$lgUp = props.lgUp,
23333 lgUp = _props$lgUp === void 0 ? false : _props$lgUp,
23334 _props$mdDown = props.mdDown,
23335 mdDown = _props$mdDown === void 0 ? false : _props$mdDown,
23336 _props$mdUp = props.mdUp,
23337 mdUp = _props$mdUp === void 0 ? false : _props$mdUp,
23338 _props$smDown = props.smDown,
23339 smDown = _props$smDown === void 0 ? false : _props$smDown,
23340 _props$smUp = props.smUp,
23341 smUp = _props$smUp === void 0 ? false : _props$smUp,
23342 _props$xlDown = props.xlDown,
23343 xlDown = _props$xlDown === void 0 ? false : _props$xlDown,
23344 _props$xlUp = props.xlUp,
23345 xlUp = _props$xlUp === void 0 ? false : _props$xlUp,
23346 _props$xsDown = props.xsDown,
23347 xsDown = _props$xsDown === void 0 ? false : _props$xsDown,
23348 _props$xsUp = props.xsUp,
23349 xsUp = _props$xsUp === void 0 ? false : _props$xsUp,
23350 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["implementation", "lgDown", "lgUp", "mdDown", "mdUp", "smDown", "smUp", "xlDown", "xlUp", "xsDown", "xsUp"]);
23352 if (implementation === 'js') {
23353 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(HiddenJs$1, _extends({
23354 lgDown: lgDown,
23355 lgUp: lgUp,
23356 mdDown: mdDown,
23357 mdUp: mdUp,
23358 smDown: smDown,
23359 smUp: smUp,
23360 xlDown: xlDown,
23361 xlUp: xlUp,
23362 xsDown: xsDown,
23363 xsUp: xsUp
23364 }, other));
23365 }
23367 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(HiddenCss$1, _extends({
23368 lgDown: lgDown,
23369 lgUp: lgUp,
23370 mdDown: mdDown,
23371 mdUp: mdUp,
23372 smDown: smDown,
23373 smUp: smUp,
23374 xlDown: xlDown,
23375 xlUp: xlUp,
23376 xsDown: xsDown,
23377 xsUp: xsUp
23378 }, other));
23379 }
23381 Hidden.propTypes = {
23382 /**
23383 * The content of the component.
23384 */
23385 children: propTypes.node,
23387 /**
23388 * @ignore
23389 */
23390 className: propTypes.string,
23392 /**
23393 * Specify which implementation to use. 'js' is the default, 'css' works better for
23394 * server-side rendering.
23395 */
23396 implementation: propTypes.oneOf(['js', 'css']),
23398 /**
23399 * You can use this prop when choosing the `js` implementation with server-side rendering.
23400 *
23401 * As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server,
23402 * we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount.
23403 * You might want to use an heuristic to approximate
23404 * the screen width of the client browser screen width.
23405 *
23406 * For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints.
23407 * https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint
23408 */
23409 initialWidth: propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']),
23411 /**
23412 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23413 */
23414 lgDown: propTypes.bool,
23416 /**
23417 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23418 */
23419 lgUp: propTypes.bool,
23421 /**
23422 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23423 */
23424 mdDown: propTypes.bool,
23426 /**
23427 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23428 */
23429 mdUp: propTypes.bool,
23431 /**
23432 * Hide the given breakpoint(s).
23433 */
23434 only: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']), propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']))]),
23436 /**
23437 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23438 */
23439 smDown: propTypes.bool,
23441 /**
23442 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23443 */
23444 smUp: propTypes.bool,
23446 /**
23447 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23448 */
23449 xlDown: propTypes.bool,
23451 /**
23452 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23453 */
23454 xlUp: propTypes.bool,
23456 /**
23457 * If `true`, screens this size and down will be hidden.
23458 */
23459 xsDown: propTypes.bool,
23461 /**
23462 * If `true`, screens this size and up will be hidden.
23463 */
23464 xsUp: propTypes.bool
23465 } ;
23467 var styles$_ = function styles(theme) {
23468 return {
23469 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
23470 root: {
23471 userSelect: 'none',
23472 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
23473 width: '1em',
23474 height: '1em',
23475 // Chrome fix for https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=820541
23476 // To remove at some point.
23477 overflow: 'hidden',
23478 flexShrink: 0
23479 },
23481 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
23482 colorPrimary: {
23483 color: theme.palette.primary.main
23484 },
23486 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
23487 colorSecondary: {
23488 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
23489 },
23491 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="action"`. */
23492 colorAction: {
23493 color: theme.palette.action.active
23494 },
23496 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="error"`. */
23497 colorError: {
23498 color: theme.palette.error.main
23499 },
23501 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="disabled"`. */
23502 colorDisabled: {
23503 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
23504 },
23506 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fontSize="inherit"`. */
23507 fontSizeInherit: {
23508 fontSize: 'inherit'
23509 },
23511 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fontSize="small"`. */
23512 fontSizeSmall: {
23513 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(20)
23514 },
23516 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fontSize="large"`. */
23517 fontSizeLarge: {
23518 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(36)
23519 }
23520 };
23521 };
23522 var Icon = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Icon(props, ref) {
23523 var classes = props.classes,
23524 className = props.className,
23525 _props$color = props.color,
23526 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$color,
23527 _props$component = props.component,
23528 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'span' : _props$component,
23529 _props$fontSize = props.fontSize,
23530 fontSize = _props$fontSize === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$fontSize,
23531 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "component", "fontSize"]);
23533 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
23534 className: clsx('material-icons', classes.root, className, color !== 'inherit' && classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], fontSize !== 'default' && fontSize !== 'medium' && classes["fontSize".concat(capitalize(fontSize))]),
23535 "aria-hidden": true,
23536 ref: ref
23537 }, other));
23538 });
23539 Icon.propTypes = {
23540 /**
23541 * The name of the icon font ligature.
23542 */
23543 children: propTypes.node,
23545 /**
23546 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
23547 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
23548 */
23549 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
23551 /**
23552 * @ignore
23553 */
23554 className: propTypes.string,
23556 /**
23557 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
23558 */
23559 color: propTypes.oneOf(['inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'action', 'error', 'disabled']),
23561 /**
23562 * The component used for the root node.
23563 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
23564 */
23565 component: propTypes
23566 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
23567 .elementType,
23569 /**
23570 * The fontSize applied to the icon. Defaults to 24px, but can be configure to inherit font size.
23571 */
23572 fontSize: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'inherit', 'large', 'medium', 'small']), function (props) {
23573 var fontSize = props.fontSize;
23575 if (fontSize === 'default') {
23576 throw new Error('Material-UI: `fontSize="default"` is deprecated. Use `fontSize="medium"` instead.');
23577 }
23579 return null;
23580 })
23581 } ;
23582 Icon.muiName = 'Icon';
23583 var Icon$1 = withStyles$1(styles$_, {
23584 name: 'MuiIcon'
23585 })(Icon);
23587 var styles$$ = {
23588 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
23589 root: {
23590 display: 'flex',
23591 flexWrap: 'wrap',
23592 overflowY: 'auto',
23593 listStyle: 'none',
23594 padding: 0,
23595 WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch' // Add iOS momentum scrolling.
23597 }
23598 };
23599 var ImageList = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ImageList(props, ref) {
23600 var cellHeight = props.cellHeight,
23601 children = props.children,
23602 classes = props.classes,
23603 className = props.className,
23604 _props$cols = props.cols,
23605 cols = _props$cols === void 0 ? 2 : _props$cols,
23606 _props$component = props.component,
23607 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'ul' : _props$component,
23608 _props$gap = props.gap,
23609 gapProp = _props$gap === void 0 ? 4 : _props$gap,
23610 _props$rowHeight = props.rowHeight,
23611 rowHeightProp = _props$rowHeight === void 0 ? 180 : _props$rowHeight,
23612 spacing = props.spacing,
23613 style = props.style,
23614 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["cellHeight", "children", "classes", "className", "cols", "component", "gap", "rowHeight", "spacing", "style"]);
23616 var gap = spacing || gapProp;
23617 var rowHeight = cellHeight || rowHeightProp;
23618 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
23619 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
23620 ref: ref,
23621 style: _extends({
23622 margin: -gap / 2
23623 }, style)
23624 }, other), React.Children.map(children, function (child) {
23625 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
23626 return null;
23627 }
23629 {
23630 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
23631 console.error(["Material-UI: The ImageList component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
23632 }
23633 }
23635 var childCols = child.props.cols || 1;
23636 var childRows = child.props.rows || 1;
23637 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
23638 style: _extends({
23639 width: "".concat(100 / cols * childCols, "%"),
23640 height: rowHeight === 'auto' ? 'auto' : rowHeight * childRows + gap,
23641 padding: gap / 2
23642 }, child.props.style)
23643 });
23644 }));
23645 });
23646 ImageList.propTypes = {
23647 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
23648 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
23649 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
23650 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23652 /**
23653 * Cell height in `px`.
23654 * Set to `'auto'` to let the children determine the height.
23655 * @deprecated Use rowHeight instead.
23656 */
23657 cellHeight: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.oneOf(['auto'])]), 'Use the `rowHeight` prop instead.'),
23659 /**
23660 * Items that will be in the image list.
23661 */
23662 children: propTypes.node,
23664 /**
23665 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
23666 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
23667 */
23668 classes: propTypes.object,
23670 /**
23671 * @ignore
23672 */
23673 className: propTypes.string,
23675 /**
23676 * Number of columns.
23677 */
23678 cols: propTypes.number,
23680 /**
23681 * The component used for the root node.
23682 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
23683 */
23684 component: propTypes
23685 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
23686 .elementType,
23688 /**
23689 * The gap between items in `px`.
23690 */
23691 gap: propTypes.number,
23693 /**
23694 * The height of one row in `px`.
23695 */
23696 rowHeight: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['auto']), propTypes.number]),
23698 /**
23699 * The spacing between items in `px`.
23700 * @deprecated Use gap instead.
23701 */
23702 spacing: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.number, 'Use the `gap` prop instead.'),
23704 /**
23705 * @ignore
23706 */
23707 style: propTypes.object
23708 } ;
23709 var ImageList$1 = withStyles$1(styles$$, {
23710 name: 'MuiImageList'
23711 })(ImageList);
23713 var styles$10 = {
23714 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
23715 root: {
23716 boxSizing: 'border-box',
23717 flexShrink: 0
23718 },
23720 /* Styles applied to the `div` element that wraps the children. */
23721 item: {
23722 position: 'relative',
23723 display: 'block',
23724 // In case it's not rendered with a div.
23725 height: '100%',
23726 overflow: 'hidden'
23727 },
23729 /* Styles applied to an `img` element child, if needed to ensure it covers the item. */
23730 imgFullHeight: {
23731 height: '100%',
23732 transform: 'translateX(-50%)',
23733 position: 'relative',
23734 left: '50%'
23735 },
23737 /* Styles applied to an `img` element child, if needed to ensure it covers the item. */
23738 imgFullWidth: {
23739 width: '100%',
23740 position: 'relative',
23741 transform: 'translateY(-50%)',
23742 top: '50%'
23743 }
23744 };
23746 var fit$1 = function fit(imgEl, classes) {
23747 if (!imgEl || !imgEl.complete) {
23748 return;
23749 }
23751 if (imgEl.width / imgEl.height > imgEl.parentElement.offsetWidth / imgEl.parentElement.offsetHeight) {
23752 var _imgEl$classList, _imgEl$classList2;
23754 (_imgEl$classList = imgEl.classList).remove.apply(_imgEl$classList, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullWidth.split(' ')));
23756 (_imgEl$classList2 = imgEl.classList).add.apply(_imgEl$classList2, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullHeight.split(' ')));
23757 } else {
23758 var _imgEl$classList3, _imgEl$classList4;
23760 (_imgEl$classList3 = imgEl.classList).remove.apply(_imgEl$classList3, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullHeight.split(' ')));
23762 (_imgEl$classList4 = imgEl.classList).add.apply(_imgEl$classList4, _toConsumableArray(classes.imgFullWidth.split(' ')));
23763 }
23764 };
23766 function ensureImageCover$1(imgEl, classes) {
23767 if (!imgEl) {
23768 return;
23769 }
23771 if (imgEl.complete) {
23772 fit$1(imgEl, classes);
23773 } else {
23774 imgEl.addEventListener('load', function () {
23775 fit$1(imgEl, classes);
23776 });
23777 }
23778 }
23780 var ImageListItem = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ImageListItem(props, ref) {
23781 // cols rows default values are for docs only
23782 var children = props.children,
23783 classes = props.classes,
23784 className = props.className,
23785 _props$cols = props.cols,
23786 _props$component = props.component,
23787 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'li' : _props$component,
23788 _props$rows = props.rows,
23789 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "cols", "component", "rows"]);
23791 var imgRef = React.useRef(null);
23792 React.useEffect(function () {
23793 ensureImageCover$1(imgRef.current, classes);
23794 });
23795 React.useEffect(function () {
23796 var handleResize = debounce(function () {
23797 fit$1(imgRef.current, classes);
23798 });
23799 window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
23800 return function () {
23801 handleResize.clear();
23802 window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
23803 };
23804 }, [classes]);
23805 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
23806 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
23807 ref: ref
23808 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
23809 className: classes.item
23810 }, React.Children.map(children, function (child) {
23811 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
23812 return null;
23813 }
23815 if (child.type === 'img' || isMuiElement(child, ['Image'])) {
23816 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
23817 ref: imgRef
23818 });
23819 }
23821 return child;
23822 })));
23823 });
23824 ImageListItem.propTypes = {
23825 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
23826 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
23827 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
23828 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23830 /**
23831 * While you can pass any node as children, the main use case is for an img.
23832 */
23833 children: propTypes.node,
23835 /**
23836 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
23837 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
23838 */
23839 classes: propTypes.object,
23841 /**
23842 * @ignore
23843 */
23844 className: propTypes.string,
23846 /**
23847 * Width of the item in number of grid columns.
23848 */
23849 cols: propTypes.number,
23851 /**
23852 * The component used for the root node.
23853 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
23854 */
23855 component: propTypes
23856 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
23857 .elementType,
23859 /**
23860 * Height of the item in number of grid rows.
23861 */
23862 rows: propTypes.number
23863 } ;
23864 var ImageListItem$1 = withStyles$1(styles$10, {
23865 name: 'MuiImageListItem'
23866 })(ImageListItem);
23868 var styles$11 = function styles(theme) {
23869 return {
23870 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
23871 root: {
23872 position: 'absolute',
23873 left: 0,
23874 right: 0,
23875 height: 48,
23876 background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
23877 display: 'flex',
23878 alignItems: 'center',
23879 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily
23880 },
23882 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="bottom"`. */
23883 positionBottom: {
23884 bottom: 0
23885 },
23887 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="top"`. */
23888 positionTop: {
23889 top: 0
23890 },
23892 /* Styles applied to the root element if a `subtitle` is provided. */
23893 rootSubtitle: {
23894 height: 68
23895 },
23897 /* Styles applied to the title and subtitle container element. */
23898 titleWrap: {
23899 flexGrow: 1,
23900 marginLeft: 16,
23901 marginRight: 16,
23902 color: theme.palette.common.white,
23903 overflow: 'hidden'
23904 },
23906 /* Styles applied to the container element if `actionPosition="left"`. */
23907 titleWrapActionPosLeft: {
23908 marginLeft: 0
23909 },
23911 /* Styles applied to the container element if `actionPosition="right"`. */
23912 titleWrapActionPosRight: {
23913 marginRight: 0
23914 },
23916 /* Styles applied to the title container element. */
23917 title: {
23918 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(16),
23919 lineHeight: '24px',
23920 textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
23921 overflow: 'hidden',
23922 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
23923 },
23925 /* Styles applied to the subtitle container element. */
23926 subtitle: {
23927 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12),
23928 lineHeight: 1,
23929 textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
23930 overflow: 'hidden',
23931 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
23932 },
23934 /* Styles applied to the actionIcon if supplied. */
23935 actionIcon: {},
23937 /* Styles applied to the actionIcon if `actionPosition="left"`. */
23938 actionIconActionPosLeft: {
23939 order: -1
23940 }
23941 };
23942 };
23943 var ImageListItemBar = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ImageListItemBar(props, ref) {
23944 var actionIcon = props.actionIcon,
23945 _props$actionPosition = props.actionPosition,
23946 actionPosition = _props$actionPosition === void 0 ? 'right' : _props$actionPosition,
23947 classes = props.classes,
23948 className = props.className,
23949 subtitle = props.subtitle,
23950 title = props.title,
23951 _props$position = props.position,
23952 positionProp = _props$position === void 0 ? 'bottom' : _props$position,
23953 titlePosition = props.titlePosition,
23954 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["actionIcon", "actionPosition", "classes", "className", "subtitle", "title", "position", "titlePosition"]);
23956 var position = titlePosition || positionProp;
23957 var actionPos = actionIcon && actionPosition;
23958 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
23959 className: clsx(classes.root, className, subtitle && classes.rootSubtitle, {
23960 'bottom': classes.positionBottom,
23961 'top': classes.positionTop
23962 }[position]),
23963 ref: ref
23964 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
23965 className: clsx(classes.titleWrap, {
23966 'left': classes.titleWrapActionPosLeft,
23967 'right': classes.titleWrapActionPosRight
23968 }[actionPos])
23969 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
23970 className: classes.title
23971 }, title), subtitle ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
23972 className: classes.subtitle
23973 }, subtitle) : null), actionIcon ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
23974 className: clsx(classes.actionIcon, actionPos === 'left' && classes.actionIconActionPosLeft)
23975 }, actionIcon) : null);
23976 });
23977 ImageListItemBar.propTypes = {
23978 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
23979 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
23980 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
23981 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23983 /**
23984 * An IconButton element to be used as secondary action target
23985 * (primary action target is the item itself).
23986 */
23987 actionIcon: propTypes.node,
23989 /**
23990 * Position of secondary action IconButton.
23991 */
23992 actionPosition: propTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']),
23994 /**
23995 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
23996 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
23997 */
23998 classes: propTypes.object,
24000 /**
24001 * @ignore
24002 */
24003 className: propTypes.string,
24005 /**
24006 * Position of the title bar.
24007 */
24008 position: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'top']),
24010 /**
24011 * String or element serving as subtitle (support text).
24012 */
24013 subtitle: propTypes.node,
24015 /**
24016 * Title to be displayed on item.
24017 */
24018 title: propTypes.node,
24020 /**
24021 * Position of the title bar.
24022 * @deprecated Use position instead.
24023 */
24024 titlePosition: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'top']), 'Use the `position` prop instead.')
24025 } ;
24026 var ImageListItemBar$1 = withStyles$1(styles$11, {
24027 name: 'MuiImageListItemBar'
24028 })(ImageListItemBar);
24030 var styles$12 = function styles(theme) {
24031 var light = theme.palette.type === 'light';
24032 var bottomLineColor = light ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.42)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)';
24033 return {
24034 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
24035 root: {
24036 position: 'relative'
24037 },
24039 /* Styles applied to the root element if the component is a descendant of `FormControl`. */
24040 formControl: {
24041 'label + &': {
24042 marginTop: 16
24043 }
24044 },
24046 /* Styles applied to the root element if the component is focused. */
24047 focused: {},
24049 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
24050 disabled: {},
24052 /* Styles applied to the root element if color secondary. */
24053 colorSecondary: {
24054 '&$underline:after': {
24055 borderBottomColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
24056 }
24057 },
24059 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableUnderline={false}`. */
24060 underline: {
24061 '&:after': {
24062 borderBottom: "2px solid ".concat(theme.palette.primary.main),
24063 left: 0,
24064 bottom: 0,
24065 // Doing the other way around crash on IE 11 "''" https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/issues/242
24066 content: '""',
24067 position: 'absolute',
24068 right: 0,
24069 transform: 'scaleX(0)',
24070 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
24071 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter,
24072 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
24073 }),
24074 pointerEvents: 'none' // Transparent to the hover style.
24076 },
24077 '&$focused:after': {
24078 transform: 'scaleX(1)'
24079 },
24080 '&$error:after': {
24081 borderBottomColor: theme.palette.error.main,
24082 transform: 'scaleX(1)' // error is always underlined in red
24084 },
24085 '&:before': {
24086 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(bottomLineColor),
24087 left: 0,
24088 bottom: 0,
24089 // Doing the other way around crash on IE 11 "''" https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/issues/242
24090 content: '"\\00a0"',
24091 position: 'absolute',
24092 right: 0,
24093 transition: theme.transitions.create('border-bottom-color', {
24094 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
24095 }),
24096 pointerEvents: 'none' // Transparent to the hover style.
24098 },
24099 '&:hover:not($disabled):before': {
24100 borderBottom: "2px solid ".concat(theme.palette.text.primary),
24101 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
24102 '@media (hover: none)': {
24103 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(bottomLineColor)
24104 }
24105 },
24106 '&$disabled:before': {
24107 borderBottomStyle: 'dotted'
24108 }
24109 },
24111 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
24112 error: {},
24114 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
24115 marginDense: {},
24117 /* Styles applied to the root element if `multiline={true}`. */
24118 multiline: {},
24120 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fullWidth={true}`. */
24121 fullWidth: {},
24123 /* Styles applied to the `input` element. */
24124 input: {},
24126 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
24127 inputMarginDense: {},
24129 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `multiline={true}`. */
24130 inputMultiline: {},
24132 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `type="search"`. */
24133 inputTypeSearch: {}
24134 };
24135 };
24136 var Input = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Input(props, ref) {
24137 var disableUnderline = props.disableUnderline,
24138 classes = props.classes,
24139 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
24140 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
24141 _props$inputComponent = props.inputComponent,
24142 inputComponent = _props$inputComponent === void 0 ? 'input' : _props$inputComponent,
24143 _props$multiline = props.multiline,
24144 multiline = _props$multiline === void 0 ? false : _props$multiline,
24145 _props$type = props.type,
24146 type = _props$type === void 0 ? 'text' : _props$type,
24147 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["disableUnderline", "classes", "fullWidth", "inputComponent", "multiline", "type"]);
24149 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InputBase$1, _extends({
24150 classes: _extends({}, classes, {
24151 root: clsx(classes.root, !disableUnderline && classes.underline),
24152 underline: null
24153 }),
24154 fullWidth: fullWidth,
24155 inputComponent: inputComponent,
24156 multiline: multiline,
24157 ref: ref,
24158 type: type
24159 }, other));
24160 });
24161 Input.propTypes = {
24162 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
24163 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
24164 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
24165 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24167 /**
24168 * This prop helps users to fill forms faster, especially on mobile devices.
24169 * The name can be confusing, as it's more like an autofill.
24170 * You can learn more about it [following the specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill).
24171 */
24172 autoComplete: propTypes.string,
24174 /**
24175 * If `true`, the `input` element will be focused during the first mount.
24176 */
24177 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
24179 /**
24180 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
24181 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
24182 */
24183 classes: propTypes.object,
24185 /**
24186 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
24187 */
24188 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
24190 /**
24191 * The default `input` element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
24192 */
24193 defaultValue: propTypes.any,
24195 /**
24196 * If `true`, the `input` element will be disabled.
24197 */
24198 disabled: propTypes.bool,
24200 /**
24201 * If `true`, the input will not have an underline.
24202 */
24203 disableUnderline: propTypes.bool,
24205 /**
24206 * End `InputAdornment` for this component.
24207 */
24208 endAdornment: propTypes.node,
24210 /**
24211 * If `true`, the input will indicate an error. This is normally obtained via context from
24212 * FormControl.
24213 */
24214 error: propTypes.bool,
24216 /**
24217 * If `true`, the input will take up the full width of its container.
24218 */
24219 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
24221 /**
24222 * The id of the `input` element.
24223 */
24224 id: propTypes.string,
24226 /**
24227 * The component used for the `input` element.
24228 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
24229 */
24230 inputComponent: propTypes.elementType,
24232 /**
24233 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
24234 */
24235 inputProps: propTypes.object,
24237 /**
24238 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
24239 */
24240 inputRef: refType,
24242 /**
24243 * If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
24244 * FormControl.
24245 */
24246 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense', 'none']),
24248 /**
24249 * Maximum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
24250 */
24251 maxRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
24253 /**
24254 * If `true`, a textarea element will be rendered.
24255 */
24256 multiline: propTypes.bool,
24258 /**
24259 * Name attribute of the `input` element.
24260 */
24261 name: propTypes.string,
24263 /**
24264 * Callback fired when the value is changed.
24265 *
24266 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
24267 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
24268 */
24269 onChange: propTypes.func,
24271 /**
24272 * The short hint displayed in the input before the user enters a value.
24273 */
24274 placeholder: propTypes.string,
24276 /**
24277 * It prevents the user from changing the value of the field
24278 * (not from interacting with the field).
24279 */
24280 readOnly: propTypes.bool,
24282 /**
24283 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
24284 */
24285 required: propTypes.bool,
24287 /**
24288 * Number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
24289 */
24290 rows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
24292 /**
24293 * Start `InputAdornment` for this component.
24294 */
24295 startAdornment: propTypes.node,
24297 /**
24298 * Type of the `input` element. It should be [a valid HTML5 input type](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Form_%3Cinput%3E_types).
24299 */
24300 type: propTypes.string,
24302 /**
24303 * The value of the `input` element, required for a controlled component.
24304 */
24305 value: propTypes.any
24306 } ;
24307 Input.muiName = 'Input';
24308 var Input$1 = withStyles$1(styles$12, {
24309 name: 'MuiInput'
24310 })(Input);
24312 var styles$13 = {
24313 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
24314 root: {
24315 display: 'flex',
24316 height: '0.01em',
24317 // Fix IE 11 flexbox alignment. To remove at some point.
24318 maxHeight: '2em',
24319 alignItems: 'center',
24320 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
24321 },
24323 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="filled"`. */
24324 filled: {
24325 '&$positionStart:not($hiddenLabel)': {
24326 marginTop: 16
24327 }
24328 },
24330 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="start"`. */
24331 positionStart: {
24332 marginRight: 8
24333 },
24335 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="end"`. */
24336 positionEnd: {
24337 marginLeft: 8
24338 },
24340 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disablePointerEvents=true`. */
24341 disablePointerEvents: {
24342 pointerEvents: 'none'
24343 },
24345 /* Styles applied if the adornment is used inside <FormControl hiddenLabel />. */
24346 hiddenLabel: {},
24348 /* Styles applied if the adornment is used inside <FormControl margin="dense" />. */
24349 marginDense: {}
24350 };
24351 var InputAdornment = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function InputAdornment(props, ref) {
24352 var children = props.children,
24353 classes = props.classes,
24354 className = props.className,
24355 _props$component = props.component,
24356 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
24357 _props$disablePointer = props.disablePointerEvents,
24358 disablePointerEvents = _props$disablePointer === void 0 ? false : _props$disablePointer,
24359 _props$disableTypogra = props.disableTypography,
24360 disableTypography = _props$disableTypogra === void 0 ? false : _props$disableTypogra,
24361 position = props.position,
24362 variantProp = props.variant,
24363 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "component", "disablePointerEvents", "disableTypography", "position", "variant"]);
24365 var muiFormControl = useFormControl() || {};
24366 var variant = variantProp;
24368 if (variantProp && muiFormControl.variant) {
24369 {
24370 if (variantProp === muiFormControl.variant) {
24371 console.error('Material-UI: The `InputAdornment` variant infers the variant prop ' + 'you do not have to provide one.');
24372 }
24373 }
24374 }
24376 if (muiFormControl && !variant) {
24377 variant = muiFormControl.variant;
24378 }
24380 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FormControlContext.Provider, {
24381 value: null
24382 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
24383 className: clsx(classes.root, className, position === 'end' ? classes.positionEnd : classes.positionStart, disablePointerEvents && classes.disablePointerEvents, muiFormControl.hiddenLabel && classes.hiddenLabel, variant === 'filled' && classes.filled, muiFormControl.margin === 'dense' && classes.marginDense),
24384 ref: ref
24385 }, other), typeof children === 'string' && !disableTypography ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, {
24386 color: "textSecondary"
24387 }, children) : children));
24388 });
24389 InputAdornment.propTypes = {
24390 /**
24391 * The content of the component, normally an `IconButton` or string.
24392 */
24393 children: propTypes.node.isRequired,
24395 /**
24396 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
24397 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
24398 */
24399 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
24401 /**
24402 * @ignore
24403 */
24404 className: propTypes.string,
24406 /**
24407 * The component used for the root node.
24408 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
24409 */
24410 component: propTypes
24411 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
24412 .elementType,
24414 /**
24415 * Disable pointer events on the root.
24416 * This allows for the content of the adornment to focus the input on click.
24417 */
24418 disablePointerEvents: propTypes.bool,
24420 /**
24421 * If children is a string then disable wrapping in a Typography component.
24422 */
24423 disableTypography: propTypes.bool,
24425 /**
24426 * @ignore
24427 */
24428 muiFormControl: propTypes.object,
24430 /**
24431 * The position this adornment should appear relative to the `Input`.
24432 */
24433 position: propTypes.oneOf(['start', 'end']).isRequired,
24435 /**
24436 * The variant to use.
24437 * Note: If you are using the `TextField` component or the `FormControl` component
24438 * you do not have to set this manually.
24439 */
24440 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['standard', 'outlined', 'filled'])
24441 } ;
24442 var InputAdornment$1 = withStyles$1(styles$13, {
24443 name: 'MuiInputAdornment'
24444 })(InputAdornment);
24446 var styles$14 = function styles(theme) {
24447 return {
24448 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
24449 root: {
24450 display: 'block',
24451 transformOrigin: 'top left'
24452 },
24454 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `focused={true}`. */
24455 focused: {},
24457 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
24458 disabled: {},
24460 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
24461 error: {},
24463 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `required={true}`. */
24464 required: {},
24466 /* Pseudo-class applied to the asterisk element. */
24467 asterisk: {},
24469 /* Styles applied to the root element if the component is a descendant of `FormControl`. */
24470 formControl: {
24471 position: 'absolute',
24472 left: 0,
24473 top: 0,
24474 // slight alteration to spec spacing to match visual spec result
24475 transform: 'translate(0, 24px) scale(1)'
24476 },
24478 /* Styles applied to the root element if `margin="dense"`. */
24479 marginDense: {
24480 // Compensation for the `Input.inputDense` style.
24481 transform: 'translate(0, 21px) scale(1)'
24482 },
24484 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `shrink={true}`. */
24485 shrink: {
24486 transform: 'translate(0, 1.5px) scale(0.75)',
24487 transformOrigin: 'top left'
24488 },
24490 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `disableAnimation={false}`. */
24491 animated: {
24492 transition: theme.transitions.create(['color', 'transform'], {
24493 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter,
24494 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
24495 })
24496 },
24498 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="filled"`. */
24499 filled: {
24500 // Chrome's autofill feature gives the input field a yellow background.
24501 // Since the input field is behind the label in the HTML tree,
24502 // the input field is drawn last and hides the label with an opaque background color.
24503 // zIndex: 1 will raise the label above opaque background-colors of input.
24504 zIndex: 1,
24505 pointerEvents: 'none',
24506 transform: 'translate(12px, 20px) scale(1)',
24507 '&$marginDense': {
24508 transform: 'translate(12px, 17px) scale(1)'
24509 },
24510 '&$shrink': {
24511 transform: 'translate(12px, 10px) scale(0.75)',
24512 '&$marginDense': {
24513 transform: 'translate(12px, 7px) scale(0.75)'
24514 }
24515 }
24516 },
24518 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"`. */
24519 outlined: {
24520 // see comment above on filled.zIndex
24521 zIndex: 1,
24522 pointerEvents: 'none',
24523 transform: 'translate(14px, 20px) scale(1)',
24524 '&$marginDense': {
24525 transform: 'translate(14px, 12px) scale(1)'
24526 },
24527 '&$shrink': {
24528 transform: 'translate(14px, -6px) scale(0.75)'
24529 }
24530 }
24531 };
24532 };
24533 var InputLabel = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function InputLabel(props, ref) {
24534 var classes = props.classes,
24535 className = props.className,
24536 _props$disableAnimati = props.disableAnimation,
24537 disableAnimation = _props$disableAnimati === void 0 ? false : _props$disableAnimati,
24538 margin = props.margin,
24539 shrinkProp = props.shrink,
24540 variant = props.variant,
24541 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "disableAnimation", "margin", "shrink", "variant"]);
24543 var muiFormControl = useFormControl$1();
24544 var shrink = shrinkProp;
24546 if (typeof shrink === 'undefined' && muiFormControl) {
24547 shrink = muiFormControl.filled || muiFormControl.focused || muiFormControl.adornedStart;
24548 }
24550 var fcs = formControlState({
24551 props: props,
24552 muiFormControl: muiFormControl,
24553 states: ['margin', 'variant']
24554 });
24555 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FormLabel$1, _extends({
24556 "data-shrink": shrink,
24557 className: clsx(classes.root, className, muiFormControl && classes.formControl, !disableAnimation && classes.animated, shrink && classes.shrink, fcs.margin === 'dense' && classes.marginDense, {
24558 'filled': classes.filled,
24559 'outlined': classes.outlined
24560 }[fcs.variant]),
24561 classes: {
24562 focused: classes.focused,
24563 disabled: classes.disabled,
24564 error: classes.error,
24565 required: classes.required,
24566 asterisk: classes.asterisk
24567 },
24568 ref: ref
24569 }, other));
24570 });
24571 InputLabel.propTypes = {
24572 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
24573 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
24574 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
24575 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24577 /**
24578 * The contents of the `InputLabel`.
24579 */
24580 children: propTypes.node,
24582 /**
24583 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
24584 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
24585 */
24586 classes: propTypes.object,
24588 /**
24589 * @ignore
24590 */
24591 className: propTypes.string,
24593 /**
24594 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
24595 */
24596 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
24598 /**
24599 * If `true`, the transition animation is disabled.
24600 */
24601 disableAnimation: propTypes.bool,
24603 /**
24604 * If `true`, apply disabled class.
24605 */
24606 disabled: propTypes.bool,
24608 /**
24609 * If `true`, the label will be displayed in an error state.
24610 */
24611 error: propTypes.bool,
24613 /**
24614 * If `true`, the input of this label is focused.
24615 */
24616 focused: propTypes.bool,
24618 /**
24619 * If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
24620 * FormControl.
24621 */
24622 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense']),
24624 /**
24625 * if `true`, the label will indicate that the input is required.
24626 */
24627 required: propTypes.bool,
24629 /**
24630 * If `true`, the label is shrunk.
24631 */
24632 shrink: propTypes.bool,
24634 /**
24635 * The variant to use.
24636 */
24637 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['filled', 'outlined', 'standard'])
24638 } ;
24639 var InputLabel$1 = withStyles$1(styles$14, {
24640 name: 'MuiInputLabel'
24641 })(InputLabel);
24643 var TRANSITION_DURATION = 4; // seconds
24645 var styles$15 = function styles(theme) {
24646 var getColor = function getColor(color) {
24647 return theme.palette.type === 'light' ? lighten(color, 0.62) : darken(color, 0.5);
24648 };
24650 var backgroundPrimary = getColor(theme.palette.primary.main);
24651 var backgroundSecondary = getColor(theme.palette.secondary.main);
24652 return {
24653 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
24654 root: {
24655 position: 'relative',
24656 overflow: 'hidden',
24657 height: 4,
24658 '@media print': {
24659 colorAdjust: 'exact'
24660 }
24661 },
24663 /* Styles applied to the root and bar2 element if `color="primary"`; bar2 if `variant="buffer"`. */
24664 colorPrimary: {
24665 backgroundColor: backgroundPrimary
24666 },
24668 /* Styles applied to the root and bar2 elements if `color="secondary"`; bar2 if `variant="buffer"`. */
24669 colorSecondary: {
24670 backgroundColor: backgroundSecondary
24671 },
24673 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="determinate"`. */
24674 determinate: {},
24676 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="indeterminate"`. */
24677 indeterminate: {},
24679 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="buffer"`. */
24680 buffer: {
24681 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
24682 },
24684 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="query"`. */
24685 query: {
24686 transform: 'rotate(180deg)'
24687 },
24689 /* Styles applied to the additional bar element if `variant="buffer"`. */
24690 dashed: {
24691 position: 'absolute',
24692 marginTop: 0,
24693 height: '100%',
24694 width: '100%',
24695 animation: '$buffer 3s infinite linear'
24696 },
24698 /* Styles applied to the additional bar element if `variant="buffer"` and `color="primary"`. */
24699 dashedColorPrimary: {
24700 backgroundImage: "radial-gradient(".concat(backgroundPrimary, " 0%, ").concat(backgroundPrimary, " 16%, transparent 42%)"),
24701 backgroundSize: '10px 10px',
24702 backgroundPosition: '0 -23px'
24703 },
24705 /* Styles applied to the additional bar element if `variant="buffer"` and `color="secondary"`. */
24706 dashedColorSecondary: {
24707 backgroundImage: "radial-gradient(".concat(backgroundSecondary, " 0%, ").concat(backgroundSecondary, " 16%, transparent 42%)"),
24708 backgroundSize: '10px 10px',
24709 backgroundPosition: '0 -23px'
24710 },
24712 /* Styles applied to the layered bar1 and bar2 elements. */
24713 bar: {
24714 width: '100%',
24715 position: 'absolute',
24716 left: 0,
24717 bottom: 0,
24718 top: 0,
24719 transition: 'transform 0.2s linear',
24720 transformOrigin: 'left'
24721 },
24723 /* Styles applied to the bar elements if `color="primary"`; bar2 if `variant` not "buffer". */
24724 barColorPrimary: {
24725 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main
24726 },
24728 /* Styles applied to the bar elements if `color="secondary"`; bar2 if `variant` not "buffer". */
24729 barColorSecondary: {
24730 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
24731 },
24733 /* Styles applied to the bar1 element if `variant="indeterminate or query"`. */
24734 bar1Indeterminate: {
24735 width: 'auto',
24736 animation: '$indeterminate1 2.1s cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.815, 0.735, 0.395) infinite'
24737 },
24739 /* Styles applied to the bar1 element if `variant="determinate"`. */
24740 bar1Determinate: {
24741 transition: "transform .".concat(TRANSITION_DURATION, "s linear")
24742 },
24744 /* Styles applied to the bar1 element if `variant="buffer"`. */
24745 bar1Buffer: {
24746 zIndex: 1,
24747 transition: "transform .".concat(TRANSITION_DURATION, "s linear")
24748 },
24750 /* Styles applied to the bar2 element if `variant="indeterminate or query"`. */
24751 bar2Indeterminate: {
24752 width: 'auto',
24753 animation: '$indeterminate2 2.1s cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1) 1.15s infinite'
24754 },
24756 /* Styles applied to the bar2 element if `variant="buffer"`. */
24757 bar2Buffer: {
24758 transition: "transform .".concat(TRANSITION_DURATION, "s linear")
24759 },
24760 // Legends:
24761 // || represents the viewport
24762 // - represents a light background
24763 // x represents a dark background
24764 '@keyframes indeterminate1': {
24765 // |-----|---x-||-----||-----|
24766 '0%': {
24767 left: '-35%',
24768 right: '100%'
24769 },
24770 // |-----|-----||-----||xxxx-|
24771 '60%': {
24772 left: '100%',
24773 right: '-90%'
24774 },
24775 '100%': {
24776 left: '100%',
24777 right: '-90%'
24778 }
24779 },
24780 '@keyframes indeterminate2': {
24781 // |xxxxx|xxxxx||-----||-----|
24782 '0%': {
24783 left: '-200%',
24784 right: '100%'
24785 },
24786 // |-----|-----||-----||-x----|
24787 '60%': {
24788 left: '107%',
24789 right: '-8%'
24790 },
24791 '100%': {
24792 left: '107%',
24793 right: '-8%'
24794 }
24795 },
24796 '@keyframes buffer': {
24797 '0%': {
24798 opacity: 1,
24799 backgroundPosition: '0 -23px'
24800 },
24801 '50%': {
24802 opacity: 0,
24803 backgroundPosition: '0 -23px'
24804 },
24805 '100%': {
24806 opacity: 1,
24807 backgroundPosition: '-200px -23px'
24808 }
24809 }
24810 };
24811 };
24812 /**
24813 * ## ARIA
24814 *
24815 * If the progress bar is describing the loading progress of a particular region of a page,
24816 * you should use `aria-describedby` to point to the progress bar, and set the `aria-busy`
24817 * attribute to `true` on that region until it has finished loading.
24818 */
24820 var LinearProgress = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function LinearProgress(props, ref) {
24821 var classes = props.classes,
24822 className = props.className,
24823 _props$color = props.color,
24824 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,
24825 value = props.value,
24826 valueBuffer = props.valueBuffer,
24827 _props$variant = props.variant,
24828 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'indeterminate' : _props$variant,
24829 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "value", "valueBuffer", "variant"]);
24831 var theme = useTheme$1();
24832 var rootProps = {};
24833 var inlineStyles = {
24834 bar1: {},
24835 bar2: {}
24836 };
24838 if (variant === 'determinate' || variant === 'buffer') {
24839 if (value !== undefined) {
24840 rootProps['aria-valuenow'] = Math.round(value);
24841 rootProps['aria-valuemin'] = 0;
24842 rootProps['aria-valuemax'] = 100;
24843 var transform = value - 100;
24845 if (theme.direction === 'rtl') {
24846 transform = -transform;
24847 }
24849 inlineStyles.bar1.transform = "translateX(".concat(transform, "%)");
24850 } else {
24851 console.error('Material-UI: You need to provide a value prop ' + 'when using the determinate or buffer variant of LinearProgress .');
24852 }
24853 }
24855 if (variant === 'buffer') {
24856 if (valueBuffer !== undefined) {
24857 var _transform = (valueBuffer || 0) - 100;
24859 if (theme.direction === 'rtl') {
24860 _transform = -_transform;
24861 }
24863 inlineStyles.bar2.transform = "translateX(".concat(_transform, "%)");
24864 } else {
24865 console.error('Material-UI: You need to provide a valueBuffer prop ' + 'when using the buffer variant of LinearProgress.');
24866 }
24867 }
24869 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
24870 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], className, {
24871 'determinate': classes.determinate,
24872 'indeterminate': classes.indeterminate,
24873 'buffer': classes.buffer,
24874 'query': classes.query
24875 }[variant]),
24876 role: "progressbar"
24877 }, rootProps, {
24878 ref: ref
24879 }, other), variant === 'buffer' ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
24880 className: clsx(classes.dashed, classes["dashedColor".concat(capitalize(color))])
24881 }) : null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
24882 className: clsx(classes.bar, classes["barColor".concat(capitalize(color))], (variant === 'indeterminate' || variant === 'query') && classes.bar1Indeterminate, {
24883 'determinate': classes.bar1Determinate,
24884 'buffer': classes.bar1Buffer
24885 }[variant]),
24886 style: inlineStyles.bar1
24887 }), variant === 'determinate' ? null : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
24888 className: clsx(classes.bar, (variant === 'indeterminate' || variant === 'query') && classes.bar2Indeterminate, variant === 'buffer' ? [classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], classes.bar2Buffer] : classes["barColor".concat(capitalize(color))]),
24889 style: inlineStyles.bar2
24890 }));
24891 });
24892 LinearProgress.propTypes = {
24893 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
24894 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
24895 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
24896 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24898 /**
24899 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
24900 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
24901 */
24902 classes: propTypes.object,
24904 /**
24905 * @ignore
24906 */
24907 className: propTypes.string,
24909 /**
24910 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
24911 */
24912 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
24914 /**
24915 * The value of the progress indicator for the determinate and buffer variants.
24916 * Value between 0 and 100.
24917 */
24918 value: propTypes.number,
24920 /**
24921 * The value for the buffer variant.
24922 * Value between 0 and 100.
24923 */
24924 valueBuffer: propTypes.number,
24926 /**
24927 * The variant to use.
24928 * Use indeterminate or query when there is no progress value.
24929 */
24930 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['buffer', 'determinate', 'indeterminate', 'query'])
24931 } ;
24932 var LinearProgress$1 = withStyles$1(styles$15, {
24933 name: 'MuiLinearProgress'
24934 })(LinearProgress);
24936 var styles$16 = {
24937 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
24938 root: {},
24940 /* Styles applied to the root element if `underline="none"`. */
24941 underlineNone: {
24942 textDecoration: 'none'
24943 },
24945 /* Styles applied to the root element if `underline="hover"`. */
24946 underlineHover: {
24947 textDecoration: 'none',
24948 '&:hover': {
24949 textDecoration: 'underline'
24950 }
24951 },
24953 /* Styles applied to the root element if `underline="always"`. */
24954 underlineAlways: {
24955 textDecoration: 'underline'
24956 },
24957 // Same reset as ButtonBase.root
24959 /* Styles applied to the root element if `component="button"`. */
24960 button: {
24961 position: 'relative',
24962 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
24963 backgroundColor: 'transparent',
24964 // Reset default value
24965 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
24966 outline: 0,
24967 border: 0,
24968 margin: 0,
24969 // Remove the margin in Safari
24970 borderRadius: 0,
24971 padding: 0,
24972 // Remove the padding in Firefox
24973 cursor: 'pointer',
24974 userSelect: 'none',
24975 verticalAlign: 'middle',
24976 '-moz-appearance': 'none',
24977 // Reset
24978 '-webkit-appearance': 'none',
24979 // Reset
24980 '&::-moz-focus-inner': {
24981 borderStyle: 'none' // Remove Firefox dotted outline.
24983 },
24984 '&$focusVisible': {
24985 outline: 'auto'
24986 }
24987 },
24989 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if the link is keyboard focused. */
24990 focusVisible: {}
24991 };
24992 var Link = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Link(props, ref) {
24993 var classes = props.classes,
24994 className = props.className,
24995 _props$color = props.color,
24996 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,
24997 _props$component = props.component,
24998 component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'a' : _props$component,
24999 onBlur = props.onBlur,
25000 onFocus = props.onFocus,
25001 TypographyClasses = props.TypographyClasses,
25002 _props$underline = props.underline,
25003 underline = _props$underline === void 0 ? 'hover' : _props$underline,
25004 _props$variant = props.variant,
25005 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$variant,
25006 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "component", "onBlur", "onFocus", "TypographyClasses", "underline", "variant"]);
25008 var _useIsFocusVisible = useIsFocusVisible(),
25009 isFocusVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.isFocusVisible,
25010 onBlurVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.onBlurVisible,
25011 focusVisibleRef = _useIsFocusVisible.ref;
25013 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
25014 focusVisible = _React$useState[0],
25015 setFocusVisible = _React$useState[1];
25017 var handlerRef = useForkRef(ref, focusVisibleRef);
25019 var handleBlur = function handleBlur(event) {
25020 if (focusVisible) {
25021 onBlurVisible();
25022 setFocusVisible(false);
25023 }
25025 if (onBlur) {
25026 onBlur(event);
25027 }
25028 };
25030 var handleFocus = function handleFocus(event) {
25031 if (isFocusVisible(event)) {
25032 setFocusVisible(true);
25033 }
25035 if (onFocus) {
25036 onFocus(event);
25037 }
25038 };
25040 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, _extends({
25041 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["underline".concat(capitalize(underline))], className, focusVisible && classes.focusVisible, component === 'button' && classes.button),
25042 classes: TypographyClasses,
25043 color: color,
25044 component: component,
25045 onBlur: handleBlur,
25046 onFocus: handleFocus,
25047 ref: handlerRef,
25048 variant: variant
25049 }, other));
25050 });
25051 Link.propTypes = {
25052 /**
25053 * The content of the link.
25054 */
25055 children: propTypes.node.isRequired,
25057 /**
25058 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25059 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25060 */
25061 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
25063 /**
25064 * @ignore
25065 */
25066 className: propTypes.string,
25068 /**
25069 * The color of the link.
25070 */
25071 color: propTypes.oneOf(['initial', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'textPrimary', 'textSecondary', 'error']),
25073 /**
25074 * The component used for the root node.
25075 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
25076 */
25077 component: elementTypeAcceptingRef$1,
25079 /**
25080 * @ignore
25081 */
25082 onBlur: propTypes.func,
25084 /**
25085 * @ignore
25086 */
25087 onFocus: propTypes.func,
25089 /**
25090 * `classes` prop applied to the [`Typography`](/api/typography/) element.
25091 */
25092 TypographyClasses: propTypes.object,
25094 /**
25095 * Controls when the link should have an underline.
25096 */
25097 underline: propTypes.oneOf(['none', 'hover', 'always']),
25099 /**
25100 * Applies the theme typography styles.
25101 */
25102 variant: propTypes.string
25103 } ;
25104 var Link$1 = withStyles$1(styles$16, {
25105 name: 'MuiLink'
25106 })(Link);
25108 /**
25109 * @ignore - internal component.
25110 */
25112 var ListContext = React.createContext({});
25114 {
25115 ListContext.displayName = 'ListContext';
25116 }
25118 var styles$17 = {
25119 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
25120 root: {
25121 listStyle: 'none',
25122 margin: 0,
25123 padding: 0,
25124 position: 'relative'
25125 },
25127 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disablePadding={false}`. */
25128 padding: {
25129 paddingTop: 8,
25130 paddingBottom: 8
25131 },
25133 /* Styles applied to the root element if dense. */
25134 dense: {},
25136 /* Styles applied to the root element if a `subheader` is provided. */
25137 subheader: {
25138 paddingTop: 0
25139 }
25140 };
25141 var List = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function List(props, ref) {
25142 var children = props.children,
25143 classes = props.classes,
25144 className = props.className,
25145 _props$component = props.component,
25146 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'ul' : _props$component,
25147 _props$dense = props.dense,
25148 dense = _props$dense === void 0 ? false : _props$dense,
25149 _props$disablePadding = props.disablePadding,
25150 disablePadding = _props$disablePadding === void 0 ? false : _props$disablePadding,
25151 subheader = props.subheader,
25152 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "component", "dense", "disablePadding", "subheader"]);
25154 var context = React.useMemo(function () {
25155 return {
25156 dense: dense
25157 };
25158 }, [dense]);
25159 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ListContext.Provider, {
25160 value: context
25161 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
25162 className: clsx(classes.root, className, dense && classes.dense, !disablePadding && classes.padding, subheader && classes.subheader),
25163 ref: ref
25164 }, other), subheader, children));
25165 });
25166 List.propTypes = {
25167 /**
25168 * The content of the component.
25169 */
25170 children: propTypes.node,
25172 /**
25173 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25174 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25175 */
25176 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
25178 /**
25179 * @ignore
25180 */
25181 className: propTypes.string,
25183 /**
25184 * The component used for the root node.
25185 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
25186 */
25187 component: propTypes
25188 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
25189 .elementType,
25191 /**
25192 * If `true`, compact vertical padding designed for keyboard and mouse input will be used for
25193 * the list and list items.
25194 * The prop is available to descendant components as the `dense` context.
25195 */
25196 dense: propTypes.bool,
25198 /**
25199 * If `true`, vertical padding will be removed from the list.
25200 */
25201 disablePadding: propTypes.bool,
25203 /**
25204 * The content of the subheader, normally `ListSubheader`.
25205 */
25206 subheader: propTypes.node
25207 } ;
25208 var List$1 = withStyles$1(styles$17, {
25209 name: 'MuiList'
25210 })(List);
25212 var styles$18 = function styles(theme) {
25213 return {
25214 /* Styles applied to the (normally root) `component` element. May be wrapped by a `container`. */
25215 root: {
25216 display: 'flex',
25217 justifyContent: 'flex-start',
25218 alignItems: 'center',
25219 position: 'relative',
25220 textDecoration: 'none',
25221 width: '100%',
25222 boxSizing: 'border-box',
25223 textAlign: 'left',
25224 paddingTop: 8,
25225 paddingBottom: 8,
25226 '&$focusVisible': {
25227 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.selected
25228 },
25229 '&$selected, &$selected:hover': {
25230 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.selected
25231 },
25232 '&$disabled': {
25233 opacity: 0.5
25234 }
25235 },
25237 /* Styles applied to the `container` element if `children` includes `ListItemSecondaryAction`. */
25238 container: {
25239 position: 'relative'
25240 },
25242 /* Pseudo-class applied to the `component`'s `focusVisibleClassName` prop if `button={true}`. */
25243 focusVisible: {},
25245 /* Styles applied to the `component` element if dense. */
25246 dense: {
25247 paddingTop: 4,
25248 paddingBottom: 4
25249 },
25251 /* Styles applied to the `component` element if `alignItems="flex-start"`. */
25252 alignItemsFlexStart: {
25253 alignItems: 'flex-start'
25254 },
25256 /* Pseudo-class applied to the inner `component` element if `disabled={true}`. */
25257 disabled: {},
25259 /* Styles applied to the inner `component` element if `divider={true}`. */
25260 divider: {
25261 borderBottom: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.divider),
25262 backgroundClip: 'padding-box'
25263 },
25265 /* Styles applied to the inner `component` element if `disableGutters={false}`. */
25266 gutters: {
25267 paddingLeft: 16,
25268 paddingRight: 16
25269 },
25271 /* Styles applied to the inner `component` element if `button={true}`. */
25272 button: {
25273 transition: theme.transitions.create('background-color', {
25274 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
25275 }),
25276 '&:hover': {
25277 textDecoration: 'none',
25278 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover,
25279 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
25280 '@media (hover: none)': {
25281 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
25282 }
25283 }
25284 },
25286 /* Styles applied to the `component` element if `children` includes `ListItemSecondaryAction`. */
25287 secondaryAction: {
25288 // Add some space to avoid collision as `ListItemSecondaryAction`
25289 // is absolutely positioned.
25290 paddingRight: 48
25291 },
25293 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `selected={true}`. */
25294 selected: {}
25295 };
25296 };
25297 var useEnhancedEffect$6 = typeof window === 'undefined' ? React.useEffect : React.useLayoutEffect;
25298 /**
25299 * Uses an additional container component if `ListItemSecondaryAction` is the last child.
25300 */
25302 var ListItem = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ListItem(props, ref) {
25303 var _props$alignItems = props.alignItems,
25304 alignItems = _props$alignItems === void 0 ? 'center' : _props$alignItems,
25305 _props$autoFocus = props.autoFocus,
25306 autoFocus = _props$autoFocus === void 0 ? false : _props$autoFocus,
25307 _props$button = props.button,
25308 button = _props$button === void 0 ? false : _props$button,
25309 childrenProp = props.children,
25310 classes = props.classes,
25311 className = props.className,
25312 componentProp = props.component,
25313 _props$ContainerCompo = props.ContainerComponent,
25314 ContainerComponent = _props$ContainerCompo === void 0 ? 'li' : _props$ContainerCompo,
25315 _props$ContainerProps = props.ContainerProps;
25316 _props$ContainerProps = _props$ContainerProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$ContainerProps;
25318 var ContainerClassName = _props$ContainerProps.className,
25319 ContainerProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_props$ContainerProps, ["className"]),
25320 _props$dense = props.dense,
25321 dense = _props$dense === void 0 ? false : _props$dense,
25322 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
25323 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
25324 _props$disableGutters = props.disableGutters,
25325 disableGutters = _props$disableGutters === void 0 ? false : _props$disableGutters,
25326 _props$divider = props.divider,
25327 divider = _props$divider === void 0 ? false : _props$divider,
25328 focusVisibleClassName = props.focusVisibleClassName,
25329 _props$selected = props.selected,
25330 selected = _props$selected === void 0 ? false : _props$selected,
25331 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["alignItems", "autoFocus", "button", "children", "classes", "className", "component", "ContainerComponent", "ContainerProps", "dense", "disabled", "disableGutters", "divider", "focusVisibleClassName", "selected"]);
25333 var context = React.useContext(ListContext);
25334 var childContext = {
25335 dense: dense || context.dense || false,
25336 alignItems: alignItems
25337 };
25338 var listItemRef = React.useRef(null);
25339 useEnhancedEffect$6(function () {
25340 if (autoFocus) {
25341 if (listItemRef.current) {
25342 listItemRef.current.focus();
25343 } else {
25344 console.error('Material-UI: Unable to set focus to a ListItem whose component has not been rendered.');
25345 }
25346 }
25347 }, [autoFocus]);
25348 var children = React.Children.toArray(childrenProp);
25349 var hasSecondaryAction = children.length && isMuiElement(children[children.length - 1], ['ListItemSecondaryAction']);
25350 var handleOwnRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
25351 // #StrictMode ready
25352 listItemRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
25353 }, []);
25354 var handleRef = useForkRef(handleOwnRef, ref);
25356 var componentProps = _extends({
25357 className: clsx(classes.root, className, childContext.dense && classes.dense, !disableGutters && classes.gutters, divider && classes.divider, disabled && classes.disabled, button && classes.button, alignItems !== "center" && classes.alignItemsFlexStart, hasSecondaryAction && classes.secondaryAction, selected && classes.selected),
25358 disabled: disabled
25359 }, other);
25361 var Component = componentProp || 'li';
25363 if (button) {
25364 componentProps.component = componentProp || 'div';
25365 componentProps.focusVisibleClassName = clsx(classes.focusVisible, focusVisibleClassName);
25366 Component = ButtonBase$1;
25367 }
25369 if (hasSecondaryAction) {
25370 // Use div by default.
25371 Component = !componentProps.component && !componentProp ? 'div' : Component; // Avoid nesting of li > li.
25373 if (ContainerComponent === 'li') {
25374 if (Component === 'li') {
25375 Component = 'div';
25376 } else if (componentProps.component === 'li') {
25377 componentProps.component = 'div';
25378 }
25379 }
25381 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ListContext.Provider, {
25382 value: childContext
25383 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ContainerComponent, _extends({
25384 className: clsx(classes.container, ContainerClassName),
25385 ref: handleRef
25386 }, ContainerProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, componentProps, children), children.pop()));
25387 }
25389 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ListContext.Provider, {
25390 value: childContext
25391 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
25392 ref: handleRef
25393 }, componentProps), children));
25394 });
25395 ListItem.propTypes = {
25396 /**
25397 * Defines the `align-items` style property.
25398 */
25399 alignItems: propTypes.oneOf(['flex-start', 'center']),
25401 /**
25402 * If `true`, the list item will be focused during the first mount.
25403 * Focus will also be triggered if the value changes from false to true.
25404 */
25405 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
25407 /**
25408 * If `true`, the list item will be a button (using `ButtonBase`). Props intended
25409 * for `ButtonBase` can then be applied to `ListItem`.
25410 */
25411 button: propTypes.bool,
25413 /**
25414 * The content of the component. If a `ListItemSecondaryAction` is used it must
25415 * be the last child.
