3.77 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"AstModule.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../src/analyzer/AstModule.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";AAAA,4FAA4F;AAC5F,2DAA2D;;;AAO3D;;GAEG;AACH,MAAa,mBAAmB;IAAhC;QACkB,0BAAqB,GAA2B,IAAI,GAAG,EAAqB,CAAC;QAC7E,gCAA2B,GAAmB,IAAI,GAAG,EAAa,CAAC;IACrF,CAAC;CAAA;AAHD,kDAGC;AAiBD;;GAEG;AACH,MAAa,SAAS;IAkCpB,YAAmB,OAA0B;QAC3C,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;QACrC,IAAI,CAAC,YAAY,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,YAAY,CAAC;QAEzC,IAAI,CAAC,kBAAkB,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,kBAAkB,CAAC;QAErD,IAAI,CAAC,mBAAmB,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,EAAa,CAAC;QAEhD,IAAI,CAAC,sBAAsB,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,EAAqB,CAAC;QAE3D,IAAI,CAAC,mBAAmB,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC;IACvC,CAAC;IAED;;OAEG;IACH,IAAW,UAAU;QACnB,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC,kBAAkB,KAAK,SAAS,CAAC;IAC/C,CAAC;CACF;AArDD,8BAqDC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.\n// See LICENSE in the project root for license information.\n\nimport * as ts from 'typescript';\n\nimport { AstSymbol } from './AstSymbol';\nimport { AstEntity } from './AstEntity';\n\n/**\n * Represents information collected by {@link AstSymbolTable.fetchAstModuleExportInfo}\n */\nexport class AstModuleExportInfo {\n public readonly exportedLocalEntities: Map<string, AstEntity> = new Map<string, AstEntity>();\n public readonly starExportedExternalModules: Set<AstModule> = new Set<AstModule>();\n}\n\n/**\n * Constructor parameters for AstModule\n *\n * @privateRemarks\n * Our naming convention is to use I____Parameters for constructor options and\n * I____Options for general function options. However the word \"parameters\" is\n * confusingly similar to the terminology for function parameters modeled by API Extractor,\n * so we use I____Options for both cases in this code base.\n */\nexport interface IAstModuleOptions {\n sourceFile: ts.SourceFile;\n moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol;\n externalModulePath: string | undefined;\n}\n\n/**\n * An internal data structure that represents a source file that is analyzed by AstSymbolTable.\n */\nexport class AstModule {\n /**\n * The source file that declares this TypeScript module. In most cases, the source file's\n * top-level exports constitute the module.\n */\n public readonly sourceFile: ts.SourceFile;\n\n /**\n * The symbol for the module. Typically this corresponds to ts.SourceFile itself, however\n * in some cases the ts.SourceFile may contain multiple modules declared using the `module` keyword.\n */\n public readonly moduleSymbol: ts.Symbol;\n\n /**\n * Example: \"@rushstack/node-core-library/lib/FileSystem\"\n * but never: \"./FileSystem\"\n */\n public readonly externalModulePath: string | undefined;\n\n /**\n * A list of other `AstModule` objects that appear in `export * from \"___\";` statements.\n */\n public readonly starExportedModules: Set<AstModule>;\n\n /**\n * A partial map of entities exported by this module. The key is the exported name.\n */\n public readonly cachedExportedEntities: Map<string, AstEntity>; // exportName --> entity\n\n /**\n * Additional state calculated by `AstSymbolTable.fetchWorkingPackageModule()`.\n */\n public astModuleExportInfo: AstModuleExportInfo | undefined;\n\n public constructor(options: IAstModuleOptions) {\n this.sourceFile = options.sourceFile;\n this.moduleSymbol = options.moduleSymbol;\n\n this.externalModulePath = options.externalModulePath;\n\n this.starExportedModules = new Set<AstModule>();\n\n this.cachedExportedEntities = new Map<string, AstSymbol>();\n\n this.astModuleExportInfo = undefined;\n }\n\n /**\n * If false, then this source file is part of the working package being processed by the `Collector`.\n */\n public get isExternal(): boolean {\n return this.externalModulePath !== undefined;\n }\n}\n"]}
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