31.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Application Insights JavaScript SDK - Web, 3.2.2
3 * Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved.
4 */
7"use strict";
8var _a, _b, _c, _d;
9import dynamicProto from "@microsoft/dynamicproto-js";
10import { AnalyticsPlugin } from "@microsoft/applicationinsights-analytics-js";
11import { CfgSyncPlugin } from "@microsoft/applicationinsights-cfgsync-js";
12import { Sender } from "@microsoft/applicationinsights-channel-js";
13import { AnalyticsPluginIdentifier, DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH, PropertiesPluginIdentifier, ThrottleMgr, parseConnectionString } from "@microsoft/applicationinsights-common";
14import { AppInsightsCore, _throwInternal, addPageHideEventListener, addPageUnloadEventListener, cfgDfMerge, cfgDfValidate, createDynamicConfig, createProcessTelemetryContext, createUniqueNamespace, doPerf, hasDocument, hasWindow, isArray, isFeatureEnabled, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isReactNative, isString, mergeEvtNamespace, onConfigChange, proxyAssign, proxyFunctions, removePageHideEventListener, removePageUnloadEventListener } from "@microsoft/applicationinsights-core-js";
15import { AjaxPlugin as DependenciesPlugin } from "@microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js";
16import { PropertiesPlugin } from "@microsoft/applicationinsights-properties-js";
17import { createPromise } from "@nevware21/ts-async";
18import { arrForEach, arrIndexOf, objDefine, objForEachKey, strIndexOf, throwUnsupported } from "@nevware21/ts-utils";
21var _internalSdkSrc;
22// This is an exclude list of properties that should not be updated during initialization
23// They include a combination of private and internal property names
24var _ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties = [
25 STR_SNIPPET, "dependencies", "properties", "_snippetVersion", "appInsightsNew", "getSKUDefaults"
27var IKEY_USAGE = "iKeyUsage";
28var CDN_USAGE = "CdnUsage";
29var SDK_LOADER_VER = "SdkLoaderVer";
30var UNDEFINED_VALUE = undefined;
31var default_limit = {
32 samplingRate: 100,
33 maxSendNumber: 1
35var default_interval = {
36 monthInterval: 3,
37 daysOfMonth: [28]
39var default_throttle_config = {
40 disabled: true,
41 limit: cfgDfMerge(default_limit),
42 interval: cfgDfMerge(default_interval)
44// We need to include all properties that we only reference that we want to be dynamically updatable here
45// So they are converted even when not specified in the passed configuration
46var defaultConfigValues = (_a = {},
47 _a[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:connectionString */] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,
48 _a[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:endpointUrl */] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,
49 _a[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:instrumentationKey */] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,
50 _a[_DYN_USER_OVERRIDE_ENDPOI0 /* @min:userOverrideEndpointUrl */] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,
51 _a.diagnosticLogInterval = cfgDfValidate(_chkDiagLevel, 10000),
52 _a.featureOptIn = (_b = {},
53 _b[IKEY_USAGE] = { mode: 3 /* FeatureOptInMode.enable */ },
54 _b[CDN_USAGE] = { mode: 2 /* FeatureOptInMode.disable */ },
55 _b[SDK_LOADER_VER] = { mode: 2 /* FeatureOptInMode.disable */ },
56 _b),
57 _a.throttleMgrCfg = cfgDfMerge((_c = {},
58 _c[109 /* _eInternalMessageId.DefaultThrottleMsgKey */] = cfgDfMerge(default_throttle_config),
59 _c[106 /* _eInternalMessageId.InstrumentationKeyDeprecation */] = cfgDfMerge(default_throttle_config),
60 _c[111 /* _eInternalMessageId.SdkLdrUpdate */] = cfgDfMerge(default_throttle_config),
61 _c[110 /* _eInternalMessageId.CdnDeprecation */] = cfgDfMerge(default_throttle_config),
62 _c)),
63 _a.extensionConfig = cfgDfMerge((_d = {},
64 _d["AppInsightsCfgSyncPlugin"] = cfgDfMerge({
66 syncMode: 2 /* ICfgSyncMode.Receive */
67 }),
68 _d)),
69 _a);
70function _chkDiagLevel(value) {
71 // Make sure we have a value > 0
72 return value && value > 0;
75 * Application Insights API
76 * @group Entrypoint
77 * @group Classes
78 * @class Initialization
