57.4 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./packages/mdc-icon-button/mdc-icon-button.scss","webpack:///./packages/mdc-icon-button/_icon-button-theme.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/touch-target/_touch-target.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/theme/_css.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/ripple/_ripple.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/animation/_animation.scss","webpack:///./packages/material-components-web/node_modules/@material/ripple/_ripple-theme.scss"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAuHE,iBAEI,cC/EM,CAuGR,UAnBK,CAoBL,WApBK,CAqBL,aAGF,+CAUI,UAJiB,CAKjB,WALiB,CAMjB,YAGF,sEChEA,cAHsB,CAItB,iBAJsB,CAcpB,gBANwB,CAOxB,eAPwB,CDsE5B,yCC9GE,kBACA,QACA,WD0DK,CCpDH,SACA,UDmDG,CClDH,wEDuSJ,0BEjTI,0BAYF,mEHqDA,0CAGI,UC5FI,CD6FJ,WC7FI,CDFV,iBAEI,qBACA,kBACA,sBACA,YACA,aACA,6BACA,kBACA,cACA,qBACA,eACA,qFACA,iBAGF,yCEUA,kBACA,QACA,WAtCK,CA4CH,SACA,UA7CG,CA8CH,wEFmGJ,0BA9GM,eACA,oBAKN,+BAEI,mBACA,oBACA,uBAIJ,uBAEI,qBAIF,iDAEI,aAKN,wBESE,cAHsB,CAItB,iBAJsB,CFEtB,4CAEI,aAIF,sEAEI,qBIoMR,2CACE,KACE,8DC3R2B,CD2R3B,sDC3R2B,CDgS3B,oJAGF,GACE,yMAXJ,mCACE,KACE,8DC3R2B,CD2R3B,sDC3R2B,CDgS3B,oJAGF,GACE,yMAKJ,4CACE,KACE,0EACA,UAGF,GACE,yCAPJ,oCACE,KACE,0EACA,UAGF,GACE,yCAIJ,6CACE,KACE,0EACA,wCAGF,GACE,WAPJ,qCACE,KACE,0EACA,wCAGF,GACE,WJhMJ,iBIhCE,wBACA,qBACA,oBACA,yBACA,iCACA,mCAEA,0CAGE,8BAIJ,mGAGI,kBACA,kBACA,UACA,oBACA,WAIJ,kDAGI,4DD5EA,UAYF,qCC6EF,iDDzFI,UAYF,qCCyFA,sEAEI,sGAIJ,qEAEI,MAEA,OACA,8CACA,sEAMJ,gFAEI,6BAEA,+BAMJ,4FAEI,wLAQJ,8FAEI,4FAKA,wMA0CN,mGAGI,oBAEA,qBACA,UAZK,CAaL,WAbK,CAkBP,2IAGI,2CAEA,6CACA,sCACA,uCAIJ,qEAEI,sCACA,uCE9HJ,mGHxFE,sBAYF,+CGgJA,oIH5JE,aAYF,8CGuLE,4KAsBA,yBHzNA,aAYF,8CGuOE,2EAEI,gCAKF,kFAEI,wBAtRO,CH0Bb,aAYF,8CG2PA,qCH3PA,8DHkFA,0CAGI,oBACA,U","file":"mdc.icon-button.min.css","sourcesContent":["//\n// Copyright 2021 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/ripple/ripple';\n@use '@material/ripple/ripple-theme';\n@use '@material/touch-target/mixins' as touch-target-mixins;\n@use './icon-button-theme';\n\n@mixin core-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n @include without-ripple($query);\n @include ripple($query);\n}\n\n@mixin static-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n // postcss-bem-linter: define icon-button\n .mdc-icon-button {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: inline-block;\n position: relative;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n border: none;\n outline: none;\n background-color: transparent;\n fill: currentColor;\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n cursor: pointer;\n user-select: none;\n overflow: visible; // Added to fix IE11 touch target tests.\n }\n\n .mdc-icon-button__touch {\n @include touch-target-mixins.touch-target(\n $set-width: true,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n\n @include if-disabled_ {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n cursor: default;\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-icon-button--display-flex {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n align-items: center;\n display: inline-flex;\n justify-content: center;\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-icon-button__icon {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/selector-bem-pattern\n &.mdc-icon-button__icon--on {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-icon-button--touch {\n @include touch-target-mixins.margin(\n $component-height: icon-button-theme.$size,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n\n .mdc-icon-button--on {\n .mdc-icon-button__icon {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: none;\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/selector-bem-pattern\n &.mdc-icon-button__icon--on {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n // postcss-bem-linter: end\n}\n\n@mixin without-ripple($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-icon-button {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n font-size: icon-button-theme.$icon-size;\n }\n\n @include icon-button-theme.density(0, $query: $query);\n\n @include icon-button-theme.disabled-ink-color(\n text-disabled-on-light,\n $query: $query\n );\n\n svg,\n img {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n width: icon-button-theme.$icon-size;\n height: icon-button-theme.$icon-size;\n }\n }\n }\n\n @include static-styles($query: $query);\n}\n\n@mixin ripple($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n @include ripple.common($query); // COPYBARA_COMMENT_THIS_LINE\n\n .mdc-icon-button {\n @include ripple.surface(\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: icon-button-theme.$ripple-target\n );\n @include ripple.radius-unbounded(\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: icon-button-theme.$ripple-target\n );\n @include ripple-theme.states(\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: icon-button-theme.$ripple-target\n );\n\n .mdc-icon-button__ripple {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n pointer-events: none;\n z-index: 1;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Helps style the icon button in its disabled state.