1 | //
2 | // Copyright 2021 Google Inc.
3 | //
4 | // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
5 | // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
6 | // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
7 | // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
8 | // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
9 | // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10 | //
11 | // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
12 | // all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
13 | //
21 | //
22 |
23 | @use 'sass:list';
24 | @use 'sass:math';
25 | @use 'sass:selector';
26 | @use 'sass:string';
27 |
28 | // A collection of extensions to the sass:selector module
29 | // https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/selector
30 |
31 | /// Recursively negates and flattens a compound selector.
32 | ///
33 | /// This is useful for IE11 support when appending two selectors when the second
34 | /// selector may have another nested `:not()`, since IE11 does not supported
35 | /// complex selector lists within `:not()`.
36 | ///
37 | /// @example - scss
38 | /// $selector1: '.foo';
39 | /// $selector2: '.bar:not(.baz)';
40 | ///
41 | /// #{selector.append($selector1, ':not(#{$selector2})'} {
42 | /// /* Modern browsers */
43 | /// }
44 | ///
45 | /// #{selector.append($selector1, negate($selector2)} {
46 | /// /* IE11 support */
47 | /// }
48 | ///
49 | /// @example - css
50 | /// .foo:not(.bar:not(.baz)) {
51 | /// /* Modern browsers */
52 | /// }
53 | ///
54 | /// .foo:not(.bar), .foo.baz {
55 | /// /* IE11 support */
56 | /// }
57 | ///
58 | /// @param {String} $compound-selector - A compound selector to negate.
59 | /// @return {List} The negated selector in selector value format.
60 | @function negate($compound-selector) {
61 | $result: null;
62 | @each $simple-selector in selector.simple-selectors($compound-selector) {
63 | $to-append: null;
64 | @if string.index($simple-selector, ':not(') == 1 {
65 | $inside-not: string.slice($simple-selector, 6, -2);
66 | $inside-not-simple-selectors: selector.simple-selectors($inside-not);
67 | $inside-not-result: null;
68 |
69 | @each $inside-not-simple-selector
70 | in selector.simple-selectors($inside-not)
71 | {
72 | @if $inside-not-result == null {
73 | // Skip the first simple selector, which has already been negated by
74 | // removing :not() when parsing $inside-not.
75 | $inside-not-result: selector.parse($inside-not-simple-selector);
76 | } @else {
77 | // Flatten nested :not()s ".foo:not(.bar:not(.baz))" (IE11 support)
78 | @if string.index($inside-not-simple-selector, ':not(') == 1 {
79 | $inside-not-result: list.join(
80 | $inside-not-result,
81 | _negate($inside-not-simple-selector)
82 | );
83 | } @else {
84 | $inside-not-result: selector.append(
85 | $inside-not-result,
86 | $inside-not-simple-selector
87 | );
88 | }
89 | }
90 | }
91 |
92 | $result: if(
93 | $result,
94 | list.join($result, $inside-not-result),
95 | $inside-not-result
96 | );
97 | } @else {
98 | $to-append: string.unquote(':not(#{$simple-selector})');
99 | $result: if($result, selector.append($result, $to-append), $to-append);
100 | }
101 | }
102 |
103 | @return $result;
104 | }
105 |
106 | /// Identical to `selector.append()`, but adheres strictly to CSS compound
107 | /// selector order.
108 | ///
109 | /// @example - scss
110 | /// .foo::before {
111 | /// &[dir=rtl] { /* Invalid */ }
112 | /// }
113 | ///
114 | /// .foo::before {
115 | /// @include append-strict(&, '[dir=rtl]') { /* Valid */ }
116 | /// }
117 | ///
118 | /// @example - css
119 | /// .foo::before[dir=rtl] {
120 | /// /* Invalid */
121 | /// }
122 | ///
123 | /// .foo[dir=rtl]::before {
124 | /// /* Valid */
125 | /// }
126 | ///
127 | /// This is useful for mixins where the parent selector is unknown and the
128 | /// appended selector's position is critical to maintain valid CSS.
