54.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
6exports.zhCN = exports.viVN = exports.ukUA = exports.trTR = exports.svSE = exports.skSK = exports.ruRU = exports.roRO = exports.ptPT = exports.ptBR = exports.plPL = exports.nlNL = exports.koKR = exports.jaJP = exports.itIT = exports.isIS = exports.idID = exports.hyAM = exports.huHU = exports.hiIN = exports.heIL = exports.frFR = exports.fiFI = exports.faIR = exports.etEE = exports.esES = exports.enUS = exports.deDE = exports.csCZ = exports.caES = exports.bgBG = exports.azAZ = void 0;
7var azAZ = {
8 props: {
9 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
10 expandText: 'Yolu göstər'
11 },
12 MuiTablePagination: {
13 backIconButtonText: 'Əvvəlki səhifə',
14 labelRowsPerPage: 'Səhifəyə düşən sətrlər:',
15 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref) {
16 var from = _ref.from,
17 to = _ref.to,
18 count = _ref.count;
19 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " d\u0259n ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
20 },
21 nextIconButtonText: 'Növbəti səhifə'
22 },
23 MuiRating: {
24 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
25 var pluralForm = 'Ulduz';
26 var lastDigit = value % 10;
28 if (lastDigit > 1 && lastDigit < 5) {
29 pluralForm = 'Ulduzlar';
30 }
32 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(pluralForm);
33 },
34 emptyLabelText: 'Boş'
35 },
36 MuiAutocomplete: {
37 clearText: 'Silmək',
38 closeText: 'Bağlamaq',
39 loadingText: 'Yüklənir…',
40 noOptionsText: 'Seçimlər mövcud deyil',
41 openText: 'Открыть'
42 },
43 MuiAlert: {
44 closeText: 'Bağlamaq'
45 },
46 MuiPagination: {
47 'aria-label': 'Səhifənin naviqasiyası',
48 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
49 if (type === 'page') {
50 return "".concat(page, " ").concat(selected ? 'səhifə' : 'səhifəyə keç');
51 }
53 if (type === 'first') {
54 return 'Birinci səhifəyə keç';
55 }
57 if (type === 'last') {
58 return 'Sonuncu səhifəyə keç';
59 }
61 if (type === 'next') {
62 return 'Növbəti səhifəyə keç';
63 }
65 if (type === 'previous') {
66 return 'Əvvəlki səhifəyə keç';
67 }
69 return undefined;
70 }
71 }
72 }
74exports.azAZ = azAZ;
75var bgBG = {
76 props: {
77 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
78 expandText: 'Показване на пътя'
79 },
80 MuiTablePagination: {
81 backIconButtonText: 'Предишна страница',
82 labelRowsPerPage: 'Редове на страница:',
83 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref2) {
84 var from = _ref2.from,
85 to = _ref2.to,
86 count = _ref2.count;
87 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " \u043E\u0442 ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
88 },
89 nextIconButtonText: 'Следваща страница'
90 },
91 MuiRating: {
92 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
93 return "".concat(value, " \u0417\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434").concat(value !== 1 ? 'и' : 'а');
94 },
95 emptyLabelText: 'Изчисти'
96 },
97 MuiAutocomplete: {
98 clearText: 'Изчисти',
99 closeText: 'Затвори',
100 loadingText: 'Зареждане…',
101 noOptionsText: 'Няма налични опции',
102 openText: 'Отвори'
103 },
104 MuiAlert: {
105 closeText: 'Затвори'
106 },
107 MuiPagination: {
108 'aria-label': 'Пагинация',
109 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
110 if (type === 'page') {
111 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Към ', "\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0430 ").concat(page);
112 }
114 if (type === 'first') {
115 return 'Отиди на първата страница';
116 }
118 if (type === 'last') {
119 return 'Отиди на последната страница';
120 }
122 if (type === 'next') {
123 return 'Отиди на следващата страница';
124 }
126 if (type === 'previous') {
127 return 'Отиди на предишната страница';
128 }
130 return undefined;
131 }
132 }
133 }
135exports.bgBG = bgBG;
136var caES = {
137 props: {
138 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
139 // expandText: 'Show path',
140 // },
141 MuiTablePagination: {
142 backIconButtonText: 'Pàgina anterior',
143 labelRowsPerPage: 'Files per pàgina:',
144 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref3) {
145 var from = _ref3.from,
146 to = _ref3.to,
147 count = _ref3.count;
148 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " de ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
149 },
150 nextIconButtonText: 'Següent pàgina'
151 },
152 MuiRating: {
153 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
154 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(value !== 1 ? 'Estrelles' : 'Estrella');
155 },
156 emptyLabelText: 'Buit'
157 },
158 MuiAutocomplete: {
159 clearText: 'Netejar',
160 closeText: 'Tancar',
161 loadingText: 'Carregant…',
162 noOptionsText: 'Sense opcions',
163 openText: 'Obert'
164 },
165 MuiAlert: {
166 closeText: 'Tancat'
167 } // MuiPagination: {
168 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
169 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
170 // if (type === 'page') {
171 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
172 // }
173 // if (type === 'first') {
174 // return 'Go to first page';
175 // }
176 // if (type === 'last') {
177 // return 'Go to last page';
178 // }
179 // if (type === 'next') {
180 // return 'Go to next page';
181 // }
182 // if (type === 'previous') {
183 // return 'Go to previous page';
184 // }
185 // return undefined;
186 // },
187 // },
189 }
191exports.caES = caES;
192var csCZ = {
193 props: {
194 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
195 expandText: 'Ukázat cestu'
196 },
197 MuiTablePagination: {
198 backIconButtonText: 'Předchozí stránka',
199 labelRowsPerPage: 'Řádků na stránce:',
200 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref4) {
201 var from = _ref4.from,
202 to = _ref4.to,
203 count = _ref4.count;
204 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " z ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
205 },
206 nextIconButtonText: 'Další stránka'
207 },
208 MuiRating: {
209 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
210 if (value === 1) {
211 return "".concat(value, " hv\u011Bzdi\u010Dka");
212 }
214 if (value >= 2 && value <= 4) {
215 return "".concat(value, " hv\u011Bzdi\u010Dky");
216 }
218 return "".concat(value, " hv\u011Bzdi\u010Dek");
219 },
220 emptyLabelText: 'Prázdné'
221 },
222 MuiAutocomplete: {
223 clearText: 'Vymazat',
224 closeText: 'Zavřít',
225 loadingText: 'Načítání…',
226 noOptionsText: 'Žádné možnosti',
227 openText: 'Otevřít'
228 },
