1 |
2 | title: "Chips (deprecated)"
3 | layout: detail
4 | section: components
5 | excerpt: "Chips are compact elements that represent an attribute, text, entity, or action."
6 | iconId: chip
7 | path: /catalog/chips/deprecated/
8 | -->
9 |
10 | # Chips (deprecated)
11 |
12 | Chips are compact elements that allow users to enter information, select a choice, filter content, or trigger an action.
13 |
14 | ## Design & API Documentation
15 |
16 | <ul class="icon-list">
17 | <li class="icon-list-item icon-list-item--spec">
18 | <a href="https://material.io/go/design-chips">Material Design guidelines: Chips</a>
19 | </li>
20 | <li class="icon-list-item icon-list-item--link">
21 | <a href="https://material-components.github.io/material-components-web-catalog/#/component/chips">Demo</a>
22 | </li>
23 | </ul>
24 |
25 | ## Installation
26 |
27 | ```
28 | npm install @material/chips
29 | ```
30 |
31 | ## Basic Usage
32 |
33 | ### HTML Structure
34 |
35 | >**Note**: Due to IE11 and Edge's lack of support for the `:focus-within` selector, keyboard navigation of the chip set will not be visually obvious.
36 |
37 | ```html
38 | <div class="mdc-chip-set" role="grid">
39 | <div class="mdc-chip" role="row">
40 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
41 | <span role="gridcell">
42 | <span role="button" tabindex="0" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
43 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Chip One</span>
44 | </span>
45 | </span>
46 | </div>
47 | <div class="mdc-chip" role="row">
48 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
49 | <span role="gridcell">
50 | <span role="button" tabindex="-1" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
51 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Chip Two</span>
52 | </span>
53 | </span>
54 | </div>
55 | ...
56 | </div>
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ### Styles
60 |
61 | ```scss
62 | @use "@material/chips/deprecated/mdc-chips";
63 | ```
64 |
65 | ### JavaScript Instantiation
66 |
67 | ```js
68 | import {MDCChipSet} from '@material/chips/deprecated';
69 | const chipSetEl = document.querySelector('.mdc-chip-set');
70 | const chipSet = new MDCChipSet(chipSetEl);
71 | ```
72 |
73 | > See [Importing the JS component](../../../docs/importing-js.md) for more information on how to import JavaScript.
74 |
75 | ## Variants
76 |
77 | ### Leading and Trailing Icons
78 |
79 | You can optionally add a leading icon (i.e. thumbnail) and/or a trailing "remove" icon to a chip. To add an icon, add an `i` element with your preferred icon, give it a class of `mdc-chip__icon`, and a class of either `mdc-chip__icon--leading` or `mdc-chip__icon--trailing`.
80 |
81 | We recommend using [Material Icons](https://material.io/tools/icons/) from Google Fonts:
82 |
83 | ```html
84 | <head>
85 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons">
86 | </head>
87 | ```
88 |
89 | However, you can also use SVG, [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/), or any other icon library you wish.
90 |
91 | #### Leading icon
92 |
93 | ```html
94 | <div class="mdc-chip" role="row">
95 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
96 | <i class="material-icons mdc-chip__icon mdc-chip__icon--leading">event</i>
97 | <span role="gridcell">
98 | <span role="button" tabindex="0" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
99 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Add to calendar</span>
100 | </span>
101 | </span>
102 | </div>
103 | ```
104 |
105 | #### Trailing icon
106 |
107 | A trailing icon comes with the functionality to remove the chip from the set. If you're adding a trailing icon, also set `tabindex="0"` and `role="button"` to make it accessible by keyboard and screenreader. Trailing icons should only be added to [input chips](#input-chips).
108 |
109 | ```html
110 | <div class="mdc-chip" role="row">
111 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
112 | <span role="gridcell">
113 | <span role="button" tabindex="0" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
114 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Jane Smith</span>
115 | </span>
116 | </span>
117 | <span role="gridcell">
118 | <i class="material-icons mdc-chip__icon mdc-chip__icon--trailing" tabindex="-1" role="button">cancel</i>
119 | </span>
120 | </div>
121 | ```
122 |
123 | ### Choice Chips
124 |
125 | Choice chips are a variant of chips which allow single selection from a set of options. To define a set of chips as choice chips, add the class `mdc-chip-set--choice` to the chip set element.
