1 | import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
2 | import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose";
3 | import * as React from 'react';
4 | import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
5 | import clsx from 'clsx';
6 | import { chainPropTypes } from '@material-ui/utils';
7 | import { useTheme, withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
8 | import { capitalize, useForkRef, useIsFocusVisible, useControlled, unstable_useId as useId } from '@material-ui/core/utils';
9 | import Star from '../internal/svg-icons/Star';
10 |
11 | function clamp(value, min, max) {
12 | if (value < min) {
13 | return min;
14 | }
15 |
16 | if (value > max) {
17 | return max;
18 | }
19 |
20 | return value;
21 | }
22 |
23 | function getDecimalPrecision(num) {
24 | const decimalPart = num.toString().split('.')[1];
25 | return decimalPart ? decimalPart.length : 0;
26 | }
27 |
28 | function roundValueToPrecision(value, precision) {
29 | if (value == null) {
30 | return value;
31 | }
32 |
33 | const nearest = Math.round(value / precision) * precision;
34 | return Number(nearest.toFixed(getDecimalPrecision(precision)));
35 | }
36 |
37 | export const styles = theme => ({
38 |
39 | root: {
40 | display: 'inline-flex',
41 | position: 'relative',
42 | fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
43 | color: '#ffb400',
44 | cursor: 'pointer',
45 | textAlign: 'left',
46 | WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent',
47 | '&$disabled': {
48 | opacity: 0.5,
49 | pointerEvents: 'none'
50 | },
51 | '&$focusVisible $iconActive': {
52 | outline: '1px solid #999'
53 | }
54 | },
55 |
56 |
57 | sizeSmall: {
58 | fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(18)
59 | },
60 |
61 |
62 | sizeLarge: {
63 | fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(30)
64 | },
65 |
66 |
67 | readOnly: {
68 | pointerEvents: 'none'
69 | },
70 |
71 |
72 | disabled: {},
73 |
74 |
75 | focusVisible: {},
76 |
77 |
78 | visuallyhidden: {
79 | border: 0,
80 | clip: 'rect(0 0 0 0)',
81 | height: 1,
82 | margin: -1,
83 | color: '#000',
84 | overflow: 'hidden',
85 | padding: 0,
86 | position: 'absolute',
87 | top: 20,
88 | width: 1
89 | },
90 |
91 |
92 | pristine: {
93 | 'input:focus + &': {
94 | top: 0,
95 | bottom: 0,
96 | position: 'absolute',
97 | outline: '1px solid #999',
98 | width: '100%'
99 | }
100 | },
101 |
102 |
103 | label: {
104 | cursor: 'inherit'
105 | },
106 |
107 |
108 | icon: {
109 | display: 'flex',
110 | transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
111 | duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest
112 | }),
113 |
114 |
115 | pointerEvents: 'none'
116 | },
117 |
118 |
119 | iconEmpty: {
120 | color: theme.palette.action.disabled
121 | },
122 |
123 |
124 | iconFilled: {},
125 |
126 |
127 | iconHover: {},
128 |
129 |
130 | iconFocus: {},
131 |
132 |
133 | iconActive: {
134 | transform: 'scale(1.2)'
135 | },
136 |
137 |
138 | decimal: {
139 | position: 'relative'
140 | }
141 | });
142 |
143 | function IconContainer(props) {
144 | const other = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, ["value"]);
145 |
146 | return React.createElement("span", other);
147 | }
148 |
149 | process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? IconContainer.propTypes = {
150 | value: PropTypes.number.isRequired
151 | } : void 0;
152 | const defaultIcon = React.createElement(Star, {
153 | fontSize: "inherit"
154 | });
155 |
156 | function defaultLabelText(value) {
157 | return `${value} Star${value !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`;
158 | }
159 |
160 | const Rating = React.forwardRef(function Rating(props, ref) {
161 | const {
162 | classes,
163 | className,
164 | defaultValue = null,
165 | disabled = false,
166 | emptyIcon,
167 | emptyLabelText = 'Empty',
168 | getLabelText = defaultLabelText,
169 | icon = defaultIcon,
170 | IconContainerComponent = IconContainer,
171 | max = 5,
172 | name: nameProp,
173 | onChange,
174 | onChangeActive,
175 | onMouseLeave,
176 | onMouseMove,
177 | precision = 1,
178 | readOnly = false,
179 | size = 'medium',
180 | value: valueProp
181 | } = props,
182 | other = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, ["classes", "className", "defaultValue", "disabled", "emptyIcon", "emptyLabelText", "getLabelText", "icon", "IconContainerComponent", "max", "name", "onChange", "onChangeActive", "onMouseLeave", "onMouseMove", "precision", "readOnly", "size", "value"]);
183 |
184 | const name = useId(nameProp);
185 | const [valueDerived, setValueState] = useControlled({
