17.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Unique identifiers for messages reported by the TSDoc parser.
3 *
4 * @remarks
5 *
6 * These strings are possible values for the {@link ParserMessage.messageId} property.
7 * These identifiers can be used to suppress or configure the reporting of individual messages.
8 * They are also useful when searching for help about a particular error.
9 *
10 * @public
11 */
12export var TSDocMessageId;
13(function (TSDocMessageId) {
14 /**
15 * File not found
16 * @remarks
17 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when it failed to find a `tsdoc.json` file.
18 */
19 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileNotFound"] = "tsdoc-config-file-not-found";
20 /**
21 * Error parsing JSON input: ___
22 * @remarks
23 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when the `tsdoc.json` file has invalid JSON syntax.
24 */
25 TSDocMessageId["ConfigInvalidJson"] = "tsdoc-config-invalid-json";
26 /**
27 * Unsupported JSON "$schema" value
28 * @remarks
29 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when the file format is not supported.
30 */
31 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileUnsupportedSchema"] = "tsdoc-config-unsupported-schema";
32 /**
33 * Error loading config file: ___
34 * @remarks
35 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when the config file doesn't conform to its schema.
36 */
37 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileSchemaError"] = "tsdoc-config-schema-error";
38 /**
39 * Circular reference encountered for "extends" field of "___"
40 * @remarks
41 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when the "extends" field creates a chain of references
42 * that causes a file to indirectly extend itself.
43 */
44 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileCyclicExtends"] = "tsdoc-config-cyclic-extends";
45 /**
46 * Unable to resolve "extends" reference to "___"
47 * @remarks
48 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when module resolution fails for the "extends" field.
49 */
50 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileUnresolvedExtends"] = "tsdoc-config-unresolved-extends";
51 /**
52 * The "supportForTags" field refers to an undefined tag "___".
53 * @remarks
54 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when loading the tsdoc.json config file.
55 */
56 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileUndefinedTag"] = "tsdoc-config-undefined-tag";
57 /**
58 * The "tagDefinitions" field specifies more than one tag with the name "___".
59 * @remarks
60 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when loading the tsdoc.json config file.
61 */
62 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileDuplicateTagName"] = "tsdoc-config-duplicate-tag-name";
63 /**
64 * A TSDoc tag name must start with a letter and contain only letters and numbers.
65 * @remarks
66 * Reported by the `@microsoft/tsdoc-config` package when loading the tsdoc.json config file.
67 */
68 TSDocMessageId["ConfigFileInvalidTagName"] = "tsdoc-config-invalid-tag-name";
69 /**
70 * Expecting a `/**` comment.
71 * Unexpected end of input.
72 */
73 TSDocMessageId["CommentNotFound"] = "tsdoc-comment-not-found";
74 /**
75 * Expecting a leading `/**`
76 */
77 TSDocMessageId["CommentOpeningDelimiterSyntax"] = "tsdoc-comment-missing-opening-delimiter";
78 /**
79 * Unexpected end of input.
80 */
81 TSDocMessageId["CommentMissingClosingDelimiter"] = "tsdoc-comment-missing-closing-delimiter";
82 /**
83 * A doc comment cannot have more than one `@inheritDoc` tag
84 */
85 TSDocMessageId["ExtraInheritDocTag"] = "tsdoc-extra-inheritdoc-tag";
86 /**
87 * The `}` character should be escaped using a backslash to avoid confusion with a TSDoc inline tag.
88 */
89 TSDocMessageId["EscapeRightBrace"] = "tsdoc-escape-right-brace";
90 /**
91 * The `>` character should be escaped using a backslash to avoid confusion with an HTML tag.
92 */
93 TSDocMessageId["EscapeGreaterThan"] = "tsdoc-escape-greater-than";
94 /**
95 * The ___ block must include a deprecation message, e.g. describing the recommended alternative.