126 |
127 | ```html
128 | <div class="mdc-chip-set mdc-chip-set--choice" role="grid">
129 | ...
130 | </div>
131 | ```
132 |
133 | ### Filter Chips
134 |
135 | Filter chips are a variant of chips which allow multiple selection from a set of options. To define a set of chips as filter chips, add the class `mdc-chip-set--filter` to the chip set element. When a filter chip is selected, a checkmark appears as the leading icon. If the chip already has a leading icon, the checkmark replaces it. This requires the HTML structure of a filter chip to differ from other chips:
136 |
137 | ```html
138 | <div class="mdc-chip-set mdc-chip-set--filter" role="grid">
139 | <div class="mdc-chip" role="row">
140 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
141 | <span class="mdc-chip__checkmark" >
142 | <svg class="mdc-chip__checkmark-svg" viewBox="-2 -3 30 30">
143 | <path class="mdc-chip__checkmark-path" fill="none" stroke="black"
144 | d="M1.73,12.91 8.1,19.28 22.79,4.59"/>
145 | </svg>
146 | </span>
147 | <span role="gridcell">
148 | <span role="checkbox" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
149 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Filterable content</span>
150 | </span>
151 | </span>
152 | </div>
153 | ...
154 | </div>
155 | ```
156 |
157 | To use a leading icon in a filter chip, put the `mdc-chip__icon--leading` element _before_ the `mdc-chip__checkmark` element:
158 |
159 | ```html
160 | <div class="mdc-chip-set mdc-chip-set--filter" role="grid">
161 | <div class="mdc-chip" role="row">
162 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
163 | <i class="material-icons mdc-chip__icon mdc-chip__icon--leading">face</i>
164 | <span class="mdc-chip__checkmark" >
165 | <svg class="mdc-chip__checkmark-svg" viewBox="-2 -3 30 30">
166 | <path class="mdc-chip__checkmark-path" fill="none" stroke="black"
167 | d="M1.73,12.91 8.1,19.28 22.79,4.59"/>
168 | </svg>
169 | </span>
170 | <span role="gridcell">
171 | <span role="checkbox" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
172 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Filterable content</span>
173 | </span>
174 | </span>
175 | </div>
176 | ...
177 | </div>
178 | ```
179 |
180 | ### Input Chips
181 |
182 | Input chips are a variant of chips which enable user input by converting text into chips. To define a set of chips as input chips, add the class `mdc-chip-set--input` to the chip set element.
183 |
184 | ```html
185 | <div class="mdc-chip-set mdc-chip-set--input" role="grid">
186 | ...
187 | </div>
188 | ```
189 |
190 | #### Adding Chips to the DOM
191 |
192 | The MDC Chips package does not handle the process of converting text into chips, in order to remain framework-agnostic. The `MDCChipSet` component exposes an `addChip` method, which accepts an element which is expected to already be inserted within the Chip Set element after any existing chips. The `MDCChipSet` component will then handle creating and tracking a `MDCChip` component instance.
193 |
194 | For example:
195 |
196 | ```js
197 | input.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
198 | if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.keyCode === 13) {
199 | const chipEl = document.createElement('div');
200 | // ... perform operations to properly populate/decorate chip element ...
201 | chipSetEl.appendChild(chipEl);
202 | chipSet.addChip(chipEl);
203 | }
204 | });
205 | ```
206 |
207 | > _NOTE_: `MDCChipSet` will generate a unique ID to apply to each added chip's element if it does not already have an ID
208 | > when it is passed to `addChip`. This is used to distinguish chips during user interactions.
209 |
210 | #### Removing Chips from the DOM
211 |
212 | By default, input chips are removed in response to clicking the trailing remove icon in the chip. Removal can also be triggered by calling `MDCChip`'s `beginExit()` method.
