1 | # Trailing Action (deprecated)
2 |
3 | The trailing action is used in removable input chips. It is a subcomponent of the chips and intended only for use in the context of a chip.
4 |
5 | ## Basic Usage
6 |
7 | ### HTML Structure
8 |
9 | ```html
10 | <button class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action"
11 | aria-label="Remove chip"
12 | tabindex="-1">
13 | <span class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__ripple"></span>
14 | <span class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__icon material-icons">close</span>
15 | </button>
16 | ```
17 |
18 | ### Styles
19 |
20 | ```scss
21 | @use "@material/chips/mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action";
22 | ```
23 |
24 | ## Variants
25 |
26 | ### Non-navigable trailing action
27 |
28 | In some cases, the trailing action should be non-navigable. To accomplish this, swap the `aria-label` for `aria-hidden="true"`.
29 |
30 | ```html
31 | <button class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action"
32 | aria-hidden="true"
33 | tabindex="-1">
34 | <span class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__icon material-icons">close</span>
35 | </button>
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ### Accessibility
39 |
40 | Material Design spec advises that touch targets should be at least 48 x 48 px.
41 | To meet this requirement, add the following to your trailing action:
42 |
43 | ```html
44 | <button class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action"
45 | aria-label="Remove chip"
46 | tabindex="-1">
47 | <span class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__ripple"></span>
48 | <span class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__touch"></span>
49 | <span class="mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__icon material-icons">close</span>
50 | </button>
51 | ```
52 |
53 | ## Style Customization
54 |
55 | ### CSS Classes
56 |
57 | CSS Class | Description
58 | --- | ---
59 | `mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action` | Mandatory.
60 | `mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__icon` | Mandatory. Indicates the chip icon.
61 | `mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__ripple` | Mandatory. Indicates the chip ripple.
62 | `mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action__touch` | Optional. Renders an accessible touch target.
63 |
64 | ### Sass Mixins
65 |
66 | Mixin | Description
67 | --- | ---
68 | `color($color)` | Sets the trailing action color
69 | `size($size)` | Sets the trailing action size
70 | `horizontal-spacing($left, $right)` | Sets the trailing action horizontal spacing
71 | `touch-target-width($width)` | Sets the trailing action touch target width
72 |
73 |
74 | ## `MDCChipTrailingAction` Methods
75 |
76 | Method Signature | Description
77 | --- | ---
78 | `removeFocus() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `removeFocus` method
79 | `focus() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `focus` method
80 | `isNavigable() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `isNavigable` method
81 |
82 | ##### Events
83 |
84 | Event Name | `event.detail` | Description
85 | --- | --- | ---
86 | `MDCChipTrailingAction:interaction` | `{trigger: InteractionTrigger}` | Indicates the trailing action was interacted with via mouse or keyboard
87 | `MDCChipTrailingAction:navigation` | `{key: string}` | Indicates a navigation event has occurred on a trailing action
88 |
89 | > _NOTE_: All of `MDCChipTrailingAction`'s emitted events bubble up through the DOM.
90 |
91 | ## Usage within Web Frameworks
92 |
93 | If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create Chips for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the _Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components_, or the _Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters_. Please follow the instructions [here](../../docs/integrating-into-frameworks.md).
94 |
95 | ### `MDCChipTrailingActionAdapter`
96 |
97 | See [`component.ts`](component.ts) for a vanilla DOM implementations of the adapter API for reference.
98 |
99 | Method Signature | Description
100 | --- | ---
101 | `focus() => void` | Gives focus to the root element
102 | `getAttribute(attr: string) => string|null` | Returns the attribute value, if present
103 | `notifyInteraction(trigger: InteractionTrigger) => void` | Notifies the Chip that the trailing action has been interacted with
104 | `notifyNavigation(key: string) => void` | Notifies the Chip that the trailing action was navigated
105 | `setAttribute(attr: string, value: string) => void` | Sets an attribute on the root to the given value
106 |
107 | ### `MDCChipTrailingActionFoundation`
108 |
109 | Method Signature | Description
110 | --- | ---
111 | `removeFocus() => void` | Removes focus from the trailing action
112 | `focus() => void` | Gives focus to the trailing action
113 | `isNavigable() => boolean` | Returns the navigability of the trailing action
114 | `handleClick(evt: MouseEvent) => void` | Handles a click event on the root element
115 | `handleKeydown(evt: KeyboardEvent) => void` | Handles a keydown event on the root element
116 |
117 | #### `MDCChipTrailingActionFoundation` Event Handlers
118 |
119 | When wrapping the trailing action foundation, the following events must be bound to the indicated foundation methods:
120 |
121 | Events | Element Selector | Foundation Handler
122 | --- | --- | ---
123 | `click` | `.mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action` (root) | `handleClick()`
124 | `keydown` | `.mdc-deprecated-chip-trailing-action` (root) | `handleKeydown()`