1 | # @microsoft/api-documenter
2 |
3 | This tool can be used to generate an online API reference manual for your TypeScript library.
4 | It reads the *.api.json data files produced by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/),
5 | and then generates files in [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) or
6 | [DocFX](https://dotnet.github.io/docfx/) format.
7 |
8 | For usage information, see the
9 | [Generating Docs](https://api-extractor.com/pages/setup/generating_docs/) article from the API Extractor
10 | documentation.
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12 | ## Links
13 |
14 | - [CHANGELOG.md](
15 | https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack/blob/main/apps/api-documenter/CHANGELOG.md) - Find
16 | out what's new in the latest version
17 | - [API Reference](https://rushstack.io/pages/api/api-documenter/)
18 |
19 | API Documenter is part of the [Rush Stack](https://rushstack.io/) family of projects.