229 MuiAlert: {
230 closeText: 'Zavřít'
231 },
232 MuiPagination: {
233 'aria-label': 'Navigace stránkováním',
234 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
235 if (type === 'page') {
236 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Jít na ').concat(page, " str\xE1nku");
237 }
239 if (type === 'first') {
240 return 'Jít na první stránku';
241 }
243 if (type === 'last') {
244 return 'Jít na poslední stránku';
245 }
247 if (type === 'next') {
248 return 'Jít na další stránku';
249 }
251 if (type === 'previous') {
252 return 'Jít na předchozí stránku';
253 }
255 return undefined;
256 }
257 }
258 }
260exports.csCZ = csCZ;
261var deDE = {
262 props: {
263 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
264 expandText: 'Pfad anzeigen'
265 },
266 MuiTablePagination: {
267 backIconButtonText: 'Nächste Seite',
268 labelRowsPerPage: 'Zeilen pro Seite:',
269 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref5) {
270 var from = _ref5.from,
271 to = _ref5.to,
272 count = _ref5.count;
273 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " von ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
274 },
275 nextIconButtonText: 'Nächste Seite'
276 },
277 MuiRating: {
278 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
279 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(value !== 1 ? 'Sterne' : 'Stern');
280 },
281 emptyLabelText: 'Keine Wertung'
282 },
283 MuiAutocomplete: {
284 clearText: 'Leeren',
285 closeText: 'Schließen',
286 loadingText: 'Wird geladen…',
287 noOptionsText: 'Keine Optionen',
288 openText: 'Öffnen'
289 },
290 MuiAlert: {
291 closeText: 'Schließen'
292 },
293 MuiPagination: {
294 'aria-label': 'Navigation via Seitennummerierung',
295 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
296 if (type === 'page') {
297 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Gehe zu ', "Seite ").concat(page);
298 }
300 if (type === 'first') {
301 return 'Zur ersten Seite';
302 }
304 if (type === 'last') {
305 return 'Zur letzten Seite';
306 }
308 if (type === 'next') {
309 return 'Zur nächsten Seite';
310 }
312 if (type === 'previous') {
313 return 'Zur vorherigen Seite';
314 }
316 return undefined;
317 }
318 }
319 }
320}; // default
322exports.deDE = deDE;
323var enUS = {
324 /*
325 props: {
326 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
327 expandText: 'Show path',
328 },
329 MuiTablePagination: {
330 backIconButtonText: 'Previous page',
331 labelRowsPerPage: 'Rows per page:',
332 labelDisplayedRows: ({ from, to, count }) =>
333 `${from}-${to} of ${count !== -1 ? count : `more than ${to}`}`,
334 nextIconButtonText: 'Next page',
335 },
336 MuiRating: {
337 getLabelText: value => `${value} Star${value !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`,
338 emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
339 },
340 MuiAutocomplete: {
341 clearText: 'Clear',
342 closeText: 'Close',
343 loadingText: 'Loading…',
344 noOptionsText: 'No options',
345 openText: 'Open',
346 },
347 MuiAlert: {
348 closeText: 'Close',
349 },
350 MuiPagination: {
351 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
352 getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
353 if (type === 'page') {
354 return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
355 }
356 if (type === 'first') {
357 return 'Go to first page';
358 }
359 if (type === 'last') {
360 return 'Go to last page';
361 }
362 if (type === 'next') {
363 return 'Go to next page';
364 }
365 if (type === 'previous') {
366 return 'Go to previous page';
367 }
368 return undefined;
369 },
370 },
371 },
372 */
374exports.enUS = enUS;
375var esES = {
376 props: {
377 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
378 expandText: 'Mostrar ruta'
379 },
380 MuiTablePagination: {
381 backIconButtonText: 'Página anterior',
382 labelRowsPerPage: 'Filas por página:',
383 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref6) {
384 var from = _ref6.from,
385 to = _ref6.to,
386 count = _ref6.count;
387 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " de ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
388 },
389 nextIconButtonText: 'Siguiente página'
390 },
391 MuiRating: {
392 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
393 return "".concat(value, " Estrella").concat(value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
394 },
395 emptyLabelText: 'Vacío'
396 },
397 MuiAutocomplete: {
398 clearText: 'Limpiar',
399 closeText: 'Cerrar',
400 loadingText: 'Cargando…',
401 noOptionsText: 'Sin opciones',
402 openText: 'Abierto'
403 },
404 MuiAlert: {
405 closeText: 'Cerrar'
406 },
407 MuiPagination: {
408 'aria-label': 'Paginador',
409 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
410 if (type === 'page') {
411 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Ir a la ', "p\xE1gina ").concat(page);
412 }
414 if (type === 'first') {
415 return 'Ir a la primera página';
416 }
418 if (type === 'last') {
419 return 'Ir a la última página';
420 }
422 if (type === 'next') {
423 return 'Ir a la página siguiente';
424 }
426 if (type === 'previous') {
427 return 'Ir a la página anterior';
428 }
430 return undefined;
431 }
432 }
433 }
435exports.esES = esES;
436var etEE = {
437 props: {
438 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
439 expandText: 'Näita teed'
440 },
441 MuiTablePagination: {
442 backIconButtonText: 'Eelmine lehekülg',
443 labelRowsPerPage: 'Ridu leheküljel:',
444 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref7) {
445 var from = _ref7.from,
446 to = _ref7.to,
447 count = _ref7.count;
448 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " / ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
449 },
450 nextIconButtonText: 'Järgmine lehekülg'
451 },
452 MuiRating: {
453 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
454 return "".concat(value, " T\xE4rn").concat(value !== 1 ? 'i' : '');
455 },
456 emptyLabelText: 'Tühi'
457 },
458 MuiAutocomplete: {
459 clearText: 'Tühjenda',
460 closeText: 'Sulge',
461 loadingText: 'Laen…',
462 noOptionsText: 'Valikuid ei ole',
463 openText: 'Ava'
464 },
465 MuiAlert: {
466 closeText: 'Sulge'
467 },
468 MuiPagination: {
469 'aria-label': 'Lehekülgede valik',
470 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
471 if (type === 'page') {
472 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Vali ', "lehek\xFClg ").concat(page);
473 }
475 if (type === 'first') {
476 return 'Vali esimene lehekülg';
477 }
479 if (type === 'last') {
