8.73 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5const inversify_1 = require("inversify");
6const mobx_1 = require("mobx");
7const mobx_utils_1 = require("mobx-utils");
8const rxdb_1 = require("rxdb");
9const ajv_validate_1 = require("rxdb/plugins/ajv-validate");
10const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");
11const rxjs_2 = require("rxjs");
12const operators_1 = require("rxjs/operators");
13const util_1 = require("util");
14const NarwhalSchema_1 = require("./data_engine/NarwhalSchema");
15const schema_parser_1 = require("./data_engine/schema_parser");
16const proxied_collection_1 = require("./data_engine/proxied_collection");
17const predicate_parser_1 = require("./predicate_parser");
18const TYPES_1 = require("./TYPES");
19class DataEngineDatabaseContainer {
20 init(db) {
21 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
22 if (db) {
23 this.db = db;
24 }
25 else {
26 }
27 });
28 }
30exports.DataEngineDatabaseContainer = DataEngineDatabaseContainer;
31let EmptyContext = class EmptyContext {
32 context() {
33 return {};
34 }
36EmptyContext = tslib_1.__decorate([
37 inversify_1.injectable()
38], EmptyContext);
39exports.EmptyContext = EmptyContext;
40let SchemaNamespaceHandlerHook = class SchemaNamespaceHandlerHook {
41 handleNamespace(name, version, namespace) {
42 Object.entries(namespace.schema).forEach(([schemaName, schema]) => {
43 this.context.addSchema(name, version, schemaName, schema);
44 });
45 }
48 inversify_1.inject(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NarwhalSchemaContext),
49 tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", schema_parser_1.NarwhalSchemaContext)
50], SchemaNamespaceHandlerHook.prototype, "context", void 0);
51SchemaNamespaceHandlerHook = tslib_1.__decorate([
52 inversify_1.injectable()
53], SchemaNamespaceHandlerHook);
54let NamespaceHandler = class NamespaceHandler {
55 addNamespace(namespace_name, namespace, version = 0) {
56 for (const hook of this.hooks) {
57 hook.handleNamespace(namespace_name, version, namespace);
58 }
59 }
62 inversify_1.multiInject(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NamespaceHandlerHook),
63 tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", Array)
64], NamespaceHandler.prototype, "hooks", void 0);
65NamespaceHandler = tslib_1.__decorate([
66 inversify_1.injectable()
67], NamespaceHandler);
68exports.NamespaceHandler = NamespaceHandler;
69const getStream = (query) => {
70 return query.$.pipe(operators_1.distinctUntilChanged((left, right) => {
71 if (util_1.isArray(left) && util_1.isArray(right)) {
72 const left_gids = left.map(leftEl => leftEl._rev);
73 const right_gids = right.map(rightEl => rightEl._rev);
74 return left_gids.every((v, i) => v === right_gids[i]) && right_gids.every((v, i) => v === left_gids[i]);
75 }
76 else if (left == null || right == null) {
77 return left === right;
78 }
79 else {
80 return left._rev === right._rev;
81 }
82 }), operators_1.map(val => {
83 try {
84 if (val && !val.query) {
85 Object.defineProperty(val, "query", {
86 value: query,
87 enumerable: false,
88 writable: false,
89 });
90 }
91 }
92 catch (e) {
93 console.warn(e);
94 }
95 return val;
96 }));
98exports.container_module_generator = (db) => {
99 // Setup plugins here
100 function annotateQuery(query) {
101 if (!query.hasOwnProperty("results")) {
102 // @ts-ignore
103 if (query.op === "find") {
104 // We don't need to cache because queries are already cached
105 const mutableMap = mobx_1.observable.array([], { deep: false });
106 if (!mutableMap.hasOwnProperty("unresolved")) {
107 Object.defineProperty(mutableMap, "unresolved", {
108 get() {
109 // this. atom.reportObserved();
110 // return this.unresolved;
111 const atom = mobx_1.getAtom(this);
112 atom.reportObserved();
113 // @ts-ignore
114 return this._unresolved;
115 },
116 set(val) {
117 // @ts-ignore
118 this._unresolved = val;
119 const atom = mobx_1.getAtom(this);
120 atom.reportChanged();
121 },
122 });
123 }
124 // @ts-ignore
125 mutableMap.unresolved = true;
126 // @ts-ignore
127 mutableMap.query = query;
128 /*
129 // @ts-ignore
130 if(query.op !== "findOne" && newVal === null) {
131 return;
132 }
133 */
134 let qSub;
135 const qStream = getStream(query);
136 mobx_1.onBecomeObserved(mutableMap, () => {
137 qSub = qStream.subscribe({
138 next(arr) {
139 if (arr.length !== mutableMap.length || !mutableMap.every((v, i) => arr[i] === v)) {
140 mutableMap.splice(0, arr.length, ...arr);
141 }
142 // @ts-ignore
143 mutableMap.unresolved = false;
144 },
145 });
146 });
147 mobx_1.onBecomeUnobserved(mutableMap, () => {
148 if (qSub) {
149 qSub.unsubscribe();
150 }
151 qSub = null;
152 });
153 // @ts-ignore
154 mobx_1.extendObservable(query, { results: mutableMap });
155 }
156 else if (query.op === "findOne") {
157 const orig = {
158 unresolved: true,
159 query,
160 };
161 let sub;
162 const stream = rxjs_1.merge(getStream(query), rxjs_2.from(query.exec()));
163 const observableResource = mobx_utils_1.fromResource(callback => {
164 sub = stream.subscribe(callback);
165 }, () => {
166 sub.unsubscribe();
167 }, orig);
168 mobx_1.extendObservable(query, {
169 get results() {
170 return observableResource.current();
171 },
172 enumerable: true,
173 });
174 }
175 }
176 // @ts-ignore
177 const old_clone = query._clone.bind(query);
178 function _clone(...args) {
179 const res = old_clone(...args);
180 annotateQuery(res);
181 return res;
182 }
183 // @ts-ignore
184 query._clone = _clone.bind(query);
185 }
186 rxdb_1.default.plugin({
187 rxdb: true,
188 hooks: {
189 createRxQuery: (query) => {
190 annotateQuery(query);
191 },
192 },
193 });
194 rxdb_1.default.plugin(ajv_validate_1.default);
195 return new inversify_1.ContainerModule((bind) => {
196 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.PredicateParser).to(predicate_parser_1.PredicateParser).inSingletonScope();
197 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NarwhalSchemaContext).to(schema_parser_1.NarwhalSchemaContext).inSingletonScope();
198 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NamespaceHandler).to(NamespaceHandler).inSingletonScope();
199 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NamespaceHandlerHook).to(SchemaNamespaceHandlerHook);
200 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.SystemContextComponent).to(EmptyContext).inSingletonScope();
201 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NarwhalSchema).to(NarwhalSchema_1.NarwhalSchema);
202 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NarwhalSchemaFactory).toAutoFactory(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.NarwhalSchema);
203 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.DataEngineDatabase).toConstantValue(db);
204 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.ConcreteProxiedCollection).to(proxied_collection_1.ConcreteProxiedCollection);
205 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.ProxiedCollection).to(proxied_collection_1.ProxiedCollection);
206 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.ProxiedCollectionFactory).toAutoFactory(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.ProxiedCollection);
207 bind(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.ConcreteProxiedCollectionFactory).toFactory(context => (schema, collection) => {
208 const proxied_collection = context.container.get(TYPES_1.CORE_TYPES.ConcreteProxiedCollection);
209 proxied_collection.init(schema, collection);
210 return proxied_collection;
211 });
212 });
214//# sourceMappingURL=container.js.map
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