96 */
97 TSDocMessageId["MissingDeprecationMessage"] = "tsdoc-missing-deprecation-message";
98 /**
99 * A ___ block must not be used, because that content is provided by the `@inheritDoc` tag.
100 */
101 TSDocMessageId["InheritDocIncompatibleTag"] = "tsdoc-inheritdoc-incompatible-tag";
102 /**
103 * The summary section must not have any content, because that content is provided by the `@inheritDoc` tag.
104 */
105 TSDocMessageId["InheritDocIncompatibleSummary"] = "tsdoc-inheritdoc-incompatible-summary";
106 /**
107 * The TSDoc tag ___ is an inline tag; it must be enclosed in `{ }` braces.
108 */
109 TSDocMessageId["InlineTagMissingBraces"] = "tsdoc-inline-tag-missing-braces";
110 /**
111 * The TSDoc tag ___ is not an inline tag; it must not be enclosed in `{ }` braces.
112 */
113 TSDocMessageId["TagShouldNotHaveBraces"] = "tsdoc-tag-should-not-have-braces";
114 /**
115 * The TSDoc tag ___ is not supported by this tool.
116 */
117 TSDocMessageId["UnsupportedTag"] = "tsdoc-unsupported-tag";
118 /**
119 * The TSDoc tag ___ is not defined in this configuration.
120 */
121 TSDocMessageId["UndefinedTag"] = "tsdoc-undefined-tag";
122 /**
123 * The `@param` block should not include a JSDoc-style `{type}`.
124 */
125 TSDocMessageId["ParamTagWithInvalidType"] = "tsdoc-param-tag-with-invalid-type";
126 /**
127 * The `@param` block should not include a JSDoc-style optional name; it must not be enclosed in `[ ]` brackets.
128 */
129 TSDocMessageId["ParamTagWithInvalidOptionalName"] = "tsdoc-param-tag-with-invalid-optional-name";
130 /**
131 * The `@param` block should be followed by a parameter name.
132 */
133 TSDocMessageId["ParamTagWithInvalidName"] = "tsdoc-param-tag-with-invalid-name";
134 /**
135 * The `@param` block should be followed by a parameter name and then a hyphen.
136 */
137 TSDocMessageId["ParamTagMissingHyphen"] = "tsdoc-param-tag-missing-hyphen";
138 /**
139 * A backslash must precede another character that is being escaped. OR
140 * A backslash can only be used to escape a punctuation character.
141 */
142 TSDocMessageId["UnnecessaryBackslash"] = "tsdoc-unnecessary-backslash";
143 /**
144 * Expecting a TSDoc tag starting with `@`. OR
145 * Expecting a TSDoc tag starting with `{`.
146 */
147 TSDocMessageId["MissingTag"] = "tsdoc-missing-tag";
148 /**
149 * The `@` character looks like part of a TSDoc tag; use a backslash to escape it.
150 */
151 TSDocMessageId["AtSignInWord"] = "tsdoc-at-sign-in-word";
152 /**
153 * Expecting a TSDoc tag name after `@`; if it is not a tag, use a backslash to escape this character.
154 */
155 TSDocMessageId["AtSignWithoutTagName"] = "tsdoc-at-sign-without-tag-name";
156 /**
157 * Expecting a TSDoc tag starting with `{@`. OR
158 * Expecting a TSDoc inline tag name after the `{@` characters.
159 */
160 TSDocMessageId["MalformedInlineTag"] = "tsdoc-malformed-inline-tag";
161 /**
162 * The token ___ looks like a TSDoc tag but contains an invalid character ___; if it is not a tag,
163 * use a backslash to escape the `@`.
164 */
165 TSDocMessageId["CharactersAfterBlockTag"] = "tsdoc-characters-after-block-tag";
166 /**
167 * A TSDoc tag name must start with a letter and contain only letters and numbers.
168 */
169 TSDocMessageId["MalformedTagName"] = "tsdoc-malformed-tag-name";
170 /**
171 * The character ___ cannot appear after the TSDoc tag name; expecting a space.
