1 |
2 | import { AnimationBase, Properties, CubicBezierAnimationCurve } from './animation-common';
3 | import { Color } from '../../color';
4 | import { Trace } from '../../trace';
5 | import { opacityProperty, backgroundColorProperty, rotateProperty, rotateXProperty, rotateYProperty, translateXProperty, translateYProperty, scaleXProperty, scaleYProperty, heightProperty, widthProperty, PercentLength } from '../styling/style-properties';
6 | import { layout } from '../../utils';
7 | import { SDK_VERSION } from '../../utils/constants';
8 | import { Screen } from '../../platform';
9 | import lazy from '../../utils/lazy';
10 | export * from './animation-common';
11 | export { KeyframeAnimation, KeyframeAnimationInfo, KeyframeDeclaration, KeyframeInfo } from './keyframe-animation';
12 | let argbEvaluator;
13 | function ensureArgbEvaluator() {
14 | if (!argbEvaluator) {
15 | argbEvaluator = new android.animation.ArgbEvaluator();
16 | }
17 | }
18 | const easeIn = lazy(() => new android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator(1));
19 | const easeOut = lazy(() => new android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator(1));
20 | const easeInOut = lazy(() => new android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());
21 | const linear = lazy(() => new android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator());
22 | const bounce = lazy(() => new android.view.animation.BounceInterpolator());
23 | export function _resolveAnimationCurve(curve) {
24 | switch (curve) {
25 | case 'easeIn':
26 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
27 | Trace.write('Animation curve resolved to android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator(1).', Trace.categories.Animation);
28 | }
29 | return easeIn();
30 | case 'easeOut':
31 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
32 | Trace.write('Animation curve resolved to android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator(1).', Trace.categories.Animation);
33 | }
34 | return easeOut();
35 | case 'easeInOut':
36 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
37 | Trace.write('Animation curve resolved to android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator().', Trace.categories.Animation);
38 | }
39 | return easeInOut();
40 | case 'linear':
41 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
42 | Trace.write('Animation curve resolved to android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator().', Trace.categories.Animation);
43 | }
44 | return linear();
45 | case 'spring':
46 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
47 | Trace.write('Animation curve resolved to android.view.animation.BounceInterpolator().', Trace.categories.Animation);
48 | }
49 | return bounce();
50 | case 'ease':
51 | return androidx.core.view.animation.PathInterpolatorCompat.create(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0);
52 | default:
53 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
54 | Trace.write('Animation curve resolved to original: ' + curve, Trace.categories.Animation);
55 | }
56 | if (curve instanceof CubicBezierAnimationCurve) {
57 | return androidx.core.view.animation.PathInterpolatorCompat.create(curve.x1, curve.y1, curve.x2, curve.y2);
58 | }
59 | else if (curve && curve.getInterpolation) {
60 | return curve;
61 | }
62 | else if (curve instanceof android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator) {
63 | return curve;
64 | }
65 | else {
66 | throw new Error(`Invalid animation curve: ${curve}`);
67 | }
68 | }
69 | }
70 | function getAndroidRepeatCount(iterations) {
71 | return iterations === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? android.view.animation.Animation.INFINITE : iterations - 1;
72 | }
73 | function createObjectAnimator(nativeView, propertyName, value) {
74 | const arr = Array.create('float', 1);
75 | arr[0] = value;
76 | return android.animation.ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(nativeView, propertyName, arr);
77 | }
78 | function createAnimationSet(animators, iterations) {
79 | iterations = getAndroidRepeatCount(iterations);
80 | const animatorSet = new android.animation.AnimatorSet();
81 | const animatorsArray = Array.create(android.animation.Animator, animators.length);
82 | animators.forEach((animator, index) => {
83 | animatorsArray[index] = animator;
84 |
85 | animatorsArray[index].setRepeatCount(iterations);