186 | controlled: valueProp,
187 | default: defaultValue,
188 | name: 'Rating'
189 | });
190 | const valueRounded = roundValueToPrecision(valueDerived, precision);
191 | const theme = useTheme();
192 | const [{
193 | hover,
194 | focus
195 | }, setState] = React.useState({
196 | hover: -1,
197 | focus: -1
198 | });
199 | let value = valueRounded;
200 |
201 | if (hover !== -1) {
202 | value = hover;
203 | }
204 |
205 | if (focus !== -1) {
206 | value = focus;
207 | }
208 |
209 | const {
210 | isFocusVisible,
211 | onBlurVisible,
212 | ref: focusVisibleRef
213 | } = useIsFocusVisible();
214 | const [focusVisible, setFocusVisible] = React.useState(false);
215 | const rootRef = React.useRef();
216 | const handleFocusRef = useForkRef(focusVisibleRef, rootRef);
217 | const handleRef = useForkRef(handleFocusRef, ref);
218 |
219 | const handleMouseMove = event => {
220 | if (onMouseMove) {
221 | onMouseMove(event);
222 | }
223 |
224 | const rootNode = rootRef.current;
225 | const {
226 | right,
227 | left
228 | } = rootNode.getBoundingClientRect();
229 | const {
230 | width
231 | } = rootNode.firstChild.getBoundingClientRect();
232 | let percent;
233 |
234 | if (theme.direction === 'rtl') {
235 | percent = (right - event.clientX) / (width * max);
236 | } else {
237 | percent = (event.clientX - left) / (width * max);
238 | }
239 |
240 | let newHover = roundValueToPrecision(max * percent + precision / 2, precision);
241 | newHover = clamp(newHover, precision, max);
242 | setState(prev => prev.hover === newHover && prev.focus === newHover ? prev : {
243 | hover: newHover,
244 | focus: newHover
245 | });
246 | setFocusVisible(false);
247 |
248 | if (onChangeActive && hover !== newHover) {
249 | onChangeActive(event, newHover);
250 | }
251 | };
252 |
253 | const handleMouseLeave = event => {
254 | if (onMouseLeave) {
255 | onMouseLeave(event);
256 | }
257 |
258 | const newHover = -1;
259 | setState({
260 | hover: newHover,
261 | focus: newHover
262 | });
263 |
264 | if (onChangeActive && hover !== newHover) {
265 | onChangeActive(event, newHover);
266 | }
267 | };
268 |
269 | const handleChange = event => {
270 | const newValue = parseFloat(event.target.value);
271 | setValueState(newValue);
272 |
273 | if (onChange) {
274 | onChange(event, newValue);
275 | }
276 | };
277 |
278 | const handleClear = event => {
279 |
280 |
281 | if (event.clientX === 0 && event.clientY === 0) {
282 | return;
283 | }
284 |
285 | setState({
286 | hover: -1,
287 | focus: -1
288 | });
289 | setValueState(null);
290 |
291 | if (onChange && parseFloat(event.target.value) === valueRounded) {
292 | onChange(event, null);
293 | }
294 | };
295 |
296 | const handleFocus = event => {
297 | if (isFocusVisible(event)) {
298 | setFocusVisible(true);
299 | }
300 |
301 | const newFocus = parseFloat(event.target.value);
302 | setState(prev => ({
303 | hover: prev.hover,
304 | focus: newFocus
305 | }));
306 |
307 | if (onChangeActive && focus !== newFocus) {
308 | onChangeActive(event, newFocus);
309 | }
310 | };
311 |
312 | const handleBlur = event => {
313 | if (hover !== -1) {
314 | return;
315 | }
316 |
317 | if (focusVisible !== false) {
318 | setFocusVisible(false);
319 | onBlurVisible();
320 | }
321 |
322 | const newFocus = -1;
323 | setState(prev => ({
324 | hover: prev.hover,
325 | focus: newFocus
326 | }));
327 |
328 | if (onChangeActive && focus !== newFocus) {
329 | onChangeActive(event, newFocus);
330 | }
331 | };
332 |
333 | const item = (state, labelProps) => {
334 | const id = `${name}-${String(state.value).replace('.', '-')}`;
335 | const container = React.createElement(IconContainerComponent, {
336 | value: state.value,
337 | className: clsx(classes.icon, state.filled ? classes.iconFilled : classes.iconEmpty, state.hover && classes.iconHover, state.focus && classes.iconFocus, state.active && classes.iconActive)
338 | }, emptyIcon && !state.filled ? emptyIcon : icon);
339 |
340 | if (readOnly) {
341 | return React.createElement("span", _extends({
342 | key: state.value
343 | }, labelProps), container);
344 | }
345 |
346 | return React.createElement(React.Fragment, {
347 | key: state.value
348 | }, React.createElement("label", _extends({
349 | className: classes.label,
350 | htmlFor: id
351 | }, labelProps), container, React.createElement("span", {
352 | className: classes.visuallyhidden
353 | }, getLabelText(state.value))), React.createElement("input", {
354 | onFocus: handleFocus,
355 | onBlur: handleBlur,
356 | onChange: handleChange,
357 | onClick: handleClear,
358 | disabled: disabled,
359 | value: state.value,
360 | id: id,
361 | type: "radio",
