1.68 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@mdx-js/mdx",
3 "version": "1.6.6",
4 "description": "Parse MDX and transpile to JSX",
5 "repository": "mdx-js/mdx",
6 "homepage": "https://mdxjs.com",
7 "bugs": "https://github.com/mdx-js/mdx/issues",
8 "funding": {
9 "type": "opencollective",
10 "url": "https://opencollective.com/unified"
11 },
12 "author": "John Otander <johnotander@gmail.com> (http://johnotander.com)",
13 "contributors": [
14 "John Otander <johnotander@gmail.com> (http://johnotander.com)",
15 "Tim Neutkens <tim@vercel.com>",
16 "Matija Marohnić <matija.marohnic@gmail.com>",
17 "Titus Wormer <tituswormer@gmail.com> (https://wooorm.com)",
18 "JounQin <admin@1stg.me> (https://www.1stg.me)"
19 ],
20 "license": "MIT",
21 "files": [
22 "index.js",
23 "md-ast-to-mdx-ast.js",
24 "mdx-ast-to-mdx-hast.js",
25 "mdx-hast-to-jsx.js",
26 "util.js"
27 ],
28 "keywords": [
29 "mdx",
30 "markdown",
31 "react",
32 "jsx",
33 "remark",
34 "mdxast"
35 ],
36 "dependencies": {
37 "@babel/core": "7.9.6",
38 "@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx": "7.8.3",
39 "@babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread": "7.8.3",
40 "@mdx-js/util": "^1.6.6",
41 "babel-plugin-apply-mdx-type-prop": "^1.6.6",
42 "babel-plugin-extract-import-names": "^1.6.6",
43 "camelcase-css": "2.0.1",
44 "detab": "2.0.3",
45 "hast-util-raw": "5.0.2",
46 "lodash.uniq": "4.5.0",
47 "mdast-util-to-hast": "9.1.0",
48 "remark-footnotes": "1.0.0",
49 "remark-mdx": "^1.6.6",
50 "remark-parse": "8.0.2",
51 "remark-squeeze-paragraphs": "4.0.0",
52 "style-to-object": "0.3.0",
53 "unified": "9.0.0",
54 "unist-builder": "2.0.3",
55 "unist-util-visit": "2.0.2"
56 },
57 "gitHead": "5ac1dc93e0c2229adf2cd61b3dd8d7221cbf3083"