1 | import * as React from 'react';
2 | import { FormControlState } from '../FormControl';
3 | import { NumberInputAction } from './numberInputAction.types';
4 | import { ActionWithContext } from '../utils/useControllableReducer.types';
5 | export type StepDirection = 'up' | 'down';
6 | /**
7 | * The internal state of the NumberInput.
8 | * Modify via the reducer only.
9 | */
10 | export interface NumberInputState {
11 | /**
12 | * The clamped `value` of the `input` element.
13 | */
14 | value: number | null;
15 | /**
16 | * The dirty `value` of the `input` element when it is in focus.
17 | */
18 | inputValue: string;
19 | }
20 | /**
21 | * Additional props passed to the number input reducer actions.
22 | */
23 | export type NumberInputActionContext = {
24 | min?: number;
25 | max?: number;
26 | step?: number;
27 | shiftMultiplier: number;
28 | /**
29 | * A function that parses the raw input value
30 | */
31 | getInputValueAsString: (val: string) => string;
32 | };
33 | export type NumberInputReducerAction = ActionWithContext<NumberInputAction, NumberInputActionContext>;
34 | export interface UseNumberInputParameters {
35 | /**
36 | * The minimum value.
37 | */
38 | min?: number;
39 | /**
40 | * The maximum value.
41 | */
42 | max?: number;
43 | /**
44 | * The amount that the value changes on each increment or decrement.
45 | */
46 | step?: number;
47 | /**
48 | * Multiplier applied to `step` if the shift key is held while incrementing
49 | * or decrementing the value. Defaults to `10`.
50 | */
51 | shiftMultiplier?: number;
52 | /**
53 | * The default value. Use when the component is not controlled.
54 | */
55 | defaultValue?: number | null;
56 | /**
57 | * If `true`, the component is disabled.
58 | * The prop defaults to the value (`false`) inherited from the parent FormControl component.
59 | */
60 | disabled?: boolean;
61 | /**
62 | * If `true`, the `input` will indicate an error by setting the `aria-invalid` attribute.
63 | * The prop defaults to the value (`false`) inherited from the parent FormControl component.
64 | */
65 | error?: boolean;
66 | onBlur?: (event?: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
67 | onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler;
68 | /**
69 | * Callback fired when the `input` value changes after each keypress, before clamping is applied.
70 | * Note that `event.target.value` may contain values that fall outside of `min` and `max` or
71 | * are otherwise "invalid".
72 | *
73 | * @param {React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>} event The event source of the callback.
74 | */
75 | onInputChange?: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
76 | onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler;
77 | /**
78 | * Callback fired after the value is clamped and changes - when the `input` is blurred or when
79 | * the stepper buttons are triggered.
80 | * Called with `undefined` when the value is unset.
81 | *
82 | * @param {React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>|React.PointerEvent|React.KeyboardEvent} event The event source of the callback
83 | * @param {number|undefined} value The new value of the component
84 | */
85 | onChange?: (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement> | React.PointerEvent | React.KeyboardEvent, value: number | null) => void;
86 | /**
87 | * The `id` attribute of the input element.
88 | */
89 | inputId?: string;
90 | /**
91 | * The ref of the input element.
92 | */
93 | inputRef?: React.Ref<HTMLInputElement>;
94 | /**
95 | * If `true`, the `input` element is required.
96 | * The prop defaults to the value (`false`) inherited from the parent FormControl component.
97 | */
98 | required?: boolean;
99 | /**
100 | * If `true`, the `input` element becomes read-only. The stepper buttons remain active,
101 | * with the addition that they are now keyboard focusable.
102 | * @default false
103 | */
104 | readOnly?: boolean;
105 | /**
106 | * The current value. Use when the component is controlled.
107 | * @default null
108 | */
109 | value?: number | null;
110 | /**
111 | * The name of the component using useNumberInput.
112 | * For debugging purposes.