86 | });
87 | animatorSet.playTogether(animatorsArray);
88 | animatorSet.setupStartValues();
89 | return animatorSet;
90 | }
91 | export class Animation extends AnimationBase {
92 | constructor(animationDefinitions, playSequentially) {
93 | super(animationDefinitions, playSequentially);
94 | this._resetOnFinish = true;
95 | this._valueSource = 'animation';
96 | if (animationDefinitions.length > 0 && animationDefinitions[0].valueSource !== undefined) {
97 | this._valueSource = animationDefinitions[0].valueSource;
98 | }
99 | const that = new WeakRef(this);
100 | this._animatorListener = new android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener({
101 | onAnimationStart: function (animator) {
102 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
103 | Trace.write('MainAnimatorListener.onAndroidAnimationStart(' + animator + ')', Trace.categories.Animation);
104 | }
105 | },
106 | onAnimationRepeat: function (animator) {
107 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
108 | Trace.write('MainAnimatorListener.onAnimationRepeat(' + animator + ')', Trace.categories.Animation);
109 | }
110 | },
111 | onAnimationEnd: function (animator) {
112 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
113 | Trace.write('MainAnimatorListener.onAnimationEnd(' + animator + ')', Trace.categories.Animation);
114 | }
115 | const thisRef = that?.get();
116 | if (thisRef) {
117 | thisRef._onAndroidAnimationEnd();
118 | }
119 | },
120 | onAnimationCancel: function (animator) {
121 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
122 | Trace.write('MainAnimatorListener.onAnimationCancel(' + animator + ')', Trace.categories.Animation);
123 | }
124 | const thisRef = that?.get();
125 | if (thisRef) {
126 | thisRef._onAndroidAnimationCancel();
127 | }
128 | },
129 | });
130 | }
131 | play(resetOnFinish) {
132 | if (resetOnFinish !== undefined) {
133 | this._resetOnFinish = resetOnFinish;
134 | }
135 | if (this.isPlaying) {
136 | return this._rejectAlreadyPlaying();
137 | }
138 | const animationFinishedPromise = super.play();
139 | if (!this._animatorSet) {
140 | this._animators = new Array();
141 | this._propertyUpdateCallbacks = new Array();
142 | this._propertyResetCallbacks = new Array();
143 | for (let i = 0, length = this._propertyAnimations.length; i < length; i++) {
144 | this._createAnimators(this._propertyAnimations[i]);
145 | }
146 | this._nativeAnimatorsArray = Array.create(android.animation.Animator, this._animators.length);
147 | for (let i = 0, length = this._animators.length; i < length; i++) {
148 | this._nativeAnimatorsArray[i] = this._animators[i];
149 | }
150 | this._animatorSet = new android.animation.AnimatorSet();
151 | this._animatorSet.addListener(this._animatorListener);
152 | }
153 | this._play();
154 | return animationFinishedPromise;
155 | }
156 | cancel() {
157 | if (!this.isPlaying) {
158 | Trace.write('Animation is not currently playing.', Trace.categories.Animation, Trace.messageType.warn);
159 | return;
160 | }
161 | Trace.write('Cancelling AnimatorSet.', Trace.categories.Animation);
162 | this._animatorSet.cancel();
163 | }
164 | _resolveAnimationCurve(curve) {
165 | return _resolveAnimationCurve(curve);
166 | }
167 | _play() {
168 | if (SDK_VERSION <= 23) {
169 | this._animatorSet = new android.animation.AnimatorSet();
170 | this._animatorSet.addListener(this._animatorListener);
171 | }
172 | if (this._animators.length > 0) {
173 | if (this._playSequentially) {
174 | this._animatorSet.playSequentially(this._nativeAnimatorsArray);
175 | }
176 | else {
177 | this._animatorSet.playTogether(this._nativeAnimatorsArray);
178 | }
179 | }
180 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
181 | Trace.write('Starting ' + this._nativeAnimatorsArray.length + ' animations ' + (this._playSequentially ? 'sequentially.' : 'together.'), Trace.categories.Animation);
182 | }
183 | this._animatorSet.setupStartValues();
184 | this._animatorSet.start();
185 | }
186 | _onAndroidAnimationEnd() {
187 |
188 | if (!this.isPlaying) {
189 |
190 | return;
191 | }
192 | this._propertyUpdateCallbacks.forEach((v) => v());
193 | this._resolveAnimationFinishedPromise();
194 | if (this._resetOnFinish && this._target) {
195 | this._target._removeAnimation(this);
196 | }
197 | }
198 | _onAndroidAnimationCancel() {
199 |
200 | this._propertyResetCallbacks.forEach((v) => v());
201 | this._resolveAnimationFinishedPromise();
