10.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Requires.
2import { Color } from '../../color';
3import { Trace } from '../../trace';
4import { PercentLength } from '../styling/style-properties';
5export * from './animation-interfaces';
6export var Properties;
7(function (Properties) {
8 Properties.opacity = 'opacity';
9 Properties.backgroundColor = 'backgroundColor';
10 Properties.translate = 'translate';
11 Properties.rotate = 'rotate';
12 Properties.scale = 'scale';
13 Properties.height = 'height';
14 Properties.width = 'width';
15})(Properties || (Properties = {}));
16export class CubicBezierAnimationCurve {
17 constructor(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
18 this.x1 = x1;
19 this.y1 = y1;
20 this.x2 = x2;
21 this.y2 = y2;
22 }
24export class AnimationBase {
25 constructor(animationDefinitions, playSequentially) {
26 if (!animationDefinitions || animationDefinitions.length === 0) {
27 console.error('No animation definitions specified');
28 return;
29 }
30 if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
31 Trace.write('Analyzing ' + animationDefinitions.length + ' animation definitions...', Trace.categories.Animation);
32 }
33 this._propertyAnimations = new Array();
34 for (let i = 0, length = animationDefinitions.length; i < length; i++) {
35 if (animationDefinitions[i].curve) {
36 animationDefinitions[i].curve = this._resolveAnimationCurve(animationDefinitions[i].curve);
37 }
38 this._propertyAnimations = this._propertyAnimations.concat(AnimationBase._createPropertyAnimations(animationDefinitions[i]));
39 }
40 if (this._propertyAnimations.length === 0) {
41 if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
42 Trace.write('Nothing to animate.', Trace.categories.Animation);
43 }
44 return;
45 }
46 if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
47 Trace.write('Created ' + this._propertyAnimations.length + ' individual property animations.', Trace.categories.Animation);
48 }
49 this._playSequentially = playSequentially;
50 }
51 _rejectAlreadyPlaying() {
52 const reason = 'Animation is already playing.';
53 Trace.write(reason, Trace.categories.Animation, Trace.messageType.warn);
54 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
55 reject(reason);
56 });
57 }
58 play() {
59 // We have to actually create a "Promise" due to a bug in the v8 engine and decedent promises
60 // We just cast it to a animationPromise so that all the rest of the code works fine
61 const animationFinishedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
62 this._resolve = resolve;
63 this._reject = reject;
64 });
65 this.fixupAnimationPromise(animationFinishedPromise);
66 this._isPlaying = true;
67 return animationFinishedPromise;
68 }
69 fixupAnimationPromise(promise) {
70 // Since we are using function() below because of arguments, TS won't automatically do a _this for those functions.
71 const _this = this;
72 promise.cancel = () => {
73 _this.cancel();
74 };
75 const _then = promise.then;
76 promise.then = function () {
77 // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
78 const r = _then.apply(promise, arguments);
79 _this.fixupAnimationPromise(r);
80 return r;
81 };
82 const _catch = promise.catch;
83 promise.catch = function () {
84 // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
85 const r = _catch.apply(promise, arguments);
86 _this.fixupAnimationPromise(r);
87 return r;
88 };
89 }
90 cancel() {
91 // Implemented in platform specific files
92 }
93 get isPlaying() {
94 return this._isPlaying;
95 }
96 _resolveAnimationFinishedPromise() {
97 this._isPlaying = false;
98 this._resolve();
99 }
100 _rejectAnimationFinishedPromise() {
101 this._isPlaying = false;
102 this._reject(new Error('Animation cancelled.'));
103 }
104 static _createPropertyAnimations(animationDefinition) {
105 if (!animationDefinition.target) {
106 console.error('No animation target specified.');
107 return;
108 }
109 for (const item in animationDefinition) {
110 const value = animationDefinition[item];
111 if (value === undefined) {
112 continue;
113 }
114 if ((item === Properties.opacity || item === 'duration' || item === 'delay' || item === 'iterations') && typeof value !== 'number') {
115 console.error(`Property ${item} must be valid number. Value: ${value}`);
116 return;
117 }
118 else if ((item === Properties.scale || item === Properties.translate) && (typeof value.x !== 'number' || typeof value.y !== 'number')) {
119 console.error(`Property ${item} must be valid Pair. Value: ${value}`);
120 return;
121 }
122 else if (item === Properties.backgroundColor && !Color.isValid(animationDefinition.backgroundColor)) {
123 console.error(`Property ${item} must be valid color. Value: ${value}`);
124 return;
125 }
126 else if (item === Properties.width || item === Properties.height) {
127 // Coerce input into a PercentLength object in case it's a string.
