12.7 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Changelog
2All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
3## [Unreleased]
5## [1.7.0] - 2024-03-07
6### Added
7- Add ability to use `ChatSDK.emailLiveChatTranscript()` to email live chat transcript from `liveChatContext`
8- Handling the lifecycle of `sessionId` if it exists
10### Changed
11- Throw exception when `ChatSDK.startChat()` fails with `ChatSDKConfig.getAuthToken()` failures
12- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.4.3](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.4.3)
14## [1.6.3] - 2024-01-30
15### Changed
16- Reduce number of `config` calls on loading `Escalation to Voice & Video` library by retrieving the config from runtime cache
18## [1.6.2] - 2023-12-12
19### Fixed
20- Add `supportedImagesMimeTypes` to support `MIME` types `image/heic` & `image/webp` as images
22## [1.6.1] - 2023-12-07
23### Added
24- Exported `ChatSDKErrorName` and `ChatSDKError` for downstream component to use
26### Fixed
27- Subscribe to `chatMessageEdited` events within `onNewMessage()` for queue position message updates
29### Changed
30- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.4.2](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.4.2)
32## [1.6.0] - 2023-12-04
33### Changed
34- Added "httpResponseStatusCode" attribute in the error object thrown
36## [1.5.7] - 2023-11-20
37### Changed
38- Uptake [@microsoft/omnichannel-amsclient@0.1.6](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/omnichannel-amsclient/v/0.1.6)
40## [1.5.6] - 2023-11-13
41### Added
42- Add `RequestPayload`, `RequestPath`, `RequestMethod`, `ResponseStatusCode` telemetry base property to `OCSDKContract`
43- Update Jest configuration and tests to support new libraries
45### Security
46- Uptake [@microsoft/omnichannel-ic3core@0.1.3](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/omnichannel-ic3core/v/0.1.3)
47- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.4.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.4.1)
49### Changed
50- Use `parseLowerCaseString()` on chat config properties to protect text case change
52## [1.5.5] - 2023-10-31
53### Added
54- Add ability to pass custom `ariaCollectorUri`
56### Fixed
57- Add missing `PACS` URL for `EUDomainNames`
58- Fixed an issue where startChat failed due to optionalParam being null
60## [1.5.4] - 2023-10-20
61### Fixed
62- Fix `AriaTelemetry._configuration` not being passed to `AriaTelemetry._logger`
64## [1.5.3] - 2023-10-18
65### Fixed
66- Fix `ChatSDK.emailLiveChatTranscript()` calling `OCClient.emailTranscript()` without waiting until its completion
67- Fix `EU` orgs telemetry to flow to the proper `EU` location
69## [1.5.2] - 2023-10-14
70### Changed
71- Disable `tokenRefresher` temporarily
73## [1.5.1] - 2023-10-11
74### Fixed
75- Modify `getChatReconnectContext` to return redirection URL when reconnection ID is not longer Valid for Auth Chats.
77## [1.5.0] - 2023-09-29
78### Added
79- Add `Attachment File Scan` to `ChatSDK.createChatAdapter()`
81## [1.4.7] - 2023-09-13
82### Changed
83- Supporting getAgentAvailable SDK method for unauthenticated chat widget
85## [1.4.6] - 2023-08-15
86### Fixed
87- Fix `tokenRefresher` to update `chatToken` properly on expiry through reinitialization of AMSClient
89## [1.4.5] - 2023-08-02
90### Changed
91- Upgraded ACSAdapter to version beta.20
93## [1.4.4] - 2023-07-19
94### Added
95- Add `tokenRefresher` mechanism to retrieve chat token on expiry
97### Changed
98- Add `ocSDKConfiguration` to reduce `chatToken` retries to 2
99- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.4.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.4.0)
100- Remove redundant call to create of `participantsMapping`
102### Fixed
103- Set `enableSenderDisplayNameInTypingNotification` to true to include display name on sending typing notification
104- Add `async` to `ChatSDK.getLiveChatTranscript()` internal call
106## [1.4.3] - 2023-06-15
107### Fixed
109- [Perf] Make sessionInit, AcsClientInit/Ic3ClientInit and AmsClientInit calls in parallel
111## [1.4.2] - 2023-05-19
112### Fixed
114- Fixed null check on startChat failure
116## [1.4.1] - 2023-05-05
117### Fixed
119- Skipped empty string or null context variables (parity with v1)
121## [1.4.0] - 2023-05-02
122### Added
123- Add ability to use `ChatSDK.getLiveChatTranscript()` to fetch live chat transcript from `liveChatContext`
124- Add ability to use `ChatSDK.getConversationDetails()` to fetch conversation details from `liveChatContext`
125- Add `AuthContactIdNotFoundFailure` to `ExceptionThrower`
127### Changed
128- Update `ChatSDKErrors` to include standard ChatSDK errors to be more predictable
130## [1.3.0] - 2023-04-05
131### Added
132- Add ability to use `ChatSDK.createChatAdapter()` for `DirectLine` protocol
133- Add `CreateACSAdapter` telemetry event
