91.6 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./packages/mdc-dialog/mdc-dialog.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/theme/_css.scss","webpack:///./packages/mdc-dialog/_mixins.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/ripple/_ripple-theme.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/elevation/_elevation-theme.scss","webpack:///./packages/mdc-dialog/_variables.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/rtl/_rtl.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/dom/_dom.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/typography/_typography.scss"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;AA4DE,uBAGM,kBACA,sBACA,oBCCF,UAYF,gDDFI,sDCVF,sBAYF,0DC1BF,+BAGI,eACA,MACA,OACA,mBACA,uBACA,sBACA,WACA,YAIJ,YAkBI,aDlBA,UAYF,qCCkZF,iCD9ZI,sBAYF,gDCgaF,+BAEI,iCAIJ,uCAEI,iCAYJ,+BAEI,sBAYJ,iCAEI,qBAIJ,+BDpdI,WAYF,wCEQF,6EFpBI,sBAYF,4EEuEA,8GFnFE,aAYF,8CEiHE,sJAiBF,yBF9IE,aAYF,8CEyJA,gEAEI,gCAKF,uEAEI,yBF9KJ,aAYF,8CEgLF,mDAEI,+DDkTJ,uMAKI,6BAIJ,sDAEI,wCACA,gBAIJ,wFErWE,kHA0FW,CF6Ob,iCAEI,4BAiDJ,iCAEI,eGzjBM,CHwkBJ,yBANN,iCAOQ,4BATa,EAaf,yBAXN,iCAYQ,eG7kBE,EH0lBV,iCAeM,4BAjBe,CA1CrB,iCD7gBI,kBAYF,2CCynBA,iDAFF,wDAIM,iBACA,gBAgIN,2ED5vBE,aCgtBF,uEAzFA,wDA0FE,6BAJoB,EAMtB,uEA5FA,wDA6FE,eA7EsB,EAmFxB,wEAnGA,wDAoGE,8BAJqB,EAMvB,wEAtGA,wDAuGE,gBAxFuB,EAFvB,iDAwHF,2ED5vBE,aCupBA,gDAhCF,wDAkCM,gBACA,YACA,iBACA,aD5pBJ,gBCuuBF,2EACE,SDxuBA,WC2uBF,4EACE,mBAEA,2BAEF,2EDhvBE,mCCsqBA,gDA/CF,wDAiDM,gBACA,YACA,iBACA,aD3qBJ,gBCuuBF,2EACE,SDxuBA,WC2uBF,4EACE,mBAEA,2BAEF,2EDhvBE,mCCqrBA,iDA9DF,wDAiEM,8BAoEN,2ED5vBE,aCmBE,yDAEI,UAMR,mBAEI,UACA,WAMJ,uBAEI,aACA,mBACA,mBACA,6BACA,sBACA,YACA,kDACA,UAGA,oBAIJ,qBEuGE,kBAZA,wHFrFE,aACA,sBACA,YACA,cACA,sBACA,eACA,gBACA,oBAEA,gBE2GJ,4CH9KE,uBGoLI,MAEA,OE5LJ,6DJ6EI,iBK3EN,8CLwDA,qBAyBM,8BAIJ,6BKzHA,kBACA,sBACA,WACA,YACA,MACA,OACA,6BACA,sBACA,WACA,oBLqHI,mFALJ,6BAOM,cAMR,mBM0LE,cA+DE,aAEA,mBA7GF,kCACA,mCPzPE,+BAYF,+GAZE,kBAYF,6DAZE,iBAYF,8DAZE,gBAYF,6DAZE,wBAYF,wEAZE,wBAYF,iFAZE,gGAYF,uECuGE,kBACA,cACA,sBACA,eACA,mBM+PJ,2BAyCA,qBACA,QACA,YACA,WAxCI,iBFpXF,yDJqHI,iBAMN,2CAEI,kBAGA,oBAKF,4CAEI,oBACA,mBAEA,oCACA,8BACA,qBAsnBN,+DD5vBE,YC8IA,2CAEI,gBACA,UACA,gBAIJ,kEAEI,gBACA,gBAIJ,2CAEI,QAIJ,oEAQI,iCAKN,qBM4DE,kCACA,mCPzPE,+BAYF,2GAZE,eAYF,sDAZE,mBAYF,4DAZE,gBAYF,yDAZE,yBAYF,qEAZE,wBAYF,6EAZE,4FAYF,mECoLE,YACA,sBACA,SACA,cACA,iCAIF,kCAEI,aAKJ,iCAEI,gBAMN,iFAKI,cAKJ,gEAII,gBACA,mBAKJ,iEAGI,gBAKJ,yFAKI,UAIJ,qBAEI,aACA,kBACA,cACA,eACA,mBACA,yBACA,sBACA,gBACA,SACA,YACA,iCAGF,0CAEI,sBACA,qBAKN,oBDvQE,+BCmRE,eAEA,iBI3RF,2DLMA,+BC4QA,gCD5QA,6BKNA,mFLMA,6BKNA,2DJ+RI,gBAIJ,2DAEI,gBAKN,4DAII,aAKF,wCAEI,gCAIJ,4CAEI,ySAOJ,oFAGI,+BAIJ,4CAGI,sCAMJ,qCAEI,UAIJ,yCAEI,sCACA,UAKF,8EAEI,UACA,UAMJ,+EAEI,+BAMJ,gFAEI,gCAMR,2BAEI,aACA,UACA,kBACA,WACA,YAGF,0LAII,cAQN,wBAEI,gB","file":"mdc.dialog.min.css","sourcesContent":["//\n// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use '@material/theme/custom-properties';\n@use '@material/base/mixins' as base-mixins;\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n@use '@material/theme/theme-color';\n@use './elevation-theme';\n\n@mixin core-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @for $z-value from 0 through 24 {\n .mdc-elevation--z#{$z-value} {\n @include elevation-theme.elevation($z-value, $query: $query);\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-elevation-transition {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: elevation-theme.transition-value();\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n will-change: elevation-theme.$property;\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Called once per application to set up the global default elevation styles.\n///\n@mixin overlay-common($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-elevation-overlay {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include base-mixins.emit-once('mdc-elevation/common/structure') {\n position: absolute;\n border-radius: inherit;\n pointer-events: none;\n\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-elevation-overlay-opacity, 0)\n );\n }\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n @include base-mixins.emit-once('mdc-elevation/common/animation') {\n transition: elevation-theme.overlay-transition-value();\n }\n }\n\n @include base-mixins.emit-once('mdc-elevation/common/color') {\n $fill-color: custom-properties.create(\n --mdc-elevation-overlay-color,\n elevation-theme.$overlay-color\n );\n @include elevation-theme.overlay-fill-color($fill-color, $query: $query);\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2020 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n@use 'sass:list';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use 'sass:meta';\n@use './gss';\n\n/// When true, add an additional property/value declaration before declarations\n/// that use advanced features such as custom properties or CSS functions. This\n/// adds fallback support for older browsers such as IE11 that do not support\n/// these features at the cost of additional CSS. Set this variable to false to\n/// disable generating fallback declarations.\n$enable-fallback-declarations: true !default;\n\n/// Writes a CSS property/value declaration. This mixin is used throughout the\n/// theme package for consistency for dynamically setting CSS property values.\n///\n/// This mixin may optionally take a fallback value. For advanced features such\n/// as custom properties or CSS functions like min and max, a fallback value is\n/// recommended to support older browsers.\n///\n/// @param {String} $property - The CSS property of the declaration.\n/// @param {*} $value - The value of the CSS declaration. The value should be\n/// resolved by other theme functions first (i.e. custom property Maps and\n/// Material theme keys are not supported in this mixin). If the value is\n/// null, no declarations will be emitted.\n/// @param {*} $fallback - An optional fallback value for older browsers. If\n/// provided, a second property/value declaration will be added before the\n/// main property/value declaration.\n/// @param {Map} $gss - An optional Map of GSS annotations to add.\n/// @param {Bool} $important - If true, add `!important` to the declaration.\n@mixin declaration(\n $property,\n $value,\n $fallback-value: null,\n $gss: (),\n $important: false\n) {\n // Normally setting a null value to a property will not emit CSS, so mixins\n // wouldn't need to check this. However, Sass will throw an error if the\n // interpolated property is a custom property.\n @if $value != null {\n $important-rule: if($important, ' !important', '');\n\n @if $fallback-value and $enable-fallback-declarations {\n @include gss.annotate($gss);\n #{$property}: #{$fallback-value} #{$important-rule};\n\n // Add @alternate to annotations.\n $gss: map.merge(\n $gss,\n (\n alternate: true,\n )\n );\n }\n\n @include gss.annotate($gss);\n #{$property}: #{$value}#{$important-rule};\n }\n}\n\n/// Unpacks shorthand values for CSS properties (i.e. lists of 1-3 values).\n/// If a list of 4 values is given, it is returned as-is.\n///\n/// Examples:\n///\n/// unpack-value(4px) => 4px 4px 4px 4px\n/// unpack-value(4px 2px) => 4px 2px 4px 2px\n/// unpack-value(4px 2px 2px) => 4px 2px 2px 2px\n/// unpack-value(4px 2px 0 2px) => 4px 2px 0 2px\n///\n/// @param {Number | Map | List} $value - List of 1 to 4 value numbers.\n/// @return {List} a List of 4 value numbers.\n@function unpack-value($value) {\n @if meta.type-of($value) == 'map' or list.length($value) == 1 {\n @return $value $value $value $value;\n } @else if list.length($value) == 4 {\n @return $value;\n } @else if list.length($value) == 3 {\n @return list.nth($value, 1) list.nth($value, 2) list.nth($value, 3)\n list.nth($value, 2);\n } @else if list.length($value) == 2 {\n @return list.nth($value, 1) list.nth($value, 2) list.nth($value, 1)\n list.nth($value, 2);\n }\n\n @error \"Invalid CSS property value: '#{$value}' is more than 4 values\";\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern --\n// Internal styling for Dialog MDC component.\n\n@use 'sass:math';\n@use '@material/animation/functions' as animation-functions;\n@use '@material/button/button-theme';\n@use '@material/dom/dom';\n@use '@material/elevation/mixins' as elevation-mixins;\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/rtl/mixins' as rtl-mixins;\n@use '@material/shape/mixins' as shape-mixins;\n@use '@material/theme/custom-properties';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n@use '@material/theme/theme-color';\n@use '@material/touch-target/variables' as touch-target-variables;\n@use '@material/typography/typography';\n@use './dialog-custom-properties';\n@use '@material/icon-button/mixins' as iconbutton-mixins;\n@use './variables';\n\n@mixin core-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n // prettier-ignore\n @include elevation-mixins.overlay-common($query); // COPYBARA_COMMENT_THIS_LINE\n\n // postcss-bem-linter: define dialog\n\n .mdc-dialog,\n .mdc-dialog__scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog {\n @include container-fill-color(surface, $query: $query);\n @include scrim-color(variables.$scrim-color, $query: $query);\n @include title-ink-color(variables.$title-ink-color, $query: $query);\n @include content-ink-color(variables.