480 return 'Vali viimane lehekülg';
481 }
483 if (type === 'next') {
484 return 'Vali järgmine lehekülg';
485 }
487 if (type === 'previous') {
488 return 'Vali eelmine lehekülg';
489 }
491 return undefined;
492 }
493 }
494 }
496exports.etEE = etEE;
497var faIR = {
498 props: {
499 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
500 // expandText: 'Show path',
501 // },
502 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
503 expandText: 'نمایش مسیر'
504 },
505 MuiTablePagination: {
506 backIconButtonText: 'صفحهٔ قبل',
507 labelRowsPerPage: 'تعداد سطرهای هر صفحه:',
508 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref8) {
509 var from = _ref8.from,
510 to = _ref8.to,
511 count = _ref8.count;
512 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " \u0627\u0632 ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
513 },
514 nextIconButtonText: 'صفحهٔ بعد'
515 },
516 MuiRating: {
517 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
518 return "".concat(value, " \u0633\u062A\u0627\u0631\u0647");
519 },
520 emptyLabelText: 'خالی'
521 },
522 MuiAutocomplete: {
523 clearText: 'پاک‌کردن',
524 closeText: 'بستن',
525 loadingText: 'در حال بارگذاری…',
526 noOptionsText: 'بی‌نتیجه',
527 openText: 'بازکردن'
528 },
529 MuiAlert: {
530 closeText: 'بستن'
531 },
532 MuiPagination: {
533 'aria-label': 'ناوبری صفحه',
534 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
535 if (type === 'page') {
536 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'رفتن به ', "\u0635\u0641\u062D\u0647\u0654 ").concat(page);
537 }
539 if (type === 'first') {
540 return 'رفتن به اولین صفحه';
541 }
543 if (type === 'last') {
544 return 'رفتن به آخرین صفحه';
545 }
547 if (type === 'next') {
548 return 'رفتن به صفحه‌ی بعدی';
549 }
551 if (type === 'previous') {
552 return 'رفتن به صفحه‌ی قبلی';
553 }
555 return undefined;
556 }
557 }
558 }
560exports.faIR = faIR;
561var fiFI = {
562 props: {
563 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
564 expandText: 'Näytä reitti'
565 },
566 MuiTablePagination: {
567 backIconButtonText: 'Edellinen sivu',
568 labelRowsPerPage: 'Rivejä per sivu:',
569 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref9) {
570 var from = _ref9.from,
571 to = _ref9.to,
572 count = _ref9.count;
573 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " / ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
574 },
575 nextIconButtonText: 'Seuraava sivu'
576 },
577 MuiRating: {
578 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
579 return "".concat(value, " T\xE4ht").concat(value !== 1 ? 'eä' : 'i');
580 },
581 emptyLabelText: 'Tyhjä'
582 },
583 MuiAutocomplete: {
584 clearText: 'Tyhjennä',
585 closeText: 'Sulje',
586 loadingText: 'Ladataan…',
587 noOptionsText: 'Ei valintoja',
588 openText: 'Avaa'
589 },
590 MuiAlert: {
591 closeText: 'Sulje'
592 },
593 MuiPagination: {
594 'aria-label': 'Sivutus navigaatio',
595 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
596 if (type === 'page') {
597 return "".concat(selected ? 'sivu' : 'Mene sivulle', " ").concat(page);
598 }
600 if (type === 'first') {
601 return 'Mene ensimmäiselle sivulle';
602 }
604 if (type === 'last') {
605 return 'Mene viimeiselle sivulle';
606 }
608 if (type === 'next') {
609 return 'Mene seuraavalle sivulle';
610 }
612 if (type === 'previous') {
613 return 'Mene edelliselle sivulle';
614 }
616 return undefined;
617 }
618 }
619 }
621exports.fiFI = fiFI;
622var frFR = {
623 props: {
624 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
625 expandText: 'Montrer le chemin'
626 },
627 MuiTablePagination: {
628 backIconButtonText: 'Page précédente',
629 labelRowsPerPage: 'Lignes par page :',
630 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref10) {
631 var from = _ref10.from,
632 to = _ref10.to,
633 count = _ref10.count;
634 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " sur ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "plus que ".concat(to));
635 },
636 nextIconButtonText: 'Page suivante'
637 },
638 MuiRating: {
639 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
640 return "".concat(value, " Etoile").concat(value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
641 },
642 emptyLabelText: 'Vide'
643 },
644 MuiAutocomplete: {
645 clearText: 'Vider',
646 closeText: 'Fermer',
647 loadingText: 'Chargement…',
648 noOptionsText: 'Pas de résultats',
649 openText: 'Ouvrir'
650 },
651 MuiAlert: {
652 closeText: 'Fermer'
653 },
654 MuiPagination: {
655 'aria-label': 'navigation de pagination',
656 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
657 if (type === 'page') {
658 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Aller à la ', "page ").concat(page);
659 }
661 if (type === 'first') {
662 return 'Aller à la première page';
663 }
665 if (type === 'last') {
666 return 'Aller à la dernière page';
667 }
669 if (type === 'next') {
670 return 'Aller à la page suivante';
671 }
673 if (type === 'previous') {
674 return 'Aller à la page précédente';
675 }
677 return undefined;
678 }
679 }
680 }
682exports.frFR = frFR;
683var heIL = {
684 props: {
685 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
686 // expandText: 'Show path',
687 // },
688 MuiTablePagination: {
689 backIconButtonText: 'העמוד הקודם',
690 labelRowsPerPage: 'שורות בעמוד:',
691 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref11) {
692 var from = _ref11.from,
693 to = _ref11.to,
694 count = _ref11.count;
695 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " \u05DE\u05EA\u05D5\u05DA ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
696 },
697 nextIconButtonText: 'העמוד הבא'
698 },
699 MuiRating: {
700 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
701 return "".concat(value, " \u05DB\u05D5\u05DB\u05D1").concat(value !== 1 ? 'ים' : '');
702 },
703 emptyLabelText: 'ריק'
704 },
705 MuiAutocomplete: {
706 clearText: 'נקה',
707 closeText: 'סגור',
708 loadingText: 'טוען…',
709 noOptionsText: 'אין אופציות',
710 openText: 'פתח'
711 },
712 MuiAlert: {
713 closeText: 'סגור'
714 } // MuiPagination: {
715 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
716 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
717 // if (type === 'page') {
718 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
719 // }
720 // if (type === 'first') {
721 // return 'Go to first page';
722 // }
723 // if (type === 'last') {
724 // return 'Go to last page';
725 // }
726 // if (type === 'next') {
727 // return 'Go to next page';
728 // }
