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2 * Calculate the distance in Km
3 * Sourced from StackOverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27928/calculate-distance-between-two-latitude-longitude-points-haversine-formula)
4 * This is the 'fastest' algorithm apparently
5 *
6 * @param lat1
7 * @param lon1
8 * @param lat2
9 * @param lon2
10 * @returns number The distance in km
11 */
13export function getDistanceFromLatLonInKm(
14 lat1: number,
15 lon1: number,
16 lat2: number,
17 lon2: number
18): number {
19 var p = 0.017453292519943295; // Math.PI / 180
20 var c = Math.cos;
21 var a =
22 0.5 -
23 c((lat2 - lat1) * p) / 2 +
24 c(lat1 * p) * c(lat2 * p) * (1 - c((lon2 - lon1) * p)) / 2;
26 return 12742 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); // 2 * R; R = 6371 km
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