1 | import { makeValidator, makeParser } from '../core/properties';
2 | import { Trace } from '../../trace';
3 | export class Font {
4 | get isItalic() {
5 | return this.fontStyle === FontStyle.ITALIC;
6 | }
7 | get isBold() {
8 | return this.fontWeight === FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD || this.fontWeight === FontWeight.BOLD || this.fontWeight === '700' || this.fontWeight === FontWeight.EXTRA_BOLD || this.fontWeight === FontWeight.BLACK;
9 | }
10 | constructor(fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontScale, fontVariationSettings) {
11 | this.fontFamily = fontFamily;
12 | this.fontSize = fontSize;
13 | this.fontVariationSettings = fontVariationSettings;
14 | this.fontStyle = fontStyle ?? FontStyle.NORMAL;
15 | this.fontWeight = fontWeight ?? FontWeight.NORMAL;
16 | this.fontScale = fontScale ?? 1;
17 | }
18 | static equals(value1, value2) {
19 |
20 | if (!value1 && !value2) {
21 | return true;
22 | }
23 |
24 | if (!value1 || !value2) {
25 | return false;
26 | }
27 | return value1.fontFamily === value2.fontFamily && value1.fontSize === value2.fontSize && value1.fontStyle === value2.fontStyle && value1.fontWeight === value2.fontWeight && value1.fontScale === value2.fontScale && FontVariationSettings.toString(value1.fontVariationSettings) === FontVariationSettings.toString(value2.fontVariationSettings);
28 | }
29 | }
30 | Font.default = undefined;
31 | export var FontStyle;
32 | (function (FontStyle) {
33 | FontStyle.NORMAL = 'normal';
34 | FontStyle.ITALIC = 'italic';
35 | FontStyle.isValid = makeValidator(FontStyle.NORMAL, FontStyle.ITALIC);
36 | FontStyle.parse = makeParser(FontStyle.isValid);
37 | })(FontStyle || (FontStyle = {}));
38 | export var FontWeight;
39 | (function (FontWeight) {
40 | FontWeight.THIN = '100';
41 | FontWeight.EXTRA_LIGHT = '200';
42 | FontWeight.LIGHT = '300';
43 | FontWeight.NORMAL = 'normal';
44 | FontWeight.MEDIUM = '500';
45 | FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD = '600';
46 | FontWeight.BOLD = 'bold';
47 | FontWeight.EXTRA_BOLD = '800';
48 | FontWeight.BLACK = '900';
49 | FontWeight.isValid = makeValidator(FontWeight.THIN, FontWeight.EXTRA_LIGHT, FontWeight.LIGHT, FontWeight.NORMAL, '400', FontWeight.MEDIUM, FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD, FontWeight.BOLD, '700', FontWeight.EXTRA_BOLD, FontWeight.BLACK);
50 | FontWeight.parse = makeParser(FontWeight.isValid);
51 | })(FontWeight || (FontWeight = {}));
52 | export var FontVariationSettings;
53 | (function (FontVariationSettings) {
54 | function parse(fontVariationSettings) {
55 | if (!fontVariationSettings) {
56 | return null;
57 | }
58 | const allowedValues = ['normal', 'inherit', 'initial', 'revert', 'revert-layer', 'unset'];
59 | const variationSettingsValue = fontVariationSettings.trim();
60 | if (allowedValues.indexOf(variationSettingsValue.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
61 | return null;
62 | }
63 | const chunks = variationSettingsValue.split(',');
64 | if (chunks.length) {
65 | const parsed = [];
66 | for (const chunk of chunks) {
67 | const trimmedChunk = chunk.trim();
68 | const axisChunks = trimmedChunk.split(' ');
69 | if (axisChunks.length === 2) {
70 | const axisName = axisChunks[0].trim();
71 | const axisValue = parseFloat(axisChunks[1]);
72 |
73 |
74 | if (!isNaN(axisValue) && axisName.length === 6 && ((axisName.startsWith("'") && axisName.endsWith("'")) || (axisName.startsWith('"') && axisName.endsWith('"')))) {
