1 | interface ModuleResolver {
2 | /**
3 | * A function used to resolve the exports for a module.
4 | * @param uri The name of the module to be resolved.
5 | */
6 | (uri: string): any;
7 | }
8 |
9 | /**
10 | * An extended JavaScript Error which will have the nativeException property initialized in case the error is caused by executing platform-specific code.
11 | */
12 | declare interface NativeScriptError extends Error {
13 | /**
14 | * Represents the native error object.
15 | */
16 | nativeException?: any;
17 | /**
18 | * The native stack trace.
19 | */
20 | stackTrace?: string;
21 | /**
22 | * Javascript portion of stack trace.
23 | */
24 | stack?: string;
25 | }
26 |
27 | //Augment the NodeJS global type with our own extensions
28 | declare module globalThis {
29 | var NativeScriptHasInitGlobal: boolean;
30 | var NativeScriptGlobals: {
31 | /**
32 | * Global framework event handling
33 | */
34 | events: {
35 | [Key in keyof import('data/observable').Observable]: import('data/observable').Observable[Key];
36 | };
37 | launched: boolean;
38 | // used by various classes to setup callbacks to wire up global app event handling when the app instance is ready
39 | appEventWiring: Array<any>;
40 | // determines if the app instance is ready upon bootstrap
41 | appInstanceReady: boolean;
42 |
43 | /**
44 | * Ability for classes to initialize app event handling early even before the app instance is ready during boot cycle avoiding boot race conditions
45 | * @param callback wire up any global event handling inside the callback
46 | */
47 | addEventWiring(callback: () => void): void;
48 | };
49 | // var android: any;
50 | function require(id: string): any;
51 |
52 | function moduleMerge(sourceExports: any, destExports: any): void;
53 |
54 | function registerModule(name: string, loader: (name: string) => any): void;
55 | /**
56 | * Register all modules from a webpack context.
57 | * The context is one created using the following webpack utility:
58 | * https://webpack.js.org/guides/dependency-management/#requirecontext
59 | *
60 | * The extension map is optional, modules in the webpack context will have their original file extension (e.g. may be ".ts" or ".scss" etc.),
61 | * while the built-in module builders in {N} will look for ".js", ".css" or ".xml" files. Adding a map such as:
62 | * ```
63 | * { ".ts": ".js" }
64 | * ```
65 | * Will resolve lookups for .js to the .ts file.
66 | * By default scss and ts files are mapped.
67 | */
68 | function registerWebpackModules(context: { keys(): string[]; (key: string): any }, extensionMap?: { [originalFileExtension: string]: string });
69 |
70 | /**
71 | * The NativeScript XML builder, style-scope, application modules use various resources such as:
72 | * app.css, page.xml files and modules during the application life-cycle.
73 | * The moduleResolvers can be used to provide additional mechanisms to locate such resources.
74 | * For example:
75 | * ```
76 | * global.moduleResolvers.unshift(uri => uri === "main-page" ? require("main-page") : null);
77 | * ```
78 | * More advanced scenarios will allow for specific bundlers to integrate their module resolving mechanisms.
79 | * When adding resolvers at the start of the array, avoid throwing and return null instead so subsequent resolvers may try to resolve the resource.
80 | * By default the only member of the array is global.require, as last resort - if it fails to find a module it will throw.
81 | */
82 | var moduleResolvers: ModuleResolver[];
83 |
84 | /**
85 | *
86 | * @param name Name of the module to be loaded
87 | * @param loadForUI Is this UI module is being loaded for UI from @nativescript/core/ui/builder.
88 | * Xml, css/scss and js/ts modules for pages and custom-components should load with loadForUI=true.
89 | * Passing "true" will enable the HMR mechanics this module. Default value is false.
