1 | import { View } from '../core/view';
2 | import { LayoutBase } from '../layouts/layout-base';
3 |
4 |
5 |
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7 | export declare class ProxyViewContainer extends LayoutBase {
8 | private proxiedLayoutProperties;
9 | constructor();
10 | get ios(): any;
11 | get android(): any;
12 | get isLayoutRequested(): boolean;
13 | createNativeView(): any;
14 | _getNativeViewsCount(): number;
15 | _eachLayoutView(callback: (View: any) => void): void;
16 | _setupUI(context: any, atIndex?: number, parentIsLoaded?: boolean): void;
17 | _tearDownUI(force?: boolean): void;
18 | _addViewToNativeVisualTree(child: View, atIndex?: number): boolean;
19 | _removeViewFromNativeVisualTree(child: View): void;
20 | _registerLayoutChild(child: View): void;
21 | _unregisterLayoutChild(child: View): void;
22 | _parentChanged(oldParent: View): void;
23 | /**
24 | * Layout property changed, proxy the new value to the child view(s)
25 | */
26 | _changedLayoutProperty(propName: string, value: string): void;
27 | /**
28 | * Apply the layout property to the child view.
29 | */
30 | private _applyLayoutPropertyToChild;
31 | }