129 | ///
130 | /// @param {List} $selectors - One or more selectors to append.
131 | @mixin append-strict($selectors...) {
132 | @at-root {
133 | #{append-strict($selectors...)} {
134 | @content;
135 | }
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | /// Function version of `append-strict()`. Use this instead of the mixin along
140 | /// with `@at-root` when combining the result of `append-strict()` with other
141 | /// selectors.
142 | ///
143 | /// @example - scss
144 | /// .foo::before {
145 | /// // Cannot add a list of other selectors with an @include mixin.
146 | /// // @include append-strict(&, ':hover'), & {}
147 | ///
148 | /// @at-root {
149 | /// // Use @at-root and interpolation to add additional selectors
150 | /// #{append-strict(&, ':hover')},
151 | /// & {
152 | /// color: inherit;
153 | /// }
154 | /// }
155 | /// }
156 | ///
157 | /// @example - css
158 | /// .foo:hover::before,
159 | /// .foo::before {
160 | /// color: inherit;
161 | /// }
162 | ///
163 | /// @see {mixin} append-strict
164 | ///
165 | /// @param {List} $selectors - One or more selectors to append.
166 | /// @return {List} The appended selectors in selector value format.
167 | @function append-strict($selectors...) {
168 | $selector-lists: ();
169 | @each $selector in $selectors {
170 | $selector-lists: list.append($selector-lists, selector.parse($selector));
171 | }
172 |
173 | @return _append-strict($selector-lists);
174 | }
175 |
176 | /// Iterates through multiple selector Lists and strictly appends every
177 | /// combination of each selector lists' complex selectors.
178 | ///
179 | /// @see {mixin} _append-strict-complex-selectors
180 | ///
181 | /// @param {List} $selector-lists - A List of selector lists to append.
182 | /// @return {List} A single selector List resulting from appending all the
183 | /// provided selector lists.
184 | @function _append-strict($selector-lists) {
185 | $length: list.length($selector-lists);
186 | // Track the current index of each complex selector (within each selector
187 | // list) that we are creating a combination of.
188 | //
189 | // Selectors: ((1), (2a, 2b), (3))
190 | // Combinations: (1, 2a, 3), (1, 2b, 3)
191 | //
192 | // Initialize it to the first complex selector index for each selector list.
193 | $current-indices: ();
194 | @for $i from 1 through $length {
195 | $current-indices: list.append($current-indices, 1);
196 | }
197 |
198 | // The final result: a single selector list resulting from appending the
199 | // provided selector lists.
200 | $selector-list-result: ();
201 |
202 | $has-more-combinations: true;
203 | @while $has-more-combinations {
204 | // A combination of complex selectors to add to the selector list result.
205 | $complex-selector-combination: ();
206 | @for $i from 1 through $length {
207 | $selector-list: list.nth($selector-lists, $i);
208 | $current-index: list.nth($current-indices, $i);
209 | $complex-selector: list.nth($selector-list, $current-index);
210 | $complex-selector-combination: _append-strict-complex-selectors(
211 | $complex-selector-combination,
212 | $complex-selector
213 | );
214 | }
215 |
216 | $selector-list-result: list.append(
217 | $selector-list-result,
218 | $complex-selector-combination,
219 | $separator: comma
220 | );
221 |
222 | // Increase the index of the last selector list's complex selector to its
223 | // next one. If it reaches the length of the array, reset to 1 and bump the
224 | // next selector list index.
225 | //
226 | // Given selector lists: ((1), (2a, 2b), (3))
227 | // At indices: ((1), (1), (1))
228 | // Try bumping: ((1), (1), (2*)) *This index is >length of 1 for the list
229 | // Bump the next: ((1), (2), (1))
230 | $bump-next-list-index: true;
231 | @for $neg-i from $length * -1 through -1 {
232 | @if $bump-next-list-index {
233 | $i: math.abs($neg-i);
234 | $selector-list: list.nth($selector-lists, $i);
235 | $current-index: list.nth($current-indices, $i);
236 | $next-index: $current-index + 1;
237 | @if $next-index > list.length($selector-list) {
238 | // Reset to start for the list and bump the next list (technically
239 | // previous since we're iterating backwards).
