3.36 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as gulp from 'gulp';
2import { GulpProxy } from './GulpProxy';
3import { IExecutable } from './IExecutable';
5 * @public
6 */
7export interface IBuildConfig {
8 /**
9 * The maximum amount of time the build can run before being terminated.
10 * Specified in milliseconds. By default, there is no timeout.
11 *
12 * If set to zero (0), the build will never time out.
13 */
14 maxBuildTimeMs: number;
15 /**
16 * Proxy gulp instance.
17 */
18 gulp: GulpProxy | gulp.Gulp;
19 /**
20 * Array of all unique tasks.
21 */
22 uniqueTasks?: IExecutable[];
23 /**
24 * Full physical path to the root path directory.
25 */
26 rootPath: string;
27 /**
28 * Package output folder in which publishable output should be dropped.
29 * Defaults to package.json directories/packagePath value.
30 */
31 packageFolder: string;
32 /**
33 * Source folder name where source is included.
34 */
35 srcFolder: string;
36 /**
37 * Unbundled commonjs modules folder, which will be referenced by other node projects.
38 */
39 libFolder: string;
40 /**
41 * Unbundled amd modules folder, which can be optionally set to cause build tasks to
42 * output AMD modules if required for legacy reasons.
43 */
44 libAMDFolder?: string;
45 /**
46 * Unbundled es6 modules folder, which can be optionally set to cause build tasks to output es6 modules.
47 */
48 libES6Folder?: string;
49 /**
50 * Unbundled esnext modules folder, which can be optionally set to cause build tasks to output esnext modules.
51 */
52 libESNextFolder?: string;
53 /**
54 * Dist folder, which includes all bundled resources which would be copied to a CDN for the project.
55 */
56 distFolder: string;
57 /**
58 * Temp folder for storing temporary files.
59 */
60 tempFolder: string;
61 /**
62 * Re-log known issues after the build is complete.
63 */
64 relogIssues?: boolean;
65 /**
66 * Show toast on build failures and recoveries.
67 */
68 showToast?: boolean;
69 /**
70 * Path to icon shown in toast on a successful build recovery.
71 */
72 buildSuccessIconPath?: string;
73 /**
74 * Path to icon shown in toast on a build error.
75 */
76 buildErrorIconPath?: string;
77 /**
78 * Use verbose logging.
79 */
80 verbose: boolean;
81 /**
82 * Build a full production build.
83 */
84 production: boolean;
85 /**
86 * Should warnings be written to STDERR and cause build to return non-zero exit code
87 */
88 shouldWarningsFailBuild: boolean;
89 /**
90 * Arguments passed in.
91 */
92 args: {
93 [name: string]: string | boolean;
94 };
95 /**
96 * Arbitrary property bag for a task to store environment values in.
97 */
98 properties?: {
99 [key: string]: any;
100 };
101 /**
102 * Optional callback to be executed when a task starts.
103 */
104 onTaskStart?: (taskName: string) => void;
105 /**
106 * Optional callback to be executed when a task ends.
107 */
108 onTaskEnd?: (taskName: string, duration: number[], error?: any) => void;
109 /**
110 * Flag used to indicate if the build is redundant and should be exited prematurely.
111 */
112 isRedundantBuild?: boolean;
113 /**
114 * Flag to indicate whether Jest is enabled.
115 * If Jest is enabled, mocha and Karma are disabled.
116 */
117 jestEnabled?: boolean;
119//# sourceMappingURL=IBuildConfig.d.ts.map
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