2.73 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { View } from '../core/view';
2import { Style } from '../styling/style';
3import { ImageSource } from '../../image-source';
4import { ImageAsset } from '../../image-asset';
5import { Color } from '../../color';
6import { Property, InheritedCssProperty } from '../core/properties';
7import { CoreTypes } from '../../core-types';
10 * Represents a class that provides functionality for loading and streching image(s).
11 */
12export class Image extends View {
13 /**
14 * Gets the native [android widget](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ImageView.html) that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on Android OS.
15 */
16 android: any /* android.widget.ImageView */;
18 /**
19 * Gets the native iOS [UIImageView](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIImageView_Class/) that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on iOS.
20 */
21 ios: any /* UIImageView */;
23 /**
24 * Gets or sets the image source of the image.
25 */
26 imageSource: ImageSource;
28 /**
29 * Gets or sets the source of the Image. This can be either an URL string or a native image instance.
30 */
31 src: string | ImageSource | ImageAsset;
33 /**
34 * Gets a value indicating if the image is currently loading.
35 */
36 readonly isLoading: boolean;
38 /**
39 * Gets or sets the image stretch mode.
40 */
41 stretch: CoreTypes.ImageStretchType;
43 /**
44 * Gets or sets the loading strategy for images on the local file system:
45 * - **sync** - blocks the UI if necessary to display immediately, good for small icons.
46 * - **async** *(default)* - will load in the background, may appear with short delay, good for large images.
47 * When loading images from web they are always loaded **async** no matter of loadMode value.
48 */
49 loadMode: 'sync' | 'async';
51 /**
52 * A color used to tint template images.
53 */
54 tintColor: Color;
56 /**
57 * Gets or sets the desired decode height of the image.
58 * This property is Android specific.
59 */
60 decodeHeight: CoreTypes.LengthType;
62 /**
63 * Gets or sets the desired decode width of the image.
64 * This property is Android specific.
65 */
66 decodeWidth: CoreTypes.LengthType;
69export const imageSourceProperty: Property<Image, ImageSource>;
70export const srcProperty: Property<Image, string | ImageSource | ImageAsset>;
71export const isLoadingProperty: Property<Image, string>;
72export const loadMode: Property<Image, 'sync' | 'async'>;
73export const stretchProperty: Property<Image, CoreTypes.ImageStretchType>;
74export const tintColorProperty: InheritedCssProperty<Style, Color>;
75export const decodeHeightProperty: Property<Image, CoreTypes.LengthType>;
76export const decodeWidthProperty: Property<Image, CoreTypes.LengthType>;