1 | 'use client';
2 |
3 | import * as React from 'react';
4 | import { isFragment } from 'react-is';
5 | import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
6 | import clsx from 'clsx';
7 | import composeClasses from '@mui/utils/composeClasses';
8 | import useTimeout from '@mui/utils/useTimeout';
9 | import clamp from '@mui/utils/clamp';
10 | import { styled, useTheme } from "../zero-styled/index.js";
11 | import memoTheme from "../utils/memoTheme.js";
12 | import { useDefaultProps } from "../DefaultPropsProvider/index.js";
13 | import Zoom from "../Zoom/index.js";
14 | import Fab from "../Fab/index.js";
15 | import capitalize from "../utils/capitalize.js";
16 | import isMuiElement from "../utils/isMuiElement.js";
17 | import useForkRef from "../utils/useForkRef.js";
18 | import useControlled from "../utils/useControlled.js";
19 | import speedDialClasses, { getSpeedDialUtilityClass } from "./speedDialClasses.js";
20 | import useSlot from "../utils/useSlot.js";
21 | import { jsx as _jsx, jsxs as _jsxs } from "react/jsx-runtime";
22 | const useUtilityClasses = ownerState => {
23 | const {
24 | classes,
25 | open,
26 | direction
27 | } = ownerState;
28 | const slots = {
29 | root: ['root', `direction${capitalize(direction)}`],
30 | fab: ['fab'],
31 | actions: ['actions', !open && 'actionsClosed']
32 | };
33 | return composeClasses(slots, getSpeedDialUtilityClass, classes);
34 | };
35 | function getOrientation(direction) {
36 | if (direction === 'up' || direction === 'down') {
37 | return 'vertical';
38 | }
39 | if (direction === 'right' || direction === 'left') {
40 | return 'horizontal';
41 | }
42 | return undefined;
43 | }
44 | const dialRadius = 32;
45 | const spacingActions = 16;
46 | const SpeedDialRoot = styled('div', {
47 | name: 'MuiSpeedDial',
48 | slot: 'Root',
49 | overridesResolver: (props, styles) => {
50 | const {
51 | ownerState
52 | } = props;
53 | return [styles.root, styles[`direction${capitalize(ownerState.direction)}`]];
54 | }
55 | })(memoTheme(({
56 | theme
57 | }) => ({
58 | zIndex: (theme.vars || theme).zIndex.speedDial,
59 | display: 'flex',
60 | alignItems: 'center',
61 | pointerEvents: 'none',
62 | variants: [{
63 | props: {
64 | direction: 'up'
65 | },
66 | style: {
67 | flexDirection: 'column-reverse',
68 | [`& .${speedDialClasses.actions}`]: {
69 | flexDirection: 'column-reverse',
70 | marginBottom: -dialRadius,
71 | paddingBottom: spacingActions + dialRadius
72 | }
73 | }
74 | }, {
75 | props: {
76 | direction: 'down'
77 | },
78 | style: {
79 | flexDirection: 'column',
80 | [`& .${speedDialClasses.actions}`]: {
81 | flexDirection: 'column',
82 | marginTop: -dialRadius,
83 | paddingTop: spacingActions + dialRadius
84 | }
85 | }
86 | }, {
87 | props: {
88 | direction: 'left'
89 | },
90 | style: {
91 | flexDirection: 'row-reverse',
92 | [`& .${speedDialClasses.actions}`]: {
93 | flexDirection: 'row-reverse',
94 | marginRight: -dialRadius,
95 | paddingRight: spacingActions + dialRadius
96 | }
97 | }
98 | }, {
99 | props: {
100 | direction: 'right'
101 | },
102 | style: {
103 | flexDirection: 'row',
104 | [`& .${speedDialClasses.actions}`]: {
105 | flexDirection: 'row',
106 | marginLeft: -dialRadius,
107 | paddingLeft: spacingActions + dialRadius
108 | }
109 | }
110 | }]
111 | })));
112 | const SpeedDialFab = styled(Fab, {
113 | name: 'MuiSpeedDial',
114 | slot: 'Fab',
115 | overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.fab
116 | })({
117 | pointerEvents: 'auto'
118 | });
119 | const SpeedDialActions = styled('div', {
120 | name: 'MuiSpeedDial',
121 | slot: 'Actions',
122 | overridesResolver: (props, styles) => {
123 | const {
124 | ownerState
125 | } = props;
126 | return [styles.actions, !ownerState.open && styles.actionsClosed];
127 | }
128 | })({
129 | display: 'flex',
130 | pointerEvents: 'auto',
131 | variants: [{
132 | props: ({
133 | ownerState
134 | }) => !ownerState.open,
135 | style: {
136 | transition: 'top 0s linear 0.2s',
137 | pointerEvents: 'none'
138 | }
139 | }]
140 | });
141 | const SpeedDial = React.forwardRef(function SpeedDial(inProps, ref) {
142 | const props = useDefaultProps({
143 | props: inProps,
144 | name: 'MuiSpeedDial'
145 | });
146 | const theme = useTheme();
147 | const defaultTransitionDuration = {
148 | enter: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen,
149 | exit: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen
150 | };
151 | const {
152 | ariaLabel,
153 | FabProps: {
154 | ref: origDialButtonRef,
155 | ...FabProps
156 | } = {},
157 | children: childrenProp,
158 | className,
159 | direction = 'up',