$content-ink-color, $query: $query);\n @include scroll-divider-color(\n variables.$scroll-divider-color,\n $query: $query\n );\n // Note: the top padding is only 20px for dialogs without titles; see below for override.\n @include content-padding(20px, 24px, 20px, 24px, $query: $query);\n @include min-width(variables.$min-width, $query: $query);\n @include max-width(variables.$max-width, variables.$margin, $query: $query);\n @include max-height(null, variables.$margin, $query: $query);\n @include shape-radius(variables.$shape-radius, $query: $query);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Use `display: none` instead of `visibility: hidden` to avoid recalculating layout when the dialog is closed.\n display: none;\n $z-index: custom-properties.create(\n dialog-custom-properties.$z-index,\n variables.$z-index\n );\n @include theme.property(z-index, $z-index);\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog--fullscreen {\n @include _fullscreen-dialog-size($query: $query);\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog__scrim--hidden {\n .mdc-dialog__scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n opacity: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n opacity: 0;\n z-index: -1;\n }\n }\n\n // This wrapper element is needed to make max-height work in IE 11.\n // See https://github.com/philipwalton/flexbugs/issues/216\n .mdc-dialog__container {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row; // IE 11\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: space-around; // Ensure Safari centers the dialog (because it treats the container's width oddly)\n box-sizing: border-box;\n height: 100%;\n transform: scale(0.8);\n opacity: 0;\n // This element is necessary for IE 11 and needs to have `height: 100%`.\n // Let clicks on element fall through to scrim element underneath.\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface {\n @include elevation-mixins.overlay-surface-position($query: $query);\n @include elevation-mixins.overlay-dimensions(100%, $query: $query);\n @include elevation-mixins.elevation(24, $query: $query);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n flex-grow: 0; // IE 11\n flex-shrink: 0; // IE 11\n box-sizing: border-box;\n max-width: 100%; // IE 11\n max-height: 100%; // IE 11\n pointer-events: auto; // Override from `.mdc-dialog__container`.\n // IE 11: Otherwise, scrolling content in `mdc-dialog__content` overflows.\n overflow-y: auto;\n\n @include rtl-mixins.rtl {\n /* @noflip */\n text-align: right;\n }\n\n @include dom.ie-high-contrast-mode {\n // Colored outline is used for IE11 HCM instead of transparent border\n // below to prevent scrolling content overflow.\n outline: 2px solid windowText;\n }\n }\n\n &::before {\n @include dom.transparent-border($border-width: 2px, $query: $query);\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Prevent IE11 from rendering this element, because it causes scrolling\n // content to overflow.\n @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active),\n screen and (-ms-high-contrast: none) {\n content: none;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__title {\n @include typography.text-baseline(\n $top: 40px,\n $display: block,\n $query: $query\n );\n @include typography.typography(headline6, $query: $query);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n position: relative;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n margin: 0 0 1px;\n padding: 0 24px variables.$title-bottom-padding;\n\n @include rtl-mixins.rtl {\n /* @noflip */\n text-align: right;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/selector-bem-pattern\n .mdc-dialog--scrollable .mdc-dialog__title {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n margin-bottom: 1px;\n // Adjust bottom padding to make title height align to spec when divider is present.\n // (Titles for alert dialogs w/o dividers align based on text baseline. All spec values are divisible by 4.)\n padding-bottom: variables.$title-bottom-padding + 6px;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog--fullscreen {\n .mdc-dialog__header {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: inline-flex;\n padding: 0 variables.$header-side-padding\n variables.$title-bottom-padding;\n border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;\n justify-content: space-between;\n align-items: baseline;\n\n @include _modal-header(\n $close-icon-padding: variables.$close-icon-padding\n );\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__title {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n padding: 0;\n border-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog--scrollable .mdc-dialog__title {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n border-bottom: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__close {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n top: 5px;\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog--scrollable .mdc-dialog__actions {\n // If full-screen dialog is scrollable, the scroll divider over the action\n // buttons (i.e. the \"footer\") should only be visible when the content is\n // \"cut off\" by the footer. To toggle this divider, we override the\n // styling set by the mdc-dialog--scrollable class, and instead rely on\n // the mdc-dialog-scroll-divider-footer class to determine when the\n // border-top should be visible.\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n border-top: 1px solid transparent;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__content {\n @include typography.typography(body1, $query: $query);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n flex-grow: 1;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n margin: 0;\n overflow: auto;\n -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\n }\n\n // The content element already has top/bottom padding, so we need to suppress margins on its first/last children.\n > :first-child {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n margin-top: 0;\n }\n }\n\n // The content element already has top/bottom padding, so we need to suppress margins on its first/last children.\n > :last-child {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/selector-bem-pattern\n .mdc-dialog__title + .mdc-dialog__content,\n .mdc-dialog__header + .mdc-dialog__content {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Eliminate padding to bring as close to spec as possible, relying on title padding.\n // (Spec seems inconsistent RE title/body spacing on alert vs. simple variants.)\n padding-top: 0;\n }\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/selector-bem-pattern\n .mdc-dialog--scrollable .mdc-dialog__title + .mdc-dialog__content {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Reduce and equalize vertical paddings when scrollable dividers are present\n // (Note: this is intentionally after title + content to take precedence)\n padding-top: 8px;\n padding-bottom: 8px;\n }\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/selector-bem-pattern\n .mdc-dialog__content .mdc-deprecated-list:first-child:last-child {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Override default .mdc-deprecated-list padding for content consisting exclusively of a MDC List\n padding: 6px 0 0; // Top padding balances with title height\n }\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/selector-bem-pattern, selector-max-specificity\n .mdc-dialog--scrollable\n .mdc-dialog__content\n .mdc-deprecated-list:first-child:last-child {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Override default .mdc-deprecated-list padding for content consisting exclusively of a MDC List\n padding: 0;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__actions {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: flex;\n position: relative;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n flex-wrap: wrap;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: flex-end;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n min-height: 52px;\n margin: 0;\n padding: variables.