25416 */
25417 children: chainPropTypes(propTypes.node, function (props) {
25418 var children = React.Children.toArray(props.children); // React.Children.toArray(props.children).findLastIndex(isListItemSecondaryAction)
25420 var secondaryActionIndex = -1;
25422 for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
25423 var child = children[i];
25425 if (isMuiElement(child, ['ListItemSecondaryAction'])) {
25426 secondaryActionIndex = i;
25427 break;
25428 }
25429 } // is ListItemSecondaryAction the last child of ListItem
25432 if (secondaryActionIndex !== -1 && secondaryActionIndex !== children.length - 1) {
25433 return new Error('Material-UI: You used an element after ListItemSecondaryAction. ' + 'For ListItem to detect that it has a secondary action ' + 'you must pass it as the last child to ListItem.');
25434 }
25436 return null;
25437 }),
25439 /**
25440 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25441 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25442 */
25443 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
25445 /**
25446 * @ignore
25447 */
25448 className: propTypes.string,
25450 /**
25451 * The component used for the root node.
25452 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
25453 * By default, it's a `li` when `button` is `false` and a `div` when `button` is `true`.
25454 */
25455 component: propTypes
25456 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
25457 .elementType,
25459 /**
25460 * The container component used when a `ListItemSecondaryAction` is the last child.
25461 */
25462 ContainerComponent: propTypes.elementType,
25464 /**
25465 * Props applied to the container component if used.
25466 */
25467 ContainerProps: propTypes.object,
25469 /**
25470 * If `true`, compact vertical padding designed for keyboard and mouse input will be used.
25471 */
25472 dense: propTypes.bool,
25474 /**
25475 * If `true`, the list item will be disabled.
25476 */
25477 disabled: propTypes.bool,
25479 /**
25480 * If `true`, the left and right padding is removed.
25481 */
25482 disableGutters: propTypes.bool,
25484 /**
25485 * If `true`, a 1px light border is added to the bottom of the list item.
25486 */
25487 divider: propTypes.bool,
25489 /**
25490 * @ignore
25491 */
25492 focusVisibleClassName: propTypes.string,
25494 /**
25495 * Use to apply selected styling.
25496 */
25497 selected: propTypes.bool
25498 } ;
25499 var ListItem$1 = withStyles$1(styles$18, {
25500 name: 'MuiListItem'
25501 })(ListItem);
25503 var styles$19 = {
25504 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
25505 root: {
25506 minWidth: 56,
25507 flexShrink: 0
25508 },
25510 /* Styles applied to the root element when the parent `ListItem` uses `alignItems="flex-start"`. */
25511 alignItemsFlexStart: {
25512 marginTop: 8
25513 }
25514 };
25515 /**
25516 * A simple wrapper to apply `List` styles to an `Avatar`.
25517 */
25519 var ListItemAvatar = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ListItemAvatar(props, ref) {
25520 var classes = props.classes,
25521 className = props.className,
25522 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className"]);
25524 var context = React.useContext(ListContext);
25525 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
25526 className: clsx(classes.root, className, context.alignItems === 'flex-start' && classes.alignItemsFlexStart),
25527 ref: ref
25528 }, other));
25529 });
25530 ListItemAvatar.propTypes = {
25531 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
25532 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
25533 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
25534 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
25536 /**
25537 * The content of the component – normally `Avatar`.
25538 */
25539 children: propTypes.element.isRequired,
25541 /**
25542 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25543 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25544 */
25545 classes: propTypes.object,
25547 /**
25548 * @ignore
25549 */
25550 className: propTypes.string
25551 } ;
25552 var ListItemAvatar$1 = withStyles$1(styles$19, {
25553 name: 'MuiListItemAvatar'
25554 })(ListItemAvatar);
25556 var styles$1a = function styles(theme) {
25557 return {
25558 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
25559 root: {
25560 minWidth: 56,
25561 color: theme.palette.action.active,
25562 flexShrink: 0,
25563 display: 'inline-flex'
25564 },
25566 /* Styles applied to the root element when the parent `ListItem` uses `alignItems="flex-start"`. */
25567 alignItemsFlexStart: {
25568 marginTop: 8
25569 }
25570 };
25571 };
25572 /**
25573 * A simple wrapper to apply `List` styles to an `Icon` or `SvgIcon`.
25574 */
25576 var ListItemIcon = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ListItemIcon(props, ref) {
25577 var classes = props.classes,
25578 className = props.className,
25579 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className"]);
25581 var context = React.useContext(ListContext);
25582 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
25583 className: clsx(classes.root, className, context.alignItems === 'flex-start' && classes.alignItemsFlexStart),
25584 ref: ref
25585 }, other));
25586 });
25587 ListItemIcon.propTypes = {
25588 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
25589 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
25590 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
25591 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
25593 /**
25594 * The content of the component, normally `Icon`, `SvgIcon`,
25595 * or a `@material-ui/icons` SVG icon element.
25596 */
25597 children: propTypes.node,
25599 /**
25600 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25601 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25602 */
25603 classes: propTypes.object,
25605 /**
25606 * @ignore
25607 */
25608 className: propTypes.string
25609 } ;
25610 var ListItemIcon$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1a, {
25611 name: 'MuiListItemIcon'
25612 })(ListItemIcon);
25614 var styles$1b = {
25615 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
25616 root: {
25617 position: 'absolute',
25618 right: 16,
25619 top: '50%',
25620 transform: 'translateY(-50%)'
25621 }
25622 };
25623 /**
25624 * Must be used as the last child of ListItem to function properly.
25625 */
25627 var ListItemSecondaryAction = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ListItemSecondaryAction(props, ref) {
25628 var classes = props.classes,
25629 className = props.className,
25630 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className"]);
25632 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
25633 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
25634 ref: ref
25635 }, other));
25636 });
25637 ListItemSecondaryAction.propTypes = {
25638 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
25639 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
25640 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
25641 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
25643 /**
25644 * The content of the component, normally an `IconButton` or selection control.
25645 */
25646 children: propTypes.node,
25648 /**
25649 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25650 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25651 */
25652 classes: propTypes.object,
25654 /**
25655 * @ignore
25656 */
25657 className: propTypes.string
25658 } ;
25659 ListItemSecondaryAction.muiName = 'ListItemSecondaryAction';
25660 var ListItemSecondaryAction$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1b, {
25661 name: 'MuiListItemSecondaryAction'
25662 })(ListItemSecondaryAction);
25664 var styles$1c = {
25665 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
25666 root: {
25667 flex: '1 1 auto',
25668 minWidth: 0,
25669 marginTop: 4,
25670 marginBottom: 4
25671 },
25673 /* Styles applied to the `Typography` components if primary and secondary are set. */
25674 multiline: {
25675 marginTop: 6,
25676 marginBottom: 6
25677 },
25679 /* Styles applied to the `Typography` components if dense. */
25680 dense: {},
25682 /* Styles applied to the root element if `inset={true}`. */
25683 inset: {
25684 paddingLeft: 56
25685 },
25687 /* Styles applied to the primary `Typography` component. */
25688 primary: {},
25690 /* Styles applied to the secondary `Typography` component. */
25691 secondary: {}
25692 };
25693 var ListItemText = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ListItemText(props, ref) {
25694 var children = props.children,
25695 classes = props.classes,
25696 className = props.className,
25697 _props$disableTypogra = props.disableTypography,
25698 disableTypography = _props$disableTypogra === void 0 ? false : _props$disableTypogra,
25699 _props$inset = props.inset,
25700 inset = _props$inset === void 0 ? false : _props$inset,
25701 primaryProp = props.primary,
25702 primaryTypographyProps = props.primaryTypographyProps,
25703 secondaryProp = props.secondary,
25704 secondaryTypographyProps = props.secondaryTypographyProps,
25705 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "disableTypography", "inset", "primary", "primaryTypographyProps", "secondary", "secondaryTypographyProps"]);
25707 var _React$useContext = React.useContext(ListContext),
25708 dense = _React$useContext.dense;
25710 var primary = primaryProp != null ? primaryProp : children;
25712 if (primary != null && primary.type !== Typography$1 && !disableTypography) {
25713 primary = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, _extends({
25714 variant: dense ? 'body2' : 'body1',
25715 className: classes.primary,
25716 component: "span",
25717 display: "block"
25718 }, primaryTypographyProps), primary);
25719 }
25721 var secondary = secondaryProp;
25723 if (secondary != null && secondary.type !== Typography$1 && !disableTypography) {
25724 secondary = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, _extends({
25725 variant: "body2",
25726 className: classes.secondary,
25727 color: "textSecondary",
25728 display: "block"
25729 }, secondaryTypographyProps), secondary);
25730 }
25732 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
25733 className: clsx(classes.root, className, dense && classes.dense, inset && classes.inset, primary && secondary && classes.multiline),
25734 ref: ref
25735 }, other), primary, secondary);
25736 });
25737 ListItemText.propTypes = {
25738 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
25739 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
25740 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
25741 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
25743 /**
25744 * Alias for the `primary` prop.
25745 */
25746 children: propTypes.node,
25748 /**
25749 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25750 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25751 */
25752 classes: propTypes.object,
25754 /**
25755 * @ignore
25756 */
25757 className: propTypes.string,
25759 /**
25760 * If `true`, the children won't be wrapped by a Typography component.
25761 * This can be useful to render an alternative Typography variant by wrapping
25762 * the `children` (or `primary`) text, and optional `secondary` text
25763 * with the Typography component.
25764 */
25765 disableTypography: propTypes.bool,
25767 /**
25768 * If `true`, the children will be indented.
25769 * This should be used if there is no left avatar or left icon.
25770 */
25771 inset: propTypes.bool,
25773 /**
25774 * The main content element.
25775 */
25776 primary: propTypes.node,
25778 /**
25779 * These props will be forwarded to the primary typography component
25780 * (as long as disableTypography is not `true`).
25781 */
25782 primaryTypographyProps: propTypes.object,
25784 /**
25785 * The secondary content element.
25786 */
25787 secondary: propTypes.node,
25789 /**
25790 * These props will be forwarded to the secondary typography component
25791 * (as long as disableTypography is not `true`).
25792 */
25793 secondaryTypographyProps: propTypes.object
25794 } ;
25795 var ListItemText$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1c, {
25796 name: 'MuiListItemText'
25797 })(ListItemText);
25799 var styles$1d = function styles(theme) {
25800 return {
25801 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
25802 root: {
25803 boxSizing: 'border-box',
25804 lineHeight: '48px',
25805 listStyle: 'none',
25806 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
25807 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
25808 fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightMedium,
25809 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(14)
25810 },
25812 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
25813 colorPrimary: {
25814 color: theme.palette.primary.main
25815 },
25817 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="inherit"`. */
25818 colorInherit: {
25819 color: 'inherit'
25820 },
25822 /* Styles applied to the inner `component` element if `disableGutters={false}`. */
25823 gutters: {
25824 paddingLeft: 16,
25825 paddingRight: 16
25826 },
25828 /* Styles applied to the root element if `inset={true}`. */
25829 inset: {
25830 paddingLeft: 72
25831 },
25833 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableSticky={false}`. */
25834 sticky: {
25835 position: 'sticky',
25836 top: 0,
25837 zIndex: 1,
25838 backgroundColor: 'inherit'
25839 }
25840 };
25841 };
25842 var ListSubheader = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ListSubheader(props, ref) {
25843 var classes = props.classes,
25844 className = props.className,
25845 _props$color = props.color,
25846 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'default' : _props$color,
25847 _props$component = props.component,
25848 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'li' : _props$component,
25849 _props$disableGutters = props.disableGutters,
25850 disableGutters = _props$disableGutters === void 0 ? false : _props$disableGutters,
25851 _props$disableSticky = props.disableSticky,
25852 disableSticky = _props$disableSticky === void 0 ? false : _props$disableSticky,
25853 _props$inset = props.inset,
25854 inset = _props$inset === void 0 ? false : _props$inset,
25855 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "component", "disableGutters", "disableSticky", "inset"]);
25857 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
25858 className: clsx(classes.root, className, color !== 'default' && classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], inset && classes.inset, !disableSticky && classes.sticky, !disableGutters && classes.gutters),
25859 ref: ref
25860 }, other));
25861 });
25862 ListSubheader.propTypes = {
25863 /**
25864 * The content of the component.
25865 */
25866 children: propTypes.node,
25868 /**
25869 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
25870 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
25871 */
25872 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
25874 /**
25875 * @ignore
25876 */
25877 className: propTypes.string,
25879 /**
25880 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
25881 */
25882 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'primary', 'inherit']),
25884 /**
25885 * The component used for the root node.
25886 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
25887 */
25888 component: propTypes
25889 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
25890 .elementType,
25892 /**
25893 * If `true`, the List Subheader will not have gutters.
25894 */
25895 disableGutters: propTypes.bool,
25897 /**
25898 * If `true`, the List Subheader will not stick to the top during scroll.
25899 */
25900 disableSticky: propTypes.bool,
25902 /**
25903 * If `true`, the List Subheader will be indented.
25904 */
25905 inset: propTypes.bool
25906 } ;
25907 var ListSubheader$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1d, {
25908 name: 'MuiListSubheader'
25909 })(ListSubheader);
25911 function getOffsetTop(rect, vertical) {
25912 var offset = 0;
25914 if (typeof vertical === 'number') {
25915 offset = vertical;
25916 } else if (vertical === 'center') {
25917 offset = rect.height / 2;
25918 } else if (vertical === 'bottom') {
25919 offset = rect.height;
25920 }
25922 return offset;
25923 }
25924 function getOffsetLeft(rect, horizontal) {
25925 var offset = 0;
25927 if (typeof horizontal === 'number') {
25928 offset = horizontal;
25929 } else if (horizontal === 'center') {
25930 offset = rect.width / 2;
25931 } else if (horizontal === 'right') {
25932 offset = rect.width;
25933 }
25935 return offset;
25936 }
25938 function getTransformOriginValue(transformOrigin) {
25939 return [transformOrigin.horizontal, transformOrigin.vertical].map(function (n) {
25940 return typeof n === 'number' ? "".concat(n, "px") : n;
25941 }).join(' ');
25942 } // Sum the scrollTop between two elements.
25945 function getScrollParent(parent, child) {
25946 var element = child;
25947 var scrollTop = 0;
25949 while (element && element !== parent) {
25950 element = element.parentElement;
25951 scrollTop += element.scrollTop;
25952 }
25954 return scrollTop;
25955 }
25957 function getAnchorEl(anchorEl) {
25958 return typeof anchorEl === 'function' ? anchorEl() : anchorEl;
25959 }
25961 var styles$1e = {
25962 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
25963 root: {},
25965 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component. */
25966 paper: {
25967 position: 'absolute',
25968 overflowY: 'auto',
25969 overflowX: 'hidden',
25970 // So we see the popover when it's empty.
25971 // It's most likely on issue on userland.
25972 minWidth: 16,
25973 minHeight: 16,
25974 maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 32px)',
25975 maxHeight: 'calc(100% - 32px)',
25976 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
25977 outline: 0
25978 }
25979 };
25980 var Popover = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Popover(props, ref) {
25981 var action = props.action,
25982 anchorEl = props.anchorEl,
25983 _props$anchorOrigin = props.anchorOrigin,
25984 anchorOrigin = _props$anchorOrigin === void 0 ? {
25985 vertical: 'top',
25986 horizontal: 'left'
25987 } : _props$anchorOrigin,
25988 anchorPosition = props.anchorPosition,
25989 _props$anchorReferenc = props.anchorReference,
25990 anchorReference = _props$anchorReferenc === void 0 ? 'anchorEl' : _props$anchorReferenc,
25991 children = props.children,
25992 classes = props.classes,
25993 className = props.className,
25994 containerProp = props.container,
25995 _props$elevation = props.elevation,
25996 elevation = _props$elevation === void 0 ? 8 : _props$elevation,
25997 getContentAnchorEl = props.getContentAnchorEl,
25998 _props$marginThreshol = props.marginThreshold,
25999 marginThreshold = _props$marginThreshol === void 0 ? 16 : _props$marginThreshol,
26000 onEnter = props.onEnter,
26001 onEntered = props.onEntered,
26002 onEntering = props.onEntering,
26003 onExit = props.onExit,
26004 onExited = props.onExited,
26005 onExiting = props.onExiting,
26006 open = props.open,
26007 _props$PaperProps = props.PaperProps,
26008 PaperProps = _props$PaperProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$PaperProps,
26009 _props$transformOrigi = props.transformOrigin,
26010 transformOrigin = _props$transformOrigi === void 0 ? {
26011 vertical: 'top',
26012 horizontal: 'left'
26013 } : _props$transformOrigi,
26014 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
26015 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Grow : _props$TransitionComp,
26016 _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration,
26017 transitionDurationProp = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? 'auto' : _props$transitionDura,
26018 _props$TransitionProp = props.TransitionProps,
26019 TransitionProps = _props$TransitionProp === void 0 ? {} : _props$TransitionProp,
26020 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["action", "anchorEl", "anchorOrigin", "anchorPosition", "anchorReference", "children", "classes", "className", "container", "elevation", "getContentAnchorEl", "marginThreshold", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "open", "PaperProps", "transformOrigin", "TransitionComponent", "transitionDuration", "TransitionProps"]);
26022 var paperRef = React.useRef(); // Returns the top/left offset of the position
26023 // to attach to on the anchor element (or body if none is provided)
26025 var getAnchorOffset = React.useCallback(function (contentAnchorOffset) {
26026 if (anchorReference === 'anchorPosition') {
26027 {
26028 if (!anchorPosition) {
26029 console.error('Material-UI: You need to provide a `anchorPosition` prop when using ' + '<Popover anchorReference="anchorPosition" />.');
26030 }
26031 }
26033 return anchorPosition;
26034 }
26036 var resolvedAnchorEl = getAnchorEl(anchorEl); // If an anchor element wasn't provided, just use the parent body element of this Popover
26038 var anchorElement = resolvedAnchorEl && resolvedAnchorEl.nodeType === 1 ? resolvedAnchorEl : ownerDocument(paperRef.current).body;
26039 var anchorRect = anchorElement.getBoundingClientRect();
26041 {
26042 var box = anchorElement.getBoundingClientRect();
26044 if ( box.top === 0 && box.left === 0 && box.right === 0 && box.bottom === 0) {
26045 console.warn(['Material-UI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid.', 'The anchor element should be part of the document layout.', "Make sure the element is present in the document or that it's not display none."].join('\n'));
26046 }
26047 }
26049 var anchorVertical = contentAnchorOffset === 0 ? anchorOrigin.vertical : 'center';
26050 return {
26051 top: anchorRect.top + getOffsetTop(anchorRect, anchorVertical),
26052 left: anchorRect.left + getOffsetLeft(anchorRect, anchorOrigin.horizontal)
26053 };
26054 }, [anchorEl, anchorOrigin.horizontal, anchorOrigin.vertical, anchorPosition, anchorReference]); // Returns the vertical offset of inner content to anchor the transform on if provided
26056 var getContentAnchorOffset = React.useCallback(function (element) {
26057 var contentAnchorOffset = 0;
26059 if (getContentAnchorEl && anchorReference === 'anchorEl') {
26060 var contentAnchorEl = getContentAnchorEl(element);
26062 if (contentAnchorEl && element.contains(contentAnchorEl)) {
26063 var scrollTop = getScrollParent(element, contentAnchorEl);
26064 contentAnchorOffset = contentAnchorEl.offsetTop + contentAnchorEl.clientHeight / 2 - scrollTop || 0;
26065 } // != the default value
26068 {
26069 if (anchorOrigin.vertical !== 'top') {
26070 console.error(['Material-UI: You can not change the default `anchorOrigin.vertical` value ', 'when also providing the `getContentAnchorEl` prop to the popover component.', 'Only use one of the two props.', 'Set `getContentAnchorEl` to `null | undefined`' + ' or leave `anchorOrigin.vertical` unchanged.'].join('\n'));
26071 }
26072 }
26073 }
26075 return contentAnchorOffset;
26076 }, [anchorOrigin.vertical, anchorReference, getContentAnchorEl]); // Return the base transform origin using the element
26077 // and taking the content anchor offset into account if in use
26079 var getTransformOrigin = React.useCallback(function (elemRect) {
26080 var contentAnchorOffset = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
26081 return {
26082 vertical: getOffsetTop(elemRect, transformOrigin.vertical) + contentAnchorOffset,
26083 horizontal: getOffsetLeft(elemRect, transformOrigin.horizontal)
26084 };
26085 }, [transformOrigin.horizontal, transformOrigin.vertical]);
26086 var getPositioningStyle = React.useCallback(function (element) {
26087 // Check if the parent has requested anchoring on an inner content node
26088 var contentAnchorOffset = getContentAnchorOffset(element);
26089 var elemRect = {
26090 width: element.offsetWidth,
26091 height: element.offsetHeight
26092 }; // Get the transform origin point on the element itself
26094 var elemTransformOrigin = getTransformOrigin(elemRect, contentAnchorOffset);
26096 if (anchorReference === 'none') {
26097 return {
26098 top: null,
26099 left: null,
26100 transformOrigin: getTransformOriginValue(elemTransformOrigin)
26101 };
26102 } // Get the offset of of the anchoring element
26105 var anchorOffset = getAnchorOffset(contentAnchorOffset); // Calculate element positioning
26107 var top = anchorOffset.top - elemTransformOrigin.vertical;
26108 var left = anchorOffset.left - elemTransformOrigin.horizontal;
26109 var bottom = top + elemRect.height;
26110 var right = left + elemRect.width; // Use the parent window of the anchorEl if provided
26112 var containerWindow = ownerWindow(getAnchorEl(anchorEl)); // Window thresholds taking required margin into account
26114 var heightThreshold = containerWindow.innerHeight - marginThreshold;
26115 var widthThreshold = containerWindow.innerWidth - marginThreshold; // Check if the vertical axis needs shifting
26117 if (top < marginThreshold) {
26118 var diff = top - marginThreshold;
26119 top -= diff;
26120 elemTransformOrigin.vertical += diff;
26121 } else if (bottom > heightThreshold) {
26122 var _diff = bottom - heightThreshold;
26124 top -= _diff;
26125 elemTransformOrigin.vertical += _diff;
26126 }
26128 {
26129 if (elemRect.height > heightThreshold && elemRect.height && heightThreshold) {
26130 console.error(['Material-UI: The popover component is too tall.', "Some part of it can not be seen on the screen (".concat(elemRect.height - heightThreshold, "px)."), 'Please consider adding a `max-height` to improve the user-experience.'].join('\n'));
26131 }
26132 } // Check if the horizontal axis needs shifting
26135 if (left < marginThreshold) {
26136 var _diff2 = left - marginThreshold;
26138 left -= _diff2;
26139 elemTransformOrigin.horizontal += _diff2;
26140 } else if (right > widthThreshold) {
26141 var _diff3 = right - widthThreshold;
26143 left -= _diff3;
26144 elemTransformOrigin.horizontal += _diff3;
26145 }
26147 return {
26148 top: "".concat(Math.round(top), "px"),
26149 left: "".concat(Math.round(left), "px"),
26150 transformOrigin: getTransformOriginValue(elemTransformOrigin)
26151 };
26152 }, [anchorEl, anchorReference, getAnchorOffset, getContentAnchorOffset, getTransformOrigin, marginThreshold]);
26153 var setPositioningStyles = React.useCallback(function () {
26154 var element = paperRef.current;
26156 if (!element) {
26157 return;
26158 }
26160 var positioning = getPositioningStyle(element);
26162 if (positioning.top !== null) {
26163 element.style.top = positioning.top;
26164 }
26166 if (positioning.left !== null) {
26167 element.style.left = positioning.left;
26168 }
26170 element.style.transformOrigin = positioning.transformOrigin;
26171 }, [getPositioningStyle]);
26173 var handleEntering = function handleEntering(element, isAppearing) {
26174 if (onEntering) {
26175 onEntering(element, isAppearing);
26176 }
26178 setPositioningStyles();
26179 };
26181 var handlePaperRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
26182 // #StrictMode ready
26183 paperRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
26184 }, []);
26185 React.useEffect(function () {
26186 if (open) {
26187 setPositioningStyles();
26188 }
26189 });
26190 React.useImperativeHandle(action, function () {
26191 return open ? {
26192 updatePosition: function updatePosition() {
26193 setPositioningStyles();
26194 }
26195 } : null;
26196 }, [open, setPositioningStyles]);
26197 React.useEffect(function () {
26198 if (!open) {
26199 return undefined;
26200 }
26202 var handleResize = debounce(function () {
26203 setPositioningStyles();
26204 });
26205 window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
26206 return function () {
26207 handleResize.clear();
26208 window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
26209 };
26210 }, [open, setPositioningStyles]);
26211 var transitionDuration = transitionDurationProp;
26213 if (transitionDurationProp === 'auto' && !TransitionComponent.muiSupportAuto) {
26214 transitionDuration = undefined;
26215 } // If the container prop is provided, use that
26216 // If the anchorEl prop is provided, use its parent body element as the container
26217 // If neither are provided let the Modal take care of choosing the container
26220 var container = containerProp || (anchorEl ? ownerDocument(getAnchorEl(anchorEl)).body : undefined);
26221 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Modal, _extends({
26222 container: container,
26223 open: open,
26224 ref: ref,
26225 BackdropProps: {
26226 invisible: true
26227 },
26228 className: clsx(classes.root, className)
26229 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
26230 appear: true,
26231 in: open,
26232 onEnter: onEnter,
26233 onEntered: onEntered,
26234 onExit: onExit,
26235 onExited: onExited,
26236 onExiting: onExiting,
26237 timeout: transitionDuration
26238 }, TransitionProps, {
26239 onEntering: createChainedFunction(handleEntering, TransitionProps.onEntering)
26240 }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
26241 elevation: elevation,
26242 ref: handlePaperRef
26243 }, PaperProps, {
26244 className: clsx(classes.paper, PaperProps.className)
26245 }), children)));
26246 });
26247 Popover.propTypes = {
26248 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
26249 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
26250 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
26251 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26253 /**
26254 * A ref for imperative actions.
26255 * It currently only supports updatePosition() action.
26256 */
26257 action: refType,
26259 /**
26260 * A HTML element, or a function that returns it.
26261 * It's used to set the position of the popover.
26262 */
26263 anchorEl: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOfType([HTMLElementType, propTypes.func]), function (props) {
26264 if (props.open && (!props.anchorReference || props.anchorReference === 'anchorEl')) {
26265 var resolvedAnchorEl = getAnchorEl(props.anchorEl);
26267 if (resolvedAnchorEl && resolvedAnchorEl.nodeType === 1) {
26268 var box = resolvedAnchorEl.getBoundingClientRect();
26270 if ( box.top === 0 && box.left === 0 && box.right === 0 && box.bottom === 0) {
26271 return new Error(['Material-UI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid.', 'The anchor element should be part of the document layout.', "Make sure the element is present in the document or that it's not display none."].join('\n'));
26272 }
26273 } else {
26274 return new Error(['Material-UI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid.', "It should be an Element instance but it's `".concat(resolvedAnchorEl, "` instead.")].join('\n'));
26275 }
26276 }
26278 return null;
26279 }),
26281 /**
26282 * This is the point on the anchor where the popover's
26283 * `anchorEl` will attach to. This is not used when the
26284 * anchorReference is 'anchorPosition'.
26285 *
26286 * Options:
26287 * vertical: [top, center, bottom];
26288 * horizontal: [left, center, right].
26289 */
26290 anchorOrigin: propTypes.shape({
26291 horizontal: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['center', 'left', 'right']), propTypes.number]).isRequired,
26292 vertical: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'center', 'top']), propTypes.number]).isRequired
26293 }),
26295 /**
26296 * This is the position that may be used
26297 * to set the position of the popover.
26298 * The coordinates are relative to
26299 * the application's client area.
26300 */
26301 anchorPosition: propTypes.shape({
26302 left: propTypes.number.isRequired,
26303 top: propTypes.number.isRequired
26304 }),
26306 /**
26307 * This determines which anchor prop to refer to to set
26308 * the position of the popover.
26309 */
26310 anchorReference: propTypes.oneOf(['anchorEl', 'anchorPosition', 'none']),
26312 /**
26313 * The content of the component.
26314 */
26315 children: propTypes.node,
26317 /**
26318 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
26319 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
26320 */
26321 classes: propTypes.object,
26323 /**
26324 * @ignore
26325 */
26326 className: propTypes.string,
26328 /**
26329 * A HTML element, component instance, or function that returns either.
26330 * The `container` will passed to the Modal component.
26331 *
26332 * By default, it uses the body of the anchorEl's top-level document object,
26333 * so it's simply `document.body` most of the time.
26334 */
26335 container: propTypes
26336 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
26337 .oneOfType([HTMLElementType, propTypes.instanceOf(React.Component), propTypes.func]),
26339 /**
26340 * The elevation of the popover.
26341 */
26342 elevation: propTypes.number,
26344 /**
26345 * This function is called in order to retrieve the content anchor element.
26346 * It's the opposite of the `anchorEl` prop.
26347 * The content anchor element should be an element inside the popover.
26348 * It's used to correctly scroll and set the position of the popover.
26349 * The positioning strategy tries to make the content anchor element just above the
26350 * anchor element.
26351 */
26352 getContentAnchorEl: propTypes.func,
26354 /**
26355 * Specifies how close to the edge of the window the popover can appear.
26356 */
26357 marginThreshold: propTypes.number,
26359 /**
26360 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
26361 */
26362 onClose: propTypes.func,
26364 /**
26365 * Callback fired before the component is entering.
26366 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26367 */
26368 onEnter: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26370 /**
26371 * Callback fired when the component has entered.
26372 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26373 */
26374 onEntered: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26376 /**
26377 * Callback fired when the component is entering.
26378 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26379 */
26380 onEntering: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26382 /**
26383 * Callback fired before the component is exiting.
26384 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26385 */
26386 onExit: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26388 /**
26389 * Callback fired when the component has exited.
26390 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26391 */
26392 onExited: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26394 /**
26395 * Callback fired when the component is exiting.
26396 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26397 */
26398 onExiting: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26400 /**
26401 * If `true`, the popover is visible.
26402 */
26403 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired,
26405 /**
26406 * Props applied to the [`Paper`](/api/paper/) element.
26407 */
26408 PaperProps: propTypes
26409 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
26410 .shape({
26411 component: elementTypeAcceptingRef$1
26412 }),
26414 /**
26415 * This is the point on the popover which
26416 * will attach to the anchor's origin.
26417 *
26418 * Options:
26419 * vertical: [top, center, bottom, x(px)];
26420 * horizontal: [left, center, right, x(px)].
26421 */
26422 transformOrigin: propTypes.shape({
26423 horizontal: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['center', 'left', 'right']), propTypes.number]).isRequired,
26424 vertical: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'center', 'top']), propTypes.number]).isRequired
26425 }),
26427 /**
26428 * The component used for the transition.
26429 * [Follow this guide](/components/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component.
26430 */
26431 TransitionComponent: propTypes.elementType,
26433 /**
26434 * Set to 'auto' to automatically calculate transition time based on height.
26435 */
26436 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['auto']), propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
26437 appear: propTypes.number,
26438 enter: propTypes.number,
26439 exit: propTypes.number
26440 })]),
26442 /**
26443 * Props applied to the [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition#Transition-props) element.
26444 */
26445 TransitionProps: propTypes.object
26446 } ;
26447 var Popover$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1e, {
26448 name: 'MuiPopover'
26449 })(Popover);
26451 function nextItem(list, item, disableListWrap) {
26452 if (list === item) {
26453 return list.firstChild;
26454 }
26456 if (item && item.nextElementSibling) {
26457 return item.nextElementSibling;
26458 }
26460 return disableListWrap ? null : list.firstChild;
26461 }
26463 function previousItem(list, item, disableListWrap) {
26464 if (list === item) {
26465 return disableListWrap ? list.firstChild : list.lastChild;
26466 }
26468 if (item && item.previousElementSibling) {
26469 return item.previousElementSibling;
26470 }
26472 return disableListWrap ? null : list.lastChild;
26473 }
26475 function textCriteriaMatches(nextFocus, textCriteria) {
26476 if (textCriteria === undefined) {
26477 return true;
26478 }
26480 var text = nextFocus.innerText;
26482 if (text === undefined) {
26483 // jsdom doesn't support innerText
26484 text = nextFocus.textContent;
26485 }
26487 text = text.trim().toLowerCase();
26489 if (text.length === 0) {
26490 return false;
26491 }
26493 if (textCriteria.repeating) {
26494 return text[0] === textCriteria.keys[0];
26495 }
26497 return text.indexOf(textCriteria.keys.join('')) === 0;
26498 }
26500 function moveFocus(list, currentFocus, disableListWrap, disabledItemsFocusable, traversalFunction, textCriteria) {
26501 var wrappedOnce = false;
26502 var nextFocus = traversalFunction(list, currentFocus, currentFocus ? disableListWrap : false);
26504 while (nextFocus) {
26505 // Prevent infinite loop.
26506 if (nextFocus === list.firstChild) {
26507 if (wrappedOnce) {
26508 return;
26509 }
26511 wrappedOnce = true;
26512 } // Same logic as useAutocomplete.js
26515 var nextFocusDisabled = disabledItemsFocusable ? false : nextFocus.disabled || nextFocus.getAttribute('aria-disabled') === 'true';
26517 if (!nextFocus.hasAttribute('tabindex') || !textCriteriaMatches(nextFocus, textCriteria) || nextFocusDisabled) {
26518 // Move to the next element.
26519 nextFocus = traversalFunction(list, nextFocus, disableListWrap);
26520 } else {
26521 nextFocus.focus();
26522 return;
26523 }
26524 }
26525 }
26527 var useEnhancedEffect$7 = typeof window === 'undefined' ? React.useEffect : React.useLayoutEffect;
26528 /**
26529 * A permanently displayed menu following https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#menubutton.
26530 * It's exposed to help customization of the [`Menu`](/api/menu/) component. If you
26531 * use it separately you need to move focus into the component manually. Once
26532 * the focus is placed inside the component it is fully keyboard accessible.
26533 */
26535 var MenuList = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function MenuList(props, ref) {
26536 var actions = props.actions,
26537 _props$autoFocus = props.autoFocus,
26538 autoFocus = _props$autoFocus === void 0 ? false : _props$autoFocus,
26539 _props$autoFocusItem = props.autoFocusItem,
26540 autoFocusItem = _props$autoFocusItem === void 0 ? false : _props$autoFocusItem,
26541 children = props.children,
26542 className = props.className,
26543 _props$disabledItemsF = props.disabledItemsFocusable,
26544 disabledItemsFocusable = _props$disabledItemsF === void 0 ? false : _props$disabledItemsF,
26545 _props$disableListWra = props.disableListWrap,
26546 disableListWrap = _props$disableListWra === void 0 ? false : _props$disableListWra,
26547 onKeyDown = props.onKeyDown,
26548 _props$variant = props.variant,
26549 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'selectedMenu' : _props$variant,
26550 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["actions", "autoFocus", "autoFocusItem", "children", "className", "disabledItemsFocusable", "disableListWrap", "onKeyDown", "variant"]);
26552 var listRef = React.useRef(null);
26553 var textCriteriaRef = React.useRef({
26554 keys: [],
26555 repeating: true,
26556 previousKeyMatched: true,
26557 lastTime: null
26558 });
26559 useEnhancedEffect$7(function () {
26560 if (autoFocus) {
26561 listRef.current.focus();
26562 }
26563 }, [autoFocus]);
26564 React.useImperativeHandle(actions, function () {
26565 return {
26566 adjustStyleForScrollbar: function adjustStyleForScrollbar(containerElement, theme) {
26567 // Let's ignore that piece of logic if users are already overriding the width
26568 // of the menu.
26569 var noExplicitWidth = !listRef.current.style.width;
26571 if (containerElement.clientHeight < listRef.current.clientHeight && noExplicitWidth) {
26572 var scrollbarSize = "".concat(getScrollbarSize(), "px");
26573 listRef.current.style[theme.direction === 'rtl' ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight'] = scrollbarSize;
26574 listRef.current.style.width = "calc(100% + ".concat(scrollbarSize, ")");
26575 }
26577 return listRef.current;
26578 }
26579 };
26580 }, []);
26582 var handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) {
26583 var list = listRef.current;
26584 var key = event.key;
26585 /**
26586 * @type {Element} - will always be defined since we are in a keydown handler
26587 * attached to an element. A keydown event is either dispatched to the activeElement
26588 * or document.body or document.documentElement. Only the first case will
26589 * trigger this specific handler.
26590 */
26592 var currentFocus = ownerDocument(list).activeElement;
26594 if (key === 'ArrowDown') {
26595 // Prevent scroll of the page
26596 event.preventDefault();
26597 moveFocus(list, currentFocus, disableListWrap, disabledItemsFocusable, nextItem);
26598 } else if (key === 'ArrowUp') {
26599 event.preventDefault();
26600 moveFocus(list, currentFocus, disableListWrap, disabledItemsFocusable, previousItem);
26601 } else if (key === 'Home') {
26602 event.preventDefault();
26603 moveFocus(list, null, disableListWrap, disabledItemsFocusable, nextItem);
26604 } else if (key === 'End') {
26605 event.preventDefault();
26606 moveFocus(list, null, disableListWrap, disabledItemsFocusable, previousItem);
26607 } else if (key.length === 1) {
26608 var criteria = textCriteriaRef.current;
26609 var lowerKey = key.toLowerCase();
26610 var currTime = performance.now();
26612 if (criteria.keys.length > 0) {
26613 // Reset
26614 if (currTime - criteria.lastTime > 500) {
26615 criteria.keys = [];
26616 criteria.repeating = true;
26617 criteria.previousKeyMatched = true;
26618 } else if (criteria.repeating && lowerKey !== criteria.keys[0]) {
26619 criteria.repeating = false;
26620 }
26621 }
26623 criteria.lastTime = currTime;
26624 criteria.keys.push(lowerKey);
26625 var keepFocusOnCurrent = currentFocus && !criteria.repeating && textCriteriaMatches(currentFocus, criteria);
26627 if (criteria.previousKeyMatched && (keepFocusOnCurrent || moveFocus(list, currentFocus, false, disabledItemsFocusable, nextItem, criteria))) {
26628 event.preventDefault();
26629 } else {
26630 criteria.previousKeyMatched = false;
26631 }
26632 }
26634 if (onKeyDown) {
26635 onKeyDown(event);
26636 }
26637 };
26639 var handleOwnRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
26640 // #StrictMode ready
26641 listRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
26642 }, []);
26643 var handleRef = useForkRef(handleOwnRef, ref);
26644 /**
26645 * the index of the item should receive focus
26646 * in a `variant="selectedMenu"` it's the first `selected` item
26647 * otherwise it's the very first item.
26648 */
26650 var activeItemIndex = -1; // since we inject focus related props into children we have to do a lookahead
26651 // to check if there is a `selected` item. We're looking for the last `selected`
26652 // item and use the first valid item as a fallback
26654 React.Children.forEach(children, function (child, index) {
26655 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
26656 return;
26657 }
26659 {
26660 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
26661 console.error(["Material-UI: The Menu component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
26662 }
26663 }
26665 if (!child.props.disabled) {
26666 if (variant === 'selectedMenu' && child.props.selected) {
26667 activeItemIndex = index;
26668 } else if (activeItemIndex === -1) {
26669 activeItemIndex = index;
26670 }
26671 }
26672 });
26673 var items = React.Children.map(children, function (child, index) {
26674 if (index === activeItemIndex) {
26675 var newChildProps = {};
26677 if (autoFocusItem) {
26678 newChildProps.autoFocus = true;
26679 }
26681 if (child.props.tabIndex === undefined && variant === 'selectedMenu') {
26682 newChildProps.tabIndex = 0;
26683 }
26685 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, newChildProps);
26686 }
26688 return child;
26689 });
26690 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(List$1, _extends({
26691 role: "menu",
26692 ref: handleRef,
26693 className: className,
26694 onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
26695 tabIndex: autoFocus ? 0 : -1
26696 }, other), items);
26697 });
26698 MenuList.propTypes = {
26699 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
26700 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
26701 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
26702 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26704 /**
26705 * If `true`, will focus the `[role="menu"]` container and move into tab order.
26706 */
26707 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
26709 /**
26710 * If `true`, will focus the first menuitem if `variant="menu"` or selected item
26711 * if `variant="selectedMenu"`.
26712 */
26713 autoFocusItem: propTypes.bool,
26715 /**
26716 * MenuList contents, normally `MenuItem`s.
26717 */
26718 children: propTypes.node,
26720 /**
26721 * @ignore
26722 */
26723 className: propTypes.string,
26725 /**
26726 * If `true`, will allow focus on disabled items.
26727 */
26728 disabledItemsFocusable: propTypes.bool,
26730 /**
26731 * If `true`, the menu items will not wrap focus.
26732 */
26733 disableListWrap: propTypes.bool,
26735 /**
26736 * @ignore
26737 */
26738 onKeyDown: propTypes.func,
26740 /**
26741 * The variant to use. Use `menu` to prevent selected items from impacting the initial focus
26742 * and the vertical alignment relative to the anchor element.
26743 */
26744 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['menu', 'selectedMenu'])
26745 } ;
26747 var RTL_ORIGIN = {
26748 vertical: 'top',
26749 horizontal: 'right'
26750 };
26751 var LTR_ORIGIN = {
26752 vertical: 'top',
26753 horizontal: 'left'
26754 };
26755 var styles$1f = {
26756 /* Styles applied to the `Paper` component. */
26757 paper: {
26758 // specZ: The maximum height of a simple menu should be one or more rows less than the view
26759 // height. This ensures a tapable area outside of the simple menu with which to dismiss
26760 // the menu.
26761 maxHeight: 'calc(100% - 96px)',
26762 // Add iOS momentum scrolling.
26763 WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch'
26764 },
26766 /* Styles applied to the `List` component via `MenuList`. */
26767 list: {
26768 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
26769 outline: 0
26770 }
26771 };
26772 var Menu = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Menu(props, ref) {
26773 var _props$autoFocus = props.autoFocus,
26774 autoFocus = _props$autoFocus === void 0 ? true : _props$autoFocus,
26775 children = props.children,
26776 classes = props.classes,
26777 _props$disableAutoFoc = props.disableAutoFocusItem,
26778 disableAutoFocusItem = _props$disableAutoFoc === void 0 ? false : _props$disableAutoFoc,
26779 _props$MenuListProps = props.MenuListProps,
26780 MenuListProps = _props$MenuListProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$MenuListProps,
26781 onClose = props.onClose,
26782 onEnteringProp = props.onEntering,
26783 open = props.open,
26784 _props$PaperProps = props.PaperProps,
26785 PaperProps = _props$PaperProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$PaperProps,
26786 PopoverClasses = props.PopoverClasses,
26787 _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration,
26788 transitionDuration = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? 'auto' : _props$transitionDura,
26789 _props$TransitionProp = props.TransitionProps;
26790 _props$TransitionProp = _props$TransitionProp === void 0 ? {} : _props$TransitionProp;
26792 var onEntering = _props$TransitionProp.onEntering,
26793 TransitionProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_props$TransitionProp, ["onEntering"]),
26794 _props$variant = props.variant,
26795 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'selectedMenu' : _props$variant,
26796 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["autoFocus", "children", "classes", "disableAutoFocusItem", "MenuListProps", "onClose", "onEntering", "open", "PaperProps", "PopoverClasses", "transitionDuration", "TransitionProps", "variant"]);
26798 var theme = useTheme$1();
26799 var autoFocusItem = autoFocus && !disableAutoFocusItem && open;
26800 var menuListActionsRef = React.useRef(null);
26801 var contentAnchorRef = React.useRef(null);
26803 var getContentAnchorEl = function getContentAnchorEl() {
26804 return contentAnchorRef.current;
26805 };
26807 var handleEntering = function handleEntering(element, isAppearing) {
26808 if (menuListActionsRef.current) {
26809 menuListActionsRef.current.adjustStyleForScrollbar(element, theme);
26810 }
26812 if (onEnteringProp) {
26813 onEnteringProp(element, isAppearing);
26814 }
26816 if (onEntering) {
26817 onEntering(element, isAppearing);
26818 }
26819 };
26821 var handleListKeyDown = function handleListKeyDown(event) {
26822 if (event.key === 'Tab') {
26823 event.preventDefault();
26825 if (onClose) {
26826 onClose(event, 'tabKeyDown');
26827 }
26828 }
26829 };
26830 /**
26831 * the index of the item should receive focus
26832 * in a `variant="selectedMenu"` it's the first `selected` item
26833 * otherwise it's the very first item.
26834 */
26837 var activeItemIndex = -1; // since we inject focus related props into children we have to do a lookahead
26838 // to check if there is a `selected` item. We're looking for the last `selected`
26839 // item and use the first valid item as a fallback
26841 React.Children.map(children, function (child, index) {
26842 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
26843 return;
26844 }
26846 {
26847 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
26848 console.error(["Material-UI: The Menu component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
26849 }
26850 }
26852 if (!child.props.disabled) {
26853 if (variant !== "menu" && child.props.selected) {
26854 activeItemIndex = index;
26855 } else if (activeItemIndex === -1) {
26856 activeItemIndex = index;
26857 }
26858 }
26859 });
26860 var items = React.Children.map(children, function (child, index) {
26861 if (index === activeItemIndex) {
26862 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
26863 ref: function ref(instance) {
26864 // #StrictMode ready
26865 contentAnchorRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
26866 setRef(child.ref, instance);
26867 }
26868 });
26869 }
26871 return child;
26872 });
26873 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Popover$1, _extends({
26874 getContentAnchorEl: getContentAnchorEl,
26875 classes: PopoverClasses,
26876 onClose: onClose,
26877 TransitionProps: _extends({
26878 onEntering: handleEntering
26879 }, TransitionProps),
26880 anchorOrigin: theme.direction === 'rtl' ? RTL_ORIGIN : LTR_ORIGIN,
26881 transformOrigin: theme.direction === 'rtl' ? RTL_ORIGIN : LTR_ORIGIN,
26882 PaperProps: _extends({}, PaperProps, {
26883 classes: _extends({}, PaperProps.classes, {
26884 root: classes.paper
26885 })
26886 }),
26887 open: open,
26888 ref: ref,
26889 transitionDuration: transitionDuration
26890 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(MenuList, _extends({
26891 onKeyDown: handleListKeyDown,
26892 actions: menuListActionsRef,
26893 autoFocus: autoFocus && (activeItemIndex === -1 || disableAutoFocusItem),
26894 autoFocusItem: autoFocusItem,
26895 variant: variant
26896 }, MenuListProps, {
26897 className: clsx(classes.list, MenuListProps.className)
26898 }), items));
26899 });
26900 Menu.propTypes = {
26901 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
26902 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
26903 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
26904 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26906 /**
26907 * A HTML element, or a function that returns it.
26908 * It's used to set the position of the menu.
26909 */
26910 anchorEl: propTypes
26911 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
26912 .oneOfType([HTMLElementType, propTypes.func]),
26914 /**
26915 * If `true` (Default) will focus the `[role="menu"]` if no focusable child is found. Disabled
26916 * children are not focusable. If you set this prop to `false` focus will be placed
26917 * on the parent modal container. This has severe accessibility implications
26918 * and should only be considered if you manage focus otherwise.
26919 */
26920 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
26922 /**
26923 * Menu contents, normally `MenuItem`s.
26924 */
26925 children: propTypes.node,
26927 /**
26928 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
26929 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
26930 */
26931 classes: propTypes.object,
26933 /**
26934 * When opening the menu will not focus the active item but the `[role="menu"]`
26935 * unless `autoFocus` is also set to `false`. Not using the default means not
26936 * following WAI-ARIA authoring practices. Please be considerate about possible
26937 * accessibility implications.
26938 */
26939 disableAutoFocusItem: propTypes.bool,
26941 /**
26942 * Props applied to the [`MenuList`](/api/menu-list/) element.
26943 */
26944 MenuListProps: propTypes.object,
26946 /**
26947 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
26948 *
26949 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
26950 * @param {string} reason Can be: `"escapeKeyDown"`, `"backdropClick"`, `"tabKeyDown"`.
26951 */
26952 onClose: propTypes.func,
26954 /**
26955 * Callback fired before the Menu enters.
26956 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26957 */
26958 onEnter: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26960 /**
26961 * Callback fired when the Menu has entered.
26962 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26963 */
26964 onEntered: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26966 /**
26967 * Callback fired when the Menu is entering.
26968 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26969 */
26970 onEntering: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26972 /**
26973 * Callback fired before the Menu exits.
26974 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26975 */
26976 onExit: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26978 /**
26979 * Callback fired when the Menu has exited.
26980 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26981 */
26982 onExited: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26984 /**
26985 * Callback fired when the Menu is exiting.
26986 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
26987 */
26988 onExiting: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
26990 /**
26991 * If `true`, the menu is visible.
26992 */
26993 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired,
26995 /**
26996 * @ignore
26997 */
26998 PaperProps: propTypes.object,
27000 /**
27001 * `classes` prop applied to the [`Popover`](/api/popover/) element.
27002 */
27003 PopoverClasses: propTypes.object,
27005 /**
27006 * The length of the transition in `ms`, or 'auto'
27007 */
27008 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['auto']), propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
27009 appear: propTypes.number,
27010 enter: propTypes.number,
27011 exit: propTypes.number
27012 })]),
27014 /**
27015 * Props applied to the transition element.
27016 * By default, the element is based on this [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition) component.
27017 */
27018 TransitionProps: propTypes.object,
27020 /**
27021 * The variant to use. Use `menu` to prevent selected items from impacting the initial focus
27022 * and the vertical alignment relative to the anchor element.
27023 */
27024 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['menu', 'selectedMenu'])
27025 } ;
27026 var Menu$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1f, {
27027 name: 'MuiMenu'
27028 })(Menu);
27030 var styles$1g = function styles(theme) {
27031 return {
27032 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
27033 root: _extends({}, theme.typography.body1, _defineProperty({
27034 minHeight: 48,
27035 paddingTop: 6,
27036 paddingBottom: 6,
27037 boxSizing: 'border-box',
27038 width: 'auto',
27039 overflow: 'hidden',
27040 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
27041 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
27042 minHeight: 'auto'
27043 })),
27044 // TODO v5: remove
27046 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableGutters={false}`. */
27047 gutters: {},
27049 /* Styles applied to the root element if `selected={true}`. */
27050 selected: {},
27052 /* Styles applied to the root element if dense. */
27053 dense: _extends({}, theme.typography.body2, {
27054 minHeight: 'auto'
27055 })
27056 };
27057 };
27058 var MenuItem = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function MenuItem(props, ref) {
27059 var classes = props.classes,
27060 className = props.className,
27061 _props$component = props.component,
27062 component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'li' : _props$component,
27063 _props$disableGutters = props.disableGutters,
27064 disableGutters = _props$disableGutters === void 0 ? false : _props$disableGutters,
27065 ListItemClasses = props.ListItemClasses,
27066 _props$role = props.role,
27067 role = _props$role === void 0 ? 'menuitem' : _props$role,
27068 selected = props.selected,
27069 tabIndexProp = props.tabIndex,
27070 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component", "disableGutters", "ListItemClasses", "role", "selected", "tabIndex"]);
27072 var tabIndex;
27074 if (!props.disabled) {
27075 tabIndex = tabIndexProp !== undefined ? tabIndexProp : -1;
27076 }
27078 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ListItem$1, _extends({
27079 button: true,
27080 role: role,
27081 tabIndex: tabIndex,
27082 component: component,
27083 selected: selected,
27084 disableGutters: disableGutters,
27085 classes: _extends({
27086 dense: classes.dense
27087 }, ListItemClasses),
27088 className: clsx(classes.root, className, selected && classes.selected, !disableGutters && classes.gutters),
27089 ref: ref
27090 }, other));
27091 });
27092 MenuItem.propTypes = {
27093 /**
27094 * Menu item contents.
27095 */
27096 children: propTypes.node,
27098 /**
27099 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
27100 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
27101 */
27102 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
27104 /**
27105 * @ignore
27106 */
27107 className: propTypes.string,
27109 /**
27110 * The component used for the root node.
27111 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
27112 */
27113 component: propTypes
27114 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
27115 .elementType,
27117 /**
27118 * If `true`, compact vertical padding designed for keyboard and mouse input will be used.
27119 */
27120 dense: propTypes.bool,
27122 /**
27123 * @ignore
27124 */
27125 disabled: propTypes.bool,
27127 /**
27128 * If `true`, the left and right padding is removed.
27129 */
27130 disableGutters: propTypes.bool,
27132 /**
27133 * `classes` prop applied to the [`ListItem`](/api/list-item/) element.
27134 */
27135 ListItemClasses: propTypes.object,
27137 /**
27138 * @ignore
27139 */
27140 role: propTypes.string,
27142 /**
27143 * @ignore
27144 */
27145 selected: propTypes.bool,
27147 /**
27148 * @ignore
27149 */
27150 tabIndex: propTypes.number
27151 } ;
27152 var MenuItem$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1g, {
27153 name: 'MuiMenuItem'
27154 })(MenuItem);
27156 var styles$1h = function styles(theme) {
27157 return {
27158 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
27159 root: {
27160 display: 'flex',
27161 flexDirection: 'row',
27162 justifyContent: 'space-between',
27163 alignItems: 'center',
27164 background: theme.palette.background.default,
27165 padding: 8
27166 },
27168 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="bottom"`. */
27169 positionBottom: {
27170 position: 'fixed',
27171 bottom: 0,
27172 left: 0,
27173 right: 0,
27174 zIndex: theme.zIndex.mobileStepper
27175 },
27177 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="top"`. */
27178 positionTop: {
27179 position: 'fixed',
27180 top: 0,
27181 left: 0,
27182 right: 0,
27183 zIndex: theme.zIndex.mobileStepper
27184 },
27186 /* Styles applied to the root element if `position="static"`. */
27187 positionStatic: {},
27189 /* Styles applied to the dots container if `variant="dots"`. */
27190 dots: {
27191 display: 'flex',
27192 flexDirection: 'row'
27193 },
27195 /* Styles applied to each dot if `variant="dots"`. */
27196 dot: {
27197 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.disabled,
27198 borderRadius: '50%',
27199 width: 8,
27200 height: 8,
27201 margin: '0 2px'
27202 },
27204 /* Styles applied to a dot if `variant="dots"` and this is the active step. */
27205 dotActive: {
27206 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main
27207 },
27209 /* Styles applied to the Linear Progress component if `variant="progress"`. */
27210 progress: {
27211 width: '50%'
27212 }
27213 };
27214 };
27215 var MobileStepper = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function MobileStepper(props, ref) {
27216 var _props$activeStep = props.activeStep,
27217 activeStep = _props$activeStep === void 0 ? 0 : _props$activeStep,
27218 backButton = props.backButton,
27219 classes = props.classes,
27220 className = props.className,
27221 LinearProgressProps = props.LinearProgressProps,
27222 nextButton = props.nextButton,
27223 _props$position = props.position,
27224 position = _props$position === void 0 ? 'bottom' : _props$position,
27225 steps = props.steps,
27226 _props$variant = props.variant,
27227 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'dots' : _props$variant,
27228 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["activeStep", "backButton", "classes", "className", "LinearProgressProps", "nextButton", "position", "steps", "variant"]);
27230 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
27231 square: true,
27232 elevation: 0,
27233 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["position".concat(capitalize(position))], className),
27234 ref: ref
27235 }, other), backButton, variant === 'text' && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, activeStep + 1, " / ", steps), variant === 'dots' && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
27236 className: classes.dots
27237 }, _toConsumableArray(new Array(steps)).map(function (_, index) {
27238 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
27239 key: index,
27240 className: clsx(classes.dot, index === activeStep && classes.dotActive)
27241 });
27242 })), variant === 'progress' && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(LinearProgress$1, _extends({
27243 className: classes.progress,
27244 variant: "determinate",
27245 value: Math.ceil(activeStep / (steps - 1) * 100)
27246 }, LinearProgressProps)), nextButton);
27247 });
27248 MobileStepper.propTypes = {
27249 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
27250 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
27251 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
27252 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27254 /**
27255 * Set the active step (zero based index).
27256 * Defines which dot is highlighted when the variant is 'dots'.
27257 */
27258 activeStep: propTypes.number,
27260 /**
27261 * A back button element. For instance, it can be a `Button` or an `IconButton`.
27262 */
27263 backButton: propTypes.node,
27265 /**
27266 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
27267 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
27268 */
27269 classes: propTypes.object,
27271 /**
27272 * @ignore
27273 */
27274 className: propTypes.string,
27276 /**
27277 * Props applied to the `LinearProgress` element.
27278 */
27279 LinearProgressProps: propTypes.object,
27281 /**
27282 * A next button element. For instance, it can be a `Button` or an `IconButton`.
27283 */
27284 nextButton: propTypes.node,
27286 /**
27287 * Set the positioning type.
27288 */
27289 position: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'static', 'top']),
27291 /**
27292 * The total steps.
27293 */
27294 steps: propTypes.number.isRequired,
27296 /**
27297 * The variant to use.
27298 */
27299 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['dots', 'progress', 'text'])
27300 } ;
27301 var MobileStepper$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1h, {
27302 name: 'MuiMobileStepper'
27303 })(MobileStepper);
27305 /**
27306 * @ignore - internal component.
27307 */
27309 var NativeSelectInput = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function NativeSelectInput(props, ref) {
27310 var classes = props.classes,
27311 className = props.className,
27312 disabled = props.disabled,
27313 IconComponent = props.IconComponent,
27314 inputRef = props.inputRef,
27315 _props$variant = props.variant,
27316 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'standard' : _props$variant,
27317 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "disabled", "IconComponent", "inputRef", "variant"]);
27319 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("select", _extends({
27320 className: clsx(classes.root, // TODO v5: merge root and select
27321 classes.select, classes[variant], className, disabled && classes.disabled),
27322 disabled: disabled,
27323 ref: inputRef || ref
27324 }, other)), props.multiple ? null : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconComponent, {
27325 className: clsx(classes.icon, classes["icon".concat(capitalize(variant))], disabled && classes.disabled)
27326 }));
27327 });
27328 NativeSelectInput.propTypes = {
27329 /**
27330 * The option elements to populate the select with.
27331 * Can be some `<option>` elements.
27332 */
27333 children: propTypes.node,
27335 /**
27336 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
27337 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
27338 */
27339 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
27341 /**
27342 * The CSS class name of the select element.
27343 */
27344 className: propTypes.string,
27346 /**
27347 * If `true`, the select will be disabled.
27348 */
27349 disabled: propTypes.bool,
27351 /**
27352 * The icon that displays the arrow.
27353 */
27354 IconComponent: propTypes.elementType.isRequired,
27356 /**
27357 * Use that prop to pass a ref to the native select element.
27358 * @deprecated
27359 */
27360 inputRef: refType,
27362 /**
27363 * @ignore
27364 */
27365 multiple: propTypes.bool,
27367 /**
27368 * Name attribute of the `select` or hidden `input` element.
27369 */
27370 name: propTypes.string,
27372 /**
27373 * Callback function fired when a menu item is selected.
27374 *
27375 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
27376 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
27377 */
27378 onChange: propTypes.func,
27380 /**
27381 * The input value.
27382 */
27383 value: propTypes.any,
27385 /**
27386 * The variant to use.