240 | $next-index: 1;
241 | $bump-next-list-index: true;
242 | } @else {
243 | // If we bumped to the next index for this selector list, we can
244 | // "break" the loop and continue to form the next combination.
245 | $bump-next-list-index: false;
246 | }
247 |
248 | // Save the new current index for this selector list.
249 | $current-indices: list.set-nth($current-indices, $i, $next-index);
250 | }
251 | }
252 |
253 | // When the first selector list reaches its length, it will ask to bump the
254 | // next selector list index. There are no more selector lists, which means
255 | // there are no more combinations and the loop may end.
256 | @if $bump-next-list-index {
257 | $has-more-combinations: false;
258 | }
259 | }
260 |
261 | @return $selector-list-result;
262 | }
263 |
264 | /// Appends two complex selectors together, strictly adhering to the CSS
265 | /// `<compound-selector>` type definition to avoid forming invalid resulting
266 | /// compound selectors.
267 | ///
268 | /// @param {List} $complex-selector-a - The first List of space-separated
269 | /// compound selectors.
270 | /// @param {List} $complex-selector-a - The second List of space-separated
271 | /// compound selectors.
272 | /// @return {List} A resulting appended complex selector.
273 | @function _append-strict-complex-selectors(
274 | $complex-selector-a,
275 | $complex-selector-b
276 | ) {
277 | // If one of the lists is empty, return the other list.
278 | @if list.length($complex-selector-a) < 1 {
279 | @return $complex-selector-b;
280 | }
281 |
282 | @if list.length($complex-selector-b) < 1 {
283 | @return $complex-selector-a;
284 | }
285 |
286 | // The "joining" of A and B happens at the last compound selector of A and the
287 | // first compound selector of B.
288 | //
289 | // Example:
290 | // ".foo .bar" and ".baz :hover" will append as
291 | // ".foo .bar.baz :hover"
292 | $last-compound-selector-a: list.nth(
293 | $complex-selector-a,
294 | list.length($complex-selector-a)
295 | );
296 | $first-compound-selector-b: list.nth($complex-selector-b, 1);
297 |
298 | // The compound selector CSS joining (".bar" and ".baz") and their sorting
299 | // only needs to happen on the last/first of A/B.
300 | $simple-selectors-a: selector.simple-selectors($last-compound-selector-a);
301 | $simple-selectors-b: selector.simple-selectors($first-compound-selector-b);
302 | $sorted-simple-selectors: _sort-simple-selectors(
303 | list.join($simple-selectors-a, $simple-selectors-b)
304 | );
305 |
306 | // The result can start to form by setting the last compound selector of A to
307 | // the result of the sorted and joined ".bar.baz"...
308 | $result: list.set-nth(
309 | $complex-selector-a,
310 | list.length($complex-selector-a),
311 | _join-simple-selectors($sorted-simple-selectors)
312 | );
313 |
314 | // ...then adding the remaining compound selectors (excluding the first one,
315 | // which was already appended) from B.
316 | @if list.length($complex-selector-b) > 1 {
317 | @for $i from 2 through list.length($complex-selector-b) {
318 | $result: list.append(list.nth($complex-selector-b, $i));
319 | }
320 | }
321 |
322 | @return $result;
323 | }
324 |
325 | /// Combines a List of simple selectors together to form a compound selector.
326 | /// If there are any pseudo class function selectors that should nest their
327 | /// selectors within their parentheses, this function will do so.
328 | ///
329 | /// @param {List} $simple-selectors - A List of simple selectors to join.
330 | /// @return {String} A compound selector.