729 // if (type === 'previous') {
730 // return 'Go to previous page';
731 // }
732 // return undefined;
733 // },
734 // },
736 }
738exports.heIL = heIL;
739var hiIN = {
740 props: {
741 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
742 expandText: 'रास्ता दिखायें'
743 },
744 MuiTablePagination: {
745 backIconButtonText: 'पिछला पृष्ठ',
746 labelRowsPerPage: 'पंक्तियाँ प्रति पृष्ठ:',
747 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref12) {
748 var from = _ref12.from,
749 to = _ref12.to,
750 count = _ref12.count;
751 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to === -1 ? count : to, " \u0915\u0941\u0932 ").concat(count, " \u092E\u0947\u0902");
752 },
753 nextIconButtonText: 'अगला पृष्ठ'
754 },
755 MuiRating: {
756 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
757 return "".concat(value, " \u0924\u093E\u0930").concat(value !== 1 ? 'े' : 'ा');
758 },
759 emptyLabelText: 'रिक्त'
760 },
761 MuiAutocomplete: {
762 clearText: 'हटायें',
763 closeText: 'बंद करें',
764 loadingText: 'लोड हो रहा है…',
765 noOptionsText: 'कोई विकल्प नहीं',
766 openText: 'खोलें'
767 },
768 MuiAlert: {
769 closeText: 'बंद करें'
770 },
771 MuiPagination: {
772 'aria-label': 'पृस्ठानुसार संचालन',
773 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
774 if (type === 'page') {
775 return "\u092A\u0943\u0937\u094D\u0920 ".concat(page, " ").concat(selected ? '' : ' पर जाएँ');
776 }
778 if (type === 'first') {
779 return 'पहले पृष्ठ पर जाएँ';
780 }
782 if (type === 'last') {
783 return 'अंतिम पृष्ठ पर जाएँ';
784 }
786 if (type === 'next') {
787 return 'अगले पृष्ठ पर जाएँ';
788 }
790 if (type === 'previous') {
791 return 'पिछले पृष्ठ पर जाएँ';
792 }
794 return undefined;
795 }
796 }
797 }
799exports.hiIN = hiIN;
800var huHU = {
801 props: {
802 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
803 expandText: 'Útvonal'
804 },
805 MuiTablePagination: {
806 backIconButtonText: 'Előző oldal',
807 labelRowsPerPage: 'Sorok száma:',
808 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref13) {
809 var from = _ref13.from,
810 to = _ref13.to,
811 count = _ref13.count;
812 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " / ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
813 },
814 nextIconButtonText: 'Következő oldal'
815 },
816 MuiRating: {
817 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
818 return "".concat(value, " Csillag");
819 },
820 emptyLabelText: 'Üres'
821 },
822 MuiAutocomplete: {
823 clearText: 'Törlés',
824 closeText: 'Bezárás',
825 loadingText: 'Töltés…',
826 noOptionsText: 'Nincs találat',
827 openText: 'Megnyitás'
828 },
829 MuiAlert: {
830 closeText: 'Bezárás'
831 },
832 MuiPagination: {
833 'aria-label': 'Lapozás',
834 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
835 if (type === 'page') {
836 return "".concat(page, ". oldal").concat(selected ? '' : 'ra');
837 }
839 if (type === 'first') {
840 return 'Első oldalra';
841 }
843 if (type === 'last') {
844 return 'Utolsó oldalra';
845 }
847 if (type === 'next') {
848 return 'Következő oldalra';
849 }
851 if (type === 'previous') {
852 return 'Előző oldalra';
853 }
855 return undefined;
856 }
857 }
858 }
860exports.huHU = huHU;
861var hyAM = {
862 props: {
863 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
864 // expandText: 'Show path',
865 // },
866 MuiTablePagination: {
867 backIconButtonText: 'Նախորդը',
868 labelRowsPerPage: 'Տողեր մեկ էջում`',
869 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref14) {
870 var from = _ref14.from,
871 to = _ref14.to,
872 count = _ref14.count;
873 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " / ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
874 },
875 nextIconButtonText: 'Հաջորդը'
876 },
877 MuiRating: {
878 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
879 return "".concat(value, " \u0531\u057D\u057F\u0572");
880 },
881 emptyLabelText: 'Դատարկ'
882 },
883 MuiAutocomplete: {
884 clearText: 'Մաքրել',
885 closeText: 'Փակել',
886 loadingText: 'Բեռնում…',
887 noOptionsText: 'Տարբերակներ չկան',
888 openText: 'Բացել'
889 },
890 MuiAlert: {
891 closeText: 'Փակել'
892 } // MuiPagination: {
893 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
894 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
895 // if (type === 'page') {
896 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
897 // }
898 // if (type === 'first') {
899 // return 'Go to first page';
900 // }
901 // if (type === 'last') {
902 // return 'Go to last page';
903 // }
904 // if (type === 'next') {
905 // return 'Go to next page';
906 // }
907 // if (type === 'previous') {
908 // return 'Go to previous page';
909 // }
910 // return undefined;
911 // },
912 // },
914 }
916exports.hyAM = hyAM;
917var idID = {
918 props: {
919 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
920 // expandText: 'Show path',
921 // },
922 MuiTablePagination: {
923 backIconButtonText: 'Halaman sebelumnya',
924 labelRowsPerPage: 'Baris per halaman:',
925 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref15) {
926 var from = _ref15.from,
927 to = _ref15.to,
928 count = _ref15.count;
929 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " dari ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
930 },
931 nextIconButtonText: 'Halaman selanjutnya'
932 },
933 MuiRating: {
934 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
935 return "".concat(value, " Bintang");
936 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
938 },
939 MuiAutocomplete: {
940 clearText: 'Hapus',
941 closeText: 'Tutup',
942 loadingText: 'Memuat…',
943 noOptionsText: 'Tidak ada opsi',
944 openText: 'Buka'
945 },
946 MuiAlert: {
947 closeText: 'Tutup'
948 } // MuiPagination: {
949 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
950 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
951 // if (type === 'page') {
952 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
953 // }
954 // if (type === 'first') {
955 // return 'Go to first page';
956 // }
957 // if (type === 'last') {
958 // return 'Go to last page';
959 // }
960 // if (type === 'next') {
961 // return 'Go to next page';
962 // }
963 // if (type === 'previous') {
964 // return 'Go to previous page';
965 // }
966 // return undefined;
967 // },
968 // },
970 }
972exports.idID = idID;
973var isIS = {
974 props: {
975 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
976 // expandText: 'Show path',
977 // },
978 MuiTablePagination: {
979 backIconButtonText: 'Fyrri síða',
980 labelRowsPerPage: 'Raðir á síðu:',