27387 */
27388 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['standard', 'outlined', 'filled'])
27389 } ;
27391 /**
27392 * @ignore - internal component.
27393 */
27395 var ArrowDropDownIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
27396 d: "M7 10l5 5 5-5z"
27397 }), 'ArrowDropDown');
27399 var styles$1i = function styles(theme) {
27400 return {
27401 /* Styles applied to the select component `root` class. */
27402 root: {},
27404 /* Styles applied to the select component `select` class. */
27405 select: {
27406 '-moz-appearance': 'none',
27407 // Reset
27408 '-webkit-appearance': 'none',
27409 // Reset
27410 // When interacting quickly, the text can end up selected.
27411 // Native select can't be selected either.
27412 userSelect: 'none',
27413 borderRadius: 0,
27414 // Reset
27415 minWidth: 16,
27416 // So it doesn't collapse.
27417 cursor: 'pointer',
27418 '&:focus': {
27419 // Show that it's not an text input
27420 backgroundColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
27421 borderRadius: 0 // Reset Chrome style
27423 },
27424 // Remove IE 11 arrow
27425 '&::-ms-expand': {
27426 display: 'none'
27427 },
27428 '&$disabled': {
27429 cursor: 'default'
27430 },
27431 '&[multiple]': {
27432 height: 'auto'
27433 },
27434 '&:not([multiple]) option, &:not([multiple]) optgroup': {
27435 backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.paper
27436 },
27437 '&&': {
27438 paddingRight: 24
27439 }
27440 },
27442 /* Styles applied to the select component if `variant="filled"`. */
27443 filled: {
27444 '&&': {
27445 paddingRight: 32
27446 }
27447 },
27449 /* Styles applied to the select component if `variant="outlined"`. */
27450 outlined: {
27451 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
27452 '&&': {
27453 paddingRight: 32
27454 }
27455 },
27457 /* Styles applied to the select component `selectMenu` class. */
27458 selectMenu: {
27459 height: 'auto',
27460 // Resets for multpile select with chips
27461 minHeight: '1.1876em',
27462 // Required for select\text-field height consistency
27463 textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
27464 whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
27465 overflow: 'hidden'
27466 },
27468 /* Pseudo-class applied to the select component `disabled` class. */
27469 disabled: {},
27471 /* Styles applied to the icon component. */
27472 icon: {
27473 // We use a position absolute over a flexbox in order to forward the pointer events
27474 // to the input and to support wrapping tags..
27475 position: 'absolute',
27476 right: 0,
27477 top: 'calc(50% - 12px)',
27478 // Center vertically
27479 pointerEvents: 'none',
27480 // Don't block pointer events on the select under the icon.
27481 color: theme.palette.action.active,
27482 '&$disabled': {
27483 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
27484 }
27485 },
27487 /* Styles applied to the icon component if the popup is open. */
27488 iconOpen: {
27489 transform: 'rotate(180deg)'
27490 },
27492 /* Styles applied to the icon component if `variant="filled"`. */
27493 iconFilled: {
27494 right: 7
27495 },
27497 /* Styles applied to the icon component if `variant="outlined"`. */
27498 iconOutlined: {
27499 right: 7
27500 },
27502 /* Styles applied to the underlying native input component. */
27503 nativeInput: {
27504 bottom: 0,
27505 left: 0,
27506 position: 'absolute',
27507 opacity: 0,
27508 pointerEvents: 'none',
27509 width: '100%'
27510 }
27511 };
27512 };
27513 var defaultInput = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Input$1, null);
27514 /**
27515 * An alternative to `<Select native />` with a much smaller bundle size footprint.
27516 */
27518 var NativeSelect = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function NativeSelect(props, ref) {
27519 var children = props.children,
27520 classes = props.classes,
27521 _props$IconComponent = props.IconComponent,
27522 IconComponent = _props$IconComponent === void 0 ? ArrowDropDownIcon : _props$IconComponent,
27523 _props$input = props.input,
27524 input = _props$input === void 0 ? defaultInput : _props$input,
27525 inputProps = props.inputProps,
27526 variant = props.variant,
27527 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "IconComponent", "input", "inputProps", "variant"]);
27529 var muiFormControl = useFormControl$1();
27530 var fcs = formControlState({
27531 props: props,
27532 muiFormControl: muiFormControl,
27533 states: ['variant']
27534 });
27535 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(input, _extends({
27536 // Most of the logic is implemented in `NativeSelectInput`.
27537 // The `Select` component is a simple API wrapper to expose something better to play with.
27538 inputComponent: NativeSelectInput,
27539 inputProps: _extends({
27540 children: children,
27541 classes: classes,
27542 IconComponent: IconComponent,
27543 variant: fcs.variant,
27544 type: undefined
27545 }, inputProps, input ? input.props.inputProps : {}),
27546 ref: ref
27547 }, other));
27548 });
27549 NativeSelect.propTypes = {
27550 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
27551 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
27552 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
27553 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27555 /**
27556 * The option elements to populate the select with.
27557 * Can be some `<option>` elements.
27558 */
27559 children: propTypes.node,
27561 /**
27562 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
27563 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
27564 */
27565 classes: propTypes.object,
27567 /**
27568 * The icon that displays the arrow.
27569 */
27570 IconComponent: propTypes.elementType,
27572 /**
27573 * An `Input` element; does not have to be a material-ui specific `Input`.
27574 */
27575 input: propTypes.element,
27577 /**
27578 * Attributes applied to the `select` element.
27579 */
27580 inputProps: propTypes.object,
27582 /**
27583 * Callback function fired when a menu item is selected.
27584 *
27585 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
27586 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
27587 */
27588 onChange: propTypes.func,
27590 /**
27591 * The input value. The DOM API casts this to a string.
27592 */
27593 value: propTypes.any,
27595 /**
27596 * The variant to use.
27597 */
27598 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['filled', 'outlined', 'standard'])
27599 } ;
27600 NativeSelect.muiName = 'Select';
27601 var NativeSelect$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1i, {
27602 name: 'MuiNativeSelect'
27603 })(NativeSelect);
27605 var useEnhancedEffect$8 = typeof window !== 'undefined' && "development" !== 'test' ? React.useLayoutEffect : React.useEffect;
27606 /**
27607 * NoSsr purposely removes components from the subject of Server Side Rendering (SSR).
27608 *
27609 * This component can be useful in a variety of situations:
27610 * - Escape hatch for broken dependencies not supporting SSR.
27611 * - Improve the time-to-first paint on the client by only rendering above the fold.
27612 * - Reduce the rendering time on the server.
27613 * - Under too heavy server load, you can turn on service degradation.
27614 */
27616 function NoSsr(props) {
27617 var children = props.children,
27618 _props$defer = props.defer,
27619 defer = _props$defer === void 0 ? false : _props$defer,
27620 _props$fallback = props.fallback,
27621 fallback = _props$fallback === void 0 ? null : _props$fallback;
27623 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
27624 mountedState = _React$useState[0],
27625 setMountedState = _React$useState[1];
27627 useEnhancedEffect$8(function () {
27628 if (!defer) {
27629 setMountedState(true);
27630 }
27631 }, [defer]);
27632 React.useEffect(function () {
27633 if (defer) {
27634 setMountedState(true);
27635 }
27636 }, [defer]); // We need the Fragment here to force react-docgen to recognise NoSsr as a component.
27638 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, mountedState ? children : fallback);
27639 }
27641 NoSsr.propTypes = {
27642 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
27643 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
27644 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
27645 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27647 /**
27648 * You can wrap a node.
27649 */
27650 children: propTypes.node,
27652 /**
27653 * If `true`, the component will not only prevent server-side rendering.
27654 * It will also defer the rendering of the children into a different screen frame.
27655 */
27656 defer: propTypes.bool,
27658 /**
27659 * The fallback content to display.
27660 */
27661 fallback: propTypes.node
27662 } ;
27664 {
27665 // eslint-disable-next-line
27666 NoSsr['propTypes' + ''] = exactProp(NoSsr.propTypes);
27667 }
27669 var styles$1j = function styles(theme) {
27670 return {
27671 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
27672 root: {
27673 position: 'absolute',
27674 bottom: 0,
27675 right: 0,
27676 top: -5,
27677 left: 0,
27678 margin: 0,
27679 padding: '0 8px',
27680 pointerEvents: 'none',
27681 borderRadius: 'inherit',
27682 borderStyle: 'solid',
27683 borderWidth: 1,
27684 overflow: 'hidden'
27685 },
27687 /* Styles applied to the legend element when `labelWidth` is provided. */
27688 legend: {
27689 textAlign: 'left',
27690 padding: 0,
27691 lineHeight: '11px',
27692 // sync with `height` in `legend` styles
27693 transition: theme.transitions.create('width', {
27694 duration: 150,
27695 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
27696 })
27697 },
27699 /* Styles applied to the legend element. */
27700 legendLabelled: {
27701 display: 'block',
27702 width: 'auto',
27703 textAlign: 'left',
27704 padding: 0,
27705 height: 11,
27706 // sync with `lineHeight` in `legend` styles
27707 fontSize: '0.75em',
27708 visibility: 'hidden',
27709 maxWidth: 0.01,
27710 transition: theme.transitions.create('max-width', {
27711 duration: 50,
27712 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut
27713 }),
27714 '& > span': {
27715 paddingLeft: 5,
27716 paddingRight: 5,
27717 display: 'inline-block'
27718 }
27719 },
27721 /* Styles applied to the legend element is notched. */
27722 legendNotched: {
27723 maxWidth: 1000,
27724 transition: theme.transitions.create('max-width', {
27725 duration: 100,
27726 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut,
27727 delay: 50
27728 })
27729 }
27730 };
27731 };
27732 /**
27733 * @ignore - internal component.
27734 */
27736 var NotchedOutline = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function NotchedOutline(props, ref) {
27737 var children = props.children,
27738 classes = props.classes,
27739 className = props.className,
27740 label = props.label,
27741 labelWidthProp = props.labelWidth,
27742 notched = props.notched,
27743 style = props.style,
27744 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "classes", "className", "label", "labelWidth", "notched", "style"]);
27746 var theme = useTheme$1();
27747 var align = theme.direction === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left';
27749 if (label !== undefined) {
27750 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("fieldset", _extends({
27751 "aria-hidden": true,
27752 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
27753 ref: ref,
27754 style: style
27755 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("legend", {
27756 className: clsx(classes.legendLabelled, notched && classes.legendNotched)
27757 }, label ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", null, label) : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
27758 dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
27759 __html: '&#8203;'
27760 }
27761 })));
27762 }
27764 var labelWidth = labelWidthProp > 0 ? labelWidthProp * 0.75 + 8 : 0.01;
27765 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("fieldset", _extends({
27766 "aria-hidden": true,
27767 style: _extends(_defineProperty({}, "padding".concat(capitalize(align)), 8), style),
27768 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
27769 ref: ref
27770 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("legend", {
27771 className: classes.legend,
27772 style: {
27773 // IE 11: fieldset with legend does not render
27774 // a border radius. This maintains consistency
27775 // by always having a legend rendered
27776 width: notched ? labelWidth : 0.01
27777 }
27778 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
27779 dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
27780 __html: '&#8203;'
27781 }
27782 })));
27783 });
27784 NotchedOutline.propTypes = {
27785 /**
27786 * The content of the component.
27787 */
27788 children: propTypes.node,
27790 /**
27791 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
27792 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
27793 */
27794 classes: propTypes.object,
27796 /**
27797 * @ignore
27798 */
27799 className: propTypes.string,
27801 /**
27802 * The label.
27803 */
27804 label: propTypes.node,
27806 /**
27807 * The width of the label.
27808 */
27809 labelWidth: propTypes.number.isRequired,
27811 /**
27812 * If `true`, the outline is notched to accommodate the label.
27813 */
27814 notched: propTypes.bool.isRequired,
27816 /**
27817 * @ignore
27818 */
27819 style: propTypes.object
27820 } ;
27821 var NotchedOutline$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1j, {
27822 name: 'PrivateNotchedOutline'
27823 })(NotchedOutline);
27825 var styles$1k = function styles(theme) {
27826 var borderColor = theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)';
27827 return {
27828 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
27829 root: {
27830 position: 'relative',
27831 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
27832 '&:hover $notchedOutline': {
27833 borderColor: theme.palette.text.primary
27834 },
27835 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
27836 '@media (hover: none)': {
27837 '&:hover $notchedOutline': {
27838 borderColor: borderColor
27839 }
27840 },
27841 '&$focused $notchedOutline': {
27842 borderColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
27843 borderWidth: 2
27844 },
27845 '&$error $notchedOutline': {
27846 borderColor: theme.palette.error.main
27847 },
27848 '&$disabled $notchedOutline': {
27849 borderColor: theme.palette.action.disabled
27850 }
27851 },
27853 /* Styles applied to the root element if the color is secondary. */
27854 colorSecondary: {
27855 '&$focused $notchedOutline': {
27856 borderColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
27857 }
27858 },
27860 /* Styles applied to the root element if the component is focused. */
27861 focused: {},
27863 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
27864 disabled: {},
27866 /* Styles applied to the root element if `startAdornment` is provided. */
27867 adornedStart: {
27868 paddingLeft: 14
27869 },
27871 /* Styles applied to the root element if `endAdornment` is provided. */
27872 adornedEnd: {
27873 paddingRight: 14
27874 },
27876 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
27877 error: {},
27879 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
27880 marginDense: {},
27882 /* Styles applied to the root element if `multiline={true}`. */
27883 multiline: {
27884 padding: '18.5px 14px',
27885 '&$marginDense': {
27886 paddingTop: 10.5,
27887 paddingBottom: 10.5
27888 }
27889 },
27891 /* Styles applied to the `NotchedOutline` element. */
27892 notchedOutline: {
27893 borderColor: borderColor
27894 },
27896 /* Styles applied to the `input` element. */
27897 input: {
27898 padding: '18.5px 14px',
27899 '&:-webkit-autofill': {
27900 WebkitBoxShadow: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? null : '0 0 0 100px #266798 inset',
27901 WebkitTextFillColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? null : '#fff',
27902 caretColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? null : '#fff',
27903 borderRadius: 'inherit'
27904 }
27905 },
27907 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `margin="dense"`. */
27908 inputMarginDense: {
27909 paddingTop: 10.5,
27910 paddingBottom: 10.5
27911 },
27913 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `multiline={true}`. */
27914 inputMultiline: {
27915 padding: 0
27916 },
27918 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `startAdornment` is provided. */
27919 inputAdornedStart: {
27920 paddingLeft: 0
27921 },
27923 /* Styles applied to the `input` element if `endAdornment` is provided. */
27924 inputAdornedEnd: {
27925 paddingRight: 0
27926 }
27927 };
27928 };
27929 var OutlinedInput = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function OutlinedInput(props, ref) {
27930 var classes = props.classes,
27931 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
27932 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
27933 _props$inputComponent = props.inputComponent,
27934 inputComponent = _props$inputComponent === void 0 ? 'input' : _props$inputComponent,
27935 label = props.label,
27936 _props$labelWidth = props.labelWidth,
27937 labelWidth = _props$labelWidth === void 0 ? 0 : _props$labelWidth,
27938 _props$multiline = props.multiline,
27939 multiline = _props$multiline === void 0 ? false : _props$multiline,
27940 notched = props.notched,
27941 _props$type = props.type,
27942 type = _props$type === void 0 ? 'text' : _props$type,
27943 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "fullWidth", "inputComponent", "label", "labelWidth", "multiline", "notched", "type"]);
27945 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InputBase$1, _extends({
27946 renderSuffix: function renderSuffix(state) {
27947 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(NotchedOutline$1, {
27948 className: classes.notchedOutline,
27949 label: label,
27950 labelWidth: labelWidth,
27951 notched: typeof notched !== 'undefined' ? notched : Boolean(state.startAdornment || state.filled || state.focused)
27952 });
27953 },
27954 classes: _extends({}, classes, {
27955 root: clsx(classes.root, classes.underline),
27956 notchedOutline: null
27957 }),
27958 fullWidth: fullWidth,
27959 inputComponent: inputComponent,
27960 multiline: multiline,
27961 ref: ref,
27962 type: type
27963 }, other));
27964 });
27965 OutlinedInput.propTypes = {
27966 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
27967 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
27968 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
27969 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27971 /**
27972 * This prop helps users to fill forms faster, especially on mobile devices.
27973 * The name can be confusing, as it's more like an autofill.
27974 * You can learn more about it [following the specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill).
27975 */
27976 autoComplete: propTypes.string,
27978 /**
27979 * If `true`, the `input` element will be focused during the first mount.
27980 */
27981 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
27983 /**
27984 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
27985 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
27986 */
27987 classes: propTypes.object,
27989 /**
27990 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
27991 */
27992 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
27994 /**
27995 * The default `input` element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
27996 */
27997 defaultValue: propTypes.any,
27999 /**
28000 * If `true`, the `input` element will be disabled.
28001 */
28002 disabled: propTypes.bool,
28004 /**
28005 * End `InputAdornment` for this component.
28006 */
28007 endAdornment: propTypes.node,
28009 /**
28010 * If `true`, the input will indicate an error. This is normally obtained via context from
28011 * FormControl.
28012 */
28013 error: propTypes.bool,
28015 /**
28016 * If `true`, the input will take up the full width of its container.
28017 */
28018 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
28020 /**
28021 * The id of the `input` element.
28022 */
28023 id: propTypes.string,
28025 /**
28026 * The component used for the `input` element.
28027 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
28028 */
28029 inputComponent: propTypes.elementType,
28031 /**
28032 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
28033 */
28034 inputProps: propTypes.object,
28036 /**
28037 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
28038 */
28039 inputRef: refType,
28041 /**
28042 * The label of the input. It is only used for layout. The actual labelling
28043 * is handled by `InputLabel`. If specified `labelWidth` is ignored.
28044 */
28045 label: propTypes.node,
28047 /**
28048 * The width of the label. Is ignored if `label` is provided. Prefer `label`
28049 * if the input label appears with a strike through.
28050 */
28051 labelWidth: propTypes.number,
28053 /**
28054 * If `dense`, will adjust vertical spacing. This is normally obtained via context from
28055 * FormControl.
28056 */
28057 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense', 'none']),
28059 /**
28060 * Maximum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
28061 */
28062 maxRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
28064 /**
28065 * If `true`, a textarea element will be rendered.
28066 */
28067 multiline: propTypes.bool,
28069 /**
28070 * Name attribute of the `input` element.
28071 */
28072 name: propTypes.string,
28074 /**
28075 * If `true`, the outline is notched to accommodate the label.
28076 */
28077 notched: propTypes.bool,
28079 /**
28080 * Callback fired when the value is changed.
28081 *
28082 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
28083 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
28084 */
28085 onChange: propTypes.func,
28087 /**
28088 * The short hint displayed in the input before the user enters a value.
28089 */
28090 placeholder: propTypes.string,
28092 /**
28093 * It prevents the user from changing the value of the field
28094 * (not from interacting with the field).
28095 */
28096 readOnly: propTypes.bool,
28098 /**
28099 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
28100 */
28101 required: propTypes.bool,
28103 /**
28104 * Number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
28105 */
28106 rows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
28108 /**
28109 * Start `InputAdornment` for this component.
28110 */
28111 startAdornment: propTypes.node,
28113 /**
28114 * Type of the `input` element. It should be [a valid HTML5 input type](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Form_%3Cinput%3E_types).
28115 */
28116 type: propTypes.string,
28118 /**
28119 * The value of the `input` element, required for a controlled component.
28120 */
28121 value: propTypes.any
28122 } ;
28123 OutlinedInput.muiName = 'Input';
28124 var OutlinedInput$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1k, {
28125 name: 'MuiOutlinedInput'
28126 })(OutlinedInput);
28128 /**!
28129 * @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements.
28130 * @version 1.16.1-lts
28131 * @license
28132 * Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors
28133 *
28134 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
28135 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
28136 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
28137 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
28138 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
28139 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
28140 *
28141 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
28142 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
28143 *
28150 * SOFTWARE.
28151 */
28152 var isBrowser$1 = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator !== 'undefined';
28154 var timeoutDuration = function () {
28155 var longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];
28156 for (var i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {
28157 if (isBrowser$1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {
28158 return 1;
28159 }
28160 }
28161 return 0;
28162 }();
28164 function microtaskDebounce(fn) {
28165 var called = false;
28166 return function () {
28167 if (called) {
28168 return;
28169 }
28170 called = true;
28171 window.Promise.resolve().then(function () {
28172 called = false;
28173 fn();
28174 });
28175 };
28176 }
28178 function taskDebounce(fn) {
28179 var scheduled = false;
28180 return function () {
28181 if (!scheduled) {
28182 scheduled = true;
28183 setTimeout(function () {
28184 scheduled = false;
28185 fn();
28186 }, timeoutDuration);
28187 }
28188 };
28189 }
28191 var supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser$1 && window.Promise;
28193 /**
28194 * Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred
28195 * but called in the minimum time possible.
28196 *
28197 * @method
28198 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28199 * @argument {Function} fn
28200 * @returns {Function}
28201 */
28202 var debounce$1 = supportsMicroTasks ? microtaskDebounce : taskDebounce;
28204 /**
28205 * Check if the given variable is a function
28206 * @method
28207 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28208 * @argument {Any} functionToCheck - variable to check
28209 * @returns {Boolean} answer to: is a function?
28210 */
28211 function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
28212 var getType = {};
28213 return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';
28214 }
28216 /**
28217 * Get CSS computed property of the given element
28218 * @method
28219 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28220 * @argument {Eement} element
28221 * @argument {String} property
28222 */
28223 function getStyleComputedProperty(element, property) {
28224 if (element.nodeType !== 1) {
28225 return [];
28226 }
28227 // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
28228 var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
28229 var css = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
28230 return property ? css[property] : css;
28231 }
28233 /**
28234 * Returns the parentNode or the host of the element
28235 * @method
28236 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28237 * @argument {Element} element
28238 * @returns {Element} parent
28239 */
28240 function getParentNode(element) {
28241 if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
28242 return element;
28243 }
28244 return element.parentNode || element.host;
28245 }
28247 /**
28248 * Returns the scrolling parent of the given element
28249 * @method
28250 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28251 * @argument {Element} element
28252 * @returns {Element} scroll parent
28253 */
28254 function getScrollParent$1(element) {
28255 // Return body, `getScroll` will take care to get the correct `scrollTop` from it
28256 if (!element) {
28257 return document.body;
28258 }
28260 switch (element.nodeName) {
28261 case 'HTML':
28262 case 'BODY':
28263 return element.ownerDocument.body;
28264 case '#document':
28265 return element.body;
28266 }
28268 // Firefox want us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well
28270 var _getStyleComputedProp = getStyleComputedProperty(element),
28271 overflow = _getStyleComputedProp.overflow,
28272 overflowX = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowX,
28273 overflowY = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowY;
28275 if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) {
28276 return element;
28277 }
28279 return getScrollParent$1(getParentNode(element));
28280 }
28282 /**
28283 * Returns the reference node of the reference object, or the reference object itself.
28284 * @method
28285 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28286 * @param {Element|Object} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)
28287 * @returns {Element} parent
28288 */
28289 function getReferenceNode(reference) {
28290 return reference && reference.referenceNode ? reference.referenceNode : reference;
28291 }
28293 var isIE11 = isBrowser$1 && !!(window.MSInputMethodContext && document.documentMode);
28294 var isIE10 = isBrowser$1 && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent);
28296 /**
28297 * Determines if the browser is Internet Explorer
28298 * @method
28299 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28300 * @param {Number} version to check
28301 * @returns {Boolean} isIE
28302 */
28303 function isIE(version) {
28304 if (version === 11) {
28305 return isIE11;
28306 }
28307 if (version === 10) {
28308 return isIE10;
28309 }
28310 return isIE11 || isIE10;
28311 }
28313 /**
28314 * Returns the offset parent of the given element
28315 * @method
28316 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28317 * @argument {Element} element
28318 * @returns {Element} offset parent
28319 */
28320 function getOffsetParent(element) {
28321 if (!element) {
28322 return document.documentElement;
28323 }
28325 var noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;
28327 // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
28328 var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || null;
28329 // Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent
28330 while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {
28331 offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;
28332 }
28334 var nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;
28336 if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
28337 return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;
28338 }
28340 // .offsetParent will return the closest TH, TD or TABLE in case
28341 // no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...
28342 if (['TH', 'TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 && getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
28343 return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);
28344 }
28346 return offsetParent;
28347 }
28349 function isOffsetContainer(element) {
28350 var nodeName = element.nodeName;
28352 if (nodeName === 'BODY') {
28353 return false;
28354 }
28355 return nodeName === 'HTML' || getOffsetParent(element.firstElementChild) === element;
28356 }
28358 /**
28359 * Finds the root node (document, shadowDOM root) of the given element
28360 * @method
28361 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28362 * @argument {Element} node
28363 * @returns {Element} root node
28364 */
28365 function getRoot(node) {
28366 if (node.parentNode !== null) {
28367 return getRoot(node.parentNode);
28368 }
28370 return node;
28371 }
28373 /**
28374 * Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes
28375 * @method
28376 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28377 * @argument {Element} element1
28378 * @argument {Element} element2
28379 * @returns {Element} common offset parent
28380 */
28381 function findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {
28382 // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
28383 if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {
28384 return document.documentElement;
28385 }
28387 // Here we make sure to give as "start" the element that comes first in the DOM
28388 var order = element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING;
28389 var start = order ? element1 : element2;
28390 var end = order ? element2 : element1;
28392 // Get common ancestor container
28393 var range = document.createRange();
28394 range.setStart(start, 0);
28395 range.setEnd(end, 0);
28396 var commonAncestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;
28398 // Both nodes are inside #document
28400 if (element1 !== commonAncestorContainer && element2 !== commonAncestorContainer || start.contains(end)) {
28401 if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {
28402 return commonAncestorContainer;
28403 }
28405 return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);
28406 }
28408 // one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one
28409 var element1root = getRoot(element1);
28410 if (element1root.host) {
28411 return findCommonOffsetParent(element1root.host, element2);
28412 } else {
28413 return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);
28414 }
28415 }
28417 /**
28418 * Gets the scroll value of the given element in the given side (top and left)
28419 * @method
28420 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28421 * @argument {Element} element
28422 * @argument {String} side `top` or `left`
28423 * @returns {number} amount of scrolled pixels
28424 */
28425 function getScroll(element) {
28426 var side = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'top';
28428 var upperSide = side === 'top' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';
28429 var nodeName = element.nodeName;
28431 if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
28432 var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
28433 var scrollingElement = element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || html;
28434 return scrollingElement[upperSide];
28435 }
28437 return element[upperSide];
28438 }
28440 /*
28441 * Sum or subtract the element scroll values (left and top) from a given rect object
28442 * @method
28443 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28444 * @param {Object} rect - Rect object you want to change
28445 * @param {HTMLElement} element - The element from the function reads the scroll values
28446 * @param {Boolean} subtract - set to true if you want to subtract the scroll values
28447 * @return {Object} rect - The modifier rect object
28448 */
28449 function includeScroll(rect, element) {
28450 var subtract = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
28452 var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
28453 var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
28454 var modifier = subtract ? -1 : 1;
28455 rect.top += scrollTop * modifier;
28456 rect.bottom += scrollTop * modifier;
28457 rect.left += scrollLeft * modifier;
28458 rect.right += scrollLeft * modifier;
28459 return rect;
28460 }
28462 /*
28463 * Helper to detect borders of a given element
28464 * @method
28465 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28466 * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles
28467 * Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element
28468 * @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`
28469 * @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis
28470 */
28472 function getBordersSize(styles, axis) {
28473 var sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';
28474 var sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';
28476 return parseFloat(styles['border' + sideA + 'Width']) + parseFloat(styles['border' + sideB + 'Width']);
28477 }
28479 function getSize(axis, body, html, computedStyle) {
28480 return Math.max(body['offset' + axis], body['scroll' + axis], html['client' + axis], html['offset' + axis], html['scroll' + axis], isIE(10) ? parseInt(html['offset' + axis]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Top' : 'Left')]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')]) : 0);
28481 }
28483 function getWindowSizes(document) {
28484 var body = document.body;
28485 var html = document.documentElement;
28486 var computedStyle = isIE(10) && getComputedStyle(html);
28488 return {
28489 height: getSize('Height', body, html, computedStyle),
28490 width: getSize('Width', body, html, computedStyle)
28491 };
28492 }
28494 var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {
28495 if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
28496 throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
28497 }
28498 };
28500 var createClass = function () {
28501 function defineProperties(target, props) {
28502 for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
28503 var descriptor = props[i];
28504 descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
28505 descriptor.configurable = true;
28506 if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
28507 Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
28508 }
28509 }
28511 return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
28512 if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
28513 if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
28514 return Constructor;
28515 };
28516 }();
28522 var defineProperty$1 = function (obj, key, value) {
28523 if (key in obj) {
28524 Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
28525 value: value,
28526 enumerable: true,
28527 configurable: true,
28528 writable: true
28529 });
28530 } else {
28531 obj[key] = value;
28532 }
28534 return obj;
28535 };
28537 var _extends$1 = Object.assign || function (target) {
28538 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
28539 var source = arguments[i];
28541 for (var key in source) {
28542 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
28543 target[key] = source[key];
28544 }
28545 }
28546 }
28548 return target;
28549 };
28551 /**
28552 * Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect
28553 * @method
28554 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28555 * @argument {Object} offsets
28556 * @returns {Object} ClientRect like output
28557 */
28558 function getClientRect(offsets) {
28559 return _extends$1({}, offsets, {
28560 right: offsets.left + offsets.width,
28561 bottom: offsets.top + offsets.height
28562 });
28563 }
28565 /**
28566 * Get bounding client rect of given element
28567 * @method
28568 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28569 * @param {HTMLElement} element
28570 * @return {Object} client rect
28571 */
28572 function getBoundingClientRect(element) {
28573 var rect = {};
28575 // IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't
28576 // considered in DOM in some circumstances...
28577 // This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11
28578 try {
28579 if (isIE(10)) {
28580 rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
28581 var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
28582 var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
28583 rect.top += scrollTop;
28584 rect.left += scrollLeft;
28585 rect.bottom += scrollTop;
28586 rect.right += scrollLeft;
28587 } else {
28588 rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
28589 }
28590 } catch (e) {}
28592 var result = {
28593 left: rect.left,
28594 top: rect.top,
28595 width: rect.right - rect.left,
28596 height: rect.bottom - rect.top
28597 };
28599 // subtract scrollbar size from sizes
28600 var sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument) : {};
28601 var width = sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.width;
28602 var height = sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.height;
28604 var horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;
28605 var vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;
28607 // if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`
28608 // we make this check conditional for performance reasons
28609 if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {
28610 var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);
28611 horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');
28612 vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');
28614 result.width -= horizScrollbar;
28615 result.height -= vertScrollbar;
28616 }
28618 return getClientRect(result);
28619 }
28621 function getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent) {
28622 var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
28624 var isIE10 = isIE(10);
28625 var isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';
28626 var childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);
28627 var parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);
28628 var scrollParent = getScrollParent$1(children);
28630 var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);
28631 var borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth);
28632 var borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth);
28634 // In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc
28635 if (fixedPosition && isHTML) {
28636 parentRect.top = Math.max(parentRect.top, 0);
28637 parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);
28638 }
28639 var offsets = getClientRect({
28640 top: childrenRect.top - parentRect.top - borderTopWidth,
28641 left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,
28642 width: childrenRect.width,
28643 height: childrenRect.height
28644 });
28645 offsets.marginTop = 0;
28646 offsets.marginLeft = 0;
28648 // Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent
28649 // we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves
28650 // differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in
28651 // the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.
28652 if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {
28653 var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop);
28654 var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft);
28656 offsets.top -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
28657 offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
28658 offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
28659 offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
28661 // Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them
28662 offsets.marginTop = marginTop;
28663 offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;
28664 }
28666 if (isIE10 && !fixedPosition ? parent.contains(scrollParent) : parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY') {
28667 offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);
28668 }
28670 return offsets;
28671 }
28673 function getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(element) {
28674 var excludeScroll = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
28676 var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
28677 var relativeOffset = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(element, html);
28678 var width = Math.max(html.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
28679 var height = Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
28681 var scrollTop = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html) : 0;
28682 var scrollLeft = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html, 'left') : 0;
28684 var offset = {
28685 top: scrollTop - relativeOffset.top + relativeOffset.marginTop,
28686 left: scrollLeft - relativeOffset.left + relativeOffset.marginLeft,
28687 width: width,
28688 height: height
28689 };
28691 return getClientRect(offset);
28692 }
28694 /**
28695 * Check if the given element is fixed or is inside a fixed parent
28696 * @method
28697 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28698 * @argument {Element} element
28699 * @argument {Element} customContainer
28700 * @returns {Boolean} answer to "isFixed?"
28701 */
28702 function isFixed(element) {
28703 var nodeName = element.nodeName;
28704 if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
28705 return false;
28706 }
28707 if (getStyleComputedProperty(element, 'position') === 'fixed') {
28708 return true;
28709 }
28710 var parentNode = getParentNode(element);
28711 if (!parentNode) {
28712 return false;
28713 }
28714 return isFixed(parentNode);
28715 }
28717 /**
28718 * Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined
28719 * @method
28720 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28721 * @argument {Element} element
28722 * @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement
28723 */
28725 function getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {
28726 // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
28727 if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {
28728 return document.documentElement;
28729 }
28730 var el = element.parentElement;
28731 while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {
28732 el = el.parentElement;
28733 }
28734 return el || document.documentElement;
28735 }
28737 /**
28738 * Computed the boundaries limits and return them
28739 * @method
28740 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28741 * @param {HTMLElement} popper
28742 * @param {HTMLElement} reference
28743 * @param {number} padding
28744 * @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries
28745 * @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode
28746 * @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries
28747 */
28748 function getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement) {
28749 var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
28751 // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
28753 var boundaries = { top: 0, left: 0 };
28754 var offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));
28756 // Handle viewport case
28757 if (boundariesElement === 'viewport') {
28758 boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);
28759 } else {
28760 // Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries
28761 var boundariesNode = void 0;
28762 if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {
28763 boundariesNode = getScrollParent$1(getParentNode(reference));
28764 if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {
28765 boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
28766 }
28767 } else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {
28768 boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
28769 } else {
28770 boundariesNode = boundariesElement;
28771 }
28773 var offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(boundariesNode, offsetParent, fixedPosition);
28775 // In case of HTML, we need a different computation
28776 if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {
28777 var _getWindowSizes = getWindowSizes(popper.ownerDocument),
28778 height = _getWindowSizes.height,
28779 width = _getWindowSizes.width;
28781 boundaries.top += offsets.top - offsets.marginTop;
28782 boundaries.bottom = height + offsets.top;
28783 boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;
28784 boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;
28785 } else {
28786 // for all the other DOM elements, this one is good
28787 boundaries = offsets;
28788 }
28789 }
28791 // Add paddings
28792 padding = padding || 0;
28793 var isPaddingNumber = typeof padding === 'number';
28794 boundaries.left += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.left || 0;
28795 boundaries.top += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.top || 0;
28796 boundaries.right -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.right || 0;
28797 boundaries.bottom -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.bottom || 0;
28799 return boundaries;
28800 }
28802 function getArea(_ref) {
28803 var width = _ref.width,
28804 height = _ref.height;
28806 return width * height;
28807 }
28809 /**
28810 * Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more
28811 * available space.
28812 * @method
28813 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28814 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
28815 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
28816 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
28817 */
28818 function computeAutoPlacement(placement, refRect, popper, reference, boundariesElement) {
28819 var padding = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 0;
28821 if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {
28822 return placement;
28823 }
28825 var boundaries = getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement);
28827 var rects = {
28828 top: {
28829 width: boundaries.width,
28830 height: refRect.top - boundaries.top
28831 },
28832 right: {
28833 width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,
28834 height: boundaries.height
28835 },
28836 bottom: {
28837 width: boundaries.width,
28838 height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom
28839 },
28840 left: {
28841 width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,
28842 height: boundaries.height
28843 }
28844 };
28846 var sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects).map(function (key) {
28847 return _extends$1({
28848 key: key
28849 }, rects[key], {
28850 area: getArea(rects[key])
28851 });
28852 }).sort(function (a, b) {
28853 return b.area - a.area;
28854 });
28856 var filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(function (_ref2) {
28857 var width = _ref2.width,
28858 height = _ref2.height;
28859 return width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight;
28860 });
28862 var computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0 ? filteredAreas[0].key : sortedAreas[0].key;
28864 var variation = placement.split('-')[1];
28866 return computedPlacement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
28867 }
28869 /**
28870 * Get offsets to the reference element
28871 * @method
28872 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28873 * @param {Object} state
28874 * @param {Element} popper - the popper element
28875 * @param {Element} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)
28876 * @param {Element} fixedPosition - is in fixed position mode
28877 * @returns {Object} An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
28878 */
28879 function getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference) {
28880 var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;
28882 var commonOffsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));
28883 return getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(reference, commonOffsetParent, fixedPosition);
28884 }
28886 /**
28887 * Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)
28888 * @method
28889 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28890 * @argument {Element} element
28891 * @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties
28892 */
28893 function getOuterSizes(element) {
28894 var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
28895 var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
28896 var x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom || 0);
28897 var y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight || 0);
28898 var result = {
28899 width: element.offsetWidth + y,
28900 height: element.offsetHeight + x
28901 };
28902 return result;
28903 }
28905 /**
28906 * Get the opposite placement of the given one
28907 * @method
28908 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28909 * @argument {String} placement
28910 * @returns {String} flipped placement
28911 */
28912 function getOppositePlacement(placement) {
28913 var hash = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };
28914 return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (matched) {
28915 return hash[matched];
28916 });
28917 }
28919 /**
28920 * Get offsets to the popper
28921 * @method
28922 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28923 * @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied
28924 * @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element
28925 * @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)
28926 * @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options
28927 * @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
28928 */
28929 function getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {
28930 placement = placement.split('-')[0];
28932 // Get popper node sizes
28933 var popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);
28935 // Add position, width and height to our offsets object
28936 var popperOffsets = {
28937 width: popperRect.width,
28938 height: popperRect.height
28939 };
28941 // depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently
28942 var isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
28943 var mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';
28944 var secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';
28945 var measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
28946 var secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
28948 popperOffsets[mainSide] = referenceOffsets[mainSide] + referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 - popperRect[measurement] / 2;
28949 if (placement === secondarySide) {
28950 popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];
28951 } else {
28952 popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[getOppositePlacement(secondarySide)];
28953 }
28955 return popperOffsets;
28956 }
28958 /**
28959 * Mimics the `find` method of Array
28960 * @method
28961 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28962 * @argument {Array} arr
28963 * @argument prop
28964 * @argument value
28965 * @returns index or -1
28966 */
28967 function find(arr, check) {
28968 // use native find if supported
28969 if (Array.prototype.find) {
28970 return arr.find(check);
28971 }
28973 // use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`
28974 return arr.filter(check)[0];
28975 }
28977 /**
28978 * Return the index of the matching object
28979 * @method
28980 * @memberof Popper.Utils
28981 * @argument {Array} arr
28982 * @argument prop
28983 * @argument value
28984 * @returns index or -1
28985 */
28986 function findIndex(arr, prop, value) {
28987 // use native findIndex if supported
28988 if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {
28989 return arr.findIndex(function (cur) {
28990 return cur[prop] === value;
28991 });
28992 }
28994 // use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported
28995 var match = find(arr, function (obj) {
28996 return obj[prop] === value;
28997 });
28998 return arr.indexOf(match);
28999 }
29001 /**
29002 * Loop trough the list of modifiers and run them in order,
29003 * each of them will then edit the data object.
29004 * @method
29005 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29006 * @param {dataObject} data
29007 * @param {Array} modifiers
29008 * @param {String} ends - Optional modifier name used as stopper
29009 * @returns {dataObject}
29010 */
29011 function runModifiers(modifiers, data, ends) {
29012 var modifiersToRun = ends === undefined ? modifiers : modifiers.slice(0, findIndex(modifiers, 'name', ends));
29014 modifiersToRun.forEach(function (modifier) {
29015 if (modifier['function']) {
29016 // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
29017 console.warn('`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!');
29018 }
29019 var fn = modifier['function'] || modifier.fn; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
29020 if (modifier.enabled && isFunction(fn)) {
29021 // Add properties to offsets to make them a complete clientRect object
29022 // we do this before each modifier to make sure the previous one doesn't
29023 // mess with these values
29024 data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
29025 data.offsets.reference = getClientRect(data.offsets.reference);
29027 data = fn(data, modifier);
29028 }
29029 });
29031 return data;
29032 }
29034 /**
29035 * Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying
29036 * the new style.<br />
29037 * Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.
29038 * @method
29039 * @memberof Popper
29040 */
29041 function update$1() {
29042 // if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update
29043 if (this.state.isDestroyed) {
29044 return;
29045 }
29047 var data = {
29048 instance: this,
29049 styles: {},
29050 arrowStyles: {},
29051 attributes: {},
29052 flipped: false,
29053 offsets: {}
29054 };
29056 // compute reference element offsets
29057 data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed);
29059 // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
29060 // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
29061 // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
29062 data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(this.options.placement, data.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding);
29064 // store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`
29065 data.originalPlacement = data.placement;
29067 data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;
29069 // compute the popper offsets
29070 data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(this.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement);
29072 data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
29074 // run the modifiers
29075 data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);
29077 // the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback
29078 // the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback
29079 if (!this.state.isCreated) {
29080 this.state.isCreated = true;
29081 this.options.onCreate(data);
29082 } else {
29083 this.options.onUpdate(data);
29084 }
29085 }
29087 /**
29088 * Helper used to know if the given modifier is enabled.
29089 * @method
29090 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29091 * @returns {Boolean}
29092 */
29093 function isModifierEnabled(modifiers, modifierName) {
29094 return modifiers.some(function (_ref) {
29095 var name = _ref.name,
29096 enabled = _ref.enabled;
29097 return enabled && name === modifierName;
29098 });
29099 }
29101 /**
29102 * Get the prefixed supported property name
29103 * @method
29104 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29105 * @argument {String} property (camelCase)
29106 * @returns {String} prefixed property (camelCase or PascalCase, depending on the vendor prefix)
29107 */
29108 function getSupportedPropertyName(property) {
29109 var prefixes = [false, 'ms', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O'];
29110 var upperProp = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);
29112 for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
29113 var prefix = prefixes[i];
29114 var toCheck = prefix ? '' + prefix + upperProp : property;
29115 if (typeof document.body.style[toCheck] !== 'undefined') {
29116 return toCheck;
29117 }
29118 }
29119 return null;
29120 }
29122 /**
29123 * Destroys the popper.
29124 * @method
29125 * @memberof Popper
29126 */
29127 function destroy() {
29128 this.state.isDestroyed = true;
29130 // touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled
29131 if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {
29132 this.popper.removeAttribute('x-placement');
29133 this.popper.style.position = '';
29134 this.popper.style.top = '';
29135 this.popper.style.left = '';
29136 this.popper.style.right = '';
29137 this.popper.style.bottom = '';
29138 this.popper.style.willChange = '';
29139 this.popper.style[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';
29140 }
29142 this.disableEventListeners();
29144 // remove the popper if user explicitly asked for the deletion on destroy
29145 // do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it
29146 if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {
29147 this.popper.parentNode.removeChild(this.popper);
29148 }
29149 return this;
29150 }
29152 /**
29153 * Get the window associated with the element
29154 * @argument {Element} element
29155 * @returns {Window}
29156 */
29157 function getWindow(element) {
29158 var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;
29159 return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView : window;
29160 }
29162 function attachToScrollParents(scrollParent, event, callback, scrollParents) {
29163 var isBody = scrollParent.nodeName === 'BODY';
29164 var target = isBody ? scrollParent.ownerDocument.defaultView : scrollParent;
29165 target.addEventListener(event, callback, { passive: true });
29167 if (!isBody) {
29168 attachToScrollParents(getScrollParent$1(target.parentNode), event, callback, scrollParents);
29169 }
29170 scrollParents.push(target);
29171 }
29173 /**
29174 * Setup needed event listeners used to update the popper position
29175 * @method
29176 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29177 * @private
29178 */
29179 function setupEventListeners(reference, options, state, updateBound) {
29180 // Resize event listener on window
29181 state.updateBound = updateBound;
29182 getWindow(reference).addEventListener('resize', state.updateBound, { passive: true });
29184 // Scroll event listener on scroll parents
29185 var scrollElement = getScrollParent$1(reference);
29186 attachToScrollParents(scrollElement, 'scroll', state.updateBound, state.scrollParents);
29187 state.scrollElement = scrollElement;
29188 state.eventsEnabled = true;
29190 return state;
29191 }
29193 /**
29194 * It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating
29195 * position of the popper element when they are triggered.
29196 * @method
29197 * @memberof Popper
29198 */
29199 function enableEventListeners() {
29200 if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {
29201 this.state = setupEventListeners(this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate);
29202 }
29203 }
29205 /**
29206 * Remove event listeners used to update the popper position
29207 * @method
29208 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29209 * @private
29210 */
29211 function removeEventListeners(reference, state) {
29212 // Remove resize event listener on window
29213 getWindow(reference).removeEventListener('resize', state.updateBound);
29215 // Remove scroll event listener on scroll parents
29216 state.scrollParents.forEach(function (target) {
29217 target.removeEventListener('scroll', state.updateBound);
29218 });
29220 // Reset state
29221 state.updateBound = null;
29222 state.scrollParents = [];
29223 state.scrollElement = null;
29224 state.eventsEnabled = false;
29225 return state;
29226 }
29228 /**
29229 * It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position
29230 * when they are triggered. It also won't trigger `onUpdate` callback anymore,
29231 * unless you call `update` method manually.
29232 * @method
29233 * @memberof Popper
29234 */
29235 function disableEventListeners() {
29236 if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {
29237 cancelAnimationFrame(this.scheduleUpdate);
29238 this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);
29239 }
29240 }
29242 /**
29243 * Tells if a given input is a number
29244 * @method
29245 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29246 * @param {*} input to check
29247 * @return {Boolean}
29248 */
29249 function isNumeric(n) {
29250 return n !== '' && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
29251 }
29253 /**
29254 * Set the style to the given popper
29255 * @method
29256 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29257 * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the style to
29258 * @argument {Object} styles
29259 * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
29260 */
29261 function setStyles(element, styles) {
29262 Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) {
29263 var unit = '';
29264 // add unit if the value is numeric and is one of the following
29265 if (['width', 'height', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(prop) !== -1 && isNumeric(styles[prop])) {
29266 unit = 'px';
29267 }
29268 element.style[prop] = styles[prop] + unit;
29269 });
29270 }
29272 /**
29273 * Set the attributes to the given popper
29274 * @method
29275 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29276 * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the attributes to
29277 * @argument {Object} styles
29278 * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
29279 */
29280 function setAttributes(element, attributes) {
29281 Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (prop) {
29282 var value = attributes[prop];
29283 if (value !== false) {
29284 element.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]);
29285 } else {
29286 element.removeAttribute(prop);
29287 }
29288 });
29289 }
29291 /**
29292 * @function
29293 * @memberof Modifiers
29294 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
29295 * @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element
29296 * @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element
29297 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
29298 * @returns {Object} The same data object
29299 */
29300 function applyStyle(data) {
29301 // any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,
29302 // in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it
29303 // Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous
29304 // lines of this modifier!
29305 setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);
29307 // any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,
29308 // they will be set as HTML attributes of the element
29309 setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);
29311 // if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties
29312 if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {
29313 setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);
29314 }
29316 return data;
29317 }
29319 /**
29320 * Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used
29321 * to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the
29322 * correct popper offsets.
29323 * @method
29324 * @memberof Popper.modifiers
29325 * @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
29326 * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper
29327 * @param {Object} options - Popper.js options
29328 */
29329 function applyStyleOnLoad(reference, popper, options, modifierOptions, state) {
29330 // compute reference element offsets
29331 var referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);
29333 // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
29334 // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
29335 // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
29336 var placement = computeAutoPlacement(options.placement, referenceOffsets, popper, reference, options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, options.modifiers.flip.padding);
29338 popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);
29340 // Apply `position` to popper before anything else because
29341 // without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations
29342 setStyles(popper, { position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' });
29344 return options;
29345 }
29347 /**
29348 * @function
29349 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29350 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
29351 * @argument {Boolean} shouldRound - If the offsets should be rounded at all
29352 * @returns {Object} The popper's position offsets rounded
29353 *
29354 * The tale of pixel-perfect positioning. It's still not 100% perfect, but as
29355 * good as it can be within reason.
29356 * Discussion here: https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/pull/715
29357 *
29358 * Low DPI screens cause a popper to be blurry if not using full pixels (Safari
29359 * as well on High DPI screens).
29360 *
29361 * Firefox prefers no rounding for positioning and does not have blurriness on
29362 * high DPI screens.
29363 *
29364 * Only horizontal placement and left/right values need to be considered.
29365 */
29366 function getRoundedOffsets(data, shouldRound) {
29367 var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
29368 popper = _data$offsets.popper,
29369 reference = _data$offsets.reference;
29370 var round = Math.round,
29371 floor = Math.floor;
29373 var noRound = function noRound(v) {
29374 return v;
29375 };
29377 var referenceWidth = round(reference.width);
29378 var popperWidth = round(popper.width);
29380 var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(data.placement) !== -1;
29381 var isVariation = data.placement.indexOf('-') !== -1;
29382 var sameWidthParity = referenceWidth % 2 === popperWidth % 2;
29383 var bothOddWidth = referenceWidth % 2 === 1 && popperWidth % 2 === 1;
29385 var horizontalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : isVertical || isVariation || sameWidthParity ? round : floor;
29386 var verticalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : round;
29388 return {
29389 left: horizontalToInteger(bothOddWidth && !isVariation && shouldRound ? popper.left - 1 : popper.left),
29390 top: verticalToInteger(popper.top),
29391 bottom: verticalToInteger(popper.bottom),
29392 right: horizontalToInteger(popper.right)
29393 };
29394 }
29396 var isFirefox = isBrowser$1 && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
29398 /**
29399 * @function
29400 * @memberof Modifiers
29401 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
29402 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
29403 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
29404 */
29405 function computeStyle(data, options) {
29406 var x = options.x,
29407 y = options.y;
29408 var popper = data.offsets.popper;
29410 // Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2
29412 var legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
29413 return modifier.name === 'applyStyle';
29414 }).gpuAcceleration;
29415 if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {
29416 console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');
29417 }
29418 var gpuAcceleration = legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined ? legacyGpuAccelerationOption : options.gpuAcceleration;
29420 var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
29421 var offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);
29423 // Styles
29424 var styles = {
29425 position: popper.position
29426 };
29428 var offsets = getRoundedOffsets(data, window.devicePixelRatio < 2 || !isFirefox);
29430 var sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';
29431 var sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
29433 // if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,
29434 // we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we
29435 // automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed
29436 var prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
29438 // now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)
29439 // If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it
29440 // may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content
29441 // overflowing its reference element
29442 // To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow
29443 // the consumer to define the offset origin.
29444 // If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set
29445 // `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of
29446 // its bottom.
29447 var left = void 0,
29448 top = void 0;
29449 if (sideA === 'bottom') {
29450 // when offsetParent is <html> the positioning is relative to the bottom of the screen (excluding the scrollbar)
29451 // and not the bottom of the html element
29452 if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
29453 top = -offsetParent.clientHeight + offsets.bottom;
29454 } else {
29455 top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;
29456 }
29457 } else {
29458 top = offsets.top;
29459 }
29460 if (sideB === 'right') {
29461 if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
29462 left = -offsetParent.clientWidth + offsets.right;
29463 } else {
29464 left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;
29465 }
29466 } else {
29467 left = offsets.left;
29468 }
29469 if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {
29470 styles[prefixedProperty] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)';
29471 styles[sideA] = 0;
29472 styles[sideB] = 0;
29473 styles.willChange = 'transform';
29474 } else {
29475 // othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties
29476 var invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;
29477 var invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;
29478 styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;
29479 styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;
29480 styles.willChange = sideA + ', ' + sideB;
29481 }
29483 // Attributes
29484 var attributes = {
29485 'x-placement': data.placement
29486 };
29488 // Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles
29489 data.attributes = _extends$1({}, attributes, data.attributes);
29490 data.styles = _extends$1({}, styles, data.styles);
29491 data.arrowStyles = _extends$1({}, data.offsets.arrow, data.arrowStyles);
29493 return data;
29494 }
29496 /**
29497 * Helper used to know if the given modifier depends from another one.<br />
29498 * It checks if the needed modifier is listed and enabled.
29499 * @method
29500 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29501 * @param {Array} modifiers - list of modifiers
29502 * @param {String} requestingName - name of requesting modifier
29503 * @param {String} requestedName - name of requested modifier
29504 * @returns {Boolean}
29505 */
29506 function isModifierRequired(modifiers, requestingName, requestedName) {
29507 var requesting = find(modifiers, function (_ref) {
29508 var name = _ref.name;
29509 return name === requestingName;
29510 });
29512 var isRequired = !!requesting && modifiers.some(function (modifier) {
29513 return modifier.name === requestedName && modifier.enabled && modifier.order < requesting.order;
29514 });
29516 if (!isRequired) {
29517 var _requesting = '`' + requestingName + '`';
29518 var requested = '`' + requestedName + '`';
29519 console.warn(requested + ' modifier is required by ' + _requesting + ' modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before ' + _requesting + '!');
29520 }
29521 return isRequired;
29522 }
29524 /**
29525 * @function
29526 * @memberof Modifiers
29527 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
29528 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
29529 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
29530 */
29531 function arrow(data, options) {
29532 var _data$offsets$arrow;
29534 // arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work
29535 if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {
29536 return data;
29537 }
29539 var arrowElement = options.element;
29541 // if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector
29542 if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {
29543 arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);
29545 // if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier
29546 if (!arrowElement) {
29547 return data;
29548 }
29549 } else {
29550 // if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the
29551 // provided DOM node is child of its popper node
29552 if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {
29553 console.warn('WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!');
29554 return data;
29555 }
29556 }
29558 var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
29559 var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
29560 popper = _data$offsets.popper,
29561 reference = _data$offsets.reference;
29563 var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
29565 var len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';
29566 var sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';
29567 var side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();
29568 var altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
29569 var opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';
29570 var arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];
29572 //
29573 // extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its
29574 // reference have enough pixels in conjunction
29575 //
29577 // top/left side
29578 if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {
29579 data.offsets.popper[side] -= popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);
29580 }
29581 // bottom/right side
29582 if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {
29583 data.offsets.popper[side] += reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];
29584 }
29585 data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
29587 // compute center of the popper
29588 var center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;
29590 // Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets
29591 // take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available
29592 var css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);
29593 var popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css['margin' + sideCapitalized]);
29594 var popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css['border' + sideCapitalized + 'Width']);
29595 var sideValue = center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;
29597 // prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper
29598 sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);
29600 data.arrowElement = arrowElement;
29601 data.offsets.arrow = (_data$offsets$arrow = {}, defineProperty$1(_data$offsets$arrow, side, Math.round(sideValue)), defineProperty$1(_data$offsets$arrow, altSide, ''), _data$offsets$arrow);
29603 return data;
29604 }
29606 /**
29607 * Get the opposite placement variation of the given one
29608 * @method
29609 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29610 * @argument {String} placement variation
29611 * @returns {String} flipped placement variation
29612 */
29613 function getOppositeVariation(variation) {
29614 if (variation === 'end') {
29615 return 'start';
29616 } else if (variation === 'start') {
29617 return 'end';
29618 }
29619 return variation;
29620 }
29622 /**
29623 * List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.<br />
29624 * Valid placements are:
29625 * - `auto`
29626 * - `top`
29627 * - `right`
29628 * - `bottom`
29629 * - `left`
29630 *
29631 * Each placement can have a variation from this list:
29632 * - `-start`
29633 * - `-end`
29634 *
29635 * Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right
29636 * written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`
29637 * is right.<br />
29638 * Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.
29639 *
29640 * Some valid examples are:
29641 * - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)
29642 * - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)
29643 * - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)
29644 * - `auto-end` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)
29645 *
29646 * @static
29647 * @type {Array}
29648 * @enum {String}
29649 * @readonly
29650 * @method placements
29651 * @memberof Popper
29652 */
29653 var placements = ['auto-start', 'auto', 'auto-end', 'top-start', 'top', 'top-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'right-end', 'bottom-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'left-end', 'left', 'left-start'];
29655 // Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`
29656 var validPlacements = placements.slice(3);
29658 /**
29659 * Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements
29660 * clockwise (or counter-clockwise).