362 | name: name,
363 | checked: state.checked,
364 | className: classes.visuallyhidden
365 | }));
366 | };
367 |
368 | return React.createElement("span", _extends({
369 | ref: handleRef,
370 | onMouseMove: handleMouseMove,
371 | onMouseLeave: handleMouseLeave,
372 | className: clsx(classes.root, className, size !== 'medium' && classes[`size${capitalize(size)}`], disabled && classes.disabled, focusVisible && classes.focusVisible, readOnly && classes.readOnly),
373 | role: readOnly ? 'img' : null,
374 | "aria-label": readOnly ? getLabelText(value) : null
375 | }, other), Array.from(new Array(max)).map((_, index) => {
376 | const itemValue = index + 1;
377 |
378 | if (precision < 1) {
379 | const items = Array.from(new Array(1 / precision));
380 | return React.createElement("span", {
381 | key: itemValue,
382 | className: clsx(classes.decimal, itemValue === Math.ceil(value) && (hover !== -1 || focus !== -1) && classes.iconActive)
383 | }, items.map(($, indexDecimal) => {
384 | const itemDecimalValue = roundValueToPrecision(itemValue - 1 + (indexDecimal + 1) * precision, precision);
385 | return item({
386 | value: itemDecimalValue,
387 | filled: itemDecimalValue <= value,
388 | hover: itemDecimalValue <= hover,
389 | focus: itemDecimalValue <= focus,
390 | checked: itemDecimalValue === valueRounded
391 | }, {
392 | style: items.length - 1 === indexDecimal ? {} : {
393 | width: itemDecimalValue === value ? `${(indexDecimal + 1) * precision * 100}%` : '0%',
394 | overflow: 'hidden',
395 | zIndex: 1,
396 | position: 'absolute'
397 | }
398 | });
399 | }));
400 | }
401 |
402 | return item({
403 | value: itemValue,
404 | active: itemValue === value && (hover !== -1 || focus !== -1),
405 | filled: itemValue <= value,
406 | hover: itemValue <= hover,
407 | focus: itemValue <= focus,
408 | checked: itemValue === valueRounded
409 | });
410 | }), !readOnly && !disabled && valueRounded == null && React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, React.createElement("input", {
411 | value: "",
412 | id: `${name}-empty`,
413 | type: "radio",
414 | name: name,
415 | defaultChecked: true,
416 | className: classes.visuallyhidden
417 | }), React.createElement("label", {
418 | className: classes.pristine,
419 | htmlFor: `${name}-empty`
420 | }, React.createElement("span", {
421 | className: classes.visuallyhidden
422 | }, emptyLabelText))));
423 | });
424 | process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Rating.propTypes = {
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 | |
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 | classes: PropTypes.object,
435 |
436 | |
437 |
438 |
439 | className: PropTypes.string,
440 |
441 | |
442 |
443 |
444 | defaultValue: PropTypes.number,
445 |
446 | |
447 |
448 |
449 | disabled: PropTypes.bool,
450 |
451 | |
452 |
453 |
454 | emptyIcon: PropTypes.node,
455 |
456 | |
457 |
458 |
459 | emptyLabelText: PropTypes.node,
460 |
461 | |
462 |
463 |
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 | getLabelText: PropTypes.func,
470 |
471 | |
472 |
473 |
474 | icon: PropTypes.node,
475 |
476 | |
477 |
478 |
479 | IconContainerComponent: PropTypes.elementType,
480 |
481 | |
482 |
483 |
484 | max: PropTypes.number,
485 |
486 | |
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 | name: chainPropTypes(PropTypes.string, props => {
492 | if (!props.readOnly && !props.name) {
493 | return new Error(['Material-UI: The prop `name` is required (when `readOnly` is false).', 'Additionally, the input name should be unique within the parent form.'].join('\n'));
494 | }
495 |
496 | return null;
497 | }),
498 |
499 | |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 | onChange: PropTypes.func,
506 |
507 | |
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 | onChangeActive: PropTypes.func,
514 |
515 | |
516 |
517 |
518 | onMouseLeave: PropTypes.func,
519 |
520 | |
521 |
522 |
523 | onMouseMove: PropTypes.func,
524 |
525 | |
526 |
527 |
528 | precision: chainPropTypes(PropTypes.number, props => {
529 | if (props.precision < 0.1) {
530 | return new Error(['Material-UI: The prop `precision` should be above 0.1.', 'A value below this limit has an imperceptible impact.'].join('\n'));
531 | }
532 |
533 | return null;
534 | }),
535 |
536 | |
537 |
538 |
539 | readOnly: PropTypes.bool,
540 |
541 | |
542 |
543 |
544 | size: PropTypes.oneOf(['large', 'medium', 'small']),
545 |
546 | |
547 |
548 |
549 | value: PropTypes.number
550 | } : void 0;
551 | export default withStyles(styles, {
552 | name: 'MuiRating'
553 | })(Rating); |
\ | No newline at end of file |