1 |
2 | import { ViewCommon, isEnabledProperty, originXProperty, originYProperty, isUserInteractionEnabledProperty, testIDProperty } from './view-common';
3 | import { hiddenProperty } from '../view-base';
4 | import { Trace } from '../../../trace';
5 | import { layout, ios as iosUtils, SDK_VERSION } from '../../../utils';
6 | import { IOSHelper } from './view-helper';
7 | import { ios as iosBackground } from '../../styling/background';
8 | import { perspectiveProperty, visibilityProperty, opacityProperty, rotateProperty, rotateXProperty, rotateYProperty, scaleXProperty, scaleYProperty, translateXProperty, translateYProperty, zIndexProperty, backgroundInternalProperty } from '../../styling/style-properties';
9 | import { profile } from '../../../profiling';
10 | import { accessibilityEnabledProperty, accessibilityHiddenProperty, accessibilityHintProperty, accessibilityIdentifierProperty, accessibilityLabelProperty, accessibilityLanguageProperty, accessibilityLiveRegionProperty, accessibilityMediaSessionProperty, accessibilityRoleProperty, accessibilityStateProperty, accessibilityValueProperty, accessibilityIgnoresInvertColorsProperty } from '../../../accessibility/accessibility-properties';
11 | import { IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType, isAccessibilityServiceEnabled, updateAccessibilityProperties } from '../../../accessibility';
12 | import { CoreTypes } from '../../../core-types';
13 | import { SharedTransition } from '../../transition/shared-transition';
14 | export * from './view-common';
15 |
16 | export * from './view-helper';
17 |
18 | export * from '../properties';
19 | const PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT = 1;
21 | const PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED = 1 << 2;
22 | export class View extends ViewCommon {
23 | constructor() {
24 | super(...arguments);
25 | this._isLaidOut = false;
26 | this._hasTransform = false;
27 | this._hasPendingTransform = false;
29 | this._suspendCATransaction = false;
30 | }
31 | get isLayoutRequired() {
32 | return (this._privateFlags & PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED) === PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED;
33 | }
34 | get isLayoutRequested() {
35 | return (this._privateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) === PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT;
36 | }
37 | disposeNativeView() {
38 | super.disposeNativeView();
39 | this._cachedFrame = null;
40 | this._isLaidOut = false;
41 | this._hasTransform = false;
42 | this._hasPendingTransform = false;
43 | }
44 | requestLayout() {
45 | this._privateFlags |= PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT;
46 | super.requestLayout();
47 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
48 | if (nativeView && nativeView.setNeedsLayout) {
49 | nativeView.setNeedsLayout();
50 | }
51 | if (this.viewController && this.viewController.view !== nativeView) {
52 | this.viewController.view.setNeedsLayout();
53 | }
54 | }
55 | measure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec) {
56 | const measureSpecsChanged = this._setCurrentMeasureSpecs(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
57 | const forceLayout = (this._privateFlags & PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT) === PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT;
58 | if (this.nativeViewProtected && (forceLayout || measureSpecsChanged)) {
59 |
60 | this._privateFlags &= ~PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET;
61 |
62 | this.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
63 | this._privateFlags |= PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED;
64 |
65 |
67 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
68 | Trace.write('onMeasure() did not set the measured dimension by calling setMeasuredDimension() ' + this, Trace.categories.Layout, Trace.messageType.error);
69 | }
70 | }
71 | }
72 | }
73 | layout(left, top, right, bottom, setFrame = true) {
74 | const { boundsChanged, sizeChanged } = this._setCurrentLayoutBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
75 | if (setFrame) {
76 | this.layoutNativeView(left, top, right, bottom);
77 | }
78 | const needsLayout = boundsChanged || (this._privateFlags & PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED) === PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED;
79 | if (needsLayout) {
80 | let position = { left, top, right, bottom };
81 | if (this.nativeViewProtected && SDK_VERSION > 10) {
82 |
83 |
84 | const frame = this.nativeViewProtected.frame;
85 | position = IOSHelper.getPositionFromFrame(frame);
86 | }
87 | this.onLayout(position.left, position.top, position.right, position.bottom);
88 | this._privateFlags &= ~PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED;
89 | }