79 * @implements {IApplicationInsights}
80 */
81var AppInsightsSku = /** @class */ (function () {
82 function AppInsightsSku(snippet) {
83 var _this = this;
84 // NOTE!: DON'T set default values here, instead set them in the _initDefaults() function as it is also called during teardown()
85 var dependencies;
86 var properties;
87 var _sender;
88 var _snippetVersion;
89 var _evtNamespace;
90 var _houseKeepingNamespace;
91 var _core;
92 var _config;
93 var _analyticsPlugin;
94 var _cfgSyncPlugin;
95 var _throttleMgr;
96 var _iKeySentMessage;
97 var _cdnSentMessage;
98 var _sdkVerSentMessage;
99 dynamicProto(AppInsightsSku, this, function (_self) {
100 _initDefaults();
101 objDefine(_self, "config", {
102 g: function () {
103 return _config;
104 }
105 });
106 arrForEach(["pluginVersionStringArr", "pluginVersionString"], function (key) {
107 objDefine(_self, key, {
108 g: function () {
109 if (_core) {
110 return _core[key];
111 }
112 return null;
113 }
114 });
115 });
116 // initialize the queue and config in case they are undefined
117 _snippetVersion = "" + (snippet.sv || snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] || "");
118 snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] = snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] || [];
119 snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] = snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] || 2.0; // Default to new version
120 var cfgHandler = createDynamicConfig(snippet.config || {}, defaultConfigValues);
121 _config = cfgHandler.cfg;
122 _analyticsPlugin = new AnalyticsPlugin();
123 objDefine(_self, "appInsights", {
124 g: function () {
125 return _analyticsPlugin;
126 }
127 });
128 properties = new PropertiesPlugin();
129 dependencies = new DependenciesPlugin();
130 _sender = new Sender();
131 _core = new AppInsightsCore();
132 objDefine(_self, "core", {
133 g: function () {
134 return _core;
135 }
136 });
137 // Will get recalled if any referenced values are changed
138 _addUnloadHook(onConfigChange(cfgHandler, function () {
139 if (_config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */]) {
140 var cs = parseConnectionString(_config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */]);
141 var ingest = cs.ingestionendpoint;
142 _config[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:%2eendpointUrl */] = _config[_DYN_USER_OVERRIDE_ENDPOI0 /* @min:%2euserOverrideEndpointUrl */] ? _config[_DYN_USER_OVERRIDE_ENDPOI0 /* @min:%2euserOverrideEndpointUrl */] : ingest + DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH; // add /v2/track
143 _config[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:%2einstrumentationKey */] = cs.instrumentationkey || _config[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:%2einstrumentationKey */];
144 }
145 // userOverrideEndpointUrl have the highest priority
146 _config[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:%2eendpointUrl */] = _config[_DYN_USER_OVERRIDE_ENDPOI0 /* @min:%2euserOverrideEndpointUrl */] ? _config[_DYN_USER_OVERRIDE_ENDPOI0 /* @min:%2euserOverrideEndpointUrl */] : _config[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:%2eendpointUrl */];
147 }));
148 _self[STR_SNIPPET /* @min:%2esnippet */] = snippet;
149 _self[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */] = function (async, callBack) {
150 if (async === void 0) { async = true; }
151 var result;
152 doPerf(_core, function () { return "AISKU.flush"; }, function () {
153 if (async && !callBack) {
154 result = createPromise(function (resolve) {
155 callBack = resolve;
156 });
157 }
158 var waiting = 1;
159 var flushDone = function () {
160 waiting--;
161 if (waiting === 0) {
162 callBack();
163 }
164 };
165 arrForEach(_core.getChannels(), function (channel) {
166 if (channel) {
167 waiting++;
168 channel[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */](async, flushDone);
169 }
170 });
171 // decrement the initial "waiting"
172 flushDone();
173 }, null, async);
174 return result;
175 };
176 _self[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */] = function (async) {
177 if (async === void 0) { async = true; }
178 arrForEach(_core.getChannels(), function (channel) {