29661 *
29662 * @method
29663 * @memberof Popper.Utils
29664 * @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)
29665 * @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise
29666 * @returns {Array} placements including their variations
29667 */
29668 function clockwise(placement) {
29669 var counter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
29671 var index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);
29672 var arr = validPlacements.slice(index + 1).concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));
29673 return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;
29674 }
29676 var BEHAVIORS = {
29677 FLIP: 'flip',
29678 CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',
29679 COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise'
29680 };
29682 /**
29683 * @function
29684 * @memberof Modifiers
29685 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
29686 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
29687 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
29688 */
29689 function flip(data, options) {
29690 // if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier
29691 if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {
29692 return data;
29693 }
29695 if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {
29696 // seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides
29697 return data;
29698 }
29700 var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, options.boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
29702 var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
29703 var placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
29704 var variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';
29706 var flipOrder = [];
29708 switch (options.behavior) {
29709 case BEHAVIORS.FLIP:
29710 flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];
29711 break;
29713 flipOrder = clockwise(placement);
29714 break;
29716 flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);
29717 break;
29718 default:
29719 flipOrder = options.behavior;
29720 }
29722 flipOrder.forEach(function (step, index) {
29723 if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {
29724 return data;
29725 }
29727 placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
29728 placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
29730 var popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;
29731 var refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;
29733 // using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here
29734 var floor = Math.floor;
29735 var overlapsRef = placement === 'left' && floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left) || placement === 'right' && floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right) || placement === 'top' && floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(refOffsets.top) || placement === 'bottom' && floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(refOffsets.bottom);
29737 var overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);
29738 var overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);
29739 var overflowsTop = floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(boundaries.top);
29740 var overflowsBottom = floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);
29742 var overflowsBoundaries = placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft || placement === 'right' && overflowsRight || placement === 'top' && overflowsTop || placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom;
29744 // flip the variation if required
29745 var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
29747 // flips variation if reference element overflows boundaries
29748 var flippedVariationByRef = !!options.flipVariations && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom);
29750 // flips variation if popper content overflows boundaries
29751 var flippedVariationByContent = !!options.flipVariationsByContent && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsRight || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsLeft || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsBottom || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsTop);
29753 var flippedVariation = flippedVariationByRef || flippedVariationByContent;
29755 if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {
29756 // this boolean to detect any flip loop
29757 data.flipped = true;
29759 if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {
29760 placement = flipOrder[index + 1];
29761 }
29763 if (flippedVariation) {
29764 variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);
29765 }
29767 data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
29769 // this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with
29770 // any additional property we may add in the future
29771 data.offsets.popper = _extends$1({}, data.offsets.popper, getPopperOffsets(data.instance.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement));
29773 data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');
29774 }
29775 });
29776 return data;
29777 }
29779 /**
29780 * @function
29781 * @memberof Modifiers
29782 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
29783 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
29784 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
29785 */
29786 function keepTogether(data) {
29787 var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
29788 popper = _data$offsets.popper,
29789 reference = _data$offsets.reference;
29791 var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
29792 var floor = Math.floor;
29793 var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
29794 var side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';
29795 var opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
29796 var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
29798 if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {
29799 data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];
29800 }
29801 if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {
29802 data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);
29803 }
29805 return data;
29806 }
29808 /**
29809 * Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number
29810 * @function
29811 * @memberof {modifiers~offset}
29812 * @private
29813 * @argument {String} str - Value + unit string
29814 * @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`
29815 * @argument {Object} popperOffsets
29816 * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
29817 * @returns {Number|String}
29818 * Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted
29819 */
29820 function toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {
29821 // separate value from unit
29822 var split = str.match(/((?:\-|\+)?\d*\.?\d*)(.*)/);
29823 var value = +split[1];
29824 var unit = split[2];
29826 // If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess
29827 if (!value) {
29828 return str;
29829 }
29831 if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {
29832 var element = void 0;
29833 switch (unit) {
29834 case '%p':
29835 element = popperOffsets;
29836 break;
29837 case '%':
29838 case '%r':
29839 default:
29840 element = referenceOffsets;
29841 }
29843 var rect = getClientRect(element);
29844 return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;
29845 } else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {
29846 // if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport
29847 var size = void 0;
29848 if (unit === 'vh') {
29849 size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
29850 } else {
29851 size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
29852 }
29853 return size / 100 * value;
29854 } else {
29855 // if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value
29856 // if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value
29857 return value;
29858 }
29859 }
29861 /**
29862 * Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.
29863 * @function
29864 * @memberof {modifiers~offset}
29865 * @private
29866 * @argument {String} offset
29867 * @argument {Object} popperOffsets
29868 * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
29869 * @argument {String} basePlacement
29870 * @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers
29871 */
29872 function parseOffset(offset, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets, basePlacement) {
29873 var offsets = [0, 0];
29875 // Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width
29876 // in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one
29877 // will use the other one
29878 var useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
29880 // Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands
29881 // The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)
29882 var fragments = offset.split(/(\+|\-)/).map(function (frag) {
29883 return frag.trim();
29884 });
29886 // Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one
29887 // they could be separated by comma or space
29888 var divider = fragments.indexOf(find(fragments, function (frag) {
29889 return frag.search(/,|\s/) !== -1;
29890 }));
29892 if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {
29893 console.warn('Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.');
29894 }
29896 // If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide
29897 // them by ofset X and Y.
29898 var splitRegex = /\s*,\s*|\s+/;
29899 var ops = divider !== -1 ? [fragments.slice(0, divider).concat([fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[0]]), [fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[1]].concat(fragments.slice(divider + 1))] : [fragments];
29901 // Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations
29902 ops = ops.map(function (op, index) {
29903 // Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper
29904 var measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight) ? 'height' : 'width';
29905 var mergeWithPrevious = false;
29906 return op
29907 // This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators
29908 // e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]
29909 .reduce(function (a, b) {
29910 if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {
29911 a[a.length - 1] = b;
29912 mergeWithPrevious = true;
29913 return a;
29914 } else if (mergeWithPrevious) {
29915 a[a.length - 1] += b;
29916 mergeWithPrevious = false;
29917 return a;
29918 } else {
29919 return a.concat(b);
29920 }
29921 }, [])
29922 // Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)
29923 .map(function (str) {
29924 return toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets);
29925 });
29926 });
29928 // Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations
29929 ops.forEach(function (op, index) {
29930 op.forEach(function (frag, index2) {
29931 if (isNumeric(frag)) {
29932 offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);
29933 }
29934 });
29935 });
29936 return offsets;
29937 }
29939 /**
29940 * @function
29941 * @memberof Modifiers
29942 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
29943 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
29944 * @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0
29945 * The offset value as described in the modifier description
29946 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
29947 */
29948 function offset(data, _ref) {
29949 var offset = _ref.offset;
29950 var placement = data.placement,
29951 _data$offsets = data.offsets,
29952 popper = _data$offsets.popper,
29953 reference = _data$offsets.reference;
29955 var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
29957 var offsets = void 0;
29958 if (isNumeric(+offset)) {
29959 offsets = [+offset, 0];
29960 } else {
29961 offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);
29962 }
29964 if (basePlacement === 'left') {
29965 popper.top += offsets[0];
29966 popper.left -= offsets[1];
29967 } else if (basePlacement === 'right') {
29968 popper.top += offsets[0];
29969 popper.left += offsets[1];
29970 } else if (basePlacement === 'top') {
29971 popper.left += offsets[0];
29972 popper.top -= offsets[1];
29973 } else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {
29974 popper.left += offsets[0];
29975 popper.top += offsets[1];
29976 }
29978 data.popper = popper;
29979 return data;
29980 }
29982 /**
29983 * @function
29984 * @memberof Modifiers
29985 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
29986 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
29987 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
29988 */
29989 function preventOverflow(data, options) {
29990 var boundariesElement = options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
29992 // If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to
29993 // go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to
29994 // avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken
29995 if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {
29996 boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);
29997 }
29999 // NOTE: DOM access here
30000 // resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding
30001 // the size of the popper element itself
30002 var transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
30003 var popperStyles = data.instance.popper.style; // assignment to help minification
30004 var top = popperStyles.top,
30005 left = popperStyles.left,
30006 transform = popperStyles[transformProp];
30008 popperStyles.top = '';
30009 popperStyles.left = '';
30010 popperStyles[transformProp] = '';
30012 var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
30014 // NOTE: DOM access here
30015 // restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed
30016 popperStyles.top = top;
30017 popperStyles.left = left;
30018 popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;
30020 options.boundaries = boundaries;
30022 var order = options.priority;
30023 var popper = data.offsets.popper;
30025 var check = {
30026 primary: function primary(placement) {
30027 var value = popper[placement];
30028 if (popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
30029 value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);
30030 }
30031 return defineProperty$1({}, placement, value);
30032 },
30033 secondary: function secondary(placement) {
30034 var mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';
30035 var value = popper[mainSide];
30036 if (popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
30037 value = Math.min(popper[mainSide], boundaries[placement] - (placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height));
30038 }
30039 return defineProperty$1({}, mainSide, value);
30040 }
30041 };
30043 order.forEach(function (placement) {
30044 var side = ['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';
30045 popper = _extends$1({}, popper, check[side](placement));
30046 });
30048 data.offsets.popper = popper;
30050 return data;
30051 }
30053 /**
30054 * @function
30055 * @memberof Modifiers
30056 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
30057 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
30058 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
30059 */
30060 function shift(data) {
30061 var placement = data.placement;
30062 var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
30063 var shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];
30065 // if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier
30066 if (shiftvariation) {
30067 var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
30068 reference = _data$offsets.reference,
30069 popper = _data$offsets.popper;
30071 var isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
30072 var side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
30073 var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
30075 var shiftOffsets = {
30076 start: defineProperty$1({}, side, reference[side]),
30077 end: defineProperty$1({}, side, reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement])
30078 };
30080 data.offsets.popper = _extends$1({}, popper, shiftOffsets[shiftvariation]);
30081 }
30083 return data;
30084 }
30086 /**
30087 * @function
30088 * @memberof Modifiers
30089 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
30090 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
30091 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
30092 */
30093 function hide(data) {
30094 if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {
30095 return data;
30096 }
30098 var refRect = data.offsets.reference;
30099 var bound = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
30100 return modifier.name === 'preventOverflow';
30101 }).boundaries;
30103 if (refRect.bottom < bound.top || refRect.left > bound.right || refRect.top > bound.bottom || refRect.right < bound.left) {
30104 // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
30105 if (data.hide === true) {
30106 return data;
30107 }
30109 data.hide = true;
30110 data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';
30111 } else {
30112 // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
30113 if (data.hide === false) {
30114 return data;
30115 }
30117 data.hide = false;
30118 data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;
30119 }
30121 return data;
30122 }
30124 /**
30125 * @function
30126 * @memberof Modifiers
30127 * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
30128 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
30129 * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
30130 */
30131 function inner(data) {
30132 var placement = data.placement;
30133 var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
30134 var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
30135 popper = _data$offsets.popper,
30136 reference = _data$offsets.reference;
30138 var isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
30140 var subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;
30142 popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] = reference[basePlacement] - (subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);
30144 data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);
30145 data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);
30147 return data;
30148 }
30150 /**
30151 * Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned
30152 * to its `fn` property.<br />
30153 * These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must
30154 * make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.
30155 *
30156 * @function ModifierFn
30157 * @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method
30158 * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
30159 * @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified
30160 */
30162 /**
30163 * Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.<br />
30164 * Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities
30165 * needed by the library.
30166 *
30167 * Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.
30168 * All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.
30169 * @namespace modifiers
30170 */
30171 var modifiers = {
30172 /**
30173 * Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference
30174 * element.<br />
30175 * It will read the variation of the `placement` property.<br />
30176 * It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.
30177 * @memberof modifiers
30178 * @inner
30179 */
30180 shift: {
30181 /** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30182 order: 100,
30183 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30184 enabled: true,
30185 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30186 fn: shift
30187 },
30189 /**
30190 * The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.
30191 *
30192 * It accepts the following units:
30193 * - `px` or unit-less, interpreted as pixels
30194 * - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element
30195 * - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element
30196 * - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit
30197 * - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit
30198 *
30199 * For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.<br />
30200 * This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the
30201 * `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the `height`.
30202 *
30203 * You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values
30204 * as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.<br />
30205 * The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be
30206 * removed in v2.<br />
30207 * Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.
30208 * Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.
30209 *
30210 * Valid examples are:
30211 * ```
30212 * 10
30213 * '10%'
30214 * '10, 10'
30215 * '10%, 10'
30216 * '10 + 10%'
30217 * '10 - 5vh + 3%'
30218 * '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'
30219 * ```
30220 * > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap
30221 * > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.
30222 * > You can read more on this at this [issue](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/issues/373).
30223 *
30224 * @memberof modifiers
30225 * @inner
30226 */
30227 offset: {
30228 /** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30229 order: 200,
30230 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30231 enabled: true,
30232 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30233 fn: offset,
30234 /** @prop {Number|String} offset=0
30235 * The offset value as described in the modifier description
30236 */
30237 offset: 0
30238 },
30240 /**
30241 * Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.
30242 *
30243 * A scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.<br />
30244 * We can say it has "escaped the boundaries" — or just "escaped".<br />
30245 * In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:
30246 *
30247 * - detach from the reference and remain "trapped" in the boundaries, or
30248 * - if it should ignore the boundary and "escape with its reference"
30249 *
30250 * When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely
30251 * outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)
30252 * the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.
30253 *
30254 * @memberof modifiers
30255 * @inner
30256 */
30257 preventOverflow: {
30258 /** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30259 order: 300,
30260 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30261 enabled: true,
30262 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30263 fn: preventOverflow,
30264 /**
30265 * @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]
30266 * Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,
30267 * then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`
30268 */
30269 priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],
30270 /**
30271 * @prop {number} padding=5
30272 * Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries
30273 * and the popper. This makes sure the popper always has a little padding
30274 * between the edges of its container
30275 */
30276 padding: 5,
30277 /**
30278 * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'
30279 * Boundaries used by the modifier. Can be `scrollParent`, `window`,
30280 * `viewport` or any DOM element.
30281 */
30282 boundariesElement: 'scrollParent'
30283 },
30285 /**
30286 * Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near each other
30287 * without leaving any gap between the two. Especially useful when the arrow is
30288 * enabled and you want to ensure that it points to its reference element.
30289 * It cares only about the first axis. You can still have poppers with margin
30290 * between the popper and its reference element.
30291 * @memberof modifiers
30292 * @inner
30293 */
30294 keepTogether: {
30295 /** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30296 order: 400,
30297 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30298 enabled: true,
30299 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30300 fn: keepTogether
30301 },
30303 /**
30304 * This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make
30305 * sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.
30306 * It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many
30307 * pixels of conjunction are needed.
30308 *
30309 * It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.
30310 * @memberof modifiers
30311 * @inner
30312 */
30313 arrow: {
30314 /** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30315 order: 500,
30316 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30317 enabled: true,
30318 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30319 fn: arrow,
30320 /** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */
30321 element: '[x-arrow]'
30322 },
30324 /**
30325 * Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its
30326 * reference element.
30327 *
30328 * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
30329 *
30330 * **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will
30331 * restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.
30332 * @memberof modifiers
30333 * @inner
30334 */
30335 flip: {
30336 /** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30337 order: 600,
30338 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30339 enabled: true,
30340 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30341 fn: flip,
30342 /**
30343 * @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'
30344 * The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of
30345 * `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid
30346 * placements (with optional variations)
30347 */
30348 behavior: 'flip',
30349 /**
30350 * @prop {number} padding=5
30351 * The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`
30352 */
30353 padding: 5,
30354 /**
30355 * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'
30356 * The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position.
30357 * The popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries
30358 * (except if `keepTogether` is enabled)
30359 */
30360 boundariesElement: 'viewport',
30361 /**
30362 * @prop {Boolean} flipVariations=false
30363 * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
30364 * the reference element overlaps its boundaries.
30365 *
30366 * The original placement should have a set variation.
30367 */
30368 flipVariations: false,
30369 /**
30370 * @prop {Boolean} flipVariationsByContent=false
30371 * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
30372 * the popper element overlaps its reference boundaries.
30373 *
30374 * The original placement should have a set variation.
30375 */
30376 flipVariationsByContent: false
30377 },
30379 /**
30380 * Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.
30381 * By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside
30382 * the reference element.
30383 * @memberof modifiers
30384 * @inner
30385 */
30386 inner: {
30387 /** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30388 order: 700,
30389 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30390 enabled: false,
30391 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30392 fn: inner
30393 },
30395 /**
30396 * Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the
30397 * popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can
30398 * be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is
30399 * out of boundaries.
30400 *
30401 * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
30402 * @memberof modifiers
30403 * @inner
30404 */
30405 hide: {
30406 /** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30407 order: 800,
30408 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30409 enabled: true,
30410 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30411 fn: hide
30412 },
30414 /**
30415 * Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets
30416 * properly positioned.
30417 *
30418 * Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles
30419 * so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful
30420 * in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.
30421 *
30422 * This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility
30423 * with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method
30424 * to change in future major versions of the library.
30425 *
30426 * @memberof modifiers
30427 * @inner
30428 */
30429 computeStyle: {
30430 /** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30431 order: 850,
30432 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30433 enabled: true,
30434 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30435 fn: computeStyle,
30436 /**
30437 * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
30438 * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
30439 * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
30440 */
30441 gpuAcceleration: true,
30442 /**
30443 * @prop {string} [x='bottom']
30444 * Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.
30445 * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`
30446 */
30447 x: 'bottom',
30448 /**
30449 * @prop {string} [x='left']
30450 * Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.
30451 * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`
30452 */
30453 y: 'right'
30454 },
30456 /**
30457 * Applies the computed styles to the popper element.
30458 *
30459 * All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case
30460 * you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you
30461 * want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.
30462 *
30463 * Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element
30464 * has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!
30465 *
30466 * Just disable this modifier and define your own to achieve the desired effect.
30467 *
30468 * @memberof modifiers
30469 * @inner
30470 */
30471 applyStyle: {
30472 /** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */
30473 order: 900,
30474 /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
30475 enabled: true,
30476 /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
30477 fn: applyStyle,
30478 /** @prop {Function} */
30479 onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,
30480 /**
30481 * @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier
30482 * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
30483 * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
30484 * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
30485 */
30486 gpuAcceleration: undefined
30487 }
30488 };
30490 /**
30491 * The `dataObject` is an object containing all the information used by Popper.js.
30492 * This object is passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.
30493 * @name dataObject
30494 * @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance
30495 * @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper
30496 * @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init
30497 * @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier
30498 * @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper
30499 * @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier
30500 * @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
30501 * @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
30502 * @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries
30503 * @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements
30504 * @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
30505 * @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
30506 * @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0
30507 */
30509 /**
30510 * Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.<br />
30511 * These can be overridden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.<br />
30512 * To override an option, simply pass an object with the same
30513 * structure of the `options` object, as the 3rd argument. For example:
30514 * ```
30515 * new Popper(ref, pop, {
30516 * modifiers: {
30517 * preventOverflow: { enabled: false }
30518 * }
30519 * })
30520 * ```
30521 * @type {Object}
30522 * @static
30523 * @memberof Popper
30524 */
30525 var Defaults = {
30526 /**
30527 * Popper's placement.
30528 * @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'
30529 */
30530 placement: 'bottom',
30532 /**
30533 * Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode
30534 * @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false
30535 */
30536 positionFixed: false,
30538 /**
30539 * Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled.
30540 * @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true
30541 */
30542 eventsEnabled: true,
30544 /**
30545 * Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when
30546 * you call the `destroy` method.
30547 * @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false
30548 */
30549 removeOnDestroy: false,
30551 /**
30552 * Callback called when the popper is created.<br />
30553 * By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
30554 * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
30555 * @prop {onCreate}
30556 */
30557 onCreate: function onCreate() {},
30559 /**
30560 * Callback called when the popper is updated. This callback is not called
30561 * on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent
30562 * updates.<br />
30563 * By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
30564 * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
30565 * @prop {onUpdate}
30566 */
30567 onUpdate: function onUpdate() {},
30569 /**
30570 * List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.
30571 * They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js.
30572 * @prop {modifiers}
30573 */
30574 modifiers: modifiers
30575 };
30577 /**
30578 * @callback onCreate
30579 * @param {dataObject} data
30580 */
30582 /**
30583 * @callback onUpdate
30584 * @param {dataObject} data
30585 */
30587 // Utils
30588 // Methods
30589 var Popper = function () {
30590 /**
30591 * Creates a new Popper.js instance.
30592 * @class Popper
30593 * @param {Element|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
30594 * @param {Element} popper - The HTML / XML element used as the popper
30595 * @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)
30596 * @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance
30597 */
30598 function Popper(reference, popper) {
30599 var _this = this;
30601 var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
30602 classCallCheck(this, Popper);
30604 this.scheduleUpdate = function () {
30605 return requestAnimationFrame(_this.update);
30606 };
30608 // make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick
30609 this.update = debounce$1(this.update.bind(this));
30611 // with {} we create a new object with the options inside it
30612 this.options = _extends$1({}, Popper.Defaults, options);
30614 // init state
30615 this.state = {
30616 isDestroyed: false,
30617 isCreated: false,
30618 scrollParents: []
30619 };
30621 // get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)
30622 this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;
30623 this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;
30625 // Deep merge modifiers options
30626 this.options.modifiers = {};
30627 Object.keys(_extends$1({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers, options.modifiers)).forEach(function (name) {
30628 _this.options.modifiers[name] = _extends$1({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}, options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {});
30629 });
30631 // Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)
30632 this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers).map(function (name) {
30633 return _extends$1({
30634 name: name
30635 }, _this.options.modifiers[name]);
30636 })
30637 // sort the modifiers by order
30638 .sort(function (a, b) {
30639 return a.order - b.order;
30640 });
30642 // modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited
30643 // such code is executed in the same order of its modifier
30644 // they could add new properties to their options configuration
30645 // BE AWARE: don't add options to `options.modifiers.name` but to `modifierOptions`!
30646 this.modifiers.forEach(function (modifierOptions) {
30647 if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {
30648 modifierOptions.onLoad(_this.reference, _this.popper, _this.options, modifierOptions, _this.state);
30649 }
30650 });
30652 // fire the first update to position the popper in the right place
30653 this.update();
30655 var eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;
30656 if (eventsEnabled) {
30657 // setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations
30658 this.enableEventListeners();
30659 }
30661 this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;
30662 }
30664 // We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the
30665 // class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs
30668 createClass(Popper, [{
30669 key: 'update',
30670 value: function update$$1() {
30671 return update$1.call(this);
30672 }
30673 }, {
30674 key: 'destroy',
30675 value: function destroy$$1() {
30676 return destroy.call(this);
30677 }
30678 }, {
30679 key: 'enableEventListeners',
30680 value: function enableEventListeners$$1() {
30681 return enableEventListeners.call(this);
30682 }
30683 }, {
30684 key: 'disableEventListeners',
30685 value: function disableEventListeners$$1() {
30686 return disableEventListeners.call(this);
30687 }
30689 /**
30690 * Schedules an update. It will run on the next UI update available.
30691 * @method scheduleUpdate
30692 * @memberof Popper
30693 */
30696 /**
30697 * Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.
30698 * Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you
30699 * include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.
30700 *
30701 * **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated
30702 * and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.
30703 * Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't
30704 * guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!
30705 * @static
30706 * @private
30707 * @type {Object}
30708 * @deprecated since version 1.8
30709 * @member Utils
30710 * @memberof Popper
30711 */
30713 }]);
30714 return Popper;
30715 }();
30717 /**
30718 * The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js
30719 * and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.<br />
30720 * You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates
30721 * in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.
30722 *
30723 * ```
30724 * new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);
30725 * ```
30726 *
30727 * NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10.
30728 * @name referenceObject
30729 * @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect
30730 * A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.
30731 * @property {number} data.clientWidth
30732 * An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.
30733 * @property {number} data.clientHeight
30734 * An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.
30735 */
30738 Popper.Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global$1).PopperUtils;
30739 Popper.placements = placements;
30740 Popper.Defaults = Defaults;
30742 function flipPlacement(placement, theme) {
30743 var direction = theme && theme.direction || 'ltr';
30745 if (direction === 'ltr') {
30746 return placement;
30747 }
30749 switch (placement) {
30750 case 'bottom-end':
30751 return 'bottom-start';
30753 case 'bottom-start':
30754 return 'bottom-end';
30756 case 'top-end':
30757 return 'top-start';
30759 case 'top-start':
30760 return 'top-end';
30762 default:
30763 return placement;
30764 }
30765 }
30767 function getAnchorEl$1(anchorEl) {
30768 return typeof anchorEl === 'function' ? anchorEl() : anchorEl;
30769 }
30771 var useEnhancedEffect$9 = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? React.useLayoutEffect : React.useEffect;
30772 var defaultPopperOptions = {};
30773 /**
30774 * Poppers rely on the 3rd party library [Popper.js](https://popper.js.org/docs/v1/) for positioning.
30775 */
30777 var Popper$1 = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Popper$1(props, ref) {
30778 var anchorEl = props.anchorEl,
30779 children = props.children,
30780 container = props.container,
30781 _props$disablePortal = props.disablePortal,
30782 disablePortal = _props$disablePortal === void 0 ? false : _props$disablePortal,
30783 _props$keepMounted = props.keepMounted,
30784 keepMounted = _props$keepMounted === void 0 ? false : _props$keepMounted,
30785 modifiers = props.modifiers,
30786 open = props.open,
30787 _props$placement = props.placement,
30788 initialPlacement = _props$placement === void 0 ? 'bottom' : _props$placement,
30789 _props$popperOptions = props.popperOptions,
30790 popperOptions = _props$popperOptions === void 0 ? defaultPopperOptions : _props$popperOptions,
30791 popperRefProp = props.popperRef,
30792 style = props.style,
30793 _props$transition = props.transition,
30794 transition = _props$transition === void 0 ? false : _props$transition,
30795 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["anchorEl", "children", "container", "disablePortal", "keepMounted", "modifiers", "open", "placement", "popperOptions", "popperRef", "style", "transition"]);
30797 var tooltipRef = React.useRef(null);
30798 var ownRef = useForkRef(tooltipRef, ref);
30799 var popperRef = React.useRef(null);
30800 var handlePopperRef = useForkRef(popperRef, popperRefProp);
30801 var handlePopperRefRef = React.useRef(handlePopperRef);
30802 useEnhancedEffect$9(function () {
30803 handlePopperRefRef.current = handlePopperRef;
30804 }, [handlePopperRef]);
30805 React.useImperativeHandle(popperRefProp, function () {
30806 return popperRef.current;
30807 }, []);
30809 var _React$useState = React.useState(true),
30810 exited = _React$useState[0],
30811 setExited = _React$useState[1];
30813 var theme = useTheme();
30814 var rtlPlacement = flipPlacement(initialPlacement, theme);
30815 /**
30816 * placement initialized from prop but can change during lifetime if modifiers.flip.
30817 * modifiers.flip is essentially a flip for controlled/uncontrolled behavior
30818 */
30820 var _React$useState2 = React.useState(rtlPlacement),
30821 placement = _React$useState2[0],
30822 setPlacement = _React$useState2[1];
30824 React.useEffect(function () {
30825 if (popperRef.current) {
30826 popperRef.current.update();
30827 }
30828 });
30829 var handleOpen = React.useCallback(function () {
30830 if (!tooltipRef.current || !anchorEl || !open) {
30831 return;
30832 }
30834 if (popperRef.current) {
30835 popperRef.current.destroy();
30836 handlePopperRefRef.current(null);
30837 }
30839 var handlePopperUpdate = function handlePopperUpdate(data) {
30840 setPlacement(data.placement);
30841 };
30843 var resolvedAnchorEl = getAnchorEl$1(anchorEl);
30845 {
30846 if (resolvedAnchorEl && resolvedAnchorEl.nodeType === 1) {
30847 var box = resolvedAnchorEl.getBoundingClientRect();
30849 if ( box.top === 0 && box.left === 0 && box.right === 0 && box.bottom === 0) {
30850 console.warn(['Material-UI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid.', 'The anchor element should be part of the document layout.', "Make sure the element is present in the document or that it's not display none."].join('\n'));
30851 }
30852 }
30853 }
30855 var popper = new Popper(getAnchorEl$1(anchorEl), tooltipRef.current, _extends({
30856 placement: rtlPlacement
30857 }, popperOptions, {
30858 modifiers: _extends({}, disablePortal ? {} : {
30859 // It's using scrollParent by default, we can use the viewport when using a portal.
30860 preventOverflow: {
30861 boundariesElement: 'window'
30862 }
30863 }, modifiers, popperOptions.modifiers),
30864 // We could have been using a custom modifier like react-popper is doing.
30865 // But it seems this is the best public API for this use case.
30866 onCreate: createChainedFunction(handlePopperUpdate, popperOptions.onCreate),
30867 onUpdate: createChainedFunction(handlePopperUpdate, popperOptions.onUpdate)
30868 }));
30869 handlePopperRefRef.current(popper);
30870 }, [anchorEl, disablePortal, modifiers, open, rtlPlacement, popperOptions]);
30871 var handleRef = React.useCallback(function (node) {
30872 setRef(ownRef, node);
30873 handleOpen();
30874 }, [ownRef, handleOpen]);
30876 var handleEnter = function handleEnter() {
30877 setExited(false);
30878 };
30880 var handleClose = function handleClose() {
30881 if (!popperRef.current) {
30882 return;
30883 }
30885 popperRef.current.destroy();
30886 handlePopperRefRef.current(null);
30887 };
30889 var handleExited = function handleExited() {
30890 setExited(true);
30891 handleClose();
30892 };
30894 React.useEffect(function () {
30895 return function () {
30896 handleClose();
30897 };
30898 }, []);
30899 React.useEffect(function () {
30900 if (!open && !transition) {
30901 // Otherwise handleExited will call this.
30902 handleClose();
30903 }
30904 }, [open, transition]);
30906 if (!keepMounted && !open && (!transition || exited)) {
30907 return null;
30908 }
30910 var childProps = {
30911 placement: placement
30912 };
30914 if (transition) {
30915 childProps.TransitionProps = {
30916 in: open,
30917 onEnter: handleEnter,
30918 onExited: handleExited
30919 };
30920 }
30922 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Portal, {
30923 disablePortal: disablePortal,
30924 container: container
30925 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
30926 ref: handleRef,
30927 role: "tooltip"
30928 }, other, {
30929 style: _extends({
30930 // Prevents scroll issue, waiting for Popper.js to add this style once initiated.
30931 position: 'fixed',
30932 // Fix Popper.js display issue
30933 top: 0,
30934 left: 0,
30935 display: !open && keepMounted && !transition ? 'none' : null
30936 }, style)
30937 }), typeof children === 'function' ? children(childProps) : children));
30938 });
30939 Popper$1.propTypes = {
30940 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
30941 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
30942 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
30943 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
30945 /**
30946 * A HTML element, [referenceObject](https://popper.js.org/docs/v1/#referenceObject),
30947 * or a function that returns either.
30948 * It's used to set the position of the popper.
30949 * The return value will passed as the reference object of the Popper instance.
30950 */
30951 anchorEl: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOfType([HTMLElementType, propTypes.object, propTypes.func]), function (props) {
30952 if (props.open) {
30953 var resolvedAnchorEl = getAnchorEl$1(props.anchorEl);
30955 if (resolvedAnchorEl && resolvedAnchorEl.nodeType === 1) {
30956 var box = resolvedAnchorEl.getBoundingClientRect();
30958 if ( box.top === 0 && box.left === 0 && box.right === 0 && box.bottom === 0) {
30959 return new Error(['Material-UI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid.', 'The anchor element should be part of the document layout.', "Make sure the element is present in the document or that it's not display none."].join('\n'));
30960 }
30961 } else if (!resolvedAnchorEl || typeof resolvedAnchorEl.clientWidth !== 'number' || typeof resolvedAnchorEl.clientHeight !== 'number' || typeof resolvedAnchorEl.getBoundingClientRect !== 'function') {
30962 return new Error(['Material-UI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid.', 'It should be an HTML element instance or a referenceObject ', '(https://popper.js.org/docs/v1/#referenceObject).'].join('\n'));
30963 }
30964 }
30966 return null;
30967 }),
30969 /**
30970 * Popper render function or node.
30971 */
30972 children: propTypes
30973 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
30974 .oneOfType([propTypes.node, propTypes.func]).isRequired,
30976 /**
30977 * A HTML element, component instance, or function that returns either.
30978 * The `container` will have the portal children appended to it.
30979 *
30980 * By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object,
30981 * so it's simply `document.body` most of the time.
30982 */
30983 container: propTypes
30984 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
30985 .oneOfType([HTMLElementType, propTypes.instanceOf(React.Component), propTypes.func]),
30987 /**
30988 * Disable the portal behavior.
30989 * The children stay within it's parent DOM hierarchy.
30990 */
30991 disablePortal: propTypes.bool,
30993 /**
30994 * Always keep the children in the DOM.
30995 * This prop can be useful in SEO situation or
30996 * when you want to maximize the responsiveness of the Popper.
30997 */
30998 keepMounted: propTypes.bool,
31000 /**
31001 * Popper.js is based on a "plugin-like" architecture,
31002 * most of its features are fully encapsulated "modifiers".
31003 *
31004 * A modifier is a function that is called each time Popper.js needs to
31005 * compute the position of the popper.
31006 * For this reason, modifiers should be very performant to avoid bottlenecks.
31007 * To learn how to create a modifier, [read the modifiers documentation](https://popper.js.org/docs/v1/#modifiers).
31008 */
31009 modifiers: propTypes.object,
31011 /**
31012 * If `true`, the popper is visible.
31013 */
31014 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired,
31016 /**
31017 * Popper placement.
31018 */
31019 placement: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom-end', 'bottom-start', 'bottom', 'left-end', 'left-start', 'left', 'right-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'top-end', 'top-start', 'top']),
31021 /**
31022 * Options provided to the [`popper.js`](https://popper.js.org/docs/v1/) instance.
31023 */
31024 popperOptions: propTypes.object,
31026 /**
31027 * A ref that points to the used popper instance.
31028 */
31029 popperRef: refType,
31031 /**
31032 * @ignore
31033 */
31034 style: propTypes.object,
31036 /**
31037 * Help supporting a react-transition-group/Transition component.
31038 */
31039 transition: propTypes.bool
31040 } ;
31042 /**
31043 * @ignore - internal component.
31044 */
31046 var RadioButtonUncheckedIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
31047 d: "M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z"
31048 }), 'RadioButtonUnchecked');
31050 /**
31051 * @ignore - internal component.
31052 */
31054 var RadioButtonCheckedIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
31055 d: "M8.465 8.465C9.37 7.56 10.62 7 12 7C14.76 7 17 9.24 17 12C17 13.38 16.44 14.63 15.535 15.535C14.63 16.44 13.38 17 12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12C7 10.62 7.56 9.37 8.465 8.465Z"
31056 }), 'RadioButtonChecked');
31058 var styles$1l = function styles(theme) {
31059 return {
31060 root: {
31061 position: 'relative',
31062 display: 'flex',
31063 '&$checked $layer': {
31064 transform: 'scale(1)',
31065 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
31066 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeOut,
31067 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
31068 })
31069 }
31070 },
31071 layer: {
31072 left: 0,
31073 position: 'absolute',
31074 transform: 'scale(0)',
31075 transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
31076 easing: theme.transitions.easing.easeIn,
31077 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
31078 })
31079 },
31080 checked: {}
31081 };
31082 };
31083 /**
31084 * @ignore - internal component.
31085 */
31087 function RadioButtonIcon(props) {
31088 var checked = props.checked,
31089 classes = props.classes,
31090 fontSize = props.fontSize;
31091 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
31092 className: clsx(classes.root, checked && classes.checked)
31093 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(RadioButtonUncheckedIcon, {
31094 fontSize: fontSize
31095 }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(RadioButtonCheckedIcon, {
31096 fontSize: fontSize,
31097 className: classes.layer
31098 }));
31099 }
31101 RadioButtonIcon.propTypes = {
31102 /**
31103 * If `true`, the component is checked.
31104 */
31105 checked: propTypes.bool,
31107 /**
31108 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
31109 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
31110 */
31111 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
31113 /**
31114 * The size of the radio.
31115 * `small` is equivalent to the dense radio styling.
31116 */
31117 fontSize: propTypes.oneOf(['small', 'medium'])
31118 } ;
31119 var RadioButtonIcon$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1l, {
31120 name: 'PrivateRadioButtonIcon'
31121 })(RadioButtonIcon);
31123 /**
31124 * @ignore - internal component.
31125 */
31127 var RadioGroupContext = React.createContext();
31129 {
31130 RadioGroupContext.displayName = 'RadioGroupContext';
31131 }
31133 function useRadioGroup() {
31134 return React.useContext(RadioGroupContext);
31135 }
31137 var styles$1m = function styles(theme) {
31138 return {
31139 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
31140 root: {
31141 color: theme.palette.text.secondary
31142 },
31144 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `checked={true}`. */
31145 checked: {},
31147 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
31148 disabled: {},
31150 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
31151 colorPrimary: {
31152 '&$checked': {
31153 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
31154 '&:hover': {
31155 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
31156 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
31157 '@media (hover: none)': {
31158 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
31159 }
31160 }
31161 },
31162 '&$disabled': {
31163 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
31164 }
31165 },
31167 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
31168 colorSecondary: {
31169 '&$checked': {
31170 color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
31171 '&:hover': {
31172 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
31173 // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity
31174 '@media (hover: none)': {
31175 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
31176 }
31177 }
31178 },
31179 '&$disabled': {
31180 color: theme.palette.action.disabled
31181 }
31182 }
31183 };
31184 };
31185 var defaultCheckedIcon$1 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(RadioButtonIcon$1, {
31186 checked: true
31187 });
31188 var defaultIcon$1 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(RadioButtonIcon$1, null);
31189 var Radio = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Radio(props, ref) {
31190 var checkedProp = props.checked,
31191 classes = props.classes,
31192 _props$color = props.color,
31193 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'secondary' : _props$color,
31194 nameProp = props.name,
31195 onChangeProp = props.onChange,
31196 _props$size = props.size,
31197 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
31198 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["checked", "classes", "color", "name", "onChange", "size"]);
31200 var radioGroup = useRadioGroup();
31201 var checked = checkedProp;
31202 var onChange = createChainedFunction(onChangeProp, radioGroup && radioGroup.onChange);
31203 var name = nameProp;
31205 if (radioGroup) {
31206 if (typeof checked === 'undefined') {
31207 checked = radioGroup.value === props.value;
31208 }
31210 if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
31211 name = radioGroup.name;
31212 }
31213 }
31215 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SwitchBase$1, _extends({
31216 color: color,
31217 type: "radio",
31218 icon: /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(defaultIcon$1, {
31219 fontSize: size === 'small' ? 'small' : 'medium'
31220 }),
31221 checkedIcon: /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(defaultCheckedIcon$1, {
31222 fontSize: size === 'small' ? 'small' : 'medium'
31223 }),
31224 classes: {
31225 root: clsx(classes.root, classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))]),
31226 checked: classes.checked,
31227 disabled: classes.disabled
31228 },
31229 name: name,
31230 checked: checked,
31231 onChange: onChange,
31232 ref: ref
31233 }, other));
31234 });
31235 Radio.propTypes = {
31236 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
31237 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
31238 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
31239 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
31241 /**
31242 * If `true`, the component is checked.
31243 */
31244 checked: propTypes.bool,
31246 /**
31247 * The icon to display when the component is checked.
31248 */
31249 checkedIcon: propTypes.node,
31251 /**
31252 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
31253 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
31254 */
31255 classes: propTypes.object,
31257 /**
31258 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
31259 */
31260 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'primary', 'secondary']),
31262 /**
31263 * If `true`, the radio will be disabled.
31264 */
31265 disabled: propTypes.bool,
31267 /**
31268 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
31269 */
31270 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
31272 /**
31273 * The icon to display when the component is unchecked.
31274 */
31275 icon: propTypes.node,
31277 /**
31278 * The id of the `input` element.
31279 */
31280 id: propTypes.string,
31282 /**
31283 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
31284 */
31285 inputProps: propTypes.object,
31287 /**
31288 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
31289 */
31290 inputRef: refType,
31292 /**
31293 * Name attribute of the `input` element.
31294 */
31295 name: propTypes.string,
31297 /**
31298 * Callback fired when the state is changed.
31299 *
31300 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
31301 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
31302 * You can pull out the new checked state by accessing `event.target.checked` (boolean).
31303 */
31304 onChange: propTypes.func,
31306 /**
31307 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
31308 */
31309 required: propTypes.bool,
31311 /**
31312 * The size of the radio.
31313 * `small` is equivalent to the dense radio styling.
31314 */
31315 size: propTypes.oneOf(['medium', 'small']),
31317 /**
31318 * The value of the component. The DOM API casts this to a string.
31319 */
31320 value: propTypes.any
31321 } ;
31322 var Radio$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1m, {
31323 name: 'MuiRadio'
31324 })(Radio);
31326 var RadioGroup = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function RadioGroup(props, ref) {
31327 var actions = props.actions,
31328 children = props.children,
31329 nameProp = props.name,
31330 valueProp = props.value,
31331 onChange = props.onChange,
31332 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["actions", "children", "name", "value", "onChange"]);
31334 var rootRef = React.useRef(null);
31336 var _useControlled = useControlled({
31337 controlled: valueProp,
31338 default: props.defaultValue,
31339 name: 'RadioGroup'
31340 }),
31341 _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2),
31342 value = _useControlled2[0],
31343 setValue = _useControlled2[1];
31345 React.useImperativeHandle(actions, function () {
31346 return {
31347 focus: function focus() {
31348 var input = rootRef.current.querySelector('input:not(:disabled):checked');
31350 if (!input) {
31351 input = rootRef.current.querySelector('input:not(:disabled)');
31352 }
31354 if (input) {
31355 input.focus();
31356 }
31357 }
31358 };
31359 }, []);
31360 var handleRef = useForkRef(ref, rootRef);
31362 var handleChange = function handleChange(event) {
31363 setValue(event.target.value);
31365 if (onChange) {
31366 onChange(event, event.target.value);
31367 }
31368 };
31370 var name = useId(nameProp);
31371 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(RadioGroupContext.Provider, {
31372 value: {
31373 name: name,
31374 onChange: handleChange,
31375 value: value
31376 }
31377 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FormGroup$1, _extends({
31378 role: "radiogroup",
31379 ref: handleRef
31380 }, other), children));
31381 });
31382 RadioGroup.propTypes = {
31383 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
31384 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
31385 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
31386 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
31388 /**
31389 * The content of the component.
31390 */
31391 children: propTypes.node,
31393 /**
31394 * The default `input` element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
31395 */
31396 defaultValue: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.string), propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
31398 /**
31399 * The name used to reference the value of the control.
31400 * If you don't provide this prop, it falls back to a randomly generated name.
31401 */
31402 name: propTypes.string,
31404 /**
31405 * Callback fired when a radio button is selected.
31406 *
31407 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
31408 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
31409 */
31410 onChange: propTypes.func,
31412 /**
31413 * Value of the selected radio button. The DOM API casts this to a string.
31414 */
31415 value: propTypes.any
31416 } ;
31418 function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
31419 _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
31420 o.__proto__ = p;
31421 return o;
31422 };
31424 return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
31425 }
31427 function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
31428 if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
31429 throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
31430 }
31432 subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
31433 constructor: {
31434 value: subClass,
31435 writable: true,
31436 configurable: true
31437 }
31438 });
31439 if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
31440 }
31442 function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) {
31443 if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) {
31444 return call;
31445 }
31447 return _assertThisInitialized(self);
31448 }
31450 function _getPrototypeOf(o) {
31451 _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) {
31452 return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
31453 };
31454 return _getPrototypeOf(o);
31455 }
31457 function _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }
31459 function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }
31460 var warnedOnce$b = false;
31461 /**
31462 * ⚠️⚠️⚠️
31463 * If you want the DOM element of a Material-UI component check out
31464 * [FAQ: How can I access the DOM element?](/getting-started/faq/#how-can-i-access-the-dom-element)
31465 * first.
31466 *
31467 * This component uses `findDOMNode` which is deprecated in React.StrictMode.
31468 *
31469 * Helper component to allow attaching a ref to a
31470 * wrapped element to access the underlying DOM element.
31471 *
31472 * It's highly inspired by https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/11401#issuecomment-340543801.
31473 * For example:
31474 * ```jsx
31475 * import React from 'react';
31476 * import RootRef from '@material-ui/core/RootRef';
31477 *
31478 * function MyComponent() {
31479 * const domRef = React.useRef();
31480 *
31481 * React.useEffect(() => {
31482 * console.log(domRef.current); // DOM node
31483 * }, []);
31484 *
31485 * return (
31486 * <RootRef rootRef={domRef}>
31487 * <SomeChildComponent />
31488 * </RootRef>
31489 * );
31490 * }
31491 * ```
31492 *
31493 * @deprecated
31494 */
31496 var RootRef = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {
31497 _inherits(RootRef, _React$Component);
31499 var _super = _createSuper(RootRef);
31501 function RootRef() {
31502 _classCallCheck(this, RootRef);
31504 return _super.apply(this, arguments);
31505 }
31507 _createClass(RootRef, [{
31508 key: "componentDidMount",
31509 value: function componentDidMount() {
31510 this.ref = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
31511 setRef(this.props.rootRef, this.ref);
31512 }
31513 }, {
31514 key: "componentDidUpdate",
31515 value: function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
31516 var ref = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
31518 if (prevProps.rootRef !== this.props.rootRef || this.ref !== ref) {
31519 if (prevProps.rootRef !== this.props.rootRef) {
31520 setRef(prevProps.rootRef, null);
31521 }
31523 this.ref = ref;
31524 setRef(this.props.rootRef, this.ref);
31525 }
31526 }
31527 }, {
31528 key: "componentWillUnmount",
31529 value: function componentWillUnmount() {
31530 this.ref = null;
31531 setRef(this.props.rootRef, null);
31532 }
31533 }, {
31534 key: "render",
31535 value: function render() {
31536 {
31537 if (!warnedOnce$b) {
31538 warnedOnce$b = true;
31539 console.warn(['Material-UI: The RootRef component is deprecated.', 'The component relies on the ReactDOM.findDOMNode API which is deprecated in React.StrictMode.', 'Instead, you can get a reference to the underlying DOM node of the components via the `ref` prop.'].join('/n'));
31540 }
31541 }
31543 return this.props.children;
31544 }
31545 }]);
31547 return RootRef;
31548 }(React.Component);
31550 RootRef.propTypes = {
31551 /**
31552 * The wrapped element.
31553 */
31554 children: propTypes.element.isRequired,
31556 /**
31557 * A ref that points to the first DOM node of the wrapped element.
31558 */
31559 rootRef: refType.isRequired
31560 } ;
31562 {
31563 RootRef.propTypes = exactProp(RootRef.propTypes) ;
31564 }
31566 function areEqualValues(a, b) {
31567 if (_typeof(b) === 'object' && b !== null) {
31568 return a === b;
31569 }
31571 return String(a) === String(b);
31572 }
31574 function isEmpty(display) {
31575 return display == null || typeof display === 'string' && !display.trim();
31576 }
31577 /**
31578 * @ignore - internal component.
31579 */
31582 var SelectInput = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SelectInput(props, ref) {
31583 var ariaLabel = props['aria-label'],
31584 autoFocus = props.autoFocus,
31585 autoWidth = props.autoWidth,
31586 children = props.children,
31587 classes = props.classes,
31588 className = props.className,
31589 defaultValue = props.defaultValue,
31590 disabled = props.disabled,
31591 displayEmpty = props.displayEmpty,
31592 IconComponent = props.IconComponent,
31593 inputRefProp = props.inputRef,
31594 labelId = props.labelId,
31595 _props$MenuProps = props.MenuProps,
31596 MenuProps = _props$MenuProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$MenuProps,
31597 multiple = props.multiple,
31598 name = props.name,
31599 onBlur = props.onBlur,
31600 onChange = props.onChange,
31601 onClose = props.onClose,
31602 onFocus = props.onFocus,
31603 onOpen = props.onOpen,
31604 openProp = props.open,
31605 readOnly = props.readOnly,
31606 renderValue = props.renderValue,
31607 _props$SelectDisplayP = props.SelectDisplayProps,
31608 SelectDisplayProps = _props$SelectDisplayP === void 0 ? {} : _props$SelectDisplayP,
31609 tabIndexProp = props.tabIndex,
31610 type = props.type,
31611 valueProp = props.value,
31612 _props$variant = props.variant,
31613 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'standard' : _props$variant,
31614 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["aria-label", "autoFocus", "autoWidth", "children", "classes", "className", "defaultValue", "disabled", "displayEmpty", "IconComponent", "inputRef", "labelId", "MenuProps", "multiple", "name", "onBlur", "onChange", "onClose", "onFocus", "onOpen", "open", "readOnly", "renderValue", "SelectDisplayProps", "tabIndex", "type", "value", "variant"]);
31616 var _useControlled = useControlled({
31617 controlled: valueProp,
31618 default: defaultValue,
31619 name: 'Select'
31620 }),
31621 _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2),
31622 value = _useControlled2[0],
31623 setValue = _useControlled2[1];
31625 var inputRef = React.useRef(null);
31627 var _React$useState = React.useState(null),
31628 displayNode = _React$useState[0],
31629 setDisplayNode = _React$useState[1];
31631 var _React$useRef = React.useRef(openProp != null),
31632 isOpenControlled = _React$useRef.current;
31634 var _React$useState2 = React.useState(),
31635 menuMinWidthState = _React$useState2[0],
31636 setMenuMinWidthState = _React$useState2[1];
31638 var _React$useState3 = React.useState(false),
31639 openState = _React$useState3[0],
31640 setOpenState = _React$useState3[1];
31642 var handleRef = useForkRef(ref, inputRefProp);
31643 React.useImperativeHandle(handleRef, function () {
31644 return {
31645 focus: function focus() {
31646 displayNode.focus();
31647 },
31648 node: inputRef.current,
31649 value: value
31650 };
31651 }, [displayNode, value]);
31652 React.useEffect(function () {
31653 if (autoFocus && displayNode) {
31654 displayNode.focus();
31655 }
31656 }, [autoFocus, displayNode]);
31657 React.useEffect(function () {
31658 if (displayNode) {
31659 var label = ownerDocument(displayNode).getElementById(labelId);
31661 if (label) {
31662 var handler = function handler() {
31663 if (getSelection().isCollapsed) {
31664 displayNode.focus();
31665 }
31666 };
31668 label.addEventListener('click', handler);
31669 return function () {
31670 label.removeEventListener('click', handler);
31671 };
31672 }
31673 }
31675 return undefined;
31676 }, [labelId, displayNode]);
31678 var update = function update(open, event) {
31679 if (open) {
31680 if (onOpen) {
31681 onOpen(event);
31682 }
31683 } else if (onClose) {
31684 onClose(event);
31685 }
31687 if (!isOpenControlled) {
31688 setMenuMinWidthState(autoWidth ? null : displayNode.clientWidth);
31689 setOpenState(open);
31690 }
31691 };
31693 var handleMouseDown = function handleMouseDown(event) {
31694 // Ignore everything but left-click
31695 if (event.button !== 0) {
31696 return;
31697 } // Hijack the default focus behavior.
31700 event.preventDefault();
31701 displayNode.focus();
31702 update(true, event);
31703 };
31705 var handleClose = function handleClose(event) {
31706 update(false, event);
31707 };
31709 var childrenArray = React.Children.toArray(children); // Support autofill.
31711 var handleChange = function handleChange(event) {
31712 var index = childrenArray.map(function (child) {
31713 return child.props.value;
31714 }).indexOf(event.target.value);
31716 if (index === -1) {
31717 return;
31718 }
31720 var child = childrenArray[index];
31721 setValue(child.props.value);
31723 if (onChange) {
31724 onChange(event, child);
31725 }
31726 };
31728 var handleItemClick = function handleItemClick(child) {
31729 return function (event) {
31730 if (!multiple) {
31731 update(false, event);
31732 }
31734 var newValue;
31736 if (multiple) {
31737 newValue = Array.isArray(value) ? value.slice() : [];
31738 var itemIndex = value.indexOf(child.props.value);
31740 if (itemIndex === -1) {
31741 newValue.push(child.props.value);
31742 } else {
31743 newValue.splice(itemIndex, 1);
31744 }
31745 } else {
31746 newValue = child.props.value;
31747 }
31749 if (child.props.onClick) {
31750 child.props.onClick(event);
31751 }
31753 if (value === newValue) {
31754 return;
31755 }
31757 setValue(newValue);
31759 if (onChange) {
31760 event.persist(); // Preact support, target is read only property on a native event.
31762 Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', {
31763 writable: true,
31764 value: {
31765 value: newValue,
31766 name: name
31767 }
31768 });
31769 onChange(event, child);
31770 }
31771 };
31772 };
31774 var handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) {
31775 if (!readOnly) {
31776 var validKeys = [' ', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', // The native select doesn't respond to enter on MacOS, but it's recommended by
31777 // https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/listbox/listbox-collapsible.html
31778 'Enter'];
31780 if (validKeys.indexOf(event.key) !== -1) {
31781 event.preventDefault();
31782 update(true, event);
31783 }
31784 }
31785 };
31787 var open = displayNode !== null && (isOpenControlled ? openProp : openState);
31789 var handleBlur = function handleBlur(event) {
31790 // if open event.stopImmediatePropagation
31791 if (!open && onBlur) {
31792 event.persist(); // Preact support, target is read only property on a native event.
31794 Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', {
31795 writable: true,
31796 value: {
31797 value: value,
31798 name: name
31799 }
31800 });
31801 onBlur(event);
31802 }
31803 };
31805 delete other['aria-invalid'];
31806 var display;
31807 var displaySingle;
31808 var displayMultiple = [];
31809 var computeDisplay = false;
31810 var foundMatch = false; // No need to display any value if the field is empty.
31812 if (isFilled({
31813 value: value
31814 }) || displayEmpty) {
31815 if (renderValue) {
31816 display = renderValue(value);
31817 } else {
31818 computeDisplay = true;
31819 }
31820 }
31822 var items = childrenArray.map(function (child) {
31823 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
31824 return null;
31825 }
31827 {
31828 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
31829 console.error(["Material-UI: The Select component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
31830 }
31831 }
31833 var selected;
31835 if (multiple) {
31836 if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
31837 throw new Error( "Material-UI: The `value` prop must be an array when using the `Select` component with `multiple`." );
31838 }
31840 selected = value.some(function (v) {
31841 return areEqualValues(v, child.props.value);
31842 });
31844 if (selected && computeDisplay) {
31845 displayMultiple.push(child.props.children);
31846 }
31847 } else {
31848 selected = areEqualValues(value, child.props.value);
31850 if (selected && computeDisplay) {
31851 displaySingle = child.props.children;
31852 }
31853 }
31855 if (selected) {
31856 foundMatch = true;
31857 }
31859 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
31860 'aria-selected': selected ? 'true' : undefined,
31861 onClick: handleItemClick(child),
31862 onKeyUp: function onKeyUp(event) {
31863 if (event.key === ' ') {
31864 // otherwise our MenuItems dispatches a click event
31865 // it's not behavior of the native <option> and causes
31866 // the select to close immediately since we open on space keydown
31867 event.preventDefault();
31868 }
31870 if (child.props.onKeyUp) {
31871 child.props.onKeyUp(event);
31872 }
31873 },
31874 role: 'option',
31875 selected: selected,
31876 value: undefined,
31877 // The value is most likely not a valid HTML attribute.
31878 'data-value': child.props.value // Instead, we provide it as a data attribute.
31880 });
31881 });
31883 {
31884 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
31885 React.useEffect(function () {
31886 if (!foundMatch && !multiple && value !== '') {
31887 var values = childrenArray.map(function (child) {
31888 return child.props.value;
31889 });
31890 console.warn(["Material-UI: You have provided an out-of-range value `".concat(value, "` for the select ").concat(name ? "(name=\"".concat(name, "\") ") : '', "component."), "Consider providing a value that matches one of the available options or ''.", "The available values are ".concat(values.filter(function (x) {
31891 return x != null;
31892 }).map(function (x) {
31893 return "`".concat(x, "`");
31894 }).join(', ') || '""', ".")].join('\n'));
31895 }
31896 }, [foundMatch, childrenArray, multiple, name, value]);
31897 }
31899 if (computeDisplay) {
31900 display = multiple ? displayMultiple.join(', ') : displaySingle;
31901 } // Avoid performing a layout computation in the render method.
31904 var menuMinWidth = menuMinWidthState;
31906 if (!autoWidth && isOpenControlled && displayNode) {
31907 menuMinWidth = displayNode.clientWidth;
31908 }
31910 var tabIndex;
31912 if (typeof tabIndexProp !== 'undefined') {
31913 tabIndex = tabIndexProp;
31914 } else {
31915 tabIndex = disabled ? null : 0;
31916 }
31918 var buttonId = SelectDisplayProps.id || (name ? "mui-component-select-".concat(name) : undefined);
31919 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
31920 className: clsx(classes.root, // TODO v5: merge root and select
31921 classes.select, classes.selectMenu, classes[variant], className, disabled && classes.disabled),
31922 ref: setDisplayNode,
31923 tabIndex: tabIndex,
31924 role: "button",
31925 "aria-disabled": disabled ? 'true' : undefined,
31926 "aria-expanded": open ? 'true' : undefined,
31927 "aria-haspopup": "listbox",
31928 "aria-label": ariaLabel,
31929 "aria-labelledby": [labelId, buttonId].filter(Boolean).join(' ') || undefined,
31930 onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
31931 onMouseDown: disabled || readOnly ? null : handleMouseDown,
31932 onBlur: handleBlur,
31933 onFocus: onFocus
31934 }, SelectDisplayProps, {
31935 // The id is required for proper a11y
31936 id: buttonId
31937 }), isEmpty(display) ?
31938 /*#__PURE__*/
31939 // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-danger
31940 React.createElement("span", {
31941 dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
31942 __html: '&#8203;'
31943 }
31944 }) : display), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", _extends({
31945 value: Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(',') : value,
31946 name: name,
31947 ref: inputRef,
31948 "aria-hidden": true,
31949 onChange: handleChange,
31950 tabIndex: -1,
31951 className: classes.nativeInput,
31952 autoFocus: autoFocus
31953 }, other)), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconComponent, {
31954 className: clsx(classes.icon, classes["icon".concat(capitalize(variant))], open && classes.iconOpen, disabled && classes.disabled)
31955 }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Menu$1, _extends({
31956 id: "menu-".concat(name || ''),
31957 anchorEl: displayNode,
31958 open: open,
31959 onClose: handleClose
31960 }, MenuProps, {
31961 MenuListProps: _extends({
31962 'aria-labelledby': labelId,
31963 role: 'listbox',
31964 disableListWrap: true
31965 }, MenuProps.MenuListProps),
31966 PaperProps: _extends({}, MenuProps.PaperProps, {
31967 style: _extends({
31968 minWidth: menuMinWidth
31969 }, MenuProps.PaperProps != null ? MenuProps.PaperProps.style : null)
31970 })
31971 }), items));
31972 });
31973 SelectInput.propTypes = {
31974 /**
31975 * @ignore
31976 */
31977 'aria-label': propTypes.string,
31979 /**
31980 * @ignore
31981 */
31982 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
31984 /**
31985 * If `true`, the width of the popover will automatically be set according to the items inside the
31986 * menu, otherwise it will be at least the width of the select input.
31987 */
31988 autoWidth: propTypes.bool,
31990 /**
31991 * The option elements to populate the select with.
31992 * Can be some `<MenuItem>` elements.
31993 */
31994 children: propTypes.node,
31996 /**
31997 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
31998 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
31999 */
32000 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
32002 /**
32003 * The CSS class name of the select element.
32004 */
32005 className: propTypes.string,
32007 /**
32008 * The default element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
32009 */
32010 defaultValue: propTypes.any,
32012 /**
32013 * If `true`, the select will be disabled.
32014 */
32015 disabled: propTypes.bool,
32017 /**
32018 * If `true`, the selected item is displayed even if its value is empty.
32019 */
32020 displayEmpty: propTypes.bool,
32022 /**
32023 * The icon that displays the arrow.
32024 */
32025 IconComponent: propTypes.elementType.isRequired,
32027 /**
32028 * Imperative handle implementing `{ value: T, node: HTMLElement, focus(): void }`
32029 * Equivalent to `ref`
32030 */
32031 inputRef: refType,
32033 /**
32034 * The ID of an element that acts as an additional label. The Select will
32035 * be labelled by the additional label and the selected value.
32036 */
32037 labelId: propTypes.string,
32039 /**
32040 * Props applied to the [`Menu`](/api/menu/) element.
32041 */
32042 MenuProps: propTypes.object,
32044 /**
32045 * If `true`, `value` must be an array and the menu will support multiple selections.