981 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref16) {
982 var from = _ref16.from,
983 to = _ref16.to,
984 count = _ref16.count;
985 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " af ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
986 },
987 nextIconButtonText: 'Næsta síða'
988 },
989 MuiRating: {
990 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
991 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(value === 1 ? 'Stjarna' : 'Stjörnur');
992 },
993 emptyLabelText: 'Tómt'
994 },
995 MuiAutocomplete: {
996 clearText: 'Hreinsa',
997 closeText: 'Loka',
998 loadingText: 'Hlaða…',
999 noOptionsText: 'Engar niðurstöður',
1000 openText: 'Opna'
1001 },
1002 MuiAlert: {
1003 closeText: 'Loka'
1004 } // MuiPagination: {
1005 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1006 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1007 // if (type === 'page') {
1008 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1009 // }
1010 // if (type === 'first') {
1011 // return 'Go to first page';
1012 // }
1013 // if (type === 'last') {
1014 // return 'Go to last page';
1015 // }
1016 // if (type === 'next') {
1017 // return 'Go to next page';
1018 // }
1019 // if (type === 'previous') {
1020 // return 'Go to previous page';
1021 // }
1022 // return undefined;
1023 // },
1024 // },
1026 }
1028exports.isIS = isIS;
1029var itIT = {
1030 props: {
1031 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1032 expandText: 'Visualizza percorso'
1033 },
1034 MuiTablePagination: {
1035 backIconButtonText: 'Pagina precedente',
1036 labelRowsPerPage: 'Righe per pagina:',
1037 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref17) {
1038 var from = _ref17.from,
1039 to = _ref17.to,
1040 count = _ref17.count;
1041 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " di ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1042 },
1043 nextIconButtonText: 'Pagina successiva'
1044 },
1045 MuiRating: {
1046 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1047 return "".concat(value, " Stell").concat(value !== 1 ? 'e' : 'a');
1048 },
1049 emptyLabelText: 'Vuoto'
1050 },
1051 MuiAutocomplete: {
1052 clearText: 'Svuota',
1053 closeText: 'Chiudi',
1054 loadingText: 'Caricamento in corso…',
1055 noOptionsText: 'Nessuna opzione',
1056 openText: 'Apri'
1057 },
1058 MuiAlert: {
1059 closeText: 'Chiudi'
1060 },
1061 MuiPagination: {
1062 'aria-label': 'Navigazione impaginata',
1063 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
1064 if (type === 'page') {
1065 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Vai alla ', "pagina ").concat(page);
1066 }
1068 if (type === 'first') {
1069 return 'Vai alla prima pagina';
1070 }
1072 if (type === 'last') {
1073 return "Vai all'ultima pagina";
1074 }
1076 if (type === 'next') {
1077 return 'Vai alla pagina successiva';
1078 }
1080 if (type === 'previous') {
1081 return 'Vai alla pagina precedente';
1082 }
1084 return undefined;
1085 }
1086 }
1087 }
1089exports.itIT = itIT;
1090var jaJP = {
1091 props: {
1092 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1093 // expandText: 'Show path',
1094 // },
1095 MuiTablePagination: {
1096 backIconButtonText: '前のページ',
1097 labelRowsPerPage: 'ページごとの行:',
1098 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref18) {
1099 var from = _ref18.from,
1100 to = _ref18.to,
1101 count = _ref18.count;
1102 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " of ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1103 },
1104 nextIconButtonText: '次のページ'
1105 },
1106 MuiRating: {
1107 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1108 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(value !== 1 ? '出演者' : '星');
1109 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
1111 },
1112 MuiAutocomplete: {
1113 clearText: 'クリア',
1114 closeText: '閉じる',
1115 loadingText: '積み込み…',
1116 noOptionsText: '結果がありません',
1117 openText: '開いた'
1118 },
1119 MuiAlert: {
1120 closeText: '閉じる'
1121 } // MuiPagination: {
1122 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1123 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1124 // if (type === 'page') {
1125 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1126 // }
1127 // if (type === 'first') {
1128 // return 'Go to first page';
1129 // }
1130 // if (type === 'last') {
1131 // return 'Go to last page';
1132 // }
1133 // if (type === 'next') {
1134 // return 'Go to next page';
1135 // }
1136 // if (type === 'previous') {
1137 // return 'Go to previous page';
1138 // }
1139 // return undefined;
1140 // },
1141 // },
1143 }
1145exports.jaJP = jaJP;
1146var koKR = {
1147 props: {
1148 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1149 // expandText: 'Show path',
1150 // },
1151 MuiTablePagination: {
1152 backIconButtonText: '이전 페이지',
1153 labelRowsPerPage: '페이지 당 행:',
1154 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref19) {
1155 var from = _ref19.from,
1156 to = _ref19.to,
1157 count = _ref19.count;
1158 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " / ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1159 },
1160 nextIconButtonText: '다음 페이지'
1161 },
1162 MuiRating: {
1163 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1164 return "".concat(value, " \uC810");
1165 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
1167 },
1168 MuiAutocomplete: {
1169 clearText: '지우기',
1170 closeText: '닫기',
1171 loadingText: '불러오는 중…',
1172 noOptionsText: '옵션 없음',
1173 openText: '열기'
1174 }
1175 }
1177exports.koKR = koKR;
1178var nlNL = {
1179 props: {
1180 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1181 // expandText: 'Show path',
1182 // },
1183 MuiTablePagination: {
1184 backIconButtonText: 'Vorige pagina',
1185 labelRowsPerPage: 'Regels per pagina :',
1186 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref20) {
1187 var from = _ref20.from,
1188 to = _ref20.to,
1189 count = _ref20.count;
1190 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " van ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1191 },
1192 nextIconButtonText: 'Volgende pagina'
1193 },
1194 MuiRating: {
1195 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1196 return "".concat(value, " Ster").concat(value !== 1 ? 'ren' : '');
1197 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
1199 },
1200 MuiAutocomplete: {
1201 clearText: 'Wissen',
1202 closeText: 'Sluiten',
1203 loadingText: 'Laden…',
1204 noOptionsText: 'Geen opties',
1205 openText: 'Openen'
1206 },
1207 MuiAlert: {