$actions-padding;\n border-top: 1px solid transparent;\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog--stacked & {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: flex-end;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__button {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include rtl-mixins.reflexive-box(margin, left, 8px);\n }\n\n &:first-child {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include rtl-mixins.reflexive-box(margin, left, 0);\n }\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n max-width: 100%; // Prevent long text from overflowing parent element in IE 11\n /* @noflip */\n text-align: right;\n\n @include rtl-mixins.rtl {\n /* @noflip */\n text-align: left;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog--stacked &:not(:first-child) {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n margin-top: 12px;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog--open,\n .mdc-dialog--opening,\n .mdc-dialog--closing {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: flex;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog--opening {\n .mdc-dialog__scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: opacity 150ms linear;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__container {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: opacity 75ms linear,\n animation-functions.enter(transform, 150ms);\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog--closing {\n .mdc-dialog__scrim,\n .mdc-dialog__container {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: opacity 75ms linear;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__container {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Dialog container scales up while opening, but should remain scaled up while closing\n transform: none;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog--open {\n .mdc-dialog__scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__container {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n transform: none;\n opacity: 1;\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog__surface-scrim--shown {\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n opacity: 1;\n z-index: 1;\n }\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog__surface-scrim--hiding {\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: opacity 75ms linear;\n }\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog__surface-scrim--showing {\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: opacity 150ms linear;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: none;\n opacity: 0;\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim--shown &,\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim--showing &,\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim--hiding & {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // postcss-bem-linter: end\n\n // Class applied to body while dialog is open, to prevent scrolling behind the dialog\n .mdc-dialog-scroll-lock {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n overflow: hidden;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin container-fill-color($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.prop(background-color, $color);\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin scrim-color(\n $color,\n $opacity: variables.$scrim-opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n .mdc-dialog__scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n background-color: rgba(theme-color.prop-value($color), $opacity);\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface-scrim {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n background-color: rgba(theme-color.prop-value($color), $opacity);\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin title-ink-color(\n $color,\n $opacity: variables.$title-ink-opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n .mdc-dialog__title {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n color: rgba(theme-color.prop-value($color), $opacity);\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin content-ink-color(\n $color,\n $opacity: variables.$content-ink-opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n .mdc-dialog__content {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n color: rgba(theme-color.prop-value($color), $opacity);\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-dialog__close {\n @include iconbutton-mixins.ink_color($color: $color, $query: $query);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin content-padding(\n $padding-top,\n $padding-right,\n $padding-bottom,\n $padding-left,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-dialog__content {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n padding: $padding-top $padding-right $padding-bottom $padding-left;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin scroll-divider-color(\n $color,\n $opacity: variables.$scroll-divider-opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n &.mdc-dialog--scrollable .mdc-dialog__title,\n &.mdc-dialog--scrollable .mdc-dialog__actions,\n &.mdc-dialog--scrollable.mdc-dialog-scroll-divider-footer\n .mdc-dialog__actions {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n border-color: rgba(theme-color.prop-value($color), $opacity);\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog--scrollable .mdc-dialog__title {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(theme-color.prop-value($color), $opacity);\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-dialog-scroll-divider-header.mdc-dialog--fullscreen\n .mdc-dialog__header {\n @include elevation-mixins.elevation(2, $query: $query);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin shape-radius(\n $radius,\n $rtl-reflexive: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface {\n @include shape-mixins.radius($radius, $rtl-reflexive, $query: $query);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin min-width($min-width, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n min-width: $min-width;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin max-width($max-width, $margin, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n $max-size-calc-expr: calc(100vw - #{$margin * 2});\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @if $max-width {\n $max-width-breakpoint: $max-width + ($margin * 2);\n\n // Fit snugly within the viewport at smaller screen sizes.\n @media (max-width: $max-width-breakpoint) {\n max-width: $max-size-calc-expr;\n }\n\n // Once the screen gets big enough, apply a fixed maximum width.\n @media (min-width: $max-width-breakpoint) {\n max-width: $max-width;\n }\n } @else {\n max-width: $max-size-calc-expr;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin max-height($max-height, $margin, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n $max-size-calc-expr: calc(100% - #{$margin * 2});\n\n .mdc-dialog__surface {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @if $max-height {\n $max-height-breakpoint: $max-height + ($margin * 2);\n\n // Fit snugly within the viewport at smaller screen sizes.\n @media (max-height: $max-height-breakpoint) {\n max-height: $max-size-calc-expr;\n }\n\n // Once the screen gets big enough, apply a fixed maximum height.\n @media (min-height: $max-height-breakpoint) {\n max-height: $max-height;\n }\n } @else {\n max-height: $max-size-calc-expr;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Target IE 11.\n @media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {\n // On IE 11, if surface height is fixed and container height is 100%,\n // scrolling content overflows. So, reset height if surface height\n // is fixed.\n .mdc-dialog__container {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n /* stylelint-disable */\n // Disable stylelint here, as nesting depth > 3 is required to\n // work around IE 11.\n @if $max-height {\n $max-height-breakpoint: $max-height + ($margin * 2);\n\n @media (min-height: $max-height-breakpoint) {\n align-items: stretch;\n height: auto;\n }\n }\n /* stylelint-enable*/\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Applied to dialogs that have buttons with an increased touch target.\n@mixin with-touch-target($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n $touch-target-margin: (touch-target-variables.$height - button-theme.$height) /\n 2;\n $vertical-padding: math.max(\n 0,\n variables.$actions-padding - $touch-target-margin\n );\n\n // Buttons with an increased touch target have added vertical margin, so\n // decrease the actions element padding to compensate.\n .mdc-dialog__actions {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n padding-top: $vertical-padding;\n padding-bottom: $vertical-padding;\n\n // The below styles override the default button touch target values,\n // which otherwise cause `mdc-dialog__surface` to scroll unnnecessarily\n // in IE 11.\n .mdc-button__touch {\n top: -$touch-target-margin; // IE 11\n transform: none; // IE 11\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin _fullscreen-dialog-size($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n .mdc-dialog__surface {\n // Medium screens\n @media (max-width: 960px) and (max-height: 1440px) {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n max-height: 560px;\n max-width: 560px;\n @include _modal-header(\n $close-icon-padding: variables.$close-icon-padding\n );\n }\n }\n\n // Small screens\n @media (max-width: 720px) and (max-height: 1023px) {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n $max-small-height: 560px;\n $max-small-width: 560px;\n $min-horizontal-small-margin: 56px;\n $min-vertical-small-margin: 80px;\n @include _fluid-size-calc(\n $vertical-margin: $min-vertical-small-margin,\n $max-height: $max-small-height,\n $horizontal-margin: $min-horizontal-small-margin,\n $max-width: $max-small-width\n );\n @include _modal-header(\n $close-icon-padding: variables.$close-icon-padding\n );\n }\n }\n\n // X-Small Screens (horizontal)\n @media (max-width: 720px) and (max-height: 400px) {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n max-width: 100vw;\n width: 100vw;\n max-height: 100vh;\n height: 100vh;\n @include _fullscreen-header(\n $close-icon-padding: variables.$close-icon-padding,\n $title-side-padding: variables.$title-side-padding\n );\n }\n @include shape-mixins.radius(0, $query: $query);\n }\n\n // X-Small Screens (vertical)\n @media (max-width: 600px) and (max-height: 960px) {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n max-width: 100vw;\n width: 100vw;\n max-height: 100vh;\n height: 100vh;\n @include _fullscreen-header(\n $close-icon-padding: variables.