1 | import { profile } from '../profiling';
2 | import { isEmbedded } from '../ui/embedding';
3 | import { SDK_VERSION } from '../utils/constants';
4 | import { ApplicationCommon } from './application-common';
5 | let BroadcastReceiver_;
6 | function initBroadcastReceiver() {
7 | if (BroadcastReceiver_) {
8 | return BroadcastReceiver_;
9 | }
10 | var BroadcastReceiverImpl = (function (_super) {
11 | __extends(BroadcastReceiverImpl, _super);
12 | function BroadcastReceiverImpl(onReceiveCallback) {
13 | var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
14 | _this._onReceiveCallback = onReceiveCallback;
15 | return global.__native(_this);
16 | }
17 | BroadcastReceiverImpl.prototype.onReceive = function (context, intent) {
18 | if (this._onReceiveCallback) {
19 | this._onReceiveCallback(context, intent);
20 | }
21 | };
22 | return BroadcastReceiverImpl;
23 | }(android.content.BroadcastReceiver));
24 | BroadcastReceiver_ = BroadcastReceiverImpl;
25 | return BroadcastReceiver_;
26 | }
27 | let NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks_;
28 | function initNativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks() {
29 | if (NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks_) {
30 | return NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks_;
31 | }
32 | var NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl = (function (_super) {
33 | __extends(NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl, _super);
34 | function NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl() {
35 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
36 | _this.activitiesCount = 0;
37 | return _this;
38 | }
39 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.onActivityCreated = function (activity, savedInstanceState) {
40 |
41 | this.setThemeOnLaunch(activity);
42 | if (!Application.android.startActivity) {
43 | Application.android.setStartActivity(activity);
44 | }
45 | if (!this.nativescriptActivity && 'isNativeScriptActivity' in activity) {
46 | this.nativescriptActivity = activity;
47 | }
48 | this.notifyActivityCreated(activity, savedInstanceState);
49 | if (Application.hasListeners(Application.displayedEvent)) {
50 | this.subscribeForGlobalLayout(activity);
51 | }
52 | };
53 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.onActivityDestroyed = function (activity) {
54 |
55 | if (activity === Application.android.foregroundActivity) {
56 | Application.android.setForegroundActivity(undefined);
57 | }
58 | if (activity === this.nativescriptActivity) {
59 | this.nativescriptActivity = undefined;
60 | }
61 | if (activity === Application.android.startActivity) {
62 | Application.android.setStartActivity(undefined);
63 |
64 | if (this.nativescriptActivity) {
65 | Application.android.setStartActivity(this.nativescriptActivity);
66 | }
67 | }
68 | Application.android.notify({
69 | eventName: Application.android.activityDestroyedEvent,
70 | object: Application.android,
71 | activity: activity,
72 | });
73 |
74 | gc();
75 | };
76 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.onActivityPaused = function (activity) {
77 |
78 | if ('isNativeScriptActivity' in activity) {
79 | Application.setSuspended(true, {
80 |
81 | android: activity,
82 | activity: activity,
83 | });
84 | }
85 | Application.android.notify({
86 | eventName: Application.android.activityPausedEvent,
87 | object: Application.android,
88 | activity: activity,
89 | });
90 | };
91 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.onActivityResumed = function (activity) {
92 |
93 | Application.android.setForegroundActivity(activity);
94 |
95 |
96 | Application.android.notify({
97 | eventName: Application.android.activityResumedEvent,
98 | object: Application.android,
99 | activity: activity,
100 | });
101 | };
102 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.onActivitySaveInstanceState = function (activity, bundle) {
103 |
104 | Application.android.notify({
105 | eventName: Application.android.saveActivityStateEvent,
106 | object: Application.android,
107 | activity: activity,
108 | bundle: bundle,
109 | });
110 | };
111 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.onActivityStarted = function (activity) {
112 |
113 | this.activitiesCount++;
114 | if (this.activitiesCount === 1) {
115 | Application.android.setInBackground(false, {
116 |
117 | android: activity,
118 | activity: activity,
119 | });
120 | }
121 | Application.android.notify({
122 | eventName: Application.android.activityStartedEvent,
123 | object: Application.android,
124 | activity: activity,
125 | });
126 | };
127 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.onActivityStopped = function (activity) {
128 |
129 | this.activitiesCount--;
130 | if (this.activitiesCount === 0) {
131 | Application.android.setInBackground(true, {
132 |
133 | android: activity,
134 | activity: activity,
135 | });
136 | }
137 | Application.android.notify({
138 | eventName: Application.android.activityStoppedEvent,
139 | object: Application.android,
140 | activity: activity,
141 | });
142 | };
143 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.setThemeOnLaunch = function (activity) {
144 |
145 | var activityInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(activity.getComponentName(), android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
146 | if (activityInfo.metaData) {
147 | var setThemeOnLaunch = activityInfo.metaData.getInt('SET_THEME_ON_LAUNCH', -1);
148 | if (setThemeOnLaunch !== -1) {
149 | activity.setTheme(setThemeOnLaunch);
150 | }
151 | }
152 | };
153 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.notifyActivityCreated = function (activity, bundle) {
154 | Application.android.notify({
155 | eventName: Application.android.activityCreatedEvent,
156 | object: Application.android,
157 | activity: activity,
158 | bundle: bundle,
159 | });
160 | };
161 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype.subscribeForGlobalLayout = function (activity) {