160 | hidden = false,
161 | icon,
162 | onBlur,
163 | onClose,
164 | onFocus,
165 | onKeyDown,
166 | onMouseEnter,
167 | onMouseLeave,
168 | onOpen,
169 | open: openProp,
170 | openIcon,
171 | slots = {},
172 | slotProps = {},
173 | TransitionComponent: TransitionComponentProp,
174 | TransitionProps: TransitionPropsProp,
175 | transitionDuration = defaultTransitionDuration,
176 | ...other
177 | } = props;
178 | const [open, setOpenState] = useControlled({
179 | controlled: openProp,
180 | default: false,
181 | name: 'SpeedDial',
182 | state: 'open'
183 | });
184 | const ownerState = {
185 | ...props,
186 | open,
187 | direction
188 | };
189 | const classes = useUtilityClasses(ownerState);
190 | const eventTimer = useTimeout();
191 |
192 | |
193 |
194 |
195 | const focusedAction = React.useRef(0);
196 |
197 | |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 | const nextItemArrowKey = React.useRef();
205 |
206 | |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 | const actions = React.useRef([]);
212 | actions.current = [actions.current[0]];
213 | const handleOwnFabRef = React.useCallback(fabFef => {
214 | actions.current[0] = fabFef;
215 | }, []);
216 | const handleFabRef = useForkRef(origDialButtonRef, handleOwnFabRef);
217 |
218 | |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 | const createHandleSpeedDialActionButtonRef = (dialActionIndex, origButtonRef) => {
226 | return buttonRef => {
227 | actions.current[dialActionIndex + 1] = buttonRef;
228 | if (origButtonRef) {
229 | origButtonRef(buttonRef);
230 | }
231 | };
232 | };
233 | const handleKeyDown = event => {
234 | if (onKeyDown) {
235 | onKeyDown(event);
236 | }
237 | const key = event.key.replace('Arrow', '').toLowerCase();
238 | const {
239 | current: nextItemArrowKeyCurrent = key
240 | } = nextItemArrowKey;
241 | if (event.key === 'Escape') {
242 | setOpenState(false);
243 | actions.current[0].focus();
244 | if (onClose) {
245 | onClose(event, 'escapeKeyDown');
246 | }
247 | return;
248 | }
249 | if (getOrientation(key) === getOrientation(nextItemArrowKeyCurrent) && getOrientation(key) !== undefined) {
250 | event.preventDefault();
251 | const actionStep = key === nextItemArrowKeyCurrent ? 1 : -1;
252 |
253 |
254 | const nextAction = clamp(focusedAction.current + actionStep, 0, actions.current.length - 1);
255 | actions.current[nextAction].focus();
256 | focusedAction.current = nextAction;
257 | nextItemArrowKey.current = nextItemArrowKeyCurrent;
258 | }
259 | };
260 | React.useEffect(() => {
261 |
262 | if (!open) {
263 | focusedAction.current = 0;
264 | nextItemArrowKey.current = undefined;
265 | }
266 | }, [open]);
267 | const handleClose = event => {
268 | if (event.type === 'mouseleave' && onMouseLeave) {
269 | onMouseLeave(event);
270 | }
271 | if (event.type === 'blur' && onBlur) {
272 | onBlur(event);
273 | }
274 | eventTimer.clear();
275 | if (event.type === 'blur') {
276 | eventTimer.start(0, () => {
277 | setOpenState(false);
278 | if (onClose) {
279 | onClose(event, 'blur');
280 | }
281 | });
282 | } else {
283 | setOpenState(false);
284 | if (onClose) {
285 | onClose(event, 'mouseLeave');
286 | }
287 | }
288 | };
289 | const handleClick = event => {
290 | if (FabProps.onClick) {
291 | FabProps.onClick(event);
292 | }
293 | eventTimer.clear();
294 | if (open) {
295 | setOpenState(false);
296 | if (onClose) {
297 | onClose(event, 'toggle');
298 | }
299 | } else {
300 | setOpenState(true);
301 | if (onOpen) {
302 | onOpen(event, 'toggle');
303 | }
304 | }
305 | };
306 | const handleOpen = event => {
307 | if (event.type === 'mouseenter' && onMouseEnter) {
308 | onMouseEnter(event);
309 | }
310 | if (event.type === 'focus' && onFocus) {
311 | onFocus(event);
312 | }
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 | eventTimer.clear();
318 | if (!open) {
319 |
320 | eventTimer.start(0, () => {
321 | setOpenState(true);
322 | if (onOpen) {
323 | const eventMap = {
324 | focus: 'focus',
325 | mouseenter: 'mouseEnter'
326 | };
327 | onOpen(event, eventMap[event.type]);
328 | }
329 | });
330 | }
331 | };
332 |
333 |
334 | const id = ariaLabel.replace(/^[^a-z]+|[^\w:.-]+/gi, '');
335 | const allItems = React.Children.toArray(childrenProp).filter(child => {
336 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
337 | if (isFragment(child)) {
338 | console.error(["MUI: The SpeedDial component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n'));
339 | }
340 | }
341 | return React.isValidElement(child);
342 | });
343 | const children = allItems.map((child, index) => {
344 | const {
345 | FabProps: {
346 | ref: origButtonRef,