331 | @function _join-simple-selectors($simple-selectors) {
332 | $compound-selector: '';
333 | $parens-index: _get-nestable-parens-index($simple-selectors);
334 | @if $parens-index {
335 | // Contains a selector, such as :host() that other selectors must be placed
336 | // within the parentheses of. This selector should be moved to the front of
337 | // the compound selector.
338 | $compound-selector: list.nth($simple-selectors, $parens-index);
339 | @if string.index($compound-selector, '(') != null {
340 | // Already has parens. Remove the final closing parens so that additional
341 | // selectors are placed within the parentheses.
342 | $compound-selector: string.slice(
343 | $compound-selector,
344 | 1,
345 | string.length($compound-selector) - 1
346 | );
347 | } @else {
348 | // Otherwise, add an opening parens.
349 | $compound-selector: #{$compound-selector}#{string.unquote('(')};
350 | }
351 | }
352 |
353 | @for $i from 1 through list.length($simple-selectors) {
354 | @if $i != $parens-index {
355 | // Skip the parens selector that was moved to the front, if any
356 | $simple-selector: list.nth($simple-selectors, $i);
357 | $compound-selector: #{$compound-selector}#{$simple-selector};
358 | }
359 | }
360 |
361 | @if $parens-index {
362 | // Add the closing parens
363 | $compound-selector: #{$compound-selector}#{string.unquote(')')};
364 | }
365 |
366 | @return $compound-selector;
367 | }
368 |
369 | /// Searches a List of simple selectors for any pseudo class functions that can
370 | /// and should be nested with other selectors. If one is found, the index is
371 | /// returned.
372 | ///
373 | /// @see {mixin} _can-and-should-nest-pseudo-class
374 | ///
375 | /// @param {List} $simple-selectors - A List of simple selectors to search.
376 | /// @return {Number} The index of the selector with parens to nest, or null if
377 | /// there is none.
378 | @function _get-nestable-parens-index($simple-selectors) {
379 | @for $i from 1 through list.length($simple-selectors) {
380 | $simple-selector: list.nth($simple-selectors, $i);
381 | @if _can-and-should-nest-pseudo-class($simple-selector) {
382 | @return $i;
383 | }
384 | }
385 |
386 | @return null;
387 | }
388 |
389 | /// Checks two things:
390 | ///
391 | /// 1. If a simple selector is a pseudo class function that accepts selectors
392 | /// as its arguments.
393 | /// 2. If this selector is commonly used for nesting within.
394 | ///
395 | /// For example, `:host` satisfies both #1 and #2, but the `:not()` pseudo class
396 | /// is not commonly used in abstract nesting within Sass.
397 | ///
398 | /// @example - scss
399 | /// :host(:hover) {
400 | /// :enabled {
401 | /// // commonly expect :host(:hover:enabled),
402 | /// // since :host(:hover):enabled is invalid CSS
403 | /// }
404 | /// }
405 | ///
406 | /// :not(:hover) {
407 | /// :enabled {
408 | /// // commonly expect :not(:hover):enabled
409 | /// // do not expect :not(:hover:enabled) as the intention
410 | /// }
411 | /// }
412 | ///
413 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
414 | /// @return {Bool} True if the simple selector is a pseudo class function that
415 | /// should nest additional selectors within its parentheses.
416 | @function _can-and-should-nest-pseudo-class($simple-selector) {
417 | @return string.index($simple-selector, ':host') != null or
418 | string.index($simple-selector, '::slotted') != null;
419 | }
420 |
421 | /// Sorts a List of simple selectors according to the `<compound-selector>` CSS
422 | /// type definition.
423 | ///
424 | /// ```
425 | /// <compound-selector> = [ <type-selector>? <subclass-selector>*
426 | /// [ <pseudo-element-selector> <pseudo-class-selector>* ]* ]!