179 if (channel[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */]) {
180 channel[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */]();
181 }
182 else {
183 channel[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */](async);
184 }
185 });
186 };
187 _self.loadAppInsights = function (legacyMode, logger, notificationManager) {
188 if (legacyMode === void 0) { legacyMode = false; }
189 if (legacyMode) {
190 throwUnsupported("Legacy Mode is no longer supported");
191 }
192 function _updateSnippetProperties(snippet) {
193 if (snippet) {
194 var snippetVer = "";
195 if (!isNullOrUndefined(_snippetVersion)) {
196 snippetVer += _snippetVersion;
197 }
198 if (_self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */] && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal) {
199 _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.snippetVer = snippetVer || "-";
200 }
201 // apply updated properties to the global instance (snippet)
202 objForEachKey(_self, function (field, value) {
203 if (isString(field) &&
204 !isFunction(value) &&
205 field && field[0] !== "_" && // Don't copy "internal" values
206 arrIndexOf(_ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties, field) === -1) {
207 if (snippet[field] !== value) {
208 snippet[field] = value;
209 }
210 }
211 });
212 }
213 }
214 doPerf(_self.core, function () { return "AISKU.loadAppInsights"; }, function () {
215 // initialize core
216 _core.initialize(_config, [_sender, properties, dependencies, _analyticsPlugin, _cfgSyncPlugin], logger, notificationManager);
217 objDefine(_self, "context", {
218 g: function () { return properties[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]; }
219 });
220 if (!_throttleMgr) {
221 _throttleMgr = new ThrottleMgr(_core);
222 }
223 var sdkSrc = _findSdkSourceFile();
224 if (sdkSrc && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]) {
225 _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.sdkSrc = sdkSrc;
226 }
227 _updateSnippetProperties(_self[STR_SNIPPET /* @min:%2esnippet */]);
228 // Empty queue of all api calls logged prior to sdk download
229 _self.emptyQueue();
230 _self[STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS /* @min:%2epollInternalLogs */]();
231 _self[_DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF1 /* @min:%2eaddHousekeepingBeforeUnload */](_self);
232 _addUnloadHook(onConfigChange(cfgHandler, function () {
233 var defaultEnable = false;
234 if (_config.throttleMgrCfg[109 /* _eInternalMessageId.DefaultThrottleMsgKey */]) {
235 defaultEnable = !_config.throttleMgrCfg[109 /* _eInternalMessageId.DefaultThrottleMsgKey */].disabled;
236 }
237 if (!_throttleMgr.isReady() && _config.extensionConfig && _config.extensionConfig[_cfgSyncPlugin.identifier] && defaultEnable) {
238 // set ready state to true will automatically trigger flush()
239 _throttleMgr.onReadyState(true);
240 }
241 var result;
242 if (!_iKeySentMessage && !_config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */] && isFeatureEnabled(IKEY_USAGE, _config)) {
243 result = _throttleMgr[_DYN_SEND_MESSAGE /* @min:%2esendMessage */](106 /* _eInternalMessageId.InstrumentationKeyDeprecation */, "See Instrumentation key support at aka.ms/IkeyMigrate");
244 _iKeySentMessage = true;
245 }
246 if (!_cdnSentMessage && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.sdkSrc && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.sdkSrc.indexOf("az416426") != -1 && isFeatureEnabled(CDN_USAGE, _config)) {
247 result = _throttleMgr[_DYN_SEND_MESSAGE /* @min:%2esendMessage */](110 /* _eInternalMessageId.CdnDeprecation */, "See Cdn support notice at aka.ms/JsActiveCdn");
248 _cdnSentMessage = true;
249 }
250 if (!_sdkVerSentMessage && parseInt(_snippetVersion) < 6 && isFeatureEnabled(SDK_LOADER_VER, _config)) {
251 result = _throttleMgr[_DYN_SEND_MESSAGE /* @min:%2esendMessage */](111 /* _eInternalMessageId.SdkLdrUpdate */, "An updated Sdk Loader is available, see aka.ms/SnippetVer");
252 _sdkVerSentMessage = true;
253 }
254 }));
255 });
256 return _self;
257 };
258 _self[_DYN_UPDATE_SNIPPET_DEFIN2 /* @min:%2eupdateSnippetDefinitions */] = function (snippet) {
259 // apply full appInsights to the global instance