90 | this.updateBackground(sizeChanged, needsLayout);
91 | if (this._hasPendingTransform) {
92 | this.updateNativeTransform();
93 | this._hasPendingTransform = false;
94 | }
95 | this._privateFlags &= ~PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT;
96 | }
97 | updateBackground(sizeChanged, needsLayout) {
98 | if (sizeChanged) {
99 | this._onSizeChanged();
100 | }
101 | else if (this._nativeBackgroundState === 'invalid') {
102 | const background = this.style.backgroundInternal;
103 | this._redrawNativeBackground(background);
104 | }
105 | else {
106 |
107 | if (needsLayout) {
108 | this.layoutOuterShadows();
109 | }
110 | }
111 | }
112 | layoutOuterShadows() {
113 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
114 | if (nativeView?.outerShadowContainerLayer) {
115 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(true);
116 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.bounds = nativeView.bounds;
117 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.position = nativeView.center;
118 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(false);
119 | }
120 | }
121 | setMeasuredDimension(measuredWidth, measuredHeight) {
122 | super.setMeasuredDimension(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);
123 | this._privateFlags |= PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET;
124 | }
125 | onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec) {
126 | const view = this.nativeViewProtected;
127 | const width = layout.getMeasureSpecSize(widthMeasureSpec);
128 | const widthMode = layout.getMeasureSpecMode(widthMeasureSpec);
129 | const height = layout.getMeasureSpecSize(heightMeasureSpec);
130 | const heightMode = layout.getMeasureSpecMode(heightMeasureSpec);
131 | let nativeWidth = 0;
132 | let nativeHeight = 0;
133 | if (view) {
134 | const nativeSize = layout.measureNativeView(view, width, widthMode, height, heightMode);
135 | nativeWidth = nativeSize.width;
136 | nativeHeight = nativeSize.height;
137 | }
138 | const measureWidth = Math.max(nativeWidth, this.effectiveMinWidth);
139 | const measureHeight = Math.max(nativeHeight, this.effectiveMinHeight);
140 | const widthAndState = View.resolveSizeAndState(measureWidth, width, widthMode, 0);
141 | const heightAndState = View.resolveSizeAndState(measureHeight, height, heightMode, 0);
142 | this.setMeasuredDimension(widthAndState, heightAndState);
143 | }
144 | onLayout(left, top, right, bottom) {
145 |
146 | }
147 | _setNativeViewFrame(nativeView, frame) {
148 | const oldFrame = this._cachedFrame || nativeView.frame;
149 | if (!CGRectEqualToRect(oldFrame, frame)) {
150 | if (Trace.isEnabled()) {
151 | Trace.write(this + ' :_setNativeViewFrame: ' + JSON.stringify(IOSHelper.getPositionFromFrame(frame)), Trace.categories.Layout);
152 | }
153 | this._cachedFrame = frame;
154 | let adjustedFrame = null;
155 | let transform = null;
156 | if (this._hasTransform) {
157 |
158 | transform = nativeView.layer.transform;
159 | nativeView.layer.transform = CATransform3DIdentity;
160 | nativeView.frame = frame;
161 | }
162 | else {
163 | nativeView.frame = frame;
164 | }
165 | adjustedFrame = this.applySafeAreaInsets(frame);
166 | if (adjustedFrame) {
167 | nativeView.frame = adjustedFrame;
168 | }
169 | if (this._hasTransform) {
170 |
171 | nativeView.layer.transform = transform;
172 | }
173 | const boundsOrigin = nativeView.bounds.origin;
174 | const boundsFrame = adjustedFrame || frame;
175 | nativeView.bounds = CGRectMake(boundsOrigin.x, boundsOrigin.y, boundsFrame.size.width, boundsFrame.size.height);
176 | nativeView.layoutIfNeeded();
177 | this._raiseLayoutChangedEvent();
178 | this._isLaidOut = true;
179 | }
180 | else if (!this._isLaidOut) {
181 |
182 | this._raiseLayoutChangedEvent();
183 |
184 |
185 | this._isLaidOut = true;
186 | }
187 | }
188 | get isLayoutValid() {
189 | if (this.nativeViewProtected) {
190 | return this._isLayoutValid;
191 | }
192 | return false;
193 | }
194 | layoutNativeView(left, top, right, bottom) {
195 | if (!this.nativeViewProtected) {
196 | return;
197 | }
198 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
199 | const frame = IOSHelper.getFrameFromPosition({
200 | left,
201 | top,
202 | right,
203 | bottom,
204 | });
205 | this._setNativeViewFrame(nativeView, frame);
206 | }
207 | _layoutParent() {
208 | if (this.nativeViewProtected) {
209 | const frame = this.nativeViewProtected.frame;
210 | const origin = frame.origin;
211 | const size = frame.size;
212 | const left = layout.toDevicePixels(origin.x);
213 | const top = layout.toDevicePixels(origin.y);
214 | const width = layout.toDevicePixels(size.width);
215 | const height = layout.toDevicePixels(size.height);
216 | this._setLayoutFlags(left, top, width + left, height + top);
217 | }
218 | super._layoutParent();
219 | }
220 | _setLayoutFlags(left, top, right, bottom) {
