2.77 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import * as layoutCommon from './layout-helper-common';
2export var layout;
3(function (layout) {
4 // cache the MeasureSpec constants here, to prevent extensive marshaling calls to and from Objective C
5 // TODO: While this boosts the performance it is error-prone in case Google changes these constants
6 layout.MODE_SHIFT = 30;
7 layout.MODE_MASK = 0x3 << layout.MODE_SHIFT;
8 layout.UNSPECIFIED = 0 << layout.MODE_SHIFT;
9 layout.EXACTLY = 1 << layout.MODE_SHIFT;
10 layout.AT_MOST = 2 << layout.MODE_SHIFT;
11 layout.MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT = 0x00000010; /* 16 */
12 layout.MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL = 0x01000000;
13 layout.MEASURED_STATE_MASK = 0xff000000;
14 layout.MEASURED_SIZE_MASK = 0x00ffffff;
15 function getMode(mode) {
16 return layoutCommon.getMode(mode);
17 }
18 layout.getMode = getMode;
19 function getMeasureSpecMode(spec) {
20 return layoutCommon.getMeasureSpecMode(spec);
21 }
22 layout.getMeasureSpecMode = getMeasureSpecMode;
23 function getMeasureSpecSize(spec) {
24 return layoutCommon.getMeasureSpecSize(spec);
25 }
26 layout.getMeasureSpecSize = getMeasureSpecSize;
27 function makeMeasureSpec(size, mode) {
28 return (Math.round(Math.max(0, size)) & ~layoutCommon.MODE_MASK) | (mode & layoutCommon.MODE_MASK);
29 }
30 layout.makeMeasureSpec = makeMeasureSpec;
31 function getDisplayDensity() {
32 return UIScreen.mainScreen.scale;
33 }
34 layout.getDisplayDensity = getDisplayDensity;
35 function toDevicePixels(value) {
36 return value * UIScreen.mainScreen.scale;
37 }
38 layout.toDevicePixels = toDevicePixels;
39 function toDeviceIndependentPixels(value) {
40 return value / UIScreen.mainScreen.scale;
41 }
42 layout.toDeviceIndependentPixels = toDeviceIndependentPixels;
43 function round(value) {
44 return layoutCommon.round(value);
45 }
46 layout.round = round;
47 function measureNativeView(nativeView /* UIView */, width, widthMode, height, heightMode) {
48 const view = nativeView;
49 const nativeSize = view.sizeThatFits({
50 width: widthMode === 0 /* layout.UNSPECIFIED */ ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : toDeviceIndependentPixels(width),
51 height: heightMode === 0 /* layout.UNSPECIFIED */ ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : toDeviceIndependentPixels(height),
52 });
53 nativeSize.width = round(toDevicePixels(nativeSize.width));
54 nativeSize.height = round(toDevicePixels(nativeSize.height));
55 return nativeSize;
56 }
57 layout.measureNativeView = measureNativeView;
58 function measureSpecToString(measureSpec) {
59 return layoutCommon.measureSpecToString(measureSpec);
60 }
61 layout.measureSpecToString = measureSpecToString;
62})(layout || (layout = {}));
63//# sourceMappingURL=index.ios.js.map
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