\n/// @access private\n///\n@mixin if-disabled_ {\n &:disabled {\n @content;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2021 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:math';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use 'sass:meta';\n@use '@material/density/functions' as density-functions;\n@use '@material/density/variables' as density-variables;\n@use '@material/elevation/elevation-theme';\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/ripple/ripple-theme';\n@use '@material/rtl/rtl';\n@use '@material/theme/keys';\n@use '@material/theme/state';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n@use '@material/theme/theme-color';\n@use '@material/touch-target/mixins' as touch-target-mixins;\n\n$ripple-target: '.mdc-icon-button__ripple';\n\n$icon-size: 24px !default;\n$size: 48px !default;\n$minimum-height: 28px !default;\n$maximum-height: $size !default;\n$container-shape: 50%;\n$density-scale: density-variables.$default-scale !default;\n$density-config: (\n size: (\n default: $size,\n maximum: $maximum-height,\n minimum: $minimum-height,\n ),\n) !default;\n\n$_custom-property-prefix: 'icon-button';\n\n$light-theme: (\n disabled-icon-color: theme-color.$on-surface,\n disabled-icon-opacity: 0.38,\n icon-color: theme-color.$primary,\n icon-size: $icon-size,\n focus-icon-color: theme-color.$primary,\n focus-state-layer-color: theme-color.$primary,\n focus-state-layer-opacity: 0.12,\n hover-icon-color: theme-color.$primary,\n hover-state-layer-color: theme-color.$primary,\n hover-state-layer-opacity: 0.08,\n pressed-icon-color: theme-color.$primary,\n pressed-state-layer-color: theme-color.$primary,\n pressed-state-layer-opacity: 0.12,\n state-layer-size: $size,\n);\n\n@mixin theme($theme) {\n @include theme.validate-theme($light-theme, $theme);\n\n @include keys.declare-custom-properties(\n $theme,\n $prefix: $_custom-property-prefix\n );\n}\n\n@mixin theme-styles($theme) {\n @include theme.validate-theme($light-theme, $theme);\n\n $theme: keys.create-theme-properties(\n $theme,\n $prefix: $_custom-property-prefix\n );\n\n @include _state-layer-size($size: map.get($theme, state-layer-size));\n @include _icon-size(map.get($theme, icon-size));\n @include _disabled-icon-opacity(map.get($theme, disabled-icon-opacity));\n @include _icon-color-with-map(\n (\n default: map.get($theme, icon-color),\n disabled: map.get($theme, disabled-icon-color),\n focus: map.get($theme, focus-icon-color),\n hover: map.get($theme, hover-icon-color),\n pressed: map.get($theme, pressed-icon-color),\n )\n );\n\n // States styles\n @include ripple-theme.theme-styles(\n (\n focus-state-layer-color: map.get($theme, focus-state-layer-color),\n focus-state-layer-opacity: map.get($theme, focus-state-layer-opacity),\n hover-state-layer-color: map.get($theme, hover-state-layer-color),\n hover-state-layer-opacity: map.get($theme, hover-state-layer-opacity),\n pressed-state-layer-color: map.get($theme, pressed-state-layer-color),\n pressed-state-layer-opacity: map.get($theme, pressed-state-layer-opacity),\n ),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the density scale for icon button.\n///\n/// @param {Number | String} $density-scale - Density scale value for component.\n/// Supported density scale values range from `-5` to `0`, with `0` being the default.\n///\n@mixin density($density-scale, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $size: density-functions.prop-value(\n $density-config: $density-config,\n $density-scale: $density-scale,\n $property-name: size,\n );\n\n @include size($size, $query: $query);\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the size of the icon-button.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $size - Size value for icon-button.\n/// Size will set the width, height, and padding for the overall component.\n///\n@mixin size($size, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n width: $size;\n height: $size;\n padding: math.div($size - $icon-size, 2);\n }\n\n &.mdc-icon-button--reduced-size {\n $component-size: $size;\n // Icon button ripple size is capped at 40px for icon buttons with densities\n // -1 and 0 (icon buttons with sizes 44x44 and 48x48px).\n // See http://b/192353968 for more info.\n @if $size >= 40px and $size <= 48px {\n $component-size: 40px;\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n width: $component-size;\n height: $component-size;\n padding: math.div($component-size - $icon-size, 2);\n }\n\n &.mdc-icon-button--touch {\n @include touch-target-mixins.margin(\n $component-height: $component-size,\n $component-width: $component-size,\n $touch-target-height: $size,\n $touch-target-width: $size,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n }\n\n .mdc-icon-button__touch {\n @include touch-target-mixins.touch-target(\n $set-width: true,\n $query: $query,\n $height: $size,\n $width: $size\n );\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the width, height and padding of icon button. Also changes the size of\n/// the icon itself based on button size.\n///\n/// @param {Number} $width - Width value for icon-button.\n/// @param {Number} $height - Height value for icon-button. (default: $width)\n/// @param {Number} $padding - Padding value for icon-button. (default: max($width, $height) / 2)\n/// @deprecated\n/// This mixin provides too much of low level customization.\n/// Please use mdc-icon-button-size instead.\n///\n@mixin icon-size(\n $width,\n $height: $width,\n $padding: math.div(math.max($width, $height), 2),\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n width: $width + $padding * 2;\n height: $height + $padding * 2;\n padding: $padding;\n font-size: math.max($width, $height);\n }\n\n // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-max-type\n svg,\n img {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n width: $width;\n height: $height;\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the font color and the ripple color to the provided color value.\n/// @param {Color} $color - The desired font and ripple color.