221 | const width = right - left;
222 | const height = bottom - top;
223 | const widthSpec = layout.makeMeasureSpec(width, layout.EXACTLY);
224 | const heightSpec = layout.makeMeasureSpec(height, layout.EXACTLY);
225 | this._setCurrentMeasureSpecs(widthSpec, heightSpec);
226 | this._privateFlags &= ~PFLAG_FORCE_LAYOUT;
227 | this.setMeasuredDimension(width, height);
228 | const { boundsChanged, sizeChanged } = this._setCurrentLayoutBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
229 | this.updateBackground(sizeChanged, boundsChanged);
230 | this._privateFlags &= ~PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED;
231 | }
232 | focus() {
233 | if (this.ios) {
234 | return this.ios.becomeFirstResponder();
235 | }
236 | return false;
237 | }
238 | applySafeAreaInsets(frame) {
239 | if (!__VISIONOS__ && SDK_VERSION <= 10) {
240 | return null;
241 | }
242 | if (this.iosIgnoreSafeArea) {
243 | return frame;
244 | }
245 | if (!this.iosOverflowSafeArea || !this.iosOverflowSafeAreaEnabled) {
246 | return IOSHelper.shrinkToSafeArea(this, frame);
247 | }
248 | else if (this.nativeViewProtected && this.nativeViewProtected.window) {
249 | return IOSHelper.expandBeyondSafeArea(this, frame);
250 | }
251 | return null;
252 | }
253 | getSafeAreaInsets() {
254 | const safeAreaInsets = this.nativeViewProtected && this.nativeViewProtected.safeAreaInsets;
255 | const insets = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
256 | if (this.iosIgnoreSafeArea) {
257 | return insets;
258 | }
259 | if (safeAreaInsets) {
260 | insets.left = layout.round(layout.toDevicePixels(safeAreaInsets.left));
261 | insets.top = layout.round(layout.toDevicePixels(safeAreaInsets.top));
262 | insets.right = layout.round(layout.toDevicePixels(safeAreaInsets.right));
263 | insets.bottom = layout.round(layout.toDevicePixels(safeAreaInsets.bottom));
264 | }
265 | return insets;
266 | }
267 | getLocationInWindow() {
268 | if (!this.nativeViewProtected || !this.nativeViewProtected.window) {
269 | return undefined;
270 | }
271 | const pointInWindow = this.nativeViewProtected.convertPointToView(this.nativeViewProtected.bounds.origin, null);
272 | return {
273 | x: pointInWindow.x,
274 | y: pointInWindow.y,
275 | };
276 | }
277 | getLocationOnScreen() {
278 | if (!this.nativeViewProtected || !this.nativeViewProtected.window) {
279 | return undefined;
280 | }
281 | const pointInWindow = this.nativeViewProtected.convertPointToView(this.nativeViewProtected.bounds.origin, null);
282 | const pointOnScreen = this.nativeViewProtected.window.convertPointToWindow(pointInWindow, null);
283 | return {
284 | x: pointOnScreen.x,
285 | y: pointOnScreen.y,
286 | };
287 | }
288 | getLocationRelativeTo(otherView) {
289 | if (!this.nativeViewProtected || !this.nativeViewProtected.window || !otherView.nativeViewProtected || !otherView.nativeViewProtected.window || this.nativeViewProtected.window !== otherView.nativeViewProtected.window) {
290 | return undefined;
291 | }
292 | const myPointInWindow = this.nativeViewProtected.convertPointToView(this.nativeViewProtected.bounds.origin, null);
293 | const otherPointInWindow = otherView.nativeViewProtected.convertPointToView(otherView.nativeViewProtected.bounds.origin, null);
294 | return {
295 | x: myPointInWindow.x - otherPointInWindow.x,
296 | y: myPointInWindow.y - otherPointInWindow.y,
297 | };
298 | }
299 | _onSizeChanged() {
300 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
301 | if (!nativeView) {
302 | return;
303 | }
304 | const background = this.style.backgroundInternal;
305 | const backgroundDependsOnSize = (background.image && background.image !== 'none') || background.clipPath || !background.hasUniformBorder() || background.hasBorderRadius() || background.hasBoxShadow();
306 | if (this._nativeBackgroundState === 'invalid' || (this._nativeBackgroundState === 'drawn' && backgroundDependsOnSize)) {
307 | this._redrawNativeBackground(background);
308 | }
309 | }
310 | updateNativeTransform() {
311 | if (!this.isLayoutValid) {
312 | this._hasPendingTransform = true;
313 | return;
314 | }
315 | const scaleX = this.scaleX || 1e-6;
316 | const scaleY = this.scaleY || 1e-6;
317 | const perspective = this.perspective || 300;
318 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
319 | let transform = new CATransform3D(CATransform3DIdentity);
320 |
321 | if (this.rotateX || this.rotateY) {
322 | transform.m34 = -1 / perspective;
323 | }
324 | transform = CATransform3DTranslate(transform, this.translateX, this.translateY, 0);
325 | transform = iosUtils.applyRotateTransform(transform, this.rotateX, this.rotateY, this.rotate);
326 | transform = CATransform3DScale(transform, scaleX, scaleY, 1);
327 | const needsTransform = !CATransform3DEqualToTransform(this.nativeViewProtected.layer.transform, transform) || (nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer && !CATransform3DEqualToTransform(nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.transform, transform));