202 | if (this._target) {
203 | this._target._removeAnimation(this);
204 | }
205 | }
206 | _createAnimators(propertyAnimation) {
207 | if (!propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected) {
208 | return;
209 | }
210 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
211 | Trace.write('Creating ObjectAnimator(s) for animation: ' + Animation._getAnimationInfo(propertyAnimation) + '...', Trace.categories.Animation);
212 | }
213 | if (propertyAnimation.target === null || propertyAnimation.target === undefined) {
214 | throw new Error(`Animation target cannot be null or undefined; property: ${propertyAnimation.property}; value: ${propertyAnimation.value};`);
215 | }
216 | if (propertyAnimation.property === null || propertyAnimation.property === undefined) {
217 | throw new Error(`Animation property cannot be null or undefined; target: ${propertyAnimation.target}; value: ${propertyAnimation.value};`);
218 | }
219 | if (propertyAnimation.value === null || propertyAnimation.value === undefined) {
220 | throw new Error(`Animation value cannot be null or undefined; target: ${propertyAnimation.target}; property: ${propertyAnimation.property};`);
221 | }
222 | this._target = propertyAnimation.target;
223 | const nativeView = propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected;
224 | const animators = new Array();
225 | const propertyUpdateCallbacks = new Array();
226 | const propertyResetCallbacks = new Array();
227 | let originalValue1;
228 | let originalValue2;
229 | let originalValue3;
230 | const density = layout.getDisplayDensity();
231 | const setLocal = this._valueSource === 'animation';
232 | const style = propertyAnimation.target.style;
233 | switch (propertyAnimation.property) {
234 | case Properties.opacity:
235 | opacityProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
236 | originalValue1 = nativeView.getAlpha();
237 | propertyUpdateCallbacks.push(() => {
238 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? opacityProperty.name : opacityProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value;
239 | });
240 | propertyResetCallbacks.push(() => {
241 | if (setLocal) {
242 | propertyAnimation.target.style[opacityProperty.name] = originalValue1;
243 | }
244 | else {
245 | propertyAnimation.target.style[opacityProperty.keyframe] = originalValue1;
246 | }
247 | if (propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected) {
248 | propertyAnimation.target[opacityProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.opacity);
249 | }
250 | });
251 | animators.push(createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'alpha', propertyAnimation.value));
252 | break;
253 | case Properties.backgroundColor: {
254 | backgroundColorProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
255 | ensureArgbEvaluator();
256 | originalValue1 = propertyAnimation.target.backgroundColor;
257 | const nativeArray = Array.create(java.lang.Object, 2);
258 | nativeArray[0] = propertyAnimation.target.backgroundColor ? java.lang.Integer.valueOf(propertyAnimation.target.backgroundColor.argb) : java.lang.Integer.valueOf(-1);
259 | nativeArray[1] = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(propertyAnimation.value.argb);
260 | const animator = android.animation.ValueAnimator.ofObject(argbEvaluator, nativeArray);
261 | animator.addUpdateListener(new android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener({
262 | onAnimationUpdate(animator) {
263 | const argb = animator.getAnimatedValue().intValue();
264 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? backgroundColorProperty.name : backgroundColorProperty.keyframe] = new Color(argb);
265 | },
266 | }));
267 | propertyUpdateCallbacks.push(() => {
268 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? backgroundColorProperty.name : backgroundColorProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value;
269 | });
270 | propertyResetCallbacks.push(() => {
271 | if (setLocal) {
272 | propertyAnimation.target.style[backgroundColorProperty.name] = originalValue1;
273 | }
274 | else {
275 | propertyAnimation.target.style[backgroundColorProperty.keyframe] = originalValue1;
276 | }
277 | if (propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected && propertyAnimation.target[backgroundColorProperty.setNative]) {
278 | propertyAnimation.target[backgroundColorProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.backgroundColor);