\n///\n@mixin ink-color($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n @include ink-color_($color, $query: $query);\n @include ripple-theme.states(\n $color,\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n}\n\n///\n/// Flips icon only in RTL context.\n///\n@mixin flip-icon-in-rtl($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-button__icon {\n @include rtl.rtl {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include rtl.ignore-next-line();\n transform: rotate(180deg);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the font color to the provided color value for a disabled icon button.\n/// @param {Color} $color - The desired font color.\n///\n@mixin disabled-ink-color($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n @include if-disabled_ {\n @include ink-color_($color, $query: $query);\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Includes ad-hoc high contrast mode support.\n///\n@mixin high-contrast-mode-shim($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // TODO(b/175806874): Use the DOM border mixin after the ripple is moved\n // away from :before to a dedicated element.\n outline: solid 3px transparent;\n\n &:focus {\n outline: double 5px transparent;\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the font color to the provided color value. This can be wrapped in\n/// a state qualifier such as `mdc-icon-button-if-disabled_`.\n/// @access private\n///\n@mixin ink-color_($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(color, $color);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin _state-layer-size($size) {\n @include theme.property(height, $size);\n @include theme.property(width, $size);\n}\n\n@mixin _icon-size($size) {\n @include theme.property(font-size, $size);\n\n svg,\n img {\n @include theme.property(width, $size);\n @include theme.property(height, $size);\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the icon opacity to the given opacity.\n/// @access private\n///\n@mixin _disabled-icon-opacity($opacity) {\n &:disabled {\n @include theme.property(opacity, $opacity);\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Sets the icon color to the given color.\n/// @param {map} $color-map - The desired icon color, specified as a map of\n/// colors with states {default, disabled, focus, hover, pressed} as keys.\n/// @access private\n///\n@mixin _icon-color-with-map($color-map) {\n @include ink-color_(state.get-default-state($color-map));\n\n $disabled: state.get-disabled-state($color-map);\n @if $disabled {\n &:disabled {\n @include ink-color_($disabled);\n }\n }\n\n $focus: state.get-focus-state($color-map);\n @if $focus {\n @include ripple-theme.focus {\n @include ink-color_($focus);\n }\n }\n\n $hover: state.get-hover-state($color-map);\n @if $hover {\n &:hover {\n @include ink-color_($hover);\n }\n }\n\n $pressed: state.get-pressed-state($color-map);\n @if $pressed {\n @include ripple-theme.active {\n @include ink-color_($pressed);\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin _states-colors($color-map) {\n // TODO(b/191298796): support focused & pressed key colors.\n\n $hover: map.get($color-map, hover);\n @if $hover {\n @include ripple-theme.states-base-color(\n $color: $hover,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Helps style the icon button in its disabled state.\n/// @access private\n///\n@mixin if-disabled_ {\n &:disabled {\n @content;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2019 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:math';\n@use '@material/base/mixins' as base-mixins;\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/rtl/rtl';\n\n$height: 48px !default;\n$width: $height !default;\n\n/// Styles applied to the component's touch target wrapper element.\n@mixin wrapper($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-touch-target-wrapper {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Ensure that styles are only emitted once across all components that\n // have increased touch targets.\n @include base-mixins.emit-once('mdc-touch-target/wrapper') {\n // NOTE: Will change to `inline-block` in the future, but keeping as is\n // temporarily for backwards-compatibility.\n display: inline;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Styles applied to the component's inner touch target element.\n/// By default, only sets the inner element height to the minimum touch target\n/// height ($mdc-touch-target-height).\n/// @param {Boolean} $set-width [false] - Sets the inner element width to the\n/// minimum touch target width ($mdc-touch-target-width).\n/// @param $height [$mdc-touch-target-height] - Touch target height.\n/// @param $width [$mdc-touch-target-width] - Touch target width.\n@mixin touch-target(\n $set-width: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $height: $height,\n $width: $width\n) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n height: $height;\n }\n\n @if $set-width {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include rtl.ignore-next-line();\n left: 50%;\n width: $width;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n }\n } @else {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n transform: translateY(-50%);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Applies margin to the component with the increased touch target,\n/// to compensate for the touch target.