328 | if (needsTransform) {
329 | const updateSuspended = this._isPresentationLayerUpdateSuspended();
330 | if (!updateSuspended) {
331 | CATransaction.begin();
332 | }
333 |
334 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(true);
335 | this.nativeViewProtected.layer.transform = transform;
336 | if (nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer) {
337 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.transform = transform;
338 | }
339 | this._hasTransform = this.nativeViewProtected && !CATransform3DEqualToTransform(this.nativeViewProtected.transform3D, CATransform3DIdentity);
340 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(false);
341 | if (!updateSuspended) {
342 | CATransaction.commit();
343 | }
344 | }
345 | }
346 | updateOriginPoint(originX, originY) {
347 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
348 | const newPoint = CGPointMake(originX, originY);
349 |
350 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(true);
351 | nativeView.layer.anchorPoint = newPoint;
352 |
353 | if (this._cachedFrame) {
354 | const frame = this._cachedFrame;
355 | this._cachedFrame = null;
356 | this._setNativeViewFrame(nativeView, frame);
357 | }
358 |
359 | if (nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer) {
360 |
361 | const frame = nativeView.frame;
362 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.anchorPoint = newPoint;
363 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.position = CGPointMake(frame.origin.x + frame.size.width * originX, frame.origin.y + frame.size.height * originY);
364 | }
365 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(false);
366 | }
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 | _suspendPresentationLayerUpdates() {
371 | this._suspendCATransaction = true;
372 | }
373 | _resumePresentationLayerUpdates() {
374 | this._suspendCATransaction = false;
375 | }
376 | _isPresentationLayerUpdateSuspended() {
377 | return this._suspendCATransaction || this._suspendNativeUpdatesCount > 0;
378 | }
379 | _showNativeModalView(parent, options) {
380 | const parentWithController = IOSHelper.getParentWithViewController(parent);
381 | if (!parentWithController) {
382 | Trace.write(`Could not find parent with viewController for ${parent} while showing modal view.`, Trace.categories.ViewHierarchy, Trace.messageType.error);
383 | return;
384 | }
385 | const parentController = parentWithController.viewController;
386 | if (parentController.presentedViewController) {
387 | Trace.write('Parent is already presenting view controller. Close the current modal page before showing another one!', Trace.categories.ViewHierarchy, Trace.messageType.error);
388 | return;
389 | }
390 | if (!parentController.view || !parentController.view.window) {
391 | Trace.write('Parent page is not part of the window hierarchy.', Trace.categories.ViewHierarchy, Trace.messageType.error);
392 | return;
393 | }
394 | this._setupAsRootView({});
395 | super._showNativeModalView(parentWithController, options);
396 | let controller = this.viewController;
397 | if (!controller) {
398 | const nativeView = this.ios || this.nativeViewProtected;
399 | controller = IOSHelper.UILayoutViewController.initWithOwner(new WeakRef(this));
400 | if (nativeView instanceof UIView) {
401 | controller.view.addSubview(nativeView);
402 | }
403 | this.viewController = controller;
404 | }
405 | if (options.transition) {
406 | controller.modalPresentationStyle = 4 ;
407 | if (options.transition.instance) {
408 | this._transitioningDelegate = UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.initWithOwner(new WeakRef(options.transition.instance));
409 | controller.transitioningDelegate = this._transitioningDelegate;
410 | this.transitionId = options.transition.instance.id;
411 | const transitionState = SharedTransition.getState(options.transition.instance.id);
412 | if (transitionState?.interactive?.dismiss) {
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 | options.transition.instance.setupInteractiveGesture(this._closeModalCallback.bind(this), this);
417 | }
418 | }
419 | }
420 | else if (options.fullscreen) {
421 | controller.modalPresentationStyle = 0 ;
422 | }
423 | else {
424 | controller.modalPresentationStyle = 2 ;
425 |
426 |
427 | if (options.ios && options.ios.width > 0 && options.ios.height > 0) {
428 | controller.preferredContentSize = CGSizeMake(options.ios.width, options.ios.height);
429 | }
430 | else {
431 |
432 | const handler = () => {
433 | if (this.viewController) {
434 | const w = (this.width || this.style.width);
435 | const h = (this.height || this.style.height);
436 |
437 | if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