279 | }
280 | });
281 | animators.push(animator);
282 | break;
283 | }
284 | case Properties.translate:
285 | translateXProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
286 | translateYProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
287 | originalValue1 = nativeView.getTranslationX() / density;
288 | originalValue2 = nativeView.getTranslationY() / density;
289 | propertyUpdateCallbacks.push(() => {
290 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? translateXProperty.name : translateXProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value.x;
291 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? translateYProperty.name : translateYProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value.y;
292 | });
293 | propertyResetCallbacks.push(() => {
294 | if (setLocal) {
295 | propertyAnimation.target.style[translateXProperty.name] = originalValue1;
296 | propertyAnimation.target.style[translateYProperty.name] = originalValue2;
297 | }
298 | else {
299 | propertyAnimation.target.style[translateXProperty.keyframe] = originalValue1;
300 | propertyAnimation.target.style[translateYProperty.keyframe] = originalValue2;
301 | }
302 | if (propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected) {
303 | propertyAnimation.target[translateXProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.translateX);
304 | propertyAnimation.target[translateYProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.translateY);
305 | }
306 | });
307 | animators.push(createAnimationSet([createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'translationX', propertyAnimation.value.x * density), createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'translationY', propertyAnimation.value.y * density)], propertyAnimation.iterations));
308 | break;
309 | case Properties.scale:
310 | scaleXProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
311 | scaleYProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
312 | originalValue1 = nativeView.getScaleX();
313 | originalValue2 = nativeView.getScaleY();
314 | propertyUpdateCallbacks.push(() => {
315 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? scaleXProperty.name : scaleXProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value.x;
316 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? scaleYProperty.name : scaleYProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value.y;
317 | });
318 | propertyResetCallbacks.push(() => {
319 | if (setLocal) {
320 | propertyAnimation.target.style[scaleXProperty.name] = originalValue1;
321 | propertyAnimation.target.style[scaleYProperty.name] = originalValue2;
322 | }
323 | else {
324 | propertyAnimation.target.style[scaleXProperty.keyframe] = originalValue1;
325 | propertyAnimation.target.style[scaleYProperty.keyframe] = originalValue2;
326 | }
327 | if (propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected) {
328 | propertyAnimation.target[scaleXProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.scaleX);
329 | propertyAnimation.target[scaleYProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.scaleY);
330 | }
331 | });
332 | animators.push(createAnimationSet([createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'scaleX', propertyAnimation.value.x), createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'scaleY', propertyAnimation.value.y)], propertyAnimation.iterations));
333 | break;
334 | case Properties.rotate:
335 | rotateProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
336 | rotateXProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
337 | rotateYProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
338 | originalValue1 = nativeView.getRotationX();
339 | originalValue2 = nativeView.getRotationY();
340 | originalValue3 = nativeView.getRotation();
341 | propertyUpdateCallbacks.push(() => {
342 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? rotateXProperty.name : rotateXProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value.x;
343 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? rotateYProperty.name : rotateYProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value.y;
344 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? rotateProperty.name : rotateProperty.keyframe] = propertyAnimation.value.z;
345 | });
346 | propertyResetCallbacks.push(() => {
347 | if (setLocal) {
348 | propertyAnimation.target.style[rotateXProperty.name] = originalValue1;