113 | * @default 'useNumberInput'
114 | */
115 | componentName?: string;
116 | }
117 | export interface UseNumberInputRootSlotOwnProps {
118 | onClick: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
119 | }
120 | export type UseNumberInputRootSlotProps<ExternalProps = {}> = Omit<ExternalProps, keyof UseNumberInputRootSlotOwnProps | 'onBlur' | 'onInputChange' | 'onFocus'> & UseNumberInputRootSlotOwnProps;
121 | export interface UseNumberInputInputSlotOwnProps {
122 | defaultValue: number | undefined;
123 | id: string | undefined;
124 | ref: React.RefCallback<HTMLInputElement> | null;
125 | value: number | undefined;
126 | role?: React.AriaRole;
127 | 'aria-disabled': React.AriaAttributes['aria-disabled'];
128 | 'aria-valuemax': React.AriaAttributes['aria-valuemax'];
129 | 'aria-valuemin': React.AriaAttributes['aria-valuemin'];
130 | 'aria-valuenow': React.AriaAttributes['aria-valuenow'];
131 | 'aria-valuetext': React.AriaAttributes['aria-valuetext'];
132 | tabIndex?: number;
133 | onBlur: React.FocusEventHandler;
134 | onChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
135 | onFocus: React.FocusEventHandler;
136 | required: boolean;
137 | disabled: boolean;
138 | }
139 | export type UseNumberInputInputSlotProps<ExternalProps = {}> = Omit<ExternalProps, keyof UseNumberInputInputSlotOwnProps> & UseNumberInputInputSlotOwnProps;
140 | export interface UseNumberInputIncrementButtonSlotOwnProps {
141 | 'aria-controls': React.AriaAttributes['aria-controls'];
142 | 'aria-disabled': React.AriaAttributes['aria-disabled'];
143 | disabled: boolean;
144 | tabIndex?: number;
145 | }
146 | export type UseNumberInputIncrementButtonSlotProps<ExternalProps = {}> = Omit<ExternalProps, keyof UseNumberInputIncrementButtonSlotOwnProps> & UseNumberInputIncrementButtonSlotOwnProps;
147 | export interface UseNumberInputDecrementButtonSlotOwnProps {
148 | 'aria-controls': React.AriaAttributes['aria-controls'];
149 | 'aria-disabled': React.AriaAttributes['aria-disabled'];
150 | disabled: boolean;
151 | tabIndex?: number;
152 | }
153 | export type UseNumberInputDecrementButtonSlotProps<ExternalProps = {}> = Omit<ExternalProps, keyof UseNumberInputDecrementButtonSlotOwnProps> & UseNumberInputDecrementButtonSlotOwnProps;
154 | export interface UseNumberInputReturnValue {
155 | /**
156 | * If `true`, the component will be disabled.
157 | * @default false
158 | */
159 | disabled: boolean;
160 | /**
161 | * If `true`, the `input` will indicate an error by setting the `aria-invalid` attribute.
162 | * @default false
163 | */
164 | error: boolean;
165 | /**
166 | * If `true`, the `input` will be focused.
167 | * @default false
168 | */
169 | focused: boolean;
170 | /**
171 | * Return value from the `useFormControlContext` hook.
172 | */
173 | formControlContext: FormControlState | undefined;
174 | /**
175 | * Resolver for the decrement button slot's props.
176 | * @param externalProps props for the decrement button slot
177 | * @returns props that should be spread on the decrement button slot
178 | */
179 | getDecrementButtonProps: <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown> = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseNumberInputDecrementButtonSlotProps<ExternalProps>;
180 | /**
181 | * Resolver for the increment button slot's props.
182 | * @param externalProps props for the increment button slot
183 | * @returns props that should be spread on the increment button slot
184 | */
185 | getIncrementButtonProps: <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown> = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseNumberInputIncrementButtonSlotProps<ExternalProps>;
186 | /**
187 | * Resolver for the input slot's props.
188 | * @param externalProps props for the input slot
189 | * @returns props that should be spread on the input slot
190 | */
191 | getInputProps: <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown> = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseNumberInputInputSlotProps<ExternalProps>;
192 | /**
193 | * Resolver for the root slot's props.
194 | * @param externalProps props for the root slot
195 | * @returns props that should be spread on the root slot
196 | */
197 | getRootProps: <ExternalProps extends Record<string, unknown> = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseNumberInputRootSlotProps<ExternalProps>;
198 | /**
199 | * If `true`, the `input` will indicate that it's required.
200 | * @default false
201 | */
202 | required: boolean;
203 | /**
204 | * The clamped `value` of the `input` element.
205 | */
206 | value: number | null;
207 | /**
208 | * The dirty `value` of the `input` element when it is in focus.
209 | */
210 | inputValue: string;
211 | /**
212 | * If `true`, the increment button will be disabled.
213 | * e.g. when the `value` is already at `max`
214 | * @default false
215 | */
216 | isIncrementDisabled: boolean;
217 | /**
218 | * If `true`, the decrement button will be disabled.
219 | * e.g. when the `value` is already at `min`
220 | * @default false
221 | */
222 | isDecrementDisabled: boolean;
223 | }