1.53 kBPlain TextView Raw
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
2// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4// Version token that will be replaced by the prepack command
5/** The version of the SignalR client. */
6export const VERSION: string = "0.0.0-DEV_BUILD";
8// Everything that users need to access must be exported here. Including interfaces.
9export { AbortSignal } from "./AbortController";
10export { AbortError, HttpError, TimeoutError } from "./Errors";
11export { HttpClient, HttpRequest, HttpResponse } from "./HttpClient";
12export { DefaultHttpClient } from "./DefaultHttpClient";
13export { IHttpConnectionOptions } from "./IHttpConnectionOptions";
14export { HubConnection, HubConnectionState } from "./HubConnection";
15export { HubConnectionBuilder } from "./HubConnectionBuilder";
16export { MessageType, MessageHeaders, HubMessage, HubMessageBase, HubInvocationMessage, InvocationMessage, StreamInvocationMessage, StreamItemMessage, CompletionMessage,
17 PingMessage, CloseMessage, CancelInvocationMessage, IHubProtocol } from "./IHubProtocol";
18export { ILogger, LogLevel } from "./ILogger";
19export { HttpTransportType, TransferFormat, ITransport } from "./ITransport";
20export { IStreamSubscriber, IStreamResult, ISubscription } from "./Stream";
21export { NullLogger } from "./Loggers";
22export { JsonHubProtocol } from "./JsonHubProtocol";
23export { Subject } from "./Subject";
24export { IRetryPolicy, RetryContext } from "./IRetryPolicy";