213 |
214 | Individual `MDCChip` instances will emit a `MDCChip:removal` event once the exit transition ends. `MDCChipSet` will handle destroying the `MDCChip` instance in response to `MDCChip:removal`, but it must be removed from the DOM manually. You can listen for `MDCChip:removal` from the parent Chip Set or any ancestor, since the event bubbles:
215 |
216 | ```js
217 | chipSet.listen('MDCChip:removal', function(event) {
218 | chipSetEl.removeChild(event.detail.root);
219 | });
220 | ```
221 |
222 | ### Pre-selected
223 |
224 | To display a pre-selected filter or choice chip, add the class `mdc-chip--selected` to the root chip element.
225 |
226 | ```html
227 | <div class="mdc-chip-set mdc-chip-set--choice" role="grid">
228 | <div class="mdc-chip mdc-chip--selected" role="row">
229 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
230 | <span role="gridcell">
231 | <span role="radio" tabindex="0" aria-checked="true" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
232 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Add to calendar</span>
233 | </span>
234 | </span>
235 | </div>
236 | </div>
237 | ```
238 |
239 | To pre-select filter chips that have a leading icon, also add the class `mdc-chip__icon--leading-hidden` to the `mdc-chip__icon--leading` element. This will ensure that the checkmark displaces the leading icon.
240 |
241 | ```html
242 | <div class="mdc-chip-set mdc-chip-set--filter" role="grid">
243 | <div class="mdc-chip mdc-chip--selected" role="row">
244 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
245 | <i class="material-icons mdc-chip__icon mdc-chip__icon--leading mdc-chip__icon--leading-hidden">face</i>
246 | <span class="mdc-chip__checkmark">
247 | <svg class="mdc-chip__checkmark-svg" viewBox="-2 -3 30 30">
248 | <path class="mdc-chip__checkmark-path" fill="none" stroke="black"
249 | d="M1.73,12.91 8.1,19.28 22.79,4.59"/>
250 | </svg>
251 | </span>
252 | <span role="gridcell">
253 | <span role="checkbox" tabindex="0" aria-checked="true" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
254 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Filterable content</span>
255 | </span>
256 | </span>
257 | </div>
258 | </div>
259 | ```
260 |
261 | ## Additional Information
262 |
263 | ### Accessibility
264 |
265 | Material Design spec advises that touch targets should be at least 48 x 48 px.
266 | To meet this requirement, add the following to your chip:
267 |
268 | ```html
269 | <div class="mdc-touch-target-wrapper">
270 | <div class="mdc-chip mdc-chip--touch">
271 | <div class="mdc-chip__ripple"></div>
272 | <span role="gridcell">
273 | <span role="button" tabindex="0" class="mdc-chip__primary-action">
274 | <div class="mdc-chip__touch"></div>
275 | <span class="mdc-chip__text">Chip One</span>
276 | </span>
277 | </span>
278 | </div>
279 | </div>
280 | ```
281 |
282 | Note that the outer `mdc-touch-target-wrapper` element is only necessary if you want to avoid potentially overlapping touch targets on adjacent elements (due to collapsing margins).
283 |
284 | ## Style Customization
285 |
286 | ### CSS Classes
287 |
288 | CSS Class | Description
289 | --- | ---
290 | `mdc-chip-set` | Mandatory. Indicates the set that the chip belongs to.
291 | `mdc-chip-set--input` | Optional. Indicates that the chips in the set are input chips, which enable user input by converting text into chips.
292 | `mdc-chip-set--choice` | Optional. Indicates that the chips in the set are choice chips, which allow a single selection from a set of options.
293 | `mdc-chip-set--filter` | Optional. Indicates that the chips in the set are filter chips, which allow multiple selection from a set of options.
294 | `mdc-chip` | Mandatory.
295 | `mdc-chip__ripple` | Mandatory. Indicates the element which shows the ripple styling.
296 | `mdc-chip--selected` | Optional. Indicates that the chip is selected.
297 | `mdc-chip__text` | Mandatory. Indicates the text content of the chip.