90 | */
91 | function loadModule(name: string, loadForUI?: boolean): any;
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * Checks if the module has been registered with `registerModule` or in `registerWebpackModules`
95 | * @param name Name of the module
96 | */
97 | function moduleExists(name: string): boolean;
98 |
99 | function getRegisteredModules(): string[];
100 |
101 | function _unregisterModule(name: string): void;
102 |
103 | function _isModuleLoadedForUI(moduleName: string): boolean;
104 |
105 | var onGlobalLayoutListener: any;
106 | function zonedCallback<T = Function>(callback: T): T;
107 | var Reflect: any;
108 | function Deprecated(target: Object, key?: string | symbol, descriptor?: any): any;
109 | function Experimental(target: Object, key?: string | symbol, descriptor?: any): any;
110 |
111 | var __native: any;
112 | var __inspector: any;
113 | var __extends: any;
114 | var __onLiveSync: (context?: { type: string; path: string }) => void;
115 | var __onLiveSyncCore: (context?: { type: string; path: string }) => void;
116 | var __onUncaughtError: (error: NativeScriptError) => void;
117 | var __onDiscardedError: (error: NativeScriptError) => void;
118 | var __snapshot: boolean;
119 | var TNS_WEBPACK: boolean;
120 | var isIOS: boolean;
121 | var isAndroid: boolean;
122 | var isDisplayedEventFired: boolean;
123 | var autoLoadPolyfills: boolean;
124 | var __requireOverride: (name: string, dir: string) => any;
125 |
126 | // used to get the rootlayout instance to add/remove childviews
127 | var rootLayout: any;
128 | }
129 | declare const __DEV__: boolean;
130 | declare const __CSS_PARSER__: string;
131 | declare const __NS_WEBPACK__: boolean;
132 | declare const __UI_USE_EXTERNAL_RENDERER__: boolean;
133 | declare const __UI_USE_XML_PARSER__: boolean;
134 | declare const __ANDROID__: boolean;
135 | declare const __IOS__: boolean;
136 | declare const __VISIONOS__: boolean;
137 |
138 | declare function setTimeout(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): number;
139 | declare function clearTimeout(timeoutId: number): void;
140 | declare function setInterval(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): number;
141 | declare function clearInterval(intervalId: number): void;
142 |
143 | declare type ModuleType = 'markup' | 'script' | 'style';
144 |
145 | /**
146 | * Define a module context for Hot Module Replacement.
147 | */
148 | interface ModuleContext {
149 | /**
150 | * The type of the module for replacement.
151 | */
152 | type: ModuleType;
153 |
154 | /**
155 | * The path of the module for replacement.
156 | */
157 | path: string;
158 | }
159 |
160 | interface NodeModule {
161 | exports: any;
162 | id: string;
163 | filename: string;
164 | }
165 |
166 | declare enum RequestContext {
167 | 'audio',
168 | 'beacon',
169 | 'cspreport',
170 | 'download',
171 | 'embed',
172 | 'eventsource',
173 | 'favicon',
174 | 'fetch',
175 | 'font',
176 | 'form',
177 | 'frame',
178 | 'hyperlink',
179 | 'iframe',
180 | 'image',
181 | 'imageset',
182 | 'import',
183 | 'internal',
184 | 'location',
185 | 'manifest',
186 | 'object',
187 | 'ping',
188 | 'plugin',
189 | 'prefetch',
190 | 'script',
191 | 'serviceworker',
192 | 'sharedworker',
193 | 'subresource',
194 | 'style',
195 | 'track',
196 | 'video',
197 | 'worker',
198 | 'xmlhttprequest',
199 | 'xslt',
200 | }
201 |
202 | // Extend the lib.dom.d.ts Body interface with `formData`
203 | // interface Body {
204 | // formData(): Promise<FormData>;
205 | // }
206 |
207 | declare type HeaderInit = Headers | Array<string>;
208 |
209 | declare function fetch(url: string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
210 |
211 | // declare var console: Console;
212 | declare var require: NodeRequire;
213 |
214 | // Extend NodeRequire with the webpack's require context extension.
215 | interface RequireContext {
216 | keys(): string[];
217 | (id: string): any;
218 | <T>(id: string): T;
219 | resolve(id: string): string;
220 | }
221 |
222 | interface WeakRef<T extends object> {
223 | /**
224 | * @deprecated Use deref instead with 8.5+
225 | */
226 | get(): T;
227 |
228 | /**
229 | * @deprecated You no longer need to make this call and can be safely removed.
230 | */
231 | clear(): void;
232 | }
233 |
234 | declare var __dirname: string;
235 | declare var __filename: string;
236 |
237 | declare var module: NodeModule;
238 | // Same as module.exports
239 | declare var exports: any;
240 |
241 | // Global functions
242 | declare function Deprecated(target: Object, key?: string | symbol, value?: any): void;
243 | declare function Experimental(target: Object, key?: string | symbol, value?: any): void;
244 |
245 | declare interface NativeClassOptions {
246 | nativeClassName?: string; // for @JavaProxy and
247 | protocols?: any[];
248 | interfaces?: any[];
249 | }
250 |
251 | /**
252 | * Decorates class that extends a native class(iOS or Android)
253 | */
254 | declare function NativeClass<T extends { new (...args: any[]): {} }>(constructor: T);
255 | declare function NativeClass<T extends { new (...args: any[]): {} }>(options?: NativeClassOptions);
256 |
257 | /**
258 | * Decorates class that implements native Java interfaces.
259 | * @param interfaces Implemented interfaces.
260 | */
261 | declare function Interfaces(...interfaces): ClassDecorator;
262 |
263 | /**
264 | * Important: Not applicable to Objective-C classes (iOS platform)
265 | * Decorates class that extends native Java class
266 | * @param interfaces An array of fully-classified Java interface names that the class must implement.