1208 closeText: 'Sluiten'
1209 } // MuiPagination: {
1210 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1211 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1212 // if (type === 'page') {
1213 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1214 // }
1215 // if (type === 'first') {
1216 // return 'Go to first page';
1217 // }
1218 // if (type === 'last') {
1219 // return 'Go to last page';
1220 // }
1221 // if (type === 'next') {
1222 // return 'Go to next page';
1223 // }
1224 // if (type === 'previous') {
1225 // return 'Go to previous page';
1226 // }
1227 // return undefined;
1228 // },
1229 // },
1231 }
1233exports.nlNL = nlNL;
1234var plPL = {
1235 props: {
1236 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1237 expandText: 'Pokaż ścieżkę'
1238 },
1239 MuiTablePagination: {
1240 backIconButtonText: 'Poprzednia strona',
1241 labelRowsPerPage: 'Wierszy na stronę:',
1242 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref21) {
1243 var from = _ref21.from,
1244 to = _ref21.to,
1245 count = _ref21.count;
1246 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " z ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1247 },
1248 nextIconButtonText: 'Następna strona'
1249 },
1250 MuiRating: {
1251 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1252 var pluralForm = 'gwiazdek';
1253 var lastDigit = value % 10;
1255 if ((value < 10 || value > 20) && lastDigit > 1 && lastDigit < 5) {
1256 pluralForm = 'gwiazdki';
1257 } else if (value === 1) {
1258 pluralForm = 'gwiazdka';
1259 }
1261 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(pluralForm);
1262 },
1263 emptyLabelText: 'Brak gwiazdek'
1264 },
1265 MuiAutocomplete: {
1266 clearText: 'Wyczyść',
1267 closeText: 'Zamknij',
1268 loadingText: 'Ładowanie…',
1269 noOptionsText: 'Brak opcji',
1270 openText: 'Otwórz'
1271 },
1272 MuiAlert: {
1273 closeText: 'Zamknij'
1274 },
1275 MuiPagination: {
1276 'aria-label': 'Nawigacja podziału na strony',
1277 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
1278 if (type === 'page') {
1279 return selected ? "".concat(page, ". strona") : "Przejd\u017A do ".concat(page, ". strony");
1280 }
1282 if (type === 'first') {
1283 return 'Przejdź do pierwszej strony';
1284 }
1286 if (type === 'last') {
1287 return 'Przejdź do ostatniej strony';
1288 }
1290 if (type === 'next') {
1291 return 'Przejdź do następnej strony';
1292 }
1294 if (type === 'previous') {
1295 return 'Przejdź do poprzedniej strony';
1296 }
1298 return undefined;
1299 }
1300 }
1301 }
1303exports.plPL = plPL;
1304var ptBR = {
1305 props: {
1306 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1307 expandText: 'Mostrar caminho'
1308 },
1309 MuiTablePagination: {
1310 backIconButtonText: 'Página anterior',
1311 labelRowsPerPage: 'Linhas por página:',
1312 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref22) {
1313 var from = _ref22.from,
1314 to = _ref22.to,
1315 count = _ref22.count;
1316 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " de ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1317 },
1318 nextIconButtonText: 'Próxima página'
1319 },
1320 MuiRating: {
1321 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1322 return "".concat(value, " Estrela").concat(value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
1323 },
1324 emptyLabelText: 'Vazio'
1325 },
1326 MuiAutocomplete: {
1327 clearText: 'Limpar',
1328 closeText: 'Fechar',
1329 loadingText: 'Carregando…',
1330 noOptionsText: 'Sem opções',
1331 openText: 'Abrir'
1332 },
1333 MuiAlert: {
1334 closeText: 'Fechar'
1335 },
1336 MuiPagination: {
1337 'aria-label': 'Navegar pela paginação',
1338 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
1339 if (type === 'page') {
1340 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Ir para a ', "p\xE1gina ").concat(page);
1341 }
1343 if (type === 'first') {
1344 return 'Ir para a primeira página';
1345 }
1347 if (type === 'last') {
1348 return 'Ir para a última página';
1349 }
1351 if (type === 'next') {
1352 return 'Ir para a próxima página';
1353 }
1355 if (type === 'previous') {
1356 return 'Ir para a página anterior';
1357 }
1359 return undefined;
1360 }
1361 }
1362 }
1364exports.ptBR = ptBR;
1365var ptPT = {
1366 props: {
1367 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1368 expandText: 'Mostrar caminho'
1369 },
1370 MuiTablePagination: {
1371 backIconButtonText: 'Página anterior',
1372 labelRowsPerPage: 'Linhas por página:',
1373 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref23) {
1374 var from = _ref23.from,
1375 to = _ref23.to,
1376 count = _ref23.count;
1377 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " de ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1378 },
1379 nextIconButtonText: 'Próxima página'
1380 },
1381 MuiRating: {
1382 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1383 return "".concat(value, " Estrela").concat(value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
1384 },
1385 emptyLabelText: 'Vazio'
1386 },
1387 MuiAutocomplete: {
1388 clearText: 'Limpar',
1389 closeText: 'Fechar',
1390 loadingText: 'A carregar…',
1391 noOptionsText: 'Sem opções',
1392 openText: 'Abrir'
1393 },
1394 MuiAlert: {
1395 closeText: 'Fechar'
1396 },
1397 MuiPagination: {
1398 'aria-label': 'Navegar por páginas',
1399 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
1400 if (type === 'page') {
1401 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Ir para a ', "p\xE1gina ").concat(page);
1402 }
1404 if (type === 'first') {
1405 return 'Primeira página';
1406 }
1408 if (type === 'last') {
1409 return 'Última página';
1410 }
1412 if (type === 'next') {
1413 return 'Próxima página';
1414 }
1416 if (type === 'previous') {
1417 return 'Página anterior';
1418 }
1420 return undefined;
1421 }
1422 }
1423 }
1425exports.ptPT = ptPT;
1426var roRO = {
1427 props: {
1428 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1429 expandText: 'Arată calea'
1430 },
1431 MuiTablePagination: {
1432 backIconButtonText: 'Pagina precedentă',
1433 labelRowsPerPage: 'Rânduri pe pagină:',
1434 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref24) {
1435 var from = _ref24.from,
1436 to = _ref24.to,
1437 count = _ref24.count;
1438 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " din ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1439 },
1440 nextIconButtonText: 'Pagina următoare'
1441 },
1442 MuiRating: {
1443 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1444 return "".concat(value, " St").concat(value !== 1 ? 'ele' : 'ea');