$close-icon-padding,\n $title-side-padding: variables.$title-side-padding\n );\n }\n @include shape-mixins.radius(0, $query: $query);\n }\n\n // Large to X-Large screens\n @media (min-width: 960px) and (min-height: 1440px) {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n $min-horizontal-margin: 200px;\n max-width: calc(100vw - #{$min-horizontal-margin * 2});\n @include _modal-header(\n $close-icon-padding: variables.$close-icon-padding\n );\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Defines styling to specify a fluid dialog size while maintaining a specific\n/// vertical and horizontal margin.\n/// @param {Number} $vertical-margin\n/// @param {Number} $max-height\n/// @param {Number} $horizontal-margin\n/// @param {Number} $max-width\n@mixin _fluid-size-calc(\n $vertical-margin,\n $max-height,\n $horizontal-margin,\n $max-width\n) {\n $max-width-calc-expr: calc(100vw - #{$horizontal-margin * 2});\n $max-width-breakpoint: $max-width + ($horizontal-margin * 2);\n\n @media (max-width: $max-width-breakpoint) {\n max-width: $max-width-calc-expr;\n }\n @media (min-width: $max-width-breakpoint) {\n max-width: $max-width;\n }\n\n $max-height-calc-expr: calc(100vh - #{$vertical-margin * 2});\n $max-height-breakpoint: $max-height + ($vertical-margin * 2);\n\n @media (max-height: $max-height-breakpoint) {\n max-height: $max-height-calc-expr;\n }\n @media (min-height: $max-height-breakpoint) {\n max-height: $max-height;\n }\n}\n\n/// Defines styles for the header bar when a dialog takes up the full screen.\n/// @param {Number} $close-icon-padding - Padding on close icon button.\n/// @param {Number} $title-side-padding - Space between the edge of the close\n/// icon button and edge of the title.\n@mixin _fullscreen-header($close-icon-padding, $title-side-padding) {\n .mdc-dialog__close {\n order: -1;\n @include theme.property(left, -#{$close-icon-padding});\n }\n .mdc-dialog__header {\n padding: 0 variables.$fullscreen-header-side-padding\n variables.$title-bottom-padding;\n justify-content: flex-start;\n }\n .mdc-dialog__title {\n @include theme.property(\n margin-left,\n calc(title - 2 * close),\n $replace: (title: $title-side-padding, close: $close-icon-padding)\n );\n }\n}\n\n/// Defines styles for the header bar when a dialog is modal.\n/// @param {Number} $close-icon-padding - Padding on close icon button.\n@mixin _modal-header($close-icon-padding) {\n .mdc-dialog__close {\n @include theme.property(right, -#{$close-icon-padding});\n }\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:color';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use '@material/animation/functions' as functions2;\n@use '@material/animation/variables' as variables2;\n@use '@material/base/mixins' as base-mixins;\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/theme/css';\n@use '@material/theme/custom-properties';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n@use '@material/theme/theme-color';\n\n$fade-in-duration: 75ms !default;\n$fade-out-duration: 150ms !default;\n$translate-duration: 225ms !default;\n$states-wash-duration: 15ms !default;\n\n// Notes on states:\n// * focus takes precedence over hover (i.e. if an element is both focused and hovered, only focus value applies)\n// * press state applies to a separate pseudo-element, so it has an additive effect on top of other states\n// * selected/activated are applied additively to hover/focus via calculations at preprocessing time\n\n$dark-ink-opacities: (\n hover: 0.04,\n focus: 0.12,\n press: 0.12,\n selected: 0.08,\n activated: 0.12,\n) !default;\n\n$light-ink-opacities: (\n hover: 0.08,\n focus: 0.24,\n press: 0.24,\n selected: 0.16,\n activated: 0.24,\n) !default;\n\n// Legacy\n\n$pressed-dark-ink-opacity: 0.16 !default;\n$pressed-light-ink-opacity: 0.32 !default;\n\n// State selector variables used for state selector mixins below.\n$_hover-selector: '&:hover';\n$_focus-selector: '&.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused, &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus';\n$_active-selector: '&:active:active';\n\n@mixin states-base-color(\n $color,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n @if not custom-properties.is-custom-prop($color) {\n $color: custom-properties.create(\n --mdc-ripple-color,\n theme-color.get-custom-property($color)\n );\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @if color.alpha(theme-color.prop-value($color)) > 0 {\n @include theme.property(background-color, $color);\n } @else {\n // If a color with 0 alpha is specified, don't render the ripple pseudo-elements at all.\n // This avoids unnecessary transitions and overflow.\n content: none;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Customizes ripple opacities in `hover`, `focus`, or `press` states\n/// @param {map} $opacity-map - map specifying custom opacity of zero or more states\n/// @param {bool} $has-nested-focusable-element - whether the component contains a focusable element in the root\n/// @param {string} $ripple-target - the optional selector for the ripple element\n///\n@mixin states-opacities(\n $opacity-map: (),\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $ripple-target: '&',\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n // Ensure sufficient specificity to override base state opacities\n @if map.get($opacity-map, hover) {\n @include states-hover-opacity(\n map.get($opacity-map, hover),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n\n @if map.get($opacity-map, focus) {\n @include states-focus-opacity(\n map.get($opacity-map, focus),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n\n @if map.get($opacity-map, press) {\n @include states-press-opacity(\n map.get($opacity-map, press),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-hover-opacity(\n $opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n // Background wash styles, for both CSS-only and upgraded stateful surfaces\n &:hover,\n &.mdc-ripple-surface--hover {\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent in typical usage\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-ripple-hover-opacity, $opacity)\n );\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-focus-opacity(\n $opacity,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n // Focus overrides hover by reusing the ::before pseudo-element.\n // :focus-within generally works on non-MS browsers and matches when a *child* of the element has focus.\n // It is useful for cases where a component has a focusable element within the root node, e.g. text field,\n // but undesirable in general in case of nested stateful components.\n // We use a modifier class for JS-enabled surfaces to support all use cases in all browsers.\n @if $has-nested-focusable-element {\n // JS-enabled selectors.\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused,\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded:focus-within,\n // CSS-only selectors.\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus,\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus-within {\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n @include states-focus-opacity-properties_(\n $opacity: $opacity,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n }\n } @else {\n // JS-enabled selectors.\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused,\n // CSS-only selectors.\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus {\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n @include states-focus-opacity-properties_(\n $opacity: $opacity,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-focus-opacity-properties_($opacity, $query) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent in typical usage\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n // Note that this duration is only effective on focus, not blur\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition-duration: 75ms;\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-ripple-focus-opacity, $opacity)\n );\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-press-opacity(\n $opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n // Styles for non-upgraded (CSS-only) stateful surfaces\n\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded) {\n // Apply press additively by using the ::after pseudo-element\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: opacity $fade-out-duration linear;\n }\n }\n\n &:active {\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition-duration: $fade-in-duration;\n }\n\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent in typical usage\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-ripple-press-opacity, $opacity)\n );\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n --mdc-ripple-fg-opacity: var(--mdc-ripple-press-opacity, #{$opacity});\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Simple mixin for base states which automatically selects opacity values based on whether the ink color is\n// light or dark.\n@mixin states(\n $color: theme-color.prop-value(on-surface),\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&',\n $opacity-map: null\n) {\n @include states-interactions_(\n $color: $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $opacity-map: $opacity-map\n );\n}\n\n// Simple mixin for activated states which automatically selects opacity values based on whether the ink color is\n// light or dark.