260 // Note: This must be called before loadAppInsights is called
261 proxyAssign(snippet, _self, function (name) {
262 // Not excluding names prefixed with "_" as we need to proxy some functions like _onError
263 return name && arrIndexOf(_ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties, name) === -1;
264 });
265 };
266 _self.emptyQueue = function () {
267 // call functions that were queued before the main script was loaded
268 try {
269 if (isArray(_self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */])) {
270 // note: do not check length in the for-loop conditional in case something goes wrong and the stub methods are not overridden.
271 var length_1 = _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */].length;
272 for (var i = 0; i < length_1; i++) {
273 var call = _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */][i];
274 call();
275 }
276 _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] = undefined;
277 delete _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */];
278 }
279 }
280 catch (exception) {
281 var properties_1 = {};
282 if (exception && isFunction(exception.toString)) {
283 properties_1.exception = exception.toString();
284 }
285 // need from core
286 // Microsoft.ApplicationInsights._InternalLogging.throwInternal(
287 // eLoggingSeverity.WARNING,
288 // _eInternalMessageId.FailedToSendQueuedTelemetry,
289 // "Failed to send queued telemetry",
290 // properties);
291 }
292 };
293 _self[_DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF1 /* @min:%2eaddHousekeepingBeforeUnload */] = function (appInsightsInstance) {
294 // Add callback to push events when the user navigates away
295 if (hasWindow() || hasDocument()) {
296 var performHousekeeping_1 = function () {
297 // Adds the ability to flush all data before the page unloads.
298 // Note: This approach tries to push a sync request with all the pending events onbeforeunload.
299 // Firefox does not respect this.Other browsers DO push out the call with < 100% hit rate.
300 // Telemetry here will help us analyze how effective this approach is.
301 // Another approach would be to make this call sync with a acceptable timeout to reduce the
302 // impact on user experience.
303 // appInsightsInstance.context._sender.triggerSend();
304 appInsightsInstance[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */](false);
305 // Back up the current session to local storage
306 // This lets us close expired sessions after the cookies themselves expire
307 if (isFunction(_self.core[STR_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */])) {
308 var loadedPlugin = _this.core[STR_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */](PropertiesPluginIdentifier);
309 if (loadedPlugin) {
310 var propertiesPlugin = loadedPlugin.plugin;
311 if (propertiesPlugin && propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */] && propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]._sessionManager) {
312 propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]._sessionManager.backup();
313 }
314 }
315 }
316 };
317 var added_1 = false;
318 if (!_houseKeepingNamespace) {
319 _houseKeepingNamespace = mergeEvtNamespace(_evtNamespace, _core[STR_EVT_NAMESPACE /* @min:%2eevtNamespace */] && _core[STR_EVT_NAMESPACE /* @min:%2eevtNamespace */]());
320 }
321 // Will be recalled if any referenced config properties change
322 _addUnloadHook(onConfigChange(_config, function (details) {
323 var coreConfig = details.cfg;
324 var analyticsPlugin = appInsightsInstance.appInsights;
325 var ctx = createProcessTelemetryContext(null, coreConfig, analyticsPlugin.core);
326 var extConfig = ctx.getExtCfg(analyticsPlugin.identifier || AnalyticsPluginIdentifier);
327 // As we could get recalled, remove any previously registered event handlers first
328 _removePageEventHandlers();
329 var excludePageUnloadEvents = coreConfig.disablePageUnloadEvents;
330 if (!extConfig.disableFlushOnBeforeUnload) {
331 // Hook the unload event for the document, window and body to ensure that the client events are flushed to the server
332 // As just hooking the window does not always fire (on chrome) for page navigation's.
