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1# event-sdk
3**EXPERIMENTAL** Event SDK for Clients & Server implementations
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11Mojaloop Event SDK provides a simple API to log different kind of messages ( trace, log, error, audit ) and publish them to a central logging infrastructure.
13The API is defined by the `EventRecorder` interface and the `EventMessage` type.
14This library provides the following recorder implementations by default:
16| Recorder | Behaviour |
17| - | - |
18| `DefaultLoggerRecorder` | Logs events to console |
19| `DefaultSidecarRecorder` | Logs events to [sidecar](https://github.com/mojaloop/event-sidecar) synchronously |
20| `DefaultSidecarRecorderAsync` | Logs events to [sidecar](https://github.com/mojaloop/event-sidecar) asynchronously |
22The logging behaviour can be modified as defined in the interfaces `EventPreProcessor` and `EventPostProcessor` which allow to use an `EventRecorder` that processes `EventMessage`s before sending them and its response, respectively.
24## Installation
27npm install @mojaloop/event-sdk
30## Configuration
32Edit the file in `./config/default.json` to configure the logger, or set the following Environment variables:
34| Environment variable | Description | Default | Available Values |
35| --- | --- | --- | --- |
36| `EVENT_SDK_ASYNC_OVERRIDE_EVENTS` | A comma-separated list of events that should return immediately instead of waiting for the promises to resolve in the `recorder.record()` function. | `''` | Any combination of: `log,audit,trace` |
37|`EVENT_SDK_LOG_FILTER` | Comma deliminated List of `<eventType>`:`<eventAction>` key pairs that will be logged to the host console, as well as sent to the sidecar. Note `*:*` wildcard entry will print all logs, and if this field is empty ` ` then no logs will be printed. See [Current Supported Events](#current-supported-events) | `audit:*`, `log:info`, `log:error`, `log:warning` | `audit:*`, `log:info`, `log:error` |
38|`EVENT_SDK_LOG_METADATA_ONLY` | This flag will only print the metadata portion of the event message, and exclude the content to minimise log verbosity. | `false` | `true`, `false` |
39| `EVENT_SDK_SERVER_HOST` | The hostname for the gRPC server to bind to. | `localhost` | Any valid hostname |
40| `EVENT_SDK_SERVER_PORT` | The port for the gRPC server to listen on. | `50055` | Any valid port value |
41| `EVENT_SDK_SIDECAR_DISABLED` | Enables or disables the logging to event sidecar. | `true` | `true`, `false` |
42| ~~`EVENT_SDK_SIDECAR_WITH_LOGGER`~~ | _DEPRECATED BY `EVENT_SDK_LOG_FILTER`_ - If true, the events will be logged to the host console, as well as sent to the sidecar. Only applicable if the event sidecar is enabled. | `false` | `true`, `false` |
43| `EVENT_SDK_VENDOR_PREFIX` | Prefix for vendor specific tracestate handler. For more information refer [here](#tracestate-format-and-methods) | `acmevendor` | Any string |
44| `EVENT_SDK_TRACESTATE_HEADER_ENABLED` | If enabled, the tracestate value is kept updated with every child and is inserted into the span tags. Otherwise, the tracestate is only updated if `injectContextToHttpRequest` is called and the `tracestate` is included into the request headers. | `false` | `true`, `false` |
45| `EVENT_SDK_TRACEID_PER_VENDOR` | If enabled, when vendor of the parent span is different from the vendor set by `EVENT_SDK_VENDOR_PREFIX` the traceId will be new and the parent traceId will be stored as a tag: `corelationTraceId` . Otherwise, the traceId is persisted. | `false` | `true`, `false` |
47## Tracestate format and methods
49_Note: Tags in the tracestate are supported from version [v9.4.1](https://github.com/mojaloop/event-sdk/releases/tag/v9.4.1). Since [v9.5.2](https://github.com/mojaloop/event-sdk/releases/tag/v9.5.2) tracestate is base64 encoded string. To be able to use the tracestate correctly accross all services, they should have same version of event-sdk and [central-services-shared](https://github.com/mojaloop/central-services-shared) librarires._
51### Format
53Tracestate header can be used to preserve vendor specific information across various connected systems in multivendor setup. The format is according to the [w3c specifications](https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/blob/master/spec/20-http_header_format.md#tracestate-header).