427 | /// ```
428 | ///
429 | /// @example - scss
430 | /// $unsorted: (':hover', '::before', 'h1');
431 | /// #{selector.append(_sort-simple-selectors($unsorted...))} {}
432 | ///
433 | /// @example - css
434 | /// h1::before:hover {}
435 | ///
436 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-compound-selector
437 | ///
438 | /// @param {List} $simple-selectors - A List of simple selectors.
439 | /// @return {List} A List of sorted simple selectors.
440 | @function _sort-simple-selectors($simple-selectors) {
441 | @if list.length($simple-selectors) <= 1 {
442 | @return $simple-selectors;
443 | }
444 |
445 | $type-selectors: ();
446 | $pseudo-element-selectors: ();
447 | $subclass-selectors: ();
448 |
449 | @each $simple-selector in $simple-selectors {
450 | @if _is-type-selector($simple-selector) {
451 | $type-selectors: list.append($type-selectors, $simple-selector);
452 | } @else if _is-pseudo-element-selector($simple-selector) {
453 | $pseudo-element-selectors: list.append(
454 | $pseudo-element-selectors,
455 | $simple-selector
456 | );
457 | } @else {
458 | $subclass-selectors: list.append($subclass-selectors, $simple-selector);
459 | }
460 | }
461 |
462 | @return list.join(
463 | $type-selectors,
464 | list.join($subclass-selectors, $pseudo-element-selectors)
465 | );
466 | }
467 |
468 | /// Checks if a simple selector is a `<type-selector>`.
469 | ///
470 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-type-selector
471 | ///
472 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
473 | /// @return {Bool} True if the selector is a type selector.
474 | @function _is-type-selector($simple-selector) {
475 | @return not _is-subclass-selector($simple-selector);
476 | }
477 |
478 | /// Checks if a simple selector is a `<subclass-selector>`.
479 | ///
480 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-subclass-selector
481 | ///
482 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
483 | /// @return {Bool} True if the selector is a subclass selector.
484 | @function _is-subclass-selector($simple-selector) {
485 | @return _is-id-selector($simple-selector) or
486 | _is-class-selector($simple-selector) or
487 | _is-attribute-selector($simple-selector) or
488 | _is-pseudo-class-selector($simple-selector);
489 | }
490 |
491 | /// Checks if a simple selector is an `<id-selector>`.
492 | ///
493 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-id-selector
494 | ///
495 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
496 | /// @return {Bool} True if the selector is an ID selector.
497 | @function _is-id-selector($simple-selector) {
498 | @return string.index($simple-selector, '#') == 1;
499 | }
500 |
501 | /// Checks if a simple selector is a `<class-selector>`.
502 | ///
503 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-class-selector
504 | ///
505 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
506 | /// @return {Bool} True if the selector is a class selector.
507 | @function _is-class-selector($simple-selector) {
508 | @return string.index($simple-selector, '.') == 1;
509 | }
510 |
511 | /// Checks if a simple selector is an `<attribute-selector>`.
512 | ///
513 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-attribute-selector
514 | ///
515 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
516 | /// @return {Bool} True if the selector is an attribute selector.
517 | @function _is-attribute-selector($simple-selector) {
518 | @return string.index($simple-selector, '[') == 1;
519 | }
520 |
521 | /// Checks if a simple selector is a `<pseudo-class-selector>`.
522 | ///
523 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-pseudo-class-selector
524 | ///
525 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
526 | /// @return {Bool} True if the selector is a pseudo class selector.
527 | @function _is-pseudo-class-selector($simple-selector) {
528 | @return string.index($simple-selector, ':') == 1;
529 | }
530 |
531 | /// Checks if a simple selector is a `<pseudo-element-selector>`.
532 | ///
533 | /// @link https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#typedef-pseudo-element-selector
534 | ///
535 | /// @param {String} $simple-selector - The simple selector to check.
536 | /// @return {Bool} True if the selector is a pseudo element selector.
537 | @function _is-pseudo-element-selector($simple-selector) {
538 | @return string.index($simple-selector, '::') == 1;
539 | }