333 if (addPageUnloadEventListener(performHousekeeping_1, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace)) {
334 added_1 = true;
335 }
336 // We also need to hook the pagehide and visibilitychange events as not all versions of Safari support load/unload events.
337 if (addPageHideEventListener(performHousekeeping_1, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace)) {
338 added_1 = true;
339 }
340 // A reactNative app may not have a window and therefore the beforeunload/pagehide events -- so don't
341 // log the failure in this case
342 if (!added_1 && !isReactNative()) {
343 _throwInternal(_core.logger, 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 19 /* _eInternalMessageId.FailedToAddHandlerForOnBeforeUnload */, "Could not add handler for beforeunload and pagehide");
344 }
345 }
346 if (!added_1 && !extConfig.disableFlushOnUnload) {
347 // If we didn't add the normal set then attempt to add the pagehide and visibilitychange only
348 addPageHideEventListener(performHousekeeping_1, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace);
349 }
350 }));
351 }
352 };
353 _self.getSender = function () {
354 return _sender;
355 };
356 _self.unload = function (isAsync, unloadComplete, cbTimeout) {
357 var unloadDone = false;
358 var result;
359 if (isAsync && !unloadComplete) {
360 result = createPromise(function (resolve) {
361 // Set the callback to the promise resolve callback
362 unloadComplete = resolve;
363 });
364 }
365 function _unloadCallback(unloadState) {
366 if (!unloadDone) {
367 unloadDone = true;
368 _initDefaults();
369 unloadComplete && unloadComplete(unloadState);
370 }
371 }
372 _self[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */](isAsync);
373 _removePageEventHandlers();
374 _core.unload && _core.unload(isAsync, _unloadCallback, cbTimeout);
375 return result;
376 };
377 proxyFunctions(_self, _analyticsPlugin, [
381 "trackPageViewPerformance",
383 "_onerror",
390 ]);
391 proxyFunctions(_self, _getCurrentDependencies, [
393 "addDependencyListener",
394 "addDependencyInitializer"
395 ]);
396 proxyFunctions(_self, _core, [
399 "stopPollingInternalLogs",
401 "addPlugin",
403 "addUnloadCb",
404 "getTraceCtx",
405 "updateCfg",
406 "onCfgChange"
407 ]);
408 proxyFunctions(_self, function () {
409 var context = properties[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */];
410 return context ? context.user : null;
411 }, [
414 ]);
415 // Using a function to support the dynamic adding / removal of plugins, so this will always return the current value
416 function _getCurrentDependencies() {
417 return dependencies;
418 }
419 function _initDefaults() {
420 _evtNamespace = createUniqueNamespace("AISKU");
421 _houseKeepingNamespace = null;
422 dependencies = null;
423 properties = null;
424 _sender = null;
425 _snippetVersion = null;
426 _throttleMgr = null;
427 _iKeySentMessage = false;
428 _cdnSentMessage = false;
429 _sdkVerSentMessage = false;
430 _cfgSyncPlugin = new CfgSyncPlugin();
431 }
432 function _removePageEventHandlers() {
433 // Remove any registered event handlers
434 if (_houseKeepingNamespace) {
435 removePageUnloadEventListener(null, _houseKeepingNamespace);
436 removePageHideEventListener(null, _houseKeepingNamespace);
437 }
438 }
439 function _addUnloadHook(hooks) {
440 _core.addUnloadHook(hooks);
441 }
442 });
443 }
444 // Analytics Plugin
445// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.getCookieMgr.
446// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackEvent.
447// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackPageView.
448// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackPageViewPerformance.
449// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackException.
450// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype._onerror.
451// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackTrace.
452// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackMetric.
453// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.startTrackPage.
454// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.stopTrackPage.
455// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.startTrackEvent.
456// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.stopTrackEvent.
457// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.addTelemetryInitializer.
458 // Properties Plugin
459// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.setAuthenticatedUserContext.
460// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.clearAuthenticatedUserContext.
461 // Dependencies Plugin
462// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackDependencyData.
463 // Misc
464// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.flush.
465// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.onunloadFlush.
466// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.loadAppInsights.
467// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.updateSnippetDefinitions.
468// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.emptyQueue.
469// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.pollInternalLogs.
470// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.stopPollingInternalLogs.
471// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.addHousekeepingBeforeUnload.
472// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.getSender.
473// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.unload.
474// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.getPlugin.
475// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.addPlugin.
476// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.updateCfg.
477// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.evtNamespace.
478// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.addUnloadCb.
479// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.addDependencyListener.
480 /**
481 * Add an dependency telemetry initializer callback function to allow populating additional properties or drop the request.
482 * It is called after the dependency call has completed and any available performance details are available. A dependency
483 * initializer is similar to the TelemetryInitializer function but it allows you to block the reporting of the dependency
484 * request so that it doesn't count against the `maxAjaxCallsPerView`.
485 * @param dependencyInitializer - The Dependency Telemetry Initializer function
486 * @returns - A IDependencyInitializerHandler to enable the initializer to be removed
487 */
488 AppInsightsSku.prototype.addDependencyInitializer = function (dependencyInitializer) {
489 return null;
490 };
491// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.getTraceCtx.
492// Removed Stub for AppInsightsSku.prototype.onCfgChange.
493 return AppInsightsSku;
495export { AppInsightsSku };
496// tslint:disable-next-line
497export function _findSdkSourceFile() {
498 if (_internalSdkSrc) {
499 // Use the cached value
500 return _internalSdkSrc;
501 }
502 var sdkSrc = null;
503 var isModule = false;
504 var cdns = [
505 "://js.monitor.azure.com/",
506 "://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/"
507 ];
508 try {
509 // Try and determine whether the sdk is being loaded from the CDN
510 // currentScript is only valid during initial processing
511 var scrpt = (document || {}).currentScript;
512 if (scrpt) {
513 sdkSrc = scrpt.src;
514 // } else {
515 // // We need to update to at least typescript 2.9 for this to work :-(
516 // // Leaving as a stub for now so after we upgrade this breadcrumb is available
517 // let meta = import.meta;
518 // sdkSrc = (meta || {}).url;
519 // isModule = true;
520 }
521 }
522 catch (e) {
523 // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
524 }
525 if (sdkSrc) {
526 try {
527 var url_1 = sdkSrc.toLowerCase();
528 if (url_1) {
529 var src_1 = "";
530 arrForEach(cdns, function (value, idx) {
531 if (strIndexOf(url_1, value) !== -1) {
532 src_1 = "cdn" + (idx + 1);
533 if (strIndexOf(url_1, "/scripts/") === -1) {
534 if (strIndexOf(url_1, "/next/") !== -1) {
535 src_1 += "-next";
536 }
537 else if (strIndexOf(url_1, "/beta/") !== -1) {
538 src_1 += "-beta";
539 }
540 }
541 _internalSdkSrc = src_1 + (isModule ? ".mod" : "");
542 return -1;
543 }
544 });
545 }
546 }
547 catch (e) {
548 // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
549 }
550 // Cache the found value so we don't have to look it up again
551 _internalSdkSrc = sdkSrc;
552 }
553 return _internalSdkSrc;
555//# sourceMappingURL=AISku.js.map
\No newline at end of file