54Tracestate header example value: `acmevendor=eyJzcGFuSWQiOiI2Njg2Nzk1MDBiMGUzYzQwIiwgInRyYW5zZmVyX3R4X21zOjE1OTA0MDc0NjUifQ==`, where the vendor is `acmevendor` and the value is base64 encoded key value pair as `spanId` key is set automatically. When decoded: `{"spanId":"668679500b0e3c40", "transfer_tx_ms:1590407465"}`
56### Methods to access the tracestate are:
58* setTracestateTags - sets user tags into the tracestate
59* getTracestates - Returns the tracestates object per vendor, as configured vendor tracestate is decoded key value pair with tags
60* getTracestateTags - Returns the tracestate tags for the configured vendor as key value pairs
62## Current Supported Events
64| eventType | eventAction | Description |
65| --- | --- | --- |
66| audit | default | Default audit action. Used when no action has been specified |
67| audit | start | Used to create start audit event |
68| audit | ingress | Used to create ingress audit event |
69| audit | egress | Used to create egress audit event |
70| audit | finish | Used to create finish audit event |
71| log | info | Info log level |
72| log | debug | Debug log level |
73| log | error | Error log level |
74| log | verbose | Verbose log level |
75| log | warning | Warning log level |
76| log | performance | Performance log level |
77| span | trace | Used to create trace event. These events sent with `span.finish()` method and are used for traceability |
79## Usage
81Instrumented services should be part of a configuration which includes the [event sidecar](https://github.com/mojaloop/event-sidecar) and [event-streaming-processor](https://github.com/mojaloop/event-streaming-processor). Detailed architecture overview can be found [here](https://docs.mojaloop.io/documentation/mojaloop-technical-overview/event-framework/)
83Examples of usage of the SDK can be found in the `src/examples` directory of this repo: [Javascript example](src/examples/js_app.js) and [TypeScript example](src/examples/ts_app.ts).
85## Auditing Dependencies
87We use `npm-audit-resolver` along with `npm audit` to check dependencies for vulnerabilities, and keep track of resolved dependencies with an `audit-resolv.json` file.
89To start a new resolution process, run:
92npm run audit:resolve
95You can then check to see if the CI will pass based on the current dependencies with:
98npm run audit:check
101And commit the changed `audit-resolv.json` to ensure that CircleCI will build correctly.
103## Automated Releases
105As part of our CI/CD process, we use a combination of CircleCI, standard-version
106npm package and github-release CircleCI orb to automatically trigger our releases
107and image builds. This process essentially mimics a manual tag and release.
109On a merge to master, CircleCI is configured to use the mojaloopci github account
110to push the latest generated CHANGELOG and package version number.
112Once those changes are pushed, CircleCI will pull the updated master, tag and
113push a release triggering another subsequent build that also publishes a docker image.
115### Potential problems
117* There is a case where the merge to master workflow will resolve successfully, triggering
118 a release. Then that tagged release workflow subsequently failing due to the image scan,
119 audit check, vulnerability check or other "live" checks.
121 This will leave master without an associated published build. Fixes that require
122 a new merge will essentially cause a skip in version number or require a clean up
123 of the master branch to the commit before the CHANGELOG and bump.
125 This may be resolved by relying solely on the previous checks of the
126 merge to master workflow to assume that our tagged release is of sound quality.
127 We are still mulling over this solution since catching bugs/vulnerabilities/etc earlier
128 is a boon.
130* It is unknown if a race condition might occur with multiple merges with master in
131 quick succession, but this is a suspected edge case.