1 | # Middy Core
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8 | <p><strong>Core component of the middy framework, the stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda</strong></p>
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20 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-standard-brightgreen.svg" alt="Standard Code Style" style="max-width:100%;">
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29 | ## Install
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31 | To install middy you can use NPM:
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33 | ```bash
34 | npm install --save @middy/core
35 | ```
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38 | ## Documentation and examples
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40 | For documentation and examples, refers to the main [Middy monorepo on GitHub](https://github.com/middyjs/middy) or [Middy official website](https://middy.js.org).
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43 | ## Contributing
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45 | Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this repository. Feel free to [raise issues](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/issues) or to [submit Pull Requests](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/pulls).
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48 | ## License
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50 | Licensed under [MIT License](LICENSE). Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Luciano Mammino, will Farrell, and the [Middy team](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/graphs/contributors).
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