267 | */
268 | declare function Interfaces(interfaces: any[]): ClassDecorator;
269 |
270 | /**
271 | * Decorates class that extends native Java class
272 | * @param nativeClassName The name of the newly generated class. Must be unique in the application.
273 | */
274 | declare function JavaProxy(nativeClassName: string): ClassDecorator;
275 |
276 | /**
277 | * Important: Not applicable to Java classes (Android platform)
278 | * Decorates a class that implements native Objective-C protocols.
279 | * @param protocols An array of fully-classified Objective-C protocol names that the class must implement.
280 | */
281 | declare function ObjCClass(...protocols: any[]): ClassDecorator;
282 |
283 | /**
284 | * Important: Not applicable to Java methods (Android platform)
285 | * Decorates method that it is exposed in Objective-C.
286 | * The JS name of the method will be used as the name of the native method
287 | * and the return type will be set to `interop.types.void`
288 | */
289 | declare function ObjCMethod(): MethodDecorator;
290 |
291 | /**
292 | * Important: Not applicable to Java methods (Android platform)
293 | * Decorates method that it is exposed in Objective-C.
294 | * @param name The name of the method to be exposed.
295 | * The native return type will be set to `interop.types.void`.
296 | */
297 | declare function ObjCMethod(name: string): MethodDecorator;
298 |
299 | /**
300 | * Important: Not applicable to Java methods (Android platform)
301 | * Decorates a method to be exposed in Objective-C.
302 | * The JS name of the method will be used for the name of the native method.
303 | * @param returnType The native type of the result.
304 | */
305 | declare function ObjCMethod(returnType: any): MethodDecorator;
306 |
307 | /**
308 | * Important: Not applicable to Java methods (Android platform)
309 | * Decorates a method to be exposed in Objective-C.
310 | * @param name The name of the method to be exposed. Can be different than the JS function name
311 | * and can follow Objective-C colon syntax (for example `tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:`).
312 | * @param returnType The native type of the result.
313 | */
314 | declare function ObjCMethod(name: string, returnType: any): MethodDecorator;
315 |
316 | /**
317 | * Important: Not applicable to Java classes or methods (Android platform)
318 | * This is a shorthand decorator that can be used to decorate either a method or a class
319 | * to be exposed to Objective-C.
320 | * @param params Parameters to send to the ObjCClass or ObjCMethod decorators.
321 | */
322 | declare function ObjC(...params: any[]): ClassDecorator & MethodDecorator;
323 |
324 | /**
325 | * Important: Not applicable to Java method parameters (Android platform)
326 | * Decorates a parameter in an Objective-C exposed method with its native type.
327 | * @param type The native type for the parameter.
328 | */
329 | declare function ObjCParam(type: any): ParameterDecorator;
330 |
331 | declare function Log(data: any): void;
332 | declare function log(data: any): void;
333 | declare function fail(data: any): void;
334 |
335 | /**
336 | * Calls a function after a specified delay.
337 | * @param callback The function to be called.
338 | * @param milliseconds The time to wait before the function is called. Defaults to 0.
339 | */
340 | // declare function setTimeout(callback: Function, milliseconds?: number): number;
341 |
342 | /**
343 | * Clears the delay set by a call to the setTimeout function.
344 | * @param id The identifier returned by the previously called setTimeout() method.
345 | */
346 | // declare function clearTimeout(id: number): void;
347 |
348 | /**
349 | * Calls a function repeatedly with a delay between each call.
350 | * @param callback The function to be called.
351 | * @param milliseconds The delay between each function call.
352 | */
353 | // declare function setInterval(callback: Function, milliseconds?: number): number;
354 |
355 | /**
356 | * Clears repeated function which was set up by calling setInterval().
357 | * @param id The identifier returned by the setInterval() method.
358 | */
359 | // declare function clearInterval(id: number): void;
360 |
361 | declare function zonedCallback<T = Function>(callback: T): T;
362 |
363 | /**
364 | * Create a Java long from a number
365 | */
366 | declare function long(value: number): any;
367 |
368 | /**
369 | * Create a Java byte from a number
370 | */
371 | declare function byte(value: number): any;
372 |
373 | /**
374 | * Create a Java short from a number
375 | */
376 | declare function short(value: number): any;
377 |
378 | /**
379 | * Create a Java double from a number
380 | */
381 | declare function double(value: number): any;
382 |
383 | /**
384 | * Create a Java float from a number
385 | */
386 | declare function float(value: number): any;
387 |
388 | /**
389 | * Create a Java char from a string
390 | */
391 | declare function char(value: string): any;