172 */
173 TSDocMessageId["CharactersAfterInlineTag"] = "tsdoc-characters-after-inline-tag";
174 /**
175 * The TSDoc inline tag name is missing its closing `}`.
176 */
177 TSDocMessageId["InlineTagMissingRightBrace"] = "tsdoc-inline-tag-missing-right-brace";
178 /**
179 * The `{` character must be escaped with a backslash when used inside a TSDoc inline tag.
180 */
181 TSDocMessageId["InlineTagUnescapedBrace"] = "tsdoc-inline-tag-unescaped-brace";
182 /**
183 * Unexpected character after declaration reference.
184 */
185 TSDocMessageId["InheritDocTagSyntax"] = "tsdoc-inheritdoc-tag-syntax";
186 /**
187 * The `@link` tag content is missing.
188 */
189 TSDocMessageId["LinkTagEmpty"] = "tsdoc-link-tag-empty";
190 /**
191 * The ___ character may not be used in the link text without escaping it.
192 */
193 TSDocMessageId["LinkTagUnescapedText"] = "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text";
194 /**
195 * Unexpected character after link destination.
196 */
197 TSDocMessageId["LinkTagDestinationSyntax"] = "tsdoc-link-tag-destination-syntax";
198 /**
199 * The URL cannot be empty. OR
200 * An `@link` URL must begin with a scheme comprised only of letters and numbers followed by `://`. OR
201 * An `@link` URL must have at least one character after `://`.
202 */
203 TSDocMessageId["LinkTagInvalidUrl"] = "tsdoc-link-tag-invalid-url";
204 /**
205 * The declaration reference appears to contain a package name or import path, but it is missing the `#` delimiter.
206 */
207 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingHash"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-hash";
208 /**
209 * The hash character must be preceded by a package name or import path.
210 */
211 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceHashSyntax"] = "tsdoc-reference-hash-syntax";
212 /**
213 * The package name cannot be an empty string. OR
214 * The package name ___ is not a valid package name.
215 */
216 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMalformedPackageName"] = "tsdoc-reference-malformed-package-name";
217 /**
218 * An import path must not contain `//`. OR
219 * An import path must not end with `/`. OR
220 * An import path must not start with `/` unless prefixed by a package name.
221 */
222 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMalformedImportPath"] = "tsdoc-reference-malformed-import-path";
223 /**
224 * Expecting a declaration reference.
225 */
226 TSDocMessageId["MissingReference"] = "tsdoc-missing-reference";
227 /**
228 * Expecting a period before the next component of a declaration reference
229 */
230 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingDot"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-dot";
231 /**
232 * Syntax error in declaration reference: the member selector must be enclosed in parentheses.
233 */
234 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceSelectorMissingParens"] = "tsdoc-reference-selector-missing-parens";
235 /**
236 * Expecting a colon after the identifier because the expression is in parentheses.
237 */
238 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingColon"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-colon";
239 /**
240 * Expecting a matching right parenthesis.
241 */
242 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingRightParen"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-right-paren";
243 /**
244 * Missing declaration reference in symbol reference
245 */
246 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceSymbolSyntax"] = "tsdoc-reference-symbol-syntax";
247 /**
248 * Missing closing square bracket for symbol reference
249 */
250 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingRightBracket"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-right-bracket";
251 /**
252 * Unexpected end of input inside quoted member identifier.
253 */
254 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingQuote"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-quote";
255 /**
256 * The quoted identifier cannot be empty.
257 */
258 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceEmptyIdentifier"] = "tsdoc-reference-empty-identifier";
259 /**
260 * Syntax error in declaration reference: expecting a member identifier.
261 */
262 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingIdentifier"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-identifier";
263 /**
264 * The identifier cannot be an empty string. OR
265 * The identifier cannot non-word characters. OR
266 * The identifier must not start with a number. OR
267 * The identifier ___ must be quoted because it is a TSDoc system selector name.