438 | this.viewController.preferredContentSize = CGSizeMake(w, h);
439 | }
440 | }
441 | this.off(View.loadedEvent, handler);
442 | };
443 | this.on(View.loadedEvent, handler);
444 | }
445 | }
446 | if (options.ios && options.ios.presentationStyle) {
447 | const presentationStyle = options.ios.presentationStyle;
448 | controller.modalPresentationStyle = presentationStyle;
449 | if (presentationStyle === 7 ) {
450 | this._setupPopoverControllerDelegate(controller, parent);
451 | }
452 | }
453 | const cancelable = options.cancelable !== undefined ? !!options.cancelable : true;
454 | if (SDK_VERSION >= 13) {
455 | if (cancelable) {
456 |
457 | this._setupAdaptiveControllerDelegate(controller);
458 | }
459 | else {
460 |
461 | controller.modalInPresentation = true;
462 | }
463 | }
464 | this.horizontalAlignment = 'stretch';
465 | this.verticalAlignment = 'stretch';
466 | this._raiseShowingModallyEvent();
467 | const animated = options.animated === undefined ? true : !!options.animated;
468 | if (!this._modalAnimatedOptions) {
469 |
470 | this._modalAnimatedOptions = [];
471 | }
472 | this._modalAnimatedOptions.push(animated);
473 |
474 |
475 |
476 |
477 |
478 |
479 | parentController.presentViewControllerAnimatedCompletion(controller, animated, null);
480 | const transitionCoordinator = parentController.transitionCoordinator;
481 | if (transitionCoordinator) {
482 | transitionCoordinator.animateAlongsideTransitionCompletion(null, () => {
483 | setTimeout(() => {
484 |
485 | this._raiseShownModallyEvent();
486 | });
487 | });
488 | }
489 | else {
490 |
491 |
492 |
493 | this._raiseShownModallyEvent();
494 | }
495 | controller = null;
496 | }
497 | _hideNativeModalView(parent, whenClosedCallback) {
498 | if (!parent || !parent.viewController) {
499 | Trace.error('Trying to hide modal view but no parent with viewController specified.');
500 | return;
501 | }
502 |
503 | if (!parent.viewController.presentedViewController) {
504 | whenClosedCallback();
505 | return;
506 | }
507 | const parentController = parent.viewController;
508 | let animated = true;
509 | if (this._modalAnimatedOptions?.length) {
510 | animated = this._modalAnimatedOptions.slice(-1)[0];
511 | }
512 | parentController.dismissViewControllerAnimatedCompletion(animated, () => {
513 | const transitionState = SharedTransition.getState(this.transitionId);
514 | if (!transitionState?.interactiveCancelled) {
515 | this._transitioningDelegate = null;
516 |
517 | if (this._modalAnimatedOptions) {
518 | this._modalAnimatedOptions.pop();
519 | }
520 | }
521 | whenClosedCallback();
522 | });
523 | }
524 | [isEnabledProperty.getDefault]() {
525 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
526 | return nativeView instanceof UIControl ? nativeView.enabled : true;
527 | }
528 | [isEnabledProperty.setNative](value) {
529 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
530 | if (nativeView instanceof UIControl) {
531 | nativeView.enabled = value;
532 | }
533 | }
534 | [originXProperty.getDefault]() {
535 | return this.nativeViewProtected.layer.anchorPoint.x;
536 | }
537 | [originXProperty.setNative](value) {
538 | this.updateOriginPoint(value, this.originY);
539 | }
540 | [originYProperty.getDefault]() {
541 | return this.nativeViewProtected.layer.anchorPoint.y;
542 | }
543 | [originYProperty.setNative](value) {
544 | this.updateOriginPoint(this.originX, value);
545 | }
546 | [testIDProperty.setNative](value) {
547 | this.setAccessibilityIdentifier(this.nativeViewProtected, value);
548 | }
549 | setAccessibilityIdentifier(view, value) {
550 | view.accessibilityIdentifier = value;
551 | if (this.testID && this.testID !== value)
552 | this.testID = value;
553 | if (this.accessibilityIdentifier !== value)
554 | this.accessibilityIdentifier = value;
555 | }
556 | [accessibilityEnabledProperty.setNative](value) {
557 | this.nativeViewProtected.isAccessibilityElement = !!value;
558 | if (value) {
559 | updateAccessibilityProperties(this);
560 | }
561 | }
562 | [accessibilityIdentifierProperty.getDefault]() {
563 | return this.nativeViewProtected.accessibilityIdentifier;
564 | }
565 | [accessibilityIdentifierProperty.setNative](value) {
566 | this.setAccessibilityIdentifier(this.nativeViewProtected, value);
567 | }
568 | [accessibilityRoleProperty.setNative](value) {
569 | this.accessibilityRole = value;
570 | updateAccessibilityProperties(this);
571 | }
572 | [accessibilityValueProperty.setNative](value) {
573 | value = value == null ? null : `${value}`;
574 | this.nativeViewProtected.accessibilityValue = value;
575 | }
576 | [accessibilityLabelProperty.setNative](value) {
577 | value = value == null ? null : `${value}`;
578 |
579 |
580 |
581 |
582 | this.nativeViewProtected.accessibilityLabel = value;
583 |
584 | }
585 | [accessibilityHintProperty.setNative](value) {
586 | value = value == null ? null : `${value}`;