\n@mixin margin(\n $component-height,\n $component-width: null,\n $touch-target-height: $height,\n $touch-target-width: $width,\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n $vertical-margin-value: math.div($touch-target-height - $component-height, 2);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n margin-top: $vertical-margin-value;\n margin-bottom: $vertical-margin-value;\n }\n\n @if $component-width {\n $horizontal-margin-value: math.div(\n $touch-target-width - $component-width,\n 2\n );\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n margin-right: $horizontal-margin-value;\n margin-left: $horizontal-margin-value;\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2020 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n@use 'sass:list';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use 'sass:meta';\n@use './gss';\n\n/// When true, add an additional property/value declaration before declarations\n/// that use advanced features such as custom properties or CSS functions. This\n/// adds fallback support for older browsers such as IE11 that do not support\n/// these features at the cost of additional CSS. Set this variable to false to\n/// disable generating fallback declarations.\n$enable-fallback-declarations: true !default;\n\n/// Writes a CSS property/value declaration. This mixin is used throughout the\n/// theme package for consistency for dynamically setting CSS property values.\n///\n/// This mixin may optionally take a fallback value. For advanced features such\n/// as custom properties or CSS functions like min and max, a fallback value is\n/// recommended to support older browsers.\n///\n/// @param {String} $property - The CSS property of the declaration.\n/// @param {*} $value - The value of the CSS declaration. The value should be\n/// resolved by other theme functions first (i.e. custom property Maps and\n/// Material theme keys are not supported in this mixin). If the value is\n/// null, no declarations will be emitted.\n/// @param {*} $fallback - An optional fallback value for older browsers. If\n/// provided, a second property/value declaration will be added before the\n/// main property/value declaration.\n/// @param {Map} $gss - An optional Map of GSS annotations to add.\n/// @param {Bool} $important - If true, add `!important` to the declaration.\n@mixin declaration(\n $property,\n $value,\n $fallback-value: null,\n $gss: (),\n $important: false\n) {\n // Normally setting a null value to a property will not emit CSS, so mixins\n // wouldn't need to check this. However, Sass will throw an error if the\n // interpolated property is a custom property.\n @if $value != null {\n $important-rule: if($important, ' !important', '');\n\n @if $fallback-value and $enable-fallback-declarations {\n @include gss.annotate($gss);\n #{$property}: #{$fallback-value} #{$important-rule};\n\n // Add @alternate to annotations.\n $gss: map.merge(\n $gss,\n (\n alternate: true,\n )\n );\n }\n\n @include gss.annotate($gss);\n #{$property}: #{$value}#{$important-rule};\n }\n}\n\n/// Unpacks shorthand values for CSS properties (i.e. lists of 1-3 values).\n/// If a list of 4 values is given, it is returned as-is.\n///\n/// Examples:\n///\n/// unpack-value(4px) => 4px 4px 4px 4px\n/// unpack-value(4px 2px) => 4px 2px 4px 2px\n/// unpack-value(4px 2px 2px) => 4px 2px 2px 2px\n/// unpack-value(4px 2px 0 2px) => 4px 2px 0 2px\n///\n/// @param {Number | Map | List} $value - List of 1 to 4 value numbers.\n/// @return {List} a List of 4 value numbers.\n@function unpack-value($value) {\n @if meta.type-of($value) == 'map' or list.length($value) == 1 {\n @return $value $value $value $value;\n } @else if list.length($value) == 4 {\n @return $value;\n } @else if list.length($value) == 3 {\n @return list.nth($value, 1) list.nth($value, 2) list.nth($value, 3)\n list.nth($value, 2);\n } @else if list.length($value) == 2 {\n @return list.nth($value, 1) list.nth($value, 2) list.nth($value, 1)\n list.nth($value, 2);\n }\n\n @error \"Invalid CSS property value: '#{$value}' is more than 4 values\";\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:math';\n@use 'sass:color';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use '@material/animation/functions' as functions2;\n@use '@material/animation/variables' as variables2;\n@use '@material/base/mixins' as base-mixins;\n@use '@material/theme/custom-properties';\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/rtl/rtl';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n@use './ripple-theme';\n\n@mixin core-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n @include static-styles($query: $query);\n\n .mdc-ripple-surface {\n @include ripple-theme.states($query: $query);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin static-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n .mdc-ripple-surface {\n @include surface($query: $query);\n @include radius-bounded($query: $query);\n @include surface-styles($query: $query);\n }\n\n .mdc-ripple-surface[data-mdc-ripple-is-unbounded],\n .mdc-ripple-upgraded--unbounded {\n @include radius-unbounded($query: $query);\n @include unbounded-styles($query: $query);\n }\n}\n\n/// Sets all states (including hover, focus, press, activated and selected) with\n/// given color as base color.\n///\n/// This mixin is for internal use only. Use `ripple-theme.states($color)` mixin\n/// to set interactive states (hover, focus & press) color.\n///\n/// @param {Color|String} $color - Target base color. Can be valid CSS color or\n/// a color string literal (i.e., `primary`, `secondary`, etc).\n@mixin states-for-color($color, $query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n @include ripple-theme.states($color, $query: $query);\n @include ripple-theme.states-activated($color, $query: $query);\n @include ripple-theme.states-selected($color, $query: $query);\n}\n\n@mixin surface-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n position: relative;\n outline: none;\n overflow: hidden;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin unbounded-styles($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n overflow: visible;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin common($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n\n // Ensure that styles needed by any component using MDC Ripple are emitted, but only once.