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23 | export declare class MDCFoundation<AdapterType extends {} = {}> {
24 | protected adapter: AdapterType;
25 | static get cssClasses(): {
26 | [key: string]: string;
27 | };
28 | static get strings(): {
29 | [key: string]: string;
30 | };
31 | static get numbers(): {
32 | [key: string]: number;
33 | };
34 | static get defaultAdapter(): {};
35 | constructor(adapter?: AdapterType);
36 | init(): void;
37 | destroy(): void;
38 | }
39 | /**
40 | * The constructor for MDCFoundation.
41 | */
42 | export interface MDCFoundationConstructor<AdapterType extends object = any> {
43 | new (adapter: AdapterType): MDCFoundation<AdapterType>;
44 | readonly prototype: MDCFoundation<AdapterType>;
45 | }
46 | /**
47 | * The deprecated constructor for MDCFoundation.
48 | */
49 | export interface MDCFoundationDeprecatedConstructor<AdapterType extends object = any> {
50 | readonly cssClasses: Record<string, string>;
51 | readonly strings: Record<string, string>;
52 | readonly numbers: Record<string, number>;
53 | readonly defaultAdapter: AdapterType;
54 | new (adapter?: Partial<AdapterType>): MDCFoundation<AdapterType>;
55 | readonly prototype: MDCFoundation<AdapterType>;
56 | }
57 | /**
58 | * Retrieves the AdapaterType from the provided MDCFoundation generic type.
59 | */
60 | export declare type MDCFoundationAdapter<T> = T extends MDCFoundation<infer A> ? A : never;
61 | export default MDCFoundation;