587 | this.nativeViewProtected.accessibilityHint = value;
588 | }
589 | [accessibilityIgnoresInvertColorsProperty.setNative](value) {
590 | this.nativeViewProtected.accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors = !!value;
591 | }
592 | [accessibilityLanguageProperty.setNative](value) {
593 | value = value == null ? null : `${value}`;
594 | this.nativeViewProtected.accessibilityLanguage = value;
595 | }
596 | [accessibilityHiddenProperty.setNative](value) {
597 | this.nativeViewProtected.accessibilityElementsHidden = !!value;
598 | updateAccessibilityProperties(this);
599 | }
600 | [accessibilityLiveRegionProperty.setNative]() {
601 | updateAccessibilityProperties(this);
602 | }
603 | [accessibilityStateProperty.setNative](value) {
604 | this.accessibilityState = value;
605 | updateAccessibilityProperties(this);
606 | }
607 | [accessibilityMediaSessionProperty.setNative]() {
608 | updateAccessibilityProperties(this);
609 | }
610 | [isUserInteractionEnabledProperty.getDefault]() {
611 | return this.nativeViewProtected.userInteractionEnabled;
612 | }
613 | [isUserInteractionEnabledProperty.setNative](value) {
614 | this.nativeViewProtected.userInteractionEnabled = value;
615 | }
616 | [hiddenProperty.getDefault]() {
617 | return this.nativeViewProtected.hidden;
618 | }
619 | [hiddenProperty.setNative](value) {
620 | this.nativeViewProtected.hidden = value;
621 | }
622 | [visibilityProperty.getDefault]() {
623 | return this.nativeViewProtected.hidden ? CoreTypes.Visibility.collapse : CoreTypes.Visibility.visible;
624 | }
625 | [visibilityProperty.setNative](value) {
626 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
627 | switch (value) {
628 | case CoreTypes.Visibility.visible:
629 | nativeView.hidden = false;
630 | break;
631 | case CoreTypes.Visibility.hidden:
632 | case CoreTypes.Visibility.collapse:
633 | nativeView.hidden = true;
634 | break;
635 | default:
636 | throw new Error(`Invalid visibility value: ${value}. Valid values are: "${CoreTypes.Visibility.visible}", "${CoreTypes.Visibility.hidden}", "${CoreTypes.Visibility.collapse}".`);
637 | }
638 |
639 | if (nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer) {
640 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.hidden = nativeView.hidden;
641 | }
642 | }
643 | [opacityProperty.getDefault]() {
644 | return this.nativeViewProtected.alpha;
645 | }
646 | [opacityProperty.setNative](value) {
647 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
648 | const updateSuspended = this._isPresentationLayerUpdateSuspended();
649 | if (!updateSuspended) {
650 | CATransaction.begin();
651 | }
652 |
653 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(true);
654 | nativeView.alpha = value;
655 |
656 | if (nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer) {
657 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.opacity = value;
658 | }
659 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(false);
660 | if (!updateSuspended) {
661 | CATransaction.commit();
662 | }
663 | }
664 | [rotateProperty.getDefault]() {
665 | return 0;
666 | }
667 | [rotateProperty.setNative](value) {
668 | this.updateNativeTransform();
669 | }
670 | [rotateXProperty.getDefault]() {
671 | return 0;
672 | }
673 | [rotateXProperty.setNative](value) {
674 | this.updateNativeTransform();
675 | }
676 | [rotateYProperty.getDefault]() {
677 | return 0;
678 | }
679 | [rotateYProperty.setNative](value) {
680 | this.updateNativeTransform();
681 | }
682 | [perspectiveProperty.getDefault]() {
683 | return 300;
684 | }
685 | [perspectiveProperty.setNative](value) {
686 | this.updateNativeTransform();
687 | }
688 | [scaleXProperty.getDefault]() {
689 | return 1;
690 | }
691 | [scaleXProperty.setNative](value) {
692 | this.updateNativeTransform();
693 | }
694 | [scaleYProperty.getDefault]() {
695 | return 1;
696 | }
697 | [scaleYProperty.setNative](value) {
698 | this.updateNativeTransform();
699 | }
700 | [translateXProperty.getDefault]() {
701 | return 0;
702 | }
703 | [translateXProperty.setNative](value) {
704 | this.updateNativeTransform();
705 | }
706 | [translateYProperty.getDefault]() {
707 | return 0;
708 | }
709 | [translateYProperty.setNative](value) {
710 | this.updateNativeTransform();
711 | }
712 | [zIndexProperty.getDefault]() {
713 | return 0;
714 | }
715 | [zIndexProperty.setNative](value) {
716 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
717 | nativeView.layer.zPosition = value;
718 |
719 | if (nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer) {
720 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.zPosition = value;
721 | }
722 | }
723 | [backgroundInternalProperty.getDefault]() {
724 | return this.nativeViewProtected.backgroundColor;
725 | }
726 | [backgroundInternalProperty.setNative](value) {
727 | this._nativeBackgroundState = 'invalid';