\n // (Every component using MDC Ripple imports these mixins, but doesn't necessarily import\n // mdc-ripple.scss.)\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n @include base-mixins.emit-once('mdc-ripple/common/animation') {\n @include keyframes_;\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin surface(\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&',\n $include-will-change: true // TODO(b/151931961): Remove once resolved\n) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n --mdc-ripple-fg-size: 0;\n --mdc-ripple-left: 0;\n --mdc-ripple-top: 0;\n --mdc-ripple-fg-scale: 1;\n --mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end: 0;\n --mdc-ripple-fg-translate-start: 0;\n\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\n // TODO(b/151931961): Remove the following block once resolved\n @if $include-will-change {\n will-change: transform, opacity;\n }\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n position: absolute;\n border-radius: 50%;\n opacity: 0;\n pointer-events: none;\n content: '';\n }\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n // Also transition background-color to avoid unnatural color flashes when toggling activated/selected state\n transition: opacity ripple-theme.$states-wash-duration linear,\n background-color ripple-theme.$states-wash-duration linear;\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Ensure that the ripple wash for hover/focus states is displayed on top of positioned child elements\n @include theme.property(\n z-index,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-ripple-z-index, 1)\n );\n }\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include theme.property(\n z-index,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-ripple-z-index, 0)\n );\n }\n }\n\n // Common styles for upgraded surfaces (some of these depend on custom properties set via JS or other mixins)\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded {\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n transform: scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-scale, 1));\n }\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n top: 0;\n @include rtl.ignore-next-line();\n left: 0;\n transform: scale(0);\n transform-origin: center center;\n }\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--unbounded {\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n top: var(--mdc-ripple-top, 0);\n @include rtl.ignore-next-line();\n left: var(--mdc-ripple-left, 0);\n }\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--foreground-activation {\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n animation: mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in ripple-theme.$translate-duration\n forwards,\n mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-in ripple-theme.$fade-in-duration forwards;\n }\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--foreground-deactivation {\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n animation: mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-out ripple-theme.$fade-out-duration;\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n // Retain transform from mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in activation\n transform: translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end, 0))\n scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-scale, 1));\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin radius-bounded(\n $radius: 100%,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-struture: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) {\n top: calc(50% - #{$radius});\n @include rtl.ignore-next-line();\n left: calc(50% - #{$radius});\n width: $radius * 2;\n height: $radius * 2;\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded {\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) {\n width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius);\n height: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin radius-unbounded(\n $radius: 100%,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-struture: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) {\n top: calc(50% - #{math.div($radius, 2)});\n @include rtl.ignore-next-line();\n left: calc(50% - #{math.div($radius, 2)});\n width: $radius;\n height: $radius;\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded {\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) {\n top: var(--mdc-ripple-top, calc(50% - #{math.div($radius, 2)}));\n @include rtl.ignore-next-line();\n left: var(--mdc-ripple-left, calc(50% - #{math.div($radius, 2)}));\n width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius);\n height: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius);\n }\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-struture) {\n width: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius);\n height: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-size, $radius);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Common styles for a ripple target element.\n// Used for components which have an inner ripple target element.\n@mixin target-common($query: feature-targeting.all()) {\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n // Necessary for clicks on other inner elements (e.g. close icon in chip)\n // to go through.