12.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { getLabelColor, getButtonColors, isDialogOptions, inputType, capitalizationType, DialogStrings, parseLoginOptions } from './dialogs-common';
2import { ad } from '../../utils/native-helper';
3export * from './dialogs-common';
4function isString(value) {
5 return typeof value === 'string';
7function createAlertDialog(options) {
8 const alert = new android.app.AlertDialog.Builder(ad.getCurrentActivity(), options.theme ? options.theme : -1);
9 alert.setTitle(options && isString(options.title) ? options.title : '');
10 alert.setMessage(options && isString(options.message) ? options.message : '');
11 if (options && options.cancelable === false) {
12 alert.setCancelable(false);
13 }
14 return alert;
16function showDialog(builder) {
17 const dlg = builder.show();
18 const labelColor = getLabelColor();
19 if (labelColor) {
20 const textViewId = dlg.getContext().getResources().getIdentifier('android:id/alertTitle', null, null);
21 if (textViewId) {
22 const tv = dlg.findViewById(textViewId);
23 if (tv) {
24 tv.setTextColor(labelColor.android);
25 }
26 }
27 const messageTextViewId = dlg.getContext().getResources().getIdentifier('android:id/message', null, null);
28 if (messageTextViewId) {
29 const messageTextView = dlg.findViewById(messageTextViewId);
30 if (messageTextView) {
31 messageTextView.setTextColor(labelColor.android);
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 const { color, backgroundColor } = getButtonColors();
36 if (color) {
37 const buttons = [];
38 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
39 const id = dlg
40 .getContext()
41 .getResources()
42 .getIdentifier('android:id/button' + i, null, null);
43 buttons[i] = dlg.findViewById(id);
44 }
45 buttons.forEach((button) => {
46 if (button) {
47 if (color) {
48 button.setTextColor(color.android);
49 }
50 if (backgroundColor) {
51 button.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor.android);
52 }
53 }
54 });
55 }
57function addButtonsToAlertDialog(alert, options, callback) {
58 if (!options) {
59 return;
60 }
61 if (options.okButtonText) {
62 alert.setPositiveButton(options.okButtonText, new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener({
63 onClick: function (dialog, id) {
64 dialog.cancel();
65 callback(true);
66 },
67 }));
68 }
69 if (options.cancelButtonText) {
70 alert.setNegativeButton(options.cancelButtonText, new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener({
71 onClick: function (dialog, id) {
72 dialog.cancel();
73 callback(false);
74 },
75 }));
76 }
77 if (options.neutralButtonText) {
78 alert.setNeutralButton(options.neutralButtonText, new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener({
79 onClick: function (dialog, id) {
80 dialog.cancel();
81 callback(undefined);
82 },
83 }));
84 }
85 alert.setOnDismissListener(new android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener({
86 onDismiss: function () {
87 callback(false);
88 },
89 }));
91export function alert(arg) {
92 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
93 try {
94 const options = !isDialogOptions(arg) ? { title: DialogStrings.ALERT, okButtonText: DialogStrings.OK, message: arg + '' } : arg;
95 const alert = createAlertDialog(options);
96 alert.setPositiveButton(options.okButtonText, new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener({
97 onClick: function (dialog, id) {
98 dialog.cancel();
99 resolve();
100 },
101 }));
102 alert.setOnDismissListener(new android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener({
103 onDismiss: function () {
104 resolve();
105 },
106 }));
107 showDialog(alert);
108 }
109 catch (ex) {
110 reject(ex);
111 }
112 });
114export function confirm(arg) {
115 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
116 try {
117 const options = !isDialogOptions(arg)
118 ? {
119 title: DialogStrings.CONFIRM,
120 okButtonText: DialogStrings.OK,
121 cancelButtonText: DialogStrings.CANCEL,
122 message: arg + '',
123 }
124 : arg;
125 const alert = createAlertDialog(options);
126 addButtonsToAlertDialog(alert, options, function (result) {
127 resolve(result);
128 });
129 showDialog(alert);
130 }
131 catch (ex) {
132 reject(ex);
133 }
134 });
136export function prompt(...args) {
137 let options;
138 const defaultOptions = {
139 title: DialogStrings.PROMPT,
140 okButtonText: DialogStrings.OK,
141 cancelButtonText: DialogStrings.CANCEL,
142 inputType: inputType.text,
143 };
144 const arg = args[0];
145 if (args.length === 1) {
146 if (isString(arg)) {
147 options = defaultOptions;
148 options.message = arg;
149 }
150 else {
151 options = arg;
152 }
153 }
154 else if (args.length === 2) {
155 if (isString(arg) && isString(args[1])) {
156 options = defaultOptions;
157 options.message = arg;
158 options.defaultText = args[1];
159 }
160 }
161 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
162 try {
163 const alert = createAlertDialog(options);
164 const input = new android.widget.EditText(ad.getCurrentActivity());
165 if (options) {
166 if (options.inputType === inputType.password) {
167 input.setInputType(android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD);
168 }
169 else if (options.inputType === inputType.email) {