134- Improve `ChatSDK.createChatAdapter()` with retries using exponential backoff & additional details on failures
135- Add `GetAgentAvailability` SDK method for auth chat
136- Pass `logger` to AMSClient
137- Add `portalContactId` in `StartChatOptionalParams` and `GetAgentAvailabilityOptionalParams`
138- Added exception on initialization failure
139- Upgraded ACSAdapter to version beta.17
140- Added `botSurveyInviteLink` and `botFormsProLocale` the `getPostChatSurveyContext()` response
142### Fixed
143- Fix `ChatAdapterOptionalParams.ACSAdapter.options.egressMiddleware` being used as `ingressMiddleware`
144- Fix `ChatSDK.onTypingEvent()` being triggered on current user typing
145- Update `ChatSDK.liveChatVersion` to be `V2` by default
147### Changed
148- Uptake [@microsoft/omnichannel-amsclient@0.1.4](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/omnichannel-amsclient/v/0.1.4)
149- Uptake [acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.17](https://unpkg.com/acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.17/dist/chat-adapter.js)
150- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.3.4](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.3.4)
152## [1.2.0] - 2022-11-11
153### Added
154- Add `sendDefaultInitContext` optional parameter to `ChatSDK.startChat()` to automatically populate `browser`, `device`, `originurl` & `os` as default init context on web
155- Add `sendCacheHeaders` as optional paramater to `ChatSDK.initialize()` and `ChatSDK.getLiveChatConfig()`
156- Add `validateAuthChatRecord` call on `ChatSDK.startChat()` with `liveChatContext` for all authenticated chat scenarios
157- Pass `ChatClient` during `ACSAdapter` initialization
158- Pass `multiClient` to `AMSClient` on initialization to support `ChatSDK` multi-client
160### Fixed
161- Prevent `AMSFileManager.getFileIds()` & `AMSFileManager.getFileMetadata()` to be triggered on all activities with null checks
162- Add `LiveChatVersion` check on `ChatSDK.updateChatToken()`
163- Use `amsreferences` property instead of `amsReferences` by default
164- Fix attachment download to use MIME types instead of file extensions
165- Remove `fileMetadata` property on messages not containing any attachment
167### Changed
168- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.3.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.3.1)
169- Uptake [acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.8](https://unpkg.com/acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.8/dist/chat-adapter.js)
170- Uptake [acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.9](https://unpkg.com/acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.9/dist/chat-adapter.js)
171- Uptake [acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.12](https://unpkg.com/acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.12/dist/chat-adapter.js)
172- Uptake [@microsoft/omnichannel-amsclient@0.1.2](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/omnichannel-amsclient/v/0.1.2)
173- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.3.2](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.3.2)
175## [1.1.0] - 2022-04-15
176### Added
177- Add `getPostChatSurveyContext` API method
178- Add `GetPostChatSurveyContext` telemetry event
179- Add `widgetId` & `clientMessageId` as metadata on sending message
180- Update `ChatConfig` interface with `LiveChatVersion`, `allowedFileExtensions` & `maxUploadFileSize` properties
181- Add ability to automatically detect locale from chat config
182- Add `runtimeId` attribute in `OmnichannelChatSDK` & `ChatSDKRuntimeId` field in telemetry
183- Add ability to automatically pass locale from chat config on calling `ChatSDK.emailLiveChatTranscript()`
184- Bubble up `WidgetUseOutsideOperatingHour` exception
185- Add `acs_webchat-chat-adapter` middleware to add default `channelData.tags` & `channelData.metadata`
186- Update `ChatConfig` interface with `msdyn_enablemarkdown` property
187- Throw exception on `ChatSDK.getVoiceVideoCalling()` if feature is disabled or platform is not supported
188- Add `participantType` & `canRenderPostChat` as response of getConversationDetails() API
189- Add support for separate bot post chat survey feature
190- Pass `logger` to `acs_webchat-chat-adapter`
192### Fixed
193- Add `acs_webchat-chat-adapter` middlewares to format `channelData.tags`
194- Skip `session init` call on existing conversation
195- Fix `chat reconnect` not ending the conversation on calling `ChatSDK.endChat()`
196- Fix on messaging client not sending heartbeat on new conversations subsequent to the first conversation
197- Fix `ChatSDK.getConversationDetails()` not passing `authenticatedUserToken`
198- Fix `IC3Client.dispose()` called when `IC3Client` is `undefined`
200### Changed
201- README: added examples on usages of the post chat APIs.