\n@mixin states-activated(\n $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n $activated-opacity: states-opacity($color, activated);\n\n &--activated {\n // Stylelint seems to think that '&' qualifies as a type selector here?\n // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-max-type\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent.\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(\n --mdc-ripple-activated-opacity,\n $activated-opacity\n )\n );\n }\n }\n\n @include states-interactions_(\n $color: $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $opacity-modifier: $activated-opacity,\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n }\n}\n\n// Simple mixin for selected states which automatically selects opacity values based on whether the ink color is\n// light or dark.\n@mixin states-selected(\n $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n $selected-opacity: states-opacity($color, selected);\n\n &--selected {\n // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-max-type\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent.\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(\n --mdc-ripple-selected-opacity,\n $selected-opacity\n )\n );\n }\n }\n\n @include states-interactions_(\n $color: $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $opacity-modifier: $selected-opacity,\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-interactions_(\n $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $opacity-modifier: 0,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&',\n $opacity-map: null\n) {\n @include target-selector($ripple-target) {\n @include states-base-color($color, $query);\n }\n\n @if $opacity-map == null {\n $opacity-map: (\n hover: states-opacity($color, hover) + $opacity-modifier,\n focus: states-opacity($color, focus) + $opacity-modifier,\n press: states-opacity($color, press) + $opacity-modifier,\n );\n }\n\n @include states-opacities(\n $opacity-map,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $query: $query\n );\n}\n\n// Wraps content in the `ripple-target` selector if it exists.\n@mixin target-selector($ripple-target: '&') {\n @if $ripple-target == '&' {\n @content;\n } @else {\n #{$ripple-target} {\n @content;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Selector for hover, active and focus states.\n@mixin states-selector() {\n #{$_hover-selector},\n #{$_focus-selector},\n #{$_active-selector} {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n// Selector for focus state. Using ':not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded)' to continue\n// applying focus styles on JS-disabled components, and control focus\n// on JS-enabled components with '.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused'.\n@mixin focus() {\n #{$_focus-selector} {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n// Selector for active state. Using `:active:active` to override focus styles.\n@mixin active() {\n #{$_active-selector} {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n/// Keep the ripple (State overlay) behind the content.\n@mixin behind-content(\n $ripple-target,\n $content-root-selector: '&',\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n // Needed for IE11. Without this, IE11 renders the state layer completely\n // underneath the container, making it invisible.\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n #{$content-root-selector} {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n z-index: 0;\n }\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include theme.property(\n z-index,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-ripple-z-index, -1)\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\n@function states-opacity($color, $state) {\n $color-value: theme-color.prop-value($color);\n $opacity-map: if(\n theme-color.tone($color-value) == 'light',\n $light-ink-opacities,\n $dark-ink-opacities\n );\n\n @if not map.has-key($opacity-map, $state) {\n @error \"Invalid state: '#{$state}'. Choose one of: #{map.keys($opacity-map)}\";\n }\n\n @return map.get($opacity-map, $state);\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use 'sass:math';\n@use 'sass:meta';\n@use '@material/animation/variables' as animation-variables;\n@use '@material/theme/custom-properties';\n@use '@material/base/mixins' as base-mixins;\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n@use '@material/theme/theme-color';\n\n$baseline-color: black !default;\n$umbra-opacity: 0.2 !default;\n$penumbra-opacity: 0.14 !default;\n$ambient-opacity: 0.12 !default;\n\n$umbra-map: (\n 0: '0px 0px 0px 0px',\n 1: '0px 2px 1px -1px',\n 2: '0px 3px 1px -2px',\n 3: '0px 3px 3px -2px',\n 4: '0px 2px 4px -1px',\n 5: '0px 3px 5px -1px',\n 6: '0px 3px 5px -1px',\n 7: '0px 4px 5px -2px',\n 8: '0px 5px 5px -3px',\n 9: '0px 5px 6px -3px',\n 10: '0px 6px 6px -3px',\n 11: '0px 6px 7px -4px',\n 12: '0px 7px 8px -4px',\n 13: '0px 7px 8px -4px',\n 14: '0px 7px 9px -4px',\n 15: '0px 8px 9px -5px',\n 16: '0px 8px 10px -5px',\n 17: '0px 8px 11px -5px',\n 18: '0px 9px 11px -5px',\n 19: '0px 9px 12px -6px',\n 20: '0px 10px 13px -6px',\n 21: '0px 10px 13px -6px',\n 22: '0px 10px 14px -6px',\n 23: '0px 11px 14px -7px',\n 24: '0px 11px 15px -7px',\n) !default;\n\n$penumbra-map: (\n 0: '0px 0px 0px 0px',\n 1: '0px 1px 1px 0px',\n 2: '0px 2px 2px 0px',\n 3: '0px 3px 4px 0px',\n 4: '0px 4px 5px 0px',\n 5: '0px 5px 8px 0px',\n 6: '0px 6px 10px 0px',\n 7: '0px 7px 10px 1px',\n 8: '0px 8px 10px 1px',\n 9: '0px 9px 12px 1px',\n 10: '0px 10px 14px 1px',\n 11: '0px 11px 15px 1px',\n 12: '0px 12px 17px 2px',\n 13: '0px 13px 19px 2px',\n 14: '0px 14px 21px 2px',\n 15: '0px 15px 22px 2px',\n 16: '0px 16px 24px 2px',\n 17: '0px 17px 26px 2px',\n 18: '0px 18px 28px 2px',\n 19: '0px 19px 29px 2px',\n 20: '0px 20px 31px 3px',\n 21: '0px 21px 33px 3px',\n 22: '0px 22px 35px 3px',\n 23: '0px 23px 36px 3px',\n 24: '0px 24px 38px 3px',\n) !default;\n\n$ambient-map: (\n 0: '0px 0px 0px 0px',\n 1: '0px 1px 3px 0px',\n 2: '0px 1px 5px 0px',\n 3: '0px 1px 8px 0px',\n 4: '0px 1px 10px 0px',\n 5: '0px 1px 14px 0px',\n 6: '0px 1px 18px 0px',\n 7: '0px 2px 16px 1px',\n 8: '0px 3px 14px 2px',\n 9: '0px 3px 16px 2px',\n 10: '0px 4px 18px 3px',\n 11: '0px 4px 20px 3px',\n 12: '0px 5px 22px 4px',\n 13: '0px 5px 24px 4px',\n 14: '0px 5px 26px 4px',\n 15: '0px 6px 28px 5px',\n 16: '0px 6px 30px 5px',\n 17: '0px 6px 32px 5px',\n 18: '0px 7px 34px 6px',\n 19: '0px 7px 36px 6px',\n 20: '0px 8px 38px 7px',\n 21: '0px 8px 40px 7px',\n 22: '0px 8px 42px 7px',\n 23: '0px 9px 44px 8px',\n 24: '0px 9px 46px 8px',\n) !default;\n\n// The css property used for elevation. In most cases this should not be changed. It is exposed\n// as a variable for abstraction / easy use when needing to reference the property directly, for\n// example in a `will-change` rule.\n$property: box-shadow !default;\n\n// The default color for the elevation overlay.\n$overlay-color: #fff;\n\n// The css property used for elevation overlay transitions. In most cases this should not be changed. It is exposed\n// as a variable for abstraction / easy use when needing to reference the property directly, for\n// example in a `will-change` rule.\n$overlay-property: opacity !default;\n\n// The default duration value for elevation transitions.\n$transition-duration: 280ms !default;\n\n// The default easing value for elevation transitions.\n$transition-timing-function: animation-variables.$standard-curve-timing-function !default;\n\n///\n/// Sets the elevation transition value.\n///\n/// @param {String} $duration - The duration of the transition.\n/// @param {String} $easing - The easing function for the transition.\n/// @return {String}\n///\n@function transition-value(\n $duration: $transition-duration,\n $easing: $transition-timing-function\n) {\n @return #{$property} #{$duration} #{$easing};\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the elevation overlay transition value.\n///\n/// @param {String} $duration - The duration of the transition.\n/// @param {String} $easing - The easing function for the transition.\n/// @return {String}\n///\n@function overlay-transition-value(\n $duration: $transition-duration,\n $easing: $transition-timing-function\n) {\n @return #{$overlay-property} #{$duration} #{$easing};\n}\n\n// Returns the correct box-shadow specified by $z-value.\n// The $z-value must be between 0 and 24.\n// If $color has an alpha channel, it will be ignored and overridden. To increase the opacity of the shadow, use\n// $opacity-boost.\n@function elevation-box-shadow(\n $z-value,\n $color: $baseline-color,\n $opacity-boost: 0\n) {\n @if meta.type-of($z-value) != number or not math.is-unitless($z-value) {\n @error \"$z-value must be a unitless number, but received '#{$z-value}'\";\n }\n\n @if $z-value < 0 or $z-value > 24 {\n @error \"$z-value must be between 0 and 24, but received '#{$z-value}'\";\n }\n\n $color: theme-color.prop-value($color);\n\n $umbra-z-value: map.get($umbra-map, $z-value);\n $penumbra-z-value: map.get($penumbra-map, $z-value);\n $ambient-z-value: map.get($ambient-map, $z-value);\n\n $umbra-color: rgba($color, $umbra-opacity + $opacity-boost);\n $penumbra-color: rgba($color, $penumbra-opacity + $opacity-boost);\n $ambient-color: rgba($color, $ambient-opacity + $opacity-boost);\n\n $box-shadow: (\n #{'#{$umbra-z-value} #{$umbra-color}'},\n #{'#{$penumbra-z-value} #{$penumbra-color}'},\n #{$ambient-z-value} $ambient-color\n );\n\n @return $box-shadow;\n}\n\n@function get-elevation($level) {\n @return (box-shadow: elevation-box-shadow($level));\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the shadow of the element.