298 | `mdc-chip__icon` | Optional. Indicates an icon in the chip. We recommend using [Material Icons](https://material.io/tools/icons/) from Google Fonts.
299 | `mdc-chip__icon--leading` | Optional. Indicates a leading icon in the chip.
300 | `mdc-chip__icon--leading-hidden` | Optional. Hides the leading icon in a filter chip when the chip is selected.
301 | `mdc-chip__icon--trailing` | Optional. Indicates a trailing icon which removes the chip from the DOM. Only use with input chips.
302 | `mdc-chip__checkmark` | Optional. Indicates the checkmark in a filter chip.
303 | `mdc-chip__checkmark-svg` | Mandatory with the use of `mdc-chip__checkmark`. Indicates the checkmark SVG element in a filter chip.
304 | `mdc-chip__checkmark-path` | Mandatory with the use of `mdc-chip__checkmark`. Indicates the checkmark SVG path in a filter chip.
305 |
306 | > _NOTE_: Every element that has an `mdc-chip__icon` class must also have either the `mdc-chip__icon--leading` or `mdc-chip__icon--trailing` class.
307 |
308 | `mdc-chip__action--primary` | Mandatory. Placed on the `mdc-chip__text` element.
309 | `mdc-chip__action--trailing` | Optinoal. Placed on the `mdc-chip__icon--trailing` when it should be accessible via keyboard navigation.
310 | `mdc-chip--deletable` | Optional. Indicates that the chip should be removable by the delete or backspace key.
311 |
312 | ### Sass Mixins
313 |
314 | Mixin | Description
315 | --- | ---
316 | `set-spacing($gap-size)` | Customizes the amount of space between each chip in the set
317 | `shape-radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive)` | Sets the rounded shape to chip with given radius size. Set `$rtl-reflexive` to true to flip radius values in RTL context, defaults to false.
318 | `fill-color-accessible($color)` | Customizes the background fill color for a chip, and updates the chip's ink, icon and ripple colors to meet accessibility standards
319 | `fill-color($color)` | Customizes the background fill color for a chip
320 | `ink-color($color)` | Customizes the text ink color for a chip, and updates the chip's ripple color to match
321 | `selected-ink-color($color)` | Customizes text ink and ripple color of a chip in the _selected_ state
322 | `outline($width, $style, $color)` | Customizes the outline properties for a chip
323 | `outline-width($width, $horizontal-padding)` | Customizes the outline width for a chip. `$horizontal-padding` is only required in cases where `horizontal-padding` is also included with a custom value
324 | `outline-style($style)` | Customizes the outline style for a chip
325 | `outline-color($color)` | Customizes the outline color for a chip
326 | `height($height)` | Customizes the height for a chip
327 | `horizontal-padding($padding)` | Customizes the horizontal padding for a chip
328 | `leading-icon-color($color, $opacity)` | Customizes the color of a leading icon in a chip, optionally customizes opacity
329 | `trailing-icon-color($color, $opacity, $hover-opacity, $focus-opacity)` | Customizes the color of a trailing icon in a chip, optionally customizes regular/hover/focus opacities
330 | `leading-icon-size($size)` | Customizes the size of a leading icon in a chip
331 | `trailing-icon-size($size)` | Customizes the size of a trailing icon in a chip
332 | `leading-icon-margin($left-margin, $right-margin)` | Customizes the margin of a leading icon in a chip
333 | `trailing-icon-margin($left-margin, $right-margin)` | Customizes the margin of a trailing icon in a chip
334 | `elevation-transition()` | Adds a MDC elevation transition to the chip. This should be used instead of setting transition with `mdc-elevation-transition-value()` directly when a box shadow transition is desired for a chip
335 | `density($density-scale)` | Sets density scale for chip. Supported density scales are `-2`, `-1` and `0` (default).
336 |
337 | > _NOTE_: `mdc-chip-set-spacing` also sets the amount of space between a chip and the edge of the set it's contained in.
338 |
339 | ## `MDCChip` and `MDCChipSet` Properties and Methods
340 |
341 | The MDC Chips package is composed of two JavaScript classes:
342 | * `MDCChip` defines the behavior of a single chip.