202- Uptake [@azure/communication-chat@1.1.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure/communication-chat/v/1.1.1)
203- Uptake [acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.2](https://unpkg.com/acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.2/dist/chat-adapter.js)
204- Update `locale` property in `ChatTranscriptBody` interface to be optional
205- Uptake [acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.4](https://unpkg.com/acs_webchat-chat-adapter@0.0.35-beta.4/dist/chat-adapter.js)
207## [1.0.0] - 2021-10-08
208### Added
209- Add `GetAuthToken` & `GetPreChatSurvey` telemetry events
210- Add `Domain` telemetry base property
211- Add `GetCurrentLiveChatContext`, `GetMessages`, `SendMessages`, `OnNewMessage` & `OnTypingEvent` telemetry events
212- Live Chat V2 Support
213- Add `PlatformDetails` telemetry event
215### Changed
216- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.3.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.3.0)
217- Uptake [@microsoft/omnichannel-ic3core@0.1.2](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/omnichannel-ic3core/v/0.1.2)
219### Fixed
220- `onNewMessage` with `rehydrate` flag set to `true` crashing when `getMessages` returns `undefined`
221- Fix `AriaTelemetry` unable to read property `logEvent` of undefined on `React Native`
222- Fix `Escalation to Voice & Video` library not being imported properly
224## [0.3.0] - 2021-09-03
225### Added
226- Persistent Chat Support
227- Chat Reconnect Support
228- Operating Hours Documentation
230### Changed
231- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.2.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.2.0)
232- Add `getCallingToken`
233- Send `ChannelId-lcw` message tag
234- Uptake [IC3Client@2021.08.14.1](https://comms.omnichannelengagementhub.com/release/2021.08.14.1/Scripts/SDK/SDK.min.js)
235- Uptake [botframework-webchat-adapter-ic3@0.1.0-master.2dba07b](https://www.npmjs.com/package/botframework-webchat-adapter-ic3/v/0.1.0-master.2dba07b)
236- Uptake [jest@27.1.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest/v/27.1.0)
237- Update [@types/jest@27.0.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/jest/v/27.0.1)
238- Uptake [ts-jest@27.0.5](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts-jest/v/27.0.5)
240### Fixed
241- `msdyn_enablechatreconnect` not being parsed properly
242- Fix unable to start multiple conversations with same instance due to chat client being disposed
243- Pass logger to adapter
245## [0.2.0] - 2021-04-30
246### Added
247- React Native sample app using Omnichannel Chat SDK with [react-native-gifted-chat](https://github.com/FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-chat)
248- Escalation to Voice & Video support (Web Only)
249- React sample app using Omnichannel Chat SDK with [BotFramework-WebChat](https://github.com/microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat)
250- Expose `sessiontInit`'s `initContext` on `startChat`'s optional paramaters
251- Add ability to use custom `ic3Config` & `chatAdapterConfig`
252- Add telemetry
253- Add `rehydrate` flag for `onNewMessage` to rehydrate all messages of existing conversation
254- Add `getConversationDetails`
255- Add ability to pass custom `ariaTelemetryKey`
257### Changed
258- Uptake [@microsoft/ocsdk@0.1.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/ocsdk/v/0.1.1)
259- Uptake [@microsoft/omnichannel-ic3core@0.1.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/omnichannel-ic3core/v/0.1.1)
260- Uptake [jest@26.6.3](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jest/v/26.6.3)
261- Uptake [ts-jest@26.5.1](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts-jest/v/26.5.1)
262- Uptake [IC3Client@2021.03.02.1](https://comms.omnichannelengagementhub.com/release/2021.03.02.1/Scripts/SDK/SDK.min.js)
263- Uptake [botframework-webchat-adapter-ic3@0.1.0-master.f4dfd7d](https://www.npmjs.com/package/botframework-webchat-adapter-ic3/v/0.1.0-master.f4dfd7d)
265### Fixed
266- onAgentEndSession triggered on accept voice & video call
267- Fix multiple instances of IC3Client initialized
268- `uploadFileAttachment` failing on Web
270### Security
271- Fix eslint errors
273## [0.1.0] - 2020-10-26
274### Added
275- Initial release of Omnichannel Chat SDK v0.1.0