170 input.setInputType(android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
171 }
172 else if (options.inputType === inputType.number) {
173 input.setInputType(android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER);
174 }
175 else if (options.inputType === inputType.decimal) {
176 input.setInputType(android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | android.text.InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL);
177 }
178 else if (options.inputType === inputType.phone) {
179 input.setInputType(android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE);
180 }
181 switch (options.capitalizationType) {
182 case capitalizationType.all: {
183 input.setInputType(input.getInputType() | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_CHARACTERS);
184 break;
185 }
186 case capitalizationType.sentences: {
187 input.setInputType(input.getInputType() | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES);
188 break;
189 }
190 case capitalizationType.words: {
191 input.setInputType(input.getInputType() | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS);
192 break;
193 }
194 }
195 }
196 input.setText((options && options.defaultText) || '');
197 alert.setView(input);
198 const getText = function () {
199 return input.getText().toString();
200 };
201 addButtonsToAlertDialog(alert, options, function (r) {
202 resolve({ result: r, text: getText() });
203 });
204 showDialog(alert);
205 }
206 catch (ex) {
207 reject(ex);
208 }
209 });
211export function login(...args) {
212 const options = parseLoginOptions(args);
213 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
214 try {
215 const alert = createAlertDialog(options);
216 const userNameInput = new android.widget.EditText(ad.getApplicationContext());
217 userNameInput.setHint(options.userNameHint ? options.userNameHint : '');
218 userNameInput.setText(options.userName ? options.userName : '');
219 const passwordInput = new android.widget.EditText(ad.getApplicationContext());
220 passwordInput.setInputType(android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD);
221 passwordInput.setTypeface(android.graphics.Typeface.DEFAULT);
222 passwordInput.setHint(options.passwordHint ? options.passwordHint : '');
223 passwordInput.setText(options.password ? options.password : '');
224 const layout = new android.widget.LinearLayout(ad.getApplicationContext());
225 layout.setOrientation(1);
226 layout.addView(userNameInput);
227 layout.addView(passwordInput);
228 alert.setView(layout);
229 addButtonsToAlertDialog(alert, options, function (r) {
230 resolve({
231 result: r,
232 userName: userNameInput.getText().toString(),
233 password: passwordInput.getText().toString(),
234 });
235 });
236 showDialog(alert);
237 }
238 catch (ex) {
239 reject(ex);
240 }
241 });
243export function action(...args) {
244 let options;
245 const defaultOptions = { title: null, cancelButtonText: DialogStrings.CANCEL };
246 if (args.length === 1) {
247 if (isString(args[0])) {
248 options = defaultOptions;
249 options.message = args[0];
250 }
251 else {
252 options = args[0];
253 }
254 }
255 else if (args.length === 2) {
256 if (isString(args[0]) && isString(args[1])) {
257 options = defaultOptions;
258 options.message = args[0];
259 options.cancelButtonText = args[1];
260 }
261 }
262 else if (args.length === 3) {
263 if (isString(args[0]) && isString(args[1]) && typeof args[2] !== 'undefined') {
264 options = defaultOptions;
265 options.message = args[0];
266 options.cancelButtonText = args[1];
267 options.actions = args[2];
268 }
269 }
270 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
271 try {
272 const alert = new android.app.AlertDialog.Builder(ad.getCurrentActivity(), options.theme ? options.theme : -1);
273 const message = options && isString(options.message) ? options.message : '';
274 const title = options && isString(options.title) ? options.title : '';
275 if (options && options.cancelable === false) {
276 alert.setCancelable(false);
277 }
278 if (title) {
279 alert.setTitle(title);
280 if (!options.actions) {
281 alert.setMessage(message);
282 }
283 }
284 else {
285 alert.setTitle(message);
286 }
287 if (options.actions) {
288 alert.setItems(options.actions, new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener({
289 onClick: function (dialog, which) {
290 resolve(options.actions[which]);
291 },
292 }));
293 }
294 if (isString(options.cancelButtonText)) {
295 alert.setNegativeButton(options.cancelButtonText, new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener({
296 onClick: function (dialog, id) {
297 dialog.cancel();
298 resolve(options.cancelButtonText);
299 },
300 }));
301 }
302 alert.setOnDismissListener(new android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener({
303 onDismiss: function () {
304 if (isString(options.cancelButtonText)) {
305 resolve(options.cancelButtonText);
306 }
307 else {
308 resolve('');
309 }
310 },
311 }));
312 showDialog(alert);
313 }
314 catch (ex) {
315 reject(ex);
316 }
317 });
320 * Singular rollup for convenience of all dialog methods
321 */
322export const Dialogs = {
323 alert,
324 confirm,
325 prompt,
326 login,
327 action,
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