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1'use strict'
3const summary = require('summary')
4const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-core')
5const HMM = require('hidden-markov-model-tf')
6const util = require('util')
8// Disable warning about that `require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node')` is
9// recommended. There is no/minimal performance penalty and we avoid a
10// native addon.
11// NOTE: This is not a documented API.
12tf.ENV.set('IS_NODE', false)
14// There is no truth here. This parameter might need more tuning.
16const HHM_SEED = 0xa74b9cbd4047b4bbe79f365a9f247886ac0a8a9c23ef8c5c45d98badb8
18async function analyseCPU (processStatSubset, traceEventSubset) {
19 const cpu = processStatSubset.map((d) => d.cpu)
20 const summaryAll = summary(cpu)
22 // For extremely small data, this algorithm doesn't work
23 if (cpu.length < 4) {
24 return summaryAll.max() < 0.9
25 }
27 // The CPU graph is typically composed of two "modes". An application mode
28 // and a V8 mode. In the V8 mode, extra CPU threads are running garbage
29 // collection and optimization. This causes the CPU usage for the
30 // entire process, to be higher in these periods. For the analysing the
31 // users application for I/O issues, the CPU usage data during the V8
32 // mode is not of interest.
33 //
34 // | .--. ..- -.-
35 // cpu | .- .. . . . - . . .
36 // | . -. - . . - . - .. - ..
37 // +----------------------------------------
38 // app v8 app v8 app v8 app
39 // Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to separate out the V8 data, even
40 // with the traceEvent data from V8.
41 // NOTE(@AndreasMadsen): I don't entirely know why.
42 //
43 // Instead, the V8 mode data will be removed using a statistical approach.
44 // The statistical approach is "Gausian Mixture Model" (GMM), a better model
45 // would be a "Hidden Markov Model" (HMM). However, this model is a bit more
46 // complex and there doesn't exists an implementation of HMM where the data
47 // is continues. HMM is better because it understands that the data is a
48 // time series, which GMM doesn't. There is a comparison in the docs.
49 //
50 const hmm = new HMM({
51 states: 2,
52 dimensions: 1
53 })
54 const data = tf.tidy(() => tf.reshape(tf.tensor1d(cpu), [1, cpu.length, 1]))
56 // Attempt to reach 0.001, but accept 0.01
57 const results = await hmm.fit(data, {
58 tolerance: 0.001,
59 seed: HHM_SEED
60 })
61 /* istanbul ignore if: if HMM doesn't converge it is most likely a bug */
62 if (results.tolerance >= 0.01) {
63 throw new Error(`could not converge HMM model, tolerance: ${results.tolerance}`)
64 }
66 // Split data depending on the likelihood
67 const group = [[], []]
68 const state = await tf.tidy(() => tf.squeeze(hmm.inference(data))).data()
69 for (let i = 0; i < cpu.length; i++) {
70 group[state[i]].push(cpu[i])
71 }
72 const summary0 = summary(group[0])
73 const summary1 = summary(group[1])
75 // If one group is too small for a summary to be computed, just threat the
76 // data as ungrouped.
77 if (summary0.size() <= 1 || summary1.size() <= 1) {
78 return summaryAll.quartile(0.9) < 0.9
79 }
81 // It is not always that there are two "modes". Determine if the groups are
82 // separate by the separation coefficient.
83 // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimodal_distribution#Bimodal_separation
84 const commonSd = 2 * (summary0.sd() + summary1.sd())
85 const separation = (summary0.mean() - summary1.mean()) / commonSd
86 // Threat the data as one "mode", if the separation coefficient is too small.
87 if (Math.abs(separation) < SEPARATION_THRESHOLD) {
88 return summaryAll.quartile(0.9) < 0.9
89 }
91 // The mode group with the highest mean is the V8 mode, the other is the
92 // application mode. This is because V8 is multi-threaded, but javascript is
93 // single-threaded.
94 const summaryApplication = (
95 summary0.mean() < summary1.mean() ? summary0 : summary1
96 )
98 // If the 90% quartile has less than 90% CPU load then the CPU is not
99 // utilized optimally, likely because of some I/O delays. Highlight the
100 // CPU curve in that case.
101 return summaryApplication.quartile(0.9) < 0.9
104// Wrap to be a callback function
105module.exports = util.callbackify(analyseCPU)
106module.exports[util.promisify.custom] = analyseCPU