162 | var rootView = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().getRootView();
163 |
164 | global.onGlobalLayoutListener = new android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener({
165 | onGlobalLayout: function () {
166 | Application.android.notify({
167 | eventName: Application.displayedEvent,
168 | object: Application,
169 | android: Application.android,
170 | activity: activity,
171 | });
172 | var viewTreeObserver = rootView.getViewTreeObserver();
173 | viewTreeObserver.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(global.onGlobalLayoutListener);
174 | },
175 | });
176 | rootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(global.onGlobalLayoutListener);
177 | };
178 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x, _y, _z, _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11;
179 | __decorate([
180 | profile,
181 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
182 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_c = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_a = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_b = _a.app) !== void 0 && _b.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _c : Object, typeof (_e = typeof android !== "undefined" && (_d = android.os) !== void 0 && _d.Bundle) === "function" ? _e : Object]),
183 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
184 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onActivityCreated", null);
185 | __decorate([
186 | profile,
187 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
188 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_h = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_f = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_g = _f.app) !== void 0 && _g.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _h : Object]),
189 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
190 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onActivityDestroyed", null);
191 | __decorate([
192 | profile,
193 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
194 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_l = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_j = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_k = _j.app) !== void 0 && _k.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _l : Object]),
195 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
196 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onActivityPaused", null);
197 | __decorate([
198 | profile,
199 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
200 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_p = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_m = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_o = _m.app) !== void 0 && _o.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _p : Object]),
201 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
202 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onActivityResumed", null);
203 | __decorate([
204 | profile,
205 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
206 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_s = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_q = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_r = _q.app) !== void 0 && _r.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _s : Object, typeof (_u = typeof android !== "undefined" && (_t = android.os) !== void 0 && _t.Bundle) === "function" ? _u : Object]),
207 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
208 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onActivitySaveInstanceState", null);
209 | __decorate([
210 | profile,
211 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
212 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_x = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_v = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_w = _v.app) !== void 0 && _w.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _x : Object]),
213 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
214 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onActivityStarted", null);
215 | __decorate([
216 | profile,
217 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
218 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_0 = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_y = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_z = _y.app) !== void 0 && _z.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _0 : Object]),
219 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
220 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onActivityStopped", null);
221 | __decorate([
222 | profile,
223 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
224 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_3 = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_1 = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_2 = _1.app) !== void 0 && _2.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _3 : Object]),
225 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
226 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "setThemeOnLaunch", null);
227 | __decorate([
228 | profile,
229 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
230 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_6 = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_4 = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_5 = _4.app) !== void 0 && _5.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _6 : Object, typeof (_8 = typeof android !== "undefined" && (_7 = android.os) !== void 0 && _7.Bundle) === "function" ? _8 : Object]),
231 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
232 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "notifyActivityCreated", null);
233 | __decorate([
234 | profile,
235 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