75 |
76 | const unquotedAxisName = axisName.substring(1, axisName.length - 1);
77 | parsed.push({ axis: unquotedAxisName, value: axisValue });
78 | }
79 | else {
80 | Trace.write('Invalid value (font-variation-settings): ' + variationSettingsValue, Trace.categories.Error, Trace.messageType.error);
81 | }
82 | }
83 | else {
84 | Trace.write('Invalid value (font-variation-settings): ' + variationSettingsValue, Trace.categories.Error, Trace.messageType.error);
85 | }
86 | }
87 | return parsed;
88 | }
89 | Trace.write('Invalid value (font-variation-settings): ' + variationSettingsValue, Trace.categories.Error, Trace.messageType.error);
90 | }
91 | FontVariationSettings.parse = parse;
92 | function toString(fontVariationSettings) {
93 | if (fontVariationSettings?.length) {
94 | return fontVariationSettings.map(({ axis, value }) => `'${axis}' ${value}`).join(', ');
95 | }
96 | return null;
97 | }
98 | FontVariationSettings.toString = toString;
99 | })(FontVariationSettings || (FontVariationSettings = {}));
100 | export function parseFontFamily(value) {
101 | if (!value) {
102 | return [];
103 | }
104 | return value
105 | .split(',')
106 | .map((v) => (v || '').trim().replace(/['"]+/g, ''))
107 | .filter((v) => !!v);
108 | }
109 | export var genericFontFamilies;
110 | (function (genericFontFamilies) {
111 | genericFontFamilies.serif = 'serif';
112 | genericFontFamilies.sansSerif = 'sans-serif';
113 | genericFontFamilies.monospace = 'monospace';
114 | genericFontFamilies.system = 'system';
115 | })(genericFontFamilies || (genericFontFamilies = {}));
116 | const styles = new Set();
117 | [FontStyle.NORMAL, FontStyle.ITALIC].forEach((val, i, a) => styles.add(val));
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 | const weights = new Set();
131 | [FontWeight.THIN, FontWeight.EXTRA_LIGHT, FontWeight.LIGHT, FontWeight.NORMAL, '400', FontWeight.MEDIUM, FontWeight.SEMI_BOLD, FontWeight.BOLD, '700', FontWeight.EXTRA_BOLD, FontWeight.BLACK].forEach((val, i, a) => weights.add(val));
132 | export function parseFont(fontValue) {
133 | const result = {
134 | fontStyle: 'normal',
135 | fontVariant: 'normal',
136 | fontWeight: 'normal',
137 | };
138 | const parts = fontValue.split(/\s+/);
139 | let part;
140 | while ((part = parts.shift())) {
141 | if (part === 'normal') {
142 |
143 | }
144 | else if (part === 'small-caps') {
145 |
146 | result.fontVariant = part;
147 | }
148 | else if (styles.has(part)) {
149 | result.fontStyle = part;
150 | }
151 | else if (weights.has(part)) {
152 | result.fontWeight = part;
153 | }
154 | else if (!result.fontSize) {
155 | const sizes = part.split('/');
156 | result.fontSize = sizes[0];
157 | result.lineHeight = sizes.length > 1 ? sizes[1] : undefined;
158 | }
159 | else {
160 | result.fontFamily = part;
161 | if (parts.length) {
162 | result.fontFamily += ' ' + parts.join(' ');
163 | }
164 | break;
165 | }
166 | }
167 | return result;
168 | }
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 | export function fuzzySearch(query, dataset) {
175 | const q = query ? query.trim().toLowerCase() : '';
176 | const result = [];
177 | if (!q.length) {
178 | return null;
179 | }
180 | dataset.forEach((item) => {
181 | const s = item.trim().toLowerCase();
182 | let n = -1;
183 | for (const char of q) {
184 | n = s.indexOf(char, n + 1);
185 | if (!~n) {
186 | return;
187 | }
188 | }
189 | result.push(item);
190 | });
191 | return result.length ? result : null;
192 | }
193 |
\ | No newline at end of file |