32046 */
32047 multiple: propTypes.bool,
32049 /**
32050 * Name attribute of the `select` or hidden `input` element.
32051 */
32052 name: propTypes.string,
32054 /**
32055 * @ignore
32056 */
32057 onBlur: propTypes.func,
32059 /**
32060 * Callback function fired when a menu item is selected.
32061 *
32062 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
32063 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (any).
32064 * @param {object} [child] The react element that was selected.
32065 */
32066 onChange: propTypes.func,
32068 /**
32069 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
32070 * Use in controlled mode (see open).
32071 *
32072 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
32073 */
32074 onClose: propTypes.func,
32076 /**
32077 * @ignore
32078 */
32079 onFocus: propTypes.func,
32081 /**
32082 * Callback fired when the component requests to be opened.
32083 * Use in controlled mode (see open).
32084 *
32085 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
32086 */
32087 onOpen: propTypes.func,
32089 /**
32090 * Control `select` open state.
32091 */
32092 open: propTypes.bool,
32094 /**
32095 * @ignore
32096 */
32097 readOnly: propTypes.bool,
32099 /**
32100 * Render the selected value.
32101 *
32102 * @param {any} value The `value` provided to the component.
32103 * @returns {ReactNode}
32104 */
32105 renderValue: propTypes.func,
32107 /**
32108 * Props applied to the clickable div element.
32109 */
32110 SelectDisplayProps: propTypes.object,
32112 /**
32113 * @ignore
32114 */
32115 tabIndex: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
32117 /**
32118 * @ignore
32119 */
32120 type: propTypes.any,
32122 /**
32123 * The input value.
32124 */
32125 value: propTypes.any,
32127 /**
32128 * The variant to use.
32129 */
32130 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['standard', 'outlined', 'filled'])
32131 } ;
32133 var styles$1n = styles$1i;
32135 var _ref = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Input$1, null);
32137 var _ref2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FilledInput$1, null);
32139 var Select = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Select(props, ref) {
32140 var _props$autoWidth = props.autoWidth,
32141 autoWidth = _props$autoWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$autoWidth,
32142 children = props.children,
32143 classes = props.classes,
32144 _props$displayEmpty = props.displayEmpty,
32145 displayEmpty = _props$displayEmpty === void 0 ? false : _props$displayEmpty,
32146 _props$IconComponent = props.IconComponent,
32147 IconComponent = _props$IconComponent === void 0 ? ArrowDropDownIcon : _props$IconComponent,
32148 id = props.id,
32149 input = props.input,
32150 inputProps = props.inputProps,
32151 label = props.label,
32152 labelId = props.labelId,
32153 _props$labelWidth = props.labelWidth,
32154 labelWidth = _props$labelWidth === void 0 ? 0 : _props$labelWidth,
32155 MenuProps = props.MenuProps,
32156 _props$multiple = props.multiple,
32157 multiple = _props$multiple === void 0 ? false : _props$multiple,
32158 _props$native = props.native,
32159 native = _props$native === void 0 ? false : _props$native,
32160 onClose = props.onClose,
32161 onOpen = props.onOpen,
32162 open = props.open,
32163 renderValue = props.renderValue,
32164 SelectDisplayProps = props.SelectDisplayProps,
32165 _props$variant = props.variant,
32166 variantProps = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'standard' : _props$variant,
32167 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["autoWidth", "children", "classes", "displayEmpty", "IconComponent", "id", "input", "inputProps", "label", "labelId", "labelWidth", "MenuProps", "multiple", "native", "onClose", "onOpen", "open", "renderValue", "SelectDisplayProps", "variant"]);
32169 var inputComponent = native ? NativeSelectInput : SelectInput;
32170 var muiFormControl = useFormControl$1();
32171 var fcs = formControlState({
32172 props: props,
32173 muiFormControl: muiFormControl,
32174 states: ['variant']
32175 });
32176 var variant = fcs.variant || variantProps;
32177 var InputComponent = input || {
32178 standard: _ref,
32179 outlined: /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(OutlinedInput$1, {
32180 label: label,
32181 labelWidth: labelWidth
32182 }),
32183 filled: _ref2
32184 }[variant];
32185 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(InputComponent, _extends({
32186 // Most of the logic is implemented in `SelectInput`.
32187 // The `Select` component is a simple API wrapper to expose something better to play with.
32188 inputComponent: inputComponent,
32189 inputProps: _extends({
32190 children: children,
32191 IconComponent: IconComponent,
32192 variant: variant,
32193 type: undefined,
32194 // We render a select. We can ignore the type provided by the `Input`.
32195 multiple: multiple
32196 }, native ? {
32197 id: id
32198 } : {
32199 autoWidth: autoWidth,
32200 displayEmpty: displayEmpty,
32201 labelId: labelId,
32202 MenuProps: MenuProps,
32203 onClose: onClose,
32204 onOpen: onOpen,
32205 open: open,
32206 renderValue: renderValue,
32207 SelectDisplayProps: _extends({
32208 id: id
32209 }, SelectDisplayProps)
32210 }, inputProps, {
32211 classes: inputProps ? mergeClasses({
32212 baseClasses: classes,
32213 newClasses: inputProps.classes,
32214 Component: Select
32215 }) : classes
32216 }, input ? input.props.inputProps : {}),
32217 ref: ref
32218 }, other));
32219 });
32220 Select.propTypes = {
32221 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
32222 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
32223 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
32224 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
32226 /**
32227 * If `true`, the width of the popover will automatically be set according to the items inside the
32228 * menu, otherwise it will be at least the width of the select input.
32229 */
32230 autoWidth: propTypes.bool,
32232 /**
32233 * The option elements to populate the select with.
32234 * Can be some `MenuItem` when `native` is false and `option` when `native` is true.
32235 *
32236 * ⚠️The `MenuItem` elements **must** be direct descendants when `native` is false.
32237 */
32238 children: propTypes.node,
32240 /**
32241 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
32242 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
32243 */
32244 classes: propTypes.object,
32246 /**
32247 * The default element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
32248 */
32249 defaultValue: propTypes.any,
32251 /**
32252 * If `true`, a value is displayed even if no items are selected.
32253 *
32254 * In order to display a meaningful value, a function should be passed to the `renderValue` prop which returns the value to be displayed when no items are selected.
32255 * You can only use it when the `native` prop is `false` (default).
32256 */
32257 displayEmpty: propTypes.bool,
32259 /**
32260 * The icon that displays the arrow.
32261 */
32262 IconComponent: propTypes.elementType,
32264 /**
32265 * The `id` of the wrapper element or the `select` element when `native`.
32266 */
32267 id: propTypes.string,
32269 /**
32270 * An `Input` element; does not have to be a material-ui specific `Input`.
32271 */
32272 input: propTypes.element,
32274 /**
32275 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
32276 * When `native` is `true`, the attributes are applied on the `select` element.
32277 */
32278 inputProps: propTypes.object,
32280 /**
32281 * See [OutlinedInput#label](/api/outlined-input/#props)
32282 */
32283 label: propTypes.node,
32285 /**
32286 * The ID of an element that acts as an additional label. The Select will
32287 * be labelled by the additional label and the selected value.
32288 */
32289 labelId: propTypes.string,
32291 /**
32292 * See [OutlinedInput#label](/api/outlined-input/#props)
32293 */
32294 labelWidth: propTypes.number,
32296 /**
32297 * Props applied to the [`Menu`](/api/menu/) element.
32298 */
32299 MenuProps: propTypes.object,
32301 /**
32302 * If `true`, `value` must be an array and the menu will support multiple selections.
32303 */
32304 multiple: propTypes.bool,
32306 /**
32307 * If `true`, the component will be using a native `select` element.
32308 */
32309 native: propTypes.bool,
32311 /**
32312 * Callback function fired when a menu item is selected.
32313 *
32314 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
32315 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (any).
32316 * @param {object} [child] The react element that was selected when `native` is `false` (default).
32317 */
32318 onChange: propTypes.func,
32320 /**
32321 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
32322 * Use in controlled mode (see open).
32323 *
32324 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
32325 */
32326 onClose: propTypes.func,
32328 /**
32329 * Callback fired when the component requests to be opened.
32330 * Use in controlled mode (see open).
32331 *
32332 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
32333 */
32334 onOpen: propTypes.func,
32336 /**
32337 * Control `select` open state.
32338 * You can only use it when the `native` prop is `false` (default).
32339 */
32340 open: propTypes.bool,
32342 /**
32343 * Render the selected value.
32344 * You can only use it when the `native` prop is `false` (default).
32345 *
32346 * @param {any} value The `value` provided to the component.
32347 * @returns {ReactNode}
32348 */
32349 renderValue: propTypes.func,
32351 /**
32352 * Props applied to the clickable div element.
32353 */
32354 SelectDisplayProps: propTypes.object,
32356 /**
32357 * The input value. Providing an empty string will select no options.
32358 * This prop is required when the `native` prop is `false` (default).
32359 * Set to an empty string `''` if you don't want any of the available options to be selected.
32360 *
32361 * If the value is an object it must have reference equality with the option in order to be selected.
32362 * If the value is not an object, the string representation must match with the string representation of the option in order to be selected.
32363 */
32364 value: propTypes.any,
32366 /**
32367 * The variant to use.
32368 */
32369 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['filled', 'outlined', 'standard'])
32370 } ;
32371 Select.muiName = 'Select';
32372 var Select$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1n, {
32373 name: 'MuiSelect'
32374 })(Select);
32376 var styles$1o = function styles(theme) {
32377 return {
32378 thumb: {
32379 '&$open': {
32380 '& $offset': {
32381 transform: 'scale(1) translateY(-10px)'
32382 }
32383 }
32384 },
32385 open: {},
32386 offset: _extends({
32387 zIndex: 1
32388 }, theme.typography.body2, {
32389 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12),
32390 lineHeight: 1.2,
32391 transition: theme.transitions.create(['transform'], {
32392 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
32393 }),
32394 top: -34,
32395 transformOrigin: 'bottom center',
32396 transform: 'scale(0)',
32397 position: 'absolute'
32398 }),
32399 circle: {
32400 display: 'flex',
32401 alignItems: 'center',
32402 justifyContent: 'center',
32403 width: 32,
32404 height: 32,
32405 borderRadius: '50% 50% 50% 0',
32406 backgroundColor: 'currentColor',
32407 transform: 'rotate(-45deg)'
32408 },
32409 label: {
32410 color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
32411 transform: 'rotate(45deg)'
32412 }
32413 };
32414 };
32415 /**
32416 * @ignore - internal component.
32417 */
32420 function ValueLabel(props) {
32421 var children = props.children,
32422 classes = props.classes,
32423 className = props.className,
32424 open = props.open,
32425 value = props.value,
32426 valueLabelDisplay = props.valueLabelDisplay;
32428 if (valueLabelDisplay === 'off') {
32429 return children;
32430 }
32432 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, {
32433 className: clsx(children.props.className, (open || valueLabelDisplay === 'on') && classes.open, classes.thumb)
32434 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
32435 className: clsx(classes.offset, className)
32436 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
32437 className: classes.circle
32438 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
32439 className: classes.label
32440 }, value))));
32441 }
32443 var ValueLabel$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1o, {
32444 name: 'PrivateValueLabel'
32445 })(ValueLabel);
32447 function asc(a, b) {
32448 return a - b;
32449 }
32451 function clamp$1(value, min, max) {
32452 return Math.min(Math.max(min, value), max);
32453 }
32455 function findClosest(values, currentValue) {
32456 var _values$reduce = values.reduce(function (acc, value, index) {
32457 var distance = Math.abs(currentValue - value);
32459 if (acc === null || distance < acc.distance || distance === acc.distance) {
32460 return {
32461 distance: distance,
32462 index: index
32463 };
32464 }
32466 return acc;
32467 }, null),
32468 closestIndex = _values$reduce.index;
32470 return closestIndex;
32471 }
32473 function trackFinger(event, touchId) {
32474 if (touchId.current !== undefined && event.changedTouches) {
32475 for (var i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; i += 1) {
32476 var touch = event.changedTouches[i];
32478 if (touch.identifier === touchId.current) {
32479 return {
32480 x: touch.clientX,
32481 y: touch.clientY
32482 };
32483 }
32484 }
32486 return false;
32487 }
32489 return {
32490 x: event.clientX,
32491 y: event.clientY
32492 };
32493 }
32495 function valueToPercent(value, min, max) {
32496 return (value - min) * 100 / (max - min);
32497 }
32499 function percentToValue(percent, min, max) {
32500 return (max - min) * percent + min;
32501 }
32503 function getDecimalPrecision(num) {
32504 // This handles the case when num is very small (0.00000001), js will turn this into 1e-8.
32505 // When num is bigger than 1 or less than -1 it won't get converted to this notation so it's fine.
32506 if (Math.abs(num) < 1) {
32507 var parts = num.toExponential().split('e-');
32508 var matissaDecimalPart = parts[0].split('.')[1];
32509 return (matissaDecimalPart ? matissaDecimalPart.length : 0) + parseInt(parts[1], 10);
32510 }
32512 var decimalPart = num.toString().split('.')[1];
32513 return decimalPart ? decimalPart.length : 0;
32514 }
32516 function roundValueToStep(value, step, min) {
32517 var nearest = Math.round((value - min) / step) * step + min;
32518 return Number(nearest.toFixed(getDecimalPrecision(step)));
32519 }
32521 function setValueIndex(_ref) {
32522 var values = _ref.values,
32523 source = _ref.source,
32524 newValue = _ref.newValue,
32525 index = _ref.index;
32527 // Performance shortcut
32528 if (values[index] === newValue) {
32529 return source;
32530 }
32532 var output = values.slice();
32533 output[index] = newValue;
32534 return output;
32535 }
32537 function focusThumb(_ref2) {
32538 var sliderRef = _ref2.sliderRef,
32539 activeIndex = _ref2.activeIndex,
32540 setActive = _ref2.setActive;
32542 if (!sliderRef.current.contains(document.activeElement) || Number(document.activeElement.getAttribute('data-index')) !== activeIndex) {
32543 sliderRef.current.querySelector("[role=\"slider\"][data-index=\"".concat(activeIndex, "\"]")).focus();
32544 }
32546 if (setActive) {
32547 setActive(activeIndex);
32548 }
32549 }
32551 var axisProps = {
32552 horizontal: {
32553 offset: function offset(percent) {
32554 return {
32555 left: "".concat(percent, "%")
32556 };
32557 },
32558 leap: function leap(percent) {
32559 return {
32560 width: "".concat(percent, "%")
32561 };
32562 }
32563 },
32564 'horizontal-reverse': {
32565 offset: function offset(percent) {
32566 return {
32567 right: "".concat(percent, "%")
32568 };
32569 },
32570 leap: function leap(percent) {
32571 return {
32572 width: "".concat(percent, "%")
32573 };
32574 }
32575 },
32576 vertical: {
32577 offset: function offset(percent) {
32578 return {
32579 bottom: "".concat(percent, "%")
32580 };
32581 },
32582 leap: function leap(percent) {
32583 return {
32584 height: "".concat(percent, "%")
32585 };
32586 }
32587 }
32588 };
32590 var Identity = function Identity(x) {
32591 return x;
32592 };
32594 var styles$1p = function styles(theme) {
32595 return {
32596 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
32597 root: {
32598 height: 2,
32599 width: '100%',
32600 boxSizing: 'content-box',
32601 padding: '13px 0',
32602 display: 'inline-block',
32603 position: 'relative',
32604 cursor: 'pointer',
32605 touchAction: 'none',
32606 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
32607 WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
32608 '&$disabled': {
32609 pointerEvents: 'none',
32610 cursor: 'default',
32611 color: theme.palette.grey[400]
32612 },
32613 '&$vertical': {
32614 width: 2,
32615 height: '100%',
32616 padding: '0 13px'
32617 },
32618 // The primary input mechanism of the device includes a pointing device of limited accuracy.
32619 '@media (pointer: coarse)': {
32620 // Reach 42px touch target, about ~8mm on screen.
32621 padding: '20px 0',
32622 '&$vertical': {
32623 padding: '0 20px'
32624 }
32625 },
32626 '@media print': {
32627 colorAdjust: 'exact'
32628 }
32629 },
32631 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="primary"`. */
32632 colorPrimary: {// TODO v5: move the style here
32633 },
32635 /* Styles applied to the root element if `color="secondary"`. */
32636 colorSecondary: {
32637 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
32638 },
32640 /* Styles applied to the root element if `marks` is provided with at least one label. */
32641 marked: {
32642 marginBottom: 20,
32643 '&$vertical': {
32644 marginBottom: 'auto',
32645 marginRight: 20
32646 }
32647 },
32649 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
32650 vertical: {},
32652 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root and thumb element if `disabled={true}`. */
32653 disabled: {},
32655 /* Styles applied to the rail element. */
32656 rail: {
32657 display: 'block',
32658 position: 'absolute',
32659 width: '100%',
32660 height: 2,
32661 borderRadius: 1,
32662 backgroundColor: 'currentColor',
32663 opacity: 0.38,
32664 '$vertical &': {
32665 height: '100%',
32666 width: 2
32667 }
32668 },
32670 /* Styles applied to the track element. */
32671 track: {
32672 display: 'block',
32673 position: 'absolute',
32674 height: 2,
32675 borderRadius: 1,
32676 backgroundColor: 'currentColor',
32677 '$vertical &': {
32678 width: 2
32679 }
32680 },
32682 /* Styles applied to the track element if `track={false}`. */
32683 trackFalse: {
32684 '& $track': {
32685 display: 'none'
32686 }
32687 },
32689 /* Styles applied to the track element if `track="inverted"`. */
32690 trackInverted: {
32691 '& $track': {
32692 backgroundColor: // Same logic as the LinearProgress track color
32693 theme.palette.type === 'light' ? lighten(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.62) : darken(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.5)
32694 },
32695 '& $rail': {
32696 opacity: 1
32697 }
32698 },
32700 /* Styles applied to the thumb element. */
32701 thumb: {
32702 position: 'absolute',
32703 width: 12,
32704 height: 12,
32705 marginLeft: -6,
32706 marginTop: -5,
32707 boxSizing: 'border-box',
32708 borderRadius: '50%',
32709 outline: 0,
32710 backgroundColor: 'currentColor',
32711 display: 'flex',
32712 alignItems: 'center',
32713 justifyContent: 'center',
32714 transition: theme.transitions.create(['box-shadow'], {
32715 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
32716 }),
32717 '&::after': {
32718 position: 'absolute',
32719 content: '""',
32720 borderRadius: '50%',
32721 // reach 42px hit target (2 * 15 + thumb diameter)
32722 left: -15,
32723 top: -15,
32724 right: -15,
32725 bottom: -15
32726 },
32727 '&$focusVisible,&:hover': {
32728 boxShadow: "0px 0px 0px 8px ".concat(alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.16)),
32729 '@media (hover: none)': {
32730 boxShadow: 'none'
32731 }
32732 },
32733 '&$active': {
32734 boxShadow: "0px 0px 0px 14px ".concat(alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.16))
32735 },
32736 '&$disabled': {
32737 width: 8,
32738 height: 8,
32739 marginLeft: -4,
32740 marginTop: -3,
32741 '&:hover': {
32742 boxShadow: 'none'
32743 }
32744 },
32745 '$vertical &': {
32746 marginLeft: -5,
32747 marginBottom: -6
32748 },
32749 '$vertical &$disabled': {
32750 marginLeft: -3,
32751 marginBottom: -4
32752 }
32753 },
32755 /* Styles applied to the thumb element if `color="primary"`. */
32756 thumbColorPrimary: {// TODO v5: move the style here
32757 },
32759 /* Styles applied to the thumb element if `color="secondary"`. */
32760 thumbColorSecondary: {
32761 '&$focusVisible,&:hover': {
32762 boxShadow: "0px 0px 0px 8px ".concat(alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.16))
32763 },
32764 '&$active': {
32765 boxShadow: "0px 0px 0px 14px ".concat(alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.16))
32766 }
32767 },
32769 /* Pseudo-class applied to the thumb element if it's active. */
32770 active: {},
32772 /* Pseudo-class applied to the thumb element if keyboard focused. */
32773 focusVisible: {},
32775 /* Styles applied to the thumb label element. */
32776 valueLabel: {
32777 // IE 11 centering bug, to remove from the customization demos once no longer supported
32778 left: 'calc(-50% - 4px)'
32779 },
32781 /* Styles applied to the mark element. */
32782 mark: {
32783 position: 'absolute',
32784 width: 2,
32785 height: 2,
32786 borderRadius: 1,
32787 backgroundColor: 'currentColor'
32788 },
32790 /* Styles applied to the mark element if active (depending on the value). */
32791 markActive: {
32792 backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.paper,
32793 opacity: 0.8
32794 },
32796 /* Styles applied to the mark label element. */
32797 markLabel: _extends({}, theme.typography.body2, {
32798 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
32799 position: 'absolute',
32800 top: 26,
32801 transform: 'translateX(-50%)',
32802 whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
32803 '$vertical &': {
32804 top: 'auto',
32805 left: 26,
32806 transform: 'translateY(50%)'
32807 },
32808 '@media (pointer: coarse)': {
32809 top: 40,
32810 '$vertical &': {
32811 left: 31
32812 }
32813 }
32814 }),
32816 /* Styles applied to the mark label element if active (depending on the value). */
32817 markLabelActive: {
32818 color: theme.palette.text.primary
32819 }
32820 };
32821 };
32822 var Slider = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Slider(props, ref) {
32823 var ariaLabel = props['aria-label'],
32824 ariaLabelledby = props['aria-labelledby'],
32825 ariaValuetext = props['aria-valuetext'],
32826 classes = props.classes,
32827 className = props.className,
32828 _props$color = props.color,
32829 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,
32830 _props$component = props.component,
32831 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'span' : _props$component,
32832 defaultValue = props.defaultValue,
32833 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
32834 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
32835 getAriaLabel = props.getAriaLabel,
32836 getAriaValueText = props.getAriaValueText,
32837 _props$marks = props.marks,
32838 marksProp = _props$marks === void 0 ? false : _props$marks,
32839 _props$max = props.max,
32840 max = _props$max === void 0 ? 100 : _props$max,
32841 _props$min = props.min,
32842 min = _props$min === void 0 ? 0 : _props$min,
32843 name = props.name,
32844 onChange = props.onChange,
32845 onChangeCommitted = props.onChangeCommitted,
32846 onMouseDown = props.onMouseDown,
32847 _props$orientation = props.orientation,
32848 orientation = _props$orientation === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _props$orientation,
32849 _props$scale = props.scale,
32850 scale = _props$scale === void 0 ? Identity : _props$scale,
32851 _props$step = props.step,
32852 step = _props$step === void 0 ? 1 : _props$step,
32853 _props$ThumbComponent = props.ThumbComponent,
32854 ThumbComponent = _props$ThumbComponent === void 0 ? 'span' : _props$ThumbComponent,
32855 _props$track = props.track,
32856 track = _props$track === void 0 ? 'normal' : _props$track,
32857 valueProp = props.value,
32858 _props$ValueLabelComp = props.ValueLabelComponent,
32859 ValueLabelComponent = _props$ValueLabelComp === void 0 ? ValueLabel$1 : _props$ValueLabelComp,
32860 _props$valueLabelDisp = props.valueLabelDisplay,
32861 valueLabelDisplay = _props$valueLabelDisp === void 0 ? 'off' : _props$valueLabelDisp,
32862 _props$valueLabelForm = props.valueLabelFormat,
32863 valueLabelFormat = _props$valueLabelForm === void 0 ? Identity : _props$valueLabelForm,
32864 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["aria-label", "aria-labelledby", "aria-valuetext", "classes", "className", "color", "component", "defaultValue", "disabled", "getAriaLabel", "getAriaValueText", "marks", "max", "min", "name", "onChange", "onChangeCommitted", "onMouseDown", "orientation", "scale", "step", "ThumbComponent", "track", "value", "ValueLabelComponent", "valueLabelDisplay", "valueLabelFormat"]);
32866 var theme = useTheme$1();
32867 var touchId = React.useRef(); // We can't use the :active browser pseudo-classes.
32868 // - The active state isn't triggered when clicking on the rail.
32869 // - The active state isn't transfered when inversing a range slider.
32871 var _React$useState = React.useState(-1),
32872 active = _React$useState[0],
32873 setActive = _React$useState[1];
32875 var _React$useState2 = React.useState(-1),
32876 open = _React$useState2[0],
32877 setOpen = _React$useState2[1];
32879 var _useControlled = useControlled({
32880 controlled: valueProp,
32881 default: defaultValue,
32882 name: 'Slider'
32883 }),
32884 _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2),
32885 valueDerived = _useControlled2[0],
32886 setValueState = _useControlled2[1];
32888 var range = Array.isArray(valueDerived);
32889 var values = range ? valueDerived.slice().sort(asc) : [valueDerived];
32890 values = values.map(function (value) {
32891 return clamp$1(value, min, max);
32892 });
32893 var marks = marksProp === true && step !== null ? _toConsumableArray(Array(Math.floor((max - min) / step) + 1)).map(function (_, index) {
32894 return {
32895 value: min + step * index
32896 };
32897 }) : marksProp || [];
32899 var _useIsFocusVisible = useIsFocusVisible(),
32900 isFocusVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.isFocusVisible,
32901 onBlurVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.onBlurVisible,
32902 focusVisibleRef = _useIsFocusVisible.ref;
32904 var _React$useState3 = React.useState(-1),
32905 focusVisible = _React$useState3[0],
32906 setFocusVisible = _React$useState3[1];
32908 var sliderRef = React.useRef();
32909 var handleFocusRef = useForkRef(focusVisibleRef, sliderRef);
32910 var handleRef = useForkRef(ref, handleFocusRef);
32911 var handleFocus = useEventCallback(function (event) {
32912 var index = Number(event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-index'));
32914 if (isFocusVisible(event)) {
32915 setFocusVisible(index);
32916 }
32918 setOpen(index);
32919 });
32920 var handleBlur = useEventCallback(function () {
32921 if (focusVisible !== -1) {
32922 setFocusVisible(-1);
32923 onBlurVisible();
32924 }
32926 setOpen(-1);
32927 });
32928 var handleMouseOver = useEventCallback(function (event) {
32929 var index = Number(event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-index'));
32930 setOpen(index);
32931 });
32932 var handleMouseLeave = useEventCallback(function () {
32933 setOpen(-1);
32934 });
32935 var isRtl = theme.direction === 'rtl';
32936 var handleKeyDown = useEventCallback(function (event) {
32937 var index = Number(event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-index'));
32938 var value = values[index];
32939 var tenPercents = (max - min) / 10;
32940 var marksValues = marks.map(function (mark) {
32941 return mark.value;
32942 });
32943 var marksIndex = marksValues.indexOf(value);
32944 var newValue;
32945 var increaseKey = isRtl ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight';
32946 var decreaseKey = isRtl ? 'ArrowRight' : 'ArrowLeft';
32948 switch (event.key) {
32949 case 'Home':
32950 newValue = min;
32951 break;
32953 case 'End':
32954 newValue = max;
32955 break;
32957 case 'PageUp':
32958 if (step) {
32959 newValue = value + tenPercents;
32960 }
32962 break;
32964 case 'PageDown':
32965 if (step) {
32966 newValue = value - tenPercents;
32967 }
32969 break;
32971 case increaseKey:
32972 case 'ArrowUp':
32973 if (step) {
32974 newValue = value + step;
32975 } else {
32976 newValue = marksValues[marksIndex + 1] || marksValues[marksValues.length - 1];
32977 }
32979 break;
32981 case decreaseKey:
32982 case 'ArrowDown':
32983 if (step) {
32984 newValue = value - step;
32985 } else {
32986 newValue = marksValues[marksIndex - 1] || marksValues[0];
32987 }
32989 break;
32991 default:
32992 return;
32993 } // Prevent scroll of the page
32996 event.preventDefault();
32998 if (step) {
32999 newValue = roundValueToStep(newValue, step, min);
33000 }
33002 newValue = clamp$1(newValue, min, max);
33004 if (range) {
33005 var previousValue = newValue;
33006 newValue = setValueIndex({
33007 values: values,
33008 source: valueDerived,
33009 newValue: newValue,
33010 index: index
33011 }).sort(asc);
33012 focusThumb({
33013 sliderRef: sliderRef,
33014 activeIndex: newValue.indexOf(previousValue)
33015 });
33016 }
33018 setValueState(newValue);
33019 setFocusVisible(index);
33021 if (onChange) {
33022 onChange(event, newValue);
33023 }
33025 if (onChangeCommitted) {
33026 onChangeCommitted(event, newValue);
33027 }
33028 });
33029 var previousIndex = React.useRef();
33030 var axis = orientation;
33032 if (isRtl && orientation !== "vertical") {
33033 axis += '-reverse';
33034 }
33036 var getFingerNewValue = function getFingerNewValue(_ref3) {
33037 var finger = _ref3.finger,
33038 _ref3$move = _ref3.move,
33039 move = _ref3$move === void 0 ? false : _ref3$move,
33040 values2 = _ref3.values,
33041 source = _ref3.source;
33042 var slider = sliderRef.current;
33044 var _slider$getBoundingCl = slider.getBoundingClientRect(),
33045 width = _slider$getBoundingCl.width,
33046 height = _slider$getBoundingCl.height,
33047 bottom = _slider$getBoundingCl.bottom,
33048 left = _slider$getBoundingCl.left;
33050 var percent;
33052 if (axis.indexOf('vertical') === 0) {
33053 percent = (bottom - finger.y) / height;
33054 } else {
33055 percent = (finger.x - left) / width;
33056 }
33058 if (axis.indexOf('-reverse') !== -1) {
33059 percent = 1 - percent;
33060 }
33062 var newValue;
33063 newValue = percentToValue(percent, min, max);
33065 if (step) {
33066 newValue = roundValueToStep(newValue, step, min);
33067 } else {
33068 var marksValues = marks.map(function (mark) {
33069 return mark.value;
33070 });
33071 var closestIndex = findClosest(marksValues, newValue);
33072 newValue = marksValues[closestIndex];
33073 }
33075 newValue = clamp$1(newValue, min, max);
33076 var activeIndex = 0;
33078 if (range) {
33079 if (!move) {
33080 activeIndex = findClosest(values2, newValue);
33081 } else {
33082 activeIndex = previousIndex.current;
33083 }
33085 var previousValue = newValue;
33086 newValue = setValueIndex({
33087 values: values2,
33088 source: source,
33089 newValue: newValue,
33090 index: activeIndex
33091 }).sort(asc);
33092 activeIndex = newValue.indexOf(previousValue);
33093 previousIndex.current = activeIndex;
33094 }
33096 return {
33097 newValue: newValue,
33098 activeIndex: activeIndex
33099 };
33100 };
33102 var handleTouchMove = useEventCallback(function (event) {
33103 var finger = trackFinger(event, touchId);
33105 if (!finger) {
33106 return;
33107 }
33109 var _getFingerNewValue = getFingerNewValue({
33110 finger: finger,
33111 move: true,
33112 values: values,
33113 source: valueDerived
33114 }),
33115 newValue = _getFingerNewValue.newValue,
33116 activeIndex = _getFingerNewValue.activeIndex;
33118 focusThumb({
33119 sliderRef: sliderRef,
33120 activeIndex: activeIndex,
33121 setActive: setActive
33122 });
33123 setValueState(newValue);
33125 if (onChange) {
33126 onChange(event, newValue);
33127 }
33128 });
33129 var handleTouchEnd = useEventCallback(function (event) {
33130 var finger = trackFinger(event, touchId);
33132 if (!finger) {
33133 return;
33134 }
33136 var _getFingerNewValue2 = getFingerNewValue({
33137 finger: finger,
33138 values: values,
33139 source: valueDerived
33140 }),
33141 newValue = _getFingerNewValue2.newValue;
33143 setActive(-1);
33145 if (event.type === 'touchend') {
33146 setOpen(-1);
33147 }
33149 if (onChangeCommitted) {
33150 onChangeCommitted(event, newValue);
33151 }
33153 touchId.current = undefined;
33154 var doc = ownerDocument(sliderRef.current);
33155 doc.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleTouchMove);
33156 doc.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleTouchEnd);
33157 doc.removeEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove);
33158 doc.removeEventListener('touchend', handleTouchEnd);
33159 });
33160 var handleTouchStart = useEventCallback(function (event) {
33161 // Workaround as Safari has partial support for touchAction: 'none'.
33162 event.preventDefault();
33163 var touch = event.changedTouches[0];
33165 if (touch != null) {
33166 // A number that uniquely identifies the current finger in the touch session.
33167 touchId.current = touch.identifier;
33168 }
33170 var finger = trackFinger(event, touchId);
33172 var _getFingerNewValue3 = getFingerNewValue({
33173 finger: finger,
33174 values: values,
33175 source: valueDerived
33176 }),
33177 newValue = _getFingerNewValue3.newValue,
33178 activeIndex = _getFingerNewValue3.activeIndex;
33180 focusThumb({
33181 sliderRef: sliderRef,
33182 activeIndex: activeIndex,
33183 setActive: setActive
33184 });
33185 setValueState(newValue);
33187 if (onChange) {
33188 onChange(event, newValue);
33189 }
33191 var doc = ownerDocument(sliderRef.current);
33192 doc.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove);
33193 doc.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchEnd);
33194 });
33195 React.useEffect(function () {
33196 var slider = sliderRef.current;
33197 slider.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart);
33198 var doc = ownerDocument(slider);
33199 return function () {
33200 slider.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart);
33201 doc.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleTouchMove);
33202 doc.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleTouchEnd);
33203 doc.removeEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove);
33204 doc.removeEventListener('touchend', handleTouchEnd);
33205 };
33206 }, [handleTouchEnd, handleTouchMove, handleTouchStart]);
33207 var handleMouseDown = useEventCallback(function (event) {
33208 if (onMouseDown) {
33209 onMouseDown(event);
33210 }
33212 event.preventDefault();
33213 var finger = trackFinger(event, touchId);
33215 var _getFingerNewValue4 = getFingerNewValue({
33216 finger: finger,
33217 values: values,
33218 source: valueDerived
33219 }),
33220 newValue = _getFingerNewValue4.newValue,
33221 activeIndex = _getFingerNewValue4.activeIndex;
33223 focusThumb({
33224 sliderRef: sliderRef,
33225 activeIndex: activeIndex,
33226 setActive: setActive
33227 });
33228 setValueState(newValue);
33230 if (onChange) {
33231 onChange(event, newValue);
33232 }
33234 var doc = ownerDocument(sliderRef.current);
33235 doc.addEventListener('mousemove', handleTouchMove);
33236 doc.addEventListener('mouseup', handleTouchEnd);
33237 });
33238 var trackOffset = valueToPercent(range ? values[0] : min, min, max);
33239 var trackLeap = valueToPercent(values[values.length - 1], min, max) - trackOffset;
33241 var trackStyle = _extends({}, axisProps[axis].offset(trackOffset), axisProps[axis].leap(trackLeap));
33243 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
33244 ref: handleRef,
33245 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], className, disabled && classes.disabled, marks.length > 0 && marks.some(function (mark) {
33246 return mark.label;
33247 }) && classes.marked, track === false && classes.trackFalse, orientation === 'vertical' && classes.vertical, track === 'inverted' && classes.trackInverted),
33248 onMouseDown: handleMouseDown
33249 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
33250 className: classes.rail
33251 }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
33252 className: classes.track,
33253 style: trackStyle
33254 }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", {
33255 value: values.join(','),
33256 name: name,
33257 type: "hidden"
33258 }), marks.map(function (mark, index) {
33259 var percent = valueToPercent(mark.value, min, max);
33260 var style = axisProps[axis].offset(percent);
33261 var markActive;
33263 if (track === false) {
33264 markActive = values.indexOf(mark.value) !== -1;
33265 } else {
33266 markActive = track === 'normal' && (range ? mark.value >= values[0] && mark.value <= values[values.length - 1] : mark.value <= values[0]) || track === 'inverted' && (range ? mark.value <= values[0] || mark.value >= values[values.length - 1] : mark.value >= values[0]);
33267 }
33269 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, {
33270 key: mark.value
33271 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
33272 style: style,
33273 "data-index": index,
33274 className: clsx(classes.mark, markActive && classes.markActive)
33275 }), mark.label != null ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
33276 "aria-hidden": true,
33277 "data-index": index,
33278 style: style,
33279 className: clsx(classes.markLabel, markActive && classes.markLabelActive)
33280 }, mark.label) : null);
33281 }), values.map(function (value, index) {
33282 var percent = valueToPercent(value, min, max);
33283 var style = axisProps[axis].offset(percent);
33284 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ValueLabelComponent, {
33285 key: index,
33286 valueLabelFormat: valueLabelFormat,
33287 valueLabelDisplay: valueLabelDisplay,
33288 className: classes.valueLabel,
33289 value: typeof valueLabelFormat === 'function' ? valueLabelFormat(scale(value), index) : valueLabelFormat,
33290 index: index,
33291 open: open === index || active === index || valueLabelDisplay === 'on',
33292 disabled: disabled
33293 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ThumbComponent, {
33294 className: clsx(classes.thumb, classes["thumbColor".concat(capitalize(color))], active === index && classes.active, disabled && classes.disabled, focusVisible === index && classes.focusVisible),
33295 tabIndex: disabled ? null : 0,
33296 role: "slider",
33297 style: style,
33298 "data-index": index,
33299 "aria-label": getAriaLabel ? getAriaLabel(index) : ariaLabel,
33300 "aria-labelledby": ariaLabelledby,
33301 "aria-orientation": orientation,
33302 "aria-valuemax": scale(max),
33303 "aria-valuemin": scale(min),
33304 "aria-valuenow": scale(value),
33305 "aria-valuetext": getAriaValueText ? getAriaValueText(scale(value), index) : ariaValuetext,
33306 onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
33307 onFocus: handleFocus,
33308 onBlur: handleBlur,
33309 onMouseOver: handleMouseOver,
33310 onMouseLeave: handleMouseLeave
33311 }));
33312 }));
33313 });
33314 Slider.propTypes = {
33315 /**
33316 * The label of the slider.
33317 */
33318 'aria-label': chainPropTypes(propTypes.string, function (props) {
33319 var range = Array.isArray(props.value || props.defaultValue);
33321 if (range && props['aria-label'] != null) {
33322 return new Error('Material-UI: You need to use the `getAriaLabel` prop instead of `aria-label` when using a range slider.');
33323 }
33325 return null;
33326 }),
33328 /**
33329 * The id of the element containing a label for the slider.
33330 */
33331 'aria-labelledby': propTypes.string,
33333 /**
33334 * A string value that provides a user-friendly name for the current value of the slider.
33335 */
33336 'aria-valuetext': chainPropTypes(propTypes.string, function (props) {
33337 var range = Array.isArray(props.value || props.defaultValue);
33339 if (range && props['aria-valuetext'] != null) {
33340 return new Error('Material-UI: You need to use the `getAriaValueText` prop instead of `aria-valuetext` when using a range slider.');
33341 }
33343 return null;
33344 }),
33346 /**
33347 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
33348 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
33349 */
33350 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
33352 /**
33353 * @ignore
33354 */
33355 className: propTypes.string,
33357 /**
33358 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
33359 */
33360 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
33362 /**
33363 * The component used for the root node.
33364 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
33365 */
33366 component: propTypes
33367 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
33368 .elementType,
33370 /**
33371 * The default element value. Use when the component is not controlled.
33372 */
33373 defaultValue: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.number)]),
33375 /**
33376 * If `true`, the slider will be disabled.
33377 */
33378 disabled: propTypes.bool,
33380 /**
33381 * Accepts a function which returns a string value that provides a user-friendly name for the thumb labels of the slider.
33382 *
33383 * @param {number} index The thumb label's index to format.
33384 * @returns {string}
33385 */
33386 getAriaLabel: propTypes.func,
33388 /**
33389 * Accepts a function which returns a string value that provides a user-friendly name for the current value of the slider.
33390 *
33391 * @param {number} value The thumb label's value to format.
33392 * @param {number} index The thumb label's index to format.
33393 * @returns {string}
33394 */
33395 getAriaValueText: propTypes.func,
33397 /**
33398 * Marks indicate predetermined values to which the user can move the slider.
33399 * If `true` the marks will be spaced according the value of the `step` prop.
33400 * If an array, it should contain objects with `value` and an optional `label` keys.
33401 */
33402 marks: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.bool, propTypes.array]),
33404 /**
33405 * The maximum allowed value of the slider.
33406 * Should not be equal to min.
33407 */
33408 max: propTypes.number,
33410 /**
33411 * The minimum allowed value of the slider.
33412 * Should not be equal to max.
33413 */
33414 min: propTypes.number,
33416 /**
33417 * Name attribute of the hidden `input` element.
33418 */
33419 name: propTypes.string,
33421 /**
33422 * Callback function that is fired when the slider's value changed.
33423 *
33424 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
33425 * @param {number | number[]} value The new value.
33426 */
33427 onChange: propTypes.func,
33429 /**
33430 * Callback function that is fired when the `mouseup` is triggered.
33431 *
33432 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
33433 * @param {number | number[]} value The new value.
33434 */
33435 onChangeCommitted: propTypes.func,
33437 /**
33438 * @ignore
33439 */
33440 onMouseDown: propTypes.func,
33442 /**
33443 * The slider orientation.
33444 */
33445 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']),
33447 /**
33448 * A transformation function, to change the scale of the slider.
33449 */
33450 scale: propTypes.func,
33452 /**
33453 * The granularity with which the slider can step through values. (A "discrete" slider.)
33454 * The `min` prop serves as the origin for the valid values.
33455 * We recommend (max - min) to be evenly divisible by the step.
33456 *
33457 * When step is `null`, the thumb can only be slid onto marks provided with the `marks` prop.
33458 */
33459 step: propTypes.number,
33461 /**
33462 * The component used to display the value label.
33463 */
33464 ThumbComponent: propTypes.elementType,
33466 /**
33467 * The track presentation:
33468 *
33469 * - `normal` the track will render a bar representing the slider value.
33470 * - `inverted` the track will render a bar representing the remaining slider value.
33471 * - `false` the track will render without a bar.
33472 */
33473 track: propTypes.oneOf(['normal', false, 'inverted']),
33475 /**
33476 * The value of the slider.
33477 * For ranged sliders, provide an array with two values.
33478 */
33479 value: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.number)]),
33481 /**
33482 * The value label component.
33483 */
33484 ValueLabelComponent: propTypes.elementType,
33486 /**
33487 * Controls when the value label is displayed:
33488 *
33489 * - `auto` the value label will display when the thumb is hovered or focused.
33490 * - `on` will display persistently.
33491 * - `off` will never display.
33492 */
33493 valueLabelDisplay: propTypes.oneOf(['on', 'auto', 'off']),
33495 /**
33496 * The format function the value label's value.
33497 *
33498 * When a function is provided, it should have the following signature:
33499 *
33500 * - {number} value The value label's value to format
33501 * - {number} index The value label's index to format
33502 */
33503 valueLabelFormat: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.string, propTypes.func])
33504 } ;
33505 var Slider$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1p, {
33506 name: 'MuiSlider'
33507 })(Slider);
33509 var styles$1q = function styles(theme) {
33510 var emphasis = theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 0.8 : 0.98;
33511 var backgroundColor = emphasize(theme.palette.background.default, emphasis);
33512 return {
33513 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
33514 root: _extends({}, theme.typography.body2, _defineProperty({
33515 color: theme.palette.getContrastText(backgroundColor),
33516 backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
33517 display: 'flex',
33518 alignItems: 'center',
33519 flexWrap: 'wrap',
33520 padding: '6px 16px',
33521 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
33522 flexGrow: 1
33523 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
33524 flexGrow: 'initial',
33525 minWidth: 288
33526 })),
33528 /* Styles applied to the message wrapper element. */
33529 message: {
33530 padding: '8px 0'
33531 },
33533 /* Styles applied to the action wrapper element if `action` is provided. */
33534 action: {
33535 display: 'flex',
33536 alignItems: 'center',
33537 marginLeft: 'auto',
33538 paddingLeft: 16,
33539 marginRight: -8
33540 }
33541 };
33542 };
33543 var SnackbarContent = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SnackbarContent(props, ref) {
33544 var action = props.action,
33545 classes = props.classes,
33546 className = props.className,
33547 message = props.message,
33548 _props$role = props.role,
33549 role = _props$role === void 0 ? 'alert' : _props$role,
33550 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["action", "classes", "className", "message", "role"]);
33552 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
33553 role: role,
33554 square: true,
33555 elevation: 6,
33556 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
33557 ref: ref
33558 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
33559 className: classes.message
33560 }, message), action ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
33561 className: classes.action
33562 }, action) : null);
33563 });
33564 SnackbarContent.propTypes = {
33565 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
33566 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
33567 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
33568 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
33570 /**
33571 * The action to display. It renders after the message, at the end of the snackbar.
33572 */
33573 action: propTypes.node,
33575 /**
33576 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
33577 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
33578 */
33579 classes: propTypes.object,
33581 /**
33582 * @ignore
33583 */
33584 className: propTypes.string,
33586 /**
33587 * The message to display.
33588 */
33589 message: propTypes.node,
33591 /**
33592 * The ARIA role attribute of the element.
33593 */
33594 role: propTypes.string
33595 } ;
33596 var SnackbarContent$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1q, {
33597 name: 'MuiSnackbarContent'
33598 })(SnackbarContent);
33600 var styles$1r = function styles(theme) {
33601 var top1 = {
33602 top: 8
33603 };
33604 var bottom1 = {
33605 bottom: 8
33606 };
33607 var right = {
33608 justifyContent: 'flex-end'
33609 };
33610 var left = {
33611 justifyContent: 'flex-start'
33612 };
33613 var top3 = {
33614 top: 24
33615 };
33616 var bottom3 = {
33617 bottom: 24
33618 };
33619 var right3 = {
33620 right: 24
33621 };
33622 var left3 = {
33623 left: 24
33624 };
33625 var center = {
33626 left: '50%',
33627 right: 'auto',
33628 transform: 'translateX(-50%)'
33629 };
33630 return {
33631 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
33632 root: {
33633 zIndex: theme.zIndex.snackbar,
33634 position: 'fixed',
33635 display: 'flex',
33636 left: 8,
33637 right: 8,
33638 justifyContent: 'center',
33639 alignItems: 'center'
33640 },
33642 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'center' }}`. */
33643 anchorOriginTopCenter: _extends({}, top1, _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), _extends({}, top3, center))),
33645 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'center' }}`. */
33646 anchorOriginBottomCenter: _extends({}, bottom1, _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), _extends({}, bottom3, center))),
33648 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }}`. */
33649 anchorOriginTopRight: _extends({}, top1, right, _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), _extends({
33650 left: 'auto'
33651 }, top3, right3))),
33653 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }}`. */
33654 anchorOriginBottomRight: _extends({}, bottom1, right, _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), _extends({
33655 left: 'auto'
33656 }, bottom3, right3))),
33658 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }}`. */
33659 anchorOriginTopLeft: _extends({}, top1, left, _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), _extends({
33660 right: 'auto'
33661 }, top3, left3))),
33663 /* Styles applied to the root element if `anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }}`. */
33664 anchorOriginBottomLeft: _extends({}, bottom1, left, _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), _extends({
33665 right: 'auto'
33666 }, bottom3, left3)))
33667 };
33668 };
33669 var Snackbar = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Snackbar(props, ref) {
33670 var action = props.action,
33671 _props$anchorOrigin = props.anchorOrigin;
33672 _props$anchorOrigin = _props$anchorOrigin === void 0 ? {
33673 vertical: 'bottom',
33674 horizontal: 'center'
33675 } : _props$anchorOrigin;
33677 var vertical = _props$anchorOrigin.vertical,
33678 horizontal = _props$anchorOrigin.horizontal,
33679 _props$autoHideDurati = props.autoHideDuration,
33680 autoHideDuration = _props$autoHideDurati === void 0 ? null : _props$autoHideDurati,
33681 children = props.children,
33682 classes = props.classes,
33683 className = props.className,
33684 ClickAwayListenerProps = props.ClickAwayListenerProps,
33685 ContentProps = props.ContentProps,
33686 _props$disableWindowB = props.disableWindowBlurListener,
33687 disableWindowBlurListener = _props$disableWindowB === void 0 ? false : _props$disableWindowB,
33688 message = props.message,
33689 onClose = props.onClose,
33690 onEnter = props.onEnter,
33691 onEntered = props.onEntered,
33692 onEntering = props.onEntering,
33693 onExit = props.onExit,
33694 onExited = props.onExited,
33695 onExiting = props.onExiting,
33696 onMouseEnter = props.onMouseEnter,
33697 onMouseLeave = props.onMouseLeave,
33698 open = props.open,
33699 resumeHideDuration = props.resumeHideDuration,
33700 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
33701 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Grow : _props$TransitionComp,
33702 _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration,
33703 transitionDuration = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? {
33704 enter: duration.enteringScreen,
33705 exit: duration.leavingScreen
33706 } : _props$transitionDura,
33707 TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps,
33708 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["action", "anchorOrigin", "autoHideDuration", "children", "classes", "className", "ClickAwayListenerProps", "ContentProps", "disableWindowBlurListener", "message", "onClose", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "open", "resumeHideDuration", "TransitionComponent", "transitionDuration", "TransitionProps"]);
33710 var timerAutoHide = React.useRef();
33712 var _React$useState = React.useState(true),
33713 exited = _React$useState[0],
33714 setExited = _React$useState[1];
33716 var handleClose = useEventCallback(function () {
33717 if (onClose) {
33718 onClose.apply(void 0, arguments);
33719 }
33720 });
33721 var setAutoHideTimer = useEventCallback(function (autoHideDurationParam) {
33722 if (!onClose || autoHideDurationParam == null) {
33723 return;
33724 }
33726 clearTimeout(timerAutoHide.current);
33727 timerAutoHide.current = setTimeout(function () {
33728 handleClose(null, 'timeout');
33729 }, autoHideDurationParam);
33730 });
33731 React.useEffect(function () {
33732 if (open) {
33733 setAutoHideTimer(autoHideDuration);
33734 }
33736 return function () {
33737 clearTimeout(timerAutoHide.current);
33738 };
33739 }, [open, autoHideDuration, setAutoHideTimer]); // Pause the timer when the user is interacting with the Snackbar
33740 // or when the user hide the window.
33742 var handlePause = function handlePause() {
33743 clearTimeout(timerAutoHide.current);
33744 }; // Restart the timer when the user is no longer interacting with the Snackbar
33745 // or when the window is shown back.
33748 var handleResume = React.useCallback(function () {
33749 if (autoHideDuration != null) {
33750 setAutoHideTimer(resumeHideDuration != null ? resumeHideDuration : autoHideDuration * 0.5);
33751 }
33752 }, [autoHideDuration, resumeHideDuration, setAutoHideTimer]);
33754 var handleMouseEnter = function handleMouseEnter(event) {
33755 if (onMouseEnter) {
33756 onMouseEnter(event);
33757 }
33759 handlePause();
33760 };
33762 var handleMouseLeave = function handleMouseLeave(event) {
33763 if (onMouseLeave) {
33764 onMouseLeave(event);
33765 }
33767 handleResume();
33768 };
33770 var handleClickAway = function handleClickAway(event) {
33771 if (onClose) {
33772 onClose(event, 'clickaway');
33773 }
33774 };
33776 var handleExited = function handleExited() {
33777 setExited(true);
33778 };
33780 var handleEnter = function handleEnter() {
33781 setExited(false);
33782 };
33784 React.useEffect(function () {
33785 if (!disableWindowBlurListener && open) {
33786 window.addEventListener('focus', handleResume);
33787 window.addEventListener('blur', handlePause);
33788 return function () {
33789 window.removeEventListener('focus', handleResume);
33790 window.removeEventListener('blur', handlePause);
33791 };
33792 }
33794 return undefined;
33795 }, [disableWindowBlurListener, handleResume, open]); // So we only render active snackbars.
33797 if (!open && exited) {
33798 return null;
33799 }
33801 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ClickAwayListener, _extends({
33802 onClickAway: handleClickAway
33803 }, ClickAwayListenerProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
33804 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["anchorOrigin".concat(capitalize(vertical)).concat(capitalize(horizontal))], className),
33805 onMouseEnter: handleMouseEnter,
33806 onMouseLeave: handleMouseLeave,
33807 ref: ref
33808 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
33809 appear: true,
33810 in: open,
33811 onEnter: createChainedFunction(handleEnter, onEnter),
33812 onEntered: onEntered,
33813 onEntering: onEntering,
33814 onExit: onExit,
33815 onExited: createChainedFunction(handleExited, onExited),
33816 onExiting: onExiting,
33817 timeout: transitionDuration,
33818 direction: vertical === 'top' ? 'down' : 'up'
33819 }, TransitionProps), children || /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SnackbarContent$1, _extends({
33820 message: message,
33821 action: action
33822 }, ContentProps)))));
33823 });
33824 Snackbar.propTypes = {
33825 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
33826 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
33827 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
33828 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
33830 /**
33831 * The action to display. It renders after the message, at the end of the snackbar.
33832 */
33833 action: propTypes.node,
33835 /**
33836 * The anchor of the `Snackbar`.
33837 */
33838 anchorOrigin: propTypes.shape({
33839 horizontal: propTypes.oneOf(['center', 'left', 'right']).isRequired,
33840 vertical: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'top']).isRequired
33841 }),
33843 /**
33844 * The number of milliseconds to wait before automatically calling the
33845 * `onClose` function. `onClose` should then set the state of the `open`
33846 * prop to hide the Snackbar. This behavior is disabled by default with
33847 * the `null` value.
33848 */
33849 autoHideDuration: propTypes.number,
33851 /**
33852 * Replace the `SnackbarContent` component.
33853 */
33854 children: propTypes.element,
33856 /**
33857 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
33858 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
33859 */
33860 classes: propTypes.object,
33862 /**
33863 * @ignore
33864 */
33865 className: propTypes.string,
33867 /**
33868 * Props applied to the `ClickAwayListener` element.
33869 */
33870 ClickAwayListenerProps: propTypes.object,
33872 /**
33873 * Props applied to the [`SnackbarContent`](/api/snackbar-content/) element.
33874 */
33875 ContentProps: propTypes.object,
33877 /**
33878 * If `true`, the `autoHideDuration` timer will expire even if the window is not focused.
33879 */
33880 disableWindowBlurListener: propTypes.bool,
33882 /**
33883 * When displaying multiple consecutive Snackbars from a parent rendering a single
33884 * <Snackbar/>, add the key prop to ensure independent treatment of each message.
33885 * e.g. <Snackbar key={message} />, otherwise, the message may update-in-place and
33886 * features such as autoHideDuration may be canceled.
33887 */
33888 key: propTypes.any,
33890 /**
33891 * The message to display.
33892 */
33893 message: propTypes.node,
33895 /**
33896 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
33897 * Typically `onClose` is used to set state in the parent component,
33898 * which is used to control the `Snackbar` `open` prop.
33899 * The `reason` parameter can optionally be used to control the response to `onClose`,
33900 * for example ignoring `clickaway`.
33901 *
33902 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
33903 * @param {string} reason Can be: `"timeout"` (`autoHideDuration` expired), `"clickaway"`.
33904 */
33905 onClose: propTypes.func,
33907 /**
33908 * Callback fired before the transition is entering.
33909 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
33910 */
33911 onEnter: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
33913 /**
33914 * Callback fired when the transition has entered.
33915 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
33916 */
33917 onEntered: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
33919 /**
33920 * Callback fired when the transition is entering.
33921 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
33922 */
33923 onEntering: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
33925 /**
33926 * Callback fired before the transition is exiting.
33927 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
33928 */
33929 onExit: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
33931 /**
33932 * Callback fired when the transition has exited.
33933 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
33934 */
33935 onExited: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
33937 /**
33938 * Callback fired when the transition is exiting.
33939 * @deprecated Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.
33940 */
33941 onExiting: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `TransitionProps` prop instead.'),
33943 /**
33944 * @ignore
33945 */
33946 onMouseEnter: propTypes.func,
33948 /**
33949 * @ignore
33950 */
33951 onMouseLeave: propTypes.func,
33953 /**
33954 * If `true`, `Snackbar` is open.
33955 */
33956 open: propTypes.bool,
33958 /**
33959 * The number of milliseconds to wait before dismissing after user interaction.
33960 * If `autoHideDuration` prop isn't specified, it does nothing.
33961 * If `autoHideDuration` prop is specified but `resumeHideDuration` isn't,
33962 * we default to `autoHideDuration / 2` ms.
33963 */
33964 resumeHideDuration: propTypes.number,
33966 /**
33967 * The component used for the transition.
33968 * [Follow this guide](/components/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component.
33969 */
33970 TransitionComponent: propTypes.elementType,
33972 /**
33973 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
33974 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
33975 */
33976 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
33977 appear: propTypes.number,
33978 enter: propTypes.number,
33979 exit: propTypes.number
33980 })]),
33982 /**
33983 * Props applied to the [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition#Transition-props) element.
33984 */
33985 TransitionProps: propTypes.object
33986 } ;
33987 var Snackbar$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1r, {
33988 flip: false,
33989 name: 'MuiSnackbar'
33990 })(Snackbar);
33992 var styles$1s = {
33993 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
33994 root: {},
33996 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="horizontal"`. */
33997 horizontal: {
33998 paddingLeft: 8,
33999 paddingRight: 8
34000 },
34002 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
34003 vertical: {},
34005 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alternativeLabel={true}`. */
34006 alternativeLabel: {
34007 flex: 1,
34008 position: 'relative'
34009 },
34011 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `completed={true}`. */
34012 completed: {}
34013 };
34014 var Step = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Step(props, ref) {
34015 var _props$active = props.active,
34016 active = _props$active === void 0 ? false : _props$active,
34017 alternativeLabel = props.alternativeLabel,
34018 children = props.children,
34019 classes = props.classes,
34020 className = props.className,
34021 _props$completed = props.completed,
34022 completed = _props$completed === void 0 ? false : _props$completed,
34023 connectorProp = props.connector,
34024 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
34025 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
34026 _props$expanded = props.expanded,
34027 expanded = _props$expanded === void 0 ? false : _props$expanded,
34028 index = props.index,
34029 last = props.last,
34030 orientation = props.orientation,
34031 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["active", "alternativeLabel", "children", "classes", "className", "completed", "connector", "disabled", "expanded", "index", "last", "orientation"]);
34033 var connector = connectorProp ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(connectorProp, {
34034 orientation: orientation,
34035 alternativeLabel: alternativeLabel,
34036 index: index,
34037 active: active,
34038 completed: completed,
34039 disabled: disabled
34040 }) : null;
34041 var newChildren = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
34042 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[orientation], className, alternativeLabel && classes.alternativeLabel, completed && classes.completed),
34043 ref: ref
34044 }, other), connector && alternativeLabel && index !== 0 ? connector : null, React.Children.map(children, function (child) {
34045 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
34046 return null;
34047 }
34049 {
34050 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
34051 console.error(["Material-UI: The Step component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
34052 }
34053 }
34055 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, _extends({
34056 active: active,
34057 alternativeLabel: alternativeLabel,
34058 completed: completed,
34059 disabled: disabled,
34060 expanded: expanded,
34061 last: last,
34062 icon: index + 1,
34063 orientation: orientation
34064 }, child.props));
34065 }));
34067 if (connector && !alternativeLabel && index !== 0) {
34068 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, connector, newChildren);
34069 }
34071 return newChildren;
34072 });
34073 Step.propTypes = {
34074 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
34075 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
34076 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
34077 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34079 /**
34080 * Sets the step as active. Is passed to child components.