\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin keyframes_ {\n @keyframes mdc-ripple-fg-radius-in {\n from {\n animation-timing-function: variables2.$standard-curve-timing-function;\n // NOTE: For these keyframes, we do not need custom property fallbacks because they are only\n // used in conjunction with `.mdc-ripple-upgraded`. Since MDCRippleFoundation checks to ensure\n // that custom properties are supported within the browser before adding this class, we can\n // safely use them without a fallback.\n transform: translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-start, 0)) scale(1);\n }\n\n to {\n transform: translate(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-translate-end, 0))\n scale(var(--mdc-ripple-fg-scale, 1));\n }\n }\n\n @keyframes mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-in {\n from {\n animation-timing-function: linear;\n opacity: 0;\n }\n\n to {\n opacity: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-opacity, 0);\n }\n }\n\n @keyframes mdc-ripple-fg-opacity-out {\n from {\n animation-timing-function: linear;\n opacity: var(--mdc-ripple-fg-opacity, 0);\n }\n\n to {\n opacity: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n$deceleration-curve-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) !default;\n$standard-curve-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) !default;\n$acceleration-curve-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) !default;\n$sharp-curve-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1) !default;\n\n@function enter($name, $duration, $delay: 0ms) {\n @return $name $duration $delay $deceleration-curve-timing-function;\n}\n\n@function exit-permanent($name, $duration, $delay: 0ms) {\n @return $name $duration $delay $acceleration-curve-timing-function;\n}\n\n@function exit-temporary($name, $duration, $delay: 0ms) {\n @return $name $duration $delay $sharp-curve-timing-function;\n}\n\n@function standard($name, $duration, $delay: 0ms) {\n @return $name $duration $delay $standard-curve-timing-function;\n}\n\n@function linear($name, $duration, $delay: 0ms) {\n @return $name $duration $delay linear;\n}\n","//\n// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.\n//\n\n// Selector '.mdc-*' should only be used in this project.\n// stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern\n\n@use 'sass:color';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use '@material/animation/functions' as functions2;\n@use '@material/animation/variables' as variables2;\n@use '@material/base/mixins' as base-mixins;\n@use '@material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';\n@use '@material/theme/css';\n@use '@material/theme/custom-properties';\n@use '@material/theme/theme';\n@use '@material/theme/keys';\n@use '@material/theme/shadow-dom';\n@use '@material/theme/theme-color';\n\n$custom-property-prefix: 'ripple';\n\n$fade-in-duration: 75ms !default;\n$fade-out-duration: 150ms !default;\n$translate-duration: 225ms !default;\n$states-wash-duration: 15ms !default;\n\n// Notes on states:\n// * focus takes precedence over hover (i.e. if an element is both focused and hovered, only focus value applies)\n// * press state applies to a separate pseudo-element, so it has an additive effect on top of other states\n// * selected/activated are applied additively to hover/focus via calculations at preprocessing time\n\n$dark-ink-opacities: (\n hover: 0.04,\n focus: 0.12,\n press: 0.12,\n selected: 0.08,\n activated: 0.12,\n) !default;\n\n$light-ink-opacities: (\n hover: 0.08,\n focus: 0.24,\n press: 0.24,\n selected: 0.16,\n activated: 0.24,\n) !default;\n\n// Legacy\n\n$pressed-dark-ink-opacity: 0.16 !default;\n$pressed-light-ink-opacity: 0.32 !default;\n\n// State selector variables used for state selector mixins below.\n$_hover-selector: '&:hover';\n$_focus-selector: '&.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused, &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus';\n$_active-selector: '&:not(:disabled):active';\n\n$light-theme: (\n focus-state-layer-color: theme-color.$on-surface,\n focus-state-layer-opacity: map.get($dark-ink-opacities, focus),\n hover-state-layer-color: theme-color.$on-surface,\n hover-state-layer-opacity: map.get($dark-ink-opacities, hover),\n pressed-state-layer-color: theme-color.$on-surface,\n pressed-state-layer-opacity: map.get($dark-ink-opacities, press),\n);\n\n@mixin theme($theme) {\n @include keys.declare-custom-properties(\n $theme,\n $prefix: $custom-property-prefix\n );\n\n @if shadow-dom.$css-selector-fallback-declarations {\n .mdc-ripple-surface {\n @include theme-styles($theme);\n }\n }\n}\n\n$_ripple-theme: (\n hover-state-layer-color: null,\n focus-state-layer-color: null,\n pressed-state-layer-color: null,\n hover-state-layer-opacity: null,\n focus-state-layer-opacity: null,\n pressed-state-layer-opacity: null,\n);\n\n@mixin theme-styles($theme, $ripple-target: '&') {\n $theme: keys.create-theme-properties(\n $theme,\n $prefix: $custom-property-prefix\n );\n\n // TODO(b/191298796): Support states layer color for every interactive states.\n // Use only hover state layer color, ignoring focus and pressed color.