343 | * `MDCChipSet` defines the behavior of chips within a specific set. For example, chips in an input chip set behave differently from those in a filter chip set.
344 |
345 | To use the `MDCChip` and `MDCChipSet` classes, [import](../../../docs/importing-js.md) both classes from `@material/chips`.
346 |
347 | ### `MDCChip`
348 |
349 | Method Signature | Description
350 | --- | ---
351 | `beginExit() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `beginExit` method
352 | `focusPrimaryAction() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `focusPrimaryAction` method
353 | `focusTrailingAction() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `focusTrailingAction` method
354 | `removeFocus() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `removeFocus` method
355 | `setSelectedFromChipSet(selected: boolean) => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `setSelectedFromChipset` method (only called from the chip set)
356 |
357 | Property | Value Type | Description
358 | --- | --- | ---
359 | `id` | `string` (read-only) | Unique identifier on the chip\*
360 | `selected` | `boolean` | Proxies to the foundation's `isSelected`/`setSelected` methods
361 | `shouldRemoveOnTrailingIconClick` | `boolean` | Proxies to the foundation's `getShouldRemoveOnTrailingIconClick`/`setShouldRemoveOnTrailingIconClick` methods\*\*
362 | `ripple` | `MDCRipple` (read-only) | The `MDCRipple` instance for the root element that `MDCChip` initializes
363 |
364 | > \*_NOTE_: This will be the same as the `id` attribute on the root element. If an `id` is not provided, a unique one will be generated by `MDCChipSet.addChip()`.
365 |
366 | > \*\*_NOTE_: If `shouldRemoveOnTrailingIconClick` is set to false, you must manually call `beginExit()` on the chip to remove it.
367 |
368 | #### Events
369 |
370 | Event Name | `event.detail` | Description
371 | --- | --- | ---
372 | `MDCChip:interaction` | `{chipId: string}` | Indicates the chip was interacted with (via click/tap or Enter key)
373 | `MDCChip:selection` | `{chipId: string, selected: boolean}` | Indicates the chip's selection state has changed (for choice/filter chips)
374 | `MDCChip:removal` | `{chipId: string, removedAnnouncement: string|null}` | Indicates the chip is ready to be removed from the DOM
375 | `MDCChip:trailingIconInteraction` | `{chipId: string}` | Indicates the chip's trailing icon was interacted with (via click/tap or Enter key)
376 | `MDCChip:navigation` | `{chipId: string, key: string, source: FocusSource}` | Indicates a navigation event has occurred on a chip
377 |
378 | > _NOTE_: All of `MDCChip`'s emitted events bubble up through the DOM.
379 |
380 | ### `MDCChipSet`
381 |
382 | Method Signature | Description
383 | --- | ---
384 | `addChip(chipEl: Element) => void` | Adds a new `MDCChip` instance to the chip set based on the given `mdc-chip` element
385 |
386 | Property | Value Type | Description
387 | --- | --- | ---
388 | `chips` | `ReadonlyArray<MDCChip>` | An array of the `MDCChip` objects that represent chips in the set
389 | `selectedChipIds` | `ReadonlyArray<string>` | An array of the IDs of all selected chips
390 |
391 | ## Usage within Web Frameworks
392 |
393 | If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create Chips for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the _Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components_, or the _Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters_. Please follow the instructions [here](../../../docs/integrating-into-frameworks.md).
394 |
395 | ### Adapters: `MDCChipAdapter` and `MDCChipSetAdapter`
396 |
397 | See [`chip/component.ts`](chip/component.ts) and [`chip-set/component.ts`](chip-set/component.ts) for vanilla DOM implementations of these adapter APIs for reference.