349 | propertyAnimation.target.style[rotateYProperty.name] = originalValue2;
350 | propertyAnimation.target.style[rotateProperty.name] = originalValue3;
351 | }
352 | else {
353 | propertyAnimation.target.style[rotateXProperty.keyframe] = originalValue1;
354 | propertyAnimation.target.style[rotateYProperty.keyframe] = originalValue2;
355 | propertyAnimation.target.style[rotateProperty.keyframe] = originalValue3;
356 | }
357 | if (propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected) {
358 | propertyAnimation.target[rotateProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.rotate);
359 | propertyAnimation.target[rotateXProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.rotateX);
360 | propertyAnimation.target[rotateYProperty.setNative](propertyAnimation.target.style.rotateY);
361 | }
362 | });
363 | animators.push(createAnimationSet([createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'rotationX', propertyAnimation.value.x), createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'rotationY', propertyAnimation.value.y), createObjectAnimator(nativeView, 'rotation', propertyAnimation.value.z)], propertyAnimation.iterations));
364 | break;
365 | case Properties.width:
366 | case Properties.height: {
367 | const isVertical = propertyAnimation.property === 'height';
368 | const extentProperty = isVertical ? heightProperty : widthProperty;
369 | extentProperty._initDefaultNativeValue(style);
370 | const nativeArray = Array.create('float', 2);
371 | let toValue = propertyAnimation.value;
372 | const parent = propertyAnimation.target.parent;
373 | if (!parent) {
374 | throw new Error(`cannot animate ${propertyAnimation.property} on root view`);
375 | }
376 | const parentExtent = isVertical ? parent.getMeasuredHeight() : parent.getMeasuredWidth();
377 | toValue = PercentLength.toDevicePixels(toValue, parentExtent, parentExtent) / Screen.mainScreen.scale;
378 | const nativeHeight = isVertical ? nativeView.getHeight() : nativeView.getWidth();
379 | const targetStyle = setLocal ? extentProperty.name : extentProperty.keyframe;
380 | originalValue1 = nativeHeight / Screen.mainScreen.scale;
381 | nativeArray[0] = originalValue1;
382 | nativeArray[1] = toValue;
383 | const extentAnimator = android.animation.ValueAnimator.ofFloat(nativeArray);
384 | extentAnimator.addUpdateListener(new android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener({
385 | onAnimationUpdate(animator) {
386 | const argb = animator.getAnimatedValue().floatValue();
387 | propertyAnimation.target.style[setLocal ? extentProperty.name : extentProperty.keyframe] = argb;
388 | },
389 | }));
390 | propertyUpdateCallbacks.push(() => {
391 | propertyAnimation.target.style[targetStyle] = propertyAnimation.value;
392 | });
393 | propertyResetCallbacks.push(() => {
394 | propertyAnimation.target.style[targetStyle] = originalValue1;
395 | if (propertyAnimation.target.nativeViewProtected) {
396 | const setter = propertyAnimation.target[extentProperty.setNative];
397 | setter(propertyAnimation.target.style[propertyAnimation.property]);
398 | }
399 | });
400 | animators.push(extentAnimator);
401 | break;
402 | }
403 | default:
404 | throw new Error(`Animating property '${propertyAnimation.property}' is unsupported`);
405 | }
406 | for (let i = 0, length = animators.length; i < length; i++) {
407 |
408 | if (propertyAnimation.duration !== undefined) {
409 | animators[i].setDuration(propertyAnimation.duration);
410 | }
411 |
412 | if (propertyAnimation.delay !== undefined) {
413 | animators[i].setStartDelay(propertyAnimation.delay);
414 | }
415 |
416 | if (propertyAnimation.iterations !== undefined && animators[i] instanceof android.animation.ValueAnimator) {
417 | animators[i].setRepeatCount(getAndroidRepeatCount(propertyAnimation.iterations));
418 | }
419 |
420 | if (propertyAnimation.curve !== undefined) {
421 | animators[i].setInterpolator(propertyAnimation.curve);
422 | }
423 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
424 | Trace.write('Animator created: ' + animators[i], Trace.categories.Animation);
425 | }
426 | }
427 | this._animators = this._animators.concat(animators);
428 | this._propertyUpdateCallbacks = this._propertyUpdateCallbacks.concat(propertyUpdateCallbacks);
429 | this._propertyResetCallbacks = this._propertyResetCallbacks.concat(propertyResetCallbacks);
430 | }
431 | }
432 |
\ | No newline at end of file |