\n///\n/// @param {String} $box-shadow - The shadow to apply to the element.\n///\n@mixin shadow($box-shadow, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n /* @alternate */\n box-shadow: $box-shadow;\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the elevation overlay surface required positioning.\n///\n@mixin overlay-surface-position($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n /* @alternate */\n position: relative;\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the dimensions of the elevation overlay, including positioning and sizing.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $width - The width of the elevation overlay\n/// @param {Number} [$height] - The height of the elevation overlay\n/// @param {Boolean} [$has-content-sizing] - Set to false if the container has no content sizing\n///\n@mixin overlay-dimensions(\n $width,\n $height: $width,\n $has-content-sizing: true,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-elevation-overlay {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include theme.property(width, $width);\n @include theme.property(height, $height);\n\n @if $has-content-sizing {\n top: 0;\n /* @noflip */\n left: 0;\n } @else {\n top: 50%;\n /* @noflip */\n left: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the elevation overlay fill color.\n/// Expected to be called directly on the elevation overlay element.\n///\n/// @param {Color} $color - The color of the elevation overlay.\n///\n@mixin overlay-fill-color($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(background-color, $color);\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the elevation overlay opacity.\n/// Expected to be called from a parent element.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $opacity - The opacity of the elevation overlay.\n///\n@mixin overlay-opacity($opacity, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n .mdc-elevation-overlay {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(opacity, $opacity);\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Applies the correct CSS rules to an element to give it the elevation specified by $z-value.\n// The $z-value must be between 0 and 24.\n// If $color has an alpha channel, it will be ignored and overridden. To increase the opacity of the shadow, use\n// $opacity-boost.\n@mixin elevation(\n $z-value,\n $color: $baseline-color,\n $opacity-boost: 0,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $box-shadow: elevation-box-shadow(\n $z-value,\n $color: $color,\n $opacity-boost: $opacity-boost\n );\n\n @include shadow($box-shadow, $query: $query);\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n$scrim-color: on-surface !default;\n$title-ink-color: on-surface !default;\n$content-ink-color: on-surface !default;\n$scroll-divider-color: on-surface !default;\n\n$scrim-opacity: 0.32 !default;\n$title-ink-opacity: 0.87 !default;\n$content-ink-opacity: 0.6 !default;\n$scroll-divider-opacity: 0.12 !default;\n\n$min-width: 280px !default;\n$max-width: 560px !default;\n$margin: 16px !default;\n$shape-radius: medium !default;\n$title-bottom-padding: 9px !default;\n$actions-padding: 8px !default;\n$header-side-padding: 24px !default;\n\n$close-icon-padding: 12px !default;\n$title-side-padding: 16px !default;\n$fullscreen-header-side-padding: 16px !default;\n\n$z-index: 7 !default;\n","//\n// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:list';\n@use 'sass:meta';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n\n$include: true !default;\n\n/// Creates a rule that will be applied when a component is within the context\n/// of an RTL layout.\n///\n/// @example - scss\n/// .mdc-foo {\n/// padding-left: 4px;\n///\n/// @include rtl {\n/// padding-left: auto;\n/// padding-right: 4px;\n/// }\n/// }\n///\n/// @example - css\n/// .mdc-foo {\n/// padding-left: 4px;\n/// }\n///\n/// [dir=\"rtl\"] .mdc-foo,\n/// .mdc-foo[dir=\"rtl\"] {\n/// padding-left: auto;\n/// padding-right: 4px;\n/// }\n///\n/// Note that this mixin works by checking for an ancestor element with\n/// `[dir=\"rtl\"]`. As a result, nested `dir` values are not supported:\n///\n/// @example - html\n/// <html dir=\"rtl\">\n/// <!-- ... -->\n/// <div dir=\"ltr\">\n/// <div class=\"mdc-foo\">Styled incorrectly as RTL!</div>\n/// </div>\n/// </html>\n///\n/// In the future, selectors such as the `:dir` pseudo-class\n/// (http://mdn.io/css/:dir) will help us mitigate this.\n///\n/// @content Content to be styled in an RTL context.\n@mixin rtl() {\n @if ($include) {\n [dir='rtl'] &,\n &[dir='rtl'] {\n @content;\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Takes a base box-model property name (`margin`, `border`, `padding`, etc.) along with a\n// default direction (`left` or `right`) and value, and emits rules which apply the given value to the\n// specified direction by default and the opposite direction in RTL.\n//\n// For example:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// @include rtl-reflexive-box(margin, left, 8px);\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// is equivalent to:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// margin-left: 8px;\n// margin-right: 0;\n//\n// @include rtl {\n// margin-left: 0;\n// margin-right: 8px;\n// }\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// whereas:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// @include rtl-reflexive-box(margin, right, 8px);\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// is equivalent to:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// margin-left: 0;\n// margin-right: 8px;\n//\n// @include rtl {\n// margin-left: 8px;\n// margin-right: 0;\n// }\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// You can also pass an optional 4th `$root-selector` argument which will be forwarded to `mdc-rtl`,\n// e.g. `@include rtl-reflexive-box(margin, left, 8px, '.mdc-component')`.\n//\n// Note that this function will always zero out the original value in an RTL context.\n// If you're trying to flip the values, use `mdc-rtl-reflexive-property()` instead.\n@mixin reflexive-box(\n $base-property,\n $default-direction,\n $value,\n $replace: null\n) {\n @if (list.index((right, left), $default-direction) == null) {\n @error \"Invalid default direction: '#{$default-direction}'. Please specifiy either 'right' or 'left'.\";\n }\n\n $left-value: $value;\n $right-value: 0;\n\n @if ($default-direction == right) {\n $left-value: 0;\n $right-value: $value;\n }\n\n @include reflexive-property(\n $base-property,\n $left-value,\n $right-value,\n $replace: $replace\n );\n}\n\n// Takes a base property and emits rules that assign <base-property>-left to <left-value> and\n// <base-property>-right to <right-value> in a LTR context, and vice versa in a RTL context.\n// For example:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// @include rtl-reflexive-property(margin, auto, 12px);\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// is equivalent to:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// margin-left: auto;\n// margin-right: 12px;\n//\n// @include rtl {\n// margin-left: 12px;\n// margin-right: auto;\n// }\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// An optional 4th `$root-selector` argument can be given, which will be passed to `mdc-rtl`.\n@mixin reflexive-property(\n $base-property,\n $left-value,\n $right-value,\n $replace: null\n) {\n $prop-left: #{$base-property}-left;\n $prop-right: #{$base-property}-right;\n\n @include reflexive(\n $prop-left,\n $left-value,\n $prop-right,\n $right-value,\n $replace: $replace\n );\n}\n\n// Takes an argument specifying a horizontal position property (either 'left' or 'right') as well\n// as a value, and applies that value to the specified position in a LTR context, and flips it in a\n// RTL context. For example:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// @include rtl-reflexive-position(left, 0);\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// is equivalent to:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// left: 0;\n// right: initial;\n//\n// @include rtl {\n// left: initial;\n// right: 0;\n// }\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// An optional third $root-selector argument may also be given, which is passed to `mdc-rtl`.\n@mixin reflexive-position($position-property, $value, $replace: null) {\n @if (list.index((right, left), $position-property) == null) {\n @error \"Invalid position #{position-property}. Please specifiy either right or left\";\n }\n\n // TODO: 'initial' is not supported in IE 11. https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-initial-value\n $left-value: $value;\n $right-value: initial;\n\n @if ($position-property == right) {\n $right-value: $value;\n $left-value: initial;\n }\n\n @include reflexive(\n left,\n $left-value,\n right,\n $right-value,\n $replace: $replace\n );\n}\n\n// Takes pair of properties with values as arguments and flips it in RTL context.