1 |
2 | title: "Icon buttons"
3 | layout: detail
4 | section: components
5 | excerpt: "Web icon buttons"
6 | iconId: button
7 | path: /catalog/buttons/icon-buttons/
8 | -->
9 |
10 | # Icon buttons
11 |
12 | [Icon buttons](https://material.io/components/buttons/) allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.
13 |
14 | **Note**: For buttons with both icons and text, use the `mdc-button` component. For more information, see the `mdc-button` [docs](../mdc-button).
15 |
16 | ## Using icon buttons
17 |
18 | ### Installation
19 |
20 | ```
21 | npm install @material/icon-button
22 | ```
23 |
24 | ### Styles
25 |
26 | ```scss
27 | @use "@material/icon-button/styles";
28 | ```
29 |
30 | ### JavaScript instantiation
31 |
32 | The icon button will work without JavaScript, but you can enhance it to have a ripple effect by instantiating `MDCRipple` on the root element.
33 | See [MDC Ripple](../mdc-ripple) for details.
34 |
35 | ```js
36 | import {MDCRipple} from '@material/ripple';
37 |
38 | const iconButtonRipple = new MDCRipple(document.querySelector('.mdc-icon-button'));
39 | iconButtonRipple.unbounded = true;
40 | ```
41 |
42 | **Note**: See [Importing the JS component](../../docs/importing-js.md) for more information on how to import JavaScript.
43 |
44 | ### Icons
45 |
46 | We recommend using [Material Icons](https://material.io/tools/icons/) from Google Fonts:
47 |
48 | ```html
49 | <head>
50 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons">
51 | </head>
52 | ```
53 |
54 | However, you can also use SVG, [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/), or any other icon library you wish.
55 |
56 | ## Icon button
57 |
58 | ```html
59 | <button class="mdc-icon-button material-icons">
60 | <div class="mdc-icon-button__ripple"></div>
61 | <span class="mdc-icon-button__focus-ring"></span>
62 | favorite
63 | </button>
64 | ```
65 |
66 | **Note**: The MDC Icon Button can be used with both `<button>` and `<a>` tags.
67 |
68 | **Note**: IE11 will not center the icon properly if there is a newline or space after the material icon text.
69 |
70 | ### Making icon buttons accessible
71 |
72 | Material Design spec advises that touch targets should be at least 48 x 48 px.
73 | To meet this requirement, add the following to your button:
74 |
75 | ```html
76 | <div class="mdc-touch-target-wrapper">
77 | <button class="mdc-icon-button material-icons">
78 | <div class="mdc-icon-button__ripple"></div>
79 | <span class="mdc-icon-button__focus-ring"></span>
80 | favorite
81 | <div class="mdc-icon-button__touch"></div>
82 | </button>
83 | </div>
84 | ```
85 | **Note: The outer `mdc-touch-target-wrapper` element is only necessary if you want to avoid potentially overlapping touch targets on adjacent elements (due to collapsing margins).**
86 |
87 | The `mdc-icon-button__focus-ring` element ensures that a focus indicator is displayed in high contrast mode around the active/focused icon button.
88 |
89 | ## Icon button toggle
90 |
91 | The icon button can be used to toggle between an on and off icon.
92 |
93 | To style an icon button as an icon button toggle, add
94 | both icons as child elements and place the `mdc-icon-button__icon--on` class on the icon that represents the on element.
95 | If the button should be initialized in the "on" state, then add the `mdc-icon-button--on` class to the parent `button`.
96 |
97 | ```html
98 | <button id="add-to-favorites"
99 | class="mdc-icon-button"
100 | aria-label="Add to favorites"
101 | aria-pressed="false">
102 | <div class="mdc-icon-button__ripple"></div>
103 | <span class="mdc-icon-button__focus-ring"></span>
104 | <i class="material-icons mdc-icon-button__icon mdc-icon-button__icon--on">favorite</i>
105 | <i class="material-icons mdc-icon-button__icon">favorite_border</i>
106 | </button>
107 | ```
108 |
109 | Then, instantiate an `MDCIconButtonToggle` on the root element.
110 |
111 | ```js
112 | import {MDCIconButtonToggle} from '@material/icon-button';
113 | const iconToggle = new MDCIconButtonToggle(document.querySelector('.mdc-icon-button'));
114 | ```
115 |
116 | ### Icon button toggle with SVG
117 |
118 | The icon button toggle can be used with SVGs.
119 |
120 | ```html
121 | <button id="star-this-item"
122 | class="mdc-icon-button mdc-icon-button--on"
123 | aria-label="Unstar this item"
124 | aria-pressed="true">
125 | <div class="mdc-icon-button__ripple"></div>
126 | <span class="mdc-icon-button__focus-ring"></span>
127 | <svg class="mdc-icon-button__icon">
128 | ...
