1.15 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as ts from 'typescript';
2import { DeclarationReference } from '@microsoft/tsdoc/lib-commonjs/beta/DeclarationReference';
3import { Collector } from '../collector/Collector';
4export declare class DeclarationReferenceGenerator {
5 static readonly unknownReference: string;
6 private _collector;
7 constructor(collector: Collector);
8 /**
9 * Gets the UID for a TypeScript Identifier that references a type.
10 */
11 getDeclarationReferenceForIdentifier(node: ts.Identifier): DeclarationReference | undefined;
12 /**
13 * Gets the DeclarationReference for a TypeScript Symbol for a given meaning.
14 */
15 getDeclarationReferenceForSymbol(symbol: ts.Symbol, meaning: ts.SymbolFlags): DeclarationReference | undefined;
16 private static _isInExpressionContext;
17 private static _isExternalModuleSymbol;
18 private static _isSameSymbol;
19 private _getNavigationToSymbol;
20 private static _getMeaningOfSymbol;
21 private _symbolToDeclarationReference;
22 private _getParentReference;
23 private _getPackageName;
24 private _sourceFileToModuleSource;
26//# sourceMappingURL=DeclarationReferenceGenerator.d.ts.map
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