268 */
269 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceUnquotedIdentifier"] = "tsdoc-reference-unquoted-identifier";
270 /**
271 * Expecting a selector label after the colon.
272 */
273 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceMissingLabel"] = "tsdoc-reference-missing-label";
274 /**
275 * The selector cannot be an empty string. OR
276 * If the selector begins with a number, it must be a positive integer value. OR
277 * A label selector must be comprised of upper case letters, numbers, and underscores
278 * and must not start with a number. OR
279 * The selector ___ is not a recognized TSDoc system selector name.
280 */
281 TSDocMessageId["ReferenceSelectorSyntax"] = "tsdoc-reference-selector-syntax";
282 /**
283 * Expecting an attribute or `>` or `/>`.
284 */
285 TSDocMessageId["HtmlTagMissingGreaterThan"] = "tsdoc-html-tag-missing-greater-than";
286 /**
287 * Expecting `=` after HTML attribute name.
288 */
289 TSDocMessageId["HtmlTagMissingEquals"] = "tsdoc-html-tag-missing-equals";
290 /**
291 * Expecting an HTML string starting with a single-quote or double-quote character.
292 */
293 TSDocMessageId["HtmlTagMissingString"] = "tsdoc-html-tag-missing-string";
294 /**
295 * The HTML string is missing its closing quote.
296 */
297 TSDocMessageId["HtmlStringMissingQuote"] = "tsdoc-html-string-missing-quote";
298 /**
299 * The next character after a closing quote must be spacing or punctuation.
300 */
301 TSDocMessageId["TextAfterHtmlString"] = "tsdoc-text-after-html-string";
302 /**
303 * Expecting an HTML tag starting with `</`.
304 */
305 TSDocMessageId["MissingHtmlEndTag"] = "tsdoc-missing-html-end-tag";
306 /**
307 * A space is not allowed here. OR
308 * Expecting an HTML name. OR
309 * An HTML name must be a sequence of letters separated by hyphens.
310 */
311 TSDocMessageId["MalformedHtmlName"] = "tsdoc-malformed-html-name";
312 /**
313 * This HTML element name is not defined by your TSDoc configuration.
314 */
315 TSDocMessageId["UnsupportedHtmlElementName"] = "tsdoc-unsupported-html-name";
316 /**
317 * The opening backtick for a code fence must appear at the start of the line.
318 */
319 TSDocMessageId["CodeFenceOpeningIndent"] = "tsdoc-code-fence-opening-indent";
320 /**
321 * The language specifier cannot contain backtick characters.
322 */
323 TSDocMessageId["CodeFenceSpecifierSyntax"] = "tsdoc-code-fence-specifier-syntax";
324 /**
325 * The closing delimiter for a code fence must not be indented.
326 */
327 TSDocMessageId["CodeFenceClosingIndent"] = "tsdoc-code-fence-closing-indent";
328 /**
329 * Missing closing delimiter.
330 */
331 TSDocMessageId["CodeFenceMissingDelimiter"] = "tsdoc-code-fence-missing-delimiter";
332 /**
333 * Unexpected characters after closing delimiter for code fence.
334 */
335 TSDocMessageId["CodeFenceClosingSyntax"] = "tsdoc-code-fence-closing-syntax";
336 /**
337 * A code span must contain at least one character between the backticks.
338 */
339 TSDocMessageId["CodeSpanEmpty"] = "tsdoc-code-span-empty";
340 /**
341 * The code span is missing its closing backtick.