728 | if (this.isLayoutValid) {
729 | this._redrawNativeBackground(value);
730 | }
731 | }
732 | sendAccessibilityEvent(options) {
733 | if (!isAccessibilityServiceEnabled()) {
734 | return;
735 | }
736 | if (!options.iosNotificationType) {
737 | return;
738 | }
739 | let notification;
740 | let args = this.nativeViewProtected;
741 | if (options?.message) {
742 | args = options.message;
743 | }
744 | switch (options.iosNotificationType) {
745 | case IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType.Announcement: {
746 | notification = UIAccessibilityAnnouncementNotification;
747 | break;
748 | }
749 | case IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType.Layout: {
750 | notification = UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification;
751 | break;
752 | }
753 | case IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType.Screen: {
754 | notification = UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification;
755 | break;
756 | }
757 | default: {
758 | return;
759 | }
760 | }
761 | UIAccessibilityPostNotification(notification, args ?? null);
762 | }
763 | accessibilityAnnouncement(msg = this.accessibilityLabel) {
764 | this.sendAccessibilityEvent({
765 | iosNotificationType: IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType.Announcement,
766 | message: msg,
767 | });
768 | }
769 | accessibilityScreenChanged() {
770 | this.sendAccessibilityEvent({
771 | iosNotificationType: IOSPostAccessibilityNotificationType.Screen,
772 | });
773 | }
774 | _getCurrentLayoutBounds() {
775 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
776 | if (nativeView && !this.isCollapsed) {
777 | const frame = nativeView.frame;
778 | const origin = frame.origin;
779 | const size = frame.size;
780 | return {
781 | left: Math.round(layout.toDevicePixels(origin.x)),
782 | top: Math.round(layout.toDevicePixels(origin.y)),
783 | right: Math.round(layout.toDevicePixels(origin.x + size.width)),
784 | bottom: Math.round(layout.toDevicePixels(origin.y + size.height)),
785 | };
786 | }
787 | else {
788 | return { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
789 | }
790 | }
791 | _redrawNativeBackground(value) {
792 | const updateSuspended = this._isPresentationLayerUpdateSuspended();
793 | if (!updateSuspended) {
794 | CATransaction.begin();
795 | }
796 |
797 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(true);
798 | const nativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
799 | if (nativeView) {
800 | if (value instanceof UIColor) {
801 | nativeView.backgroundColor = value;
802 | }
803 | else {
804 | iosBackground.createBackgroundUIColor(this, (color) => {
805 | nativeView.backgroundColor = color;
806 | });
807 | this._setNativeClipToBounds();
808 | }
809 | }
810 | CATransaction.setDisableActions(false);
811 | if (!updateSuspended) {
812 | CATransaction.commit();
813 | }
814 | this._nativeBackgroundState = 'drawn';
815 | }
816 | _setNativeClipToBounds() {
817 | const view = this.nativeViewProtected;
818 | if (view) {
819 | const backgroundInternal = this.style.backgroundInternal;
820 | view.clipsToBounds = view instanceof UIScrollView || backgroundInternal.hasBorderWidth() || backgroundInternal.hasBorderRadius();
821 | }
822 | }
823 | _setupPopoverControllerDelegate(controller, parent) {
824 | const popoverPresentationController = controller.popoverPresentationController;
825 | this._popoverPresentationDelegate = IOSHelper.UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegateImp.initWithOwnerAndCallback(new WeakRef(this), this._closeModalCallback);
826 | popoverPresentationController.delegate = this._popoverPresentationDelegate;
827 | let view;
828 | do {
829 | view = parent.nativeViewProtected;
830 | parent = parent.parent;
831 | } while (parent && !view);
832 |
833 |
834 | popoverPresentationController.sourceView = view;
835 | popoverPresentationController.sourceRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, view.frame.size.width, view.frame.size.height);
836 | }
837 | _setupAdaptiveControllerDelegate(controller) {
838 | this._adaptivePresentationDelegate = IOSHelper.UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegateImp.initWithOwnerAndCallback(new WeakRef(this), this._closeModalCallback);
839 | if (controller?.presentationController) {
840 | controller.presentationController.delegate = this._adaptivePresentationDelegate;
841 | }
842 | }
843 | }
844 | __decorate([
845 | profile,
846 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
847 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [Number, Number, Number, Number, Object]),
848 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
849 | ], View.prototype, "layout", null);
850 | __decorate([
851 | profile,
852 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
853 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [Number, Number]),
