6.23 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { LinearGradient } from './linear-gradient';
2import { isDataURI, isFileOrResourcePath, RESOURCE_PREFIX, FILE_PREFIX } from '../../utils';
3import { parse } from '../../css-value';
4import { path, knownFolders } from '../../file-system';
5import { Application } from '../../application';
6export * from './background-common';
7function fromBase64(source) {
8 const bytes = android.util.Base64.decode(source, android.util.Base64.DEFAULT);
9 return android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
11function fromGradient(gradient) {
12 const colors = Array.create('int', gradient.colorStops.length);
13 const stops = Array.create('float', gradient.colorStops.length);
14 let hasStops = false;
15 gradient.colorStops.forEach((stop, index) => {
16 colors[index] = stop.color.android;
17 if (stop.offset) {
18 stops[index] = stop.offset.value;
19 hasStops = true;
20 }
21 });
22 const alpha = gradient.angle / (Math.PI * 2);
23 const startX = Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI * (alpha + 0.75)), 2);
24 const startY = Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI * (alpha + 0.5)), 2);
25 const endX = Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI * (alpha + 0.25)), 2);
26 const endY = Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI * alpha), 2);
27 return new org.nativescript.widgets.LinearGradientDefinition(startX, startY, endX, endY, colors, hasStops ? stops : null);
29const pattern = /url\(('|")(.*?)\1\)/;
30export function refreshBorderDrawable(view, borderDrawable) {
31 const nativeView = view.nativeViewProtected;
32 const context = nativeView.getContext();
33 const background = view.style.backgroundInternal;
34 if (background) {
35 const backgroundPositionParsedCSSValues = createNativeCSSValueArray(background.position);
36 const backgroundSizeParsedCSSValues = createNativeCSSValueArray(background.size);
37 const blackColor = -16777216; //android.graphics.Color.BLACK;
38 let imageUri;
39 if (background.image && typeof background.image === 'string' && background.image !== 'none') {
40 imageUri = background.image;
41 const match = imageUri.match(pattern);
42 if (match && match[2]) {
43 imageUri = match[2];
44 }
45 }
46 let bitmap = null;
47 if (isDataURI(imageUri)) {
48 const base64Data = imageUri.split(',')[1];
49 if (base64Data !== undefined) {
50 bitmap = fromBase64(base64Data);
51 imageUri = null;
52 }
53 }
54 else if (isFileOrResourcePath(imageUri)) {
55 if (imageUri.indexOf(RESOURCE_PREFIX) !== 0) {
56 let fileName = imageUri;
57 if (fileName.indexOf('~/') === 0) {
58 fileName = path.join(knownFolders.currentApp().path, fileName.replace('~/', ''));
59 }
60 imageUri = FILE_PREFIX + fileName;
61 }
62 }
63 let gradient = null;
64 if (background.image && background.image instanceof LinearGradient) {
65 gradient = fromGradient(background.image);
66 }
67 borderDrawable.refresh(background.borderTopColor ? background.borderTopColor.android : blackColor, background.borderRightColor ? background.borderRightColor.android : blackColor, background.borderBottomColor ? background.borderBottomColor.android : blackColor, background.borderLeftColor ? background.borderLeftColor.android : blackColor, background.borderTopWidth, background.borderRightWidth, background.borderBottomWidth, background.borderLeftWidth, background.borderTopLeftRadius, background.borderTopRightRadius, background.borderBottomRightRadius, background.borderBottomLeftRadius, background.clipPath, background.color ? background.color.android : 0, imageUri, bitmap, gradient, context, background.repeat, background.position, backgroundPositionParsedCSSValues, background.size, backgroundSizeParsedCSSValues);
68 //console.log(`>>> ${borderDrawable.toDebugString()}`);
69 }
71function createNativeCSSValueArray(css) {
72 if (!css) {
73 return null;
74 }
75 const cssValues = parse(css);
76 const nativeArray = Array.create(org.nativescript.widgets.CSSValue, cssValues.length);
77 for (let i = 0, length = cssValues.length; i < length; i++) {
78 nativeArray[i] = new org.nativescript.widgets.CSSValue(cssValues[i].type, cssValues[i].string, cssValues[i].unit, cssValues[i].value);
79 }
80 return nativeArray;
82export var CacheMode;
83(function (CacheMode) {
84 CacheMode[CacheMode["none"] = 0] = "none";
85 CacheMode[CacheMode["memory"] = 1] = "memory";
86 CacheMode[CacheMode["diskAndMemory"] = 2] = "diskAndMemory";
87})(CacheMode || (CacheMode = {}));
88let currentCacheMode;
89let imageFetcher;
90export function initImageCache(context, mode = CacheMode.diskAndMemory, memoryCacheSize = 0.25, diskCacheSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024) {
91 if (currentCacheMode === mode) {
92 return;
93 }
94 currentCacheMode = mode;
95 if (!imageFetcher) {
96 imageFetcher = org.nativescript.widgets.image.Fetcher.getInstance(context);
97 }
98 else {
99 imageFetcher.clearCache();
100 }
101 const params = new org.nativescript.widgets.image.Cache.CacheParams();
102 params.memoryCacheEnabled = mode !== CacheMode.none;
103 params.setMemCacheSizePercent(memoryCacheSize); // Set memory cache to % of app memory
104 params.diskCacheEnabled = mode === CacheMode.diskAndMemory;
105 params.diskCacheSize = diskCacheSize;
106 const imageCache = org.nativescript.widgets.image.Cache.getInstance(params);
107 imageFetcher.addImageCache(imageCache);
108 imageFetcher.initCache();
110function onLiveSync(args) {
111 if (imageFetcher) {
112 imageFetcher.clearCache();
113 }
115global.NativeScriptGlobals.events.on('livesync', onLiveSync);
116global.NativeScriptGlobals.addEventWiring(() => {
117 Application.android.on('activityStarted', (args) => {
118 if (!imageFetcher) {
119 initImageCache(args.activity);
120 }
121 else {
122 imageFetcher.initCache();
123 }
124 });
126global.NativeScriptGlobals.addEventWiring(() => {
127 Application.android.on('activityStopped', (args) => {
128 if (imageFetcher) {
129 imageFetcher.closeCache();
130 }
131 });
133//# sourceMappingURL=background.android.js.map
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