342 */
343 TSDocMessageId["CodeSpanMissingDelimiter"] = "tsdoc-code-span-missing-delimiter";
344})(TSDocMessageId || (TSDocMessageId = {}));
345// Exposed via TSDocConfiguration.allTsdocMessageIds()
346export var allTsdocMessageIds = [
347 // To make comparisons easy, keep these in the same order as the enum above:
348 'tsdoc-config-file-not-found',
349 'tsdoc-config-invalid-json',
350 'tsdoc-config-unsupported-schema',
351 'tsdoc-config-schema-error',
352 'tsdoc-config-cyclic-extends',
353 'tsdoc-config-unresolved-extends',
354 'tsdoc-config-undefined-tag',
355 'tsdoc-config-duplicate-tag-name',
356 'tsdoc-config-invalid-tag-name',
357 'tsdoc-comment-not-found',
358 'tsdoc-comment-missing-opening-delimiter',
359 'tsdoc-comment-missing-closing-delimiter',
360 'tsdoc-extra-inheritdoc-tag',
361 'tsdoc-escape-right-brace',
362 'tsdoc-escape-greater-than',
363 'tsdoc-missing-deprecation-message',
364 'tsdoc-inheritdoc-incompatible-tag',
365 'tsdoc-inheritdoc-incompatible-summary',
366 'tsdoc-inline-tag-missing-braces',
367 'tsdoc-tag-should-not-have-braces',
368 'tsdoc-unsupported-tag',
369 'tsdoc-undefined-tag',
370 'tsdoc-param-tag-with-invalid-type',
371 'tsdoc-param-tag-with-invalid-optional-name',
372 'tsdoc-param-tag-with-invalid-name',
373 'tsdoc-param-tag-missing-hyphen',
374 'tsdoc-unnecessary-backslash',
375 'tsdoc-missing-tag',
376 'tsdoc-at-sign-in-word',
377 'tsdoc-at-sign-without-tag-name',
378 'tsdoc-malformed-inline-tag',
379 'tsdoc-characters-after-block-tag',
380 'tsdoc-malformed-tag-name',
381 'tsdoc-characters-after-inline-tag',
382 'tsdoc-inline-tag-missing-right-brace',
383 'tsdoc-inline-tag-unescaped-brace',
384 'tsdoc-inheritdoc-tag-syntax',
385 'tsdoc-link-tag-empty',
386 'tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text',
387 'tsdoc-link-tag-destination-syntax',
388 'tsdoc-link-tag-invalid-url',
389 'tsdoc-reference-missing-hash',
390 'tsdoc-reference-hash-syntax',
391 'tsdoc-reference-malformed-package-name',
392 'tsdoc-reference-malformed-import-path',
393 'tsdoc-missing-reference',
394 'tsdoc-reference-missing-dot',
395 'tsdoc-reference-selector-missing-parens',
396 'tsdoc-reference-missing-colon',
397 'tsdoc-reference-missing-right-paren',
398 'tsdoc-reference-symbol-syntax',
399 'tsdoc-reference-missing-right-bracket',
400 'tsdoc-reference-missing-quote',
401 'tsdoc-reference-empty-identifier',
402 'tsdoc-reference-missing-identifier',
403 'tsdoc-reference-unquoted-identifier',
404 'tsdoc-reference-missing-label',
405 'tsdoc-reference-selector-syntax',
406 'tsdoc-html-tag-missing-greater-than',
407 'tsdoc-html-tag-missing-equals',
408 'tsdoc-html-tag-missing-string',
409 'tsdoc-html-string-missing-quote',
410 'tsdoc-text-after-html-string',
411 'tsdoc-missing-html-end-tag',
412 'tsdoc-malformed-html-name',
413 'tsdoc-code-fence-opening-indent',
414 'tsdoc-code-fence-specifier-syntax',
415 'tsdoc-code-fence-closing-indent',
416 'tsdoc-code-fence-missing-delimiter',
417 'tsdoc-code-fence-closing-syntax',
418 'tsdoc-code-span-empty',
419 'tsdoc-code-span-missing-delimiter'
422export var allTsdocMessageIdsSet = new Set(allTsdocMessageIds);
423//# sourceMappingURL=TSDocMessageId.js.map
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