2.68 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { CoreTypes } from '../../core-types';
4 * Utility module related to layout.
5 */
6export namespace layout {
7 /**
8 * Bits that provide the actual measured size.
9 */
10 export const MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT: number;
11 export const MEASURED_SIZE_MASK: number;
12 export const MEASURED_STATE_MASK: number;
13 export const MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL: number;
14 export const UNSPECIFIED: number;
15 export const EXACTLY: number;
16 export const AT_MOST: number;
18 /**
19 * Gets layout mode from a given specification as string.
20 * @param mode - The measure specification mode.
21 */
22 export function getMode(mode: number): string;
24 /**
25 * Gets measure specification mode from a given specification.
26 * @param spec - The measure specification.
27 */
28 export function getMeasureSpecMode(spec: number): number;
30 /**
31 * Gets measure specification size from a given specification.
32 * @param spec - The measure specification.
33 */
34 export function getMeasureSpecSize(spec: number): number;
36 /**
37 * Creates measure specification size from size and mode.
38 * @param size - The size component of measure specification.
39 * @param mode - The mode component of measure specification.
40 */
41 export function makeMeasureSpec(px: number, mode: number): number;
43 /**
44 * Gets display density for the current device.
45 */
46 export function getDisplayDensity(): number;
48 /**
49 * Convert device independent pixels to device pixels - dip to px.
50 * @param value - The pixel to convert.
51 */
52 export function toDevicePixels(value: CoreTypes.dip): CoreTypes.px;
54 /**
55 * Convert device pixels to device independent pixels - px to dip.
56 * @param value - The pixel to convert.
57 */
58 export function toDeviceIndependentPixels(value: CoreTypes.px): CoreTypes.dip;
60 /**
61 * Rounds value used in layout.
62 * @param px to round.
63 */
64 export function round(px: CoreTypes.px): CoreTypes.px;
66 /**
67 * Converts device pixels to device independent pixes and measure the nativeView.
68 * Returns the desired size of the nativeView in device pixels.
69 * @param nativeView the nativeView to measure (UIView or android.view.View)
70 * @param width the available width
71 * @param widthMode width mode - UNSPECIFIED, EXACTLY or AT_MOST
72 * @param height the available hegiht
73 * @param heightMode height mode - UNSPECIFIED, EXACTLY or AT_MOST
74 */
75 export function measureNativeView(nativeView: any /* UIView or android.view.View */, width: number, widthMode: number, height: number, heightMode: number): { width: number; height: number };
77 /**
78 * Prints user friendly version of the measureSpec.
79 * @param measureSpec the spec to print
80 */
81 export function measureSpecToString(measureSpec: number): string;