\n// For example:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// @include rtl-reflexive(left, 2px, right, 5px);\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// is equivalent to:\n//\n// ```scss\n// .mdc-foo {\n// left: 2px;\n// right: 5px;\n//\n// @include rtl {\n// right: 2px;\n// left: 5px;\n// }\n// }\n// ```\n//\n// An optional fifth `$root-selector` argument may also be given, which is passed to `mdc-rtl`.\n@mixin reflexive(\n $left-property,\n $left-value,\n $right-property,\n $right-value,\n $replace: null\n) {\n $left-replace: null;\n $right-replace: null;\n @if $replace {\n @if meta.type-of($left-value) == 'string' {\n $left-replace: $replace;\n }\n\n @if meta.type-of($right-value) == 'string' {\n $right-replace: $replace;\n }\n\n @if $left-replace == null and $right-replace == null {\n @error 'mdc-rtl: $replace may only be used with strings but neither left nor right values are strings.';\n }\n }\n\n @include _property($left-property, $left-value, $replace: $left-replace);\n @include _property($right-property, $right-value, $replace: $right-replace);\n\n @include rtl {\n @include _property($left-property, $right-value, $replace: $right-replace);\n @include _property($right-property, $left-value, $replace: $left-replace);\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Adds `@noflip` annotation when `$mdc-rtl-include` is true.\n///\n/// @param {String} $property\n/// @param {String} $value\n/// @param {Map} $replace\n///\n@mixin _property($property, $value, $replace: null) {\n @include theme.property(\n $property,\n $value,\n $replace: $replace,\n $gss: (noflip: $include)\n );\n}\n","// Copyright 2020 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n///\n/// Emits necessary layout styles to set a transparent border around an element\n/// without interfering with the rest of its component layout. The border is\n/// only visible in high-contrast mode. The target element should be a child of\n/// a relatively positioned top-level element (i.e. a ::before pseudo-element).\n///\n/// @param {number} $border-width - The width of the transparent border.\n/// @param {string} $border-style - The style of the transparent border.\n///\n@mixin transparent-border(\n $border-width: 1px,\n $border-style: solid,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n position: absolute;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n border: $border-width $border-style transparent;\n border-radius: inherit;\n content: '';\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Visually hides text content for accessibility. This text should only be\n/// visible to screen reader users.\n/// See https://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/\n///\n@mixin visually-hidden($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);\n height: 1px;\n overflow: hidden;\n position: absolute;\n white-space: nowrap; /* added line */\n width: 1px;\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Selects for high-contrast mode. Currently this only detects high-contrast\n/// mode in IE and Edge.\n///\n@mixin ie-high-contrast-mode {\n @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:list';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use 'sass:string';\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/theme/custom-properties';\n@use '@material/theme/keys';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n\n/// @deprecated Avoid calling this function directly. Instead, configure the\n/// `$styles-<style>` variable Maps.\n@function set-styles_($base-styles, $scale-styles, $override-styles) {\n $options: (\n custom-property-prefix: typography,\n );\n\n $base-styles: keys.set-values($base-styles, $options: $options);\n\n @each $style, $style-props in $scale-styles {\n @each $base-key in map.keys($base-styles) {\n // Ignore the return result, it's not needed\n $unused: keys.add-link(keys.combine($style, $base-key), $base-key);\n }\n\n // Merge base properties for all styles.\n $style-props: map.merge($base-styles, $style-props);\n\n // Merge overrides onto each style.\n $style-props: map.merge($style-props, map.get($override-styles, $style));\n\n // Register keys for this style\n @each $property, $value in $style-props {\n $unused: keys.set-value(\n keys.combine($style, $property),\n $value,\n $options: $options\n );\n }\n\n // Override original styles with new styles.\n $scale-styles: map.merge($scale-styles, (#{$style}: $style-props));\n }\n\n @return $scale-styles;\n}\n\n@function get-letter-spacing_($tracking, $font-size) {\n @return $tracking / ($font-size * 16) * 1em;\n}\n\n@function px-to-rem($px) {\n @return $px / 16px * 1rem;\n}\n\n$font-family: string.unquote('Roboto, sans-serif') !default;\n\n// Override styles\n$styles-headline1: () !default;\n$styles-headline2: () !default;\n$styles-headline3: () !default;\n$styles-headline4: () !default;\n$styles-headline5: () !default;\n$styles-headline6: () !default;\n$styles-subtitle1: () !default;\n$styles-subtitle2: () !default;\n$styles-body1: () !default;\n$styles-body2: () !default;\n$styles-caption: () !default;\n$styles-button: () !default;\n$styles-overline: () !default;\n\n/// @deprecated Do not override this variable. Use the $styles-<style> override\n/// Map variables instead, or $font-family to set the base font family.\n$base: (\n font-family: $font-family,\n) !default;\n\n$font-weight-values: (\n thin: 100,\n light: 300,\n regular: 400,\n medium: 500,\n bold: 700,\n black: 900,\n) !default;\n\n/// @deprecated Do not override this variable. Use the $styles-<style> override\n/// Map variables instead.\n$styles: set-styles_(\n $base,\n (\n headline1: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(96px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(96px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, light),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(-1.5, 6),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n headline2: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(60px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(60px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, light),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(-0.5, 3.75),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n headline3: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(48px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(50px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, regular),\n letter-spacing: normal,\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n headline4: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(34px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(40px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, regular),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(0.25, 2.125),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n headline5: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(24px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(32px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, regular),\n letter-spacing: normal,\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n headline6: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(20px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(32px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, medium),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(0.25, 1.25),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n subtitle1: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(16px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(28px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, regular),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(0.15, 1),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n subtitle2: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(14px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(22px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, medium),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(0.1, 0.875),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n body1: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(16px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(24px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, regular),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(0.5, 1),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n body2: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(14px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(20px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, regular),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(0.25, 0.875),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n caption: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(12px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(20px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, regular),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(0.4, 0.75),\n text-decoration: inherit,\n text-transform: inherit,\n ),\n button: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(14px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(36px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, medium),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(1.25, 0.875),\n text-decoration: none,\n text-transform: uppercase,\n ),\n overline: (\n font-size: px-to-rem(12px),\n line-height: px-to-rem(32px),\n font-weight: map.get($font-weight-values, medium),\n letter-spacing: get-letter-spacing_(2, 0.75),\n text-decoration: none,\n text-transform: uppercase,\n ),\n ),\n (\n headline1: $styles-headline1,\n headline2: $styles-headline2,\n headline3: $styles-headline3,\n headline4: $styles-headline4,\n headline5: $styles-headline5,\n headline6: $styles-headline6,\n subtitle1: $styles-subtitle1,\n subtitle2: $styles-subtitle2,\n body1: $styles-body1,\n body2: $styles-body2,\n caption: $styles-caption,\n button: $styles-button,\n overline: $styles-overline,\n )\n) !default;\n\n// A copy of the styles Map that is used to detect compile-time changes for\n// Angular support.