236 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_11 = typeof androidx !== "undefined" && (_9 = androidx.appcompat) !== void 0 && (_10 = _9.app) !== void 0 && _10.AppCompatActivity) === "function" ? _11 : Object]),
237 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
238 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl.prototype, "subscribeForGlobalLayout", null);
239 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl = __decorate([
240 | JavaProxy('org.nativescript.NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks')
241 | ], NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl);
242 | return NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl;
243 | }(android.app.Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks));
244 | NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks_ = NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacksImpl;
245 | return NativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks_;
246 | }
247 | let NativeScriptComponentCallbacks_;
248 | function initNativeScriptComponentCallbacks() {
249 | if (NativeScriptComponentCallbacks_) {
250 | return NativeScriptComponentCallbacks_;
251 | }
252 | var NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl = (function (_super) {
253 | __extends(NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl, _super);
254 | function NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl() {
255 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
256 | }
257 | NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl.prototype.onLowMemory = function () {
258 | gc();
259 | java.lang.System.gc();
260 | Application.notify({
261 | eventName: Application.lowMemoryEvent,
262 | object: Application,
263 | android: this,
264 | });
265 | };
266 | NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl.prototype.onTrimMemory = function (level) {
267 |
268 | };
269 | NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl.prototype.onConfigurationChanged = function (newConfiguration) {
270 | Application.android.onConfigurationChanged(newConfiguration);
271 | };
272 | var _a, _b, _c;
273 | __decorate([
274 | profile,
275 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
276 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", []),
277 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
278 | ], NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onLowMemory", null);
279 | __decorate([
280 | profile,
281 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
282 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [Number]),
283 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
284 | ], NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onTrimMemory", null);
285 | __decorate([
286 | profile,
287 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
288 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [typeof (_c = typeof android !== "undefined" && (_a = android.content) !== void 0 && (_b = _a.res) !== void 0 && _b.Configuration) === "function" ? _c : Object]),
289 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
290 | ], NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl.prototype, "onConfigurationChanged", null);
291 | NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl = __decorate([
292 | JavaProxy('org.nativescript.NativeScriptComponentCallbacks')
293 | ], NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl);
294 | return NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl;
295 | }(android.content.ComponentCallbacks2));
296 | NativeScriptComponentCallbacks_ = NativeScriptComponentCallbacksImpl;
297 | return NativeScriptComponentCallbacks_;
298 | }
299 | export class AndroidApplication extends ApplicationCommon {
300 | constructor() {
301 | super(...arguments);
302 | this.activityCreatedEvent = AndroidApplication.activityCreatedEvent;
303 | this.activityDestroyedEvent = AndroidApplication.activityDestroyedEvent;
304 | this.activityStartedEvent = AndroidApplication.activityStartedEvent;
305 | this.activityPausedEvent = AndroidApplication.activityPausedEvent;
306 | this.activityResumedEvent = AndroidApplication.activityResumedEvent;
307 | this.activityStoppedEvent = AndroidApplication.activityStoppedEvent;
308 | this.saveActivityStateEvent = AndroidApplication.saveActivityStateEvent;
309 | this.activityResultEvent = AndroidApplication.activityResultEvent;
310 | this.activityBackPressedEvent = AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent;
311 | this.activityNewIntentEvent = AndroidApplication.activityNewIntentEvent;
312 | this.activityRequestPermissionsEvent = AndroidApplication.activityRequestPermissionsEvent;
313 | this._registeredReceivers = {};
314 | this._pendingReceiverRegistrations = new Array();
315 | }
316 | init(nativeApp) {
317 | if (this.nativeApp === nativeApp) {
318 | return;
319 | }
320 | if (this.nativeApp) {
321 | throw new Error('Application.android already initialized.');
322 | }
323 | this._nativeApp = nativeApp;
324 | this._context = nativeApp.getApplicationContext();
325 | this._packageName = nativeApp.getPackageName();
326 |
327 | this.lifecycleCallbacks = new (initNativeScriptLifecycleCallbacks())();
328 | this.nativeApp.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this.lifecycleCallbacks);
329 | this.componentCallbacks = new (initNativeScriptComponentCallbacks())();
330 | this.nativeApp.registerComponentCallbacks(this.componentCallbacks);
331 | this._registerPendingReceivers();
332 | }
333 | _registerPendingReceivers() {
334 | this._pendingReceiverRegistrations.forEach((func) => func(this.context));
335 | this._pendingReceiverRegistrations.length = 0;
336 | }
337 | onConfigurationChanged(configuration) {
338 | this.setOrientation(this.getOrientationValue(configuration));
339 | this.setSystemAppearance(this.getSystemAppearanceValue(configuration));
340 | }
341 | getNativeApplication() {
342 | let nativeApp = this.nativeApp;
343 | if (nativeApp) {
344 | return nativeApp;
345 | }
346 |
347 |
348 | if (com.tns.NativeScriptApplication) {
