2 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@microsoft/api-documenter",
3 "version": "7.17.23",
4 "description": "Read JSON files from api-extractor, generate documentation pages",
5 "repository": {
6 "type": "git",
7 "url": "https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack.git",
8 "directory": "apps/api-documenter"
9 },
10 "homepage": "https://api-extractor.com/",
11 "license": "MIT",
12 "bin": {
13 "api-documenter": "./bin/api-documenter"
14 },
15 "main": "lib/index.js",
16 "typings": "dist/rollup.d.ts",
17 "dependencies": {
18 "@microsoft/api-extractor-model": "7.20.0",
19 "@microsoft/tsdoc": "0.14.1",
20 "@rushstack/node-core-library": "3.46.0",
21 "@rushstack/ts-command-line": "4.12.0",
22 "colors": "~1.2.1",
23 "js-yaml": "~3.13.1",
24 "resolve": "~1.17.0"
25 },
26 "devDependencies": {
27 "@rushstack/eslint-config": "2.6.1",
28 "@rushstack/heft": "0.45.12",
29 "@rushstack/heft-node-rig": "1.9.13",
30 "@types/heft-jest": "1.0.1",
31 "@types/js-yaml": "3.12.1",
32 "@types/node": "12.20.24",
33 "@types/resolve": "1.17.1"
34 },
35 "scripts": {
36 "build": "heft build --clean",
37 "_phase:build": "heft build --clean",
38 "_phase:test": "heft test --no-build"
39 },
40 "readme": "# @microsoft/api-documenter\n\nThis tool can be used to generate an online API reference manual for your TypeScript library.\nIt reads the *.api.json data files produced by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/),\nand then generates files in [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) or\n[DocFX](https://dotnet.github.io/docfx/) format.\n\nFor usage information, see the\n[Generating Docs](https://api-extractor.com/pages/setup/generating_docs/) article from the API Extractor\ndocumentation.\n\n## Links\n\n- [CHANGELOG.md](\n https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack/blob/main/apps/api-documenter/CHANGELOG.md) - Find\n out what's new in the latest version\n- [API Reference](https://rushstack.io/pages/api/api-documenter/)\n\nAPI Documenter is part of the [Rush Stack](https://rushstack.io/) family of projects.\n"
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