\n @include internal-theme-styles($theme, $ripple-target);\n}\n\n@mixin internal-theme-styles($theme, $ripple-target: '&') {\n @include theme.validate-theme-keys($_ripple-theme, $theme);\n\n @include states-base-color(\n map.get($theme, hover-state-layer-color),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n @include states-hover-opacity(\n map.get($theme, hover-state-layer-opacity),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n @include states-focus-opacity(\n map.get($theme, focus-state-layer-opacity),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n @include states-press-opacity(\n map.get($theme, pressed-state-layer-opacity),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n}\n\n@mixin states-base-color(\n $color,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n @if $color {\n @if not custom-properties.is-custom-prop($color) {\n $color: custom-properties.create(\n ripple-color,\n theme-color.get-custom-property($color)\n );\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @if color.alpha(theme-color.prop-value($color)) > 0 {\n @include theme.property(background-color, $color);\n } @else {\n // If a color with 0 alpha is specified, don't render the ripple pseudo-elements at all.\n // This avoids unnecessary transitions and overflow.\n content: none;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n///\n/// Customizes ripple opacities in `hover`, `focus`, or `press` states\n/// @param {map} $opacity-map - map specifying custom opacity of zero or more states\n/// @param {bool} $has-nested-focusable-element - whether the component contains a focusable element in the root\n/// @param {string} $ripple-target - the optional selector for the ripple element\n///\n@mixin states-opacities(\n $opacity-map: (),\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $ripple-target: '&',\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n // Ensure sufficient specificity to override base state opacities\n @if map.get($opacity-map, hover) {\n @include states-hover-opacity(\n map.get($opacity-map, hover),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n\n @if map.get($opacity-map, focus) {\n @include states-focus-opacity(\n map.get($opacity-map, focus),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n\n @if map.get($opacity-map, press) {\n @include states-press-opacity(\n map.get($opacity-map, press),\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-hover-opacity(\n $opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n @if $opacity and not custom-properties.is-custom-prop($opacity) {\n $opacity: custom-properties.create(ripple-hover-opacity, $opacity);\n }\n\n // Background wash styles, for both CSS-only and upgraded stateful surfaces\n &:hover,\n &.mdc-ripple-surface--hover {\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent in typical usage\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(opacity, $opacity);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-focus-opacity(\n $opacity,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n // Focus overrides hover by reusing the ::before pseudo-element.\n // :focus-within generally works on non-MS browsers and matches when a *child* of the element has focus.\n // It is useful for cases where a component has a focusable element within the root node, e.g. text field,\n // but undesirable in general in case of nested stateful components.\n // We use a modifier class for JS-enabled surfaces to support all use cases in all browsers.\n @if $has-nested-focusable-element {\n // JS-enabled selectors.\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused,\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded:focus-within,\n // CSS-only selectors.\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus,\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus-within {\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n @include states-focus-opacity-properties_(\n $opacity: $opacity,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n }\n } @else {\n // JS-enabled selectors.\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused,\n // CSS-only selectors.\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded):focus {\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n @include states-focus-opacity-properties_(\n $opacity: $opacity,\n $query: $query\n );\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-focus-opacity-properties_($opacity, $query) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent in typical usage\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n @if $opacity {\n @if not custom-properties.is-custom-prop($opacity) {\n $opacity: custom-properties.create(ripple-focus-opacity, $opacity);\n }\n\n // Note that this duration is only effective on focus, not blur\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition-duration: 75ms;\n }\n\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(opacity, $opacity);\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-press-opacity(\n $opacity,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-animation: feature-targeting.create-target($query, animation);\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n\n // Styles for non-upgraded (CSS-only) stateful surfaces\n\n @if $opacity {\n @if not custom-properties.is-custom-prop($opacity) {\n $opacity: custom-properties.create(ripple-press-opacity, $opacity);\n }\n\n &:not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded) {\n // Apply press additively by using the ::after pseudo-element\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition: opacity $fade-out-duration linear;\n }\n }\n\n &:active {\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-animation) {\n transition-duration: $fade-in-duration;\n }\n\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent in typical usage\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(opacity, $opacity);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n &.mdc-ripple-upgraded {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n // Upgraded ripple should always emit custom property, regardless of\n // configuration, since ripple itself feature detects custom property\n // support at runtime.