854 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
855 | ], View.prototype, "onMeasure", null);
856 | View.prototype._nativeBackgroundState = 'unset';
857 | var UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl = (function (_super) {
858 | __extends(UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl, _super);
859 | function UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl() {
860 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
861 | }
862 | UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.initWithOwner = function (owner) {
863 | var delegate = UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.new();
864 | delegate.owner = owner;
865 | return delegate;
866 | };
867 | UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.prototype.animationControllerForDismissedController = function (dismissed) {
868 | var _a;
869 | var owner = (_a = this.owner) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.deref();
870 | if (owner === null || owner === void 0 ? void 0 : owner.iosDismissedController) {
871 | return owner.iosDismissedController(dismissed);
872 | }
873 | return null;
874 | };
875 | UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.prototype.animationControllerForPresentedControllerPresentingControllerSourceController = function (presented, presenting, source) {
876 | var _a;
877 | var owner = (_a = this.owner) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.deref();
878 | if (owner === null || owner === void 0 ? void 0 : owner.iosPresentedController) {
879 | return owner.iosPresentedController(presented, presenting, source);
880 | }
881 | return null;
882 | };
883 | UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.prototype.interactionControllerForDismissal = function (animator) {
884 | var _a;
885 | var owner = (_a = this.owner) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.deref();
886 | if (owner === null || owner === void 0 ? void 0 : owner.iosInteractionDismiss) {
887 | var transitionState = SharedTransition.getState(owner.id);
888 | if (transitionState === null || transitionState === void 0 ? void 0 : transitionState.interactiveBegan) {
889 | return owner.iosInteractionDismiss(animator);
890 | }
891 | }
892 | return null;
893 | };
894 | UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.prototype.interactionControllerForPresentation = function (animator) {
895 | var _a;
896 | var owner = (_a = this.owner) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.deref();
897 | if (owner === null || owner === void 0 ? void 0 : owner.iosInteractionPresented) {
898 | return owner.iosInteractionPresented(animator);
899 | }
900 | return null;
901 | };
902 | UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl.ObjCProtocols = [UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate];
903 | return UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegateImpl;
904 | }(NSObject));
905 | export class ContainerView extends View {
906 | constructor() {
907 | super();
908 | this.iosOverflowSafeArea = true;
909 | }
910 | }
911 | export class CustomLayoutView extends ContainerView {
912 | createNativeView() {
913 | const window = iosUtils.getWindow();
914 | return UIView.alloc().initWithFrame(window ? window.screen.bounds : UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds);
915 | }
916 | get ios() {
917 | return this.nativeViewProtected;
918 | }
919 | onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec) {
920 |
921 | }
922 | _addViewToNativeVisualTree(child, atIndex) {
923 | super._addViewToNativeVisualTree(child, atIndex);
924 | const parentNativeView = this.nativeViewProtected;
925 | const childNativeView = child.nativeViewProtected;
926 | if (parentNativeView && childNativeView) {
927 | if (typeof atIndex !== 'number' || atIndex >= parentNativeView.subviews.count) {
928 | parentNativeView.addSubview(childNativeView);
929 | }
930 | else {
931 | parentNativeView.insertSubviewAtIndex(childNativeView, atIndex);
932 | }
933 |
934 | if (childNativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer && !childNativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.superlayer) {
935 | parentNativeView.layer.insertSublayerBelow(childNativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer, childNativeView.layer);
936 | }
937 | return true;
938 | }
939 | return false;
940 | }
941 | _removeViewFromNativeVisualTree(child) {
942 | super._removeViewFromNativeVisualTree(child);
943 | if (child.nativeViewProtected) {
944 | const nativeView = child.nativeViewProtected;
945 |
946 | if (nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer) {
947 | nativeView.outerShadowContainerLayer.removeFromSuperlayer();
948 | }
949 | nativeView.removeFromSuperview();
950 | }
951 | }
952 | }
953 |
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