34081 */
34082 active: propTypes.bool,
34084 /**
34085 * Should be `Step` sub-components such as `StepLabel`, `StepContent`.
34086 */
34087 children: propTypes.node,
34089 /**
34090 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
34091 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
34092 */
34093 classes: propTypes.object,
34095 /**
34096 * @ignore
34097 */
34098 className: propTypes.string,
34100 /**
34101 * Mark the step as completed. Is passed to child components.
34102 */
34103 completed: propTypes.bool,
34105 /**
34106 * Mark the step as disabled, will also disable the button if
34107 * `StepButton` is a child of `Step`. Is passed to child components.
34108 */
34109 disabled: propTypes.bool,
34111 /**
34112 * Expand the step.
34113 */
34114 expanded: propTypes.bool
34115 } ;
34116 var Step$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1s, {
34117 name: 'MuiStep'
34118 })(Step);
34120 /**
34121 * @ignore - internal component.
34122 */
34124 var CheckCircle = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
34125 d: "M12 0a12 12 0 1 0 0 24 12 12 0 0 0 0-24zm-2 17l-5-5 1.4-1.4 3.6 3.6 7.6-7.6L19 8l-9 9z"
34126 }), 'CheckCircle');
34128 /**
34129 * @ignore - internal component.
34130 */
34132 var Warning = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
34133 d: "M1 21h22L12 2 1 21zm12-3h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2v-4h2v4z"
34134 }), 'Warning');
34136 var styles$1t = function styles(theme) {
34137 return {
34138 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
34139 root: {
34140 display: 'block',
34141 color: theme.palette.text.disabled,
34142 '&$completed': {
34143 color: theme.palette.primary.main
34144 },
34145 '&$active': {
34146 color: theme.palette.primary.main
34147 },
34148 '&$error': {
34149 color: theme.palette.error.main
34150 }
34151 },
34153 /* Styles applied to the SVG text element. */
34154 text: {
34155 fill: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
34156 fontSize: theme.typography.caption.fontSize,
34157 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily
34158 },
34160 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `active={true}`. */
34161 active: {},
34163 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `completed={true}`. */
34164 completed: {},
34166 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
34167 error: {}
34168 };
34169 };
34171 var _ref$1 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("circle", {
34172 cx: "12",
34173 cy: "12",
34174 r: "12"
34175 });
34177 var StepIcon = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function StepIcon(props, ref) {
34178 var _props$completed = props.completed,
34179 completed = _props$completed === void 0 ? false : _props$completed,
34180 icon = props.icon,
34181 _props$active = props.active,
34182 active = _props$active === void 0 ? false : _props$active,
34183 _props$error = props.error,
34184 error = _props$error === void 0 ? false : _props$error,
34185 classes = props.classes;
34187 if (typeof icon === 'number' || typeof icon === 'string') {
34188 var className = clsx(classes.root, active && classes.active, error && classes.error, completed && classes.completed);
34190 if (error) {
34191 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Warning, {
34192 className: className,
34193 ref: ref
34194 });
34195 }
34197 if (completed) {
34198 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CheckCircle, {
34199 className: className,
34200 ref: ref
34201 });
34202 }
34204 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SvgIcon$1, {
34205 className: className,
34206 ref: ref
34207 }, _ref$1, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("text", {
34208 className: classes.text,
34209 x: "12",
34210 y: "16",
34211 textAnchor: "middle"
34212 }, icon));
34213 }
34215 return icon;
34216 });
34217 StepIcon.propTypes = {
34218 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
34219 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
34220 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
34221 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34223 /**
34224 * Whether this step is active.
34225 */
34226 active: propTypes.bool,
34228 /**
34229 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
34230 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
34231 */
34232 classes: propTypes.object,
34234 /**
34235 * Mark the step as completed. Is passed to child components.
34236 */
34237 completed: propTypes.bool,
34239 /**
34240 * Mark the step as failed.
34241 */
34242 error: propTypes.bool,
34244 /**
34245 * The label displayed in the step icon.
34246 */
34247 icon: propTypes.node
34248 } ;
34249 var StepIcon$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1t, {
34250 name: 'MuiStepIcon'
34251 })(StepIcon);
34253 var styles$1u = function styles(theme) {
34254 return {
34255 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
34256 root: {
34257 display: 'flex',
34258 alignItems: 'center',
34259 '&$alternativeLabel': {
34260 flexDirection: 'column'
34261 },
34262 '&$disabled': {
34263 cursor: 'default'
34264 }
34265 },
34267 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="horizontal"`. */
34268 horizontal: {},
34270 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
34271 vertical: {},
34273 /* Styles applied to the `Typography` component which wraps `children`. */
34274 label: {
34275 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
34276 '&$active': {
34277 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
34278 fontWeight: 500
34279 },
34280 '&$completed': {
34281 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
34282 fontWeight: 500
34283 },
34284 '&$alternativeLabel': {
34285 textAlign: 'center',
34286 marginTop: 16
34287 },
34288 '&$error': {
34289 color: theme.palette.error.main
34290 }
34291 },
34293 /* Pseudo-class applied to the `Typography` component if `active={true}`. */
34294 active: {},
34296 /* Pseudo-class applied to the `Typography` component if `completed={true}`. */
34297 completed: {},
34299 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element and `Typography` component if `error={true}`. */
34300 error: {},
34302 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element and `Typography` component if `disabled={true}`. */
34303 disabled: {},
34305 /* Styles applied to the `icon` container element. */
34306 iconContainer: {
34307 flexShrink: 0,
34308 // Fix IE 11 issue
34309 display: 'flex',
34310 paddingRight: 8,
34311 '&$alternativeLabel': {
34312 paddingRight: 0
34313 }
34314 },
34316 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root and icon container and `Typography` if `alternativeLabel={true}`. */
34317 alternativeLabel: {},
34319 /* Styles applied to the container element which wraps `Typography` and `optional`. */
34320 labelContainer: {
34321 width: '100%'
34322 }
34323 };
34324 };
34325 var StepLabel = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function StepLabel(props, ref) {
34326 var _props$active = props.active,
34327 active = _props$active === void 0 ? false : _props$active,
34328 _props$alternativeLab = props.alternativeLabel,
34329 alternativeLabel = _props$alternativeLab === void 0 ? false : _props$alternativeLab,
34330 children = props.children,
34331 classes = props.classes,
34332 className = props.className,
34333 _props$completed = props.completed,
34334 completed = _props$completed === void 0 ? false : _props$completed,
34335 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
34336 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
34337 _props$error = props.error,
34338 error = _props$error === void 0 ? false : _props$error,
34339 expanded = props.expanded,
34340 icon = props.icon,
34341 last = props.last,
34342 optional = props.optional,
34343 _props$orientation = props.orientation,
34344 orientation = _props$orientation === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _props$orientation,
34345 StepIconComponentProp = props.StepIconComponent,
34346 StepIconProps = props.StepIconProps,
34347 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["active", "alternativeLabel", "children", "classes", "className", "completed", "disabled", "error", "expanded", "icon", "last", "optional", "orientation", "StepIconComponent", "StepIconProps"]);
34349 var StepIconComponent = StepIconComponentProp;
34351 if (icon && !StepIconComponent) {
34352 StepIconComponent = StepIcon$1;
34353 }
34355 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({
34356 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[orientation], className, disabled && classes.disabled, alternativeLabel && classes.alternativeLabel, error && classes.error),
34357 ref: ref
34358 }, other), icon || StepIconComponent ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
34359 className: clsx(classes.iconContainer, alternativeLabel && classes.alternativeLabel)
34360 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(StepIconComponent, _extends({
34361 completed: completed,
34362 active: active,
34363 error: error,
34364 icon: icon
34365 }, StepIconProps))) : null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
34366 className: classes.labelContainer
34367 }, children ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, {
34368 variant: "body2",
34369 component: "span",
34370 display: "block",
34371 className: clsx(classes.label, alternativeLabel && classes.alternativeLabel, completed && classes.completed, active && classes.active, error && classes.error)
34372 }, children) : null, optional));
34373 });
34374 StepLabel.propTypes = {
34375 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
34376 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
34377 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
34378 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34380 /**
34381 * In most cases will simply be a string containing a title for the label.
34382 */
34383 children: propTypes.node,
34385 /**
34386 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
34387 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
34388 */
34389 classes: propTypes.object,
34391 /**
34392 * @ignore
34393 */
34394 className: propTypes.string,
34396 /**
34397 * Mark the step as disabled, will also disable the button if
34398 * `StepLabelButton` is a child of `StepLabel`. Is passed to child components.
34399 */
34400 disabled: propTypes.bool,
34402 /**
34403 * Mark the step as failed.
34404 */
34405 error: propTypes.bool,
34407 /**
34408 * Override the default label of the step icon.
34409 */
34410 icon: propTypes.node,
34412 /**
34413 * The optional node to display.
34414 */
34415 optional: propTypes.node,
34417 /**
34418 * The component to render in place of the [`StepIcon`](/api/step-icon/).
34419 */
34420 StepIconComponent: propTypes.elementType,
34422 /**
34423 * Props applied to the [`StepIcon`](/api/step-icon/) element.
34424 */
34425 StepIconProps: propTypes.object
34426 } ;
34427 StepLabel.muiName = 'StepLabel';
34428 var StepLabel$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1u, {
34429 name: 'MuiStepLabel'
34430 })(StepLabel);
34432 var styles$1v = {
34433 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
34434 root: {
34435 width: '100%',
34436 padding: '24px 16px',
34437 margin: '-24px -16px',
34438 boxSizing: 'content-box'
34439 },
34441 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="horizontal"`. */
34442 horizontal: {},
34444 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
34445 vertical: {
34446 justifyContent: 'flex-start',
34447 padding: '8px',
34448 margin: '-8px'
34449 },
34451 /* Styles applied to the `ButtonBase` touch-ripple. */
34452 touchRipple: {
34453 color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)'
34454 }
34455 };
34456 var StepButton = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function StepButton(props, ref) {
34457 var active = props.active,
34458 alternativeLabel = props.alternativeLabel,
34459 children = props.children,
34460 classes = props.classes,
34461 className = props.className,
34462 completed = props.completed,
34463 disabled = props.disabled,
34464 expanded = props.expanded,
34465 icon = props.icon,
34466 last = props.last,
34467 optional = props.optional,
34468 orientation = props.orientation,
34469 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["active", "alternativeLabel", "children", "classes", "className", "completed", "disabled", "expanded", "icon", "last", "optional", "orientation"]);
34471 var childProps = {
34472 active: active,
34473 alternativeLabel: alternativeLabel,
34474 completed: completed,
34475 disabled: disabled,
34476 icon: icon,
34477 optional: optional,
34478 orientation: orientation
34479 };
34480 var child = isMuiElement(children, ['StepLabel']) ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, childProps) : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(StepLabel$1, childProps, children);
34481 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
34482 focusRipple: true,
34483 disabled: disabled,
34484 TouchRippleProps: {
34485 className: classes.touchRipple
34486 },
34487 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[orientation], className),
34488 ref: ref
34489 }, other), child);
34490 });
34491 StepButton.propTypes = {
34492 /**
34493 * @ignore
34494 * Passed in via `Step` - passed through to `StepLabel`.
34495 */
34496 active: propTypes.bool,
34498 /**
34499 * @ignore
34500 * Set internally by Stepper when it's supplied with the alternativeLabel property.
34501 */
34502 alternativeLabel: propTypes.bool,
34504 /**
34505 * Can be a `StepLabel` or a node to place inside `StepLabel` as children.
34506 */
34507 children: propTypes.node,
34509 /**
34510 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
34511 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
34512 */
34513 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
34515 /**
34516 * @ignore
34517 */
34518 className: propTypes.string,
34520 /**
34521 * @ignore
34522 * Sets completed styling. Is passed to StepLabel.
34523 */
34524 completed: propTypes.bool,
34526 /**
34527 * @ignore
34528 * Disables the button and sets disabled styling. Is passed to StepLabel.
34529 */
34530 disabled: propTypes.bool,
34532 /**
34533 * @ignore
34534 * potentially passed from parent `Step`
34535 */
34536 expanded: propTypes.bool,
34538 /**
34539 * The icon displayed by the step label.
34540 */
34541 icon: propTypes.node,
34543 /**
34544 * @ignore
34545 */
34546 last: propTypes.bool,
34548 /**
34549 * The optional node to display.
34550 */
34551 optional: propTypes.node,
34553 /**
34554 * @ignore
34555 */
34556 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical'])
34557 } ;
34558 var StepButton$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1v, {
34559 name: 'MuiStepButton'
34560 })(StepButton);
34562 var styles$1w = function styles(theme) {
34563 return {
34564 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
34565 root: {
34566 flex: '1 1 auto'
34567 },
34569 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="horizontal"`. */
34570 horizontal: {},
34572 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
34573 vertical: {
34574 marginLeft: 12,
34575 // half icon
34576 padding: '0 0 8px'
34577 },
34579 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alternativeLabel={true}`. */
34580 alternativeLabel: {
34581 position: 'absolute',
34582 top: 8 + 4,
34583 left: 'calc(-50% + 20px)',
34584 right: 'calc(50% + 20px)'
34585 },
34587 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `active={true}`. */
34588 active: {},
34590 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `completed={true}`. */
34591 completed: {},
34593 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
34594 disabled: {},
34596 /* Styles applied to the line element. */
34597 line: {
34598 display: 'block',
34599 borderColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[400] : theme.palette.grey[600]
34600 },
34602 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="horizontal"`. */
34603 lineHorizontal: {
34604 borderTopStyle: 'solid',
34605 borderTopWidth: 1
34606 },
34608 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
34609 lineVertical: {
34610 borderLeftStyle: 'solid',
34611 borderLeftWidth: 1,
34612 minHeight: 24
34613 }
34614 };
34615 };
34616 var StepConnector = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function StepConnector(props, ref) {
34617 var active = props.active,
34618 _props$alternativeLab = props.alternativeLabel,
34619 alternativeLabel = _props$alternativeLab === void 0 ? false : _props$alternativeLab,
34620 classes = props.classes,
34621 className = props.className,
34622 completed = props.completed,
34623 disabled = props.disabled,
34624 index = props.index,
34625 _props$orientation = props.orientation,
34626 orientation = _props$orientation === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _props$orientation,
34627 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["active", "alternativeLabel", "classes", "className", "completed", "disabled", "index", "orientation"]);
34629 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
34630 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[orientation], className, alternativeLabel && classes.alternativeLabel, active && classes.active, completed && classes.completed, disabled && classes.disabled),
34631 ref: ref
34632 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
34633 className: clsx(classes.line, {
34634 'horizontal': classes.lineHorizontal,
34635 'vertical': classes.lineVertical
34636 }[orientation])
34637 }));
34638 });
34639 StepConnector.propTypes = {
34640 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
34641 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
34642 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
34643 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34645 /**
34646 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
34647 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
34648 */
34649 classes: propTypes.object,
34651 /**
34652 * @ignore
34653 */
34654 className: propTypes.string
34655 } ;
34656 var StepConnector$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1w, {
34657 name: 'MuiStepConnector'
34658 })(StepConnector);
34660 var styles$1x = function styles(theme) {
34661 return {
34662 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
34663 root: {
34664 marginTop: 8,
34665 marginLeft: 12,
34666 // half icon
34667 paddingLeft: 8 + 12,
34668 // margin + half icon
34669 paddingRight: 8,
34670 borderLeft: "1px solid ".concat(theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[400] : theme.palette.grey[600])
34671 },
34673 /* Styles applied to the root element if `last={true}` (controlled by `Step`). */
34674 last: {
34675 borderLeft: 'none'
34676 },
34678 /* Styles applied to the Transition component. */
34679 transition: {}
34680 };
34681 };
34682 var StepContent = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function StepContent(props, ref) {
34683 var active = props.active,
34684 alternativeLabel = props.alternativeLabel,
34685 children = props.children,
34686 classes = props.classes,
34687 className = props.className,
34688 completed = props.completed,
34689 expanded = props.expanded,
34690 last = props.last,
34691 optional = props.optional,
34692 orientation = props.orientation,
34693 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
34694 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Collapse$1 : _props$TransitionComp,
34695 _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration,
34696 transitionDurationProp = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? 'auto' : _props$transitionDura,
34697 TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps,
34698 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["active", "alternativeLabel", "children", "classes", "className", "completed", "expanded", "last", "optional", "orientation", "TransitionComponent", "transitionDuration", "TransitionProps"]);
34700 {
34701 if (orientation !== 'vertical') {
34702 console.error('Material-UI: <StepContent /> is only designed for use with the vertical stepper.');
34703 }
34704 }
34706 var transitionDuration = transitionDurationProp;
34708 if (transitionDurationProp === 'auto' && !TransitionComponent.muiSupportAuto) {
34709 transitionDuration = undefined;
34710 }
34712 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
34713 className: clsx(classes.root, className, last && classes.last),
34714 ref: ref
34715 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
34716 in: active || expanded,
34717 className: classes.transition,
34718 timeout: transitionDuration,
34719 unmountOnExit: true
34720 }, TransitionProps), children));
34721 });
34722 StepContent.propTypes = {
34723 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
34724 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
34725 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
34726 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34728 /**
34729 * Step content.
34730 */
34731 children: propTypes.node,
34733 /**
34734 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
34735 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
34736 */
34737 classes: propTypes.object,
34739 /**
34740 * @ignore
34741 */
34742 className: propTypes.string,
34744 /**
34745 * The component used for the transition.
34746 * [Follow this guide](/components/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component.
34747 */
34748 TransitionComponent: propTypes.elementType,
34750 /**
34751 * Adjust the duration of the content expand transition.
34752 * Passed as a prop to the transition component.
34753 *
34754 * Set to 'auto' to automatically calculate transition time based on height.
34755 */
34756 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.oneOf(['auto']), propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
34757 appear: propTypes.number,
34758 enter: propTypes.number,
34759 exit: propTypes.number
34760 })]),
34762 /**
34763 * Props applied to the [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition#Transition-props) element.
34764 */
34765 TransitionProps: propTypes.object
34766 } ;
34767 var StepContent$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1x, {
34768 name: 'MuiStepContent'
34769 })(StepContent);
34771 var styles$1y = {
34772 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
34773 root: {
34774 display: 'flex',
34775 padding: 24
34776 },
34778 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="horizontal"`. */
34779 horizontal: {
34780 flexDirection: 'row',
34781 alignItems: 'center'
34782 },
34784 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
34785 vertical: {
34786 flexDirection: 'column'
34787 },
34789 /* Styles applied to the root element if `alternativeLabel={true}`. */
34790 alternativeLabel: {
34791 alignItems: 'flex-start'
34792 }
34793 };
34794 var defaultConnector = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(StepConnector$1, null);
34795 var Stepper = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Stepper(props, ref) {
34796 var _props$activeStep = props.activeStep,
34797 activeStep = _props$activeStep === void 0 ? 0 : _props$activeStep,
34798 _props$alternativeLab = props.alternativeLabel,
34799 alternativeLabel = _props$alternativeLab === void 0 ? false : _props$alternativeLab,
34800 children = props.children,
34801 classes = props.classes,
34802 className = props.className,
34803 _props$connector = props.connector,
34804 connectorProp = _props$connector === void 0 ? defaultConnector : _props$connector,
34805 _props$nonLinear = props.nonLinear,
34806 nonLinear = _props$nonLinear === void 0 ? false : _props$nonLinear,
34807 _props$orientation = props.orientation,
34808 orientation = _props$orientation === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _props$orientation,
34809 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["activeStep", "alternativeLabel", "children", "classes", "className", "connector", "nonLinear", "orientation"]);
34811 var connector = /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(connectorProp) ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(connectorProp, {
34812 orientation: orientation
34813 }) : null;
34814 var childrenArray = React.Children.toArray(children);
34815 var steps = childrenArray.map(function (step, index) {
34816 var state = {
34817 index: index,
34818 active: false,
34819 completed: false,
34820 disabled: false
34821 };
34823 if (activeStep === index) {
34824 state.active = true;
34825 } else if (!nonLinear && activeStep > index) {
34826 state.completed = true;
34827 } else if (!nonLinear && activeStep < index) {
34828 state.disabled = true;
34829 }
34831 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(step, _extends({
34832 alternativeLabel: alternativeLabel,
34833 connector: connector,
34834 last: index + 1 === childrenArray.length,
34835 orientation: orientation
34836 }, state, step.props));
34837 });
34838 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Paper$1, _extends({
34839 square: true,
34840 elevation: 0,
34841 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[orientation], className, alternativeLabel && classes.alternativeLabel),
34842 ref: ref
34843 }, other), steps);
34844 });
34845 Stepper.propTypes = {
34846 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
34847 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
34848 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
34849 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34851 /**
34852 * Set the active step (zero based index).
34853 * Set to -1 to disable all the steps.
34854 */
34855 activeStep: propTypes.number,
34857 /**
34858 * If set to 'true' and orientation is horizontal,
34859 * then the step label will be positioned under the icon.
34860 */
34861 alternativeLabel: propTypes.bool,
34863 /**
34864 * Two or more `<Step />` components.
34865 */
34866 children: propTypes.node,
34868 /**
34869 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
34870 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
34871 */
34872 classes: propTypes.object,
34874 /**
34875 * @ignore
34876 */
34877 className: propTypes.string,
34879 /**
34880 * An element to be placed between each step.
34881 */
34882 connector: propTypes.element,
34884 /**
34885 * If set the `Stepper` will not assist in controlling steps for linear flow.
34886 */
34887 nonLinear: propTypes.bool,
34889 /**
34890 * The stepper orientation (layout flow direction).
34891 */
34892 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical'])
34893 } ;
34894 var Stepper$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1y, {
34895 name: 'MuiStepper'
34896 })(Stepper);
34898 var styles$1z = function styles(theme) {
34899 return {
34900 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
34901 root: {
34902 position: 'fixed',
34903 top: 0,
34904 left: 0,
34905 bottom: 0,
34906 zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer - 1
34907 },
34908 anchorLeft: {
34909 right: 'auto'
34910 },
34911 anchorRight: {
34912 left: 'auto',
34913 right: 0
34914 },
34915 anchorTop: {
34916 bottom: 'auto',
34917 right: 0
34918 },
34919 anchorBottom: {
34920 top: 'auto',
34921 bottom: 0,
34922 right: 0
34923 }
34924 };
34925 };
34926 /**
34927 * @ignore - internal component.
34928 */
34930 var SwipeArea = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SwipeArea(props, ref) {
34931 var anchor = props.anchor,
34932 classes = props.classes,
34933 className = props.className,
34934 width = props.width,
34935 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["anchor", "classes", "className", "width"]);
34937 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
34938 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["anchor".concat(capitalize(anchor))], className),
34939 ref: ref,
34940 style: _defineProperty({}, isHorizontal(anchor) ? 'width' : 'height', width)
34941 }, other));
34942 });
34943 SwipeArea.propTypes = {
34944 /**
34945 * Side on which to attach the discovery area.
34946 */
34947 anchor: propTypes.oneOf(['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom']).isRequired,
34949 /**
34950 * @ignore
34951 */
34952 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
34954 /**
34955 * @ignore
34956 */
34957 className: propTypes.string,
34959 /**
34960 * The width of the left most (or right most) area in pixels where the
34961 * drawer can be swiped open from.
34962 */
34963 width: propTypes.number.isRequired
34964 } ;
34965 var SwipeArea$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1z, {
34966 name: 'PrivateSwipeArea'
34967 })(SwipeArea);
34969 // trigger a native scroll.
34971 var UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD = 3; // px
34972 // We can only have one node at the time claiming ownership for handling the swipe.
34973 // Otherwise, the UX would be confusing.
34974 // That's why we use a singleton here.
34976 var nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe = null; // Exported for test purposes.
34978 function calculateCurrentX(anchor, touches) {
34979 return anchor === 'right' ? document.body.offsetWidth - touches[0].pageX : touches[0].pageX;
34980 }
34982 function calculateCurrentY(anchor, touches) {
34983 return anchor === 'bottom' ? window.innerHeight - touches[0].clientY : touches[0].clientY;
34984 }
34986 function getMaxTranslate(horizontalSwipe, paperInstance) {
34987 return horizontalSwipe ? paperInstance.clientWidth : paperInstance.clientHeight;
34988 }
34990 function getTranslate(currentTranslate, startLocation, open, maxTranslate) {
34991 return Math.min(Math.max(open ? startLocation - currentTranslate : maxTranslate + startLocation - currentTranslate, 0), maxTranslate);
34992 }
34994 function getDomTreeShapes(element, rootNode) {
34995 // Adapted from https://github.com/oliviertassinari/react-swipeable-views/blob/7666de1dba253b896911adf2790ce51467670856/packages/react-swipeable-views/src/SwipeableViews.js#L129
34996 var domTreeShapes = [];
34998 while (element && element !== rootNode) {
34999 var style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
35001 if ( // Ignore the scroll children if the element is absolute positioned.
35002 style.getPropertyValue('position') === 'absolute' || // Ignore the scroll children if the element has an overflowX hidden
35003 style.getPropertyValue('overflow-x') === 'hidden') {
35004 domTreeShapes = [];
35005 } else if (element.clientWidth > 0 && element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth || element.clientHeight > 0 && element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight) {
35006 // Ignore the nodes that have no width.
35007 // Keep elements with a scroll
35008 domTreeShapes.push(element);
35009 }
35011 element = element.parentElement;
35012 }
35014 return domTreeShapes;
35015 }
35017 function findNativeHandler(_ref) {
35018 var domTreeShapes = _ref.domTreeShapes,
35019 start = _ref.start,
35020 current = _ref.current,
35021 anchor = _ref.anchor;
35022 // Adapted from https://github.com/oliviertassinari/react-swipeable-views/blob/7666de1dba253b896911adf2790ce51467670856/packages/react-swipeable-views/src/SwipeableViews.js#L175
35023 var axisProperties = {
35024 scrollPosition: {
35025 x: 'scrollLeft',
35026 y: 'scrollTop'
35027 },
35028 scrollLength: {
35029 x: 'scrollWidth',
35030 y: 'scrollHeight'
35031 },
35032 clientLength: {
35033 x: 'clientWidth',
35034 y: 'clientHeight'
35035 }
35036 };
35037 return domTreeShapes.some(function (shape) {
35038 // Determine if we are going backward or forward.
35039 var goingForward = current >= start;
35041 if (anchor === 'top' || anchor === 'left') {
35042 goingForward = !goingForward;
35043 }
35045 var axis = anchor === 'left' || anchor === 'right' ? 'x' : 'y';
35046 var scrollPosition = shape[axisProperties.scrollPosition[axis]];
35047 var areNotAtStart = scrollPosition > 0;
35048 var areNotAtEnd = scrollPosition + shape[axisProperties.clientLength[axis]] < shape[axisProperties.scrollLength[axis]];
35050 if (goingForward && areNotAtEnd || !goingForward && areNotAtStart) {
35051 return shape;
35052 }
35054 return null;
35055 });
35056 }
35058 var iOS = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent);
35059 var transitionDurationDefault = {
35060 enter: duration.enteringScreen,
35061 exit: duration.leavingScreen
35062 };
35063 var useEnhancedEffect$a = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? React.useLayoutEffect : React.useEffect;
35064 var SwipeableDrawer = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SwipeableDrawer(inProps, ref) {
35065 var theme = useTheme$1();
35066 var props = getThemeProps({
35067 name: 'MuiSwipeableDrawer',
35068 props: _extends({}, inProps),
35069 theme: theme
35070 });
35071 var _props$anchor = props.anchor,
35072 anchor = _props$anchor === void 0 ? 'left' : _props$anchor,
35073 _props$disableBackdro = props.disableBackdropTransition,
35074 disableBackdropTransition = _props$disableBackdro === void 0 ? false : _props$disableBackdro,
35075 _props$disableDiscove = props.disableDiscovery,
35076 disableDiscovery = _props$disableDiscove === void 0 ? false : _props$disableDiscove,
35077 _props$disableSwipeTo = props.disableSwipeToOpen,
35078 disableSwipeToOpen = _props$disableSwipeTo === void 0 ? iOS : _props$disableSwipeTo,
35079 hideBackdrop = props.hideBackdrop,
35080 _props$hysteresis = props.hysteresis,
35081 hysteresis = _props$hysteresis === void 0 ? 0.52 : _props$hysteresis,
35082 _props$minFlingVeloci = props.minFlingVelocity,
35083 minFlingVelocity = _props$minFlingVeloci === void 0 ? 450 : _props$minFlingVeloci,
35084 _props$ModalProps = props.ModalProps;
35085 _props$ModalProps = _props$ModalProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$ModalProps;
35087 var BackdropProps = _props$ModalProps.BackdropProps,
35088 ModalPropsProp = _objectWithoutProperties(_props$ModalProps, ["BackdropProps"]),
35089 onClose = props.onClose,
35090 onOpen = props.onOpen,
35091 open = props.open,
35092 _props$PaperProps = props.PaperProps,
35093 PaperProps = _props$PaperProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$PaperProps,
35094 SwipeAreaProps = props.SwipeAreaProps,
35095 _props$swipeAreaWidth = props.swipeAreaWidth,
35096 swipeAreaWidth = _props$swipeAreaWidth === void 0 ? 20 : _props$swipeAreaWidth,
35097 _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration,
35098 transitionDuration = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? transitionDurationDefault : _props$transitionDura,
35099 _props$variant = props.variant,
35100 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'temporary' : _props$variant,
35101 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["anchor", "disableBackdropTransition", "disableDiscovery", "disableSwipeToOpen", "hideBackdrop", "hysteresis", "minFlingVelocity", "ModalProps", "onClose", "onOpen", "open", "PaperProps", "SwipeAreaProps", "swipeAreaWidth", "transitionDuration", "variant"]);
35103 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
35104 maybeSwiping = _React$useState[0],
35105 setMaybeSwiping = _React$useState[1];
35107 var swipeInstance = React.useRef({
35108 isSwiping: null
35109 });
35110 var swipeAreaRef = React.useRef();
35111 var backdropRef = React.useRef();
35112 var paperRef = React.useRef();
35113 var touchDetected = React.useRef(false); // Ref for transition duration based on / to match swipe speed
35115 var calculatedDurationRef = React.useRef(); // Use a ref so the open value used is always up to date inside useCallback.
35117 useEnhancedEffect$a(function () {
35118 calculatedDurationRef.current = null;
35119 }, [open]);
35120 var setPosition = React.useCallback(function (translate) {
35121 var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
35122 var _options$mode = options.mode,
35123 mode = _options$mode === void 0 ? null : _options$mode,
35124 _options$changeTransi = options.changeTransition,
35125 changeTransition = _options$changeTransi === void 0 ? true : _options$changeTransi;
35126 var anchorRtl = getAnchor(theme, anchor);
35127 var rtlTranslateMultiplier = ['right', 'bottom'].indexOf(anchorRtl) !== -1 ? 1 : -1;
35128 var horizontalSwipe = isHorizontal(anchor);
35129 var transform = horizontalSwipe ? "translate(".concat(rtlTranslateMultiplier * translate, "px, 0)") : "translate(0, ".concat(rtlTranslateMultiplier * translate, "px)");
35130 var drawerStyle = paperRef.current.style;
35131 drawerStyle.webkitTransform = transform;
35132 drawerStyle.transform = transform;
35133 var transition = '';
35135 if (mode) {
35136 transition = theme.transitions.create('all', getTransitionProps({
35137 timeout: transitionDuration
35138 }, {
35139 mode: mode
35140 }));
35141 }
35143 if (changeTransition) {
35144 drawerStyle.webkitTransition = transition;
35145 drawerStyle.transition = transition;
35146 }
35148 if (!disableBackdropTransition && !hideBackdrop) {
35149 var backdropStyle = backdropRef.current.style;
35150 backdropStyle.opacity = 1 - translate / getMaxTranslate(horizontalSwipe, paperRef.current);
35152 if (changeTransition) {
35153 backdropStyle.webkitTransition = transition;
35154 backdropStyle.transition = transition;
35155 }
35156 }
35157 }, [anchor, disableBackdropTransition, hideBackdrop, theme, transitionDuration]);
35158 var handleBodyTouchEnd = useEventCallback(function (event) {
35159 if (!touchDetected.current) {
35160 return;
35161 }
35163 nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe = null;
35164 touchDetected.current = false;
35165 setMaybeSwiping(false); // The swipe wasn't started.
35167 if (!swipeInstance.current.isSwiping) {
35168 swipeInstance.current.isSwiping = null;
35169 return;
35170 }
35172 swipeInstance.current.isSwiping = null;
35173 var anchorRtl = getAnchor(theme, anchor);
35174 var horizontal = isHorizontal(anchor);
35175 var current;
35177 if (horizontal) {
35178 current = calculateCurrentX(anchorRtl, event.changedTouches);
35179 } else {
35180 current = calculateCurrentY(anchorRtl, event.changedTouches);
35181 }
35183 var startLocation = horizontal ? swipeInstance.current.startX : swipeInstance.current.startY;
35184 var maxTranslate = getMaxTranslate(horizontal, paperRef.current);
35185 var currentTranslate = getTranslate(current, startLocation, open, maxTranslate);
35186 var translateRatio = currentTranslate / maxTranslate;
35188 if (Math.abs(swipeInstance.current.velocity) > minFlingVelocity) {
35189 // Calculate transition duration to match swipe speed
35190 calculatedDurationRef.current = Math.abs((maxTranslate - currentTranslate) / swipeInstance.current.velocity) * 1000;
35191 }
35193 if (open) {
35194 if (swipeInstance.current.velocity > minFlingVelocity || translateRatio > hysteresis) {
35195 onClose();
35196 } else {
35197 // Reset the position, the swipe was aborted.
35198 setPosition(0, {
35199 mode: 'exit'
35200 });
35201 }
35203 return;
35204 }
35206 if (swipeInstance.current.velocity < -minFlingVelocity || 1 - translateRatio > hysteresis) {
35207 onOpen();
35208 } else {
35209 // Reset the position, the swipe was aborted.
35210 setPosition(getMaxTranslate(horizontal, paperRef.current), {
35211 mode: 'enter'
35212 });
35213 }
35214 });
35215 var handleBodyTouchMove = useEventCallback(function (event) {
35216 // the ref may be null when a parent component updates while swiping
35217 if (!paperRef.current || !touchDetected.current) {
35218 return;
35219 } // We are not supposed to handle this touch move because the swipe was started in a scrollable container in the drawer
35222 if (nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe != null && nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe !== swipeInstance.current) {
35223 return;
35224 }
35226 var anchorRtl = getAnchor(theme, anchor);
35227 var horizontalSwipe = isHorizontal(anchor);
35228 var currentX = calculateCurrentX(anchorRtl, event.touches);
35229 var currentY = calculateCurrentY(anchorRtl, event.touches);
35231 if (open && paperRef.current.contains(event.target) && nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe == null) {
35232 var domTreeShapes = getDomTreeShapes(event.target, paperRef.current);
35233 var nativeHandler = findNativeHandler({
35234 domTreeShapes: domTreeShapes,
35235 start: horizontalSwipe ? swipeInstance.current.startX : swipeInstance.current.startY,
35236 current: horizontalSwipe ? currentX : currentY,
35237 anchor: anchor
35238 });
35240 if (nativeHandler) {
35241 nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe = nativeHandler;
35242 return;
35243 }
35245 nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe = swipeInstance.current;
35246 } // We don't know yet.
35249 if (swipeInstance.current.isSwiping == null) {
35250 var dx = Math.abs(currentX - swipeInstance.current.startX);
35251 var dy = Math.abs(currentY - swipeInstance.current.startY); // We are likely to be swiping, let's prevent the scroll event on iOS.
35253 if (dx > dy) {
35254 if (event.cancelable) {
35255 event.preventDefault();
35256 }
35257 }
35259 var definitelySwiping = horizontalSwipe ? dx > dy && dx > UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD : dy > dx && dy > UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD;
35261 if (definitelySwiping === true || (horizontalSwipe ? dy > UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD : dx > UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD)) {
35262 swipeInstance.current.isSwiping = definitelySwiping;
35264 if (!definitelySwiping) {
35265 handleBodyTouchEnd(event);
35266 return;
35267 } // Shift the starting point.
35270 swipeInstance.current.startX = currentX;
35271 swipeInstance.current.startY = currentY; // Compensate for the part of the drawer displayed on touch start.
35273 if (!disableDiscovery && !open) {
35274 if (horizontalSwipe) {
35275 swipeInstance.current.startX -= swipeAreaWidth;
35276 } else {
35277 swipeInstance.current.startY -= swipeAreaWidth;
35278 }
35279 }
35280 }
35281 }
35283 if (!swipeInstance.current.isSwiping) {
35284 return;
35285 }
35287 var maxTranslate = getMaxTranslate(horizontalSwipe, paperRef.current);
35288 var startLocation = horizontalSwipe ? swipeInstance.current.startX : swipeInstance.current.startY;
35290 if (open && !swipeInstance.current.paperHit) {
35291 startLocation = Math.min(startLocation, maxTranslate);
35292 }
35294 var translate = getTranslate(horizontalSwipe ? currentX : currentY, startLocation, open, maxTranslate);
35296 if (open) {
35297 if (!swipeInstance.current.paperHit) {
35298 var paperHit = horizontalSwipe ? currentX < maxTranslate : currentY < maxTranslate;
35300 if (paperHit) {
35301 swipeInstance.current.paperHit = true;
35302 swipeInstance.current.startX = currentX;
35303 swipeInstance.current.startY = currentY;
35304 } else {
35305 return;
35306 }
35307 } else if (translate === 0) {
35308 swipeInstance.current.startX = currentX;
35309 swipeInstance.current.startY = currentY;
35310 }
35311 }
35313 if (swipeInstance.current.lastTranslate === null) {
35314 swipeInstance.current.lastTranslate = translate;
35315 swipeInstance.current.lastTime = performance.now() + 1;
35316 }
35318 var velocity = (translate - swipeInstance.current.lastTranslate) / (performance.now() - swipeInstance.current.lastTime) * 1e3; // Low Pass filter.
35320 swipeInstance.current.velocity = swipeInstance.current.velocity * 0.4 + velocity * 0.6;
35321 swipeInstance.current.lastTranslate = translate;
35322 swipeInstance.current.lastTime = performance.now(); // We are swiping, let's prevent the scroll event on iOS.
35324 if (event.cancelable) {
35325 event.preventDefault();
35326 }
35328 setPosition(translate);
35329 });
35330 var handleBodyTouchStart = useEventCallback(function (event) {
35331 // We are not supposed to handle this touch move.
35332 // Example of use case: ignore the event if there is a Slider.
35333 if (event.defaultPrevented) {
35334 return;
35335 } // We can only have one node at the time claiming ownership for handling the swipe.
35338 if (event.muiHandled) {
35339 return;
35340 } // At least one element clogs the drawer interaction zone.
35343 if (open && !backdropRef.current.contains(event.target) && !paperRef.current.contains(event.target)) {
35344 return;
35345 }
35347 var anchorRtl = getAnchor(theme, anchor);
35348 var horizontalSwipe = isHorizontal(anchor);
35349 var currentX = calculateCurrentX(anchorRtl, event.touches);
35350 var currentY = calculateCurrentY(anchorRtl, event.touches);
35352 if (!open) {
35353 if (disableSwipeToOpen || event.target !== swipeAreaRef.current) {
35354 return;
35355 }
35357 if (horizontalSwipe) {
35358 if (currentX > swipeAreaWidth) {
35359 return;
35360 }
35361 } else if (currentY > swipeAreaWidth) {
35362 return;
35363 }
35364 }
35366 event.muiHandled = true;
35367 nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe = null;
35368 swipeInstance.current.startX = currentX;
35369 swipeInstance.current.startY = currentY;
35370 setMaybeSwiping(true);
35372 if (!open && paperRef.current) {
35373 // The ref may be null when a parent component updates while swiping.
35374 setPosition(getMaxTranslate(horizontalSwipe, paperRef.current) + (disableDiscovery ? 20 : -swipeAreaWidth), {
35375 changeTransition: false
35376 });
35377 }
35379 swipeInstance.current.velocity = 0;
35380 swipeInstance.current.lastTime = null;
35381 swipeInstance.current.lastTranslate = null;
35382 swipeInstance.current.paperHit = false;
35383 touchDetected.current = true;
35384 });
35385 React.useEffect(function () {
35386 if (variant === 'temporary') {
35387 var doc = ownerDocument(paperRef.current);
35388 doc.addEventListener('touchstart', handleBodyTouchStart);
35389 doc.addEventListener('touchmove', handleBodyTouchMove, {
35390 passive: false
35391 });
35392 doc.addEventListener('touchend', handleBodyTouchEnd);
35393 return function () {
35394 doc.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleBodyTouchStart);
35395 doc.removeEventListener('touchmove', handleBodyTouchMove, {
35396 passive: false
35397 });
35398 doc.removeEventListener('touchend', handleBodyTouchEnd);
35399 };
35400 }
35402 return undefined;
35403 }, [variant, handleBodyTouchStart, handleBodyTouchMove, handleBodyTouchEnd]);
35404 React.useEffect(function () {
35405 return function () {
35406 // We need to release the lock.
35407 if (nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe === swipeInstance.current) {
35408 nodeThatClaimedTheSwipe = null;
35409 }
35410 };
35411 }, []);
35412 React.useEffect(function () {
35413 if (!open) {
35414 setMaybeSwiping(false);
35415 }
35416 }, [open]);
35417 var handleBackdropRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
35418 // #StrictMode ready
35419 backdropRef.current = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance);
35420 }, []);
35421 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Drawer$1, _extends({
35422 open: variant === 'temporary' && maybeSwiping ? true : open,
35423 variant: variant,
35424 ModalProps: _extends({
35425 BackdropProps: _extends({}, BackdropProps, {
35426 ref: handleBackdropRef
35427 })
35428 }, ModalPropsProp),
35429 PaperProps: _extends({}, PaperProps, {
35430 style: _extends({
35431 pointerEvents: variant === 'temporary' && !open ? 'none' : ''
35432 }, PaperProps.style),
35433 ref: paperRef
35434 }),
35435 anchor: anchor,
35436 transitionDuration: calculatedDurationRef.current || transitionDuration,
35437 onClose: onClose,
35438 ref: ref
35439 }, other)), !disableSwipeToOpen && variant === 'temporary' && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(NoSsr, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SwipeArea$1, _extends({
35440 anchor: anchor,
35441 ref: swipeAreaRef,
35442 width: swipeAreaWidth
35443 }, SwipeAreaProps))));
35444 });
35445 SwipeableDrawer.propTypes = {
35446 /**
35447 * @ignore
35448 */
35449 anchor: propTypes.oneOf(['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom']),
35451 /**
35452 * The content of the component.
35453 */
35454 children: propTypes.node,
35456 /**
35457 * Disable the backdrop transition.
35458 * This can improve the FPS on low-end devices.
35459 */
35460 disableBackdropTransition: propTypes.bool,
35462 /**
35463 * If `true`, touching the screen near the edge of the drawer will not slide in the drawer a bit
35464 * to promote accidental discovery of the swipe gesture.
35465 */
35466 disableDiscovery: propTypes.bool,
35468 /**
35469 * If `true`, swipe to open is disabled. This is useful in browsers where swiping triggers
35470 * navigation actions. Swipe to open is disabled on iOS browsers by default.
35471 */
35472 disableSwipeToOpen: propTypes.bool,
35474 /**
35475 * @ignore
35476 */
35477 hideBackdrop: propTypes.bool,
35479 /**
35480 * Affects how far the drawer must be opened/closed to change his state.
35481 * Specified as percent (0-1) of the width of the drawer
35482 */
35483 hysteresis: propTypes.number,
35485 /**
35486 * Defines, from which (average) velocity on, the swipe is
35487 * defined as complete although hysteresis isn't reached.
35488 * Good threshold is between 250 - 1000 px/s
35489 */
35490 minFlingVelocity: propTypes.number,
35492 /**
35493 * @ignore
35494 */
35495 ModalProps: propTypes.shape({
35496 BackdropProps: propTypes.shape({
35497 component: elementTypeAcceptingRef$1
35498 })
35499 }),
35501 /**
35502 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
35503 *
35504 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
35505 */
35506 onClose: propTypes.func.isRequired,
35508 /**
35509 * Callback fired when the component requests to be opened.
35510 *
35511 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
35512 */
35513 onOpen: propTypes.func.isRequired,
35515 /**
35516 * If `true`, the drawer is open.
35517 */
35518 open: propTypes.bool.isRequired,
35520 /**
35521 * @ignore
35522 */
35523 PaperProps: propTypes.shape({
35524 component: elementTypeAcceptingRef$1,
35525 style: propTypes.object
35526 }),
35528 /**
35529 * The element is used to intercept the touch events on the edge.
35530 */
35531 SwipeAreaProps: propTypes.object,
35533 /**
35534 * The width of the left most (or right most) area in pixels where the
35535 * drawer can be swiped open from.
35536 */
35537 swipeAreaWidth: propTypes.number,
35539 /**
35540 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
35541 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
35542 */
35543 transitionDuration: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
35544 enter: propTypes.number,
35545 exit: propTypes.number
35546 })]),
35548 /**
35549 * @ignore
35550 */
35551 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['permanent', 'persistent', 'temporary'])
35552 } ;
35554 var styles$1A = function styles(theme) {
35555 return {
35556 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
35557 root: {
35558 display: 'inline-flex',
35559 width: 34 + 12 * 2,
35560 height: 14 + 12 * 2,
35561 overflow: 'hidden',
35562 padding: 12,
35563 boxSizing: 'border-box',
35564 position: 'relative',
35565 flexShrink: 0,
35566 zIndex: 0,
35567 // Reset the stacking context.
35568 verticalAlign: 'middle',
35569 // For correct alignment with the text.
35570 '@media print': {
35571 colorAdjust: 'exact'
35572 }
35573 },
35575 /* Styles applied to the root element if `edge="start"`. */
35576 edgeStart: {
35577 marginLeft: -8
35578 },
35580 /* Styles applied to the root element if `edge="end"`. */
35581 edgeEnd: {
35582 marginRight: -8
35583 },
35585 /* Styles applied to the internal `SwitchBase` component's `root` class. */
35586 switchBase: {
35587 position: 'absolute',
35588 top: 0,
35589 left: 0,
35590 zIndex: 1,
35591 // Render above the focus ripple.
35592 color: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[50] : theme.palette.grey[400],
35593 transition: theme.transitions.create(['left', 'transform'], {
35594 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
35595 }),
35596 '&$checked': {
35597 transform: 'translateX(20px)'
35598 },
35599 '&$disabled': {
35600 color: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[400] : theme.palette.grey[800]
35601 },
35602 '&$checked + $track': {
35603 opacity: 0.5
35604 },
35605 '&$disabled + $track': {
35606 opacity: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 0.12 : 0.1
35607 }
35608 },
35610 /* Styles applied to the internal SwitchBase component's root element if `color="primary"`. */
35611 colorPrimary: {
35612 '&$checked': {
35613 color: theme.palette.primary.main,
35614 '&:hover': {
35615 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
35616 '@media (hover: none)': {
35617 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
35618 }
35619 }
35620 },
35621 '&$disabled': {
35622 color: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[400] : theme.palette.grey[800]
35623 },
35624 '&$checked + $track': {
35625 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main
35626 },
35627 '&$disabled + $track': {
35628 backgroundColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.common.black : theme.palette.common.white
35629 }
35630 },
35632 /* Styles applied to the internal SwitchBase component's root element if `color="secondary"`. */
35633 colorSecondary: {
35634 '&$checked': {
35635 color: theme.palette.secondary.main,
35636 '&:hover': {
35637 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity),
35638 '@media (hover: none)': {
35639 backgroundColor: 'transparent'
35640 }
35641 }
35642 },
35643 '&$disabled': {
35644 color: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.grey[400] : theme.palette.grey[800]
35645 },
35646 '&$checked + $track': {
35647 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
35648 },
35649 '&$disabled + $track': {
35650 backgroundColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.common.black : theme.palette.common.white
35651 }
35652 },
35654 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"`. */
35655 sizeSmall: {
35656 width: 40,
35657 height: 24,
35658 padding: 7,
35659 '& $thumb': {
35660 width: 16,
35661 height: 16
35662 },
35663 '& $switchBase': {
35664 padding: 4,
35665 '&$checked': {
35666 transform: 'translateX(16px)'
35667 }
35668 }
35669 },
35671 /* Pseudo-class applied to the internal `SwitchBase` component's `checked` class. */
35672 checked: {},
35674 /* Pseudo-class applied to the internal SwitchBase component's disabled class. */
35675 disabled: {},
35677 /* Styles applied to the internal SwitchBase component's input element. */
35678 input: {
35679 left: '-100%',
35680 width: '300%'
35681 },
35683 /* Styles used to create the thumb passed to the internal `SwitchBase` component `icon` prop. */
35684 thumb: {
35685 boxShadow: theme.shadows[1],
35686 backgroundColor: 'currentColor',
35687 width: 20,
35688 height: 20,
35689 borderRadius: '50%'
35690 },
35692 /* Styles applied to the track element. */
35693 track: {
35694 height: '100%',
35695 width: '100%',
35696 borderRadius: 14 / 2,
35697 zIndex: -1,
35698 transition: theme.transitions.create(['opacity', 'background-color'], {
35699 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
35700 }),
35701 backgroundColor: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? theme.palette.common.black : theme.palette.common.white,
35702 opacity: theme.palette.type === 'light' ? 0.38 : 0.3
35703 }
35704 };
35705 };
35706 var Switch = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Switch(props, ref) {
35707 var classes = props.classes,
35708 className = props.className,
35709 _props$color = props.color,
35710 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'secondary' : _props$color,
35711 _props$edge = props.edge,
35712 edge = _props$edge === void 0 ? false : _props$edge,
35713 _props$size = props.size,
35714 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
35715 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "edge", "size"]);
35717 var icon = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
35718 className: classes.thumb
35719 });
35720 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
35721 className: clsx(classes.root, className, {
35722 'start': classes.edgeStart,
35723 'end': classes.edgeEnd
35724 }[edge], size === "small" && classes["size".concat(capitalize(size))])
35725 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SwitchBase$1, _extends({
35726 type: "checkbox",
35727 icon: icon,
35728 checkedIcon: icon,
35729 classes: {
35730 root: clsx(classes.switchBase, classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))]),
35731 input: classes.input,
35732 checked: classes.checked,
35733 disabled: classes.disabled
35734 },
35735 ref: ref
35736 }, other)), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
35737 className: classes.track
35738 }));
35739 });
35740 Switch.propTypes = {
35741 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
35742 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
35743 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
35744 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
35746 /**
35747 * If `true`, the component is checked.
35748 */
35749 checked: propTypes.bool,
35751 /**
35752 * The icon to display when the component is checked.
35753 */
35754 checkedIcon: propTypes.node,
35756 /**
35757 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
35758 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
35759 */
35760 classes: propTypes.object,
35762 /**
35763 * @ignore
35764 */
35765 className: propTypes.string,
35767 /**
35768 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
35769 */
35770 color: propTypes.oneOf(['default', 'primary', 'secondary']),
35772 /**
35773 * @ignore
35774 */
35775 defaultChecked: propTypes.bool,
35777 /**
35778 * If `true`, the switch will be disabled.
35779 */
35780 disabled: propTypes.bool,
35782 /**
35783 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
35784 */
35785 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
35787 /**
35788 * If given, uses a negative margin to counteract the padding on one
35789 * side (this is often helpful for aligning the left or right
35790 * side of the icon with content above or below, without ruining the border
35791 * size and shape).
35792 */
35793 edge: propTypes.oneOf(['end', 'start', false]),
35795 /**
35796 * The icon to display when the component is unchecked.
35797 */
35798 icon: propTypes.node,
35800 /**
35801 * The id of the `input` element.
35802 */
35803 id: propTypes.string,
35805 /**
35806 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
35807 */
35808 inputProps: propTypes.object,
35810 /**
35811 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
35812 */
35813 inputRef: refType,
35815 /**
35816 * Callback fired when the state is changed.
35817 *
35818 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
35819 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
35820 * You can pull out the new checked state by accessing `event.target.checked` (boolean).
35821 */
35822 onChange: propTypes.func,
35824 /**
35825 * If `true`, the `input` element will be required.
35826 */
35827 required: propTypes.bool,
35829 /**
35830 * The size of the switch.
35831 * `small` is equivalent to the dense switch styling.
35832 */
35833 size: propTypes.oneOf(['medium', 'small']),
35835 /**
35836 * The value of the component. The DOM API casts this to a string.
35837 * The browser uses "on" as the default value.
35838 */
35839 value: propTypes.any
35840 } ;
35841 var Switch$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1A, {
35842 name: 'MuiSwitch'
35843 })(Switch);
35845 var styles$1B = function styles(theme) {
35846 var _extends2;
35848 return {
35849 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
35850 root: _extends({}, theme.typography.button, (_extends2 = {
35851 maxWidth: 264,
35852 minWidth: 72,
35853 position: 'relative',
35854 boxSizing: 'border-box',
35855 minHeight: 48,
35856 flexShrink: 0,
35857 padding: '6px 12px'
35858 }, _defineProperty(_extends2, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
35859 padding: '6px 24px'
35860 }), _defineProperty(_extends2, "overflow", 'hidden'), _defineProperty(_extends2, "whiteSpace", 'normal'), _defineProperty(_extends2, "textAlign", 'center'), _defineProperty(_extends2, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
35861 minWidth: 160
35862 }), _extends2)),
35864 /* Styles applied to the root element if both `icon` and `label` are provided. */
35865 labelIcon: {
35866 minHeight: 72,
35867 paddingTop: 9,
35868 '& $wrapper > *:first-child': {
35869 marginBottom: 6
35870 }
35871 },
35873 /* Styles applied to the root element if the parent [`Tabs`](/api/tabs/) has `textColor="inherit"`. */
35874 textColorInherit: {
35875 color: 'inherit',
35876 opacity: 0.7,
35877 '&$selected': {
35878 opacity: 1
35879 },
35880 '&$disabled': {
35881 opacity: 0.5
35882 }
35883 },
35885 /* Styles applied to the root element if the parent [`Tabs`](/api/tabs/) has `textColor="primary"`. */
35886 textColorPrimary: {
35887 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
35888 '&$selected': {
35889 color: theme.palette.primary.main
35890 },
35891 '&$disabled': {
35892 color: theme.palette.text.disabled
35893 }
35894 },
35896 /* Styles applied to the root element if the parent [`Tabs`](/api/tabs/) has `textColor="secondary"`. */
35897 textColorSecondary: {
35898 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
35899 '&$selected': {
35900 color: theme.palette.secondary.main
35901 },
35902 '&$disabled': {
35903 color: theme.palette.text.disabled
35904 }
35905 },
35907 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `selected={true}` (controlled by the Tabs component). */
35908 selected: {},
35910 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}` (controlled by the Tabs component). */
35911 disabled: {},
35913 /* Styles applied to the root element if `fullWidth={true}` (controlled by the Tabs component). */
35914 fullWidth: {
35915 flexShrink: 1,
35916 flexGrow: 1,
35917 flexBasis: 0,
35918 maxWidth: 'none'
35919 },
35921 /* Styles applied to the root element if `wrapped={true}`. */
35922 wrapped: {
35923 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12),
35924 lineHeight: 1.5
35925 },
35927 /* Styles applied to the `icon` and `label`'s wrapper element. */
35928 wrapper: {
35929 display: 'inline-flex',
35930 alignItems: 'center',
35931 justifyContent: 'center',
35932 width: '100%',
35933 flexDirection: 'column'
35934 }
35935 };
35936 };
35937 var Tab = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Tab(props, ref) {
35938 var classes = props.classes,
35939 className = props.className,
35940 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
35941 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
35942 _props$disableFocusRi = props.disableFocusRipple,
35943 disableFocusRipple = _props$disableFocusRi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableFocusRi,
35944 fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
35945 icon = props.icon,
35946 indicator = props.indicator,
35947 label = props.label,
35948 onChange = props.onChange,
35949 onClick = props.onClick,
35950 onFocus = props.onFocus,
35951 selected = props.selected,
35952 selectionFollowsFocus = props.selectionFollowsFocus,
35953 _props$textColor = props.textColor,
35954 textColor = _props$textColor === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$textColor,
35955 value = props.value,
35956 _props$wrapped = props.wrapped,
35957 wrapped = _props$wrapped === void 0 ? false : _props$wrapped,
35958 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "disabled", "disableFocusRipple", "fullWidth", "icon", "indicator", "label", "onChange", "onClick", "onFocus", "selected", "selectionFollowsFocus", "textColor", "value", "wrapped"]);
35960 var handleClick = function handleClick(event) {
35961 if (onChange) {
35962 onChange(event, value);
35963 }
35965 if (onClick) {
35966 onClick(event);
35967 }
35968 };
35970 var handleFocus = function handleFocus(event) {
35971 if (selectionFollowsFocus && !selected && onChange) {
35972 onChange(event, value);
35973 }
35975 if (onFocus) {
35976 onFocus(event);
35977 }
35978 };
35980 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
35981 focusRipple: !disableFocusRipple,
35982 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["textColor".concat(capitalize(textColor))], className, disabled && classes.disabled, selected && classes.selected, label && icon && classes.labelIcon, fullWidth && classes.fullWidth, wrapped && classes.wrapped),
35983 ref: ref,
35984 role: "tab",
35985 "aria-selected": selected,
35986 disabled: disabled,
35987 onClick: handleClick,
35988 onFocus: handleFocus,
35989 tabIndex: selected ? 0 : -1
35990 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
35991 className: classes.wrapper
35992 }, icon, label), indicator);
35993 });
35994 Tab.propTypes = {
35995 /**
35996 * This prop isn't supported.
35997 * Use the `component` prop if you need to change the children structure.
35998 */
35999 children: unsupportedProp,
36001 /**
36002 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36003 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36004 */
36005 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
36007 /**
36008 * @ignore
36009 */
36010 className: propTypes.string,
36012 /**
36013 * If `true`, the tab will be disabled.
36014 */
36015 disabled: propTypes.bool,
36017 /**
36018 * If `true`, the keyboard focus ripple will be disabled.
36019 */
36020 disableFocusRipple: propTypes.bool,
36022 /**
36023 * If `true`, the ripple effect will be disabled.