\n$_styles-copy: $styles;\n\n@function is-typography-style($style) {\n @return map.has-key($styles, $style);\n}\n\n@function get-typography-styles() {\n @return map.keys($styles);\n}\n\n@mixin core-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n .mdc-typography {\n @include base($query: $query);\n }\n\n @each $style in get-typography-styles() {\n .mdc-typography--#{$style} {\n @include typography($style, $query: $query);\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin base($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-typography: feature-targeting.create-target($query, typography);\n\n @include smooth-font($query: $query);\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-typography) {\n @include theme.property(font-family, font-family);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin typography($style, $query: feature-targeting.all(), $exclude-props: ()) {\n $feat-typography: feature-targeting.create-target($query, typography);\n\n @if not is-typography-style($style) {\n @error \"Invalid style specified! #{$style} doesn't exist. Choose one of #{get-typography-styles()}\";\n }\n\n @include smooth-font($query: $query);\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-typography) {\n @each $key in keys.get-keys($style) {\n // <style>-<property>: headline1-font-size\n // Slice the string past the first key separator to retrieve the\n // property name\n $property: string.slice($key, string.index($key, '-') + 1);\n @if list.index($exclude-props, $property) == null {\n $current-global-value: map.get($styles, $style, $property);\n $configured-global-value: map.get($_styles-copy, $style, $property);\n @if $current-global-value != $configured-global-value {\n // A compile time change was made to $mdc-typography-styles. To\n // support Angular, use this value instead of the key's value.\n @if $current-global-value {\n // Only emit if the overridden value exists\n $custom-prop: keys.create-custom-property($key);\n $custom-prop: custom-properties.set-fallback(\n $custom-prop,\n $current-global-value\n );\n @include theme.property($property, $custom-prop);\n }\n } @else {\n // Otherwise, use the key, which may be different from the original\n // configured global value.\n @include theme.property($property, $key);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Applies antialiasing via font-smoothing to text.\n@mixin smooth-font($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-typography: feature-targeting.create-target($query, typography);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-typography) {\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n }\n}\n\n// Element must be `display: block` or `display: inline-block` for this to work.\n@mixin overflow-ellipsis($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n white-space: nowrap;\n overflow: hidden;\n }\n}\n\n/// Sets a container's baseline that text content will align to.\n///\n/// If the `$display` is set to a flexbox display, only `$top` baseline may be\n/// set. A separate element must be added as a child of the container with a\n/// `$bottom` baseline.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $top - the distance from the top of the container to the\n/// text's baseline.\n/// @param {Number} $bottom - the distance from the text's baseline to the\n/// bottom of the container.\n/// @param {String} $display - the display type of the container. May be `flex`,\n/// `inline-flex`, `block`, or `inline-block`.\n@mixin baseline(\n $top: 0,\n $bottom: 0,\n $display: block,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $validDisplayTypes: (flex, inline-flex, block, inline-block);\n\n @if list.index($validDisplayTypes, $display) == null {\n @error \"mdc-typography: invalid display specified! #{$display} must be one of #{$validDisplayTypes}\";\n }\n\n $isFlexbox: $display == 'flex' or $display == 'inline-flex';\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: $display;\n\n @if $isFlexbox {\n align-items: baseline;\n }\n }\n\n @if $top > 0 {\n @include baseline-top($top, $query: $query);\n }\n\n @if $bottom > 0 {\n @if $isFlexbox {\n @error \"mdc-typography: invalid baseline with display type. #{$display} cannot specifiy $bottom. Add a separate child element with its own $bottom.\";\n }\n\n @include baseline-bottom($bottom, $query: $query);\n }\n}\n\n/// Sets the baseline of flow text content.\n///\n/// Separate `$top` and `$bottom` baselines may be specified. You should ensure\n/// that the `$top` baseline matches the previous text content's $bottom\n/// baseline to ensure text is positioned appropriately.\n///\n/// See go/css-baseline for reference on how this mixin works.\n///\n/// This is intended for text flow content only (e.g. `<h1>`, `<p>`, `<span>`,\n/// or `<div>` with only text content). Use `baseline()` to set the baseline of\n/// containers that are flexbox or have non-flow content children.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $top - the distance from the top of the container to the\n/// text's baseline.\n/// @param {Number} $bottom - the distance from the text's baseline to the\n/// bottom of the container.\n/// @param {Boolean} $lineHeight - the line-height to use for the text. This\n/// is the distance between baselines of multiple lines of text.\n/// @param {String} $display - the display type of the container. May be `block`\n/// or `inline-block`.\n@mixin text-baseline(\n $top: 0,\n $bottom: 0,\n $display: block,\n $lineHeight: normal,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $validDisplayTypes: (block, inline-block);\n\n @if list.index($validDisplayTypes, $display) == null {\n @error \"mdc-typography: invalid display specified! #{$display} must be one of #{$validDisplayTypes}\";\n }\n\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include baseline(\n $display: $display,\n $top: $top,\n $bottom: $bottom,\n $query: $query\n );\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @if $top > 0 {\n margin-top: 0;\n /* @alternate */\n line-height: #{$lineHeight};\n }\n\n @if $bottom > 0 {\n margin-bottom: -1 * $bottom;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a baseline strut from the top of a container. This mixin is for\n/// advanced users, prefer `baseline()`.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $distance - The distance from the top of the container to\n/// the text's baseline.\n@mixin baseline-top($distance, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n &::before {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include baseline-strut_($distance);\n\n vertical-align: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Creates a baseline strut from the baseline to the bottom of a container.\n/// This mixin is for advanced users, prefer `baseline()`.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $distance - The distance from the text's baseline to the\n/// bottom of the container.\n@mixin baseline-bottom($distance, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n &::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include baseline-strut_($distance);\n\n vertical-align: -1 * $distance;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Adds an invisible, zero-width prefix to a container's text.\n/// This ensures that the baseline is always where the text would be, instead\n/// of defaulting to the container bottom when text is empty. Do not use this\n/// mixin if the `baseline` mixin is already applied.\n@mixin zero-width-prefix($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n &::before {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n content: '\\200b';\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin baseline-strut_($distance) {\n display: inline-block;\n width: 0;\n height: $distance;\n content: '';\n}\n\n@function get-font($typography) {\n @return map.get($styles, $typography, font-family);\n}\n\n@function get-line-height($typography) {\n @return map.get($styles, $typography, line-height);\n}\n\n@function get-size($typography) {\n @return map.get($styles, $typography, font-size);\n}\n\n@function get-weight($typography) {\n @return map.get($styles, $typography, font-weight);\n}\n\n@function get-tracking($typography) {\n @return map.get($styles, $typography, letter-spacing);\n}\n"],"sourceRoot":""}
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