398 |
399 | #### `MDCChipAdapter`
400 |
401 | Method Signature | Description
402 | --- | ---
403 | `addClass(className: string) => void` | Adds a class to the root element
404 | `removeClass(className: string) => void` | Removes a class from the root element
405 | `hasClass(className: string) => boolean` | Returns true if the root element contains the given class
406 | `addClassToLeadingIcon(className: string) => void` | Adds a class to the leading icon element
407 | `removeClassFromLeadingIcon(className: string) => void` | Removes a class from the leading icon element
408 | `eventTargetHasClass(target: EventTarget, className: string) => boolean` | Returns true if target has className, false otherwise
409 | `notifyInteraction() => void` | Notifies the Chip Set that the chip has been interacted with\*
410 | `notifySelection(selected: boolean, chipSetShouldIgnore: boolean) => void` | Notifies the Chip Set that the chip has been selected or deselected\*\*. When `chipSetShouldIgnore` is `true`, the chip set does not process the event.
411 | `notifyTrailingIconInteraction() => void` | Notifies the Chip Set that the chip's trailing icon has been interacted with\*
412 | `notifyRemoval() => void` | Notifies the Chip Set that the chip will be removed\*\*\*
413 | `getComputedStyleValue(propertyName: string) => string` | Returns the computed property value of the given style property on the root element
414 | `setStyleProperty(propertyName: string, value: string) => void` | Sets the property value of the given style property on the root element
415 | `hasLeadingIcon() => boolean` | Returns whether the chip has a leading icon
416 | `getRootBoundingClientRect() => ClientRect` | Returns the bounding client rect of the root element
417 | `getCheckmarkBoundingClientRect() => ClientRect \| null` | Returns the bounding client rect of the checkmark element or null if it doesn't exist
418 | `notifyNavigation(key: string, source: EventSource) => void` | Notifies the Chip Set that a navigation event has occurred
419 | `setPrimaryActionAttr(attr: string, value: string) => void` | Sets an attribute on the primary action element to the given value
420 | `focusPrimaryAction() => void` | Gives focus to the primary action element
421 | `hasTrailingAction() => boolean` | Returns `true` if the chip has a trailing action element
422 | `setTrailingActionAttr(attr: string, value: string) => void` | Sets an attribute on the trailing action element to the given value, if the element exists
423 | `focusTrailingAction() => void` | Gives focus to the trailing action element if present
424 | `getAttribute(attr: string) => string|null` | Returns the string value of the attribute if it exists, otherwise `null`
425 |
426 |
427 | > \*_NOTE_: `notifyInteraction` and `notifyTrailingIconInteraction` must pass along the target chip's ID, and must be observable by the parent `mdc-chip-set` element (e.g. via DOM event bubbling).
428 |
429 | > \*\*_NOTE_: `notifySelection` must pass along the target chip's ID and selected state, and must be observable by the parent `mdc-chip-set` element (e.g. via DOM event bubbling).
430 |
431 | > \*\*\*_NOTE_: `notifyRemoval` must pass along the target chip's ID and its root element, and must be observable by the parent `mdc-chip-set` element (e.g. via DOM event bubbling).
432 |
433 | #### `MDCChipSetAdapter`
434 |
435 | Method Signature | Description
436 | --- | ---
437 | `hasClass(className: string) => boolean` | Returns whether the chip set element has the given class
438 | `removeChipAtIndex(index: number) => void` | Removes the chip with the given `index` from the chip set
439 | `selectChipAtIndex(index: string, selected: boolean, shouldNotifyClients: boolean) => void` | Calls `MDCChip#setSelectedFromChipSet(selected)` on the chip at the given `index`. Will emit a selection event if called with `shouldNotifyClients` set to `true`. The emitted selection event will be ignored by the `MDCChipSetFoundation`.
