4.84 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import { useTabsContext } from '../Tabs';
4import { TabsListActionTypes } from './useTabsList.types';
5import { useCompoundParent } from '../utils/useCompound';
6import useList from '../useList';
7import tabsListReducer from './tabsListReducer';
10 *
11 * Demos:
12 *
13 * - [Tabs](https://mui.com/base/react-tabs/#hooks)
14 *
15 * API:
16 *
17 * - [useTabsList API](https://mui.com/base/react-tabs/hooks-api/#use-tabs-list)
18 */
19function useTabsList(parameters) {
20 var _selectedValues$;
21 var externalRef = parameters.rootRef;
22 var _useTabsContext = useTabsContext(),
23 _useTabsContext$direc = _useTabsContext.direction,
24 direction = _useTabsContext$direc === void 0 ? 'ltr' : _useTabsContext$direc,
25 onSelected = _useTabsContext.onSelected,
26 _useTabsContext$orien = _useTabsContext.orientation,
27 orientation = _useTabsContext$orien === void 0 ? 'horizontal' : _useTabsContext$orien,
28 value = _useTabsContext.value,
29 registerTabIdLookup = _useTabsContext.registerTabIdLookup,
30 selectionFollowsFocus = _useTabsContext.selectionFollowsFocus;
31 var _useCompoundParent = useCompoundParent(),
32 subitems = _useCompoundParent.subitems,
33 compoundComponentContextValue = _useCompoundParent.contextValue;
34 var tabIdLookup = React.useCallback(function (tabValue) {
35 var _subitems$get;
36 return (_subitems$get = subitems.get(tabValue)) == null ? void 0 : _subitems$get.id;
37 }, [subitems]);
38 registerTabIdLookup(tabIdLookup);
39 var subitemKeys = React.useMemo(function () {
40 return Array.from(subitems.keys());
41 }, [subitems]);
42 var getTabElement = React.useCallback(function (tabValue) {
43 var _subitems$get$ref$cur, _subitems$get2;
44 if (tabValue == null) {
45 return null;
46 }
47 return (_subitems$get$ref$cur = (_subitems$get2 = subitems.get(tabValue)) == null ? void 0 : _subitems$get2.ref.current) != null ? _subitems$get$ref$cur : null;
48 }, [subitems]);
49 var isRtl = direction === 'rtl';
50 var listOrientation;
51 if (orientation === 'vertical') {
52 listOrientation = 'vertical';
53 } else {
54 listOrientation = isRtl ? 'horizontal-rtl' : 'horizontal-ltr';
55 }
56 var handleChange = React.useCallback(function (event, newValue) {
57 var _newValue$;
58 onSelected(event, (_newValue$ = newValue[0]) != null ? _newValue$ : null);
59 }, [onSelected]);
60 var controlledProps = React.useMemo(function () {
61 if (value === undefined) {
62 return {};
63 }
64 return value != null ? {
65 selectedValues: [value]
66 } : {
67 selectedValues: []
68 };
69 }, [value]);
70 var isItemDisabled = React.useCallback(function (item) {
71 var _subitems$get$disable, _subitems$get3;
72 return (_subitems$get$disable = (_subitems$get3 = subitems.get(item)) == null ? void 0 : _subitems$get3.disabled) != null ? _subitems$get$disable : false;
73 }, [subitems]);
74 var _useList = useList({
75 controlledProps: controlledProps,
76 disabledItemsFocusable: !selectionFollowsFocus,
77 focusManagement: 'DOM',
78 getItemDomElement: getTabElement,
79 isItemDisabled: isItemDisabled,
80 items: subitemKeys,
81 rootRef: externalRef,
82 onChange: handleChange,
83 orientation: listOrientation,
84 reducerActionContext: React.useMemo(function () {
85 return {
86 selectionFollowsFocus: selectionFollowsFocus || false
87 };
88 }, [selectionFollowsFocus]),
89 selectionMode: 'single',
90 stateReducer: tabsListReducer
91 }),
92 listContextValue = _useList.contextValue,
93 dispatch = _useList.dispatch,
94 getListboxRootProps = _useList.getRootProps,
95 _useList$state = _useList.state,
96 highlightedValue = _useList$state.highlightedValue,
97 selectedValues = _useList$state.selectedValues,
98 mergedRootRef = _useList.rootRef;
99 React.useEffect(function () {
100 if (value === undefined) {
101 return;
102 }
104 // when a value changes externally, the highlighted value should be synced to it
105 if (value != null) {
106 dispatch({
107 type: TabsListActionTypes.valueChange,
108 value: value
109 });
110 }
111 }, [dispatch, value]);
112 var getRootProps = function getRootProps() {
113 var otherHandlers = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
114 return _extends({}, otherHandlers, getListboxRootProps(otherHandlers), {
115 'aria-orientation': orientation === 'vertical' ? 'vertical' : undefined,
116 role: 'tablist'
117 });
118 };
119 return {
120 contextValue: _extends({}, compoundComponentContextValue, listContextValue),
121 dispatch: dispatch,
122 getRootProps: getRootProps,
123 highlightedValue: highlightedValue,
124 isRtl: isRtl,
125 orientation: orientation,
126 rootRef: mergedRootRef,
127 selectedValue: (_selectedValues$ = selectedValues[0]) != null ? _selectedValues$ : null
128 };
130export default useTabsList;
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