3.08 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Token, TokenKind } from './Token';
2import { TokenSequence } from './TokenSequence';
3import { ParserContext } from './ParserContext';
5 * Manages a stream of tokens that are read by the parser.
6 *
7 * @remarks
8 * Use TokenReader.readToken() to read a token and advance the stream pointer.
9 * Use TokenReader.peekToken() to preview the next token.
10 * Use TokenReader.createMarker() and backtrackToMarker() to rewind to an earlier point.
11 * Whenever readToken() is called, the token is added to an accumulated TokenSequence
12 * that can be extracted by calling extractAccumulatedSequence().
13 */
14export declare class TokenReader {
15 readonly tokens: ReadonlyArray<Token>;
16 private readonly _parserContext;
17 private _readerStartIndex;
18 private _readerEndIndex;
19 private _currentIndex;
20 private _accumulatedStartIndex;
21 constructor(parserContext: ParserContext, embeddedTokenSequence?: TokenSequence);
22 /**
23 * Extracts and returns the TokenSequence that was accumulated so far by calls to readToken().
24 * The next call to readToken() will start a new accumulated sequence.
25 */
26 extractAccumulatedSequence(): TokenSequence;
27 /**
28 * Returns true if the accumulated sequence has any tokens yet. This will be false
29 * when the TokenReader starts, and it will be false immediately after a call
30 * to extractAccumulatedSequence(). Otherwise, it will become true whenever readToken()
31 * is called.
32 */
33 isAccumulatedSequenceEmpty(): boolean;
34 /**
35 * Like extractAccumulatedSequence(), but returns undefined if nothing has been
36 * accumulated yet.
37 */
38 tryExtractAccumulatedSequence(): TokenSequence | undefined;
39 /**
40 * Asserts that isAccumulatedSequenceEmpty() should return false. If not, an exception
41 * is throw indicating a parser bug.
42 */
43 assertAccumulatedSequenceIsEmpty(): void;
44 /**
45 * Returns the next token that would be returned by _readToken(), without
46 * consuming anything.
47 */
48 peekToken(): Token;
49 /**
50 * Returns the TokenKind for the next token that would be returned by _readToken(), without
51 * consuming anything.
52 */
53 peekTokenKind(): TokenKind;
54 /**
55 * Like peekTokenKind(), but looks ahead two tokens.
56 */
57 peekTokenAfterKind(): TokenKind;
58 /**
59 * Like peekTokenKind(), but looks ahead three tokens.
60 */
61 peekTokenAfterAfterKind(): TokenKind;
62 /**
63 * Extract the next token from the input stream and return it.
64 * The token will also be appended to the accumulated sequence, which can
65 * later be accessed via extractAccumulatedSequence().
66 */
67 readToken(): Token;
68 /**
69 * Returns the kind of the token immediately before the current token.
70 */
71 peekPreviousTokenKind(): TokenKind;
72 /**
73 * Remembers the current position in the stream.
74 */
75 createMarker(): number;
76 /**
77 * Rewinds the stream pointer to a previous position in the stream.
78 */
79 backtrackToMarker(marker: number): void;
81//# sourceMappingURL=TokenReader.d.ts.map
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