440 | `getIndexOfChipById(id: string) => number` | Returns the index of the chip with the matching `id` or -1
441 | `focusChipPrimaryActionAtIndex(index: number) => void` | Calls `MDCChip#focusPrimaryAction()` on the chip at the given `index`
442 | `focusChipTrailingActionAtIndex(index: number) => void` | Calls `MDCChip#focusTrailingAction()` on the chip at the given `index`
443 | `isRTL() => boolean` | Returns `true` if the text direction is RTL
444 | `getChipListCount() => number` | Returns the number of chips inside the chip set
445 | `removeFocusFromChipAtIndex(index: number) => void` | Calls `MDCChip#removeFocus()` on the chip at the given `index`
446 | `announceMessage(message: string) => void` | Announces the message via [an `aria-live` region](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Live_Regions)
447 |
448 | ### Foundations: `MDCChipFoundation` and `MDCChipSetFoundation`
449 |
450 | #### `MDCChipFoundation`
451 |
452 | Method Signature | Description
453 | --- | ---
454 | `isSelected() => boolean` | Returns true if the chip is selected
455 | `setSelected(selected: boolean) => void` | Sets the chip's selected state
456 | `setSelectedFromChipSet(selected: boolean, shouldNotifyClients: boolean) => void` | Sets the chip's selected state (called from the chip set) to the `selected` param. Will emit a selection event if called with `shouldNotifyClients` set to `true`. The emitted selection event will be ignored by the `MDCChipSetFoundation`.
457 | `getShouldRemoveOnTrailingIconClick() => boolean` | Returns whether a trailing icon click should trigger exit/removal of the chip
458 | `setShouldRemoveOnTrailingIconClick(shouldRemove: boolean) => void` | Sets whether a trailing icon click should trigger exit/removal of the chip
459 | `getDimensions() => ClientRect` | Returns the dimensions of the chip. This is used for applying ripple to the chip.
460 | `beginExit() => void` | Begins the exit animation which leads to removal of the chip
461 | `handleInteraction(evt: Event) => void` | Handles an interaction event on the root element
462 | `handleTransitionEnd(evt: Event) => void` | Handles a transition end event on the root element
463 | `handleTrailingIconInteraction(evt: Event) => void` | Handles an interaction event on the trailing icon element
464 | `handleKeydown(evt: Event) => void` | Handles a keydown event on the root element
465 | `removeFocus() => void` | Removes focusability from the chip
466 |
467 | #### `MDCChipFoundation` Event Handlers
468 |
469 | When wrapping the Chip foundation, the following events must be bound to the indicated foundation methods:
470 |
471 | Events | Element Selector | Foundation Handler
472 | --- | --- | ---
473 | `click`, `keydown` | `.mdc-chip` (root) | `handleInteraction()`
474 | `click`, `keydown` | `.mdc-chip__icon--trailing` (if present) | `handleTrailingIconInteraction()`
475 | `transitionend` | `.mdc-chip` (root) | `handleTransitionEnd()`
476 | `keydown` | `.mdc-chip` (root) | `handleKeydown()`
477 |
478 | #### `MDCChipSetFoundation`
479 |
480 | Method Signature | Description
481 | --- | ---
482 | `getSelectedChipIds() => ReadonlyArray<string>` | Returns an array of the IDs of all selected chips
483 | `select(chipId: string) => void` | Selects the chip with the given id
484 | `handleChipInteraction(detail: MDCChipInteractionEventDetail) => void` | Handles a custom `MDCChip:interaction` event on the root element
485 | `handleChipSelection(detail: MDCChipSelectionEventDetail) => void` | Handles a custom `MDCChip:selection` event on the root element. When `chipSetShouldIgnore` is true, the chip set does not process the event.
486 | `handleChipRemoval(detail: MDCChipRemovalEventDetail) => void` | Handles a custom `MDCChip:removal` event on the root element
487 | `handleChipNavigation(detail: MDCChipNavigationEventDetail) => void` | Handles a custom `MDCChip:navigation` event on the root element
488 |
489 | #### `MDCChipSetFoundation` Event Handlers
490 |
491 | When wrapping the Chip Set foundation, the following events must be bound to the indicated foundation methods:
492 |
493 | Events | Element Selector | Foundation Handler
494 | --- | --- | ---
495 | `MDCChip:interaction` | `.mdc-chip-set` (root) | `handleChipInteraction`
496 | `MDCChip:selection` | `.mdc-chip-set` (root) | `handleChipSelection`
497 | `MDCChip:removal` | `.mdc-chip-set` (root) | `handleChipRemoval`
498 | `MDCChip:navigation` | `.mdc-chip-set` (root) | `handleChipNavigation`