\n @include custom-properties.configure($emit-custom-properties: true) {\n @include theme.property(\n custom-properties.create(ripple-fg-opacity, $opacity)\n );\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Simple mixin for base states which automatically selects opacity values based on whether the ink color is\n// light or dark.\n@mixin states(\n $color: theme-color.prop-value(on-surface),\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&',\n $opacity-map: null\n) {\n @include states-interactions_(\n $color: $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $opacity-map: $opacity-map\n );\n}\n\n// Simple mixin for activated states which automatically selects opacity values based on whether the ink color is\n// light or dark.\n@mixin states-activated(\n $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n $activated-opacity: states-opacity($color, activated);\n\n &--activated {\n // Stylelint seems to think that '&' qualifies as a type selector here?\n // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-max-type\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent.\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(\n --mdc-ripple-activated-opacity,\n $activated-opacity\n )\n );\n }\n }\n\n @include states-interactions_(\n $color: $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $opacity-modifier: $activated-opacity,\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n }\n}\n\n// Simple mixin for selected states which automatically selects opacity values based on whether the ink color is\n// light or dark.\n@mixin states-selected(\n $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: false,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&'\n) {\n $feat-color: feature-targeting.create-target($query, color);\n $selected-opacity: states-opacity($color, selected);\n\n &--selected {\n // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-max-type\n #{$ripple-target}::before {\n // Opacity falls under color because the chosen opacity is color-dependent.\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-color) {\n @include theme.property(\n opacity,\n custom-properties.create(\n --mdc-ripple-selected-opacity,\n $selected-opacity\n )\n );\n }\n }\n\n @include states-interactions_(\n $color: $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $opacity-modifier: $selected-opacity,\n $query: $query,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target\n );\n }\n}\n\n@mixin states-interactions_(\n $color,\n $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $opacity-modifier: 0,\n $query: feature-targeting.all(),\n $ripple-target: '&',\n $opacity-map: null\n) {\n @include target-selector($ripple-target) {\n @include states-base-color($color, $query);\n }\n\n @if $opacity-map == null {\n $opacity-map: (\n hover: states-opacity($color, hover) + $opacity-modifier,\n focus: states-opacity($color, focus) + $opacity-modifier,\n press: states-opacity($color, press) + $opacity-modifier,\n );\n }\n\n @include states-opacities(\n $opacity-map,\n $has-nested-focusable-element: $has-nested-focusable-element,\n $ripple-target: $ripple-target,\n $query: $query\n );\n}\n\n// Wraps content in the `ripple-target` selector if it exists.\n@mixin target-selector($ripple-target: '&') {\n @if $ripple-target == '&' {\n @content;\n } @else {\n #{$ripple-target} {\n @content;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Selector for hover, active and focus states.\n@mixin states-selector() {\n #{$_hover-selector},\n #{$_focus-selector},\n #{$_active-selector} {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin hover() {\n #{$_hover-selector} {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n// Selector for focus state. Using ':not(.mdc-ripple-upgraded)' to continue\n// applying focus styles on JS-disabled components, and control focus\n// on JS-enabled components with '.mdc-ripple-upgraded--background-focused'.\n@mixin focus() {\n #{$_focus-selector} {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n// Selector for active state. Using `:active:active` to override focus styles.\n@mixin pressed() {\n #{$_active-selector} {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n// @deprecated Use `pressed()` mixin - renamed for consistency.\n@mixin active() {\n @include pressed() {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n/// Keep the ripple (State overlay) behind the content.\n@mixin behind-content(\n $ripple-target,\n $content-root-selector: '&',\n $query: feature-targeting.all()\n) {\n // Needed for IE11. Without this, IE11 renders the state layer completely\n // underneath the container, making it invisible.\n $feat-structure: feature-targeting.create-target($query, structure);\n\n #{$content-root-selector} {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n z-index: 0;\n }\n }\n\n #{$ripple-target}::before,\n #{$ripple-target}::after {\n @include feature-targeting.targets($feat-structure) {\n @include theme.property(\n z-index,\n custom-properties.create(--mdc-ripple-z-index, -1)\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\n@function states-opacity($color, $state) {\n $color-value: theme-color.prop-value($color);\n $opacity-map: if(\n theme-color.tone($color-value) == 'light',\n $light-ink-opacities,\n $dark-ink-opacities\n );\n\n @if not map.has-key($opacity-map, $state) {\n @error \"Invalid state: '#{$state}'. Choose one of: #{map.keys($opacity-map)}\";\n }\n\n @return map.get($opacity-map, $state);\n}\n"],"sourceRoot":""}
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