36024 */
36025 disableRipple: propTypes.bool,
36027 /**
36028 * @ignore
36029 */
36030 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
36032 /**
36033 * The icon element.
36034 */
36035 icon: propTypes.node,
36037 /**
36038 * @ignore
36039 * For server-side rendering consideration, we let the selected tab
36040 * render the indicator.
36041 */
36042 indicator: propTypes.node,
36044 /**
36045 * The label element.
36046 */
36047 label: propTypes.node,
36049 /**
36050 * @ignore
36051 */
36052 onChange: propTypes.func,
36054 /**
36055 * @ignore
36056 */
36057 onClick: propTypes.func,
36059 /**
36060 * @ignore
36061 */
36062 onFocus: propTypes.func,
36064 /**
36065 * @ignore
36066 */
36067 selected: propTypes.bool,
36069 /**
36070 * @ignore
36071 */
36072 selectionFollowsFocus: propTypes.bool,
36074 /**
36075 * @ignore
36076 */
36077 textColor: propTypes.oneOf(['secondary', 'primary', 'inherit']),
36079 /**
36080 * You can provide your own value. Otherwise, we fallback to the child position index.
36081 */
36082 value: propTypes.any,
36084 /**
36085 * Tab labels appear in a single row.
36086 * They can use a second line if needed.
36087 */
36088 wrapped: propTypes.bool
36089 } ;
36090 var Tab$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1B, {
36091 name: 'MuiTab'
36092 })(Tab);
36094 /**
36095 * @ignore - internal component.
36096 */
36098 var TableContext = React.createContext();
36100 {
36101 TableContext.displayName = 'TableContext';
36102 }
36104 var styles$1C = function styles(theme) {
36105 return {
36106 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36107 root: {
36108 display: 'table',
36109 width: '100%',
36110 borderCollapse: 'collapse',
36111 borderSpacing: 0,
36112 '& caption': _extends({}, theme.typography.body2, {
36113 padding: theme.spacing(2),
36114 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
36115 textAlign: 'left',
36116 captionSide: 'bottom'
36117 })
36118 },
36120 /* Styles applied to the root element if `stickyHeader={true}`. */
36121 stickyHeader: {
36122 borderCollapse: 'separate'
36123 }
36124 };
36125 };
36126 var defaultComponent = 'table';
36127 var Table = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Table(props, ref) {
36128 var classes = props.classes,
36129 className = props.className,
36130 _props$component = props.component,
36131 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? defaultComponent : _props$component,
36132 _props$padding = props.padding,
36133 padding = _props$padding === void 0 ? 'normal' : _props$padding,
36134 _props$size = props.size,
36135 size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size,
36136 _props$stickyHeader = props.stickyHeader,
36137 stickyHeader = _props$stickyHeader === void 0 ? false : _props$stickyHeader,
36138 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component", "padding", "size", "stickyHeader"]);
36140 var table = React.useMemo(function () {
36141 return {
36142 padding: padding,
36143 size: size,
36144 stickyHeader: stickyHeader
36145 };
36146 }, [padding, size, stickyHeader]);
36147 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TableContext.Provider, {
36148 value: table
36149 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36150 role: Component === defaultComponent ? null : 'table',
36151 ref: ref,
36152 className: clsx(classes.root, className, stickyHeader && classes.stickyHeader)
36153 }, other)));
36154 });
36155 Table.propTypes = {
36156 /**
36157 * The content of the table, normally `TableHead` and `TableBody`.
36158 */
36159 children: propTypes.node.isRequired,
36161 /**
36162 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36163 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36164 */
36165 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
36167 /**
36168 * @ignore
36169 */
36170 className: propTypes.string,
36172 /**
36173 * The component used for the root node.
36174 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
36175 */
36176 component: propTypes
36177 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
36178 .elementType,
36180 /**
36181 * Allows TableCells to inherit padding of the Table.
36182 * `default` is deprecated, use `normal` instead.
36183 */
36184 padding: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['normal', 'checkbox', 'none', 'default']), function (props) {
36185 if (props.padding === 'default') {
36186 return new Error('Material-UI: padding="default" was renamed to padding="normal" for consistency.');
36187 }
36189 return null;
36190 }),
36192 /**
36193 * Allows TableCells to inherit size of the Table.
36194 */
36195 size: propTypes.oneOf(['small', 'medium']),
36197 /**
36198 * Set the header sticky.
36199 *
36200 * ⚠️ It doesn't work with IE 11.
36201 */
36202 stickyHeader: propTypes.bool
36203 } ;
36204 var Table$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1C, {
36205 name: 'MuiTable'
36206 })(Table);
36208 /**
36209 * @ignore - internal component.
36210 */
36212 var Tablelvl2Context = React.createContext();
36214 {
36215 Tablelvl2Context.displayName = 'Tablelvl2Context';
36216 }
36218 var styles$1D = {
36219 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36220 root: {
36221 display: 'table-row-group'
36222 }
36223 };
36224 var tablelvl2 = {
36225 variant: 'body'
36226 };
36227 var defaultComponent$1 = 'tbody';
36228 var TableBody = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TableBody(props, ref) {
36229 var classes = props.classes,
36230 className = props.className,
36231 _props$component = props.component,
36232 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? defaultComponent$1 : _props$component,
36233 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component"]);
36235 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Tablelvl2Context.Provider, {
36236 value: tablelvl2
36237 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36238 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
36239 ref: ref,
36240 role: Component === defaultComponent$1 ? null : 'rowgroup'
36241 }, other)));
36242 });
36243 TableBody.propTypes = {
36244 /**
36245 * The content of the component, normally `TableRow`.
36246 */
36247 children: propTypes.node,
36249 /**
36250 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36251 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36252 */
36253 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
36255 /**
36256 * @ignore
36257 */
36258 className: propTypes.string,
36260 /**
36261 * The component used for the root node.
36262 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
36263 */
36264 component: propTypes
36265 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
36266 .elementType
36267 } ;
36268 var TableBody$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1D, {
36269 name: 'MuiTableBody'
36270 })(TableBody);
36272 var styles$1E = function styles(theme) {
36273 return {
36274 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36275 root: _extends({}, theme.typography.body2, {
36276 display: 'table-cell',
36277 verticalAlign: 'inherit',
36278 // Workaround for a rendering bug with spanned columns in Chrome 62.0.
36279 // Removes the alpha (sets it to 1), and lightens or darkens the theme color.
36280 borderBottom: "1px solid\n ".concat(theme.palette.type === 'light' ? lighten(alpha(theme.palette.divider, 1), 0.88) : darken(alpha(theme.palette.divider, 1), 0.68)),
36281 textAlign: 'left',
36282 padding: 16
36283 }),
36285 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="head"` or `context.table.head`. */
36286 head: {
36287 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
36288 lineHeight: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
36289 fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightMedium
36290 },
36292 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="body"` or `context.table.body`. */
36293 body: {
36294 color: theme.palette.text.primary
36295 },
36297 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="footer"` or `context.table.footer`. */
36298 footer: {
36299 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
36300 lineHeight: theme.typography.pxToRem(21),
36301 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(12)
36302 },
36304 /* Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"`. */
36305 sizeSmall: {
36306 padding: '6px 24px 6px 16px',
36307 '&:last-child': {
36308 paddingRight: 16
36309 },
36310 '&$paddingCheckbox': {
36311 width: 24,
36312 // prevent the checkbox column from growing
36313 padding: '0 12px 0 16px',
36314 '&:last-child': {
36315 paddingLeft: 12,
36316 paddingRight: 16
36317 },
36318 '& > *': {
36319 padding: 0
36320 }
36321 }
36322 },
36324 /* Styles applied to the root element if `padding="checkbox"`. */
36325 paddingCheckbox: {
36326 width: 48,
36327 // prevent the checkbox column from growing
36328 padding: '0 0 0 4px',
36329 '&:last-child': {
36330 paddingLeft: 0,
36331 paddingRight: 4
36332 }
36333 },
36335 /* Styles applied to the root element if `padding="none"`. */
36336 paddingNone: {
36337 padding: 0,
36338 '&:last-child': {
36339 padding: 0
36340 }
36341 },
36343 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="left"`. */
36344 alignLeft: {
36345 textAlign: 'left'
36346 },
36348 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="center"`. */
36349 alignCenter: {
36350 textAlign: 'center'
36351 },
36353 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="right"`. */
36354 alignRight: {
36355 textAlign: 'right',
36356 flexDirection: 'row-reverse'
36357 },
36359 /* Styles applied to the root element if `align="justify"`. */
36360 alignJustify: {
36361 textAlign: 'justify'
36362 },
36364 /* Styles applied to the root element if `context.table.stickyHeader={true}`. */
36365 stickyHeader: {
36366 position: 'sticky',
36367 top: 0,
36368 left: 0,
36369 zIndex: 2,
36370 backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default
36371 }
36372 };
36373 };
36374 /**
36375 * The component renders a `<th>` element when the parent context is a header
36376 * or otherwise a `<td>` element.
36377 */
36379 var TableCell = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TableCell(props, ref) {
36380 var _props$align = props.align,
36381 align = _props$align === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$align,
36382 classes = props.classes,
36383 className = props.className,
36384 component = props.component,
36385 paddingProp = props.padding,
36386 scopeProp = props.scope,
36387 sizeProp = props.size,
36388 sortDirection = props.sortDirection,
36389 variantProp = props.variant,
36390 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["align", "classes", "className", "component", "padding", "scope", "size", "sortDirection", "variant"]);
36392 var table = React.useContext(TableContext);
36393 var tablelvl2 = React.useContext(Tablelvl2Context);
36394 var isHeadCell = tablelvl2 && tablelvl2.variant === 'head';
36395 var role;
36396 var Component;
36398 if (component) {
36399 Component = component;
36400 role = isHeadCell ? 'columnheader' : 'cell';
36401 } else {
36402 Component = isHeadCell ? 'th' : 'td';
36403 }
36405 var scope = scopeProp;
36407 if (!scope && isHeadCell) {
36408 scope = 'col';
36409 }
36411 var padding = paddingProp || (table && table.padding ? table.padding : 'normal');
36412 var size = sizeProp || (table && table.size ? table.size : 'medium');
36413 var variant = variantProp || tablelvl2 && tablelvl2.variant;
36414 var ariaSort = null;
36416 if (sortDirection) {
36417 ariaSort = sortDirection === 'asc' ? 'ascending' : 'descending';
36418 }
36420 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36421 ref: ref,
36422 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[variant], className, align !== 'inherit' && classes["align".concat(capitalize(align))], padding !== 'normal' && classes["padding".concat(capitalize(padding))], size !== 'medium' && classes["size".concat(capitalize(size))], variant === 'head' && table && table.stickyHeader && classes.stickyHeader),
36423 "aria-sort": ariaSort,
36424 role: role,
36425 scope: scope
36426 }, other));
36427 });
36428 TableCell.propTypes = {
36429 /**
36430 * Set the text-align on the table cell content.
36431 *
36432 * Monetary or generally number fields **should be right aligned** as that allows
36433 * you to add them up quickly in your head without having to worry about decimals.
36434 */
36435 align: propTypes.oneOf(['center', 'inherit', 'justify', 'left', 'right']),
36437 /**
36438 * The table cell contents.
36439 */
36440 children: propTypes.node,
36442 /**
36443 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36444 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36445 */
36446 classes: propTypes.object,
36448 /**
36449 * @ignore
36450 */
36451 className: propTypes.string,
36453 /**
36454 * The component used for the root node.
36455 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
36456 */
36457 component: propTypes
36458 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
36459 .elementType,
36461 /**
36462 * Sets the padding applied to the cell.
36463 * By default, the Table parent component set the value (`normal`).
36464 * `default` is deprecated, use `normal` instead.
36465 */
36466 padding: chainPropTypes(propTypes.oneOf(['normal', 'checkbox', 'none', 'default']), function (props) {
36467 if (props.padding === 'default') {
36468 return new Error('Material-UI: padding="default" was renamed to padding="normal" for consistency.');
36469 }
36471 return null;
36472 }),
36474 /**
36475 * Set scope attribute.
36476 */
36477 scope: propTypes.string,
36479 /**
36480 * Specify the size of the cell.
36481 * By default, the Table parent component set the value (`medium`).
36482 */
36483 size: propTypes.oneOf(['medium', 'small']),
36485 /**
36486 * Set aria-sort direction.
36487 */
36488 sortDirection: propTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc', false]),
36490 /**
36491 * Specify the cell type.
36492 * By default, the TableHead, TableBody or TableFooter parent component set the value.
36493 */
36494 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['body', 'footer', 'head'])
36495 } ;
36496 var TableCell$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1E, {
36497 name: 'MuiTableCell'
36498 })(TableCell);
36500 var styles$1F = {
36501 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36502 root: {
36503 width: '100%',
36504 overflowX: 'auto'
36505 }
36506 };
36507 var TableContainer = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TableContainer(props, ref) {
36508 var classes = props.classes,
36509 className = props.className,
36510 _props$component = props.component,
36511 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
36512 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component"]);
36514 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36515 ref: ref,
36516 className: clsx(classes.root, className)
36517 }, other));
36518 });
36519 TableContainer.propTypes = {
36520 /**
36521 * The table itself, normally `<Table />`
36522 */
36523 children: propTypes.node,
36525 /**
36526 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36527 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36528 */
36529 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
36531 /**
36532 * @ignore
36533 */
36534 className: propTypes.string,
36536 /**
36537 * The component used for the root node.
36538 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
36539 */
36540 component: propTypes
36541 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
36542 .elementType
36543 } ;
36544 var TableContainer$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1F, {
36545 name: 'MuiTableContainer'
36546 })(TableContainer);
36548 var styles$1G = {
36549 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36550 root: {
36551 display: 'table-footer-group'
36552 }
36553 };
36554 var tablelvl2$1 = {
36555 variant: 'footer'
36556 };
36557 var defaultComponent$2 = 'tfoot';
36558 var TableFooter = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TableFooter(props, ref) {
36559 var classes = props.classes,
36560 className = props.className,
36561 _props$component = props.component,
36562 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? defaultComponent$2 : _props$component,
36563 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component"]);
36565 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Tablelvl2Context.Provider, {
36566 value: tablelvl2$1
36567 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36568 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
36569 ref: ref,
36570 role: Component === defaultComponent$2 ? null : 'rowgroup'
36571 }, other)));
36572 });
36573 TableFooter.propTypes = {
36574 /**
36575 * The content of the component, normally `TableRow`.
36576 */
36577 children: propTypes.node,
36579 /**
36580 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36581 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36582 */
36583 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
36585 /**
36586 * @ignore
36587 */
36588 className: propTypes.string,
36590 /**
36591 * The component used for the root node.
36592 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
36593 */
36594 component: propTypes
36595 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
36596 .elementType
36597 } ;
36598 var TableFooter$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1G, {
36599 name: 'MuiTableFooter'
36600 })(TableFooter);
36602 var styles$1H = {
36603 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36604 root: {
36605 display: 'table-header-group'
36606 }
36607 };
36608 var tablelvl2$2 = {
36609 variant: 'head'
36610 };
36611 var defaultComponent$3 = 'thead';
36612 var TableHead = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TableHead(props, ref) {
36613 var classes = props.classes,
36614 className = props.className,
36615 _props$component = props.component,
36616 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? defaultComponent$3 : _props$component,
36617 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component"]);
36619 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Tablelvl2Context.Provider, {
36620 value: tablelvl2$2
36621 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36622 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
36623 ref: ref,
36624 role: Component === defaultComponent$3 ? null : 'rowgroup'
36625 }, other)));
36626 });
36627 TableHead.propTypes = {
36628 /**
36629 * The content of the component, normally `TableRow`.
36630 */
36631 children: propTypes.node,
36633 /**
36634 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36635 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36636 */
36637 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
36639 /**
36640 * @ignore
36641 */
36642 className: propTypes.string,
36644 /**
36645 * The component used for the root node.
36646 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
36647 */
36648 component: propTypes
36649 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
36650 .elementType
36651 } ;
36652 var TableHead$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1H, {
36653 name: 'MuiTableHead'
36654 })(TableHead);
36656 var styles$1I = function styles(theme) {
36657 return {
36658 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36659 root: {
36660 position: 'relative',
36661 display: 'flex',
36662 alignItems: 'center'
36663 },
36665 /* Styles applied to the root element if `disableGutters={false}`. */
36666 gutters: _defineProperty({
36667 paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
36668 paddingRight: theme.spacing(2)
36669 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
36670 paddingLeft: theme.spacing(3),
36671 paddingRight: theme.spacing(3)
36672 }),
36674 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="regular"`. */
36675 regular: theme.mixins.toolbar,
36677 /* Styles applied to the root element if `variant="dense"`. */
36678 dense: {
36679 minHeight: 48
36680 }
36681 };
36682 };
36683 var Toolbar = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Toolbar(props, ref) {
36684 var classes = props.classes,
36685 className = props.className,
36686 _props$component = props.component,
36687 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
36688 _props$disableGutters = props.disableGutters,
36689 disableGutters = _props$disableGutters === void 0 ? false : _props$disableGutters,
36690 _props$variant = props.variant,
36691 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'regular' : _props$variant,
36692 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component", "disableGutters", "variant"]);
36694 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36695 className: clsx(classes.root, classes[variant], className, !disableGutters && classes.gutters),
36696 ref: ref
36697 }, other));
36698 });
36699 Toolbar.propTypes = {
36700 /**
36701 * Toolbar children, usually a mixture of `IconButton`, `Button` and `Typography`.
36702 */
36703 children: propTypes.node,
36705 /**
36706 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
36707 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
36708 */
36709 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
36711 /**
36712 * @ignore
36713 */
36714 className: propTypes.string,
36716 /**
36717 * The component used for the root node.
36718 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
36719 */
36720 component: propTypes
36721 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
36722 .elementType,
36724 /**
36725 * If `true`, disables gutter padding.
36726 */
36727 disableGutters: propTypes.bool,
36729 /**
36730 * The variant to use.
36731 */
36732 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['regular', 'dense'])
36733 } ;
36734 var Toolbar$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1I, {
36735 name: 'MuiToolbar'
36736 })(Toolbar);
36738 /**
36739 * @ignore - internal component.
36740 */
36742 var KeyboardArrowLeft = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
36743 d: "M15.41 16.09l-4.58-4.59 4.58-4.59L14 5.5l-6 6 6 6z"
36744 }), 'KeyboardArrowLeft');
36746 /**
36747 * @ignore - internal component.
36748 */
36750 var KeyboardArrowRight = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
36751 d: "M8.59 16.34l4.58-4.59-4.58-4.59L10 5.75l6 6-6 6z"
36752 }), 'KeyboardArrowRight');
36754 /**
36755 * @ignore - internal component.
36756 */
36758 var _ref$2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(KeyboardArrowRight, null);
36760 var _ref2$1 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(KeyboardArrowLeft, null);
36762 var _ref3 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(KeyboardArrowLeft, null);
36764 var _ref4 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(KeyboardArrowRight, null);
36766 var TablePaginationActions = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TablePaginationActions(props, ref) {
36767 var backIconButtonProps = props.backIconButtonProps,
36768 count = props.count,
36769 nextIconButtonProps = props.nextIconButtonProps,
36770 onPageChange = props.onPageChange,
36771 page = props.page,
36772 rowsPerPage = props.rowsPerPage,
36773 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["backIconButtonProps", "count", "nextIconButtonProps", "onPageChange", "page", "rowsPerPage"]);
36775 var theme = useTheme$1();
36777 var handleBackButtonClick = function handleBackButtonClick(event) {
36778 onPageChange(event, page - 1);
36779 };
36781 var handleNextButtonClick = function handleNextButtonClick(event) {
36782 onPageChange(event, page + 1);
36783 };
36785 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
36786 ref: ref
36787 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconButton$1, _extends({
36788 onClick: handleBackButtonClick,
36789 disabled: page === 0,
36790 color: "inherit"
36791 }, backIconButtonProps), theme.direction === 'rtl' ? _ref$2 : _ref2$1), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconButton$1, _extends({
36792 onClick: handleNextButtonClick,
36793 disabled: count !== -1 ? page >= Math.ceil(count / rowsPerPage) - 1 : false,
36794 color: "inherit"
36795 }, nextIconButtonProps), theme.direction === 'rtl' ? _ref3 : _ref4));
36796 });
36797 TablePaginationActions.propTypes = {
36798 /**
36799 * Props applied to the back arrow [`IconButton`](/api/icon-button/) element.
36800 */
36801 backIconButtonProps: propTypes.object,
36803 /**
36804 * The total number of rows.
36805 */
36806 count: propTypes.number.isRequired,
36808 /**
36809 * Props applied to the next arrow [`IconButton`](/api/icon-button/) element.
36810 */
36811 nextIconButtonProps: propTypes.object,
36813 /**
36814 * Callback fired when the page is changed.
36815 *
36816 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
36817 * @param {number} page The page selected.
36818 */
36819 onPageChange: propTypes.func.isRequired,
36821 /**
36822 * The zero-based index of the current page.
36823 */
36824 page: propTypes.number.isRequired,
36826 /**
36827 * The number of rows per page.
36828 */
36829 rowsPerPage: propTypes.number.isRequired
36830 } ;
36832 var styles$1J = function styles(theme) {
36833 return {
36834 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
36835 root: {
36836 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
36837 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(14),
36838 overflow: 'auto',
36839 // Increase the specificity to override TableCell.
36840 '&:last-child': {
36841 padding: 0
36842 }
36843 },
36845 /* Styles applied to the Toolbar component. */
36846 toolbar: {
36847 minHeight: 52,
36848 paddingRight: 2
36849 },
36851 /* Styles applied to the spacer element. */
36852 spacer: {
36853 flex: '1 1 100%'
36854 },
36856 /* Styles applied to the caption Typography components if `variant="caption"`. */
36857 caption: {
36858 flexShrink: 0
36859 },
36860 // TODO v5: `.selectRoot` should be merged with `.input`
36862 /* Styles applied to the Select component root element. */
36863 selectRoot: {
36864 marginRight: 32,
36865 marginLeft: 8
36866 },
36868 /* Styles applied to the Select component `select` class. */
36869 select: {
36870 paddingLeft: 8,
36871 paddingRight: 24,
36872 textAlign: 'right',
36873 textAlignLast: 'right' // Align <select> on Chrome.
36875 },
36876 // TODO v5: remove
36878 /* Styles applied to the Select component `icon` class. */
36879 selectIcon: {},
36881 /* Styles applied to the `InputBase` component. */
36882 input: {
36883 color: 'inherit',
36884 fontSize: 'inherit',
36885 flexShrink: 0
36886 },
36888 /* Styles applied to the MenuItem component. */
36889 menuItem: {},
36891 /* Styles applied to the internal `TablePaginationActions` component. */
36892 actions: {
36893 flexShrink: 0,
36894 marginLeft: 20
36895 }
36896 };
36897 };
36899 var defaultLabelDisplayedRows = function defaultLabelDisplayedRows(_ref) {
36900 var from = _ref.from,
36901 to = _ref.to,
36902 count = _ref.count;
36903 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " of ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
36904 };
36906 var defaultRowsPerPageOptions = [10, 25, 50, 100];
36907 /**
36908 * A `TableCell` based component for placing inside `TableFooter` for pagination.
36909 */
36911 var TablePagination = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TablePagination(props, ref) {
36912 var _props$ActionsCompone = props.ActionsComponent,
36913 ActionsComponent = _props$ActionsCompone === void 0 ? TablePaginationActions : _props$ActionsCompone,
36914 backIconButtonProps = props.backIconButtonProps,
36915 _props$backIconButton = props.backIconButtonText,
36916 backIconButtonText = _props$backIconButton === void 0 ? 'Previous page' : _props$backIconButton,
36917 classes = props.classes,
36918 className = props.className,
36919 colSpanProp = props.colSpan,
36920 _props$component = props.component,
36921 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? TableCell$1 : _props$component,
36922 count = props.count,
36923 _props$labelDisplayed = props.labelDisplayedRows,
36924 labelDisplayedRows = _props$labelDisplayed === void 0 ? defaultLabelDisplayedRows : _props$labelDisplayed,
36925 _props$labelRowsPerPa = props.labelRowsPerPage,
36926 labelRowsPerPage = _props$labelRowsPerPa === void 0 ? 'Rows per page:' : _props$labelRowsPerPa,
36927 nextIconButtonProps = props.nextIconButtonProps,
36928 _props$nextIconButton = props.nextIconButtonText,
36929 nextIconButtonText = _props$nextIconButton === void 0 ? 'Next page' : _props$nextIconButton,
36930 onChangePageProp = props.onChangePage,
36931 onPageChangeProp = props.onPageChange,
36932 onChangeRowsPerPageProp = props.onChangeRowsPerPage,
36933 onRowsPerPageChangeProp = props.onRowsPerPageChange,
36934 page = props.page,
36935 rowsPerPage = props.rowsPerPage,
36936 _props$rowsPerPageOpt = props.rowsPerPageOptions,
36937 rowsPerPageOptions = _props$rowsPerPageOpt === void 0 ? defaultRowsPerPageOptions : _props$rowsPerPageOpt,
36938 _props$SelectProps = props.SelectProps,
36939 SelectProps = _props$SelectProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$SelectProps,
36940 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["ActionsComponent", "backIconButtonProps", "backIconButtonText", "classes", "className", "colSpan", "component", "count", "labelDisplayedRows", "labelRowsPerPage", "nextIconButtonProps", "nextIconButtonText", "onChangePage", "onPageChange", "onChangeRowsPerPage", "onRowsPerPageChange", "page", "rowsPerPage", "rowsPerPageOptions", "SelectProps"]);
36942 var onChangePage = onChangePageProp || onPageChangeProp;
36943 var onChangeRowsPerPage = onChangeRowsPerPageProp || onRowsPerPageChangeProp;
36944 var colSpan;
36946 if (Component === TableCell$1 || Component === 'td') {
36947 colSpan = colSpanProp || 1000; // col-span over everything
36948 }
36950 var selectId = useId();
36951 var labelId = useId();
36952 var MenuItemComponent = SelectProps.native ? 'option' : MenuItem$1;
36953 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
36954 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
36955 colSpan: colSpan,
36956 ref: ref
36957 }, other), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Toolbar$1, {
36958 className: classes.toolbar
36959 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
36960 className: classes.spacer
36961 }), rowsPerPageOptions.length > 1 && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, {
36962 color: "inherit",
36963 variant: "body2",
36964 className: classes.caption,
36965 id: labelId
36966 }, labelRowsPerPage), rowsPerPageOptions.length > 1 && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Select$1, _extends({
36967 classes: {
36968 select: classes.select,
36969 icon: classes.selectIcon
36970 },
36971 input: /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InputBase$1, {
36972 className: clsx(classes.input, classes.selectRoot)
36973 }),
36974 value: rowsPerPage,
36975 onChange: onChangeRowsPerPage,
36976 id: selectId,
36977 labelId: labelId
36978 }, SelectProps), rowsPerPageOptions.map(function (rowsPerPageOption) {
36979 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(MenuItemComponent, {
36980 className: classes.menuItem,
36981 key: rowsPerPageOption.value ? rowsPerPageOption.value : rowsPerPageOption,
36982 value: rowsPerPageOption.value ? rowsPerPageOption.value : rowsPerPageOption
36983 }, rowsPerPageOption.label ? rowsPerPageOption.label : rowsPerPageOption);
36984 })), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Typography$1, {
36985 color: "inherit",
36986 variant: "body2",
36987 className: classes.caption
36988 }, labelDisplayedRows({
36989 from: count === 0 ? 0 : page * rowsPerPage + 1,
36990 to: count !== -1 ? Math.min(count, (page + 1) * rowsPerPage) : (page + 1) * rowsPerPage,
36991 count: count === -1 ? -1 : count,
36992 page: page
36993 })), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ActionsComponent, {
36994 className: classes.actions,
36995 backIconButtonProps: _extends({
36996 title: backIconButtonText,
36997 'aria-label': backIconButtonText
36998 }, backIconButtonProps),
36999 count: count,
37000 nextIconButtonProps: _extends({
37001 title: nextIconButtonText,
37002 'aria-label': nextIconButtonText
37003 }, nextIconButtonProps),
37004 onPageChange: onChangePage,
37005 page: page,
37006 rowsPerPage: rowsPerPage
37007 })));
37008 });
37009 TablePagination.propTypes = {
37010 /**
37011 * The component used for displaying the actions.
37012 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
37013 */
37014 ActionsComponent: propTypes.elementType,
37016 /**
37017 * Props applied to the back arrow [`IconButton`](/api/icon-button/) component.
37018 */
37019 backIconButtonProps: propTypes.object,
37021 /**
37022 * Text label for the back arrow icon button.
37023 *
37024 * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/guides/localization/).
37025 */
37026 backIconButtonText: propTypes.string,
37028 /**
37029 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
37030 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
37031 */
37032 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
37034 /**
37035 * @ignore
37036 */
37037 className: propTypes.string,
37039 /**
37040 * @ignore
37041 */
37042 colSpan: propTypes.number,
37044 /**
37045 * The component used for the root node.
37046 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
37047 */
37048 component: propTypes
37049 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
37050 .elementType,
37052 /**
37053 * The total number of rows.
37054 *
37055 * To enable server side pagination for an unknown number of items, provide -1.
37056 */
37057 count: propTypes.number.isRequired,
37059 /**
37060 * Customize the displayed rows label. Invoked with a `{ from, to, count, page }`
37061 * object.
37062 *
37063 * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/guides/localization/).
37064 */
37065 labelDisplayedRows: propTypes.func,
37067 /**
37068 * Customize the rows per page label.
37069 *
37070 * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/guides/localization/).
37071 */
37072 labelRowsPerPage: propTypes.node,
37074 /**
37075 * Props applied to the next arrow [`IconButton`](/api/icon-button/) element.
37076 */
37077 nextIconButtonProps: propTypes.object,
37079 /**
37080 * Text label for the next arrow icon button.
37081 *
37082 * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/guides/localization/).
37083 */
37084 nextIconButtonText: propTypes.string,
37086 /**
37087 * Callback fired when the page is changed.
37088 *
37089 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
37090 * @param {number} page The page selected.
37091 * @deprecated Use the onPageChange prop instead.
37092 */
37093 onChangePage: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `onPageChange` prop instead.'),
37095 /**
37096 * Callback fired when the number of rows per page is changed.
37097 *
37098 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
37099 * @deprecated Use the onRowsPerPageChange prop instead.
37100 */
37101 onChangeRowsPerPage: deprecatedPropType(propTypes.func, 'Use the `onRowsPerPageChange` prop instead.'),
37103 /**
37104 * Callback fired when the page is changed.
37105 *
37106 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
37107 * @param {number} page The page selected.
37108 */
37109 onPageChange: propTypes.func.isRequired,
37111 /**
37112 * Callback fired when the number of rows per page is changed.
37113 *
37114 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
37115 */
37116 onRowsPerPageChange: propTypes.func,
37118 /**
37119 * The zero-based index of the current page.
37120 */
37121 page: chainPropTypes(propTypes.number.isRequired, function (props) {
37122 var count = props.count,
37123 page = props.page,
37124 rowsPerPage = props.rowsPerPage;
37126 if (count === -1) {
37127 return null;
37128 }
37130 var newLastPage = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(count / rowsPerPage) - 1);
37132 if (page < 0 || page > newLastPage) {
37133 return new Error('Material-UI: The page prop of a TablePagination is out of range ' + "(0 to ".concat(newLastPage, ", but page is ").concat(page, ")."));
37134 }
37136 return null;
37137 }),
37139 /**
37140 * The number of rows per page.
37141 */
37142 rowsPerPage: propTypes.number.isRequired,
37144 /**
37145 * Customizes the options of the rows per page select field. If less than two options are
37146 * available, no select field will be displayed.
37147 */
37148 rowsPerPageOptions: propTypes.array,
37150 /**
37151 * Props applied to the rows per page [`Select`](/api/select/) element.
37152 */
37153 SelectProps: propTypes.object
37154 } ;
37155 var TablePagination$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1J, {
37156 name: 'MuiTablePagination'
37157 })(TablePagination);
37159 var styles$1K = function styles(theme) {
37160 return {
37161 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
37162 root: {
37163 color: 'inherit',
37164 display: 'table-row',
37165 verticalAlign: 'middle',
37166 // We disable the focus ring for mouse, touch and keyboard users.
37167 outline: 0,
37168 '&$hover:hover': {
37169 backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover
37170 },
37171 '&$selected, &$selected:hover': {
37172 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.secondary.main, theme.palette.action.selectedOpacity)
37173 }
37174 },
37176 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `selected={true}`. */
37177 selected: {},
37179 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `hover={true}`. */
37180 hover: {},
37182 /* Styles applied to the root element if table variant="head". */
37183 head: {},
37185 /* Styles applied to the root element if table variant="footer". */
37186 footer: {}
37187 };
37188 };
37189 var defaultComponent$4 = 'tr';
37190 /**
37191 * Will automatically set dynamic row height
37192 * based on the material table element parent (head, body, etc).
37193 */
37195 var TableRow = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TableRow(props, ref) {
37196 var classes = props.classes,
37197 className = props.className,
37198 _props$component = props.component,
37199 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? defaultComponent$4 : _props$component,
37200 _props$hover = props.hover,
37201 hover = _props$hover === void 0 ? false : _props$hover,
37202 _props$selected = props.selected,
37203 selected = _props$selected === void 0 ? false : _props$selected,
37204 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "component", "hover", "selected"]);
37206 var tablelvl2 = React.useContext(Tablelvl2Context);
37207 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
37208 ref: ref,
37209 className: clsx(classes.root, className, tablelvl2 && {
37210 'head': classes.head,
37211 'footer': classes.footer
37212 }[tablelvl2.variant], hover && classes.hover, selected && classes.selected),
37213 role: Component === defaultComponent$4 ? null : 'row'
37214 }, other));
37215 });
37216 TableRow.propTypes = {
37217 /**
37218 * Should be valid <tr> children such as `TableCell`.
37219 */
37220 children: propTypes.node,
37222 /**
37223 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
37224 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
37225 */
37226 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
37228 /**
37229 * @ignore
37230 */
37231 className: propTypes.string,
37233 /**
37234 * The component used for the root node.
37235 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
37236 */
37237 component: propTypes
37238 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
37239 .elementType,
37241 /**
37242 * If `true`, the table row will shade on hover.
37243 */
37244 hover: propTypes.bool,
37246 /**
37247 * If `true`, the table row will have the selected shading.
37248 */
37249 selected: propTypes.bool
37250 } ;
37251 var TableRow$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1K, {
37252 name: 'MuiTableRow'
37253 })(TableRow);
37255 /**
37256 * @ignore - internal component.
37257 */
37259 var ArrowDownwardIcon = createSvgIcon( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", {
37260 d: "M20 12l-1.41-1.41L13 16.17V4h-2v12.17l-5.58-5.59L4 12l8 8 8-8z"
37261 }), 'ArrowDownward');
37263 var styles$1L = function styles(theme) {
37264 return {
37265 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
37266 root: {
37267 cursor: 'pointer',
37268 display: 'inline-flex',
37269 justifyContent: 'flex-start',
37270 flexDirection: 'inherit',
37271 alignItems: 'center',
37272 '&:focus': {
37273 color: theme.palette.text.secondary
37274 },
37275 '&:hover': {
37276 color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
37277 '& $icon': {
37278 opacity: 0.5
37279 }
37280 },
37281 '&$active': {
37282 color: theme.palette.text.primary,
37283 // && instead of & is a workaround for https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/issues/1045
37284 '&& $icon': {
37285 opacity: 1,
37286 color: theme.palette.text.secondary
37287 }
37288 }
37289 },
37291 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `active={true}`. */
37292 active: {},
37294 /* Styles applied to the icon component. */
37295 icon: {
37296 fontSize: 18,
37297 marginRight: 4,
37298 marginLeft: 4,
37299 opacity: 0,
37300 transition: theme.transitions.create(['opacity', 'transform'], {
37301 duration: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
37302 }),
37303 userSelect: 'none'
37304 },
37306 /* Styles applied to the icon component if `direction="desc"`. */
37307 iconDirectionDesc: {
37308 transform: 'rotate(0deg)'
37309 },
37311 /* Styles applied to the icon component if `direction="asc"`. */
37312 iconDirectionAsc: {
37313 transform: 'rotate(180deg)'
37314 }
37315 };
37316 };
37317 /**
37318 * A button based label for placing inside `TableCell` for column sorting.
37319 */
37321 var TableSortLabel = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TableSortLabel(props, ref) {
37322 var _props$active = props.active,
37323 active = _props$active === void 0 ? false : _props$active,
37324 children = props.children,
37325 classes = props.classes,
37326 className = props.className,
37327 _props$direction = props.direction,
37328 direction = _props$direction === void 0 ? 'asc' : _props$direction,
37329 _props$hideSortIcon = props.hideSortIcon,
37330 hideSortIcon = _props$hideSortIcon === void 0 ? false : _props$hideSortIcon,
37331 _props$IconComponent = props.IconComponent,
37332 IconComponent = _props$IconComponent === void 0 ? ArrowDownwardIcon : _props$IconComponent,
37333 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["active", "children", "classes", "className", "direction", "hideSortIcon", "IconComponent"]);
37335 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
37336 className: clsx(classes.root, className, active && classes.active),
37337 component: "span",
37338 disableRipple: true,
37339 ref: ref
37340 }, other), children, hideSortIcon && !active ? null : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(IconComponent, {
37341 className: clsx(classes.icon, classes["iconDirection".concat(capitalize(direction))])
37342 }));
37343 });
37344 TableSortLabel.propTypes = {
37345 /**
37346 * If `true`, the label will have the active styling (should be true for the sorted column).
37347 */
37348 active: propTypes.bool,
37350 /**
37351 * Label contents, the arrow will be appended automatically.
37352 */
37353 children: propTypes.node,
37355 /**
37356 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
37357 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
37358 */
37359 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
37361 /**
37362 * @ignore
37363 */
37364 className: propTypes.string,
37366 /**
37367 * The current sort direction.
37368 */
37369 direction: propTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc']),
37371 /**
37372 * Hide sort icon when active is false.
37373 */
37374 hideSortIcon: propTypes.bool,
37376 /**
37377 * Sort icon to use.
37378 */
37379 IconComponent: propTypes.elementType
37380 } ;
37381 var TableSortLabel$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1L, {
37382 name: 'MuiTableSortLabel'
37383 })(TableSortLabel);
37385 // Source from https://github.com/alitaheri/normalize-scroll-left
37386 var cachedType;
37387 /**
37388 * Based on the jquery plugin https://github.com/othree/jquery.rtl-scroll-type
37389 *
37390 * Types of scrollLeft, assuming scrollWidth=100 and direction is rtl.
37391 *
37392 * Type | <- Most Left | Most Right -> | Initial
37393 * ---------------- | ------------ | ------------- | -------
37394 * default | 0 | 100 | 100
37395 * negative (spec*) | -100 | 0 | 0
37396 * reverse | 100 | 0 | 0
37397 *
37398 * Edge 85: default
37399 * Safari 14: negative
37400 * Chrome 85: negative
37401 * Firefox 81: negative
37402 * IE 11: reverse
37403 *
37404 * spec* https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#dom-window-scroll
37405 */
37407 function detectScrollType() {
37408 if (cachedType) {
37409 return cachedType;
37410 }
37412 var dummy = document.createElement('div');
37413 var container = document.createElement('div');
37414 container.style.width = '10px';
37415 container.style.height = '1px';
37416 dummy.appendChild(container);
37417 dummy.dir = 'rtl';
37418 dummy.style.fontSize = '14px';
37419 dummy.style.width = '4px';
37420 dummy.style.height = '1px';
37421 dummy.style.position = 'absolute';
37422 dummy.style.top = '-1000px';
37423 dummy.style.overflow = 'scroll';
37424 document.body.appendChild(dummy);
37425 cachedType = 'reverse';
37427 if (dummy.scrollLeft > 0) {
37428 cachedType = 'default';
37429 } else {
37430 dummy.scrollLeft = 1;
37432 if (dummy.scrollLeft === 0) {
37433 cachedType = 'negative';
37434 }
37435 }
37437 document.body.removeChild(dummy);
37438 return cachedType;
37439 } // Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/24394376
37441 function getNormalizedScrollLeft(element, direction) {
37442 var scrollLeft = element.scrollLeft; // Perform the calculations only when direction is rtl to avoid messing up the ltr bahavior
37444 if (direction !== 'rtl') {
37445 return scrollLeft;
37446 }
37448 var type = detectScrollType();
37450 switch (type) {
37451 case 'negative':
37452 return element.scrollWidth - element.clientWidth + scrollLeft;
37454 case 'reverse':
37455 return element.scrollWidth - element.clientWidth - scrollLeft;
37457 default:
37458 return scrollLeft;
37459 }
37460 }
37462 function easeInOutSin(time) {
37463 return (1 + Math.sin(Math.PI * time - Math.PI / 2)) / 2;
37464 }
37466 function animate(property, element, to) {
37467 var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};
37468 var cb = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : function () {};
37469 var _options$ease = options.ease,
37470 ease = _options$ease === void 0 ? easeInOutSin : _options$ease,
37471 _options$duration = options.duration,
37472 duration = _options$duration === void 0 ? 300 : _options$duration;
37473 var start = null;
37474 var from = element[property];
37475 var cancelled = false;
37477 var cancel = function cancel() {
37478 cancelled = true;
37479 };
37481 var step = function step(timestamp) {
37482 if (cancelled) {
37483 cb(new Error('Animation cancelled'));
37484 return;
37485 }
37487 if (start === null) {
37488 start = timestamp;
37489 }
37491 var time = Math.min(1, (timestamp - start) / duration);
37492 element[property] = ease(time) * (to - from) + from;
37494 if (time >= 1) {
37495 requestAnimationFrame(function () {
37496 cb(null);
37497 });
37498 return;
37499 }
37501 requestAnimationFrame(step);
37502 };
37504 if (from === to) {
37505 cb(new Error('Element already at target position'));
37506 return cancel;
37507 }
37509 requestAnimationFrame(step);
37510 return cancel;
37511 }
37513 var styles$1M = {
37514 width: 99,
37515 height: 99,
37516 position: 'absolute',
37517 top: -9999,
37518 overflow: 'scroll'
37519 };
37520 /**
37521 * @ignore - internal component.
37522 * The component originates from https://github.com/STORIS/react-scrollbar-size.
37523 * It has been moved into the core in order to minimize the bundle size.
37524 */
37526 function ScrollbarSize(props) {
37527 var onChange = props.onChange,
37528 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["onChange"]);
37530 var scrollbarHeight = React.useRef();
37531 var nodeRef = React.useRef(null);
37533 var setMeasurements = function setMeasurements() {
37534 scrollbarHeight.current = nodeRef.current.offsetHeight - nodeRef.current.clientHeight;
37535 };
37537 React.useEffect(function () {
37538 var handleResize = debounce(function () {
37539 var prevHeight = scrollbarHeight.current;
37540 setMeasurements();
37542 if (prevHeight !== scrollbarHeight.current) {
37543 onChange(scrollbarHeight.current);
37544 }
37545 });
37546 window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
37547 return function () {
37548 handleResize.clear();
37549 window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
37550 };
37551 }, [onChange]);
37552 React.useEffect(function () {
37553 setMeasurements();
37554 onChange(scrollbarHeight.current);
37555 }, [onChange]);
37556 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
37557 style: styles$1M,
37558 ref: nodeRef
37559 }, other));
37560 }
37561 ScrollbarSize.propTypes = {
37562 onChange: propTypes.func.isRequired
37563 } ;
37565 var styles$1N = function styles(theme) {
37566 return {
37567 root: {
37568 position: 'absolute',
37569 height: 2,
37570 bottom: 0,
37571 width: '100%',
37572 transition: theme.transitions.create()
37573 },
37574 colorPrimary: {
37575 backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main
37576 },
37577 colorSecondary: {
37578 backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.main
37579 },
37580 vertical: {
37581 height: '100%',
37582 width: 2,
37583 right: 0
37584 }
37585 };
37586 };
37587 /**
37588 * @ignore - internal component.
37589 */
37591 var TabIndicator = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TabIndicator(props, ref) {
37592 var classes = props.classes,
37593 className = props.className,
37594 color = props.color,
37595 orientation = props.orientation,
37596 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "color", "orientation"]);
37598 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({
37599 className: clsx(classes.root, classes["color".concat(capitalize(color))], className, orientation === 'vertical' && classes.vertical),
37600 ref: ref
37601 }, other));
37602 });
37603 TabIndicator.propTypes = {
37604 /**
37605 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
37606 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
37607 */
37608 classes: propTypes.object.isRequired,
37610 /**
37611 * @ignore
37612 */
37613 className: propTypes.string,
37615 /**
37616 * @ignore
37617 * The color of the tab indicator.
37618 */
37619 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']).isRequired,
37621 /**
37622 * The tabs orientation (layout flow direction).
37623 */
37624 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']).isRequired
37625 } ;
37626 var TabIndicator$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1N, {
37627 name: 'PrivateTabIndicator'
37628 })(TabIndicator);
37630 var styles$1O = {
37631 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
37632 root: {
37633 width: 40,
37634 flexShrink: 0,
37635 opacity: 0.8,
37636 '&$disabled': {
37637 opacity: 0
37638 }
37639 },
37641 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
37642 vertical: {
37643 width: '100%',
37644 height: 40,
37645 '& svg': {
37646 transform: 'rotate(90deg)'
37647 }
37648 },
37650 /* Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
37651 disabled: {}
37652 };
37654 var _ref$3 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(KeyboardArrowLeft, {
37655 fontSize: "small"
37656 });
37658 var _ref2$2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(KeyboardArrowRight, {
37659 fontSize: "small"
37660 });
37662 var TabScrollButton = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TabScrollButton(props, ref) {
37663 var classes = props.classes,
37664 classNameProp = props.className,
37665 direction = props.direction,
37666 orientation = props.orientation,
37667 disabled = props.disabled,
37668 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["classes", "className", "direction", "orientation", "disabled"]);
37670 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ButtonBase$1, _extends({
37671 component: "div",
37672 className: clsx(classes.root, classNameProp, disabled && classes.disabled, orientation === 'vertical' && classes.vertical),
37673 ref: ref,
37674 role: null,
37675 tabIndex: null
37676 }, other), direction === 'left' ? _ref$3 : _ref2$2);
37677 });
37678 TabScrollButton.propTypes = {
37679 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
37680 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
37681 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
37682 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
37684 /**
37685 * The content of the component.
37686 */
37687 children: propTypes.node,
37689 /**
37690 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
37691 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
37692 */
37693 classes: propTypes.object,
37695 /**
37696 * @ignore
37697 */
37698 className: propTypes.string,
37700 /**
37701 * Which direction should the button indicate?
37702 */
37703 direction: propTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']).isRequired,
37705 /**
37706 * If `true`, the element will be disabled.
37707 */
37708 disabled: propTypes.bool,
37710 /**
37711 * The tabs orientation (layout flow direction).
37712 */
37713 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']).isRequired
37714 } ;
37715 var TabScrollButton$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1O, {
37716 name: 'MuiTabScrollButton'
37717 })(TabScrollButton);
37719 var styles$1P = function styles(theme) {
37720 return {
37721 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
37722 root: {
37723 overflow: 'hidden',
37724 minHeight: 48,
37725 WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
37726 // Add iOS momentum scrolling.
37727 display: 'flex'
37728 },
37730 /* Styles applied to the root element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
37731 vertical: {
37732 flexDirection: 'column'
37733 },
37735 /* Styles applied to the flex container element. */
37736 flexContainer: {
37737 display: 'flex'
37738 },
37740 /* Styles applied to the flex container element if `orientation="vertical"`. */
37741 flexContainerVertical: {
37742 flexDirection: 'column'
37743 },
37745 /* Styles applied to the flex container element if `centered={true}` & `!variant="scrollable"`. */
37746 centered: {
37747 justifyContent: 'center'
37748 },
37750 /* Styles applied to the tablist element. */
37751 scroller: {
37752 position: 'relative',
37753 display: 'inline-block',
37754 flex: '1 1 auto',
37755 whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
37756 },
37758 /* Styles applied to the tablist element if `!variant="scrollable"`. */
37759 fixed: {
37760 overflowX: 'hidden',
37761 width: '100%'
37762 },
37764 /* Styles applied to the tablist element if `variant="scrollable"`. */
37765 scrollable: {
37766 overflowX: 'scroll',
37767 // Hide dimensionless scrollbar on MacOS
37768 scrollbarWidth: 'none',
37769 // Firefox
37770 '&::-webkit-scrollbar': {
37771 display: 'none' // Safari + Chrome
37773 }
37774 },
37776 /* Styles applied to the `ScrollButtonComponent` component. */
37777 scrollButtons: {},
37779 /* Styles applied to the `ScrollButtonComponent` component if `scrollButtons="auto"` or scrollButtons="desktop"`. */
37780 scrollButtonsDesktop: _defineProperty({}, theme.breakpoints.down('xs'), {
37781 display: 'none'
37782 }),
37784 /* Styles applied to the `TabIndicator` component. */
37785 indicator: {}
37786 };
37787 };
37788 var Tabs = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Tabs(props, ref) {
37789 var ariaLabel = props['aria-label'],
37790 ariaLabelledBy = props['aria-labelledby'],
37791 action = props.action,
37792 _props$centered = props.centered,
37793 centered = _props$centered === void 0 ? false : _props$centered,
37794 childrenProp = props.children,
37795 classes = props.classes,
37796 className = props.className,
37797 _props$component = props.component,
37798 Component = _props$component === void 0 ? 'div' : _props$component,
37799 _props$indicatorColor = props.indicatorColor,
37800 indicatorColor = _props$indicatorColor === void 0 ? 'secondary' : _props$indicatorColor,
37801 onChange = props.onChange,
37802 _props$orientation = props.orientation,
37803 orientation = _props$orientation === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _props$orientation,
37804 _props$ScrollButtonCo = props.ScrollButtonComponent,
37805 ScrollButtonComponent = _props$ScrollButtonCo === void 0 ? TabScrollButton$1 : _props$ScrollButtonCo,
37806 _props$scrollButtons = props.scrollButtons,
37807 scrollButtons = _props$scrollButtons === void 0 ? 'auto' : _props$scrollButtons,
37808 selectionFollowsFocus = props.selectionFollowsFocus,
37809 _props$TabIndicatorPr = props.TabIndicatorProps,
37810 TabIndicatorProps = _props$TabIndicatorPr === void 0 ? {} : _props$TabIndicatorPr,
37811 TabScrollButtonProps = props.TabScrollButtonProps,
37812 _props$textColor = props.textColor,
37813 textColor = _props$textColor === void 0 ? 'inherit' : _props$textColor,
37814 value = props.value,
37815 _props$variant = props.variant,
37816 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'standard' : _props$variant,
37817 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["aria-label", "aria-labelledby", "action", "centered", "children", "classes", "className", "component", "indicatorColor", "onChange", "orientation", "ScrollButtonComponent", "scrollButtons", "selectionFollowsFocus", "TabIndicatorProps", "TabScrollButtonProps", "textColor", "value", "variant"]);
37819 var theme = useTheme$1();
37820 var scrollable = variant === 'scrollable';
37821 var isRtl = theme.direction === 'rtl';
37822 var vertical = orientation === 'vertical';
37823 var scrollStart = vertical ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';
37824 var start = vertical ? 'top' : 'left';
37825 var end = vertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';
37826 var clientSize = vertical ? 'clientHeight' : 'clientWidth';
37827 var size = vertical ? 'height' : 'width';
37829 {
37830 if (centered && scrollable) {
37831 console.error('Material-UI: You can not use the `centered={true}` and `variant="scrollable"` properties ' + 'at the same time on a `Tabs` component.');
37832 }
37833 }
37835 var _React$useState = React.useState(false),
37836 mounted = _React$useState[0],
37837 setMounted = _React$useState[1];
37839 var _React$useState2 = React.useState({}),
37840 indicatorStyle = _React$useState2[0],
37841 setIndicatorStyle = _React$useState2[1];
37843 var _React$useState3 = React.useState({
37844 start: false,
37845 end: false
37846 }),
37847 displayScroll = _React$useState3[0],
37848 setDisplayScroll = _React$useState3[1];
37850 var _React$useState4 = React.useState({
37851 overflow: 'hidden',
37852 marginBottom: null
37853 }),
37854 scrollerStyle = _React$useState4[0],
37855 setScrollerStyle = _React$useState4[1];
37857 var valueToIndex = new Map();
37858 var tabsRef = React.useRef(null);
37859 var tabListRef = React.useRef(null);
37861 var getTabsMeta = function getTabsMeta() {
37862 var tabsNode = tabsRef.current;
37863 var tabsMeta;
37865 if (tabsNode) {
37866 var rect = tabsNode.getBoundingClientRect(); // create a new object with ClientRect class props + scrollLeft
37868 tabsMeta = {
37869 clientWidth: tabsNode.clientWidth,
37870 scrollLeft: tabsNode.scrollLeft,
37871 scrollTop: tabsNode.scrollTop,
37872 scrollLeftNormalized: getNormalizedScrollLeft(tabsNode, theme.direction),
37873 scrollWidth: tabsNode.scrollWidth,
37874 top: rect.top,
37875 bottom: rect.bottom,
37876 left: rect.left,
37877 right: rect.right
37878 };
37879 }
37881 var tabMeta;
37883 if (tabsNode && value !== false) {
37884 var _children = tabListRef.current.children;
37886 if (_children.length > 0) {
37887 var tab = _children[valueToIndex.get(value)];
37889 {
37890 if (!tab) {
37891 console.error(["Material-UI: The value provided to the Tabs component is invalid.", "None of the Tabs' children match with `".concat(value, "`."), valueToIndex.keys ? "You can provide one of the following values: ".concat(Array.from(valueToIndex.keys()).join(', '), ".") : null].join('\n'));
37892 }
37893 }
37895 tabMeta = tab ? tab.getBoundingClientRect() : null;
37896 }
37897 }
37899 return {
37900 tabsMeta: tabsMeta,
37901 tabMeta: tabMeta
37902 };
37903 };
37905 var updateIndicatorState = useEventCallback(function () {
37906 var _newIndicatorStyle;
37908 var _getTabsMeta = getTabsMeta(),
37909 tabsMeta = _getTabsMeta.tabsMeta,
37910 tabMeta = _getTabsMeta.tabMeta;
37912 var startValue = 0;
37914 if (tabMeta && tabsMeta) {
37915 if (vertical) {
37916 startValue = tabMeta.top - tabsMeta.top + tabsMeta.scrollTop;
37917 } else {
37918 var correction = isRtl ? tabsMeta.scrollLeftNormalized + tabsMeta.clientWidth - tabsMeta.scrollWidth : tabsMeta.scrollLeft;
37919 startValue = tabMeta.left - tabsMeta.left + correction;
37920 }
37921 }
37923 var newIndicatorStyle = (_newIndicatorStyle = {}, _defineProperty(_newIndicatorStyle, start, startValue), _defineProperty(_newIndicatorStyle, size, tabMeta ? tabMeta[size] : 0), _newIndicatorStyle);
37925 if (isNaN(indicatorStyle[start]) || isNaN(indicatorStyle[size])) {
37926 setIndicatorStyle(newIndicatorStyle);
37927 } else {
37928 var dStart = Math.abs(indicatorStyle[start] - newIndicatorStyle[start]);
37929 var dSize = Math.abs(indicatorStyle[size] - newIndicatorStyle[size]);
37931 if (dStart >= 1 || dSize >= 1) {
37932 setIndicatorStyle(newIndicatorStyle);
37933 }
37934 }
37935 });
37937 var scroll = function scroll(scrollValue) {
37938 animate(scrollStart, tabsRef.current, scrollValue);
37939 };
37941 var moveTabsScroll = function moveTabsScroll(delta) {
37942 var scrollValue = tabsRef.current[scrollStart];
37944 if (vertical) {
37945 scrollValue += delta;
37946 } else {
37947 scrollValue += delta * (isRtl ? -1 : 1); // Fix for Edge
37949 scrollValue *= isRtl && detectScrollType() === 'reverse' ? -1 : 1;
37950 }
37952 scroll(scrollValue);
37953 };
37955 var handleStartScrollClick = function handleStartScrollClick() {
37956 moveTabsScroll(-tabsRef.current[clientSize]);
37957 };
37959 var handleEndScrollClick = function handleEndScrollClick() {
37960 moveTabsScroll(tabsRef.current[clientSize]);
37961 };
37963 var handleScrollbarSizeChange = React.useCallback(function (scrollbarHeight) {
37964 setScrollerStyle({
37965 overflow: null,
37966 marginBottom: -scrollbarHeight
37967 });
37968 }, []);
37970 var getConditionalElements = function getConditionalElements() {
37971 var conditionalElements = {};
37972 conditionalElements.scrollbarSizeListener = scrollable ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ScrollbarSize, {
37973 className: classes.scrollable,
37974 onChange: handleScrollbarSizeChange
37975 }) : null;
37976 var scrollButtonsActive = displayScroll.start || displayScroll.end;
37977 var showScrollButtons = scrollable && (scrollButtons === 'auto' && scrollButtonsActive || scrollButtons === 'desktop' || scrollButtons === 'on');
37978 conditionalElements.scrollButtonStart = showScrollButtons ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ScrollButtonComponent, _extends({
37979 orientation: orientation,
37980 direction: isRtl ? 'right' : 'left',
37981 onClick: handleStartScrollClick,
37982 disabled: !displayScroll.start,
37983 className: clsx(classes.scrollButtons, scrollButtons !== 'on' && classes.scrollButtonsDesktop)
37984 }, TabScrollButtonProps)) : null;
37985 conditionalElements.scrollButtonEnd = showScrollButtons ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ScrollButtonComponent, _extends({
37986 orientation: orientation,
37987 direction: isRtl ? 'left' : 'right',
37988 onClick: handleEndScrollClick,
37989 disabled: !displayScroll.end,
37990 className: clsx(classes.scrollButtons, scrollButtons !== 'on' && classes.scrollButtonsDesktop)
37991 }, TabScrollButtonProps)) : null;
37992 return conditionalElements;
37993 };
37995 var scrollSelectedIntoView = useEventCallback(function () {
37996 var _getTabsMeta2 = getTabsMeta(),
37997 tabsMeta = _getTabsMeta2.tabsMeta,
37998 tabMeta = _getTabsMeta2.tabMeta;
38000 if (!tabMeta || !tabsMeta) {
38001 return;
38002 }
38004 if (tabMeta[start] < tabsMeta[start]) {
38005 // left side of button is out of view
38006 var nextScrollStart = tabsMeta[scrollStart] + (tabMeta[start] - tabsMeta[start]);
38007 scroll(nextScrollStart);
38008 } else if (tabMeta[end] > tabsMeta[end]) {
38009 // right side of button is out of view
38010 var _nextScrollStart = tabsMeta[scrollStart] + (tabMeta[end] - tabsMeta[end]);
38012 scroll(_nextScrollStart);
38013 }
38014 });
38015 var updateScrollButtonState = useEventCallback(function () {
38016 if (scrollable && scrollButtons !== 'off') {
38017 var _tabsRef$current = tabsRef.current,
38018 scrollTop = _tabsRef$current.scrollTop,
38019 scrollHeight = _tabsRef$current.scrollHeight,
38020 clientHeight = _tabsRef$current.clientHeight,
38021 scrollWidth = _tabsRef$current.scrollWidth,
38022 clientWidth = _tabsRef$current.clientWidth;
38023 var showStartScroll;
38024 var showEndScroll;
38026 if (vertical) {
38027 showStartScroll = scrollTop > 1;
38028 showEndScroll = scrollTop < scrollHeight - clientHeight - 1;
38029 } else {
38030 var scrollLeft = getNormalizedScrollLeft(tabsRef.current, theme.direction); // use 1 for the potential rounding error with browser zooms.
