7.62 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import * as types from './types';
2import { dispatchToMainThread, dispatchToUIThread, isMainThread } from './mainthread-helper';
3import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex';
4import { GC } from './index';
5export * from './mainthread-helper';
6export * from './macrotask-scheduler';
7export const RESOURCE_PREFIX = 'res://';
8export const SYSTEM_PREFIX = 'sys://';
9export const FILE_PREFIX = 'file:///';
10export function escapeRegexSymbols(source) {
11 const escapeRegex = /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;
12 return source.replace(escapeRegex, '\\$&');
14export function convertString(value) {
15 let result;
16 if (!types.isString(value) || value.trim() === '') {
17 result = value;
18 }
19 else {
20 // Try to convert value to number.
21 const valueAsNumber = +value;
22 if (!isNaN(valueAsNumber)) {
23 result = valueAsNumber;
24 }
25 else if (value && (value.toLowerCase() === 'true' || value.toLowerCase() === 'false')) {
26 result = value.toLowerCase() === 'true' ? true : false;
27 }
28 else {
29 result = value;
30 }
31 }
32 return result;
34export function getModuleName(path) {
35 const moduleName = path.replace('./', '');
36 return sanitizeModuleName(moduleName);
39 * Helps sanitize a module name if it is prefixed with '~/', '~' or '/'
40 * @param moduleName the name
41 * @param removeExtension whether to remove extension
42 */
43export function sanitizeModuleName(moduleName, removeExtension = true) {
44 moduleName = moduleName.trim();
45 if (moduleName.startsWith('~/')) {
46 moduleName = moduleName.substring(2);
47 }
48 else if (moduleName.startsWith('~')) {
49 moduleName = moduleName.substring(1);
50 }
51 else if (moduleName.startsWith('/')) {
52 moduleName = moduleName.substring(1);
53 }
54 if (removeExtension) {
55 const extToRemove = ['js', 'ts', 'xml', 'html', 'css', 'scss'];
56 const extensionRegEx = new RegExp(`(.*)\\.(?:${extToRemove.join('|')})`, 'i');
57 moduleName = moduleName.replace(extensionRegEx, '$1');
58 }
59 return moduleName;
61export function isFileOrResourcePath(path) {
62 if (!types.isString(path)) {
63 return false;
64 }
65 return (path.indexOf('~/') === 0 || // relative to AppRoot
66 path.indexOf('/') === 0 || // absolute path
67 path.indexOf(RESOURCE_PREFIX) === 0 ||
68 path.indexOf(SYSTEM_PREFIX) === 0); // resource
70export function isFontIconURI(uri) {
71 if (!types.isString(uri)) {
72 return false;
73 }
74 const firstSegment = uri.trim().split('//')[0];
75 return firstSegment && firstSegment.indexOf('font:') === 0;
77export function isDataURI(uri) {
78 if (!types.isString(uri)) {
79 return false;
80 }
81 const firstSegment = uri.trim().split(',')[0];
82 return firstSegment && firstSegment.indexOf('data:') === 0 && firstSegment.indexOf('base64') >= 0;
85 * Get file extension from file path
86 * @param path file path
87 * @returns file extension
88 */
89export function getFileExtension(path) {
90 const dotIndex = path.lastIndexOf('.');
91 if (dotIndex && dotIndex >= 0 && dotIndex < path.length) {
92 return path.substring(dotIndex);
93 }
94 return '';
96export function mergeSort(arr, compareFunc) {
97 if (arr.length < 2) {
98 return arr;
99 }
100 const middle = arr.length / 2;
101 const left = arr.slice(0, middle);
102 const right = arr.slice(middle, arr.length);
103 return merge(mergeSort(left, compareFunc), mergeSort(right, compareFunc), compareFunc);
105export function merge(left, right, compareFunc) {
106 const result = [];
107 while (left.length && right.length) {
108 if (compareFunc(left[0], right[0]) <= 0) {
109 result.push(left.shift());
110 }
111 else {
112 result.push(right.shift());
113 }
114 }
115 while (left.length) {
116 result.push(left.shift());
117 }
118 while (right.length) {
119 result.push(right.shift());
120 }
121 return result;
123export function hasDuplicates(arr) {
124 return arr.length !== eliminateDuplicates(arr).length;
126export function eliminateDuplicates(arr) {
127 return Array.from(new Set(arr));
129export function executeOnMainThread(func) {
130 if (isMainThread()) {
131 return func();
132 }
133 else {
134 dispatchToMainThread(func);
135 }
137export function executeOnUIThread(func) {
138 dispatchToUIThread(func);
140export function mainThreadify(func) {
141 return function (...args) {
142 const argsToPass = args;
143 executeOnMainThread(() => func.apply(this, argsToPass));
144 };
146export function debounce(fn, delay = 300, { leading } = {}) {
147 let timer;
148 return (...args) => {
149 if (timer === undefined && leading) {
150 fn.apply(this, args);
151 }
152 clearTimeout(timer);
153 timer = setTimeout(() => {
154 fn.apply(this, args);
155 timer = undefined;
156 }, delay);
157 };
159export function throttle(fn, delay = 300) {
160 let waiting = false;
161 return function (...args) {
162 if (!waiting) {
163 fn.apply(this, args);
164 waiting = true;
165 setTimeout(function () {
166 waiting = false;
167 }, delay);
168 }
169 };
171let throttledGC;
172let debouncedGC;
173export function queueGC(delay = 900, useThrottle) {
174 /**
175 * developers can use different queueGC settings to optimize their own apps
176 * each setting is stored in a Map to reuse each time app calls it
177 */
178 if (useThrottle) {
179 if (!throttledGC) {
180 throttledGC = new Map();
181 }
182 if (!throttledGC.get(delay)) {
183 throttledGC.set(delay, throttle(() => GC(), delay));
184 }
185 throttledGC.get(delay)();
186 }
187 else {
188 if (!debouncedGC) {
189 debouncedGC = new Map();
190 }
191 if (!debouncedGC.get(delay)) {
192 debouncedGC.set(delay, debounce(() => GC(), delay));
193 }
194 debouncedGC.get(delay)();
195 }
197export function isEmoji(value) {
198 // TODO: In a future runtime update, we can switch to using Unicode Property Escapes:
199 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions/Unicode_Property_Escapes
200 return emojiRegex().test(value);
203 * Default animation values used throughout core
204 */
205export const CORE_ANIMATION_DEFAULTS = {
206 duration: 0.35,
207 spring: {
208 tension: 140,
209 friction: 10,
210 mass: 1,
211 velocity: 0,
212 },
215 * Get a duration with damping value from various spring related settings.
216 * Helpful when needing to convert spring settings to isolated duration value.
217 * @param springSettings various spring settings
218 * @returns calculated duration with damping from spring settings
219 */
220export function getDurationWithDampingFromSpring(springSettings) {
221 // for convenience, default spring settings are provided
222 const opt = {
224 ...(springSettings || {}),
225 };
226 const damping = opt.friction / Math.sqrt(2 * opt.tension);
227 const undampedFrequency = Math.sqrt(opt.tension / opt.mass);
228 // console.log({
229 // damping,
230 // undampedFrequency
231 // })
232 const epsilon = 0.001;
233 let duration = 0;
234 if (damping < 1) {
235 // console.log('damping < 1');
236 const a = Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(damping, 2));
237 const b = opt.velocity / (a * undampedFrequency);
238 const c = damping / a;
239 const d = -((b - c) / epsilon);
240 if (d > 0) {
241 duration = Math.log(d) / (damping * undampedFrequency);
242 }
243 }
244 return {
245 duration,
246 damping,
247 };
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