4.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1export var connectionType;
2(function (connectionType) {
3 connectionType[connectionType["none"] = 0] = "none";
4 connectionType[connectionType["wifi"] = 1] = "wifi";
5 connectionType[connectionType["mobile"] = 2] = "mobile";
6 connectionType[connectionType["ethernet"] = 3] = "ethernet";
7 connectionType[connectionType["bluetooth"] = 4] = "bluetooth";
8 connectionType[connectionType["vpn"] = 5] = "vpn";
9})(connectionType || (connectionType = {}));
10// Get Connection Type
11function _createReachability(host) {
12 if (host) {
13 return SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName(null, host);
14 }
15 else {
16 const zeroAddress = new interop.Reference(sockaddr, {
17 sa_len: 16,
18 sa_family: 2,
19 });
20 return SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(null, zeroAddress);
21 }
23function _getReachabilityFlags(host) {
24 const reachability = _createReachability(host);
25 const flagsRef = new interop.Reference();
26 const gotFlags = SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(reachability, flagsRef);
27 if (!gotFlags) {
28 return null;
29 }
30 return flagsRef.value;
32function _getConnectionType(host) {
33 const flags = _getReachabilityFlags(host);
34 return _getConnectionTypeFromFlags(flags);
36function _getConnectionTypeFromFlags(flags) {
37 if (!flags) {
38 return connectionType.none;
39 }
40 const isReachable = flags & 2 /* SCNetworkReachabilityFlags.kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsReachable */;
41 const connectionRequired = flags & 4 /* SCNetworkReachabilityFlags.kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsConnectionRequired */;
42 if (!isReachable || connectionRequired) {
43 return connectionType.none;
44 }
45 const isWWAN = flags & 262144 /* SCNetworkReachabilityFlags.kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsIsWWAN */;
46 if (isWWAN) {
47 return connectionType.mobile;
48 }
49 let keys;
50 if (typeof CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings !== 'undefined') {
51 const cfDict = CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings();
52 // Only works on iOS device so guarded to help Simulator testing
53 if (cfDict && cfDict.takeUnretainedValue) {
54 const nsDict = cfDict.takeUnretainedValue();
55 keys = nsDict.objectForKey('__SCOPED__');
56 }
57 }
58 if (isVPNConnected(keys)) {
59 return connectionType.vpn;
60 }
61 /*
62 TODO try improving with CBCentralManager since toggling bluetooth
63 with multiple connections fails to detect switch, require key added
64 to Info.plist.
65 */
66 if (isBluetoothConnected(keys)) {
67 return connectionType.bluetooth;
68 }
69 return connectionType.wifi;
71function isBluetoothConnected(keys) {
72 if (!keys) {
73 return false;
74 }
75 const allKeys = keys.allKeys;
76 const size = allKeys.count;
77 let isBlueTooth = false;
78 for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
79 const key = allKeys.objectAtIndex(i);
80 if (key === 'en4') {
81 isBlueTooth = true;
82 break;
83 }
84 }
85 return isBlueTooth;
87function isVPNConnected(keys) {
88 if (!keys) {
89 return false;
90 }
91 const allKeys = keys.allKeys;
92 const size = allKeys.count;
93 let isVPN = false;
94 for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
95 const key = allKeys.objectAtIndex(i);
96 if (key === 'tap' || key === 'tun' || key === 'ppp' || key === 'ipsec' || key === 'ipsec0' || key === 'utun1') {
97 isVPN = true;
98 break;
99 }
100 }
101 return isVPN;
103export function getConnectionType() {
104 return _getConnectionType();
106// Start/Stop Monitoring
107function _reachabilityCallback(target, flags, info) {
108 if (_connectionTypeChangedCallback) {
109 const newConnectionType = _getConnectionTypeFromFlags(flags);
110 _connectionTypeChangedCallback(newConnectionType);
111 }
113const _reachabilityCallbackFunctionRef = new interop.FunctionReference(_reachabilityCallback);
114let _monitorReachabilityRef;
115let _connectionTypeChangedCallback;
116export function startMonitoring(connectionTypeChangedCallback) {
117 if (!_monitorReachabilityRef) {
118 _monitorReachabilityRef = _createReachability();
119 _connectionTypeChangedCallback = zonedCallback(connectionTypeChangedCallback);
120 SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(_monitorReachabilityRef, _reachabilityCallbackFunctionRef, null);
121 SCNetworkReachabilityScheduleWithRunLoop(_monitorReachabilityRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
122 _connectionTypeChangedCallback(_getConnectionType());
123 }
125export function stopMonitoring() {
126 if (_monitorReachabilityRef) {
127 SCNetworkReachabilityUnscheduleFromRunLoop(_monitorReachabilityRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
128 _monitorReachabilityRef = undefined;
129 _connectionTypeChangedCallback = undefined;
130 }
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