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1import * as chalk from 'chalk'
3export { chalk }
5// The point of re-exporting is:
6// 1. Fix typings to allow to pass `number` (very common case)
7// 2. Easier/shorter to import, rather than from 'chalk'
8// export type ColorFn = (...args: (string | number)[]) => string
10export const white = chalk.white
11export const dimWhite = chalk.dim.white
12export const boldWhite = chalk.bold.white
13export const inverseWhite = chalk.inverse.white
14export const grey = chalk.grey
15export const dimGrey = chalk.dim.grey
16export const boldGrey = chalk.bold.grey
17export const yellow = chalk.yellow
18export const dimYellow = chalk.dim.yellow
19export const boldYellow = chalk.bold.yellow
20export const inverseYellow = chalk.inverse.yellow
21export const green = chalk.green
22export const dimGreen = chalk.dim.green
23export const boldGreen = chalk.bold.green
24export const red = chalk.red
25export const dimRed = chalk.dim.red
26export const boldRed = chalk.bold.red
27export const blue = chalk.blue
28export const dimBlue = chalk.dim.blue
29export const boldBlue = chalk.bold.blue
30export const magenta = chalk.magenta
31export const dimMagenta = chalk.dim.magenta
32export const boldMagenta = chalk.bold.magenta
33export const cyan = chalk.cyan
34export const dimCyan = chalk.dim.cyan
35export const boldCyan = chalk.bold.cyan