1445 },
1446 emptyLabelText: 'Gol'
1447 },
1448 MuiAutocomplete: {
1449 clearText: 'Șterge',
1450 closeText: 'Închide',
1451 loadingText: 'Se încarcă…',
1452 noOptionsText: 'Nicio opțiune',
1453 openText: 'Deschide'
1454 },
1455 MuiAlert: {
1456 closeText: 'Închide'
1457 },
1458 MuiPagination: {
1459 'aria-label': 'Navigare prin paginare',
1460 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
1461 if (type === 'page') {
1462 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Mergi la ', "pagina ").concat(page);
1463 }
1465 if (type === 'first') {
1466 return 'Mergi la prima pagină';
1467 }
1469 if (type === 'last') {
1470 return 'Mergi la ultima pagină';
1471 }
1473 if (type === 'next') {
1474 return 'Mergi la pagina următoare';
1475 }
1477 if (type === 'previous') {
1478 return 'Mergi la pagina precedentă';
1479 }
1481 return undefined;
1482 }
1483 }
1484 }
1486exports.roRO = roRO;
1487var ruRU = {
1488 props: {
1489 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1490 // expandText: 'Show path',
1491 // },
1492 MuiTablePagination: {
1493 backIconButtonText: 'Предыдущая страница',
1494 labelRowsPerPage: 'Строк на странице:',
1495 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref25) {
1496 var from = _ref25.from,
1497 to = _ref25.to,
1498 count = _ref25.count;
1499 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " \u0438\u0437 ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "\u0431\u043E\u043B\u0435\u0435 \u0447\u0435\u043C ".concat(to));
1500 },
1501 nextIconButtonText: 'Следующая страница'
1502 },
1503 MuiRating: {
1504 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1505 var pluralForm = 'Звёзд';
1506 var lastDigit = value % 10;
1508 if (lastDigit > 1 && lastDigit < 5) {
1509 pluralForm = 'Звезды';
1510 } else if (lastDigit === 1) {
1511 pluralForm = 'Звезда';
1512 }
1514 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(pluralForm);
1515 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
1517 },
1518 MuiAutocomplete: {
1519 clearText: 'Очистить',
1520 closeText: 'Закрыть',
1521 loadingText: 'Загрузка…',
1522 noOptionsText: 'Нет доступных вариантов',
1523 openText: 'Открыть'
1524 },
1525 MuiAlert: {
1526 closeText: 'Закрыть'
1527 } // MuiPagination: {
1528 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1529 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1530 // if (type === 'page') {
1531 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1532 // }
1533 // if (type === 'first') {
1534 // return 'Go to first page';
1535 // }
1536 // if (type === 'last') {
1537 // return 'Go to last page';
1538 // }
1539 // if (type === 'next') {
1540 // return 'Go to next page';
1541 // }
1542 // if (type === 'previous') {
1543 // return 'Go to previous page';
1544 // }
1545 // return undefined;
1546 // },
1547 // },
1549 }
1551exports.ruRU = ruRU;
1552var skSK = {
1553 props: {
1554 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1555 // expandText: 'Show path',
1556 // },
1557 MuiTablePagination: {
1558 backIconButtonText: 'Predchádzajúca stránka',
1559 labelRowsPerPage: 'Riadkov na stránke:',
1560 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref26) {
1561 var from = _ref26.from,
1562 to = _ref26.to,
1563 count = _ref26.count;
1564 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " z ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1565 },
1566 nextIconButtonText: 'Ďalšia stránka'
1567 },
1568 MuiRating: {
1569 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1570 if (value === 1) {
1571 return "".concat(value, " hviezdi\u010Dka");
1572 }
1574 if (value >= 2 && value <= 4) {
1575 return "".concat(value, " hviezdi\u010Dky");
1576 }
1578 return "".concat(value, " hviezdi\u010Diek");
1579 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
1581 },
1582 MuiAutocomplete: {
1583 clearText: 'Vymazať',
1584 closeText: 'Zavrieť',
1585 loadingText: 'Načítanie…',
1586 noOptionsText: 'Žiadne možnosti',
1587 openText: 'Otvoriť'
1588 },
1589 MuiAlert: {
1590 closeText: 'Zavrieť'
1591 } // MuiPagination: {
1592 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1593 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1594 // if (type === 'page') {
1595 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1596 // }
1597 // if (type === 'first') {
1598 // return 'Go to first page';
1599 // }
1600 // if (type === 'last') {
1601 // return 'Go to last page';
1602 // }
1603 // if (type === 'next') {
1604 // return 'Go to next page';
1605 // }
1606 // if (type === 'previous') {
1607 // return 'Go to previous page';
1608 // }
1609 // return undefined;
1610 // },
1611 // },
1613 }
1615exports.skSK = skSK;
1616var svSE = {
1617 props: {
1618 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1619 // expandText: 'Show path',
1620 // },
1621 MuiTablePagination: {
1622 backIconButtonText: 'Föregående sida',
1623 labelRowsPerPage: 'Rader per sida:',
1624 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref27) {
1625 var from = _ref27.from,
1626 to = _ref27.to,
1627 count = _ref27.count;
1628 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " av ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1629 },
1630 nextIconButtonText: 'Nästa sida'
1631 },
1632 MuiRating: {
1633 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1634 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(value !== 1 ? 'Stjärnor' : 'Stjärna');
1635 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
1637 },
1638 MuiAutocomplete: {
1639 clearText: 'Rensa',
1640 closeText: 'Stäng',
1641 loadingText: 'Laddar…',
1642 noOptionsText: 'Inga alternativ',
1643 openText: 'Öppen'
1644 },
1645 MuiAlert: {
1646 closeText: 'Stäng'
1647 } // MuiPagination: {
1648 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1649 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1650 // if (type === 'page') {
1651 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1652 // }
1653 // if (type === 'first') {
1654 // return 'Go to first page';
1655 // }
1656 // if (type === 'last') {
1657 // return 'Go to last page';
1658 // }
1659 // if (type === 'next') {
1660 // return 'Go to next page';
1661 // }
1662 // if (type === 'previous') {
1663 // return 'Go to previous page';
1664 // }
1665 // return undefined;
1666 // },
1667 // },
1669 }
1671exports.svSE = svSE;
1672var trTR = {
1673 props: {
1674 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1675 expandText: 'Yolu göster'
1676 },
1677 MuiTablePagination: {
