1 |
2 | title: "Line Ripple"
3 | layout: detail
4 | section: components
5 | excerpt: "The line ripple is used to highlight user-specified input above it."
6 | path: /catalog/input-controls/line-ripple/
7 | -->
8 |
9 | # Line Ripple
10 |
11 | The line ripple is used to highlight user-specified input above it. When a line ripple is active, the line’s color and thickness changes.
12 |
13 | ## Design & API Documentation
14 |
15 | <ul class="icon-list">
16 | <li class="icon-list-item icon-list-item--spec">
17 | <a href="https://material.io/go/design-text-fields#text-fields-layout">Material Design guidelines: Text Fields Layout</a>
18 | </li>
19 | <li class="icon-list-item icon-list-item--spec">
20 | <a href="https://material-components.github.io/material-components-web-catalog/#/component/text-field">Demo with Line Ripple on Text Field</a>
21 | </li>
22 | </ul>
23 |
24 | ## Installation
25 |
26 | ```
27 | npm install @material/line-ripple
28 | ```
29 |
30 | ## Basic Usage
31 |
32 | ### HTML Structure
33 |
34 | ```html
35 | <span class="mdc-line-ripple"></span>
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ### Styles
39 |
40 | ```scss
41 | @use "@material/line-ripple/mdc-line-ripple";
42 | ```
43 |
44 | ### JavaScript Instantiation
45 |
46 | ```js
47 | import {MDCLineRipple} from '@material/line-ripple';
48 |
49 | const lineRipple = new MDCLineRipple(document.querySelector('.mdc-line-ripple'));
50 | ```
51 |
52 | ## Style Customization
53 |
54 | ### CSS Classes
55 |
56 | CSS Class | Description
57 | --- | ---
58 | `mdc-line-ripple` | Mandatory.
59 | `mdc-line-ripple--active` | Styles the line ripple as an active line ripple.
60 | `mdc-line-ripple--deactivating` | Styles the line ripple as a deactivating line ripple.
61 |
62 | ### Sass Mixins
63 |
64 | Mixin | Description
65 | --- | ---
66 | `active-color($color)` | Customizes the color of the line ripple when active.
67 | `inactive-color($color)` | Customizes the color of the line ripple when inactive.
68 |
69 | ## `MDCLineRipple` Properties and Methods
70 |
71 | Method Signature | Description
72 | --- | ---
73 | `activate() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `activate()` method.
74 | `deactivate() => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `deactivate()` method.
75 | `setRippleCenter(xCoordinate: number) => void` | Proxies to the foundation's `setRippleCenter(xCoordinate: number)` method.
76 |
77 | ## Usage Within Frameworks
78 |
79 | If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create a Line Ripple for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the _Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components_, or the _Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters_. Please follow the instructions [here](../../docs/integrating-into-frameworks.md).
80 |
81 | ### `MDCLineRippleAdapter`
82 |
83 | Method Signature | Description
84 | --- | ---
85 | `addClass(className: string) => void` | Adds a class to the root element.
86 | `removeClass(className: string) => void` | Removes a class from the root element.
87 | `hasClass(className: string) => boolean` | Determines whether the root element has the given CSS class name.
88 | `setStyle(propertyName: string, value: string) => void` | Sets the style property with `propertyName` to `value` on the root element.
89 | `registerEventHandler(evtType: EventType, handler: EventListener) => void` | Registers an event listener on the root element for a given event.
90 | `deregisterEventHandler(evtType: EventType, handler: EventListener) => void` | Deregisters an event listener on the root element for a given event.
91 |
92 | ### `MDCLineRippleFoundation`
93 |
94 | Method Signature | Description
95 | --- | ---
96 | `activate() => void` | Activates the line ripple.
97 | `deactivate() => void` | Deactivates the line ripple.
98 | `setRippleCenter(xCoordinate: number) => void` | Sets the center of the ripple to the `xCoordinate` given.
99 | `handleTransitionEnd(evt: Event) => void` | Handles a `transitionend` event.