347 | ...ChildFabProps
348 | } = {},
349 | tooltipPlacement: tooltipPlacementProp
350 | } = child.props;
351 | const tooltipPlacement = tooltipPlacementProp || (getOrientation(direction) === 'vertical' ? 'left' : 'top');
352 | return React.cloneElement(child, {
353 | FabProps: {
354 | ...ChildFabProps,
355 | ref: createHandleSpeedDialActionButtonRef(index, origButtonRef)
356 | },
357 | delay: 30 * (open ? index : allItems.length - index),
358 | open,
359 | tooltipPlacement,
360 | id: `${id}-action-${index}`
361 | });
362 | });
363 | const backwardCompatibleSlots = {
364 | transition: TransitionComponentProp,
365 | ...slots
366 | };
367 | const backwardCompatibleSlotProps = {
368 | transition: TransitionPropsProp,
369 | ...slotProps
370 | };
371 | const externalForwardedProps = {
372 | slots: backwardCompatibleSlots,
373 | slotProps: backwardCompatibleSlotProps
374 | };
375 | const [TransitionSlot, transitionProps] = useSlot('transition', {
376 | elementType: Zoom,
377 | externalForwardedProps,
378 | ownerState
379 | });
380 | return _jsxs(SpeedDialRoot, {
381 | className: clsx(classes.root, className),
382 | ref: ref,
383 | role: "presentation",
384 | onKeyDown: handleKeyDown,
385 | onBlur: handleClose,
386 | onFocus: handleOpen,
387 | onMouseEnter: handleOpen,
388 | onMouseLeave: handleClose,
389 | ownerState: ownerState,
390 | ...other,
391 | children: [_jsx(TransitionSlot, {
392 | in: !hidden,
393 | timeout: transitionDuration,
394 | unmountOnExit: true,
395 | ...transitionProps,
396 | children: _jsx(SpeedDialFab, {
397 | color: "primary",
398 | "aria-label": ariaLabel,
399 | "aria-haspopup": "true",
400 | "aria-expanded": open,
401 | "aria-controls": `${id}-actions`,
402 | ...FabProps,
403 | onClick: handleClick,
404 | className: clsx(classes.fab, FabProps.className),
405 | ref: handleFabRef,
406 | ownerState: ownerState,
407 | children: React.isValidElement(icon) && isMuiElement(icon, ['SpeedDialIcon']) ? React.cloneElement(icon, {
408 | open
409 | }) : icon
410 | })
411 | }), _jsx(SpeedDialActions, {
412 | id: `${id}-actions`,
413 | role: "menu",
414 | "aria-orientation": getOrientation(direction),
415 | className: clsx(classes.actions, !open && classes.actionsClosed),
416 | ownerState: ownerState,
417 | children: children
418 | })]
419 | });
420 | });
421 | process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? SpeedDial.propTypes = {
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 | |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 | ariaLabel: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
431 | |
432 |
433 |
434 | children: PropTypes.node,
435 | |
436 |
437 |
438 | classes: PropTypes.object,
439 | |
440 |
441 |
442 | className: PropTypes.string,
443 | |
444 |
445 |
446 |
447 | direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['down', 'left', 'right', 'up']),
448 | |
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 | FabProps: PropTypes.object,
453 | |
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 | hidden: PropTypes.bool,
458 | |
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 | icon: PropTypes.node,
463 | |
464 |
465 |
466 | onBlur: PropTypes.func,
467 | |
468 |
469 |
470 |
471 |
472 |
473 | onClose: PropTypes.func,
474 | |
475 |
476 |
477 | onFocus: PropTypes.func,
478 | |
479 |
480 |
481 | onKeyDown: PropTypes.func,
482 | |
483 |
484 |
485 | onMouseEnter: PropTypes.func,
486 | |
487 |
488 |
489 | onMouseLeave: PropTypes.func,
490 | |
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 | onOpen: PropTypes.func,
497 | |
498 |
499 |
500 | open: PropTypes.bool,
501 | |
502 |
503 |
504 | openIcon: PropTypes.node,
505 | |
506 |
507 |
508 |
509 | slotProps: PropTypes.shape({
510 | transition: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object])
511 | }),
512 | |
513 |
514 |
515 |
516 | slots: PropTypes.shape({
517 | transition: PropTypes.elementType
518 | }),
519 | |
520 |
521 |
522 | sx: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.bool])), PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]),
523 | |
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
528 | TransitionComponent: PropTypes.elementType,
529 | |
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 | transitionDuration: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.shape({
538 | appear: PropTypes.number,
539 | enter: PropTypes.number,
540 | exit: PropTypes.number
541 | })]),
542 | |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 | TransitionProps: PropTypes.object
547 | } : void 0;
548 | export default SpeedDial; |
\ | No newline at end of file |