349 | nativeApp = com.tns.NativeScriptApplication.getInstance();
350 | }
351 | if (!nativeApp && isEmbedded()) {
352 | nativeApp = com.tns.embedding.ApplicationHolder.getInstance();
353 | }
354 |
355 | if (!nativeApp) {
356 |
357 | const clazz = java.lang.Class.forName('android.app.ActivityThread');
358 | if (clazz) {
359 | const method = clazz.getMethod('currentApplication', null);
360 | if (method) {
361 | nativeApp = method.invoke(null, null);
362 | }
363 | }
364 | }
365 |
366 | if (!nativeApp) {
367 | throw new Error("Failed to retrieve native Android Application object. If you have a custom android.app.Application type implemented make sure that you've called the 'Application.android.init' method.");
368 | }
369 | return nativeApp;
370 | }
371 | get nativeApp() {
372 | return this._nativeApp;
373 | }
374 | run(entry) {
375 | if (this.started) {
376 | throw new Error('Application is already started.');
377 | }
378 | this.started = true;
379 | this.mainEntry = typeof entry === 'string' ? { moduleName: entry } : entry;
380 | if (!this.nativeApp) {
381 | const nativeApp = this.getNativeApplication();
382 | this.init(nativeApp);
383 | }
384 | }
385 | get startActivity() {
386 | return this._startActivity;
387 | }
388 | get foregroundActivity() {
389 | return this._foregroundActivity;
390 | }
391 | setStartActivity(value) {
392 | this._startActivity = value;
393 | }
394 | setForegroundActivity(value) {
395 | this._foregroundActivity = value;
396 | }
397 | get paused() {
398 | return this.suspended;
399 | }
400 | get backgrounded() {
401 | return this.inBackground;
402 | }
403 | get context() {
404 | return this._context;
405 | }
406 | get packageName() {
407 | return this._packageName;
408 | }
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 | registerBroadcastReceiver(intentFilter, onReceiveCallback, flags = 2) {
414 | const registerFunc = (context) => {
415 | const receiver = new (initBroadcastReceiver())(onReceiveCallback);
416 | if (SDK_VERSION >= 26) {
417 | context.registerReceiver(receiver, new android.content.IntentFilter(intentFilter), flags);
418 | }
419 | else {
420 | context.registerReceiver(receiver, new android.content.IntentFilter(intentFilter));
421 | }
422 | this._registeredReceivers[intentFilter] = receiver;
423 | };
424 | if (this.context) {
425 | registerFunc(this.context);
426 | }
427 | else {
428 | this._pendingReceiverRegistrations.push(registerFunc);
429 | }
430 | }
431 | unregisterBroadcastReceiver(intentFilter) {
432 | const receiver = this._registeredReceivers[intentFilter];
433 | if (receiver) {
434 | this.context.unregisterReceiver(receiver);
435 | this._registeredReceivers[intentFilter] = undefined;
436 | delete this._registeredReceivers[intentFilter];
437 | }
438 | }
439 | getRegisteredBroadcastReceiver(intentFilter) {
440 | return this._registeredReceivers[intentFilter];
441 | }
442 | getRootView() {
443 | const activity = this.foregroundActivity || this.startActivity;
444 | if (!activity) {
445 | return undefined;
446 | }
447 | const callbacks = activity['_callbacks'];
448 | return callbacks ? callbacks.getRootView() : undefined;
449 | }
450 | resetRootView(entry) {
451 | super.resetRootView(entry);
452 | const activity = this.foregroundActivity || this.startActivity;
453 | if (!activity) {
454 | throw new Error('Cannot find android activity.');
455 | }
456 |
457 | const callbacks = activity['_callbacks'];
458 | if (!callbacks) {
459 | throw new Error('Cannot find android activity callbacks.');
460 | }
461 | callbacks.resetActivityContent(activity);
462 | }
463 | getSystemAppearance() {
464 | const resources = this.context.getResources();
465 | const configuration = resources.getConfiguration();
466 | return this.getSystemAppearanceValue(configuration);
467 | }
468 |
469 | getSystemAppearanceValue(configuration) {
470 | const systemAppearance = configuration.uiMode & android.content.res.Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
471 | switch (systemAppearance) {
472 | case android.content.res.Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES:
473 | return 'dark';
474 | case android.content.res.Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO:
475 | case android.content.res.Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_UNDEFINED:
476 | return 'light';
477 | }
478 | }
479 | getOrientation() {
480 | const resources = this.context.getResources();
481 | const configuration = resources.getConfiguration();
482 | return this.getOrientationValue(configuration);
483 | }
484 | getOrientationValue(configuration) {
485 | const orientation = configuration.orientation;
486 | switch (orientation) {
487 | case android.content.res.Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE:
488 | return 'landscape';
489 | case android.content.res.Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT:
490 | return 'portrait';
491 | default:
492 | return 'unknown';
493 | }
494 | }
495 | get android() {
496 |
497 | return this;
498 | }
499 | }
500 | AndroidApplication.activityCreatedEvent = 'activityCreated';
501 | AndroidApplication.activityDestroyedEvent = 'activityDestroyed';
502 | AndroidApplication.activityStartedEvent = 'activityStarted';
503 | AndroidApplication.activityPausedEvent = 'activityPaused';
504 | AndroidApplication.activityResumedEvent = 'activityResumed';
505 | AndroidApplication.activityStoppedEvent = 'activityStopped';
506 | AndroidApplication.saveActivityStateEvent = 'saveActivityState';
507 | AndroidApplication.activityResultEvent = 'activityResult';
508 | AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent = 'activityBackPressed';
509 | AndroidApplication.activityNewIntentEvent = 'activityNewIntent';
510 | AndroidApplication.activityRequestPermissionsEvent = 'activityRequestPermissions';
511 | export * from './application-common';
512 | export const Application = new AndroidApplication();
513 | export const iOSApplication = undefined;
514 |
\ | No newline at end of file |