128 animationDefinition[item] = PercentLength.parse(value);
129 }
130 else if (item === Properties.rotate) {
131 const rotate = value;
132 if (typeof rotate !== 'number' && !(typeof rotate.x === 'number' && typeof rotate.y === 'number' && typeof rotate.z === 'number')) {
133 console.error(`Property ${rotate} must be valid number or Point3D. Value: ${value}`);
134 return;
135 }
136 }
137 }
138 const propertyAnimations = new Array();
139 // opacity
140 if (animationDefinition.opacity !== undefined) {
141 propertyAnimations.push({
142 target: animationDefinition.target,
143 property: Properties.opacity,
144 value: animationDefinition.opacity,
145 duration: animationDefinition.duration,
146 delay: animationDefinition.delay,
147 iterations: animationDefinition.iterations,
148 curve: animationDefinition.curve,
149 });
150 }
151 // backgroundColor
152 if (animationDefinition.backgroundColor !== undefined) {
153 propertyAnimations.push({
154 target: animationDefinition.target,
155 property: Properties.backgroundColor,
156 value: typeof animationDefinition.backgroundColor === 'string' ? new Color(animationDefinition.backgroundColor) : animationDefinition.backgroundColor,
157 duration: animationDefinition.duration,
158 delay: animationDefinition.delay,
159 iterations: animationDefinition.iterations,
160 curve: animationDefinition.curve,
161 });
162 }
163 // translate
164 if (animationDefinition.translate !== undefined) {
165 propertyAnimations.push({
166 target: animationDefinition.target,
167 property: Properties.translate,
168 value: animationDefinition.translate,
169 duration: animationDefinition.duration,
170 delay: animationDefinition.delay,
171 iterations: animationDefinition.iterations,
172 curve: animationDefinition.curve,
173 });
174 }
175 // scale
176 if (animationDefinition.scale !== undefined) {
177 propertyAnimations.push({
178 target: animationDefinition.target,
179 property: Properties.scale,
180 value: animationDefinition.scale,
181 duration: animationDefinition.duration,
182 delay: animationDefinition.delay,
183 iterations: animationDefinition.iterations,
184 curve: animationDefinition.curve,
185 });
186 }
187 // rotate
188 if (animationDefinition.rotate !== undefined) {
189 // Make sure the value of the rotation property is always Point3D
190 let rotationValue;
191 if (typeof animationDefinition.rotate === 'number') {
192 rotationValue = { x: 0, y: 0, z: animationDefinition.rotate };
193 }
194 else {
195 rotationValue = animationDefinition.rotate;
196 }
197 propertyAnimations.push({
198 target: animationDefinition.target,
199 property: Properties.rotate,
200 value: rotationValue,
201 duration: animationDefinition.duration,
202 delay: animationDefinition.delay,
203 iterations: animationDefinition.iterations,
204 curve: animationDefinition.curve,
205 });
206 }
207 // height
208 if (animationDefinition.height !== undefined) {
209 propertyAnimations.push({
210 target: animationDefinition.target,
211 property: Properties.height,
212 value: animationDefinition.height,
213 duration: animationDefinition.duration,
214 delay: animationDefinition.delay,
215 iterations: animationDefinition.iterations,
216 curve: animationDefinition.curve,
217 });
218 }
219 // width
220 if (animationDefinition.width !== undefined) {
221 propertyAnimations.push({
222 target: animationDefinition.target,
223 property: Properties.width,
224 value: animationDefinition.width,
225 duration: animationDefinition.duration,
226 delay: animationDefinition.delay,
227 iterations: animationDefinition.iterations,
228 curve: animationDefinition.curve,
229 });
230 }
231 if (propertyAnimations.length === 0) {
232 console.error('No known animation properties specified');
233 }
234 return propertyAnimations;
235 }
236 static _getAnimationInfo(animation) {
237 return JSON.stringify({
238 target: animation.target.id,
239 property: animation.property,
240 value: animation.value,
241 duration: animation.duration,
242 delay: animation.delay,
243 iterations: animation.iterations,
244 curve: animation.curve,
245 });
246 }
248//# sourceMappingURL=animation-common.js.map
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