1678 backIconButtonText: 'Önceki sayfa',
1679 labelRowsPerPage: 'Sayfa başına satır:',
1680 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref28) {
1681 var from = _ref28.from,
1682 to = _ref28.to,
1683 count = _ref28.count;
1684 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " tanesinden ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "more than ".concat(to));
1685 },
1686 nextIconButtonText: 'Sonraki sayfa'
1687 },
1688 MuiRating: {
1689 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1690 return "".concat(value, " Y\u0131ld\u0131z");
1691 },
1692 emptyLabelText: 'Boş'
1693 },
1694 MuiAutocomplete: {
1695 clearText: 'Temizle',
1696 closeText: 'Kapat',
1697 loadingText: 'Yükleniyor…',
1698 noOptionsText: 'Seçenek yok',
1699 openText: 'Aç'
1700 },
1701 MuiAlert: {
1702 closeText: 'Kapat'
1703 },
1704 MuiPagination: {
1705 'aria-label': 'Sayfa navigasyonu',
1706 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
1707 if (type === 'page') {
1708 return "".concat(page, ". ").concat(selected ? 'sayfa' : 'sayfaya git');
1709 }
1711 if (type === 'first') {
1712 return 'İlk sayfaya git';
1713 }
1715 if (type === 'last') {
1716 return 'Son sayfaya git';
1717 }
1719 if (type === 'next') {
1720 return 'Sonraki sayfaya git';
1721 }
1723 if (type === 'previous') {
1724 return 'Önceki sayfaya git';
1725 }
1727 return undefined;
1728 }
1729 }
1730 }
1732exports.trTR = trTR;
1733var ukUA = {
1734 props: {
1735 MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1736 expandText: 'Показати шлях сторінок'
1737 },
1738 MuiTablePagination: {
1739 backIconButtonText: 'Попередня сторінка',
1740 labelRowsPerPage: 'Рядків на сторінці:',
1741 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref29) {
1742 var from = _ref29.from,
1743 to = _ref29.to,
1744 count = _ref29.count;
1745 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " \u0437 ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0430\u0434 ".concat(to));
1746 },
1747 nextIconButtonText: 'Наступна сторінка'
1748 },
1749 MuiRating: {
1750 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1751 var pluralForm = 'Зірок';
1752 var lastDigit = value % 10;
1754 if (lastDigit > 1 && lastDigit < 5) {
1755 pluralForm = 'Зірки';
1756 } else if (lastDigit === 1) {
1757 pluralForm = 'Зірка';
1758 }
1760 return "".concat(value, " ").concat(pluralForm);
1761 },
1762 emptyLabelText: 'Рейтинг відсутній'
1763 },
1764 MuiAutocomplete: {
1765 clearText: 'Очистити',
1766 closeText: 'Згорнути',
1767 loadingText: 'Завантаження…',
1768 noOptionsText: 'Немає варіантів',
1769 openText: 'Розгорнути'
1770 },
1771 MuiAlert: {
1772 closeText: 'Згорнути'
1773 },
1774 MuiPagination: {
1775 'aria-label': 'Навігація сторінками',
1776 getItemAriaLabel: function getItemAriaLabel(type, page, selected) {
1777 if (type === 'page') {
1778 return "".concat(selected ? '' : 'Перейти на ', "\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0456\u043D\u043A\u0443 ").concat(page);
1779 }
1781 if (type === 'first') {
1782 return 'Перейти на першу сторінку';
1783 }
1785 if (type === 'last') {
1786 return 'Перейти на останню сторінку';
1787 }
1789 if (type === 'next') {
1790 return 'Перейти на наступну сторінку';
1791 }
1793 if (type === 'previous') {
1794 return 'Перейти на попередню сторінку';
1795 }
1797 return undefined;
1798 }
1799 }
1800 }
1802exports.ukUA = ukUA;
1803var viVN = {
1804 props: {
1805 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1806 // expandText: 'Show path',
1807 // },
1808 MuiTablePagination: {
1809 backIconButtonText: 'Trang trước',
1810 labelRowsPerPage: 'Số hàng mỗi trang:',
1811 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref30) {
1812 var from = _ref30.from,
1813 to = _ref30.to,
1814 count = _ref30.count;
1815 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " trong ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "nhi\u1EC1u h\u01A1n ".concat(to));
1816 },
1817 nextIconButtonText: 'Trang sau'
1818 },
1819 MuiRating: {
1820 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1821 return "".concat(value, " sao");
1822 },
1823 emptyLabelText: 'Trống'
1824 },
1825 MuiAutocomplete: {
1826 clearText: 'Xóa',
1827 closeText: 'Đóng',
1828 loadingText: 'Đang tải…',
1829 noOptionsText: 'Không có lựa chọn',
1830 openText: 'Mở'
1831 },
1832 MuiAlert: {
1833 closeText: 'Đóng'
1834 } // MuiPagination: {
1835 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1836 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1837 // if (type === 'page') {
1838 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1839 // }
1840 // if (type === 'first') {
1841 // return 'Go to first page';
1842 // }
1843 // if (type === 'last') {
1844 // return 'Go to last page';
1845 // }
1846 // if (type === 'next') {
1847 // return 'Go to next page';
1848 // }
1849 // if (type === 'previous') {
1850 // return 'Go to previous page';
1851 // }
1852 // return undefined;
1853 // },
1854 // },
1856 }
1858exports.viVN = viVN;
1859var zhCN = {
1860 props: {
1861 // MuiBreadcrumbs: {
1862 // expandText: 'Show path',
1863 // },
1864 MuiTablePagination: {
1865 backIconButtonText: '上一页',
1866 labelRowsPerPage: '每页行数:',
1867 labelDisplayedRows: function labelDisplayedRows(_ref31) {
1868 var from = _ref31.from,
1869 to = _ref31.to,
1870 count = _ref31.count;
1871 return "".concat(from, "-").concat(to, " \u7684 ").concat(count !== -1 ? count : "\u8D85\u8FC7 ".concat(to));
1872 },
1873 nextIconButtonText: '下一页'
1874 },
1875 MuiRating: {
1876 getLabelText: function getLabelText(value) {
1877 return "".concat(value, " \u661F").concat(value !== 1 ? '星' : '');
1878 } // emptyLabelText: 'Empty',
1880 },
1881 MuiAutocomplete: {
1882 clearText: '明确',
1883 closeText: '关',
1884 loadingText: '载入中…',
1885 noOptionsText: '没有选择',
1886 openText: '打开'
1887 },
1888 MuiAlert: {
1889 closeText: '关'
1890 } // MuiPagination: {
1891 // 'aria-label': 'Pagination navigation',
1892 // getItemAriaLabel: (type, page, selected) => {
1893 // if (type === 'page') {
1894 // return `${selected ? '' : 'Go to '}page ${page}`;
1895 // }
1896 // if (type === 'first') {
1897 // return 'Go to first page';
1898 // }
1899 // if (type === 'last') {
1900 // return 'Go to last page';
1901 // }
1902 // if (type === 'next') {
1903 // return 'Go to next page';
1904 // }
1905 // if (type === 'previous') {
1906 // return 'Go to previous page';
1907 // }
1908 // return undefined;
1909 // },
1910 // },
1912 }
1914exports.zhCN = zhCN;
\No newline at end of file