129 | </svg>
130 | <svg class="mdc-icon-button__icon mdc-icon-button__icon--on">
131 | ...
132 | </svg>
133 | </button>
134 | ```
135 |
136 | ### Icon button toggle with an image
137 |
138 | The icon button toggle can be used with `img` tags.
139 |
140 | ```html
141 | <button id="star-this-item"
142 | class="mdc-icon-button mdc-icon-button--on"
143 | aria-label="Unstar this item"
144 | aria-pressed="true">
145 | <div class="mdc-icon-button__ripple"></div>
146 | <span class="mdc-icon-button__focus-ring"></span>
147 | <img src="" class="mdc-icon-button__icon"/>
148 | <img src="" class="mdc-icon-button__icon mdc-icon-button__icon--on"/>
149 | </button>
150 | ```
151 |
152 | ### Icon button toggle with toggled aria label
153 |
154 | Some designs may call for the aria label to change depending on the icon button
155 | state. In this case, specify the `data-aria-label-on` (aria label in on state)
156 | and `aria-data-label-off` (aria label in off state) attributes, and omit the
157 | `aria-pressed` attribute.
158 |
159 | ```html
160 | <button id="add-to-favorites"
161 | class="mdc-icon-button"
162 | aria-label="Add to favorites"
163 | data-aria-label-on="Remove from favorites"
164 | data-aria-label-off="Add to favorites">
165 | <div class="mdc-icon-button__ripple"></div>
166 | <span class="mdc-icon-button__focus-ring"></span>
167 | <i class="material-icons mdc-icon-button__icon mdc-icon-button__icon--on">favorite</i>
168 | <i class="material-icons mdc-icon-button__icon">favorite_border</i>
169 | </button>
170 | ```
171 |
172 | ## API
173 |
174 | ### CSS classes
175 |
176 | CSS Class | Description
177 | --- | ---
178 | `mdc-icon-button` | Mandatory.
179 | `mdc-icon-button__ripple` | Mandatory. Indicates the element which shows the ripple styling.
180 | `mdc-icon-button--on` | This class is applied to the root element and is used to indicate if the icon button toggle is in the "on" state.
181 | `mdc-icon-button__icon` | This class is applied to each icon element for the icon button toggle.
182 | `mdc-icon-button__icon--on` | This class is applied to a icon element and is used to indicate the toggle button icon that is represents the "on" icon.
183 | `mdc-icon-button__focus-ring` | Recommended. Indicates the element which shows the high contrast mode focus ring styling.
184 |
185 | ### Sass mixins
186 |
187 | To customize an icon button's color and properties, you can use the following mixins.
188 |
189 | Mixin | Description
190 | --- | ---
191 | `density($density-scale)` | Sets density scale for icon button. Supported density scales range from `-5` to `0`, (`0` being the default).
192 | `size($size)` | Sets the padding for the icon button based on overall size.
193 | `ink-color($color)` | Sets the font color and the ripple color to the provided color value.
194 | `disabled-ink-color($color)` | Sets the font color to the provided color value for a disabled icon button.
195 | `flip-icon-in-rtl()` | Flips icon only in RTL context.
196 |
197 | ### `MDCIconButtonToggle` properties and methods
198 |
199 | Property | Value Type | Description
200 | --- | --- | ---
201 | `on` | Boolean | Sets the toggle state to the provided `isOn` value.
202 |
203 | ### Events
204 |
205 | Event Name | Event Data Structure | Description
206 | --- | --- | ---
207 | `MDCIconButtonToggle:change` | `{"detail": {"isOn": boolean}}` | Emits when the icon is toggled.
208 |
209 | ### `MDCIconButtonToggleAdapter`
210 |
211 | Method Signature | Description
212 | --- | ---
213 | `addClass(className: string) => void` | Adds a class to the root element.
214 | `removeClass(className: string) => void` | Removes a class from the root element.
215 | `hasClass(className: string) => boolean` | Determines whether the root element has the given CSS class name.
216 | `setAttr(name: string, value: string) => void` | Sets the attribute `name` to `value` on the root element.
217 | `notifyChange(evtData: {isOn: boolean}) => void` | Broadcasts a change notification, passing along the `evtData` to the environment's event handling system. In our vanilla implementation, Custom Events are used for this.
218 |
219 | ### `MDCIconButtonToggleFoundation`
220 |
221 | Method Signature | Description
222 | --- | ---
223 | `handleClick()` | Event handler triggered on the click event. It will toggle the icon from on/off and update aria attributes.