6.95 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { EventData } from '../data/observable';
2export declare enum AccessibilityTrait {
3 /**
4 * The element allows direct touch interaction for VoiceOver users.
5 */
6 AllowsDirectInteraction = "allowsDirectInteraction",
7 /**
8 * The element should cause an automatic page turn when VoiceOver finishes reading the text within it.
9 * Note: Requires custom view with accessibilityScroll(...)
10 */
11 CausesPageTurn = "pageTurn",
12 /**
13 * The element is not enabled and does not respond to user interaction.
14 */
15 NotEnabled = "disabled",
16 /**
17 * The element is currently selected.
18 */
19 Selected = "selected",
20 /**
21 * The element frequently updates its label or value.
22 */
23 UpdatesFrequently = "frequentUpdates"
25export declare enum AccessibilityRole {
26 /**
27 * The element allows continuous adjustment through a range of values.
28 */
29 Adjustable = "adjustable",
30 /**
31 * The element should be treated as a button.
32 */
33 Button = "button",
34 /**
35 * The element behaves like a Checkbox
36 */
37 Checkbox = "checkbox",
38 /**
39 * The element is a header that divides content into sections, such as the title of a navigation bar.
40 */
41 Header = "header",
42 /**
43 * The element should be treated as an image.
44 */
45 Image = "image",
46 /**
47 * The element should be treated as a image button.
48 */
49 ImageButton = "imageButton",
50 /**
51 * The element behaves as a keyboard key.
52 */
53 KeyboardKey = "keyboardKey",
54 /**
55 * The element should be treated as a link.
56 */
57 Link = "link",
58 /**
59 * The element has no traits.
60 */
61 None = "none",
62 /**
63 * The element plays its own sound when activated.
64 */
65 PlaysSound = "plays",
66 /**
67 * The element behaves like a ProgressBar
68 */
69 ProgressBar = "progressBar",
70 /**
71 * The element behaves like a RadioButton
72 */
73 RadioButton = "radioButton",
74 /**
75 * The element should be treated as a search field.
76 */
77 Search = "search",
78 /**
79 * The element behaves like a SpinButton
80 */
81 SpinButton = "spinButton",
82 /**
83 * The element starts a media session when it is activated.
84 */
85 StartsMediaSession = "startsMedia",
86 /**
87 * The element should be treated as static text that cannot change.
88 */
89 StaticText = "text",
90 /**
91 * The element provides summary information when the application starts.
92 */
93 Summary = "summary",
94 /**
95 * The element behaves like a switch
96 */
97 Switch = "switch"
99export declare enum AccessibilityState {
100 Selected = "selected",
101 Checked = "checked",
102 Unchecked = "unchecked",
103 Disabled = "disabled"
105export declare enum AccessibilityLiveRegion {
106 None = "none",
107 Polite = "polite",
108 Assertive = "assertive"
110export declare enum IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType {
111 Announcement = "announcement",
112 Screen = "screen",
113 Layout = "layout"
115export declare enum AndroidAccessibilityEvent {
116 /**
117 * Invalid selection/focus position.
118 */
119 INVALID_POSITION = "invalid_position",
120 /**
121 * Maximum length of the text fields.
122 */
123 MAX_TEXT_LENGTH = "max_text_length",
124 /**
125 * Represents the event of clicking on a android.view.View like android.widget.Button, android.widget.CompoundButton, etc.
126 */
127 VIEW_CLICKED = "view_clicked",
128 /**
129 * Represents the event of long clicking on a android.view.View like android.widget.Button, android.widget.CompoundButton, etc.
130 */
131 VIEW_LONG_CLICKED = "view_long_clicked",
132 /**
133 * Represents the event of selecting an item usually in the context of an android.widget.AdapterView.
134 */
135 VIEW_SELECTED = "view_selected",
136 /**
137 * Represents the event of setting input focus of a android.view.View.
138 */
139 VIEW_FOCUSED = "view_focused",
140 /**
141 * Represents the event of changing the text of an android.widget.EditText.
142 */
143 VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED = "view_text_changed",
144 /**
145 * Represents the event of opening a android.widget.PopupWindow, android.view.Menu, android.app.Dialog, etc.
146 */
147 WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED = "window_state_changed",
148 /**
149 * Represents the event showing a android.app.Notification.
150 */
151 NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED = "notification_state_changed",
152 /**
153 * Represents the event of a hover enter over a android.view.View.
154 */
155 VIEW_HOVER_ENTER = "view_hover_enter",
156 /**
157 * Represents the event of a hover exit over a android.view.View.
158 */
159 VIEW_HOVER_EXIT = "view_hover_exit",
160 /**
161 * Represents the event of starting a touch exploration gesture.
162 */
163 TOUCH_EXPLORATION_GESTURE_START = "touch_exploration_gesture_start",
164 /**
165 * Represents the event of ending a touch exploration gesture.
166 */
167 TOUCH_EXPLORATION_GESTURE_END = "touch_exploration_gesture_end",
168 /**
169 * Represents the event of changing the content of a window and more specifically the sub-tree rooted at the event's source.
170 */
171 WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED = "window_content_changed",
172 /**
173 * Represents the event of scrolling a view.
174 */
175 VIEW_SCROLLED = "view_scrolled",
176 /**
177 * Represents the event of changing the selection in an android.widget.EditText.
178 */
179 VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED = "view_text_selection_changed",
180 /**
181 * Represents the event of an application making an announcement.
182 */
183 ANNOUNCEMENT = "announcement",
184 /**
185 * Represents the event of gaining accessibility focus.
186 */
187 VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED = "view_accessibility_focused",
188 /**
189 * Represents the event of clearing accessibility focus.
190 */
191 VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS_CLEARED = "view_accessibility_focus_cleared",
192 /**
193 * Represents the event of traversing the text of a view at a given movement granularity.
194 */
195 VIEW_TEXT_TRAVERSED_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY = "view_text_traversed_at_movement_granularity",
196 /**
197 * Represents the event of beginning gesture detection.
198 */
199 GESTURE_DETECTION_START = "gesture_detection_start",
200 /**
201 * Represents the event of ending gesture detection.
202 */
203 GESTURE_DETECTION_END = "gesture_detection_end",
204 /**
205 * Represents the event of the user starting to touch the screen.
206 */
207 TOUCH_INTERACTION_START = "touch_interaction_start",
208 /**
209 * Represents the event of the user ending to touch the screen.
210 */
211 TOUCH_INTERACTION_END = "touch_interaction_end",
212 /**
213 * Mask for AccessibilityEvent all types.
214 */
215 ALL_MASK = "all"
217export interface AccessibilityEventPerformEscape extends EventData {
218 cancel?: boolean;
220export interface AccessibilityEventOptions {
221 androidAccessibilityEvent?: AndroidAccessibilityEvent;
222 iosNotificationType?: IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType;
223 message?: string;