1 | # Middy http-response-serializer middleware
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8 | <p><strong>HTTP response serializer middleware for the middy framework, the stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda</strong></p>
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28 | The Http Serializer middleware lets you define serialization mechanisms based on the current content negotiation.
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31 | ## Install
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33 | To install this middleware you can use NPM:
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35 | ```bash
36 | npm install --save @middy/http-response-serializer
37 | ```
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40 | ## Configuration
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42 | The middleware is configured by defining some `serializers`.
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44 | ```
45 | {
46 | serializers: [
47 | {
48 | regex: /^application\/xml$/,
49 | serializer: ({ body }) => `<message>${body}</message>`,
50 | },
51 | {
52 | regex: /^application\/json$/,
53 | serializer: ({ body }) => JSON.stringify(body)
54 | },
55 | {
56 | regex: /^text\/plain$/,
57 | serializer: ({ body }) => body
58 | }
59 | ],
60 | default: 'application/json'
61 | }
62 | ```
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64 | The `default` (optional) option is used if the request and handler don't specify what type is wanted.
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67 | ## Serializer Functions
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69 | When a matching serializer is found, the `Content-Type` header is set and the serializer function is run.
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71 | The function is passed the entire `response` object, and should return either a string or an object.
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73 | If a string is returned, the `body` attribute of the response is updated.
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75 | If an object with a `body` attribute is returned, the entire response object is replaced. This is useful if you want to manipulate headers or add additional attributes in the Lambda response.
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78 | ## Content Type Negotiation
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80 | The header is not the only way the middleware decides which serializer to execute.
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82 | The content type is determined in the following order:
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84 | * `event.requiredContentType` -- allows the handler to override everything else
85 | * The `Accept` header via [accept](https://www.npmjs.com/package/accept)
86 | * `event.preferredContentType` -- allows the handler to override the default, but lets the request ask first
87 | * `default` middleware configuration
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89 | All options allow for multiple types to be specified in your order of preference, and the first matching serializer will be executed.
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92 | ## Sample usage
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94 | ```javascript
95 | import middy from '@middy/core'
96 | import httpResponseSerializer from '@middy/http-response-serializer'
97 |
98 | const handler = middy((event, context) => {
99 | const body = 'Hello World'
100 |
101 | return cb(null, {
102 | statusCode: 200,
103 | body
104 | })
105 | })
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107 | handler
108 | .use(httpResponseSerializer({
109 | serializers: [
110 | {
111 | regex: /^application\/xml$/,
112 | serializer: ({ body }) => `<message>${body}</message>`,
113 | },
114 | {
115 | regex: /^application\/json$/,
116 | serializer: ({ body }) => JSON.stringify(body)
117 | },
118 | {
119 | regex: /^text\/plain$/,
120 | serializer: ({ body }) => body
121 | }
122 | ],
123 | default: 'application/json'
124 | }))
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126 | const event = {
127 | headers: {
128 | 'Accept': 'application/xml;q=0.9, text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c'
129 | }
130 | }
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132 | handler(event, {}, (_, response) => {
133 | t.is(response.body,'<message>Hello World</message>')
134 | })
135 | ```
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138 | ## Middy documentation and examples
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140 | For more documentation and examples, refers to the main [Middy monorepo on GitHub](https://github.com/middyjs/middy) or [Middy official website](https://middy.js.org).
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143 | ## Contributing
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145 | Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this repository. Feel free to [raise issues](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/issues) or to [submit Pull Requests](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/pulls).
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148 | ## License
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150 | Licensed under [MIT License](LICENSE). Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Luciano Mammino, will Farrell, and the [Middy team](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/graphs/contributors).
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