38032 showStartScroll = isRtl ? scrollLeft < scrollWidth - clientWidth - 1 : scrollLeft > 1;
38033 showEndScroll = !isRtl ? scrollLeft < scrollWidth - clientWidth - 1 : scrollLeft > 1;
38034 }
38036 if (showStartScroll !== displayScroll.start || showEndScroll !== displayScroll.end) {
38037 setDisplayScroll({
38038 start: showStartScroll,
38039 end: showEndScroll
38040 });
38041 }
38042 }
38043 });
38044 React.useEffect(function () {
38045 var handleResize = debounce(function () {
38046 updateIndicatorState();
38047 updateScrollButtonState();
38048 });
38049 var win = ownerWindow(tabsRef.current);
38050 win.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);
38051 return function () {
38052 handleResize.clear();
38053 win.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
38054 };
38055 }, [updateIndicatorState, updateScrollButtonState]);
38056 var handleTabsScroll = React.useCallback(debounce(function () {
38057 updateScrollButtonState();
38058 }));
38059 React.useEffect(function () {
38060 return function () {
38061 handleTabsScroll.clear();
38062 };
38063 }, [handleTabsScroll]);
38064 React.useEffect(function () {
38065 setMounted(true);
38066 }, []);
38067 React.useEffect(function () {
38068 updateIndicatorState();
38069 updateScrollButtonState();
38070 });
38071 React.useEffect(function () {
38072 scrollSelectedIntoView();
38073 }, [scrollSelectedIntoView, indicatorStyle]);
38074 React.useImperativeHandle(action, function () {
38075 return {
38076 updateIndicator: updateIndicatorState,
38077 updateScrollButtons: updateScrollButtonState
38078 };
38079 }, [updateIndicatorState, updateScrollButtonState]);
38080 var indicator = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TabIndicator$1, _extends({
38081 className: classes.indicator,
38082 orientation: orientation,
38083 color: indicatorColor
38084 }, TabIndicatorProps, {
38085 style: _extends({}, indicatorStyle, TabIndicatorProps.style)
38086 }));
38087 var childIndex = 0;
38088 var children = React.Children.map(childrenProp, function (child) {
38089 if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {
38090 return null;
38091 }
38093 {
38094 if (reactIs_2(child)) {
38095 console.error(["Material-UI: The Tabs component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
38096 }
38097 }
38099 var childValue = child.props.value === undefined ? childIndex : child.props.value;
38100 valueToIndex.set(childValue, childIndex);
38101 var selected = childValue === value;
38102 childIndex += 1;
38103 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, {
38104 fullWidth: variant === 'fullWidth',
38105 indicator: selected && !mounted && indicator,
38106 selected: selected,
38107 selectionFollowsFocus: selectionFollowsFocus,
38108 onChange: onChange,
38109 textColor: textColor,
38110 value: childValue
38111 });
38112 });
38114 var handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) {
38115 var target = event.target; // Keyboard navigation assumes that [role="tab"] are siblings
38116 // though we might warn in the future about nested, interactive elements
38117 // as a a11y violation
38119 var role = target.getAttribute('role');
38121 if (role !== 'tab') {
38122 return;
38123 }
38125 var newFocusTarget = null;
38126 var previousItemKey = orientation !== "vertical" ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowUp';
38127 var nextItemKey = orientation !== "vertical" ? 'ArrowRight' : 'ArrowDown';
38129 if (orientation !== "vertical" && theme.direction === 'rtl') {
38130 // swap previousItemKey with nextItemKey
38131 previousItemKey = 'ArrowRight';
38132 nextItemKey = 'ArrowLeft';
38133 }
38135 switch (event.key) {
38136 case previousItemKey:
38137 newFocusTarget = target.previousElementSibling || tabListRef.current.lastChild;
38138 break;
38140 case nextItemKey:
38141 newFocusTarget = target.nextElementSibling || tabListRef.current.firstChild;
38142 break;
38144 case 'Home':
38145 newFocusTarget = tabListRef.current.firstChild;
38146 break;
38148 case 'End':
38149 newFocusTarget = tabListRef.current.lastChild;
38150 break;
38151 }
38153 if (newFocusTarget !== null) {
38154 newFocusTarget.focus();
38155 event.preventDefault();
38156 }
38157 };
38159 var conditionalElements = getConditionalElements();
38160 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
38161 className: clsx(classes.root, className, vertical && classes.vertical),
38162 ref: ref
38163 }, other), conditionalElements.scrollButtonStart, conditionalElements.scrollbarSizeListener, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
38164 className: clsx(classes.scroller, scrollable ? classes.scrollable : classes.fixed),
38165 style: scrollerStyle,
38166 ref: tabsRef,
38167 onScroll: handleTabsScroll
38168 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
38169 "aria-label": ariaLabel,
38170 "aria-labelledby": ariaLabelledBy,
38171 className: clsx(classes.flexContainer, vertical && classes.flexContainerVertical, centered && !scrollable && classes.centered),
38172 onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
38173 ref: tabListRef,
38174 role: "tablist"
38175 }, children), mounted && indicator), conditionalElements.scrollButtonEnd);
38176 });
38177 Tabs.propTypes = {
38178 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
38179 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
38180 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
38181 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
38183 /**
38184 * Callback fired when the component mounts.
38185 * This is useful when you want to trigger an action programmatically.
38186 * It supports two actions: `updateIndicator()` and `updateScrollButtons()`
38187 *
38188 * @param {object} actions This object contains all possible actions
38189 * that can be triggered programmatically.
38190 */
38191 action: refType,
38193 /**
38194 * The label for the Tabs as a string.
38195 */
38196 'aria-label': propTypes.string,
38198 /**
38199 * An id or list of ids separated by a space that label the Tabs.
38200 */
38201 'aria-labelledby': propTypes.string,
38203 /**
38204 * If `true`, the tabs will be centered.
38205 * This property is intended for large views.
38206 */
38207 centered: propTypes.bool,
38209 /**
38210 * The content of the component.
38211 */
38212 children: propTypes.node,
38214 /**
38215 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
38216 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
38217 */
38218 classes: propTypes.object,
38220 /**
38221 * @ignore
38222 */
38223 className: propTypes.string,
38225 /**
38226 * The component used for the root node.
38227 * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
38228 */
38229 component: propTypes
38230 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
38231 .elementType,
38233 /**
38234 * Determines the color of the indicator.
38235 */
38236 indicatorColor: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
38238 /**
38239 * Callback fired when the value changes.
38240 *
38241 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback
38242 * @param {any} value We default to the index of the child (number)
38243 */
38244 onChange: propTypes.func,
38246 /**
38247 * The tabs orientation (layout flow direction).
38248 */
38249 orientation: propTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']),
38251 /**
38252 * The component used to render the scroll buttons.
38253 */
38254 ScrollButtonComponent: propTypes.elementType,
38256 /**
38257 * Determine behavior of scroll buttons when tabs are set to scroll:
38258 *
38259 * - `auto` will only present them when not all the items are visible.
38260 * - `desktop` will only present them on medium and larger viewports.
38261 * - `on` will always present them.
38262 * - `off` will never present them.
38263 */
38264 scrollButtons: propTypes.oneOf(['auto', 'desktop', 'off', 'on']),
38266 /**
38267 * If `true` the selected tab changes on focus. Otherwise it only
38268 * changes on activation.
38269 */
38270 selectionFollowsFocus: propTypes.bool,
38272 /**
38273 * Props applied to the tab indicator element.
38274 */
38275 TabIndicatorProps: propTypes.object,
38277 /**
38278 * Props applied to the [`TabScrollButton`](/api/tab-scroll-button/) element.
38279 */
38280 TabScrollButtonProps: propTypes.object,
38282 /**
38283 * Determines the color of the `Tab`.
38284 */
38285 textColor: propTypes.oneOf(['inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']),
38287 /**
38288 * The value of the currently selected `Tab`.
38289 * If you don't want any selected `Tab`, you can set this property to `false`.
38290 */
38291 value: propTypes.any,
38293 /**
38294 * Determines additional display behavior of the tabs:
38295 *
38296 * - `scrollable` will invoke scrolling properties and allow for horizontally
38297 * scrolling (or swiping) of the tab bar.
38298 * -`fullWidth` will make the tabs grow to use all the available space,
38299 * which should be used for small views, like on mobile.
38300 * - `standard` will render the default state.
38301 */
38302 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['fullWidth', 'scrollable', 'standard'])
38303 } ;
38304 var Tabs$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1P, {
38305 name: 'MuiTabs'
38306 })(Tabs);
38308 var variantComponent = {
38309 standard: Input$1,
38310 filled: FilledInput$1,
38311 outlined: OutlinedInput$1
38312 };
38313 var styles$1Q = {
38314 /* Styles applied to the root element. */
38315 root: {}
38316 };
38317 /**
38318 * The `TextField` is a convenience wrapper for the most common cases (80%).
38319 * It cannot be all things to all people, otherwise the API would grow out of control.
38320 *
38321 * ## Advanced Configuration
38322 *
38323 * It's important to understand that the text field is a simple abstraction
38324 * on top of the following components:
38325 *
38326 * - [FormControl](/api/form-control/)
38327 * - [InputLabel](/api/input-label/)
38328 * - [FilledInput](/api/filled-input/)
38329 * - [OutlinedInput](/api/outlined-input/)
38330 * - [Input](/api/input/)
38331 * - [FormHelperText](/api/form-helper-text/)
38332 *
38333 * If you wish to alter the props applied to the `input` element, you can do so as follows:
38334 *
38335 * ```jsx
38336 * const inputProps = {
38337 * step: 300,
38338 * };
38339 *
38340 * return <TextField id="time" type="time" inputProps={inputProps} />;
38341 * ```
38342 *
38343 * For advanced cases, please look at the source of TextField by clicking on the
38344 * "Edit this page" button above. Consider either:
38345 *
38346 * - using the upper case props for passing values directly to the components
38347 * - using the underlying components directly as shown in the demos
38348 */
38350 var TextField = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function TextField(props, ref) {
38351 var autoComplete = props.autoComplete,
38352 _props$autoFocus = props.autoFocus,
38353 autoFocus = _props$autoFocus === void 0 ? false : _props$autoFocus,
38354 children = props.children,
38355 classes = props.classes,
38356 className = props.className,
38357 _props$color = props.color,
38358 color = _props$color === void 0 ? 'primary' : _props$color,
38359 defaultValue = props.defaultValue,
38360 _props$disabled = props.disabled,
38361 disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled,
38362 _props$error = props.error,
38363 error = _props$error === void 0 ? false : _props$error,
38364 FormHelperTextProps = props.FormHelperTextProps,
38365 _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth,
38366 fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth,
38367 helperText = props.helperText,
38368 hiddenLabel = props.hiddenLabel,
38369 id = props.id,
38370 InputLabelProps = props.InputLabelProps,
38371 inputProps = props.inputProps,
38372 InputProps = props.InputProps,
38373 inputRef = props.inputRef,
38374 label = props.label,
38375 _props$multiline = props.multiline,
38376 multiline = _props$multiline === void 0 ? false : _props$multiline,
38377 name = props.name,
38378 onBlur = props.onBlur,
38379 onChange = props.onChange,
38380 onFocus = props.onFocus,
38381 placeholder = props.placeholder,
38382 _props$required = props.required,
38383 required = _props$required === void 0 ? false : _props$required,
38384 rows = props.rows,
38385 rowsMax = props.rowsMax,
38386 maxRows = props.maxRows,
38387 minRows = props.minRows,
38388 _props$select = props.select,
38389 select = _props$select === void 0 ? false : _props$select,
38390 SelectProps = props.SelectProps,
38391 type = props.type,
38392 value = props.value,
38393 _props$variant = props.variant,
38394 variant = _props$variant === void 0 ? 'standard' : _props$variant,
38395 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["autoComplete", "autoFocus", "children", "classes", "className", "color", "defaultValue", "disabled", "error", "FormHelperTextProps", "fullWidth", "helperText", "hiddenLabel", "id", "InputLabelProps", "inputProps", "InputProps", "inputRef", "label", "multiline", "name", "onBlur", "onChange", "onFocus", "placeholder", "required", "rows", "rowsMax", "maxRows", "minRows", "select", "SelectProps", "type", "value", "variant"]);
38397 {
38398 if (select && !children) {
38399 console.error('Material-UI: `children` must be passed when using the `TextField` component with `select`.');
38400 }
38401 }
38403 var InputMore = {};
38405 if (variant === 'outlined') {
38406 if (InputLabelProps && typeof InputLabelProps.shrink !== 'undefined') {
38407 InputMore.notched = InputLabelProps.shrink;
38408 }
38410 if (label) {
38411 var _InputLabelProps$requ;
38413 var displayRequired = (_InputLabelProps$requ = InputLabelProps === null || InputLabelProps === void 0 ? void 0 : InputLabelProps.required) !== null && _InputLabelProps$requ !== void 0 ? _InputLabelProps$requ : required;
38414 InputMore.label = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, label, displayRequired && "\xA0*");
38415 }
38416 }
38418 if (select) {
38419 // unset defaults from textbox inputs
38420 if (!SelectProps || !SelectProps.native) {
38421 InputMore.id = undefined;
38422 }
38424 InputMore['aria-describedby'] = undefined;
38425 }
38427 var helperTextId = helperText && id ? "".concat(id, "-helper-text") : undefined;
38428 var inputLabelId = label && id ? "".concat(id, "-label") : undefined;
38429 var InputComponent = variantComponent[variant];
38430 var InputElement = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InputComponent, _extends({
38431 "aria-describedby": helperTextId,
38432 autoComplete: autoComplete,
38433 autoFocus: autoFocus,
38434 defaultValue: defaultValue,
38435 fullWidth: fullWidth,
38436 multiline: multiline,
38437 name: name,
38438 rows: rows,
38439 rowsMax: rowsMax,
38440 maxRows: maxRows,
38441 minRows: minRows,
38442 type: type,
38443 value: value,
38444 id: id,
38445 inputRef: inputRef,
38446 onBlur: onBlur,
38447 onChange: onChange,
38448 onFocus: onFocus,
38449 placeholder: placeholder,
38450 inputProps: inputProps
38451 }, InputMore, InputProps));
38452 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FormControl$1, _extends({
38453 className: clsx(classes.root, className),
38454 disabled: disabled,
38455 error: error,
38456 fullWidth: fullWidth,
38457 hiddenLabel: hiddenLabel,
38458 ref: ref,
38459 required: required,
38460 color: color,
38461 variant: variant
38462 }, other), label && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InputLabel$1, _extends({
38463 htmlFor: id,
38464 id: inputLabelId
38465 }, InputLabelProps), label), select ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Select$1, _extends({
38466 "aria-describedby": helperTextId,
38467 id: id,
38468 labelId: inputLabelId,
38469 value: value,
38470 input: InputElement
38471 }, SelectProps), children) : InputElement, helperText && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FormHelperText$1, _extends({
38472 id: helperTextId
38473 }, FormHelperTextProps), helperText));
38474 });
38475 TextField.propTypes = {
38476 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
38477 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
38478 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
38479 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
38481 /**
38482 * This prop helps users to fill forms faster, especially on mobile devices.
38483 * The name can be confusing, as it's more like an autofill.
38484 * You can learn more about it [following the specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill).
38485 */
38486 autoComplete: propTypes.string,
38488 /**
38489 * If `true`, the `input` element will be focused during the first mount.
38490 */
38491 autoFocus: propTypes.bool,
38493 /**
38494 * @ignore
38495 */
38496 children: propTypes.node,
38498 /**
38499 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
38500 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
38501 */
38502 classes: propTypes.object,
38504 /**
38505 * @ignore
38506 */
38507 className: propTypes.string,
38509 /**
38510 * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component.
38511 */
38512 color: propTypes.oneOf(['primary', 'secondary']),
38514 /**
38515 * The default value of the `input` element.
38516 */
38517 defaultValue: propTypes.any,
38519 /**
38520 * If `true`, the `input` element will be disabled.
38521 */
38522 disabled: propTypes.bool,
38524 /**
38525 * If `true`, the label will be displayed in an error state.
38526 */
38527 error: propTypes.bool,
38529 /**
38530 * Props applied to the [`FormHelperText`](/api/form-helper-text/) element.
38531 */
38532 FormHelperTextProps: propTypes.object,
38534 /**
38535 * If `true`, the input will take up the full width of its container.
38536 */
38537 fullWidth: propTypes.bool,
38539 /**
38540 * The helper text content.
38541 */
38542 helperText: propTypes.node,
38544 /**
38545 * @ignore
38546 */
38547 hiddenLabel: propTypes.bool,
38549 /**
38550 * The id of the `input` element.
38551 * Use this prop to make `label` and `helperText` accessible for screen readers.
38552 */
38553 id: propTypes.string,
38555 /**
38556 * Props applied to the [`InputLabel`](/api/input-label/) element.
38557 */
38558 InputLabelProps: propTypes.object,
38560 /**
38561 * [Attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Attributes) applied to the `input` element.
38562 */
38563 inputProps: propTypes.object,
38565 /**
38566 * Props applied to the Input element.
38567 * It will be a [`FilledInput`](/api/filled-input/),
38568 * [`OutlinedInput`](/api/outlined-input/) or [`Input`](/api/input/)
38569 * component depending on the `variant` prop value.
38570 */
38571 InputProps: propTypes.object,
38573 /**
38574 * Pass a ref to the `input` element.
38575 */
38576 inputRef: refType,
38578 /**
38579 * The label content.
38580 */
38581 label: propTypes.node,
38583 /**
38584 * If `dense` or `normal`, will adjust vertical spacing of this and contained components.
38585 */
38586 margin: propTypes.oneOf(['dense', 'none', 'normal']),
38588 /**
38589 * Maximum number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
38590 */
38591 maxRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
38593 /**
38594 * Minimum number of rows to display.
38595 */
38596 minRows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
38598 /**
38599 * If `true`, a textarea element will be rendered instead of an input.
38600 */
38601 multiline: propTypes.bool,
38603 /**
38604 * Name attribute of the `input` element.
38605 */
38606 name: propTypes.string,
38608 /**
38609 * @ignore
38610 */
38611 onBlur: propTypes.func,
38613 /**
38614 * Callback fired when the value is changed.
38615 *
38616 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
38617 * You can pull out the new value by accessing `event.target.value` (string).
38618 */
38619 onChange: propTypes.func,
38621 /**
38622 * @ignore
38623 */
38624 onFocus: propTypes.func,
38626 /**
38627 * The short hint displayed in the input before the user enters a value.
38628 */
38629 placeholder: propTypes.string,
38631 /**
38632 * If `true`, the label is displayed as required and the `input` element` will be required.
38633 */
38634 required: propTypes.bool,
38636 /**
38637 * Number of rows to display when multiline option is set to true.
38638 * @deprecated Use `minRows` instead.
38639 */
38640 rows: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
38642 /**
38643 * Maximum number of rows to display.
38644 * @deprecated Use `maxRows` instead.
38645 */
38646 rowsMax: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.string]),
38648 /**
38649 * Render a [`Select`](/api/select/) element while passing the Input element to `Select` as `input` parameter.
38650 * If this option is set you must pass the options of the select as children.
38651 */
38652 select: propTypes.bool,
38654 /**
38655 * Props applied to the [`Select`](/api/select/) element.
38656 */
38657 SelectProps: propTypes.object,
38659 /**
38660 * The size of the text field.
38661 */
38662 size: propTypes.oneOf(['medium', 'small']),
38664 /**
38665 * Type of the `input` element. It should be [a valid HTML5 input type](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#Form_%3Cinput%3E_types).
38666 */
38667 type: propTypes.string,
38669 /**
38670 * The value of the `input` element, required for a controlled component.
38671 */
38672 value: propTypes.any,
38674 /**
38675 * The variant to use.
38676 */
38677 variant: propTypes.oneOf(['filled', 'outlined', 'standard'])
38678 } ;
38679 var TextField$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1Q, {
38680 name: 'MuiTextField'
38681 })(TextField);
38683 function round$1(value) {
38684 return Math.round(value * 1e5) / 1e5;
38685 }
38687 function arrowGenerator() {
38688 return {
38689 '&[x-placement*="bottom"] $arrow': {
38690 top: 0,
38691 left: 0,
38692 marginTop: '-0.71em',
38693 marginLeft: 4,
38694 marginRight: 4,
38695 '&::before': {
38696 transformOrigin: '0 100%'
38697 }
38698 },
38699 '&[x-placement*="top"] $arrow': {
38700 bottom: 0,
38701 left: 0,
38702 marginBottom: '-0.71em',
38703 marginLeft: 4,
38704 marginRight: 4,
38705 '&::before': {
38706 transformOrigin: '100% 0'
38707 }
38708 },
38709 '&[x-placement*="right"] $arrow': {
38710 left: 0,
38711 marginLeft: '-0.71em',
38712 height: '1em',
38713 width: '0.71em',
38714 marginTop: 4,
38715 marginBottom: 4,
38716 '&::before': {
38717 transformOrigin: '100% 100%'
38718 }
38719 },
38720 '&[x-placement*="left"] $arrow': {
38721 right: 0,
38722 marginRight: '-0.71em',
38723 height: '1em',
38724 width: '0.71em',
38725 marginTop: 4,
38726 marginBottom: 4,
38727 '&::before': {
38728 transformOrigin: '0 0'
38729 }
38730 }
38731 };
38732 }
38734 var styles$1R = function styles(theme) {
38735 return {
38736 /* Styles applied to the Popper component. */
38737 popper: {
38738 zIndex: theme.zIndex.tooltip,
38739 pointerEvents: 'none' // disable jss-rtl plugin
38741 },
38743 /* Styles applied to the Popper component if `interactive={true}`. */
38744 popperInteractive: {
38745 pointerEvents: 'auto'
38746 },
38748 /* Styles applied to the Popper component if `arrow={true}`. */
38749 popperArrow: arrowGenerator(),
38751 /* Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element. */
38752 tooltip: {
38753 backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette.grey[700], 0.9),
38754 borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius,
38755 color: theme.palette.common.white,
38756 fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,
38757 padding: '4px 8px',
38758 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(10),
38759 lineHeight: "".concat(round$1(14 / 10), "em"),
38760 maxWidth: 300,
38761 wordWrap: 'break-word',
38762 fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightMedium
38763 },
38765 /* Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `arrow={true}`. */
38766 tooltipArrow: {
38767 position: 'relative',
38768 margin: '0'
38769 },
38771 /* Styles applied to the arrow element. */
38772 arrow: {
38773 overflow: 'hidden',
38774 position: 'absolute',
38775 width: '1em',
38776 height: '0.71em'
38777 /* = width / sqrt(2) = (length of the hypotenuse) */
38778 ,
38779 boxSizing: 'border-box',
38780 color: alpha(theme.palette.grey[700], 0.9),
38781 '&::before': {
38782 content: '""',
38783 margin: 'auto',
38784 display: 'block',
38785 width: '100%',
38786 height: '100%',
38787 backgroundColor: 'currentColor',
38788 transform: 'rotate(45deg)'
38789 }
38790 },
38792 /* Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if the tooltip is opened by touch. */
38793 touch: {
38794 padding: '8px 16px',
38795 fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(14),
38796 lineHeight: "".concat(round$1(16 / 14), "em"),
38797 fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightRegular
38798 },
38800 /* Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "left". */
38801 tooltipPlacementLeft: _defineProperty({
38802 transformOrigin: 'right center',
38803 margin: '0 24px '
38804 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
38805 margin: '0 14px'
38806 }),
38808 /* Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "right". */
38809 tooltipPlacementRight: _defineProperty({
38810 transformOrigin: 'left center',
38811 margin: '0 24px'
38812 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
38813 margin: '0 14px'
38814 }),
38816 /* Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "top". */
38817 tooltipPlacementTop: _defineProperty({
38818 transformOrigin: 'center bottom',
38819 margin: '24px 0'
38820 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
38821 margin: '14px 0'
38822 }),
38824 /* Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "bottom". */
38825 tooltipPlacementBottom: _defineProperty({
38826 transformOrigin: 'center top',
38827 margin: '24px 0'
38828 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), {
38829 margin: '14px 0'
38830 })
38831 };
38832 };
38833 var hystersisOpen = false;
38834 var hystersisTimer = null;
38835 var Tooltip = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Tooltip(props, ref) {
38836 var _props$arrow = props.arrow,
38837 arrow = _props$arrow === void 0 ? false : _props$arrow,
38838 children = props.children,
38839 classes = props.classes,
38840 _props$disableFocusLi = props.disableFocusListener,
38841 disableFocusListener = _props$disableFocusLi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableFocusLi,
38842 _props$disableHoverLi = props.disableHoverListener,
38843 disableHoverListener = _props$disableHoverLi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableHoverLi,
38844 _props$disableTouchLi = props.disableTouchListener,
38845 disableTouchListener = _props$disableTouchLi === void 0 ? false : _props$disableTouchLi,
38846 _props$enterDelay = props.enterDelay,
38847 enterDelay = _props$enterDelay === void 0 ? 100 : _props$enterDelay,
38848 _props$enterNextDelay = props.enterNextDelay,
38849 enterNextDelay = _props$enterNextDelay === void 0 ? 0 : _props$enterNextDelay,
38850 _props$enterTouchDela = props.enterTouchDelay,
38851 enterTouchDelay = _props$enterTouchDela === void 0 ? 700 : _props$enterTouchDela,
38852 idProp = props.id,
38853 _props$interactive = props.interactive,
38854 interactive = _props$interactive === void 0 ? false : _props$interactive,
38855 _props$leaveDelay = props.leaveDelay,
38856 leaveDelay = _props$leaveDelay === void 0 ? 0 : _props$leaveDelay,
38857 _props$leaveTouchDela = props.leaveTouchDelay,
38858 leaveTouchDelay = _props$leaveTouchDela === void 0 ? 1500 : _props$leaveTouchDela,
38859 onClose = props.onClose,
38860 onOpen = props.onOpen,
38861 openProp = props.open,
38862 _props$placement = props.placement,
38863 placement = _props$placement === void 0 ? 'bottom' : _props$placement,
38864 _props$PopperComponen = props.PopperComponent,
38865 PopperComponent = _props$PopperComponen === void 0 ? Popper$1 : _props$PopperComponen,
38866 PopperProps = props.PopperProps,
38867 title = props.title,
38868 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
38869 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Grow : _props$TransitionComp,
38870 TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps,
38871 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["arrow", "children", "classes", "disableFocusListener", "disableHoverListener", "disableTouchListener", "enterDelay", "enterNextDelay", "enterTouchDelay", "id", "interactive", "leaveDelay", "leaveTouchDelay", "onClose", "onOpen", "open", "placement", "PopperComponent", "PopperProps", "title", "TransitionComponent", "TransitionProps"]);
38873 var theme = useTheme$1();
38875 var _React$useState = React.useState(),
38876 childNode = _React$useState[0],
38877 setChildNode = _React$useState[1];
38879 var _React$useState2 = React.useState(null),
38880 arrowRef = _React$useState2[0],
38881 setArrowRef = _React$useState2[1];
38883 var ignoreNonTouchEvents = React.useRef(false);
38884 var closeTimer = React.useRef();
38885 var enterTimer = React.useRef();
38886 var leaveTimer = React.useRef();
38887 var touchTimer = React.useRef();
38889 var _useControlled = useControlled({
38890 controlled: openProp,
38891 default: false,
38892 name: 'Tooltip',
38893 state: 'open'
38894 }),
38895 _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2),
38896 openState = _useControlled2[0],
38897 setOpenState = _useControlled2[1];
38899 var open = openState;
38901 {
38902 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
38903 var _React$useRef = React.useRef(openProp !== undefined),
38904 isControlled = _React$useRef.current; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
38907 React.useEffect(function () {
38908 if (childNode && childNode.disabled && !isControlled && title !== '' && childNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'button') {
38909 console.error(['Material-UI: You are providing a disabled `button` child to the Tooltip component.', 'A disabled element does not fire events.', "Tooltip needs to listen to the child element's events to display the title.", '', 'Add a simple wrapper element, such as a `span`.'].join('\n'));
38910 }
38911 }, [title, childNode, isControlled]);
38912 }
38914 var id = useId(idProp);
38915 React.useEffect(function () {
38916 return function () {
38917 clearTimeout(closeTimer.current);
38918 clearTimeout(enterTimer.current);
38919 clearTimeout(leaveTimer.current);
38920 clearTimeout(touchTimer.current);
38921 };
38922 }, []);
38924 var handleOpen = function handleOpen(event) {
38925 clearTimeout(hystersisTimer);
38926 hystersisOpen = true; // The mouseover event will trigger for every nested element in the tooltip.
38927 // We can skip rerendering when the tooltip is already open.
38928 // We are using the mouseover event instead of the mouseenter event to fix a hide/show issue.
38930 setOpenState(true);
38932 if (onOpen) {
38933 onOpen(event);
38934 }
38935 };
38937 var handleEnter = function handleEnter() {
38938 var forward = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
38939 return function (event) {
38940 var childrenProps = children.props;
38942 if (event.type === 'mouseover' && childrenProps.onMouseOver && forward) {
38943 childrenProps.onMouseOver(event);
38944 }
38946 if (ignoreNonTouchEvents.current && event.type !== 'touchstart') {
38947 return;
38948 } // Remove the title ahead of time.
38949 // We don't want to wait for the next render commit.
38950 // We would risk displaying two tooltips at the same time (native + this one).
38953 if (childNode) {
38954 childNode.removeAttribute('title');
38955 }
38957 clearTimeout(enterTimer.current);
38958 clearTimeout(leaveTimer.current);
38960 if (enterDelay || hystersisOpen && enterNextDelay) {
38961 event.persist();
38962 enterTimer.current = setTimeout(function () {
38963 handleOpen(event);
38964 }, hystersisOpen ? enterNextDelay : enterDelay);
38965 } else {
38966 handleOpen(event);
38967 }
38968 };
38969 };
38971 var _useIsFocusVisible = useIsFocusVisible(),
38972 isFocusVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.isFocusVisible,
38973 onBlurVisible = _useIsFocusVisible.onBlurVisible,
38974 focusVisibleRef = _useIsFocusVisible.ref;
38976 var _React$useState3 = React.useState(false),
38977 childIsFocusVisible = _React$useState3[0],
38978 setChildIsFocusVisible = _React$useState3[1];
38980 var handleBlur = function handleBlur() {
38981 if (childIsFocusVisible) {
38982 setChildIsFocusVisible(false);
38983 onBlurVisible();
38984 }
38985 };
38987 var handleFocus = function handleFocus() {
38988 var forward = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
38989 return function (event) {
38990 // Workaround for https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/7769
38991 // The autoFocus of React might trigger the event before the componentDidMount.
38992 // We need to account for this eventuality.
38993 if (!childNode) {
38994 setChildNode(event.currentTarget);
38995 }
38997 if (isFocusVisible(event)) {
38998 setChildIsFocusVisible(true);
38999 handleEnter()(event);
39000 }
39002 var childrenProps = children.props;
39004 if (childrenProps.onFocus && forward) {
39005 childrenProps.onFocus(event);
39006 }
39007 };
39008 };
39010 var handleClose = function handleClose(event) {
39011 clearTimeout(hystersisTimer);
39012 hystersisTimer = setTimeout(function () {
39013 hystersisOpen = false;
39014 }, 800 + leaveDelay);
39015 setOpenState(false);
39017 if (onClose) {
39018 onClose(event);
39019 }
39021 clearTimeout(closeTimer.current);
39022 closeTimer.current = setTimeout(function () {
39023 ignoreNonTouchEvents.current = false;
39024 }, theme.transitions.duration.shortest);
39025 };
39027 var handleLeave = function handleLeave() {
39028 var forward = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
39029 return function (event) {
39030 var childrenProps = children.props;
39032 if (event.type === 'blur') {
39033 if (childrenProps.onBlur && forward) {
39034 childrenProps.onBlur(event);
39035 }
39037 handleBlur();
39038 }
39040 if (event.type === 'mouseleave' && childrenProps.onMouseLeave && event.currentTarget === childNode) {
39041 childrenProps.onMouseLeave(event);
39042 }
39044 clearTimeout(enterTimer.current);
39045 clearTimeout(leaveTimer.current);
39046 event.persist();
39047 leaveTimer.current = setTimeout(function () {
39048 handleClose(event);
39049 }, leaveDelay);
39050 };
39051 };
39053 var detectTouchStart = function detectTouchStart(event) {
39054 ignoreNonTouchEvents.current = true;
39055 var childrenProps = children.props;
39057 if (childrenProps.onTouchStart) {
39058 childrenProps.onTouchStart(event);
39059 }
39060 };
39062 var handleTouchStart = function handleTouchStart(event) {
39063 detectTouchStart(event);
39064 clearTimeout(leaveTimer.current);
39065 clearTimeout(closeTimer.current);
39066 clearTimeout(touchTimer.current);
39067 event.persist();
39068 touchTimer.current = setTimeout(function () {
39069 handleEnter()(event);
39070 }, enterTouchDelay);
39071 };
39073 var handleTouchEnd = function handleTouchEnd(event) {
39074 if (children.props.onTouchEnd) {
39075 children.props.onTouchEnd(event);
39076 }
39078 clearTimeout(touchTimer.current);
39079 clearTimeout(leaveTimer.current);
39080 event.persist();
39081 leaveTimer.current = setTimeout(function () {
39082 handleClose(event);
39083 }, leaveTouchDelay);
39084 };
39086 var handleUseRef = useForkRef(setChildNode, ref);
39087 var handleFocusRef = useForkRef(focusVisibleRef, handleUseRef); // can be removed once we drop support for non ref forwarding class components
39089 var handleOwnRef = React.useCallback(function (instance) {
39090 // #StrictMode ready
39091 setRef(handleFocusRef, ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance));
39092 }, [handleFocusRef]);
39093 var handleRef = useForkRef(children.ref, handleOwnRef); // There is no point in displaying an empty tooltip.
39095 if (title === '') {
39096 open = false;
39097 } // For accessibility and SEO concerns, we render the title to the DOM node when
39098 // the tooltip is hidden. However, we have made a tradeoff when
39099 // `disableHoverListener` is set. This title logic is disabled.
39100 // It's allowing us to keep the implementation size minimal.
39101 // We are open to change the tradeoff.
39104 var shouldShowNativeTitle = !open && !disableHoverListener;
39106 var childrenProps = _extends({
39107 'aria-describedby': open ? id : null,
39108 title: shouldShowNativeTitle && typeof title === 'string' ? title : null
39109 }, other, children.props, {
39110 className: clsx(other.className, children.props.className),
39111 onTouchStart: detectTouchStart,
39112 ref: handleRef
39113 });
39115 var interactiveWrapperListeners = {};
39117 if (!disableTouchListener) {
39118 childrenProps.onTouchStart = handleTouchStart;
39119 childrenProps.onTouchEnd = handleTouchEnd;
39120 }
39122 if (!disableHoverListener) {
39123 childrenProps.onMouseOver = handleEnter();
39124 childrenProps.onMouseLeave = handleLeave();
39126 if (interactive) {
39127 interactiveWrapperListeners.onMouseOver = handleEnter(false);
39128 interactiveWrapperListeners.onMouseLeave = handleLeave(false);
39129 }
39130 }
39132 if (!disableFocusListener) {
39133 childrenProps.onFocus = handleFocus();
39134 childrenProps.onBlur = handleLeave();
39136 if (interactive) {
39137 interactiveWrapperListeners.onFocus = handleFocus(false);
39138 interactiveWrapperListeners.onBlur = handleLeave(false);
39139 }
39140 }
39142 {
39143 if (children.props.title) {
39144 console.error(['Material-UI: You have provided a `title` prop to the child of <Tooltip />.', "Remove this title prop `".concat(children.props.title, "` or the Tooltip component.")].join('\n'));
39145 }
39146 }
39148 var mergedPopperProps = React.useMemo(function () {
39149 return deepmerge({
39150 popperOptions: {
39151 modifiers: {
39152 arrow: {
39153 enabled: Boolean(arrowRef),
39154 element: arrowRef
39155 }
39156 }
39157 }
39158 }, PopperProps);
39159 }, [arrowRef, PopperProps]);
39160 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, childrenProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PopperComponent, _extends({
39161 className: clsx(classes.popper, interactive && classes.popperInteractive, arrow && classes.popperArrow),
39162 placement: placement,
39163 anchorEl: childNode,
39164 open: childNode ? open : false,
39165 id: childrenProps['aria-describedby'],
39166 transition: true
39167 }, interactiveWrapperListeners, mergedPopperProps), function (_ref) {
39168 var placementInner = _ref.placement,
39169 TransitionPropsInner = _ref.TransitionProps;
39170 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
39171 timeout: theme.transitions.duration.shorter
39172 }, TransitionPropsInner, TransitionProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
39173 className: clsx(classes.tooltip, classes["tooltipPlacement".concat(capitalize(placementInner.split('-')[0]))], ignoreNonTouchEvents.current && classes.touch, arrow && classes.tooltipArrow)
39174 }, title, arrow ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
39175 className: classes.arrow,
39176 ref: setArrowRef
39177 }) : null));
39178 }));
39179 });
39180 Tooltip.propTypes = {
39181 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
39182 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
39183 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
39184 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
39186 /**
39187 * If `true`, adds an arrow to the tooltip.
39188 */
39189 arrow: propTypes.bool,
39191 /**
39192 * Tooltip reference element.
39193 */
39194 children: elementAcceptingRef.isRequired,
39196 /**
39197 * Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
39198 * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details.
39199 */
39200 classes: propTypes.object,
39202 /**
39203 * @ignore
39204 */
39205 className: propTypes.string,
39207 /**
39208 * Do not respond to focus events.
39209 */
39210 disableFocusListener: propTypes.bool,
39212 /**
39213 * Do not respond to hover events.
39214 */
39215 disableHoverListener: propTypes.bool,
39217 /**
39218 * Do not respond to long press touch events.
39219 */
39220 disableTouchListener: propTypes.bool,
39222 /**
39223 * The number of milliseconds to wait before showing the tooltip.
39224 * This prop won't impact the enter touch delay (`enterTouchDelay`).
39225 */
39226 enterDelay: propTypes.number,
39228 /**
39229 * The number of milliseconds to wait before showing the tooltip when one was already recently opened.
39230 */
39231 enterNextDelay: propTypes.number,
39233 /**
39234 * The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before showing the tooltip.
39235 */
39236 enterTouchDelay: propTypes.number,
39238 /**
39239 * This prop is used to help implement the accessibility logic.
39240 * If you don't provide this prop. It falls back to a randomly generated id.
39241 */
39242 id: propTypes.string,
39244 /**
39245 * Makes a tooltip interactive, i.e. will not close when the user
39246 * hovers over the tooltip before the `leaveDelay` is expired.
39247 */
39248 interactive: propTypes.bool,
39250 /**
39251 * The number of milliseconds to wait before hiding the tooltip.
39252 * This prop won't impact the leave touch delay (`leaveTouchDelay`).
39253 */
39254 leaveDelay: propTypes.number,
39256 /**
39257 * The number of milliseconds after the user stops touching an element before hiding the tooltip.
39258 */
39259 leaveTouchDelay: propTypes.number,
39261 /**
39262 * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
39263 *
39264 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
39265 */
39266 onClose: propTypes.func,
39268 /**
39269 * Callback fired when the component requests to be open.
39270 *
39271 * @param {object} event The event source of the callback.
39272 */
39273 onOpen: propTypes.func,
39275 /**
39276 * If `true`, the tooltip is shown.
39277 */
39278 open: propTypes.bool,
39280 /**
39281 * Tooltip placement.
39282 */
39283 placement: propTypes.oneOf(['bottom-end', 'bottom-start', 'bottom', 'left-end', 'left-start', 'left', 'right-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'top-end', 'top-start', 'top']),
39285 /**
39286 * The component used for the popper.
39287 */
39288 PopperComponent: propTypes.elementType,
39290 /**
39291 * Props applied to the [`Popper`](/api/popper/) element.
39292 */
39293 PopperProps: propTypes.object,
39295 /**
39296 * Tooltip title. Zero-length titles string are never displayed.
39297 */
39298 title: propTypes
39299 /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */
39300 .node.isRequired,
39302 /**
39303 * The component used for the transition.
39304 * [Follow this guide](/components/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component.
39305 */
39306 TransitionComponent: propTypes.elementType,
39308 /**
39309 * Props applied to the [`Transition`](http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition#Transition-props) element.
39310 */
39311 TransitionProps: propTypes.object
39312 } ;
39313 var Tooltip$1 = withStyles$1(styles$1R, {
39314 name: 'MuiTooltip',
39315 flip: false
39316 })(Tooltip);
39318 function defaultTrigger(store, options) {
39319 var _options$disableHyste = options.disableHysteresis,
39320 disableHysteresis = _options$disableHyste === void 0 ? false : _options$disableHyste,
39321 _options$threshold = options.threshold,
39322 threshold = _options$threshold === void 0 ? 100 : _options$threshold,
39323 target = options.target;
39324 var previous = store.current;
39326 if (target) {
39327 // Get vertical scroll
39328 store.current = target.pageYOffset !== undefined ? target.pageYOffset : target.scrollTop;
39329 }
39331 if (!disableHysteresis && previous !== undefined) {
39332 if (store.current < previous) {
39333 return false;
39334 }
39335 }
39337 return store.current > threshold;
39338 }
39340 var defaultTarget = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null;
39341 function useScrollTrigger() {
39342 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
39344 var _options$getTrigger = options.getTrigger,
39345 getTrigger = _options$getTrigger === void 0 ? defaultTrigger : _options$getTrigger,
39346 _options$target = options.target,
39347 target = _options$target === void 0 ? defaultTarget : _options$target,
39348 other = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ["getTrigger", "target"]);
39350 var store = React.useRef();
39352 var _React$useState = React.useState(function () {
39353 return getTrigger(store, other);
39354 }),
39355 trigger = _React$useState[0],
39356 setTrigger = _React$useState[1];
39358 React.useEffect(function () {
39359 var handleScroll = function handleScroll() {
39360 setTrigger(getTrigger(store, _extends({
39361 target: target
39362 }, other)));
39363 };
39365 handleScroll(); // Re-evaluate trigger when dependencies change
39367 target.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
39368 return function () {
39369 target.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
39370 }; // See Option 3. https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14476#issuecomment-471199055
39371 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
39372 }, [target, getTrigger, JSON.stringify(other)]);
39373 return trigger;
39374 }
39376 var warnedOnce$c = false;
39377 /**
39378 * Dialog will responsively be full screen *at or below* the given breakpoint
39379 * (defaults to 'sm' for mobile devices).
39380 * Notice that this Higher-order Component is incompatible with server-side rendering.
39381 */
39383 var withMobileDialog = function withMobileDialog() {
39384 var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
39385 return function (Component) {
39386 {
39387 if (!warnedOnce$c) {
39388 console.warn(['Material-UI: The `withMobileDialog` function is deprecated.', 'Head to https://material-ui.com/r/migration-v4/#dialog for a migration path.'].join('\n'));
39389 warnedOnce$c = true;
39390 }
39391 }
39393 var _options$breakpoint = options.breakpoint,
39394 breakpoint = _options$breakpoint === void 0 ? 'sm' : _options$breakpoint;
39396 function WithMobileDialog(props) {
39397 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({
39398 fullScreen: isWidthDown(breakpoint, props.width)
39399 }, props));
39400 }
39402 WithMobileDialog.propTypes = {
39403 width: propTypes.oneOf(['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']).isRequired
39404 } ;
39405 return withWidth()(WithMobileDialog);
39406 };
39407 };
39409 var styles$1S = {
39410 entering: {
39411 transform: 'none'
39412 },
39413 entered: {
39414 transform: 'none'
39415 }
39416 };
39417 var defaultTimeout$2 = {
39418 enter: duration.enteringScreen,
39419 exit: duration.leavingScreen
39420 };
39421 /**
39422 * The Zoom transition can be used for the floating variant of the
39423 * [Button](/components/buttons/#floating-action-buttons) component.
39424 * It uses [react-transition-group](https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group) internally.
39425 */
39427 var Zoom = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Zoom(props, ref) {
39428 var children = props.children,
39429 _props$disableStrictM = props.disableStrictModeCompat,
39430 disableStrictModeCompat = _props$disableStrictM === void 0 ? false : _props$disableStrictM,
39431 inProp = props.in,
39432 onEnter = props.onEnter,
39433 onEntered = props.onEntered,
39434 onEntering = props.onEntering,
39435 onExit = props.onExit,
39436 onExited = props.onExited,
39437 onExiting = props.onExiting,
39438 style = props.style,
39439 _props$timeout = props.timeout,
39440 timeout = _props$timeout === void 0 ? defaultTimeout$2 : _props$timeout,
39441 _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent,
39442 TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Transition : _props$TransitionComp,
39443 other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["children", "disableStrictModeCompat", "in", "onEnter", "onEntered", "onEntering", "onExit", "onExited", "onExiting", "style", "timeout", "TransitionComponent"]);
39445 var theme = useTheme$1();
39446 var enableStrictModeCompat = theme.unstable_strictMode && !disableStrictModeCompat;
39447 var nodeRef = React.useRef(null);
39448 var foreignRef = useForkRef(children.ref, ref);
39449 var handleRef = useForkRef(enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined, foreignRef);
39451 var normalizedTransitionCallback = function normalizedTransitionCallback(callback) {
39452 return function (nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing) {
39453 if (callback) {
39454 var _ref = enableStrictModeCompat ? [nodeRef.current, nodeOrAppearing] : [nodeOrAppearing, maybeAppearing],
39455 _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
39456 node = _ref2[0],
39457 isAppearing = _ref2[1]; // onEnterXxx and onExitXxx callbacks have a different arguments.length value.
39460 if (isAppearing === undefined) {
39461 callback(node);
39462 } else {
39463 callback(node, isAppearing);
39464 }
39465 }
39466 };
39467 };
39469 var handleEntering = normalizedTransitionCallback(onEntering);
39470 var handleEnter = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node, isAppearing) {
39471 reflow(node); // So the animation always start from the start.
39473 var transitionProps = getTransitionProps({
39474 style: style,
39475 timeout: timeout
39476 }, {
39477 mode: 'enter'
39478 });
39479 node.style.webkitTransition = theme.transitions.create('transform', transitionProps);
39480 node.style.transition = theme.transitions.create('transform', transitionProps);
39482 if (onEnter) {
39483 onEnter(node, isAppearing);
39484 }
39485 });
39486 var handleEntered = normalizedTransitionCallback(onEntered);
39487 var handleExiting = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExiting);
39488 var handleExit = normalizedTransitionCallback(function (node) {
39489 var transitionProps = getTransitionProps({
39490 style: style,
39491 timeout: timeout
39492 }, {
39493 mode: 'exit'
39494 });
39495 node.style.webkitTransition = theme.transitions.create('transform', transitionProps);
39496 node.style.transition = theme.transitions.create('transform', transitionProps);
39498 if (onExit) {
39499 onExit(node);
39500 }
39501 });
39502 var handleExited = normalizedTransitionCallback(onExited);
39503 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TransitionComponent, _extends({
39504 appear: true,
39505 in: inProp,
39506 nodeRef: enableStrictModeCompat ? nodeRef : undefined,
39507 onEnter: handleEnter,
39508 onEntered: handleEntered,
39509 onEntering: handleEntering,
39510 onExit: handleExit,
39511 onExited: handleExited,
39512 onExiting: handleExiting,
39513 timeout: timeout
39514 }, other), function (state, childProps) {
39515 return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, _extends({
39516 style: _extends({
39517 transform: 'scale(0)',
39518 visibility: state === 'exited' && !inProp ? 'hidden' : undefined
39519 }, styles$1S[state], style, children.props.style),
39520 ref: handleRef
39521 }, childProps));
39522 });
39523 });
39524 Zoom.propTypes = {
39525 // ----------------------------- Warning --------------------------------
39526 // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions |
39527 // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" |
39528 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
39530 /**
39531 * A single child content element.
39532 */
39533 children: propTypes.element,
39535 /**
39536 * Enable this prop if you encounter 'Function components cannot be given refs',
39537 * use `unstable_createStrictModeTheme`,
39538 * and can't forward the ref in the child component.
39539 */
39540 disableStrictModeCompat: propTypes.bool,
39542 /**
39543 * If `true`, the component will transition in.
39544 */
39545 in: propTypes.bool,
39547 /**
39548 * @ignore
39549 */
39550 onEnter: propTypes.func,
39552 /**
39553 * @ignore
39554 */
39555 onEntered: propTypes.func,
39557 /**
39558 * @ignore
39559 */
39560 onEntering: propTypes.func,
39562 /**
39563 * @ignore
39564 */
39565 onExit: propTypes.func,
39567 /**
39568 * @ignore
39569 */
39570 onExited: propTypes.func,
39572 /**
39573 * @ignore
39574 */
39575 onExiting: propTypes.func,
39577 /**
39578 * @ignore
39579 */
39580 style: propTypes.object,
39582 /**
39583 * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds.
39584 * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
39585 */
39586 timeout: propTypes.oneOfType([propTypes.number, propTypes.shape({
39587 appear: propTypes.number,
39588 enter: propTypes.number,
39589 exit: propTypes.number
39590 })])
39591 } ;
39593 exports.Accordion = Accordion$1;
39594 exports.AccordionActions = AccordionActions$1;
39595 exports.AccordionDetails = AccordionDetails$1;
39596 exports.AccordionSummary = AccordionSummary$1;
39597 exports.AppBar = AppBar$1;
39598 exports.Avatar = Avatar$1;
39599 exports.Backdrop = Backdrop$1;
39600 exports.Badge = Badge$1;
39601 exports.BottomNavigation = BottomNavigation$1;
39602 exports.BottomNavigationAction = BottomNavigationAction$1;
39603 exports.Box = Box;
39604 exports.Breadcrumbs = Breadcrumbs$1;
39605 exports.Button = Button$1;
39606 exports.ButtonBase = ButtonBase$1;
39607 exports.ButtonGroup = ButtonGroup$1;
39608 exports.Card = Card$1;
39609 exports.CardActionArea = CardActionArea$1;
39610 exports.CardActions = CardActions$1;
39611 exports.CardContent = CardContent$1;
39612 exports.CardHeader = CardHeader$1;
39613 exports.CardMedia = CardMedia$1;
39614 exports.Checkbox = Checkbox$1;
39615 exports.Chip = Chip$1;
39616 exports.CircularProgress = CircularProgress$1;
39617 exports.ClickAwayListener = ClickAwayListener;
39618 exports.Collapse = Collapse$1;
39619 exports.Container = Container$1;
39620 exports.CssBaseline = CssBaseline$1;
39621 exports.Dialog = Dialog$1;
39622 exports.DialogActions = DialogActions$1;
39623 exports.DialogContent = DialogContent$1;
39624 exports.DialogContentText = DialogContentText$1;
39625 exports.DialogTitle = DialogTitle$1;
39626 exports.Divider = Divider$1;
39627 exports.Drawer = Drawer$1;
39628 exports.ExpansionPanel = ExpansionPanel$1;
39629 exports.ExpansionPanelActions = ExpansionPanelActions$1;
39630 exports.ExpansionPanelDetails = ExpansionPanelDetails$1;
39631 exports.ExpansionPanelSummary = ExpansionPanelSummary$1;
39632 exports.Fab = Fab$1;
39633 exports.Fade = Fade;
39634 exports.FilledInput = FilledInput$1;
39635 exports.FormControl = FormControl$1;
39636 exports.FormControlLabel = FormControlLabel$1;
39637 exports.FormGroup = FormGroup$1;
39638 exports.FormHelperText = FormHelperText$1;
39639 exports.FormLabel = FormLabel$1;
39640 exports.Grid = StyledGrid;
39641 exports.GridList = GridList$1;
39642 exports.GridListTile = GridListTile$1;
39643 exports.GridListTileBar = GridListTileBar$1;
39644 exports.Grow = Grow;
39645 exports.Hidden = Hidden;
39646 exports.Icon = Icon$1;
39647 exports.IconButton = IconButton$1;
39648 exports.ImageList = ImageList$1;
39649 exports.ImageListItem = ImageListItem$1;
39650 exports.ImageListItemBar = ImageListItemBar$1;
39651 exports.Input = Input$1;
39652 exports.InputAdornment = InputAdornment$1;
39653 exports.InputBase = InputBase$1;
39654 exports.InputLabel = InputLabel$1;
39655 exports.LinearProgress = LinearProgress$1;
39656 exports.Link = Link$1;
39657 exports.List = List$1;
39658 exports.ListItem = ListItem$1;
39659 exports.ListItemAvatar = ListItemAvatar$1;
39660 exports.ListItemIcon = ListItemIcon$1;
39661 exports.ListItemSecondaryAction = ListItemSecondaryAction$1;
39662 exports.ListItemText = ListItemText$1;
39663 exports.ListSubheader = ListSubheader$1;
39664 exports.Menu = Menu$1;
39665 exports.MenuItem = MenuItem$1;
39666 exports.MenuList = MenuList;
39667 exports.MobileStepper = MobileStepper$1;
39668 exports.Modal = Modal;
39669 exports.ModalManager = ModalManager;
39670 exports.MuiThemeProvider = ThemeProvider;
39671 exports.NativeSelect = NativeSelect$1;
39672 exports.NoSsr = NoSsr;
39673 exports.OutlinedInput = OutlinedInput$1;
39674 exports.Paper = Paper$1;
39675 exports.Popover = Popover$1;
39676 exports.Popper = Popper$1;
39677 exports.Portal = Portal;
39678 exports.Radio = Radio$1;
39679 exports.RadioGroup = RadioGroup;
39680 exports.RootRef = RootRef;
39681 exports.Select = Select$1;
39682 exports.ServerStyleSheets = ServerStyleSheets;
39683 exports.Slide = Slide;
39684 exports.Slider = Slider$1;
39685 exports.Snackbar = Snackbar$1;
39686 exports.SnackbarContent = SnackbarContent$1;
39687 exports.Step = Step$1;
39688 exports.StepButton = StepButton$1;
39689 exports.StepConnector = StepConnector$1;
39690 exports.StepContent = StepContent$1;
39691 exports.StepIcon = StepIcon$1;
39692 exports.StepLabel = StepLabel$1;
39693 exports.Stepper = Stepper$1;
39694 exports.StylesProvider = StylesProvider;
39695 exports.SvgIcon = SvgIcon$1;
39696 exports.SwipeableDrawer = SwipeableDrawer;
39697 exports.Switch = Switch$1;
39698 exports.Tab = Tab$1;
39699 exports.TabScrollButton = TabScrollButton$1;
39700 exports.Table = Table$1;
39701 exports.TableBody = TableBody$1;
39702 exports.TableCell = TableCell$1;
39703 exports.TableContainer = TableContainer$1;
39704 exports.TableFooter = TableFooter$1;
39705 exports.TableHead = TableHead$1;
39706 exports.TablePagination = TablePagination$1;
39707 exports.TableRow = TableRow$1;
39708 exports.TableSortLabel = TableSortLabel$1;
39709 exports.Tabs = Tabs$1;
39710 exports.TextField = TextField$1;
39711 exports.TextareaAutosize = TextareaAutosize;
39712 exports.ThemeProvider = ThemeProvider;
39713 exports.Toolbar = Toolbar$1;
39714 exports.Tooltip = Tooltip$1;
39715 exports.Typography = Typography$1;
39716 exports.Unstable_TrapFocus = Unstable_TrapFocus;
39717 exports.Zoom = Zoom;
39718 exports.alpha = alpha;
39719 exports.capitalize = capitalize;
39720 exports.colors = index;
39721 exports.createChainedFunction = createChainedFunction;
39722 exports.createGenerateClassName = createGenerateClassName;
39723 exports.createMuiTheme = createMuiTheme;
39724 exports.createStyles = createStyles$1;
39725 exports.createSvgIcon = createSvgIcon;
39726 exports.createTheme = createTheme;
39727 exports.darken = darken;
39728 exports.debounce = debounce;
39729 exports.decomposeColor = decomposeColor;
39730 exports.deprecatedPropType = deprecatedPropType;
39731 exports.duration = duration;
39732 exports.easing = easing;
39733 exports.emphasize = emphasize;
39734 exports.fade = fade;
39735 exports.getContrastRatio = getContrastRatio;
39736 exports.getLuminance = getLuminance;
39737 exports.hexToRgb = hexToRgb;
39738 exports.hslToRgb = hslToRgb;
39739 exports.isMuiElement = isMuiElement;
39740 exports.isWidthDown = isWidthDown;
39741 exports.isWidthUp = isWidthUp;
39742 exports.jssPreset = jssPreset;
39743 exports.lighten = lighten;
39744 exports.makeStyles = makeStyles$1;
39745 exports.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
39746 exports.ownerWindow = ownerWindow;
39747 exports.recomposeColor = recomposeColor;
39748 exports.requirePropFactory = requirePropFactory;
39749 exports.responsiveFontSizes = responsiveFontSizes;
39750 exports.rgbToHex = rgbToHex;
39751 exports.setRef = setRef;
39752 exports.styleFunction = styleFunction;
39753 exports.styled = styled$1;
39754 exports.unstable_createMuiStrictModeTheme = createMuiStrictModeTheme;
39755 exports.unstable_useId = useId;
39756 exports.unsupportedProp = unsupportedProp;
39757 exports.useControlled = useControlled;
39758 exports.useEventCallback = useEventCallback;
39759 exports.useForkRef = useForkRef;
39760 exports.useFormControl = useFormControl$1;
39761 exports.useIsFocusVisible = useIsFocusVisible;
39762 exports.useMediaQuery = useMediaQuery;
39763 exports.useRadioGroup = useRadioGroup;
39764 exports.useScrollTrigger = useScrollTrigger;
39765 exports.useTheme = useTheme$1;
39766 exports.withMobileDialog = withMobileDialog;
39767 exports.withStyles = withStyles$1;
39768 exports.withTheme = withTheme$1;
39769 exports.withWidth = withWidth;
39771 Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });