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2 | <h1>Middy secrets-manager middleware</h1>
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4 | <p><strong>Secrets Manager middleware for the middy framework, the stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda</strong></p>
5 | <p>
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37 |
38 | This middleware fetches secrets from [AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/intro.html).
39 |
40 | Secrets to fetch can be defined by by name. See AWS docs [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/tutorials_basic.html).
41 |
42 | Secrets are assigned to the function handler's `context` object.
43 |
44 | The Middleware makes a single [API request](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_GetSecretValue.html) for each secret as Secrets Manager does not support batch get.
45 |
46 | For each secret, you also provide the name under which its value should be added to `context`.
47 |
48 | ## Install
49 |
50 | To install this middleware you can use NPM:
51 |
52 | ```bash
53 | npm install --save @middy/secrets-manager
54 | ```
55 |
56 | ## Options
57 |
58 | - `AwsClient` (object) (default `AWS.SecretsManager`): AWS.SecretsManager class constructor (e.g. that has been instrumented with AWS XRay). Must be from `aws-sdk` v2.
59 | - `awsClientOptions` (object) (default `undefined`): Options to pass to AWS.SecretsManager class constructor.
60 | - `awsClientAssumeRole` (string) (default `undefined`): Internal key where secrets are stored. See [@middy/sts](/packages/sts/README.md) on to set this.
61 | - `awsClientCapture` (function) (default `undefined`): Enable XRay by passing `captureAWSClient` from `aws-xray-sdk` in.
62 | - `fetchData` (object) (required): Mapping of internal key name to API request parameter `SecretId`.
63 | - `disablePrefetch` (boolean) (default `false`): On cold start requests will trigger early if they can. Setting `awsClientAssumeRole` disables prefetch.
64 | - `cacheKey` (string) (default `secrets-manager`): Cache key for the fetched data responses. Must be unique across all middleware.
65 | - `cacheExpiry` (number) (default `-1`): How long fetch data responses should be cached for. `-1`: cache forever, `0`: never cache, `n`: cache for n ms.
66 | - `setToContext` (boolean) (default `false`): Store secrets to `request.context`.
67 |
68 | NOTES:
69 | - Lambda is required to have IAM permission for `secretsmanager:GetSecretValue`
70 |
71 | ## Sample usage
72 |
73 | ```javascript
74 | import middy from '@middy/core'
75 | import secretsManager from '@middy/secrets-manager'
76 |
77 | const handler = middy((event, context) => {
78 | return {}
79 | })
80 |
81 | handler.use(secretsManager({
82 | fetchData: {
83 | apiToken: 'dev/api_token'
84 | },
85 | awsClientOptions: {
86 | region: 'us-east-1',
87 | },
88 | setToContext: true,
89 | }))
90 |
91 | // Before running the function handler, the middleware will fetch from Secrets Manager
92 | handler(event, context, (_, response) => {
93 | // assuming the dev/api_token has two keys, 'Username' and 'Password'
94 | t.is(context.apiToken.Username,'username')
95 | t.is(context.apiToken.Password,'password')
96 | })
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ## Middy documentation and examples
100 |
101 | For more documentation and examples, refers to the main [Middy monorepo on GitHub](https://github.com/middyjs/middy) or [Middy official website](https://middy.js.org).
102 |
103 | ## Contributing
104 |
105 | Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this repository. Feel free to [raise issues](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/issues) or to [submit Pull Requests](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/pulls).
106 |
107 | ## License
108 |
109 | Licensed under [MIT License](LICENSE). Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Luciano Mammino, will Farrell, and the [Middy team](https://github.com/middyjs/middy/graphs/contributors).
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